the kb strength series - · the same applies to the entire kb strength series workout...


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Page 1: The KB STRENGTH SERIES - · The same applies to the entire KB Strength Series workout and nutrition program. ... make sure to watch the beginner kettlebell swing and kettlebell


Page 2: The KB STRENGTH SERIES - · The same applies to the entire KB Strength Series workout and nutrition program. ... make sure to watch the beginner kettlebell swing and kettlebell

Consult your physician before starting this or any other workout program, nutrition and lifestyle program.  Not all exercise

programs, nutrition programs or nutrition guides are suitable for everyone. So please consult your physician before beginning this

or any other exercise, nutrition or lifestyle program.  This or any other exercise routine is not a diagnosis or cure for any injury or

illness. This or any other program, including the KB Strength Series, 7 Day Lean CleanseTM, Prep, RESULTS, Maintenance or Hair

programs are not a diagnosis, cure or rehabilitation for any injury or illness. 

You should always warm up and be cleared for training before beginning any workout, and you should never exercise beyond the

level at which you feel comfortable.

If at anytime you feel you are exercising beyond your current abilities, or you feel discomfort, you should discontinue exercise

immediately. The same applies to the entire KB Strength Series workout and nutrition program. 

If at anytime you feel that this nutrition and lifestyle program is beyond your current abilities, or you feel discomfort, you should

discontinue the program immediately. The same applies to the entire 7 Day Lean workout and nutrition program cleanse. 

Kettlebell Kickboxing, 7 day Lean Program is an extreme fitness program and should not be attempted by someone who does not

meet the minimum fitness requirements discussed in our manual. Specifically the diagnosis of athletic level A, B or C. Specifically if

you have any knee, shoulder, back or beck injuries or problems. This warning is not to be ignored or discounted. You should

always be cleared for training after any injuries or health issues. There are many alternatives for rehabilitation prior to taking on an

exercise program, this is not one of them. The user assumes all risks of injury in the use of this program. 

The motion picture (DVDs) contained in this program, as well as the information, design and content of this book and program is

protected under the copyright laws of the United states and other countries.

This video, and this book is sold for home, individual use only and all other rights are expressly reserved by the owner of such

motion pictures. Any copying or public distribution or performance of such motion picture is strictly prohibited and may subject the

offender of civil liability and severe criminal penalties. (Title 17, United States Code Section 501 and 506) 

© 2014 Kettlebell Kickboxing, All Rights Reserved, Kettlebell Kickboxing LLC is the owner of 7 Day Lean Series DVDs and all

related trademarks and designs. 

Page 3: The KB STRENGTH SERIES - · The same applies to the entire KB Strength Series workout and nutrition program. ... make sure to watch the beginner kettlebell swing and kettlebell


You probably decided to commit yourself to this program for one of three reasons:

One: you’ve been seeing kettlebells (not “kettle-balls”) in your gym, on television, at your friend’s house, and even in home goods stores. Honestly, you’d just like to know what the hype is all about.

Two: you feel a bit “stuck” in your current fitness routine, maybe you’re confused about why you haven’t been getting the results you’re working for, and perhaps you feel (it’s okay to admit it) a bit lost and confused about how to structure a real result driven program for life.

Three: you grabbed this book because you already train; perhaps you do martial arts, play football, basketball, tennis, you're a runner or a surfer, or any other sport. Lets just say you live an active life and you want to live that life pain free. You are becoming aware of the fact that any active life, and any sport practice still requires a systematic strength and conditioning routine. A routine that will help prevent injury and enhance performance.

In the end, no matter the reason, one thing stands true: as active individuals, we all want the same thing out of our workout routines. We want the opportunity to find the very best of ourselves and our bodies. We want to train smart and have fun training, and we want to leave the training floor more energized, clear-headed, and happy than when we got on it. When you dedicate yourself to a healthy lifestyle, you want all the benefits that come with it: a lean, strong body that is both functional and capable.

So - lets start the journey together!

Page 4: The KB STRENGTH SERIES - · The same applies to the entire KB Strength Series workout and nutrition program. ... make sure to watch the beginner kettlebell swing and kettlebell

How To Use This Program

First, make sure to simply read through this book.You’ll notice that we have several points of discussion, including, a variety of science and exercise discussions, a complete 90 day schedule and a maintenance schedule. And then a nutrition discussion and success guide. After you read through everything, make sure to watch the beginner kettlebell swing and kettlebell 101 videos.

After that, set a program up for yourself and pick a start date. If you can, please list out all training days on a calendar and - GET GOING!

Day 1 to Day 90 (and beyond)

You are who you are today. That doesn’t mean you can’t achieve further, it doesn’t mean you can’t change aspects of yourself or enhance things. Remember life is always about evolution. I say to my classes almost daily: “fish die in stale water.” Let’s make sure your water is always running, your mind and body are always challenged, and you are always growing. Through my many travels, studies with masters triple my age, as well as experiences and struggles with my own body, I have learned that patience evolution is simply what life is all about.

If you follow this program correctly every part of your life will change: the way you see yourself inside and out, your energy levels, your brain power, your confidence, your physical strength, and even your relationships. Excited yet? You should be!


Exercise can help you become stronger, more muscularly enduring, less susceptible to injury. Engaging in regular exercise can improve body composition, and increase cardio-respiratory functioning.

Properly conducted, exercise shouldn't ever cause injury. Properly conducted, exercise will instead

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make the joints and connective more mobile, resilient, and tough--not to mention increase your ability to exert more force. Proper exercise will improve forcefulness.

