the holy blood in prophecy part 1 pdf


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Church of the Restoration of True Israel

• ―After two days He will revive us. In the third day He will raise us up and we shall live in His sight.‖ – Hosea 6:2.


• Ever since I found out about Ron Wyatt‘s discovery of the Blood on the Mercy Seat, this passage from Hosea has haunted me, because it obviously refers to the RESTORATION of Israel to our pre-fallen State. Paul clearly states that, at some time in the future (from his historical time), we will be changed in the ―twinkling of an eye.‖ (I Cor. 15:49-54.) There is no doubt in my mind that this prophecy is about to come to pass in the very near future.

• In the light of the significance of this passage, I began to look at some other Old Testament pericopes that mention a ―third day.‖ Some of these passages are: ―Be ready against the third day.‖ – Ex. 19:11-12.

• Any meat of the sacrifice left over till the third day must be burned up. – Lev. 7:17. And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings {Rev. 16:18}, and a thick cloud {Mark 14:62} upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud {Matt. 24:31}, so that the people who were in the camp trembled. – Ex. 19:6.

• Taken in context, these passages deal with the events being recorded, but they also hint at THE ―third day.‖ Could these passages contain prophetic clues, in relationship to Hosea 6:2, for the End Times as well? We know that these End Times will be days of Fire and Brimstone, with the Tribulation followed by the Second Coming, and then the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. I think that Yahweh has left us many clues as to the timing and the certainty of these events, and many outright promises of His Vengeance against evildoers at the Judgment Day.

• But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. – 2 Peter 3:8. If we count from the birth of Yahshua, around 2 BC, then the third day began around 1998, or roughly the year 2000. Our Third Millennium is the third day of prophecy. We know that the First Advent ended with Christ shedding Hs Blood on Mt. Calvary. Is it possible that the Second Advent could be triggered by revelations concerning that very Blood?

The ―Mercy Seat‖

• The term, ―Mercy Seat,‖ is not an exact translation of either the Hebrew kapporeth nor the Greekhilasterion. Both of these terms are better translated as ―a place of propitiation.‖ Apparently, Martin Luther used the term, ―seat of grace,‖ to translate the original words, and this phrase, though perhaps fanciful, became ―mercy seat‖ in English. ―Mercy seat‖ sounds more romantic and evocative than ―propitiation,‖ so the odd translation, from Hebrew to German to English, stuck. In any case, it is a reference to the ―place of propitiation,‖ namely, the spot on the lid of the Ark, between the two cherubim, where the sacrificial blood was offered by sprinkling it upon that very spot. Propitiation = atoning sacrifice.

• And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give thee. And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof. And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat. And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of themercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof. And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.

• And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee. And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel. – Ex. 25:16-22.

• And YHWH said unto Moses, Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place within the veil before the mercy seat, which is upon the ark; that he die not: for I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat. – Lev. 16:2 The Mercy Seat was where Yahweh came to visit with the Israelites. As long as the Ark was with them, Yahweh dwelt among them. Since they were too disobedient for Yahweh to dwell within them, Yahweh had Moses build the Ark, so that the Israelites could be near Him and vice versa. This is where the High Priest would minister directly to Yahweh on the Day of Atonement every year.

Barbaric Ritual Or Rehearsal For the Last Sacrifice?

• Now, the blood rituals may seem like a fairly primitive and gruesome activity. During the history of their enactment, it necessarily involved the slaughtering of millions of animals. For this reason, and because He instructed the Israelites to exterminate the Canaanites, critics of the Bible like to refer to Yahweh as a ―bloodthirsty god.‖ But we must remember that all of these OT rituals pointed to a singular event: the shedding of the Holy Blood of Yahshua Messiah. This singular event of both prophecy and history was demanded by Yahweh as the redemptory payment for Israel‘s sins.

• The seeming barbarity of such rituals is offset by the fact that people butcher animals every day for food, so what‘s the big deal? Not all of these Bible critics are vegetarians, so the meat-eaters need to keep this fact in mind. Besides, this is nature‘s way. Lower-order creation provides food for the higher-order creation.

• We are also reminded of the day when Cain killed Abel. Since that day, Abel‘s blood has been crying out from the ground for vengeance. Cain had shed Abel‘s blood in a brutal act of murder and theft; and this act began the Blood Feud between the seed of Eve and the seed of Cain. This blood feud has been operative in history since that day.

• Because the Israelites were a stiff-necked people, who refused to obey Yahweh‘s Law, He decided to provide a means of forgiveness which required a minimum payment on the part of each Israelite who sinned. The Israelites would have to give something up, in terms of personal belongings, wealth, or livestock, and the Levitical priesthood was to administer this system of ritual sacrifice.

The Temporary Nature of the Sacrificial System

• To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me? Says the LORD. I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams. And the fat of fed cattle. I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs or goats. When you come to appear before Me, who has required this from your hand, you trample My courts? Bring no more futile sacrifices; incense is an abomination to Me. The New Moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies - I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting. Your New Moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates; they are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not hear.

• Your hands are full of blood. Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, learn to do good; Seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.‖ - Isa. 1:11-21.

• From these verses, as is true throughout the Bible, we are admonished to do good works among our kindred. It is absolutely clear that Yahweh prefers obedience to sacrifice. If Yahweh found the sacrifices so distasteful, as described in Isaiah 1 and other places, why did He institute them through Moses? It was because the Israelites refused to obey His laws, so he had Moses and Aaron create the Levitical priesthood for the purpose of teaching the Israelites discipline and obedience.

