the fruit of the spirit is lesson 6 for the 6 th of february, 2010

THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS on 6 for the 6 th of February, 2010 K E N ID S N S

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Page 1: THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS Lesson 6 for the 6 th of February, 2010


Lesson 6 for the 6th of February, 2010


Page 2: THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS Lesson 6 for the 6 th of February, 2010


Our Model

Our motivation

Our wordsOur deeds

Our being

Page 3: THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS Lesson 6 for the 6 th of February, 2010


Matthew, 5: 43-48

God is kind and He acts kindly always. He is our Model.

For example, He causes the sun to rise and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

But none of us deserves that kindly treat.

“Although God faithfully rewards virtue and punishes guilt, yet he does not withhold his blessings from the wicked, although they daily dishonor his name. He allows the sunshine and the showers to fall upon the just and the unjust, bringing alike worldly prosperity to both. If a holy God exercises such forbearance and benevolence toward the rebellious and the idolatrous, how necessary it is that erring man should manifest a like spirit toward his fellow-men”

E.G.W. (Pamphlet: Redemption: or the Teachings of Christ, the Anointed One

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Jesus invites us to follow our Father’s example :

Loving our enemies.

Blessing those who curse us.

Doing good to them who hate us.

Praying for those who spitefully use us and persecute us.

“But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked”

(Luke, 6: 35)


Matthew, 5: 43-48

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The kindness we receive from God must be our motivation to act kindly toward others.

David’s example:

David knew that he sat on the throne thanks to God’s undeserved kindness.

The house of Saul was an enemy to his throne, but he behaved kindly toward Mefi-boset, as Saul’s last descendant.

Joseph’s example:

Joseph realized that everything that happened to him was guided by God’s kindly hand.

He forgave his brothers and he behaved kindly toward them.

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KINDNESS IN OUR WORDS We must be careful with what we say and with how we say it.

We can also express ourselves with our attitude, our gestures or our intonation.

“An anxious heart weighs a man down; but a kind word cheers him up”(Proverbs 12:25)

“A gentle answer turns away wrath; but a harsh word stirs up anger”(Proverbs 15:1)

“A man finds joy in giving an apt reply; and how good is a timely word!”(Proverbs 15:23)

“A word aptly spokenis like apples of gold in settings of silver”(Proverbs 25:11)

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KINDNESS IN OUR DEEDS“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind … now that you have tasted that the Lord is good” (1 Peter, 2: 1, 3)

This fruit of the Spirit must be shown in every deed of our life.

In general, however, how we treat others will impact how we ourselves are treated. “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12)

We should be kind with others without expecting anything on return.

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“Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Colossians 3:12)

Our world needs believers who reflect Christ’s kindness in their lives.

They have to feel our sincere kindness if we want them to listen about salvation.

If we have Jesus in our heart, He will clothe us with kindness.

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“When a sense of the loving-kindness of God is constantly refreshing the soul, it will be revealed in the countenance by an expression of peace and joy. It will be manifest in the words and works. And the generous, holy Spirit of Christ, working upon the heart, will yield in the life a converting influence upon others”E.G.W. (God’s amazing grace, November 13)