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Advances: Engineering Risk Analysis Page 1 of 40 Ch 16 060502 V04 16 The Engineering Risk Analysis Method and Some Applications M. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell ABSTRACT Engineering risk analysis methods, based on systems analysis and probability, are generally designed for cases in which sufficient failure statistics are unavailable. These methods can be applied not only to engineered systems that fail (e.g., new spacecraft or medical devices), but also to systems characterized by performance scenarios inc luding malfunctions or threats. I describe some of the challenges in the use of risk analysis tools, mainly in problem formulation, when technical, human and organizational factors need to be integrated. This discussion is illustrated by four cases: ship grounding due to loss of propulsion, space shuttle loss caused by tile failure, patient risks in anesthesia, and the risks of terrorist attacks on the US. I show how the analytical challenges can be met by the choice of modeling tools and the search for relevant information, including not only statistics but also a deep understanding of how the system works and can fail, and how failures can be anticipated and prevented. This type of analysis requires  both imagination and a logical, rational approach. It is key to pro-active risk management and effective ranking of risk reduction measures when statistical data are not directly available and resources are limited.

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16 The Engineering Risk Analysis Method and Some Applications

M. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell

ABSTRACT Engineering risk analysis methods, based on systems analysis and probability, are generally

designed for cases in which sufficient failure statistics are unavailable. These methods can be

applied not only to engineered systems that fail (e.g., new spacecraft or medical devices), but

also to systems characterized by performance scenarios including malfunctions or threats. I

describe some of the challenges in the use of risk analysis tools, mainly in problem formulation,

when technical, human and organizational factors need to be integrated. This discussion is

illustrated by four cases: ship grounding due to loss of propulsion, space shuttle loss caused by

tile failure, patient risks in anesthesia, and the risks of terrorist attacks on the US. I show how the

analytical challenges can be met by the choice of modeling tools and the search for relevant

information, including not only statistics but also a deep understanding of how the system works

and can fail, and how failures can be anticipated and prevented. This type of analysis requires

 both imagination and a logical, rational approach. It is key to pro-active risk management and

effective ranking of risk reduction measures when statistical data are not directly available and

resources are limited.

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Engineering Risk Analysis Method: Imagination and Rationality

Pro-Active Risk Management

 Early Technology Assessment and Anticipation of “Perfect Storms” 

 Remembering the Past While Looking Ahead 

A Brief Overview of the Method and Formulation Challenges

The Challenge of Structuring the Model

 Dynamic Analysis

 Imagination and Rationality

 Incomplete Evidence Base


The Tool Kit 

 Extension of RA to Include Human and Management Factors: The SAM Model

Example 1. Ship Grounding Risk: Influence Diagram and SAM Model Representation

The Grounding of Oil Tankers or Other Cargo Ships

Problem Formulation Based on a SAM-Type Influence Diagram

The Overall Risk Analysis Model

Example 2. A Two-Dimensional Risk Analysis Model: The Heat Shield of the Space Shuttle


Example 3. A Dynamic Analysis of Accident Sequences: Anesthesia Patient Risk 

Example 4. Probabilistic Analysis of Threats of Terrorist Attacks


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Engineering Risk Analysis Method: Imagination and Rationality

Risk analysis for well known, well documented and steady-state systems (or stable phenomena)

can be performed by methods of statistical analysis of available data. These include, for example,

maximum likelihood estimations, and analyses of variance and correlations. More generally,

these methods require a projection in the future of risk estimates based on a sufficient sample, of 

 preferably independent, identically distributed data, and other experiences from the past.

However, when designing or operating a new type of engineered system, one can seldom rely on

such a body of evidence, even though there may exist relevant data regarding parts of the system

or the problem. The same is true in all new situations in which the risk can only be evaluated

from a rigorous and systematic analysis of possible scenarios, and from dependencies among

events in a scenario. For instance, assessing the risk of a terrorist attack on the US requires

“imagination” as emphasized in the 9/11 Commission Report (NCTA, 2004). To do so, one has

to rely first on a system’s analysis, and second, on Bayesian probability and statistics (e.g.,

Savage, 1954; Press, 1989). The engineering method of “Probabilistic Risk Analysis” (PRA or 

here, simply RA), which was designed in the nuclear power industry among other fields

(USNRC, 1975; Henley and Kumamoto, 1992; Bedford and Cooke, 2001), was presented in the

 previous chapter 1. In what follows, I describe some specific features and applications of the

engineering risk analysis method with the objective of finding and fixing system weaknesses,

whether technical or organizational2

(Paté-Cornell, 2000, 2002a). The focus is mostly on the

formulation phase of a risk analysis, which can present major challenges. I describe and illustrate

four specific problems and possible solutions: the explicit inclusion of human and management

factors in the assessment of technical failure risks using influence diagrams3, with as an

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example, the case of ship grounding due to loss of propulsion; the characterization of the

dynamics of accident sequences illustrated by a model of analysis of  patient risk in anesthesia;

the treatment of spatially-distributed risks with a model of the risk of an accident caused by a

failure of the tiles of the NASA space shuttle; and the challenge of structuring the modeling of a

type of threat that is new –at least on the scale that has been recently observed– illustrated by the

risks of different types of terrorist attacks on the US.

