the good news of orange county, new york

The Good News of The Good News of Orange County, New York Orange County, New York Volume 1 , Issue 1 Volume 1 , Issue 1 What’s inside: What’s inside: Meet the Shepherd Meet the Shepherd Editor’s Thoughts Editor’s Thoughts Testimonials Testimonials Featured Article: “The Bread of Featured Article: “The Bread of Idleness” Idleness” S ing to the Lord, Bless His Name; Proclaim the Good News of His S ing to the Lord, Bless His Name; Proclaim the Good News of His s alvation from day to day.” Psalm 96:2 s alvation from day to day.” Psalm 96:2

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A non-denominational Christian magazine sponsored by Calvary Chapel Orange County and distributed throughout Orange County, New York.


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The Good News of The Good News of Orange County, New YorkOrange County, New YorkVolume 1 , Issue 1Volume 1 , Issue 1

What’s inside:What’s inside:

Meet the ShepherdMeet the ShepherdEditor’s ThoughtsEditor’s ThoughtsTestimonialsTestimonials

● Featured Article: “The Bread of Featured Article: “The Bread of Idleness”Idleness”

““S ing to the Lord, Bless His Name; Proclaim the Good News of His S ing to the Lord, Bless His Name; Proclaim the Good News of His salvation from day to day.” Psalm 96:2salvation from day to day.” Psalm 96:2

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Andres R. Bodon Thank you for picking up this first of what will hopefully be many issues of The Good News of Orange County, NY. In June of 2009, the Lord put it on my heart to start writing again like I did as a teenager. I just didn’t know what I was going to do, but then my pastor who is the subject of Meet the Shepherd for this issue, mentioned about a newsletter that the Lord put on his heart to get written. At first, I resisted the Lord’s will and finally got to a point where I said, ok,

Lord, I’m going to do what you tell me to do. I know that this sounds like a testimony and maybe in a way it is, because being a witness and giving testimonies as to the things that the Lord has done in our lives is the way that we as Christians will be able to reach everyone. The Lord calls upon us to make disciples and if one person looks at a testimony in this newsletter and is amazed because they are going through the same thing or if you read it and glean some knowledge from it, then the Lord has reached you and entered into your heart. Once that begins, the Lord’s love will continue to grow in you, until you can no longer contain it.

Always remember, no matter how much bad you have done or how horrible a person you feel that you have been, the Lord still loves you and no matter what He will always forgive you. That is the message that we here at The Good News of Orange County, NY want to convey, that the Lord loves us all, and wants to forgive us all and if this newsletter shows you that, then our job is done. Again, I thank you for picking up this issue and pray that the Lord speaks to you through us. God Bless.

Editor’s Thoughts

Cynthia A. BodonI thought it would be nice to introduce myself. I am 41 this year, live in Port Jervis and I work as an office manager. I enjoy sewing & embroidery and I am humbled to be a part of this newsletter. I am merely a baby in my walk with the Lord and since I have begun to walk with Jesus I have been engulfed in His love, fellowship and faith. The call to participate in this newsletter was loud and clear. Our pastor made the suggestion of the newsletter and I am sure God put it on my heart, on the heart of my

husband to share this with everyone. My hope is that every issue will be an inspiration and Good News for the heart and the

soul. We will share the knowledge of His touch in the lives of all people throughout Orange County, New York.

As we work on the first issue I find myself so very blessed by those who have touched my life with the word of God with their open arms of friendship and the unending stream of faith and love for God, family and friends.

We are open to suggestions of additional content, articles of interest that might be interesting to share with the people of Orange County, New York. As I walk down this path with God, I hope to learn with our Readers. With Love in my heart I look forward to this journey with the Lord, Our God.



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GNOCNYContents/February 2011Volume 1, Issue 1



1010 DO NOT EAT DO NOT EAT THE BREAD THE BREAD OF IDLENESSOF IDLENESSEating healthy from a Biblical Perspective

12 Three Months in the Life of Fred DombrowskiA story of the healing power of the Lord


4 Meet the Shepherd featuring Calvary Chapel of Orange County Senior Pastor Owen Ridgeley

15 Calendar of Local Church Events16 Kiddie's Corner17 Bible Word Search18 A Church Near You

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The Good News of Orange County, New York The Good News of Orange County, New York is a non-denominational Christian newsletter sponsored by Calvary Chapel Orange County and distributed throughout Orange County, New York. If you would like to contribute an article or testimony to the newsletter, please contact one of the editors at:

The Good News of Orange County, New YorkC/o Calvary Chapel Orange County1 Coates DriveGoshen, New York 10924

Or by email: [email protected]

In addition, if you’d like to help keep the good news coming, please send a donation of any amount to the address listed above.

AdvertisementsSupport for this newsletter comes from various supporters.