7 Reasons Why Men (and Women) MUST lift weights

1. Testosterone: you know that one hormone that literally defines our masculinity. Testosterone literally defines what a man is. All human fetuses are set by default to develop into a female, but only when they are flooded with testosterone does that fetus become male. Here’s the problem, you either have men that cannot control their testosterone, and are moody and angry - now weight training can help center a person and place their energy in the right direction. And, you have the most common condition, a lack of testosterone. Many men are highly stressed, get lack of sleep, live on poor diets and take part in zero to limited physical activity. When you have a lack of testosterone it feels like the life has been sucked out of you. Lifting weight - progressively on a regimented routine with correct structure can help you tap back in and produce that much needed testosterone.

Lack of testosterone can result in:

DepressionIrritabilityFatigueFat StorageMood SwingsInability to concentrateWeakness and exhaustionStressSleep irritability

Now, Do you really think that you can achieve your goals and dreams if you have any of the above symptoms? Proper strength training will help you get rid of most of the above symptoms.

Both Men and Women Will Also Benefit By,

2. Injury PreventionOne of the reasons all professional athletes have a strength and conditioning routine is to prevent injury. Strength training will make your muscles, and connective tissue more resilient and durable.

3. Performance Enhancement

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One of the definitions of ‘strength training and conditioning’ is simple - performance enhancement. So, buy taking up a solid and systematic strength training program you will undoubtedly enhance your performance in any sport or physical activity you do.

4. Fat BurningMuscle requires far more energy to live, and for that reason, the more muscle you have and gain, the more fat your body will lose, and burn. If you lift weight regularly you’ll become far more metabolically active.

5. EnergyIt’s an invigorating feeling pushing, pulling, swinging and lifting what you never thought you could. It’s amazing using and feeling your body in strength and motion. That energy stays with you. There is no better high than after an intense workout, no chemical substance can match the feeling of calm after a great training session.

6. Get You HealthyAfter several months of weight training you will notice you get less colds, flus, and other sicknesses. That is because regular exercise improves sleep patterns. And helps your immune system. Better sleep + regular training = stronger immune system.Your body has become stronger from the inside out. Weight training will also help bone strength and density, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, depression and a host of other illnesses.

7. You’ll Look Better On The Beach, In Your Clothing and Without Your Clothing! I don’t really to elaborate here - do I?

So - Lets pick things up, and put them down :)


Ladies, its time to embrace the fact that weight training is just as important for you, as it is for men.

Ask yourself, are you a ‘cardio queen’? If you are, then you will never have the body you can by investing at least fifty percent of that time into strength training.

1. More Effective Fat Loss

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When contrasted head-to-head against cardiovascular exercise, resistance training comes out on top in the battle to burn calories.,, fat and to redesign the body.The huge advantage to weight training is your body's ability to burn fat during and after exercise. Remember, muscle is also more metabolically active then fat (it needs more calories, so it burns more calories to live).

Furthermore studies have consistently shown that strength training is the best way to keep your results for life. Once you have active muscle maintenance become easy and fun. You basically don't pack the pounds back on.

2. It’s the only way to sculpt your body! Just burning calories and stressing the joints wont get you the sculpted arms, glutes, legs and abs you want - only (smart, progressive and programed) strength training and resistance can do that.

3. Heart and Bone Strength. As you age, you are at risk of losing both bone and muscle mass. Postmenopausal women especially are at a greater risk for osteoporosis because the body no longer secretes estrogen. Resistance training is an excellent way to combat loss of bone mass and density, and it decreases the risk of osteoporosis.Lifting weights (yes that also means swinging kettlebells) can reduce your risk of heart disease and was approved as a healthy and safe form of exercise for those at risk from the American Heart Association. Additionally, a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning found that those who lift weights are less likely have heart disease risk factors.

4. Stress relief, better sleep and longevity. Exercise is a means to battle stress, improve quality of sleep. Furthermore it has been proven to do something called neurogenesis ( you grow brain cells with smart training). Studies also show you’ll improve memory, cognitive function and creativity. Additionally, researchers have consistently found that those who regularly strength train tend to manage stress better and experience fewer adverse reactions to stressful situations as those who do not exercise.

5. Able BodyResistance training can benefit in all aspects of your life. Put it in your fitness plan and feel stronger, healthier, and more confident!

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You will notice that our program has a variety of workouts, and here’s why;

Week 1-4 :

Phase 1: We start with our Beginner Program. A program you will follow for the first 4-6 weeks.

In the age of the computer, many of us sit for long periods hunched over and in-mobile. This is horrible for our posture. If you do take part in sports or arts like hokey, tennis, Brazilian JiuJitsu, boxing and anything else you love to do, you are still dealing with sports specific posture and stance, and that creates muscle imbalances as well. Most people have weak backs, weak abdominals, tight hip flexors, inactive glutes and a series of shoulder, back and knee issues. Many of us also walk around hunched over and in pain.

The beginner phase of the workout will start to activate and align the body, engaging all of the forgotten muscles. All while building solid muscle and strength and burning fat.

* If you feel like you need to spend a few more weeks in Beginner Phase, simply continue the program for 2 more weeks. You will know if you have made the necessary progression, or if you feel like you need to stick with the basics a bit longer. One way to figure this out is by simply exploring how you feel, and how much strength gains you’ve made over the course of the four weeks.

* Ask yourself, are you able to do more pull ups? Lift heavier weight overhead? Squat deeper? And are you getting out of pain. If you are - move forward to the next phase of the program.