Pro-Active Risk Management

 Early Technology Assessment And Anticipation Of “Perfect Storms” 

The risk analysis (RA) method used in engineering is based both on systems analysis and

 probability and allows computation of the risk of system failure under normal or abnormal

operating circumstances4. More importantly, it permits addressing and computing the risk of 

“perfect storms”, i.e., rare conjunctions of events, some of which may not have happened yet

even though some of their elements may have been observed in the past. These events can affect,

for instance, the performance of a new space system faced with a combination of challenges

(e.g., a long voyage, cosmic rays, planetary storms, etc.). The same method can be used to

 perform early technology assessment, which is especially critical in the development of systems

such as medical devices, which are expensive to engineer and less likely than not to pass the

statistical tests required by the USFDA before approval (Pietzsch et al., 2004). In that context,

RA can thus be used to anticipate the effectiveness and the safety of a new medical device when

the practitioners may not be accustomed to it, when there may be some design problems, and/or 

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when the patients happen to be particularly vulnerable (e.g., premature babies). In a different

setting, one can also use this type of analysis to assess the risks of combined factors on a firm’s

 bottom line, for example, a competitor’s move, a labor strike that affects its supply chain, and/or 

a dip in demand caused by a major political event. In that perspective, RA can be applied, for 

instance to the quantification of the risks of bankruptcy in the insurance industry when a

company is faced with a decline in market returns, repeated catastrophes, and prosecution of its

executives for professional misconduct (Paté-Cornell and Deleris, 2005). Also, as described

further, the same RA method can be used to support the choice of counter-terrorism measures,

given the limited information provided by the intelligence community, in the face of ever-

changing situations (Paté-Cornell, 2002b).

 Remembering the Past While Looking Ahead 

Anticipating rare failures, as well as shedding light on mundane but unrecognized problems, can

 provide effective support for risk management. But there is a clear difference between

 probabilistic risk analysis and expected-utility decision analysis (e.g., Raiffa, 1968), in which the

decision makers are known at the onset of the exercise (Paté-Cornell, 2006). The risk analysis

question is often: what are the risks (as assessed by an analyst and a group of experts), and how

can the results be formulated to best represent uncertainties and be useful to the eventual

decision maker(s)?

The key issue, in all cases, is to anticipate problems that may or may not have occurred

 before, and to recognize existing ones in order to devise pro-active risk management strategies.

The engineering risk analysis method permits ranking risk management options and setting

 priorities in the use of resources. The quantification of each part of the problem by probability

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and consequence estimates allows their combination in a structured way, using both Bayes’

theorem (to compute the probability of various scenarios) and the total probability theorem (to

compute the overall probability of total or partial failures). Effective risk management options

can then be formulated. They include for instance, adding redundancies, but also, the observation

of precursors, i.e., signals and near-misses, which permit anticipating future problems and

implementing pro-active measures (Phimister et al., 2004).

A Brief Overview of the Method and Formulation Challenges

The Challenge of Structuring the Model

The first step in a risk analysis is to structure the future possible events into classes of scenarios5 

as a set of mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive elements, discrete or continuous. Each

of these scenarios is a conjunction of events leading to a particular outcome. The choice of the

model structure, level of detail, and depth of analysis is critical: as one adds more details to a

scenario description (A and B and C etc.), its probability decreases. In the limit, the exact

realization of a scenario in a continuous space would have a zero probability, making the

exercise useless. Therefore, one needs first to formulate the model at a level of detail that is

manageable, yet sufficient to identify and characterize the most important risk reduction options.

This level of detail may vary from one subsystem to the next. Second, one needs to compute the

 probability of the outcomes that can result from each class of scenarios, adjusting the level of 

detail, as shown later, to reflect the value of the information of the corresponding variables as

support for risk management decisions. Finally, one needs to quantify the outcomes of these

scenarios and to aggregate the results, sometimes as a probability distribution for a single

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attribute (e.g., money), displayed as a single risk curve (e.g., the complementary cumulative

distribution of annual amounts of potential damage); or as the joint distribution of several

attributes of the outcome space6

(e.g., human casualties and financial losses). To represent the

fundamental uncertainties about the phenomenon of interest, one can display a family of risk 

curves, which represent a discretization of the distribution of the probability (or future

frequency) of exceeding given levels of losses per time unit (Helton, 1994; Paté-Cornell, 1996,


One can thus represent accident scenarios in various ways. The first is simply accident

sequences, starting with initiating events followed by a set of intermediate events leading to an

outcome described either by a single measure (e.g., monetary) or by a multi-attribute vector. The

distribution of these outcomes allows representation of the risk at various levels of failure

severity. Another analytical structure is to identify “failure modes” or min-cut sets, i.e., the

conjunctions (without notion of sequencing) of events that lead to system failure described as a

Boolean variable (USNRC, 1975). These failure modes account for the structure of the system,

e.g., the fact that the failure of a redundant subsystem requires failure of all its components.

To model the risk using the accident sequence approach, note p(X) the probability of an

event per time unit (or operation), p(X|Y) the conditional probability of X given Y, p(X,Y) the

 joint probability of X and Y, IEi the possible initiating events of accident sequences indexed in i,

and F the (total7) technical failure of the system. In its simplest form, one can represent the result

of the PRA model as the probability p(F) of a system failure per time unit or operation as:

 p(F) = Σi(p(IEi) x p(F|IEi) (1)

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where p(F|IEi) can be computed as a function of the conditional probabilities of the

(intermediate) events that follow IEi and lead to F. The accident sequences can be systematically

represented, for instance through event trees and influence diagrams.