“So let each on give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or out or necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

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Meet the Pastor Pastor Owen Ridgeley

The subject of this month’s Meet the Shepherd is Calvary Chapel’s own Pastor, Owen Ridgeley.  Owen was born February 2, 1970 in California. He grew up in Monroe NY and was raised in a home that went to church. That is about all Owen can say about his “spiritual upbringing”.  After high school, Owen decided that he would pursue his own dream of fast cars, unbridled relationships and an eternal party scene, but things didn’t quite turn out the way he had planned.

By September 2, 1990, living in Boca Raton, FL., and Owen had all he could of the sinful lifestyle and nearly ended it all with a Smith and Wesson.  It was on this night, that the Lord stayed the hand of Owen Ridgeley and changed his heart, mind and soul forever.  It was on that night, that Owen began his walk with the Lord and gave his life to Him.  He then, began to be mentored by the many good men at Cavalry Chapel of Fort Lauderdale, Fl., including the Senior Pastor Bob Coy. In the beginning of his walk Owen had a desire to prevent the younger generation from making the same mistakes that he had.  He began to serve in Youth & Children’s Ministry shortly after his conversion. In 1996, he was ordained a Pastor and continued to serve the Lord at Calvary Chapel of Fort Lauderdale. It wasn't until after the 911 attack that Owen was called to pioneer and pastor a Calvary Chapel in Goshen NY.

For those who believe that because you have been called by the Lord to full time ministry you must have it all figured out, Pastor Owen will tell you otherwise.  In his own words, he will tell you that the Christian walk is extremely difficult because it flies in the face of what this world says is okay to do, and that, like the rest of us; he struggles from daily with doing His will or the Lord’s.  He knows that if he does not “crucify his flesh daily”, that he will be more prone to doing his own will rather than God’s will.

Whether it is leading his family or leading the flock, Pastor Owen knows the key to successful Christian living is by staying connected to Christ. Constant communication with his family is important also, as the head of the house he is always trying to lead them by example.

As the phrase goes, the world is simplest when seen through the eyes of a child, and in the Ridgeley household,

their youngest daughter, four-year-old Jadyn, has become the heart monitor for them.  She holds all the family members accountable for the things that her parents have told her are right or wrong and is quick to let them all know when they have erred.

Between his flock and his family, Owen believes that balance is important. Jesus said “give us this day our daily bread.”  For Owen, this means that the things that the Lord tells him need to be done today; he does and leaves the rest for tomorrow. And while he tries to be obedient all the time, there are even times when Owen gets out of balance. 

An example of this is when his first child was born and the enemy planted a seed of bitterness towards the bonding time that Lynette, his wife, was experiencing with their daughter, Desiree.  The Lord spoke clearly to him about loving his wife as we all are directed to love in 1 Corinthians 13, but he is fallible just like the rest of us, and struggled to obey the Lord.  This caused more bitterness to seep into his heart and drive a wedge between Lynette and him.  When he finally could not take it anymore, Owen sought the advice of his mentor in the faith and received confirmation of what the Lord had already told him, but he still wrestled with the application of the instruction to love and the wedge between them got bigger.  Finally, Owen yielded himself up to the Lord and asked for the Lord’s forgiveness, as well as his wife's forgiveness. The lesson Owen learned was that love covers a multitude of sins.

The most important aspect of any spiritual leader is their knowledge, not just head knowledge but heart knowledge of the Word. The Word of God has been the anchor for Pastor Owen life over the last 20 years. He has seen first hand how God has always “said what He will do” and “does what He said”. His favorite verse speaks quite clearly, not only of himself, but of how Pastor Owen looks at others.  2 Corinthians 5:17: Therefore, if anyone [is] in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.  Furthermore, Owen believes whole heartedly in what Psalm 37:4 tell us to do and that is to “delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.”  

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The works of His hands are veracity and justice;The works of His hands are veracity and justice;All His precepts are true.All His precepts are true.

– – Psalm 111:7Psalm 111:7

The works of His hands are veracity and justice;The works of His hands are veracity and justice;All His precepts are true.All His precepts are true.

– – Psalm 111:7Psalm 111:7

Do you Know who God Sees?A Testimony of God's FaithfulnessBy: Madeline Penna

fighting for our economic survival.  The small church I had attended for years fell apart about the same time as my marriage did.  Looking to God, I tried to find a new church home.  I found myself sitting in the new member’s class of a local church waiting for my turn to introduce myself. I gave my name, the type of work I did, but I could not get that “d” word out of my mouth for my marital status.  I froze.  Tears running down my face, I ran out of the class and hid in my car. I wasn’t ready for this.  I hadn’t signed on for this when I gave my life toChrist.  I had not failed at my marriage, but I was divorced.   I learned to accept, not always graciously, the economic impact of divorce, my husband’s new wife, and the idea of having my son spend every other weekend with his father and his new family.  I knew God’s promises, and I knew that God would provide for us  

economically, and He did.  He was so faithful.What I refused to accept, however, was that my son should suffer for the mistakes of his parents.  There were times that I harbored a deep anger against God.  I knew that God could do all things, He parted the Red Sea, He brought Lazarus back to life, how hard was it to change my husband’s heart?  But my husband’s heart did not change. I ran through my mind again and again and the evening before the divorce was finalized.  I had telephoned my husband who was living with his girlfriend.  Prayerfully, I shared God’s commands concerning marriage.  I told him I was willing to continue in our marriage if he was willing to turn and repent.  Myhusband’s response was “no.”  I took his response as God’s as well. 

