the gospel of judas - · the gospel...

© The Maecenas Foundation for Ancient Art, April 2006 The Gospel of Judas Coptic text established by Rodolphe Kasser and Gregor Wurst The Coptic transcription made available in this online edition is a preliminary edition of the Coptic text of the Gospel of Judas from Codex Tchacos. The transcription is dated to February 2006, and it has served as the basis for the English translation published in the book: The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst with Additional Commentary by Bart D. Ehrman. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 2006. The on-going work of reconstruction and the emergence of new fragments of Codex Tchacos, with readings previously available to the editors only in photographs, will lead to minor textual changes in the critical edition of Codex Tchacos, which is scheduled to be published by the National Geographic Society in the fall of 2006. Textual signs: a A dot placed beneath a letter indicates that the reading of the letter is very uncertain. A dot on the line indicates illegible traces of a letter. { } Square brackets indicate a lacuna in the manuscript. Such a lacuna may be restored with Coptic letters within the square brackets, if a restoration of a lacuna is judged by the editors to be plausible. Otherwise, dots are placed within the square brackets to indicate the approximate number of letters missing. In the case of larger lacunae, the space between the brackets is left blank. % & Pointed brackets indicate a correction suggested by the editors of a scribal omission or error. While scribal omissions are corrected in the Coptic text, a scribal error will be corrected in a footnote. { } Braces indicate letters or words erroneously added by the scribe of the codex. vac(at) The Latin expression vacat “it is void” indicates space left blank by the scribe of the codex. Letters inserted above the manuscript line by the scribe or an ancient corrector are not presented differently in this preliminary edition. Supralinear strokes are reproduced when attested or visible in the manuscript, and they have been standardized to a degree with regard to their position. In the case of restored text between square brackets, the editors have adopted the system of supralineation used in classic Sahidic manuscripts.

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Page 1: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe

© The Maecenas Foundation for Ancient Art, April 2006

The Gospel of Judas Coptic text established by

Rodolphe Kasser and Gregor Wurst

The Coptic transcription made available in this online edition is a preliminary edition of the Coptic text of the Gospel of Judas from Codex Tchacos. The transcription is dated to February 2006, and it has served as the basis for the English translation published in the book:

The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst with Additional Commentary by Bart D. Ehrman. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 2006.

The on-going work of reconstruction and the emergence of new fragments of Codex Tchacos, with readings previously available to the editors only in photographs, will lead to minor textual changes in the critical edition of Codex Tchacos, which is scheduled to be published by the National Geographic Society in the fall of 2006.

Textual signs:

a A dot placed beneath a letter indicates that the reading of the letter is very uncertain.

… A dot on the line indicates illegible traces of a letter. { } Square brackets indicate a lacuna in the manuscript. Such a lacuna may be

restored with Coptic letters within the square brackets, if a restoration of a lacuna is judged by the editors to be plausible. Otherwise, dots are placed within the square brackets to indicate the approximate number of letters missing. In the case of larger lacunae, the space between the brackets is left blank.

% & Pointed brackets indicate a correction suggested by the editors of a scribal omission or error. While scribal omissions are corrected in the Coptic text, a scribal error will be corrected in a footnote.

{ } Braces indicate letters or words erroneously added by the scribe of the codex. vac(at) The Latin expression vacat “it is void” indicates space left blank by the scribe

of the codex.

Letters inserted above the manuscript line by the scribe or an ancient corrector are not presented differently in this preliminary edition. Supralinear strokes are reproduced when attested or visible in the manuscript, and they have been standardized to a degree with regard to their position. In the case of restored text between square brackets, the editors have adopted the system of supralineation used in classic Sahidic manuscripts.

Page 2: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


plogo{s} etàhp‘ Ntapofa 1 sis N{ta ç}H —s éaèe mN çoydas 2

{pi}skarivt{hs} NàhtW vac N 3 {é}moyn nàooy àa uh Néo 4 {m}nT nàooy empatewR 5

pasxa Ntarewoyvnä e 6 bol àièM pkaà aweire nàN 7 maçn mN àNnoq Né{p}hre 8

epeyèaç NtmNtrv{m}e : 9 ayv à—oçne men ey{moo}ée 10 àN teàih ntdikaios{y}nh : 11

ànkooye eymooée {à}n tey 12 parabasis : aymoy{te} de : 13 epmNtsnooys m{ma}uh 14

ths awarè{ei} néa{è}e nM 15 may eMmysthri{o}n etài 16 èN pkosmos ayv netna 17

évpe éabol oyhpe de 18 {n}sop‘ mawoyonàW enew 19 mauhths alla Nà—rot >– 20

éakà—e erow àN teymhte 21 ayv awévpe àN <oydaia 22 éa newmauhths noyà—o 23

{o}y awàe erooy eyàmoos 24 eysooyä eyR gymnaze 25 etmNtnoyte nterew 26

t{vm}t enewmauhths > 27

Page 3: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


eysooyà eyàmoos {e}yR eyxa 1 risti eèn partos {aw}svbe 2

Mmauhth{s de} peèay naw {èe} 3 psa—à etbe oy ksvbe nsa t{en} 4 eyxaristia pntanr oy p{e} 5

