the flame - holy trinity greek orthodox cathedral · 1200 robert e. lee boulevard – new orleans,...

1200 ROBERT E. LEE BOULEVARD NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 70122 FIRST GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH IN NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA Volume 7, Issue 5 May 2017 LIGHT, JOY, AND HOPE Father George Wilson CHRIST IS RISEN! TRULY HE IS RISEN! Last month we gathered in the Cathedral anxiously awaiting the light from the Paschal candle that represents the light of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we heard the hymn: “Δεῦτε λάβετε φῶς” (Come receive the light), we lifted our candle to receive the flame. We were reminded to prayerfully wait as the light made its way throughout the darkened Nave. If you were sitting in the choir loft, you could see it all begin with just one point of light from the Paschal candle. Then, there were six more as our acolytes distributed the light throughout the Cathedral. As more and more candles were lit, the room slowly became illumined. This is a wonderful reminder that as the light of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was distributed to the faithful, the darkness was broken and slowly disappeared. Our Lord offers His illumination to us. With the completion of the service of Resurrection Matins (Ὄρθρος), we entered into a new day at midnight and the opportunity to focus on our relationship with our Lord. A question posed in the darkened Cathedral was: Will our new day be a new day in Christ? This is a common spiritual ideal for us Christians: to experience the unending light of the Lord and allow it to illumine and brighten our souls. In John 8:12 Jesus reminds THE FLAME HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL MONTHLY NEWSLETTER

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    Volume 7, Issue 5 May 2017


    Father George Wilson


    Last month we gathered in the Cathedral anxiously awaiting the light from the Paschal candle that represents the light of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we heard the hymn: “Δεῦτε λάβετε φῶς” (Come receive the light), we lifted our candle to receive the flame. We were reminded to prayerfully wait as the light made its way throughout the darkened Nave.

    If you were sitting in the choir loft, you could see it all begin with just one point of light from the Paschal candle. Then, there were six more as our acolytes distributed the light throughout the Cathedral. As more and more candles were lit, the room slowly became illumined. This is a wonderful reminder that as the light of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was distributed to the faithful, the darkness was broken and slowly disappeared.

    Our Lord offers His illumination to us. With the completion of the service of Resurrection Matins (Ὄρθρος), we entered into a new day at midnight and the opportunity to focus on our relationship with our Lord. A question posed in the darkened Cathedral was: Will our new day be a new day in Christ?

    This is a common spiritual ideal for us Christians: to experience the unending light of the Lord and allow it to illumine and brighten our souls. In John 8:12 Jesus reminds



  • PARISH REGISTRY Celebrations, Milestones, Comfort, and Support

    BAPTISM April 23, 2017 Daphne Lemonia Toras

    Daughter of Emily (Gelpi) and Elftherios Toras Godparents: Maria and Andonis Stefanias


    April 27, 2017 Argyro A. Stratis

    Continued from previous page

    us saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” Our Lord does not want us to remain in the darkness of the world. The Evangelist Matthew taught: “the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” (Matthew 4:16)

    The darkness that Matthew speaks of is a world with no hope and only passing and fleeting attempts at joy. The dawning light is the Light of Christ, which brings with it true joy. Our Lord tells us in John 15:11: “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” He promised a life of joy, which by definition is the opposite of misery, unhappiness, sorrow, grief. Saint Paul teaches the Romans: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13)

    Our Lord desires us to receive and be illumined by His Light so that we may be filled with the joy that only He can provide and with that the Grace of God through the Holy Spirit that will fortify our hope.

    I pray that our Lord allows His Grace to bless you with His joy lifting you above any difficulty or misery. Χριστὸς ἀνέστη!

    HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 1200 Robert E. Lee Boulevard New Orleans, Louisiana 70122

    504.282.0259 – Fax 504.283.5586

    Liturgical Services Sundays – Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Weekdays (when scheduled) 9:00 am

    Clergy Reverend Father George Wilson [email protected] 504-282-0259

    Chanters: Demetrios Golfos, Demetrios Pappas, and Stavros Savvaides Choir Director: Alex Tiliakos

    2017 PARISH COUNCIL President: Barbara Stavis Wolf 1

    st Vice President: Nicholas S. Bouzon


    Vice President: W. Paul Andersson Treasurer: Nektarios Christakis Secretary: Maria Anastasiou Members: Ares Christakis, MD; Angela Fyssas-Lear; Nick Moustoukas, MD; Panagiotis Patselikos; Steven E. Psarellis; and Ginny Zissis

