the inquirer

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  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The Inquirer

    Before we can make decisions about the best course of action to take, or develop our psychic

    intuition, we must start with ourselves. If we do not know who we are, and what we feel about

    the situation were in, were in no position to start to understand, and improve, our situation,

    or those of the people around us.

    To read Psycards is to journey into our own psyches, and hence the beinnin of every

    readin is our inner selves.

    The Inquirer represents the person who is the focus of the readin, and for most spreads the

    Inquirer is where the readin starts.

    !now yourself the saes say

    "ut of the ma#e youll find your way

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer



    In life, we are constantly faced with situations that require us to make decisions. The direction

    cards all point at different decisions. The $es card says %&o for it'(

    )hat it is that we should %o for( depends on the situation which were e*plorin with the

    Psycards, on interpretin the cards close to the $es card in a particular spread, and on our

    intuition about that riht course of action.

    +ont shilly shally. )ith full speed

    This card commands you to proceed

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer



    In life, we are constantly faced with situations that require us to make decisions. The direction

    cards all point at different decisions. The o card says %-top and rethink'(

    )hat it is we should stop and rethink depends on the situation we are e*plorin with the

    Psycards, interpretin the Psycards close to the o card in the particular spread, and our

    intuition about the riht course of action.

    If youre in doubt about the track,

    this card commands you to o back

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer



    In life, we are constantly faced with situations that require us to make decisions. The direction

    cards all point at different decisions. The ow card says %-ei#e the day'(

    )hat opportunity we should sei#e depends on the situation we are e*plorin with the

    Psycards, interpretin the Psycards close to the ow card in the particular spread, and our

    intuition about the opportunity.

    The hour is ripe. ow is your hour

    &ot to fulfil your hearts desire

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer



    In life, we are constantly faced with situations that require us to make decisions. The direction

    cards all point at different decisions. The ever card tells us to close the door on somethin

    an opportunity, a project, a relationship / and put it to rest.

    )hat it is we need to shut the door on depends on the situation we are e*plorin with the

    Psycards, interpretin the Psycards close to the never card in the particular spread, and our

    intuition about the situation.

    ever delude yourself

    This must brin a treasured dream to dust

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    0lthouh Psycards are tools for e*plorin the psyche, our minds are intimately linked to our

    bodies, and hence our mental health is linked to our physical health.

    The Body card is all about physicality. Its about strenth and vitality. )e feel throuh our

    bodies pain, pleasure, reassurance, worry, warmth, chill, huner, satisfaction, taste, touch and

    smell. The card asks us to listen to our own bodies, and tune in to what they tell us.

    The Body card is also about health, wholeness and balance. "ut of health comes strenth,

    both physical and mental.

    The body has many different associations for different people at different times, and we must

    each attune ourselves to our associations as we look at the card, in the conte*t of the spread

    and the situation we find ourselves. 0ssociations with our own bodies, with the bodies of

    other people, and the abstract notion of %the body( and %the physical( may be key to

    understandin the spread to hand.

    Blood and bone and livin cell

    Build this holy temple well

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer



    %)ork( is a / sometimes the / key inredient in our lives, our identities and aspirations and

    hence the )ork card is particularly rich in associations successfully interpretin it depends

    on our ability to listen out for the associations that call out stronest for us, as we consider the


    The )ork card reminds us most obviously of our day5to5day workin lives and our careers. It

    stronly alludes to our role in the bier mechanics that power the world / that sense ofbein a co in a bier machine. 60lthouh one disconnected co in the top5left of the card

    reminds us of the e*hilaration, or loneliness, of e*istin outside of larer institutions.7

    )ork is a key inredient of our identities who we are, the contribution we make to the world,

    and how we define ourselves. 6To what deree our work matters varies from individual to

    individual.7 8nderstandin what is and is not important to our self5imae, and the way that

    different situations can chane that, is crucial to makin the riht decisions in life.

    The )ork card also reminds us of our obliations and duties / to the people we love, to the

    people that depend on us, our community, mankind and the planet beyond. 1ow can an

    awareness of these best help us draw meanin from our readin3

    4ortunate are you in life to find

    True reward in your daily rind

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The -kills

    To every situation and problem we face, each one of us brins a unique blend of different

    approaches and skills. The first question the -kills card asks of us is what resources do we

    brin that will help us here3

    0s well as alertin us to our own strenths and e*perience, the card may also point to where

    we lack them. 9econisin our own weaknesses is often a key step to workin throuh a

    difficult dynamic. It is an opportunity as well as a challene : an opportunity to sharpen aquiver we may let o blunt.

