the froebel’s school

THE FROEBEL’S SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 2020-2021 ORIENTATION 2020-2021 In the year 2020 the education sector, which is considered to be the most important sector, has suffered a lot as the entire world went into a strict lockdown due to a global pandemic, which put the parent community in great stress that how their child’s studies would get along. Keeping the needs of the students in mind and The Froebel’s School’ s motto that “LEARNING NEVER STOPS” we came up with the idea of “DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAM” in which we have transferred the physical mode of learning to online mode and for the parents to get adapted to the online mode, here at The Froebel’s School, we have arranged an online orientation, in which all the teachers have participated by making a detailed PowerPoint presentation, which explained the parents how this online learning program would benefit the students and provide the alternative of the physical classroom. At the end of the online presentation, parents have appreciated the efforts of all the class teachers as their ambiguities have been addressed professionally and smoothly. GOOGLE CLASSROOM-NEW AGE METHODOLOGY We at The Froebel’s School believe education is the basic need of every child and schools are their very first fountains of knowledge where they are exposed to different fields that later shapes their personalities. Though education is evolving at a faster rate ever than before, there is a growing concern among educators for adapting new methods to acquire knowledge. This is the reason we used groundbreaking new-age methodology so that our students develop essential skills to do better in their studies. This also takes the stress out of learning and makes their learning experience a joyful one! During this pandemic, students got an opportunity to get exposed to this new methodology of learning. Students were trained online through a good dose of recorded videos, discussions and activities every day. The Google Classrooms were changed into collaborative workplace where they worked as groups and learned many significant information. Students learned to voice their ideas and opinions in writing as well. Every student is different and thus, we get it! Our methodology of learning online took into account and appreciated the uniqueness of all the personalities simultaneously. INDEPENDENCE DAY

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Post on 10-Feb-2022




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NEWSLETTER 2020-2021


In the year 2020 the education sector, which is considered to be the most important sector, has

suffered a lot as the entire world went into a strict lockdown due to a global pandemic, which

put the parent community in great stress that how their child’s studies would get along.

Keeping the needs of the students in mind and The Froebel’s School’s motto that

“LEARNING NEVER STOPS” we came up with the idea of “DISTANCE LEARNING

PROGRAM” in which we have transferred the physical mode of learning to online mode and

for the parents to get adapted to the online mode, here at The Froebel’s School, we have

arranged an online orientation, in which all the teachers have participated by making a detailed

PowerPoint presentation, which explained the parents how this online learning program would

benefit the students and provide the alternative of the physical classroom. At the end of the

online presentation, parents have appreciated the efforts of all the class teachers as their

ambiguities have been addressed professionally and smoothly.


We at The Froebel’s School believe education is the basic need of every child and schools are

their very first fountains of knowledge where they are exposed to different fields that later

shapes their personalities. Though education is evolving at a faster rate ever than before, there

is a growing concern among educators for adapting new methods to acquire knowledge. This

is the reason we used groundbreaking new-age methodology so that our students develop

essential skills to do better in their studies. This also takes the stress out of learning and makes

their learning experience a joyful one!

During this pandemic, students got an opportunity to get exposed

to this new methodology of learning. Students were trained

online through a good dose of recorded videos, discussions and

activities every day. The Google Classrooms were changed into

collaborative workplace where they worked as groups and

learned many significant information. Students learned to voice

their ideas and opinions in writing as well. Every student is different and thus, we get it! Our

methodology of learning online took into account and appreciated the uniqueness of all the

personalities simultaneously.


Every nation in the world has some days of significance, which distinguish them from

remaining days of the year. One such important day for Pakistanis, is 14th August, which is

celebrated with full spirit and fervor every year all across Pakistan.

Alhamdulillah, like every year, we at The Froebel’s School have once again kept our tradition

alive by celebrating this day with full enthusiasm, and patriotic spirit. Although, this year was

a little different in a way that the students were not a part of celebration physically because of

the pandemic situation, but even then, we kept our students and parents’ part of our celebration

through our social media portal in which they had an opportunity of experiencing live online

lifetime experience. Students showed active participation through sending videos of national

dress, poster competition, badges and winners were awarded with gifts and certificates.