    The Flame: Editor, Victoria Catsulis

    EDUCATION Greek School: Instructor, Fay Kalergi Hymnology: Instructor, Viki Moustoukas Sunday Church School following Holy Communion

    Director: Patrick Latour

    ORGANIZATIONS Acolytes and Readers

    Coordinator: Vladimir Ammons AHEPA: President, Lance von Uhde, III Daughters of Penelope

    President: Denise Ammons

    Education, Culture, and Youth Ministries Chairman: Steven E. Psarellis

    GOYA Coordinator: Presvytera Harriet Wilson President: Pantelis Patselikos Advisors: Alex Korominas, Despina Patselikos,

    and Donna Venturatos Hellenic Dancers Coordinator, Mathoula Bilalis Holy Trinity Soccer: Co-Directors, Angela Fyssas- Lear and Katerina Sutton HOPE/JOY (age 11 and under)

    Coordinator: Vicki Mantikos McCallef Advisors: Angeliki Frezoulis and Sina Grass

    Philoptochos: President, Cathy Vial PTA: President, Evagelia Vatakis Real Estate Committee Chairperson: Christ Kanellakis St. Markella of Chios President: Maria Anastasiou

    Support: Secretary, Victoria Catsulis Maintenance: Dimitri Vatakis



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    Δεΰτε λάβετε το φώς…” are inspirational words that mark the start of the Resurrection Orthros and prepare the faithful for the celebration of Pascha that culminates the Lenten journey. The beauty of Holy Trinity Cathedral combined with the sounds of the priest, choir, chanters and congregation singing Χριστός Ανέστη is emotional and engulfs us in feelings of sadness and joy. We are saddened because of Christ’s suffering but joyous that Jesus trampled death, rose from the dead, and showed us the path to salvation. We now go forward in the year knowing God’s love is with us, and we strive each day to be worthy and to show our love for one another.

    Guidance is provided in the words said after His Resurrection - “And Jesus said to them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved….” Mark 16:15-16. We celebrate the Resurrection and strive to share the good news of the Gospel in all we do and with all those we meet so that we can spread the word and love of Jesus to all those around us and all who come seeking the word in our church.

    This month we will recognize the success of the Sunday Church School and Greek School teachers and students with presentation of certificates on May 14. Then, we proceed with the preparations for the annual Greek Festival, which is a time when we share the truth of our faith, the traditions and foods of our heritage, and the beauty and history of our church with the greater New Orleans Community. Thank you all for sharing in fellowship at the many workshops and celebrating this major event of our community by participating in the Festival.

    Χριστός Ανέστη! Barbara Stavis Wolf - Parish Council President


    Holy Trinity welcomed on Sunday, April 23, Greek-American children’s book author, Demetra Tsavaris-Lecourezos, who wrote the Young World Travelers Series. Copies of her two well-known children’s books were available for sale and book signing. The first book, Young World Travelers and the Magical Crystal Globe, kicks off a children’s adventure from Tarpon Springs, Florida, to Queens, New York, incorporating concepts of magic, as well as sharing, manners, compassion, empathy, integrity, and more. The second book, Ready, Set, Opa!, is about a group of children, who travel the world on many exciting journeys, along with their magical crystal globe. The books received high reviews and several awards and serve as a reference library of places to visit, cultures, architecture, currency, food, and music of other lands. A portion of the book sale proceeds went to Holy Trinity Cathedral.

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    The Resurrection Divine Liturgy, which concluded at 2:00 am on April 16, was followed by a fellowship gathering in the gymnasium. The congregants and visitors that attended enjoyed the delicious soups prepared and served by Theodore Bozinis, George Korominas, and Dimitri Vatakis.

    Later, at noon on Holy and Great Pascha Sunday, the beautiful Agape Vespers was held. The Gospel was read in several languages. Participants included Denise Ammons - English, Billie Andersson - French, Paul Andersson - German, Yuila Koublitskaia - Modern Russian, Simona Manolache - Romanian, Andreja Popovic - Serbian, Virginia Pepis - Modern Greek, and Anna Sher - Church Slavonic. The annual HOPE & JOY Pascha Egg Hunt followed on the Cathedral grounds as did a reception in the Hellenic Cultural Center.

