the healthcare heart beaon

THE THE HEART HEART BEACON BEACON SUBJECT: “EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATIVE PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNESS SOLUTIONS” NOMINATION: “The Healthcare Heart Beacon” ABSTRACT: Method of standardizing spontaneous re-organization, net mobility military techniques for other domains. Enable net effects by periodic net management database refresh by heartbeat messages to a plurality of net devices in a grid / cloud computing environment. Enable a single, synchronized, unified event / alert trigger by instantiating by a single schema with child schemas and / or data islands across adhoc domains. Enable net effects via router multicast hop count change and beacon protocol use emulating geospatial radius of threshold and precedence conditions via audible tones and vibratory levels based on business / mission thread logic emulated to enhance medical triage, evacuation, alternate routing within geographic zones with overlay graphics describing course of actions shown by unified symbols. Synchronous, statistically predicable data harvesting cycles used to “sync seed" the cloud / grid enhancing net forensics cross cloud / grid as temporally synchronized, shared fee for public / private services. KEYWORDS: Heartbeat, Beacon, TCP/IP, heartbeat / beacon sub-protocol, synchronicity, interoperability, Public Safety Answering Points – PSAPS, e9-1-1 next generation, network management, forensic network analysis, Six Sigma process, procedures, methodology, , spontaneous integration, network centric warfare , enhanced medical triage by severity zones The Heart Beacon is the commercial adaptation of Defense Advance Projects Administration / US Army Communication Electronic's Command USA CECOM's Greatest Invention -- the Blue Force Tracker Situational Awareness process for the greater good -- specifically, synchronized situational awareness on a fee for service basis. PROJECT CATEGORY: situational awareness / communications. The Heart Beacon's 'seed syncing" the cloud for enhanced network effects and net forensic's has the potential of exponential leaps forward in cloud computing efficiencies in context with SYNCHRONIZED shared, cross domain services. Congressional Directive states "nothing less than network centric homeland security akin to network centric warfare". Federal / military situational awareness (SA) SATCOM, Telco / cable networks supporting First Responder e9-1-1 systems apply 3 common denominators: the TCP/IP heartbeat protocol, heartbeat transponder beacons & heartbeat (XML) schemas / messages conveying network configuration data e.g, router MIBs: multicast group subscriptions -- DIFFERENTLY. The Heart Beacon premise: if net centric warfare procedures can be taught to and executed by soldiers in the fog of war; these procedures can be taught to and executed by Public Safety Professionals for the greater good HISTORY of the Heart Beacon: When the internet was developed by DARPA (and Al Gore), optional intervals in time were left unassigned to gather data from target platforms / devices. At the time, DARPA did not know what they would use these unused opportunities

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Health Care Heart Beacon The Heart Beacon's 'seed syncing" the cloud for enhanced network triage effects and net forensic's has the potential of exponential leaps forward in cloud computing efficiencies in context with SYNCHRONIZED shared, cross domain services. Triage by event intensity and intelligent filtering of assets applying more granual control through use of Universal Resource Number and Organizational ID ORG ID.


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NOMINATION: “The Healthcare Heart Beacon”

ABSTRACT: Method of standardizing spontaneous re-organization, net mobility military techniques for other domains. Enable net effects by periodic net management database refresh by heartbeat messages to a plurality of net devices in a grid / cloud computing environment. Enable a single, synchronized, unified event / alert trigger by instantiating by a single schema with child schemas and / or data islands across adhoc domains. Enable net effects via router multicast hop count change and beacon protocol use emulating geospatial radius of threshold and precedence conditions via audible tones and vibratory levels based on business / mission thread logic emulated to enhance medical triage, evacuation, alternate routing within geographic zones with overlay graphics describing course of actions shown by unified symbols. Synchronous, statistically predicable data harvesting cycles used to “sync seed" the cloud / grid enhancing net forensics cross cloud / grid as temporally synchronized, shared fee for public / private services.