The glorious event started with the sacred name of Allah, followed by variety of inter active

activities among the teams of The Froebel’s family members at all levels such as virtual flag

hoisting ceremony, national songs, competition, motivational speeches by the members from

management , speech competitions and English/Urdu skits by the faculty of all campuses. The

certificates were distributed among the winners and the participants of all the competitions.

The event ended with a thought provoking speech by the Principal wherein, she stressed upon

the need to inculcate the true spirit of independence and the role and responsibilities as teachers

towards upbringing the children as responsible citizens and good humans.



“Let’s know what Al Quran says about Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), Let's know The Prophet’s (صلى الله ”Way (عليه وسلمShow your Love by FASTING every Monday. Not by FEASTING once a year.

➨ QURAN 33:36

The beginning started with the sacred name of Allah the lord of this world. Alhumdulillah The

Froebel’s School has a rich of history of observing the rituals of all Islamic months with the

view of promoting the significance and inculcate the teaching of an Islamic month among the

young leaners as we do understand that young generation of our society is in dire need of

perfect and balanced model between the teaching of modern world and essential teaching of a

religion in line with commandments of Quran and Sunnah.

To highlight the significance of the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal, our teachers and students started

their working based on “Seerah activities” to be observed throughout this lunar month in many

aspects as such the teachers integrated the associated learning and practices with the existing

lesson plan for the month of October /November 2020 and the display of all school’s inside

and outside soft boards were changed according to the theme of the month. The main objective

behind observing these Seerah-based activities was to honour our dear holy Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH)’s teachings and His “Finality of Prophet hood”, as a seal of prophet

specifically. Alhamdullilah, our students came across many practical teachings of Sunnah

throughout this month as they followed the concept of “A Sunnah a day”. Although, this year

was a little different in a way that students were not coming physically to school due to

pandemic, but even then we kept our students part of our seerah activities through our social

media portal in which they were asked during zoom online class to share Friday rituals, the

SUNNAHS for Friday which includes ablutions, cutting nails, applying ittar and wearing nice

clothes. They were also asked to make videos of sunnah of eating, drinking, sleeping, leaving

the home and entering the washroom. They were also asked to make small clips on favourite

food of HOLY PROPHET (S.A.W.W). Badges were given to each child by school as a

souvenir. Our parents’ community was also requested to promote and establish an Islamic

environment at the homes where the students would be encouraged to follow and practice the

Sunnahs of our HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) so that as a community we would

be able to achieve better and stronger Islamic personalities. Ameen.


“Every child is a different kind of flower, and together make this world a beautiful garden.”

Covid-19 made this world miserable. In 2020, earlier there was a pandemic situation. Everyone

was confined to stay at home. By the grace of Allah Almighty, the pandemic situation

improved and schools opened for the students in the month of November, the first day was a

wonderful day indeed! A warm welcome was given to the students in the morning from the

gate till their classrooms by whole teaching staff, teachers welcomed their students with great

enthusiasm. All the boards of the school were decorated beautifully with welcome note for the

students, they were also given candies and souvenirs. Air hugs were passed among teachers

and students, and they all got well aware of SOPS through interesting activities, slogans, and

catchy captions, prepared by their teachers. The first day at school was full of joy and

memorable, as the students interacted with their friends and teachers after a long stay at home.

They played in the ground, they enjoyed inside and outside activities, and celebrated the first

day with full zeal and zest, as the students and teachers were together after a long period of



Children's day is one of the most eagerly awaited event of the year for children all around

the world. It is celebrated on 18th November to improve the welfare and promote children's


Children's Day at The Froebel's School turned out to be a momentous day for the students

and the teachers. As students were confined in their homes earlier due to the Covid-19 so the

teachers put their maximum effort to make it memorable for them. They had planned outdoor

as well as indoor games keeping SOPs in mind, which students loved. There was a talent

show where they were able to show their talent and a puppet show which was thoroughly

enjoyed by them and filled them with laughter. Students had brought a variety of refreshment

to share with their friends. They were awarded with gifts and certificates. They all had a fun

filled day and they all felt very special.