    Cathy Vial extends a special thank you to all, who joined in decorating the kouvouklion for Holy Friday services. It was absolutely beautiful and added so much to the solemn service.

    Kai tou Xronou!

  • PHOTOS—MIDDLE: Page 1 and RIGHT: Mike Toth working on page 1




    Jesus the Good Shepherd icon is truly a beloved icon for the Holy Trinity Community. Installed on a track, the icon served as the Holy Door to the altar in the renovated little church. Father John Zografos, the local priest in 1932 and again from 1934 to 1938, painted the Good Shepherd, as well as many other icons for Holy Trinity during his time in New Orleans. Conservation expenses were donated by Evelyn Poulos in memory of her parents, Mary Urania and Harry Fotiades; sister, Joan Fotiades; and her husband, John Anastasios Poulos. Evelyn, currently of Houston, Texas, was baptized in the little church as were her sisters, Julie and Joan Fotiades. One of her favorite photographs is of her baptism in which the icon of Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd enriches the image. In order to remediate any damage from the light that filters through the foyer doors, the Archives Committee will remove the icon for storage in the Icon Room for the next several months. Thank you, Evelyn, for your very special gift.

    The historic Sacramental Journal of baptisms with dates from 1882 was very seriously damaged in the waters of Hurricane Katrina. With the leadership of Dina Vatranis, the conservation efforts began in 2010 and have continued since then. After initially drying out the pages and saving them from further damage, the Committee focused on revealing the lost writing that was obscured because of the water and especially because of the mold. With the financial help from the community this year, Toth Imaging applied specialized imaging techniques, which actually showed valuable text. Next steps are to conserve the cover for exhibition.

    TThhaannkk yyoouu vveerryy mmuucchh ffoorr aallll yyoouurr MMeemmoorriiaall GGiiffttss..

    Mayy TThheeiirr MMeemmoorriieess BBee EEtteerrnnaall.. ““Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη”

    Cornelia and John Koniditsiotis for Nicholas Kardoulias

    Following the annual PTA Communion Breakfast, parishioners of all ages took time to make palm crosses for Palm Sunday services. Gail Psilos was instrumental in organizing and overseeing this ministry.


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    The ECYM Committee extends a most heartfelt thank you to all patrons, who contributed in making the Areti Ketime concert such as success Saturday evening, April 22, 2017. Also, a special thank you is given to the committee members for their time and effort, as well as the sponsors. Without their financial backing, the organizers were unable to present the event. Surely, Areti's beautiful rendition of the most precious traditional "Greek blues" songs still tugs at the heartstrings of those fortunate enough to attend. Below are pictures taken by Donna Venturatos that evening, as well as at the workshop that Areti graciously held at the Hellenic Cultural Center for the Holy Trinity parishioners on the following day.

  • Thank you to Angie Kringas, Cathy Vial, and Argie Kleamenakis for providing refreshments.

    Maria Anastasiou and Georgia Zervoudis presented a program on "Creative Decorations."

    Reminder: Bring in items for the Philoptochos Food Drive. The collection basket is set up in the Coffee Room.

    Philoptochos Retreat

    Attending the retreat were Karen Clark, Angie Kringas, Faith Kyame, Marcelle Orkoulas, Mary

    Pepps, Kathy Tsatsoulis, Cathy Vial, Presvytera Harriet Wilson, Ginny

    Zissis, and the bus driver.




    Cathy Vial, President

    Cornelia Koniditsiotis, 1st Vice President

    Elaine Nugent, 2nd Vice President

    Mary Kontos, Treasurer

    Koula Vennis, Recording Secretary

    Faith Kyame, Corresponding Secretary

    Connie Tiliakos, Past President


    Members of the Junior Neolea Hellenic Dancers and Holy Trinity Cathedral GOYA performed nine (9) traditional folklore dances for 240 special need clients at Magnolia Community Services on Thursday, April 13, 2017. The HTC dance troupe included Olivia Commagere, Nicholas Marathonitis, Stella Vatakis, Panayiota Vatakis, Danielle Venturatos, and James Venturatos. Their performance, which coincided with an Easter event, brought smiles to the audience, who listened joyfully to the beat of the Greek music and the children's rhythmic dancing. The dancers also participated in a hand motion dance that allowed wheelchair clients an opportunity to dance along with them. The young HTC ambassadors received much gratitude and appreciation for their selfless display of love to others. Special thanks are extended to Donna Venturatos, who chaperoned the GOYANS, and to Haydee Loukia Enriquez, who was the DJ for the dancers. The joint efforts of both groups made this venture possible.


