the fi their way i - · pori had cnrnlvnl day nnd lutcr, salt water day in annual,...

The OUT THURSDAY - Home AU Week fi .Their Way I %s COVERING matawan borough AND TilE TOWNSHIPS OF MATAWAN, MARLBORO. HOLftlDEL and MADISON lOlit YEAR — 16th WEEK Member •/ Hatlooal Newspaper Association MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, i96? Kcw Jersey Press AidoclaUct* Single Copy Ten Cenli UWWIUMMaMUmiKNIItlHUIHIUtllK This Area Look familiar? II is Upper Main St., Matawan, buck in (he horse and buggy day*. They didn’t h»ve a parking or traffic problem (hen! This postal card was wui to tbelate Mrs, C. B. Horuor, Morgaiiville, •n July 11, JOIS Tito above photo show* a vl.ow of ClUfvycod looking 'cast; Thi* b tha railroad crossing acooa at CUIfwoodAve, ' This was Carnival Day In Keyport during the summer many years ago. The'picture above:shows' tha start of the baby parade, 0( which Miss Lillian Campbell, Broad St., was the chairman. This was back in tho days when you could send a postal card for a penny! Imagine that! In 1931, Mrs. George C. Totten, First St., received this postal card from a friend In Red Bank, showing the old Pavilion Hotel, el which Mrs. Totten’s father, tho lata Herman O. Bauer, was the proprietor. Ths Hotel was on the sits ol J ib parking lot at tho corner of Broad St. and First St. The old Pavilion Hotel wns eventually replaced hy tlio Itnrllun Inn nnd two stores, shown shove, and opernled successfully for mnny yours by the lute Mr. nml Mrs, Wllllnin Schufer. When Key- pori had Cnrnlvnl Day nnd lutcr, Salt Water Day In Annual, tliu Pavilion Hotel, in Its day, und Itnrllun Inn, in Un dny, ulwiiyf. wero full, Nuw York rcslilunt.i cnino by the boat load UocklttR nl tho foot of Ilrond St., to ucc the bnhy parndes nnd enjoy tho dnlly events, Doth lioslelrlo* were destroyed by firo, Tlio stores still nro standing nn the slto. Tlio one sloro shown st that llmu was lion’s Barber Shop. Help Wanted Pnlntors. lixperleuced. Iiitmlor, Interior. Cull OKU (I H!l uf tel' 7 I’.M, Cornerstone Laid At Bobertsville School . Mrs*’ Dominick Manzo, Matawan, called on lhe Monmouth. County Tax Doard I'Via&y-tir grant the application lor a cut iiv assessment -on tha 133 acres.owned by her husband and herself at Burnt Fly Rog from $37,160 .to $29,000 because the zom .ing' action of th« MarlhOi;o Township Council und the Planning Board had rendered the land of no '-foreseeable“use* She noted that it had been re-* :.-classified-Uito a five-acre minimum lot size con- servation axca. ; = , An.owner cannot freely sell or tease land com* liiKted to .such a sole and extraordinary use, sho contended. Mrs. Matuo told the board that a sec* tor of the land had been used-by her husband's company for a sanitary-landfill operation Y'liich had met all existing codes nnd which, provided an outlet to municipal contractors. With the-halting of thi.s operation on an order from 'he Township Council, all revenue from ihe use of Lhe;proper- ty was cut off, she testified, .under questioning by her attorney, Richard L. Paula. .Matawan. James R< Mincque, Middletown, Marlboro Township attorney, noted the levy was made of the condition of the property on Oct. 1, l!)f>S, and he asked Mrs. M;>n?:o if it were not a fact that there was a use a*: that time from which t*pyF/5f)*)A d'*Mv#»H Mr M • r»ot«*>! the Injunction $[i;imst the use wus issued in 19S9. Mrs. Manzu admitted she was run ccrlain of her dates, she and her husband hud been subject to so many orders and counter orders concerning their property that it was hard for her to spot the state of things on any specified t’-ite. Ilowov- er, she wns of the opinion they were stopped on s Oct. 1, 1968. ' ' Joseph ; LaMura, Marlboro Township assessor, defended his assessment'of tho 1,13 turt's as be- ing under $31X) an acre, the lowest assessment of land anywhere in the township, because of thu bog condition. He also spurned the idea it could have no foreseeable use or potential for sale in view of the conservation and other programs of the federal, suite and local governments. Mr. and Mrs. Manzo also applied for a reduc- tion from $5340 to $3000 on land and from $20,751) to $15,000 on a two-story stucco house they own on 10.8 acres on Tyler’s Lane. Mrs, Manzo claim- ed tho age ol the house made iw resale vulua Questionable and the /.oning again was an unfav- orable factor for the land. Mr. LaMura defended his assessment on a re- placement value for the structure and the com- parable land values in the area. He estimated thnt the replacement value of the structure was $31,650 and he was allowing 35 per cent for de- preciation as Its present day value would be $20,- 750, He noted it was an established business as a rest home, the same as'when purchased from tlift Estate of Flora Towler, so hud sustained no de- terioration in use, Mr. Paula had Mrs. Manzo note that Tyler’s Lane wus a road off Burnt Fly, so that the same unfortunate conditions that arose from the zon- ing at Burnt Fly also applied to this property. Two Guilty, Two Innocent I*leas Entered Friday Superior Court Judge Clarkson S. Fisher act- ed on guilty pleas from two area offenders Fri- day. Thomas Luttguns, 90 Woodland Dr., Cliff- wood Beach, charged hy Matawan Township Po- Itrf* r»*f f » n f <■“ InV- . .. 1 -! ! S «... JLa.» i^aiiUtii uu July 17. 19GS, and ul Herman Vopelius, July 23, 19GS. will Imj sentenced Nov. 7. The defendant is accused of taking a movie projector, n camera, liquor and money totaling $175 from the Kcleman residence and a television set, a lawmnower, 300 silver dollars nnd $27 In old coins Irom the Vope- lius home. Ronald Edmond, Orchard St., Malawan, alrea- dy had pled guilty lo possession of a license plate he had stolen from Guistina Rosato, West Keans- burg, Ho waa given six mouths In thu county jail. Ploas of Innocent were entered hy Peter Bent- ley, 532 Van Bfticklo Rd., Matawan Township, and Thomas E. Walker, 12 Maidon Lane, Mata- wan, charged as possessing marijuana nnd hash- ish In Marihoro Township Mar. 23, I960. Borough Hivyeh Inspection A bicycle registration and safely program on Saturday, Oct. 25, with a rain date of Saturday, Nov. 1, has been announced hy Matawan Borough Police Captain Hnrvcy F. Morrell Jr. The program, sponsored by tho Matawan Bor- ough Police Department, will be held lit Ravine Dr. and Ilrond St. Schools nt 10 a.m. and on Fier- ro Avo. nnd Crown PI. at 1 p.m. According to Cnpt. Morrell the purpose of the program Is to promote bicycle safety and to In- spect, register and license all bicycles within thu borough. Capt. Morrell notes that there Is no east In- volved In thu program that literature and licenses "'!!! he prc.’,, iltcd Mitlioul tlioigo ihimiKl. lho courtesy or tlio American Safely League, Antonio- lillo Club or Central New Jersey and the Matuwun Burougli Police Department, Parents nro requested lo have their children go to tlio location doscst to their homes and also to li.ivo tlii-lr children's bicycle In good operating condition. Two cornerstone layiiig ceremonies iook place Saturday in Marlboro Township, with additions completed iu the Schools. Pictured above at tho Robertsvttie School ceremony, are, left to r Ight, Alfred 'LaMura, Chairman ot the Recreation of the Marlboro Township Board nf Education; Frank Patock, general cont ractor; l.eo ,1. Scully sr., President of the ll'jard Wright, Superintendent of Schools, and Herbert OcMcts. representing tho architect, dohn MaeWillianu . . - Approximately 20 per cent of tho voters In Marlboro Township turned out 'l\tosday for the special sellout election and approved the proposal to erect a .'tll-'-oom elementary school, 171 to 272. The school .Wil lie lmiU un the westeiiy side of School Rd. West, near tlio intersection ot Wyil- crest Rd. The proposed school will house pupils for t'Vo school years. 1070-72, und will take core of all pu- pils covered by outside building permits issued lo Levitt & Suns and U.S. Homes. The target data fur occupation is January 1971, when 21 of the 30 classrooms are expected to bo occupied. Thera will be double sessions from September 1970, un- til lhe new school is open, its cost is estimated at *1.787,000. The school will contain 30 classrooms, multi- purpose room, library, special instruction rooms, cafeteria, tcachers’ room, nurse's room, office, lavatories and storage rooms. . Release Results Of Com m unity Survey The Stock House Office pnrtlca, Wedding, UawjuelH — 787-30*13 WJ fp tf The Matawan .layers have released the re* suits of their Community Kurvev conducted dur- ing the spring. Under the chairmanship of Terry Pom od, director of Community Develop m . mi I. ques'ionnaires were distributed throughout Matn- wan IJorough and Township. Thev were moiled to members of the Matawan Township and Uurnu;>Ji Cmim ils and to church leaders and prominent businessmen. Additional questionnaires were plneed in the Farmers and Merchants National Bank, The Cen- tral Jersey Hank, and the l.aunder-lt l.,;iuv.l-r* mat. The Jaycees are most appreciative* for this co-operation. A limited personal canvnss also wan conducted on a door-to-door basis in the borough nnd the township. In Part 1 of the survey, the residents were usk- ed to rate, Rood, fair or poor, curtain inspects of the public school system, public services, local government, and the community, in genend. The areas Ahich received the highest number of "j'ood" responses were; lhe fire department, jh»* liee departmeru, sewer services, sanitation .ser- vices and housing. Anvis, which received iht? highest number -.d "poor” rfsi-onses were local|n>rutinn, Imri range planning of public officials, ri' fa- rihties, communication of mtivities of puMif of* fiuahi, «o»d local job <»pj»orliniitifs. In I'arl ll of the survey, n;si<leiit« were iishcd rr<i<‘na<!;e Dimcc l ’ri<l;i\; Phm lla llo w c iM i P iO ’iid i! Tln»re will be a teenage dame ;it Ihe Having Dr. School I'rtday evenin'; tintn * m im-i.i p m , [.ive mil'll' will hn provided nnd tb>imt**it hv th*» Peiih Audiny Miisician's Ihiion ln»,il X;! ,Ml t>■ *» • oui;h teeiiinjcrs registered in the lovir.itinn pin. gram urn welcome to attend. William I.nwlor, rocrratinn dlrecior, nnnnamcs Iluit the annual borough Hallow..... p.mi-le w,l! h-* held on I;rid;iy, Oct, HI. All childien are u'tpe’ .ii d to meet In the boroii<;h parK'ni', Ini, ruim ’i ot l i t - tle and llroad Sts, nt 5:,'ln p.m. 'I Ivy "il! i'-n,n|,’ up 1 t 1 ,1,1 Sf. I i the (ii n,, 11:11 School uV ro there will be Judging of the ens tumes in (hv middotnon. Prl/c; will be awarded in the foMoivini* {,»!'• jiorie.s' Most 01 igmal, preHu'-t, luimir j, ;id.I nm.i grottvKiue, All rhlldren laNug pair In thu p.nado will receive a candy Halloween neat. lo list tlu* minus thev liked best and least nbouf the community. The rc^pumsfs indicated they were most pleased with Matawna’s pleasant .surrmmd* logs, location and friendly people. Tim police de- partment and first aid squad nUo drew hi,;h praise. Highest on the list of disapprovals vs ere recreational facilities’, rusty wah\, tiafltc, taxes, roads arid sidewalks. It: a queition which tisked for nn evaluation nf local eiec'.ed officials, less than 25 per cent of the resjMueus rated their pertonnanee as "g.ocid.” Tha loinaining responses v/ere di\i:K! evenly b*twi‘vn (continued on p;ige four) Challenges GOP Ralph Dolan. Matawan nnroueh Detnotra tie Candidate for Mayor, last ni;’hi challenged whai lie (’ailed “Republican charges that we are insm- ceie in our d;.*>iippiuval uf more garden aparr im.MU*, here." Mr. 1■>*i!;»n and his runuin^ mates f":' Cruniri!. Howard M. Stlionr and .laek Jenkins, have kuuI they are againM furfner oparlment i-mistrin'tion. "W e (hi-'ini our sincerity and integrity on this pomt,” iiftl Mi. holm . ”1 noglu iidd t!ia! J^e- puldii an le t-liT, W illiam I ati/.-jro,'i-.’a!-m! | '. *r- dcn ap.ii tiiicms m hi.s (ampaign for i'odik iI I,tit” Mr. l.un/am a s defe'ip'd by I )e nn>» ?a I Stan- ley Yarker a *'«I l>r. R n lu i.l Si'.-.. \ r ho c;;l|e'| f* »r ajiattni"tit re'etf,it!'i:ti hit }* udl 01 tii.-** y ea r': K''puii! h, 1 an: I I] l-'ln I ’. p.Ill'll to >\|l man.i'vr '•»( h o u r ’s Pete, Mil th. as lor m ’•il!>le\ mi l!i • it in .u k-» la-.t d. lail.i-d that U, A ie ’- ’lUuu, >n iltl T. 11 iv and .!< !n J**-|»«il*h mi ,.\Ci >1’ 1\"11up d hn f W'el.Mer, j iff? tp.i i f fiom Iv.ei eloe l-r-! Week Ml. I >n!;in Opptiueut , Vlt" ( '.Midnlati"! I)i have (Hit 1t.n '-m-'il to nn m tin ! \\ ‘V fninni on Ocl. :"l ' III" l’t‘|»nhln.iufi h.i'.e m ide .-.i.!|i'iii--n's wlntlt thi y i • t i i ’.i- l'< ii* ! ■ ,d, ‘ coiitsiai.’d M :, !>•■! . 11 . "W e demand a cbf 'I iie |», in 1 , , ,,t ,, ,. l,(j I1 ..M 1 ;t.i 1 M i. I >r. . < 1>'.1 Cidimate', of l-' ‘."w ei s a re im.slfadiee hid 'h-dh’n;’ .1 tin H1'|J; 11»Me;i 11 r,t !e |iiMir'Mi| 1 1;S .‘ttaf.'im ids ;it a public tneefuu; Wedni" day. ^'laiiiioi); Mint mu Ii an n;>pen lin e p< uoiieics. Kill y in lighl uf the npr nning IAV\' foiain, Mr. lau.lieh declined the Invitation far Mr. Day. Wa -lint;’! ‘in I .ngine I n , winners ot the giand ;ni/e'. tii»n with the rent' liniiil ( e! ('■>!ttr IeIe'. i .it,ii ( iMistde, .l St , Keyp.ijt; sleieo \m-.o|e tic Ave., M.ilawan; poil.ihle hei Mre-’ n. IP! 1 Mataw.m, announnjs aw aid d In eonnec* tlual'on a': !i)!Jn'.V«,! i. M,ic|- v.'.m, H Uhm iJ I'. I iitv, lift Ail in* TV with sland, ill ll A l’ i'i e; , 1 I (:• n-zd-'r, Mover 'I tejidwav lJoS fldhoji |!hd, ^'11ff- w-‘..d I; .e Ii. ' •'!■ 1 ladmi, 11, W . blown, Se^.iien| 1 ,: 11 • Smith. '>>0 11 irdiit:* Hiv'd , and S Pocsil* JI, Hen iuvood Terr,, bnth of Matuwim; Hall* i.r.ti,*■ i idnr, Iol’ Iatt /, Wilson Av*» , A. Mitn, 3 ; , and Y, Uhtiw. **3 Union ,S(,, aii uf M'd* Central and RoberisviUc, nnd Grounds Conottittoa of Education; Ru.ssell R, Elgart Rules On Three Accidents Municipal Judge IJoyd D, Elgart, Mahiwatf Township, cleaied hist docket of a long lisi-ot traffic tickets Tuesday, Township Police issued the greater number. There was one drunken driving reduced to Im paired. Herbert R. Cox, Bloomfield, was given k ticket Auj». 23 hy S«t, Francis Hctcher that wa* cut down for hick of a test. ’Hie defendant paid S50 and $5 costs and lost h-’s license for .six months. Several accident oases wore heard. John Au* riemmu, Matawnn Terrace Apts., Malawan, was Injured July LS when hi.s cor was hit while stand* big before a h\»ht on Route SS. The auto of Joseph J. Pettrson, l-jnwao<l, was impelled into the rear of the Matawan man':; car when it. in turn, was smashed jnto by the auto of I.eon f/\vrie:’]o. West New York, who fniled t«j stop when it came up from ihe ;ear. Mr. l/vem-rdo was lined US nnd ?5 costs on a summons from Patrolman (Ju- ry Dickey. Mr. Peterson uh-o hud to pay on a summons fiom this officer, $10 und 55 costs, for having ,m expired thivcr's license. Trades*1 .; M.tdej, Washinp.toti St., Keyport, paid Mil and ?5 costs oh a .summons front Sgt. b'l-lv’her for running into the standing tar of John W. Godwin, Bay Head, .standing on Lower Mam St, July Ij, waiting to make a right turn ia« to Gcratd Ave. Cornelius Woolf, 121 Marshall Concourse. Cliff- Wood IUmcIi, was injured July !5 when hit car ran off thu road on North Coin nurse, Clifi'woml Heath, and stmck a thick. Me had 10 pay Ma and 5-j rosN on a ticket fiom Haitohn u, DirU-y li: non ,u'-ivl*M!t ca:/^., Hoeir> .! Invent, Pt I :oo;,na w-iy, 1 :o.!r'*nt'e lUsth.n, p.dd >lri und Sf) co'.t'i >r «ni ini .afe ehan;'e of lanes up It ei*c '11 Aug. JO on u .lumiu'tn^ li>.hu i'atioiimc. Wdtiaiu Andrew., I his uilner also broiiglu in .lusepii I., I.;«Mtinian.:e, If C . hej.fnot St., Keypori, lor care- less diving on I.!(»yd Kd , .\ng. II. ’J lie fine was agam >l;j and costs. The same fine imitt<se-.| on John W. Kre- p'ji kas, IM Winthrop I'I., Ihi/I't. sumtnoi,rd by Hatiolmat* Fratik .c\'.,ni Ai..; '< f<>1 duvmg im a flat tire. Another .’slfi ;tml > • fine w* tt| lu t.)onalii (1 ontmued on p.n-e lom ) Washington Fugine ( o. Annoiinet's Winner*

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Home AU Week

fi.Their Way I%s

COVERINGm a t a w a n b o r o u g h



l O l i t Y E A R — 16 th W E E KMember ■ •/

Hatlooal Newspaper Association M ATAW AN, N. J ., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, i96?Kcw Jersey Press AidoclaUct* Single Copy Ten C en li


T h is A r e a

Look familiar? II is Upper Main St., Matawan, buck in (he horse

and buggy day*. They didn’t h»ve a parking or traffic problem (hen!

This postal card was wui to tbelate Mrs, C. B. Horuor, Morgaiiville, •n July 11, JOIS

Tito above photo show* a vl.ow of ClUfvycod looking 'cast; Thi*

b tha railroad crossing acooa at CUIfwoodAve,

' This was Carnival Day In Keyport during the summer many

years ago. The'picture above:shows' tha start of the baby parade,

0( which Miss Lillian Campbell, Broad St., was the chairman. This

was back in tho days when you could send a postal card for a penny! Imagine that!

In 1931, Mrs. George C. Totten, First St., received this postal

card from a friend In Red Bank, showing the old Pavilion Hotel,

el which Mrs. Totten’s father, tho lata Herman O. Bauer, was the

proprietor. Ths Hotel was on the sits ol J ib parking lot at tho

corner of Broad St. and First St.

The old Pavilion Hotel wns eventually replaced hy tlio Itnrllun

Inn nnd two stores, shown shove, and opernled successfully for

mnny yours by the lute Mr. nml Mrs, Wllllnin Schufer. When Key­

pori had Cnrnlvnl Day nnd lutcr, Salt Water Day In Annual, tliu

Pavilion Hotel, in Its day, und Itnrllun Inn, in Un dny, ulwiiyf. wero

full, Nuw York rcslilunt.i cnino by the boat load UocklttR nl tho

foot of Ilrond St., to ucc the bnhy parndes nnd enjoy tho dnlly

events, Doth lioslelrlo* were destroyed by firo, Tlio stores still nro

standing nn the slto. Tlio one sloro shown st that llmu was lion’s

Barber Shop.

Help Wanted

Pnlntors. lixperleuced. Iiitmlor, Interior.

Cull OKU (I H!l uf tel' 7 I’ .M,

Cornerstone Laid At Bobertsville School

. Mrs*’ Dominick Manzo, Matawan, called on

lhe Monmouth. County Tax Doard I'Via&y-tir grant

the application lor a cut iiv assessment -on tha 133

acres.owned by her husband and herself at Burnt Fly Rog from $37,160 .to $29,000 because the zom

.ing' action of th« MarlhOi;o Township Council und

the Planning Board had rendered the land of no

'-foreseeable“use* She noted that it had been re-*

:.-classified-Uito a five-acre minimum lot size con­

servation axca. ; = , •

An.owner cannot freely sell or tease land com*

liiKted to .such a sole and extraordinary use, sho

contended. Mrs. Matuo told the board that a sec*

tor of the land had been used-by her husband's

company for a sanitary-landfill operation Y'liich

had met all existing codes nnd which, provided an

outlet to municipal contractors. With the-halting

of thi.s operation on an order from 'he Township

Council, all revenue from ihe use of Lhe;proper-

ty was cut off, she testified, .under questioning

by her attorney, Richard L. Paula. .Matawan.

James R< Mincque, Middletown, Marlboro

Township attorney, noted the levy was made

of the condition of the property on Oct. 1, l!)f>S,

and he asked Mrs. M;>n?:o if it were not a fact

that there was a use a*: that time from whicht*pyF/5f)*)A d'*Mv#»H Mr M • r»ot«*>!

the Injunction $[i;imst the use wus issued in 19S9.

Mrs. Manzu admitted she was run ccrlain of her

dates, she and her husband hud been subject to

so many orders and counter orders concerning

their property that it was hard for her to spot

the state of things on any specified t’-ite. Ilowov-

er, she wns of the opinion they were stopped on s

Oct. 1, 1968. ' '

Joseph ; LaMura, Marlboro Township assessor, defended his assessment'of tho 1,13 turt's as be­ing under $31X) an acre, the lowest assessment of land anywhere in the township, because of thu bog condition. He also spurned the idea it could have no foreseeable use or potential for sale in view of the conservation and other programs of the federal, suite and local governments.

Mr. and Mrs. Manzo also applied for a reduc­tion from $5340 to $3000 on land and from $20,751)

to $15,000 on a two-story stucco house they own

on 10.8 acres on Tyler’s Lane. Mrs, Manzo claim­

ed tho age ol the house made iw resale vulua

Questionable and the /.oning again was an unfav­

orable factor for the land.

Mr. LaMura defended his assessment on a re­

placement value for the structure and the com­

parable land values in the area. He estimated

thnt the replacement value of the structure was

$31,650 and he was allowing 35 per cent for de­

preciation as Its present day value would be $20,­

750, He noted it was an established business as a

rest home, the same as'when purchased from tlift

Estate of Flora Towler, so hud sustained no de­terioration in use,

Mr. Paula had Mrs. Manzo note that Tyler’s

Lane wus a road off Burnt Fly, so that the same

unfortunate conditions that arose from the zon­

ing at Burnt Fly also applied to this property.

T w o G u i l t y , T w o I n n o c e n t

I * l e a s E n t e r e d F r i d a y

Superior Court Judge Clarkson S. Fisher act­

ed on guilty pleas from two area offenders Fri­

day. Thomas Luttguns, 90 Woodland Dr., Cliff­

wood Beach, charged hy Matawan Township Po-Itr f* r»*f f » n f <■“ In V - . ..1 -! ! S «... JLa.» i^a iiU tii uuJuly 17. 19GS, and ul Herman Vopelius, July 23,

19GS. will Imj sentenced Nov. 7. The defendant is

accused of taking a movie projector, n camera,

liquor and money totaling $175 from the Kcleman

residence and a television set, a lawmnower, 300 silver dollars nnd $27 In old coins Irom the Vope­lius home.

Ronald Edmond, Orchard St., Malawan, alrea­

dy had pled guilty lo possession of a license plate

he had stolen from Guistina Rosato, West Keans­

burg, Ho waa given six mouths In thu county jail.

Ploas of Innocent were entered hy Peter Bent­ley, 532 Van Bfticklo Rd., Matawan Township, and Thomas E. Walker, 12 Maidon Lane, Mata­

wan, charged as possessing marijuana nnd hash­

ish In Marihoro Township Mar. 23, I960.

Borough Hivyeh Inspection

A bicycle registration and safely program on

Saturday, Oct. 25, with a rain date of Saturday,

Nov. 1, has been announced hy Matawan Borough Police Captain Hnrvcy F. Morrell Jr.

The program, sponsored by tho Matawan Bor­

ough Police Department, will be held lit Ravine

Dr. and Ilrond St. Schools nt 10 a.m. and on Fier­

ro Avo. nnd Crown PI. at 1 p.m.

According to Cnpt. Morrell the purpose of the

program Is to promote bicycle safety and to In­

spect, register and license all bicycles within thu borough.

Capt. Morrell notes that there Is no east In­

volved In thu program that literature and licenses

"'!!! he prc.’,, iltcd Mitlioul tlioigo ihimiKl. lho

courtesy or tlio American Safely League, Antonio-

lillo Club or Central New Jersey and the Matuwun

Burougli Police Department,

Parents nro requested lo have their children go to tlio location doscst to their homes and also

to li.ivo tlii-lr children's bicycle In good operating condition.

Two cornerstone layiiig ceremonies iook place Saturday in Marlboro Township, with additions completed iu the

Schools. Pictured above at tho Robertsvttie School ceremony, are, left to r Ight, Alfred 'LaMura, Chairman ot the Recreation

of the Marlboro Township Board nf Education; Frank Patock, general cont ractor; l.eo ,1. Scully sr., President of the ll'jard

Wright, Superintendent of Schools, and Herbert OcMcts. representing tho architect, dohn MaeWillianu . . -

Approximately 20 per cent of tho voters In

Marlboro Township turned out 'l\tosday for the

special sellout election and approved the proposal

to erect a .'tll-'-oom elementary school, 171 to 272.

The school .Wil lie lmiU un the westeiiy side of

School Rd. West, near tlio intersection ot Wyil- crest Rd.

The proposed school will house pupils for t'Vo

school years. 1070-72, und will take core of all pu­

pils covered by outside building permits issued lo

Levitt & Suns and U.S. Homes. The target data

fur occupation is January 1971, when 21 of the 30

classrooms are expected to bo occupied. Thera

will be double sessions from September 1970, un­

til lhe new school is open, its cost is estimated at


The school will contain 30 classrooms, multi­

purpose room, library, special instruction rooms,

cafeteria, tcachers’ room, nurse's room, office,

lavatories and storage rooms. .

R e le a s e R e s u l t s O f

C o m m u n i t y S u r v e y

The Stock House Office pnrtlca, Wedding, UawjuelH — 787-30*13

WJ fp tf

The Matawan .layers have released the re*

suits of their Community Kurvev conducted dur­

ing the spring. Under the chairmanship of Terry

Pom od, director of Community Develop m .mi I.

ques'ionnaires were distributed throughout Matn-

wan IJorough and Township. Thev were moiled to

members of the Matawan Township and Uurnu;>Ji

Cmim ils and to church leaders and prominent


Additional questionnaires were plneed in the

Farmers and Merchants National Bank, The Cen­

tral Jersey Hank, and the l.aunder-lt l.,;iuv.l-r*

mat. The Jaycees are most appreciative* for this

co-operation. A limited personal canvnss also wan

conducted on a door-to-door basis in the borough

nnd the township.

In Part 1 of the survey, the residents were usk-

ed to rate, Rood, fair or poor, curtain inspects of

the public school system, public services, local

government, and the community, in genend. The

areas Ahich received the highest number of "j'ood" responses were; lhe fire department, jh»*

liee departmeru, sewer services, sanitation .ser­

vices and housing.

Anvis, which received iht? highest number -.d

"poor” rfsi-onses were local|n>rutinn, Imri

range planning of public officials, ri' fa-

rihties, communication of mtivities of puMif of*

fiuahi, «o»d local job <»pj»orliniitifs.

In I'arl ll of the survey, n;si<leiit« were iishcd

rr<i<‘na<!;e Dimcc l ’ri<l;i\ ; P h m l l a l l o w c i M i P i O ’i i d i !

Tln»re will be a teenage dame ;it Ihe Having

Dr. School I'rtday evenin'; tintn * m im-i.i pm ,

[.ive mil'll' will hn provided nnd tb>imt**it hv th*»

Peiih Audiny Miisician's Ihiion ln»,il X;! ,Ml t>■*» •

oui;h teeiiinjcrs registered in the lovir.itinn pin. gram urn welcome to attend.

William I.nwlor, rocrratinn dlrecior, nnnnamcs

Iluit the annual borough Hallow..... p.mi-le w,l! h-*

held on I;rid;iy, Oct, HI. All childien are u'tpe’ .ii d

to meet In the boroii<;h parK'ni', Ini, ru im ’i ot l i t ­

tle and llroad Sts, nt 5:,'ln p.m.

'I Ivy " il! i'-n,n|,’ up 1 t 1,1,1 Sf. I i the (ii n ,, 11:11

School uV ro there will be Judging of the ens

tumes in (hv middotnon.Prl/c; will be awarded in the foMoivini* {,»!'•

jiorie.s' Most 01 igmal, preHu'-t, luimir j, ;id.I nm.i

grottvKiue, All rh lld re n la N u g pa ir In thu p .n a d o

w ill receive a candy Hallow een n e a t.

lo list tlu* m in u s thev liked best and least nbouf

the co m m un ity . The rc^pumsfs ind icated they were

m os t pleased w ith M a taw n a ’ s p leasan t .surrmmd*

logs, location and friend ly people. T im po lice de­

pa r tm e n t and first aid squad nUo drew hi,;h

pra ise . H ighest on the list of d isapp rova ls vs ere

recrea tio na l facilities’, rus ty wah\ , t ia f ltc , taxes,

roads arid s idew alks.

It: a que itio n w hich tisked for nn e va lua tion nf

loca l eiec'.ed o ffic ia ls , less than 25 per cent of the

resjMueus rated the ir pe r to nnan ee as "g.ocid.” Tha

lo in a in in g responses v/ere d i\ i:K ! evenly b * tw i‘vn

(con tin ued on p;ige four)

Challenges GOPR a lp h D o lan . M a taw an nn roueh D e tno tra tie

C and ida te for M ayo r , last ni;’ hi challenged w hai

lie (’a iled “ R epu b lic an charges tha t we are insm-

ce ie in our d;.*>iippiuval u f m ore garden a p a r r

im.MU*, here ."

M r. 1 ■>*i!;»n and his runu in ^ m ates f":' Cruniri!.

H ow ard M . S tl io n r and .laek Jenk ins , have kuuI

they are aga inM furfner op a r lm en t i-m istrin'tion.

"W e (hi- 'ini ou r s incerity and in teg rity on this

p o m t,” i i f t l Mi. h o lm . ” 1 nog lu iidd t!ia ! J^e-

pu ld ii an le t-liT, W illiam I ati/.-jro, ii .lv 'i-.’a ! -m! |'. *r-

dcn ap .ii t iiicm s m hi.s (a m p a ig n for i 'o d ik iI I,tit”

M r. l .u n /a m a s de fe 'ip 'd by I )e nn>» ? a I S tan ­

ley Y arker a *'«I l>r. R n l u i . l Si'.-.. \r ho c;;l|e'| f* »r

a jia ttn i" t it re 'e tf ,it ! 'i:t i hit }* u d l a p p t .ir 01

tii.-** year':


1 an:

I I] l-'ln I ’.p.Ill'll

to >\|l

man.i'vr'•»( h o u r ’s


M il th. as lor m

’•il!>le\ mi l!i •

it in .u k-» la-.t

d. la il. i- d tha t

U, A ie ’-’lUuu, >n

iltl T. 11 iv and .!<

!n J**-|»«il*h mi

,.\ Ci >1’ 1 \"11 u p d

hn f W 'e l.M er,

j iff? tp.i i f fiom

Iv .e i



M l. I >n!;in

Opptiueut , Vlt"

( '.M id n la t i" ! I)i

have (Hit 1 t.n '-m-'il to nn m

tin ! \\‘V fn in n i on O c l. :"l

' I I I " l ’ t‘|»nhln.iufi h.i'.e m id e .-.i.!|i'iii--n's w ln tlt

thi y i • t i i ’.i- l'< ii* ! ■ ,d, ‘ coiitsiai.’d M : , !>•■! . 11. "W e

dem and a cbf

'I iie |», in 1, , ,,t ,, ,. l,(j I1..M 1;t.i 1 M i . I > r. . < 1 >'.1 C idim ate ', o f l- ' ‘."w ei s a re im .slfadiee h id

'h- dh ’n ;’ .1 tin H1 '|J; 11 »Me;i 11 r, t ! e | iiM ir 'M i| 11;S

.‘tta f.'im ids ;it a pub lic tneefuu; W edni" day.

^ 'la iiiio i); Mint m u Ii an n;>pen lin e p< u o iie ic s .

Kill y in lighl uf the np r nn ing IAV\' fo ia in , M r.

la u .l ie h declined the Inv ita tion far M r. D ay .

Wa -lint;’! ‘ in I .ngine I n ,

w inners ot the g ia n d ;n i/e '.

tii»n w ith the ren t' lin iiil ( e!

('■>!ttr Ie Ie '. i .it,ii ( iMistde, .l

St , K eyp .ijt; s le ieo \ m-.o|e

tic Ave., M .ilaw an ; po il.ih le

hei Mre-’ n. IP ! 1

M ataw .m , anno unn js

aw a id d In eonnec*

t lu a l 'o n a': !i)!Jn'.V«,!

i. M,ic|- v.'.m, H Uhm iJ

I '. I iitv, lift A il in*

TV w ith s land ,

■ill ll A l’ i'i e; , 1 I (:•

n-zd-'r, Mover 'I te jidw av lJoS f ld h o ji | !h d , ^'11ff-

w-‘..d I; .e Ii. '

•'!■ 1 la d m i, 11, W . b lo w n , S e^ .iie n|

1 ,: 11 • Sm ith . '>>0 11 irdiit:* Hiv'd , and S Pocsil*

JI, H en iuvood T err,, bnth o f M a tuw im ; Hall*

i.r .ti,*■ i idnr, Io l’ Iatt /, W ilson Av*» , A. M itn, 3

; , and Y , Uhtiw . **3 U nion ,S(,, a ii uf M 'd*

Central and RoberisviUc,

nnd Grounds Conottittoa

of Education; Ru.ssell R,

Elgart Rules On

Three AccidentsMunicipal Judge IJoyd D , Elgart, Mahiwatf

Township, cleaied hist docket of a long lis i-o t

traffic tickets Tuesday, Township Police issued

the greater number.

There was one drunken driving reduced to Im

paired. Herbert R. Cox, Bloomfield, was given k ticket Auj». 23 hy S«t, Francis Hctcher that wa*

cut down for hick of a test. ’Hie defendant paid

S50 and $5 costs and lost h-’s license for .six


Several accident oases wore heard. John Au*

riemmu, Matawnn Terrace Apts., Malawan, was

Injured Ju ly LS when hi.s cor was hit while stand*

big before a h\»ht on Route SS. The auto of Joseph

J . Pettrson, l-jnwao<l, was impelled into the rear

of the Matawan man':; car when it. in turn, was

smashed jnto by the auto of I.eon f/\vrie:’]o.

West New York, who fniled t«j stop when it came

up from ihe ;ear. Mr. l/vem-rdo was lined US

nnd ?5 costs on a summons from Patrolman (Ju­

ry Dickey.

Mr. Peterson uh-o hud to pay on a summons

fiom this officer, $10 und 55 costs, for having ,m

expired thivcr's license.

Trades*1.; M.tdej, Washinp.toti St., Keyport,

paid Mil and ?5 costs oh a .summons front Sgt.

b'l-lv’her for running into the standing ta r of

John W. Godwin, Bay Head, .standing on Lower

Mam St, Ju ly I j, waiting to make a right turn ia«

to Gcratd Ave.

Cornelius Woolf, 121 Marshall Concourse. Cliff-

Wood IUmcIi, was injured July !5 when hit car

ran off thu road on North Coin nurse, Clifi'woml

Heath, and stmck a thick. Me had 10 pay Ma and

5-j rosN on a ticket fiom Haitohn u, DirU-y

li: non ,u'-ivl*M!t ca:/^., Hoeir> .! Invent, Pt

I :oo;,na w-iy, 1 :o.!r'*nt'e lUsth.n, p.dd >lri und Sf)

co'.t'i >r «ni ini .afe ehan;'e of lanes up It ei*c '11

Aug. JO on u .l umiu'tn^ li>.hu i'a tio iim c . Wdtiaiu

Andrew., I his u iln e r also broiiglu in .lusepii I.,

I.;«Mtinian.:e, If C. hej.fnot St., Keypori, lor care­

less d iv in g on I.!(»yd Kd , .\ng. II. ’J lie fine was

agam >l;j and costs.

The same fine imitt<se-.| on John W. Kre-

p'ji kas, IM Winthrop I'I., Ih i/ I 't . sumtnoi,rd by

Hatiolmat* Fratik .c\'.,ni Ai..; '< f<>1 duvmg im a

flat tire. Another .’slfi ;tml > • fine w* tt| lu t.)onalii

(1 ontmued on p.n-e lom )

Washington Fugine ( o.

Annoiinet's Winner*

Children’s Movie

Set For Oct. 25‘ ’Puss iii Bocls,u a "children's

cUwsic has be*n selected is the iwjVits for., the children's «bovv

Saturday, Oct. 25. at 1 p.stn in

the-ealeUirium o f the Cbffwcod • Scfccd. CatcMflS.." aJiH Wiil be


‘*B<ick to School’* ni&fct was

tbciTved ab the Oct. • ‘■'roeeimg •4f the Cliffwood Parfnt-Teacher A*acciaticin,wh^n>JiiHsforcom-

fag .tctivftka vmsr* srmouncetl.

A peony sale J* scheduled for

Iburfday evening, Dec. V at Sin ihe school cate tori um.

Th* committee wiU appreciate

of handmade article*

• r (h id stumpe, which may be

M i in the P-TA box a l the Khrol

• r giv«fi hi any member of the

•m kuU v* bo nd .

Ciub Donates $1000 W ill Launch SocialmTu Ilospiiai rt ojecin

lhe Soroptirnjsf Club of. Twin

■ Ufihts heW its regular monthly

meeting, on Oct. 9 at Bah£» LafMl -

hig. Highlands. Mrs. Eidvsid

• Downey, president. presided.

1 Mrs. Grace Crystal a jnentber,

explained the -South Ar/.bc-y Hos-

pita] expulsion program. She said

the hospital was 10 years behind

in equipment. Plans are being

proposed ttv update the facijitit:?

and to buitf a Uirge xnedtaU

complex fw diagnostic and ex­

tended cere with 'i4*hcrijr wver-> «g+ in the emergency room, lt

was decided to donate $1000 for

ihe project. The mewey wiii be

designated fer purchase of in-*

rt rumen t».

Thc joint dinner .-meeting for

NSW S-7-B-c-7-C-H ' * * * NO SET WIG

frM Styling With Krchat#

Special — lues., Wed. A Thucs. Only

CUT___________________99cWASH & SET_____ $1.99

No Appointment Needed — But Preferred

the Freehold, J5ed Bank, South

A jnboyr A-sbvu\y Fails .md Twin

Lights Ctuhs.wiU he M d at Crys­

tal! Brock: on

Tuesday . The speaker for «he eve­

ning v/j|j be Mi?s Fthef i.ord. H<jr

topic w ill be '“For A Mwre

' ‘thorough linder*t&iid».n£ of Sor-

npHmisrp *’ Mrs. John Kant, .Mr**.

Fdvyord Downey, Mrs. George-

Drost, M rs. August PiUius and

Mrs, C D . O n f i ie wi-I arte?>d.

Mris, TenEyck Ronson report­

ed that the club hud. donated 135

sandwiches for tbe recent anni­

versary parade in MaUiwan. The

fa ll District meeting will be htid

at Hit- Fenders Hot*!, Ocean

City, Nov. 2. Mrs. Downey and

Mrs. Kane plan to attend. ,

Tbe Joint Christmas parly \vil)

be tehj Psc.. 9 at tho Old Orchardv CWt-V L.«.Vl«r'»iUrfWM. *VCa1;

Bank will the hostess club.

lh e dub wiii adopt families for

the holidays in the Highlands und

Malawan ureas. '

Mrs. Kune and her assistant

presented ih t program ‘’House of

a iWO Treasures," courtesy uf

tbe Jtrsey Cc-imai Power find

Lifihi: Co.

The next meeting wiii be hold

. Nov. 13. •> .



727-6699 *Twm U m S it. M ; I ri. ’»U I

n r r i u l a r g e p a r k in g a r e a


L E A O B I !

jf 0r«/ftmiKcs

Irtty G B m ltQlherd i s h m ^ l

N o H a n d - S c r a p in g . . . N o P r e - R in s in g . . . N o S c re e n s

i o c le a n w i th th is N e w , Q u ie te s t- e v e r


tyHh 6E’a N*w Powtr-Flo mcchm lim . vow dl»hw»*h»r ptrformi quietly, *co- RomlMlly. dapandably . . . and get*p lthM daanait aveil Power Arm w ills Water around . . . Power Tower shoots water w*y up top! Soft Food Wasto Oil- poser Hquefiet ell soft food particles M d flushes them down the drain. Swing, •own Door and Full Extension Racks taka tha "stooping" out of loading, Pouble Automatic Detergent Dispenser.

Removable Handlos-up Silverware BasKeU



EASY TERMSApproved credit.

•Minimum Retail PHco — * Panel# Extra

‘ Yo» M^y OMm 4*»e> Mode! *V.c’.,r. Iliiouyli Ui, iour brflnchiied G.E. Dealer.Sew Our C un«n t Diiplay, Fricet ond Ttrmi.

M & M E L E C T R IC

A P P L I A N C E . In c .136 Main St., Matawan 46-48 W. Front St., Keyport

5 6 6 - 2 2 7 /

7 3 9 - 0 0 7 7

Temple Belh Ahm, Matawan, wiil launch its New Year with

a gaia sc-cial The members will 14Wliig into lVinier” .un Hy(urd«iy

eveolng, Nev. 8* In ihe f<m?p!e Scrchit Hall, 5iHf Uuyc! ftd. j?»e

evening will begin at 0 p.ns. with umsicr tsiterrainiyienl and re­

freshments. Joe VaHntino and 'his Danceahlcs iv:ll again provide

the m«sis, Picimed ?-\ n wRimUtee tecently arc, ieK («

right, seated, Mrs. Morton J. Wall, Mrs. Sigmund Ftantb&um and

Mi's. Hank Paris, and landing , Herbert .Pteffer and- lJtrbt-rt Kuss,

chairman. Reservations may made by etintaciiiig. Mts. tiam-

bauuj, 264-G527, Mr, Kwr*t 204>7&6< or Mr. PiWht, 5X3- li»0,

M r . , M r s . O w e n s

F e t e d S a t u r d a y

Thf Ccnplt-s Club <»' ?.!■;{•• Fir:>t

Bi.ptisj Church. ?v1ij;,aw;K:; H

ce'<»frt?pji.lvK‘ i^ivptr Cold

hw/}\ cn S .’ur-Ly v'-'nJtjj;1 -o

nonor vf Mr. K*:d Mrs. - EC .

whQ hr<- nK’Vi’i^ to Oalifornijj i-fy

„:\y. ‘I ' i t V'r-'j.'ed giirMS Wfe

pft.-.siriiitii w!<'n a b»»ck "Ch/ksr

ar;d ihe Fuu* Art??" by 0u> ^ruup

c\'!d a ispeoai take iorjned ihe

vi.-rttejfpieve oi ihe buffet‘\abJe.

nso.^o dUtijiJt'ng ‘.vt'if Mr. ar?i

Vms. Owvjls, ihe Itrv , XJt'A I .

Juckc‘-;> and Mrs.’ .latk^oi^ ,\1t.

and Mrs. Edj:ar ).?. Me. Mrs. Gfrtu'^i' A.vina’io, Mr^

«u.ui Mr.s, J.’Jo/nw?»D,. Mr. and

Mr.v Richard fcurU*-*tr Mr. and

Mrs. M» Kee.»j, MiHawan;Mr, Mrs OnviC Toy,

iii<Id; Mr. -Mrs V/illiarn De-

A«<u<rii, jv ir. a n d M rs. tiorUOn

Swanson, Morganville, and Mr.

<j».<J M is. Frank \V«st Al-

le»hurst. . .

Chinese Auction "

The. IsJia^ionaiy SociViy of St. \

A.M.E. Zirni Ciun cf.,.. )00 \

A.t'-iuUic Malawan, wiil hc- 4 -.

■ft itucoor; Jjiiuufav •

Tricky Tray Oc+. 23

l*he H ^z ie t.!F ire C om pany La*

di»rS. A ux iha rv will. Q

iTiiy gn T hu isd ay , Oct. 2‘.\, a t 5

pm.\p.m.JfW. Hj/lei.

the ?i;:e house. Ho!.mdel




Present TorahMr. and Mrs. Kyttowiel Kat-

»er, New York, in honor uf their

gr&Jidnepfcew, Larry Scc*t K;f-

k»>, who recently was ti Bar Mitzvah, are presenting a Tornh

to Terriplc Eeth Ahnri, LloyO Kd,t MatijWiMt, .

Announco AppoIninerT l _ l-»U irC jl<*C J lt f r l> O l ‘

‘ ------- Woman Dies


• ; Mt»rton Wall, Matawan, has

been mwni'd assistant cunt roller

fer thc J. f, Kislak Organize

tion, Newark, natioi-Avidc rtaUy*

mortgage-insurance .firnv

He is a uraduak o[ Brooklyn

College, where hc received a Bnchelfjr cf Science Device in

Accounting. He served with sev-

erul New York firms jn public

»ccoimtinj» Ior eight years be­

fore joining Kisb.k about a year ef.o.

Mr. Walt is ft U visI lm: on the executive bonrd of Temple Beth

Ahm, Matawan, and formerly

was its iinanral secretary. He is

« member o! the Knig)\ts ol Py­thias.

Hc resides ut *13 Cambridge

Dr. with bis wife. Lynn, their

daughter, Staci, tight, and son, Adam, two.





la yvfi I AN AlUt U AMlJIJ HIM

Nn t>»w m idt» wiU Ue

n dnd iud ulihm it iwirenl.

H 101)1 F. .SHOW

SAT. A M W . AT 2 l\l\l.

"Brovo IHtlo Tailor"

Mrs. Sadi? Ratledge, ?£, of *16

Sunset Ave., Laurence Harbor,

died Tuesday,, Oct. M. J'JiiS, ir,

South Amboy Memorial Hospital,

She was bum ir« ScutJiiun, Pa.,

and Jived there prior to moving

to Laurence Harbor 2^ vear.s

ago .’5Ue r-ius tne {tovgh^T vd the

late M artin and Anna (Gftughan)


She was the w d w ef John

Rutledge, who Oit’d in Septem­

ber, and was a communicant cf

St_ Lawrence*!? Chmc.h, Laur­

ence Harbor.

Surviving are three daughters,

Mi s. Ann "M osenteuu Somvr*

vsile; Mrs. Sadie Zaw'arikuy,

Vaurence Harbor. i>nvl M>'«. Le-

nctre Sear?, Lai.reno: Ik .;l'or;

two sens. Francis. C».»nfnrd, and

LeiK Laurence Harbor; one

brrther, Robert Barrett, Eliza*

t e t i ; 2! grar.dchildren and five


Funeral services wiU be hcUi

F riday at S:15 a.m . at the Hedlo

Funeral Heme, Keyport, with a

requiem mass al y a.m , in St.

Law*Mice's Church. Inierment

v il l be in St. Joseph’s Cemetery,

.K ey port.

2 Miles North of Matawan

_ 201 - 583-1506^ ■■' » . . . ' . . ■' ';'v, •. . ■ ■ ■

Famous make Boys bulky waihable sweaters. You wiil

recognize- the brand lhat sells for $5.99 io $!0.99 at

regular stores. O f course, our price will be , . .



,99Size 4 +0 7

Size 8 to 20

HOURS:Mon., Tues. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M.

W ed., Thurs., Fri. 10 A.M. - 9;30 P.M.

Saturday 10 A.M. - 6 P.M.

Garage Sale To Aid Falcons

The Mothers Auxiliary of the

Falcon Football League will hold

a garage sale on Saturday, Oct.

25, at the recreation building on

Jackson St,. Matawan. The pro­

ceeds of the Jiale will help sup*

port lhe team.

All mothers o f team members

and cheerleaders are urged to

bring unwanted household items,

clothing, books, toys, games,

yard furniture, etc., to the rec­

reation building on the F iiday

before the sale.

Mothers f.Iso will arrange for

pickup of items, if necessary.

For pickup, call Mrs. Robert

Conover, 566-4171. 'Ihe sale will

begin at 9 a.m.

Tlie regular numiMy meeting

of thc auxiliary will be held this

Thursday at the recreation build­

ing on Middlesex T’.d., Malawan,

at 30 p.m. Ad members and

prospective members are urged

to attend.

i s y o u r l a w n a n

a m b u l a n c e c a s e ?If it is, you need a good doctor. Call Auto-Lawn for the care your lawn needs. In the fall, while the weeds are dying, we’ll start feeding and seeding your lawn back to

health. Our automated special equipment will dispense doses of custom-blended chemicals. Come spring, you'll see a vast improvement in your lawn.

Yes, Auto-Lawn costs more than do-it-yourself methods, but only a iittle. And we save you headaches, heartaches, and backaches. Cal! us— we'll give you ^

living proof of why we’re called _ _ the Lawn Doctor. A'— ^

A U T O - L A W N F U L L Y E A R ’S PRO GRAM m™™,*1*FAIL SPRING• SHO(? lb?, per 1000 4'|. It.)6GVo Metiuit

• rCRT»LliC 45 o o• FFRTJIIZB 20 1010

• powr.R Ain ate• POWER KOLL ♦AyUACAHI

• SCCD V Ihi. T>*rloon *n- *t.)5 0 e,u M ru o r lri HIILI/t. I'i 0 0


• rrmn t?i: t: o o• rnun.ut: ?a uf

- rrmn u» rn in to i chinch nun('Hi I Ml UnLNt CHAU UKA^!> CONfROL

• si*or w rro• powrn aiihatC• p o w i.r tint t.

.son m ii wo«M CUH1HOL

• ruNctnui;• AQUACAftl


• f l HTM I7T 4f» 0 0

» n RTtUZE \JF

• CMinrn nun s o n w\ ii svommUONIItOL



Comptilf Only


flRSQUARC roor

V!, IbJ. NITROGEN I'cf 1000 sq. !l.

■ jciu .i.i ^enruts t'cr rear


INTRODUCTORY OFfCRCcmpttle Only. , ,

2 4

• srto(1 ib. p«r 1000 tq. (t.) io*/* Mmod

• U H ltU ZE A ’, 0 0

• rrn ili ize 20 10 IQ

• powr.n AL'RATt:

» POWIR ROIL• AQUACARI (f «r up I* 4000 iq, ft m i. l i ,


Auto-LawnT he g r e a t e s t t h in g g r o w in g !

fAulg-l»wn ot Amcika, Inc. 19S9

Auto-Lawn of


5 6 6 - 0 5 0 6

Thursday,. October !6, 1969 fHE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J, Page Thr

. Hi _ W I .W . .W . .W . .V L V W 'W .

nf '' .................. .....................................“IH:V H.I

25% OFF« ON ALL SCOTT PRODUCTS* IN STOCKw-;];;']-':; ; ; . -\v:.... ..-. .................. . .

