the frightening ride

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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A fractured fairytale based around Lilo and Stitch.


A Frightening RideBy: Emilie Magnuson

Stitch never knew exactly how Lilo got to his planet, he mostly just knew she was an alien. Normally, in most situations, Stitch wasnt involved. It was just a normal day in the life of Lilo Pelekai, fighting with her sister, making trouble at school and being late for dance practice. I absolutely HATE dancing! Lilo said,Why do I have to go every day?Its part of the ceremony, Lilo. All girls your age learn to dance, and they all dance at the festival. said Nani, her sister.I think I might tell them Im sick, so I dont have to go.You cant do that. All the girls in the family have a picture of themselves at the festival, dancing on stage. You dont want to be the only girl in the family without one, do you? Nani asked.No, but I dont want to go. What did you say?NO, BUT I DONT WANT TO GO! DONT RAISE YOUR VOICE WITH ME!IM NOT!YOU ARE TOO! GO TO YOUR ROOM!
FINE!FINE!After she slammed her door in Nanis face, Lilo ran away. Lilo didnt know where she was, but she was in a government building, that had space ships. Lilo wandered, in a uncontrolled daze, not knowing where she was going or where she was going to end up. She found herself in a mysterious space ship. Lilos trance faded away once she entered the ship. She automatically started pushing buttons, interested in what everything actually did. Then, Lilo heard a military voice yell, Get out of there!! Youre not supposed to be here!!Today was the day Lilo could mark one thing off her bucket list, going to space. One of the many buttons shed been pushing must have made the ship take off. Lilo started playing, trying to speak to the imaginary person in the intercom. Unexpectedly, she got a response from a man in, what must have been a control room, Who is this, and why did you steal government property? Im Lilo Pelekai. What are you talking about stealing government property?The spaceship that youre in is government property, and its getting ready to take off. Since it is leaving this planet, youre stealing government equipment.Im sorry, it was an accident. Ill give it back.How old are you Lilo?Im six, why?Lilo, please sit down in the nearest seat, and buckle yourself in, this ride might be bumpy.Okay, Im in the seat. Am I going to space?Yes, Lilo Pelekai, you are the youngest person in the world to go to space.Cool! Can I get something so my friends will believe me when I tell them?I might be able to give you a certificate.I wont get a medal?Sorry, no you wont be able to get a medal.How much longer do I have to stay strapped in this seat, its getting really uncomfortable.Actually, you should be able to get out now. Youll float around, since theres no gravity.Lilo went straight to one of the windows, to see the stars. With the look of excitement on her face, she must have thought the view looked astonishing. Even though she was six years old, Lilo would never be in space again. Soon, Lilo landed on Kuichim. The only thing that saw her land was Stitch, or Experiment 626. He saw her space ship crash land, and didnt know what to do. Lilo was fine, just a few bumps and bruises. She thought that shed landed back on Earth, but that was far from the right assumption. The first thing Lilo saw when she made her way out of the ship, was Stitch. They gave each other the what-planet-are-you-from look. Where am I? asked Lilo.Hsshedhsodsd. said Stitch, since he couldnt say, Planet Kuichim.What? Do you have rabies? GET AWAY!Hseddhihshsdhsk. he said making a come-here motion.Lilo followed, not knowing why she was trusting this unknown alien that couldnt speak, probably had rabies, and might get her put in jail. Stitch guided Lilo through twists and turns of what would be roads, but she didnt think he had any clue where he was going. After what seemed hours of walking, they finally came to something that resembled a house. Stitch opened the door and motioned to come in. Lilo willingly walked in and met another person, their name was Sohachi. Hello, Im Sohachi, who are you?Im Lilo, where am I?Youre on the Planet Kuichim. Where are you from?Im from Earth.If youre wondering, this is Experiment 626, or Stitch. He cant talk our normal language, we dont think his brain is advanced enough.Oh, that explains some things.How old are you Lilo?Im six, but Ill be seven in a month and two days.Interesting, thats in human years right?Yeah, what else would it be in?Oh, nothing. I just didnt know if you were going to put it into our years.No, do you know why Stitch was there when I landed?Actually I dont, we might be able to find out later.Lilo thought that Stitch was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, but there was someone