the keg issue ii

1 | The Keg Brewn March 25th,’11 CONTENTS 1,9% Editorial 24% Head Organisers 17% How EU are you? 21,1% Czech Village 23% Games & fun 15% Look-alikes

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Newspaper of the 13th National Selection Conference of EYP Czech Republic in Pilsen, 2011


Page 1: The Keg Issue II

1 | The Keg

Brewn March 25th,’11


1,9% Editorial

24% Head Organisers

17% How EU are you?

21,1% Czech Village

23% Games & fun

15% Look-alikes

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Him Her

Compared to the day before, our situation hasn’t changed much. For most of the time, we’re still stuck in our stuffy hotel room and get out only to get a bottle of coke from the reception. Yesterday however, after sending the first issue off for printing, we got out of the house for some fresh air - and McDonalds.

Whoever claims women have no sense of direction, is 110% right when it comes to Leonie. In search of a McDonalds we went up the hill, down the hill and eventually into the city centre of Pilsen trying to find a food place that “should be somewhere around here”. After a rough 2 hours of wondering around, we did not find any cheap, American fast food ‘restaurant’, and the hunger only increased. You see, the only McDonalds we saw was a drive-in that (obviously) was not reachable by tram. All we could do was wave at it, as our tram passed by.

Even hungrier and more tired than before our little adventure, we found our way back to the hotel. That evening Ogulcan went to bed early, and Leonie attended the Czech Village. Despite the rough and food-scarce day we had earlier, the different cakes, sweets, meats, cheeses and beers made up for it all. That evening there was a buzz in the air that kept on buzzing in our room: it’s great to know that outside you’re all having fun, and that is something we want to contribute to.

Dear delegates, welcome to the session - we enjoy editing this paper for you.

Ogulcan & Leonie


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The team is from all over Europe!


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The Pilsen 2011 Press Team is proud to present the second issue of “The Keg” for your entertainment.

6 Blondes With a Miss ion

The Head Organisers are (usually) the invisible hand behind every EYP session, the one that coordinates everything that goes on. It is a shame that most participants never get to know the Head Organisers until they reveal themselves at the Closing Ceremony, because the two lovely Head Organiser ladies of Pilsen are really worth becoming acquainted with. That is why I went to interview them after the CzechVillage during one of their rare spells of free time.

Word Search

Your journalist Kateryna Popovych presents you the challenge of the day! Here is a quick and fun word search where you shall search for your chairpersons’ names and other session related words in a large grid. Have fun!

15 EU Survey10

Czech Vi l lageThe sun was setting down in Pilsen, when the teambuilding for that day of Czech NSC was just about to end. People were a little bit gloomy and definitely tired, but above all things they were looking forward to the main event of the evening – the CzechVillage.


Session Survey

This year’s NSC’s Czech Village has certainly been a remarkable event. At this stage, it would be safe to say that majority of the participants are likely to consider the Czech Village one of the highlights of the entire session and also a must-experience event.


How EU fit are you? The night of the Eurovillage, I had the pleasure to question some of you and test your knowledge about some basic EU facts. For those of you who were lucky enough to escape me, take a minute and test yourself!

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World News

NATO to police Libya no-fly zone: Secretary-General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters during a press conference in Brussels on Thursday that NATO countries have agreed to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya “to protect civilians” against Muammar Gaddafi’s forces. “At this moment, there will still be a coalition operation and a NATO operation,” Rasmussen further added. “But we are considering ...


Look al ikes16

You don’t need “Face Double” to figure out who these people look like. Your Press Team is proud to present a list familiar Pilsen 2011 delegates and officials who look surprisingly similar to a bunch of celebrities. Dear reader, please enjoy!

Extra: Sess ion Map

Afraid to get lost at the session? Fear no more! - Veronika

1) Teachers’ Accommodation 2) CJs’ Accomodation3) Delegates Accomodation4) Municipal House of Pilsen

5) Techmania Science Center6) Masarykovo Gymnasium7) Brewery

Inevitables of EYPThere exists several traditions and long-known facts surrounding an EYP ses-sion that one can not possibly find in a session booklet or on an informative website. On the contrary, one can only experience these spices that add char-acter to a session only by living ...