Are you at a place in your life right now where you feel that God isn’t looking at you, isn’t listening to you, and is not really hearing what you’re asking?  Maybe you feel that God has turned His face from you?

I have been in that place, and it is dark, and it is lonely.  Your weeping becomes wailing, and the little faith that you have left feels as if it is being stretched through the eye of a needle.  I’m ashamed to say that the pit I dug for myself led me to question God’s goodness, God’s plan for my life and my very existence.

Divorce is an ugly word, and it is even uglier word when it is not what you want.  After 12 years of marriage, marriage counseling, prayer, begging, pleading, promises and so many nights of asking God to do what I knew only He could do, my marriage was over. 

I was the single mother of a 12 year old son. The first two years are now a blur of tears, anger and intense work

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No, Madeline, I don’t love you enough to do this.  No, Madeline, I won’t do this for you.  And, Madeline, I won’t tell you why. 

Despite my anger, God was all I had.  I knew that God had rescued me from an empty life when He saved me, and I did not want to go back.  I knew God was real, and good, and true and faithful.  The works of His hands are verity and justice; His precepts are sure. Psalm 111:7.  I knew all of this in my heart, but I so wanted to see it again with my eyes.  And I knew I loved my son.

Slowly, the light started coming back into my life.  I found a new church home, Calvary Chapel in Fort Lauderdale.  My son’s faith started coming back to life, and after about one year at the church, he started attending youth group.  As I made a commitment to study the Bible more faithfully, I once again was introduced to the story of Hagar in Genesis 16 and 21, and read her story through new eyes.

Hagar was a woman who had been obedient to

 her master, Abraham, butshe was turned away by him.  She was alone with her son, Ishmael, just as I was.  She struggled to care for her son, to provide food and shelter, just as I did.  Hagar also had dreams for her son -- what would be Ishmael’s place in God’s plan?  But unlike Hagar, I felt no response from God.  He appeared silent and still far off, unaware of my very existence.But I refused to confuse feelings with act.  I knew God loved me and I knew what He had promised me for my son in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

I was determined that although I had been unable to save my marriage, I would not allow Satan to gain control over my son. Surely and certainly, grace won. While attending a local public high school, my son met a young girl in the grade ahead of him who displayed a real commitment to Christ. She challenged him to take his faith seriously. His attempts to live freely in the world never worked out well for him. The God, who Billy had professed to be his Lord and Savior at the age of

eight, had not forgotten him or the plans He had for Billy’s life. Billy kept attending youth group at Calvary Chapel in Fort Lauderdale, became involved in a Christian group at his public high school, and became alive in Christ with a joy that went beyond his life circumstances. It was wonderful for this mother to witness, but I must confess there were times I was afraid to believe it was real. But God knew it was.  Billy had grown so much that he was asked to share his faith at alocal youth outreach.the big screens in the front of the sanctuary, but I kept my head down. They were just promoting an upcoming youth event.  Then I heard it. I heard this voice.  No, it was not God’s, it was Billy’s.  There on the big screen was my son talking about his love for Jesus.  Seriously, it was not a vision. It was Billy, my son. They taped him speaking at the youth outreach and were using it in a promotional video. As I lifted my head up to look and listen, tears started flowing down my cheeks.  “That’s my son up there,”

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I said to those around me.  “That’s Billy.”  And as the words came out of my mouth, God’s words poured from my heart.  I remember Hagar and I remembered the words that she had spoken in the book of Genesis in the Bible—“You are the God who sees!”  God had seen me and my son alone, together struggling.  God had seen deep into my heart to my deepest desire that my son would serve the Lord.  He saw all of the struggles, the fights, the prayers, the Bible studies, the teaching, the correction, the fear, and the encouragement.  He saw it all, and He had heard this single mother crying to Him.  He saw, He heard, and He answered. God has painted this picture of His great love and provision and compassion on my heart.   It remains to this day the most powerful message God has ever given me about His deep and abiding love for each one of us, regardless of our

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

– – Jeremiah 29:11Jeremiah 29:11

life, I know that I know that I know that my God hears me and mlife circumstances.  He has not changed my single status, but as far as my spiritual y God sees me just as I am.  My life situation is perfectly apparent and real to Him, and He has a plan for me today, just as He had a plan for me and my teenage son.  And that plan is a good and perfect one.  