    The card also points to our own identities. 2ust as we may often define ourselves by our jobs

    and role in society, so too we are we likely to think of ourselves, and those around us, in terms

    of our ifts and abilities.

    ;astly, the card reminds us of the basic human need to constantly develop our own abilities

    and strenths so that we may fulfil our full potential and realise a hiher state of bein, both

    conscious and unconscious.

    The arrows in your quiver tell

    &o use your precious talents well

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    4riendship4riendship can be one of the most fundamental element of our own happiness, and

    the need for companionship one of our most basic needs as individuals.

    The three characters depicted in the card share a stron bond and level of intimacy. They are

    rela*in in a tavern, lookin at one another, sharin stories. Perhaps the parrot tells us that one

    of these friends has come home from afar3

    The card reminds us of the importance of our closest friendships / the strenth we draw

    from those we care about, and who care about us, and the happiness we et from sharinstories and ood times with them.

    The card also reminds to look at the relationships we have with those people involved in

    whatever we are thinkin throuh with the Psycards. 4riendships are rarely as straihtforward

    as those depicted in the card, and understandin where comple*ities and sensitivities arise in

    the particular situations we face can be enormously helpful in seein our way throuh them.

    o cordial can the heart renew

    ;ike lauhter with a friend or two

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    4ortuneThe 4ortune card depicts a character makin his or her way up a darkened stairwell.

    0t the top of the well is a reward which the character cannot yet see.

    The card is about more than fortune : the card is about rowth and development. It is about

    reachin hiher and proressin, the importance of journeyin to improve ourselves, to learn

    more and to make the world a better place, even if we know not what the outcome of our

    labour will be.

    The card is also about destiny. It is not clear whether the character is destined to find the

    treasure that awaits, and similarly, Psycards is silent on the issue of whether or not our

    destinies are preordained. 4or some of us the idea that are fate is ordained is a source of

    strenth that helps us to make the climb : and in such people that belief is positive and should

    be encouraed. The key is in the impact of the belief, rather than in the belief itself.

    )e should remember to climb not only outside, in the e*ternal world, but also to strive

    internally to better understand our own psyches and subconscious minds and so set ourselves


    +estiny calls you if you dareTo win the pri#e thats waitin there

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer



    The 4ather card reminds us of three, potentially very different thins

    The first is our own father. The positive and neative associations that every one of us has

    here will vary enormously, as we all relate to our fathers differently.

    The second is to the ideali#ed model of the father. This encompasses elements around

    protection, sustenance, authority and love. There are also close links to morality, obedienceand rebellion.

    The third is the broader notion of the patriarchal society, and in that society, the role of the

    father of the family, the tribe, the clan, the people that today rule over us : either in business,

    or in civil society.

    $ou are his seed. -o stand up hih

    )ho sired you points you to the sky

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer



    -omethin is bein born around, or inside you.

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    The +eath card does not mean physical death.

    The card is about endins. 0ll ood thins must come to an end, and often thins must end

    before we can truly bein somethin new. The +eath card alerts us to the end of somethin :

    maybe a relationship, a project, or an endeavour.

    The card is also about fear. )e fear both death and darkness, and the card asks us to face up toour fears and tackle them head on. Is there somethin in the situation were e*plorin with the

    Psycards that we secretly fear, and have not admitted, even to ourselves3 0n outcome, or a

    course of events3

    +ont fear this card? it seeks to send

    This plea @I want to be your friend

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The ;ibido

    The ;ibido card is about joy.

    The card reminds us of the basic nature of joy. The briht colours, the naturalness of joy,

    vitality and virility. 2oy is core to what makes us human.

    )e seek pleasure and shun pain. To do anythin positive, without joy, is difficult indeed. 2oy

    should be an inredient behind everythin we do, a source of enery that drives us forwards.

    )e need to understand what makes us happy, and use that force to positive ends.

    The card then reminds us to know our own nature and trust it.

    It has another side to it, however.The card does not permit us to let our emotions take over. It

    asks us to channel them for ood. To let pleasure run wild is not sustainable : there is an

    important difference between joy and self5indulence> between makin love and joyless,

    wanton couplin.