* Keep in mind, you should feel ready to move forward four to six weeks after you begin, but if you don’t, do not worry, everyone progresses differently. Stay with the program.

Week 4-8:

Phase 2: Intermediate Program By this stage you should already be seeing and feeling your hard work. Your body should be feeling stronger, more mobile, more energized and you should be noticing muscle definition.

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In your intermediate stage of this program we will begin to build on foundational strength; using static and negative intervals to build on positive strength, burn access fat and build lean, healthy and functional muscle.

Week 8-12 and BEYOND!

Phase 3: Advanced Program This is where our plan will come together. By this point you will be seeing results, and especially if you follow the nutrition guidelines below - you should be seeing yourself in a whole new way. You will also be feeling stronger and you should be getting out of, or even already be completely pain free.

In these workouts we will add some more challenging progressions to your training. We’ll add more weight and build on strength, power, balance, and muscle alignment that you will be able to keep for life.

Short KB HIIT Flows Between Your Strength Workouts

In our beginner/ intermediate/ advanced workouts we are working to balance, realign and strengthen the body. This program is executed 3 times a week.Between the three days of alignment and lifting, we will be doing a series of HIIT KB Flow workouts - these are short (15-20 min) High Intensity Interval Kettlebell Workouts. These are designed to burn fat, engage the forgotten muscles, work the core and activate your entire body with balance, strength endurance, agility and cardio.

YOUR PROGRAMNo matter who you are, what your fitness level is, or how familiar you are with kettlebells, I want you to remember that a fitness plan doesn’t work unless you stick to one complete program. There are many ways to use this program, but keep that message in mind and make a commitment to yourself. START the program with the correct progression; following the week one through four, four through six and beyond plan.


• Make sure you have at least 2 days between strength workouts

Page 10: The KB STRENGTH SERIES - · The same applies to the entire KB Strength Series workout and nutrition program. ... make sure to watch the beginner kettlebell swing and kettlebell

• If you feel tired or spent, skip a HIIT day to give yourself an added rest day between your STRENGTH session

• Stay active on rest days; walk, bike, move, play a sport, take the stairs, walk your dog

• Replace any HIIT workout with any high intensity activity; for martial artists that would be sparring, wrestling, a hard bag work class. For athletes that would be playing a high intensity game of football, basketball, tennis, or having a hard practice for your sport, day of real surfing, hiking or rock climbing.


• Make sure you have at least 2 days between strength workouts

• If you feel tired or spent, skip a HIIT day to give yourself an added rest day between your STRENGTH session

• Stay active on rest days; walk, bike, move, play a sport

• Replace any HIIT workout with any high intensity activity; for martial artists that would be sparring, wrestling, a hard bagwork class. For athletes that would be playing a high intensity game of football, basketball, tennis, or having a hard practice for your sport, a day of real surfing, hiking or rock climbing.


Tuesday HIIT 1 HIIT 2 HIIT 3 HIIT 4

Wednesday REST & RECOVER





Friday HIIT 2 HIIT 3 HIIT 4 HIIT 1

Saturday HIIT 4 HIIT 1 HIIT 2 HIIT 3





Page 11: The KB STRENGTH SERIES - · The same applies to the entire KB Strength Series workout and nutrition program. ... make sure to watch the beginner kettlebell swing and kettlebell

ADVANCED Week 8-12

• Make sure you have at least 2 days between strength workouts

• If you feel tired or spent, skip a HIIT day to give yourself an added rest day between your STRENGTH session

• Stay active on rest days; walk, bike, move, play a sport

• Replace any HIIT workout with any high intensity activity; for martial artists that would be sparring, wrestling, a hard bagwork class. For athletes that would be playing a high intensity game of football, basketball, tennis, or having a hard practice for your sport a day of real surfing, hiking or rock climbing.


Tuesday HIIT 1 HIIT 2 HIIT 3 HIIT 4




Friday HIIT 2 HIIT 3 HIIT 4 HIIT 1

Saturday HIIT 4 HIIT 1 HIIT 2 HIIT 3






Tuesday HIIT 1 HIIT 2 HIIT 3 HIIT 4

Wednesday HIIT 2 HIIT 3 HIIT 4 HIIT 1


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The Swing

No pressure but the swing, specifically the double-handed swing, is a rite of passagein the kettlebell world. To fully understand kettlebells and get all of their unique bio-mechanical benefits this basic motion must be executed correctly. It is the foundation exercise and the basis for all the ballistics motions performed with a kettlebell.

Friday HIIT 3 HIIT 4 HIIT 1 HIIT 2

Saturday HIIT 4 HIIT 1 HIIT 2 HIIT 3





Monday STRENGTH (Intermediate or Advanced)

STRENGTH (Intermediate or Advanced)

STRENGTH (Intermediate or Advanced)

STRENGTH (Intermediate or Advanced)

Tuesday Any HIIT You Want Any HIIT You Want Any HIIT You Want Any HIIT You Want

Wednesday REST or Any HIIT REST or Any HIIT REST or Any HIIT REST or Any HIIT

Thursday STRENGTH (Intermediate or Advanced)

STRENGTH (Intermediate or Advanced)

STRENGTH (Intermediate or Advanced)

STRENGTH (Intermediate or Advanced)

Friday Any HIIT You Want Any HIIT You Want Any HIIT You Want Any HIIT You Want

Saturday REST or Any HIIT REST or Any HIIT REST or Any HIIT REST or Any HIIT

Page 13: The KB STRENGTH SERIES - · The same applies to the entire KB Strength Series workout and nutrition program. ... make sure to watch the beginner kettlebell swing and kettlebell

Why Hinge?