petesée : {vac} awoyvéW p{e} 6 èaw nay eeisvbe NsvtN 7 an {oy}de etneire1 Mpaei an 8

àN {pe}tNoyvé alla àN paç 9 e{wnaè}i smoy Nqi petNnoy 10 te { : vac}at peèay èe ps—a—à ntok‘ 11

…… {……} … pe péhre Mpennoy 12 te { : vac}at peèaw nay nqi çhs 13 èe e{tet}nsooyne mmoei 14

àN oy {à}amhn {<}èv mmos nh 15 tN è{e} mn lao{y}e ngenea na 16 soyvnT àN Nrvme etnàht 17

thytN Nteroysvtm {d}e : 18 epaç Nqi newmauhths a{y} 19 arèei naganaktei : ayv e {±……} 20

orgh ayv eèi oya erow àN 21 peyàht : i–H—s de Nterew 22 nay eteymnt‘auht {peèaw} 23

nay èe etbe oy apétortR 24 Npqvnt petNnoyte etN 25 àhtthytN ayv n{ew ± …………} 26

1 Read: e%te&tneire.

Page 4: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


ayagan{ak}ti mn netncyxh 1 pet{t}a{èr}hy Nà{h}tthytN NN 2

rvme vac ma{rewer} parage Mprv 3 {me} ntelios ayv nwvàe ratW 4 MpeMto ebol mpaprosv 5

pon ayv ayèoos throy èe 6 tNèoor ayv Mpeé peyp—n—a 7 tolma evà—e ratW M{pew}M : 8

to ebol eimh çoydas {pis}ka 9 rivths : awqm qom men {e}v 10 àe rat—w MpewMto eb{ol} : M 11

pewqm qom de eqvéT {eà}Oyn 12 eà—raw Nnewbal : al{la N}taw 13 kte à—raw epaà—oy : {peèa}w naw 14

Nqi çoydas èe <so{o}yne èe 15 Ntk nim ayv Ntak{e}i ebol : 16 àNn aé Mma : Ntakei ebol àN 17

paivn NtB–A–R–B–H–L–V paua 18 natos ayv pentawtaoyok 19 paç ete N<Mpéa an Ntaoyo 20

Mpewran , vac çH–S de ewsooyne 21 èewmeoye epkeseepe et 22 èose peèaw naw : pvrü 23

ebol Mmooy : taèv erok N 24 Mmysthrion NtmNtero 25 oyn qom èe ekebvk emay 26

alla èe ekeaé aà—om Nàoyo 27

Page 5: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


èe oyN kaioy{a} gar {n}aévpe 1 epekma à–ina èe e{re p}mn—t 2

snooys Ns{boyç} on eye 3 èvk‘ ebol àN peynoyte { : } 4 ayv peèaw naw Nqi çO–Y–D–A–s 5

èe ekaèe naç eroç naé N 6 à—ooy ayv nwéae Nqi pno{q} 7 Nà{oo}y Mpoyoçn Ntgene 8

a {………………} 2 : naç de nterew 9 èo{o}y awlo àathw nqi i–H—s 10 év{r}p‘ de nterewévpe 11

aw{oyv}nà ebol Nnewmauh 12 ths { : ay}v peèay naw èe psa{à} 13 Nta{kb}vk etvn ekr oy e 14

aklo à—{a}ron : peèaw nay nq{i} 15 çH—s èe Ntaeibvk éa kainoq 16 Ngenea esoyaab : peèay 17

naw Nqi newmauhths èe : 18 pèoçs aé te tnoq Ngenea 19 etèose eron ayv etoyaab 20

ensàN neçaivn an : tenoy 21 ayv nterewsvtm enaç Nqi 22 çH—s awsvbe : peèaw nay èe 23