The Froebel’s school always aims to enhance cognitive and physical learning of the students.

Last year, all the sports activities and competitions were cancelled due to the global pandemic


Alhamdulillah, this year The Froebel’s School announced its Annual Sports Week and

received tremendous response from the parents and students. The sports week was held in the

month of February, at Junior Campus II. Maintaining the SOPs and social distancing was the

most challenging task which was carried out incredibly by the teachers and sports instructors.

Since the students were back to school after a long time, so they were immensely enthusiastic

to participate in different races like Hula Hoop, Hurdle Race, Sack Race, spoon race and

Taekwondo activities were organized in the Sports Week. Maximum student’s participation

was witnessed and parent’s response was amazing, in the end the winners got certificates and



Any skill that is useful in your life can be considered as a life skill.

Tying your shoe laces, swimming, driving a car and using a

computer are, for most people, useful life skills. Life

skills motivate healthy behavior, increase self-confidence and

helps to find new ways of thinking and problem solving. The

teachers worked very hard in this pandemic to instill different life

skills virtually through different videos of tying a shoe lace,

making lemonade, hanging and folding clothes, making bed, using

washroom and table manners etc. The students were also asked to

perform those daily life skills and post their videos too on GCR.

This not only helped a child to learn new ways of doing different

task but it was also very helpful for their mothers and they even

taught their younger siblings.


The Dars teachers have arranged Azan competition for boys only and quiz competition

among the students of grade (II’s. III’s and IV’s) during physical classes. The main

objectives of these competitions were to check the confidence of the students, and their

ability to memorize and developing sense of healthy competition. For the quiz competition, g

handouts were given to all the students provided by the Dars teachers. The students were

short listed and finalists were prepared for the final round, unfortunately the closure of

school due to pandemic the final round was not held, same happened with the students of

Azan competition. The positive aspect of this competition was to create healthy and Islamic

environment among the students, in which they learned and got to know more about Islamic



Urdu has been called one of the most beautiful and sophisticated languages spoken around the world.

In 1973, Urdu was recognized as the sole national language of Pakistan. Every year this day is

celebrated on 21st February .Being a Muslim state and being a PAKISTANI we should feel proud

about our national language, history and culture to promote awareness of linguistic, and cultural

diversity. The Froebel’s school has decided to celebrate this day so that students should know and

highlight the importance of this day. In this context, lots of activities were done. Students were asked

to write and recite lots of poetries that increased their interest level and capability to write Urdu.

Students have made different and beautiful posters. Students said beautiful poetries to show and

enhance the importance of this language day.


The 81st Pakistan day was celebrated with great joy and pride at the Froebel School.

Despite the current COVID19 situation, credit goes to all the staff and students for ensuring

strict compliance with all the SOPs. The event was inaugurated with a beautiful note by the

head, Mrs. Irum Sohail. This was followed by a speech by the home teacher, Mrs. Nadia

Arif, who gave a brief background of the historical significance of the occasion and the

impact it had on the Pakistan movement. The presentation ended with a prayer and a vow

that we will make our founder proud and work harder to make Pakistan a better place. This

was followed by various speeches by all the students who also sang national songs and

celebrated the spirit of the occasion with great zeal and enthusiasm. The teachers joined in

the celebration, singing songs with the children to inspire them and make the occasion a

memorable one. The session ended with Ms. Irum and Ms. Maria awarding prizes and

certificates to all the students.


The exhibition is a general term used for the organized collection of selected items and their

display in public.

A science exhibition was about to be held in April, 2021 with an objective of showcasing static

and working models which can be used for learning various scientific concepts for children of

the age group 10-14 years. The objective was not only to inculcate a scientific attitude and

research-mindedness but also creating teaching aids. It involves students to participate in

activities so as to understand the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the task,

where student s exhibit their talents on creativity and innovation.

Student-teachers participated in this activity and prepared models which would be used as

teaching aids during their school internship programme later. They had chosen topics from

S.T.E.M. Science, electricity, solar system and other topics relevant to their taught topics this


Creating educational disruption everywhere, the Covid-19 pandemic has hindered the learning

of students and the science exhibition was cancelled due to unexpected closure of schools.