Billy went on to become the Youth Pastor at Calvary Chapel, Orange County, and is now an Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel, in North Manhattan.  He is the husband to a loving wife, Rachel, and the loving father to two very precious children, Bethany and Luke.  His life verse is Jeremiah 29:11-- For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.    God’s plan for my family was always to give

us a hope and a future serving Him.  God saw His plan in our lives when I couldn’t.  And this is the same plan that God has for you and I today, regardless of what you may see happening around you.  We have a God who sees us right where we are, and a God who hears us.  Call to Him.  He will answer you!  Don’t miss the wonderful plan He has for your life.

Madeline Penna is the mother of Billy Penna, Assistant Pastor of Calvary Chapel in North Manhattan. She enjoys cooking, reading her Bible and going to the movies.

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There is a health care crisis in this land.  Liberals and conservatives alike agree on this fact.  The cause of the crisis is quite another issue.  Some blame lawyers, while others blame doctors, insurance companies, medical suppliers or the government.  While all of these have certainly played their part, the truth of the matter is that we are to blame.  We are a sick and unhealthy people. God's word in Matthew 9:35-38 certainly describes the state of our country today.  We are sick, but as we turn to doctors and medicine, weight loss clinics and diets we are often left "bewildered - harassed and distressed and dejected and helpless - like sheep without a shepherd.” (v36)  Our health does not depend on doctors and medicine but on how we live our lives.

The God who created our bodies also caused the earth to bring forth vegetation and gave to man "every plant yielding seed and every tree with seed in its fruit" to have for food. (Gen 1:29)  After the flood His provisions for man included "every moving thing that lives" as well as the green vegetables and plants. (Gen 9:3).  I trust God completely in His provisions to know what foods will best nourish our bodies.  Man, however, has altered His provisions first for the sake of convenience and now for greed.

Look for a moment at the example of the children of Israel in the wilderness.  With nothing to eat, God lovingly provided them with manna from heaven.  It was to be gathered daily.  Some tried to gather tomorrow's portion today so that they would not have to gather tomorrow.  God says six days shall you work and one day shall you rest and so on every day but the Sabbath,

Do Not Eat the Bread of Idleness By Sue Becker, 1994(An edited version of this article appeared in Above Rubies magazine #44)"Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain.  "Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain.  Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is near at hand." Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is near at hand."

– – Joel 2:1Joel 2:1

God caused the manna that was gathered early to get worms in it. I'm sure if some enterprising Israelite could have discovered a way to keep the manna from spoiling, to allow it to be stored for several days, he would have had a very marketable product, especially to those who were simply too lazy or too busy doing other things to get their food every day.

This is exactly what we see if we look more closely at the foods offered in the grocery store and how they got there.  Jesus prayed, "Give us this day our daily bread."  God designed the wheat kernel, as well as other grains to perfectly store the nutrients within.  Once broken open, as in milling, the nutrients immediately begin to oxidize.  Within about 72 hours 90% of over 30 nutrients are virtually gone.

Prior to the 1900s most flour was milled locally and the bread baked at home. Since the flour could not be stored, only enough grain was ground fresh each day to meet the needs of the community.  This meant that just about every family was "gathering" their manna daily.  However, in the 1920s new technology allowed enterprising millers to separate the wheat components.  By removing the germ, germ oil, and the bran the remaining white flour could be stored indefinitely.  This began to eliminate the need for local milling and people began to relinquish their own responsibility of preparing their bread daily.Lucrative markets were also found for the nutritious "by-products" of this new milling process.  The bran and wheat germ were sold as high protein food supplements  

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for cattle. Local mills soon went out of business as the large roller mills produced huge volumes of long lasting white flour.

This appeared to be a great advance in technology.  In just a short time, however, cases of beriberi and pellagra began to drastically increase.  Both of these diseases are the result of vitamin B deficiencies and health officials traced the problem to the new white flour.  The new milling process strips the B vitamins as well as about 24 other nutrients from the wheat kernels.

Health officials urged mills to return to producing whole wheat flour again but they did not want to lose their very profitable market of selling the germ and bran as cattle feed.  Instead, millers chose to "enrich" the white flour by replacing 4 vitamins for the 25-30 that are removed.  This solved the problem of beriberi and pellagra; however, we are now plagued with many diseases that are directly related to our consumption of white flour (appendicitis, diverticular disease, hiatal hernia, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and more!).

Our willingness to be free of the responsibility of preparing our bread daily has now put the control of what we feed our families into the hands of huge food companies with one goal in mind - MONEY.  As we shop for our food we get to choose from what someone with only profit in mind is offering.

