the fruits and the sweets script


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Script for a school play


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The Fruits And The Sweets.


The Fruits, rulers of health, and the Sweets, masters of obesity,

were on the brink of a terrible war.


Go, go!

Bow down you lowly Sweets, nasty sugar –full creatures!


No, no! Don't set foot on our terrain you naughty vitamins!


Meanwhile, Princess Jelly Strawberry swings like a pendulum in confusion over

which group should receive her favour.

Jelly Strawberry (Flitting back and forth chanting)

Oh, I don’t feel well.

I like Fruits, but can’t live without Sweets.

What to do, what to do?

Fruits or Sweets

A choice of two.



Don't be blind, Jelly Strawberry. You are a fruit-like creature.

Can't you see you are one of us?

Jelly Strawberry

What to do, what to do?

I think I'm a Sweet.

I'm different from you!

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Ha, ha!

Bite the bullet Jelly Strawberry. Get your teeth into our cause! Can't you see you are one of us?

Jelly Strawberry

What to do, what to do?

I think I'm a Fruit. I'm different from you!


During the early stages of the war, the Fruits appear to have the advantage.

Jelly Strawberry What to do, what to do?

You Fruits look good

I'm with you!


Soon the tide changes and the Sweets seem to be routing the Fruits.

Jelly Strawberry

What to do, what to do?

You Sweets look good

I'm with you!

NARRATOR Fortunately, the fairy appears and brings a letter from an old wise wizard, telling the Princess

what to do in this situation. The Princess wants to announce the letter to everybody. Here it


(the Fairy reads)

This is not easy to make a wise choice. The sweets look nice and taste good, but are very

unhealthy together with fast food. If you choose them and let them win, they will ruin and

shorten your life.

Are the fruits better? Of course, and I can tell you why. Look at these pure warriors of health:


"Here comes Penelope Pineapple! Fresh pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, which can help strengthen your immune system. Pineapple also contains a special enzyme that helps the body's digestive system. And she looks great in a fruit salad."


"Here comes Anthony Apple, one of Canada's most popular fruits. You know, apples come in many sizes, colours and flavours - make sure you try them all! Did you know that apples are high in fibre? Fibre is very important for good health. If you haven't

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had apple pie or apple crumble, or applesauce with cinnamon, or...sorry, I was getting carried're missing something great."


"Bobby the Banana has an exciting nutritional story. He's a good source of fibre and contains vitamin C and potassium, all of which we need every day for good health! His bright yellow skin also has a lot of appeal!"


"Here comes the largest citrus crop in the world, Amber Orange. Remember, an orange or one glass of orange juice provides all the vitamin C you need for the day. It's also cool to know that vitamin C helps wounds heal and is good for our gums."


"Here comes Gus Grapes, known as 'nature's candy.' Not only are they a wonderful snack, they're also packed with nutritional power. All grapes - red and green - contain antioxidants that help prevent heart disease. They're deeeeeeeelicious in fruit salad."


Now look at the other group. Are they good for you although they look good?

Candy, cookies, cake, popsicles, ice cream…


While having a sugar-filled goodie every now and then can be quite tasty! Candy: Sugar is a type of carbohydrate, and carbohydrates give you energy. Do you sometimes feel a burst of energy after you eat food with sugar in it?! Even foods that are good for us, such as strawberries and oranges, have sugar in them!

FAIRY: But this sugar occurs naturally, meaning it is not added the way you add sugar to a batch of cookies you’re baking.

Pineapple: When you eat lots of foods with added sugar, you are consuming “empty calories.” You’re filling up on foods that might not have many healthy nutrients compared to the amount of

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sugar they have. These foods do little to help your body thrive, and make you less hungry for the nutrient-rich food that your body needs!

Peach: Sugar is not good for your teeth, either. Eating sugar-rich foods may cause cavities, especially if you don’t brush your teeth afterward.

WATERMELON: Eating lots of sugar may also cause an unhealthy weight gain and high blood pressure, which can lead to other health problems. Being aware of sugar-rich foods is one great step toward healthy eating!

Jelly Strawberry

Oh, now I know. You Fruits are so great and powerful. Now I know what to do.

You Fruits are great

I'm with you!


Ho, yes! Great, we need you!


The sweets all go away, squawking mockingly.


Jelly Strawberry banishes Sweets from their territory.

Jelly Strawberry

What did I do, what did I do?

I should have decided Between the two!

I hope the choice is good.


What Makes Fruits So Great? Should I invite vegetables here, too?


Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber – and they’re low in calories. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables may help you control your weight and blood



Which fruits are best?

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That’s easy: They’re all good! If you eat many different types of fruits, you’re sure to get all

the different types of nutrients you need. You can eat fresh, frozen, dried or canned fruits.

Choose canned fruit that is canned in water or in its own juice. If you choose canned vegetables, it’s best to buy ones that are labeled “low-sodium” or “no salt added”.


The moral of the story: The sooner you choose fruits instead of sweets, the healthier and

longer life you will have.

Singing the project song altogether.