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Blondes with a mission- Randolf

The Head Organizers are (usually) the invisible hand behind every EYP session, the one that coordinates everything that goes on. It is a shame that most participants never get to know the Head Orgas until they reveal themselves at the closing ceremony, because the two lovely Head Orga ladies of Pilsen are really worth becoming acquainted with. That is why I went to interview them after the CzechVillage during one of their rare spells of free time.

So, it’s Ema and Beáta, right? (Ema Šťastná and Beáta Veisová laugh) Yeah, you’re right - We already knew that.

Ok, I need a short introduction of you…Ema: My name is Ema; I’m from Prague. I am 20 years old and study at university. I have one sister, zero brothers and no animals.Beáta: I’m Beáta; I’m 20, from Písek studying in Pilsen. You could say I can go to this pub in my sweatpants, because I actually live in this dorm - not just during the session.

Right, first “difficult” question: Head Orgas are usually considered to be the busiest people at the session -Ema: (interrupting) True!

So you think you’re the busiest persons here?Beáta: I’m the bitchiest person here.Ema: Bitchiest? (laugh) I’m not a bitchy person, I hope! I may be busy, but not bitchy!

Then nobody works harder than Head Orgas?Ema: I think so, because if you don’t say to somebody directly, “Do this”, they’ll never do it by themselves.Beáta: There are exceptions, but not that many… But we love our Orgas!

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Ema: We love them; they are the best! Without them we would be nothing… (laugh)

I bet that’s what they want to hear… Ok, here comes a stereotypical question now – did you two decide together that you wanted to do Head Orga, or was it coincidence that you ended up together?Ema: What I remember is that Beáta was looking for a partner… Beáta: … And it was the night of the deadline for handing in the project. So I was looking for some name to write down in the blank and then Ema asked me, “Can I do it with you?” and I said ok.Ema: It was just like that. I didn’t even see the project; it was a totally spontaneous idea. And now I’m really glad that I did decide to be Head Orga with Beáta even though it’s really - Beáta (interrupting): Bitchy – Ema: (laugh) Bitchy work… But not “bitchy” like… you know…

Next question… And this is a nice one actually. First, Ema, what are some personality traits that you value in Beáta? And vice-versa…Ema: Beáta is such a hard worker and she’s punctual and everything. And she makes sure that everything she says gets done. If you mean that from an organization perspective…

And how about from a non-organization perspective? Something that just makes her nice to be around…?Ema: I guess we are kind of symbiotic. For example, when we were in Ireland, we wanted the same things, wanted to go to the same bars and I don’t know – it was just so smooth in a way…Beáta: We even bought the same clothes!Ema: Yeah, it was so weird. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because of the blonde hair… *they laugh*

Beáta: The best about Ema is that she makes people feel comfortable and relaxed. Because when something goes wrong, I get nervous. I get upset really, really quickly, so I’m a choleric type of person. But Ema is the comforting person who says, “Don’t worry, don’t make such a fuss of it.”

We’re approaching the end of the interview. I still would like to know the most spectacular EYP session you’ve ever been to.Ema: Helsinki 2009. Definitely. Maybe because of the Swine Flu… (laughs)

Because of the Swine Flu? Was there anything else maybe?Ema: Everything was just perfect – the venues, the places we stayed at and the people there… Helsinki was something so different from all the other sessions. And I met so many great and gorgeous people there that Helsinki will stay in my mind and my memory for a long, long time.Beáta: My most awesome session was Linz 2009. It was presided by a girl from Istanbul who was only 17 at the time. My awesome chair in Linz, Martin Hoffmann, agreed to preside at a session I was organizing. And they had an amazing budget. We were at this reception where the waitress just kept pouring us free wine. After an hour I couldn’t even walk to the bathroom!

Finally, last question – the thing that everyone wants to know – how do you manage to always look so fresh and beautiful with all the stress and the work you have to do?Ema: First of all, you’re kidding! Second of all, a lot of make-up! (laugh)Beáta: If you are blonde, you have a mission to accomplish during your whole life – you need to represent blonde-kind and you need to look nice all the time.

How do you keep a blonde busy for hours?

Write “Please turn over” on both sides of a piece of paper.

Luckily our lovely Head Organiser girls are busy with plenty of other things!