Alternatively, one can start from the system’s failure modes. Noting M j these

conjunctions of events (min-cut sets), one can write the probability of failure p(F) using the total

 probability theorem as:

 p(F) = Σ j p(M j) – Σ j Σk p(M j, Mk ) + p (three failure modes at a time) – etc. (2)

External events that can affect all failure modes (e.g., earthquakes) or the probabilities of 

specific events in an accident sequence can be introduced in the analysis at that stage. The

method is to condition the terms of the equation(s) on the occurrence (or not) of the common

cause of failure and its severity level.

The choice of one form or another (sequences vs. failure modes) depends on the structure

of the available information. In the ship grounding risk analysis model and the risk analysis of a

shuttle accident presented later, the accident-sequence structure was chosen because it was the

easiest way to think systematically through a collectively exhaustive and mutually exclusive set

of failure scenarios. However, faced with a complex system, best described by its functions and

 by a functional diagram, focusing on the failure modes might be an easier choice.

 Dynamic Analysis

The robustness of a system as well as the challenges to which it is subjected may change

over time. A structure fails when the loads exceed its capacity. On the one hand, one may want

to account for the long-term pattern of occurrences of the loads (e.g., earthquakes), as well as the

short-term dynamics of the different ways in which such events can unfold, for example, the

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time-dependent characteristics of the pre-shocks, main shock and aftershocks of an earthquake

that can hit a structure. On the other hand the system’s capacity may vary as well. It can

deteriorate independently from the loads (e.g., by corrosion), or it can decrease because of the

fatigue caused by repeated load cycles (e.g., the effect of the waves on a structure at sea).

Accounting for variations of loads and capacities requires a knowledge base that may come from

different domains, e.g., from geophysics to structural engineering in the case of seismic risks.

Another form of dynamic analysis may be required to analyze the evolution of accident

sequences in which the consequences depend on the time elapsed between the initiating event

and the conclusion of an incident. This is the case of an analysis of risks of fires in oil refineries

(Paté-Cornell,1985) as well as that of patient risks in anesthesia described further. In both cases,

stochastic processes were used to describe the evolution of the system over time, which is needed

when the timing of human intervention is essential to effective risk management.

 Imagination and Rationality

This RA method has been developed in details in the past for specific cases such as

electrical circuits, civil engineering systems, nuclear reactors, aircraft, and space systems. But in

its principles, RA as shown further, has applications to many other problems for which one needs

to “imagine” systematically, beyond a simple, arbitrary “what-if” exercise, the potential failures

in absence of directly relevant experience. In these cases, the choice of evidence is critical

 because available information may be incomplete and imperfect, yet essential to support a

rational decision that needs to be made, before the occurrence of an event such as a specified

type of terrorist attack or before a medical device is used in a real setting.

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Imagination and rationality are thus two main bases of the PRA method. Risk analysis is

meant to support risk management decisions, assuming a rational decision maker or a

homogenous group of them8. Rationality is defined here by the von Neumann axioms of decision

making (von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1947), and by the definition of probability that they

imply9. This Bayesian definition differ from the classical frequentist approach in that it relies on

a degree of belief based on a decision maker’s willingness to make bets and to choose among

lotteries given all available evidence. Therefore, by definition, this kind of probability cannot be

“validated” in the classical statistical sense, at least not until one has gathered a sufficient body

of experimental data, and provided that the system has remained in a steady state. This is rarely

the case in innovative engineering or policy making. Instead, one has to seek  justification of the

model through a careful presentation of assumptions, reasoning, data and conclusions.

 Incomplete Evidence Base

The Bayesian RA method is thus at the root of evidence-based decisions10

, but this does

not necessarily imply that the evidence involves a complete set of classic statistical data. Again,

this is true because one often has to make such decisions in the face of uncertainty (e.g., in

medicine or in astronautics) before complete information can be obtained. Therefore, the method

uses all the evidence that exists, imperfect as it may be when needed, as opposed to the “perfect”

one that one would want to have to follow the classic statistics path. In effect, the inputs of the

RA method, i.e., the best information available, may be subjective and imperfect, but it may be

the best one has and the process by which the output is generated is a rigorous one.

Since one often needs to use the concept of Bayesian probability based on a degree of 

 belief, the first question is, of course: whose beliefs? At the onset of a risk analysis, the identity

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of the ultimate decision maker is seldom known, it may vary over time, along with the number of 

incidents, operations, systems, years of operation. Yet, the results have to be complete enough to

 provide information relevant to decision support under various levels of uncertainties when the

event of interest can repeat itself. This implies, in particular that one needs to separate what has

 been traditionally referred to as “risk” and “uncertainty” but is better described as two kinds of 

uncertainties, “aleatory”, i.e., randomness, and “epistemic”, i.e., incomplete information about

the fundamental phenomenon of interest (Apostolakis, 1990). At the end of the analysis, the

 probability of an event, in the face of epistemic uncertainty, is the mean future frequency of that

event, a measure that is compatible with the maximization of expected utility


. As shown

further, however, one needs to quantify and fully describe uncertainties about probabilities of 

various outcomes to allow decision makers to use the risk results in the case of repeated



The data that are used in risk analysis thus cover a wide range of sources. In the best of 

all worlds, one has access to operational data that describe a particular system or phenomenon in

its actual setting, e.g., flight data for a space system, or steady-state operating room statistics for 

a well-known form of surgery. More often, however, in innovative circumstances, one has, at

 best, surrogate data regarding performance of subsystems and components in a different but

similar environment. Other times, one may have to use test data and lab data (e.g., on human

 performance on simulators). The problem is that tests may have to be performed in an

environment that cannot exactly represent the operational one, for instance micro-gravity for 

spacecraft. When one knows the characteristics of the loads to which the system will be