KEYWORDS: Heartbeat, Beacon, TCP/IP, heartbeat / beacon sub-protocol, synchronicity, interoperability, Public Safety Answering Points – PSAPS, e9-1-1 next generation, network management, forensic network analysis, Six Sigma process, procedures, methodology, , spontaneous integration, network centric warfare, enhanced medical triage by severity zones

The Heart Beacon is the commercial adaptation of Defense Advance Projects Administration / US Army Communication Electronic's Command USA CECOM's Greatest Invention -- the Blue Force Tracker Situational Awareness process for the greater good -- specifically, synchronized situational awareness on a fee for service basis.

PROJECT CATEGORY: situational awareness / communications. The Heart Beacon's 'seed syncing" the cloud for enhanced network effects and net forensic's has the potential of exponential leaps forward in cloud computing efficiencies in context with SYNCHRONIZED shared, cross domain services.

Congressional Directive states "nothing less than network centric homeland security akin to network centric warfare". Federal / military situational awareness (SA) SATCOM, Telco / cable networks supporting First Responder e9-1-1 systems apply 3 common denominators: the TCP/IP heartbeat protocol, heartbeat transponder beacons & heartbeat (XML) schemas / messages conveying network configuration data e.g, router MIBs: multicast group subscriptions -- DIFFERENTLY. The Heart Beacon premise: if net centric warfare procedures can be taught to and executed by soldiers in the fog of war; these procedures can be taught to and executed by Public Safety Professionals for the greater good

HISTORY of the Heart Beacon: When the internet was developed by DARPA (and Al Gore), optional intervals in time were left unassigned to gather data from target platforms / devices. At the time, DARPA did not know what they would use these unused opportunities in time to accomplish. Enter the Army’s Digitization program – division commanders while undergoing evaluation at the National Training Center in the Mojave Desert would develop their plans only to have their communications officer or S-6 (system administrator) tell them that their plans were not supportable since the scheme of maneuver involved adjacent units with routers adapted to support tactical radio links that they did not control. They did not have a means to easily redefine and change network subnets on the fly using the heartbeat sub- protocol and the heartbeat messages developed to propagate router subnet and Domain Name Service changes.

Commander’s responses were to the effect “give us back our pork chops (handsets) then” and our chalk boards (instead of digital screens). Concern over loss of what is now a 100 billion dollar a year business as estimated by Boeing Corporation, the intrepid and patriotic contractors developed the procedures behind Network Centric Warfare typified by Blue Force Tracker (there are seven to 64 of these type systems depending on which 4 star general’s brief to congress you refer). Since there is more than one system, the issue of “jitter” between systems is an issue – which Situational Awareness blip is the authoritative one? Interestingly, e9-1-1 systems use both the heartbeat and heartbeat messages as does the SWIFT financial protocol set up between GW 41 and Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands in 1989. Financial, emergency response and military situational awareness systems use common building blocks – DIFFERENTLY.

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The Heart Beacon is a method of network & systems management supporting interoperability, synergy and synchronicity of situational event, alert, risk / financial, environmental, public n1-1 services. From a UC Berkeley point of view, the UC Berkeley’s SEA GULL protocol is designed to be the focal point of the Heart Beacon. Sea Gull would extend the DHS five color code paradigm into actual multicast radii broadcast in conjunction with intensity, duration and vulnerability logic / data filters using the universally available router / TCP IP heartbeat sub-protocol, and heartbeat messages that operate on every networked device on the planet that is the basis for both military and e9-1-1 emergency operations and also financial protocol (SWIFT) transactions. The opportunity for societal impact globally is to extend and enhance battlefield and DHS Blackberry proven procedures to the public and private sectors for the sake of synchronicity, synergy, and interoperability through the world’s telecommunications router/switch Public Safety Answering Points or PSAPS.