• Yet they would not listen to their judges but prostituted themselves to other gods and worshiped them. Unlike their fathers, they quickly turned from the way in which their fathers had walked, the way ofobedience to the LORD's commands. – Judges 2:17.

• Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? Did not Yahweh, He against whom we have sinned?For they would not walk in his ways, neither were they obedient unto his law. – Isa. 42:24. Paul sums the situation up for us, even quoting Isaiah 1: For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, But a body You have prepared for Me.

• In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure. Then I said, ‗Behold, I have come - In the volume of the book it is written of Me - To do Your will, O God. Previously saying, ―Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them‖ (which are offered according to the law), then He said, ―Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.‖ He takes away the first that He may establish the second. By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. – Hebrews 10:4-10.

• Under the Old Covenant, Yahweh accepted burnt offerings and sacrifices so that we might ultimately offer ourselves as living sacrifices to His purpose. This is the Old Covenant which was to be replaced by the New Covenant. This change did not affect the requirements to obey the Ten Commandments or any other statutes, that were not part of the priestly rituals. Nothing was changed except the elimination of ordinances that applied to the ritual sacrifices of the Levitical priesthood. The Law was NOT abolished at the cross. Only the sacrificial, ritual ―law‖ was abolished.

• Here is how one author describes Yahweh‘s Covenant with the Levitical priesthood: Yahweh first set the covenant which He was going to make with the people before them when they arrived at Sinai, saying to them, "'Now you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."" (Exodus 19:5-6a) Now therefore if you will obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure unto Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. And you, that this is before He spoke the commandments to them while they still retained the patriarchal priesthood. It was a covenant agreement based on their obedience whereupon, He would make them His "special treasure", a "kingdom of priests" and a "holy nation".

• With their consent to the covenant, they were given His laws which they were to obey (Exodus 19:7-8). Yahweh God then spoke to them Himself the ten basic principles of His Law (Exodus 20:1-17). Then Moses went up the mountain to receive the remainder of the instructions for them at their request and His consent, that He not continue to speak directly to them (Exodus 19:18-21). Then Moses returned and proceeded to give them the remaining instructions which are in Chapters 20-24 of Exodus. So all the basic laws were given before the sin with the Golden Calf.

• This includes the Sabbath and the Feasts with other social principles. Then the offerings and furniture for the Tabernacle follow in Chs. 25-30. Notice - there is no mention of the Levitical priesthood during this time, only that of the High priest and his sons. Yahweh's original intention was that they be a nation of priests led by the firstborn of each household and the oversight of a High priest from the lineage of Aaron. Instead they became a nation with a Priesthood.

• So we see here that the priesthood with which the covenant was formed was changed when the nation sinned and broke the covenant, and the Levitical priesthood was put in place with all the rituals and ceremonies that pertained to making atonement for the sins of the nation (Leviticus 1-7). These daily offerings culminated in a final cleansing being made each year by the High Priest on the Day of Atonement (Lev.16). - [See] .

• There is no doubt that the New Testament confirms the continuity of Yahweh‘s Laws. Let Jesus, Paul and John be our witnesses: ―If you love Me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS.‘ – John 14:15. He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. – John 14:21.

• Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. – I Cor. 7:19. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. – I John 3:22-23.

• Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. – Matt. 5:16-19.

• Since it is obvious that heaven and earth have not yet passed away, anyone who teaches that the commandments have been abolished is either deliberately distorting the Scriptures or foolishly misinterpreting them. Heaven holds them in very low esteem. The modern evangelicals, especially the televangelists, are the very creatures we are being warned about. They act as if the word ‗commandment‘ does not appear in the New Testament. The fact is that it is used at least 70 times in the NT; and every time it is used, we are instructed to keep the commandments.

• Yet, these modern distortionists keep telling us that the ―law has been done away with.‖ In addition, we are constantly confronted with the word, righteousness, meaning justice, which is ALSO a legal term, just as the word commandment is. There can be no justice without obedience to Yahweh‘s laws. The Law was NOT abolished at the Cross. Only the sacrificial ordinances practiced by the Levitical priesthood were abolished at the cross.

The New Covenant Prophesied

• Contrary to what is taught from many pulpits today, Yahweh clearly tells us that the Law will NOT be abolished. Rather, it will be written in our hearts. Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah - not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the LORD.

• But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‗Know the LORD,‘ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more. - Jeremiah 31:31-34.

• Along with this prophecy goes Daniel 9:27, which tells us that Messiah will put an end to the animal sacrifices: Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week, He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.‖ (NIV) The New Covenant was sealed by Jesus Christ‘s OWN BLOOD. The shedding of His Blood accomplished five purposes:

• It washed Israel clean of her PAST sins.

• It put an end to the sacrificial rituals. • It instituted the New Covenant with Israel. • It replaced the Levitical priesthood with the Priesthood of the Order of

Melchizedek, which existed well before Moses and Jethro, together, established the Levitical priesthood. Jesus Christ Himself thus became the High Priest of this non-Levitical Order.

• It gave us a new heart and mind, replacing our old, rebellious nature.

• We know that Christ‘s own Blood was a necessary part of the Last Sacrifice, as our Kinsman Redeemer. This much we all agree on. But was it necessary for His Blood to be literally sprinkled on the Mercy Seat? This is the question I hope to answer in this sermon. I believe that the Bible is telling us that, yes, it was necessary, under the Old Covenant. I also believe that there is a specific prophecy that points to Ron Wyatt‘s discovery of the Holy Blood in 1982. Let us now consider the prophetic evidence.