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subjected and the factors that influence its capacity, one can also use engineering models as a

source of information. Finally, when facing new situation with no access to such data, in a first

iteration of an analysis, or to supplement existing data, one may need to use expert opinions,

 provided that the questions have been phrased in such a way that the experts can actually respond

 based on their experience. Biases in these responses have been widely documented and require

all the care of the analyst (e.g., Kahneman et al., 1982). Next, one often faces the unavoidable

challenge of aggregating experts opinions, which is easier when the decision maker is known and

can inject his own “weighting” (in effect, the equivalent of likelihood functions) in the exercise,

and more complex when the risk analysis has to be performed for unknown decisions and

decision makers12


The Tool Kit 

The tools of RA thus include all those that allow description of the problem structure and

computation of failure probabilities, in a world that is either static or dynamic. They involve

event trees, fault trees, influence diagrams, Bayesian probability and descriptive statistics13, but

also stochastic processes of various sorts depending on the system’s memory, time dependencies

etc. They also include characterization of human errors and of the outcomes of the various

scenarios based, for example, on economic analysis. When expanded to the analysis of risk 

management decisions, the tool kit includes decision trees (and the corresponding version of 

influence diagrams) and utility functions, single or multi-attribute (Keeney and Raiffa, 1976).

Simulation is often needed to propagate uncertainties through the model in order to link 

uncertainties in the input and those in the output. To do so, one can then use for instance, Monte

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Carlo simulation, or often better, the Latin Hypercube method, which is based on a similar 

approach but allows for a more efficient search.

 Extension of RA to Include Human and Management Factors: The SAM Model

Most of the classic risk analyses do include human reliability in one form or another. Human

errors may be included in failures or accident scenarios as basic events, or part of the data of 

component failures. Yet, they are not necessarily an explicit part of a scenario, and often simply

weaken a component, e.g., through poor maintenance, which increases a component’s

vulnerability. In addition, human errors are often based on management problems, for example,

wrong incentives, lack of knowledge on the part of the technicians, or excessive resource


To address these problems, a model called SAM was devised (Murphy and Paté-Cornell,

1996) based first, on an analysis of the system’s failure risk (S). The second level, involves a

systematic identification and probabilistic characterization of the human decisions and actions

(A) that influence the probabilities of the basic events of the model. Finally, a third level

represents the management factors (M) that in turn, affect the probabilities of the human

decisions and actions14


The main characteristic of the SAM model is thus that it starts with an analysis of the

 performance of the physical system. This model can be represented by a three-tier influence

diagram (see Figure 16.1), in which the influences run from the top to the bottom but the analysis

is performed from the bottom to the top. The equations of the SAM model can be described

using the notations of Equations 1 and 2, and in addition, noting as p(Lh) the probability of the

different loss levels Lh associated with various degrees of technical system failure indexed in h,

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 p(Lh|MNn) = Σi Σm p(DAm |MNn) x p(IEi|DAm) x p(Lh |IEi, DAm) (5)

 Note that the effects of management factors on the probabilities of losses are assessed

through their effects on the probabilities of the decisions and actions of the people involved.

Also, we assume here, for simplicity, that the different decisions and actions are mutually

independent conditional on management factors (which can be easily modified if needed).

In what follows, we present four examples of risk analyses, some at the formulation stage

and some with results that include identification of possible risk management options, to

illustrate different features of the RA model and, in three cases, of its SAM extension.

Example 1. Ship grounding risk: Influence diagram and SAM model representation

The Grounding of Oil Tankers or Other Cargo Ships 

The experience with the grounding of the Exxon Valdez in Alaska as well as the breaking at sea

of several oil tankers and cargo ships such as the AMOCO-Cadiz off the coasts of Europe, posed

some serious risk management problems. Are the best solutions technical, e.g., requiring double

hulls, or essentially managerial and regulatory in nature, for instance, increased regulation of 

maritime traffic and Coast Guard surveillance and/or improvements of the training of the crew?

In some cases, one could even imagine drastic options such as blowing up rocks that are too

close to shipping lanes. Obviously, the risk depends, among other factors, on the nature of the

ship and its cargo, on the skills of its crew, and on the location of maritime routes. Some areas

such as the Molucca Strait are particularly dangerous because of the density of international

traffic and at times, the anarchic or criminal behavior of the crews. Other sites are especially

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vulnerable because of their configuration such as Puget Sound, the San Francisco Bay, or Prince

William Sound.

Problem Formulation Based on a SAM-Type Influence Diagram

An analysis of the risks of oil spills due to ship grounding following loss of propulsion

can be represented by an influence diagram, expanded to include human and management factors

in the SAM format. To support a spectrum of risk management decisions, that diagram can be

structured as shown in Figure 2 to include the elements of Figure 1. It represents the sequence of 

events starting with loss of propulsion, that can lead to a breach in the hull and in the case of oil

tankers, release of various quantities of oil in the sea, and possibly, sinking of the ship

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Loss of 










e.g., breach

in tank?



Skill level

of the Captain

and the crewMaintenance






(time and budget)





Level 3

Level 2

Level 1




Figure 16.2: Influence diagram for the risk of grounding of an oil tanker.