The Heart Beacon is the adaptation of the Army Communication Electronic Command's Greatest Invention that has been in use since before and during the capture of Saddam Hussein and was enhanced for satellite broadcast during the Balkan Conflict.  The template system & greatest invention developed by DARPA by the Army makes use of opportunities in time to gather more state meta data from networked devices to aid "spontaneous integration" of disparate users and groups and "maneuver the network" making changes to router subnets supporting group operations in ways not done in the commercial first response sector since the commercial / public first response sector does not make use of the additional opportunities in time (heart beacon) to harvest state meta data).  The template system developed by the military to support network centric operations was adapted to DHS handhelds prior to 2004 when DHS when live on this procedure supporting its blackberry devices.  The point being made is if military / commercial groups truly intend to collaborate during disasters, they might consider using the same procedures and the same fundamental network building blocks currently applied DIFFERENTLY -- including the financial systems (SWIFT protocol uses heartbeat messages). 

HEART BEACON ENHANCEMENT TO CLOUD COMPUTING. Heart Beat’s intrinsic timing function will synchronize and time stamp data prior to “seeding” it to the cloud (heartbeat protocol is a mini – publish subscribe function). This is needed because once the data is seeded to the cloud, fusion centers must work with the data as harvested / seeded. Service Oriented Architecture SOA products in the cloud provide end to end system heartbeat monitoring the health of applications, and cloud service providers. Once the data is ready to be released from the cloud, selected Beacon technologies will provide NET EFFECTS such as multicast zone increase / decrease based on condition. When the cloud rains, it will then rain when after applications, dbases, and communities of action are SYNCHRONIZED together.

Since the Heart Beacon is a repeatable process directly adapted from the military's Blue Force Tracking, it is a PROCEDURE and is neutral to all communications technology except the internet itself -- i.e., the Vinton Cerf / Defense Advanced Projects Administration DARPA's TCP/IP stack on every networked device on the planet and in space controlled by NASA. The Heartbeat sub-protocol is an opportunity in time to gather state meta data every heartbeat interval. Vinton Cerf and his DARPA team reserved time slots when developing the heartbeat sub-protocol for future use. The US Army in its digitization efforts decided to use the heartbeat sub-protocol as a mini subnet publish-subscribe function to gather data from target devices. Then, they thought of the organization Identification number since the Army usually moves groups / units rather than individual platforms. The Army then devised the Universal Reference Number or URN to uniquely identify units and platforms with the aim to translate unit commander's intent into network mobility equivalents -- "maneuver the network", "spontaneous integration of adhoc units" using military terms. The Heartbeat sub-protocol’s intrinsic timing function will allow synchronous time stamping of state meta data including the once optional and military only gathering of a platform’s Organizational Identification or ORG ID and / or Universal Resource Number URN.

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Applying net discipline in data harvesting prior to injection to fusion or cloud computing centers, will enabled enhanced data analytics, network forensics and net effects such as reorganizing adhoc groups on the fly based on leader / commander’s intent. Sync Seeding the cloud will enable services that offer synchronized, cross cloud / cross enterprise data services on a fee for service basis – Sync Seed the Cloud!


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FIGURE 3: The Healthcare Heart Beacon

Medical surges involve mass casualty alerting and triage techniques. Beacon transponder broadcast protocols such as Sea Gull from U.C. Berkeley University, Boston University’s Project Beacon, CodeBlue MoteTrak: Harvard University / Boston Medical CodeBlue system includes MoteTrack, a system for tracking the location of individual patient devices indoors and outdoors, using radio signal information. FLUX: A Forensic Time Machine for Wireless Networks: enables a typical monitoring infrastructure for forensic data collection, storage and analysis support the recording and retrieval of traffic signatures and environmental observations, considered to be a source of network evidence. Medical triage, alert, evacuation, alternate routing of assets will be adjusted by filters using business logic / mission threads to show multicast radius defined zones. Organizations, entities, platforms, mobile smart phone & sensor equipped devices via router/switch network data heartbeat messages updates will spontaneously integrate connecting adhoc medical task forces among disparate entities maneuvering the network supporting unified operations.