The following motions should ALWAYS be incorporated into your workout routines: push, pull, squat, hinge, rotate, and locomotion. You will see these in different forms throughout all of our programs. While everyone is familiar with pushing, pulling, squatting, rotating, and moving, most people have tremendous difficulty hinging. Too many modern people can’t hinge at all! This is why people suffer back pain, knee pain, and weakness—all caused by sitting. Not being able to hinge means not being able to properly engage the posterior chain of the body, particularly the glutes (your butt muscles). These are the same muscles that help you run, kick, punch, jump and protect you from back weakness during many activities. Instead, modern people—and even some athletes—are unintentionally using their knees and lower backs to do all of the work their butt muscles are supposed to do. In sports science we call using a muscle “firing a muscle.” Muscle imbalances and inactive, or weak, muscles come from not being able to fire that muscle during a motion where it’s required. If you’re using your back and knees instead of your glutes, it can lead to knee pain and can eventually cause an injury, as well as back pain, which can then lead to shoulder and neck injury.

The kettlebell swing is beloved for its hinge. So, lets use it!

Make sure to watch the Swing 101 video before you begin this program.

What If You Don’t Have A Pull Up Bar

This is the only one of our KB programs that requires a pull up bar.

Please see the BONUS book you received with this program called 5 Steps To Pulls Ups - this book also has a ‘travel’ variation for a pull up that does not require any equipment.

What If You Don’t Have A Pull Up Bar

If you only have access to one kettlebell use it as illustrated in the program.

Alternate on your rows and presses, and hold the KB mid-racked for all squats and lunges. Modify your high-pulls with alternating high-pulls and your gun slinger swings with swings or single sided gun slinger swings.

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Having worked in the health, fitness, and martial arts fields for over a decade, I can honestly say that one of the biggest hurdles holding people back from lasting success is a limiting belief system. We achieve what we believe we can. That our bodies are not just bound by the reflection we see in the mirror. That we have the capacity to move and build new motion and strength.

So, before we continue any further, I would love for you to join me in a little exercise.

Let’s begin at the end. How do you see yourself at the end of the next seven days?

At the end of the next four weeks? How about six months from now? Take a moment and visualize it.

Here’s what I think you see: a stronger, more mobile, slimmer, and healthier you. You have tighter muscles, a flatter stomach, a glow of energy, and a feeling of empowerment. You’re less stressed, more in control, and perhaps even more focused. You’re more confident in your fitness routine and nutrition choices. You trust yourself and your body.

You’re right about all of it. You will look, feel, and live more confidently. Exercise and healthy sustainable living cause infectious positivity and self-assurance, traits that will seep into other parts of your life!

Now, picture your program:

Three key factors compose your complete program. The three components are habits, nutrition, and fitness.

Your habits are the components of your day and your personal values. I don’t mean work or family; I’m referring to the individual qualities pertaining to your mind, body, and spirit—no one else’s. — Make a habit to follow this program.

Your nutrition is not to be confused with a “diet.” Nor is it to be confused with an occasional indulgence, like birthday cake or Thanksgiving dinner. Your nutrition

Page 15: The KB STRENGTH SERIES - · The same applies to the entire KB Strength Series workout and nutrition program. ... make sure to watch the beginner kettlebell swing and kettlebell

includes what you put into your body as well as the healthy daily routines that allow you to enjoy your food and feel satisfied. — Follow the guidelines provided for you here in this book.

Your fitness is your basic daily regimen: working out on a program with specific measurable, and attainable goals. Your workout should help you build bodily strength, mobility, flexibility, and balance with the added benefits of weight loss, lean body composition, and good health. Fitness should also help you become pain-free and energized. Through this program, you will learn how to seamlessly combine all three factors to create a real lifestyle for yourself—one you can enjoy forever, have fun with, and easily maintain.


Now that we have identified your goals and mentally worked past any and all limits, it is important that we work through the next question: What is exercise? Now, I understand that this may seem elementary, but many people answer this question wrong. In order to get the body you want, this must be the very first thing you understand.

This might shock you, but exercise is not sport. Marathon running, swimming, playing tennis, basketball, and even surfing and martial arts like kickboxing are sports, but they are not a strength training and conditioning exercise routine.

There is sport and there is exercise—the two are very different. The reason we often confuse them is that in the modern day, many people have taken up recreational sport activity as a way to stay active and fit (most times using this sport as a form of “exercise”). However, sports are not your exercise routine—recreational sports are your “activities,” “sports,” and “hobbies.” Your exercise routine is the strength and conditioning regimen used to get you in shape for your sport and to help you fortify your body and avoid injury from your sport, as well as in your life. So why all the confusion? Let’s face it—the word activity is bland, while a word like exercise merits respect amongst our friends and peers. When I say I exercise, it means that I have discipline, I am strong and healthy, and I care about myself. Activity, on the other hand, could be a random act of anything. You might still be confused—I know I once was. I thought that people who go and play basketball with their friends or run marathons or box are exercising—but no, they are being active, and perhaps they are recreational athletes, or even professional athletes. But if you notice,

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even marathon runners, swimmers, football players, and all other athletes have a strength and conditioning exercise routine exclusive of their sport.

There are two reasons to follow an exercise program:

Performance enhancement: a solid exercise program is meant to improve your ability in a specific sport. This is why triathletes, basketball players, tennis players, swimmers, and all other professional athletes take part in a regular, regimented, and prescribed strength and conditioning routine.