The Seven Times Punishment of True Israel

• Students of Bible prophecy know that the number 7 dominates the prophetic landscape. The Apocalypse is dominated by the number 7. 7 vials. 7 plagues. 7 beasts, etc. Time is regulated by sevens. The Sabbath is every 7th day. The Jubilee is every 49th year. 7, 7, 7, and more sevens. Yahweh had also decided to punish Israel for a period of ―7 times,‖ because of their disobedience.

• Leviticus 26 contains more information as to the true Identity of God‘s Chosen People, Israel. Christians must understand how America, not the Israeli State, is the fulfillment of the prophecy of the ―regathering of the Twelve Tribes.‖ This is a very specific prophecy, concerning the Lost Tribes and how ALL TWELVE TRIBES WOULD BE REGATHERED after a period of ―Seven Times‖ punishment. Prophetically speaking, Seven Times equals 2520 years.

• First, let‘s quote Leviticus: And if you will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. – Lev. 26:18. This is what Yahweh told the Israelites He would do to them if they continued to disobey His Laws. There are numerous prophecies, especially in Daniel and Revelation (also Ezek. 4:4-6 and Num. 14:34) where we are told to count days as years for prophecy.

• From Wikipedia, we get this item about the exact duration of a Prophetic Time: In scripture, Prophetic Years of 360 days or years has been interpreted as being equal to prophetic months of 30 days or years, which has been interpreted as being equal to one ―time‖. When ―times, time, and half a time‖ have been mentioned in one verse and subsequently 42 months and 1260 days have been mentioned in other verses as found in Daniel and Revelation, these periods have been taken by many as talking about equal periods of time.

• Because these prophecies in Daniel and Revelation equate 3.5 ―times‖ with 42 ―months,‖ or 1,260 years, many scholars of prophecy have concluded that a ―time‖ in prophecy equals 360 literal years. Many Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled in this manner, especially by equating prophetic ―days‖ with literal years of historical time.

• David Fry Jr., in his book, The Daystar Rebellion, states: Both in Daniel and Revelation the words ―Times, Time and a half‖ are equated to 1,260 days. From this we know that the word ‗time‘ is 360 days. Times = 2, Time = 1, and Half Time, all total 3-1/2 times or 1260 days. If we double the 3-1/2 times we again arrive at 7 times or 2,520 sacred days.‖ - p. 31. Thus, a prophetic year, or a Prophetic Time, is 360 ―days,‖ with each day counting as a year of prophetic time. Thus, 7 times is: 7 x 360 = 2,520 years.

• Next, a quotation from Pastor Mark Downey, to set up the meaning of Leviticus 26: Well, I would ask the question, ―What is the greatest Christian nation that has ever existed?‖ And if you‘re honest, you‘d have to admit that it‘s the USA. And then I would ask, ―Do you really think that God would not mention such a nation in the Bible, not by name, but by description; by its fruits; like a fingerprint that would identify only one person?‖

• We are talking about God‘s people Israel. In Leviticus 26:18, 21, 24 and 28, God promised to punish these Israelites ‘seven times‘, or as we now know, prophetically speaking, a long period of time for correction being 2,520 years. God consistently deals with His people during times of judgment, with the idea of restoration and cleansing at the end of that time. Divine predestination, which dovetails with prophetic synchronization, relocates Israel after her fall, captivity and dispersion; never to return to Palestine.

• Confirmed in II Samuel 7:10, we read: ―Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them anymore, as beforetime.‖ Because of their national sins, God would drive them out and into a new land. If you look at some good biblical maps, you‘ll get an idea of the migratory routes that our ancestors took when they left Assyria (modern Syria and Turkey) and traveled north and west. John 7:35 refers to them as ‗the dispersed‘, and Jesus knew where the lost sheep of Israel were and commanded His disciples to go to them. What followed was the Christianization of Europe.

• Israel would occupy Isles or islands, and coastlines, wilderness and uncultivated land their fathers never knew. God was to scatter and sift them among nations, and then would regather the twelve tribes and again give them a land to possess in the Kingdom Age. It would not be in the old Jerusalem; thus it would be a prophetic new Jerusalem. [Rev. 21:1-12.]

• The name Hebrew means colonizer, and we can see through history who has colonized the world. Jews cannot fulfill this fingerprint of Israel, as they only moved into countries once they were developed, and usually fleeing from countries they‘ve been expelled from, which had fallen into decadence under their influence. The jew has never had their own nation until 1948, and that merely being a welfare state subsidized by Christian countries like the US, Britain and Germany.

• Much false prophecy has been churned out because of the mischief of so-called rabbinical scholars. Well, the ‘seven times punishment‘ is an irrefutable prophecy that will knock your socks off (or, in their case, their little beanie caps) of which they cannot argue its undeniable simplicity.

• Let‘s get to the punch line! The conquest of the ten-tribed northern house of Israel took about 25 years to complete. The logistics were monumental, as some two million people were transported hundreds of miles away from their homeland. As near as can be determined through archaeology, the historical record and the Bible itself, the first campaign against Israel began in 745 BC on the east side of the Jordan River. Precisely 2,520 years from 745 BC is the final date where the ‘seven times punishment‘ expires upon the nation of Israel.