I t '...... B u y N o w rtf' S a l e P r ic e s

'fc And Hold ‘til Next Year I



“Back To Schoo!" N ighti

B ro a d St. S choo l renl-’t •-■uOv

e r A.-isoc. w fJnu 'V o se n o iii *

n ig h t w il: h« he ld ! wo n igh ts ‘.his

y e a r hi ar;»lornmodiir.e a il par-

e n U . V/edtwsduy w ilt biT io ; par*

eats. of. . k m d e r a a r tm . th ro u g h .

fo urth grade a .m , session. pup ils

» iu j T hu r^ Jay , O c t. 23, for fourth

Kr;td«? p .m . th ro ug h i-n.vrh racJy

s tuden ts . The p ro g ra m w ill be

h e ld a t Uif2 o ld h i" h school audi-

Sonun : Al S p-m,

5 ‘ AND | 0



PUw ,

T he M a Iii w an C hap te r ol' Woi«-

cii '*> A m e r ic an O K T w ill sell

ticke ts for the W ugon V/h«.e!

P la y e r ’ s p ro duc tion of 4*Yor»

K now I Can't: Hear You .W hen

the W a te r ’s. R u n n in g / ' on S a tu r ­

day , N ov . 3. P roceeds fro m tha

sa le w iii go tow ard m a in ta in in g

the OKT- v o ca tion a l schools

w hich educaift uncJerprivU;.*i'ed

ch ild re n . T ickets m ay : he o b ta in ­

ed. from. M ona T e " , &&032J.*

( ; I a r < l , P i j r h - T a A j d .

TT* *11 ' **7 . _ fl.. _ .. t . . y ?t iX K s j b «

A B;'iy Weeks J j*. Henefivi Carts

Pursy vMi be held at the homen f JL-trc Inrun}. .IW-jjM a £r«u_ -.

glad* O ’ttitv 'Chftw ood Bfach; or,

J’hu rsday , Oct, £ t, a? b p .m .,

sponsored by the C ivn^i am i i.e£-

iriUuicn D e n jr tm e n t of tWf. W on !'

aip‘ 7 o f U uK V Jitv H ;ntv*r,

B illy was-. in ju re d seriousiy .

w h fn tin? m o to r o f a car oj. w hich

he w as w ork ing fed on hon , cau^-

int» loss of s igh t and o ther severe

p e rm a n e n t in ju r ie s . He wus a p a ­

ttern, in P e r lh A m boy G enera !

H o sp ita l fo llow ing tht? acc ident,

a n d now i.> rece iv ing care and

tre a tm e n t a t the Veterans H os­

p ita l in K us i O range .

Tickets m ay be obtained / rom

Mrs. Deerin or any member of

the Civics and, Legislation Depart'


P *9. $7.95

F*m «ui M»k». R ldgid, Sturdy*

Adjustable v -

IRONING BOARDFully for eootar«

< fftittrt dry«r lroniu9»


Keg. $3.50 TV AdvertiVjci

Headache or Trouble *1”....... P«pufer © am ?i ctfp Yo u".g &, 0 !d ! .

Rog. 39c ea.




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3 Decorator Color*,

Open Mon..-Sat. 9 to 6 — Fri. 'til 9

SHOP FOR LESS AT L&SFormerly Regent 5 4 10c- 125 Main St., Matawan

S e a rs264-6300




Hwy. 34 — Matawan

— Announces —




' t i l O P M

Saturday Until 6 P.M.


For R e p u b l ic a n C a n d id a t e s

A R M E L U N O D A Y W E B S T E RThe following are our sworn statements of financial interests and business connections in the

Borough of; Matawan . 1


S t a t e m o n t

ARMELUNO; Statement

am to of New Jersey ). ) bn.

County pf Monmouth)V ICTOR R . AKMKLLTNO of

full age, being dul.v sv.orji ac* cording io law , upon his o ith , deposes' r»nd unys;

1. I rf.4it!(! ai i Tnvlor Rd R«n’* aufih vf -Mu'.a.van.

2. T iinvh ro«Utecl a t «ald ad ­dress slnco June 1, lf»C*0. and in the Borough of M ataw nn for 50 years.

3. I am n of the United Stales nnd a cundklati* on lho Republican thke t for Mayor in 5he BorouKh uf iMntiiwati in t!ie *eneral otcctiun to be held on Nov. 4. 1PW.

4. In tho conviction that lhe electorate of Matovwin Borough 1;; entitled to a full, roinpiole ami preci. f *•' ,il(Mnent of any ^ud all .financial nr business in loresn of the oimch.l.tti-.r fr.r tliis high o f­fice, w hk .i l:it(>ru:«t<4 tniulit in any manner liupm r their effectiveness (n such office or tend to Influence their Judgments and decisions as representatives of the public at b rg c I innkc the following decla* ration: '

5. AHhoUffh I am employed by Koodtown, as m anager of the Appetizer Department, I have no financial InLercst In Fvudlown, «nd except for the equity in my home nt I Taylor Rd.. Matawan, und the furnbhinifs mut the per* sonnlty incidental thereto, I havo no assets, property or bu*i- nt'AS inleiPHls, lHii«ibk‘ or lit* tangible, u lilili can b«j said to havo a rolntion to the Borough nf Matawan, nr which woukJ in any manner itnpinxe upon the fre« cxorcls« or r'liUw Imposed upon mo as q Mnvor, I hnve m aJe no coinmllmoi\t« tnvnlving property, ftssots or buslnem ln« (crests In lho *al<l Morou^h rtncl know of no foot or cirrurm tanco which m ight Impair m y oh*ectlv Uy In the offico ot Mayor or give to n contUct of iniartvtts.

To tlio extent that m y employ* ment with Food town m ight «|v« rl»a to a potential conflict of in*• In unv (utiiro |if(M'pfv||nto come before th« Council, I tiled** hj clls(|wnllfy m y io lf from dll nartlcipiitton in «ny suoh pro*cewiliiRi,

6. I inakA Oils nfftrtnvlt to In* duco nho votern of th« Barougrl of Mntnw^ui to glv« favorable rnrviUlcrntiott to my canciUinoV ind In lho knowledge and wiwi tho tntontJon thnt the publlo w ill roly thereon in choosing IU rep*ros.entotlvc.1 .

V ICTOn W. ARM ELLIM O Subicrlhed nml nworn to beforo in*1 th 1« lUh <lnv of Oi'toharlUMitrico M. Huffy.My cmmnissloii « Stint. 107S


Slate of New Jersey )) ss.

County of JMonmouth)DONALD T. DAY of full ago,

being duly hworu accorthug to law, upon his oath, depose.s and Bnys:

1. I roslJe at 45 Buerhwood Torr,, Borough of Matawan.

2 . i hnve resided at «;ild ad- drcs.M and in the Bor.iiiph of M alaw an r.inco October, lt'atf

3. I am a '.‘, ’ !/.cn of tho United States and n candidate on tht? Republican ticket for Councilman In Ihe Borough tif Mrjtawan in the general election to bo held on Nov. I, 1WW.

4. In tiie conviction th’it the tilccluiatc- of M a in wan Horouflh Is entitled to a full, ccimpleio and precise j.ta'crnenl of au.v nnd oil f inanria l or liu-inc:;:; liitere-L.H of tho candidates for this ini’h of­fice vvhlc'h intt.M-t-it.H in lrh t In any ntanncr hnnidr their oftoclivciM-v-i in such office or tcn:l to Influ* encu their Judgments an 1 du*- cislund a.s representatives of the nuhiic at Inr>»** I m ake the follow­ing declaration:

9, Except for tho equitv In my homo at 45 BeeHiwood T«rr.. Matawnn and the furnishings ami the personalty incidental thereto I have iv> assets, property ur business Interests !nr.^ib!o •■'r In* tanKlble w hid i can uu Kaid to have q telHtlon to tho Horough of Mntawan o r which would in any m anner lm p ln^a upon Une freo exerclne of duUe.4 imposed upon me ft3 a councilman, t have mado no committments involving

riroporty, asset,** or buslne&a in- oresLs In the aold Borough nnd

know of no fact o r circumstance which m ight Im pair my objectiv­ity In tho offioo of councilman or glvo ri»o to k conflict o! in- leredtn.

0. I m ake this affidavit to tn- duco tha votera of tho Borough of Mntawan to glv« fnvornble con- slderution to m y candidacy and In th® knowledge nnd with the intention that the public w ill rely thereon In chooalnj lt« repre-•rtninHv^t

DONAI.D T, DAY Suhflorlbe^ nnd sworn to before md this 14th day of Octobor I960 tlealrlce M . Duffy,M y oo m m bubn expires ftiipt. 1078


Slate o“ New Jersoy )) AS.

CountV of MoiitnonthtJOHN E. W EBST ER If. of full

«»KC. be iri y du!v s-.vri, n d.r sto IflA’. 'in*"i hi*. oatM, arid s;»ys:

t. T fl PlBouniRh of Matawan.

2 . I nave To>!<led nt »n!d ad­dress since Ju:v.*, HHifl ar.d In the B ’-roui;:-\ of April.1H07.

II. I am a clti/cn nf tbt» Tfnit»*d St to.i and a cam l’d'iti? nn th- Republican ticket f>>r Cou:tf irnan In the Mor'.ujlh of M a 1;t>v?:i ]>: tin* general elc.-liua t'» bii hei«l on Nov. -5, lyiW.

4 In tiie conviction that thr* ek’cU'T.v.** of Mfita.s.t’i Dorou^h u» cnLMi'd to a full. comph»te and preeive sla lc inent c>f any and a ll financial or businco; inierosl'; of thu eandiH.lies f^r this hitjh office which intere-tts might in any manner Jmpair Uioir offer in such n*f!ce or tend to influeiHo Uicir j'.idi;mentH nnd fleci.-iior.s a:, representatives of Lho public at larijd I make the following declaration ,*

5. Kveopt for ti'e equilv li\ m j’ home at 8 Crown Pl.. M a iiv ’ii:' and tho furnishing:. :i:k! tno jus • •ionaltv lncitien*al thc*ieto, 1 have no assets, property nr hu*im*.s‘-. inleresls tangible or Intanu'!*'1? which can be said to I.ave a relation to the Hnr>m»h of M a ta ­wan, or whhii rt’ouhl In any m an ner impinge upon tne tps* evei- clso of duties lin|)->-:ed upon mu as a counritm .m I iiavo inadu no eommittrnent.i ir.volvimr prop­erly. ar.aeti or bri.<im»ss lntere.«‘,Li In the said Bormn:h atid kiv>-e f>f no fact or circumstance v.hich m ight Im pair my obfcctlvltv In th® office of councilm an or i*tvo rls« to a ec'nfllct o f inti'restr

(J. I ninke this affidavit tn In* due* the voter* of tho norough nf Matnwiwi to glvo fnvorabh) consideration to tn.y candidacy and In the knowlcdgo and wlt.j tho !ntnntli)n that the public will roly theroon In ehooBing it j rep*

j o h n vi w B B a n c n , «55ubior|hcsl itnd *wi»rn to before mo (ht* 14th d-iv of ' Octobor 1M9 B i’ ntrlc® M. Duffy,M y 0oinn\l$jlon «xptr«j A>pt, 1971

Slate of Mt,v Jersvy )

Coimtv of W ILL IAM l,AN i:AKO <-f

hr-ii' K '! i» t > .* >:•> ,i> J.l'.V, UpJ.'i ill,. < ‘‘.1.

1 . rti-Uoro'j>;b of Mul-tv. <«i..

2. I Itavc rc. Ulc; »t s dr.-ss for five f . l

Slat-.*!; !iil*d' IS'-i.wo;; Me:,;' • Chatrm.Ui hi;- H : • : rM at.iw in .

clevtoiate ’ -f M > « .is ent'tic.i t a t i: ’.. •iHVi'i ,e .-.t'it<*’i <■ "i! !

the Mv!;iu'i! .-.I' 'ir..,' m.terev.i n iii'iii ;>i ii"- i:i f unp.d;- h !i cffc*.-;;. *. ..■• - »■.' :■ t" iiw'l.i.•().•_* h1 "i I • •:••• decision < m a ; cer c •• nl it. • ’-he public at iarjic. I ni.ike followinj* deciar pinri.■>. L0\eept h<r th<- f'i'j'V. in al :i;!0 Mam Hi.. M >* i ' and the fui ni duni;*-, a;.d ) sonaltv lnrlden ’al there:*) an t autorrobdo |«r*.n sp *«»» < ;,d 3:<4 M ain St.. I have in a properly or b'.ni?'ev-j M'fx- tangible or imain:!l<!<*. w ji’. ’i ' • >o said to ha'.'e r*dal‘.'n tt* B o in u 'h (,t Mat.r.'.an or .'ii wuuki In anv manner UDon the free exercise uf dui im[)'<t*<l upan nip a* M u m ; \ u n i iitan ol L!iit >. .IVutv.

W R.I.IA M t.AN/.A Mnt«er1b«*d and sworn ta before me tills Hth day of OctoberHeati K'O M Duffv.My commission eKplrea ftc^pt. I

For tho enligiilvininont «nd for lho protoctlon longo our Democratic opponontj and thoir Fiorino, to follow our oxamplo.

of tho resident; of Motawan Borough, wo chol- Municipal Chairman and Local Roaltor, John

P„|.|. r„, by. Hi.1 Armolllno ■ D.iy - W . t l l , ./ C .,m |.ilu« f-i.nd, I'. O . I'n* 101, M , N . J 077U

'I ) n ::F 0 iW th :a :

W ill Speak,.,Sr. J ./ii'jp lfs P a ra .t . - Tn-.xiSi:

v iM jnl.Ialim ; v/i'i Iw id tW ; rip-i'wc

u at: ji:

•IV ii an.brjlrirjir. .. u : l « .

M /’S. A.. SakowsJcj prv»M'Ji‘ -g.. Dr.,

Pa ir.;a >:*.»rm'cu, M .D ., \',h i*? -- '

tur^* on <A ,boriii;n .i*.

D R . P A I.M A F O R M IC A

Horn in Johnstown, Pa., she at­

tended schools there. She re­

ceived u Bachelor of Scicnce De-

. gree from the University of Pitts­

burgh, Pittsburgh, P;i., und |>rad*

uaied from the University of

Rome, School of Medicine aj'.d

SurgL'ry, Rome, in 10-53.

Dr. Form ica had her jxjM

uaty training nt Qucuuts General

Hospitai, Jam aicn , N .Y .C .. and

served a residency in internal

medicine in the same hospiMt.

She has a private practice in gen-.

crs! medicine in Old Undge.

She is « member of Middlesex

VOOilv' i>!cui\J> oOviwtV, M.-l.

State Medical Society, American

Medical Association and the As­

sociation of School Physicians.

She is affiliated wiih St, Peter's

llosp itji, New Brunswick, is

sclioo! physician and a member

of the Health CCitmc.i! tor Madi­

son IVovnthip Selioo! System. She

also is rnemher ‘if tii? Advi-jory

Poard of the Fam ily Lire Bureau

of the Diocese of Trenton.

D r. Form ica is a lecturer on

sexuitl education for youth und

adul*>. Prc-Cumi. Newman Clubs

and participated in f;mi»!y plan­

ning insfr'H.tion.1;

In priv;,.,.e life. Hr. Form ica h the wife of John J . Kihacek, a social worker (or the Middlesex

County Department, of Welfare,

and the mother ot !b*ee children

She is i\ tm»m!.'t:t‘ of S t Thmr-ns

lhe Apusttc Parish. Old Uridge,

D r. Form ica recentiy h'ls been

naLP.ed in “ Who’s Who Lu Ameri­

can Women” ar.d is a member

of f.he Diocesan Pastoral Hoard.

Parole PietrowsH

The St rite Parole ilonrd »n

Trenlon announced last *.veek its

decision to release ftorn prison

Joseph . Pietrowsld, Madison

Townsht;i, who wns benienctu! fit

May 19GS to t.vo to three years

for possessing stolen property

and possessing burglary tools iu

Monnioulh County,

Returns From Ireland

T hom as C o llins , liu u te 3^, Chff-

wofxl, w ho i ’i em p lnv .'d by ) »1 y

T u lip C orp .. i io ’n u 1.!.!, n a 1? re tu rn ­

ed front a v u cnnou see:;!; in Jre>

laud .




ElectrologistMomifef of

K b d r .^ 'b '.b A,::, -i* ' 1. I


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566 8697


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comc-.s m browns awl yellows, .c.eens and rusls, browns wiih corals, Plsaclnd

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iP 'eup ot th u y o iir ’M in:,, cat U w rjuttov coloi'.1?.

27' x l.'i1, ruff, -1.1>U......................... .................

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lid i.-vi-r, 1 i-if, ................................................................ i .u o

J. J. is w k re fro n l Si., K (‘V|h h I

D a ily 9:!>0 ■ I>m»0

E rl. ’t il 9

.'.'.’rfBW* -


Letters .To:'. The Editor . lh> You Remember?

w...... rhuridiiy, ■Oci&ber J6 , I9A9

Are&J:Students Named

' 1. MAMXBiRQWN, K JE L m E HV. ’: : t ■ B4TAMj.i«iiisi* u w ...•

PuhWiWd C?ery Thursday n l 5#* St., i ls ta v a n , K J .g'jf Mu/VJL'M tunur ic u iu r . 1W71 P tt'fW rtW i CDUPjiliiV

J, WHlwfV

\*tp v.xmKW*:coy»Am,. , .

;v SWfe.; TStfiirc . f-T<59tiriiiie 'ff? •'. Assov£a{*,,..K«ltt!a ' Iluth A5*?*la?ii‘ Sailor - ■• '• ‘ ■ ;


• -*: Tiie JflAtav’un JnurnaJ i& J- ..iwfipnper “ of t>u* pcopjr, by t?w #»mi 'for ixopf^-’' SU* aim. ?a to strve ihe-fcit&i um.-rr.ntr ot • irUtx* >m ->t Tonify;:to, toitwnrail »>t -‘eJ.Afcv ^ '“'IN* *>'■ rvj-jdic<

"in' a ■• c li in l sane.. .*cnae£Vttiivfr'',MJ.aorvvi'i.- •■Effcf'fccSi-'-K' - ?xia. Jr.JUit^nnk' .rig^i* ef our cii^^us, uhtlf.: r*.mtSj" uf.-v-irir coc«jti*!f»rc, . ..

.vVSeirtud’claa#; Po^eitt'Poid.;at Mciav.xn. Ntw Jc r^y .’'

; • X«s ,t*potfraj>hic*J .'ercr# Jfi ioroittftf to: ibn -vcxi' oi- theajiikfia ^ -^h erro?.. ;; ; . . . - . , . .

' #?ibscriptkw ro t^ . pa.vftblft !n tf<3vcr-cc:

•. Sei;cf;to 143 /H-io) 5t. '•'if: -... v MpUir?.Q* ,Wr.- f- ,'. -..

j Ot!<t Veav.' jw'.tiiih Alatt) •„,i,.>,,i . -

:$hr M ■ &2'?,D .

;.TJ>pe? .... fUO. ;• jiiticd..’ |S,i)fl: r


^MEWSES-i, 13)59

"Our Country! (t> her

m te rc a u r s a w ith foreign fie lions, may- she always

^ a ’~in,';:fh huK:Our Country, right or wrong." .

Stephen Decatui 1779,1820

This -30- Was Difficult To Write

In the- Jo\))'nal)‘>-tic World. <.30- means thf? end of « Story; in tins ras*'. it is, ihe t'n(i of airnosi 23. years in this

. business.. It p r e s e n t s , rca;iei!s of this, newspaper, the Jesignaliou of the Associate teditor of The Keyport Week­ly nnd The Matawan Journal nnd the resignation of tho Vice President and General Manager of the Brown Pub- lishina Mnri Pnn1iri0 C«rr';>r>ny, I'W ; ; :

■ , Life has been kind to. the writer - sh<; has matured, gmvrtii -.developed’" business experience, fortitude, met challenges and competition, and bwn allowed tlio priv­ilege by the Editor ;md Publisher to .st-rve the New Jor* sey: State J'ederalioii cf Women’s Clubs ii! several capaci-

'■■tles,......■■■■■;- ■■■ • f'r ■:-■■ :;■■■■ , ., ;

1 .liowsver, the. time has come wlien she has to ;icccpt - the advice of her physicians. She 14 resigning betause of • health reasons............... . ■

;. The associate' e<litor wisshes to express her appiecia- tion to her long-time friends in tiie circulation area, who have had such wmidence in The Brown Pobiicatioi '-, to tiie- nvany busin,es»: a^ociates who have supported the pub­lications, and $0 her ..curWQrkers,. especially Mrs.. Ruth (Disbrow)’ fjartraan,. BoiiRlas Patk Sentell, Charlotte (Maurer) Holmes, Richard Applegate, Corinne (Walling) Dunham, Charles Gromatk, nnd Thomas A. Claytoa for Jbeing so. great. ; .

' The other employees are fine too, but'these nre the people we know best, except for, the advertising depart*, meat, who are recent employees,; Our advice to the busi­ness public would be, meet them, .you’ll have a richer life because of it - Mrs. Roberta Murray, director; Mrs. Charlotte (Sandford) Hopkins, Milton Opper and Roger Dunn. ■ ■ ■ ; ; ■'• ■■■ - ■ ,

Then, in the circulation department, we have been proud to have Mra. Beverly McCarthy, who docs • really outstanding job - handling the.newsboys, .'the subscrip­tions, and manages the Matawan Office of the Browr.1 Publishing and Printing Co.

There are many other wonderful employee's and cor­respondents - Mrs. Helen Egan and Mrs. Mary Johnson,

. Mrs. Evangeline Bennett, Mrs. Lorraine Smith, Mrs. Irene Lamano, Mrs. Martin Smith jr.; not forgetting Mrs. Robert Kline, Miss Marie Gaub and Mrs. Charles Rain- aud, who served years ago.

We remember Union Beach when Gert Zahn served as a correspondent; now she is living happily in California. We also rernembev the late Mrs. Elmore KaUner, and the up-and-going Joan Cushman in the Real Estate Field, and, of course, our aunt, Mildred (Brown) Herrick, who made the Matawan personals go. Apologies to anyone connected with the Matawan Personals we have neglected to men­tion.

The municipalities have been kind to us and we hope they have prospered under tiie leadership of these two newspapers. We have tried always to give lair coverage, but lately, personal coverage has been difficult, becausa of shortages on liie news staff.

There are many other people in this employ, that we could mention, but they would not mean anything to the reading public for they are newer employees, but we al­so should like lo say thank you to Don Rohrbach, Nettie Sarageno, Bud Hanrahaij, Eddie Austin, Forrest Daniels, Kale McGrane, Dotty Callahan and Karen Heyer.

To the Editor nnd Publisher, Miss J. Mabel Brown, thank you for letting me serve, but health must come first, for without .health, there is no human Tneiny.

A prayer once was written that said, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the Courage to change ihe things 1 can: and the Wisdom to Know tho Diffcrcnce,” Amen.

With this, w« write -SO-.

Geraldine Van Mater Brown Associate Editor

Plaudits T o ........

Gov. Richard J. Hughes, who officially proclaimed Oct, 19-25 as Cleaner Air Week, at u recent statehouse ceremony. Special guests were Leland G. Merrill jr., Dean of the Rutgers College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, and Richard J. Sullivan. rttrp(,tor> Division oi Clean Air and Water, N,J. State Department of Health,

IVI’D Garden Club for its work In Improving tho ap- pearaneo of thu garden of tha Little Red Schoolhouse, Middletown, 0110 of tho community’* onrly landmarks.

The Kcnnsburg High School Student Council for *0- curlng Congressman Jumca J. Howard (D, N.J.) to ad­dress tlio student body of tho Keansburg High School on Tuesday nt 11 a.m. on voting rights for 18-yeaiwilds, Thu requ( "t was extended as part of a campaign hy the state student councils to obtain tho vote for 18-ycor-olds.

Dr. Jean Simmons, Pw .ldent of tho New Jersey Stata

Division of the Av.iorleim Association of University Wom­

en, who has emphasized tlio need for tlio passngo of tho

Water Conservation Bond Act referendum which will b«

on the ballot Nov. 4,

To the Erfitar. , "

Rmnnrw I'irrinjil/i-. jii . rtriv ritm. .

paign nomiaMy w wmjW

pay IjW?; ur any nf

{hern, T iitfie v/as. cm *;'ronv jiy

. tow ftver;. reskij?/?,/ xY-r- ' -'buin^

,<ityr;£ . Mr. .X'uv’i; '.bsridaiacy

' whk-h rru‘p?.ki'i' 5'.ni^y. bc-vv**jr. in h 'ir.ry

noniUgctive p it^ s a iderived from it all: Rumur

M d-it i i i a t 1 . % :*. puaSiing far for iht F’ro:’c;ju .arcA

; bt?w«se he oWii-s pp.vp'.-riy in-the.

area v/hich increase sub-

_ Siifftioliy !Ti vahj« if., ite-- v/ere-'ihNiaUco5.'' TU(* .only• Mr, Day iwvps is.ip the'r

•’ £<!■ ' Wl \i< ■ UsaJ . u}.K»i.

which hi;-; horr.t i's ti. -ai,'

' ictr..'i'Ctrt oi iw?

- in' g*.MUrtj' "qui-.Nfierf; c.n?dirfat~fcrfoj’ .'pubhc.ollici:. iLi.Lhui O itv’ur.c

■ -.L;"i*."i' • v :i v; i . ■y.-iiO fiisd; ir-, iiiti'O to • Ii5’;al:th(!3<5 <Jr> r o t . have .

torjKifhinf; :^> i&k, Mn-iuioially

.'. lrt>iini Vf'c ntych -

■ mi' Of. ■J.ftijrh' wilh. Tvtfiitv tivat

“tljcr6 ’:Hr fiomo ^6 'into

■■ local p(ii;tiCb tdf-SCrrvlrtJft’.pt?rpos».*s. •

• We do. htiHeve.; ii,v<e' v-i*ct* have

t» V,nc‘W aviy w\-■ : didtttes’-- ,

. town jj i1 w h ich-1) ’

Thir> can he t'.O'tjr direct...

• or ivitieect.] It could bo» UDMDxJd'

inp.y or it could be d local h-isf- u^is vtaturc. Then*. ..:s m.i noc- f&sarily : imythlag - \vrt/n« .with u ,

candidate-having tbtrse.iiiVim-iai;

mlerests but wo siigfjcat'thny he

mwdo knovvivthrough a.publi.shad

de«:)aration: : .Rerau.s^ of our s/rong h<’)?of ***

the value of thase U«dn.vatiwv$;. we have.puWishcd iu an adver-.

Uv.tP.'fciti,: “i.u lh>,> in-ss^piipt'i ouV skitfmenLs along wilh u state­

ment by our Municipal Chair­

man. . . .


Victor Armellino, GOP.-.v Candidaie for Mayor • .

PftfihM T. Day, COP CaI'i-.

didaio for. Cou;H:il .•

Jw ifl E . W trbsier, G O P

CainJidnte lor Council ■

To the Editor, ••.

• ’ilitt time of year on te . 8g?>iji

has come whfn ;ve must prevail

upon your, goncrosily to . h^ip youi: local firemen.

We stand ready 24 hours a day,

ueven days a week to come to

your aid in saving life and prup-

«rty. We have over 100 tuen vul*

urdeering to serve you nnd

yourfi, asking noeompeiisation m relurn mher \hm the svlt-sat-

isfaction that we helped a fellow

citizen tn his plight.The Maiuwan Borough Fire De­

partment consists of five compa­nies* Washington, Hook & Lad­

der, M. E . Haley, Midway and Freneau. Each company owns

ita.own fire house. The Borough

supplies us with the accessary

equipment to fight fires, but we

roust maintain our own build*

ings. ' . ■Hook A Ladder recently has

built a new building and still is

carrying a mortgage. Two other

companies are planning to mo*

demise-their buildings to serve

you better, ft is to this end fhai

w ask your support by contrib*

uting what you feel you can af­

ford in order for us to meft our

commitments. As you probably

realize by maintaining your home, upkeep can be quite ex«

pensive.We will be collecting from

house-to-house during »he numth

ot October. Again we r'.sk you io

htip us once during li-it* year as

we siunti ready to nelp you

thioughout iht- year.


John Conlon. Chairman

* Fund Drivt Committee

To the Editor.

On Oct. 7, 1969, the Mnta'.van

Regional High School Student

Council distributed question­

naires pertaining to a dress codr.

Upon rending this, certain of ihe

student taxly were aroused.

Rather than taking this lying

down, the students are retaliat­

ing with a petition, which, so far,

has been accepted with jjieat en­

thusiasm by a growing ninjority

of the student body.

* We, the representatives ot dus

growing majority, icel that there

nre sufficient reruns for not

having a dress rode. Listed he-

low are somb of ihe * ;'ro s iind

con’s" we’ve run into, and Mur


1. Ono objection is that stu­

dents would come to Kihonl

dressed Improperly.

Our £r>»Utt'vnt lo ’.his if.’ "Who {*; iii' hr-foiv-' nUn6 H/'p.h school *st u,-

like man?..r*-; Adslw ffcVtV.'.fiOi* , l>ic-

»t»es i4 '■.m !K). At if?i~ i .o, they

ace rftaiure-: *,#*r>4j*\3; • o

clrefS ij-e^selves : jrr a nu^intr

S<?co»iiiy»' xheir- prt;er/is ailo« hj dR?is tn u?is majiiK-r,

we, /ai] to 3ee w/;y dw sch(iu) K «;

a-M like -iHu *a.\i what

one c;iJ) ai«J wear

Ai/otncr ■ objec‘ i.f'0 d>.»!

cc.n.:u!i styieff arc-. r»or,!.'COSH]uc.o«'t:

U; ‘iljfc- /puicess. :

: We fa il to sw thr*t /.'Itth in" h;*r»'.

o.nyih/ng wh;d.V*?<ji,er-:to. do'- w n ir

Sia-nin}?,- X htsc i;eo*

rdf»_'ihqu}d vrr-i' li f.e<v cc-i

.nrd sev wtiHt the *>ui>*e!.\ts '

•-fn. Cijdiiioi';,■■r.8- fee: !h‘:-'l'r b:is

: pcen ;;.i<?.t;. n JL t^- ^rrw iU .;^ o r

' r.ud<nir‘i''.'lyy ,tue., M c w lcy a iid ' ad ; ' :

^iihis!1j,?dit*nv:. to their -

mo0e;Df-..drr-N-.s.' Uf-.. '.'UJ’ -' g'/rii. is. ,:-


re-^'e, for: tho iiiir.jjfv1. r luvoi> ' l.l'i! t ,

iv is. ;io drPSH i\nbr\ r.fy iii--.

C‘ )U-d .say .w.'..«bJA^.'.:'p;;’-jper . ^nd ;,

; whcjfL i in 't ' . ; . - ■ '

: IO we wr-uld: *ike (o

^stale hnr «i W»Y. uiOa...

■Other.v^dioolf? ‘in..the' a>e>»'■ '

'.drusK. cod»’-,5.,’/r.d ;int:

i»^( t‘> keet* their ’

’.js: f.Mir school, "tea's ' \'i‘vjo ’ ideas'

such ,a?v oper; lund i, ’ >oda mu-; chine.s iht* i>*. smoking

priv.U^e^ daring .:ium-h ci.Jis^vi,

and .rjnok ing at. dances. '

Jf our .sclKfpl is jnc'dt rn

fo try the above, v.'r? Fail t c ' see

w hy ibcy w unt a tlre.^ c v d t.

VtT ,. wouid npp rt'd iito and

7*rytefuljy accept any support in

. - (Sipp'd): Craig roJanovrki '

l" Chris Boehm '' - '

CeorRt I'c^cjh

To the "Hditor, !

Siianic m The _Matawan Jo»>r-

Hal’s pa^e 1 story nf Ptk-r Uent*

ley Iii the O c t.. X Ufti9 issut?; ' .

. l am proud to know thi. nice tam ily;apd‘ fee! that their disr

grace; is ‘ hnrd. tinivueVi • to’- bear without "ilibbing salt ih the

wound,” :: . 1 .

(Signed) .

Audrey Asbjorn

.163 Furdhutn Dr...Matawan (Editor's Nolc; . Wt» fi’lt hndl.v

too, ’ for v.e too Uiv f.'fjniiyTiiiji J& or«i nf Jhc- runu> tlifflruU thing's otto ffltes, in tlic r«fivf.pnj,*r busitWRS.) .

r 74 7.3,1r&irknni'-

been aarrie-d as

ihii picture above shown th<vchi lirs t f/rt;.ib.^-?r,j£i C’iurch b[ Muiawar. bvlore it wys 5 v Hsv on urahi. !^i>.

Now the site is the p:irkin« t.ct ci d.e titidk r;n;nTd Hu':.wL’, ‘ Main'.

St., ‘

1Dr0V:e;f;:A fteF in ed $205^

PTA Greets

75 ParentsTo the strains of ‘ 'Getting To

Know You” the Morganville Par

ea t-Te a ch e r Assoc ia t io n we 1 c o m­

ed some 75 paients and the.en­

tire faculty io the first meeting

Of the season. .

Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, presi­

dent, introduced the other offi­

cers: Mrs. Richard Wohl, vice

president; Mrs. Howard John­

son, vice president; Mrs.

Charles Beauchamp, recording

secretary; Mrs. John Button,

treasurer; Mrs Ralph Howard-

son, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. V. Junes. P TA advis­

or and principal who introduced

the faculty.

Tho faculty who wire introduc­

ed incituitrd Mrs, Carolyn Me- Kennu mul Mrs. Selma Berman,

kindergarten; Mrs. Catherine

Hamnett, Mrs. .Vniidra Pcrcv and Mrs. Marinrii*

nr:;t grade; Miss Margaret Arn­

old, M>sx Marie I>Addei .and Mrs. Nonna Kliieppiny, veeoi.d

grade; Mr:. Mnr^ant Leonard

whti with Mrs. Jones tenches

t.hiifi gni'K*. nnd the school

nurse, Mrs. Barbara Freeborn.Plain; were made* to establish

d newsletter on a monthly basis;

to bring various forms of art in­

to the school provided hy it num­

ber ot nalkiU's hnd private art­

ists in thti arSa and for the first

fund raisiny program ot the ye«ir

which will be the presentation of

a hv.u\wv,\\\ \n Novt'mber,

Mr>;. Norman Janwirh, pro­

gram chairman, Introduced the

guest spe;*V“r oi fho evemnj’,

Uusst-ll 'i>ni;iit. suf>t*riiu'.'ndi‘iit df SVh(«il*; for MarlW'ro To'enyhii).

wnos.* topic was “School Hduca- tion.“ Un touched nivin imiuns

aspects cf curriculum and tho

tearhet's role In the school sys­

tem This was followed by a

question Hud answer period.

The next mr'Cting will be an opi«n house on Nov. 3,

Release Results

Somethin#- for the . youthful'

wer of narcriftcs to-.think came out or the Oct. 8 of

Munic.ip».l Harold Stern’s

Union ..Jjoaeh court. f»alro!rrum. .ii Iiuig, horoup.h. police, ar- raicned James.M- Wc.Jcik, 24 Wel­

don Hd., MaUWca, on a ch^ri.;e

of driving, an auto while under

the ivdlu*n>ee el nareoiics PhiHp J. Jilatida, JIazIet, Bcr>

ouj*h An«.'in^y of Union Beach,

argued hel(u-« the court tha; the

chauu.t<'iis?;es of Jh<-. diii}.’ u- ed

by the driver indoced deficioneics

rhe same as tiiivinj; while under

the influence of ht^ioj. J'btioimioi

Dems State

PlatformAt the larpesi momhiy mt-oiing

in the history of ihcHoirnde!

Township Dvmotratic C 1 u b,

standing room only, )oc-:l Demo­

crats endr-rsr-d the Party’s pUf*

form for Holmdel Tcvvnship ns

well as its tw<> candidates for

Township Committee, James H.

Ackeison ajid Robert Go«dhaj,>i-n.

:Thc platform features a propo­sal for a municipal complex to

include n Township Hall, a pub­

lic library, police department and

First Aid Squad facilities and,

possibly, a recreational center.

•11 to be built gradually und in modules. The platform R l s o

pledges strict maintenance ot one acre zoning throughout Holmdel

Township, resolution of the refuse

problem, and municipal appoint­

ments based on Integrity arid


Mr. Ackeryon has served Holm-

del Township longer than any oth­

er active public official. He has

been Tax Assessor, Secretary to

the Planning Hoi.iril, and a mem­

ber of fl'. Township Commit toe

for ^ ycur,>, nine ('I w^ich h(

Sfrvoi1 a* Mayor.

M r Goidhfip.t-n an attorney,

enipoiyi't! a?; C<»:fx;r;Ue Contracts

M a n n e r ’.'.t Mice ironies A^soci-

ui(‘S Iiu\, Wt-.r ! opj; Mrai.^h, and

is President (if the J lo lm d r i \';1-

i«t(ic* Mimoi tMA,

Fashions Shown

By Jayct e-t ttcs

The M ataw an Jny iee-e tifs h: ld

Iheir st'c«md itMnnal fashion sb .'W

and curd party nn Oct. 1 a l the

Don l^uixoie Im., M iifaw nn. L'asli-

ions '.sot- prf-.iti'.iftl by F iank lin

Stni<M’ v«i'h G lo ria ty.i.iU* as

m m m e iu a to i. Tlu- *. ic ih ts wc 11

nioi!‘\! d bv Mrs. I .<»u Parks. M :s.

.lam e; IhiP.r.i'i. M;'1-. Ri.>:or iU*s-

sijinnl. M ’ ' la r r y l ;< rr.nuibv,

a irs . Ioh ,i Myrd am! M is . David

VnWr.W. 't'hiurn*.<in o ! ihe show w-m Mrs.

W illiam (irt t-iiMj^h. (Un*.',- nu »a-

iu>r? ;i sm'* 115■1 j;. »hi' pr< jv .ia tio rs

w ito ’I<*iry Pom od. M is .

I mI j ' r i l ' f , Mr« ^ a f ty ...............

dcz, Mrs. 'oi? Pdjks , \’ rs. Kay

Lynch. M i.1;. M ike H o o v ti, mul

\irs. Itch M tt iti'lrey.

T in1 liictii )s’ )i-nis[y]i,‘ W in ;

done bv Mar ( 'u iffun s,

Hmiti ',y\,


"fftli” and "poor."

Finally, residents were nsked to set forth wind,

Jn their opinion, was the community's most p u ls ­

ing problem. Iho subject of taxes led iho list by & fairly wido margin. School pro^r.ims and 1 miII-

EJgart Rules On(continued from p.nfjo one)

M. LnFovmtniii, Colts Neck, picked up by Sj*t,

Fletcher Aug. 30 for apimting wheels on Kuute ,'ii

UnclciuK up un tlm Guidon Slnlt1 P<ni«.\,>y cost

Jfimos IL P.tnrdecump, Short Mills, 110 and 3.*>

costs. Wultor .1. Carnoy, 2-1 Daniel Hr.. Malawan,

paid $10 aud W costs for spceditif; nnd $5 and $3 rosin for nn dilwtV: Ih cn.e hi pos^c'-f.ion on Ihh-

etfl from Sjjl. Slanhy Fairish.

u oar)

lies, recroaflonjtl faciliiic*:, pnd n*.ly water weie

hiuh on the list of pn>hlom nu-au.

Mr, Penrod cimlloiH'd un hasty conclusion1:

from tho limited htirvcy. 1L> p<ju.ird out that «'f

moio tlmn 700 inqulrit-j., only nsjKuiseh \scre

rot elvodv wlm.H constUwU*^ a uu lu 't nauow \insc

for A meaningful cross >H'cti<'ii. Mr. P fiuod abo

einphunf/cd that rospon;«'.'i from Miduivaa H"i-

oiif.h ami Matawan T«>wn liij> Wore combined ratb

er tluin eva'amtcd su|Mi,.ti iy.

“ Fvccpt for ■jut",c lens ro ia iinp tn tho jo it*-

lie schotils, this Jcinled i>i h im tin- d iM m c tn ii t>n

Iwcen two ind iv idua l I 'u v u u m n ii . i l cn tiiM * ." he

said, I'n! added ‘ 'NV’v rr iiu lo- \ [lu? .Lo .i'r- , Juivo

oh la iaod v n lin o lo la founu llo n i ont orninj; n 11*n•<

wlir-10 iinpitiveni>-nt r.-.n Lc n i'n lr and whriT the

J u y c ic s i .m huut bo ol m,>vic»* io d ie co m m un ity / 1

Lang. 'o ff iv m td this was his, ob-

se rva lion-a t the Unie t»f mr.kin^,

tflu a.rrest Au/:' IL The court iru-'

pn.'iod a line of $'/()(! and \V -costs

s l courl, . • . . '

The youth n>s!;> had fo pav S)C-

a a d . §5 cosis on a Ifccror cOisriL,

>■)<* prc.iUsted that ho-had lost hi.v

. the court - ruled he should h-tve

taken action ubont fhi\ nuutcr.

Another >i/u;h-was wnaitiu.v on ii.\ counts :; U -. Ins.

arrest by ex-PaHolmab CJebrgc-

JUihler and Patrohnati Lant' Mar,

7!h Driving while under *Vn vi*;

fluence of lujitur count wj<s dis-

inisst'd for lack o( prcs^cutlon.

Palrohviun Buhler^’Who'issued the : bumn^oruS, is m longer a member

of tbe police forct’. Howard New-; man. :Keyport, defense Httorney,.

Potc-M.lhcrc wa;> iu» it,*.son tn hi.i.i

bis client.'

However, the di'fpodant’s trou­

bles (lit! not end with the dismiss­

al. He had to pay 510 a;ul $5 costs

on wch cf counts of iadia^.ti)

produce a registration anil m b-

Ctnse entered by Patrolman Buh-

ler <it tbe tune of the arrest. Pa­

trolman Lan^ had a count of us­

ing foul and abusive lanpuace to

it poike wificcr or. which $75 and

$10 costs were nntrred paid ond

20 days suspended sentence in the

county jail was added.

On a charge of fhe defendant

having lottery tickets, « football

pool, iu his possession hi thu Inn*

of his ant'st, Mr. Newman point­

ed o\u the footbrdl season h«d

b«en long over, so the pool tickets

were of no value or significance,

ludptf Stoiti ajirevd.

Judge Stern imposed fire.s for

speeding bul left the- revocation

of licenses to the Division of Mo­

tor Vehicles Samu'-i M. P'lkn. V9

CHllwood Ave., Ihffwond, was

fined J.{u and §:“> n^iy fur r\-w SS-nides-por-'ii'Ui in the l^-nule

zone on Br».'ad‘vav Scju. i> ok a

it;nunons from I’airnlmuu H* :ry Ki'-J'.ler Carol L IV-’iv.'-v, >'! Jlopkins Ivrr., K*

VMS CU.tlf’cd V.:.lh i’tVOO; •iC-O'IO'V-

pei-hottr iti tho ?.') rnilt- '‘I'Oe or

Lmon Aw . bv ''V:r:.on

Vodicr. Kevpori S ia le Pnlire.

Sip:. 115. libc jMiil '15 i-hC S5

student h?,■■ {"wiJiiV t .' ilj

"•M «r;d l. : S cho^a ^h io (JeJalifvitig '

• J C.S.T. . ,- ' ' ' . ' . ' " '

. Seii'i'iinai.iii!:'. um fro;r! -rrf’j '.J : it t .; .* ’,' O’SLl'ii’l v{-Cr-lujTs- .

bj;-: ;.|vj 0'.';. “ It'rriU.u iai

"rhr.tif;; r - . > * ** ' ‘v 'ciM.ctrn /'

A." M'Cor'Ktary schovls , i« the-"

.Vr-itf-.s i«id i;verse:djf'■

.'i h-’oi:. L . S. ' citii-.f'ns

■ :n>ni*'-d o,* pi<rtieip .itt :’r. ^a^h

M o f t ' ;?f250U:K-'-.< .-‘dr.iitj.-j.t.-^d .Ck-- M-V1S-

:;<( b-.'hru-uy to .'-o-ko /-?J.-

.:iu -I. *.•<,,K . . . :.

• A.o< y; vo.T)f. of r,io sfvmi- •, h e / ’O.-ne. finaivsK- afj.-'r

TO - l i r i f i. th . ■ A )[

St’hv.Lir - - \v:U hr/ i h^-n" fr '»];<: > £ :‘jUp.

< .t i'unx «;-?.*>• .-

- * i;f: ft; : j !;vt >H'f, vif ch

_ .i.:rut;i-j;:*k-(a sej-iovs ' acc-.' r<v|>

.'jv'SenUifive n‘

\vhrv v. :’’- !’f -

• h:r:‘i m Vol tu n iifr ■ -in ... iv:n.r , . ■■

.. : iv’trit .'se'ivoJn tsiiip- vvm.ucrs 'a n d ':

t'N'V'i*. .-iCh-xOls y.’i;; . Iv- antiOi.'-yf-d-

■ :Ei:Ub!i(dy; bV Md;.' 3. &?*>.- ; ■ ■

. . K-ays on- •>* j st.s

a rc : .'Frederick S. , W ersan d a rb

ja o TowfiShip Vb;*h SfOfv-!

R, V »t t tivt;liCiOi,' New Monmoarfn-

Ca o' j’f. i’j ihtr'"ion. ci Mr. and ' Wts Combs Lama,. Mor^ftnviJle.-''-'

, .Fr-^i, son o i Mr. aitd Mis. '.Nor-

mar* W e .s ^ n ; , JK Diorrrttfuf.h I '1".-- : ■‘HttyTtt; is a m em ber of the Na- _

t ion .ii' l lo n o r Socie ty . -. He had'- ':

bc<rii a d i‘ioi»a<H 0» ihtf MflBWOUfh-

College Mode! .Juited N;*rinrt .s' Is, a.mombor of the mjrchbiii and concha band. been the

id ilie. L.aKviu \>ncc»r- • Siuc’ent A^ard l!»o£f 70, an uwaid

freoi the American Chemical .Sc-riery jn rect>/nitiori <if oui-

si«/idihj> ai-h.ivw.nen* as a in^h

Fcbool chornbiry student.. ^ r i i .

( t u r a i t t e e s F o r

Auxiliary ftamod

Ain'jnciin Legion ■ Ait.xii;ary,.

thiu i7ti. Miti/oviin, held its re«* .

■ uto.t merdinp at. the ' American'•Jiiiii .-.Ijh the >rfr-rtf

Mrs. George Morey, presiding.

Mrs. ’Morey reported : on the

Department of New ./ctst-v c»»p-

vfrntiun )i(.IO in '.Vjidwix^l a*ui ;>b

so named standing comimti.ees.

L>eie-Mfes and altcrnaie.s vsrie elecie<t,

Diinaiiuas ’apto madt.- to the

Brisbane Lhiidn n's Hospital and

the Amenchn Legion 3'ost 176.

Two new members were ac­

cepted into the auxiliary, Mr*. Ann T. Canden and Mrs, Ixjret-

ta M. Anderson. '>

The auxiltHry members will

attend the Wth . anniversaiy din-

ner-dance ul ihe Atv.cncan Le­

gion Mall on Nov. !5.



award for achievement 3n thfl NntiorAd F.ducational Ijcve-op* m?»(t ;'fe.s!< a fid ?s.■ r.^w^t^t'c;f-

the Junior Nunnsmattc Cor re-. spo»jdence. Club, . .

bred also was a ward'-d ar»

f^vtnniiy to attend tin:- .Nal’onal Science Fouudatioa.-■. surn^U’r

pro;>,v.n “Mode-ru Methods, of . Social Science Hc<; »rch -nn'vd- ing Computer VroprrsimmtV’V

hc‘d at ^ijEclu^iV'SiuU' UniVors-- ity June tf through-Aug.. 8. • T-rS -

honor.was.granted to vutttand* in j. jujuvr.-.students - Umnijihoufc .= th nation. . .. •

l.cturs of Cornmend^nnn non-

.unnf;-them for th'ir bi;:b per-

forma;re on the i‘K»3 N'vd. Til Mem Si.iavlarj.iiip Qualifying IVst have l>een nwa rd(-d to

r»a J lk*:up. tau ic ia B-annck^ Joseph M. (i.'iv-ai. F'ajc^ R. Korf, V.«»t«T K. Myic, Cathy Prapot anJ Malthcw J. W'tlkes, ot Mat.> wan Ro^inna1 Hi-‘h J*,,,N',o!. .. ;

Rummage Sale Set

A rummage sale v\iM he held

in the church hall Friday, Oct*

24, fur the benefit of ihe Bayv»ew

Presbyterian Churrh, Chlfwooc!

Beach, from 3 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Ttems will te picked up Irom all

thu!% wi?.hii\ , Ui dfeiv&u if

if: called.

Rotary Helps Girl Scouts

j\Ial:oviin Woman

Dies At HomeM rs. S ilH ^ f l (P'Tk-r) Nor­

m an, 71, a) 5 l-'roMlctoi Sr., M at­

awan, died T-jcsilav, (?M. 14.

iiu l', .ii licr home, follow ing n

!''.V llllll ss.

She was horn in Pt-lu-f», S. C ,

; lie dT jph ie r of L uUk r nod Net­

tie ( lir '- .u ii IV e le i. She u a s the

iih1 of X o 'h .\ 'fin :!-.

S;mvi\■),a -s oik1 *iMer, Mr^.

Velovv Pa ili.ur, m il c,\»: b it in-

ers, .li'hn (‘ ,io;l W.ilo-r Pi t !r ; ,

a ’! cf Lu M — .v,

Funot.i! si i \ k i < u ■ l| be I-i Id

S aU udav at I [. in M the W ick ­

er M "U i'r :a i b '.ij.'i1' f 'l::!M'h,

Morpai-ville. b'.h rn v iit , uiid«:r

ih<> dir* i tiMi <! thi \\( i!« I u*

ne ra l H rm o, M atjiv .an, w ill bfl

ir, ,‘.bm el.iiul M 'o n o n a l Gardens,

(,'oioitv (,'omicil

Honor.M PFAh

At tin* r?:i-(iin^ of the M on­

m ou th Coiifilv Council Ilf Taient

nnd T ear1" ! A * .M id ,- 'j< * r .h i'lr l

at lh<; l i a i i i1 j’tuitod te u n t iy

Chib, M«inal;i|'an, M rs. Ju s rp h

Simi.ui, )-.’i-.»M,.-biir|/, < ou11f v <•<on. -

cil ’ nemhoiNlitp rh .iirfnan , pr<-

senti-d m | c* it f.t- tillv nu ni-

borsbip eeftific«'t< m to M fun d

t ’-TAs, l iu lo d li’ '.'. W.'M

burn mid I h 'l";i beach.

M is Kole'ft 'Fa 11*' • ' , biterna-

t'ona l Uehdlunn (:halrm, n, im-

untiiM i il it 11. f -. to n' and lu ll

t u p to bf> hijltl. p n Tuesday, Nov.

I H r v t i l ion deadlii'O iff Oct.


iM«tnwan-Kc*y|>nrt Rotary Flub President Don Gair.cli presents

check for $25(1 to Mrs, (ii-orge Conner, community representative,

Monmouth Council of Girl Scouts, at a recent Kotary nieelirj*. Thin

contribution wil! he used for the training anti service center in

(armln^dale am) the Rotary Club will ho included in the Lobby

Fresco Design.