What can we do now? "... Thus saith the Lord of host: Consider your ways. Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but you do not have enough; ye drink, but ye are not filed with drink; ye clothe yourselves, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes. Thus saith the Lord of host: Consider your ways."  Haggai 1:5-7. We as women must consider our ways and turn our hearts back towards home.

We must be willing to reclaim the ground that we have relinquished to others.  There are actually many" holes in our bags" where we have lost control.  I wish to focus on one that I think is key.  I call it The Bread of Idleness..."

She looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27. Upon first reading the verse I almost laughed.  Who could be idle with children, home-schooling, laundry, a husband and a home business?  The list could go on and I can honestly say I don't think there is ever an idle moment in our house - or is there?  A further study of this verse was truly enlightening and opened my heart to some new truths.

The words "looketh well" come from a Hebrew word meaning "to lean forward", "to peer into the distance" or "to observe, to wait". "Ways" means "a walk, or a step" and "household" means "family" with its roots coming from a word meaning "to build".  "To build" called to mind a familiar verse from Proverbs.  "Every wise woman buildeth her house but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands."  Proverbs 14:1.

"She looketh well to the ways of her household "She looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness."and eateth not the bread of idleness."

– – Proverbs 31:27Proverbs 31:27

This wise woman that builds her house does so by looking ahead to see what lasting effect today's activities may have on her future and the future of her family. She ponders each step she must take in her walk with the Lord and in serving her family.  As she peers into the distance she is considering the future and outcome of her children. She trains them accordingly.  She does not worry about tomorrow but certainly plans her steps as she observes and waits on the Lord's direction.

Considering the foolish woman of Proverbs 14 caused me to wonder what makes one foolish.  I know that God's word says that it is bound in the heart of a child.  Considering the behavior of my own children shed great light on the answer to this question.  Basically children's one desire is for the "pleasure of the moment". All their decisions, actions or reactions, and thoughts are based on obtaining this "pleasure".  They can not really think about "tomorrow" or future consequences.  They want what they want and they want it now!

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The foolish woman, for the pleasure of the moment, is tearing down her house with her own hands.  The wise woman of Proverbs 31 does not eat the bread of idleness but this foolish woman consumes it.  The word "idle" means to "lean idle, having no value, use, or significance".  The root of the word "idle" means "to burn or shine" either in the sense of "only apparent" or "burned out".   "Bread" is "food, especially grain for making it".  Another word for idleness is indolence.  Indolence means "disliking or avoiding work.”

We can not afford to be indolent any longer.  We must carefully consider the activities in our lives. Are they pleasures of the moment that can masquerade as any worthwhile cause?  We must honestly ask ourselves do we merely have the "appearance" of being very busy.  Are we "burned out" because much of what we do (or don't do) is for the pleasure of the moment (either mine or someone else's) and has no real value or significance?  Can we look at our day's accomplishments and say as God did "It is good"? Are we tempted to work on the seventh day because we are not satisfied with our weeks' work?

Can we see that women have relinquished much of the homeward responsibilities and that the milling of grains and baking of bread was left to others because it freed them (and men) up to do other things? These "other things", unfortunately have taken us more and more out of the home. The food products in the stores are there because America wants fast and easy.  "We just don't have time to cook anymore."

I am here to tell you, however, that the food we eat is the "bread" of our own idleness. For the pleasures of the moment we now have sickness in our land in giant proportions. God has not sent these judgments on us, rather we have brought them on ourselves by altering His provisions designed to perfectly nourish our bodies.  Many of the foods we now eat for convenience are literally making us sick because they are devoid of the fiber and the nutrients that are essential to our health.  Yet, vital life-giving whole foods are available.

With the purchase of a grain mill and the baking of our own bread we began to discover many of these whole foods and their benefits.  We began to see many positive results -

constipation relieved, warts disappeared and a considerable decrease in our cravings for sweets. 

This led to our virtually eliminating white sugar from our home.  The use of our grain mill opened the door to unlimited possibilities.  It brought joy and creativity back to food preparation.  Now after 5 years we have seen tremendous health improvements.  We have not been to the doctor for an illness nor have any of us had to take antibiotics in more than 3 1/2 years.  With 7 children (ages 16 yrs -2 month), this is a blessing and testimony of God's perfect provision.  God has the answer to the health care crisis!

"And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life; he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." (John 6:35)  As Jesus is the very beginning and source of our spiritual life, we believe that bread -real bread - should be the foundation of sustaining our physical lives."Give us this day our daily bread" - If God is willing to provide, are you willing to "gather and prepare"?

Sue Becker started the company The Bread Becker’s Incorporated with her husband Brad in 1992. She and her husband have home-schooled their seven children, are about to adopt an eighth and they have a line of products for making your own bread at home.DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this article should be construed as medical advice. Consult you health careprovider for your individual nutritional and medical needs. The opinions are strictly those of theauthor and are not necessarily those of any professional group or other individual.

