the gist time


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Page 1: The Gist Time



Page 2: The Gist Time

History of Teddy Bear (pages 8-9)

The Baobab Tree (page 4)

Pied Piper Of Hamelin (page 5)

The Roles Of

Parents Against

Bullying (page 6)

The Clever

Wife (page 10)

●Kiddies News (Page 1-2)

●Inside a cave in France (Page 3)

●Fun Zone (Page 7)

●Glory Kiddies Time (Page 11)

●Around The World (Page 12)


©Golven Kiddies Network 2014

Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

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Page 3: The Gist Time

Biblical Salvation

A bus driver in Ohio had his life saved,

when a Bible in his pocket stopped a

bullet fired at his chest.

The driver, Rickey Wagoner, had

stopped to fix a problem with his bus

when he was attacked by three youths.

One of them shot him twice in the chest; another slashed

his arm with a knife.

Wagoner managed to seize the weapons and stabbed one

of his assailants in the leg with a pen. "He hollered and

that's when they all ran," he told the police.

"There was obviously some kind of intervention involved in this

incident, because he probably should not be here," a police ser-

geant commented.

Blue Moo-vies

A worried cow is dead, three cars are severely damaged

and two men are in

jail in a case that

came to light after a

New York farmer

put up a video in his

barn to try to dis-

covered why his

cows were worried

and not producing


When he viewed the

video, he called the

police who pieced

together a picture alleging that one of the men covered him-

self in jello and had sex with a cow while the other filmed it.

The cow then appeared traumatised and wandered into the

middle of a road where it was hit by three cars and killed.

The cars were badly damaged.

The two men have been charged with sexual misconduct with a


The Folding Car

As the world’s population is increasing, there is one

thing that is obviously shrinking. Space on Earth! We

have space savers everywhere. Cabinets, drawers and

shelves that can organize our house efficiently. Now

there is a space saver car that folds on its own and

saves you a lot of space in your garage or a parking


How many times have you found yourself in a tight

spot for parking? What if a car could shrink and you

could park two or three in the place of one.

Researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science

and Technology have just achieved that. They have

built a foldable, compact electric car that can be used

either as a personal car or part of the pub-

lic transportation. It is called Armadillo -T as it curls

up in to a ball like an armadillo.

This micro car shrinks from its original length of 2.8

meters (110 inches) down to almost half, or 1.65 me-

ters (65 inches). It can also be controlled remotely with

a smartphone. It can run at a maximum speed of


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The Thinnest Glass

Sometimes strange discoveries are done by chance. Imagine

their surprise when researchers at Cornell and Germany’s

University of Ulm discovered that,they had unknowingly creat-

ed the thinnest glass. Their discovery is recorded in Guinness

Book of World Records.

David A. Muller, professor of applied and engineering physics

and director of the Kavli Institute at Cornell found it. Glass is

made up of silicon and oxygen molecules. Here, the glass is

so thin that, the individual molecules are clearly visible under

a microscope.

So, what led to the formation of this glass? The scientists

were actually making graphene. It is a different form of car-

bon. This used some copper foils in a quartz furnace. While

they were working on it, they noticed some dirt. The dirt was

actually glass made up of silicon and oxygen.

Where did silicon and oxygen come from? Some air leaked

and caused the copper to react with the quartz which pro-

duced silicon and oxygen. This produced the glass layer on

the would-be pure graphene.

Spider Silk or Electrical Conductor?

Spider silk is astonishingly strong and sturdy. No won-

der Spiderman roams around the city using the spider

silk as steel bars. It is finer than a human hair and five

times stronger than the steel wire of the same diameter.

It is extremely stretchable, and some kind of spider silk

can also transmit light.

Looking at these exceptional strengths that the silk pos-

sesses,it is hardly a surprise that researchers at Florida

State University’s National High MagneticField Lab

have used it and changed the Spider silk to conduct

electricity. How did they do that? They coated spider

silk with a very thin layer of carbon nanotubes, which

are also stretchable and flexible but conduct electricity

as well as a copper wire.

They successfully used electrical circuits made by this

coated spider silk and used it in monitoring heart pulse.