As we were preparing for this events with great enthusiasm, so everyone was feeling,

downhearted but the positive factor to it was that the students' learning didn't stop and they

learnt a lot while preparing their models.


As we all know that Ramadan is a very blessed and honorable month of worship, mercy and

forgiveness in which all Muslims strive to get closer to Allah (SWT), by performing good

deeds. Muslims are encouraged to generously give for Sadqahs throughout the holy month of

Ramadan, by expecting with surety that each reward is multiplied by Allah (SWT) in this


Like every year, this year also, we didn’t forget that there are so many deprived and

underprivileged, people whose lives should be lightened up by us in the blessed month of


Alhamdulillah, the management of The Froebel’s School became successful in fulfilling the

virtuous obligation to provide all the needy people with the best in collaboration with the

heads, teachers, parents and the students.

➢ The students donated their precious toys, dresses and other accessories.

➢ Rashan packs were supplied to the needy people in realization that their plates must

not remain empty, while we would be eating during Ramadan with our full set tables.

➢ All the teachers also actively participated in designing the different sets of jewellery,

making art crafts, packing dresses and food items and setting up the stalls.

• We are highly thankful to Allah (SWT) to bless us with so much that we are able to spend

and distribute further from HIS provision. We are also thankful to parent community to

participate in this noble cause compassionately.



The International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest (IKMC) is a source of intellectual

encouragement for all and a challenge for the genius ones. It is an effort to give children

confidence in their ability for comprehending mathematics, help them to understand how

mathematics applies in nature’s laws and humans’ lives, education is crucial in every aspect

of life. Keeping in view the same, The Froebel’s School has once again decided to take part

in 31st The International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest 2021 which has an international

character. It brings together mathematics education specialists and research from all around

the world. However, due to currently worldwide health situation, this year The Froebel’s

School has decided to conduct the contest virtually. So we sent circular to all the parents as

parents wait eagerly for this contest. We shared the instructions and a tutorial file about the

online conduction of IKMC to facilitate the parent community.

The time allotted for grade 1 till 4 was 120 minutes. Students from grade 1- 4 participated

enthusiastically and were well prepared. This contest was supposed to be held physically,

however, the management looking into the pandemic situation decided to conduct virtually.

The contest was held successfully with the cooperation of our respected parents.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, academic institutions have significantly shifted all

educational activities to the e-learning format.

The Froebel's school also arranged virtual assessment through Google form to evaluate the

learning throughout the term.

It was an amazing and great experience for the students as well as teachers as they proved that

learning should never be stopped despite of any hurdles.

EID PACKS (2020-2021)

The Froebel’s School is reviving the true essence of learning and education and strive to create an atmosphere

where students develops confidence, enthusiasm and creativity with the help of co-curricular activities because

we believe that education and inspiration not only present inside the classroom but also outside the classroom.

After the arise of online learning during COVID-19, was an essence challenge. Alhamdulillah we successfully

conducted the virtual classes and planned an engaging positive, creative and supportive online environment

for our students. We strive hard to install a love for learning in our students, which they will carry with them

for the rest of their lives. As we do not only focus on our students in academics, but we also engage our

students in all other co-curriculum activities. To achieve this goal, we asked the students to decorate Eid

corners in their homes, the material for the decoration was provided by the teachers, and the students were

supposed to greet and wish Eid messages to the whole Froebel’s community through their videos. This activity

actually connected students and teachers on this auspicious day.


Eid-ul-Fitr is an auspicious festival celebrated by Muslims all around the world. The

occasion marks the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. However, Eid this year was

different from the previous years due to Covid-19. Prayers, family gatherings, dinners

nothing was like before. During this time, TFS did not leave any stone unturned and tried its

best to adapt to this change. The teachers sent their students Eid decoration and asked them

to create the environment and wish Eid Mubarak to their teachers and make videos. Teachers

sent Eid wishes to show their love and connection with their students. In this way, students

not only enjoyed but were happy to be part of such an amazing activity which involved them