October i6l (949

WiU Made! Fashions


O i Voa Sfld \out Vasnui U ftj>preciat*4 At bay l im e

( « S YJr. auMfc, J-eL '

Matawain Personal : : .• Items




* U

W i.

v’ n

tj .r,il


a* t’1' r ’ j ; -.f .uv; i j ? U l S ) l \.


d-if &jinK't. . . •...... -

' I j h J 'J H'nny Kavaeviilv.

a»\'i mcuHy, of Ot'Kiy';. ; J : . .

II 1 fr i Sl U CH- ' s.*:Ik ;>!•:!

V/f.wihury. * . ; «.';<••».>■.•

1 M u n d sv >>f .M f, and Nlrs,

M ' £o

vi, n t Mt- ucfc- :

M <r -ii i !•},■»r yi'.i/v.’ih of

L.u-ry K ii^r.,. w.- *••{' Mr,' Ui<a

M is. Ri;\r.i. .»r .iiv-* . Mfr-, .tro{>whta»v ,.v>b!.i?'y r'ark. o::

Saturday. . , . . • . - ; ■'.

M f. an-.i ntr-i. £ r, Charles W;/;*

. g-.rl u i ‘ ‘*ri(it'a i)\$ -p/?c^»rinjinV,v.; oi'

. T ••;/. '. h-rdj-’Ac.KeuU- Iif. tt>{, _

:lf_v.ry K iph i;. '; 'iiie ;

jr'.iT*;5• iit'

' i i M- ‘ f £--sy

iVirs. Leroy ?t»?*rn'(‘'e'd ’a! i- jffiigw -'Thursday ,i,-j ' iiv*

wiio'j-.Ti /w erfi Mrs, VWV '

■item R; O a ^ •• r o d e n t *

Nr;bK* a?»d Mrs. D M .­mm ■ . . ■■ v , ; ' , . ■. . ,'

•. Mr; U«-j.'-5trs. O w rg« t\ SrtMLft.

•sr. wt-rc ib? ■' Suurj.ay ■'■t ’Mr, Mrs Gvvji-^f.'• t: Sioli'M

j ; . , la tk^.vond , wh-j . 'tfmurra.Oifid

a }: a fa m ily d inner -;(! ■i-»n r of

their fio?.v • i\ >;i \yx\iyears nh l.: ■ . • ' ' . '

Mr. am*. Mra. •. . f>at^r

•tt!*' ‘jy:ifriy', : L!fnnvr ,;:g u ^ U ■

■'• '.1)4 US{j>.)v; Wttr'j/3J^'.-Vjr^he,srr3./;‘ pr*Atr.-v.a;iia "MVS.. "Ariluw;:-toa^fti 'Uie Ca.fHoii. .l!:iMitU‘e( ., M apIew o^d/a t th-.* R^vyevq!,: Tea

v K-?hk. • • fi’ h'nti;.'<:JHie'.S.i‘ vrcr;.' .: .;•:

' .■•'M k ’ hih). M rv ■ Frvmk'^bVwT-f." - Curr:>\ v;,,; „\i i\< :u id .

■ , wvrf* Mr,,. F.cjwurn vV. Ounu-. k slu- .

o ( .M r . ;:and 'iU rs . W d on l '.:u. Wub.!5;«l>crg . ,'Al-

d j. >t.j.sCr;v.Kfrif :•'< N7 KV-s-i-

lvf!' Kia.::,^ V%‘ay '

■' I-*'’.’'- „"’) ■■ vi'n::j l-;\ . .

Yrm 0 ’i.\ 5 '.U'/vii'/

, 3i . ;u..i ! k n y

. X’M ^rv ,. i:'i ■ iv .i:;[; *

;}•*! ■'■' '.hi;

.•.-V?V":Us; V:u■ ■. ' j- • . ■ '• • M 'V '.Rtr-i.': J-.-yc:: . jt,, 0 ^ V-

; L, J!V«;

-'ji M i, un-.I N' r>. M ;i u ’*r‘',v

. ■ ■; / : . . ■ .

. ' Mr: .'.“.ii M:>; lr*o j..' .Oi-itndi

. V V; V: ’ V*I ‘ ■ j: ; C J -J y ' |iy »-!.;;

-,*t Mr. a ii i .. {5,mwv

Ka>’!-v-\ . ' ' ■'•■'■ ” Mt M : Ci ll:'-.

M s-<> M-M.’r 5i;;j Mr?. A!-

t;.'.1-' v.'ov^ S'-ji-iUy

" ti J »i ; j r ' ■ v- f r . HtH?. . -Mr;-. W.Uc-j.’

M.jJjirf, . .M;.?n/7J[)V!?i; B’V^vh,. • ■.

;vJr. M rs, :Arth>.ir--' -Jif



' A r-urp: i-.-v: ,v.v:.v,f-i <*■■$*r\ far Mm-- Ki;^-

s.Jri ’•* :

l-.Vis,- A •

Iy V.-:;.S ictl.

!is~ Sjn.v.x wi{\ hc-rysrr.o ti;’. ;•t' :v',ll5';:.rr; O ' r'.-‘ r •'■<1 i". ’ ^ V

.ii ,si. ?M->rvS t: C.'iVsrv.**..

Iv.vy;n-f. ' . '

T in sno.v-r sv,is ■;«(vt-n !vv th.-

;r- <•;,). :;i L j »l> SiU'OV

4!-'l M.W '.n;-:. I" M !" --

r J ' -i y"*‘r ».>” ■

. M i AI.-iW' i in; V‘ \;.?*?{? ■,*.*.?;.l

1 ' s. •

Di.v.c -s.-*'?' .v 'h t t r I .V

* T s.*-'' ' Ti: JX'.-.v‘‘.'fl. Mr-s. Mr>. v!'r').r>

F'i/./. i ■■••h'S •>’• ;)■! •••; .•>!.> ,

iUri. 'v.;-”ur. -

V,'. f f ■ ■ -u.'j •

Uvbbie Silcox, M i s JJrt.r:!)ar‘i I.?-

’w t ; iiisiA Li«i; iJiii'ii-rdhiii-,

•Siw»4»y' <5 , •■' ~ : sh6«y "ni Mi:. anJ ; Curciime, and Kogei punn . ■

' koypviri."'' ‘ - ;' '. Mt.i, Hu.v;.:\\ ■. .Dc'la^^y,

MHs’ Roberta IV i.m cy. io-

1;ny;if1 ■ M;s. Stepiu'u ■ Wt*-

.. -. . , », ,» :,j , . '■:i'.. <’

.'5 i: ••■•, ;• . c. i.'; }>,'<■

r»?':.*«A.Wr M h- t!; 1;

' •.“■ I?*.' * C\r-:. '


rt'iurviiti F:-r>'.

.’Vf i\. LiV::” ,V f'-;ri .o v n r^ v-»:.;•!:• r!'-.'

!.'V'10 . •" -i I^.J V»> •».;»';i lii V/i'iix-!.

?>i :o liyO r-?;: ‘> v ' !-_» C f.?r '

;o s(>M, imj'

\< < ±

■Mi5'. Ca.m iM o'O/ ' ' • :

'.Me. M'-v , ivUv.acd .',1', i:ut-

'ci« ty4rtic^vAl**d ■:»»•-■ ih * nii.^yii

•/uursorr.B .-u cr> . /v lunaiQuu’i

: Gcr.i‘(>e: ; ' p a .f.*pwH ;o^;w;^;ken.'J'/..AiJytM* G .o ltC lub o«v Sunday oml •; • sii«, V tv Flor-*;u-' Cjni'i!«e-.v '•

werct ; r ^ ^«vsts .Vmrir;..di«8U

rer M a ry , ’a s iu ii i^ c a> Oc'.’ yv-

bm g Ujllcge. ' ^ ,-.-

ot» ■Sy urci?v. '■ ' ' . ' '■ AU. *n<rMrs,-.i.:'C> ’ .e-.vlii If,

P h ’uncid. itic l7rsd«y;'«iya*

niiu; dis'.iior. ;»t Mrs. J . C.

■ •" ■ .- ■ ■ ■

- Mr. x'»d; M rs/ N ’jt; Reu^r.

Oukiyn Lane, ho!d a Brith [.Ji1

i h o r :iUu.:i6 .>uri, A iaa .fuy, , ..

S unday .y tin b tH b ^ h n i o ; . IW :\ ; G rait: hiei,. Hritflle, ?j.*i SaU tK tty;

Am ftoy. b ff idb ££d ■-arnJ the ro 1.1 ■ M r. and M m ; ; EUm . F oxm an ,

' ii'vW ,4S j*uca?>; in•a lU»d^r,V ;»;. , IjrookJyn . ' . 'w * . <H»j 'Wfiekntvi :

M r.^ .K arLC N us. HatriSsH. Fft/... . gu^sls af M i.1 and ivTts. Abrtf*

Mrs. H erbe rt : CromtHon anc1, ham Davis. .

at th*i )\0i[\'d o i b;ypHj(eiiis-/' . placed tN-rd;

. M ts. .jwiC^r. Siniih, M Vhnbu.m :.. Mr.- a:»J. Z.-r.;-

Mi'ifi 'I.ucit? MiH-er.. - Mrs; . W . H. .. mt:r. StASphttt =.. Av«,, myiS;ni:h sj' .wi Oerii .* ; l rn'S' sr., BbftU. St.? ';it-’

' ';C<ack W iHV;the l lm r s i b y ' 50'h Hn«MV«rn-^i:y- ser-..

iioiiti jjutt-shi'of M t’S. AHred CJk!o- ; vjr:e> O n k r oJf O ^M .'ilay , of

. v,-cM, . ; \ .k*r«V;y.' O is ir iu . V I \\eid a l

. Mr. iMvs ' ; S v . I Jeier's Vipi^iipsA 'CT.u^K,'.

aftv^ndivJ tho '.‘.‘"fMinj* and 0!r.l Brjdi*ov .HMnd.iv

lion (»f .JlitMiw Per U - ^ Ay-

clK-fiy Forrarfi at the Kiru»‘s

Mrs. V. •• hllW i. letf,- and Mrs. Anttwiw S. t wti\

bo among thove Horving us mod<»U. »l !!*« wmuaj--Fashion Show nnd • rl.tmchcon which'will be .^oujori'ri by Court -Sfi Joseyii b‘4. Catholic

'■;‘rib'iii hicra ' A»n«)(-a as the Llncrofs -;lun, oa'- S a iu r d a j ,

. O i 't-4 23, ^i;j4inn in i; ;it p .p i.

. 01135 Many I). Walidco h chairnmn of thw.bencrU, asslsU*tl by Mr**. \m tolwtAskvs, ccH: Airmanv and Mt> Calherin SuU<l£,

Mane Dougherty an<{ Mrs. Mar|*<*n*i Matthauy. Fashions vvili ^. «hown by. l aihion-.I'ottAgiv-Routo^Matawan, .

Uatawan, "

Assistant Director,... -Mis? .Gooxijiu tf. Demacsst, ,37

An|)i'.'(t'ftv Di., [.gkuriilgc.. M atJ.

fe .-been »[>poiiHtid assist­

. ", ant director o i ' .tie Avf.n'.'tfw

: of ' U ou s ijjs Col'.egq,

: New lirunswick, .itcordinB tn ar,

•nnounccotont by M r ; Ellis B.

. Anili-rsun, Aliimii.iB [’resitlom.

'.M iss Demurest is the ’ daugli- .

\cr ol the iate, M r. and Mrs.

Frederick K. O em an jit, fiiriner-

!>• of and Delriv

Bcitcli, Fla. 'She is the \ grand-.

of the l e t M r . cyid

Mi's. Herman O. Bsuer. Kcy-

w n , :md the greut-tsisce of Ur,

“J T ^ i l l i in i H. S, Demurest, former

Hcsidcnt of It ut l]'.t s , Tri.;* Sutt-

iiiiversilv , and a d (w m l: it u of

'lie Frvyiinghuyscn f.Ttiiily, will"

vere promiucHt in tVie [oumling

)f R i't jia rs .'■. - ■

Miss Oi'imrest. is a graduate

Of the Nruthfield Scliroi loi

G irls. Norlhfir-ld. M js s . and

Barnard Collrt;v, New York. She

formerly xvas the assistant per-

.-;.tri<n*i dirremr of,the .1...Wnltw

' n«im|«oi\ CoM Now York, and,

' that, was innnu'.;er of

the jrunior Executive Placement : and . Devcl'.)|>n<(!itt for L. B.tisi- •berger &. Co. , ■' ■ • ,

: She also served placement

director of Golden O a tt College

in San. Fran«, C*Uf.,' t»nd 'a«

a placement assisiant with tho

Katharine Gibbs School in New York. .

She lias Yiceii’d member o( the

RMin.irrl College Alumnae Advis-

tny v;<tmrniitee; u re^resf^nt.irivo

of the Urliait League or Newark,

and a mr*nil*‘r of the Patsnim?!

Women o( Knilhern New .Tersey

and. the Bay Area Personnel

Women nf S3V. Fvaucisco,

Miss Deniaresr will he in

charge or fund-raising and class

activities for the Douglass A lum ­


She resides In I.akeridge with

her sister, Janet.

Mrs. rht.-'i MMo.r. T:

the .Thursday ftoests of M i’, and

Mrs. W . Rwton Smitii.

: Mr. noil. Mrs. W illiam C. N'd-

(ih ijts, spent 1 hursd-^y t’juruif'

'Washington's Cro-i.sin^. Tb->y

huiOi at Peddlers Village. t a :

{i.isk-i, -.f’a.; vi.sitt*:’ . Uv.v ■ Mopy**'

Mu^etini. Doylt^rbvvn,; Pa.: iba OtV Fliiw ^r M-.vti. ,GtUtorf\*-'s

and oaiiefi /Jic ^My with ■ a visit

v. M r..;'rtiidviMrsr.-'WuUBr Burn:*.

.;|t^sbroT.'CkKeighvS. wiVi»:» !ity

‘•Sunday gUCSU"nf "M r.. and ;\tn.

> Walirt.c« i - ? ■

Mr?- - Wiii-'im p tiaw ay Jr,

spent S um liy as .tho’. g iiv? »»f -her

.son, Tomt at the l). 3 Coast

(iv»;*vd .Cape M iy .

Mrs,-l\U>v?vd Rieth has reiuo.' •

nd Home aft^r being a patient i (:

Riverview Hospital.

Mrs. Frederick K f Dtdericrk

was thtrwcpkend of Mr.

and Mrs. A rthur Little, Lake Mo­

hawk, . -

Mr. ‘)tui Mrs. J\ Poiuild Miti-

cr have returned home aftur 4

.three-week vnr.ition In-Hawaii. .

Mr.-and Mrs. Rudolph Fraehel,

hrtvu returned h ^ m « . aft‘.*r

.spending several d jys vacuiiou-

ing in the Smoky Mountains,

aud Grttlinfourg, Teuw,Mr. and Mrs. Cam illa D. CH’n-

tile participated in thft mi.\!?d

Mr. :ari Mrs. G';rr.2 rd H ^r.rt

atte/ided lin- Saturday eve/ifsi^

petfrnrniatu-ct o( "‘Ueiio Dally”

am i dint’d *: tlui Nash!!)!? Re<-

t9Uranc, New Yark.

■Mr. and Mrs. .T.u'k jf-

londt.'d the wedding of Miss L ni-

'(.'■.v-j -if' M r*. Kinc*«ir’?i

> : I.cRov Z«n\n.i*r and

TtMvy V.dwarif-i, Wi::k',v;;i:ik,

«x\{iirJ.»ers of Abevdei:r» Chttp!‘-n

al. D a n a iuok ’

part ;u th<* service. '

Mr. and Mrs. H am id ii. Roh-

.»j/i ;l«^, ktlU'.- vi.»:'vftu

U i'riii.' ht tha iiotou^.h ovit tha

weekend. Mrs. Uohinsor. h ihe

^»r:n?r D.h'h*^

‘vJ-o resided i;i lha l^r-.n^U hv n*;'.ny yoar1. prlur to hsr iP.rf-


.Me'f.-.b; M i^.

Hrwii •liv'ia

iauJ H'j'r.?d'-**. du^ovvn; Mi.i.s

Ct’i i ’OiK 'Mi.-jiS

wiCf, an

Sayreville;.. .

,Vr:«. rVanK Pi

CKrih^v.*. l-’atoix

y \u: jr.,

> 'mn MU' il-

h:i. t.'ahill

ro\. Mid-

Anyio Ttnv.niliir-li,

.J>;U»?i:V «Vvi>ki .

Charles Givuhm. G.

y;;d ’v!r>. -Juha

ani.s sferv?£',ts';i cH-'ecriL-' of i V?SO■lliub in Koii-w. Cur^.i'i.rii. I; .

■ ■ At.. Kvi

fty-ivi:-* -v; ;.-?•> h-

. t'du-v.a;:uii ' ^ a r i t i ^ i i ^ ' "fS '‘is-vtui t it. ‘c«’' ;KiVivy vf-tht Ai !W:A'?.v

vJijt.'-f, i'H' v»; .' ■ .

’ ’ i»hfj .a.5:»u;>i.od hi-..'1' {MsU.;

tiorv in aVi^r;

s»>*-vvd.rii s-ulvi.v.:; .Ux?f*a ■ .->f:uJ-/rd;5 :d O uu ^ tas j. ;•• ;

; in Kf4 s ^ , ' y;zTy ' by ,

i>.iu.4laxs ^ Ar-u.s v .te a M>-.w feN .

icar.'.'d '.tJift i’ ditioa o* iV^

■.Yvartoorv Su h tr , m.

cipient vf the Lf-iiv^rsify.

st -vi VA 19 i.i. I ^ n v v .d , V'li).

Award (!>r "S&vvbiis. ^ :

IIv'v-t n :si Sylvan Ave.*,'

fvV'tiCh.-!: , . . .. • .......... :

J'mey, M i'av^an; ■ Mrs. Jnh^ Fer-

_ Cilhvoad;.. aud. I>tK -E.

Iin!dw ::A. iii’anch. . :

(iiu-, ivuL'y a w i uy itfr.'i. F .d^.ir

Roii{t>s.- M d ' M n s i w ft'y ) Sit-

cov. Mrs.-V. Kap«wito, .Mrs. *Nk >;-

y'-'y.'\ ttk. *.? j , .V>vi. ijc-ji’.n ti,

(U ian io CMViiiuo t»hd KeUy D unn ,

M r. a'.\d M r i . ll-:ury K ap la n

w e r j tho S a tu rd ay even ing ca»

nastu .yu-iisu o f M t» . K s ih ^ r


'(‘in}. pfOt'rair-. *?ri{a!)hsr;.‘d h:

is;, l^Vl'VSv^'d b v m s H-.V>V

:..W>PV SI3W . J r V i * " - f Vt -

■ Ctubi.-Miss Newby trav»3lad

to, . Ar«?»>(in% Wrugyay,

Chile, Peru, KiruaiioV, CuitjaLhsM.,

..Vensis'joia. arid t<i• yi-v»

w ith f«.irm^r pr«'jgra?n par‘ i.cipaa!s

nnd to deUrnui'.s .-why In svhbh

, tiiCif ira.kth'K and. Uk‘ exfluuip,?-.'

juug ram ir* general 'am id 'b a .

more v-jfeUivu. . ..

M U ) N'-'wir/ has served t h i

■ w om en's 'd iv ision o l K '.dij^r* IhM-

y p js ity since except fur a

• lhre*'-y<s»r nertMd d y / in ^ W orld

W a r .U whan she jo lnnd

- F l o H e r S h o * * ’ *

W a s r re ^ e in e u

“ ••■' • A. "Fi/jvver SjiO"*':*

-■ i* 3 by ?h'.‘ S'iytt1:!'.?-:?:' a?

B^?h; A’rurs at (ts ypenin^ rmaec^;’

inJr h;',’d iiv th ( j , VZ.loyd •■ R'd.. • MaVawan. • ' ' ■"‘'•V.:"

lu . participate ir* i,h> .Und^caxur.'

. tKe ny* J»uUd*4'^, tKs'...

.. t*j.. dtfcorafc-d,' iiri • iihka^r'-

• 1 O • den ot to )* Ahnr*

.fh.eir ongiita!iy' arranged .i

Ay .«fds t j }l\ r\lif.Kh'iUU, j'a.ry BUeri ^ud

Jasiyhji-f«>i Lh’i' iriuM>; .

humorous and original designs,"

.<VKjW‘Cf{vj!y, . /•:Siant^y Mctntf'.sK ^ ‘A.Ucas?i.;.-

A rrJiii» ;rtfor- th:?'-; U‘n?p!o, - VV33 ;-

tha speaker K ro d " G a t^ " '

and Richard. Schulmnn, qI th«i;

•.'tft.tttpte buddinc my*ticipateff in 'Judgln? ih?> coni^C/i

■ lt was aiino'U^'O-:1

nieeusiK vAW be a paid 'ab

l«rrship d!rtner.r

sln«cr )n tho bjtysb.-n^.area,' ;• *Vui Evtidn?; yn B ioad* ■>'

v .av." . . .• " ■■'-.. ■• ■■


J O I N THE IN C R O U PThese farsighted Morch.tnts are already active in

F & M's MASTER CHARGE plan — Tiio newest,

most popular credit card.


A -1 Carpet, Cliftwood Beach Adler Lumber Co., Middletown Aladdin Furniture, Cheesequake A t la n t ic G lass , M aVa ^ a n

r - 1 [> . j o ./'Iiuirirt- W taSi, < w; o

Atlantic Glass, Belrnar Baron Dinotto1;. Midd'siowri Bayshore Stationers, Keyport Bayshore Window Shade Co., Matawan Bob's Atlantic, Matawan Buttonwood Manor, Matawan Calico Fabric Shop, Inc., Matawan

Fleetwood Caipet, Matawan Friondly Shop, Matawan Fulton Service Center, Hazlet Gem Oldinobils, Matawan H jlay’s Sorvicc Stailo::,

Celia's An S ta*arion, MataCerliones Grennhouso, Hailet Cheosequako Garage Cheesequake Pharmacy, South Amboy Cliffwood Amoco Service Station Cliffwood Motor Sorvice Clothes Cupboard, Matawan Colot's Service Station, Matawan Cresci Eros., Hazlor D & C Mobile Homo Service, Hazlet Dell's Market, Matawan Diamond Jim, Cheesequake Dietrich Trailer Sales, Matawan Dom & Patsy's Sorvico Station, Koyport Don Quixote Inn, Matawan Don's Radio & T.V. Service, Morganvillo Economy Office Furniture &

Equipment Co., Inc., Keyport EJaJne's F!o."'-.t Cfiffv.-ssd Elsin Mannos Decorating, Middlotown l arr'j GulfFashion Cottacjn, Ma-fison Township Foigonson Shoos, M.ttawan Foigenson Shoos, Keyport Foigotison Shoos, Freoliold

Holiday Inn of HazkttHolly Hill Motel, Koansburg .Holmdol Village Pharmacy ,House cf Carpets, MatawanHurricane Fence, MiddletownKam's Korner, MatawanKam's Youngland, MatawanKoyport Lumber & SupplyKoyport PharmacyKings Drugs of C'.ffwoodLarry's Auto Seat Covors, MalawanLarson's Esso Service Station, MatawanLatares Shoos, KeyportLoman’s Rocords, HazlotM & M Appliances, Ma taw/mM & M Appliances, KeyportM & W Servicenter, HazlotMadison EsiO Service Centor, MatawanMadison Township LumberMagnolia Inn, MatawanMarlboro loxacoM atnwan Art GalleryMatawan Gulf Service StationMatawan SunocoMatawan Village Shellfv'jla .'. dll Vv’ine St LiquufMelody Wig Shop, MiddletownMelody Coiffeurs, MiddletownM iddlotowri Instant PrintingM iller's Slag Shop, MatawanMiller's Stag Shop, FreeholdMullaney’s firo Co., Malawan


IN GO POSITION, TOOMuller Chevrolet, Matawan

Muriel's, Keyport

Nu-Tona Paint & Wallpaper, Matawan Parly Time Kosher Caterers,

M.*rlisnn T/-»wn hip Ploasan.t Valley Inn, Holmdol Poet's inn, Matawan Raritan Contracling Co., Inc.Red Bank Animal Hospital Royal Box, Red Bank •Royal Oil Service, Cliffwood Royal TV X Appliance, Matawan Ryan Bros., Matawan S&D Bar & Liquors, Koyport S&D Supar Markot, Koyport Sandford's Pharmacy, Matawan Sayrowoods Music Center Scrub A Dub Car Wash, Matawan Shoro Point Motel, HazletShoreSincerely Yo>jrs, Matawan Sincoroly Yours, Freehold Sq uire Men's & Young Mon's Shop,

MirJdletowr.Strdthmoro Texaco, Matawan Sutton & Co., Holmdel Television Laboratories, Matawan Ton Eyck Ronson, Inc., Matawan Town & Country Aluminum Products,

Keyporttown A Country Uodge, Matawan

Tracy, Inc., Now BrunswickVan & Wnrnor Autornotivo, CliffwoocIWest End Manor, Long BranchWestern Auto, MatawanWestroich's, KoyportZioqlor Brothers, Inc.


140 MAIN ST. 566-1200 MATAWAN

Sir. :O U n

A r m F u n e r a l Serv ices Re Bride

■ StKMlH AiWKj*!™ .......

sc-i'vn«s- tvifr«..ftelcl Fit-.

\ . ]harH: ;!)K; ■ SiJuffite Fw reral'

1 ■ ■’ «Ji£terk ,'n5a3is “teas 'c'fes-t d

1' r'.'.’Ifeain . St.;V 'vJw: eiifcd/'"•• JHejpit*-

;; .7 ...-. ;

>1 v 4 .0 -iCt'M ll -5

jf<rs M : W d '■« n-’W -li

. v *nd;,i?«fefl:«.' fctffcr? W, vi;:^ .i'i ;

Kecmifcui* two ) a u s ago I Jo was

s KLiim! mas'w.Sirv.viiig nre Ws "«fa, v s

tBsio) AbruSetlo; three

' #fin. Vhcbasl, Keainbiirg, V/jl-

Kara. Newark «>'<1 r<»‘.-ph,

to;1, In c da ;j.-3>terii» Mre- Rf l &. ■,: Jujttte; .Bdluv.!)!i<,.i3n4-,MTS., A)i-.

’ - loitif’tte : OinnPliy. ■ R f#> id ' ■ 13 :

erancMiWrm 3id fwp nr ut-

grc id l’itWrei

>1n. W ilbati bell

• - :--■: St“l V;-.-+ ..J- u!

^'r-r-'ltos'-Rtzem' 1‘Ultfiral- Hi):r,t?, ..cast J5?di«>v k k ti^r Mtb ib Bril, 4$, "Wwt of 'AiL.ii/i S i.l, ai l i Setlowtki Ur., fp<1 IIIstve,

*h a Wei-nfiditv. O a . s

, i%v, ib St, Pete/5 HMpilu'M.S. Bell nai burn 111

M d h i« J in ir-/n;;tcrt mojr ot

Mr l i f t before moving to Old

Bridge !4 yesm agrj.

She «' 0 leaves a son, John, at

kime: fi\e dtiis-Mer* Mrs Vir- 1 jdnm Aooorvia, Old RMdce, a>‘l

fee >i)ss?j D«bt(e. (Walm*.. Ntujcy up'J JJnjnre, aii sf hone:

ker parsBls, Mr him} Mrs, Hit* vard Kcni, lVlaka, F la , two fcrolnets, Eduard Korn, West ©i«wg« ami K ob m Kltcn. Old

. Bridge, end 0 iSsKr, M r t .

Elaine Keeler, ft&alw, Fia.

M r* F. ff. Msk*(i»0

, ., Ssr,:fCs v,c:¥ hc‘3 Mca-ity at

?’«;■>,a::JU'a.nt-.-ifli -;tb rBsdle;.Funeral '

. ■ . Horae, Mnfrt'-MJR, for M is. Arne!-

i» ^Uri.bal!, $1. ol SO Ruviiu*

. vtuCiII. 'I ~iC- w««.u , Iu«7S'

d*y, Oct. 9, 1969 li< the John L.

■ montKomery .Medical lionie,

Fr»h«)U ToWnship.

- The Rev. CHestar A. Gi.'loway,

PnitCE ot thl> Mlltuv.411 F<l-t

r/eifcylcr'an CharcJi, offimattd

. eiwl burial V.'JS. m the New Vork

Bay Cvmcteiy, ■■■•lersey City. >-

Mrs'. Marslull was born >n

, Boston, Mass, (!air;liter ol *he

> • W e . Wilhelm and Tlittesa (Sami) •­

Ate Id fhe was the widow of

> - ''Frederick WiDmm-Marshal!. ■

. She is survivrd tv llnee sons, • Arthur Miirslall, Florida; Lea-

.'••• \.wr ;Mats>iall, Matiwan Har-

old-.Marshall, Clithvood; ihrce

..... daughters, Mrs.; Evelyn. -AUeo,;.

Cliflwwd Bcachi ■ Mrs. Dorothy ; IvlacDorulu, Jersey City and . Mrs. potencc Tsylori.Malawaii;

.:,- / l l gmndcliildren, 38 groa'.jjiand-

<Ji),'dren and four gr<.'at-(j:ea!-

, grandchildren. . \ ’

■-;.■■ lichard T. T icmbley

' Funeral services were held for

Bichard T. Trembley. 77, of 6 Lo-

cest Grove, West Keansburg, on

Friday at 9 a,in. a! tl,;> Day Fi.-

m rn) Home, Keyport, end «t 10

a.m. in Grucc United Methodist

.Church, Union Beach. Mi;. Jrem-

bli-.v died Oct, 7, 1M9, In Mon*

mouth Medical Center, I lie Rev. Franldlr Bird jr.; p»»tor of Graw

Church, officiated at the sen’ide*

and interment was iu Cedarwcod

• Cemetery, Keyport.. ,

Mr. Trembley was bom In New-

nrk, and had lived in West Keans*

burg for three years. He wns a

former resident ol Union Beach

. for 45 yeuts.

Mr. Trcmbley was a retired

Witter department employee of

. ttoion Baach; • 1

Surviving nro his wile, Mrs.

Anna Trewblcy: two sons, Capt.

Richard P., of th* Union Beuch

Police Department and William

., T.i Unlop, Beachi a (laughter,

M « . Lillian Heitzenrosder, Union

Beech; t stepson, Joseph A. Ti*

- yClil, V.CSi lvCh!i3buV£ I’,VO SlCP1

tJaughterfl, Mra. Marie Fepe, tiaz*

)et and Mrs. Theresa Montoldo,' Atlantic Highlands; r brother, Jo-

iepb, Union Beacli: leven grand*

th ildrm ant) two great • grand*

lr«B» '' .

Jtstph C M tU a ^ ia .

■ pijic-rat sesrvicM vftre i;*y Sat* l:rda;y m e n k r i j A u Saiala

■ Chiu eh, : ; O 'y , tor t'c* ful'- . In "3,' ij.f, 25 Pir.x

jiav’t'l. xho tlifu INytssiyy,

Oct. 3, j.fc.J. nt K.Vr.lvlew lios-

■'(iitai. '' Jnffrrowt wa» ;i? .itely

Ci-'tss CemiWry. Koif’t flrlington,

luujtj :he '■ - direi'tio:'. <tl' tJ.+e

ScWerBih 'FansraJ- 'h;rr.e, jersev

Cit.v. - . ' ■:

Mr. '•KXniti.’Wi)) was «mp!>'>ytsd l)y the Central KaiJioad of New

.vJ&rcty for j17 veafs.: lie was 3

. 'briiltftnisfl w i'fts lisM coiVifutlur

<>t (he L&S Di^iiloft and also w the Cfiiaul DiviAii.m: hs 4 yy.rO

' TO.-iilurtor,, in .k.rsBV City tnm; i)93; u«til, bis rtfiiemt'itt in IW-i.

Ih, Wtjs tbiroijg^'iut

r<- jjiv t fn i i j J Ci i'r^; rivi-

sinn.-'":" . ".. ■ ■ ■ . . .

, burn-m-Kartf-tyrd- Pa.. >‘!j Mt-Layt-mU1, :he iji rfif* J::'.*?

Ivj/ a:.,-; Maiv Mct.aukh!:?;,

Ik-IivmI ■! tin: 1. «efrtioa

r-t t . j lv tor 7.1 wtiirs / . ir. r*

:\f: u rnanr.trr t;f Ai)

:. Ctarvf; tliO H01V Hatne S'.k-

*«<>> vt ’H' church. He moved

<•/ tt^/l*'i. in >' ‘1. a!.d' V, '.-'J:-ployed as a giiaid ■ bv ' lla?.let

TovvashiD at th* iGticrs Sr. cro^s-

i if _ _

Surviving jirv

■ Arwu (U.<ll.ui>) McLauj’filin: rh/eft'

.'datiKh'ers. Mrs. Rose Mai'le flott?

:ly. Pisvat.awa>r;:.Mr5. *?c-A7iij :.Ur^.

. har;,\ Hii/!tt, i:r*d Capt:vAani-Slav,

rio M<l»iighl)Qi: Am. .hvre,'-' L i sic’ in ard ft.i'd-

thildrtij. -V

_ Mrs. WUHam Nelkrilen ,

I-onerdl sersnes t t n t 'Field : irom the;Free.iiaH :Fui:.t'riit:Horr.ey

/and a requiem mais ivas' ptfered

' Miitidsy iiv St.sGabricl^ 'Ctiurth,..

iiiautvck,’ mu' Mrv Anna S. N(.;U~

erlun, 81, of -East - Freehold Kd.*-'

Fm ho id -Township, v>ho .disd

..'rhursfia.y, :.Oc.t, 0,} !WB/. at : her;

iiujfjir d.'lt! a ieRglhy iilncis:' . "

The Rev.. Walter . Sullivan of-

(Iciak-d and interment war in St.

Gabriel’s Church Cemetery.' ;

Mrs. Neibernen was born la

Colts Neck 1 ovrnship and had re­

sided for most of her Isle m

Marlboro Township. ■:.■■■ :

. She was thu widow of William'

;.tJ..:Neiberlit-n who died in V-<j5.

S:ie was a lO'i'n’.'jniranl of St.

. John’s’ Church, Marlboro, and tHe'

ladies'Auxiliary of the Marlboro- l ;ire Depmtrrem. - . .

: She is survived by .two sons,

John ,1 Neibeiiiei) and Goi'rte.

F. Neiberlien, both ol Maiiboro

Township;, two daughters, Mrs.

Frank L. Ratcliffe. .Marlboro,

Township, and Mrs. James M.

Iverson, with whom she lived; u

brother, Kemy'A . Stryker, free­hold; seven grandchildren, and

five great-grandchildren. ;

Jamc* F. Purcell

A requiem wass was offered

Monday in St, Joseph'8 Church,

Keyport, for James F. Purcell,

67, of 3S Green Grove Ave.,

Keypori, who died Thursday,

Oct. 9, 1969, in Riverview Hospi*

to!. Burial, under the direction

ot the Bedie Funeral Horns, Ks'yport, Was iu St. Joseph's Cemetery. .

A veteran of Work! War II, Jio

was bom In Jersey City, son of

the Iat« James and Catherine

Purcell. He was n communicant of St. Joseph’s Church.

Surviving are his wife, M»«,

Josephine (Grimaldi) Purcell

and a sister, Mrs. Margaret Me-

Giath, Highlands.

Mrs. Richard Vitaris .

A requiem mass was offered

Saturday at St. Benedict's

Church, llailet, lor Mrs. Joan P.

Vitaris, 40, of 44 Lafayette Dr.,

Hazlet, who died Oct, 8, IMS In

Eaat Orange General Hospital.

Interment wus in Gate of Heaven

Cemetery. East Hanover.

M rs. Vitn.’ iti vto," be i'i .’.r

Orange, and lived in Grunge !»•

fore the moved to Hazlet 10 year*

ago. ■

Sho was a member of the Bo*

nary Society and the Parent'

Teacher Association of St, Bone-

e:.n *_1 : cr- am ~ , 1 u Pr

Mrs. V'lafis j* < - i,y I , *

fcistosi. >) - 1 i<.-ik'd i', h e , * r 1 r,

Mrs.. j-s*. h f 1

h'..: IX fnfc O

ile.iiii, Iii f ‘1 / V.

lk :ilUi, Rid^tTU'id. (l ' f ‘

H*'<ithi, V;d anij v,, Mr;;.' Fr::.-* }; i ■--■

M is, Thwiism Cost?,, both ot EtKil pc<irig«.

■">! -u- -**■'-tv* J

f iU FiledIru M. Aoi.f/riit1

1:x his vn)l, r>rch;j?-':(J <w > * k,

!rfi ,\2. AnrvCTgc, Corona. N*. V

Cc;r»fVv‘{: Key(,»;.>] [. aitu,

by‘t>iDf&sja^n,. v/ho • Ji,«9Cyti. in ,;n ' umir,;;dv i f i J

r.’tfjtitra^^<1 ?*rJ)u»J •

i*> sit's ifftfiUR’.’i..(;n, iSiinnan »

. Ar f vs 'i\ - . i "*; «*■

I n irj* *u •o _ i u . U f i t 1 *{, f j

?J?dtii.. !'>' Pifres. "

-NaUiae ru.tU-.-":v smt'-■ Mu!. ’/.■

and IMlh bhnner. Ncrta Alitise.

N Y, He icft ^ .'0 L'itch t<T

JvC XuttiCi'aJl . Ci.tUtCD,' Ul lev Aw-’ •

<:ensiw\ J&nuncy N. V .. • u-fiO ’,1s

p*!>loiY the R^v, Jum'js £4, -TYtfty.-

;-Ju];e Pasted. N. - .n^rlria

-liranticij, fimi fclhel Havs, Hush---

in#, N. Y., Wfl.H thp bulunctj oe~

inx divided equal}v ms

son.. ■•Victor" A. A'lsnrtf1.

X Y.:. nix K^pdit.ruj'nter.-

Ruth••'Vd.w; Wise.;. ,

his b/other, Monte J . An.*>oitcrr ;-

N*’W York: his sister-m-law:

tito W« Msorge, New Vorx:

-brother ;r. bv/, WUIiam; Dtyle, •

MjflirJ, , Fla.,, and his nopnew,

Harry O. Ar;u>rgc, Hollis, N Y,

f i;UVO:!

■ . Mrs. . U n t i l L. Brtz jr., (he former l.mda S. Peet7. imd Mr. •

Betz were married Saturdav, S«pl.. 27, IS&9 in St. John's Unitw

Methodist thurch. Hajlet. This parents ol the couple* «re Mr. and

Mrs I rank P. i'eeu, 7i Avalon Lane, Malawua, anti Vti'. awl Mrs.

tdw ard I . Betr sr., IS Nortltvale Ave., Little Silver.

Parents Welcome New Arrivals

M M.'SV/i.iUi'.'O- 'list>.z.?,h ji .uv. - Mn-:. M'ir:i.'(:

; W«s - 7 «*r. IT U^nii'n Iw* .If) II. n/>.

uaMrnt'Jt nf s.-r,

sev Arj*rifi«»! iiv-ih.-.-’v.

$,:nd. hQi s Ui i Un ,ts^ \t sU t'Ir xi CL, s +

f f f l i r T r j S II, 5

••./Corrtrnum cn Breakfasf -

A lt'! utiirlldiilj- ti’e y.nv.

nij^s at ‘it. 1 ■'•.•:■.1

,pT*' '« Oti lC| ct v l '-1 ).t;i.sebflii As^ciciUiMi , ■:!

:iavs’ a-..ciimmunion-' breaafast t.i

i t . Joseph s'Caluteria' for all the

boys playing m the XSo9. -league and thi-ir parents,. Tmphieii. wiii be :iv:.Hidi,vt tor.tus flrni 1

places fp.r ft,., ft-9 voar rid

the 18-iJ year jjld league.. .

at<i■ > a'.Iv

E,>ach. were mar­

i » j ia (fiiH , OcL 11 r"‘J )» iir.-U'divt r It"! i!er; ••

■>i f » , n» i >' m ■» jI I ti r? 'Vt. , (, n .[,1 .

! _ d ■ ” t;ti it tNe Jt/J tie ”■ ti '.f Hr>jcmy

F a. !** i 'll- i t “ i t ,p’ t are

'!•* *-(t VltS \ * ,-,-r Ki ’ 1

M.ty!/itr W ., liuiinuei. ar;;! Mr.

jikI .-Anyersbich. £o-i,T ir, :•:;. JJirviti

Ih t brije iv-ns fc’iven in mar*'

i’ia;ie by her fathqr. She wore an

. ffljjjiirtf gisa-u. salt:; -styl.'

•-(■ v.’iih a, !ia‘ca.j r.ecV,!ine, Fearl-i

(4 Aleitcoit lace appliques tr'in-

; ■:.'r ;..'" IX'it'h "■ '■' ' Mr. and' Mrs, David l enk. M

Btook Ave., Keyport, art the pai'-

dnts of a daughter U rn Wtdnes- day, Cict, 8, 1%3, in Monmouth

. .Medical. Center. . ,

, ; U-hotKy

A daughter was bom in - River-

■ view Hospital' Mr:, and Mrs. Julitm l.ehotay, -IW.Ure R<1.,

av.-wi. it; Riverview 'HiWpUal on"

Vcdnesitay, Oct, .3, ■ 1S69.

. Friedman .

Mr. and .Mrs, Howard Frled- man, 26 Cari'iaj'e Dr., Hazlet, are

patents of a sor, Item Wednes­

day, Oct. S, IS09. in Jliverview

ilospital. . . . .

. . l-’oersier

A son wa<! born to Mr. ami Mrs,

Werner Foeriter, Marlbirc Rd,,

Old Bridge, in St. Peter's Hos­pital on Sept' 23, 1969,


A son was born to Mr. and Mrs,

diaries Krantz, 8 Robinson Kd.,

Alornanville, on Sept. 23, 1969, In

S I Peter'i Hospital,

Cannata Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cannata, l-

21-C Pine Tree Blvd., Old Bridge,

3re parents of a daughter born

Sept, 24, 1969. in St, Peter’s Hos­



Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Cicco, 26

Pensacola St., Old Bridge, arc

parents of a daughter botn Sert,

25, 1S69 In St. Peter’s Hospital.


A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Turi, 20 Donald Rd., Old

Bridge, in St. Peter's Hospital on Sept, 25, 1969.


Mr. snd Mrs. Hyman Giuli, 450

Applrtrce Lane, Old Bridge, are

pareats of a srm horn Sept, 26,

JSS9 in St. Peter’s Hospital.


A son was born to Mr. nnd Mrs.

James Naslo, ?,S finaikdiile Rd.,

Old Hridec, in St. Peter's Hos*ti t r* * nirn

V-'«i O’* • f«i/i


Mr. and Mrs'. Chestir Wolcle-

clmvic^. Pint* Tree Apartments,

Old Bridge, art) parmtg oi a *c»

born in St Peifr'a Hospital on

Sept. 26, 1*369.


Mr. and Mrn. Peter MularchuU,

9 Lincoln Court, Koansburp. ure

tiie parents of a son born O ct. 6,

1SK19 in R ivp rv icw Hospitnl.

Diet rich

A son wns born to Mr. and Mrs.

William Dlctrich, 4 Weldon Dr.,

Mntnwnn, on Oct. fi, 1069 in Riv-

arva-w Hospitiil.


A (l uigl-.tor \s«i liorr. in R iw r-

vit-w H osjiita l to Mr. iin<! Mrs,

Alton Flnlwrty, 4 Overlook Dr., M olm do l, on Oct. b’, 1!W9.

. Mr. and Mry. Joseph Gr^coire, ’ 200 Ash St., . Unioft Beach, &re

pnrt'r.U of a dauj/ntcr Uirn Oct.

74 ]96fi in RivfrrvJtw Ucspital. .


A wm waa boni to Mr. and Mrs,

Frfd OiOip.'-* , 707 Sen-nd. St.,

Vnion,','Tuesday,. Oct. 7,

IWjjr in'Munir.ouih Medical Cvji-

■ 't*r. .■•■. ■■■•.■■■■■.' .

. • Slullock

Mr. ar.d Mrs. John Shaltodf, 18

fellow Torr.,: Marlboro, jue

parents d a daughter bcrn Oi

Riverview Hcspitid on Thursday, O a . 9, lSf?9.

A ,sor was born to Mr. »>«] Mrs. Fra^k Mai, 130 Conipbni! Sr., \lx\- ion Beach, on Thursday, Oct.. 6,

1969, in P.ivfcr,itw • Hospital <


Mr. jind Mrs. Donald Donoygh-

ue, 79 Middlesex Heights Apart-

rncnts, r-Ialawari, iir*> trie parents

of ft daughter born Thursday, Oct.

9, 1969, in ’Riverview Hospital


A daughter w«s bors\ in Rivcr-

vicw Jlospilal to Mr. and Mis.

Alnn August. Sulton Dr , Mata-

vvan, on {hursdty, O lt, ft* J96i),


Mr, and ?/lra. Stanley Pnyby- ikl, 13 Lynn Blvd., Harlct, nro parents oi a son iwin in River-

vievv Huspiial on Saturday, Oct.H , W j. . .


A daughter was boin to Mr.

aurt Mrs. Frank Barber, 10 War­

ren Dr., Mnrlboro, on Saturday,

Oct. 11, 1969. in Paul Kimball

Hospital, Lakewcod.


A s<‘»n was 'Mmi to \'r. aiid

Mis, Wiiif'im Grtf.ii. 554 Madi­

son Gardens, Old Brii’^p. in St.

IVIor’s Ih ’spita’ im Sipt. 28,



Mr. and Mrs. James Hand, 4 Wairvn Dr.. .uu-.v.iii*, it;<_• |>;i{-

ctit.v of a d;mpbirr born Oct. 3. J969, in Perth Amboy Hospital.


Mr, and Mrx. Stanley Schniler,

]? Marlin Rd., Old Hnd,:e, are

t}it* parenfj? of a daughter born

Ort. 3, IWM, \w ith AmlMiy



Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Kfynolds, 215 Arlington Ave,, Union Beach,

are parties of u son. born l?ept.

29, 1969 in Ovt-ihok Hospiial,

Summit. Thn baby weighed iMj-ht

jmmituI**, 1ft ounces nnd h<in b<jen

namtd 1!rii Stephan. Mr? Rev-

wolds is thf1 {(jfnu.T

I.UfiiiiiT, Ml. .s. <1 M is- Hi vnt'ld.' havo two i'ih: r rhiliinn, n foi.,

Riii iuird na l a ilau^litt’v. Kinjbci-


\ VMstit

'Mr. and Mrs. LVir.aJd Otsfi'i, il

C^dar Ave-, Ha/.Jot, are the par­

ents of 9 daughU'r, bt>rn Friday. ^>ct. iO, ]% y, in Ri\/jryiew Hv»-’

p :ia l, - . . .

•• : .

A son w as 'h im -Kriday. Oct.

AO, i!#9, in .H’.vcrvic^' .tc..M r ., and Mr>, TVddoje I.vdeiy"

10S R^msoy Ay^,

: ■ Hculy '. . ■■■ "

-Wr, a;id'Mrs., Joh»-Hi'tily.-.31!

West Prospect • A'.*e.. Ktyr^'.rt,«n.i ?ii(? p.trc,»/{ji rf ? rSt'ii, b*-in

Monday, Of;:. 13# lf^ ‘1, in River*

view riwpital

C rav^un

A son was ixjji: ia Kivr.rview

. TlohpiUtl on I'rloi'-uhy, 0 *;L i!4.

i9W . to M r . aiul M r?. D u . id

C r a j^ o n , 25 Persh ing P i. . Key- ,


Prizes Awarded

In Essay ContestV inntr;; of this >uar4» Coimu*

bu i Day f-.vroy Contest Rp/jnsorod

by St. Joseph's Council ;lJ.02,

Knights of Coliirribfi.**. Keyport,

wi*ie rt'Vatdtd their pn?.c'> on Oct.


. There v.trc well over 100 es­

says c;Unrrd by th<* seventh a:;d eighth ^rado sludiMds of the bay-

short* area.

The three winners weie tighth

gradi1 suuk-,u<. lhe first u»vaid,

a ?25 Savings Bond,- wa.*> won by Mildred Purcell, St. Catherine's

School, Cyst Kt'ansbiirg.' The tsc- caul aivard of $!ft went to Th(trmts

M( Keon, of St. liencditi's School

lla/'.lvt, and the third uwyrd. ‘iS, vvps 'Vt’n by l.ynn Grenchuk, Mf* o>oii,tl ('nii'ji F.L*rtt:h,

Iht* aWtird.s .’.trc prt^^iMcd to -vh<4 x«ii!!!*-rs rv Aoiiviti--^

Chmnnnn Hay K'iroy and Oiaiut

Kr.ifiht, "lbf-nvA .? Mtt-'iai., i-; V.-1 Council Ihjroe. Route l ri, Krypoit.


Mvorc-V«in ITxter

Adelo Sposato, da»phter of Mr. and .Mrs. Albert Spos,ito,

MiddU-towu, Zs.y., and Francis

Nisky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Prank

Nibky, Koute 'Ji, ('he^gtiftko,

w^re niarritd Saturday, Oct. 4,

!%9, lu St. lawrei-ce's Ciiurc'n,

I nurence Harbor. The Kev. JVU1- viu J. Siancmvski officiated at

UiO doub.’e ring ccremoiiy.

The* bride was given in mar­

riage by her father.

Mra, Barry Carlisle, Cheese-

quake, was the matron of honor.

Miss Kmilv Sposnto, 'Middletown,

N.Y., sister of the bride, was the

junior bnde^maid.

IJlUan Spo.sato, MUidletown,

N.Y., ahc a Mster of the bride,

and Debbie Jaros, Woodbridge,

were the flower Rirls. Finp bear-


PVunkle Tu**, Wc<kKcr was

bridge. ;

i>avld Cinmsn, Niartic, Conn., was he*>t n»an.

A reecption was ht*ld at Dia«

monu Jim 's h) Madiwu) Town­

ship. .

Tho bruiv ih # giuduuU* of Mid­

dletown, N.Y., Hif>h £eho<il and

is empU.yed tu Midland Glass, Co., Cliffwood,

Ihe bridc^i<M;in Is a praduate

of M alayan Rc-fii(>iial H igh School

and rerved two years jn the U.S.

Army. He fisc is employed i*t

M allard (

After a wtdding trip to Tsike

Luzerr.c. N V., they are residing

at the .Matawan ’iYrrnce Ajmrt*


Hazlet Couple Wed

H Tues. t Wed. Only! |! f ^ 5 0 6

S h a m p o o 2>et A


u m m





.MiSff SliOii'n A. Keily brc<>;r,c

bride r f R'ci-.i-i'd '5

Stuii1 Sutia'wiy, Oct. 4. in

M. f?i‘n<di‘.t’s (!iui\h. Hn/lit..

u*e Kev. i'asnp ,»la!ruj (uc-

brated the -:!I0 | ;n. ruiptin1

*nd officiated at the dou­

ble r iv 'e v « - n ‘.o!iy.

Thy parents of the couple are

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Oanit-l

Kelly. 15 Conriland fir.. Hi!/let,

and Mr. wnd Mrs, Tnnrnas Stnir,

10 Racoon Dr., Hu?let.

The briiie was In nuir-

riage by lier liijhrr. Sho \u rt n

white saiin A-lmo i-iinpirt1 jnnvn,

with a ftiille bib nnd cutts on the

long tapered sleeves, teiminat-

i»j» In a cathedral Iram. lier

Italian b'Ktwfly v 'il ef ’Jliisicr.

was held by <*. (.‘a/neiot r.up cd

‘■“O'ji'ifi r-.nd pearls .md .‘•he car

' r d n f'i‘'t.n ;e «m ('f cur-

»i:•.!i<«iis. , • > \ s,;(.[!;!•mi 11Oh arid

! it ji mums.