aàrvtN tetNmeoye àN pe 24 tNàht etbe tgenea et 25 èoor ayv etoyaab >>>> 26

2 Perhaps restore to read: gene|a {Naé Nàe} or: gene{a N}|a{é Nàooy}.

Page 6: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


{à}amhn {<}è{v} mmos nhtN èe 1 {è}po nim {Nte p}eeiaivn Nse 2

nanay a{n etgenea} etMmay 3 {o}yde mn laoye nstratia nag 4 gelos NNsioy naR ero eèN tge 5

nea etMmay : oyde mN laoye 6 nèpo nrvme nunhtos naé 7 ei nMmas vac èe {tg}ene{a et}mmay 8

noy ebol an {………} …… {……………} e N 9 tawévpe … {……………} s … {…… tge} 10 nea nnrvm{e et}nàht{thytN} 11

oyebol àN t{ge}nea N{tmNt} 12 rvme te : e … { } 13 ………… qom et { àNko} 14

oye Ndynam{is } 15 etetNo Nrro àr{aei} n{àhtoy} 16 NteroysvtM enaç Nqi n{ew} 17

mauhths ayétortR à—{n pey} 18 p—n—a oya oya MpoyqN u{e e} 19 èoos èe oy : awei éaro{oy N} 20

kaiàooy Nqi çH—s peèay n{aw èe} 21 psa—à annay erok‘ àN oy{nay} 22 annay gar eàNnoq Nra{soy} 23

{Ntei}oyéh Ntaoyein {………} 24 {peèaw è}e etbe oy Nta {………} 25 {…………………} atNàap‘3 thyt{N >>} 26

3 Read: e}a%te&tNàap‘.

Page 7: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


Ntooy de p{eèa}y {èe an}na{y} 1 eynoq nh{ç} e{re oyn}oq nuy{si} 2

asthr{ion NàhtW ay}v mnt{s} 3 nooys Nrvme enèv Mmo{s} 4 èe Noyhhb ne : ayv oyran 5

oyn oymhhée de proskar 6 terei [epeuysiasthri] epe 7 uy{sia}sth{ri}on etMmay >>>> 8

é{antoy ……… eb}ol nqi Noyhhb 9 {Nseèi eàoyn N}néMée anon 10 {de ne}npro{ska}rteri pe >>> 11

{peèa}w Nqi ç{H—s} èe àNaé Mmi 12 {ne ne Noyhhb} Ntooy de 13 {peèay èe àoei}ne men ey 14

{ àe}bdomas sNte 15 {àNkooye} de eyR uysiase N 16 {ne}yéhre Mmin Mmooy : àN 17

{ko}oye Nneyà–iome eysmoy 18 {ay}v eyu—bbihy Nneyerhy >> 19 {àN}kooye eyNkotke mN Nào 20

{oy}t : àNkooye eyR àvb efv 21 {tB} vac àNkekooye eyeire noy 22 {mh}hée Nnobe ài anomia >> 23

{ay}v nrvme etvà—e r{atoy} 24 {eè}N peuysiasthrio{n eyR} 25 {e}pikalei epekr{an >>>} 26

Page 8: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


ayv ey{à}N n{e}àbhoye throy 1 Mpeyévvt {e}é{a}ymoyä nqi 2

neuys{ia ………………… et}Mmay : 3 ayv naç Nteroyèooy a{y}ka 4 rvoy eyétRtvr : peèaw 5

nay Nqi çH—s èe etbe oy ate 6 tNétortR : à—amhn <èv : 7 Mmos nhtN èe Noyh{hb} th 8

roy etvà—e ratoy eè{N pe}uy 9 siasthrion etmmay e{yR} epi 10 kale{i} Mparan : ayv o{n} <èv 11

Mmos nhtN èe ntays{à}aç 12 Mparan epeei …… ç Nngenea 13 Nnsioy ebol à—{i}tN ngenea 14

nnrvme : vacat {ay}v {a}ytvqe 15 àm paran NàNé{h}n natkar 16 pos ayv àN oyéipe : 17

peèaw nay Nqi çH—s èe NtvtN 18 Nnetèi4 eà—oyn NNéMée 19 epeuysiasthrion Ntate 20

tNnay erow : vac petMmay : 21 pe p—n—< etetNéMée naw 22 ayv pmNtsnooyS Nrvme 23

NtatetNnay erooy NtvtN 24 pe : ayv NtBnooye etoy 25 eine Mmooy eàoyn Nuysia 26

NtatetNnay erooy ne : e 27 te pmhhée pe etetNplana 28

4 Read: netèi.

Page 9: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


Mmow eèN p{e}uy{si}asthri 1 on etm{ma}y {wn}a{v}àe ratW 2

Nq{i ± ……………………………} mos5 ayv 3 u{e} te taei etWnar xrasuai 4 Mparan vac ayv senar pros 5