• On this date, a nation was born in a day, just as Isaiah 66:7-9 had prophesied, which I think also corresponds to Revelation 12, when it speaks of a woman travailing in birth, in pain to deliver, bringing forth a man child. This was speaking of Israel becoming a new nation. Verse 8 in the Ferrar Fenton says, ―Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen it like that? For the earth to produce in a day! In a moment a nation be born?‖ And if I can paraphrase God in verse 9, He is saying ―should I restrain this birth which I have produced?‖ This glorious moment in history; the conclusion of the chastisement upon God‘s Israel people and the restoration of their birthright blessings was none other than July 4, 1776. - Seven Times Punishment, by Pastor Mark Downey

• { } In 745 B.C., Tiglath-Pileser, the king of Assyria, began the first invasion against Israel in the reign of Menahem (2 Ki.15:19-20). In this year, the Assyrians captured and deported half the Tribe of Manasseh, the half which lived on the eastern side of the Jordan River. This event began the process of deporting the ten northern tribes away from Palestine, who were then resettled in northern Media, just south of the Caucasus Mountain Range, which today still lies between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. From there, they eventually migrated through these mountains into Europe and became known as the Caucasian People.

• Putnam‘s Dictionary Of Events, copyright 1927, page 6, states, ―745, Accession of Tiglath-pileser III of Assyria, who wages war against Chaldea, Syria, and the kingdom of Israel.‖ (Tiglath-Pileser is called ―Pul‖ in the Bible — 2 Kings 15:19; 1 Chr.5:26). As Pastor Downey explained, from 745 B.C. we add 2520 YEARS (Seven Times) to get 1775 plus one (compensating for the calendrical fact that there is no year ―zero‖) is 1776 A.D., the very year the American Declaration of Independence was signed and the nation of America was created. 745 BC + 2520 years = 1776 AD.

Babylon Plus Seven Times

• Another instance of the Seven Times in prophecy is this correlation: Nebuchadnezzar attacked and defeated Jerusalem in 607 BC, holding the Royal House of David prisoner under house arrest until the whole House of Judah was taken captive to Babylon in 586 BC. 607 BC + 2520 = 1914, beginning of WWI. 586 BC + 2520 = 1945, end of World War II.

• This 30-year period includes the two most devastating wars that the world has ever experienced. Contrary to popular belief, these two world wars were not a ―victory for democracy.‖ On the contrary, these two world wars destroyed Europe‘s infrastructure, massacred over 100 million people, and the result was the imposition of communism in numerous formerly free nations, such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Russia, Romania, China, North Korea, etc. What most people do not realize is that the House of Rothschild financed the Bolshevik Revolution and was also instrumental in causing World Wars I & II. Communism and Zionism were the big winners in both of these wars.

• Freedom lost. Tyranny won. But the victors wrote the history books and did a tremendous job of hiding their crimes. Both of these insidious, violent and malicious political movements were financed by the House of Rothschild. The international banking fraternity of the House of Rothschild were the clear winners of all of the military conflicts during this era of gargantuan destruction, which included the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan, also in the year 1945. Ever since the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars, the Rothschilds have been deceiving the nations, staging wars for family power and profit, while posturing as peaceniks in their Kosher press. These two world wars and the Bolshevik Revolution also served as smokescreens for the Zionists, who wanted to steal Palestine away from its rightful owners, so that they could pose before the world as Israel, by falsely claiming that Zionism represented the ―regathering of Israel.‖

• To get an idea of the carnage, the statistics for WWI included 8.5 million military dead, 25-40 million civilian dead, plus another 51 million deaths worldwide due to the Spanish influenza, which was a man-made epidemic caused by vaccinations. 650,000 French wives were made widows and countless children made fatherless. The bloodbath for WWII was 60 million. These are the victims of the two world wars. We must also add the 100 million civilians butchered by various communist regimes. These people were murdered by their own governments for refusing to accept communism.

• Thus, we can say, conservatively, that over 200 million people were slaughtered in these wars, when we count the victims of communism, who were largely murdered by their own governments. Communism and staged warfare are the two main tactics of the bankers of Mystery Babylon; and the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are no different. These wars have been created by the Zionist cabal of demonic dictators, who posture as ―God‘s chosen people.‖ These wars are nothing but the continuation of the House of Rothschild‘s ongoing genocidal wars against White Christendom.

• Under the cover of WWI, the House of Rothschild quietly pushed for a Jewish takeover of Palestine, even though Palestine was controlled by the Turks, who were at that time allies of the Germans. Lawrence of Arabia was given the assignment of organizing the Arab resistance against the Turks during this period; and the Arabs hailed him as a hero of their people for his faithful service. By the war‘s end, however, Britain had totally betrayed Colonel Lawrence and the Palestinians. In October of 1915, Britain had given the Arabs its solemn word that the whole country would be given back to the Palestinians, to whom it rightfully belonged, at the conclusion of the war.

• This was the diplomatic content of the McMahon-Hussein Agreement, by which Britain had promised to return Palestine to the indigenous Arabs, after the Turks were kicked out. But there was a major Jewish movement that had its eyes on Palestine since the 1890‘s. This movement was called Zionism. By the middle of WWI, the House of Rothschild realized that, if the British could wrest control of Palestine away from the Turks, then Zionism could get a foothold in Palestine. But the McMahon-Hussein Treaty stood in their way. The Jews wanted Palestine; and they were determined to get it.

• In addition to the McMahon Treaty, the French and British had entered into an agreement called the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, by which they both promised to aid and assist independent Arab states. The first paragraph read as follows: The Sykes-Picot Agreement : 1916 It is accordingly understood between the French and British governments:

• That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab state or a confederation of Arab states (a) and (b) marked on the annexed map, under the suzerainty of an Arab chief. That in area (a) France, and in area (b) Great Britain, shall have priority of right of enterprise and local loans. That in area (a) France, and in area (b) Great Britain, shall alone supply advisers or foreign functionaries at the request of the Arab state or confederation of Arab states. Under the terms of these two agreements, the Arabs had every reason to expect that, once the Turks were driven out of Arab lands, these lands would be returned to its rightful owners. This was not to be, however, because the financially omnipotent Rothschilds had other plans.