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NATO to police Libya no-fly zone

Secretary-General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters dur-ing a press conference in Brussels on Thursday that NATO countries have agreed to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya “to protect civilians” against Mua-mmar Gaddafi’s forces. “At this moment, there will still be a coalition op-eration and a NATO operation,” Rasmussen further added. “But we are considering whether NATO should take on that broader responsibility in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution, but that decision has not been made yet.” After the announcement of the agreement, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared that the US was taking the next step in military operations against Libya by transferring command and control of the no-fly zone to NATO, concluding that NATO had agreed to protect Libyan civilians, enforce the UN arms embargo on the North Afri-can country and support humanitarian aid efforts there. All NATO mem-bers had agreed to the move, albeit Turkey expressed doubts over strikes on a fellow Muslim country..

Portugal in Turmoil

Prime Minister of Portugal, Jose Socrates resigned on Wednesday after the parliament rejected new austerity measures that he had hoped would allow the country to avoid the need to seek EU/IMF financial assistance, rendering Portugal as the third euro zone country to need a bail out. All opposition parties united to defeat Prime Minister Jose Socrates’ latest austerity in a parliamentary vote. Having led a minority government since 2009, Socrates said the rejection “had taken away from the government all conditions to govern” in a televised statement. Nevertheless, he added that his government would still remain in power in a caretaker capacity.


“I am divorcing my husband but I am getting married to the people,” said Guatemala’s first lady Sandra Torres de Colom after she announced that she was leaving a loving marriage for the sake of the nation. Since Guatemala’s constitution bans close relatives of the president from standing to succeed him, this was the only way to run for of-fice. While she comments that it was a truly difficult decision, the main opposi-tion candidate called the first couple’s divorce electoral fraud.


What’s going on in the outside world?- Ekin & Teresa

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According to the police reports, the death toll from Japan’s 11 March earthquake and tsunami has passed 10,000. Due to radioactive contami-nation, there are increasing food fears among citizen and the ban on ship-ping goods is a further burden for the country’s population and economy. According to the Japanese government reparation works will cost as much as 219 billion €.

Best way to spend your

money: buy Justin Bieber’s


Having given a lock of his hair to Ellen Degeneres to raise money for charity, Justin Bieber now takes action against the Japanese earthquake and tsunami victims by loaning his left-over hair to US clothing company, Stone Rose. The 17-year-old’s chopped off locks previ-ously raised a reported $40,668 at an online auction. Stone Rose will be host-ing a charity event where fans will get the opportunity to get their picture tak-en with Bieber’s hair, meanwhile help-ing Japan. The event will take place in Miami Beach, Florida on March 29th.


On Thursday an earthquake that reached 6,8 on the Richter scale struck Burma near the Lao and Thai borders. It was felt 800 km to the south in the Thai capital Bangkok, and in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi. According to current reports, more than 60 people have died and roads, bridges, hospitals and other buildings have been at least partly damaged. Burma is ill prepared to deal with natural disasters, communication systems and infrastructure are poor and the military government tends to limit the flow of information. It is therefore likely to take some time before a clear pic-ture of the tragedy emerges.

“She even wanted to be late for her own funeral”

Elizabeth Taylor: a Hollywood star to the end. Taylor was laid to rest dur-ing a small, private ceremony the day after she died of congestive heart failure. Her funeral started later than its scheduled time at her request because she ‘wanted to be late for her own funeral’. The service included a reading by actor Colin Farrell, and a Gerard Manley Hopkins poem.


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The night of the Eurovillage, I had the pleasure to question some of you and test your knowledge about some basic EU facts. For those of you who were lucky enough to escape me, take a minute and test yourself here (try not to cheat):

Questions:1. How many Member States does the EU have?2. Who is the President of the European Council?3. How big is the EU’s population?4. What is the average life expectancy of a European citizen?5. What are the two most common religions in the EU?6. How many official languages are there in the Union? 7. Which language is the most common?8. What is the highest point in the EU?

Answers:1. 272. Herman van Rompuy3. ½ billion people4. about 78 years for men and 80 for women5. Roman Catholic (54%) and Protestant (40%)6. 207. German8. Mont Blanc

How well did you do?6 or more correct answers: Euro Geek - Congratulations!4 or 5 correct answers: Visionary - keep it up!Less than 4 correct answers: Newbie - time to catch up!No correct answers and still no clue: wait, do you even speak English?