karterei erow Nqi %N&genea > 6 N{N}eysebhs : mnNsa paç > 7 oy{n} kairvme naparista N 8

n{rewp}o{r}ne{ye : } ayv kaioya 9 w{na}parà—ista NNrewàatb 10 é{hr}e kaioya de nnrewnko 11

kte mN àoo{yt} : mN netnh 12 stey{e} : a{y}v pkesepe na 13 kauar{si}a à{i} anomia : ài pla 14

nh : a{y}v n{e}tèv Mmos èe 15 anon ànà—isos naggelos >> 16 ayv Ntooy ne Nsioy etèvk 17

ebol Nàvb nim : ayèoos gar 18 NNgenea NNrvme èe eis : 19 àhhte apnoyte éep te 20

tNuysia Ntootoy noyh 21 hb ete paei pe pdiakonos 22 Nteplanh : pèoeis de e : 23

toyeàsa—àne paç eto Nü–S 24 eèN pthrW àraç àN fae N 25 àooy senaèpiooy >>>>> 26

>>>— 27

5 Perhaps restore to read: Nq{i parxvn Mpikos}mos

Page 10: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


peèaw {nay N}qi çH–S èe à—v erv 1 tN Nuy{siase ±……} … {………} e {………} oy 2

e Ntate{tN- …………………………àr}aç 3 à–ièN peuysiasth{ri}on {e}yà–i 4 èN netNsioy mN net{Na}gge 5

los eayérp èvk ebol {M}may 6 maroyévpe qe eyévnt‘6 7 naà—rhtN ayv Nseé{e n}ey 8

{ } …… {………} N 9 10 11

12 13 14

15 16 17

18 19 20

21 22 23

engenea 24 {………} mn éqom noyartoko 25 {pos} eR trefe Ntektisis7 26

6 The reading of évnt‘ is very uncertain. 7 The lower part of this page (lines 10-26) is physically missing. Thus far, the editors have had access only to photographic evidence of poor quality of a lower part of a page, which might represent this missing part of page 41. Only the last lines are clearly legible.

Page 11: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


thrS euaro{s Ntpe} ayv 1 n {± ………………………………} m erooy 2

N {± ………………………………} … ayv N (?) 3 è {……} ……………… : eron ayv 4 n {……} oy ……… peèaw nay > 5

n{qi} çH—s èe alvtn tetnév 6 è{e} nMmaç oynte poya poy 7 a {Mm}vtN {p}ewsioy Mmay 8

a{yv} oyo{n nim ---9

about 17 lines missing

Page 12: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


àN t {………} … {……} ana< {…} … Ntaw 1 ei anet { p}hgh mp 2

éhn N {………………} …… {………………} ç 3 ros mpeeiaivn ………… {………} N 4 sa oyoeié ………………… {………} > 5

alla Ntawei etso Mppa{ra}dei 6 sos Mpnoyte ayv p{ge}nos 7 etnamoyn eb{o}l èe {Nwn}a > 8

èvàm an ntqinm{ooée N}<ge 9 nea etMmay vac al{la ± ………………} 10 pe èn eneà néa e{neà : pe} 11

èaw Nqi çoydas na{w èe àrabb}ei : 12 èe aé Nkarpos pe{te}oyntasw 13 Nqi teeigenea : p{e}èaw Nqi 14

çH—s èe genea nim nrvme se 15 namoy Nqi neycy{x}h nai de 16 Ntooy àotan eyéanèvk 17

ebol mpeoyoeié Ntmnte 18 ro ayv Nte pep—n—a pvrè e 19 bol Mmooy : neysvma men 20

senamoy vac neycyxh de se 21 natanà—ooy ayv Nsewitoy 22 eàraç : vac peèaw Nqi çoydas 23

èe eynar oy qe Nqi pkesee 24 pe Ngenea NNrvme : peèaw 25 Nqi çH—S èe oyatqom pe > 26

Page 13: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


etèo eèN oy{p}et{ra} Nseèi 1 ney{kar}pos { : tae}ç on te ue 2

oyn {………} … n … {± ……………} mpgenos 3 {etèoà}m mN tsofia Nfuarth 4 {± ……} tqiè Ntatamie rvme 5

{N}unhtos Nte neycyxh 6 {b}vk eà—rai enaivn età–i pévç 7 à{amh}n <èv Mmos nhtN 8

è{e ………………} oy {……} … {… ag}gelos 9 {±…………… d}ynamis : naé nay 10 {± ………… et}mmay : naç etere 11

