the giving day initiative: peer learning exchange date

The Giving Day Initiative: Peer Learning Exchange DATE

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The Giving Day Initiative:Peer Learning Exchange


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Flickr Photo by Malinki

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The Giving Day Initiative:Peer Learning Exchange

January 8, 2015

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Michelle Huttenhoff Beth Kanter Stephanie Rudat

The Team

Dana Nelson

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Agenda1. Check/In Roll Call (5 minutes)

2. Survey Results: Summary (7 minutes)

3. Minnesota: Year 6 and Sustainability Insights (15 minutes)

4. Miami: Year 3 and Sustainability Insights (15 minutes)

5. Sustainability Discussion: Cost Effectiveness (15 minutes)

6. Next Call (3 minutes)

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Knight Foundation Giving Days InitiativePeer Learning Exchange

Summary of Survey: Feedback 2014

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Summary Findings and Takeaways• PLE offers strong values to participants because it helps them keep ideas

fresh, access to just in time requests for program materials or help. • Playbook content very valuable, especially for those just starting out,

but strong interest from all in more advanced content – especially endowment fundraising, DAF engagement, corporate sponsorship, and marketing campaigns.

• Facilitator that asks right questions, pulls out expertise from the group, and encouraging sharing amongst participants is valuable.

• A strong interest in more open discussion and Q/A on the calls connected to a particular topic – less content delivery.

• More interest in opening up the calls to other CFs, other staff members from their organizations, and expert guests.

• Participants are thinking about or beginning to experiment with many of the sustainability topics and identified a robust learning agenda for 2015.

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How did the participating in the PLE help participants be more effective hosting Giving Days?

Statements RatingI learned useful tips and strategies for making our Giving Day more effective 4.69

I shared insights and materials about hosting Giving Days with others in my organization


I increased my confidence and comfort using skills to host a Giving Day 4.44

Our giving day got better results because of my participation in the Peer Learning Group


“The Peer Learning Exchange allows us to collectively come up with new ideas and concepts to keep giving day strong!”

“This experience has been extremely worthwhile, and we are excited to continue the opportunity to work together! We love collaboration!”

Scale 1 to 5

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Interest in Content Format and TopicsFormatOpen Discussion 2.6Q/A Peers 2.5Invited Guests 2.5Playbook Content 2.5Peer Consults 2.2Mini-Case Studies from Peers 2.2In-Depth Case Studies from Peers 2.0

Scale 1 to 3

“Topics with free flowing conversations are a really great way to learn”

“Would like to have more guests”

Donor Outreach Strategies 67%Endowment Donation Strategies 67%Corporate Sponsorship 67%Community Engagement Strategies 60%Marketing Campaign Strategy 60%Sustainability or Financing the Giving Day 60%Prize and Match Strategies 53%Technology Platform 53%Social Media 47%Content Strategy 47%Assessment and Learning from Data 47%Donor Retention 40%Nonprofit Training and Support 40%Measurement Techniques 40%Earned Media 40%Credit Card Payment Platforms 40%Structure for Giving Days 33%Events 33%Thanking Donors 33%Setting Measurable Goals 27%Using Corporate or Professional Volunteers 27%Paid Media 27%Online Media 27%Day of Logistics 27%Apps 27%Nonprofit Outreach Strategies 20%


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Sustainability Topics: Thinking About Or Experimenting With?

Corporate Sponsorships/Relationship-Building 75%Giving Day Sustainability/Cost-Effectiveness 69%Community Foundation Marketing/Branding 69%Capacity Building for Nonprofits 56%DAF Engagement 50%Endowment Fundraising 44%Using Giving Day Skills or Data in Other CF Work 38%Raising Money for the Community Foundation 31%Using Corporate or Professional Volunteers 25%Integrating the Giving Day into Existing Programs 6%

Sustainability Topics

Topics for open discussion on the callsRobust learning agenda

Detailed Data on the


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Dana Nelson, Executive Director aka Cheerleader in Chief

• How to get more donors for bonus funds or de-emphasize it as incentive for nonprofit participation?

