the factory workers of the early industrial revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused.

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Post on 29-Mar-2015




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Page 1: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

The factory workers of theearly IndustrialRevolution wereoften exploited,mistreated, and


Page 2: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

Workers received extremely low wages.

Laborers worked in unsafe working conditions.

Child labor was used.

Page 3: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

In addition to the horrible working conditions, factory workers lived in crowded tenements (run-down apartments) in slums. Poor sanitation plagued slum dwellers.

Page 4: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

Some thinkers began to question laissez-faire capitalism.

Page 5: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

The Industrial Revolution had made a few capitalists extremely rich.

Page 6: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

While the majority of people, the working people, were extremely poor.

Page 7: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

Karl Marx was a German social philosopher. He lived from 1818 t0 1883.

Page 8: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

Karl Marx co-wrote The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels in 1848.

Page 9: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

Marx blamed problems faced by

workers on capitalists or

business owners. He blamed the laissez-faire

capitalist system.

Page 10: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

Marx believed that it was unfair for workers to get less for their labor than capitalists for their investments.

Page 11: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

Marx encouraged workers to unite and overthrow their bosses.

Page 12: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

After overthrowing their bosses through violent revolution, a dictatorship of the proletariat would govern until it withered away.

Page 13: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

Marx believed that the government should own the factors of production. Private property should not exist.

Page 14: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

Marxists or Communists wanted to abolish private property.

Marxists wanted economic equality.

Marxists wanted to abolish all socioeconomic classes.

Page 15: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

“Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains,” Marx wrote.

Page 16: The factory workers of the early Industrial Revolution were often exploited, mistreated, and abused

While Marxists advocated violent revolution, others believed that change was possible without violence, dictatorship, and abolishing all social classes.