Miss M ody i: Kcilv,

v..'S i 11e «l of .Vm>r Inr h*. i

j i td sfioi-cascadts <:i the Afjine


Jude Mai tin, Kt'ansUog, xva.6

thti best man. Usheriii^; weie

*A';tHer Miller, Keansburg; Kich*

ard Sle.’ehari. >laz!t»t, and Robert

IJ iis , At^.-mc Highlindfl^ broth­

er iii-hov of the bridegroom.

Wayne Stuir, fit home, brother

of the bridegroom, was the Jon-

:*.)r usher.

A rett jn iin was held In the

MrlJy Pin her Inn, Red Hank.

\Uien they it turn frinn Puerto

R ita , they will reside in Keypori.

Jhe bride waa graduated from

Raritan lli^h School, Clabg oi She is rn p ’oyt'd by the

Monrnc'iith Container Co., ftjatn-A ill).

The bridryioom was jciadunt-

<.: ii-. ci.ii,;;,,,-. Aim-\'a ih\ , l un'rt'fi, ft'ui £» ten llfill

I 1 iiv, S< t:i!* [if !s

iu. ij.f-er « f t.k;o fatu ity of thf

l.YtH'U l!ea< f. Mt .r.fii :al S<

»»< d j\ lttf <ytli >*t \

Aad au T!aU) v*' i j t iA (bkty* it\fj r

1 ‘ td ( r al h*d j>,(. U f ’ ? ]-* i Lwiuj a s ju

ot pT«n^l /j h

a W r

. .Msl«r-*A’a» Honor' M:ud ■

• was (ne matd;cf honor.lor -m*r - :- Winter, Sim w r t iK M Ptn^i’P .A . . .-.

. Ljie ftowa. of ^i-ld soRKi ir»m-

mod with - Yer.isre luce. A xHr.z\:. V Kweejv fall■ from*'a large. Hat bcv-fi •.

A .. dhilS.y.iC.. . VffjJ • vVSi. tit-'ti -. '

by a rruuefiing bow headp?ec& • v"'.

•'•«>»<} she ;ettx';i(v?. a cascade b* U:-,' - ' ;

fjuefioJ yelJovv and bronze ponj-;

por«s. . ■ • ' • ' . .' . •:' ’'Ht® b/idai attendants \v>.*:'C .

■ JiJrs. Gut/j^e Kvnuv.m, Kranst-

t-urg, .Ulster of the bride; . Mri'.

Do?nlij<, Eatnntowri*

..and Miss liado KltpoII.Ke-.iissbi.;r , M^S’s S(*L\.n ■

bach, Uai!ot, of bvi^c-Vv:

v.rtUnrt. -vvaK' ih*1 ; junior brides- ; ' : ‘

maid...They.wore avocado. -

■ D<-bnah . S’ue., - Hush, Middle*.

lowi>. riipce of the bride, Was /bo' :

flower jjirl. She vvdrt : ^olrj. nhd -V' -.•

carried a fireside basket of yel-v^w ; low* and bioh/c r ^ n ity 'M s .Vv; ‘ .

Ja;nes . Rush,’’. •- Middletown, •.=■'**

>*r?thcr cl', ihe •hrid^,■best LMan. l.!shcr:n^ v,pr& Cuu:,;;?:-.

Kena^'an, Keansburg, brother-in-;

lav. Li the bride; touts IXwk,'

hrosi?i;. Fm!o»u«'W'!; and JcluV:. :

Kai'kii-L Hrc*<'ki\ii. WilM-i ni', ,

Kush. lk'lv)idel, brother of vW - bnde, '.vav the junior rnhfir and. .

Da*iiel Keravan, Kca'ivr.uvi,

nephew of the brido, was the

ring bearer.

For her daughter's wedding, '

Wrs. Rush selected a nil* green

crept* floor-Iength gown \v,ith . -

b'-aded accents on the bodice

and 2>co*ip neekHnc and styled =

wirh a tvaiii, accented v.i*': a

bow.. She wore a nmtching feath­

ered eloche, silvc-r acce.ssories

and a white orchid 'corsage.

The bridegroom's rntHhtT ,

chose a rose brocade t'hor-

length gown with jnaubiny hat ,

nnd nccewnncs and a white or- ,

chid co»«iijiH.

A reception was h*'-ld at Hnli-

day Jnr. at Ha/let.

When they return from a jet '

flight to Uernuida. they wdl ie- ' '

sidy in Holmdel For traveling, •

ihe bride wore &n avocado knit-

led two piece suit with brown

accessotics and a white orchid .

cors&ce.The bride was graduated from

Hed Bank Hi^h School and

Monmouth County Vocational .

School for Praciiea! Nurses In

Long Uranch. She is emp!oyi:d in

tho pediatrics department at

Rivor\icw Hospital

A graduate o! Kantun High

SrhfKil the bridegwjm served .

two ytars in the U. S. Army

and is employed by Pantry'.

Pride, Hazln.


Htahway 36(N*»r Mein Sb)

Keyport, N. J.

S e le c t Y o u r M e m o r ia l

D isp lay


rrom \j ut

size • COLOR

C n l l 264-1 124

1 ! *

' I

■ iib!


■ ie ptiw i. A

’a r \tii feli

1 t* >v l i i:n

'.'■I t iMi ' .«• I ttii ,t .1 it M ! I' i -

*■«. ile !'■ f ( f cheny. a.-.1' a (nul pin m ! !■ •••; ei s.

1 fit* ! rifle '•'li.i'ds v .tru

,.u ,u

Afiadi* Moore, T};a Dionx, N.Y.

MiiiSy Van L ^ tir ih a IMA' nmd- imt« ef Mr.tuv.iiM nr.I l l i ju i

S' r h<i>il -t;it| tji.a 1‘ , M i -i; 11; I.}' ( t .< p­

er Uuinn. !j* vv 'ii'ili, ,*. ><i 11* Mi.e

is iiiaj(-i iitj.’ nt fim ,iits.

Mr. Mi ''I*' a I'i adua le t<f

A lt nnd 1 '* MJ'li Hi j'li In licnl, w

Y o ilt, and New '«< ik < ity ( '-in

n iun ily Cn!h j:e lie is an a ie lu 'f i

tu io inajiit at Cooper Ih iinn ,

'Ihey plim a Janunry wedding.

■ h Kelly. ,.i lier <, r,' tt st of th>;

h. ide, iti.d .Mi s t * f Him, At­

lantic }lij:iil,'i 'b:, Ulster of I).,’

hi idepi i'Oin, i in > mm,- plum

v.ah /n.iti'lur.i? iii'adp" c< g inn!

'di-ntital l-<iii(|Utt‘

'1 hr jinttui bruit i rnahk ‘.l. i : r

i lit* Mf-'ii s \'ah-i u .-ind (’*, ul hi;i

Ktlly, nt hitfnt’, siMeis’ (tf Ok

bnde lhe flnw r j*irl \v,i*i six

yc;»r-oM .Mice Kelly, lumtla-r his-

ter <.f lin: hi ide. I h. v woie pn>i<

M.-lvet A lii;e ^own« with ni.dde

mg how hrndpiriTfl, 'Jhey cmf-


bt/.lAWAti ri’ tctR io

t r # ir.iptt. WAtn, M..r

Kt-ih wT r L m ', ■, ' '• t «

O, J f



9 COlllJIHYAm! Sum im il’/iy


C omiii.’fiiOn

l-l WY. ^9 5 6 6 -5 3 0 0M O R S A N V IL L E

rUHtRAl. CIIAVlt,; AV/l!Al‘tf It) II.Y.C.

laritSsM1, October li,..}.%? TH& MATAWAN JOURNAL f i J. *Vy<? Scvea


The Rev, Joseph i<uc ns1:', M J

tm «1 St O ifle tll'* Oiurcit, Mat *want officiated at the dour>»

ring ceremony which unlisd Ms 4

. Mary EK»i; Meb;n and) Robert.

Thotnw* Sain&r*. li!A Rou<e 8

t t d Budge, Sutordiy. Oct. 11,

1W2. St BenuJm 'j C>'«tc\


lh e parent* o' lt'.» couple Mr ur.d jvtrs. Hubert Adam

KMim. 2?# Nolan. R<i., Morgan.

; : ■ ■ wl«,^ iftnu' f.Uv uit<i Mr*.' Citirtfnc*

f a u n d e is , SKywp A panm en ts ,


Thc br“ie *as ft'ven In nuir

*i#,jo by ner Uiner ah* viors s

: - Cbanblly, lace, gown . with Bishop.

, *!tcve9 and c.’ thedral tmuv. T he:

." *rop»re . wai5(.lii!S; v,'as--af:n*n/.*'<'

:■ w lti\ fi.-einbm idei:e(i seed-pearls,,

r. H er tnpls- - tiered shoulder-length

v e il w as held hy a satin l>oiv stuU-

.. 4 n l w ilh s o w Deurls a iid stiff cutf-

- t ie d a co lonial bouquet o f w hlta .

p o m po is

Mirt Kjttjleeu Me.un, M or^n

Ville. s slot of Uip bad", was (ha

. jmuil ofilumot. .SIia; wore *. gold

with velvet bodice,' crepe

ikeves cuffed with inarching vel- •

; : ' vet: and' a crepe, sk'rt,, A'circular•>'«!> fell1 over her1 imtchwg vc!


Mis* Merriloe (Joritun, chinch. .vc. let or Mr. an i Mrs. George (‘or­

*** ’ dun. 2 Elclfaal Ari*. Ht/W'i h».

came the brulc . ot John Allen Seals, sun nf Mr. and Mrs. Jo ­

seph .C. Seals sr., 44 Knoll I’t rr.,

Hazlet, on Saturdav, Oct. II, 1903.

The wedding took place in the Rainbow Ri*)in of the Albion Ho­

tel, Asbury I1,irk, nt 8:311’ p.m.

Mr.s, Ceil Norton, Mayor ol Sea

Bright, officiated at the cevemo' tty.

The bride wure a whito silk nr-

ganza wedding gown, trimmed

with imported lave mid m-quiii

appliques, with a rhupel train.

She. V.ure a linuertip Mantilla

•m l cm,led a cascade bouquet

t'f white brida l r u n * <1 cen­ter of orchids.

CoU' n Was Mali! Of Honor

Miss Helene Kornbertf, Clifton,

cousin of tho bride, \\\H the maid of honor.

Tin? bridal ottendanh wi»i ►>

' Miss Shu rim Kornber#, Clifton,

ftlso a cousin of (lie bride, and

Mr.<. John Plunkett, W**st Keanv

bury, sister uf (he brideyrooin,

JjoCp!, C. j i . , Cheess-

quake. brother of the bridi-

groom, was the best man. Usher*

ing were Gary Seals, Hazlet. an­

other brother of tbe bridegroom,

and Jlt>nald (mrdon, H;iz!e^

brother of thc bride.

A reception wsis hold at th«

hotel following tbe ceromouy.

The C'.Hiplrt will rcsida in Tort


'H ip bride was grflduated from the James Monroe Hifth Scbuol,

The Uronx, N, V., aiKl ftUended

City University of Wcw York,

The Uiunx. Sho is employed ns a

dental nssist^iit by Dr. Michael

J. I :izarv»ff. Ila/let.

ih f l b r iilc^rno in nan ^ruduat-

Cil Irom Kvyfmrt School

and A n n lrm y of C.’om pu tfr

Technology, 1’jts f H runsw uk , He

w a i h 'iior:if)!y d ischarn^il nft‘'r

servini* fiiur years in lh tk M il ita ­

ry Polios of thi? V, S. A ir Tnrca

und is employed by Morrison

S teel Com piiny , New Rrunsw lck.

for Iho vacation of Your Droarm

b«for« you go . , ,

•aniult with ut

w» do fh« pl*nnln9 and

•ranging, mor#

You hAf« tk« fun

no ftahit fojl ht •ur icrvlcdi,

tu r i'MU: VAllr/ « 1141-214 Hn.ltl. at,, l*frU» Amhny

t iiio*<u*y, <*sij :r,t.rto:n

Brown Travel Bureau

nr *r ■■■ ■■■■ - ■■■■• •

, M : :; .V.


vet bow headpiece and she car-;

rted t colonial bouquet of Hold

pompons. :: : . ■ ■: ■Tha 1'rid'>amiii'fi v ?r» M/m

Jaiuc? . Itujmpsofi; Enjjtishtown,

»nti M!;<* Deiiisa Bing, Morgan*

ville. They wots green and enr-

s lW colonial of grteu poropoiw.. Kathleen Jessen, Parlin, meca.

af lhe. bndegKKro,- was-th* flow-,

ee gill. She war* a paid gown : with velvet bo&ict and sleeve*

• w » crep? skirt, A-circultf -veil (el! uver tier motchiag bow head-

piec* and 8he, cai;ue(i i fireald*

iwsk»t ol gold: pompom.-Mirk: Stiuliaio, Morgtoivllle.

ivai tha best man, Ushering were

William McKam, Morgan, *nd

Loren Michael, Old Brid*». Rob- art ivlenm. Morganvi'is, brother

of tlio bride, wai the ring bearer.

A reception was held l;i Don

Quixat*'.Inn, Matawan.When they return from Bermu­

da: they Wilt reaido in Old Bridtj*.

,! 'I ha .bride, and the bridegroom ara graduatei of Freehold He-

gtonjil High Schpo).: l l ie brida is

attenilins Rlijhard* School of

Beauty Culture, Red Bank. Th*--,

hridegrooni Is employed by Thn

tarpeniei's Umoa oi Local 1536,

Now York City. . . :

• • i'h«v bnd'i . i'i th*5" :=;it"Mi*, i'mwetOceafi Avo.. ?:a>£ K'ju.usbiir;:;,. o.;:^

; llie arjaugrawsiv ,i Mt,

,Mrs-.Srq>!>?n •D..,.La£ub:«rba'it j.iiU•’


Th?t K.*v. NomVirv R. Rilev.orv

at-.-taa'. dVKtlltt-.ung

.moaVi:- v- ■ '

Woi'tt hzr.t) WtfcJtftn& GfiUn :

■ JtDbyrt.-b.tarJ&v5*V- i rt\7"-t^rum.d ' h^' If::?-'

Lfie ailiir, .I.k 'h ;

With :i fitted V,udi'.:t*V tar.;.? tap--sr-

e«J’ sitvves y/itj .nr:c!t!ifei“..

i^rartL «u)i3 i;;*CK■j.vrvwto

st<Je uora vt tacei-; tyiai«.i^d|..

chapel train, A d»;ubl«

- pcarla s/id ^yMals hqlrl :

:. bev (iftgerijp •* length v^i1 of

Kwach-' liJufiion *nd: sii*<c4ecWA hAnrsiM'1 nf V/Siiiij :

' Miss, Susan 0gle4 QueeiVs.; L.|.s was . rhy maid of honor. !}U& w ^v .

•4-: -fcurqaalw.. brocad« Ble«jvete:st Sown vU i a hw - fUred sk-rt anii^

tnmmiid. with dark turquplsB. A

circular veil fell ovar hef:' matchr

iog iw'fi■- h.*adjj)eca ahd shd cor* ‘

ri&U a • colonial. bou<ju«t. ia- - multi-;

s h a to <>t turiinowf.

111* bridal attondantft wer« Mis* Jeni'Jfrr -Wdiiiima, East

Keansburg; Migs. Imogens 2dlcK- ocki, Kejunslmrp./ sis'f^r

the bride, and Mrs. Bruce Long,;’

Middletown. 1 heir turquoia#

gowna were scslf t. IriHimed. They

wor» matdung bow headpiecoj •nri csrn td iclenticsi boutiuets, .

Thr<x?-ycnroM Donn.i Morion,

Bast Keansbujjj, niecs of th» .

t>ndn, wai c!ia flower girl. Her

sahn floor - tength frock wus de­

signed with n dark turquoiue bod*

Ice and light turquoise skirt She

carried ft basket of shaded fur-

quoiso flov/ers, and wore * smatl

bow headpiece.

Edward Shown, Huzlet;”was th*.

best m a n . Ushering wero John

Koza, Hazlet; David -AVHSktew-

ski. Lodi, cousin of the brido, and ;

. Ralph .Fianiuigan. Hast Keans:

bur^. Robert KeUis, C^Hfomia, Md., nephew of tnd biuiegroom,

was th<i ring bearer. ’

. A reception was held in Bach’

siadl's Restaurant. V/hon they ro*

turn from Niagara they

will reside in Haclel.

The bride wns graduated from

Middletown Township High School

and. Is employed at Fields, Hailet,

The bridegroom attended Raritan High School and is employed at

Muller’s Chevrolet, Mubwtm,


Q t t -1

. ^ »*

•n^- - 1 f fi'.(lilted U, * i 'v jb i* ^ r

n?:>r,y: ■

.Tho. hrH.*i4L»Tv j ■; nc* of

M f '3M - W..;- ' V. 1 . *

•ir.t ; t-i 5 T u £ r ai** <

J i:i rho r.

T he U Jo * fir < 1 /il M r

rU:>j: bv ,u t j I f

whit^. •* i M ■» 1 «. -v J

'jiyk'd ii<: a v dt 1 2 IO*

!:ir, Mir;-j; /cu,in-?r-h,n - be t>)| *V S. Of Ati':"i d n

M M 5. iO lU V £A M «JfrX M c C U tL Y

Joins' Elaine Unda Zomro . ba-,

caijie lli^: brid**;of .John: Samtie' '

Mi.’Cuiiy b'aturday* Oct. 11, Iftitt, *

in St. Jatiies Churcfc Red.Baiik.

Tha Rev. Richard Bc'hl offi- .

clal.ed at Uva- \Jo.uO!e, ri»£ Wft? mony. ,. - •

.: T)ve parcjits of . th'.1 courVU Ar»

Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Zomro, ^0 Broud St., Siifuwsbijry. and..Mr. aod Mrs. Jolm E . . McCuJly, • 8 ' Untia (lucly, iStatdwan.

Tha. fcrids'was; mrlat!e by her falher. Sh*» wore! > :

white' silk organza gow’n cm-

brosderca WSui pearls anu“styled

with an empire bodice, • Ion* /

sleeves and chapel tmlrt. Her

shoulder-lentith. veil was held by

a headpiece, of leaves bordered

with pearls and c*he carried a

cascade hfiuquet of white niinia-

tur« carnat.ions, centered, willi &

white orchid,

Five Bridal All«fldanis: Miss.v Karen'- Haori- Shrews-'

bury, waa'the cr.aid of honor. Tha.

bridal, attendants 'werfr ; Miss

Sharon Mich ho. SayrevilWi. coux-

ih of th«. bnde. Mss'-V JeUkU C!ucksrniin,:, Newark, cousin of.

the bnd^room , ai^d Mvs, Jo*

soph Migi I'ljie, Ma tav.aa. M si MichcUo Mignone, Malawan,

was the Junior bridesmaid.

Their empire gawoi .were do*

signed with cfE-whilo laco ix)diia*s and green,'v<*|v»*t skirts

Moss green satin bowa accented

tiie empira waiistlin^- Back veil!*

f«ill from, their RiAtchitig 3a.tin

bow headpieces and they car-

rled. oraug«, yuid whiU pomotm

cascades. • , ■

Kenneth Zonuo, Shrewsbury,

broLhe.-: of tb* brida. wa*4 th«

b&st mau. Ushering w^re. Wayr,* Kruta. OI<l Rrich»e; J*);u»nh M.ig*

non®,, txnd Druno, SaWatui^ Mat­

awan. Michael jMiRnone,

win, was tha Junior usher. . •>,

A rtceptioa v/as ’held in Th*

Imperial Room at Smith** Res­

taurant, £nst Keansburg.

When they return from a mo­

tor trip through the Southern states, they v/il! ces.uiu in Old

• Brifk'e.. ' . ; ' ' ' ’ . :

..-’Tnc-brlda.was graduated from

Red' Bank Hiyh School an.4; i5

employed, at The . Monmouth - : C^ujity National - Red,

Biink. .■

Thn, bride&roo.nv wai ^radtiat-

»d Erom Matawan Keglqnat Hign

Schawl,. lie received a IiAcUtjloi* of Science Decree in Busine:«

\dnMnistTHtwm at S ’km UaU Uni-

vcr&ity,'Class of 196$ und U em­ployed hy Texaco, hie., £ast


New President Names Cli.iinneu

Mri, Onsil Slocum, West Loni»

Hr.’inch, elected presui^v-

Of ilui American Legion Auxiliary,

Department of Now Jersey, hold

her firs*t riveting of hoc tern' at

tho Flag Post Inn, Soulh Bruns­wick.

Mrs. Slocum appointed her committees for thc year. Those from Monmouth County were

Mrs. William' Rice, West Lons Branch, national recruit: Mrs.

iVnnabclle Breil, Union Beach, newspaper contact; Mrs. Jame*

Letts, Leonatdo, publicity scrap­

book; Mrs. Harry Evans, Nep­

tune, hospital vohirteer uniforms;

Mrs Robert Oodbold, Neptune, Marlboro Hospital chairman, nnd

Mrs, William Banks, New Shrews­bury, Girl State Trustee for Un­ion County.

Mra. Franklin Sickle, past pres­

ident of the auxiliary, was ap­

pointed by th® National President

ai Area B Chairman, Rehabili­tation. '

Mrs. Slocum has selected as her

project for the year, Deborah

Hospital, Browns Milis. Unit -HI,

West Long Branch, of which Mr!.

Slocum h u member, donated $100 to sturt th« project.

A junior rally will ba held In Morristown Post 59 on Oct. 25 at

lu a.m.

Tho atuta • wido cimfercnca will bo held at the Flag Po^t inn on Nov. 15.

Tha next stato mcetinp will hd

Nov, hi at tho Flag Post Inn.

t 1 pi t < h i l I? ,,!::

v«i! mti.h held, by- tf ^ a nand " o*

*t^ph;ir;o;;v -p.ud f>ne {'.arr-e/) e; pr^v* - >,w afhi \ l‘ vtfr /Ihi.-

oU fleu:-cu«i cenfA'J.ea’ wtfh ••mctJsa.H. - ■ • " ‘

Sisier in Maid Of (Ifloor

Miss karen Craoe, Laurcnc*

Ilarbor, 3js»t*:r ol w.’i f

tha. ittajd nooor Soft wore a

rom^ncd bl»« doHon .

,gowv-with r.scMp i.eckSioe and

long sleeves. A four*ti'?red circu­lar veil fell over her m.vcbmg

bow hoadpleca. and «h® carried

. an old fashioned, bouquet, of

wMttt-caroaiioM* w.*tn bhi.r n«?i aiid #treamera.

: ;Thi bridal tttendAntf '-w*r» Mrs. Joseph D. Sudyka.

burg; M w Janyct Hess, Laur^ v

/once Haibor, sisicr of tha bride­

groom and Mr«; Dcr.;;ii Vlu{-

ton. ljiur«ncft TJjcy

.. ,^ r ^ : s'.tlred 1^5 in* tu-teitdant and canted old fasnioa* ■ = ad bouqucu of bla« carnation*

with bluo net and streamers.'

: C4lzabeth )- Seeg^r, F.;Uon-

town. was flower 4 7 ! H-r

(loot-len^h troclc t>f fonun. 0

• Muft ch'tfon -wan styled with a

high TiHfthnt arid ahotf Di*ff

jlcevea. A iwottoted v 11 fell

over >h3f: matciUo^ bow ht*ad* pier© and sho c jrrud a pnnci w

' basket/ of ..whno c-ihicUo/is vvtta

blu« net and streamers.

Albert &. Megg'son,. .>utuwtfn,

was tha' "man... Ushering were Thomaa A. Tucker, "Wil­

liam Na^ujeU ttivd Joseph Me-

Keel, all of Laurcnca Harbor.

Wiltlnm Edw?t*d, Sceger,. Eaton* town, was th« ting beater.

A reception waj lieid hi Holm*, dal Motor Inn, : :

Whon ihey retuiri froin Mon­

treal and Quebec, they will re*

side in Cheeaciiurdtd Tat!; Apart­

ments, Matawant

Tho bride waa graduated from Madison Township High Sclwd

ui<d the Market Trailing luati-

tutti, Newark. Sh9 is cmj^Ioyed

by L’u^tic Sotv^rt lilWdtic and

(k\3 Co., Newark.

Tha bridegroom was yr'adnac-

ed from Middlesex Cojnty Voca*

lional School. Ha served two

years In Germany during hll

thrcc-year epjistment in thy U.S.

Army. He Is employed by S*?ar»

Roebuck. Perth Amboy, ,


Fha v;eddj.tiK of Mts* Barbara . Jusim^ Outwater to Donald Ken- EtcJj .Ufiiiv jr, i,i>jk piaefi Sarar*

dav, Oct. 11. \mt at tho .BapiwL tnurcrj to Um ijteul V^ilev, Val­

ley *?cra« K d , fcayrw. Pa Tn<i kev. C/i-aries T. V/mtoa

ol!k.‘afcvd At tne $ p.m- candle*

light wre/nonv. / • ..T.l)« bridals tho daughter of

Dr. Geoi^u t.lwood uutwater,

17.7 • Otrobondo \ve.. 'Norwich, Conn,, and the ^ramldau^hter of

•-Ibo lats Mr. arvd.Mm. S; B .v ^ .. j^leston. Ware wan. Tlie' Uule- groom‘9 -.'pareuts ata. Ivfr-. . aud •-

N r3./ i0onrt!d - Kenneth Whito, 0 ’We.sivu’vv- Rd./ Uri/Q Mawrt ':Pa.

Given in marndfit* by - her falher. tho . br:d*i vvoi,> a vavI

dint* gown of ivory poi* do >oie,

designed.--with’ an ernplco bodice with, short slaves- und an' A line, jd.irt Th i d-Uc-’habla turn IkvJ.-

/ce was fashioned of re-embroi­dered Chantilly laco with seed pearls and crystals. . H«r vei>

ed^ed with hand-sewn Chantilly hice iviih seed pearls and civs-

ta li waa fastened to 1 Camelot hcadpiece Hnd she carriod a

bouquet of white carnations, ,«tej)h;itiotii "and pink ro^e.v

Mr«j. Ivtty Ja?ie Sch.mtT:, Leb­anon. Pit., w:is the .uii»ttc»n of. honor nnd Mi.-.i. Jennifer Nan- I'vn, B?«tiKfdoF. West Indies, and

Stmfford, Ps.; wat th* maia- ol honor. Iho brsdal iattendaot*.

‘ ivw*-Mws Nancy Whsta, Bryti • M-nvr * -Vf.rt..'JJrcai 2 . Cut­

water, Norwich, Conn.^ and Mwi Anglia Orecr>. Slouch;. .Englanil,, aud iUaffotd,.. Jpfc. ;

They wort ituncow nhk ear*- ; pir* A luw gowns, with lac?t. - fiounces on. the ,?}eevea aud bod*

ice$ And detachable traiai. Thds matcVing *■ -Camelofc hcadoiccet kad ^ho'Jtder-ien^tn J/lusion vciJk

un.-v earned nosf?r*av-* or vartoptated chrysantuemums,^

• coinatiora-a«d rosc.«'-wuti & can- rito in the cenl:er of each. • '

heuh Alan Pos»f. *W<N«t ChejK ler. Pu.. wi.*? the beat .man. ers wero Brem 0 ut*

water,: Norwich. Conn.* SrevN?** White, Urya Mawr, Pa.; .R iid

Grin'.viiJ, Darien. Conn., ' and; drew' Aldi, Harrison, N. Y.

. Barbara Ann, Schantz.*

. nou,; was the tlower ^Itl acd ..

Thormvi OuUvaier.- Norwich, waJ - the ring bearer. . . . . . .

A recepMon was held a t Hav*

ertord Hotel, Havorlord, Pa.Tixi .bhdo was Kcaduated from

tha HospiUl of tho University erf Portnsylvaniu tatid tho hr ido-

groom w a ^radu'ite 0/ Admiral Farrei.yui ' Academy and West

• Chester State - Univwrahy, West Chester, Pa, : : ." -

1 - _

fiifjd liiliH iri

r u o r o o R A P U Y





Auxiliary Wiil Hold Workshop

T lii' T lmrid iy Du ['..Ituntiiaii

AnviIk,ry ot St. Jnwph's Ci.uth-iI

51t)i, Kni^hl,4 nf C:iliimbus, i'.rv

(Hut. uili li.iltl ih.'ir ini.tithiy

iiu 'cim^ at tint Coiiiu-11 Jtonu?.

Rout,! :t.i. ICi'yiKirt, III p .n,,

rn llo tv in /; fho husiiiess iin.-ctn.^

* toy denio iid tration w ill Im lu-l.I

mill rert-»!ilimentj v. ill U ii'iv i.l.




M<»n »nJ ftayi' | uintvti'vjj


W. Front Si. K'lypiut

Miss Lynda Dolores

became tin* bride t»f Airman

Frank Allen Lloyd, U. S. Navy,

Saturday. Ocl. II. l ^ ' (l, in P 1*

First Presbyterian Churcli. M at­


The Rev. Chester A. Gal'n^ay

offieiated at tha doahlu rinfj


Tin; parents of tin* ^u iph j u . 1'

Mr. find Mr.s. August Fveti-'mk

Hussmann, 20 (lu'stm i! itid.:-'

Rd., HnzU't and Mr. and Mis-. Ai

fri\l 1.1>A\I, r.t ' in jm i Am 1,, K--d

B ank. ’

’Iht* hriilo wa1- jt iv n in n.u-

r ia^o by h»'r fatiux . Sho w<>i-j a

.slippt'i s.itin and silk nr^aavi

j»oun. ii'-em hp iidon 'd v. 11i<

seed pra r ls and M qu ic> , w.i . i,>-

pliqutsl on tho hodfu.1, I<»n.; ta j *-

eri'd sii'i.'vcs, hkut funt t !u\|v*!

tra in . 1 ior ha ir u . 'm l veil <‘f

F n 'iu ’lr ilU'-'-iwi’ p e u l 'd

Ian* iipphtjucs ’.\aj ludd hy »

rhist'.M' nf I,.u.

p(.*arli nnd s in r.irritM a whh.-i

H>bh‘ sulornt'd v. uh viu n.o

r o ^ ’S nnd ivy,

(iny ihisMiiann,

si'dcr of tha brlda. wai tha nrr<i

of lnmnr, Sin* non* a ^n'-n » i

ketio nml si IK iu^,im/,a g u m

with Ion** A cir4 \cil

f(d| ovci hfl lini '.rli it: fx>n,pim

hrad|iirt r ,imi .hr i int i

< I CM CI!' I*' >ll(|ll ‘I (if V. lid In nil's'

1 a 111 ;i t n 1 n 'i and

t.r- f *l m i'‘‘ 111 I HIT,. Mis-:

( ‘ illirr ini' I !•>> il, krd M>

Id ' ‘d Um' In idrj'inoni, Mns

IVbl.i Main < 1, llulindel. mid

Mi^'i Maiy Cf.t.ire. Ite.l ibink

Miss Susan Kv'anu, West Long

Draiich. u)u>in ol tin? bride, v.-a*

tho junior briiH*smaid. They

worti gold |»owns aud headpieces

and carried crrsi'*nt bouquets of

wild honey and green carmitlonl

and (iladiolas.

Mi»< IVhra l.loyd, Red Bank,

niece of tlio bndrunxHii. was the

flower t*irl. She wow a floor*

lenyflt 1: reeit irock. Hor head-

pieco of a cluster of flower*

mati hrd tho trim on Ix'j gown

nnd sho rarri.vl a f.* h»»-

krt uf wild ko.’n’v aud s t-*<*u mm-

iaturo carnations.

Ha 1 ty U nyd . U-\l H ud ;, In o lh ­

er of tha bi ide;:lOctn, w in th#

hesl m m Ihdi-.Tu n u »,•.'« t u u -

a* K 'lv .th 'dd , and .b'M 'ph Ma*

tiusuS', Kr\l Hank nnd Qdrn liuss-

in.niir, I In/tef, brother of th#

Midi* S n n t iiuvsnvan-i. H iir k

T'"vi>. ('Hi'.iii of t in brKle, wa*

Ih .1 jtm im usher nnd Kurt

iter, V in illo a Ih*nrh. Va rrt-'«*r»

nf th<« l>ridu, w a i the nn,< aertr-

1) r.

A 1 «'i rpihm wai h?M In tb#! M ator ftm.

When thry return 'ioni A mo­

tor trip, t fury will ivsldt U\ Maryland,

Tha lu ith» nml tlirt hi id«’i»nvtm ate u radua lr 'i of \WA \\>.[U Sfdnml. '{ lit’ l»rLilrt W.H em plnvi'd

is a ‘.eivn-e 1 “p ir . f i i l . i t iv e bv

Iba N ru .Ir i v ' v (toll 'Itdrphnm?

Co in S'u.-.,',

I in’ lo id*■)' 1111 ui; |t , , s - t '’ ‘d

two yc;iiA uf a Im n-v i.ii eid- a-

went nnd i< •iintloned nt tbe I V

hixnit Uivi'i N u o l An Slalhu.,

M d. .

f f i d w

A n F y ' t t t r i " I a r f i i- * S l i r i o■ O 4

lhe Fashion CottageExcilittq, bocattid w® Jor,') thiiA llia ta ’s a woman

wfi» Isn't lo iru . '. 'n t 0 <ci! a i whon s!i® buy i a new

oulfi? a l bol^'.v re I :i!l pricei,

V /# ara b-aqmnln -j our 'US yf.^r a^d havs |«»t

redocorAfm-l r.'w :!- cpp ;.,^ p io o n uv

O:;* ph..a !a ,1 loav* iiia irodarcila rangs

al-.ioi ara ou timsi In tlt» designer clan,


Fashion Cottagesm-911 7

RTE. M -- MA ia W AIi(Juit t'iorlK of OiimorJ Jlm'l)


THE M A T A W A N JO U R N A L .. HV-.~..Sa. fifo lw vc; '0*

a n t

n^/CEiia^; 3c.&«&&

..-/ i/:.;'.;../ t&I&casl 3*-, --

..:. • ir-sn- iU$. tl&k'. & &.-.

. :V / . :^ ;- w ^ J J- ,'€ariMism; 'ferocit-V

/-'. . 4,I«b» >.7itiit' ;"_ u*df> Mm. .artd: fls-fih ,'.-.

i i e a i m M e p o r t e d ■ D u r i n g T h e W e e k

liuyh-l IU% T «

Be B a r M i& v ' j n

;, , , Ttsnpto A ric-m ': ; £V* JtJfi::

. AsttmRf. t o * m?! nthuttk SL. ■’’ ' ■■;’■■'■■■ "■' M*J»waa. : ’ '

. Rabbi Weary Wi-inet.. . . .„. __ ri';u iubilj r - *4 K.:. ';'.

■ '■'( .stirswni- f l f t / . f a S V >5 j''•; V ■ ,£W of Kcv-t.ii/tiiii!."' This

. . ol- i‘r^ ,- r- . e^irrKin Wtfipjrs* ihtff" Vfith. E .J; ■

men ta ■>:■ re;ud, 'BwrjiJay . In a ll ; : pcrtiua <3? Uia j'arjti on Winh - - ■■•■ ^ Sc^gsici ;Sup;h(.'i is *£<! ii ii: tunnuii- »nd coh-

' ” C»kt>itt£.- (if ' - tVtriiiiimnu.’1' - ’ fu s to v The. Sabl'R-Us osmiU^'A-ilf

nh \ ^ -a' j- ;:be.' lifjHtsd' by Mis. Si.iisV/rd 'Vrijit-

>n«.: ft& iLtiBiL i ir s . ■ Siintmd

■>■;■'; with Key >t> >!» S"r;p. ' ' Whiriroon 'wili s'wusor Die. Otiog

■' ii/rf^ry. ty S jasy .Bsfer Eit/iyi r Sfcjibbafc' .following . services ; iti

.v . r.ftughf -and' : ‘ CtiebrattOT o t 1 their son, S « v .

-.; ; :>7l«|V. ,■ :r)s!(!l)t«J ’ erf^l'fiiiwv-W&xvali'. following

: .flse ;f s.iiii fo.:; i.iii ; ; ■§asi/s. gosH: t'neg: jwigtara ■.' »UI. :- ’ vfe)9r. t o n n g s " k •.■'•' inifciw «! 33 jmis. aiiH thsi con*

/ ’.’ :, 'Service? are:'f*|(l^ut ’ Jfi a.m. tmusljon i>f th«, A,iJult, EiiuMiti>«. Ssi'nday fefifwl : convenes st )ti ■',

“>«« Taf® Hfirfsfmcd rfcjfeS . . '■■ W.d, I ’aoJ® .4vy,

Hnsltt. Jus*. Tnew&ii? C. MuHcr. i 'a w r

Swnis> f-f.lioel it (j?)f* »t s SP

. mvj JJ p, i; ' ; aiornsis '. C J..-tt3b tsni I f wfcath tirr.s'

. it#, psswr ftilj on ’'licw

. J o . En^-y .,Ta!kii*i » l u Cod.”VtJjiii. V3i),'p wjii

uvesi nt 4.15 p «. \ s«ijo i Yuu’.b ..

fei^Wijdip, ti 30 p m.

MwimmUi Sofcmn Tempi*

m Sy«w n«r«A «e^ $<irc«thK7 ■abdi EA t« 4 EUmtogcn, B s .

Sssfesft Eve «c-!Vlw* fridwy M « at S;39 p m ’I t * Bst Mi|?'..ih

*f Ba-bara Smu^r. dsughler ef Mr. or.I Mr? F rj^k Sii;;/-',-, Bed'

®“ i , v..i! !j« vcicbtsi.«c. -

’l i e l i n t IhitariiMt ' . M NannwiiMi C«wity

' .’ , LincroftMtP, Hwald » IN )* ;

-Die pastor.will speak on ihe

v.v.<jptei.,n )i* !.’Att Impertnat ’ Pro­. .. ettes Of Makii)giDttixjon5.:* at tV**

II a.ijf.. iKkilt service,. ai«) nn ili*\

; tlieme "Judaism As A Living Kt*- Jigion” ai the mi.-.islei « c lan mt

1 i.n i. Two churih school .«s-

«»ns we heid, besiniutg k< <t 3S Sfid H fl. m; ■ 1 1 : :

la lw ry United Mttliadist Cburcfa . ’ ’tk ird «nii Ottbwa &ta.

, - Ktypcri* * v t C iurle* A . Under, ft* ,

. PiUtor

- Eoalnh smuic^o Sunday arc at,

i.W «.m ;'ln the fhapel a jd »t v . !T- -15 a, m. ia the. Sttrictumy; Span-.

: • Jsh, Mrvire, 11 a.m. in the ch#p-

, «L Chureh school is at a:rn.

k i all yoiiiiR persons up to the ;

senior year in high school Ycuth

., iroupt m«4t, tut follows: Juniors

IV S--® p.m.; Seniors al 7:30 p.m.

The n 'll cnil scrvice Is planned

lot Oct. 3* with the Rev. Joho L. Ewbig. Trenton, as the apcttk-

'■ «r. .. .:■■ v ■•■.

Bt Mury*« Efiisc«pal Cburck

Im I Front St., Keyport ’ te » . Vincent K. Pettit, Reefer

,* On Sunday, there w ill ba morn­

ing prayer aud Huiv Eucharist., *4 7.45 a.m.; Holy Kucbarist and ,' cburch school, 9:15 n.m. and

„ : morning prayer a u j o«mon, U

a.m................ ; ■..■■■■

» Wwkday services tviU b,> Wed-:

Jiecday. Holy-.Eucharist,.'.9 a.m.:

JFrWuy, Holy Eucharist, 6:30 a.m.

and Saturday, cliiidren-s contiz- . na tion classes, 9:30

Betertucd Cbonii of Keyport Warren aBd Oslwrn Sis.

-.•■ ■ - - Keyport ■ . ‘, Rev. S, T. Schoiteu, Fasur

■ Morning worship Sunday i.<j held'

I t 10:« a.m. Sunday School con­

venes al 9:M The confirms-,

tk>n doss will mti't at 8 p.m.

Youth Fellowship will meet at 7

.P.m.'.. ■ ■■ '.-

?em|»l» Beth Alurs

I h j d K l., rviitiu»an Conservative Ttmpte

KaHt M tir i i Hubimtela

Caitar Elliott Fortner

Sabbath evening sorvicea will

be held on Friday at 8:45 p.m,

Ai ihe conclusion of services,

there will be cn Oneg Khabhflt

hosted by Mr, and Mrs. Hurvey

Feurstein to mark Ihe Bar Mitz­

vah of their son, Irwin, who will participate in this service.

Sabbath morning services will

b* held on Saturday at 9:30 a.m.

•t which time Irwin will be call­

ed up to Ihe Bim» to read a por­

tion cf Ihe Torah as a Bar Mitt- yah.

Sunday morning services will he at 10 a.m.

First Baptist Church m M„in «(., Mstawaa

Rev. Fmtl L. Jackson, I’ astor

On Sunduy, there will be

church srlwiul, 0:45 a.m. and

morning worship, 9:45 r.nd 11

a.m. A supervised nursery is provided during both services.

Children's chureh is at II u.rn.Tiro Junior, Jnnior High and

Senior High BYF groups meet al 6:30 p.m.

f 1!:! ii Tin,at 8 p.m.

SI. Clement's Church Miilnwan Kej’ional HIkIi School

Atlantic Ave., Mnlattan Rev. Joseph Rurlnskl

Mflyses nre ceieiirntcd Suiday at 7, 6:30, 9:,10, 10:30 nnd 11:40 a.m.

Fourth Ml. Plleiilrn Spirltiiiil riiiii'eh

20H -S'hitre Kd,, Union flench

Rev. Kiithoriiii: ^ liiiu , I'nMiir

Scrvicih me Iielil on Siiml.iy (inti Tliuisdny i \riiinj;s nt « p m,

Bi«l oil lJrlilay cftcinninis nt 7 U.m,

^riJfiranfe'llia ■ Kev, Donald T.

P i j i l i i^ er., Pastor of ihe .First

United .Mei'scdiiit Chiir':;). Mata

-rVJio. will he tljiy g iiijt '. t-peaker

on. 'The V iev , _ ,VIsn ii;-' the

'’Vr.if-J,'' 'pils topic h,7tT'!xvrJt it-.

&eiM*r from' pi'Ail.

(tie .lewrsh Vis'*--

■;'i ■■:.■■. 1 ■ Crass ef Gkiry-■ ■ ;■'.,.-... JUwitiMj CfMreit

M*ww Uf-Warltioro :

CasBJwMje ISr, MitattaB

Xnr. Arthur W, E i t t e l M . Pstter •

. Ihrvegt Ftbtlvt.l will be c«i«-

: braied i hu-iday a i both nervlces:

»! Ir'.anil 10:30 *.n;. Holy Com-

rr,union will l« celebrated at the

10:30 servlw only. Sutidsy

School, wjiit chtsses for nil ages,

v.dl meet *n follows: Ct'ades-

Uirea tnrough adult at' 9 ».m. and tirades Nursery, afie thrne,

tnroujjh ^rade. two sit 10: VI a m.

Baby sitting care is provided i t 10,30 a m. ;

First Spiritual Chiiich ol -

' Divine Kose '■ 270 M:(in St.,

Rev. Phwhe Bailey, Pastor ;

Services are held Sunday and Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m.

Hnwntown Caoununily Church

BKOWntotto Union Sunday School■ Route W, BrowDtowfl ’

Rev. l-ianum C»nttl, Pastor

■ Sunday School Is held from 9:43,“ to 10:4b a.m. and the church ser­

vice is, from 11 a.m, vuitil 12 o’-

elock noon. Everyone is cordially; tjivned to.atiCMt, . ..

; DavW’a Tabernacl*

Apostolic Faith Hlghfield Ave., Matawan

EvangeMst Bulk Dupicc, Pastof

Sunday School will be held at 10 a.m.; morning servicc, I l ».Es.: afternoon service, 3:30 p.m.

and evening service, 7:30 p.m. There m il be a Tarry service everj’ Wednesday at 7 p.m. ^

Cethsamaae Lathrraa Church <

Maple PI., Keypert R«v. Ilenry W, Kirehtr, Faster

On Sunday service* sire held at B:30, 8:45 anil 11 a.m. Church

Sunday School !r hold at d:45

ii.iu .• - ... ."• •' ' '

Lutheran Church oi Uie ■ ' Cood Shepherd

Routes 8 ami SIS Madison Township .

Rey. Ilarley :E. Meyer, Pastor

Family Bible hour Is held at M R a,m.' on Sunday and family vvorslup, 10:30 a.m. ’ : . .

Calvary Baptist Church 4U Middle Rd., Hazlet

Rev. George J. Elliott, Pastor

: On Sunday Bible' School for all ages will be held at 9:45 a.m. Morning service wil! be at 11

a.m. and evening gospel service

at 7 p .n. The Pastor will preach st twin services. .

Pruyer meeting is held on V.Yd nesdav evening at 8 p.m.

Kin* ol Kings Lutheran Church

Cherry Tree Farm Rd., Middletown

Rev. William A. Ilamon, Pastor

Sunday School: S. 35 a.m. to 10:M a.m. Cfturch Services S a.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Luther Memorial Evangelical Luihertn Chureh (Missouri Synod)

018 Tlnlon Ave., Shrewsbury Rev. Donald L. Biggs, Pnstor

Sunday Schor.l and Bible class­es meet, al 9 a.m.; morning ser­

vice, 10:30 a.m. The sermon top­

ic will be “Amuting."

Chuich Ol Our Saviour Fpi*cnj»:*! f.'hurrh

In Madi&on Townvhip Rev. Ilnl I, Meyers, Ylcur

Sunday Services, 8 nnd to a.m.

Holy Eucharist services tire betng

held ill till! t'hrcsc<|Uiike School

oil Kotlte 34, Miulisoti Toivnshiii.

St. Joseph's Chureh Maple PI., Keypnrt

Rev. Cornelius J. Kane, Pastor

Masses will be held Sunday morning nt li: 30, 7:30, 8:0(1 £»; -15,11 n.m, and 12: in p nv

I ’lrtrt Vri'Bbylerlmi Onirrh

R«u(o 31 nnd I'miiKlin SI.Mnlnwan

Rev. Chester A. (inllnvvfly, I’^stor

Tho R«v, Arihilialcl tlurk,

Associate 1‘Rstur

M(»rninj' worship snvicrs Sm.-

diiy iiir at 9' C. .md 11 'I hi-

Hcv. will prrai l) I fiemr.wi^r will hr I H* h,-\r

Al*out Human Sufforin}*.” H m uh

srhonl inn-is ;d ‘i: If) .mil II ,,.in.

rare is provlilril iluiini* hnili

Mi'vu’t'H for clwldrcn undfr tlircf- years of*«go.

Jifcuanaihr'it. Csmtf vaiive

■ R J. .

■ -■ " ' ' ■

Hf-v. Li^^fcntV’ JUvd.

" Bil>re Sdioti! .’.vill hf h t !J Sufl-

tT;iV. *'■ 5; '55 a.n;. will

vr, Out.'fy hi'' ihe IJ ii in. w-o(’.'hj'p. ' A?.

i»ic falsify hour Qt 7 n. m’ rj.t*

■ k‘ ’"Hi, N of

^ '' ”. The-pizJ.btf p’Lit;v«;v ho.>r

be hf')d Wecfr^ .^30'p,ro»'

. , Trhifiy i.huj'f-h O

W%6* Cflfjri M'fd ftjem Lwie • Matawa« .

Sew, CarrftU B: HbIS, Pa:wef UJntt Sundviy h(t€i TvinUy/

Mar »,-a and Hgly CctiijnuiU'on v?iii

. ba;nd4 ai; F*nn»y Jiuch- 'atht ncl irhurch sch04>l, {#.'30 A,mM* Holy 9;i».

Holy T'otnrounioa AviSl tv -c^k-

Friday X 3C ■ . Suttirdfiy;. thti F*{ .of - /.jjk<?

a d M , , u i 1 n ux,

wuir wt.f Wtdj!f:S(^ay;.iU 0 fi.mrV .

Crnc« Church5c. Jamc» Ave„ Uwob Btuch

Rev. H ..B ird jr.;

~ Sunday wixfih'tQ iy. ttf.-lO.'' ii,inr*,'

. iind Suijclay; Schr? f.:J at U\fe Ratr*€

/hour; wilh ku‘ all Hgte.

United ftlcihctiiNi Churrl*147 Sj., M^fniwan -

RtrVs IkwiaUi T: 1'hiflijnj

. • , Thffl )» •: World Or^Jer Sunday

ai'id-the .pnsior will p/each m ,. ‘‘Thia. 'Crowded;^ V/orWn at both

th# 9:50. and i l . a-m- ne rv im ' ;

llicrv will be musjc «nfl

- A nursery is provide Koj; infanta

and toddlors m the .church. I'.otif-e. :• »t both service,; Church, schwt

witb classes:, fnr /»H

rtUtnta :S;oO. n.Hl.J .T

. program' for clh’drets ihr«?t**to-

.niJJG . in ; ihe , rhurch house, ' H

- u ni;; Junior, nnrt' Scnjcr H%h -^U .M .Y .F iTn^M n^ 7; final..

rji^ht of. week of Missions in Mill-

town Umted Methodist Church, nx 7, J(* p.m. rhe Hev. Roy B. Sov

■ erancc of Wejuk*rson

. Jn Kentuclty ‘.vi)i be *-hf:

First Baptist Church - ;

* Mate und VV. Third Sfs. • -■

■ ■ ■ Ktypcrt : ........... !"■:. Kev. Euft«ne Or?gory, Fas for

.. .At 9:30 a.m. fhete will b*;;Sun-,

dny.School lor thrcugh

. 20;45 a.m., n\orniMg wor

«hip scrvice. A Malfed nursery ; la .provided, • . .

Baptist Youth Fellowship rnt^s

at 0 p.m., evening service?. 7 p.m.

and Young AduiLs meeting, 8:15

p.m. 1 : ' ; ' '

./ -Midvy^k prayer service is held Wednesday at 7:45 p.m.

. Jehovah’s Witnesses Keypqrt Congregation

Kingdom ilalU 53 Division Si.. Keyport

. A puMJc Bible talk entitled

;“Vqur Faith - How Far Dooh ft J^cach?“ Mil be given cy J. Myles at 9:30 5;induy. At

11.30 u.rn. Waichtovver Bible

((udy will be held. The subject

theme midor 'disrusston v,.ll U

WA ■_ Prophetic; Pattern For cur pay.”

Second Baptist Church : 205 Atlantic St.. K«*yi>ort Rev. Roland Hunter, Pastor

, Sunday School oonvtiu-s ht 9-30

a.m. with class for all a its

through aduUs, Morning worship is at J l a.m. with in«pimfion«*I

music by the senior choir under

the direction Mrs. Viola Hanks,

organist. Men’s Dny will be ob­

served at .MiO p.m. at ^vhich tt.rn'

the Rev. Wiiham Hutcheson, pas­tor emeritus'of >h< I’r,;,

Usi Church, Malawan, wilt be the

guest pre;jchcr. Mu^ic will !«■

provided by the combined choirs

of the host church. Dcacon Ar­

thur Bouldin is lh<»

Ilihle study class will be held

Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Prayi-r and praise meetings

are held Friday at 8 p.m. and Tuesday at 10 a.m.

SC. John's Methodkt Church

2M9 Florence Avenue, Hazlet

Rev. Norinan H. Riley, Pn&tor

Identical Sunday morning wor­ship services are held at 9:30 Had

11 a.m. The sermon title is "l.iv-

in# Constructively." Church

school and nursery also arc h»0d nt U:30 nnd II a.m. Adult Htble

Study is at 6;.10 p.m.; .Uininr, Senior and Jnf#T*vprj;ojr,

groups, f): 'IU p.n).

Bayvicw Preshylerian ( hurch W. Concourse & Greenwood Avp.