    May 7 Last meeting for the 2016-2017 academic year—after Divine Liturgy

    May 14 Greek School and Sunday Church School reception and election of PTA officers


    Upcoming dance practices for the 2017 Greek Festival will follow usual Saturday morning times.

    Additional practices will be on Thursdays May 6 and May 13, as well as the week of the Festival. Details on the extra practices will be posted later in upcoming emails and the PTA Facebook page.

    As the 2016-2017 academic year comes to a close, PTA President and Junior Neolea Hellenic Dancers Coordinator Evagelia Vatakis thanks the ECYM Committee for their inspiration and support, her PTA officers for their commitment, all families for their participation, the special volunteers for their continued assistance, and especially the children of the community for their enthusiastic involvement throughout the year in the Greek School and Sunday Church School special events and activities. All HTC-PTA efforts focus on the children, who represent the next generation of the community. Evagelia attests that it is a rewarding experience to accomplish goals that are accompanied by smiles of gratitude and warm hugs from the children. Furthermore, she wishes good luck to the future officers and remarks what a pleasure it was for her to collaborate throughout the year with all community organizations in addition to the Greek School and Church Sunday School staff and students. Kalo kalokairi na exete oloi!

    NOTE TO PARENTS: Sunday Church School and Greek School commencements are slated for Sunday, May 14, 2017, which is also Mother’s Day! GOYA will distribute flowers to all mothers. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending church that day.


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    Holy Trinity GOYA jumped into spring with participation in the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival on both the local level and the district level in Pensacola, Florida. Vlad Caus and Stella Vatakis advanced and will travel with their families to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, for the Metropolis Festival. The Holy Trinity Cathedral family wishes them the very best! Vlad, Stella, and Pantelis Patselikos are pictured (right) with their supporters at the District SJCOF.

    In February members caught beads and “passed a good time” at the Annual Mardi Gras Parade Party and then collected bags of beads to donate to the Magnolia School. Many thanks to all, who donated beads for this service project!

    GOYANs also were active in the Greek Independence Day program. They danced with the Junior Neolea Hellenic Dancers, participated in the actual Greek School presentation, and ran the beverage booth.

    During Great Lent and Pascha members served as Aspile readers during the Salutations to the Theotokos, stuffed eggs for the Pascha egg hunt, wrapped the red eggs, and performed Greek folkdances with the Junior Neolea for the residents of Magnolia (see HTC-PTA article). Volleyball practices, which helped hone athletic skills, ended the last of April, freeing time for Greek Festival preparations and dance practices. The year will draw to a close with the elections of new officers at a noon meeting on May 7 in Room 210 and the end of the year BBQ Swim Party at 3:00 pm on June 10. GOYANs are asked to save the date!

    If you are a member of the church in grades 6 – 12, you are a member of GOYA! Contact the Cathedral office to be added to the email list.

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    The youth of Holy Trinity Cathedral chanted beautifully for three services during the Lenten season, including the Saturday of Lazarus on April 8, Palm Sunday on April 9, and Holy Saturday on April 15. The community was also blessed to have nine teens read the Prophesies on Holy Saturday.

    The Youth Hymnology program, which concludes its fourth year, is open to all children of the community. During the school year immediately following Holy Communion and prior to Sunday Church School, students of all ages

    gather in the classroom area to learn hymns from the Divine Liturgy. In addition to chanting the hymns in Greek and English, they discuss the meaning of the words, origins of the hymns, placement of the hymns in the Liturgy, and Bible reference. Holy Trinity youth have become more comfortable singing the music and often are seen chanting softly during services. Director Viki Moustoukas is immensely proud of the special children and thankful for the support of Father George, the ECYM Committee, parents, grandparents, teachers, choir members, and chanters. During the summer please encourage your children to sing along during the Liturgy to reinforce what they have learned. The group looks forward to continuing this beautiful ministry in the fall.