For information on ordering a complete 90 min. audio of this message, .

Visit for more informative articles by Sue Becker.

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"Hooked” on JesusBy: Joanne Haywood

If you are having trouble getting your family members to know God, here are some words of encouragement for you. God has been so faithful and good to my family.  The work He has done in them is absolutely amazing. 

I started off attending Calvary Chapel by myself in October of 2006.  I had always gone to Catholic Church but knew there was more to God that I had to find out about.  So thru listening to The Bridge and Pastor Lloyd Pulley, I was told about Calvary Chapel in Goshen.  It took me a while to get here, but I eventually did and have never looked back. 

My husband, Bob, finally attended service with me, after I had persistently asked him to and after I had told him how different Calvary Chapel was compared to Catholic Church.  Well, he was "hooked" from the first time he attended and, let me tell you, he is truly a "new creation." We were both saved on December 24, 2006. 

My children, Bobby, 27, Kim, 22, and Ashlee, 19 had also grown up attendingattending Catholic Church, as well.  They, along with my husband, would attend mainly when they were required to, by my request or when attendance was mandatory by the church, Ashlee having been the most active in the youth group.  They would attend service with us once in a while to Calvary Chapel and then in March of 2009 God really started working in my family. 

Ashlee and Bobby started coming with us on a weekly basis.  They were both "hooked", but through some difficult situations Bobby stopped coming for a while.  Ashlee was saved on May 24th

Seeing how He is working in her life is just so awesome to me.   We would always pray for Bobby to come back and after a period of time, he did and is ready to give his life to Jesus Christ, also. My daughter, Kim, has also attended a couple of times and we continue to pray that she will find her way to God. In addition, my brother attended with us a couple of times and has started reading the Bible, so we will continue to pray for him.   I am confident that God will get them "hooked" too.

So for anyone out there that has given up hope for their family members, don’t. Please keep praying. Nothing is impossible for God!  My family is a testimony to that statement.   I don’t know where we would be right now if it wasn’t for the power of God and what He is doing in all our lives and it just keeps getting better and better everyday.  Never did I think that we would be where we are now, serving the good Lord and all attending church together, blasting worship music in our living room and having conversations about the power of God on a daily basis.  I thank God every day for what He has done and am doing and I give Him all the praise and glory!_______________________________

Joanne Haywood is married with three children and serves in the Café Ministry, Vacation Bible School and anywhere else the Lord puts it on her heart in Cavalry Chapel in Orange County, New York.

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By: Patrick Grillo

These are some of the most feared words in the world today, but they didn’t bother me. Honestly, my only thought was, “God it’s up to you, Your will be done.”! It is a type of cancer which is consistent with acid reflux.

This meeting was the culmination of events which started out several months before, when I started having trouble swallowing my food. Like most men, I just blew it off, and didn’t seek a doctor’s advice, figuring that in time it would just go away. That’s not what happened. As time went on the symptoms grew worse. I found that if I chewed my food very well, until it was the consistency of a soft paste, I was able to swallow with less difficulty. That lasted for about a month or so, but by late December of 2007 even that wasn’t working, it became impossible to swallow food at all. I tried drinking liquids with my meals in an effort to soften it still further. Not even that worked. Despite all my efforts, nothing helped. Whatever I attempted to eat just got caught in my throat, causing me to gag, and then vomit.Finally I sought medical help and my doctor ordered an endoscopy, which was preformed on New Years Eve 2007. The results were not good. I had a tumor at the base of my esophagus. It measured two and a half inches long. The circumference was so large that it completely blocked my esophagus, and extended into my stomach.I don’t fear death. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior years ago, so on a personal level I was ready for whatever God had for me. However as a husband and father, I still

The doctor said; “You have It attacks the digestive system. What you have is esophageal cancer!”

felt the responsibility to my family. I wasn’t ready to leave them alone.

Outside the doctor’s office, as I sat in my car, I called my pastor and told him what the results of the tests were. We have an e-mail prayer chain at our church, and I wanted to be placed on the prayer list as soon as possible. Pastor Joe prayed with me right then and there, and assured me that as soon as we hung up, he would enter my name on the list, which he did.

The following Sunday, at the end of the service, Pastor Joe announced to our church family what had transpired over the last month or so. He called me forward, and then asked the church leaders to join him in prayer. About six members of our church council, and their spouses, along with my wife came forward. As they prayed, I felt my body grow weak. I never lost consciousness, but I no longer had the strength to stand. As I lay there, the church leadership knelt along side me. Some placed their hands on me while they prayed. My eyes were closed, but I felt Pastor Joe anointed me with oil on my head throat, and stomach. Then some members of our banner worship team also came to my side. I felt them place a banner over my body, and heard them join the others in prayer.

It’s amazing, even though I had the church leadership at my side, and I could hear the prayers of the rest of the church body, maybe another two hundred people, I was in inner turmoil. My mind seemed to be exploding with every negative thought that the devil could throw at me. “Listen to how silly they sound!