How EU fit are you?-Teresa

So, time to clarify some of the hard-er questions. Even though most of you seemed to know the number of Member States of the EU, things got a lot harder when it came to detect-ing the name of the President of the European Council. For your informa-tion, the “Belgian guy”, also known as Herman van Rompuy, is holding this position since January 2010.

The next point that caused some problems was estimating the number of EU citizens. Although I tried not to be too strict about the preciseness of the answer, I had the feeling that peo-ple have been guessing quite wildly. It may not feel that way to you guys, but the European Union really holds 492 Million people.

Another item that caused some trou-ble was the average life expectancy. Again, quite a few of you vastly under-estimated how old people get these days. If the trend continues like this you have good chances of making it to your 100th birthday party!

The rest of the questions were most-ly answered correctly. One thing I would really like to congratulate all of you on is your knowledge of Europe-an geography. There was not a single surveyed who answered the question on the highest mountain of the Union incorrectly!

No need to feel crushed if you scored lower than you expected. Admittedly, I had to check up some of the an-swers myself, so I’m not judging any-one here. Hopefully it generated the wish to know more about some EU related facts and issues, so that you can leave me with nothing to nag about the next time I come around to pelt you with questions.

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Question number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Number of correct answers 12 6 4 5 10 8 10 13

Number of incorrect answers 1 7 9 7 3 5 3 0

Total number of answers 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Success rate 92% 46% 31% 38% 77% 62% 77% 100%

Overall success rate %65

Results Overview








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There exists several traditions and long-known facts surrounding an EYP session that one can not possi-bly find in a session booklet or on an informative website. On the contrary, one can only experi-ence these spices that add character to a session only by living through it.

Having been just veterans of an Eu-rovillage the previous night, you might have already come to the reali-sation that you ought to not have big expectations for a Eurovillage. In fact, if possible, attending a Eurovillage with a full stomach might serve you well in the long run, should you mix a weird French cheese with a smelly Finnish fish. Furthermore, carrying a bottle of water never lets you down during Eurovillage, seeing as almost every food presented at Eurovillage is sweet and no one comes up with their “traditional” water when you most need it!

On another note, EYP generally is po-sitioned against strategies like voting and lobbying, hence underlining the unifying power of the organisation. In other words, an ideal resolution would consist of words that every single delegate of that committee is in agreement with. The resolutions are expected to be a result of team-work and cooperation. Thus, “going with the flow” is not preferred, as it does not reflect the true spirit of EYP.

Last but surely not the least, the sing-ing of John Lennon’s “Imagine” at the end of the Closing Ceremony is also worth mentioning as a sine qua non part of the session, no matter where the session takes place. The uneasi-ness that is brought by the reality that you’ll be bidding good-byes to your friends usually gets replaced by tears by the end of the aforementioned song. Not only does this song en-hance the dense emotions experi-enced by the participants, but it also provides a vision for all the things that has been discussed throughout the session: can you imagine a world without countries or religions, with-out borders? Indeed, “Imagine” may not represent your ideals and you might find the lyrics rather meaning-

less. Nevertheless, having no clue about the lyrics is not suggested; that might ruin the warm and sincere at-mosphere that gets captured with a little help from the song. Taking joy in singing along with two hundred peo-ple arm in arm, is certainly a memory to cherish for a long time to come.

As you will have experienced by the end of the 13th National Selection Conference of EYP CZ, EYP comes with little surprises and nice touches here and there. These little things, although not essential parts of the session programme, are still to be shown passion to, due to their con-tribution to EYP in its beauty to never fail to distinguish itself from debate clubs and discussion gatherings.

The inevitables of an EYP session


- Ekin

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This year’s National Selection Con-ference’s Czech Village has certain-ly been a remarkable event. At this stage, it would be safe to say that ma-jority of the participants are likely to consider the Czech Village one of the highlights of the entire session and also a must-experience event. That being said, there has also been some different opinions about the event in general – as there always is in EYP – and we now bring you wide spec-trum of them. Here are the results of the survey on the Czech Village!