Injury prevention: as you train, work out, or exercise (all interchangeable terms), you are fortifying and balancing your body. Correct exercise should never lead to injury. While minor injuries can be common when playing a sport, it is absolutely not okay to get hurt lifting a weight or a kettlebell or doing a push-up; the latter (the exercises) are made to fortify your body and aid injury prevention.

This program is your strength and conditioning routine. It will help you lose weight, get strong, get out of pain and simply become a healthier and more energized version of yourself. It will also help you be better in your sport.

FIT FACT: Exercise should never cause injury. Properly conducted, exercise will instead make the joints and connective tissue more mobile, as well as increase your ability to exert more force. Proper exercise will improve performance and longevity in any activity or sport you do, and do the same in your life.

So why is the information in this introduction so vital for you to understand?

Personally, if we are training together, I believe that we should be transparent. You should not simply follow my every move or every word, but be educated on why you are doing the exercise and what benefits you will gain from proper training. Another reason is that I will need your trust. Just as I asked you to trust yourself, I will ask you to trust the program.

I also believe that the people who get and keep the most results are those who have a clear understanding of what fitness is. In this book I will be laying out a plan for you. Many of the exercises will be unique and fun, and they will challenge you both physically and mentally. But I want you to understand that as diverse and unique as I try to make your experience, the basics of the workouts will always rely on the fundamentals of fitness.

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While the most important factor we will be working with in the beginning of your journey is Energy In vs. Energy Out, other key factors will be your Metabolism and the quality of your food, or Nutrition. Lastly, we will focus on Habit, or in simple terms, creating a lifestyle out of these concepts that you never have to think about. The program is simple, and it works. Our goal is to create a lifestyle that does not take any thought and can mold seamlessly into your life.

Priority List:

1. Energy In vs. Energy Out2. Metabolism3. Basic Rules of Healthy Nutrition 4. Habit

ENERGY IN VS. ENERGY OUT Rule #1: What matters most is Calories In vs. Calories Out, but for our purposes we will use the term: Energy In vs. Energy Out

Some people want to lose weight, others gain mass and others don’t want to lose, they just want to build a strong and functional body.

IF you want to lose weight - read the calorie prescription below and learn how to safely cut calories.

IF you want to gain weight/ muscle, read the prescription below and understand that upping your calories will mean adding whole, nutritious, real and quality driven non processed foods to your day. Don’t just eat anything (and everything) you see. Healthy food helps build healthy tissue. Poor foods build a poor quality body.

IF you don’t care much about your weight (getting bigger or smaller), but want to get stronger and leaner and more defined, again stick to your current caloric intake BUT clean up your act by having more quality driven foods. Lean muscle only comes with quality food.

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No matter which category you fit into you must pay attention to the quality of your food.

So, Let’s Do the Math:Active people: Multiply your weight by 15.

Example: 150 pounds times 15 = 2,250 calories per dayThat’s the number of calories you can eat every day without gaining weight.

Moderately active people : Multiply your weight by 13

Example: 150 pounds = 1,950 calories per day. That’s the number of calories you can eat every day without gaining weight.

Inactive people: Multiply your weight by 11

Example: 150 pounds = 1,650 calories per dayThat’s the number of calories you can eat every day without gaining weight.

So let’s reiterate – the number you get in the previous examples is the number of calories you can eat every day without gaining weight.But let’s say we are looking to lose weight.1 pound = 3,500 calories

In order to lose weight safely, we can look at cutting out 400-500 calories a day (Energy In), starting with your least nutritious foods, and then losing another 500-1,000 (Energy Out) caloric expenditures, 5 times a week through your KB workouts (thereby adding metabolically active muscle and shedding fat at the same time). If you do the math, that will lead you to see weight loss – safely and healthily.

The most important factor during this process is that you do not over- train or under-eat. If you begin to use these numbers to starve yourself or over-train, it will become harder for you to lose weight in the future, and more importantly to stay at a healthy weight. Patience is key! If you do it the controlled way, you will see lasting results you can adjust to and live with – this is called Healthy Habit. So please, follow your training chart and make sure not to overdo the exercise portion of this process.

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You can kick nearly 400 calories per day just by reconsidering what you drink. Yes, that includes juices, soda, alcoholic mixed cocktails, or sugary iced coffee drinks. But it also includes your sports drinks, “healthy smoothies,” and fresh juices. Even healthy beverages can jack up your calorie count and make you pack on extra pounds. Pressed vegetable and fruit juice can mount up to 440 calories for 16 ounces. Coconut water can get up to 90 calories for 16 ounces. Sports drinks? 200-400 calories a bottle! Does this mean you shouldn’t drink healthy fruit smoothies or all natural organic vegetable juices? Of course you should! The biggest mistake most people make is drinking these as a snack or with their lunches or dinners. The truth is, a fruit and vegetable smoothie or juice should be looked at as a meal. Yes– the next time you drink a healthy juice, treat that as your lunch or breakfast.

Sports drinks? Unless you are an endurance or professional athlete, or participating in an outdoor activity that will last over 60 minutes – kick the sports drinks! The calories and sugars outweigh the so called “benefits.” Think of it this way: sports drinks are made for “special events” like marathons. Otherwise, keep it simple with water.

Alcohol: Mixed drinks can have as much as 300 calories per serving, depending on what type of drink you are having. The best way to cut calories, but still enjoy a drink, is to cut all of the juice and soda out of your mixed drinks. Tonic is high in calories too. So next time you are having a drink – stick with wine, ultra-light beer, or alcohol mixed with ice and soda water. Garnish with fresh lemon or lime and enjoy!

For a fun mojito and other such great low calorie recipe, see the blog on our website.