… {± ……………} ngenea etoyaab 12 … {± ………… e}rooy : naç Ntere{w} 13 èooy {Nq}i çH—s awbvk vacat 14

peèaw {N}qi çoydas èe psa—à N 15 ue Nt{a}ksvtM erooy thro{y} 16 svtM àvt on eroç : aeinay 17

gar eynoq Nà—oroma : çH—s de 18 NterewsvtM awsvbe pe 19 èaw naw èe aà—rok‘ kR gymna 20

ze v? pme—àmnTIG %N&daimvn 21 alla éaèe à—vvk‘ taanexe 22 Mmok‘vac peèaw naw Nqi çoy 23

das èe açnay eroç àM foro 24 ma ere pmntsnooys mma 25 uhths à–i vne eroei se : 26

Page 14: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


pht {Nsvei Mpé}a ayv ae{i}ei on 1 epma e { } Nsv—k 2

aeinay e{oyhei8 } s ay 3 v pewéi nabal naé{éitW} an 4 nere àNnoq de Nrvme k{v}te 5

erow pe ayv neoy%NtW oy&stegh noy 6 ote pe Nqi phei etMm{ay} : ay 7 v àN tmhte Mphç er{e oy}mh 8

{hée } …– { } k‘ 9 { } ée {…………} e èe 10 ps—a—à éopT‘ àv eào{yn m}n nirv 11

me : awoyvéB Nqi {çS} peèaw 12 èe apeksioy pla{na} Mmok‘ 13 v? çoyda : ayv èe NwMpéa 14

an Nqi peèpo Nrv{m}e nim 15 Nunhton : ebvk eàoyn e 16 phei Ntaknay erow èe pto 17

pos gar etMmay Ntow pe 18 toyareà erow Nnetoyaab 19 pma ete Mpr—h : mN poo—à : 20

naR ero Mmay an oyde peà—o 21 oy : alla eynavà—e ratoy N 22 oyoeié nim àM paivn mN : 23

nœnaggelos etoyaab : eis : 24 àhhte aeièv erok Nmmy> 25 sthrion NtmNtero >>— 26

8 For the restoration cf. line 17.

Page 15: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


ayv açtsabok {Ntepl}anh > 1 NNs{i}oy {:} ay{v ±……………} tnooys 2

N … {± ………………………………} te eèN >> 3 pm{Nts}nooys nnaivn >>>– 4 peèa{w} nqi çoydas èe psa—à mh 5

pote à—v pasperma àypotas 6 s{e} nnarxvn awoyvéB Nqi 7 çS {pe}èaw naw èe amoy Nta 8

é {± ………} Mmo{k} è{e ±…………………} 9 1 line missing 10

er {……… a}lla èe ekeévpe e 11

kaé {aào}m Nà—oyo eknay e 12 tmn{te}ro mN tesgenea 13 thrS { : } naç NterewsvtM 14

eroo{y} Nqi çoydas peèaw 15 naw èe oy pe peà—oyo Nta 16 eièitW èe akporèT etge 17

nea etMmay : awoyvéB 18 Nqi çH—S peèaw èe knaév 19 pe Mme—àm—n—tI–G vac ayv >> 20

knaévpe eksà—oyorT à–i 21 tN pkesepe Ngenea ay 22 v knaévpe ekarèi eèv 23

oy Nàaeoy nneà—ooy se 24 nak‘ayv %N&nekkth epévç 25 >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>>> 26

Page 16: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


etge{nea et}oyaab : {p}eèaw 1 Nqi çH—s è{e amo}y Nta{ts}abok 2

etbe n {± ………………………………} poy9 3 nay er{o}oy nqi lao {vac ye} Nrv 4 me wéoop‘ gar Nqi o vac {yn}oq nai 5

vn ayv oyatarhèW vac pete 6 Mpeslaoye sic! Ngene vac a N{a}gge 7 los nay epewéi ere {oyn}oq 8

Mp{N—a} naà—ora{t}on {Nàht}W 9 paç e{t}e Mpebal na{ggelo}s > 10 nay erow : oyde Mp{e m}eye 11

Nàht éapW oyde mpoymoy 12 te erow Nlaoye {N}ran >>> 13 ayv asoyvnä ebo{l} mpma e 14

tmmay Nqi oyklo{o}le Noyo 15 çn vac ayv peèaw èe [èe] marew 16 évpe Nqi oyaggelos eta 17

parastasis : ayv awei ebol 18 àN tekloole Nqi oynoq nag 19 gelos paytogenhs pnoy 20

te Mpoyoçn ayv ayév 21 pe etbhtW Nqi kaiwtooy 22 naggelos : ebol àitn kai 23

qhpe : ayv ayévpe etpa 24 rastasis Mpaytogenhs : 25 naggelos : vac ayv peèaw : 26