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You don’t think that this stuff really works, do you? How long do you think that you’re going to live if you can’t eat? Do you really think that God cares about you? What makes you think that a sinner like you is going to heaven? You’ve failed your family. They won’t have enough to get by without you.” The Bible says that “Satan is a liar and the Father of lies”

Pastor Joe helped me back to my feet. Several people hugged me and reassured me that they would be praying for me. Then Pastor Joe took me aside and told me “In all the years that I’ve been praying for people, I’ve never felt the anointing of God, with the power and intensity that I just felt when I prayed for you. I really believe that God has begun a healing in you this morning.” Pastor Joe also told me that even though he knew that God was working, that I was to remain under my doctor’s care, if for no other reason, to verify what God was doing.

The next thing that the doctors ordered was a PET scan. This is a test to determine if the cancer had spread to any other parts of my body. As we waited for the results the enemy lied again saying “You waited to long. You know it has spread to the rest of your body.” But now I was at peace. His words were like water off a ducks back. The test came back NEGATIVE. The cancer had not spread. “Thank You Jesus!” At the next meeting with the oncologist, she laid out the plan of action she recommended. She said that the cancer had progressed to such an advanced stage, that I would be receiving both chemotherapy and radiation. It was then that she told me that they would be inserting a feeding tube. I told her that since the day that I was prayed for at church, I was able to swallow again. She was skeptical. She said that in her long career not one of her patience with esophageal cancer had been able to

survive without the tube, but if I wanted to try for a short time, she would let me. The next six weeks were difficult. I had to undergo five radiation sessions, plus one session of chemotherapy each week. I have to tell you that those weeks were a roller coaster ride of emotions. Thank God that the Holy Spirit knew what I needed. One Sunday, at our evening service, about four weeks into the treatment, I was feeling particularly down. Someone in the church had a word of knowledge, and without mentioning me by name, asked the church to intercede for member who was battling severe depression. The whole church joined as Pastor Joe led us in prayer. I can’t say whether the spirit of depression left me, or just the fact that I knew how much God and my church cared for me, is what made the difference, but it was an awesome experience. I know that I left church that night with renewed joy.

Two weeks later, it happened again. This time at the Sunday morning service I was really struggling. I felt physically terrible. The treatments were taking a toll on my body. My strength and stamina were down, and the devil was again playing mind games. Somehow several members of the banner team figured out that I needed prayer. They laid hands on me and prayed. I really can’t say that I felt any different when they had finished. I was still tired and run down, but appreciated the fact that they cared enough to pray for me.

The next day, I went for my regularly scheduled radiation treatment. As I walked into the building I felt something leave my body and my whole demeanor changed. I have been asked if I think that it was the spirit of cancer. I really can’t say one way or another. I do believe that it was some sort of spirit, but have no clue if it was cancer or not.

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During the entire eight or nine week period in which I was undergoing medical treatments, I never lost faith in God, nor did I question His Divine will. Even at my lowest point emotionally, my trust level remained high. I knew that whatever happened to me, my family would be in His hands. I also knew that even if the devil won the battle for my body, that Jesus had already won the battle for my eternal life and that one way or another, I would be spending eternity with Him.By the way, I never needed the feeding tube. I did lose about five pounds over the entire duration of the treatments, but after the second chemotherapy session my throat and stomach opened up, and I could begin to eat normally again.

P.S. Fred continues to see his doctor to monitor his health, but remains cancer free. He has resumed all the activities which he enjoyed prior to his attack. He is active in many church ministries, and can often be seen riding with his church “Honor Bound” motorcycle club.

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I was born in Astoria, New York. My parents were Roman Catholic and I attended Catholic School until the age of 12. My parents relocated to Orange County and enrolled myself, and my siblings into the public school system.    I met and married my husband in 1984 and had two children. I was a stay at home mom until 1998 when I decided to return to college and pursue a teaching degree. Although I attended Catholic school and went to church, I did not know much about God. When my children asked biblical questions I answered the best I could, from my own limited knowledge, but never thought about seeking answers from the Bible, even though we had several in the house.

Upon graduation I began my career, which I was excited about, and thought would bring me tremendous happiness. This was something I had always wanted to do and here I was living my dream. A home, surrounded with a white picket fence, a husband and two children, who could ask for more! Never did I think that my life was going to soon be in shambles.

My husband and I separated; it was a time of great sadness, and little peace. Things were out of control, my husband was gone, and my children were out of control, doing as they

From Shambles to SalvationBy: Joan Vernooy

pleased because I was absorbed in self pity. Asking God why me? I began to drown my sorrows and unhappiness with alcohol.  Little did I know, at this time, that if I surrendered to the Lord and sought after Him as Isaiah 40:29 -31 states “He gives strength to those who are weak…But the people who trust the Lord will become strong again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky: they will run and not need rest: they will walk and not become tired.”