    Save the Date 100th Birthday Celebration

    in honor of

    Mary Pepps

    given by her children and grandchildren

    Saturday, July 29, 2017 (a little early)

    Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral

    1200 Robert E. Lee Boulevard

    New Orleans, Louisiana

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    2017 Vacation Church School

    Feasts of the Theotokos: Traveling on the Ark of Salvation

    9:00 AM until 1:00 PM Monday, June 12 - Friday, June 16

    at Holy Trinity Cathedral

    All children ages 3 (potty trained) through Middle School are encouraged to attend the annual Vacation Church School Program. This year the dates for VCS are June 12 – 16. (Apostles Fast) The day begins at 9:00 am and concludes at 1:00 pm. Cost is $10 per child or $25 per family for 3 or more children. Children will be provided a morning snack and meal drinks but are asked to bring their lunch each day. They will receive a special t-shirt to wear on Friday at the Evening Program. Please note that the Middle School Program is different and separate from the Elementary Program. Also, High School students are welcome to assist for community service hours. A registration table will be in the hall for you to register your child/children.

    If you have any questions, please contact Presvytera Harriet at [email protected] or call 504-941-7681.

    Deadline for registration is June 1, 2017.

    Registration Fee: $10 per child or $25 per family Includes t-shirt, materials, and drinks for lunch

    Students should bring their own a lunch each day.

    Schedule: Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 10:20 am Morning Prayers 10:20 am - 11:20 am Classroom Lesson 11:20 am - 11:30 am Prepare for Lunch 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Lunch (drinks provided)/Outdoor Play 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Arts and Crafts (switch with Music) 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Music (switch with Arts and Crafts) 1:00 pm Pick-up

    Every family is asked to bring something to share at the potluck breakfast.

    RSVP by June 1 to Presbytera Harriet Wilson at [email protected] or call 264-9004

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    The Cathedral office has received 199 commitments totaling $92,093.00. Of this $69,469.00 was paid with an average pledge of $462.78. Thank you again for your generous support of the 2017 Stewardship Ministry.

    Reverend George and Presvytera Harriet Wilson



    Kanellos, Polimnia and Evangelos Karasoulis, Eleni Kardoulias, Despina Kardoulias, Nick Kardoulias, Rhonda and Emanuel Khalil, Georgette Kleamenakis, Andrew Kleamenakis, Angela and George Kleamenakis, Argie and Nick Kleamenakis, Nickolas Kleamenakis, Sue and Michael Kloumassis, Evangelos Kloumassis, Niki Koniditsiotis, Cornelia and John Koniditsiotis, Jenny and Harry Konos, Marcella and Pete G. Kontaxis, Athena Korominas, Lenna and George Kouniaris, Konstantinos Kringas, Angie Kringas, Connie Ktistakis, Kay and Lucas Kyame, Faith Kyriakides, Maria and Aris Labatut, Argeta and Lawrence Labatut, Jonathan Labatut, Michael Lambousy, Alison and Peter D. Lambousy, Peter G. Latour, Patrick Lear, Angela Fyssas and Darrin Levendis, Catherine and John D. Levendis, Eleni Levendis, Nicki M. Levidis, Ermioni and Theodosios Leyva, Helen Lorio, Kathryn and Philip Lupu, Luminita and Viorel Maag, Maggie and Richard Macres, Paul Madonia, Arlene and Jason Mailhes, Konstantina Malachias, Helen and Charles Malachias, Vange Manoussaridis, Stavros Mantis, Rosy and Thomas Marathonitis, Eleftherios Marathonitis, Maria Mason, Irene McGee, Kris Diane and Richard Miaoulis, Anita and Chris Michailakis, Bridgett and Kosta Michailakis, Kalliopi and Petros Michailakis, Michael Michailakis, Pam and Gus Michailakis, Petroula and Pete Michalos, Effie Moustacas, Maria and Constantinos Moustaka, Dimitra Moustoukas, Despina Moustoukas, Viki and Nick Mullins, Kalliope and Mark Naquin, Georgia and Lee Nevels, Anastassia and John Max Nicoladis, Kristen and Michael F. Nicoladis, Peggy and Frank