The most delicate cuisine at the Czech Village was provided by Gym-názium Christiana Dopplera, that got 29% of the votes mostly because of their excellent cucumbers and the Hermelín cheese. Runners-up have been Masarykovo Gymnázium dele-gation with the infamous Pilsen beer, and Gymnázium Milevsko with their table including the superb combina-tion of cheese, cake, and cheese-cake. Both schools have gotten 21% of the overall votes. Additionally, we would like to award Gymnázium Elišky Krásnohorské a special prize for the biggest portion of meat served at a Czech Village. It should also be not-ed that unfortunately the survey con-ducting authorities had to disqualify the orgasmus by Gymnázium Písek, as there has been a considerable lev-el of suspicion that the delegation did not merely offer edible products.

Moving on to another spectacular happening of the evening, Commit-tee Presentations, the results have proven to be not as diverse. We can, however, say that the delegations from Hradec Králové, Strakonice, Brno-Řečkovice and Gymnázium

Voděradská have all collected over 10% of the votes. Also, one should make sure to keep in mind the other parties that are involved in the pres-entations besides the committees themselves.

On a more general note, delegates were asked what their favourite part of an EYP session was. Around half of the people voted for Teambuilding, while another 23% preferred the EYP Café. We should keep in mind that this was only the end of the first day,

and the opinions of our dear partici-pants may still be subject to a lot of changes as the session unfolds.

The final question directed at the participants was: „Who is your fa-vourite President?“ An unbelievable 96% agreed that Stamos Tahas was the man, while the remaining 4% ex-plained themselves as either „unde-cided“ or „no opinion“.

We also got a chance to interview some of the teachers at the session. According to their opinion, among the delegation presentations Czech Village offerings, what they valued the most was diversity and original-ity. The part of the EYP programme most helpful to the delegates was Teambuilding due to the reason that it enables everyone to get new per-sonal connections and to exchange ideas. As has been so eloquently put, today’s programme was the perfect proof of EYP being „a crazy experi-ence for crazy Europeans.“


Surveyingthe unsurveyable-Petr

The most delicate cuisine at the Czech Village was provided by Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera, that got 29% of the votes most-ly because of their excel-lent cucumbers and the Hermelín cheese.

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The sun was setting down in Pilsen, when the teambuilding for that day of Czech National Conference was just about to end. People were a little bit gloomy and definitely tired, but above all things they were looking forward to the main event of the evening – the Czechvillage.

In events with international participants, this events includes tables serving different food from different countries - therefore rightly named “Eurovillage”. In this situation, with Czech students coming from different regions within the country, serving their regional delicacies made more sense! Especially coming from a land of beer, Hrabal and Kafka. It sure was a successful foodfest.

When I entered the venue for the first time, the size of it was simply overwhelming. And when it was filled with people, food and music, it become a small paradise on earth. I tried to get something from every table, and I wasn’t the only one. Soon it became obvious that there were several

favourite snacks. Big ham, cookies and chocolate were delicious, but the first prize goes definitely to huge cake with cheese and ham, at least - in my taste.

After the first rush to the tables the evening went the classical, Czech way – people were chilling, socializing, some crazy journos were running around taking pictures, the smoking benches outside were crowded, music was playing and everyone seemed to enjoy their drink. Some people were tired and made their way to their room to have some sleep, others seemed like they are up to an all-night party, random games and constant stream of high fives. Nevertheless, every single individual – a delegate, chair and even mr. President – seemed to enjoy Czechvillage to its fullest. Afterall, isn’t it why we are here, to get a taste of Europe? I sure got a taste of Czech, and if that means cakes with cheese, music and girls all around, I’m loving it.

CZECHVILLAGE- Alex We’ve Czeched it out!

A report through the eyes of a non-Czech journalist


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Challenge of the dayWord search: can you find them all?

- Katya


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The look-alikesof Pilsen 2011- Randolf & Robin

Dominik Horadelegate

Casey Affleckactor

Michal Korzonekchair

Johnny Galeckiactor - Big Bang Theory

Robin Christopherdelegate

Christopher Robincharacter - Winny the Pooh

Adam Kordacdelegate

Christopher Lloydactor - Back to the Future

Stamos Tahaspresident

Aleksander Maleckijournalist

Ogulcan Toruneditor