(llilfuimd Poach

Rev. Charles Mangold, I'ii.sior Sunday Sclmnl ph»-1s ;ii

a.m.; moniinp. wm -hip. 11 ,i m.,

.seriiuui fnpit, Three

Humlred." .Iimii i <M-;, S.uu-iv will nwi't at p.m.; .Srmm (M-;.

iitvu'fy. / i».m.

Midweek prar'e** Isheld at 8 p m. Wed'i»-i!.iv.

A jiuk-nw hi, r

A n N’- F.-flr/

ton itk’ieit/Vir

iiifc ‘iu.-.kl

t ‘nr n;ttre , died f\:r'rir:

hiStt-. 1ii iH; I*. ft jot:-tf. •-lini

’■‘Me., Tiiii‘ .Wa-? Sjt;

. jtifr* tii I! x. u,.a li.


!C‘i! Cfrii-

•i iiVfrt}

' MtSj' 'l.'h-aejair

‘Mrs. S/a?w;>!«! Cwiucr, of i i i J h, n Ave.,

't ik d 'M o K dav .' tkr* l i ;

' Kivci--.- vv " . •• '

Mrs.. O»\r,oi v ci.p . ii?

o(u! hud. lived t«. «.7 ««'

•*rt:a' for ihe. Ift ym i s. She •'

Iht 'widow t,:f *r}’Ji»nit?. (.-t'fi-

•jnftr.-' •’ V' " • ■" ’

•V/. A’. , r 'fi'/tjy , Kijjiihtjr;, . / « ( ;

-s.ra?idrh5idrc«- -«Rd sev^u A

gfH.Kjd*-:biain i*

• ; . ' fri. HKj.Vi5: 3

T ins T lm fsday M p .m . the

IJay/'Fua^rA'l - .Hvjji*.', iCr.v*«. r».

; Rev. V«p*-wC' P'eHiT, •

ot Sf, it^iry’s Onnch.Keypvrt. vviii qIUcUil* *tirj iii^.rr

Miiir*? will. be. {«. Fair YieV Oj/te-

t«ryt ,\5k1dlef»'y,*ij« ..




re >ind

h« huA


he Huriet

Kdueahoiii UKhn Dr.

- - -- M r^ FVfifllt;Arfe<rFiHhJ• . fji's,,- .P’rttficijB :Gv;Ar j/Hiim/v. _ #»0.

of 4i> i r ut t i a ^ l a /

. dltdr Mondtiy^'Otr, 3.3, lit •

- Kiv<tfVir*V • Htir’r'pJZxti ..V '

.l;;Mrs,;;Ai'ftCTitifiO; Wt>s ' »Vrf) Innr;d ^4td fiveij

.‘.Kay^lXtyi a .^ i. xijost of hfit*. 10 .; ';^ho, yqs, eoi .Tniijii\jaj»t of iii. •’!;^h^Thy • ' :K'i|ypi;j't;

;'jnemb’er of ii.s ' A(U/-'K«}aary' S&- •

; cfe,ty':'>?)d:‘*jf • the Tudif's An^ifia-

;:?y. fif/ li.a)ia/!-Ai})e;.ic;an,.nv,b. ' ■

Surviving ma jh^r n'iisDnnd; 'Krai’k;; Hvo son.vEwN,: st hame,

«iid Louis,, Keypnrt;t a d/,.

Mr«- Pasqual©. Dppth’j ^ . Mata-.

wan: thrt^ . brother,‘i, '.Pwqiwte,

Rn)ph:;and,' Victor ,-JPc.ptt ,a»jd

.thre* sisters, -.Mra. Paul ^ambito,

Mr^. S. J . Di5ardo ei;d Mi’s.

; Theudor^ WSjinlo, aif of : Mata-

wan, and four grandchildren. : .

F'unerpl services ar« bfime h^M •♦*.}» • 'rw ^fj.y a{ *:2Q

" from Uie Day; Funeral lloine,

Kf.vport, and a t-6 a . hljih

re<pi.“-ni )>ejn? offered'

: ai bt. Joseph’s C?nudi. Inter­

meat will be-in SL Josephs Ct'-


Mt». Paul M. Uuaz\k Mts». -Ros^ ,r>UJ«,ili, W). ot 8

Cupper.Lai>«,, Hazlet, died Mon-,

day,'; Oct. 13> :. y ^ - in liiv^rview ;-I;ioi;pital.'';v;';Xv^-.,--.'

. v;: KtHrjV.i!i;;N^^^

■ had lived lh*va ausuL j^nviaj> tn

UazJei J 2; years -ofcoiy . . ;

- V Surviving - • are; her husbivnd,

• Pijul'.'-M.; ' « son, .Ronald, a t ;home;' a d«iut»hter, ?4iw l-Vmla

r dl&o at home; t ‘,va ■ biothtvb, Jack Cohen, Forrest lawn. I,. 1,

and Abraham Cohen, New York,

-ar#d' two sWery, Mrs. Jean Co-,

puto and Mrs. Edilk B»rabande, both of New Vork.

Se/vices . wlH ba held this

Thursday at. 9 a.fb. In the John "W. Mehlenbetk FuneMi Hume,

Warlet Rabbi Henry M. Weiner

of Temple Shalom, Matawan,

wiU offieiote. Buriul w In ;

BetbEl Cemetery, We.Nf.vood,

John W. Ward

. John W, Ward, fi?, of 131 Mon-

TM>uth Ave., Pur). .Munmr-uth, died

Thursday, Ore. y, 3969, in his .

home alter a short'illness. . .Born in N'.’v ark, v.herr he. re-.

sided all his life before ow ing to Hiiri M''nmn\^h ‘17. yonvs li^n,

he was tho sou of the late John

Ward and Ada Van Ness Ward. ‘ He was a ret'ied, oiler lor P,

BaHamine and b'ona Brewery, Newark, where he was employ­

ed lor more than 30 years,

lie was a member of the BaJ--

jantine One-Quarter C e n t u r y

Club; Locsl 8*)i, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Deer

Bottlnrs nnd Warehousemen's Un­

ion, Nowark; ihe Middletown

Township Senior Citizens, and St.

Mcrv‘s Tf*;itn ? *"r!d2y Night

Monmouth County Catholic Bowl­ing I_<-iu;ue.

Surviving in the Immediate area is a sister, Mrs. Walter Rob­

erts, West Keansburg,

Funeral services wcr€ held

Monday nioinmp ;u the Scutt Fu­

neral Home, BPlford, with the

Rev. Howard Marshall, pnstor o!

Pelford United Methodist Church,

officiating. Interment was in For­

est Cireen Park Cemetery, Marl­boro.



■. ;Hc , w i

ihe .

70j?d. *aK

ployed for ’l'£ year*). Mt w^s «

'■■{orwsr tc iho Bi'otlier-

■^olhI vl W o/kers,' Ntvv

Yoik Wid Sl«rer. Tslfiod, ,

Ai th« rime of h»s .toth,.* Mr.

Fatjr ’.vu/ked . for

Tovn-sbip Koard

■ cu.r*^‘djttn. oi the

■JSYltWd. ■ ■ ; ■ ■ - ‘ ■'

. .Mr. s-;*;r um'j a ••vrvirr. c?

V j r E He wa.s a pa?f

c«fnnvii^d>-.!i of \re K«riUm Pcsv

■ 2J, ; i^g id n ., '‘-.Keypori,-:

..’i i id oi ’ho':>?;eph«rdf> of •

tiem, Sutftrn /ijand.' Me ii

comtnutticiWi; , of St. Mary>:

.CbonA, Nc'vy M^ninouth. , .He is 9'urvivfid by h*f? .'wjTeV.'

Mar?s ...(Colj^t!) t'iir; .

fiau^hier, Mis. iMarie Har»- seiij. Ma.klictowo;;. his ..inolbi*!;,,.

M /s. Mary Fair, Concordi. N- Y.;

werv« bromers. two slaLcrs and

;iwo granddiildrrm* ..A requiem mass offered

Monday morning In St. Mary's.

Church with' burial, -iiidor' ' the

. dire^iioji of !he. J<jhrj ,W% I ’Hefcei’

' Ktuierfll Home. Middietowfi. it)t- Sowing in Mt. ?>liveL v’ftmetery,

■ Mldd?cto*A'n. : .- V; ; ■ •': •' .­

Ft ftuk K. (jfctlath

. Frt,nk K. Cc.iach, &X; of W urchard Av#?,,© Harbor,

died S«turOity\ • (M . U, t5Hi9, In

IWUi bvaei HorJp:lal, Newark.

- Boru Uv Nt-v,iirk, Mj% Cierlach

had Jived ia tht bay&horo. area

for 25. ycRr;!,' hefnrt moving i,c* Mudisen Township hi* months

a;*o. He retired io Juiy tff,ter.:3P...

years as tuv (tssembkc with the

W( b/tctric , Corp., ,. : - NOWBliL : : ■: 5

.. Survivors include Ins wife. Mrs. Mary > (Vandetwade)..: . CerlGch,.:

three dabblers, Mrs. KareM H.

Weeks/Madi.sco, l\r^nship( ' Mrs. Virj.pnia Smith, 'TVck^rtori,' nnd

Mrs. >U»acy A. Brnuri, Mh.kilfs

tywn; i'.vu brothers.-'.Carl. ;aud /WHlter .Geilnch, fcK'fh of Union

Deach, and two ptrandchildrtn.

Funeral hervices wera held

Tuesday ftt l l ri.m. in iha ‘Bedle

X-iUi<ral ilouie, Keyport. Tn«

..Kev. Vjriccnt K. Pettit, rector of

St. Mary's Fpisc<jp®l .Chureh,

Keyport, . officiated. , Interment

wus in Fftlr View Cemetery, Mid-


Mis. Uowteitk KhNtUa Mrs. Jean t'ranjjo) D iNfttu, 7/5

Laurence Pkwv., laurence liar*

b .T, died Friday, Oct. 10,

irt South Ainboy Memorial Hos-


Kre was the widow of Dom*

Imek DiNeMa and was a member ■

of St. l.y\vienc.e‘a Churth,

tree Harbor. •

Su»vsvin£ are ft daughte r, Mrs.

Jean^sJo Old Bridge?; a

.-so’?, Thrjonn*;. Uni.'F-nco Harbor;

two M'jl.’ ra, Mrs. Rose PiiFqnak?,

.Sayrev.lin and Mis*. Theresa .

H jxoii, l.auienco Htarljnr, and

s»‘ven Virotbeis. Victor nad Jerry,

bolh ot J.auiencc Harbor, Felix,

Frank ;*sid Charlco, all t»f Eiiza-

boiht a u l Haiph und NliChHC),

b<‘Ui ol Roseilo Park.

Funeral .vrviccs were held &t

ft:-15 a.m. Tuesday nt the Skrockl

Mcmcrial Home. Perth Amboy,

loliowed by a Wgh inass of t»iq-

UM-ir; in y ft’vr-

ertte’s (')itjrch. Intelmenl was in

St. Gertrude's O irH le iy , Col-


Mr?*. Wttlixm Borger

M is Huth Horner, C5, cl 15 St.

John's PI > Keansbvirj;, d ied«

U idJy, O t j. II, 1%'), <it her lest-

d^rice n fler n stnklfn illness.

Mi*- «.;.•< horn mi lileo Htd>;e,

diJiijjbter of the late Thoma.s aitd

llelaia Sim fey Morn^.

She had lived in tln& du a over

25 ve.'irx. She was a rnemU-r ef

Full fitispel TaberJiaela

75 M a in StM K ey ^ ir t

Kev. Danny ( icn iile , PnMnr

Servii’cs u i l l be held Suml iy,

m eruiii/: u iu sh ip , 10:.10 il m iind

eveninj; si r\ ice. 7 p m.

Prayer tm f-M* •» w ill be held

Wedne.Mlay nt 7 p in.

St. Hvnvdiv»'s t 'hm e h

lb lliiMiv U tl.( Ifa lm d i l

MilSM'*; m e held S lttiiliy

15::m, V'.'tll, D.T i, It a.m i .

12:15 p.m , 7^:

The Advertising Managor of Tho Koyport

Weekly and Tha Matawan Journal will be in tho

Keypoit office thii week and next week from

5 - 5:30 P.M. and on Saliirflii,' from 9 A.Vi -

12 Noon to assisi you wilh ynir erlvptln'ti .

In order for political odvcitriinij to bt?

(ircpntalilf* to Th» Kc-,pcr{ Wer!;!)' ctu! 7!,c Matavvan Jottrnal, it must on poi.ilivr.'ly writlrn,

strossing endorsements, platforms ct qualifica­tions. Wo will not accnpl rvntd slinging accu­

sations or belittling fuJvtMliMMiU'nt?, vvhich n'lay be libelous lo us,

Ploiv;» keep in mind i'»i,il all pulifu-.ol ad-

vi', i:,:ng must bo paid foi in iirlvaticv.

t,.,- f.iril-ry in fo rm a tio n c.-ll ?!A 3C3C t„ J

ask (or ivi.s, h/)iirrtiy .


fi Li Other,

i mvrtii Be;vssr<«j •Mri; v Jif,' rt .p.m. ;s ill (nt. i‘Vfi. .5<VV.

j-*f, p;u?or of.JheUl.vt Chhreh; K ^ i^ r


• <.i« •WCidii.y lit: IL

.. . IVJrv At*bur t- Peij«*

Mrs... Judida . H. Ptu«e; ?*,. of.-,

lit#. Su, Co!ti» K't'vlk, wl>!> jiviidt'?u,\}iq vViU;s

: 0 ‘d. ^ n u ^ r 7ov : rnor.e ih«n 23 y^ars. d<ed Friday, O o t 1 0 / •

..}».--.Riverview.-'HvspitsJ.-. . . ' ; ; ' •

SKe. w«s iwrn.'in; diAa>/hl.t-r of

Ab'-it- C lover > /nVMi-.-jj'.uM,-?*!

./her JiP;: iis F.afdj'fMc^Tk Sl'C.^vcv*.

-wii.lo Colts Neck ;»hu*';>vear3'’v',il-o/

■;&ii©;.-,v<LS •{>»'• WMJc.w - I?f-'Ar.thmJ'.E;''-

. 1‘eUve. ' ■; ,

. Nr*j. .F\:iUt was a Tutiftber u!,. the Siwnford ini • Methodist”

Church, . .(in liBhioM-n, and. wns u PaiL SlattJ. .^res’rienf u;: the' KurnS,

ixiler C'dirr5«rK Anx'diaiyv ?h»i re­tired from teuchinR i?> ]:<>). - ,

Shfl w«fl a well-k»xown t»oneah>>iOSl \vh«i*.A

Monmouth County - p r io r - t h e

-Revo)utionary•’Woe. She was

member tyf th<* TranLes llopksn- 4>jn Chapter. : CJafij-'hl.ers ».*/ the

Ain»'V‘i*_*pr» J?5voJi>5JOn, WC tl'lQ

Cot;*.'? n*.tk ttiMu:iit.'UJ it;e;cty, :

. Surviving are; u daughter In

*r ’ ’ t < ,■xji: ■ Sa>‘U.:j I '£:;.'< ch yrni i he

K>v. Shir.ijv f,* p'.-'.or> T f.iir f ^ R - N^ck

. v •*, m»erm*-nr

•-v;;?: ni ij«d Cv^rH’rv.

Det. 22Al Sl. Joiitl^! '

' y b r ;.Sr, .Ic-h R . 1'r,:!f j j/'uir-ch. .Hn*‘<:L.ha*/*: ba.Kiuet ir> bintor I'iiwfr vyh»v.^ork”

■.Oil >.K»> Visneii;^ lyr' J

cojnTiiii^j^s,. Pr.i;!<u/dy /here ha1.■ »m>rt ’ haiUOi} aciuit leadeis vtork-

Uic .f;hin-cb .Kchoo*. riiiti’ m--• JslCvJ. jL.s'.h ‘ua«,,tjfi/.aricuiv.. ;; •

The aiifniai banquet fclicd: ’

viled t'OT.-ysonesday ai ?.p.n*

/.speaker wiii: I t : J^hnfcvY»{-:£.,- TfOmon. . '/' " 1 • /.' •

T h t / I i i . in chtjr^e. of ■

Rtfhi-'t; !■ i';„ .c-fcau os.-.n , of1

Cf‘m;ni5s’,on. on. E du« ja li^ and

■;'R;t:haitJ ZiTrcfirji i#v cbiii.i ' wpfTinb/ndenl. ■.■■// ,••

l.-Tt ,

the "*:) - : t . . . »

of Vt rf

p \vit. li,^. is o

f<h y

;u• occwiiejn.. vf ‘ik-Vcn -*s - ?.ne

•Jr.s, "Wh.5f“':

o5r:roj> >

JideiH a i ihii Cove Kd,

>!?■?>{; Steven' w ri..«?p«

i r i n ' - ' I i t U w "

. Fijp .W .tntr roftti)»J|.-Ar«d

• tt-wfv««V:i‘ .*./? ihr. Mrjnmtj'iin' Diiy..' i.-iio;p Sw,/n»;v.r'-,ir-.Tfc3m:-

• r- f'.'-'id Mis. ' Hero'ifln-.' AUcii ,',

-. barfv, K‘.'S<;fi'-a.v^^lv'

Lui^s i.on>/‘ iieachf.KV.; •-

'. 'W i/ ih p , ><;?:vices, nf,:wc-If^rv.S!au;''-.

' vejt's w-'inrv,' a/»d. broiji*r,; ■

- ' -v / ' - ’ "i '.■■■/.. /fv.vvices, w/7! bejiju a t n t ^ a . w . -

: a t • Terr?ple. -Shyh'rt-,-. A rec^piioft’ ’

in.honoi; yf ■ SLfcrtttif:.’s- _.

W‘il b« hrtd on, Octi, ‘iifi,

a t S.i'iflduv*h:-:Ouk; . , .../. -

H a l lo w e e n P a r ty ; ^

Socifiv Cif::K8V*‘‘"i>:

" .ieVv Prt‘shy(ei-iH’a Church,

- ‘A’tM i; UefecSi, .Vriil. hold ’tft j.ifl/kv-;-/'

’ween party on • f ‘rt-’Tfty, O f-f --''24 .-

T~*,'n\ ..T/’fO. \.fj. p ,’T\; ; w rU b V ^

v4Vnurci b a P a rtictpir^ts x i r w

QLic&ed io comg x«a^keci; • ■ . ’ ) :

Ross W. Maghan AgencyM a t i u l F u m l i

IWe, Aut# and Kon»««wner PoKdet" SAf=eeo

MATAWAN 138 Main SL 566-0003

Secsl nsurants

» » » a new Investors account

'■AW,%irYou Gel Interest

From Day of Deposit

to Day of Withdrawal

m m

N^ W y o u Ctin opt'M j ;iow INVFv'.'TOR^ P A S ^ 'P O O K

VMtil « c b ‘j x i c.'t o t '} I , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . Y e n ( . in o id tn y u m

ik»pe*H:-i o f oi dy 5' i ■ >

tU 'i ’Cojit. to i l ,w </f w its .

(iu<u lo r . V u t! in n A- > (k u rjii. ii U .t v, i< nt. f j.-

»y». O l yr*AJ > i!ti n i.ti-

, . . w ith o u t l i v s n i i u V.MI r.u -U :. p>. .

t l o th<! o f yoL ii i -.1

n o w , im p io v u '.) SrjVL.


t h u

'Yotj ►•ol i*'t

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a.'..u id w ith «jHdit;on,-»!

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r-f i.if'iy

Ir-pf'S it fo i r *0

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•Ko (

t i nny of o u r ! *•* <.>ff i'

>(jf\ \ VIr A■! /i /alaa-H I' ■

... -y* /w J

?!ikj opun a


CENTML JERSEY BANK/ \ N D T ' V i V J . S T O O l V i r ^ X T s T V "

A lb r i . i r s t * A l i i i t n w n • U i , j i ! l i * v H f> ,i< h • 1-. «>! ( >i 11 '-1 W it

l nNr^nj::(Jalo r t . M o n m o u th • F ic i-hobl (?) • I--r» tu^icl Twp.

Loot* Br iiiK.h (2) • M,»Htic^ro * M aU iW an • N ifpU jni) City

W u in n o n * K m D r in h t * S h io w * ib u iy • S p n n i ; LuU«* Moittht**

wt w i'i n rt i i h a i ‘ jip v y .tr m y 'ju A u r n c o I ’ IA 'Hai ton

bsnsfey,' Ocl ;4»s-j -15. !9c$ THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, M J. Pago N.f.sSi

m h im ? :N ? a s o g . ■ . •-

C l t i l i IP k m s Y e w ;

■' 5®>hvs!■•' ': ktek:tofr jtf;Jn‘i s/kepi!g ov iljsv ■■ ;araftos>- -tee.- te«=j- *-»

Utas'Kst®** Awjef*®!.';** .. , Aim?',.' ■ ■'■: -i' T i n : . H i e , ' . y s M V i v K

41) P- V (I -1' >h- \Mli' rulhl)ii! Ir'i < ‘ i m '! i i II ! * «

Wciwiru.ff.. Mr"*. :P8«)- ■ aed;• • : iw ;t0 (> i" i.3 . iiitli-WPSV »■ s' ?' nr ivftl btys

-■ Mrs.,>W »r V< + r Ar ii via

Ji.vt-j M . ' r -i r t \ir-

Vilh J i vt XMVKtt.

' THe «?>!( W heft!’34).-. 2 et the hme r.f Mrs,

•SatkBoi?,. 1

J M i r d :'M t . V e i n h e r g

S« ANt?'.;c'K.rMW •

f> *£a«9* MENAU


Roao (At RK) Kutel:.»Sf.v>»t ^ 25 23li ■'----

■ Tilunlt.ljar J'tfdp.fl ^SrvnKW R.;• Ksypt-1 J U • ijf._ JosJ?.'

v-i'Sv-;; hc*j n» Uv:fc»i jfew F>yv -*>1 *‘iSr' ■•; . . •■■. . .• -

' ^ to iftfl tvcspisl ci.s-vis . /if 't.we driywEV/fcM ■ :fp ing (Ui. an iii'ddtj!! t'WHffet*-.July *;'siey, ;

->>rtdiftV, -«*h u»Ui Utfc? th*-ny ?»?r»y,n -L'jlKrH, v £

Biondiv v. hf*yf>or*. itiaf Id­. kx-Ji' car was mv ih ^ .

G onurt?fa: Arajyxws.njwU. I N 4 t>r.f \*i lbt.'urnj oo

' Mjap'fr Pi, came. ihfpugh a..sM'-p

wikI -‘.mi? i«Jn........., I, i'.arf. ,'tNy-o.. •;

sics y iu . rr car. Uaj.rdf;R* i . Uufia, ^ Too|f? Ayt:r ' riu/itt. ivirs Afwgnoft*opyl w. 5

.•'transpiw U‘-J hy Kryf^H ?irw;A;d a^uadtoRivvxvitAvHw

ia jU fy , :iiAd:;

Jien kub px*>t‘r rij?•V -\p J.amcKJ^rb^j^^r^Viuor or.; a ^ • j'lynt Mt tK»» cot^rrrf* Bf*. d '•t m l 4t , t ( I ' , rc

•\ttcrted he ka>t s jjinte p'fiv ^.n-

'•; i$&w twty;xm; yetrtn .^Ujs vviuit « . whoad • Grotto#-- c*u!.v*i s>»t{»

f!ncO $ifl and ty ,. • iYamcti..: C; •, Haggcrtv, WS Pros-

ptfct ■ Ave.f - Union Wetsfor- gum*

tho wiung way lo a onfr-wtvy la at i*n Route » Settf. 26 at 12 29

a.m., causing an accident. Mr.

Ha.#ig^rty’s car ran .head on Into

kkc operated by E+.r»>arO Cww-

. #?nr> ■'• ii^Mwnrul n*'., ^ 22.'?*,

tviminjs- -hi U)# oppQSite di icctlon.

&<<:-*',T AV

f f 1 V-l <uy.1 i-J«-lH-.

r«;/,; ■

tu Pt5'

• vvMth- 4i-

i'M nsiti





• WP '• TOE

' • a c ro b a t ic ;

• JAZZ ;



IFrom Ag« 3)

1 ■ ; •


_ •





’65 Mercury

Corrib Village! SUlion Wagon. . Y*8, Aulo. Trons., P,5., .

; R.H., Gold.

$1295 /


*69 Lincoln

MfttV-Ilt 6 r««n, FuH Poweir,

A Rol Bpaufy.


‘t t OLDSMOBILE Vl.ta Cruiwr, Cuatom 3'S»«* Sullon Wftgon. V-8, Auto. Tram., P.S., Silver Qluc.


*&fi CHEVROLET Caprlc* 3-S»af WA^oft. V*S. jAu*o» Tt&M., P.S., 6 r«en.

’67 Corvette


Wi l Pioi Top.

'67 PlYMOUTH Dnrr«cu»4« 2 Doct Hardtop. V-l, Auto. Tr*nj„ P.S., Sold. .


*69 FONTIAC T«mp«t(-2 Door Hardtop, V>9, Auto. Tr«n>. Yellow with BUck Ylnyl Top Mid!n1«r|or,


•M PLYMOUTH Futy 111. 4 Doer Hardlop, V l, A«to. Tr*t»»., P.S., Mr Cortd. Vilv«r Gr«y wHH Vinyl

1 fop.


48 CHRYSLER Now Yorfcer A Door Hardtop. FuH Power, Air Cond., *Vk*ta with Rtd Irttrlc? andBlflck Vinyl Top


69 CHRVSLtR Mow Yo.l.t 7 Dour Hardtop. Full Powor, Air Cond,, Yollow with Black Vinyl Interior end Whit« Vinyl Top,


‘f>9 MUSTANG ? Pnnr Hriidtop, V-8, /.ule. Tfftoi., P,S., Al: Cond. lifuo will) Black Vinyl Top.



•a OLDSMOBllE " f t" Lu.or, Sedan. Full Power, Air Cond, Gold wHh DUcfc Vinyl Top.


*67 BUICK Rivt«r« Sport Coup*. Full Pow«r, Air Cond., M«re«n wH4i WhiU Vinyl Interior end Top,*


•47 PLYMOUTH Fury III 4 Dcor Hwdtrp. V-f, Auto. Tranr* P.S, White with Rtod Interior,

. $1995

'67 PONTIAC Firebird, Hardtop, 6 Cyl., Auto. Trans. MArrccn with WhH« Vinyl Intnait.


'&7 KORD Tl.und^rbifd. A Poor l«nddu. Iii'l Pcv, fr, Air Ojnd., Green wiih Btatk Vinyl *1 op-


'67 PONTIAC Fi,-t,irr) H^rdlnp. V*8, 4 SpuorJ, Yrllow with DUck Top.


'67 MERCURY Cougai V-6, Aulo..

Powor Steering, Air Cond i White.


'67 OLDSMOBILE "FtS" Cutl.«i Supreme Sport Coup©. V.6, Autr. Tr*n»., P.S., A'*r Cond., SiWer Groy-


'61 OLDSMOBILE Dtlmont "88 '.

•125, 4 Do(.r Hardtop. P.S., Air

Cond., ltirquo‘j« wHh White Vir.yl



'47 CADILLAC $.d„n DeVilU. full Power, Air Cond. Tuiqeoiie with Black Vinyl Top.


*67 8UICK Wilde* 4 Doer H.rd-

top. Full Powor, Air Cond.. White

with 31ack Vinyl Interior and Top.


'46 RAMBLER Ambaiiftdcr DPL.

2 Do or Hardtop. V-B, Auto. Trent.,

P.5., Air Cond., Power Wlndowi,

BUtV and White,


'66 LINCOLN Continental 4 Poor

Sr;d<in. Full Power, Air Ccnd., BIacI

with Black Vinyl Top *nd Briyrc In-



•fcfc POSIIAC Crtirflin-* 4 Dcor

W<gi<n. V-8, Aulo. P.S., Aii

Cond., Roof Rncli,


'65 CADILLAC C. rn D. v,ll„. r.ill

Powor, Air Co'ut , IMntl; wi(h Wtjlc

Vinyl Top.


T'«> S « r v « y 'F o r .

i.ftivl E a r o l l k g

■ A ^ s . . t

.'it t?’,t Je'.Vfh'i fs'V:!

t;f‘ Ul }.>5i:r- rt'r'a

r\h fl'a ur'-.'y fibs.- ;.■ ' . ; - /.Tw&: !*'rc»ftjs ' Mr.- l{iigg<riy ^raiUt:’frta.:? Hci/cit E;;}Ji?;.s i'n wm* rXi- v

ir, toke *>n y> to tjnifjp Hvi?<}nJ* JKr* •'■“>')•»•.:}{». ^ iiy . He -'.iv

d a r tt l he h^wi hU tvir to

Uv f-0 aynid- 11'iSv/;ri v-h:-'.'i 'he.'

C o^ i’Vjno tar. caina•"around" «Oj: 5\uw> sa.iti .‘.vi V;:1

so hJttn baok by h*

r;yoid; not if<lP »» thnt?. •

’ ' W f Tli^n;iF>f ■Z# Afpir.e" •

V/ay,.; . ran in!;: ■

live eta r o f the fciasvdiuK. cat o£

'■Terry Ci- Wi! • is ms, •f'fitnillng at E * 'f 117.'' vv«iting to

lo/t -s.t1 •..(■Iiitic • Sr. - I ’atyoltr«ai) i‘toliiari'did v-W>-t • -r - " ^ ’ S.

iT|jo/pa^. was '. $5 ;

C05l4,j o f o -F- KryiskU; U ‘jiOM City.

= w/is rh o rg ^ l Car­

roll. K*>vpo.rt,' Po’ ire. w»tli

nmkuu’ yi) u n w N > o f lar'C^'

whcrv RwU'Si -15 u‘id 3fi co,n)e eclhor. '11ns c s u s t l 3.0 accWe^H.;

■jn-Spt-. : v •; - CiU'l*j Bto ri St.;

Kt.ypoili was . . f. (»nv>."'pluipl; of rnu<mf :j S.yi'Um’

; Dr,;«.i)t r n.iiVkjv. at :

: Octt, 6. J i/rs-

• nue Lee - pa ilcy ,: Freehold, wms

'aftntfiuc^d io 80 days in liu* coun-

'.Ly iuU - fur u c rm c^ :

lodged by Mary. F , i4

*^Vavi3t'!y St.; .kfcypv*r(,. T iicde? ,7w<SA!i( .v a s . c leaied on a couul

of making threats.• : P l’vy,.; H-tor;tt>vv;»,WTiS

c?«ateil-of (''onifiUoitv in u. r ln t j i. *rHid-whi«fclt k'Ok p j a c c s house,

: tm Brook Ave. ‘JepL 2t). •• \ ,• .

James Groentv AMH«ry Parfe, was dmfj’.rvV in covincvtion with

a coroplattil uf toigety and

a l the Keypori, iir<>>>cK of Shadow

Lav/n Savings:St Loan. This case

w})) b# )»e«r(^ bo/ore the G ran d .

•Juiy, ■■: .• . • . . s ■ W;i IUt Ro h ^ B tera S t ,

Kfyporlt- was'biqughi: m by Pa­

trolman Howard Ruth on en ex*

pi red driver s couuk, Evelyn Ebl-

«rfj- Kvutfe [, MatiiWdJi, vw.»0 ^ 0

■ and $5 cost$ or> a;spt*€di«g..tickcf.

.^rs-t/y ■

:1 bij

f/1 i.hi- Bvr:r,/i.{ ol £' {'. iii j t--

JjVj -'-VfVrt- i;.i’ Qa:{. tjCA'.'OnV

:nfc (9'Joi'j* O.; LViic-ct re i iht- -5ur^a.u’.'j aiiKvi-f-*l: tl*-# «.t<r.? Jf>J!»il._ •

l.otai w>IJ he part

< f a i ade an-x.v&ily t«j rin'.-u^yct fne sd\oo( and

coUeriy'e jvpUiCiiio - A Jiiwi r-.sur-- -' v^y. i,s O t if ‘ij<;-r rota?

vv.zvAlfriCrA tf; t,»t iniHfoT.'pfrr* 'miUimv In eJtmvjyUify

f.chtxti .i'i.. I m iliwn in roctinci^iy

whin)l, ^.3 n?ii!wa >n, MJndefg*’r»';:

rt:.n; i»j; uurs^y.svtKXrt:;f*R*l

S.S /■• v .’ ; '.;v .

lhe. ‘jui'vi'v >vUl Wvnnt c. \vilh • n ioM hW : -nalJflnat survey ; o f ,

cfMpl<,*yrntiht. djui »>;uempli:*y)fncnt

f(>r ‘.tht*- Uy»;<;HU. SliM*?-'1

n?. ?>- of.

whHAb«.lurn^tH s; a ; basic ,

nKii^ure of nrU'on**! won;»unK

-bt.'oH/i; 1 - •■•' ' - '. • • ' ■■■•■■1:; :

InfciTijat.'on ‘fi. .Bl’XCiiU-JvurV{j.y:: v^i't W ‘sd Oi>

ly ir. slarisucal iOAAls.

aiMl facts person, and..

f a r t ? < l y -.;kept- cat*ficl«nuaJ by

hwiiitervievv'i-rs w ho w ill

h.o if^(to ld^ m th i» «?<-•& a rc : M rs .

Jari?. A. . OukUmd Mitts .3d . f n-3, Fre»:ho!d; Mrs, "EUilh" M. t‘,Vicksoii.. :W. Ca<Ji;)oc Or.,;

!T om » R ive r ; M tn An!r*,» M , Ruci»,

W S'incknty Kd., Red Bank.

TEH EYCK iO M S O H , Ik .. , t*T. i?3« . ■' ' - • '

, ■■■ ~AUT P ioSzED ■

: 2 ENITH SALES '4k SERV.ICE.-; -- Ma y t a g ' ^ h o o ver gjbso-N :


■ ■ ' '566-S600 -.- "

283 UPPER MAIN [Nwr Hwy- 34) MATAWAN

: ■ ro- •••■


Ciuai-mfi.vd Hudial'Ur Proteci jo<7 means I've ch ck - your cisi's cof/»i»g system &iid iny.sASIt'd erj-ov’J's'n ATLAS FfcRMA- tSUARD Aj>ti Frw/.t lo gW«i you, th« )ev'ci of Vjr-C'LctfOH you six .i/ied, und

V i t y :JH )U e 6 you fo FREE R E F I L L S if npAjidHtfright-\'P: ic <W.J. TJav Y<jo don’t have to come bark to me- Voti..' will be prpsenud' a card thi*t will l>e. h«iio*ed by ariy 'BOdard Oil )>aicr who offcia GviarRi»U<*d Kbdialoi Pio* W‘U.(o/i-SccvfvAJ,v... -. ' ■'

-per r iilcf* implied , ;

With Gu»ranie«d !?iidia<wOKi.Y 3 3 0

(ELLA 'S American

H W Y. 34 566-9773







BELF0RD 787-4954

$BILL LANZAROS^Autlioriicd Dcalor •■ Chrysler Motors Corp.

566 2224




eovr. trWccitD imported srsi.'Jo iambi frozen . I

LAMB C H O P S ...7 9 c |

I b . ­

. . . . . . . ., ib. 32®

MS ■ . I ' LOW ■■■■,-

89f | 99f

TWO FOR THE MONEY AT ACME ILow Prices plus S&H Stamp* ■


■ Knii •" ’• _ARoa$(utj( Chickens., , * .3 9UM.*4,»*MA»,n , ■ ' , ' ■' - ..

, AfWN»n,t*ouy*uj«. _Lmch Meal« . . . . 2 i i t 8 9 c

WJ‘?t CW'».CaUfofnl* (i« ih ... , . k 88vwwni iw r *IttfA rm Slcah.., *,. *. cva»u*/» rw* icsi . .PorkClMpt .,..,..^ t 7 9 c

AS50RTECV ftAVOR-SAVC 32« ‘ .Swi(tSaU6«K«........

<.*¥JC>5California Roast


79’1-W 'A M * 'Btil ArmRoaii ...« .t 8a

V«*l Cub* Stcxh . iP.'CAMH MA"(>AUBe«f Frank* . . . ;-79*


siicrt- io cwuuu CHICKEM ROLL toil,.UWU - Virginia ro C*WI -A nm kM €Ihm4« - -, k 79 '

6 9 c

. v>». 7 9 '

HFCmiNKS I.VATti COUPON ' . - “* ____

DDE KTER6HTWntt coufon ___


K L MONTE CORN* 4c OM (Abll __









R E C O R D S ^


S E L E C T IO N S ! - ^ -



: ALBtlMS"".I thru 10

• E ' V . i i b . .•=. onty 1M



« l y j 1 . 4 9 ^....... .

^S c i


«>Ul MldMH *J |».i0 w »««• (ri*

0 . FRUITS i VEGETABLESlM»»itkknfc*.c«'l >trt

L C H C t H ’. 11 i C 5111.C WcWtto 01M.49 l>.

tm 'M i i* VAT TO »*»» . QUAUTV WITH LOW, LOW tUCiV

f run« Julc#.......................”* 35*


Ideal Gr«cn .VOW ;C*« *»<<<td«« l Ctfttup .............

RUh: C u i r d ...........

lo w LOW m e t rtATUMSI t<;i p. jfMfir 'Aii rio Criam Ch;«M t J ,r,ni/iN ik l*t«CornCM IIIHorn A Hardarl . *

Panr^h* Flour ». •i i -i* »i*f- r(TC2B3R5 .

iow . tow rtuct M K ia r h a w m s .

ApnU P I* . ........................* 4 8

Filled Donuti


" ............ !T. 3 9 ' |S. - ... . rn rm-'-msr

Ftllfd D o n u t i................... .v** 39*

HAM ft


50UTS* SIH S e

ITAMFt g Cw>M K«Mt




-VS.V ’ ( W > .

S i}■:•3C2



30u m iiH i


- . . .W

" “ l i p?



f*U* ..m,r '1. i: ,;CHS

ronmiiil‘M.. ...... ...*:<89c

Head & Shoulders.....: sr

iii f ir (A»rt■U'5!15

Glccm Toothptisto , -■63c




.vi.vvK:tiimtU'.;iv-n(tt&:UK( _ _ _


Qfi ExmuH O U BTflMPl

0rt>|. I * 1>VUMA)IH SIAMP



(i:! V.t ■:U; M

l i

V/f. N l h i l M U 5 .0 A.

TOOL) b I/-.Ml' C O U l’U N 'i







MATAWANRts. 34 arid Cambridge Dr.

Malm Dei Oefeats CM ■ Trophy Awards In Strathmore Softba: i^iuLyf: l-'A - sui uimi-*: '

pu;:; Silt ..fci.-Ly. ';■,:-v; O:1.

Pjiipi Ciillj). ril th-H .iviliiil-£vfi J i I - Ml---)1. ' n*.- -itv ■

,;i*as Sii t(i l.?:V I.-,ft.;, iui,;. C'Atii 8.»«

:#/-i3rile.’ vomji-SfcaM; ' t # i » *f.' pl > v r i G r : ‘ i>iv-

' /Vtaiisiy

5;f^t/'ibd.fttorfte^;'> Ste''.Cea8r.-' pitljje nao-«>34 la.Trtmoii Central

., tw.d Sayr^v.Ufe- ;; y’/ :.;y;. . •

■'■;' Tiifi.'V-t'tig*!!}’'apowsd t^eir.'pV? sxp';iU;iQ ; !,hr- -

by- iM.f'M- ■'

.’ i;he o;M;r::u;5: md:;,'Tf.:er.5' Uji’fejf'- t 'jfeco t"': time:"

up on ih«i r tuvp ,; ra Hiw.\

:..Xi:ty u i«4 /iti^ i^A fiiio tJey tiie lrv . rurthfag f«ur .'.i? ’two. iioe pljys,

ao 1 (pi'c. '■iii«t n* « i 'ii ')>■,' a ,-

’ K&> V-Aiagach,;. •'"tfiH r' oua rkertMisjk. ‘ w . pa.«,‘ . ao J .

Faul (oithrew lhe-:. .iidKer for a l^yatsl -.loss,-. George..

Hsves.. punted ..them, out ot.- u»u».

,'TbjejLt.; t har - _W: -.tfw;if m A 43.;.'

v te ttack ;.'go t: Shv^vSerfianaAV'jliins;;

'JSvitli j f t f f ( iir '.S jii Vtin^-pjay, jo ir ; **ven yard'., lor;! Mrtirlda •

'w iShc-d !hVou;.?it. fo: iiihe y;.u'd,

,6 ' Mater- Det tirst .down on th?

A'.^hajiyoaiiii'ii -p»A :

defensive i)ia.v .by.:fli|l Cui>i[»K'liu’,:

soil .McBritle seemed to have th*- Sc<eph? SiMfC'tHu'; Cheekton then

fussed oat to Crosbio on . *

Jnferal aiKl-lt <M» gflod for fight- ftysrdu, Checktw got to the !S witlv;

finches to go ' on-, fourth ttown, lhe

Seraphs »ur|>ilsed llie defenders

w ill a lateral passout. but It lust':

; nutdi' tlie first down at the 14.

Mull** Firat Carry

- Albe (liett nmt!« his first carry’-;

: of the dav, spearing to tha 10.'

.McBride charged right through

> (m w <m » -delayed' Jtamttofl- twr-V tlie touchdown. Clietkton ran tha :

■peirt Mrjtpr l)«*i M ft-fi .

" Cedar RMge: could da nothing

' after the 1 ensuing ^kickoff and;

punted to the Mater Del 40. They

suddenly »hi»w«d, . » defensive;

ffcading of Mater Pei plays

*9 Hr*t-..they: threw McBrlje for

• loss oiv the f la y e d buck and'

then .smeared Crwbie fox one, a

repeat oj the Seraph's lateral play, And, wtien ChecUton w“nt

back to ’p au . GSeifPetersoit wai

.in to recover a lumbla to the

Mater Dei ,20.'

:....This'first scahrig chance ’fnr thc;

.Cougars, tvuwid - up. in Uii ii'.U-c- ception at th e ,Mater Del 8 alter ,

they had tried (ine;: pass and :»;:/

. croisflald run: by Motlay.. • . .:,

Mater; Del misled & first down'

at their ownU^.by fl'y»rd, then had to punt. McBride sent It to the Cedar Hidge 44, bu; a t^-y ud

penalty on Mater Dei for illegal

two,of hands .bwwiiht It forward

io the Seraphs 41. :- Cedar : Rld>;e then delighted .

Iheif followerS liy.moviiiK through

. »lx plays to a touchdwn early

In. the second quarter. Chatiey Motley 'bi’ckect for fmir yards.

•.th«n Tom Maher whizxed sround

...«nd for a first down at the liijht.Blue and White's 3i)-yarcl atripo..

A '15’yard .penalty for iaco mask,

on Mater Dei moved tho ball for­

ward to thu 15. Mnher was stop­

ped on a- sweep, play, but Als--

• pach passed twice pui tp John

6carpadl and pur the ball at tha

6 . Maher then ran wide and Rot

ir.i-i, l!'. tn;i » : c tM sr.o tom. h. 'T1: ‘... :';;vport'd biit {be h.■:.'ij :>t-n i’,". v'.;"-? r:';.'''. n /,.

ers'.wts^wjre Ri;< !!''<■(;! bef-m ok i t-ji <urr/::d di.'cii.-.vely

' ih’ in A L'i.t;..j.Jut .-..'U'. U*V

"tsmaiitK.lticitpIf was.'foteri'ijpltja ■by MoM'-y The Cnujjars seerppii

!/_> jiav* pjfjnji'i'iUiffi.'.A sl'jw.nfieid

■ 'ptjMti by liui'w:*, }u*.( i-aa J .1 !.l . ,la?7 ? . hy % R:d'„'?.

Tticeiver ivr.o nad ». c.n'ur

ahiaJ.-of. :hjm lo •*;' his /ori £0(i. ’l’Ms dropsw," i.'-.:

was. 'ths-fish wafer lisarh ol ikti Cc-tl^ar elhiii. ’fi-vy isad duM .

,;to. j.iiidfiey.: Oii liie fust '-Mater

■ I>t.:i:.-ipfti from i'i-nt' c»*ir..f., Mc­

Bride t>roke;,t>fi 4ackk’ md v/vnt

'-47,; ard»'t'.>r:'ebi|- score io ow. ibis.., SQtaph'j in cpmnsand, A. two.pojrif:

’■'cein'vefsPiii' thc-rj fiitnii! it iS-*f, ' v

: .Tv/o ir\ii‘ii:ik‘s Liter. !t v.hs all

o.vqr, Ccita r Ridg? .f,Ot %- tirst,

diiWt^ ia midlicU i)n: a pais.-Inteev; i;ierejiCfcRljin!;; Hayt-'* sert Juliii

passes doivniicld'lwt. wwe o? cbern ..Wefa. caught. Ke the-i p‘.iji!,•:£< 1 -.. tc.

the Mater Dei 16 and it was: run oni. to tfn; 27.’ Ctd3'.r HiiljJti

far tw . pfeys; Ma'ler: iX-i. thwi w^nL to the iatcra! again, huh ibe

t>a I! hit th*. ground and bounced

imo lilt; hands oi McUrldc The

Cedar Ridge; defenders apparent­

ly felt it was an incompletifil {«vis

and -did not: irtoye,' McBridij. sud-.

dBnly raced awiiy-and had enough--.-

headway; to: m»k» th« «S yardn..

fur the touchdown that put the,

(janie out. o! the .reach, of th«

Cougars. ChecKton made the prmus. ■ ■ ■■ - . , ■ .

: That ended the senrhw. Cedar

Uidije belter niantered the Mater Oei offensive techniuqes in the

second halt and repulsed a l l .

drives, even though not ub!«- to

ir.nmir a telling threat theimelvei.

1 . -■ . .;. ,'. aTATJanc# -. . .-. U ll t l D ll ; t t i j r Bidgn

■ 3 ■ - . *r.r«» $17S'"" fushii;^ 1 ' ■'M. •: ..i'"V/*rtl* p^mn# ' ':■••' *■a«| 1 •■■'■'■ . J'unts' 8-f;4a-KVl ■ P*+se» 8-121 Jo-jf V-39 >. ; . Return yarriiitf* • W.125 : Ykv<$& ]>9»al;r,e<l; & .

S w e e p s t a k eM. •

T o O s c a r

Three Teams Tie For First l ’lace

Three teams are bunched In • first place tie in the Atrport Tla-

W Commercial Bowling League, v

lfatlet/'.vriih. rnctwds of . W J,

M.T.T.Mason,: Alrjwit Bar aiut .

•Liquors and T eam 12 Pcttlnatu,

.. Closely." trailing the . -,•, league

leader* ona game off the pace

ara Dearborn 'fru it Farm* and

Coast Inn with won and loss tec-

ords of 18-0.

Nick Yandoll Of Airport;. Bar and Liquors and Robert McCar­

thy oi Holiday Inn were the only

two bowlers to top th* 600 series

mark. Yandoli hit guinea of 212-

208-I9D for a CIS serifs and .Mc­Carthy had: score? of 189-201-222

for a 612 series. . ■' ' ■;<:High games were rolled hy

.Tom ' Jiiin ta, of Colony.'Inn.: 245.

and Frank .-.Schwartz'- of -Tom's

Ford, 226. ' v . : .... ; .

869 Books CirculatedThe October, meeting of the

Board of Trustees of the Free

Public Library of Madison Town­

ship in Laurenra linrbor was held Monday. Mn. Lawrence Hol­

den, president, reported that dur- Iny the niumti of SeuttMnher f'^v

books had K-on circulated; 57

adult (lOti-fictlnti: 25 juvenile non­

fiction; 251 adult fiction and 3,15

Juvenile fiction. :' ' - .

... Mrs. Walter,Hutchison,.13 3died-

,uio chairman for the month of,

Octoh«r: She states, that .addition-i

a! voliinteefs to seryt) as •.assist-'

•n t libraiiaus arc needed. ’C*lei hundied njw-1SHJ9 bookJ

from tlio McNaUjjhlon Plan have

been received and -.ftre; available to.members of the. Library .on . a

seven-day. basis. This Plan en­

ables tha Library to.borrow new

books every nion'.h. and It Is

hoped that the reading public will

take full advaninne of this oppor­

tunity to read new', books as they

are published.

H ie l.ibrary is sponsored by the

Woman’s Club of Laurence Har­

bor, and Its services are’ available

to all residents of Madirwi Town­ship, 1 ' ..' " . . -' . - .

Rams Lose Title Game

Many raco tracks t.iko their

nnme from tlieir ItK-uliun' nat m

tha case of Sunland Park, N. M.,

tlie track camo first' and .then

the U. S. Post Office designation

for the community. ;





A Cub Cad*t 4r«efor Ii lib*

h^vfng h*nd/*m«n around your

butfntis or hom# «|| fH» ,!im« . . *

\o maw, «(««r ■ driviway, plow

t garrfin, or do doient of chor*!.

Strathmore SoftballMuller Chevrolet oneo again is

champion of >he Strathmora

Softball League.

Muller's disposed o f . DeSalvo

Real Estate, 14-6, Sunday in tlia

title game before a near-seiltnit

; crowd at Beers . St. Field. The

victory nave the.Chevymon their

second 'straight Strathmore

championship and their fourth in

the league's seven-year history.

Muller's scored' in every inn­

Ing but the third, but it was a 6-6

stalemate through five. .

But in the sixth, Muller’s par­

layed Mel Gartner's double,

three walks, Larry Sacceriiote's

two-run single and a throwing

error Into four runs.

Singles’ by .lay Okuii nnd

Frank Pasqual helped Muller's

score two more in the seventh, and thav add'xi singletons in the

eighth and ninth.

Pitcher Bob Conovar, mean­

while, shut out DeSalvn's over

tha last four innings to preserve

Iho lead.Following the game. Commis­

sioner Bcrnie Dzieken presented

the championship trophy to Mul­

ler’s captain Gartner, and I hit

runner-up trophy to DeSalvo cap-

lain Joe Baldi.

Championship of til® "A " Di­

vision of the Jersey Shore Pop

Warner Loaijua eluded the Rari­tan Rams Sunday, despila their

valiant rally against superior . Middletown; manpower . when be-

Mnd 1&-Q in. the sei'ond quarter;-’. Tiicy !-.;t 22 11. . . . .

■ . '1 hn Rams still have -a ■ vague

hope, i f Ocean Township can up­

set th* Middletowners Sunday,

but, as. Pecan has been, the league

doormat all season, It hardlj

seems,likely they will pull out uf

their lowly statu-against-Middle­town. Ih e verdict drawn at Ma-

tor Del Field, New > Mon mouth,.

Sunday looks all too fina l.1 .

'. j The yictors untorked a i l , oil- , midgel star hy the name r>f Fred

• Chalmers,.-- who; scored all the . Middletown touchdowns. n<> ‘broke

away to; 28 yards early in tU

game, then .capped'two’ downfiel'd

drives by the . Middlelowiiert,

scoring early in the . second per­

iod on a 10-yard run and e 20 yard screen pass from Rick Pal-

agano. . ■ - .

The Rams started footloose for­

ward passing and Dan Freglette,

their passer,'rose migtitily to lhe

occasion, ,11m White got tlia bali

ilnwn lo (ho Middletown 5 and

Freglette tossed .a touchdown

pass to hint. Then, tuvsing against

tlie clock ut tlio end of the hall,

Freglelte reached Guy Ricea

. from. 27 yards out to put the '

Ranis back into llw ball game at is-!5. : '

The Rams dominated, play for

most of tlio third quarter andthey were or. the move inside the

Middletown .10 early in the fourth

quaitor when they fumbled and lost the ball. With lhat, the Mid-

dlotowu team played it safe, hung

on for possession to run out the

clock and finally sent Chalmers

iu to scoi'a a fourth time after a 70-yard march.