It can also be used for monitoring relative humidity


Such tiny electrical conductors, huh!

Sometimes the best materials are natural, you only

have to look around.

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Page 5: The Gist Time

One day in 1940, five young boys were hunting for rab-

bits in the hills near the town of Montignac, France.

The dog that they had brought along with them, named

Robot, suddenly disappeared. The boys began search-

ing for the dog on a hill called Lascaux. They heard

Robot’s barks and followed them to a small hole in the

hill; the dog had fallen into this hole and could not get


One of the boys climbed down into the hole to fetch

the dog. He found himself in a cave 25 feet below the

surface. When he struck a match, he couldn’t believe

his eyes. All around him on the walls of the cave were

paintings of horses, bulls, stags, and other animals. What

the boy didn’t know at the time was that these paintings

were the work of primitive people who had lived in the re-

gion, and that no one had seen the paintings for 15,000


The cave paintings of

Lascaux, France are

probably the world’s

most famous cave paint-

ings. Each year people

come from around the

world to see the artwork

done by their ancestors

many thousands of

years ago. These paint-

ings were made long

before the first cities ap-

peared on earth.

But the paintings at Lascaux are not the oldest paintings in

the world, or even in France. For not far from Lascaux, a

block of stone was found bearing pictures of animals that

scientists believe date from around the year 25,000 B.C.!

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Page 6: The Gist Time

This tree is called ‘The tree of life’

This tree is called ‘Bottle tree’

This tree is called ‘Monkey bread tree’

This tree is called ‘Upside down tree’

This tree is called the Baobab tree. This tree is found in

dry areas of Madagascar, Africa and Australia. In fact, this

tree is the National Tree of Madagascar.

There is an interesting reason behind every name this tree

has. It is called ‘the tree of life’ because it provides shelter,

clothing, food, and water for the animals and humans. Grown

up trees are often hollow, a perfect cosy space for anyone to

live! The bark and stem are used for making clothes.

The leaves and vitamin-C rich fruits are eaten. Clefts of the

large branches are

used to store rain-

water for people to

use later. Did you

know in the Disney

movie “Lion King”,

Rafiki and Simba

often hung around

the tree of life?

Why is this

tree called bottle

tree? The shape of

the tree clearly holds

the clue. Notice the

enormous trunk. Doesn’t it resemble a bottle? And just like a

bottle can hold water, the trunk can hold up to 120,000 litres of


And the name Monkey bread? You must wonder. Seems

like an unusual name for a tree. This tree’s fruits are large

pods known as ‘monkey bread’. They are favorite fruits of

monkeys hanging around!

A baobab tree is leafless most of the year. The barren branches look like roots sticking up in the air. It looks exactly like a tree that is upside down! There are many legends be-hind why it is like that. One legend says that, when God made the world he gave each animal a tree. Hyena got the baobab. Foolish hyena, instead of planting it the right way planted it upside down!!

Many Africans have another story to tell. Baobab tree was

unhappy with its looks from the time it was created by God. It

was whiny and yelled at God all the time for being partial and

making it unattractive. One day God, fed up of his baseless

complaints, came back to Earth. He pulled it from the

ground, turned it over, and replanted it upside down. With his

mouth now buried in the ground, baobab couldn’t complain


Baobab trees can live up to thousands of years. People say

when they die, they collapse into a heap of mushy, hairy pulp

that burns by itself, or it turns into dust that gets blown away

by the wind only to create new baobab trees!!

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Page 7: The Gist Time

The Pied Piper of Hamelin is a folk tale, among others

written down by the Brothers Grimm. It tells about a disas-

ter in the town of Hamelin, Germany, that supposedly oc-

curred in the year 1284. In that year a man came to

Hamelin claiming to be a rat-catcher. The people of

Hamelin promised him payment for killing the rats. So the

man took a pipe, attracted the rats by his music and made

them follow him to the Weser river, where they all drowned.

Despite this success the people reneged on their promises

and did not pay the rat-catcher.