The lower part of Figure 16.2 represents the system’s failure risk analysis model. The

accident sequence starts with the loss of propulsion at sea (initiating event). Given that this event

has happened, the second event is drift control: can the crew control the drift? If not the next

event is grounding of the ship: does it happen or not given the speed, the location and the

weather? If grounding occurs, the next question is: what is the size of the breach in the hull? It

depends on the nature of the seabed or the coast (sand, rocks etc.), on the characteristics of the

hull, and on the energy of the shock. Finally, given the size of the breach, the next question is:

what is the amount of oil spilled in the water? This outcome depends on the amount of oil carried

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in the first place and on the size of the breach as well as the external response to the incident.

The final outcome can then be characterized by the financial loss and the environmental damage

measured, for instance, in terms of number animals or length of coastline affected, or in terms of 

time to full recovery.

The middle and upper parts of Figure 16.2 represent the decisions, actions, and

organizational roots of the elements of the accident sequence represented in the lower part of the

figure. The failure of a ship’s propulsion system starts with its design, but more importantly in

operations, with inspection and maintenance procedures. The performance of the crew in an

emergency and its ability to prevent grounding depend not only on the skills of its captain but

also on the experience of the sailors, and on the ability of the group to work together and to

communicate, especially in an emergency. The decisions and actions of the crew may thus

depend in turn, on decisions made by the managers of the shipping company who may have

restricted maintenance resources, hired a crew without proper training, and forced a demanding

schedule that did not allow for inspection and repair when needed. The decisions and actions of 

crews are treated here as random events and variables conditional on a particular management

system. In this example, the evidence base includes mostly statistics of the frequency of loss of 

 propulsion for the kind of ship and propulsion system considered and on expert opinions.

The Overall Risk Analysis Model

Based on the influence diagram shown in Figure 2, one can construct a simple risk 

analysis model represented by a few equations. Note LP (or not: NLP) the event loss of 

 propulsion, and p(LP) its probability per operation; CD (or not: UD) the control of the drift , G

(or not: NG) the grounding of the ship; B the random variable for the “final system state” i.e., the

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size of the breach in the hull characterized by its probability density function given grounding

f B(b|G); and O (random variable) the “source term”, here, the quantity of oil released  

characterized by its probability density function f O(o), and by its conditional probability density

function f O|B(o|b) given the size of the breach in the hull. Grounding can occur with or without

drift control. Using a simple Bayesian expansion, the PRA model can then be written as one

overall equation to represent this particular failure mode :



f O(o) = ∫ b p(LP)x {p(UD|LP)x p(G|UD)+p(CD|LP)x p(G|CD)}x f B(b|G)x f O|B(o|b)db (6)B

Given a total budget constraint (management decision), the maintenance quality can be

represented by the frequency and the duration of maintenance operations (e.g., at three levels).

Given the management policy regarding personnel, the experience of the crew can be represented

 by the number of years of experience of the skipper (on the considered type of ship) and/or by

the number of voyages of the crew together 16

. These factors, in turn, can be linked to different

 probabilities of loss of propulsion, and to the probability of drift control given loss of propulsion,

using expert opinions or statistical analysis.

 Numerical data need to be gathered for a specific site and ship, and the model can then be

used to compute the probability distribution of the benefits of different types of risk reduction

measures. For instance, improving maintenance procedures would decrease the probability of 

 propulsion failure in the first place. Requiring a double hull would reduce the size of the breach

given the energy of the shock. Effective control of the speed of the ship would reduce also the

energy of the shock in case of grounding. Quick and effective response procedures would limit

the amount of oil spilled given the size of the breach in the hull. The model can then be used as

 part of a decision analysis. This next step, however, also requires a decision criterion, e.g., what

level of probability of grounding or an oil spill can be tolerated in the area, or, for a specified

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decision maker, his or her disutility for the outcomes, including both financial factors and

environmental effects in a single- or multi-attribute utility function.

Example 2. A Two-Dimensional Risk Analysis Model: The Heat Shield of the Space Shuttle


In a study of the tiles of the space shuttle’s heat shield, funded by NASA between 1988 and

1990, the problem was to determine first, what were the most risk-critical tiles, second, what

were their contributions to the overall risk of a mission failure, and third, what were the risk 

management options, both technical and organizational that could be considered (Paté-Cornell

and Fischbeck, 1993a, 1993b). The challenge was to formulate the problem of the risk of tile

debonding and of a “burnthrough” for each tile given its location on the aluminum surface of the

orbiter, considering that they are all different, subjected to various loads, and that they cover 

areas of varying criticality.

The key to the formulation was first to determine the nature of the accident sequences,

and the way they could unfold. A first tile could debond either because of poor bonding in

installation or during maintenance, or because it is hit by a piece of debris. In turn, adjacent tiles

could come off under aerodynamic forces and the heat generated by turbulent flows in the empty

cavity. Given the size and the location of the resulting gap in the heat shield, the aluminum could

then melt, exposing to hot gases the subsystems under the orbiter’s skin. These subsystems, in

turn, could fail and depending on their criticality, cause a loss of the orbiter and the crew.

Therefore, faced with about 25,000 different tiles on each orbiter, the challenge was to structure

the model to include the most important risk factors, whose values vary across the surface:

aerodynamic forces, heat loads, density of debris hits and criticality of the subsystems under the

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orbiter’s skin in different locations. The solution was to divide the orbiter’s surface into areas in

which the values of these factors were roughly in the same range and to represent this partition

on a two-dimensional map of the orbiter 17

. Figure 16.3 is an influence diagram representing the

structure of the model.