Bio surveillance would improve by improving the consistency of reporting of sensors that may report the same event at different time intervals creating the dilemma of which report from which sensor system is ground truth and which is “memorex”. Depicted alerts by intensity / duration / radius by multicast IP zones according to threshold levels coinciding with the DHS color scheme would improve communicating threat level to impacted areas and communities. As events and alerts are filtered by need to know basis on the battlefield, triage instructions and egress out of the area of non essential personnel while dispatching into the area appropriate first responders will be achieved. Medical surges involve mass casualty alerting and triage techniques and sometimes searching for needles in haystacks. Unique organizational identifiers / universal resource naming would ease this task

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NACCHO CRITERIA The Healthcare Heart BeaconImprove Public Health Workforce Preparedness: This priority may include, but is not limited to, all workforce training and development activities. This comprises the development and delivery of an integrated, competency-based preparedness and response training program tailored to the public health workforce, using such tools as in-person-training and advanced information and interactive distance learning technologies. Examples may include, among others, the development of National Incident Management System (NIMS), Incident Command System (ICS), Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP), as well as other training courses tailored to the public health workforce. It can also encompass training the public health workforce on the use of communications channels and/or training key local public health spokespersons. It may include training for emergency response agencies and/or other appropriate organizations that focus on the roles and responsibilities of public health personnel during emergencies & other aspects of public health preparedness.

The Health Care Heart Beacon is a procedure that can be taught by LHD centers to local health workforce network administrators. The thinking here is that procedures that are taught to soldiers who execute them in chaotic, harsh environments can also be supported by health care professionals operating in similar conditions.

Homeland Security and Evaluation Program: as described above, the Heart Beacon was developed out of the Department of Defense National Training Center crucible and has been since transitioned to DHS Blackberry and other hand held devices. The idea behind the Heart Beacon is to further transition the Heart Beacon process as developed in training -- testing environment to the remainder of the public / private sector with Healthcare leading.

The main use of the heartbeat sub-protocol is in infrastructure failover. The heartbeat is necessarily the foundation of the National Infrastructure Test and Evaluation Center NISAC that is DOE built and DHS funded.

Test and Assess All-Hazards Preparedness and Response Capacity of the LHD and Relevant Response Partners through Events and Exercises: This priority includes, but is not limited to, response to real events and the development of exercise scenarios and exercise design criteria meeting the training needs of the public health workforce and of relevantresponse partners. Exercise scenarios should focus on strengthening public health preparedness and could include discussion-based exercises (seminars, workshops, tabletopexercises, and games) as well as operation-based exercises (drills, functional exercises, and full-scale exercises).3 Furthermore, this priority may include resources for planning HSEEP compliant exercises for public health as well as procedures, practices, and criteria for execution and evaluation of public health-related exercises. Examples can also includecompiling a repository of public health exercises, and providing analyses to help enhance key aspects of public health emergency preparedness. Furthermore, it may include testing risk communication plans and/or communications channels through trainings, drills, and exercises. Finally, this priority may include establishing measures and criteria to evaluate public health system readiness, capacity, capability, and disaster resistance and resilience.

Since DHS already uses the Heart Beacon procedures for its Blackberry and other handheld devices developed and in widespread use for a decade in the military (upgraded to satellite broadcast during the Balkan conflict); plans and exercises that our DOD and DHS employ already make use of the Heart Beacon’s data gathering and heartbeat message network state meta describing messages that are also standards in the telecommunication standards promulgated by the National Emergency Numbering Association NENA used by the nation / world’s Public Safety Answering Points or PSAPS. Additionally, the world’s financial systems such as SWIFT make use of heartbeat messages.