9 Perhaps restore to read: n{euhp naei ete M}poy.

Page 17: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


Nqi p{a}yto{genhs èe } marew 1 évp{e} Nqi … {±……………} ayv asév 2

pe {± …………………………} os ayv : 3 awt{amio} MpéoRp‘ mfvsthr 4 etr{ew} vac R ero eàraç eèvw : ay 5

v peè vac aw èe maroyévpe : 6 N{qi à}n vac aggelos eyéMée : 7 n{aw : ay}v ayévpe Nqi àN 8

t{ba N}athpe : ayv {pe}èaw 9 èe {mar}ewévpe Nq{i oya}i 10 vn Noyoçn ayv awévpe 11

awtaà{—o} Mpmeàsnay Nfv 12 sthr : {er e}ro eàraç eèvw > 13 mN àNtba naggelos nath 14

pe eyéMée ayv ue te taei 15 Ntawtamio Mpkeseepe > 16 Nnaivn Mpoyoçn ayv aw 17

toyR ero eàraç eèvoy ay 18 v awtamio nay NàNtba nag 19 gelos nathpe eteyàyph 20

resia : ayv newéoop Nqi 21 A—D—A—M—A—S àN téorP Nqhpe 22 Nte poyoçn taei ete Mpes sic! 23

laoye naggelos nay eros 24 àN naç etoymoyte erooy 25 throy èe noyte : ayv aw 26

Page 18: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


ayv10 { e} 1 tMmay { } 2

uikvn { } 3 ayv kata pine np{eeiag} 4 gelos : vac awoyonä t{genea} 5

nafuartos Ns—H–u {±………………} 6 Mpmntsnooys {±…………………} 7 NèoyT{a}wte : … {±…………………} 8

awoyonä éwesno{oys} 9 Nfvsthr àN tgen{ea n}a > 10 fuartos àM poy{v}é Mpe 11

p—n—a peéwesn{ooy}s de àv 12 oy Mfv{s}thr a{yo}yonä, 13 t–J ebol Nfvsthr àn tge 14

nea nafuarton {à}m poy 15 vé MpeP–N–A èe eyeév 16 pe Nqi teyhpe N<oy epoya 17

ayv peyeivt pe pmNt 18 snooys naivn MpmNt 19 snooys Mfvsthr ayv 20

kata aivn nim sooy noy 21 ranos èe eyeévpe Nqi 22 éwesnooys noyranos : 23

mpeéwesnooys Mfvsthr 24 ayv kata poya poya > > : 25

10 This word is probably to be regarded as repeated due to dittography, cf. ayv at the end of page 48.

Page 19: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


{Mmooy <oy Nst}erevma 1 {èe eyeévpe} nqi t—J : 2

{Nsterevma ± ………} oy 11 ay< 3 {nay oy}ejoysia mN oymnt 4 {noq n}stratia naggelos n 5

{athp}e eyeooy mN oyéM 6 {ée ……} de 12 àNparuenos >> 7 {on Mp}N—a eye{o}oy mN oy 8

{éMé}e nnaivn throy mN 9 n{o}yranos mN ney{s}tere 10 vma { : } pmhhée de Nnatmoy 11

etMm{a}y : eéaymoyte e 12 rooy {è}e kosmos èe te > 13 fuora {e}bol àitn pivt 14

mN peéwesnooys Nfv 15 sthr etnemaw : Mpayto 16 genhs mN pewéwesno 17

oys Nnaivn : vac pai ntaw 18 oyvnà ebol NàhtW nqi 19 pérp Nrvme : mN new 20

dynamis nafuarton : 21 paivn de Ntawoyvnä e 22 bol mN tewgenea paç e 23

tere tqhpe Ntegn{v}sis 24 Nà—htW mN paggelos 25 eéaymoyte erow èe 26

11 Restore to read: Nto}oy or: thr}oy. 12 Probably to be restored to read: ào}de (for ào}te).

Page 20: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


H–L vac … { } 1 mn vac { ai} 2

vn { mN} 3 Ns vac a naç peèaw Nq{i …………} 4 èe vac maroyévpe N{qi mNt} 5

sn vac ooys naggelos : {eyR e} 6 ro vac eèN pexaos mN a{mNte (:)} 7 ayv eis àhhte awo{yvnà e} 8

bol Ntqhpe Nqi oya{ggelos} 9 ere {p}ewà—o éoyo kr{vm} ebol 10 peweine de e{w}èo{à}m Nsnow 11

eoyNtaw Mmay n{oyr}an èe ne 12 brv ete paei pe {Nt}ayàermh 13 neye Mmow èe ap{os}taths 14