    Ammons, Denise and Vladimir Andersson, Billie and W. Paul Andres, Christine P. Andrews, Bethlehem K. Andronovici, Liliana and Grigore Angelico, Kathy Conklin and Robert Angelus, Maria and George Apostol, Victoria Boychyk and Tudor Athas, Nancy Bakamitsos, Marion and Georgios Baril, Martha I. Bell, Victoria and Jon Benoit, Katherine and Chris Beraki, Yergalem H. Boulahanis, Angela and John Bouton, Bella and Raymond Bouzon, Nicholas Bozinis, Ena and Theodoros Burland, Panay and James Catsulis, Dalia Wenckus and Spiro Catsulis, Peter Catsulis, Victoria Chancy, Jr., Dena and James W. Charalampidis, Dimitrios Christakis, Joann S. Christakis, Loukia and Michael Christakis, Maria T. Christakis, Nektarios Christidis, Stylianos Christidis, Violet Chronis, Diane and Nicholas Ciolacu, Lidia Apostol and Andrei Cochran, Jerry Coluceriu-Dandu, Amanda and Calin Commagere, Anastacia Kanellos Dabbs, Stella Daughters of Penelope-Nestor Chapter Davrados, Nikolaos Demarinis, Eleftheria DiGiorgio, Catherine DiGiorgio, Olga Dimitry, Victoria Doss, Betty and John B. Doussa, Sandra Ferguson, Christina and Tyler Fotiades, Julie Frezoulis, Angeliki and Konstantinos Funti, Deborah Ann and Vasili Fyssas, Despina and George Gaina, Oxana Podfigurnaia & Vitalie Gambos, Fortunate and Andrew Gattuso, Ioana and Roy Gemisis, Georgios Georges, Anita Georges, Constantine Haddad, Vilma Haik, Vivi Hansel, Tonya and Andrew Herta, Svetlana Pizlag and Damian Hionakis, Anna and Nicholas Hoselle, Lisa and Jacques Hubbard, Susan Johnson, Helen Maskas and Ben Kalogiratos, Gerasimos Kambouris, Ermione and Antonios

    Kanellakis, Christ and Sophia Pappas

    Nicolau, Irina and Roman Nicopoulos, Sue and Constandinos Nugent, Elaine Michalos Orkoulas, Marcelle Owen, Adrienne D. and Greg Papadopoulos, Denise and Dennis Papamichael, Lori and Chris Papamichael, Peter Pappas, Alexandra Pappas, Christina and Nicholas Pappas, Despina K. Pappas, III, Nicholas Pelias, Magda Pembo, Angela Pembo, Michelle Pepps, Mary Petikas, Mary and Dimitrios Petratos, Angelina and Demetrios Popa, Maria and Vasile Psarellis, Michael Psarellis, Steven E. Psilos, Gail and Tony Psilos, George Psomas, Stella Putnam, Andrea and John Ramirez, Anna and Jesus Ramirez, Maria and Ramon Ricciardi, Chrysanthy Rostovshikova, N. & G. Neofotistos Seifried, Jason and Josie Dohmann Sher, Anna Skaff, Amy and Brandon Skoufalos, Ofeliamanda and Dimos Stathopoulos, Nicholas Stefanias, Maria and Adonios Stokes, Maria and Brian Stratikis, Suzanne and George Tadesse, Kalkidan Tadros, Katherine and Daniel Tiliakos, Connie and Alexander Tiliakos, John Toras, Emily and Eleftherios Toras, Laura and Socrates N. Tsatslios, Peter Tsatsoulis, Kathy Tsimboukis, Suzanne and Efthimios Tzavellas, Fotini and George Tzerefos, Cindy G. and Nicholas P. Tzerefos, Panagiotis L. Vaida, Mary and Razvan Vassilas, Anastasia Vatakis, Evagelia and Dimitris Vaveris, Matthew K. Venturatos, Carol and Steve Venturatos, Donna and Gregory Venturatos, Stephanie Vloutis, Frank Voulgarakis, Claudia and Vassilios Webb, Mary and James Whitehead, Martha and Joel Wisdom, Maria and Andrew Wolf, Angelle and William Wolf, Barbara Stavis Zannis, Marie Zargavis, Despoina Sotiriou & Vasilios Zervoudis, Georgia and George



    May 4 9:00 am Pastichio Workshop May 4 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm Evening Pastry Workshop May 5 9:00 am Pastichio Workshop May 13 9:00 am Calamari Workshop May 18 Gyro Workshop May 19 Gyro Workshop May 19 Nancy Moore Arrives in New Orleans May 20 Bake Baklava May 21 Bake Baklava May 21 After Church Services Baklava Sundae Workshop

    Evening workshops will be held 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm from May 15 through May 25.