Figure 16.3: Influence diagram for an analysis of the risk of an accident caused by the failure of 

tiles of the space shuttle. Source: Paté-Cornell and Fischbeck, 1993a.

Data were gathered from both NASA and its main contractors. Figure 16.4 shows the

result of the analysis, i.e., the risk criticality of each tile in different zones (represented by

various shades of grey) as measured by its contribution to the probability of mission failure. The

main results were that tile failures contributed about 10% of the overall probability of a shuttle

accident, and that 15% of the tiles contributed about 85% of the risk.

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Figure 16.4 Map of the risk criticality of the tiles on the space shuttle orbiter as a function of 

their location. Source: Paté-Cornell and Fischbeck, 1993a.

The recommendations to NASA, at the end of the study, were to decrease the time

 pressure on the maintenance crews, prioritize inspection, and improve the bonding of the

insulation of the external tank. Some of them were adopted (e.g., reduction of the time

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 pressures), others not (e.g., improvements of the external tank). The key to a robust computation

of the risk resided in the Bayesian model structure that was adopted as opposed to relying on the

small statistical data sets that existed at the time (e.g., the number of tiles lost in flight). Such a

statistical analysis led to unstable results that varied drastically later with the loss of a few tiles

when evidence already existed at a deeper level to permit a more stable risk assessment.

Example 3. A dynamic analysis of accident sequences: anesthesia patient risk.

In 1993, a Stanford team was asked to analyze the different components of patient risk in

anesthesia, and to identify and estimate changes in procedures that would improve the current

situation (Paté-Cornell et al., 1996a, 1996b; Paté-Cornell, 1999a). This project was motivated by

the occurrence of several publicized accidents that suggested that substance abuse among

 practitioners (drugs or alcohol) was a major source of the risk. As we showed, it turned out the

reality was much closer to mundane problems of lack of training or supervision. One of the

changes at the time of the study was the development of simulators that allowed training first,

individuals, then operating room teams together. The focus of the study was on “healthy

 patients” (e.g., undergoing knee surgery) and trained anesthetists in large Western hospitals. The

 base rate of death or severe brain damage was in the order of 1/10,000 per operation.

Severe accidents, resulting in death or brain damage, occur when the brain is deprived of 

oxygen for a prolonged duration (e.g., two minutes). The challenge was to structure the model so

that the dynamics of accident sequences could be linked to the performance of the

anesthesiologists, then to the factors that affect this performance. The data included two types of 

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statistics: base rates of anesthesia accidents, and occurrences of different types of initiating

events. The latter were the results of the Australian Incident Monitoring study (Webb et al.,

1993). Following an initiating event (e.g., disconnection of the tube that brings oxygen to the

lungs), the dynamics of accidents was linked to the occurrence of intermediate events (e.g.,

observation of a signal) as random variables, and to the time that it takes for these intermediate

steps, i.e., to observe abnormal signals, diagnose the problem, and take corrective actions, and

hopefully, for the patient to recover. Figure 16.5 shows on a time axis the evolution of both the

 patient and the anesthesia system in the operating room (incident occurrence, signal detection,

 problem diagnosis and correction). The total time elapsed determines the eventual patient state.







i= disconnect

Detection and diagnosis phases






Figure 16.5: Evolution of the patient state and of the anesthesia system following the occurrence

of an accident initiator such as a tube disconnect. (Sources: Source: Paté-Cornell et al., 1996a)

One challenge was to quantify the durations of intermediate phases (and of different patient

states), which were uncertain and were not documented by statistical data at the time of the

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study. They were estimated from expert opinions in order to assess their effects on the results.

The analysis was then based on a Markov chain representation of the concurrent unfolding of the

incident phases (occurrence and detection of the problem by the anesthesia team) and of the

evolution of the patient. The combination was represented by “super states”, for example,

“disconnection of the oxygen tube and patient hypoxemia”. The contribution of each possible

initiating event to the overall patient risk per operation was then computed based on the

 probability distribution of the duration of the corresponding type of incident (see Table 16.1).

Table 16.1. Incidence Rates of Initiating Events During Anesthesia from the AIMS Database

(Webb et al., 1993) and Effects on Patient Risk (Paté-Cornell, 1999a)

Initiating Event Number of AIMS



Probabilityof an




To Patient


Breathing circuit disconnect 80 10% 7.2 x 10-4  34%

Esophageal intubation 29 10% 2.6 x 10-4  12%

 Nonventilation 90 10% 8.1 x 10-4  38%

Malignant hyperthermia n/a -- 1.3 x 10-5  1%

Anesthetic overdose 20 10% 1.8 x 10-4  8%

Anaphylactic reaction 27 20% 1.2 x 10-4  6%

Severe hemorrhage n/a -- 2.5 x 10-5  1%aout of 1,000 total reports in initial AIMS data

The factors influencing the patient risks (occurrence of initiating events and duration of 

intermediate phases) were then linked to the performance of anesthesiologists, based on their 

level of competence and alertness and on various problems that they can experience. For 

example, we considered the possibility of “lack of training among experienced

anesthesiologists”, which may occur when a senior practitioner who does not operate frequently,

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forgets what can happen and what should be done in rare incidents that he/she has never had to

face. Different possible policies were then identified to address these problems and improve

 performance, for example, regular training on a simulator, reduction of the length of time on

duty, improvement of resident supervision or testing of the practitioners for substance abuse. The

 potential benefits of each policy were then computed, based on the changes that the policy could

 bring in the probability that the anesthesiologist experiences specified problems in a given

operation, and on the probabilities of an accident given each problem (see Figure 16.6).