DOD’s Joint Taskforce JTF CapMed in Washington DC, the National Capital Area Medical Simulation Center linked by SAIC’s Public Safety Integration Center PSIC with designated NACCHO and National Center for Healthcare Informatics NCHCI would form the testing nucleus. SAIC is responsible for transitioning the Heart Beacon template system Blue Force Tracker to Future Combat Systems that has already been transitioned to DHS Blackberries. SAIC also provides a DHS product tester for NIMS in a DHS test facility in Kentucky. SAIC is as you know a heath care bell weather.

Strengthen Communications and Information Sharing: This priority may include, but is not limited to, all plans and activities designed to strengthen inter / intra-agency communication & information sharing as well as to communicate w/public. The priority encompasses plans to improve interoperable communications and the timeliness and accuracy of communications regarding threats to the public’s health. Some examples are the implementation of effective, reliable, and redundant communications among appropriate multiple local emergency response agencies, the local public health agency, & other appropriate agencies, combined w/ training in the use of systems & procedures;

The Heart Beacon procedure is useful for a given system (it is the underlying data harvesting engine of the US Army Communication Command’s “Greatest Invention”. What is being proposed here is implementing the universal, ubiquitous heartbeat that exists on every networked device on the planet across programs, agencies to improve information sharing in context with synchronicity, interoperability of data exchange types, and use of common symbols. Accuracy of data is one of the key reasons to adopt the Heart Beacon procedure. The Heart Beacon is not about the accuracy of a single system. It is intended to reduce system jitter at top echelon operation centers that are being fed non synchronous data feeds from many

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development of clear policies regarding authorized uses; & regular testing to ensure operational readiness. Examples include integration of community-based clinical or laboratory electronic record systems with public health data systems in support of early detection of (and management of data about) incidents. This priority comprises, but is not limited to, the development & delivery of timely health information to public key partners during a health emergency, & ID of appropriate channels for effective communication.Strengthening Partnership Building and Collaboration Capacities and Capabilities: This priority may include, but is not limited to, plans & strategies for establishing, maintaining, and expanding partnerships and collaboration with all relevant stakeholders. This can include, among others, integrating local plans with state and regional plans; conducting assessments of local public health system capacities and capabilities related to emergency preparedness and response in partnership with relevant stakeholders; and establishing a strategic leadership, direction, and coordination process of local preparedness and response activities. This category can also include resources and strategies for establishing and/or strengthening partnerships with the first responder community (e.g., public safety, hospitals and medical community, fire, law enforcement, etc.) as well as state health department, academia, etc. Examples could also include plans for implementing the National Incident Management System and the National Response Framework locally or regionally. Applicantsmust demonstrate strategies for expanding regional collaboration and linking with other identified “model” sites and neighboring LHDs. Examples may include establishing multi-sector and cross-geographic relationships; regional approaches to planning, including reaching out to rural communities; strategies for identifying gaps in coordination and areas whererelationships could be strengthened; and/or methods for building mentoring relationships with peers and initiating information sharing & exchange opportunities.

similar systems. Which is live and which is Memorex so to speak. Talking to early warning, the Heart Beacon resolves the mass casualty scenario resulting from an aircraft striking a populated building because it could not be targeted quickly enough since for example, the air tracks sent through the PSAPS today need time and error inducing gateway conversion resulting in too slow 30 second screen scrapes. Speaking to identification of appropriate channels, the Heart Beacon leverages filtering techniques developed for sorting info by need to know etc. Collaboration with all relevant stakeholders. The Heart Beacon follows the Blue Force Tracker template system’s workflow rules over multicast IP broadcast publish – subscribe paradigm where groups, platforms, and users subscribe to data feeds (i.e., Blue Live Feed) that is delivered based on need to know and filtered based on organizational roles. Workflow rules / military messaging mission threads contain the logic used by the individual systems to route information to those needing the information and filtering information from those who do not have requisite privileges i.e., soldiers in the field whose clearances have yet to be approved are restricted from certain types of intelligence information.