He left the town, but returned several weeks later. While

the inhabitants were in the church, he played again a melo-

dy, now attracting the children of Hamelin. 130 boys and

girls followed him out of the town, were lured into a cave

and sealed. Depending on the version, at most two children


Although there has been a lot of research, no clear expla-

nation can be given these days of what historical event is

behind the reports.

The oldest remaining written source is from ca. 1440.

Reportedly there has been a law for a long time, forbidding

singing and music in one particular street of Hamelin, out of

respect for the victims.

The Pied Piper story is heavily referenced by the Russian

poet Marina Tsvetaeva in her poem The Rat-catcher.

There is a poem by Robert Browning based on the tale,

which was published in 1888.

The first two verses of the poem, THE PIED

PIPER OF HAMELIN, by Robert Browning


Hamelin town's in Brunswick,

By famous Hanover city;

The river Weser, deep and wide,

Washes its wall on the south-ern side

A pleasanter spot you never spied;

But when begins my ditty,

Almost five hundred years ago,

To see the townsfolk suffer so

From vermin, what a pity



They fought the dogs and killed the cats,

And bit the babies in the cradles,

And ate the cheeses out of the vats,

And licked the soup from the cook's own ladles.

Split open the kegs of salted sprats,

Made nests inside men's Sun-day hats,

And even spoiled the wom-en's chats

By drowning their speaking

With shrieking and squeaking

In fifty different sharps and flats.

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Page 8: The Gist Time

Bullying is more than just children fighting. It is a continued abuse that can leave lifelong scars. It ’s not the same harm-

less act that it used to be earlier.

Bullies Unlimited

Bullying cuts across all socio-economic classes and occurs in cities and

suburbs. Children in primary schools are twice as likely to be bullied as

those in secondary schools, because the children in primary schools are

younger and weaker; according to a study of approximately 150,000

children, bullying is more violent in the secondary schools.

Victims of bullying are likely to be anxious, passive, sensitive, physi-

cally weak children who feel they deserve the abuse and are suscepti-

ble to depression and poor self-esteem.

Parents should be alert to signs of possible bullying, since children

may hide problems and be unwilling to talk about being bullied because

they're afraid the bully will punish them. Children may be victims when


Are reluctant to go to school,

Suddenly do poorly in class,

Don't invite classmates home to play,

Are moody and have sudden displays of temper, or

Ask for extra school supplies or lunch money (which is often extorted by a bully).

A parent who steps in to help a child may be accused of being overprotective, so many parents wonder to what degree

they should let children work these problems out themselves. But experts say that, bullied children have difficulty dealing with

the abuse themselves and need adult guidance.

When a child complains about a bully, parents should:

● Take the complaints seriously,

Role-play with the child on solutions to volatile situations,

Keep a journal of the abuse,

Discuss incidents with teachers or school staff,

Work out a plan of action with the school, and

Monitor the plan's effectiveness.

To prevent children from being chronic victims of bullies, parents should foster their kids' self-esteem and find ways to help

the child avoid the victimizing situations.

Page 6

Parents should be alert to signs of possible

bullying, since children may hide problems

and be unwilling to talk about being bullied

because they're afraid the bully will punish


Page 9: The Gist Time

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Colour this picture.

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Page 10: The Gist Time

Most people born in this century have probably encountered teddy bears during their lives, for the teddy bear was devel-

oped around the turn of the century. Toy bears developed out of admiration for real

bears. About 110,000 years ago, Neanderthal hunters collected skulls of a large

brown bear (now extinct) in a shrine where the Cult of the Bear worshiped for over

50,000 years. In modern times, the bear is still considered a symbol of strength,

courage, and endurance. Bears share many characteristics with humans, including

the abilities to stand upright and to hug, and they also fiercely protect their cubs.

Bears are sometimes called the "clowns of the woods" because they dance, sit on

their haunches, and roll head over hind paws.

The teddy bear was born in two parts of the

world at about the same time. In 1903 in

Giengen, Germany, Margaret Steiff made toy

animals out of felt in a small factory owned by

her family. Her nephew, Richard Stieff, encour-

aged her to make a bear based on his sketch-

es following a visit to the Stuttgart Zoo.