àNkooye de èe ç{al}dabavu 15 ayv on akaiaggel{o}s ei ebol 16 {à}N tqhpe èe saklas nebrv 17

q{e} awtamio Nsooy naggelos 18 ayv saklas etparastasis 19 ayv naç ayèpo Mmntsno 20

oys naggelos àn mphoye 21 ayv ayèi noymeros epoya 22 àN Mphoye : ayv peèay N 23

qi pmNtsnooys narxvn 24 mN pmntsnooys naggelos 25 èe mare poya poya MmvtN 26

>>>>>– >{>>>}>– >>>>>– 27

Page 21: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


{ } … vac Nse 1 { ge} vac nea 2

{ } e N : 3 {± …………} aggelos : péo vac rp‘ 4 {pe s}hu vac peteéaym vac oy 5

{te e}row èe peX–S : pm vac e—ä 6 {sna}y pe à—a—r—M—a—U—V—u e vac te 7 {………………} …… {…} …… e : pme vac à : 8

{éomN}t pe G–A–L–I–L—A : pmE–ä 9 wto{o}y pe çV–B–H–L : pmE–ä 10 <oy {p}e aD–V–N–A—i—o—s : naei 11

ne p<{o}y Ntayr ero eèN 12 amnt{e : } ayv Néorp eèN 13 pexao{s} : vac tote peèaw nqi 14

sakla{s} Nnewaggelos èe : 15 marn vac tamio noyrvme {ka} 16 ta pine ayv kata uikv{n} 17

Ntooy de ayplassa na—D—a—m 18 ayv tewsäime e—y—à—a eéay 19 moyte de eros àN tqhpe 20

èe z—V—H vac à—raç gar àM peei 21 ran ere Ngenea throy éi 22 ne Nsvw : ayv poya poya 23

Mmooy semoyte eros 24 Nneçran : {sa}kla de MpW 25

Page 22: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


oyeà {saàne } 1 eimh{ti } 2

Ngen{ea } 3 taei …… {…………} … { } 4 ayv peèaw naw Nqi p{arxvn} 5

èe ere pekvnä évp{e nak} 6 Noyoeié mN nekéh{re : >>>} 7 çoydas de peèaw NçS {èe oy} 8

pe peàoyo etwnavn{à >– } 9 Nqi {p}rvm{e} : vac peèaw {Nqi} çhs 10 èe aà—rok‘ kr {é}phre {è}e adam 11

mN tewgenea Nt{a}wèi pew 12 oyoeié [àN oyhp{e}] àM pma 13 Ntawèi Ntewmn{te}ro N >– 14

àhtSsic! 13àN oyhpe mn pewar 15 xvn : peèaw nqi ç{o}ydas NI–S 16 {è}e éap—n—a Nrvme moy : pe 17

èaw nqi çH–S èe ue te taei 18 Nta pnoyte oyeà saàne 19 Mm—i—x—a—h—l e< Nnep—n—a nn 20

rvme nay eyéMée epey 21 éap : pnoq de Ntawoyeà 22 saàne %e&gabrihl e< Nnep—n—a 23

Ntnoq Ngenea natRro 24 pep—n—a mN tecyxh etbe 25 paei ere pk{es}epe nnecyxh 26

13 Read: Nàht%W&.

Page 23: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


{ } tooy 1 { } oyoçn 2

{ } … {…} os 3 { } e ……… eè {………} ekvte 4 { } … p—n—a nà—htthytN : 5

{ } tNtrewoyv—à14 àn teei 6 {sar}j : àN Ngenea NNagge 7 {los : } pnoyte de awt{r}ey 8