National Incident Management System: The Heart Beacon fundamentally is a system management function where system managers use state management data sent via heartbeat messages to manage router subnets that define group membership and affiliation to the group’s organizational structure. Group, platform, user “Adds, splits, joins” are typical functions that are managed by system administrators.

National Response Framework: The Heart Beacon is modeled after a framework that is in widespread use supporting the majority of organization’s daily office routine. Microsoft’s FusionX: an intelligence fusion center architecture, as the foundation with InfoPath / Biztalk with AgileDelta’s Efficient XML mobile information client / module embedded in InfoPath as the template / forms engine enabling users to activate / react to all hazards using every day tools – e.g., Microsoft Office with Groove Network’s Groove Framework. Groove provides underlying framework for DHS HISN.

Improve Bio-surveillance and Disease Detection and Investigation: This priority area includes, but is not limited to, strategies for strengthening bio-surveillance and diseasedetection and investigation capacities and capabilities. Examples may include establishing criteria and resources for systematic monitoring processes and procedures, methods for data collection, analysis, and dissemination of relevant data. Examples may also include procedures to decrease the time needed to classify health events as terrorism or naturally occurring in partnership with other agencies & procedures to decrease the time needed to detect and report agents in tissue, food, or environmental samples causing threats to the public’s health. In addition, examples may include skills enhancement for detection and investigation professionals; delivering/implementing/customizing/evaluating PHIN compliant tools, methods, guidance, & protocols to improve investigation and response; and/or PHIN compliant, cross-cutting surveillance systems such as

Bio surveillance would improve by improving the consistency of reporting of sensors that may report the same event at different time intervals creating the dilemma of which report from which sensor system is ground truth and which is “memorex”. Since there are anywhere from seven to 64 Blue Force Tracker systems reporting situational awareness updates to say the Pentagon’s tank, after the data has been time tagged and entered into fusion centers, it is problematic if not impossible to sort out duplicative or conflicting reports prior to posting the data to the 4 star commander’s who must make a judgment call (best guess) as to which system on which screen by swivel chairing back and forth between systems – not an optimal methodology.

Beacon technologies of which there are dozens operate in the millisecond range compared with typical 30 second web page portal screen scrapes. These technologies can be selected based on desired effect.

Use of the Heart Beacon method derived from network

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emergency department, provider, or hospital discharge reporting. Finally, it can include resources that will help LHDs incorporate their data into the national “common operating picture .”

centric warfare is essential to achieving the “grail” or the Single Integrated Operational Picture / Family of Interoperable Operational Pictures.

Improve Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Preparedness Capacities and Capabilities: This priority includes strategies for strengthening chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive detection, response, and decontamination capacities and capabilities. This priority may also include strategies for increasing the use and development of interventions known to prevent human illness from chemical, biological, and radiological agents.

Depicted alerts by intensity / duration / radius by multicast IP zones according to threshold levels coinciding with the DHS color scheme would improve communicating threat level to impacted areas and communities. As events and alerts are filtered by need to know basis on the battlefield, triage instructions and evacuation our of the area of non essential personnel while dispatching appropriate first responders will be improved.

Improve Stockpiling, Distributing, and Dispensing of Mass Medical Countermeasures: This priority includes, but is not limited to, plans and strategies for improving mass medicalCounter-measure stockpiling, distribution, and dispensing. Examples strategies for employing both “push” and “pull” mechanisms for distributing medical countermeasures to a variety of populations during a public health emergency. Encompasses plans for distributing & dispensing medical countermeasures from the Strategic National Stockpile & other assets. Includes establishing procedures, criteria, & standards for managing Points of Dispensing in different jurisdictions.