• Behind the scenes, the Rothschilds went to work, scheming up a plot to divest the Palestinian people of their country. The result was a major piece of Jewish treachery that turned a virtual German victory into one of the world‘s most humiliating and devastating defeats. By 1916, the Russians had virtually capitulated. The Russians lost 250,000 men in two battles alone; and the Germans had taken control of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The Russian economy was still reeling from its previous war with Japan, in 1905. The Czar‘s constant wars were becoming a source of revolutionary resistance against the regime. Trench warfare in France was at a stalemate and the British did not have the industrial capability to match the Germans. No major battles were fought inside Germany, so the German infrastructure was totally intact.

• In the stalemate condition of the Western Front, the Rothschilds saw a great opportunity. If organized Jewry could be mobilized against Germany and the Americans persuaded to enter the war on the side of the British, victory could be snatched from Germany and turned into a most bitter defeat. This is exactly what happened. Few history books tell the story of how the Jews manipulated America into entering the War on behalf of Zionism. The Agreement that made this all possible was the Balfour Declaration.

• At the same time, this act of treachery gave Palestine to the Jews, even though the Jewish people have no legal claim to that land, since they are not even Shemites, let alone Israelites. The Rothschilds were about to stage one of history‘s most evil acts of deceit and treachery. History knows it as the Balfour Declaration. By the stroke of a pen, the House of Rothschild talked the British government into reneging on its pledges to return Palestine to its rightful owners and give it to the Jews instead.

• Here is the text of the Balfour Declaration: Balfour Declaration 1917 November 2nd, 1917 Dear Lord Rothschild, I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

• "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation. Yours sincerely, Arthur James Balfour

• The fact that this Balfour Declaration was in direct conflict with the terms of the McMahon-Hussein and Sykes-Picot Agreements meant nothing to the Rothschilds, because the Zionists would not be denied this fabulous opportunity to steal Palestine away from the Arabs. President Woodrow Wilson had campaigned for reelection on the slogan, ―I kept our boys out of the war.‖ As soon as he was reelected, he broke his promise to keep America out of the War. Wilson‘s personal advisor, Col E. Mandel House, a Jewish agent of the Rothschilds, had secretly been preparing Wilson to enter the War. Wilson lied to the American people on behalf of the Zionists.

• When American troops stepped onto European soil, Germany‘s fate was sealed. What has the Balfour Declaration got to do with ancient Babylon? We need to investigate one more of Daniel‘s prophecies to find out.

The Rebirth of Ancient Babylon in the Modern World

• During WWI, the Rothschilds saw an opportunity to take Palestine away from the Arabs. In Daniel, Chapter 4 – as in Lev. 26 – we are confronted again with the concept of ―Seven Times.‖ This has to be as important as the Seven Times of Leviticus 26, for it is mentioned four times. (Dan. 4: 16, 23, 25, 32.) In this instance it is in relation to Nebuchadnezzar‘s second nightmare, in which a mighty tree is cut down and only a stump is left.

• In Verse 22, Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that the tree represents him and his kingdom, Babylon. But the cutting down of the tree means the end of his kingdom. In verse 23, the stump of the tree is banded with a band of iron and brass. Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible explains: "The word here used [for ―stump‖] implies that it was still alive, or that there was a germ which would send up a new shoot, so that the tree would live again.

• The idea is, that though the mighty tree would fall, yet there would remain vitality in the root, or the portion that would remain in the earth after the tree was cut down, and that this would spring up again - a most striking image of what would occur to Nebuchadnezzar after he should be cast down from his lofty throne, and be again restored to his reason and to power." With regard to the Band of Iron and Brass, Mr. Barnes explains its purpose:

• "This expression may be regarded as applicable either to the cut-down tree, or to the humbled monarch. If applied to the former, it would seem that the idea is that the stump or root of a tree, deemed so valuable, would be carefully secured by an enclosure of iron or brass, either in the form of a hoop placed round the top of the stump, to preserve it from being opened or cracked by the heat of the sun, so as to admit moisture, which would rot it; or around the roots, to bind it together, with the hope that it would grow again; or it may refer to a railing or enclosure of iron or brass, to keep it from being plowed or dug up as worthless. In either case, it would be guarded with the hope that a tree so valuable might spring up again.‖

• So, the purpose of the banding is to prevent the stump from dying. The stump is to be preserved for a future rebirth. Verses 33 & 34 describe how Nebuchadnezzar literally went through 7 years of madness, while living like a wild animal, only to be restored to his sanity and normal condition after this period of seven years. But there is a prophetic meaning to this episode as well. We know from our previous encounters with the Seven Times prophecies that this expression represents 2,520 years. What was true for Nebuchadnezzar‘s personal life, in 7 literal years, would be true for the kingdom of Babylon – after Seven Times.

• Daniel 2:1 tells us that Nebuchadnezzar ―dreamed dreams‖ in the second year of his reign. What year did these dream occur? Jehoiakim—2 Kings 23:36...During this king‘s reign Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem for the first time and brought Judah under the domination of Babylon. Jehoiakim was confirmed as king in the year 605 b.c.We can fix this year without any doubt, because two eclipses established 605 b.c. as the date when Nebuchadnezzar began his reign.