    NOTE: Regular Greek Festival Pastry Workshops will continue each Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. The week of the Festival, there will be a workshop every day.

    CALLING ALL HERB GARDENERS!—The Greek Festival Committee is asking all herb gardeners to include extra plantings of thyme, basil, rosemary, and oregano, which later can be sold at the Festival. These herbs are most welcome additions in the Greek Grocery. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Stacy Rico at 504-282-0259.

    GREEK FESTIVAL PASTRY WORKSHOPS—The Pastry Committee thanks all of the loyal, hard working volunteers, who have worked tirelessly to prepare the pastries, and invites everyone to assist with completing this task. Workshops will continue every Tuesday and Wednesday in May.

    Please note the evening workshop on Wednesday, May 24, beginning at 6:30 pm to package pastries.

    GUIDE BOOK AD FORM—Greek Festival Program Guide ad forms are available in the Cathedral office. Deadline is Monday, May 15. Please consider making extra copies that you can share.

    NAME BADGES—All chairpersons must submit their volunteer names to Stacy no later than May 8 in order to have their booth name badges printed.

    POSTERS STILL NEEDED—Call or email Stacy Rico, if you have Greek Festival posters from 1992 and/or 1997. They are needed to complete the Cathedral collection.

    PRE-GREEK FESTIVAL PASTRY SALE—Almond rolls, galaktoboureka, koulourakia, and tiropites are on sale. Please see a Pastry chairperson to purchase these items.

    VOLUNTEERS NEEDED—Greek Festival volunteer sign up form are also available in the Cathedral office. Extra hands are always welcome. If you have not already committed to working at a particular booth, fill out a form and submit it to Stacy Rico. And, don’t forget to ask your family and friends to volunteer as well.


    The committee has experienced much needed assistance to complete the pastries for the Greek Festival. Many of you, the ladies and gentlemen that attended the regular weekly workshops, as well as the evening workshops organized by Gail Psilos, filled those needs and helped keep production on schedule. Please continue to support the pastry committee. All of you are invited to attend these workshops and bring someone with you. Again and as always, the mammoth task cannot be accomplished without you. Many, many thanks.



  • S P E C I A L P O I N T S O F I N T E R E S T

    100th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION—The Cathedral family is asked to save Saturday, July 29, 2017, when Mary Pepps, mother of Presvytera Harriet Wilson, will celebrate her 100th birthday! Please see the enclosed Save the Date announcement for details.

    2017 GREEK FESTIVAL—A plethora of Greek Festival announcements are posted inside this issue. Take time to review the information, as well as mark your calendar for the various workshops. Everyone's help is needed to complete the remaining tasks that lie ahead. Please note that the Festival dates are May 26, 27, and 28.

    BAKLAVA SUNDAE WORKSHOP—The Baklava Sundae Workshop will be Sunday, May 21, immediately following Divine Liturgy. The goal is to have 40 or more volunteers in order to complete the project in two (2) hours! So, make plans to join the group in the gymnasium. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

    CATHEDRAL BOOK CLUB—The last Book Club gathering will take place on Wednesday, June 7, at 9:00 am in the Coffee Room. The book being discussed is Memories Eternal by Nicholas Chronis, and the facilitator is Shawn Jackson. All are welcome to attend, as well as encouraged over the summer to read a book on the life of a saint to be shared at the September gathering.

    VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL—Information on VCS is available in this issue of The Flame. Please read the article and pay particularly close attention to the registration deadline, which is June 1, 2017. You may contact Presvytera Harriet, if you have any questions about this wonderful summer ministry for the children.

    SUNDAY REFRESHMENT SPONSORS—The refreshments provided after Sunday church services during the month of May will be donated by Michael Psarellis and Steve Psarellis. The Cathedral family appreciates their volunteering to provide this ministry after Sunday church services, which in turn encourages greater fellowship among parishioners.