The military’s approach of smart push and user pull is a core component of the Heart Beacon method. The heartbeat sub-protocol is intrinsically a publish-subscribe mechanism that harvests state meta data from target devices and places this data in queues, files, caches.. for onward delivery of more sophisticated mechanisms such as the DOD’s Horizontal Fusion program (publish-subscribe based) and the Defense Information Systems Agency Service Oriented Architecture product that employs an “end to end system wide heartbeat”. In use for a decade, these network centric warfare based procedures can be adapted for cross domain use having been adapted by the DHS Blackberry devices in 2004.

Improving Medical Surge Capacity and Capability: This priority area includes, but is not limited to, all plans and strategies for enhancing and optimizing medical surge capacity duringa public health emergency. It could also include, among others, identifying and establishing mass casualty care strategies, procedures, and practices. This priority encompasses all strategies & plans to help enhance ability to respond to an increase in demand or a decrease in supply, or to an increase in demand with a concurrent decrease in supply. Examples may include establishing a management system for medical and health resources during a large scale emergency; strategies for managing local & regional assets; & integrating assetswith state resources, with other response disciplines, & across a range of capacities. It also includes identifying and managing alternate care sites and resources as well as converting a range of facilities into standardized mass care centers.

Depicted alerts by intensity / duration / radius by multicast IP zones according to threshold levels coinciding with the DHS color scheme would improve communicating threat level to impacted areas and communities. As events and alerts are filtered by need to know basis on the battlefield, triage instructions and evacuation our of the area of non essential personnel while dispatching appropriate first responders will be improved. The Heart Beacon methodology has proven useful in DOD and DHS applications. However, single system use is not the impetus behind adopting battlefield proven techniques. The Heart Beacon emphasizes cross system, cross domain synchronicity to include common data exchange formats. Again, the grail of the Single Integrated Operational Picture is not possible now or in the future (IPV6 is also heartbeat sub-protocol based) without using the opportunities in time to synchronously gather and disseminate state meta data such as moving, at halt, straggler, universal ID.

Strengthening Outreach to Vulnerable Populations: This priority encompasses, among others, plans and strategies for providing specific support and care to vulnerable populations during a variety of events. It can include establishing specific resources, methods, and tactics to assist populations that may not be able to access or use traditional disaster preparedness planning resources. This priority may also include establishing measures and criteria to evaluate public health system capacity and readiness to address vulnerable populations’ needs. Additionally, it can include risk communication strategies tailored to vulnerable populations & strategies for sheltering, evacuation and/or distributing medical countermeasures to

The Heart Beacon was designed for low band width IP radio nets in areas lacking permanent network infrastructure i.e., typical of rural areas. Traditional evacuation techniques are developed for areas supported by cellular, microwave or cable / fiber. The Heart Beacon was designed to work in and protect the low bandwidth links of 220 Kbps or lower.

Medical surges involve mass casualty alerting and triage techniques and sometimes searching for needles in haystacks. Unique organizational identifiers / universal resource naming would ease this task.

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vulnerable populations during a public health emergency. Enhancing Mass Fatality Management: This priority may include, among others, all plans and strategies addressing the development of local, multi-jurisdictional, and/or regionalguidelines for mass fatality management during a medical surge related to a natural or manmade disaster. This comprises of providing all stakeholders involved in mass fatality 4 For more information visit: management (e.g., medical examiner/coroner; personnel operating at an incident site such as fire and police; funeral and hospital personnel; mental health personnel; elected and schoolofficials, etc.) with public health-specific procedures and guidelines for a mass fatality event. It may also involve establishing guidance on recovery, handling, and disposition of human remains as well as on infection and other health and safety threats during a mass fatality event.