Margaret was afraid a toy bear would be too

frightening, so she softened the bear's snout

into a friendly, pert nose and gave him a slight-

ly hunched back like a real bear. She cut a pattern out of brown mohair pile fabric and

created a bear whose head, arms, and legs were articulated so they could move inde-

pendently and so the bear could sit or stand. The toy was stuffed with excelsior (wood

shavings used as packing material), and it had shoe-button eyes and an embroidered

nose and other features. At a toy show in Leipzig, Germany, Richard displayed the

bear, which caught the attention of an American toy buyer who ordered 3,000 bears.

Steiff ’s bears in many variations from Margaret's original have been made in the Steiff

factory in Germany ever since, where thousands are now produced every day.

In November 1902,in the United State of America, President Theodore Roosevelt and some of his friends went on a hunting trip to Missis-sippi. After hours of searching, Roosevelt and his group had not come across any wild animals. Finally, the group did track down and surrounded a helpless bear. One of the guides asked the president to shoot the bear so he could win a hunting trophy. The president refused, and news reporters throughout the country spread the story of Roo-sevelt's kind act.

Not long after this took place, a famous cartoonist named Clifford Berryman drew a car-

toon based on Roosevelt 's rescue of the bear. When a store owner, Morris Michtom

in Brooklyn saw the cartoon, he decided to make toy bears to sell in his shop. He asked

President Roosevelt for permission to use the name "Teddy's Bear" for his toys, as a

reminder of the bear Roosevelt had set free. Nowadays, everyone knows these toys as

Teddy Bears, but few people know that they were named after President Theodore

"Teddy" Roosevelt.

Morris Michtom

Page 8

Clifford Berryman

Page 11: The Gist Time

The cartoon showed President Theodore Roosevelt holding a gun, with his back towards the bear. His gestures portray refusal to kill the bear. The sketch has a punch line that read, 'Drawing the Line in Mississippi'. This cartoon was drawn by Clifford Berryman.

●After the invention of the Teddy Bear, this toy craze nearly swept the entire globe. Soon after this, President Theodore Roosevelt made the Teddy Bear his offi-cial mascot for his political campaigns. ●In America, Michtom sold these teddy bears under Ideal Novelty and Toy Co., which mainly supplied the homeland. In Germany, the Steiffs made more subtle and cute versions of the Teddy Bear, which ruled the European markets. ●Many competitors later joined the race to make toy bears, post World War I. The 1920s saw more companies making this toy. Though World War II affected the pro-duction of Teddy Bears everywhere, its production picked up pace again after every-thing got back to normal. ●New and prettier designs of the Teddy Bear were introduced in the global market. The 1970s saw even adults fancying the soft toy with great interest. The new de-signs were appealing indeed. As more and more people began to know about the his-tory of the Teddy Bear, the demand for old bears and designs increased even further. ●The Steiffs then produced the first ever edition of old bears, (replica bears), aimed at attracting more soft toy collectors than kids, in the 1980s. In 1984, the world's first bear museum was opened in England.

Teddy Bear's Journey Since Invention

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Long ago, there lived a lazy man. He never wanted to work, and was always looking for an easy way to get food. One

day, as he was passing by a temple, he saw a mango tree full of juicy mangoes. He climbed up on the compound wall of

the temple to steal the mangoes.

The temple also had a pond full of fish. As soon as the lazy man noticed the fish, he jumped into the compound. Being

lazy, he didn't even bother to bend. He used his hands to pluck the mangoes and his feet to catch the fish. Stuffing both

in his bag, he ran home. "Here, I have brought some good food today," he said to his wife, taking out the fish and some

mangoes from his bag.

At first, his wife excited to see such delicious food as they

had not eaten mangoes and fish for a long time. But then she

thought," He never goes to work; how did he manage to bring

home the mangoes and the fish?" She took the bag from her

husband and asked," Where did you get these from, dear?"

The husband said with pride," I stole them from the temple

compound." The wife was shocked to hear this! “Earlier my

husband was lazy, now he has become a thief too! How

shameful!" she thought.

So, the clever wife decided to teach her lazy husband a les-

son. She pretended to be happy and said," Good that you

stole from the temple compound; there are plenty of mangoes

and fish there. I will prepare a delicious feast today. Go and

take a bath in the meantime."

