the emblem of israel (in english) ayin ת ו עעעעל this...

‘Shma’ (’Hear’)Deuteronomy 6:4 The ’pledge of allegiance’ to a Jew is the Shma. In English it is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one.” (In Hebrew: ‘Shma Yisrael, Adonai eloheinu, Adonai echad.’) (Notice that the Shma contains a TRINITY!) The Shma is often followed by other scriptures, such as Deuteronomy 6:5-9, 11:13-21 or Numbers 15:37-41. Jewish custom is to cover the eyes with the right hand when reciting. The Shma is said twice a day and as last words before death. (However, it is not appropriate to say the Shma in a bathroom.) the WITNESS—in the Shma In the Hebrew manuscripts, there is an ENLARGED ayin & dalet which spell the word ‘ed’ or ‘witness’ in the Shma. The first word, ‘hear’ (shma) ends with an ENLARGED ayin and the sentence closes with an ENLARGED dalet, One meaning: those who have eyes (ayin)—-behold—–—the Door (dalet) (Jesus said in John 10:9: “I AM the Door.”) In Mark 12:29, Jesus says the Shma is the greatest command. Hebrew Alphabet Studies: "ayin" means: “eye” or “understanding” (*Strong's Exhaustive Concordance # 5869) u is the number 70 “E” “A” or “O” (in English) (the ayin is considered to be a consonant) “witness” in Hebrew is spelled d u (‘ed’) שׁמ ע ע ע8085 ישׂראל3478 יהוה3068 אלהינו430 יהוה3068 אח ד ד ד259 .echad YHVH Eloheenu YHVH Yisrael Shma .(one) (LORD) (God) (LORD) (Israel) (Hear) The Holy Spirit (God’s eyes) For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9 “...a Lamb as it had been slain, having 7 horns & 7 eyes—which are the 7 Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.” (Revelation 5:6b) Both Israel & the United States have seals that acknowledge God, the Holy Spirit. REDUCED ayin ל ע ע ע ותThis occurs in Lamentations 3:36 in the 2nd letter of the first word ’To subvert.’ The message here is that the people are short-sighted. (their sight has been darkened & they are diminished—Romans 11:10-12) ASCENDING ayin רשׁ ע ע ע יםThis occurs in Job 38:13 & Job 38:15, both times in the word ‘wicked.’ “Wisdom (seeing from God’s perspective) is too high for a fool...” (Prov. 24:7) As with Israel, God’s Providential protection for any nation is conditional. IF my people...2 Chronicles 7:14, 20:9, Exodus 15:26, Deuteronomy 28, Hebrews 3:14 ‘In God we Trust’ Since 1956, this has been the U.S. National Motto &, since 1908, has been on ALL U.S. Currency. Latin: ‘Annuit Coeptis’ means ‘‘He approves (our) undertakings’ ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ means ‘New Order of the Ages’ “E Pluribus Unum’ means ‘Out of Many—One’ Of course, there are competing New World Orders but God’s Order will prevail in the end. (Rev. 21). Note: The counterfeit (anti-Christ) will come first. (i.e., Ishmael/Isaac, Saul/David...) United States—1 dollar bill The Great Pyramid (Jeremiah 32:20 & Isaiah 10:10), most likely built by Enoch is an enduring picture of strength & durability and represents the Holy Trinity—upon which the three-branches of U.S. government were based. (Isaiah 33:22) In 1776, the Eye of Providence (Psalm 32:8, 33:18) was understood to be the Creator of All, Whose Word is the Holy Bible. NO founding father or U.S. President EVER credited an Egyptian or Babylonian deity with watching over the United States with favor — the ‘eye of horus’ & masonic claims to these symbols came later. Money is simply a tool—for good or evil. front & back The Emblem of Israel 7-fold Holy Spirit signified by a menorah l a r c y = Israel The Seal of the U.S. The Eye of Providence 31 by Ginger Shamblin 1 (865) 986-6784

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Page 1: The Emblem of Israel (in English) ayin ת ו עעעעל This occurs in Lamentations 3:36 in the 2nd letter of the first word ’To subvert.’ The

‘Shma’ (’Hear’)—Deuteronomy 6:4

The ’pledge of allegiance’ to a Jew is the Shma. In English it is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one.”

(In Hebrew: ‘Shma Yisrael, Adonai eloheinu, Adonai echad.’) (Notice that the Shma contains a TRINITY!)�

The Shma is often followed by other scriptures, such as Deuteronomy 6:5-9, 11:13-21 or Numbers 15:37-41.

Jewish custom is to cover the eyes with the right hand when reciting. The Shma is said twice a day and as last words before death. (However, it is not appropriate to say the Shma in a bathroom.)

the WITNESS—in the Shma In the Hebrew manuscripts, there is an ENLARGED ayin & dalet

which spell the word ‘ed’ or ‘witness’ in the Shma. The first word, ‘hear’ (shma) ends with an ENLARGED ayin and the

sentence closes with an ENLARGED dalet, One meaning: those who have eyes (ayin)—-behold—–—the Door (dalet)

(Jesus said in John 10:9: “I AM the Door.”)

In Mark 12:29, Jesus says the Shma is the greatest command.