Medical surges involve mass casualty alerting and triage techniques. Beacon transponder broadcast protocols such as Sea Gull from U.C. Berkeley University, Boston University’s Project Beacon, CodeBlue MoteTrak: Harvard University / Boston Medical CodeBlue system includes MoteTrack, a system for tracking the location of individual patient devices indoors and outdoors, using radio signal information. FLUX: A Forensic Time Machine for Wireless Networks: enables a typical monitoring infrastructure for forensic data collection, storage and analysis supports the recording and retrieval of traffic signatures and environmental observations, considered to be a source of network evidence. SABER (Situational Awareness BEacon with Reply)

Strengthening Public Health Critical Infrastructure Protection: This priority may include, but is not limited to, all plans, strategies, criteria, and guidelines for identifying bothphysical and cyber-based systems, and for assessing and addressing public health critical infrastructure vulnerabilities. Includes identifying, generating, and promoting counter measures, response strategies, and/or corrective actions tailored to public health critical infrastructures. This priority area may encompass developing multi-jurisdictional and/or regional plans, & personnel and equipment response packages to improve interoperability of mission-essential assets & systems.

Medical triage, alert, evacuation, alternate routing of assets will be adjusted by filters using business logic / mission threads to show multicast radius defined zones. Organizations, entities, platforms, mobile smart phone & sensor equipped devices via router/switch network data heartbeat messages updates will spontaneously integrate connecting adhoc medical task forces among disparate entities maneuvering the network supporting unified operational, financial, disaster, humanitarian & situation awareness events / alerts e9-1-1 // n 1-1 Public Services.

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The Heart Beacon as Command and Control Management Enhancement Module to FCC National Broadband Plan

BOX 16-1: USING BROADBAND TO IMPROVE EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSECardiologist Richard Katz knows the life-saving potential of broadband. During an FCC field hearing at Georgetown University Medical Center, the George Washington University (GWU) professor of medicine vividly detailed how wireless broadband technologies can help him provide emergency medical care. A "smart band-aid" attached to an accident victim's chest or wrist can detect vital signs and wirelessly transmit this information to Dr. Katz over GWU's mVisum network. He can receive electrocardiograms of "pristine" quality on his cell phone. And he can use his phone to access patient medical records and disseminate emergency messages and alerts. In short, broadband technologies allow Dr. Katz to integrate aspects of medical care, improving his ability to offer assistance during a disaster or other emergency.

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Presented at the 10th Annual Network Centric Warfare / Net Enabled Operations Conference 2010

Presented 3rd Annual Systems of Systems Center of Excellence SoSCE Conference co-sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST, & Northern Command NORTHCOM, and NORAD in May 2009.

Abstract accepted by TIEMS: International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS) June 08 Theme: "Global Cooperation in Emergency and Disaster Management"

Presented at the International Community for information systems for crisis response management ISCRAM 2008: Creating Advanced Systems for Inter-organizational Information Sharing and Collaboration 4 – 7 May 2008

Unsolicited Proposal submitted through the Small Business Office Department of Homeland Security 9 November, 2007: TITLE: The International Heartbeat Beacon for Homeland Defense synchronicity and interoperability

Presented at the International Conference of Complex Systems ICCS June 2006:

US PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER 11/601,035 filed 11/17/2006, US-2008-0109470-A1. 05/08/2008 Title: Method to enable The Heartbeat Beacon for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense Interoperability

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Web: http://sawconcepts.comSecure E-Form:

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Health Information Exchange of Montana (HIEM): HIEM will demonstrate best of breed healthcare practice and lead standardization efforts in the area of data aggregation and data distributed by workflow enhancements and disease management functionality by reuse of their pilot targeted at filling present gaps in data, enhancement of clinical communications, alerts (reminders) to adhoc, distributed clinical teams propagating in a standard manner patient data updates. HEIM will lead standardization of workflow (Fig 2) enhancements to improve clinical workflow (the template system is essentially workflow over multicast) and fill gaps for non-automated participants (secure messaging, forms and notes, alerts and reminders). HIEM will focus on standardizing Community-specific disease management tools for improving the quality of community health care delivery (dashboards and flow sheets) (Fig 1a, 1b center) enhanced by using Universal Resource Naming URN and Organizational Identification ID. Data exchange with the State’s health exchange, HealthShare Montana will be the standardization hub community for the health care information technology community.