• One of these eclipses took place in the fifth year of Nabopolassar, father of Nebuchadnezzar. We also know that Nebuchadnezzar came to the throne in his father‘s twenty-first year. The other eclipse took place on July 4, 568, when Nebuchadnezzar had ruled for 37 years. This places Nebuchadnezzar‘s accession to the throne in 605 b.c. Also, Daniel was taken to Babylon… - [First Baptist Manpower Ministries]

• We have thus established that Nebuchadnezzar acceded to the throne of Babylon in the year 605 BC, two years after his father Nabopolassar had him attack Jerusalem. Dan. 1:1 tells us that this was in the third year King Jehoiakim‘s reign. Daniel must have been taken captive to Jerusalem that same year, as Dan. 2:1 informs us that, in the second year of Nebuchadnezzar‘s reign, this was when King Nebuchadnezzar had his nightmares, which only Daniel was able to interpret. This puts us in the year 604 BC.

• Just as Nebuchadnezzar was driven from the company of men, the kingdom of Babylon was driven from the company of the other kingdoms. Nebuchadnezzar‘s Babylon was where the concept of fractional reserve banking was born. It was also where the concept of banker-advisors was born. It was in ancient Babylon where promissory notes (receipts for goods) first began to circulate as money. These receipts took the form of clay tablets. Here is how Professor L. R. Wray explains it: Tax payments [by farmers] became standardised in terms of quantities of wheat or barley grain.

• These grain standards formed the basis for all the early money of account units, such as the mina, shekel, lira, and pound. Money, then originated not as a cost minimizing medium of exchange, but as the unit of account in which debts to the palace (tax liabilities) were measured. As the area over which taxes were imposed increased, palaces found it useful to farm out tax collections to private farmers. The first evidence of lending at interest comes from the practice of payment of taxes by the tax farmers, who then took bondservants and charged interest on the village debts. ... The clay shubati (received) tablets record these and other debts.

• Each tablet indicated a quantity of grain, the word shubati, the name of the person by whom received, the date, and the seal of the receiver. The tablets were either stored in temples where they would be safe from tampering, or sealed in cases, which would have to be broken to get to the tablet. Unlike the tablets stored in temples, the case tablets could and did circulate. A debt could be cancelled and taxes paid by delivering a tablet recording another‘s debt whereupon the case which recorded the cancelled debt could be broken to verify the debt terms. This was general practice for several thousand years ….

• In other words, taxes, debts, and price lists existed for thousands of years, with clay tablets circulating before anyone had the bright idea of reducing transactions costs by creating money through stamping precious metals to coins. ... From the earliest times, markets operated on the basis of credits and debits, and even the smallest sales to consumers took place on credit, which could be carried on the books of the merchant for years before being cleared.‖ – L. R. Wray, ―Modern Money,‖ from What Is Money? Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking, p.43, 44.

• The same idea was later employed by bankers who held gold reserves on deposit for their customers. These customers were issued paper receipts for their gold. Because it was inconvenient for most people to lug the gold around for sales and purchases, they began to use the receipts as currency instead of the actual gold. The possessor of the receipt could then take the receipt to the bank and collect his gold, if he needed it. This was how our first paper money began to circulate, as receipts for gold. The Babylonians were already doing this, thousands of years ago, with their clay tablets.

• Babylon was also the source of many pagan religious concepts, which were imported by Herod the Great into the religion of Judea, which became known as Pharisaism. Herod even imported priests from Babylon to serve as High Priest in Judea. Pharisaism is the true beginning of Judaism. Concerning the religious nature of these clay tablets, we are informed:

• Of considerable comparative value are the masses of tablets containing rituals, hemerologies, liturgies, general incantantions of the Shurpu and Maqlu class, since they have many points of contact with the Pentateuch (though the differences are far more numerous, of course). A very large part of the religious literature is devoted to magic and divination: astrology, liver divination (hepatoscopy), lecanomancy (oil dropped into water), oneiromancy (divination by dreams), omens from monstrous births, etc., etc. This vast literature is of great importance for the history of the culture, and since Accadian magic and divination spread throughout the Near East as early as the second millennium BC, it is significant because it enables us clearly to understand the nature of the ideas against which the religious leaders of Israel struggled ceaselessly for a thousand years.‖ - William F. Albright, Recent Discoveries in Bible Lands, Chapter 3, p. 14 (1936).

• What Professor Albright is describing is witchcraft. The fact is that True Israel is still combating this Babylonian religion today. The name of this religion is Judaism. It is quite amazing that virtually all of the Judeo-Christian theologians are aware of the fact that Judaism retains Babylonian witchcraft in the Talmud, especially in the Zohar and the Cabala, yet none of them ever bring these facts to light. The deep, dark secret of Judaism is that it is Babylonian Satanism disguised as Mosaism.

• The pages of the Cabala and the Zohar are filled with the same spells, incantations and magic as were practiced in ancient Babylon. That is because that‘s where the Cabala and the Zohar originated. This religious rubbish has been preserved in the Talmud; and there are many rabbis who teach it and preach it. In fact, the pop singer, Madona, is one of their most famous converts to Cabala. These Babylonian traditions found their way into Judea during the reign of Herod the Great. It was the Pharisees who introduced these Babylonian traditions into Judea, because Babylon was the source of these ideas, which were grafted onto the Mosaic traditions by these same Pharisees. This is why Jesus says of them,

• So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, Why don't your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with 'unclean' hands? He replied, Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: 'These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.' You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men. And he said to them: You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! For Moses said, 'Honour your father and your mother,' and, 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.'