Milk: Does a body good, yes, but by drinking a glass here and adding it to cereals and coffee, the calories add up quickly. Milk, and even skim milk, contains lots of calories and is also high in sugars and carbohydrates. When cutting your calories, portion your milk to one glass and account that into your daily calories. You can also try all natural almond milk as a low-sugar alternative.


Dumping processed foods like soda, baked goods, fruit drinks, frozen pizzas, fast-food takeout, and flavored yogurt cuts about 325 empty calories every day.

The rules for processed food are simple: only 25% of your food should come out of a package. Examples include cereal, frozen foods, microwavables, and canned foods. Of course there are healthy cereals like no-sugar-added whole grain puffs and frozen vegetable steamers. However, as a

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rule, canned soda, packaged muffins and breads, and ready-to-make meals are typically processed, so avoid them, or cut a good portion out of your diet.

Confused about food shopping? Don’t be – your food should mainly come from the produce aisle. Included in that should be vegetables, fruits, meats, chicken, fish, and eggs.


Unfortunately, the modern salad has too often become a “calorie food trap.” Just because it has a hint of greens inside and is termed a “salad,” does not mean it is not hiding an excess of 300-400 calories. These are calories your salad can do without. Calories that can significantly make a difference in your waist line. Calories that have little to no nutritional value.

Croutons, bread, an overabundance of nuts, a variety of deli meats, cheeses, dried fruits, and especially dressings can significantly add on unexpected and often undetected calories. Did you know that on averages half a cup of dried fruits can have 166 added calories? Salad dressing – 150 to 300 extra calories per serving!

Dressing your salad should be simple. Try lemon juice instead of store bought balsamic vinaigrette and you will cut nearly 77 calories per ounce. Ideal dressings: oil and vinegar (not vinaigrette), oil and lemon, or non-fat Greek yogurt, salt and pepper. Honey mustard and lemon is another great clean eating dressing trick.


Cutting sugar alone can rid your daily diet of an extra 300-800 calories! It doesn’t mean you can never enjoy cheesecake or your favorite cupcake again. It isn’t about an occasional indulgence; it’s your daily sugar intake that matters most. Oddly enough, you probably don’t even notice or particularly enjoy the daily sugar crave as much as that apple pie you look forward to on Thanksgiving. It’s not about never eating good food you love. It’s about cutting the daily sugar you don’t even notice anymore.

Did you know that food manufacturers commonly place sugars in foods you wouldn’t associate with a sweet tooth like pita bread, soy sauce, and dressing? This is another reason to read your labels, and avoid anything with sugars higher than 8 grams, unless it’s an all- natural pressed vegetable juice, which contains sugars you can have daily.

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The worst part? Sugar can become addictive. You know that daily 3 p.m. candy or sugary iced coffee urge? It’s so hard to fight becauseit’s not just a craving – it’s an addiction! Studies have shown that sugar stimulates receptors that activate the same pathways that are excited directly by drugs such as heroin or morphine. By constantly eating sugar, you also force your pancreas to work overtime. As you eat more, it pumps out massive amounts of insulin; and eventually your body may become less sensitive to sugar.

Now, not all sugar is created equal. Natural fructose like the ones you get in your fruits don’t trigger more cravings, and fruits are full of fiber and nutrients.

Here are a few tips to help you cut the sugar. Think you can’t? How about Step 1, it only takes 5 days to cleanse your system of sugar cravings...

Step 1. Like any addict, you need to detox before you can fully recover. According to studies, it takes 5 days to overcome your cravings for sugar, and you’ll feel bad for about three of them. After that you will realize the difference, and you won’t crave your daily sugar anymore. So, ideally you would aim to take out all unnatural sugars from your diet for 5 days. Fruits, vegetables, and red wine are fine. So is Greek yogurt and other natural foods.

Step 2. Studies show that about 90% percent of sugar addicts skip breakfast. When you eat breakfast, you prevent the drop in blood sugar that makes you crave sugar later in the day. Step 2 is putting breakfast back into your diet. Try a green juice, Greek yogurt, berries, eggs, and vegetables as your daily starter.

Step 3. Satisfy your sweet tooth with apples and berries, which contain natural fruit sugar and are also loaded with fiber and antioxidants; Step 4. IF you absolutely MUST have ice cream or cake, make it your meal! That’s right, the 400 calories you just ingested from that green tea vanilla bean ice cream is now your lunch. Also, don’t make a habit of it. This should happen on rare occasion, but when it does, it’s okay!

Step 5. When you simply must have a cupcake or a candy bar, stick to 100-to-150-calorie portions and 16 grams of sugar or less.

Step 6. Just Kick It: Get rid of candy, sugary iced coffee drinks, ice cream, and soft drinks in your daily diet. If you drink soda, or your favorite icy treat every day, try having one every other day, then once a week, then not at all. Try to replace that mid-day treat with a lower sugar option, or a different reward like downloading a new song and building your workout playlist! Redirection is key. Put the money you would have spent on sugar-based drinks to better use, like a piggy bank for new computer. You will be surprised how much money is spent on these empty calories, and most likely you’ll be shocked how few days it takes you to have enough money for a new piece of clothing, technology or even a trip.

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Artificial Sweeteners are NOT the answer. Studies have consistently shown that animals taking in artificial sweeteners like those in diet soda and diet foods eat more than those consuming regular sugar drinks. The answer here is simple; when you eat diet foods, your body is expecting food and nutrients and when that expectation is not filled, the body craves more food.

Is It Okay To eat Fruit?