With happy thoughts of the feast, the man went to take a bath

while his wife went into the kitchen to cook the fish. As she

prepared the meal, its mouth-watering aroma spread in the

entire house. "Air can't resist the temptation!" thought the lazy

man, finishing his bath, quickly. His mouth began to water. "Come quickly, dear!" called out his wife. "The food is almost


Just as she heard her husband's footsteps, she quickly untied her hair, picked up the pan of fish in her hand and stood


As soon as her husband entered the kitchen, he saw a horrid-looking figure staring at him. "How dare you steal from my

temple?" yelled the wife. "W...What! Your temple!" asked the man, scared. "Yes, I am the Goddess of the temple," re-

plied the wife, angrily. "I saw you stealing from my mango tree and my pond! Now I have taken possession of your wife's

body. And I am going to kill you!" Hearing this, the man fell to his knees and begged for mercy." Then go and throw this

vessel of fish into the pond and swear by me that you won't be lazy anymore, and that you will work hard, and that you

will never steal again," said the wife. "I promise, O Goddess!" said the man.

He threw the vessel of fish in the pond and vowed never to steal again. From that day on, he was a changed man and

not lazy anymore. Thus, the clever wife had taught her husband a valuable lesson.

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Question I arrive once in every second, once in every

minute and once in every year. What am I? The letter E.

Question What always ends everything? The letter G.

Question If you have me, you want to share me. If you

share me, you haven't got me. What am I? A Secret.

Aunt Edna

A small boy turned to his Aunt Edna and said: "My

goodness, you're ugly!"

His mother overheard the remark and was ap-


She took him to one side and gave him a real tell-

ing-off before ordering him to go back and say sor-

ry to Aunt Edna.

Suitably chastened, the boy went over and said

quietly: "Aunt Edna, I'm sorry you're ugly."


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Page 14: The Gist Time

Widest mouth - world record set by Francisco Domingo Joaquim ROME, Italy-- Francisco Domingo Joaquim- aka the

Angolan Jaw of Awe - from Sambizanga in Angola, who

can even fit a Coke can sideways in his 17cm-wide mouth,

won the World's Widest Mouth title at the Big Mouth

competition in Rome, setting the new world record for the

Widest mouth.

Joaquim, who is known as Chiquinho and dubbed the An-

golan Jaw of Awe, has hailed his new world record as "a

dream come true".

Contestants crammed their cake holes with a whole host of items including saucers, coffee cups and beer bottles but

nobody's mouth could beat Francisco and his can of coke.

Ever since researchers tracked him down to his hometown in Angola, his videos have become a web sensation.

He was tracked down by Guinness World Records after becoming a YouTube hero. After two years of searching, they

tracked him down to his hometown in Angola.

The 20-year-old, whose mouth is 17cm wide, shot to stardom on the streets of Luanda, the capital of Angola, performing

jaw-dropping tricks.

Timothy Doner Timothy Doner

learnt 23 languages just in

a matter of few weeks.

Even Doner did not know

about his hidden talent

until he started learning

Hebrew, which he easi-

ly picked up within a

week. Now Doner is being

called by experts as

‘hyperpolyglot‘ often re-

ferred to a person who is

proficient in remarkable

number of languages.

There are very few people in the world like that!

23 languages spoken by Doner are Hindi, Arabic, Croatian,

Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Hausa, Hebrew,

Indonesian, isiXhosa (an official language of South Africa),

Italian, Mandarin, Ojibwe (a Native American language),

Persian, Pashto, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish, Wolof,


Toda Woman

The Todas are a tribe of peo-

ple who live in southern India.

Many of the Todas’ customs

are not shared by any of the

other people who live around

them. The Todas practice sor-

cery, live in beehive-shaped

huts, and observe a marriage

custom that allows a woman

to have more than one hus-


It is possible for a Toda

woman to have more hus-

bands than garments in her wardrobe! Toda women own

what has to be the smallest wardrobe of any women on


Each Toda woman is allowed to own only two garments in

her whole life, one when she is a child, and one when she

first marries!

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Page 16: The Gist Time


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