Coach Fred Purcell had great

praiso for tho team fnt the come­

back they made, nearly pulling

the game out, after being so far

behind Ho mada especial note of

tha work of two linebackers.

Francis Murphy and Guy Guan-

dml. in "A' standings, MiddU-

tou u is 4 0-1,

Coach Sal Miwzucca's Raritan Peo Wees gained a 1*1-0 decision

over ths Middletown half-pints.

Falcons Victors

Matawan Falcons pulled Inta

third place in tha "IJ” Division

U I.W ’!.,;

briJ Ti­

r oJR

-.’ S''?'*.>'*■I nt' n.-r.

Rv1;* Viy-

OJficlal presentnfiyii of «.ropri;C-s at tho c«nw of ih^ Strallimorc* SoHhriU

took ,Suq<Uj after (Iso ♦‘Mwi-WorW. Series” compkvk*d a t BMrs SL P/ieW. The

teatns io Ihe svrl^i atnrf jpooswt rec^ivwH trophies. . - ........

rhose taking part ta tu t pre&enuU&n to th « M r to Kf.a/ns, tV*Sa!vo Rest Kstaifi, and lMuI W h

thevroU‘i, were, left tu right!

Mario DtfSalvo, • sponsor. of tht ■ Realtors;; Jo o . Bald!„ captain of Ifc&alvo’s; ffernlo D/lok^n.

Gartaer, ;<,aptiun of tht Mwilc r ’» teum and Mark MuUcrt representing tivs Clwvy

agency, « player for ,tb« loam. ' . ; . . .:






Ralph Gibson 264-7868 ® oorgo Jacobi

30 Day 100% Mcchanica! Guarantee

'65 RAMBLER $795110. 4 Do of. 8 Cyl.,Auto., P/S, Brown.

’64 FORD

'67 CHRYSLER $1995Nnwporl 4 Dr. Soffin. Auto.,

Pow*r Stoar, Powsr Hralui, Gray.

'67 GALAXIE $17952 Dr. H T., 9 Cyl,, Aitlo.,

Powar Stoor, Yollow w/BI.k I. Top,

'67 FORD $1795Cuilom 500, ? Doo:, A Cyl.,

Stand,ird, VAitu,

'66 CHEVELLE $1295Mrtlitui Sl.iti'fi Vv'.ignrt. & Cyl.. Auio., Po«*nf Sfuofiiij, (111iil.,

'66 DODGE $1395

Mon.ic^ 4 UofH • 9 Cyl., Auto., P/S. P/1,

'66 CHEV. $ 1395lm|)«U 4 Dikij II.T fl Cy!., Auto., Pown- Stfliuirtcj, Rod.

'65 MUSTANG $1095

H.T., » Cyl.. Auio.,

$793Country Srjuirn, 9 Pin ft Cyl.,

Auir>., P/b, P/a, Diflcl.

'64 CORVAIR $496•I Door 5t>d<ifi, Aiito., Wh!l»,

'62 IMPERIAL $995Convr t Ant}., full Pnw<|r(

Whil®. BI.ick Hoof.

'63 CORVAIR $395fvioiiM. Cun.Dih'bl#,

Auio,, niur,.

'63 FAIRLANE $595''JiOO" Sport C'titpo.

& Cyl . StdndiirW, Bfliy*.

‘62 CHEV. $595SufjAf Sf>oft 7 Door H.T,

fl Cyl., Auto,, P/5. Maroon,

'62 CADILLAC $8954 Door, Pownr, HUcL


by edging tho Rumson Bullpuni

2 -12, ..after tha Rumsoaerj had

gone out to an early lead. Rum*

son scored on a -l^yard pas« In

Uio first quarter from Mika 01-

shan-tO'Phll Toranev, but tho Fa!-

’•‘voiw evened thy count hi the sec- o M . v when Ri*1 Moonnv

capped.-‘ a do.wnft«!d., drl\« .by

sweeping «nd to. n:akfl 15 S-fi nl halfiinie. ,

Rmnsrin.pushed downfiel'l agaia

in tho lliird ^aarter and Torauey

pushed If put th« Bailpupi

ahead, 1.2-6,;U. was nov unii» mid-:

way of tho tost quarter/!hat thrt

.pfttcons'‘puiled ;'U‘ out. MiUe Cat* .ter wus tho shining light to thld

thrust for « toiichdown. A Hilt Di*

NichoJas p^ss*to-Paul Casa^randa with time running put, capped thc

\v*rtiii;t ,for Mauwati. ■ . ,

Ke.msburg’s Blue Jeans got on

tht» winning 'side before the sea*

son ended, clobbering Die 'fu'uits

West Pointers of Pop Wame.r,

Fort Monmouth, I6*t), All scoring

was conHited to the third quartci

"When Vmnie Steele tossed x pas?? pt 63 yardi to Peto’ PelU ard one of 45 yards to Vinco Bulsamo

In th# Middlesex County Pop

Warner Conference, thing? did no?

"ga vvell for lhe loeuta. Matawan

I'tuvnslup’s Little Huskies wer«:i

blanke-t by tsolin, 31-U. whiie l !»-

ion Beach took a whitewashing from Sayre Woods South, 2(*-0.

Kven Marlboro, a'team-that h-ul . been having u taidy tiOod scas^u. up until now, wus shiU oul, 7-0 by

Madison Park, Vail^burj* iWitmp-

c\l Lnmenco Harbor, 27-0.

Uniun Be;\ch was beaten ov. long runs and pa?s plays. Mike

Ricenrdi dashed 60 yjrd> and Tom Anderson 65 y.mN for

Sayrn V.\kk!i» ScuUi and each

took a long pass from Jim Vig-

giano to score second touth*

downs. The Beacheis‘ line play

was £00.1. slopping drives

from gelling underway.

Iseiin used power on tho T.lttte

Huskies, J im McCilynn scoring

for th« victors at the end of lon^

drives. Their third scora carnt

on « oiockeu kick.

Tiu Madiioti Park-M^rllHirc

gJitnc» looked Jikn a

deadlock until the very tnd,

when tha Parkers put on n sus­

tained drlva ap,ain.U a tiring

Marlboro team that sent John

Finn over wilh tha wltmmg


In Peo We«, Sayra


Dinner HeldA (-*' ih I

w-’ !l - V.n-vvv-' ('‘v.r.-?>

^ MjniaV.

at Trw C.ttlOfV h 111. n.'\<•

S(!-. « M<r. LT!;i0r»'3f;‘a; h, '

, , Krt'ti .X#*: H.)' Johi: St:.,B'J.I jCtVj i

: ot;d St., Matawaa, 3nd £d

?<fted l>y thvIr . t.?r».Trisu>' '

ai!d hy their' ttiipioyer, Va*i Brunt

&. Sop., Madison Township. Mr Yv&t■ is retiring on a. normal re­

tirement f'V $40i) per month wh’i:*.*

tha fer/iutnii'rt • t.wr>'' UMrrislen

et>’v red to takv1 early rerlrcmenr

: Mr. Burlew-- will recelva 5256

nionihly and Mrv Roe wiU receive1, A.U 'j>i!i»awhs'''Q‘r«

. for life und j r i t : addition tu

- •oci.\t .HPcuriry,':';...' _•

. R o w u ' Coar, F'resident of

cal 70i,. pr»5«nred ; t h » in i t ia l

check to., each ietiriit^ .teamster.,

The Local 701 pension pUu is one

oJT the bw t in the nation.. PrR/l C.. M^rmHMn . nf

-Va'u &runt '&;• Son- -stated, ’*1. am

proud to acknowied?* continued

and . consistent payments to the >

liOeat 70! pension fund which

make* ?tm rctireinent plan feasi-

b!«.“ -


^ A L|


SlIPPlll^ 2 6 4 - 2 2 1 1

lt,\r \ mr>


D r iv e & 'k m rg & 'm

w ith a lo w - c o s t

A%j m. G m w l i u h


f| ^ IV JA D IS f O N J 7 fL L ? C u rta te (k ia n J* .

noUTEtATTICCrOWN MOAD MAOIftOM Tl/WMtW, JEim:YOM',r nj-aioo u(Mmii< r.o,l.e.

kss i i w a r a

. K i i m i i i e r

.-T.Jir.c.ri '.j.-,: Vfrs.-D.J-?

f-iijingtoij, . . ' .

• ’ A:so ohic?.?ne?;a?.T -rc-a or ab.ri;.:>,

5r-<. V.'a-1 i':;;r ,e (■ y; Ji-'.wv0r-

in.i' . iVIi-j. {.'uifif.J:

i.-iij- Eth-

H-gi'on; • • p;*! r-c J

piuni, / t-u.U NoiKf;- foi

•>lf>r>u , ' .Mrs.- R*/V\‘fV

jfU.ali c J i ; iis oi M jh.'

C.'n'ruv; /;>v>rJ-'. 0:

• Mrsv: ’• AdumV;’ ivy. ' W(-\ V.fa !‘

Us: l7?-'K:.t->‘.i\v; v/n-i crops . M r.

KiU-r.r'jrU, ’ iind A;xn

• I ; :ruL p r iz e wif}r5fcs> . . u ji-

.ru&v.wrsin! rb^nes . iv^re ‘ ‘Verier- .i . HT.... '..n r-v ;

u.-r;; *v, •“ ••v,-to rum F .r j. 'V M rs . Vr*i'd-

ro!' t *Th^-'Ci.*?d?fi

...Cr^gory MyirnoiH-r: ••iri

-Si/e,'* Mrs, Kem.iner; , :‘'Torhy»v

Mr.s, Cbark-fi ■ b . ..-.•Spxinghofs.u.

"Peer'utjt into th.* P uk ii'e /’ Mr.1?,

U:tr;,0d Jan i, and “ loday '* Wild

•• Wlui l,’/ M rs. A rthur . . ..• .•


i l i




Is SpeakerTh<i Matawan Borough.; Aux.Hf* ;

ary to Bayshore Coir.munitv Hos*

pltal held !w n^onthiy meeting

Monday evening at Irm itv Jtpis*

copal Church Unli, Ryers I,.an»

and 'ftc-st Ct. ;

Speaker for the sveniyg was

DeteccUe Carmen. Mevsma. of tho

Maiawart Uorough Police iX*patl-

rpeat, v/ho gave. a . vtry inforrna-

tivy talk on drugs and te*n-ageu«,

A film on marijuana was .shown.

Among tha projects discussed

Wi-to tlie Downtown Coffee to be

held Oct. 21 and 21 hih! the tov

auto which will be held Nov. .15. ut TassiniV 117 Maia Sr.. Mata­

wan, Anyone having usable toys

may contact'Mrs. John Thaler, 56ti-4!i'2l, or Mrs* Rollin Kichards,

5C6 2623. ;

"Next m onth’s meeting w ill bo

held No'\ 10 aud * repr^snnta*

live of * ho M u lo St. \V;g SJsop

will present, r de«Hjr*sUc*fion of

w . : .

Tricky Tray SaturdayA tricky tray will bo heid at

the i l j iu : , Gciideiii* Fire. House,

12W Hirrl.^ Ave., Union Beach,

UaUirday at 3 p.m. There will be

a variety of prices and refres’r

ments will be. served. Tbs', la-

diis Auxiliary c*f Hmrls Gardens

Fire Company sponsoring the

nlfait ami tickets may ba pur­

chased from any member or ftt

the door.

Wood South defeated Union

Beac!1., 27-0, Isehn overpowered

Mat»wan Township 33-0, Vat!*,

burs? downed Laureate Harbor

it <r

'lhe standings are as folluws*

Korlhern Hi vision: N'^

5-0-0, MoUchim. 4 fl 0, I^ciin, S-

2-0. Malawrju 1-2-1, Edison 1-3-

I, H i^htstown 0*4-0,

Southern Division; Savr* W(»nd

South 4 0 1, Old Uridue 4 1-0,

Marlboro :t 1 0. Madison Pjrk 2­

3 0, Central Park Ki 0, i.aurenci

Harlxtr 0 :i 1. Pnion Uoach 0-S-0.

P a i l y ( p iv e . i i F o r

i o f l d A c k e r m a n

TfKld Ackerman, wn of Mr. and

Mm. It a1,ry Ai,ken*un. -44i Bay-*

viuw Aw., Uniort Beftob* br«tt?<l - hfs . H is KlrlTuj.vy -,i.; « -

party U ld in his honor st h u

borne t") Su^urday. Guesti en.*

Joyed an outdoor batbecu-* and played games.. ,

Attending wer# Wiliiam and

Roy Puidy, Larry Matthews «nd

Todd’s brvtherji and sisters, Un­ion Keauh, and Konnie I ’hom*aK>t,, .•'♦(ii.Ji-ib'iij .. .. ' .... - . ' ; ..;

ir.-'i y .{[--j

;»,i thr-ti-T. T.-- 5. .

•> v' -. ■: in { k ' tir>v. •whefi ihoy -<cas:cu UiUCh'^T;, 'n 'i ;

riiicie u j-eii. t*.a;iY.- '

m l-'i ;'ho.. itr*? JJvt.-,..Na'l rai-c4 i;v .'

. .Tiie briarr !’. Vy.ix.iy.v.y.-.n un. ifj- .. v

f.r>t .. »^.iy i‘iv-(US-, f:'f ((;;

(.'ulij ’/• E!;‘; : i'vt: B;:i Braif. ’ ■ !ey. fcr-:er! [..)? : ■»;Ma(K>ou ' ■ . -.

. 'i.iw jrits;.m.-n ;h;v ihi-tr- C 3 ;,’> ;

Ch-.-iawin -o ’.-.r.rir Hr' rned

IfH.kdif- VO yiirds . 11 -

do-'.o for ilki _’-.J!.v-T., biit. UfJ .

, '-li.i. S r y t,t r:;1!; ihrt,;p<?i7i ,

th’*» .S-pUrtsni; s f fU:.(i.t uriiii iho . i'i,;;;! quJrL.-r -:


’ Kut the Spartans

- - litiki*-.. thtt-, jeii-v MhyuiC, "-it.njjr ’-:’ . '

ng;i!.-i, while ■ Chapiriaii -.pusKedi,?: ..:; ftcro.s’. set,res iK'fyit* lulftimo t-i n:.-kvi the ccun: a s ift T: ? tof. . . Jeltfrr.w:». -'tl'o Spartii:V3 b /'ij ■ '

item, faiijy. «ver,

.hsiJ. but ;h-.:y ccu ii »:>; Kioi-e Jirt hai; rt^ui/t-t IIm Jejfdefense

1 . Chafjinan fc-awed '153. yir<!» -la > • :

19 carrw* to make a total of i t ■ points, tor: tnre# g.nmos.: Jeffec. ’

. s<in a. apRKivvliai. HtroKRW■tfiin U 'jn I'nion High, Bnolhe#

Union Couniy powerhouse tVwt

ra.-. through tii» Spart.u.'* tli* : - v.Jrk before

■'! r,.s " 5 r 'tT.■

McCran# ]r, has. «nt»uttced '.tha^iK1: Garden State P a tk :.i3 .eliniinatii:iij%f!v

vafet parking service fur U)« uji-

coming fall meet til favor of pro- ferred s*;If-par!vi)ig. " h e . chang* :

(j designsj to improve and speed

up overall -parking iit tlia club.

)«juse men, and tu reduce acct* .. diy.-.ts .- 1., C j

566-8333 566-8334



Completo Line of .

: . . Auto Parti .

Daily Delivery OPEN SUNDAY

9 A,M. • 1 P.M.

Matawan Auto Supply, inc.~ UHDSR NtW Ma Na SSVHcNI — - ‘




MR DAY:We, the DonriQcratj o f Matawan Boro,

again challengo you and your running mates

to a debate to discuss the sewering of

Freneau, garden apartments, or any subject

that you desire.

Your claim to be for a responsive com­

munity and sensitive government 1$ grossly

misleading. How responsive and sensitive can

you bo when you underestimate the sewer cost

In Freneau by more than $100,000, and then

havo not lubsfantiated these figuroj in public.

W e submit, Mr. Day, that you are afraid to

moot ui in debate at you, in good conscience,

cannot dof<)nd vour povfinn

Don't you think it'i about time to stop

dueling the issues iind to bu candid wi th tho

citi/ons you wish to roprosent?

Tlio votais of Matawan dossrvo answers,

not d.iydreami.


Ralph Dolan

Howard Schoor

Jack Jenkini

P«l'l for by Jnhft R, Ploflno. Municipal CMxnm.

ItW Mulft St., Mdl*wi*iv N J,

Ilmkies, Roefwts Home;AV vs- fi a Ih Tilntm-Muri

■' ........., . . .. . ■ •

8owfan9^ S ia « ^ i C o o d P m t t m f * T im G a m e S t i f i i r t T u y F t iU * W in t< > r R e e r p d i io n


n<*t£ t-M - n r t f * i* n/ i ' j *r<,

Jjalt. ia . ii.ii. cie^. . 1.0 f livi*. \ ^ 0 ^ 5 '’U/fU Um. .n A fe"' J MSJ W n M ; »», £

v tlj l(*cJ 1 i. ?Jct, r Jt v

JS- iUSf.tofantitc; $mf “JJ'-V

■ ' wt Ulfc t.G'fl-iNiV

•■fine*. ar; .*onor- lhe •Hushk.s jtfffe.'.t* vi\ i an ihr*r,

■ • t o a c h 'r is r r v Ki/./cr, »y?. taw-?.f!rt’.' '

nr, •-. yyert niiiHtfn.fsi .1,0j.-./QSptVf (li VfV'T (it t:?*«*-'fitCfr-h>S '

tfc-Jcfcrn.-.&r,d i/ie -Scarlet .SparOins-'-'. ■of ■•■ Oceun 06,-teated rx>in xion-- rn 1 Uviu d uj'tf

•lX«?yftsh;p bv: 1 slmosf: identical..' „ i.hir.-.i'U.- pound . Janets.,

tai1barj4, ta.the fci# b^Vv^rr-v;**;?- threat for •;•

: U t * - R o c k e t . * ; wd? «cf»y---, nff a-’.b.-s .now.-ln^a • nornp- .y>.uj«fc

with laKewood -aHer tws fonts'

*A 1 a r*,.'. B c rU> il. :: ixul - • -, I J i 1 I^iV^ir ’ - \wti

'N** b> * I1' If? !]f* <5y1r<’

tf>a£.‘, ihs: ismf'ty-. Wavt> viid • $jV.-.

t'frr V* s1 fyef jrt no fn *- ms"

^v^iatyhrtd . iWt'rtlVi., lhe;' f<v.u-k’ V ef.a .:ur<;. 60J»cMr'.TAt-favored - bt>vv.

causr <»f rhr*jf d^ton-d,/*

a&gjn t Turtfo Rwe-rSvtith. i J

U a b e K u l h 4 w u ? '< I

Dinner O r * ( ) k ‘ t . 2 6

. ■..Wtf &Yiihjnt awards - ^nnsfCM.ot-

?hc Bityfrhon* Babe Xuth Lvalue

'nni be *i<Id Sunday Oct 2ft

f «* 1UI.A. V ^ho ’^, 5'a>*

A\ CiuruKt* con mis- uJiooun*^. ■ jacK Kurftll;

fa n e d rftcoiil«ur oJ fj>« ^ Y

Y«iiik<c* s, ii be ihe guest *pcak-

i r , »

frym.:the manfigeis of the teams.

' , Parents, AF'\welf ai ibp.^ na the;: are tn atteiul..-Ca-.

'"7-[Hiii. ' Stattn.' Thu ti tic-win n(uu : " tcanu, a.n<l-top, players'1 will v/e-;v:cely? : aweuis, •' *•='•:'• 7- • V. -v ••' •'.- ■•; "A

0 *

_ • : lh e pr.pui.irlty of ’the ■ w S lv •

j,'-r’ias!iionv!‘ tiluws; ■ .sach.. :Thl|riiliy;

with ixith female anil iraie

■ /stykvconscious patrons ’a t ;F tcc- !

tx>tc! Raeewaj' hai prompted the

jnsi'apf-ment to schodulc two ^d-

^ 'X tra sho-'.s, waking' 12 In all

•«*nhis season,: 'fijvc "•fcecn s« for’’ .; • VThiifsilayj; Ocr. 3Q.';nut 'Wov, fi.. :

' .p ,i frii, i \ r4 41 • ■ t * (• i I ' ’

r f I t C 4 1 >- if r. mifti V.-.' cn *.b«:!•• * r p h H J !O i l < ' n . if

*-1 'so ihe k iiv i t:avi- e.

u ^ ^-k t a i r i S i }«

Cf» l* O 10 ‘ \ M ' J H t l t 5f

•■prnfcjein. y^cJ.' u i^ -,'0?.

V»trtiiO. W'Urny a* Mowevc-r.

. . lAufc* . vv.fcriL (t.' f - K.-tfA. »;.t •_• ni^iisL...

0»«i»s fe Die bet’er »or fhsr-untsw- » ,'r<i e -*r*,

Ct' f/Uvs f. .i/n-u:<‘- J t .lu-.

sm.2tu<} be .fnu.iy even ss rA'i-.'t.

-am'- iii.t w*w » hui c-r fn j /k ’jij. f [(=> \ i >»

} -W \uk ^ ** V > i ^rhr> V. N . * V. ^ tv r*~ ^

• rort+-''.c- f.^e Sp;i* i.'i.’is. urxit.-;-

■• •'• • • . • -

li <■ t f f rc f o ' i ’ r»»c<Ut ^ J i l t ' t»ulVh ■

: .Sk>i‘a j.*' >Uio . /^ Id Thc

:-;-:hufcith*»‘';lit^uw -liave piavcrd st?ong- >v3tv> *•) ifttv lf> f* ■'*

••. .• -Tf -• -•-• ?o»*' 1 1 )'v o w \j r j» *'•, »

-• D<u .-N^r.e. Da/v;*^.: \c;rth

U i i iM i 1 * »d*y nijfhf

F&olbsH Scores

? W f i

Vf- \ IS VwiiJk fiO rvj.rnJ O^esn 6; K<-.VP0Jf' O' :

.River Soiilh (t^;KanU n 0 .

■ ir^shnica . . ■■ ■ ■.■ Hwl 28, JVfcuowaft •

-SaJiiwii: R iver :iuufft‘ <3

Cithohc IZy. Kv-cis . ,• . burp f> . : 'MbrJbo^o tf, Tom* R,\er N fr ih 2

The novel ’ Jh/H Jn Vour N jn ie

. Sjflwss/’ .jjntroduced, at Fvec>»o|c!

>.^Racew^y/Jast'yMri^WjH.vfec- ro-

newcd.'AR Tuefii.tey Th** v.tic i'r

'•.will h av t.a rac<i rimmed iit iii* (yc - 'bc-r 'Tiono: the yful!owiii^^WL’>k.

a iK l a!f<t be . thtt -guosc i of rbe

-: track ipx .luncheon.; anO. present a -

trophy.-m ihe tcaturcd race iiam*

• ^'d afte r th«j lucky-•'■patron/ To bt* .

eligible.. f<>r :the ’• coii.teii ' putrejns .

• • visntmg the track • on Sept.--30

.' must ;ln th. ' ' coupoii' iri' the7;1 -.progi*am (locatcd = under l^ext

’ .day's entries) and :<leposil:jn -n*t

u«puvole •:lo t te d . 'a t .- th e . finish

:Th'e'1 drawing \yill:;.bo held

■ s h o r ' ihe xfUcial. ol the sixth

.rncc', ••'•’".•'•'' •.-•-; .V ■ _: •

* I t Ji » L

/ t 1 ■J

t 1jj g I r•Miih.7ir.r- ■ rt 111*."

JSiUy. J:or.-i ..‘t^cr.r.v - C:r.\z%••?««':« : . ... . Jrcnr/Hcirs- uu

! < l( J. „ HMo:-;U;v

} . l!!W ^Uf

-VNMKW- hfeAt-H. I . */?.?:, r,Jj£iia*.; '

. ■•■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ,\V.

-JrVftrm- i-i-.j-rf-»•• r.di'-r/t


C'T-j 1 } f I f f r j i H ’ ] t <

.„Zsi&i;ii,i'k >xL fi*;?; *4 inn«* Ill n *1 51 > A

TU'Jv3 t? i??3clr


10 IT I '

Bowling ScoresCi i ,

•J: *1 ;/ si ij it*.• {* 1 0h. Mat^/« -i. ■ .-. -.' - - maii-- . AiilJii. • ...„,v.; t aK •-V.O.iV ' , .ir-. ' 1 *t t i 1 >1 .U ->f h \

1 ;D,

*» U l


i tr tr . tl -t I t.iy;ist f > U i I

«at Ri v M^whantv-'ie3.w- Mur*. -.. . 5 2i>A

h i. rut A) l . l t i ‘ ibAUi, pol.-ini.i. t fi *11 tO C20Ruv T'.ui»» --. 14} h • i

ix»wKJ.. Hoturic*; I t Vi ~ il

V « i> % Ihi-i - U

W. sjt «r■•• nn l i >

A AHfl-tidav Nithi 1-nfK Htrd tiL/t I 'I3i ^Iiiinnv-. .... •yK-u»2-ai7~-Ni»'T fJtyj.uvinu*:‘ >3 2w.*iw-:00r


. RftJ ft.mrc llijjh ?». )o«lbafJ»?rs sAery in (rou!>je couanuoufiK* on die dt-’Jenslve aj^ainvt Mafawao

J>«<urdHy, hfl.v»r;g tu «ick. c;ii-=r«tifc,iU‘d!>' -••ri>in' Abelr- own end ione- h{.r»}>?. 4.uer }*avi - «i?o}>(>od (h<» iTystifis.• around 10* v u r < t • : , - : .

Jn Oih (uiL- JiUOVv1 Lvtiiriic* r,»vlt»r is fKWii Ort‘J out h>r fbo Huc^^n^urc aot^r

."Vkvrlv Morrisc.v- » hcW vii £ros» blocklon ihi* h'».K vv a Red f la n k ' Amjucfurv s»*»v;au. M att

UiJ.kc-*>t.r chaJgiU’i In, uhtriidy. has fce<*n of/ his ) c t t ittfc*f.c jirotecnon' ot ih«

•-likker-waa a n«jttw«£<hypart of tne 8 o « c a a « rs ? .defe?wivi> pjayv-.:. - . •., •. . . ............

Penally On PAT Prevents Matawan Win At lieu Bank

Schedule Tryouts

■ Hoimdel .• Youth Activities As-

•'sociation, • bd'skylb.ilJ • tryovts- tot 'senior- division 'boys wiii be held

a t■ iite Ii!fermodift).e Sen' I F ri

day from 6:30 until p.m.

; Junior: Plvlsion tryouts, .will b*

hold Sai urday at the Jntermedi-

at«j School from. 12 o'clock jjoon

until 2.30 p .m . . .....

Second 700 Series

.•-...Helen' Goddard. M atawan, ■ tin!

it again .".at.--.ihv ■ Stnuhmotc Lanes, ;Ro«'e. 3*Jf; M utaw un .. She

hit another; 7.1HJ:-scrits . 257-24S-

208-714. 1 " -;' ' :r'- '

I • * • 4 • *

. . . . $1995







We Sell More 'Cause We Sell For Less

*69 FORD Chateau 8 Pass. Wagon, 8 Cyl., Standard, White . . $2695

*68 JAVELIN H.T,. 8 Cy!., Auto., Gold, Block Vinyi Top ........... $!995

'68 CHEVROLET''Impala Custom, P.S., P,B., 8 Cyl,, Auto.,

Air Cond., Red, Black Vinyl T o p ......................................... .. $2595

‘68 CHEVROLET Impala Custom, Auto., P.S., P.B.,

•-.-... Air Cond,, W hits, BlackiVinyl Top . . . . . . $ 2 7 9 5

’68 CADILLAC Sedan; DeVillo 4 Door H.T., Loaded,:

. with Air Cond. ,\ . . . . ,t. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . $5195

‘68 MERCURY 2 Door H<T., 8 Cyl., Auto., Blue ..

*67 FORD LTD, 2 Door H.T., 8 Cyl., Aut0li P.S.,;

v ; Blue,, W hite Vinyl Top ; . , . , ' , . . . . ' . - . ' . . .

’67 MUSTANG 2 Door H.T., 8 CyL, Auto., P.S., ■

Blue, Black Vinyl Roof ..................... ! ........................ ..

’67 OLDSMOBILE H.T., 8 Cyl., Auto., Air Cond., Yellow

'67 CADILLAC Sedan DoVille, 8 Cyl., Auto,, Loaded,

. with Air Cond. .......................... .....- .,. . . . , , . . . . . . . .

*67 MUSTANG 2 Door H.T.-, 8 Cyl., Auto-, Burgundy . . .

’67 FORD Gslaxio 2 Door H.T., 8 Cyl., Auto.,

-Yellow, Black Vinyl T o p ' . . , . . . . , .................................

'66 TEMPEST Sport Coupe, & Cyl., Standard, W h i t e ......... ........$1395

'66 CHEVELLE Station Wagon, 6 Cyl., Standard, W h it e ........... ..$1295

'66 CHEVROLET Station Wagon, 6 Cyl., Auto., White . . . . . . $1495

’66 MUSTANG 2 Door H.T., 6 Cyl., Standard, Gold ............... ..$1295

’65 FORD Country Squire, 8 Cyl., Auto., Burgundy, Real Sharp , . $1695

’65 FALCON 4 Door, 6 Cyl., Auto., White ................................. ..$1095

*65 RAMBLER Convertible, & Cyl., Auto., Blue/White .............$1095

‘64 FALCON 4 Door, 6 Cyl., Auto., Gold .....................................$ 995

*£4 FORD XL, 2 Door H.T*, 0 Cyl., Auto,, CIu d ........... ...................$ 1095

‘64 CORVAIR 4 Door, 6 Cyl., Auto., W hite .................................$ 695

'64 FORD XL, 2 Door H.T., 8 Cyl., Auto., Red .......................... ..$1195

’64 FORD Country Squire, £ Cyl., Auto., Yellow ..........................$ 995

’64 FORD, 8 Cyl., Automatic. Gold ..................................................$ 895

* * * * * * * * * * * * * A * * * A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

i TRUCKS |'' '68 FORD FICO Ranqor Pick-Up, 0 Cyl., Auto., i

Bucket Seats, Air Cond., Yellow ............................... $2395 +

'66 FORD F6GQ Stake Body, 6 Cyl., 4 Speed ........... $2573 j'

’63 G M Diesel V-6 186, Sliopor Cab, 8 Speed 3

Road Ranger Trans., Full Air Tractor ........................ $2995 3A fjfV Y¥¥¥*¥V ¥¥Y¥¥ * * * * * * V Y* * ¥ * * ¥* V Y * Y ¥Y t l f Y 1 * * ¥ * * * * * * ■

T O M S F O R DH IG H W A Y 35 264-1600 KEYPORT

Red bank ntld Matawan. ti>- 4

SO tie-Satm-flni/. s t this Huccs-

i-itrs' I icmI after the Huskits hail

bees,m arie everybodys, favorite,

to Myc-qp the game. C^ach Bob.

Morris. Red H'civi, t b w b y cotv

fv'-iidtd thcii* who rm l bseri

. i p iu ic v r ii [jtjJ .lunf;-

ment a l Ihz start of the season

he. -i?a« uno o! L!>t- bctlec (iefens*

■ iv« tPftms Shore Cor*t^r»;ence*. His teajTi had lost by one­

: touchdo^va «)arcin3 to Red Bank.

OuhoK.c’. and Mah'«i$<iiiah. before

; tliftcking .' ih « Huskies',‘ vaunted


The UC u/ler • w inning their

! fus t iv.’p . ;DivIsion .games

pu l the HaskIe'i»''i:Dyihe,{''ii^ed to

dtfeac Occnri' ToW;),ship, - civiend' ’

•=. in^ *’ Li' chc.Jup.^.; in u game nt

..-^Matawnn' field', Saturday ;to jre*

Win «my rta i chitnce to. lake''-the

title, ih e >t«ski«!J w ill always bo

. a h;i.If game behind its principal

rivals in the “B H- chase now un-.

less'-lliey, too. should be hold io.

a deadlcick sntnpt^ne. .

The .Maroon and Su-el pmhect

|he Buccaneers a ll aver tim field

until they got down around the

IC-yartI line, then Coach Mor­

ris’s ajipvaisat ot the intensive,

capabjlitles" of hfs ' players be ­

come v;hoUy' Jwstitie*! M :W 'P h *

, erson, a guard, and H h H Spenc­

er, a taekie, players from Hoinv

del on the Red bank squad had

a .worthy part in Uiis defensive


1 The Huskies got off on the

wrong foot W hen they Jumbled

early in the gatna aod lost Mu-

bull In the ir 'ow n territory. Aft­

er the opening kickoff, John

Geran and Tony Kusscll pound-

eil out an early first d<nvn for

them at their own 34.- BiH Geran

fum bled on the neat play and

Red Bank recovered.

Teams Whaek Away

The Bucs showed an early a^-

gressivcnt'tis when they speared

through the Maroon aiu l Sirel

line three tiroes for h fiisf down

a t the NinS 23. Charlie Taylnr

'.vent to the ou'.yide to .’tec p it u<‘-

■»ng tr. rh*» M.tfsvvnn iV hefo.fc

the BliCs ’•acm- h\\ Nvith ;in illt-j'nI

usu of hands penaiiy, tosr..*r.

tJiem 15 yards. Peter iUx k ;t;id

to get off a pass on (ourih down,

hut ho was- smean-u fc:i a h»s>; »t

the MHS 36, ending ihu fhst hid

b v the Rues.

.Matawan then went to the out­

side, Russell on a sweep h ’r five

yards and Geran on a spinner to

m idfield for a firM down. The

Bucs then incurred Another 15­

yd. penalty, this time for fur*1

mask. It moved the buli to the

Red Bank 36. But the Huts were

in on Geran when ho tried a re­

verse. Then Boh Connolly loc»k to

tho airways, but three attempts

to hit Russell with pitches were

broken up hy t'ie Bucs. The Red

Bank defense had met its fir; t

bifi test and thp Rues were tiik-

!!»)■, over er. their e*Mi *7.

R ed B ank Scores

Tob M<>oic p icked u p fcuv

y .in ls bu! l<t d fi»inV; ](■• I it t n 1 1

aw ay hy Jmh }’

I'.imtn iIm • • - fi .r(i . I I i\ ■ ■ i

ahm c li\ lhe i h’Kr < n r. p , : ^

and il was Ii r ;i ^1 •,.iiii

tourhdov.n J.tiini, I’*11 tho i> !k '

point k n k b lm l itd .

'lho. HtisMr.s i.'Ot tl:t':!iM 'h>-

i-tfo trru lle wiih im i!!i «*.*.I n-*

(<f hnttds pe iu .llv n f t i r the k m i -

n k u l - e f f nnd It ttdk a t*t *•*ir.11r1 e l>\* Hil| r'.'it.'ii'r m <-* t

Ib tm o\it ot the pe<t,<‘i. 'I'V.'

Mms hnd lhe la ll on n v d f i'd .

( culd m*i ptt Iheir fuM d«»u i> m

Ihn o pliiy.*'. then fm nhlu l (n nr

ailirtipf Ic j/imt a 11it Mal.s-.'j'n

had Sinn n l ih<- .Ml,

M.itt \S i IKf ■>. ami Kii.m*II tlicvi

f< >r ti M.i iim ‘M and Sti ( I Jut!

iluWii al !lii‘ Klili.'i XI. Ibis 'm i

i'ii I hr f ir‘.| ^u ncn r.

Hu i I In- Put s -a i-t r |'r,i 11 il ii

• be tuniiiiii' id vVillu’s and Uns-

;»'•(! llii1 liinc .mi! ( *>nn; | .«*-*

conipliTmn to Jun KanK! did nut

= m ake a f»rst down. U v.ra^ Ked

Eunk s bail on their ov.u the

e.atny got a on on \jje personal

f.ide here. Tne Hues £ot theov

selves in b ig . trouble .again 'with'.

. •& -personal foul penally that set

...■••►hem.back te their own 12. Their

•- ic . lv * V.f /'.L . t.MHV t.«> f'>*1 Kl'HS

30,-• so ?-iaiawan had a tjip,

chane.(*. W itke i roared rig lu up

cenicr.for a first down et the, 10,

Two rlunpes got them to tho RB

; Ty Ihu i an illega l' ni han<ls

penalty m oved the Maroon and

Steel back to 'the Ned Bank 22

On fourth doA’n w v.)\:'31 Ao-. go,- C<»mojly passed deep to. Rirsseil’

•' bur-• J*.»hn Gaddis -uRereepied f . a t '

.-.lho -Red Bank Llti.

Another .Motawan*<.'haricci

: lhe. Hues'had to puui nut .»q

their uAn 47; ^ i f th t^ n ’.vay ,Maia*

v»’an was on .•>,• .m arch ag itn .

Wilkes po n g e d sharply and Rus­

' .stdl fwtrj-vea flcr-'is? ' field- fc-r

two -first downs, •brinpin^ the

.ball lo tat: R t’d Hiipk 2ii. Thi ;i.

. in sweep plays, Rui-seU had

a new Mutawfui fir^t down a i die

-R^il H'tnk 10. But here it -hap*-

poued again, r.n illegal use of

pti-cilty Ihfit nn'jvtnJ the

HuikirF hack w the They had

to- yield thf* lu l l on Jeurth de-wn

e.t »h*.‘ h‘; and (he Buccaneers ate

up the c*oek io the halftime


The whacking and hacking

away continued into the second

halt as Red Bank drew a clip-

pinf* penalty on the kickoff. Th«?y

could liot gd in and had to punt,

hut the Bucs got back the 15

yards they had lost when the

Huskies w'ere .penalized for .

roughing the kicker. Things

calmed down after this. The

Bucs moved to rmdfield, then

punted the Huskies back to the

Maroon and Ste*d 15-ynrd line.

Matawan then . werkhorsed

Russell and he did nut fail them.

Hn ta m e d six plays in a row for

two firsL downs and not tho ball

back Jntu Red Bunk territory.

Wilkes relieved him rn two ol

three plays in the next series of

downs, diui they had '.he new

first down at the Bucs* 2J. '{}jer>

u was ft uss* 11 twice and \V:m<-

(mcfi for the fourth first uowm, fit

the R lU iS IS.

Huskier Stopped Again

But 'low Matawnn v*as in scor­

ing posititm a«id the Red Bi.nk

team wont to work with a uHl,

Wilkes got only two yatds, then

Russell was held to imir yards

in (wo tries. A fourth down pass

into the end ione qox nuwheie.

Taylor punted Red Bnnk out

from the Fhadow of their own

goal posifl to the Matawan 48.

Connolly passed to Russell to

K«t tho ball back into Red Bank

territory ns the lust quarter op­

ened. Russell made it a first

down nt the Red Bonk 43 Put

Wilkes was piled up on n delay­

ed hack and Cnpnollv hhv

'h?e\\n fr>r n Jo*.:-: nn M u

to pass, He had to swalh w the

hi.II on a second attempt. C<*^a

>;ri.iKle * h< ii pui.’n i.t :<i ! ; r JJ.ii s'


: he T .1 !i ;< ,1 fc- r ?•-? ;,p th;

We < Ic, !( K'': ii.>■:,[: \l \ i’n !i r fi ur yards. Bm'

funii !; i| u:\ !ht* iv.'yt p!,:v

h ''h ! ‘ a. .e ii ’ '.'(o ,'eved U r at :!u* K IM IS 25, 'P a n

.‘a >1 I i • .tl’y = t hi^ b ie ak i ;•

s'rai|'l,( up rhe ndd(t'« !-t h M: ’-

•nsiU'j t(’’ i11i(ji i-.«. n ,

I1 AT A I I - 1 •- *•«#

ihe pant i.I ’ M- Itia iuhsvn Ve-

rnnifl nil linj:< n.e.i Tujn Ca?a-

ii.u n le kii’U 'il \( f.ia 'jy , tu t the

elf u 11 I> Ji k iiit d :I.i i p hi’.il K«en

i'M i'i f> 'lie pf) , - ! ! ni ,-i'i' I ,^( (-

bai.K it Sure 'he ki< k m.d the

iu< Ii • '.l ti .n11 afh'i ' la- l i- iii

' h " • t1' '• p ‘i»t thi I ..' I I ft IhO \

Out i- iMi,i; m tm huii yweallv

niiiK d Uit*-se|| h phiuj-'e ii11u the

• •nd /*.1,* . liiii k in [|>i fi, Jj vs’ni'

a jr. fni MatdWhn, lb© utoro

.• I.iyrd C ti.

Red Uiiitk ciippud a^aiti on IhQ

luvjco lf and w e r e pu t b a r k t-,-

m e lr own 14. in y to r k e p t them

jr» business w ith a p u a t ou t to

the ir , ow n 41. ivlatawun cem e

ro a r in g 'O ow iifit ld a^a iti, R u s id l

le ad ing th e w ay , & firs t dew iv n t

m e 34, a rcc.und ut R ed B a tik 17.'

b u t io r •-•((»« tu u iir i iime*

ih e ir o\yn;iOs.:t-he.lJucV defense

‘ra llie d .'. Russel! go t ^ro ;u;d end

fo r U-ree, h il t ’ C urt E d w a rd s was

stopped at fh e ’ :J??e for two,, then

Ku/&tr!i pot'<-/;Iy one on a yp.

’ verse.; The needed four,'.

(>r< fourih dowit. Edwjrds ran on

“a fake'-pass 'play ^u t he we.s.

•••short- and Red.Bank took over-on • lm*iv ow;v 9. •-. ; ,

■ Taytr»i- skipped off tackle fo r 14;

yord,*; f.o gei Hed Bank .0t:*.0 f ‘ he

|>ockvt ur.dt'r the.Jr g«mi pvsrs..

. .Two o)ays lateK Palumbo flip/H-d

_ n Jackie eligible croi^ov^r pai-s

to G u ’p N’ortlte who bolted

downHUd fa^t as his 21KJ lb.

fram e v/otdd take Bim. Curt

F.dwrtrdi h't'ded hira iUnvn /ro/o

hi^hind 9o' save the ga?»e for M a t­

' a'van. -,- ■ • " • • . ■ . ' ' • :

Red Bank had cij’ht yards to

go in 40 seconds.' Taylor ra te d ,

around end to the 4. Rock ‘ tied

a (jtiailerbaek sneak but the

Huskies piled it up. Taylcr tiled

to gf* outside Spain* bvt ho wan

caged in that, the Bucs needed

three yard? fo r a touchdown on

fourth down. They disdained to

try for a field goal. On a reverse

play, Tavlor j^ot nowhere, -md

the ball went over to M a luua j)

as lhe gamp endedSTATISTICS ♦

IKd QAnk MaUwau5 First ttOAOf it104 HoKMttg ynrdHgo120 PaibJfig vardagtt J22-H-i • Passes J.-Ji11 F tliiii/ varv?Hi£«6-2V Purts 1*420 >\iir»b5ff, 3c*t 2CO Yanltf pi.-ttfiUzc-d CO

MATAWAN’ (fi>ViiCs — ChriJ'tstn, ).lc-

Ii^nakt, Sph*.vi*, Ut-itihal'o.Tockifs —• Lic\ tno. Moxtin,

rs:m. VaccJ*fc!ia, *-r>vine>.Guardi — • Cr;ir»ro, Mi«Kinn«y,

Potnam, liani's. tjenx,O n e r -• liort).B.u ks - C',.*ri!:oUy, Ruxte'il, Vd*

'.\ar0ii. Wiikc-, Gctr>n, Cuny. 13.T. aiu!o, ¥i.r-

:nf‘0, Morrissey, A^«n;y.Uni flAiik (()

Kiiti;- -- M'.-rsi.!f(t.1 ’ti'Vl'.'t.' -- I ’.vlcjw -<1, .NorfUv,

.1. !.r«', .S'TMtV(;uan!s Vi-tc “ a, 0.d«tr\>. Un.-

n,o. t<>.»'Mkltr -

- - l'a\ i'..r, P .iiia . M *'or*-, J it t i Svfit-nrk, iii jj, (’-ittfr Ttriit.Mno,Hetl B.thK................. « 0 0 e--»iV atin\;«n ................... 0 0 0 6-6

rJ\i’ufid< wns: 1«« v)c-r.OMiruU: Sui.'tcniind,

Or Santis. W.iI‘-.k H, hthntfci.

G o l f T o u r n a m e n i

The 'township ef lla vk t R»c*

rcaticu Commission anr.oimt t‘s

phiiia for a g<-ll {(.uiuamtnf,

date and p late to he df eidcd.

Any one inU'rc.Med if R>ked to

caJl John Wilkins, 264-0*1 U, tcMii-

nann^nt director. Jdtose watif.

this newspspir for fu tth ti Infer-


P i ! f i* O u i i h t p t i

* t i

* i r 'v t t

*’ r i -J v * i i i

■■f f i h h O V lU fi

I If \ If

' ( 1 !uc; j/al

."viiiicr•-fViturj;- wun r rrtnrpF: aru seeing

e. vt

\i I . !►-

r* ^ "*t

!~Ut OjfV

s t OS.X

» u n u )

iCj'j _;.•») , .


* •:r» »-

L '•l i*X. ■ -.,••}it 'vv! f t St't f 1

•i' wtPiisn. J

S Hi* , \ i- k,

1 liiM o n i hft

i ( « ' I . l i ' r

« j-ir a i A•,--. Ur:{SOJCiiC'fV*>? y

* ort-1! « tat* 'O I

a.i present-.

” W.1 1

< I1 j;nah

»«» UJ t :r.5U-

V -tt u I *a » 'hi A If ^ u i i1 r f 1 i c l r , f-Jvu

i > n n r , c /

prtwd oi . f.vt: t. l.i?ry ujj.n • and'

tr~ j ^ if * c.p ’ > V p n^

adahr;, wmj . /;&rsi.srf> gf 3}»"V:-t*

b&n. voueyiv ji and-outer varwd

. ti*h;c;?:«o vlt'.lS( J t IH COHClUCl-

cd ,se < uvvwsnurv « w c ck and

en Saojrciivs: •-■• •••• - ■. - -In. other:, business. D an Va/’«-

.dcrbdt.--chairman;- ^ it letter'

received from J im Clifton, pres*

idetit t»( Math won Pop Aar-

Tier - toorhal] Jeague, thankut^

in<- fOOjijtiJ>M‘.>.'5 /or their rt-oert;

: comnbncso.i. which was *>i‘cu to

- buy eqnipme.ot fur-the plav5?rs.

Mtf;. Marie Hanna, budget tn*

rector, reported . that $1272.64

had beer; expended during me month of September.

Mrji. Dorothy Torciort,. build­Ings chairman, reported that she liad jfifcoivtd two ’estimates for int.* naifuiirj' ui the ei'iur of the Middlesex Rd. .Building and slso tho floor al. Jackson St. Mts. Formon further reported that thc;ping.p(»ng table ai Jack- • son S'. w«as beini* repaired and" she ; requested . permission, to : h yri. the hardwood flwr jn the Frioneau Fire -.Houso ; waxed.1 • I.his request was granted, due

• to the. fact; the firemen - donate ; the of their bmkllng for'the u.riiy uko-.Cu sho suioitici ijcrea- OOP. progii'/n . ;

.; V ic to r; Fabrov ic ,' grounds and

equipm ent.V chairman, reported

(hat . a irajigemems had been

u u u , cf n I ti q) ‘v • a s n l i i • h\< o jt

• jc.y ..vI ..i.i-.'.', y;i»;7;iO' A,,*' .

> ( tJ ' \ nr. * •* \ , » * j'j t C ' f fv T U ?'

u h u c tK .e X *'» o r\.t’ r rt-^ct>

1 Mr.. . V u iiiv ir also Rvat|>d.; that -

:monav was av;if;a!;-lu . fvom uii)

state to ji^ip fjuaiKt p^ogranj!?.

xor Bfenjc-c chitons. M f. - L^wkuv

bem^ aware oi -.liiis, l^»a pcooc-s*. •

1 cd' a' rcraunc class snd- f5ai,cpd:

to prov;dfr: M?;.- with- iha >'

necessary jiiformaiion «.nd-:de-;-


The commission exprfi^sed. ap ^

precuioon <c tne \'Khl-Jaycee*’.

eUes,t group for tlie'-if donation.^

of phivfround- c o u lp in W .•-..:•;a-;f

bteu. m lerhupe Park.

Rockets Harriers

Outrun Matawan.->Rorilan- Hiph-*' cross country­

. runnel's-- s,i;<ired iheir eijghlh vir- - r.QV/ Oi fuv' -Wuson • v.'iincut' oe« •

feat, outtooiitis .MUtawan Tu.«s?. ■ dsy ht .the' Hu.sklfs' course it- 45 ltoh Gordon broke Die couiss

. recoid ,'«;l by -Matawftn’*' Bruc« f i

Gafiliwr, last ytar, corning Iiunie..

. JU;<4!: mv Uw Uv6-mHe : M.atawim ■ '■course:.. Warren GDtdou. Kevin .B»<iHH and Joe IH-elv. all of

*'Rwitan,'- wai:# ..tfcnext'(te iK terS,;;. Bob He'ssjs..'\yas. th;. {wsi.'Mata'.l;

wan.-runner- to fimsh. foMo-.vcd by .' DougJ Lararifo -and Ocnny Stmt, Miko H e in it, Ui-rh. T iilly :

yrul A!, Hayv'S, Kun lun runners',

com'li:d*:d first l-.-n. J l -11w .i :-.. n , M-ifiiuaiVij (op rann'.f, r;

was out wiih a coid. -■-

Presenting. . .THE GOOD OLD

V0LKSWAGEHll ’j not your ordinary Take-A-Gamble Used Gar.

It's a car that has passed tho VW 16 Point Safety

and Performance Test and has our 100% guar­

antee that we'll repair or replace all major me­

chanical parts* for 30 days or 1000 milos, which­

ever comes first. So even if anything does go

wrong it ends up for the better.

* Engine, Tranin.luisa, Rear Axle, Front AaU Ai»«mt!ioj, Brak* Syilem, Etcctrical Sy*i«n>. '

‘6? VOLKSWAGEN 2 Ooor Sudan, While W<l!t, Radio, -P*-?e»ttive Driven, 9a!*flce cf Htw C«r Warranty Chcc*# "

From A ........... .................................... .................................... From $1750


’69 VOLKSWAGEN BacW Sedan, AjIo. Tr«nt., WhH«

Walt Radio, P.tcl Rdck, Be*90, Enwcutiv^ Driven. BelancG of Ntw C*r W'#rrAfkty..................

■6V VOLKSWAGEN $ur.rc~* Srdan. Play T«oo RadSc. WMt* Wal-s, St'ci, fcfllancB vf NVw Car V^arr^nty.......... ..

’i.Q V T A R K !/G H !A C^upis, Ai-ic. Tiarr, WhHaV/idU, :J^o't^co4hn%j, rioi'f Mflh, Gttien, Beautiful C^n*OiticM. c{ ?!*'.•,' C * ' W*»r*r>tv ........................

’6fi VOLKSWAGtM Stdjn, Rndie, Walli* Sl-jf,*rd, BaIauco cf Nf*w C<r W*frar>ty. .................. .

!e5 VOl /SWAGEH Srdan, Tt»*-n Ringi, Undetco*t,

Gtoen, . . . ........................................ ................ ..

‘64 KARMANN GHIA Coyp#. RodJo, W'Sltn WaIIi N k t Cor, Grton. St)cV...................................................................

’63 KARMANN GHIA Cc.nv*rlibl«, Radio, Stick, Gray,fca jtiful. ...................................... .