FACT: No one ever got fat from eating a piece of fruit. Yes! It is completely okay to eat fruit

Fruits are highly nutritious and low in calories. The sugars we are all so scared of in fruits are all natural and are processed differently in your body then unnatural sugars  like twinkles, brownies and all the sugar found in breads and cereals.

Bonus: Fruits are so sweet that they’re suitable as desserts, but they’re still quite low in calories, and high in fiber  and nutrients.

Pair Them Right: The best way to pair your fruits is to eat them with your yogurts, cheese, salads and proteins or as a snack on their own. However you should know that overeating anything is not a good idea, eat slow and in the right portions.Fruits are great for breakfast or lunch, our favorite ones are listed below, calories per cup included of course.

What are the best fruits to eat? Actually berries, so go on have a cup.

All portions are 1 cup. • Apples 80 • Blackberries 82 • Blueberries 75 • Bananas 105 • Cherries 90 • Cantaloupe 94 • Grapefruit 37 • Oranges 80 • Peaches 70 • Strawberries 45

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What about dry fruits? Now those guys have more sugars, so the best way to eat dried fruit is to limit the portions and make sure to buy the ones with NO ADDED sugars – organic and all natural.

Dried Fruit Pro Tip: If you want to digest dried fruit correctly and get rid of some of the sugar- soak them in hot water, then eat.

Super Hungry? grab an apple, its one of the best ways to kill a craving and keep you satisfied until dinner.Cereal? Pair all natural Kashi puffs (low in sugar and high in fiber) with a cup of blue berries.

How To Choose The Right Protein Bar

In today’s grab-and-go society, protein bars have become increasingly popular as a quick and convenient dietary option. Everywhere you look, there seems to be a new protein bar on the shelf claiming to “be the best”. But what makes one protein bar better than another? More importantly, what are or aren’t you getting from your current bar that may change how you view protein bars forever?

The cold hard truth – Most protein bars are merely candy bars in disguise. Marketed with misleading nutritional claims, these bars are made from low quality ingredients and, frankly, taste like a mouthful of chalk. Instead of being driven by health and quality, the entire protein bar industry has become focused on marketing gimmicks to make you think the product is healthy, when in actuality it’s often not.

Just think about it – many of the most popular protein bars on the market today have decadent names like S’mores, Chocolate Brownie or Cookies & Cream. While there’s nothing wrong with using these names, the issue lies with how these bars are synthetically altered in order to achieve alluring marketing claims like “low fat”, “low net carbs” or “sugar free”.

Now let’s pause here for a moment. If the “real version” of these treats are not low in fat, net carbs or sugar, why do we assume they should be just because we call it a protein bar? More importantly, what types of artificial ingredients are used to make a Chocolate Brownie or Cookies & Cream flavored bar low in sugar and “net carbs”?The answer can be found by simply reading the ingredient label on the back. Chances are you will find a long list of unfamiliar words that are closer to a foreign language than real, recognizable food. Do things REALLY have to be this way? Do we have to sacrifice quality nutrition for convenience? Why can’t we have both?

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In reality if you do choose a protein bar it need to do two simple things:Provide the convenience of a protein bar, but also have the nutritional value of a healthy meal or snack.

How To Choose:1. Make sure your bar  provides you with an optimal blend of healthy fats, quality

carbs, and premium proteins.

2. Look for: a natural (ideal) 15 grams of protein, this Gluten-Free (if you need) with all natural ingredients like  a balanced combination of mixed nuts, dried fruit, oats, blended proteins, and only honey and molasses, or stevia and cinnamon for sweaters.

3.  Look for a bar that  doesn’t contain added preservatives, IDEALLY  it needs to be stored in a refrigerator or freezer – where REAL food belongs.  After all, if something can sit on a shelf for years and still be edible, doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know about the quality of its ingredients?  


Calories, however are not the only aspect of your nutrition we will be looking at. While the first part of your weight-loss is simply Energy In (food) vs. Energy Out (exercise & activity), if you want to make your body healthy, strong and looking athletic and lean, healthy – Metabolism and Good Nutrition are key.

Your metabolism, experts say, involves a complex network of hormones and enzymes that not only convert food into fuel but also affect how efficiently you burn that fuel. The process of metabolism establishes the rate at which we burn our calories and, ultimately, how quickly we gain and lose weight. There

are parts of your metabolism you can control, and others, like gender or age, you simply can’t.

You Can Control

Diet: How often you eat, what you eat, how much you eat.

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Workout/Activity: An active lifestyle and regular workouts will dictate your body’s lean muscle: the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate tends to be.

Sleep: Rest is the time your body makes the most changes, including rebuilding lean muscle.

To A Point - Stress: Hormones have a lot to do with it – stress hormones are terrible and trigger fat storage.

You Can’t Control

Age: Yes, the younger we are, the faster it is; metabolism naturally slows about 5% per decade after age 40.

Gender: Generally men have faster a metabolism (burn more calories at rest) than women.

Genetics: Thank mom and dad and look to them as examples.For the purposes of our goals, we are going to try and truly capitalize on everything you CAN control.

The Diet is provided here for you, and moving forward from your 90 days and into your life will be simpler than you can ever imagine. How? Through the art of creating good and healthy habits.

Workouts & Activity Level: Oddly enough the more you workout and dedicate yourself to an active lifestyle, the more active you want to be. It’s infectious! Whether you are already an active person, or if you are looking to reset your entire routine, The STRENGTH Series program will help you. If nothing else, the workouts are fun and they get “tougher” with time. In your initial 90 days, please follow the charts provided for you. IF you happen to skip, overlook a day, or even a full week of your training regiment, that’s okay! Just repeat this: The past is the past. This is who I am today. I can be anyone tomorrow. I am limitless. Then get back on track. The key is not to live in or stress over the past.

