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The Fourth Century Crisis The Struggle for Hegemony

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Page 1: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:

The Fourth CenturyCrisis

The Struggle for Hegemony

Page 2: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:

Stasis: 404-3

Lysander’s Settlement:Patrios PoliteiaThe constitution of our ancestorsOligarchy – rule by aristocratic elite

Patron PoliteiaThe constitution of our fathers Literal interpretation: the democracy

of the 450’s

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Friend of SocratesNot a member of a hetaireiaLeader of the Kaloi K’Agathoi from 413Leader of the revolution of 411: Supported the recall of Alcibiades Turned against the Four Hundred Rejoined the Fleet in 410

Page 4: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:

Theramenes the tube sock

Prosecuted Arginusae strategoiSupported the democrats in 404Threatened with executionElected one of the ThirtyOpposed the Rule of the ThirtyExecuted in 403

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The Thirty Tyrants

Critias: Leader of the ThirtyOrdered execution of TheramenesAsked Lysander to execute Alcibiades

Proscriptions:Spartan garrisonOver 1500 executedWealthy flee Athens

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Civil War: 403

Sparta: No exiles given sanctuaryArgos and Thebes refuse the order

Thrasybulus: Fortifies Phyle Repels an attack by CritiasMoves to Munychia

Critias Removed the democrats to PeiraeusDefeated and killed in battle

Page 7: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:
Page 8: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:


Page 9: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:

Cyrus the Pretender

Darius II (423 – 405)Artaxerxes & CyrusCyrus:Satrap of Sardis under Darius (408)Assisted LysanderAt war with TissaphernesHired Clearchus

Page 10: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:

Pharnabazus: 404 BC

Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus

Pharnabazus: Satrap of PhrygiaArrested and executed Alcibiades Reported the plot to Artaxerxes

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March of the Ten Thousand

Cyrus the PretenderGathered an army of 70,000 13,000 Greek mercenariesWar on Pisidia and CiliciaDefeated at Cunaxa in 401 BC.

XenophonTook command of 10,000 GreeksMarched from Cunaxa to Trapezus

Page 12: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:

March of the Ten Thousand

Page 13: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:

Sparta and Persia:

Tissaphernes: Chased mercenaries out of AsiaGiven Cyrus’ Satrapy

Sparta: Based at EphesusThibron (400/399)Dercylidas (399/8)Truce with Tissaphernes

Page 14: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:

Spartan HegemonyHarmosts installed in Aegean citiesDemocracies dissolvedWar with Persia: 398: Agesilaus succeeds Agis 396: Leads invasion of Asia 395/4: Tissaphernes defeated

Tithraustes Replaced Tissaphernes Financed Boeotian League

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Exiled after AegospotamiFled to CyprusHired by Pharnabazus in 398Recovers Aegean Islands 394:Defeats Spartan fleet off Cnidus393: Begins to rebuild Long Walls

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The Boeotian War

Thebes – Argos – Athens395/4: Lysander killed at HaliartusAgesilaus recalled from Asia

393 - 91 Corinthian War Lechaeum

387: The King’s Peace

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Ten Thousand Persian Archers

Page 18: The Fourth Century Crisis - University of Albertaegarvin/assets/14-fourth...Hired Clearchus Pharnabazus: 404 BC Alcibiades: learned of Cyrus’ Plot Reported it to Pharnabazus Pharnabazus:

Second Athenian League383:Sparta takes citadel of Thebes

379:Spartans forced out of Thebes

377Second Athenian League

371 Battle of LeuctraSpartan phalanx beaten

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Theban Hegemony

Pelopidas and EpaminondasSacred BandThe Peloponnese: 370/69Arcadian LeagueMessenia liberatedAthens allies with Sparta

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362 BC:Sparta, Athens, Achaea, Ellis and ArcadiaEpaminondas: Chose MantineaVictorious, but killed in battle

Nothing resolved

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