■ t •

1S ta t io n V /o c jo n Salt*

•t-l MFPCJRV. \ 695

'LA 1 -1>Cf / St4l.','9 . . . . .. 1 PV*>

‘M (M I :'jtM , . . . . . . . . . , % /b0

’63 C'lrSMOB'lB'•'if >j( n . ........... .... . I w

’t.} ro^DCt.'f.ny *(*uir 9 , , , , $

'A7 CHEVROi !. 1

'62 DC DC 15 i. nnc or?Vc,v)C fi , ................ . V 4tu

‘A7 FI.'tMOUIH Sil.idcr 9

'AS ^OFiDt

‘45 R A>J!U 1 R AmiiiltArt, i hn

AS IS SPECIALS'o! VOLKSWAGEN l., R.d, R .Jio . W Ht* n

Vv*«!I,. Mechanically Prcc. ............................................. |595 4

•tl VOLKSWAfttM S.dan, Radio. \VhH« V/.lli, JMichfiriicfllly Pctf.ct,

• n rtnnaf h t Couch Autcinutic, F/S. H.dio, WK1I. J

f v.'/ill, !,'tfch^"it^’!y P:oc., V/h'Is................................... )5VB J

■U y v I, »¥-»-»¥ ******** *¥¥*****}

PAT KEEL EN SAUTO SALESKfiansburg 787-! 113

|Mf»t to ( 'fftndwoyj


’'6 u n . ’ f-ttr v .i. >> p.v.,.,A'l D- -I flA'.l, N*« Wli'tfr W»ll f'I.j.,

Liirgo Seluction of Mochijnics' Spoclels.





RT, 35, SAYREVILLE i Mor k »n K* ( ilt'fi) 727-1300

Ih .ifu Oppn NlijliHy MU S:3t»i Wi«d. Mil 6:00| Mil 6;00 Servlco A f'arli Monday thru Friday 8*8; Sat. 8*1?

.^ e s n r n s n .'/ ' ,

.C3T;r d.'jH' ■&?•':M5S>' OjSirie?

r - o r ,i , r r . - r 1

wr-ir, a': a.-tw.&awu Ths? d:i;i«c.U-'•

Oi ’M r sari i; C ^ ;

k ''•>*■•?- uf ^

dealt in tft» h .srur\5.r»; c i^r i.

'/ ' .AdvifeUse $??)&,tipphs '"■ ■

k • . in

/ this,;'.', iww.sp.aiwi-..-' bri*ig.v;:r^iiiUtt,

-- *>/ vTT 4^ey . av 4.

' ’ M r " : itf-i s ra . '• <«/>£«:»* !iy

• - " '• "■. •■•■' .:■• '•


■MspI&r ls 'M Peak

$ u $ ' & ■■■Fun Center Open a i h ' M a t m r a nr g r ■ *.# j %m* r*d~±s$ *.re, -..t- s • ^ Uts / / ,-anvva /»»-.

a .a ^ s je f r t . ^

Denis ■"'■

; McDowell:.

First a look ::gKjlvi{;pi'iatipiis. Xt!Uj‘:doy' jr ' ' live. .in it sm.'ii!; community

' taSai-Xi t*-i-*<;.*n tw;>; '.IsirSjer' ineu'0[:»!>un airas, ach of which, itas a-TV station, wa buBlcall;.- b iM dauting NBd;


m arily • cnrryb 'i • CBS pro­

grams.. CAT X~! -. Ciibj.: An-

;l4»n»';.Te!OTfaian- ;>?. fiiaSs:as-;r:'ji.- possible /or you to v.-aich an

slatisns-(Including'i)ne that's an ADC

-ttet.tovii ;..uroifafe-e 60'/itto'gJV:tlicy'to bituo'casttng irom

' i ^ 5 t o p p , :

form .of 'closed clrculc TV. You aulwcribe to » lino that fo -hooked . up to a receiving

^station; In your area which ii

capaSte ot.'relaying signals Irom distant TV stations.

Our ipecUity U service! Here * i ’■!.'ttiuc, v vw I, ABO K A- TOKIKS CO.. INC., Stmth. Uiow Shopping»Ctt.,,-.Rt. 34,. Maiuwan, ■ 533-9300, we ’ serve pur" customers th*! fin,:st names ia television - - ADMIRAL * ZENU'H Wa ■ alio satvsco what wo Mil os well as -other- mikes and mod- •U — all work guaranteed' 90 - day* — §ame day service. Oprn 9 ’til 8 daily*— 'til 8 on S.ttutdays,


To make windo.vs s-*?tn nar- ;fovy*r,; hang curtains Inside t l» wJwkw frama.

' JVilt-AVr'i* 5i:WI.JIU H'.iI'Jjjfjr.

djj.piay' ut. i.r.s v.;jr• /-i^n-L

N i-m/ J,vivr-CV's r;;

LTAiiitry, ya:ocJiii.if. fo li.e :>r•!;.•-

: Dvpan,'5K'0» of vyi

.. '{’.■• U.-irfw .--AiJVija:-CUj \~

ser ri'ih-.! C:.'r»!,[i'!!.T-;ianer '

. meiiils .n u t^ .o f lli9 v jr h y s

."Joriiits 'midLsi>fh.3.£-jr-leisiit-«iy

ioymoas o£ -UH» ('lii spsctasai^r.

! Hf?b Pcfirji. Psifk.

', 3li>n^ th«_* Kii-.iiiinny Rkl^e- k>.

■■'.stf'x County, is'uyr^ieit ’vvUh .ra0. pOUV f>um a:y! yeUuv/ ipSra

■"bvsfitv:''Focit crniis ensbl^'■ visitor.’?.' : {aVrtxjilaic sect^ni v=-[;!v

several -jpva^5 oj >3ardv;fji<i tvees,,

tiuV.«rea includes tii? 'higher

■■ vatwn"' m; Mev? .farsj-y (JWX

4bbve; sea leve l)' vvliicif pravi-.k^

,, ■*, ^ v e vp in ^ ' view ot w rn i: ; , . ro-ivi. onci\3fr-.*U:bi£i for'

mUrrrs, irr'the'.valtvy hv{u^-. Neur-v

1 Club Bene'o ijc m »;r - T H E ^ R E

Routa 35,

Exciting • Musicai Comedy



* ♦ *

DANCINGEvery Saturday

After th® Show

DiNNuft & SH O W

*7.S0 to ‘9.95SPECIAL RAVES


For Reservatioai. Cali:m - tm


'OKLAHOMA'. fo* Infprmal ’ Din{n^. r . . Jg»'» Ko*y fl.jf

It^lran Amurfsan SmorgAibord • -

BURLEW’SCliffwood Inn

and RATHSKELLERItalian Americau Cuisine

Luncheons and Pizzas Ali Day Thurs. & Fri.

r>HViV V'Smi . :

• PJr.gvvfjad' Sr.:r ^ :p3,i*K,. PusrtiiSc,.-

C?>iu?'y.' -thf? svevt'c'-'

" 6c of A '. - Qr .'iii>vT-'>r ia'-;.-Skyb»»d>.. I:!-.v-.

>,crr>i? (<j£>nt (Ja^sieKS wKicli afrordi

h mpqca to i!>^ mrUcu^r^r<i^v,:fjf k5

and! (»ia.hires. two '. r<rw :nt .

• nowrtfjng crai^jpylc • ^icb.

about fjiifir Jicil; mi;'*:

O.m5£rv".iion • Departmentr f^sOTv

"iy .c?.Tripl??E£xL -pianxipg? of Kvsr?.- ■

> . lhoUS<i««i4- . ; at .

; SkyU itd^ ‘

’ 'CbMweqVftke- SLak^Park.' lotvit->' aonf j . i f _

- Middlesex C uuiity .; fuprosjius an

:.'.9.VUta»duilK. a>(rttct:u»,. far visitor!. ’

lo central: Nt!vv- ifcrsey. B.\ich

plum, laurel, cattails; ami. th-s.falf-; fruits of foybijrry,. rcw-os. ai>d .

p:iriri'Ji!ft berry may f« Si!-;t! In

. giertt pn;f:i';i(.m. . .

Now. Jarscy's pkturMiyjt! pin#;

bam.r.3 similarly are dothed in

- ^-galaxy of colo," ar i thi-: fall {ot-.'ge i» expected;to.rearh a height.

:• ot briiliancs by. tniii-Oclof^r, At-

t*arvm Sf-jtu P d rk ,; S ile ii! Coiai-

■ ty, ‘ apprtjxi rru: iiifj.v . 3 pceltri T. D-J.

herbaceous pia-us, 43 viirietii.‘3. of r

shrulis and 33 typos of trw s .may'..

!w sisu , a repres^ntutivo sam ­

: p lm go f the'species throughout.tha;

. southern portioii .of she State. /

' ..'Roadways into the s|j(e’-<wnedWharton Tract, ^vhicn cover? st.lC'

ttons'of .Atlantic,. Burlirigt-xt .and '.;

Curridra Cour.tiss. are lin'w!; w !i^ .

'aBayc-.'cU- spcci.iis ’ of, pine jiai'retis

plants, AlHiaug^. easily reached,

by Routs 2W, tiw a tM is virtual­

ly pnm<.'.',i!; h ik ing trails providi)

easy access to numerous bogs and

pt'txii e iiv vn il -"with v^atc-r iiiu-i, .

sw a inpfmti(jno!ia aud bearberry.

,' i'liara ...are' ^0 stat'J, |>ark<i. a:ui .

U stuto fprosti adipitilsteretl hy .

, til!) ' Conscr vatic)!! .Uepattment. ;:

Ono or more or thesa areas, ara . ‘wlthiiv an hour's'^driving time or .'!'

les-i any part of New "jer­

sey. Details tiie ;f:ici!i-

rttes and aUractiuiis provided In ejch of tiles.-) rocieaii'Hi at.-.n

may ba obtained from th.j New

Jersey Department of Cnn;crvj-

, tion and Economic Development,

- Division of Parks, I-'orestry and

Recreation, Box 1585, Trenton,

N .J . Q0tS2i. ' . ,

.Matawan • Borough Mayor Georgo Connor i s pictured' cutting, tbe ribbon' Iv signify tlie tininij '

Ojwning Sunday of Brass Kail lilMiardu, 317 Broud St., Malawnx. I’u'iun'd, icti t<» right, nt tin> njienina

■ ceremony are Ronald t'ncarlllo. president ct 'Brass Rail Billiards; Mrs." t ii/.atK-th Vreeiaiid preiidritl''

ot tho M;il.iv::u, Chamber n! i'otiuneice, .M.i.-. -r Conoor; .lolin A iiiistsi.i, vice president uj - ihe tirnt,

aiut Rii-harJ N'.inii,>. secret.irv-treasurer, . .

Tllere ,»»; »*•» tables Foi. billiards, plus a new -gaoie, -b«wp«r pool.' The' ittaaagemeot pledge*

they arij interested in .bringing a dignified family pastimtt to tht* are« and lhat tiiete will b« -Jrw

lii9(ruolioD uhd leagues ivrnied. : :


Sunday Diiiuig In The Areav. Sunday tiinu&r is a very im­

portant’meal. It is ?.he nne time

lu tfi(j:week when Uteto is Tims

to, relax/ talk. LvJyh. c!>pw a?vi - digest your food. For dfnn-u* in.

the evenh ^ ff>:* . tv;;;-

day*, Uio Holidiy lnu in U^/.iet has been [yatronized. The atnios*

pherd is qoiei and 3«dar.e . Su:i«

tbysv tb? food dciiciouu: ths;

hostess charming, and. tha waic*

rcsH, evcollf:«t, '-TIwm. w s>i\

(^uiet mw ic : l i i . tho. background .

and, scmiohow,' tho joy. of it ol! '

gives a husin^sa person - th*

strengUi to face > the y cbmirig

week. Try it sometime!

Tho Don. Quixote Inn. Mriu- vvan, aUo is nice oa Sunday, or any. .day; for- (hat matter. Had ft.

family dinner jxmy • titer-* to and. il hrtve been

congenial ;Chris Keus f, out of hisway to gr et hur* ci&uiele, and .sometimey hia nioiher is tire hostess. Keyp<»rters would know her av Ruth Morrell, but .Mata-.'-, vvarer.'i know her, y« Mri/C. • Randoiph Heu?.i.‘r. If shd had eh* tercd »ho'MissVAmer!c‘j PdgeAnt-'; a fo<V ye A fii back, she; would ;

;have becsv: select od Misa Conge- - .-nialicy.-;- ; i : '■---'' v •• /'

Your Garden


; " " ........ - 'A L S O - " ’


Hwy. 35 !t Cliffwood Ayb. C !Q^2 1 1 '7/C Cliffwood, N. J. A i w U

ICvery year ul>:iuf »h!i titnr*.

our lawn «L»eciulist hew ai Rji-

ger.H ha* to heo>Jne the Gru:t:.

Peacen'.aKer io tha jKjt'^nniai

tumnui disca aiou of whether best'to let fuller. ,leav?s :jle. v

His answer, nn m/.urer hQW It

hurlH your golf game, is. “ take

•'em." '

The standard objection to leaf

rakinj* incorporute-3 the' .stanslard

syemin^iy retsona'ile arguments

that fallen- (eaves Iwve within

them tajure’i; own pc»tent ferti­

liser tf» enrich next year's huvn,

uud that they provide organic matli*r oi tiv.> highest- quality.

*'Fot«ot it," replies Heucy W* Indyk, .our champion of . th-3 e!eat\iy-raked lawn. .

Fallen leaves havo little, If

any, fertilizing value. ‘Onjanio

uiaUer, yes, hut only after you

rake them u:ul make a compost

p ik .

We!!, then, hu;v about .'eUin^

Ju3l a tew layers ot {fraves

packtxl down a bit, and rako

them all af, one*; . sometifne m.*xt

inonlh? Ur year?

Y u a do Lhat, and it n o y h«.» a

oase of “ Look, nta, no

Or as- Or. fn jy k expiains it.

you e-m’t wait until ev-icy taut

J i dovvn. '/jn Si'jpc to

'ynut* Vo'i in v* to kec^>

i»kuig,.- . .

I f you don't, ihe leaves may

smother tho e.vp:x.ially

wl^en they becon.o »vjt ?omi

t tighr um?

And for t in clincher, Dr. In-

( dyk woMh.) ‘v(V-‘ y-:*u t ■..•m.-Hffv

that golf I* not. the oniy nvrtd to

n'lavni-m o<»jI h<.'alrh inthe t r h p autumn a ii.

A gol^ar iiin>:-*f.'lf, (ut :,ays voa

siiould fitsd Ivaf raking a f,ir

jnoro rewavdm#* lOrtn cf e w ic i^ .

any day.

Cira'chiis 'diidjia a t the 'B- jttw - ,

wo-)d Matmr is just that! It is n

pleasure to relax 'overlooking .

; l)c;i'i-'ful U :fierts ,: a u i tli-;

; f--i !•: li-.:.; j .

Take time ioi . ali , a a J ”you'il livu logger. O-.i tasy tiin*

within I hi', next few months .to

visit all tlw re-itautams adysr-

fised (in this p.ig«,'-W-Jy-'are

all ■■ outstanding Iti tK'ir o-.vr.■ iv;iy. J; no.-;, ! .n1 yo>„-.

a re ; louking ,t->i-. T.-y then:', all. .

. and’i l fii /.! your ; favoiitc! ,

..: It: is a. good iiieii to tat ' ,

least.; onc« i wepK^The' advwtis-

■ors or. Ii-,!-.- p ig s frivite v > i In ,

■visit ilit'f:1.' ■ : ■ • ' - -, ; ■

Will D o n i o i i s t r a t c

T i j v s On Oct. 2t

The Democraf'e Club y? I ’ninr

Beach wiii h>;-.; a Tui-cl-rcii.'iin;'

project .n1 Friday, Oct. -I. iij tlw V.'.Vi KJormro ;\vq„

Un«(K» Dcaeh. Ar> American T»y

Demun.uauoi. '.vill be cund‘iru*d !/y Mis. .lean Arkr?nuin nr. U

p 'm * , . -The pubfic Is u w ik d to aUend

and <1-1 Mioir n iris tm .is ,-5h.)[>*

piui* ir: « r>>)4iie d a!rnOsphe«>?. '

Rcfre.>hmenU wil! be serve-J by

Ih'.* club nK'nsberv.'Persons, unable to attend,'who

wish to parflcinate i:< this pr:>j-

«H.t, may cal' Mis!. Ackerman.

Accidents in hnu\e.> cost mor*

than '2H.300 porswny their ir'ov jn

J1M>3, re|x>tt:i lh« Insurflnca In­

formation iiiiiUlulv.




You and your family wiil enjoy tha charming Cape' Cod atmosplwa . . . and tha finoif, ifricfly frosh

S 6 3 P O O Dand a variod monu of Fine Food To Suif Your Mood and Fancy I











Romeo^ J U L IE T

S jx a m in a lio n ^ S e t

F o r S c h o la rs h ip sArthur I-. Rrsakstnne, president

of Uif fv*vi j-.'t.'.tj vfi Cvt--

tilioJ Public Accountant';, ha* an*

n'.)il!,c<‘d that resist ration forms

for the society's annual $2000

Scholarship Award H.vannnation,

have been sen', to th<s

Counsellors of ail public, private

and parochial hi«h scIkkjIs in New


The 50-minuta college-eotrauca

type cxaminaticui, will bo

at six coilc^e cainpu?es in thd

state un Saturday, Nov. 22, at 10

a.m . Tha examination is open to

aii New Jersey hi^ii school *ftn»

lor^, regjrd lesi of financial need,

who intend to major in account

liu;.R .k1 c-tuw form? ari al*»o

SUNDAY OCT. 19(2 P.M. lo 8 P.M.)

Sponsored by IMG PAST PRESIDENT'S Cl Oft



Adulli $1.50 Children undisr 12 - 75c





C'li'Hoi J . I *» or S’>up oF tin l)v,'

SOUTHERN PRIED CHICKENViij.jI.ib'd. Huff*’ Wiitoc't

Potafin*, C-'iwi T )ln J S AI >t ii. Hf.iily c'jlt

S t a r l i t , H i ’ li- ' i iy H o llg - in i Q u tt- ir, C o fM *

«r Tib ,

r*AM:j,r" SIVLJ

{A (l Y j j W v o j



Hour«i 12 Noon to II P.M.

Tol, 264-1243 Ample I ron Parking

NfiW I In Our Cockfiiil Lounga ,

’HAPPY HOUR'■I . J J - 6:10

COM* Iil AN0 JO IN Ttlfi IN N " CitOV.'OI

iieAogUAiircits foc. sa t rs Mr<-ni.'- '.s ... w to u m '-s hah MU7.VAIK — '-i'h L',i-1; - ! ii . me.

PHONGt 264-2400Your U n l,RICMARU G>VP


rufdi evffii. :: ; •/L.S.•. J f * ,-if

- IC-’Ur -v.•. ro

rf . h'>rr'*o,,'r='^- '-v*i-~''nr

?'u)j i -lla .’.fur,

•>JVt; J. '

j »;<?Iir ‘fr»•.<*iv:i it- ?.;•*>> /..-.»?• v -7 .

i'ag-v.heif homes'- L< the 'pvhi'.-i.

J heir: ii‘;Li'Jde--.1 J!'-1. • »>-.

lOxlWi ol M t; Mf-I. Hi,-'

;bfty. Cu:\Kj‘.oni i:r

•. bcaur.ifi-i ■ o;iu>n!a,J---iind Vict'.'/i'J.!1.

O. iif M)\ /»if ri.’ ■ v*;t<J 1T. C ahi!5 ir. Hi?.!!??:.-- U- c'.-y-i SfoiM

- ed by.';vlt. and -icik-rui.ti i'i.

:DV*rh;riTi' UnlnvUri^ , ei- ,.

^o!H iy <ivc-'-0 die'i . -V),!oe ' v‘f; - ’Mr. - • -and-' iSirs. '^.aio.-r ^r, •

11 ‘'.’.''.h . 'AU'Cr, n, tUu r '_th« li{'udrirksofi^Hou5e. in. Kolni -

de?'' owned by.'-'- ths -Monmouth

.Coun/y Husforicat Society. . \

. jRTM), Garden Club, Hohndel;.-

.Rwit and-.; Rry'tirlv Oardejv

CJmI),' 'Keyporrj • fhi*: •M iiite tow a ’;

Gurdeii Chib, aiid thir' l.akeridj*??-'

Garden Club, Mat'jvva-u-


! * h t n ' D h i n . c r A j f i n l

D a n c e O n iNoy.-l;/.;-.

ivl'jbilie i id 'n e .. ...fro iii ...:

Neiv je j j:s^v Lr- Vy'.-r,--',

K.i 'm f\LMi' -;.i(t'i(. on

":a i; .:.

•¥ti;!e ‘ f'.il.'ii'V i Vi* • ..

of. J . ' hoid-S iv’t au-*

aunt riuiairiii d4asi'?.i>dJ.aci:(:-i ac-,.

t^rdfx^ l i an , annbiJ.nceracht

, fr-am .R obe rt.. Le-.vli..- .Kstne^bur^v .•;

'..^riS idenC . :

. by. Mr,; l/-v>*' ' to t

:a-> , cj-chaitvneiv for i,.- e ven t - ■-,

-♦re M r* . -j jrha Br-iv/rj, i ir!br/.*/> .,:.

TovvnL'bip,'.' ;. '>i>r*a(si. . /

Joy«jc., IrW.uxt G rove P a r1Vr We;<C . ; v

K eansburg .

^ ' AU tnobl'e home ownersj In '

aiaii? 'ans invired/ whether or '

thoy are members of ^ tK .O .A .jfe ,;

.■stated. M r, Leivis: T-ckeis:' '

jx j'. secured to clu*- are* --frpin.-'v-

-Nicholas'.'."' ^luniingv-V.BropksTdC^

/Park, lia z teh 264*^3^,- or M js.- '

' Joyi.’i.\; ;■ \7V,«&&.[;[ Ue«erv4atioo i; ';

. dcrstt M onday,• Oct. 20.- -ip.-’i-.-./f,

2nd Anniversary

D o m ic h \s

■ PIZZA 4 SUBS, lr>c. ,

HIGHWAY 34 CHEESEQUAKE'-, : Snoppin-j Pbraj



Orders To Taks Otrf j T ,,, , T.; > ■'■", . . ^ ! Tt*9t., Wod., Tfitjrl., Sun.

I .; ! I A.M. - 11. P.M*| Prl.- & Sdh ' ; .

i v a .m . » i2 >.Mr : r. Closod Monday : •

CALL 583-9422

\ "Wa'ro Famous For OUR Pizza!" -

Traditionally Known

For Fine Food

Gracious Surroundings, '

Finest Service, and Most

Delectable Food . . ,

A Winning Combination

Wtil! Worth Trying Soon!

JL$*>uttonivood W an o rHwy. 34 566-6220 Matawan


■-■-'/..iy.: ",V ■ ■' ' -■ - :-:■' • , "■THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N, J. '

J XVy ' t:V.

N O T E Sa b o u t :

Arc* Wets arid VVcriwih ■m’:& e

:\: I/':; e s .


Pfc. Richard 51. Moms, «on cl '

Mrs. Eleanor Moiris, P.o* 5,

Kr-vitf 36, lij/ le t, and the Sale i

Be11 rum Morris, is serving in t'n<>

Republic of Vietnam with Die 129th Miiin Spt. Cu.,: as a refrig-

nntioa and. .,ir: -.conditioning t<?~ . pMnnan. tie 'ook hi* bfesi,. trnm-

iiig-ai':‘F o r i ' uix aim ■ advancwl

training at Fort Sclvoir, Vn, ,. :.

Morris' would like to hear his friends. His address is

Pfc.".Richard H. Morris,:-:JM-42- ‘14‘vt-l'Knh M t- Sp*. Co (0 -•,

APO San Francisco. Calif. 90240.

Scrvvs Aboard Yorktown

; Seaman Oo-jglas • John Adnm.

21 Chestnut Dr., Matawan, ; is

serving aboard the aircraft car-

r l« , U.S.S. Yorktown, which is

making a cruise of North Allan- :

tii ports. '

. The Yorktown has, completed;

t two week stay in Parts and

will go to Rotterdam, Holland

It -then will make two - stops t in

England before 'returning" to its ..

home port, Norfolk. Va.

#man 4 dam is a 1%8 gr.’.d-.

of Mmawan ■ Regional High -

School, aisl completed his basic training at (.irettl Lakes Train­

ing Center. Hi. . . .

He is expected to return to

Virginia on Dec. 12. . :




« C n t r t u , -

• Cmuim>6w .

• llitfipratk ’. L ao i".



I f W, Front St,, Keyport < N u t I* F to u U a *U t* l B ank)

. JUcrnthon Him** l*Uss Our Door B p fd .i lb iJ tg In AU Type* Hurg icu l

A jtpllanccK and G arm e n ts . .


T 5 i f B i5 v ^ 1NEXT DOOR

S& P B A R & L IQ U O R S




Maik Jarnt-i Miiiunient, 11

•’Chf3in':t r<„ MatAwai:/ has

: been: promoted to Specialist

, Fourth.' Class* He is stal iuimd ■ al a i l>a.w near-.- rtankfort. Cier. main

He served :hin basic traiumy tit

Fort-pix am) then was. .«*nL. u<

hurt KucHcr, Ala. While at'Fort

Rucker, he received an award

for- Company Soldier-of-thc-

Month, - which-', included a $25

U. S. Savings Bond mvi a ttirce-

v.tS3y-.r"5t" ei^\rc!jaitatitjn. ypcrisji!. at-’

l USU bsw. In Florida, -

;> Spe(../4 Maidn-.cnt is u !:«65-

. ^laduate of : Matawan ’Hegicmfti

ltiph School. H e is expected to complete his tour of duty in No­

. vewlwr 1S70.- - ■ ■ ■

Serves At Submarine Base

, ' Yeoman.TJhird Class Robert k .

■ Ackerman, USN, eon of Mr. and

Mrs. Rooc-rt B. Ackerman, 72

■ Belmont Ave.,i Old Bridge, and

husband of the former M ies; Mar- (>aret J. Kaplun, South River, is

serving at the U.Xi • Nava! .Sub:

riiariiie Basci'f.'ew London at Oro- -

U.n, Conn. , - .........

The base is the sitr-of the Na­

val Submarine School. U; is' also

. Ihe homcporl for diesel - electric

and nuclear powered submarines,.

- including the polnns missile type.

It is the largest submarine base

of Its kind in the world.

Graduates In Memphis

Altman .Appreiitioq Thomas Gaghardi, Ll, S. N;ivy, tK) Orch-

■rd St., -Keansburg, graduated

from the Aviation Mechanical

Fundamentals School at the Nav­

al Air Technical Training Ctn-

ler, Memphis, Ttnn.

Ih e three-week course Includ­

ed basic mathematics, common

aircraft hardware, physics, aero­

nautical publications and the us«

of hand tools.

In Top Bomber Crew

The Strategic Air Command

1969 'VWorld Scries of Bombing"

got underway last week at Falr-

chiirt AFB, Wash., featuring the

SAC’s top bomber crews.

Staff/Sgt, Robert E . Condit is

a jet engine technician selected

to represent the 42nd Iiomb Wing fit Loririg AFB, Me. He is

the nor, of Mr, and Mrs. Howard

; The bomber cmws. : backed by

th? ^ . in the

oitniriaini, matched their flying

and ■'■•■bombing *kHto,- . witfxwi

doicpmg a bumb, in'SAC’s 16ii>

Combat Competition. ■ '

; . Twt-nlyrfouf SAC bomber

. crts' s. ■ .-flying;' K-S'i "S iniio iof-

■/■"twss'e-s snri ,Ei 3t< Hustlers, pi j#

i l .u x Brili?h Ri-ViJi. A i" , Force. fly ii'g ■ Vukatis,- ctimptterf.

fi -r inr: F itirchiid Trcl- .

"; ;pKyr 1Wdivi,jiiit; : ayar'd?:- clwrripioniihip. tir’t. -

The honor of being

: stiptwt; their unit's o itry ir> (!je

.-competition is to rv/flio-

- teriance men o» the iwsis of

- tec.hnicui. fckif.l, : prolicieticy and

t-rinsitiU-ntfiiilslii tiding perft-nn-

" ;•"

Durin;;, the fOmpeiifioii ii

.. cieiv ..flrW': 1'V'?:.ri)niHl-f<.>|iiii. nw>.-:iiLUi of 2. 00 iiiii'-'.s. I'uij

; eiicoinpa'-iiiiii?- ' hij'ti-- and liiW si'nmlau-d.. ho)hi>iijg ano

' '''.JpiiVfiiriini’-' 'nitviijatUiiC-:v>V3iSsi.priX:

lj*,! aijput SjX ji'Xi!>.

r-Three rnobile radar sites,'each -;

' .Covering Sour :tisrs;ei5 .jiear lia r- .

vey, N, » , M6J»ridge,-S; ,D„ ativi11

-V ^rs il; Fa«s, Mum-, t:ii,:i;-ti and ■

scoreti the airetaft an.i crews mi

the accuracy o l: their “ bombs;;’ . (

The. accuracy- of ..the simulated :

bomb ;:‘releases was computed

, electronically ' by - the . tr.obik

-sites, f r o m th e ir record of rs-’.

lease . stgniil, The , score - .was .

iximbiiied w ith h.rvip.ation p jit it t .

■; earned fur. th t; t n .i l score. '

Y llie .wing- amass'ing ;:the Yhitiii-,.;

cst li'imner ot points in comhin-

ed bombing and navigation is to

be awarded the Fairchild Tro-

.pfiy. " ;

Sgt. Condit; who has served in

■' Vli.trwiVi, Viti <>. ^Ivtuujlt' oi -

■ wan Regional High School and

atlended BltHjiiifliild College. .

Taking H-W««k Course

Fire Control Technician Seo-

man Robert W. Cosey, U. S, Na­

vy,’ son of Mr. and. Mrs.; Robert

R. Casey, <5 Margaret SI., Old

Bridge, is at Great Lakes, III.,

attending;the -H week, advanced .

phase of Ihe Navy’s basic Fire

Centr'd Technic.ian School; ,

" Oie. technique ol :fire control ,

involves directing the course ot

» projectile Irom weapon to tat-

■gel, usually -a distance of many- miles. ■ .■■.■..-:■■-■■■ ...

A graduate of tiie initial, bas-

lc 18-week course, ho now is stu­

dying advanced electronics, ana­

log and digital computers, mi-

.cruwave techniques, as well as

radar components and systems.

Following this advanced

course, lie will move into a spe-

cinlued course of his own chous­

ing, covering a specific section

of a gun or missile weapons sys­

tem. This training can run from

20 to 31 weeks, depending on his

specialization, and will be taught

either at Great Lakes, a special­

ized school at Dam Neck, Va.,

or at the Mare Island Naval School's C o m m a n d, Vtallejo,


Weaver PromotedMontgomery Weaver, son of

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Weav­

er, 891 Woodmere Dr., Clillwood

Beach, has been promoted to

airman first class in the U. S.

Air Force.

Airmail Weaver is a corrosion

control specialist at llickiim

AFB, Hawaii, in a unit of tbe

Military Airlift Command.

The airman is a graduate of

Malawan Regional High School,


INSUREDc k io * f ~ u o

Clieclt With Us !

Atkerson, Van Buskirk & Elliott, Inc.CHESTER BAUSIS

1 E. Fron! St. — Koypcrt

Tel. 264-1116




« e* \ T

, o » " >

w io n \ w






Asbury Park - Now York Transit Co.

ST ROUND TRIPS DAILY Mm wp DIRECT lo Pori Authority Terminal




_______ ________ _______ __________ P w . T h lr io a n

Astronaut Jlonore'df

Col. Edward Aldrin jrv ri|;hl, Apollo It astronaut who-

walked on (hi*. pluquu lrom Monmouth County ' Im v •

hoWcr llurry l^irrison jr. iTie pre.wntaiion was made last week ai

a meeting ol (he Spring Uke-Brklle Kolary in the Beau R kag iv

Spring Lake lie i*hK

Birafsf*- F fsort •••v-■' Aj-:pr*'.ni;r K.

Mfi, ft«svyv iA 'V1.r.'cJ’.d ' Mrs/ Kw»tst'?h O. O.iPk: --i.'S r.v

'AVay. L'Jiitttfa'ul, Knii AvjH'iop

iVaiwuaT.'s ■ TMrO C isj-

.U !?.' N.ny.

i.-i Mv. -ir-r) M r. Cr-iV;'-'

• SV;r;n:ftj.\ ,UJi H ilfl'p I3'!vd... Hjff-

- VvOiid fir.’ifh, ;‘(i' •'H!JVU’4r jj.bor-n .

' lhi.v uJft ?iill Cf.'li ici' ' VhV Vnrk-

town, • -v'slred Vi'h'M-, ut'cu tbmpk’ti^n c;f -NA'tU ■

, .Kvt-i'.yf' c/jc tt! a .

.itfkS;,.i:i- rtKuLiiV .'iuJjitJuU-iJ. NA'I'O U ivw'tj..: r x-r invofv-

ii>'.> jrioj'* ih-i*. A# '■V:;..*inc/ J)''MTt

ij-nd <iJii'j v-srricr biis^d ^ir*

....trait, u; .U:M

ihe r»:-«n1i!>^.s>.nd t'ffoctivv.ncsv. of ' th t NATO run kirn-

In Rr'ffit. rrc-.Vf:;!',' hint !;;(• cf>. j.U'rttirj/.fv {{i i.M'j*;'.' Iiu; spcri’fiJnN

of im. r.^.i

: ao-J tic iiizm..:".A:ViU'U-ly r-f ,(t)wr.K hi-

■ Ci\;r)r'ii ' t H j . i V M - i U 1 ; 11; it-

-•t«pv rrri.-MV; .Ujuf o f

SJ. : Mjcht’i . ^ . Nr:rTnr.,r;(}y

bcaciu-s,. ana a iiir t>auy visit lo ’ Priri.*;. : .. -

IJuntfv Ir M.'iine

Av?itlk'ii E']c-cTr<i!?,k-v Xe(:hnk'i;m

Alniiiin, V*'i)iia.fn f/. JlKs.ily/ sf. S. ’

Nii\-y,,1'‘Son ' and Mrs, Jo ­

seph E . iW .jlv v l’]5 I lorwrt;

Av*.‘.; RfaVhi. Js

l})c* .U.S. iNujviil Air Stahoii in

■' Brunswick, Me. ; '1 The s'tntinn is ihl' home nf FUt<H r

A ir ..-Wing Thrf.'e. Tfie wing’s five ‘

.squatirons ccinijfrnse th« hup^st

Bertxlynaiit-fiiiiro! -squadrc-ni;;- l-n the ir-ai>t;.'" k * Bvistlvn phyjiioiPgv. air ojtvi- Vicuiam'■1).^. Anny 1 >--F' W V Gi5-.

• 'jO, 'n' Mv'v.' J: .

(S te w s '.. /MJ .

lef. v.y.jf ?t u*

■ A.-Vifvi 'i L)‘ i;; >'i Vietrsam ,'. .;

f»i; ■ > (it«n • ■ -

Ctfimplolo*; At Pcr.v,'»cclu

.. V~S. W«vy‘Krisiwri i>svid A Pth . W k i! ivfWi nf x:anw A;

?, has t.orripn'itrl

if. io’jv. - Fitchr S.y^iomr

.fri-rie . st ;/)(* >';;sva{ AviiUiiv?’,

a!' Di*-' l ; S

Kin ;,' Air Sti>tv;*nT I ’t.’JiKat'oU. FUl,

. Tb?- cqacw fjfv'.um] 'him

fnnets aivvl svvJm*.-. jriiiii:.'-; . - - ;; -' ;

Ii*\r,2>rwW proceed;;;• tht* A'

frrr, m. . • ■ . _

' T]: h;fonnalion > Tii*,(h.'f rfirnes-'

. ivii-ch have’.*. |>f«v'

t.-n in ijr-'sn^r Jr-si-'.

rs i'-t.-u:

■dt’bhi io iVSS.. Ri,ih5>'ry'''iT»«r,rpdfie4i.

2-,' pi'r ^;ril ov^r. iV,*'. )^7 fi^ijre,

rose 21 per cent; aiiio

ihd* IG per, f.f.iil,-. a?td bmrglaiT

p r rom. '' • 1 ’ • •

T up e u j r i t e r s

& A i U H m j : ^ l a s - l u n r i




NF.W AND RESUiLTS AT LOW PRiCfcS1 ■ ■ . '5 YEAR GUARANTEE :: ■: ; ■ ■ '

S E R P I C O S101 Monmouth St., Red Rapk

Phone 747-04S5

TMI Bt«T C.NAMD UNION llUTiS TMi. W.fSF K im » « i c r .

tnriARs itoTH g o v r s e a l s . u u a ^ a n ic c s y o u o u a i it v

b e e f s jh eMAjt CUT ■ TfNbt* jgic*


4 9 9 7U < •* A. LH tMCI • ■ O V IU M (ADT

S M Q O L B ill S T E A M . 9 9 ' i l l ROAST

CALIF . STEAMiMoai cur ’

i l l STEAK

A n a0M 111 •' ■ ■ -.v--~-r__r-

M c m fC K M A S T . 5 9

S t C R O S S R IB R O A ST , 9 9 *


W 7 3 S 9 *






u n iu u


__ . 89*SOCIETY HAMS,V)ut * *14®

ROLL SAUSAGE > 89(^AVI IW 10 (0 % OM IA IK j| '

Ta«ui?i{. f i t® . "RixJeio*

®RBifllU ■ |>

OOCUN WlNfiS _ » 3 9 cm t m i- n n m


» « « i i n iw im a m B .

rRA N K S e > 8 5 ci , 7 3 :BMUNn t « M

CtmDLCi t SrtciAU » ’ I ” Shunt Cocktail 3 8 9 ‘

C O D n U E T

. 'VdmtiMm.


Macaroni Saud

3 9 3 ^ 8 9D t lM O N K M IA I. M IA I t J i S a I H * O fl MOMII

S M 6 H E t I I U I C i3 - l m TetMTOSleCE




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Hos)i s SLm m r ttlUT IWRItU

Heinz Soups a “ « « <»..,«Applesauce «.*«.mmiwKikitWHiui cAiWi

Salad DressingstAnmirt .V-8 COCKTAILixuicA s ruonu g\ •' «f(in

Heinz K etchup 3 •- 1

■jl 7 5 c

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Tacial TissuesJWTITVAHT

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I iw o c m .' F i’o I u ’i m v . i '



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lh l.a = li7 JZ E 3WHM 1HIV CCHlPOW AND fU*(.HAl|


: r T T ^ - t V ' T ^ T ^... j g » ' I J <*±XL

IWIST MOPcour<»NOOoo niau i*i wt iiih.

I INI f tH JK ^ i H# ftr, tfiM I S |_t lj 'I



win. couroN mow and ft'BtMAll or li.oo {>• MOfi

il*iTrt by ) • « )

1 (Ml Cll'JfH m LUtH IA-HTO#


| W J E j

l^Jrw triw r-fKtr ihiii . w:i

• iifiucvm ntou <Kf. mm*. w» »»uawvt im io iitui cjUAHrirnv


T M C M A T W A M : r v i D , v A J l k : ii» iw jtrln ii- iV fiV r'- i v v w i ' . i I '1)!,...; M# w= t ■ TVZfcitfi *6, 4^?'; ...Mi»im,ii«.i.hw»h ■WMin.iiTtTiv.-hmn.rr

i| : ' 0 «SBi£icst .;;A'civc£‘l' is iiig 'R a te s ■:

I K.ey|M>ri:W<‘ekiv- Matawan Journal:i ■ ■■ ■: . : : ; ; ; :

■■ ...... To'Place Your Ad ■’ . 1 ■...

P l u m e 2 < » 1-.)0 ;> 0

for Cony 4:30 P.M. Tuesday

Minimum.-Gharg#- (3 l in o s } . . v; $2.00

A d d it ic n a i L fn st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 c Per Lino

B»!d Rico■ Caps ... ,..». .. * 80c Per Line

Service Charge Tor Box Numbers .

4|/2 Average Words Par Line

Contract Rates Upon Request



CaW ui' for Momition < M 1 tta •Vpraper^w»y:i6'»ftJl:your.h4m»!-flnd_'. ■(wrangorf0 : p u r c h a » » ho r n # trough': ®ur ..mc1wj«v* fUf*rf«l. Sywm. L



(Cdfetu<OF h o n e s / /

.'.Mismbtr. Multiple LlsHrifj

30 HWY. 34, MATAWAN .

' S it (HOC


52,800 Down needed- to buy

this beauty 3 Bedroom Custom Rttrtch.. Living ■ Room, Dining

rca' .-with iwall-io-Sva II v carpe tr

,ing. :.Eat-iri Kitchen, tyi Balhs, .Garage, Full Base­

ment, Big Scrccncd-in Porch,

Fenced In wooded yard.

Asking Only $i7,GW


2 Bedrooms, living room with /ircplncHj dining room, kitch­en! ■ ceramic bath, very nice

lot; 11 car v garage,1 finished baacment, hot water heat.. Owner must sell, moved out

o fstuto , Asking $19,300.

VA No Down, FHA $J(!00 down

uubiect to approval.

Tor jTliesc and Others Call:

RANKL & WEBERReally Co., Realtor*

Hwy, 34 Malawan, N, J.

sw -s ju

;;Wo, hav« jlioiiics |.-i choose j

’ :tro^/'i’V‘ var!oiT3 prlcc rn.^g-'

es in fiazli’t, Holmdel. Colts Neck, ; Middletown, Ki:y- port, Lmcnft, '.'Malawan;

' Borough,- Matawan STurlhoro, Atlantic High,

.-'..lands and vNciv . Shrews­bury; Call for Personalized

Service. ' . '

Carlton HL Poling i;RiHitor

Member Multiple Listing;' .

MM Hwy. £> Hazlet

26-H918 ;

W W t W m W M W W M W t W


Custom Home /

3 Bedrooms with 2 additional

lwdrooms partially finished.

Llvlnj? room, Painily room with fireplace. Custom kitch­en, full dining room. Laundry

mom, full basement, 2 car attached garage, wall-to-wall carpeting, central oir condi­

tioning, humidified heating.

152,055 '


1355 Hwy. 36 Hazlet

(Across from Airport Plazti) DIAL 264-0333

' - - J 17,900

No Closing Feed

FHA Appraised

Unbeatable vaitiu at a ,'price most can' afford.

- Willing owner wili help' you with clojinj; tees. Four

bedrooms, n u g e living

, room, and kitchen, ceramic' tiled bath. ■Storaga attic, Quick occupancy. Many

.extras.1 ' ; -■■' - ■. ■




Brand'New ni-Level

Xtvo Car Garage

Custom built in one. of our

finest ureas. Four bed­rooms, formal dining room,

spacious living room and kitchen, U4 baths. Over­

sized roc room. Utility

room. Chnicc of colors for paint and tilts.


Excellent Financing



JV.r.VA'AM J b.:J,uo„,Ranch, basement, attached gar-

ago $2(1.stto.STERLING McCANN

Real listate-Broker


10/ 1(1

Service DirectoryCONTRACTORS


Bathroom and kitchen, real tils.

Freo estimates, Work guaran­



Ruoni additions, roofing, general

. apatrs, reasonable rate*.


ELECTROLUX, ALL MODELS local sales and service. Cnll

bM-nsA,______________ _______ w)ii

PARKER BOARDING HOME for aged men and women. Stata

llcoiisert. Call KMOU, Matawan,

N.J. wjtf



BICYCLES domestic and foreign repairs our specialty, Bayshoru

Ilardwuiu Co., I'ront St., oppofiito

lVst Office, Keyport. CallJIM-IM! tr

SEW ING M.ichinu Repairs. I-iva

estlnuit<!3. Retired Sinner Man.

after. Ken Warwick 50IM273,

. II

BICYCLE need lixin'? Bring it in to A 117 Mt!??’ St.,

Mauiwnn V : • ejmir all makes, ti

yOU bust 'em we'll Iix 'em. Class and screen repairs, Bayshore

Hardware Co., Front St., opposite

Post Office, Keyport. Call 281­

1145. _________ tf






13 Main St,, Matawan




Upholstery nnd Fuinitun’ repair* Ini;. All fairies, Nauj’ahyde Vinyl.

A. .Strang, W0 WiiKhlnjjion St..

Keyport. Catl 2(*I-MM. II


t ■ ■ t. ............. .. •. '


' '\;f!replace

' ' MATAWAH ; :Lcvltl Own*- C^i. l.H“.ifri-/.jrn j\

2■ biiths. ctfiitrai air x^ndilSLffi-

inii. • a fir*?,

pl.v/?*' £o\\ ds;>\jrn£. VA moi't-

tif-prov. r.ttd

-32-12 '-'ia '' ino/ivhly ,

' • .t-iiU ■ Ice; Oiity;. 53‘i,5b» • •





- jW M W W W W IW W W W W W V

KEYPORT „..■■!

Sturdy , -older iiome, ;.7.' rooms, V/i hatlis, full l>ase- iiient,.-. inmicdmte po?r.cs^

' sion at closing.' FHA Mort-:

•»i|W avMiialiio lo qualified

ouvor. .' $17,804


liicel.'em Split Levd, 4' Bedrooms, 114 Hat.hs,

eWJ . Rec Room, . wail-Lo-.: wa!!. carpet in. jiyinn;r(*nrn

and halliv U rge Patio. J; ,


MuitipU U itlng -

- u\a.-v_ 3Y MAf/.'.'/ - M .


KtYPORT - $2«,7M

T' stury - four bedrooms,fill! ;b^th aml; 2 ,i baths.

Large dining room ,; kitchen and den. to ll basement. Kx-

celient condition. SVe have

the key. Call no* 671-3’jH ,


T’ll hr. wnitin|?. - hv. the - te!e-,

plioiv; for youf Four bedrooni Ctiix!, Cod,-; Ono . car , jtaiiaBC, fnity reiKeil in lar?e • play y a M . untl only 51,200.00 to

. take over VA-5H% mortaa^eI ‘ Oiilr.rnvlmntolv :S!4n,0n.;OGr

inontli. Fuji tosemciit. Sclihds

gootl? Call us now. Asking

■ s iii.m ra .

Walker & WalkerREALTORS

llwy. 33, Mitldlotowiw W* J .

Open 7 Days A Week ;

. . : ^

Send fo r lllu s tra te tl Calitlnft


3 Yours young,. 3 Bedroom

Ranch, M o d e rn Kitchen, .Tile

Batii, Oversized attached 1

Car Garaee, Located on (i

Quiet Dend End Street,

...... A BUY AT


Betsy Ross Agcncy Realtors

117 Hwy. SS Keyport

2m i M

We hnvc n buyer for a Strnlh- more 3 BrJnn. ltnnch, in a position <0 assume pivstiil mortgage up (o $12,000.


Hwy. 36

West Keansburg


WE BUY HOUSESFor cash in anv condition!

Call ‘iDl-0-1%

T RA IL ER on privately owrnjd

Jol in Keypnr! area. Cfh'o !'>•

cation, d^scripnon hum pn<

Writo B ok E c/o KcyjHirt Wr-klv




Excellent invest men > oppor­

tunity. Locu! tir'M, hlj;h k*-

iti rn,


EDWIN S. STARKltcallor,1 llwy. 36 Iliizlet

(Acroi'j from Airport Pliun)

DIAL 261-0,1.13


llA /I.I'T TOWNSHIP - Nice hlp.h lot IM), city \v:it'*r, i><m i

.liuinpitij! N.Y. Ihim's. Uy owiht. In1*/, In/

N « 'Jn L t Cr* i"» 1 >•/» t f'.'.l .vvnT, <:

pjfJ" ) iC!‘, M:‘ i ii;j)k ItiS

iit ! '('i Mii'!; %<.

. J;

h;-u- ■'-i hoi Au'.iiicjjijy-. . Nn j.'hil'.ive-: .CaU

•. iiiifi- iZii- <>f t.'‘,>rilac' . Hiii f.Iur.uh^,

27*? :»<tlhiin Court, CJiffwopri, N'-J. ” it}/5 •• jo / 'n f

, oj'-nct; -ok' tsw« 7 c<tn' -■ ' or :’ri4 -iGfni, ' • • . . . . . ifi/.u; •


j'l.i.RNT.SMHi'j ArT.

.. j,Tnoxnat.:..T.V, ;ui utilities

r/:G-3.V,M . ,

KEYr'ORT - 4 i bum'.apt. $135. 1

child. 2«4-6532. ’ 10/16

3 ftOUf.I AJTr avaijabk immedi-

u!i'!y, near iranipoi'tation. Sitl*

tHr- ' . 10/to

('T.ii'f-'WOf)o - t)rx. 1st. 3 room

! . huii;.;i!(>U'. : h(JuU- only. . Call

td'ter 5 '*(0 p rn. 10/113

■J EOO.MSJi: Bath, [inmshr.’d alt',, beat . & water supplied,

: Busims® or retired couple, no

. u«!a. 2(3 First St., Kevport. 10/10

7 ^ rLyr r ^ Y ' I)( i i n I f ir

teachers or couple, 2 distiti-

.-•guisiied brand new “total-eiecttic

.,. al! . brick, I blH ioom apts. Lo­

cated rn a kooii Kt. :jfi. J/J:'b!ock iKiforf. (ilphliirui brldije, High­

. ' itiiuls. Sl-ic per mo. Call ;fl71-

5252 JO/16


. iGENTLEMA N wishes:. fu rntehed ■■apt.; 1st floor in M6-

7K?.7. ____ JO/3 - ID/IK

O X ’ 4 yN F U R N IS iiE D rootns!:

in ICisyport. - Mntawan « r e n.rnunl.l. betl, ni'r.^'-.-.iAnal

Cali between 4:50 - ti *254-1723:

:v ■ ; ■ - m/m ;


■ '*T t !^ n T O M ' TON A.PP?.TCANTS

Tiie. Keyport Weekly and The

Matawan - Journal do not know­

ingly accept Ilelp-Wantc-d a l s .

frtim .employers' xovorixl hy-' t i e '

F u lr Lubor Standards Act if they

offer less than the lc?al rnir,imurn

wage or fail to pay ar least time

and one-half for overtime hours.

The riiiniitiutii vv.iife for e:ii])!oy-

ill ('Tit coveted by the ELSA prior

,o tin.; I'lOlj Amendmonls is S1.60

aii hour. Hi'.h ' oyc-rtiinii pay re-...

. q ijired . ;vfier 4 fl. liour.s a week. :

■Jobs covered as n result of the

’ .13BC"Arneiidnients require S I.15 an

hour minimum with overtime pay

required after 42 houts a week: .

For ypeeifie .information, contact

tlio Wajjc. an-i llissir Offiee of tiie .

U.S. Department oi Labor, Fed-

« a l , Building, 9?0 Broad Street, Newark. If


and hath, newly paneled, gas

baseboard he'at, 31G,ft00. Stella

Briskie, Licensed N. J . Real .Es­

tate Broker. Cnll 284-145!),

10/ 2 -io/lfi

K E Y P O R T - Immediate occu­

pancy, low 20's, walk to trains,

buses, schools, largo remodeleJ

2 story, 3 Bedrooms, modern

kitchen, dining room, V/2 bar.hf.:,

paneled den, rcc room, living

room, fenced in yard 110x1011.

FHA approved. Cali owner M2-

2.102. 10/15


John Hancock Mutual Life

Insurance Co.Aunouncos Oarncr Ojiporlunl*

li^s in Sulos nnd Sates Mnn*

ngomenU '

Strtrting Monthly Salary* up lo SJOOQ plus romujistOyn.s. No

salcfa or msurnnco experience

necessary s i n c b coinplete theory tind field training in provided. •

This i« one r»f (hy meat ro-

wf-rdlng programs nvai!;tbl**


If you con.?ii!or yotirsclf to he

a high caiibnr Individual rc

fjnrdloss <>f: background yo\i

are invited to investigate this


Send Resume to:

P . O . Box 870, Hot! Bank, N .J.

or Cnll 1442*3100

- Vh‘?rs 3M>rni'>otv«•jjp{frc.H'-M}:n»:iy 2 <.■ .'A Mu.-’

rjvvn : " •

■ - fo il fiWi-l?.Is ■_ :

..M E c iiA N icK .'iiiir

: tu”*/; fu.' . r * .m • rv-y*.: pon ’ ik ' m . r:;i:-;: ^ v * i f h

0’A‘A TOiJi'v Pburiv' • frv.