    )e need, then, to channel our natural enery : not to surpress it, nor to let it run amok. That

    means that we need to reconi#e it, understand its potency, and use it constructively.

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    The +estruction card asks you to face the collapse of what you most value.

    +estruction is uly, but alas, a part of what makes us human, and an all5too frequent feature of

    human and personal history.

    +estructive forces can come from outside, but they can also come from inside. The card asks

    us to identify those destructive instincts in ourselves, and be careful to channel them lest wesurpress them or let them loose, both bein danerous paths for the future.

    The card offers little consolation but this after destruction there is the opportunity to start

    aain. -ometimes we need to be stron : to cope with loss : move on and rebuild. It may

    leave us better, stroner and more equipped in the future.

    ow all we have is lost. 0nd 1ate

    Alamours anry at the ate

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer



    The Peace card represents two thins

    4irstly it stresses our need for tranquility. The modern world is hectic and it is easy to rush

    from one activity to another. 8nless we stop and ive ourselves the space, and the peace, to

    reflect and meditate, our psyches will suffer and we will be weaker. Peace, then, is strenth.

    Inner peace leads to outer strenth.

    -econdly, the card represents spiritual rowth. This has many elements. 9econcilin ourselves

    with uilt and shame is part of this. so too is self5understandin. -piritual rowth requires that

    we know ourselves, and are at peace with ourselves. It requires us not to lie to ourselves about

    who we are, what we feel, what matters to us, what we e*pect of ourselves and how well we

    measure up aainst our own e*pectations.

    $oull find yourself somewhere apart

    To row a arden in your heart

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The -un

    The -un card is very positive. The sun is the first source of enery for all life on =arth, and all

    life develops to its seasonal tune. The card says the sun is shinin, and we should take

    advantae and make hay while it continues to shine. )e have worked hard, and now is a time

    to enjoy the fruits of our labour. It represents enerosity.

    The -un card also stands for the masculine characteristics. It represents an analytic, loic5

    based approach. The most complicated problems should simplify laid out in its liht.Problems need direct solutions, and the -un card represents order and measurement. It also

    represents authority and bossiness.

    The card warns us aainst more than authority. It warns us aainst overconfidence we should

    enjoy baskin in the suns rays, but not burn ourselves in them. 0s with all cards, we should

    apply a healthy, balanced approach.

    4ortunate you. Its kindly ray

    Prospers well your fate today

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer



  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The -tars

    The -tars card is about three thins.

    4irstly, it is about destiny. -ince ancient times we have understood that events in the heavens

    impact what happens on =arth. The card reminds us that life plays us a hand, and we have

    limited control over the cards we receive.

    -econdly, the card reminds us that we have the free will to play the hand to the best of ourability. )e should seek out where our hand is stron : where we have the abilities, or the

    resources 6e.. friends and family7 to draw on to do ood and achieve thins, and make what

    we can with what weve ot.

    Thirdly, and most importantly, the -tars card asks us to reach hih. It demands that we take a

    fresh perspective / step back / foret about the little nuisances, focus on the bier picture

    and what we can achieve in the lon run.

    )hat is above is found below

    &o where 1eaven bids you to o

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The Tree

    The Tree card is one of the most difficult to read, steeped in multiple different associations.

    This is only natural, however. =ve plucked the apple from the Tree of !nowlede in the

    &arden of =den. The !abbala celebrated it. The Buddha sat beneath a Bo Tree and the

    ancients hun sacrifices from the bouh to appease their ods.

    The Tree card is about balance. It is about rowth, but rowth that is rooted in the round it is

    only from a solid foundation that we can reach for the heavens.

    It is also about balance, then. Between left and riht, top and bottom, unconscious and


    It is about responsiveness. By prunin our own trees, we can encourae rowth in particular

    directions at the e*pense of others. But our control is limited.

    It is about shelter and protection. The tree shields us from wind in the same way that our

    families miht provide for us a safety net. Indeed, the tree can stand for the systems in which

    we find ourselvses the family, our local community, our broader society. It reminds us that we

    are part of somethin bier> it stands for our entire ecosystem.

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    The -cales card is about two thins.

    The first is balance. Balance in all thins in our psyche 6between the id, eo and supereo7,

    between work and play, between family and friends, between optimism and pessimism,

    between loic and intuition. ;ike a skater on ice, we can only advance if on balance.