  • M A Y 2 0 1 7

    TUESDAY, MAY 2 9:30 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    6:00 pm Adult Greek School—Beginners

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    7:00 pm Adult Greek School—Elementary

    7:00 pm Cathedral Montessori School Board Meeting

    WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 9:30 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    7:00 pm Adult Greek School—Advanced

    7:00 pm Bible Study

    THURSDAY, MAY 4 9:00 am Greek Festival Pastichio Workshop

    6:30 pm Catechism Class

    6:30 pm Greek Festival Evening Workshop

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    FRIDAY, MAY 5 9:00 am Greek Festival Pastichio Workshop

    9:45 am Cathedral Montessori School Chapel

    SATURDAY, MAY 6 10:00 am Youth Greek School—Intermediate

    10:30 am Junior Neolea Dance Practice—Beginners

    11:00 am Junior Neolea Dance Practice—Advanced

    11:00 am Youth Greek School—First Grade Primer

    12:15 pm Youth Greek School—Level 1 Beginners

    SUNDAY, MAY 7 8:45 am Orthros

    10:00 am Divine Liturgy—SUNDAY OF THE PARALYTIC

    Youth Hymnology and Sunday School after Holy Communion

    12:00 pm GOYA Meeting and Elections

    12:00 pm Holy Trinity PTA Meeting

    1:00 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    MONDAY, MAY 8 9:00 am Divine Liturgy—ST. JOHN THE THEOLOGIAN

    Greek Festival Name Badge DEADLINE

    7:00 pm Education, Cultural, and Youth Ministries (ECYM) Meeting

    TUESDAY, MAY 9 9:30 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    6:00 pm Adult Greek School—Beginners

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    7:00 pm Adult Greek School—Elementary

    7:00 pm Parish Council Meeting

    WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 9:00 am Divine Liturgy—MID-PENTACOST

    10:15 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    7:00 pm Adult Greek School—Advanced

    7:00 pm Bible Study

    THURSDAY, MAY 11 6:30 pm Catechism Class

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice


    SATURDAY, MAY 13 9:00 am Greek Festival Calamari Workshop

    10:00 am Youth Greek School—Intermediate

    10:30 am Junior Neolea Dance Practice—Beginners

    11:00 am Junior Neolea Dance Practice—Advanced

    11:00 am Youth Greek School—First Grade Primer

    12:15 pm Youth Greek School—Level 1 Beginners


  • M A Y 2 0 1 7 — C O N T I N U E D

    SUNDAY, MAY 14 8:45 am Orthros

    10:00 am Divine Liturgy—SUNDAY OF THE SAMARITAN WOMAN


    GOYA Mother's Day Flower Presentation

    Sunday School and Greek School End of Year Program

    12:00 pm Holy Trinity PTA Graduation Cake Reception and Election of Officers

    1:00 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    MONDAY, MAY 15 Greek Festival Program Guide—AD FORM DEADLINE

    TUESDAY, MAY 16 9:30 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 9:30 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    THURSDAY, MAY 18 Greek Festival Gyro Workshop

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    FRIDAY, MAY 19 Greek Festival Gyro Workshop

    Nancy Moore Arrives in New Orleans

    SATURDAY, MAY 20 Greek Festival—BAKE BAKLAVA

    6:00 pm Vespers at Holy Trinity Biloxi—50th Anniversary Celebration

    SUNDAY, MAY 21 8:45 am Orthros

    10:00 am Divine Liturgy—SUNDAY OF THE BLIND MAN

    Greek Festival—BAKE BAKLAVA

    12:00 pm Baklava Sundae Workshop

    1:00 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    MONDAY, MAY 22 9:30 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    TUESDAY, MAY 23 9:30 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 9:00 am Clergy Meeting in Fort Walton Beach, Florida

    9:30 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    6:30 pm Greek Festival Pastry Workshop—PACK PASTRY BOXES

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice

    THURSDAY, MAY 25 9:00 am Divine Liturgy—HOLY ASCENSION

    10:15 am Greek Festival Pastry Workshop

    6:30 pm Hellenic Dancers Practice



    2:00 pm Philoptochos Ozanam Inn


    11:00 am GREEK FESTIVAL


  • Come Celebrate With UsThe Golden Anniversary of

    Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church


    Gala Events Scheduled for:

    Saturday May 20, 2017Great Vespers – 6:00 pm

    Hors d'oeuvres reception to follow_____ Number attending

    Sunday May 21, 2017Orthos – 9:00 am

    Divine Liturgy – 10:00 amCelebration Luncheon at Holy Trinity – 1:00 pm

    _____ Adults $25.00_____ Children ~ 12 and under ~ $10.00

    Kindly respond by May 1, 2017

    Please make checks payable to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

    P.O. Box 8534 Biloxi MS 39535For more information, please contact George Yurchak

    [email protected]

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