Stress can arguably be the most difficult part of the “controlled” equation. It can almost seem uncontrollable. However, I want you to say this to yourself over and over again – There is no emergency. I have been here before and I will be here again.


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When you feel overwhelmed please stop whatever you are doing and breathe! If you feel yourself in a constant state of stress, the workouts provided in this series will 100% help you deal with and decrease your stress levels. Working out is proven to reduce stress and reset the mind and body. Pay special attention to the recovery portion of this program. When we ask you to rest - REST. The body makes most of it’s gains during your rest periods. This is the reason we created much shorter 20 minute HIIT Flows between your strength workouts - just enough for you to get active and burn fat without overwhelming the body and going into overtraining.

Lets Talk Abs!

We know that everyone wants a great, defined mid-section. And thats exactly why we have actually included a 18 minute Abs workout with your Strength programs.

Here are seven things you should do and pay attention to in order to get a flat, defined, strong and healthy mid-section this summer:

1. Cardio isn’t enough.Fact is fact, and I’m here to tell you cardio alone isn’t enough to burn belly fat. Strength training increases muscle mass, and because muscle is far more metabolically active then fat (it needs more energy to live) you’ll burn more fat (belly included). The simple fact is you must add resistance training to your workout if you want a great belly. If you feel lost for workout programs, checkout our 4 home fitness programs and see if any of them are hight for your goals.

2. Stress causes belly fat.You’ll be surprised to hear how much of the weight you carry has to do with hormones called cortisol, insulin and leptin.

• Cortisol: A stress hormone that triggers fat storage. If you’re placing your body under stress daily, including incorrect workout structure, overtraining, stress at home or work, stress due to yo-yo diets or lack of sleep you’re triggering this stress hormone. As just one example, a study concluded “that both insulin and cortisol are potent and possibly physiological regulators of leptin expression,” which basically that stress hormones are very much responsible for triggering overeating and messing with your body’s signaling system for energy use, fuel storage and balance.

• Leptin: Produced by your fat cells and plays a role in appetite control. It can also act to slow your metabolism. To help regulate this hormone you must exercise,

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stay active and eat clean. Research has found excess body fat can cause a condition known as leptin resistance, meaning your brain isn’t affected by leptin even though your body contains higher levels of it — basically, when you have too much sugar and poor-quality foods, the hormone is overproduced and the body does not respond to it correctly.

• Insulin: Every time you down a carb-heavy meal or sugary drink, your blood sugar spikes. In response, your body releases insulin, whose job it is to pull extra glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream. Gaining weight can often lead to insulin resistance, a condition in which cells become less responsive to the hormone, and to diabetes.

3. Breathing is crucial.Incorrect breathing during even your toughest workout can hurt your flat belly goals. When you panic breathe during exercise, your adrenal glands release cortisol. That response, which is meant to give you a burst of energy for fighting or fleeing, causes you to accumulate and store fat in your belly.Additionally, cortisol production can remain at high levels due to sustained stress and leave you craving high-sugar or high-carb foods. Breathing correctly means breathing deep into your belly — never shallow “panic” breathing with your mouth. Aim to fill your belly with air by breathing in through your nose. No matter how hard your workout, never allow yourself to shallow breathe through the mouth.

4. Overtraining won’t help.Just because you’re working out doesn’t mean you’re getting the benefits. This means having a training plan, not just training at random. When you train, you should be doing a specific sequence of exercises, lifting weight and having a goal-specific work-rest structure. Aim for daily activity.Make sure to find a complete program, not a single workout. The program should have workout plans, calendars, a nutrition education and also a good structure.

5. Impatience is a leading factor in not reaching your goals.You get on a program, get excited, give it your all for a week or two … and then what? If you don’t see as the results you’d like in the first week or so, you get disappointed and switch to a new program, diet or workout.But the truth is that everyone gets results at a different pace. If you abandon a workout too soon, your body doesn’t have the opportunity to make the changes you’re asking it to make. If you pick a program, give it a chance; stick with it all the way to the end, be patient and enjoy the learning process.

6. Fat-free foods are not your friends.Fat-free foods might seem like a good idea, but they’re often full of hidden sugars, additives and preservatives, all of which will trigger poor hormone response and hunger cravings. You have to eat real, whole food. Look for good fats like avocados, salmon, nuts. Eat fiber-rich foods, leafy greens and fruit. Enjoy natural proteins and all-natural carbohydrates from sweet potato, kasha, quinoa and whole grains.

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Be picky about what you put into your body and don’t let a food label sway your judgment.

7. Looking for “perfection” is dangerous.The truth is that your abs might never look like those of your fitness mentor or an underwear model. But they can be defined, strong and capable.


How to Upkeep: After your initial 90 days, this will become simple. After you attain the body composition you want, your body will have adapted to your new caloric intake, and you will be able to cut your training to 3-5 times a week (just pick your favorite of the 4 HIIT programs and do them 2-4x a week). Also you must stick to your strength training 2-3x a week. It will be simple to maintain your new body, as the workouts will no longer be structured by calendar. Just follow the post-90 sample program, detailed in your workout program guide. Similarly, your eating habits will be just that – Habit!

As you become stronger, faster and gain more energy you will want to show it off, test it, and enjoy it! Don’t forget to consistently make new,

measurable, exciting and awesome goals!