    The second is fairness. It reminds us that there is a natural justice that oes beyond the

    everyday justice meated out by policemen, judes and juries, and to have faith in that natural

    justice. It is not our job to jude others, we should leave that to hiher powers, and jude onlyourselves.

    atural justice overns you

    -hell only ive you what youre due

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The Tower

    Towers have many functions. They protect us, providin us with ood vantae points to

    survey the surroundin areas. But they also isolate us, cuttin ourselves off from those that are

    around us.

    )hen we interact with those around us, be they family members, colleaues or competitors,

    we constantly build and take down towers. The Tower card asks us to critically e*amine those

    barriers we erect between ourselves and those around us, and question whether we have thebalance riht have we isolated ourselves too much3 +o we stand too tall and proud, invitin a

    fall3 1ave we left ourselves open and vulnerable3

    )e also erect barriers in our psyche : these can serve to lock out thouhts, fears or desires

    that scare us. Blindin ourselves to our own natures can be danerous : the Tower card warns

    us to be viilant aainst this, but it also ures us to develop a stron, confident and

    comfortable sense of self that should make it easy for us to connect with those around us,

    without leavin ourselves vulnerable to hurt and disappointment.

    -tron and proud above it all

    )ill your loomin fortress fall3

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The )heel

    The wheel has a lare number of closely related associations both positive and neative.

    The )heel card is about time and cycles. It asks us to listen out for the natural cycles of time

    in which we all fit. Birth, rowth, death.

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    The Beauty

    The Beauty card represents romantic love and se*ual attraction.

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The )arrior

    The )arrior represents the hero that rescues us from difficulty and daner.

    The card stands for courae. It stands for bold, decisive action. It stands for holdin firm and

    fihtin to the top. It stands for psychic, as well as physical strenth.

    The card also has neative connotations. )arriors can be crude and insensitive. The card

    warns us aainst bein too e*trovert : the best warriors have strenth of soul and mind as wellas of body. 0nd it warns us aainst tunnel5vision : not to be so sinleminded that you lose

    siht of the ultimate oal.

    )hen evils loose wholl be your shield3

    1is will to win, his sword to wield.

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The ;iar

    The ;iar card warns us that what is on the surface is a disuise, and that if you look deeper the

    situation is not what it appears. -omeone is deceivin you it miht be someone else, it could

    well be yourself.

    The card warns us aainst people 6includin ourselves7 that adjust themselves to please

    whomever they are in the company of. It reminds us that maybe we are not bein true to our

    inner nature, and that by misleadin other people we may also be deceivin ourselves first.

    )e seek truth. The ;iar card commands us to evaluate our preconceptions and assumptions,

    because somethin is blindin us to it.

    -inals lie. -o pleasin smiles beware

    )ho flatters you will brin you despair

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The -traner

    The -traner represents an outside and une*pected influence. It can literally represent a new

    person comin into our lives, or a new idea, mode of thinkin, or way of bein. In all cases,

    its influence is positive if disruptive. It marks a chane in patterns and cycles we may have

    settled into and are familiar with.

    The card is closely related to dreams. )e may be surprised by the people, happenins and

    messaes we see in our dreams, and these can be represented by the -traner card. In thesecases, we should listen carefully to listen to our dreams. )hether these are messaes from our

    unconscious, or somethin else, they may provide triers to chane our set routines and

    behaviours for the better.

    Bid welcome in. ever inore

    )ho knocks on your hearts door

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The -ae

    The -ae stands for knowlede and wisdom. It represents prudence and caution, and warns us

    aainst e*cesses of passion and rashness, as celebrated by other cards such as the ;ibido, the

    Beauty and the )arrior.

    The -ae may be a specific friend, colleaue or e*pert whom we should consult on a

    situation. "r it may refer to ourselves, but adoptin a deliberate and careful approach to a

    problem or situation. It tells us to detach ourselves from our problems, and view them fromthe outside, rather than from within. It reminds us to always draw on e*perience and trusted


    4oret the fancies of the hour

    0ncient wisdom has more power

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The 4ool

    The 4ool is a surprisinly positive character in the Psycards deck.

    4irst and foremost, the 4ool is happy. That he is labelled a fool, and dances on his own, does

    not worry him. The 4ool card reminds us that we dont need the permission, or approval of

    others, to enjoy our own happiness, and sometimes we can be happy by ourselves.