• But you say that if a man says to his father or mother: 'Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is Corban' (that is, a gift devoted to God), then you no longer let him do anything for his father or mother. Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that. Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean'. After he had left the crowd and entered the house, his disciples asked him about this parable. Are you so dull? he asked.

• Don't you see that nothing that enters a man from the outside can make him 'unclean'? For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body. (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.) He went on: What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean'. For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean'. – Mark 7: 4-23, NIV.

• Throughout the New Testament, we are informed of the evils of Pharisaism, yet no Judeo-Christian scholar ever mentions the connection between Pharisaism and modern Judaism, with its wholesale borrowings from Babylonian witchcraft and demonology. If they do mention this Babylonian connection, they excuse it by saying things like, ―Some of the rabbis have deviated from the laws of Moses.‖ On the contrary, ALL OF THE RABBIS OF JUDAISM have deviated from the laws of Moses. In fact, Judaism has never practiced the laws of Moses. The Pharisees simply grafted Babylonian traditions onto their recently appropriated Old Testament, which they stole from True Judah. These Pharisaic rabbis have been PRETENDING to follow Moses ever since. And they still deceive the world today with their nonsensical fables.

• What we must understand is that the Babylonian Mystery Religion, with its union of bankers and priests, is alive and well today. The banding of the Babylonian tree stump in Daniel Chapter 4 means that Babylonianism will continue to exist ―underground,‖ that is, behind the scenes, keeping the roots alive, until it reappears in the latter days. It will be driven underground for a very long time, ultimately to be revived as a world empire. The roots of this tree stump will be kept alive for a period of Seven Prophetic Times, for that is the symbolism of banding the tree stump. The Babylonian Mystery religion is composed of three main elements: MONEY, RELIGION AND COMMERCE. And that is exactly what Judaism is. Control of commerce is actually part of the Jewish religion. Few Christians understand this.

• This type of religion was brought to Palestine from Babylon in the days of Herod the Great. The House of Judah NEVER permitted the priests to have money-changing tables near the Temple; but, for the Babylonian Pharisees, this was standard practice! Remember, the very first thing that Jesus did, after being tempted by the devil in the desert, was to make a whip and drive the money-changers out of the Temple!!! The message of Daniel, Chapter 4 is this: Babylon will be re-established as a world empire after ―Seven Times.‖

Babylon Strikes Again, Seven Times From Nebuchadnezzar‘s


• We have seen, from many examples already, that this period of 7 Times is a prophetic period of 2,520 years. Having fixed the date of Nebuchadnezzar‘s nightmares, and the beginning of his 7-year madness, in the year 604 BC, we will expect that 2,520 years later, some important event, relating to ancient Babylon, will occur. Based on our 7 Times prophetic chronograph, let‘s do the math: 604 BC + 2520 = 1916. Add 1 for the lack of a year zero. 1916 + 1 = 1917.

• What happened in the year 1917? Answer: The Balfour Declaration and the Bolshevik Revolution. The exact date of the Balfour declaration was Nov. 2, 1917…exactly 2520 years after Nebuchadnezzar had his nightmare and his personal seven year period of madness began. We could say that this was the prophetic beginning of all of the Zionist madness in Palestine. Look at the parallelism: 745 BC + 2520 = 1776, American Declaration of Independence and the beginning of the American Revolution. 604 BC + 2520 = Balfour Declaration and the Bolshevik Revolution.

• The Balfour Declaration was the decree that established the Jewish State. The political ambition of Zionism and the House of Rothschild (Mystery Babylon) was set in motion by this decree. From this moment forward, the Rothschilds (international banking empire) and world Jewry (the synagogue of Satan) put in motion the machinery that would take Palestine away from the Arabs and steal it for the Jews. By this act, the Babylonian Jewish bankers were allowed back into Jerusalem.

• The Balfour Declaration was a guarantee to world Jewry by the British Empire that Jewry‘s ―Diaspora‖ would finally come to an end. The Wandering Jews, after 1900 years without a country of their own, would finally get their own nation; and the rebirth of Babylonian religion (Babylonian Talmud) and Babylonian economics (fractional reserve banking on a global scale), was assured. As in the days of Herod, the Babylonian system would be returned to Jerusalem, after an absence of 1900 years.

• Lost upon most students history is also the fact that the Rothschilds financed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which had begun only one week before, on Oct. 25. Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn-Loeb Bank, a Rothschild affiliate, had financed Leon Trotsky with $20 millions. Schiff, the multi-millionaire banker, and Trotsky, the communist revolutionary, were on very intimate terms and frequently played chess while planning and training Jewish insurgents for the Bolshevik Revolution.

• David Rivera tells us how the international bankers (Mystery Babylon) financed the Bolshevik Revolution from New York City: The Rothschilds, through Milner, planned the Russian Revolution, and along with Schiff (who gave $20 million), Sir George Buchanan, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, the partners of J.P. Morgan (who gave at least $1 million), Olaf Aschberg (of the Nye Bank of Stockholm, Sweden), the Rhine Westphalian Syndicate, a financier named Jovotovsky (whose daughter later married Leon Trotsky), William Boyce Thompson (a director of Chase National Bank who contributed $1 million), and Albert H. Wiggin (President of Chase National Bank), helped finance it. - Final Warning: A History of the New World Order Illuminism and the Master Plan For World Domination, by David Rivera, 1994 source: View From the Wall.

• In Germany, Max Warburg, another Rothschild agent, financed Nikolai Lenin with another $20 million. Lenin and his band of revolutionaries were secreted by Max Warburg from Switzerland to Russia through Germany in a sealed train. Max Warburg was the Kaiser‘s financial advisor and also headed the German Secret Service during WWI. At the same time, Max‘s brother, Paul, was in America, running the Federal Reserve Board for the Rothschilds. In their very powerful positions within the American and German security and financial apparatus, the Warburg brothers were able to both finance and direct the Zionist assault on Christian Russia.