{< t}egnvsis nadam m{n} ne 9 t{ne}maw à—in{a è}e neyR èoeis 10 eroo{y} Nqi n{e}rvoy Mpe 11

xaos m{N} amNte : 12 çoydas {de} peèaw n[i]çH—s èe 13 eynar {o}y qe Nqi Ng%en&ea etM 14

may : { vac}at peèaw Nqi çH—s 15 èe alhuvs <èv Mmos nh 16 tN èe nsioy eyèvk ebo{l} 17

eèN naei throy àotan de 18 ewéanèvk ebol Nnewoy 19 oeié Ntaytoéoy naw N 20

qi saklas wnhy Nqi peyàoy 21 eit Nsioy mN Ngenea : 22 ayv nentayèooy Nse 23

èokoy ebol : tote sena 24 porneye àN paran ayv 25 Nsemoyoy{t} nneyéhre 26

14 Perhaps restore to read: {Nta%te&}tN-.

Page 24: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


ayv n{se } 1 ayv n { } 2

{…} … hy { } 3 4 5

about 5 lines missing 6 7 8

……… ro ……… r …… { } nparan 9 ayv [ayv] wnare { } peksioy 10 eèN pme—àmNt{éom}te naiV 11

mNnsvs de aw{svb}e Nqi çH—S 12 {peè}aw N{qi çoydas} èe ps—a—à 13 { } awoyv 14

{éB Nqi çh—s peèaw è}e eeisv 15 {be Nsvt}n a{n : al}la nsa tepla 16 nh nnsioy è{e} peeisooy N 17

sioy plana mN peei<oy Mpo 18 lemisths ayv naç throy se 19 natako mN neyktisma : 20

çoydas de peèaw NçH—s èe à–i ey 21 nar oy Nqi neNtayèvkM > 22 àM pekran : vacat 23

peèaw Nqi çH—S èe alhuvs < 24 èv mmo{s nak} èe peeièvkM 25

Page 25: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


{ } paran 1 { } mh >> 2

{ } M {………} 3 4 5

about 5 lines missing 6 7 8

…… o … {±………………………} eé {………} 9 moy {± ……………} o … e eroç : vacat 10 alhuvs {<è}v Mmos nak‘ çoy 11

da èe n{ett}ale uysia eà––r—Aç 12 nsakla{s ± …………… n}oyt{e ……} 13 èe nà { } 14

èN p { } 15 roy … {…} … { } 16 àvb nim e{yà}ooy ntok 17

de knaR àoyo erooy th 18 roy prvme gar etr fo 19 rei Mmoei vac knar uysiase 20

Mmow hdh apektap èise 21 ayv pekqvnT awmoy—à 22 ayv peksioy awèvbe ay 23

v pekàhT a{wamaà}te >>>>>> 24

Page 26: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


alhu{vs <èv Mmos nak èe} nek 1 à—aeo{y } v 2

m {…} … { é}vpe 3 { } …… o 4 { } me : 5

{ aé a}àom >— 6 { } ooy 7 { } … {…………} … {…} … { } par 8

{xvn} ewwvte ebol : {ay}v to 9 te wnaèise Nqi pt{y}pos : 10 ntnoq ngenea N{a}dam èe 11

à—a teà—h Ntpe mN {p}kaà mN n 12 aggelos Séoo{p N}qi tgene 13 a etMmay ebol àitN naivn : 14

eis àhhte ayèe àv{b} nim erok 15 wi eiatk eàraei nK{n}ay etqh 16 pi ayv poyoçn etNàhtS : 17

ayv Nsioy etkvte eros 18 ayv psioy eto Mprohgoy : 19 menos Ntow pe peksioy >— 20

çoydas de awwiatW eà—raei >— 21 awnay etqhpe Noyoçn ay 22 v awwvk eà—oyn eros ne 23

taàe ratoy ài pesht : ay 24 svtm eysmh esnhy ebol 25 àN tqhpe e{s}èv Mmos >— 26

Page 27: The Gospel of Judas - · The Gospel of Judas. Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Edited by Rodolphe


è{e } noq n 1 ge{nos ài}kvn N 2

qi … { } … {…} ay 3 v a { } 4 N …… { } 5

nay { } 6 év { } 7 àN { } 8

N { } vac aykrMrM vac {de} 9 nqi n{e}yarèiereys èe Nta {…}15 10 bvk‘ {eào}yn epkatalyma n 11

tewp{ro}seyxh : neoyn ào 12 eine d{e M}may Nnegramma 13 teys e{y}parathrei èe eye 14

amaàt{e} mmow à—raç àN te > 15 prose{y}xh neyR à—ote gar 16 àhtW mplaos pe èe newN 17

tootoy throy à—vs pro 18 fhths ayv ay< peyoy 19 oç eçoydas peèay naw : 20

èe ekr oy Ntok Mpeeima 21 Ntok pe pmauhths NçS 22 Ntow de awoyvéB nay 23

kata peyoyvée çoydas 24 de awèi NàNàomnt awpa 25 radidoy m{mo}w nay >>>>>— 26

>>>>>> >>> >>> >>>>>> 27 peyaggelion 28 Nçoydas 29

15 Nta {…} may be restored to either Nta{w} or Nta{y}.