who knew why he was there. Really, there were a lot of people that knew why Stitch was wandering around the barren wasteland where Lilo crash landed her stolen spaceship. Both of the people shed met already knew, but Lilo didnt because it was supposed to stay a secret, especially to the new-found alien. Lilo really wanted to know, because she knew, deep down inside, that people werent telling her something. Lilo wandered through makeshift cities and towns, until she found something that looked like a government building. The gigantic yellow doors opened to reveal a monstrous blue alien. Her tentacles were flailing about in excitement. While the alien was trying not to hit Lilo, she mistakenly hit a button that made a sound that ripped through Lilos ears like a knife through butter. The sound was so high pitched, it denied her to even get up off of the floor. Sorry about that, apologized the unnamed alien, I really didnt mean to.I CANT BELIEVE YOU DID THAT, IT HURT!! screamed Lilo.I know it hurts, I used to be human once too.What?! How is that possible?Do you want me to help you up and show you?What can I do to deal with the pain?Really, nothing.What do you mean nothing?!Dont worry, it goes away in a couple of minutes.Lilo got the help she was looking for to get up, and followed the unnamed alien through a corridor. Everything was so big, and futuristic. Lilo had to stop and take in this moment, all the bright colors, and how advanced everything on this planet was. Nothing was the way it was on Earth, here was all shiny things and bright colors. After a little walking, they finally made it to a locked door. The alien punched in a four number code. Lilo heard the beep of the door, and a the click of a mechanism moving to unlock the door. I didnt catch your name, what is it? My name is Linchar. asked the alien as she opened the door and motioned to enter.Im Lilo, nice to meet you Linchar. They entered the room that was below the temperature of ice. Linchar gave Lilo a jacket and they walked through the room together. There were things in canisters that Lilos sister could fit into. Lilo walked over to one of the canisters and got frightened when she saw the person that was being morphed into an alien. She was stuck in this frightened pose. Lilo didnt know why but she couldnt move, nothing in her bones was able to move, she was a statue. A statue that could once move, could once talk, could once be held in her sisters arms. Linchar moved Lilos frightened body to face herself.Lilo...Hello? said Linchar, trying to get Lilo mobile again.They do this to people!? yelled a questionable Lilo.Yes they do, but only the ones that want it to happen to them.I dont ever want this to happen to me!It doesnt hurt, you really dont feel a thing.Well it still looks very scary.Who met you when you got here? asked Linchar.A blue person, I think his name was Stitch, his friend told me he couldnt talk because he wasnt smart enough.Are you talking about Experiment 626?I dont know, his friend told me he had another name, but I didnt know what is was.Yes, then your little blue friend was Experiment 626. You should not have talked to him.Why not?Your friend Stitch is a criminal, and a thief of everybodys left shoe, you released him into the city again.I didnt mean to. Im sorry.Linchar then threw Lilo into a vacant transformation tube, shut the door, and put another code in. Lilo tried to scream, and get out of the predicament she was in, but Linchar already locked the door. She had no way out. Again she was a statue, a prisoner of her own fear. A prisoner of the tube she was in. A prisoner of her own bad luck. Lilo was a prisoner to everyone including herself. Now nobody could help her. Lilo was on her own and she knew it. She would never see her sister again, never see the picture of her family that she kept under her pillow. Thats when Lilo woke up from her unrefreshing slumber. The fear inside her body was too much to bear. This was the occurring nightmare that Lilo saw every time she closed her little eyes to sleep. She was the exact same statue that she was hoping, deep down inside, she wasnt.After Lilo awoke, she ran down the stairs to her sister. Before Lilo had cried herself to sleep, she had been fighting with her sister, and she was thankful Nani was still in the house. Nani had the what-are-you-doing-i-thought-you-hated-me look on her face when Lilo jumped on the couch and gave her a gigantic bear hug. Stitch remained in the dream reliving the day over and over, waiting for Lilo to come back and have the nightmare again. When Lilo came back to the dream, Stitch was waiting there on his planet, for her ship to crash. Stitch wanted to tell his new found friend what was going on and why it was going on, too, but he couldnt because the government configured him so he didnt speak English.