    The 4ool also reminds us of the most basic type of happiness, the innocent happiness of

    childhood, unadulterated by the hundreds of urent obsessions and obliations of adult life.

    The joy of a briht mornin and a beautiful son. The joy of runnin throuh fields andleapin into a pond. The joy, sometimes, of bein irresponsible of fallin in love with

    someone unsuitable, or embarkin on a risky, but thrillin journey.

    The 4ool tells us that there is more that is important than simply material thins, and we must

    value and cherish that which has no price.

    It is also about confrontin truth. -ometimes, the best way to approach a difficult reality is in

    the spirit of comedy, because it is only throuh a happy medium that we can face up to the

    darkest forces in humanity.

    0nd lastly, the 4ool is trustin. 1e trusts in nature and her cycles and worries not about the

    opinion of his peers.

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    The Beast

    =ach of us has a beast within us, a dark side that we need to overcome, a set of fears that we

    need to face up to and slay. 4or many of us, the Beast is somethin that weve killed aain and

    aain, and we will have to continue to do so. 4or others, it is somethin we constantly rapple

    with, but never quite et on top of.

    The Beast is most danerous when it lurks in its lair and the smell of fear pervades the air. )e

    need to coa* it out, and see it in the clear liht of day. "nly then can we objectify and pacifyit. The first challene when slayin the Beast is to to reconise it for what it really is, take its

    measure, and understand how it hinders us.

    The Beast is also about proress and character. )e are what we are for the problems we

    overcome, and with every Beast slayed, we are that bit stroner and better equipped to deal

    with the ne*t challene.

    Aall your courae up to slay

    The foul fiend who bars the way

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  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The oyae

    The oyae card is about adventure, quest and pilrimmae. It is about movin away from

    the old to the new and une*plored, perhaps with a view to comin back wiser / perhaps with

    a view never to come back at all. The oyae asks that we look not too far ahead, enjoy the

    journey, and trust in the future.

    The card need not represent a physical journey. "ften it refers to a journey of the heart or of

    the head.

    $our heart turns to new shore

    )ith new hori#ons to e*plore

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The Pu##le

    The Pu##le card represents a situation where we are faced with two choices, and know not

    which to take.

    "ften this arises when our eo and unconscious are pullin us in two different directions. In

    these cases we need to try and et to the bottom of our unconscious desires, so that these can

    be properly weihed aainst those considerations which we better understand.

    -ometimes lateral thinkin is required. Is there another way to construe the problem, which

    sheds new liht on it3

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    The Prison

    $ou are trapped.

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    The ;iberation card represents the euphoria of breakin free and allopin off into the

    distance, unshackled from whatever was holdin us back beforehand. 6The card is closely

    related to the Prison card in this respect.7 Its first messae, then, is to fly'

    The card asks that we treat the period of euphoria as temporary, however. )hile we should

    enjoy the feelin, which may be associated with self5development, or a new phase in life, itimmediately bes two questions one : what have we been liberated from3 0nd two : to

    where are we flyin3 0lthouh the card celebrates in the joy of freedom, it asks that we are

    clear about where we are oin.

    8p and away at lon last flee

    But where toniht will your bed be3

  • 8/9/2019 The Inquirer


    The Aave

    )hile the Aave card is very dark, it can have a very positive meanin.

    The Aave represents withdrawl from the outside world, for introspection, solo thinkin and

    ermination. -eeds, after all, are born in the dark under the soil. The Aave is the place to

    which we retreat to et our heads straiht and devise a plan before re5enain with a

    problem. It can represent the womb from which we all came / the protective, warm place of

    security we need to return to periodically to rechare and rebalance.

    The Aave represents the %me5time( which we all crave in the hectic modern world.

    Ponder deep inside your soul

    +arkness can sometimes make you whole

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    The 8nion

    The 8nion card represents a comin toether of two or more elements into a new whole, and

    is nearly always an e*tremely positive card.

    The elements can be many thins they may point to a union of two people in marriae, a

    comin toether of the unconscious and conscious in an individual, the successful

    amalamation of several ideas into a new coherent project in business, or the successful

    combination of different approaches to problem solvin. In all cases, the 8nion card stressesthat the whole is reater than the sum of its parts.

    )here two in one toether flow

    2oys consummation you will know