SA Anesthesiologist


O k Organizational

Factors,Policies and



p(AA | IEi)

p(AA | SA )Mean p(AA)

 per Operation


IEi: initiating events (e.g., breathing circuit disconnect); index iAA: anesthesia accident (death or severe brain damage)

SAj: state of the anesthesiologist (e.g., fatigued); index j

Ok: organizational policy (e.g., time on duty if limited to 12 consecutive hours); index k.

Figure 16.6 Influence diagram showing the analysis of patient risk in anesthesia linked to human

and organizational factors. Source: Paté-Cornell et al., 1996a and b.

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 Note that the costs were not computed. Using the notation defined in the legend of Figure

16.6, the equations of the model are:

Step 1

The probability of an anesthesia accident per operation (p(AA)) is obtained through the dynamic

analysis of the different accident types and summed using the total probability theorem.

 p(AA) = ∑i

p(IEi) x p(AA|IEi) (7)

Step 2

The probability of an accident is computed first, for each of the potential problem that can be

experienced by the anesthesiologist and the corresponding probabilities of the accident

occurrence, and parameter values.

 p(AA | SA j) = ∑i p(IEi | SA j) x p(AA | IEi, SA j) (8)

 p(AA) = ∑ j p(AA | SA j) x p(SA j) (9)

Step 3

Finally, the probability of an anesthesia accident conditional on a particular organizational policy

 is computed as a function of the effect of that policy on the state (thus the performance) of the


P(AA | Ok ) = ∑ j p(SA j | Ok ) x p(AA | SA j) (10)

Different policies were then considered (e.g., reduction of the time on duty) and their 

 benefits were computed as shown in Table 16.2. The results showed that contrary to previous

 perceptions, the most beneficial policies concerned improvement of the training of both novice

and experienced practitioners, as well as supervision of residents. The benefits of substance

abuse control were found to be limited, first because the problem may actually be less frequent

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than perceived, and second, because the tests could be ineffective given anesthesiologists’


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Table 16.2: Effects of Proposed Policy Changes on the Anesthesia Patient Risk. (Source: Paté-

Cornell et a,l. 1996a and b) 

Policy Effects of Policy Replace-ment



(x 10-5)



Base Case(current policies)

-- 7.12 --

Work schedule


Fatigue cut 50% Problem-


6.72 6%

Simulator testing

for residents

Cognitive problems cut 90%

Personality problems cut 50%



7.02 2%

Simulator Training

For practitioners

Lack of training cut 75% Problem-


5.98 16%

Re-certificationevery 3 years

Decreases of lack of training,aging, cognitive, personality

 problemsFor 10 re-certs: 84% reduction


5.06 29%


every 5 years

Decreases lack of training, aging,

cognitive, personality problemsFor 6 re-certs: 67% reduction



5.48 23%


Affects 10% of operations:Aging, lack of training, alcohol

abuse more heavily weighted


6.89 3%

Drug testing Drug abuse cut 95% New


7.03 1%

Alcohol testing Alcohol abuse cut 90% New


6.97 2%

Annual medicalexamination

Aging/neurol. problems cut 75%Drug, alcohol abuse cut 25%

Fatigue cut 10%


6.92 3%

Supervision of residents

Lack of supervision cut 50% Problem-free

6.16 14%

*except “Fatigued” replaced by “Problem-free”. New distribution: new distribution of the probability of problems among practitioners with increase of the probability of “problem-free”.

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Example 4. Probabilistic Analysis of Threats of Terrorist Attacks

Shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the United States, this country faced the problem of setting

 priorities among the possible measures that can be taken to reduce the probabilities of different

types of attack, capture signals of a possible attack, and reinforce the potential targets. The

question was thus to design a general risk analysis model that allowed combination of threats and

vulnerabilities and the uncertainties about them based on all existing information including that

gathered by the intelligence community (Paté-Cornell and Guikema, 2002)18

. See Figure 16.7.

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Figure 16.7 Structure of an influence diagram designed to assess the risks from different

scenarios of terrorist attack on the United States (Source: Paté-Cornell and Guikema, 2002)

The model included first, the identification of the different terrorist groups known at the

time and of their objectives as revealed by their own statements. The key issue was then to assess

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for each of them their “supply chain”, including people and skills, weapons, cash,

communications and transportation based on all information available to the US. The possibility

of insider help and its effect on that supply chain was considered. The next step was to describe

the different attack scenarios by the choice a weapon, target and mean of delivery. The planning

of such an attack could possibly generate signals intercepted by US intelligence and allow for 

counter measures. Finally, the probabilities of an attack’s effects on the US were assessed as the

result of the probabilities of different scenarios and of the effectiveness of US countermeasures.

The probabilities of the scenarios were assessed as a function of their attractiveness to the

different terrorist groups based (1) on their ease of execution and probability of success and (2)

the desirability of the consequences to the perpetrators. In turn, the desirability of different

countermeasures was assessed as a function of the probability of success of the corresponding

attack scenarios, their negative values (“disutility”) to the US, and the potential of the counter 

measures to reduce the probability and/or consequences of different attacks.

The challenge in this type of exercise is to design a global model that captures the first-

order factors and allows for further development of the model given the decisions that have to be

supported. It provides a “back-of-an-envelope” model structure that permits systematic thinking

about the problem and its potential solutions. It also demonstrates the use of the engineering

systems-analysis application to a different type of problem, of which little is known in terms of 

global statistics—in part because of non-stationarity—but partial information can be gathered for 

each of the major factors. This framework can be further developed, as far and deeply as needed,

to analyze the benefits of various policies. The results, as usual are only as good as the

information that can be gathered, but the method, if applied well, permits systematic thinking

and best use of that information.