How I came to know the Lord was through my sister-in law and my son. My son was constantly after me to go to the services he attended at Calvary Chapel. This was the same Bible teaching church that my sister-in-law was attending upstate. I had been witness to the dramatic life changing affects in both my sister-in-law and son for several months. As Jesus said, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in me.” (John 14:1) They were so at peace, devoted to Christ and following the Lord. I wanted to have and feel these same life changing attributes that they possessed. I realized that what I needed was to have a personal relationship with Christ, stop sinning and get into God’s Word so that I too could understand and develop a relationship with Christ. I began attending Calvary Chapel, reading the Bible and talking about God and scripture to those who had a personal relationship with the Lord. I repented, meditated on God’s

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Word His grace and the Holy Spirit. I surrendered. I began to realize that “I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13) This realization helped me to get through some rough times, although it was not an easy road.

I soon found great peace and knew that my sins were forgiven and that God was in control, not me. I had to learn “to be content whatever the circumstances” (Philippians 4:11) and realize that I could “do everything through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4: 13) I did not understand a lot of the whys or how comes, but knew now that it was God’s will and there was a reason. As Proverbs 3:5 states “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” After two and a half years of separation, my husband and I began to mend our relationship and we are now back together again by the grace and blessings of the Lord.

Although there are times when I am not at peace and things are not going so well, I know Jesus is with me, filling and asked Him to help and fill me with me with the Holy Spirit and making me stronger to endure all that he deems necessary.___________________________________ Joan Vernooy is happily married with two children and serves as a greeter at Cavalry Chapel Orange County, NY.

Calendar of Local Church EventsWe would like to include

information from other churches, please contact us.

Feb. 25 at 6:30 p.m –Cub Scout First Pack MeetingCalvary Chapel Orange CountyFor further information please contact Steven Diaz via email.

March 2Registration begins for next series of Life of Discipleship classes. Please for details.

March 4-5Calvary Chapel Old BridgeAlways be Ready ConferenceFree conference with lodging provided at $55 per person with four people to a room. For more details please contact Calvary Chapel Orange County for details.

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A Church Near YouAGAPE FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP24 Hill AvenueMontgomery, NY 12549845-778-7531

AGAPE LOVE MULTI-PURPOSE CENTER26 Monhagen AvenueMiddletown, NY 10940845-346-0068

AMAZING GRACE FELLOWSHIP20 Warn AvenuePine Bush, NY 12566845-361-4481

CALVARY CHAPEL1 Coates Drive Goshen NY 10924845-294-2881

CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD1118 Route 17MMonroe, NY 10950845-783-6677

CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH5 Wisner RoadWarwick, NY 10990

CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH41 Route 209 NorthPort Jervis, NY 12771845-856-1620

CHRISTIAN FAITH FELLOWSHIP FAMILY CHURCH510 M&M RoadMiddletown, NY 10940845-361-4587

CRAIGVILLE BIBLE CHURCH789 Craigville RoadChester, NY 10918845-469-4408

FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH34 E. Searsville RoadMontgomery, NY 12549845-457-3866

FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD13 Route 6 Port Jervis, NY 12771845-856-1826

FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH35 E. Main StreetMiddletown, NY 10940845-343-5764

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MONROE142 Stage RoadMonroe, NY 10950845-783-1632

FREEDOM ROAD BIBLE CHURCH850 State Rt. 582Walden, NY 12586845-778-4290

GOODWILL EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH2117 Route 208Montgomery, NY 12549845-457-5959

GOSHEN CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH41 Route 17AGoshen, NY 10924845-294-5817

GRACE COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH2839 Rt. 94Washingtonville, NY 10992845-496-4372

HARMONY BAPTIST CHURCH1790 Rte 211 EastMiddletown, NY 10941845-692-6113

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LEPTONDALE BIBLE CHURCH1771 Rte 300Newburgh, NY 12550845-566-1113

MIDDLETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCHCorner of County Rte 78Middletown, NY10940845-343-8267

NEW HARVEST CHRISTIAN CHURCH1230 Route 94P.O. Box 217Vails Gate, NY 12584845-568-0135

SOLID ROCK CHURCH OF GOD20 Holloran RoadNew Windsor, NY 12553845-534-3278

THE SALVATION ARMY-MIDDLETOWNP.O. Box 75980 W. Main Street Middletown, NY 10940845-343-0821

THE SALVATION ARMY-NEWBURGH234 Van Ness StreetNewburgh, NY 12550845-562-0413

TRINITY ASSEMBLY OF GODP.O. Box 4768Middletown, NY 10941845-692-2848

If your congregation is not listed here, or if you know of a congregation that should be listed here, please do not hesitate to inform us at [email protected].

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