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THE ILLUSTRATED DUNE Monday, 23 August 2010

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  • THE ILLUSTRATED DUNE Monday, 23 August 2010

  • Berkley Windhover paperback, August, 1978. Cover painting and interior illustrations by John Schoenherr.

    "I can envision no more perfect visual representation of my Dune world than John

    Schoenherr's careful and accurate illustrations." -Frank Herbert. Artist John Schoenherr is a winner of the Hugo award for his illustrations. He created

    the illustrations for the original magazine serials of Herbert's Dune trilogy, as well as the illustrations for the original hardcover and paperback editions of the work.

    Vast in its scope and power, Dune is one of the greatest imaginative achievements of all time. It charts the ecology and destiny of life on the wondrous, enigmatic planet Arrakis - a world of unforgettable people, and overpowering natural and political forces, offering

    the promise of immortality. Frank Herbert is a winner of both of science fiction's most coveted awards, the Hugo

    and the Nebula. "Unique ... In the depth of its characterization and the extraordinary detail of the world it creates. I know nothing comparable to it except The Lord Of The Rings." -Arthur C.


  • "The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam sat in a tapestried chair watching mother

    and son approach."

  • "The Baron moved out and away from the globe of Arrakis. As he emerged from the

    shadows, his figure took on dimension - grossly and immensely fat."

  • "The door across from Paul banged open and an ugly lump of a man came through it

    preceded by a handful of weapons."

  • "She took sheath in one hand and handle in the other, withdrew a milk-white blade, held

    it up."

  • "Every available space in the room was crowded with exotic, wet-climate plants."

  • Dawn At The Palace Of Arrakeen.

  • Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.

  • "This is Stilgar, chief of the Sietch I visited, leader of those who warned us of the false

    band," Idaho said.

  • "Nothing wins more loyalty for a leader than an air of bravura." The Duke said. "I will,

    therefore, cultivate an air of bravura."

  • "We waste time," the Duke said. He gestured to the waiting 'thopter, led the way,

    accepting the guard's salute with a nod.

  • A wide hole emerged from the sand. Sunlight flashed from glistening white spokes within

    it. The hole's diameter was at least twice the length of the Crawler, Paul estimated. He watched as the machine slid into the opening in a billow of dust and sand.

  • Kynes' thoughts were overwhelmed at last by the words of prophecy: "and they shall

    share your most precious dream."

  • "Idaho's dark, round face was drawn into a frown. His hair, curling like the fur of a

    black goat, was plastered with dirt. A jagged rent in his tunic exposed an expanse of the dress shirt he had worn at the dinner party earlier."

  • "Remember the tooth!" Yueh hissed. "The tooth!"

  • "The Duke Leto Atreides came through the door. His arms were bound in chains, the

    eagle face streaked with dirt. His uniform was ripped where someone had ripped off his insignia."

  • "Paul thought back to the impotent rage as the strange 'thopter dived out of the night

    onto them, stooping like a giant hawk above the desert with wind screaming through its wings."

  • "It was like an ancient naval battle, remembered shellfire, and the sight held them


  • The Sarduakar Warriors.

  • The Flight Through The Shield Wall.

  • "The man took a tiny tube, held it beside the Bat's head and chattered into the tube;

    then, lifting the creature high, he threw it upward."

  • "We have the tiger by the tail," Paul whispered. "We can't go down, can't land ... And I

    don't think I can lift us out of this. We'll have to ride it out."

  • "Jessica leaped off the 'thopter and ran, scrambling and sliding up the dune. She heard

    Paul's panting progress behind."

  • "The mouth snaked toward the narrow crack where Paul and Jessica huddled.

    Cinnamon yelled in their nostrils. Moonlight flashed from crystal teeth."

  • "Somewhere beneath him, the pre-Spice mass had accumulated enough water and

    organic matter from the little makers, had reached the critical stage of wild growth."

  • "In the moonlight and reflection off grey stone, Paul saw a small figure in Fremen

    robes, a shadowed face peering out at him from the hood, and the muzzle of one of the projectile weapons aimed at him from a fold of robe."

  • "He bent over the mound of belongings, lifted out the Baliset."

  • "Feyd-Rautha lifted the barbs high, nodded in an almost-greeting. The gladiator


  • Paul Muad'Dib Calling His First Sandworm.

  • Stilgar And His Men.

  • "An image unfolded before the mutual mind's eye: a young girl with a dancing spirit and

    tender humour."

  • "Hawat watches everybody."

  • "Chani joined him outside the tent, hugging her elbows, looking up at him from the

    corners of her eyes the way she did when she studied his mood."

  • "Paul waited on the sand outside the gigantic Maker's line of approach."

  • "The smuggler's Spice factory with its parent Carrier and ring of drone Ornithopters

    came over a lifting of dunes like a swarm of insects following its queen."

  • "Paul Muad'Dib."

  • "Through it all threaded the realization that her son was the Kwisatz Haderach, the one

    who could be many places at once."

  • "Will you look at that thing!" Stilgar whispered.

  • "I'm sorry, grandfather," Alia said. "you've met the Atreides Gom Jabber."

  • Paul Adminsters The Oath Of The Fedaykin.

  • The Defeat Of The Sarduakar.

  • "Breathing deeply to restore his calm, paul pushed himself away and got to his feet."

    Posted by Jeff Love

  • Monday, 23 August 2010