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At the end of this study, the most likely attack scenarios (in an illustrative application)

were found to be repeated conventional attacks on urban targets, followed by “dirty bombs” and

 biological attacks. But the most destructive to the US remains a possible attack with a nuclear 

warhead, either fabricated or purchased by a terrorist group.


The engineering risk analysis method can be used in many different settings. The

 principles of risk analysis based on systems analysis and probability to address problems for 

which little or no statistics exist, can be applied to many questions involving new technologies

and can be extended to include human and organizational factors. In this chapter, we illustrated

the formulation of risk analysis problems for maritime, space, and medical systems as well as the

complex issues of counter-terrorism. The key to the success of such an analysis is the

formulation of the problem so that the most relevant factors are captured and can be described

further if needed in subsequent analytical developments. Bayesian probability is a fundamental

concept in such a model. Influence diagrams are useful tools in the formulation phase because

they provide both an analytical framework and means of communication. The dynamics of 

accident sequences is often critical, and can be described through stochastic processes. This

method allows anticipation of accidents, failures or attacks that may not have happened before,

even though it requires “imagination” and can be challenged based on the credibility of new

failure scenarios and the computation of their probabilities. It can be used to support pro-active

risk management as an alternative to merely responding to the last event, and to set priorities

among risk management under common constraints of time and money. The keys to its success

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remain imagination, i.e., the willingness and the ability to face events that have not occurred yet)

and rationality, i.e., the discipline and the systematic thinking that allows structuring the models.


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1Bier and Cox, 2006.

2There exist other forms of risk analysis, for instance those used in environmental/health risk 

analysis, which often rely on “plausible upper bounds” or other “conservative” measurements to

characterize, for example, dose-response relationships (Paté-Cornell, 1996). These methods

generally do not involve Bayesian probability.

3An influence diagram is a directed graph, whose nodes represent random events or variables

and the arrows probabilistic dependences among them (Shachter, 2006).

4In industry, however, the risk of failure of an engineering project is often understood as the risk 

of missing the project deadline or exceeding its budget. The technical failure risk is often

“managed” through insurance. Furthermore, it is often assumed that once the specifications have

 been met everything will be fine, when in fact the problem may be first, in their definition and

second, in ensuring that they have actually been met. In this paper, the focus is on technical

failure risk and its management through actual system reinforcement.

5The emphasis is on classes of scenarios, i.e., a partition of the scenario set that is sufficient to

capture the different levels of system failures without going into details that would make the

formulation almost unmanageable and the collection of data almost impossible.

6Alternatively, one can describe for simplicity, the marginal distribution of each of the attributes

and a measure of their correlation.

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7One can rewrite these equations to characterize partial failures using the same concepts.

8A risk analysis can support the decision of a “heterogeneous” group of decision makers, but

they will have to agree on either a decision process or on analytical methods of aggregation of 

 probabilities and preferences.

9There are many other ways of performing a normative or prescriptive “decision analysis”. The

Analytical Hierarchy process, for example, is designed to guide a decision and therefore, it can be

considered prescriptive even though it does not rely on the norms of the von Neumann axioms.

10The notion of evidence-based decisions is currently at the heart of a debate in the medical

community. I want to stress here that evidence cannot be restricted to large statistical samples and

that one should not wait to save lives until complete statistics are available to make decisions that

can be reasonably supported by Bayesian reasoning.

11This is an approximation that applies first, to the case where that frequency is small given the

time unit, and second, to a repetitive event or something that can be construed as one, not to

unique events or hypotheses. Therefore, this is a short cut, but one that is useful to bridge gaps in

reasoning between two communities of risk analysts: one focused on frequencies and one

focused on degrees of belief.

12The aggregation of expert opinions can be based on analytical procedures such as Bayesian

weights representing likelihoods, or on interactive methods such as the Delphi method, or hybrid

methods such as the SHAC method used in seismic hazard analysis, which has the advantage of 

focusing on the basic mechanisms and the supporting data, irrelevant of the field of application

(Budnitz et al., 1998). Another approach is empirical calibration of the experts themselves

(Cooke, 1991) or the use of copula models (Clemen and Winkler, 2006).

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13Many PRA input come from classical statistics. Note however, that this requires a steady state,

and a sample of sufficient size, in which case classical and Bayesian statistics (if that they are

 based on weak priors) yield similar results.14

Another approach is to start from an analysis of the work process (Davoudian et al., 1994).

15Note the assumption here that the size of the breach depends only on grounding and not on drift

control, and that the amount of oil spilled depends only on the size of the breach when in fact, many

other factors could be included e.g., the weather, tides, and especially, damage control measures.

16One of the challenges is to ensure that, after the fact, these variables are defined precisely

enough to pass the “clarity test” of unambiguity of what the realization was (Howard, 2004).

This means that once the uncertainties are resolved, the analyst can point to the realization of that

variable that actually occurred.

17Clearly, the tile system is not literally a plane; but the projection of the orbiter’s undersurface

on a flat plane allowed its two-dimensional partition for the purposes of the analysis in the same

way as one can partition a geographic map into seismic zones to compute earthquake risks.

18Another risk analysis model, focused on vulnerability to terrorist attacks, was presented by

Rowe (2003).