,*#pp'.finlni'M'i?. . 10 /lo

r’l-nVTfV OT A'l'' ”.!!»....

_ . .wanted .for:mv.v-«l^rion in K?y-- port uroa. i'iili Hud p.-itf .ti/r.rt

ojwnin^/;, 7:!9 O^iii far

jK»intjri';':tn. " -SO/Pa

^ rr '';:A m i.iN E ii'r:(aNNURs ""!?. you arc n youn,q a-. .n, 'hi.i»h

. school grud.. nfvt in app-.^r*

ttace and havn a burning

to enter tho OKciUng and .reward-

in« nf th.'if sr.irt^

you out $120 a week for -1!)

hrs. tviih ;i d»<inc<» for (VvTrUim*.

frw travel' lv;JK2fits, th*=-n conie

to P!accmrnt SVvvici'.

. M ain St., M a law an , 566­

' 7005. : 10/!'j

; YOun’tr WO.VtivH; tOl Stiv'U’U irip, - ^ Bookkeepers,, Ground Hrvjiteis-

es, Teilcrn, f?al Friday. K<jy

PtmclH‘rs, C|prk-7Vp’^ts. Airline

antj local ^wsitions: ayuilablo.

-E^ptVrieMcc. prufcp'^d, BLop in a'iy

. tim iv tb di.^ctistx your future: Air­

line Pfactiment • ;Servkv:-; 13C|/V!

Main St., Matawan. 55ti-VC05. .

MASOW He Mason’N Helper. Yes’r

. round work. '-Paid-'vocations,.

59M3AC. , . - . / J ; 10/16

; UNUSUAL oppf?:‘tt’ii:‘.y‘ frjr tiv,*

. : riyhf j>t?r.soh in a, new* cciu^pi.

ui food. T'-'iaiiinp. Mur.t h « ; nji-

grc»S3ivoi wiui»i,u .• to' iL‘u iij,‘ onu-

nbio .io nieut the''public. No ex­

perience nofvjssary. Idaa) job

for person (o supplement the

; fam ily Jncorno - plus th e . r^-

. wards of a challpngirig- p o t io n .

App y ni M r ; i-rrsyi L;airy Sion*.

: for details Und Interview at .120

. Llovd f<d;. Matawan, 56G-171<3.

- ' • •. 10/If)

M A LE - P a ri or fu ll Unit:, Ma-4

-;>ro-high school gradiiittr-'. Apply

•, to Ravshom Stationors, 3G W,

Front St.. K cvno rt,: . Ui/!(!

"C L K R K iA L 7Vpu»g und’ phnnt’.

fi day v,^*k,' y r»,"Cal) 56(j*Ht)t:t).

... : ■ w w .-OJ^HRA'l (JRS wanted o n ' safety.

. .stitoli button ^ow . mrKhinciJ,

st.ii/idy work, plus benefits. Di.fop

Sportswoar, l!>2- 2nd 5L. JCoyporf

2(14-08! 5. _ _ „ • __ 10/10

PART-TIME ' lifip to v h.'an pio-

fcssional nificc. Evening or

weekend, ftDl-LiOU. iO/JG

w o r k " w a n t e d

W ILL CARE FO R smn!! chMd in

rny flornii. Nursing expericna;.

Mt'aU inciudcrd,

WOMAN wishes to caro for chi!-

dron for workinj; mother by

day or week. 26-1-9418. 10/16

^ T S c T n ^ o T S A L E

■Wise * FOR SALE

Vo:?'; ! i *,* r : ' iV u . ' .n v ' ;-vi3 iiiU . • U'

. (.JAkA'Oi' v',; :• .. O,;.

' tuv’i ’'V-'S ;i:

5 u.iu. ■ ' . ;>ypv

i ‘j.OWL'J?F;vn .‘irfRt.ri:*; •

■ i !\ .'KV.- h f li.-'r., . •; t l SVJ • - •,

ov.'i;.- ki.-.ifi

ROGKRS &vji\tr,)z !'-H .

Iv.'si t st'.ii-

tabie.s an<I rr.fft1'1 j.mIiw,: crntl .

. lamp:-: Jl.V’iri

R^RWACE.. TROS-'BU":1 AiV- ri-

C’-in .Si'as^dnrd I h e , ;

air lornacHi h/H . 3R! Sv* hy

Usfd :r jx*ar^ o r It? y rar "mr-y antw . Wuh Ihernu/siat. l-.-xcrllf.Mt

.a in ;i:lioM. h;ut';iin

intniL'diaioiy Ui’plarc-u w I j'h

larger no.” Pn-'H ni ^ A<'t

m i‘.y, /;aii. :?!H‘T O . ' - N W ■ ui

giourid iev<r|, ;in

:-r-- '

— --‘ j _ - *■__

S o c ia l S e c u r ity

i.iv Hoxard u Houghton, 0::.

S/w Autr:«-;:!

. , fV rth■ .Amboy,••'-■Vv.'

MiiUlwu.'r’• .. : 10/

.S'CfiWJN'N .VJnr. Ray .Bscyvie*:

. 7;rx';d condjMnri’.' ' Ca!!

■ after 6:.'i0 p in. 10/1 1

.L%7 G.r. RA:’iCtF .40 au-

torrjatic oven?. ?;toruj;e’ drawers,-

a[>njianc« o u tiuonr-srrni

li^ht, musL.'jce.' WAtiOV;■■■'. 10/16

' CASH- i u i o i S K i i ^ ^ A l h v T I ^

: Service Si-fiioa $*)0 C«!i anfi-

5025. . ^ ;u 10/Hi'

MECHANIC has 5W yds. m %. . pcrieol nyion carj.'rt. An>' j*oi|

fo r ' saie‘ ?3.!)D nor vd. 2t)l-2)t)’.


;■iim - y L ;M )^ :u iA ' tjri^ h m

box spring A mattJTSh, twin

size. oiTt-r 10/li!

D IN IN G ROOM. 7 pr.s., modorn

. cherry n^bo^attv , wvul iv>r.<]i.

tion. 264-:r;W. ^ 100. ' li)/it.

3 T 'i'P Ij.W iiri UfiS. 1 I'uy^I port:

able, 1 -Rpmingiim portable-, 1

ci«H‘tric lU-min^ton, 1 U ^ h iju ; •

a tor,- C.l-!. . Apt. zivi'. stovy, hand croch^tcd al^han

72>:D0 Inches. Call after C p.m.

RtiC-OWlS. !(?/!(>

t I 55-GAL DRf.lM VlOi up

at I3ru\yn Co, y'J \\,Front St U‘<;ypon. 10/Jfi

GARAGK 'SALTi - Oi*i. mb. ti ' to 4 p.m 100 Pulton St.. Kov-

port. - : ■ ' : 1U/IG


liicorfc tt na'.'ne'; and

’ !'vunvi;;.v.f- . ' v** ’ ?’!K’

•( ‘V>r'<,5v,i.liy:‘ in pro-’

rf.T'T.u’ !:*tM.ji'.;;*i i'1-

Pxin ' 15*Medicure:

' ■•.. ' • • • •' •

. Jh'.Av;t»’d O- Ik'UL'.Juor!.

of the Peitti Ambuy

Su'.iai S.M un ly O ffice / annouiKS

ed th a t ' Although M f,d ;rnn ‘

ci:;i'>T3 have improved duo to ii- m:ti«ii'iiy and 'c^pt'Tionvw1. ti»e

causc of tU'hty in

•'jjK'ov^sifinH ‘..•iaiiuy i.> nanies and

nurrjbr/s that don’t nmU'h. U<: rttid i'iut thi-. is due to rtaim-

aoU prejxnlru* claim furmV by

rolymj? ot» their niemorv instead

of c.opyin;* troui;.iheir.^Medicare.,

nurds, ■ ; r::'

' .' Mt ) T-lr ivhtr T\- _ r-t-

, tentioh to si^nc*oih»*r 'liitu^iions

; 'A'iiich coininfioly catis^ deittVii in

WANTEDSilver Coins, fiold Coins,

Proof Sets, Key Coins,

Complete Collections mid

or tfidak'H. Ci>ata«‘t U:«

hefuru soiling —

W ilV S f iL t FOR LESS?



CUTTER, GRINDERSKxpL‘rn*ncod and IVaiucos

F.nd Mill pv-haipunin!;. fovn's

iool a;ul m illing cutters. Pa>d

lK»K|)li;ili>Mi.;on, v a c a t i o n ,V*»'ir'v Iiemir'

CALL s r j- r a

for appointment


Manauomcnt Trainee

Two Y*.Mr Training Program

Up to S!).00t) Animal

U (.’ualit'ed


RO G RR A. N ir r o . C.L.U.

For Appo in tm ent

2M- 31 IK)

YOU NG MAN niccfumicMliy in ­

clined to ojh.t j to ttactor arul

lawn tom lm in lor pro^-o.shiv!

younj' company. Unlimited op

portuuity tri buIou und nuina(',o-

niont, Bcinefilj. N. J . drivers II-

consii required. Contact Mr. K

M jpdtt at 0ir,-970l. tf

l.PN 's 7 ■ 3 or 3 • It sinft;;

Starting $21.00 per day. Col1,

Mrs. Clint; iMG-UOO ifo in id fl Con-

vale:>com Centi‘r, Hwy. 31, Holm-

did tf

NIJK.SI-.S" A101 .!>, 7-3* utid T-il,

c |)»m i^iiLti and it,»u.<|/iI, n.<i.n.

uy, Sl'it Miij' rtt ?'!.-!') p<M'

hr., plu i lll)tM*al bcni’ fils. Call

Mrs. P.ricl'.son, OHi l;>00 Ilolmdel

Nur.-ihijj Home, llw y 34, Hohndol.


HOUSKKKKPKR fi fi” oxpci ii-iH'-j

sod trrinsporlidion m 'tvisnry.

St.*r 1 Mi;-: !J0 |K‘r h i, Libpi.ii

h^nofils. Cull M ri. ttnil«*r".vo<nl,

HuIhmIi‘1 Nui'.iio: llonu*. Ik w . ,'U, H olim l.l 10/Hi

liUS POV:~i, I'.ilriuMi hrlp. lull or

p .in ti i tic. , ij/!■ .i. | ii 1!

P o f l ’,1! f»m !<(• il;iin tiil, HuuV V'l.

Miitwwan, jo/h;

L I'N f.lounl I ’lc.isunf Miinor

Niirsluj; llm n i’ S'fO lOill, it

1969 ZIG ZAGSnving Machine, siifihtiy used,

blind Si'.muh d»*-i'Snes, .s'.-vv.-»

hmtons on, makeu button

holes, munonrtims, overcast:, fancy iit 'teller, sov. o v.'ith one

or two needles, no ultadi-

incni;; n-.:odod.


$33.60 Cashtax Hit’,

or pay Sl.tJO down and nine

inP'n-sT In 'o payments of




Credit Dept, unii! 9 P.M.


j lANT!) K i’il i' ri.N(i YARN , c.Sioii'O wt.-ni or oilnn. nt ny i:o,-

or.i to clio^y* from 10 o/

or $1 f!0 ib. li';;Ui'/enr Puctory Ou!-

let • Toj's Inr. r*i;:'i-D1.0J.

Jl'.vy '|;i, Ciiff:••'.•nd H < t f

* T ^ m iN A n o N a i x ,:.:i ;>U;M

sro ;:v i a scri-:i'-\

w iN t^nvs & ooof.s'

n i:;r ')! ’n t p j m r : . '

KAUI. A. I:R \NTZ '.’‘-I


.BEST TOP SOIL( jn tm m i x n m r ,

MLUK S IO N li, SAND, etc,

ECKEL'S TRUCKINGW o rg a r tv il lo , N. J .


I.AUfil- Kia.l-:(TK)N' Anthiue i,

rA'i.iNiif'-. **li*s-i. Chinu^'i w;ill

plaques jnd jtrA’d i’d cbi.sls J'*we[

('1hvs‘ , llwy V>. ti"tW(M»n l ’ni)ii &

Rost: I.i , if i/ - t ll>,uis Ifi S Mon, Ihm Sat. V nd .iy ‘111 10, 2'il OIQJ


i-OU rif’.ri'i'-R Cl-ianiin;, (o co lon /,1'Mjnuii', uso Mlu-i

I.iH tro r .u p *! ■ I'* »n*‘r. U'Mit “ Ift -

trio sliainpO'KM' M. H irn .j Maid'

\, HD M.un ^t., Mat‘


l'T*MI)|:R HAM fJI'ITAP ami

i it >•> v. ‘tii Nil,1111■ >ihJ AHiphl'if*rr,'it Hir> i'V pt

R l’MMAlil'. SAI.K 0. t. U*.

'I ’,1) !•» ,i ji m 1 i 11 < » •> V,,i .... W.- - rin.l I .n|d-< !'.( •

lit111*• •• h'ront Si., K^vpnrl,' h i*10

W ASllI'K Needs adjustment.

C.ill Vb/.vlM. 10/10

WUIL-niNG LOT ;, M kMI- b-.wu,

Matawan, Holmilel. Knritan,

Marlboro, Keyjjort, t ic . Will puy

top dollar, (.Tull .lack Hosbck.

•13G tl

ll. S. S'ifA’HR COINS, j'old toinii

cotlm ionn, holiest pritjns paid

Romeu, 7y7-:j* If

CASH, jcraj) roppt-.c, l»i*j^s> nil

types non • fcrtnu* mehiU.

Prompt pick un service. Call !M(i*

B12(! ’ H


ROOl-INr, S, HODI-- k k p a i r s -

Iret' esfim it-*, Call CbniHf*. ‘.'HI.

4fi-72. li

M AR iS ’l-: I ::- .»INi-'S ; **Jul^r*';i nn 1

vvm‘\'i i/ .i ‘al! ,\y.lO/J-U'.r,

H A T iA C M ’ i h r o :;:. i-.i !.- ■; IM'

Aii - o: 11. ■■ 11:*■ i! work

Sk7 ‘ii i .* . iv A lii, I .i-.* KnJ.-Ti., ui-

Jo lim y\. !. !ai>ar %, rsatei *.»'

$i;>:i. 'I’l-i. id/I';


!o:'. !•’ woi 'K-

in ■ ■! ‘ \ > ;>i i* • ••

L'Vl' i i >i I i in.iiy >J'(j L 11::i. '

,;:nr.. ’ n .: i

VAf': i 1; r. k V .• M,u l*.n- .

U»M>'i: 1 rf'* pick up .ind

d-. 'iv- f y. A !* .v .*'ilr>pp- i. Il*.i

017/ ' Hi/!'>


ADORA lil U I RHP. Kitten-*. Tall

WH-.V/'if 10/Pi

GOOD Jh»MK wanted for 3 eui\

no s :tr.i<’ t.hil b-.M. I»<i0HUi

j !!/J U

Q W P.IK <)UT Ki'd* ""April iI'

Pikh.11-> jfp-t 2.0J p nt.

7PM 10/IG


“ 10 WI-.KKS JHi” i’ iuI j i runr.‘ v

R i'iil.ih ;iv:iilablo lli’ ina v n tn 'M 0/P .


. fiR PORO lonno , I dr., indo

trans.V pijw^r S Ar H,-.-8,0(30 mi.

(Xjlj ev(*s. LJC4-f)iHu............. i0/!0

'03 OI.DS ’AS"''''Air ■ eon., ,'4-donr.

All power ; jiccessorlv^. Goad

cond. Call ev<\ 50(5*7578. 10/!G

SiifiH CAMARO Conv. . R a lby

. Sport Cui-CoryePe - I o

braml nuw- - , hr;iod new

trans., .cxcuiUuts:. condition S‘/.ioo.

a i v suLMi nt. M iiilcr's. M:da-

wan . 10/10

i960: CADILLAC as is; a ls tT .W

Pon:i?.c. ;J.0t(W5i. 10/10,

CADILLACS. Over 5 ready to

fuM- priced fr 'iin .: SW5 , tit).

Overworked 2?0 car inveolory of

new car trade*hi bargains. ’Some TAKP: O V iiR PAYMENTS. Tor

’ quick' ereiht approval call Mr.


m um . ■ 10/h;

. hm CADILLAC -Coav., fjM d' run* . ninq car. Call 2ti1-if»9:i alter iff

a.m before 10 .10/lfJ

FO>S — Ovei 2ll rcudv to roll

priced frn;n .JUa & Up. Oepry

stocked 250 ca> inventorv of .new

car trade-in bar.fiainri some


quick credit approval cai* Mr.

Geiiri'.o. . 15RIGGS C ItEV RO LC X

721 0500. _ 10/iti

1J16S OLDS 9S Tdr"luxury'7scclan;

‘a ir cond,. extras, 4 new tires.

Sacnfico $2990. Call 5ti(!-188i days

5tifi-3135 evenings. 10/16




Serving AlonnumUi Counly l Sliirt* ]‘UI

t COMMERCIAL A RESIDENTIAL $: • r-mc -ih o m c o w n c r


, Ctiei-K (>ur Allr:n'Livu Haics On^



pfOc:.i*5>:ir?" Mtidipvrf" clai/ns. For v

eKampie. . e;:’i;fri.'i{:l:i .sp?nvto’'-i.‘>.'" fail .itv ..'ii'iiih U:-:_ u:i'ruirrd 'doev ■

tor r r t »-1 ".Un-if--• il':*- . or. •Vi,K*yjr<tsV-

shiujtt.j• Cn* fi^Ctoi^S^.-'vtli'.j a.iti-. o?' Service, thii',;.

. pfece 'and ‘ 1 . rv.TMi.m,

. c au ^ ji delayed’ ’

pruce<sma is rt«u?ns. .wpich- in-

clud^i - '. hills tV'.r '; pr«*‘ccrip«'iots'’ .

dru/.\v • w liict;' «ii\: ,oo?. ,',o\ ere^ '

■ outside :-a f t . " h tx p ^ a h o r par^ci-"-

pa:in^ niirbiD^i. i i u m e . ..

He add-:*d • raat- one further

problem o«:eurs when patients .

submit chdms with bill^ tor •.

'vicirr v.-hk-b already were ‘ sub* r

inb te^ by the doctor, ondi'r tht).'

;-4SS!|;r..*nc- t TiuUbud,/ Th:s';:SttonK~/;:

: ' :?s:. ^ ‘!']r:c;:ii:y>:*:i;ee^b’c car^: :

Iy, each year .when . fhe do»-,roi,',<i_-:

dairrj Was’ nor paid irtc«iuu\vjtho

amf?vf»t' was applied

. .ynduai deiiaeiibft;/.:

- ?The, doctov Ui^n. bills the pa-1' tlant ’.vho. iu tarn.' - .•inhinits : *

diipijc-'Jlc und delaying .Yledieav**'

cia'ia fo r . .the sajne..:. .service* .■: Hop^fuV.V1 ibi.'i sitdatkin ■ wiU' dir ::

mioiidi as doctors and patient.5* ;

b ^ ’omft'-.hiorPrV^^^xp^nnhcfod anil ' sopiiisti^ued . in dealing wltli; :

Mc-dicare c lili!i5.,: ■ , ' " :.-

If ■ you 'are : nhV«a your first. •

Medicare we su^er.C /

til at., you office ?it ,!fi

rHiiillii ~vl. Pci tii Aim>u> . -

idjit'dnoo and advice. The. of^T a ,

is open from 9 a.m . until* S p .m ., ;

Monday through Fviday vitid

ul k p.»n Fnday "pvpnings for.

'thdr« ‘.vho ard- unable to visit ’

uu iin ^ v ^ u ia r hoors..

Accidents, the fourth most fre­

quent' cau;;e of dcatli, killed ap­

proximately 115,000 persons m

the United Slates in HH>8, says

the Insuraiiee Irfo . ioation Insii- .

. lute. Only heart disease, can­

cer, and shokea. claimed :Jiiuru

liv(*:»,'; •; ’

L O A N S ,

H i iA I . K fV T A T K m < 'N E H .s ' '

F lK A N C 'J A L P U O U L H M S 7

y ^u rh ^ tf o i . c-(i\iUy ijr«a,V‘,r ;hO lllt ; il ii ttlLi IL-Silll Ul « !:iy

inorc.'inc in rv^l x.stnto '.:ali!<'.i=. W* _ u i l ! fict* U iit fUKh iHjUily hv- r«-

v o i jr i; r^iort

tiic: K.mwANr no., ttcnin.r:;, muudlv’U> .*. n e.’c-il Konii>l>ur|.VDV-CUtrt). llculot 2M*7^00. Itc-d KitrjJt


2 6 4 -2 9 0 0If No Answor Call 7/i l -M/t0



AGENCY181 H W f . 35 — Cl.iFf-’W O O D




Froim Friday 5 P.M. to Mondav 9 A.M,

50 Free Miles $25.83 8c por n»ll<*-

over 50 mltrs

You Fumivh G hi.

MAKfc/l& k \

YOUIt / UmSSjrti \



r m ■ HOMLOWMER - AUTO u rn - a c c id e n t - h e a l t h

DIAL 566 8200


Shrewsbury Avonuo at Sycamore

7 4 7 -5 4 0 0








Call 566-1818 Ask For Mrs. McCarthy

A 1


,Vi -m -,\ < h- ■ i

an!, v*.ih*-.*. Ot i. 11, aftiT [ Kit-

Sail nn • In K i*ypoif. Call ;o>t

na il ’ m, !-i


CIIP.VIMH I-, 1 > ■ flv-r T. i-

i>i roll, pi i' - ■! (■ tin ,m':i a ’id up

()\ i*| .l'iri.r.1 ' »•( « 11 in »r

tii*;'.’ i , i : 11 i !-* In (> i • • t ' . S ifi.*

i'a l t . j ', i ! i- Ct ii ; i ,»■( .; .. . ,1 - ; I I,-

CJctirj'i' H P !' '/*; rj||.\ IT ,

(.!) -ll.Vli) Il)/l!|

I'KiO J-DRIJ M ttlie a l jitjrt; .’eft

m cuii M ira. pvpj


^ ^ j p r r w f n r . - ? f sraau.

ft (MVVmM twill.T ilUMI',1• I'.m .n i i i ;u

• I ' ! 11M Nil• ;.1.W>N V.’f'HK• AI.! [,-,TM JA I O i ’ s[L )

• HUH.hlN'l.. V. !; i ,i.‘1.1 !f ,

Gonoral ContrAcfors

AllJfr in Jrn Vr'i'iJ ),/t

P.oofing & Sltlmy

4 CO.V.MLll' i .U . JUill.HINvi• i»f>nf’ti Kvr’i.nsuiM.:^• A M - M I M ' M S lIM N fi• IMJHA 'IKK STONK SUHii’fi ■ If,i» [.!-.■ r;i

1 IhKlO.I.A ^ AV.'MN'l i


No Job loo Hirj No Job loo Small

HIGHWAY 34 MATA VANN, N. J.’So6.'3ll

;, ;:i,bur$day;i:;Qciobe'r S&, ■.'■

: S h m m r ■ G w e n ' M - ' [ f f m p r :

: M i s s J l i a n e ' W a s h i n g t o n -

:■ A hrui^l sho-v'r?-yvnit

.K-;wv;i :>i brnOf .of; M«fi K«?o».'

"Si,; KevjiKrt,., on S'jat, :'}£, at .ibe: .K(5’po:t .Ci'",*; : .L ta> 'iip ,■ '■ ;.i.i.'i;,;;.■■■■ ■ .V.';'/. ■ ■

Vil ^-;' fc ... will’; >»Cf«riS ;

Mcs, i^cjja? J/ixs.

SlWiey euivMrk.r'Ssnfe^:-!!]!!,New - B n iiiiiw Jd i: ' Mrs.'. .U v in a

WliltettB;■■Piscdtawsy; fctrs,. Wil-

Vis. Bft)v.(ikjcr Nevt- S h n ^sb u iy ; ■

Mi*. Maiy:. AHcn; '.hJidtiioiowiiir'.' JRuth

.Mrs, ; JS fK fB T JSilefc;1

srt(i Mrs. ijak'lw'iii, /mt-

ityvffli*; N. y.. .■ . '

^ i c ty. by Mrs, P<:}>-

t r ! * ; ijyouiii, jviisv Hirty

Mt'.-',. A.:i;0 M!i.s A■- !' M;!-,

rii?!Gf;iy. Miss At.-,->.,d D i i r , :

M n. KaHe/^-'irfeitnii; ■■■Wrs; . j(W

sephjis'f 'Johns,,• Mia. .jtuti* Askri'.

BsrSwru FiiKns«»;. Mrs,

>:B U w m ! , ! ) r i ' v e " 'A t

M b i i f u o a t i k ' . i v ” ' .


' ' L u n c B e o n S d tu rtfa y '


. t o L ^ i l Itrzt'y.x* 5*n■ k.s.-Ofl if.Tsn '-S.J):U'ioiy>

hriif.t-fe,- i',rr. i^tnr'.t&ynl 12 *v’t; W k iu-xii; a fi.s>f.-ict

>?v'> \viJ! i.

Rod. jjjirjk ■

• lU ii. ■■

M rv. I j I V uv.,■. T ;rk-

' 10.lL'r’V 'otif./i.'iii1'/! U fry

i'tiVv 1

Kvitr•. K>:t i .- .Oii'bitf-.K ^ i-Kivj Jr

: The i.iCfV{,*y' Alrs)-.'> ttt. <

a/ifl::y; ,i*> -Richard Pierre,'Souiiv Kivur;1': ' "j foj , Vrrn« • j v ^ i co« Sauinfey, ' Z 5 , ; :'r S i™ r» ..C rc « tf ,1;EafiiiiU}vw>;':v M r e / ^ i a l U h ^

'; 29ev,;: il* . the First Baptist’ CtsurcJi. ' . . .y .

^ ’iS S w ’0 0 -

The sh rn ^ f wa* jsl'vrn b> n?ro- S

I m (tf h i r K iOst Mrs.

Jennifer Wattmigtoo, “ n ;a tn n t(W jn i <ind b> idPMUsttfs, th* jV5t“s- '

.... CK.Jv Ann~*nd PsuteMt1' J . .

ton, tout.ijs of iHp brl<!« to-be, and , , 4 ,

JMimj V «nfsM Williams, sisltr (J

thp biidejtrocm e!‘ ct. 1 * ‘

. Ciuists u!lwi(ii»(f -were Mrs.

. C;vrn-..Wrtfihin(otfni.- ...Maiy-

t< t l U w s i/R W ft . H u l j < l t l ‘d ';

Mrs Ki,u.«-r M“- Mo'.'e-^

1/ Bessie ,'acUt/Ji.

Mr» Nari v Mrs (IruCf

::^iosh!.!igtoT,“ - Mra.'" Vers - .'-'!sor\

Mrs, 0 ^rn t‘t L.cuv50ti. S’n ^e

: Mrs. Rutn Washing-:':

it tifMrs Jennie rurkn ai’d Mrs :

iJorotliy Wilson, sU vil Keyport.

A « prfecnt e-o Mrs ^ ''

• lyn fimmons, Mrs, Paiilmc \Vitsh~

■ ingLUJi,. Mrs. Barbam .Jrislicr iiHd:'

M i a. Florence J.irKMi',Wfijt, Mrp. F.lJic1 Scott Mr;>, Dor-

Bthy Mayo, Mrs. Vn'mo Mii.'key(,::

rU B U C N O T lC E


C1UNCLKY UIVIMOS # MONMOt’lU K l t l v n »’<i Jf i»Sl -5'

: 'I’h* Monmouth County. -.National,Jiflnk. vs: SylViEter bta*-

.noli.- ftlrBli; D tftlulenU: :• b.y ( f p *.vr*? ■«?. I n th e . aoovu - «Uie<l -ndion tc- mfi ... dircTtfid. I shell expose for cx lftr

* t . |(ubtic vendue,. at Ihe Court ; House-In th« Borouph ofvKi-echold,";- . Comny of Monmontii: W<‘\v J i w v ,

on Monday the 20th day of Octobcr;••- . IMS) jat 2 o'dock, - r .M . P rm .liJ n *■ Tirue. • '■ .■ ■ ■. ./;. ■•

i A ll the following tract o r p a r t t l . ■. */- Jsiicl, am i p i t r n u ^ j hm i> in fte f■>:

pAsrUcularj^ TdwfipwbHil- ^itviaie; - f»nd-fcin^ i n the Borrugh of-'H ta C a n k .. Ju th t Coumy. cf Monmoutft!

n n d . SU>*fc cf New Jersey:. :UtCSirJNiNO at a 'pum l in th#--

• fiortherlv ’HHo of L inden • P l«c« ..* (fo unc ily nalltrt liordc-n iiti'i’CslV at>:'•-ihe -southeast. com tn of jiropeuy-''

o f . Jo lm It. I.arhm an, which point •' te ' dJslflnt twenty**!* and ; Vl/106' fc«l ■ eflsterly' f to m 1 the • aouth»;»sl corner • f j ov. i»r /orm**rW tit«

. •Sttfjlno lot; -tnenca , ti)...northerly:;,; tji©easterly - Un« ’of property

of; ■LRchman -cn*: Uunctrwl thirty* : four feet six Inches to -a -’point; • thrnc-<» I2 > .enslcflv^vparattel w ith ‘L inden tw en tj^ ix and^ 01/100 1

• ii'c t to, n pc<intt thenre ^3) aoathtr- : •Jy. p»nUle!.v;ith thy Jirfcl a-urte cn«

• iJUiirircd thlrlv-/our U*ct «tx Inohea.v t o : tha- northerly side of Lindcn-i.Tiari?; Ihenot- M K westerly- thtj xiQi therJ;* sWe- o! Linden. PJare, * tw^ntyssix and JJi/U'O feet to -Ui« -

. point or place .. cf Xscglnnlnj?. , , ttelnfl commonly. kni)AVT.. ontl dot- :

Ifinatcil 'No;' JOS^V.tnden 'not'fl*.* H ivd' ItanK, New Je:-sey. • • . • • . - •■.

Tho upproxtm&tc nmoimt of th« iutigmi?nt tu be «:itiiif'.ed bv. sa id ...

• ftnle ii/ th».- num- rf ?8.644 tn fe thc r - 5 v -lih the costs of this tiale. • - .

-he ahcrlff hereby itaer\c^ th* stplit !o ridjtiiun this F«le 'AiUiout iu r lh tr n«nlio hv pijbliiflUon.

...- V . !V\UI.« KiFJRNAN, Sherift Dntcd A ugust, 31, . IfiiJO - Ulchnrd C‘. l«o^htv. Esq. : ■■J i/25.10/18 '

l u n u c NOTICE Blritomc-ut fci.mrcrl !y t^c Act- i;f ■■•'AugUftl 24. 1?U2, as n»n<»prird 1)V

. the acts oi M iuoh. ’3. ID3]. ai><t 2, . lWfl' and June ll.- lUGU

Siat. 2081 ahowiny. ih e . Own*• etK'hip, _mnvmccMncdt. nnd drr.iila*. .

Uon t'f The Matawan • Journal.: published weekly a l ; Mnl,*inan,New Jersey for October,-.1WW;'1,%-.nte nante« And ftddressc.s of

ttiC- 'publisher, cdltor, mnnfl|?ln^•d llo r nnd businnsji mauflgera ere:

. Tubllsher—brown Publishing nnd .Printing Company, Corp.. Matnxvnn,fi. j :-' •’ Editor—J . Mabel Brown, Mnta»

• v a n , N. Jv .' - . \ .Business ma»Ag«r — J , M abel

Brown. Matawan, N. J . .2. The owner Is: (if by *

corporHtion, IU name and uddr***g


Hi fl-dhiiy, .’!

grvtifj Sr/ Yf-h'.i ;v-' ;-i f ■']lf m h.'-A

,i;i s.vy *'yir»- ■ ■• h*cTrc ?**,

ti.vKct:-' :Wccv?rr/*r:-V/r-liwji'‘.}Lcl5s).iftHyn ^ ' .. a/w« 5 p *y


v f e u r

10 •

k'CIij-'iiriv.;- ■ .Ujv!,,!ii«r-d ;■{ j rf.iOf s.. yr; J

LKC-'-tJittX, U: K-.’ijiV t».: -Spr1''.-tvy. (I'Mij.ji-. . ii

?*mV •U^»' *'X.'-*‘:4V S f 'is :1 f\ '?■'!(> !«■.

i,i ih-w V:■}?>.’ '

• AM) t?»r-v;{ r •• I) ‘-!:5; ■ \.‘Y;'xS '

six ■ .ih*.* i'.yi <i' . !'•*;! it :■.)■:<• ' /{;;• V /: j fht» ,

vtiixirrH ■ -’i.-fji';> prr-T-frwcrve.

. tJwT;v-f- ■ U-*. uj.}... •

•. ',”V jia.r*;K" r;r '^ n t 'v

■ ■ 'Ini-'iri if .5?)

IV V;7f;.rifv Jl?,.:3.:'ry

;.V t.'i ;,■»

:. ^ p ^ a l . i i i .

■ s-i/.iiLry;.{iof!r ■.$<; .«ls, ; <'f tlitf :.

fa!.»j{;.-.--c( iv/H

Ti VvW;*; r4 ll>a,T h ^ : ..0<.teU^

• '.i'A'i.I.i f V- ' '■ ( J

1/';' -‘Hyl.l

■ ;.<!-? ' «i;f bi;r- vT!r'-S - ‘S'tVCt 'flfy- Vf-iiHam F-irU'V wf 0k Mid*'

tSi.'frT^VKus^Ip T'tjH'.!'

,. VkuI -e*pe»k vtx t t e ci'

••• -

fnust be stated nnd also Immediate* Sy thereunder the nam es 'a nd «4l» <3ressep of »1ockho!dcr» o\wiine or holding I per cent or more of iota) emourtt ol stock. If not owned ky a corporation, the nanwa .^nd <tddre«sea of the individual owners m ijut he sl»on. H owned bv a pnrt. rerentp nr other unincorporated firm , jta nam e end addresi, nn well aa that cf each Individual member,

. >-S)Uftt be given.)'•C/ Brown Publishing and Printing

r O 'm pany , Corp.' Miss J. Mabel Dro\vn, Matawan,

fi. 3.Miss Geraldine V. Brown, Key*

l>ort, N. J .Mra. M ildred B. Herrick, Meta-

•wan, N. J .Mrs. Geraldine B, Conover, Clear*

water, Florida.Mrn. Bernicc B . Mount, Davie,

Coliftm in .3. The known WmdholderB, mort»

gageefl, nnd other nertirity holders owning or hnldhiB 1 per tenl or m ore of totol nniotnu of bundst mortgages, or other eccurtties are: None,

4. PnrnKmphM 2 nnd fl include, j '.V n cascK where the mtockholdcr or*4tf*<nirlty ho!d«r «ppc»r« iip<jn the

books of the company aa IruMeo or in nny other person or corpora* tion for whom such fiduciary re« lition , tii** rutmp nf llin 1 ru«.tp*» la acting; nlfitj t)i« stittfments tn th* two paragraph* fliovv the affinnt’s ft'tl Hn^v.-^dfrr rrd hrtlrf r.r t?’e.s mid omull Hons nn* der wlilt'ti fitockliuldcrs nnd hccur* Jty lioNlurK whn do not appear up« on the Ixiok.s of tlir iioinpnnv aa trustee*, hold ^torlt nnd M 'ruutlr* tn a cnpi«c-ity o(h<-r ihnri tluit <>f a bona /uie owner.

Ji. The nvcrn^e number of rnples if rach i .*• m 1 <• 11! tlii*; |>iit)’iiMtinn

.j.^fiold or dtsti il>ut( d, throtirh 1 h« nr «<ttu‘i i . ' *•, tn pmd Hit*

* 6eriherj* during U»e 12 month* pre­ceding the date hhmvn above wa«j (Tins infonruitton Is re(|iilrr«l front dntly, weekly, feini-weekly, nnd lilweeklv ne'.vi-pnperM unlv), 400^,

J. M A RSL BUOWN,K nrrow

j lo /m

<rl :I• p * > v w 5

' ’'^h* \Aw ’r i <.- "V f , " ’

• f " ’ "1 rr ,C v y i i , i


r m s

* f,

J -%•*> skfv % |

The exc iting new personal car

th a t out-looks a ll o thers

ye t prices a t least $1,000 less

M o n t e C a r l o i s t h e d r e a m c a r t h a t c o m e s d o w n t o e a r t h .

I t ' s t h e r i c h c a r t h a t i s n ’t t o o r i c h f o r y o u r b l o o d .

M a t c h i t a g a i n s t a T h u n d e r b i r d o r T o r o n a d o o r R i v i e r a a n d ’

y o u ’d e x p e c t M o n t e C a r l o t o c o s t a t l e a s t a s m u c h .

M a y b e lo t s m o r e . .

W h a t a s u r p r i s e t o f i n d i t l i s t s a t $ 1 , 0 0 0 l e s s . A m i r a c l e o n l y ........

G M c o u l d w o r k , o n l y C h e v r o l e t c a n o f f e r . .

C o m e v i s i t M o n t e C a r l o , w h e r e y o u r c h i p s g o f u r t h e r .

S e e h o w p l a i n - c a r m o n e y c a n b u y y o u t h e m o s t e x c i t i n g c a r o f

t h e m a l l .

i-y}• ti l,t£S'Mm*iv

' • *T >r fc '» i»MV

, tv-'l4 „ >L <htu 4t$t k y~J v *} < 2.'* \* ’-{r, K

’ **’*} f >* ** j*;> } v s~*

i.j . -. «■.



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MON,MOUTH rfHINTY KiiitHn<;-\Ti: s' ro im r



Piirx’unnt to ihe mder of DONALD J. CUNNINGHAM, Siirro^ntr «| thfl County of Monmouth, thii day nuidc, un Ihe nppltratJoa r>f the undciHijinod. Julia T. Hollo, Sol# >'»:etMit«ix of ihe entnle <>t tin* t>al4 Telcr J. Iloilo den jiRrd, noHeo Ia hereby yiven to tin* crcdltorN of auld d«'i«;i*.(‘.| to to th^<-nhl Srile Kxrrutnx th/'lr (Inlinelllidi- I (’dill I'llJiui 11H lllnlilili n v(i» this dullTnlJ-d: Si| l*‘inl)t'r 2’/, JPC9 4

J l/I.IA J, HOLLO 70 lUftjid Strc«'|MnhuvHi). N^u Jersey •

Si'l) r?<mitrlK Pldwaid W Tm ue, l >ci,J2.’1 Mam M iir t M.itJiw.m, Ni’ .': .Ti’j/icy

A ! lothrV : V/M • 10/10 ;i2.20

jj .- ,v n , ’4 >■>

j p.

, jChevy saves! ,

M u lle r C h e v ro le tRoute 34,

s. %•' '‘••i* >

J• » ri*‘ -u . f ‘ ' . * * v ;

is w ^ e reMatawan

i t s a t I

• .


1 0<-

e s . »> 4 ua- $ ' * 4'

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’i l ~Fk f 7lf

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JL fo lin d e r


. ' Jscnes H . Ad(£rsu?i and Rob-

*ivt ..Ck‘U:r>NHi?;>j ?±~.\

••ifciAtrS . l«.?f XoVfflsdup»,v l.ymw'}h'>t?~. have u nnoi; r.r-xA> th* .?.■; fijipr:Uvtnuvrt»s o f ?>fe.Pai) »\

&*?«£?»!• • C3;iv;«:;’ji • . mxriaw::'FrahCfH--'Bfe?e?Ott. am! 'Ralx»r< H.

TjE&HVfct J* ^rX•. -.&&& tnanwTiv an<5 Frank- I,

rt.uii«nir/*3L /*% jf* • wrrr.aiJ-• sf !h* Vi'>vjj::xc'-;r?i . fy f ArKtft'SOft*

CioUi.vAg-in. . • •.

hfr-.ttagsn wil! Jtrti/.-i sHef-

Ail campaign; M „. Lw^.kooH

vi'ill ho ir; cliarjy- rA '>«■•«:< niftcsi-'j

tUiJ. iVt?.. 'AJK di-

t-iiA iwaiL '. ■ ■ ■ ; ■ •

.-Pushing The ft® ■Season Garden' Club. To Jiear,:- Mrs, Thomas--— f..— .Trf rM1rn1 |1<nr||,. ,, ,,|la (,|,,ltn ul th*. a ? j i ■ •

Meets* T*V:.

ai'jo fjBa ji;.u5 dav

University of Colorado, *J sh.i-.-V' <■'? V'Otui 11!;>

.tq her o)h+;r ir’.-

:'V Ti'M'.'M!: i‘; r'*r! .'.iV»:.7c,r'Juclf.e1 hy ?hg

Lviijcij of Ct*i*il.:n

Mv:tnIvr h-iVc b“f;‘n v*'. ing In iho garden or th** L ;:

Kc'j $o’;u< uimprove t lw . ai>pi>ara‘iCfi .

; €ro'n?,p'

D i s c u s s ;B o d k s ■ ■;F ;v tnfinfH.x o f ihe yv,:trt

meetings -of l*:c Great B c* .^

• G ’'^Up Are. .Ort

!-;w fir-it Lhir,»5. HIj-jrsdaya;_ u t ,.

:i p.ill." th'; ‘ Pub'iu .'S;-..«rr . r-adin:^ ..; ;#;\\G

PU M , ii. ' ^ .T a c C ^ . : ;

r<arj4,e Ot-'VrOji.V.., >rjiij

igiutsv. v«4 ;i bi* c&ciissed. f o r , ik s w

. few .month*: ' S‘N;>^-; •

{$ f.htr TOikli.tSg fOf {,.!<<!

n^vt this'Thursday, •>; .

. V^it'-^rs?- of. ..ihe. iiic-Oi. .^re;.'hvv . .

vifrd. {{' furi'nor udorn'uitioiv\}i '

o;i!; Jf'hn Orcj^iU

maun, ,0C;'i i'v-S.i. w .Mu. Frttm:?3

;• I-'aficr ^Ittr'a ara.. r(?*uly _ a>_. lynx, c ar tU a^r o f rliO' / t c n m i^ a d ' S*i

Rputo S2U, Marib^>roy assembles ihy rtuii.s for Ur:* rumiuj; sejystjn....Thflse. ijkis

.lu. n s h i. M iiiiam Fewy.' Haven, .inrj Tun ■ to ils Nccic r-/*U^ \*rr%'~

bfrd<Mui)fo* C lub. Sfci t e n . ? on - p ^ t le m-jK AT«v. iO ...............

Tht*-' Arrowboa'd -;Skt Area !o*:

“Ciitwi on Ruu ‘f .5"0. '.oppo&ltft the

"SEate_ MC'Spii.ui jji-AlairfSxvrO,;’

.to begin Hs fuH -ski c laves oiv

MoiHJay, Nov,-)!', ,vk! ’ area; otfi-.

Ciaiw hJiVQ annui.inced. . . .

' BiU .Van ••Lenten;-.- area director. -

' f t i i j ih;?! irsfriu '^nn vji’ I hn -oj.ii/.

abit UjY b J^ iim tr , iri rmcd'MU', and advaiicc.j skiers.. Eacft

■mnrfip f>f . fiver io:;:-:oJ5.s.

heUl ovo?r a period of. three weeks. =

W o rk O e sc rih e d

B y Y o ltiiiE e e r's. The annual "iteach to Uecnv-

eryv volunteers visiU'd Perth Am­

boy HospUni Wf-dnewiay

to. describe, their v o rk in helping

Borncn who iwve li.u! bre-isr Vurv

W r y . . : .. .'."

. W omen of h«lghl).urtj'.e tommu-

nitles were: Inviied to.. .attend the .

aieeunt; ht-lcl in tlie hospital ayil-

itoriujn. 1.; -■ ■

STULTZSFU EL K ID S( v s s , M O R E AND M O K E ? !


r o u r o i l G iv e s h e a t JiW lTH STEADY BU RN IM S.

W ,




^ r . ,

. • . and with cleaner burn­

ing, too. That means YOU

Eet better heat (or U's»

m oney ! Order yours today.











Now you con mala withdrawals during the first 10 day* of any calondar quartor without notice, aftor your tnonoy hai boon on deposit for 90 dayi.

Wi wi ft.'sn MtnBKTMtoM* mum* auui uiLfvu»'



. R ekw n inb i' way sr<}«--r.! ' *1 rnm-

J?inj.fiaa oi Mon<)u>y au*i .

:diiy$; Todays ar4.1 !■ rvi-iay;- ’• O P K n h rrd ‘jy«.'; fln<» .^urtdsyjj .on

'!whlo)i;"lo ‘ ur), ht'.'-coijj*o{sed,' '

MWii don't v^urry snnu.;f,J. :

(fOur pjo.’M i? rc iti"

ore; r. Van • !.*?.£ to bave *

> lo. LV(J


;.iK;|»huters .us wcli a^ ;•»*'> s'ki.!' iu

inte;-pi^diat« aud advanrod ski-

■ vfS.V-'./. ; ' .......• : "

. John, C anovn ,' ski profc-s.sigrj.-il

‘ and dfre/'for ol in«? .Tf>hp. C.-jiMn-a

Ski Schtiol at the ski re­

: sort in Now Yurk. will. }<t in

chhr^ft of all inisifsictjot;*. ,uc-'

• svin. of fdjjt>>.y. uvafhihj.

..assure} ’ih-it: our iiJiihicUo.Jis..

l ltv ;_f) .s-;.v }!^ ■ • . ■ .

•' A -Kfej din-

-ic w iU '.^/b 'rid ui'th*f/Ar(Ov.-:wjd

. .rV/>.*y, uil J.)).' ]>lu.-»t!A; .PiJUi-i,

ai! pD lfif^a l iijst I'ui'fors v^ho wi.»b

(q utt^rid. r>nd t.iwn-j urj:.

Oct Friday, Oci.' 'JL*,- anrj M-nuL'iy. Oct. l!7, fror.i 7:-39

tct-if:30, ar.d. $\r.'.‘.b\y, Dc*.

2f>\ irom 1 >fi 3 j>

Funho r i.u(or;«ial.:V/!i nv*y b- ol?

hy calUnu

'69 MUSTANG '67 CHRYSLER. .CHRYSLEROsor ; My.-dicp

A’;Tt»ftij.vj't;i ' P rj w «» .CoidiMood, .. Yellow. , .. j .

Deposits Show Gains

In 19 Monmouth Banks. Dtp»>,Hili iu 13 M<«t«>:Hdh C »u il- ITio Keansburg - MuIul'.'Uiw't ty. banks anti savtngft .ami !oai: Nutionai Bunk reports L'CintingS:

assocmiHtiis. at the.ond . o f : Sepv.'-:- a t’ ujv from lust

lembvr were up ; approximately year: aiid p^r-iihure. eurri.ur^; yt

8,6 per . ctiit-.abdy^ '-lusi- yeo.t's'•;$8.38••' w ntyared . wilh - iii. •tbjid'^uiirter, - . ; . - , :

The rte'vhowv'ver, ia#s cnihbid

‘69 CHEVROLET: ■ ■............. ........ j.

Sr»*prtf-i, 4 Pbwfcr iS<'*o/(’na. ?nw.*f, AuJojr.ntic, I"Hi v-sv Ai-'c . 4 „ oi:di'tona . B t ..............

Viz* Yorker. 4' Dvcp HarJiotr. • F JI j Hi/V Vc^W."'*» Uoof Hardfop, Auto- ..

Povir At vontj;(i,'4v; .5,1-.{ -' ' ?c«.'3r - V/Intlowy' A 'f’ Coftolf’Vnw

Yr;!’sv. - Siv ck

J. ViT»y);R<>BT ' • '$ ^ 4 9 5 ;.

$33S& i -vor v<iih Bictt; y>n/j i\oc»r,_ , . :$.269£




'6 3 P L Y M O U T H

I C o rne t 500 2 Door Hir(JI,p, Y-S,.!• !lrip'lla‘ -•»««5. M « ‘ Cylii,?;;

■ BUci • ^*r' A’J,ornfl’ 'a lrtnafpijiion* PoWor;

- ? (Joop Mii'-iiop, V-8, ! P^'N‘>r S^c.'Ii?g........... ' ... $ ! 5 i 5 ; r,>

Sl-iiv.i'i'ri <ipd » • "• .KflrJlW, . {

............... ;.. $2150 i ‘ 6 6 FORD


gains re tr ie d io June when de*

posits Were, up nn average U

per .coof over \h» preceding ■ year. .

The EntonUwn Nalionat Bank

.mado the largest 12-month gain at thc* third quuuer with a 13.7

per cetii Increase. Deposits

jumped from $!2,4W,8W) on Sopi:,

30f 19(i3 to 514,207,305 LhUi year,

showing an increase of $1,703,­


Central Jersey Largest

T'hw Central Jersey Bank and

Trust Co. remains the county’s

largest depository with

8*15, repJC’senfin^ a 12 per cent

hike during tht past year. Seo»

oml lur'if"*1 is Th*? Monmouth

County National Hank which re*

ports deposits of $133,000,239, up 4.S per cent.

Shadow Lawn Savings and

Loan Association holds tha lead

as the lament insritiTtfnn of its

type, reporting deposits of $52.­

157,822 and showin?; nn increase

of ij.6 per cent over last year's

third period.Six' ha»iks reported thoir earn­

ings fur the first three quarters of lf)G9, some showing dramatic

i;ainsNat earnings fur the first nin*

months, ufier taxes, for Central

Jersey were 51, 5 > < ) l u p ?:oni ’?l,2!l!).!4{W a y«a»* at"), W’t^ p :r«

yharu earnmj;s at (Hi cents com­pared with 74 cents last year.

Monmouth Couniy National,

Rank reixirfs net earnip.jjs of $),* ;

W2.514 over lust year's eurnin^H

of SJ.UR3.7tS with per-stKtrv-earn-

ln^.1 Kouij; from 3:t cents last

year to 45 cents Oris year.

'68 PLYMOUTHSpor> St.'bmbwi /-8, Ait {•'. nvs'ic, Po\/ur

U». Ai* C?'»-

ijj'iiMR ’*500"


r o*(»r ; d'h rio


! irso.

$2695 I bi-,,. .

.. 495


'■#J *n' V® ! Vorkiir, •? UcOr Stdjl, A‘6'VAn-

P o */ v r j A'Jfwrn<>t:t; Ti’dmmtnfon. Pov

j <irt-J- FpM«#r :

$ 1 3 9 5 ! Tu^'in.iu. , . $ ! 7 5 0


■ . Esiablishod 1925 . .

B U H LE R ^ B IT T E RC H R Y S L E R f t P L Y M O U T H

HWY. 35, HAZLET — 264-0198




C e f i t e i '


for yojr car'* p«fftifm«nci» lo Im*

pruvo won't get tha job don*.

fiiH rlg^t *.iy lo do il it lo biinrj

you f lo Of'in* Di gnojHc Ct)i»*«>f fl'id It'l our txporti, siJod

by hitjhly lopbiilic.ilrtd *l«c»riinlc • q t m p m a r> I, pinpctinl y.iur difli.

an!t>, li Ilia lonrj fi.n, ♦ h<» Ofigyi

W.iy ♦.» i«t',ir» yoiir r!*r‘t t >fOinu»d

qut>J pitf ta;


$ 5 .0 0roW AKD a coMPi.i rr,



00H*l U

Once you have economical, reliable Oilheat in your home,you can forgetwmtenRemember that

< ( -c'l^-. ; ...Xi%


i -J


IK ii‘l j>v-