• What is totally lost on the modern Christian is the rank, gargantuan evil that Zionism represents. Judeo-Christians, being totally ignorant of Jewish treachery, subterfuge, betrayals of nations, and genocidal mass-murder, assume that all of this was God‘s doing. The Kosher Press and the Judeo-Christian pulpit have clamped the lid down tight on all of this revelatory information. The fact is that Judaism EPITOMIZES MAMMON, not Zion. But the Judeo-Christian world is clueless, like a dumb, ignorant peasant; and that is exactly how the Jews view us and treat us.

• This summary will give us a feel for how these evil Jewish bankers of the House of Rothschild set up the execution of Christian Russia: Paul M. Warburg had married Jenny Nina Loeb, mother of James Paul. Jacob Schiff, after coming to the U.S., had married Theresa Loeb, sister of Nina, and daughter of the Kuhn, Loeb founder. Schiff‘s daughter, Frieda, married Felix M. Warburg, Hamburg-born banker who headed the agro joint work for Jewry in Russia to help keep them in power after the Red Revolution.

• Their daughter, Carola, married Walter M. Rothschild. Felix M. Warburg and Paul M. Warburg of Kuhn, Loch & Co., partners of Jacob Schiff, were brothers of Max Warburg of Hamburg, Germany, the pay-off man, in power with the Kaiser, who funneled funds to Lenin and Trotsky during World War I to undermine and destroy the Russian Government. –Elizabeth Dilling, The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, p. 79.

• Thus, we can see that 1917 was a very good year for Mystery Babylon. Of course, the Bolshevik Revolution, which was financed and operated by Jewish bankers and communists, eventually resulted in the genocide of over 100 million anti-communists, with Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin overseeing the savage butchery of Christian Russia. Communism and Zionism have been very profitable enterprises for the children of the devil. Their control of media and publishing has prevented this type of information from being published.

• All we ever hear about in the Kosher press is how evil the Nazis were. Nothing is published about the enormously greater evils of Jewish communism and Zionism. Quite literally, rivers of Christian blood have been shed by Jewish bankers, communists and Zionists, since World War I. Earth is a planet in turmoil. Few people understand why. But the Bible clearly tells us that just before the Judgment Day, a final world empire would arise. The Book of Revelation calls it the ―8th Beast.‖ (Rev. 17:11.) This 8th Beast is the modern rebirth of the ancient Babylonian system of banking/religion/commerce.

• It is called ―Mystery Babylon.‖ (Rev. 17:5.) Despite the fact that two whole chapters of the Apocalypse are devoted to Mystery Babylon, not a single denomination, except Christian Identity, teaches anything about it. It‘s as if Chapters 17 & 18 don‘t exist. There is a very good reason why this subject is hushed up. It‘s because it is so obvious who Mystery Babylon is. Mystery Babylon is the International Banking Mafia, headed by the House of Rothschild, and their system of One World Government. This international banking syndicate is in virtually complete control of the world‘s money, religion and commerce. It‘s called ―Mystery Babylon‖ precisely because so few people are even aware of it, let alone understand how it operates.

• Since the very existence of Mystery Babylon depends on popular ignorance of this subject, the Rothschilds have made sure that Jewish influence in media, education, publishing, government, the United Nations, televangelism, Christian Zionism, Bible studies, etc., are downplayed, ignored and denied. Despite the fact that the House of Rothschild is the richest, most powerful and influential mafia family on the planet, most people have never even heard of them. This would be like nobody in Chicago ever hearing about Al Capone; but, of course, Al Capone didn‘t own the city‘s newspapers. In fact, most people have never even heard of Zionism. If they have heard of it, they know little or nothing about it; and the Zionists want to keep it that way.

• At the end of World War I, when Lawrence of Arabia found out about the Rothschild‘s treachery against the Arabs, he was absolutely livid with rage against his own government for this betrayal. Lawrence fought alongside the Arabs fully expecting that Britain would live up to its agreement with the Palestinian Arabs. When Palestine was handed over to the Zionists instead, Lawrence could not believe what was happening. Lawrence never forgave Britain for this horrible betrayal.

• According to Sydney White, Balfour's promise to Lord Rothschild was considered a betrayal by the Arabs, after they fought with Britain in 1918 against the Turks. In fact, British archeologist Thomas Edward Lawrence (of Arabia), who was so respected by the Arab forces, found Balfour's Declaration so distasteful that he changed his name to "Shaw" for anonymity. Dr. Arnold Toynbee said, "We were taking it upon ourselves to give away something that was not ours to give." Well-known Jewish writer Arthur Koestler described the betrayal aptly when he wrote, "One nation promised a second, the country of a third."

• By 1931, 20,000 Palestinian families had been evicted by Zionist agents. The British Mandate awarded 90 per cent of all state concessions in Palestine to Jewish capitalists. This included roads, Dead Sea minerals, electricity, ports and other public sector projects. By 1935, Zionists controlled 872 of the 1,212 industrial firms. Palestinians reacted with uprisings from 1936 through 1939. The British imposed martial law, which still forms the basis of Israeli law. Britain then instituted the "Colony Police" a quasi-police force composed of 14,000 Zionists. - ‗The Irrelevant in the Living Room.‖ [Disscourse and Disclosure] And you thought the Arabs were the ―terrorists‖?

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END Part 1 of 2