• What are some ways that our CF can recoup transaction fees?• Is a viable strategy charging the nonprofits?• How can we study and analyze staff time investment and make it more


Sustainability Questions from Survey

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Give to the Max Day Results• Total raised: $18,316,626.42 (7% increase over

2013)• Total gifts: 120,664 (13% increase over 2013)• Total organizations: 5,544 (a 25% increase

over 2013)• Total donors: 62,607 (a 20% increase over


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Give to the Max Day Results

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Give to the Max Day Results

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Give to the Max Day Objectives • 99.9% uptime • Raise millions of dollars for thousands of

Minnesota nonprofits and schools in 24 hours• Transition to new technology platform

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Making Give to the Max Day Sustainable

Creative SponsorshipsWhat: New partnership with Metro TransitBenefit: Access to public transportation, Metro Transit communications (social media, stores, busses, employees)How: Gained access through community foundation connection and built mutually beneficial program. Randomly awarded giving cards and metro passes to people wearing green. Downloadable free ride home coupon - 57% surveyed said free ride home motivated their participation in Give to the Max Day.Advice: Great way to reach public, great media appeal!

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Making Give to the Max Day Sustainable

Matching Grants: Cost EffectivenessWhat: Encourage organizations to offer matching grants on giving dayBenefit: Aggregate total of matching grants is BIG! $6.7M past two years. Organizations keep 100% of their own match.How: Organizations raise matching funds from foundations, board members, donors, etc. They list matching grants on their GiveMN page. Donors can search by organizations with a matching grant. GiveMN does training for orgs on how to find and list a matching grant.Advice: Great way to eliminate “stretch funds” and build capacity of nonprofits to raise their own matching funds.

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Making Give to the Max Day Sustainable

Events: Cost EffectivenessWhat: More focused live eventsBenefit: In past years, we have hosted a 10 hour livestream and a happy hour in the evening. Both events included live entertainment. This year, volunteers passed out breakfast and prizes for three hours in the morning (key media time) and we hosted a media event for school principals.Advice: Data did not justify the staff time and expense to host the livestream or happy hour events. Our events strategy allowed us to focus on key media times and host a help team at our headquarters.

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Janell KaplanDevelopment Officer

Victoria FearPrograms Associate

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Goals Structure: The Miami Foundation2012 2013 2014

Total Amount Raised $1,239,050 $3,278,610 $5,264,025

Amount Raised $1,124,050 $2,984,373 $4,898,431

Bonus Pool $100,000 $271,737 $340,594

Prize Pool $15,000 $22,500 $25,000

Fees 6.5% 5% 5.12%

Number of Nonprofits that participated

300 407 520

Number of Trainings 3 4 6

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NPO Highlight: Miami Rescue Mission

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What Worked! • Diversifying

communication channels

• Match vs. Bonus• Involving existing

donors and networks• Financial summary


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What Didn’t Work! • Registration process• Nonprofit turnover• Day-of event

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Your 3 Big Takeaways• Negotiation• Team effort• Setting a public goal

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2015 Planning for Sustainability• Raising money for

the Foundation’s endowment

• Corporate sponsorships

• New registration process

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Sustainability Questions from Survey: Cost Effectiveness

• How to get more donors for bonus funds or de-emphasize it as incentive for nonprofit participation?

• What are some ways that our CF can recoup transaction fees?

• Is a viable strategy charging the nonprofits?• How can we study and analyze staff time

investment and make it more efficient?

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Next SessionFeb, 5, 2015

Time: 11 am/PST - 1 PM/CST - 2 PM/EST60 minute call

Sustainability Themes: Corporate Sponsorship/Endowment Fundraising

Tactical Topic: ColoradoGives App

Mini-Presentations: MS Gives, Duluth, ColoradoGives