Hebrew Alphabet Studies: "ayin" means: “eye” or “understanding”

(*Strong's Exhaustive Concordance # 5869)

u is the number 70

“E” “A” or “O” (in English) (the ayin is considered to be a consonant)

“witness” in Hebrew is spelled d u (‘ed’)

259דדדד�אח��3068יהוה��430אלהינו��3068יהוה��3478יׂשראל�8085עעעעׁשמ ��

.echad YHVH Eloheenu YHVH Yisrael Shma .(one) (LORD) (God) (LORD) (Israel) (Hear)

The Holy Spirit (God’s eyes) “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in the

behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9 “...a Lamb as it had been slain, having 7 horns & 7 eyes—which are the 7 Spirits of God

sent forth into all the earth.” (Revelation 5:6b)

Both Israel & the United States have seals that acknowledge God, the Holy Spirit.

REDUCED ayin ו�ת�עעעעל��� ��This occurs in Lamentations 3:36 in the 2nd letter of

the first word ’To subvert.’ The message here is that the people are short-sighted. (their sight has been darkened & they are diminished—Romans 11:10-12)

ASCENDING ayin י�ם����עעעער�ׁש� This occurs in Job 38:13 & Job 38:15, both times in the word

‘wicked.’ “Wisdom (seeing from God’s perspective) is too high for a fool...” (Prov. 24:7)

As with Israel, God’s Providential protection for any nation is conditional. “IF my people...”

2 Chronicles 7:14, 20:9, Exodus 15:26, Deuteronomy 28, Hebrews 3:14

‘In God we Trust’

Since 1956, this has been the U.S. National Motto &, since

1908, has been on ALL U.S. Currency.

Latin: ‘Annuit Coeptis’ means ‘‘He approves (our)

undertakings’ ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ means

‘New Order of the Ages’ “E Pluribus Unum’ means

‘Out of Many—One’ Of course, there are competing New World Orders but God’s Order will prevail in the end.

(Rev. 21). Note: The counterfeit (anti-Christ) will come first. (i.e.,

Ishmael/Isaac, Saul/David...)

United States—1 dollar bill The Great Pyramid (Jeremiah 32:20 & Isaiah 10:10), most likely

built by Enoch is an enduring picture of strength & durability and represents the Holy

Trinity—upon which the three-branches of U.S. government were based. (Isaiah 33:22)

In 1776, the Eye of Providence (Psalm 32:8, 33:18) was understood to be the Creator of All, Whose Word is the Holy Bible. NO founding father or U.S. President EVER credited

an Egyptian or Babylonian deity with watching over the United States with favor — the ‘eye of horus’ & masonic claims to these symbols came later. Money is simply a tool—for good or evil.

front & back

The Emblem of Israel 7-fold Holy Spirit signified

by a menorah

l a r c y = Israel

The Seal of the U.S.

The Eye of Providence


by Ginger Shamblin 1 (865) 986-6784

Page 2: The Emblem of Israel (in English) ayin ת ו עעעעל This occurs in Lamentations 3:36 in the 2nd letter of the first word ’To subvert.’ The

ISRAELISRAELISRAELISRAEL the apple of God’s EYEthe apple of God’s EYEthe apple of God’s EYEthe apple of God’s EYE (Deuteronomy 11:11-13):

“But the LAND whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills & valleys, drinketh the water of the rain of heaven; a LAND which the Lord thy God

careth; for the EYES of the Lord thy God are ALWAYS UPON IT, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.

And it shall come to pass ”IF YOU SHALL HEARKEN DILIGENTLY UNTO MY COMMANDMENTS which I command you this day TO LOVE THE LORD


Biblical Boundaries of Israel “Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be YOURS from

the wilderness & Lebanon from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermost sea (Mediterranean) shall your coast be...” (Deuteronomy 11:24) “...from the Red Sea even unto the sea of the

Philistines and from the desert to the (Euphrates) river...” (Exodus 23:31)

Rebirth of Israel in 1948* The first modern ‘Aliyah’ (Jews going home) was in 1881. 67 years later, May 14, 1948, Israel was reborn. The next day, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria & Egypt attacked Israel.

After a year of fighting, Jordan had the West Bank & East Jerusalem. Egypt had the Gaza Strip. 6-Day War (June 5-10, 1967)

19 years later, they attacked again & Israel regained those territories in only 6 days, plus the entire Sinai peninsula & the Golan Heights (mts. overlooking Sea of Galilee).

Yom Kippur War (Oct. 6-26, 1973) 6 YEARS later, Syria & Jordan attacked again— hoping to reclaim that land.

They couldn’t win a war, so they’ve used terrorism against civilians ever since to force Israel to give up the Sinai, the Gaza Strip & now they demand the West Bank & Jerusalem.

There is NO land-shortage in Arab Countries The Arab League in the 1950’s passed a resolution stating that no Arab government could grant

citizenship to any Palestinian refugee—keeping them in ‘limbo’ for over half a century. The same league expelled 850,000 Jews from Arab countries—who left behind vast property holdings (mostly in Iraq) totaling 5 times the land area of Israel. Those property deeds still exist

& land claims are in the hands of the Israeli Pensioners Minister Rafi Eitan. All of that Jewish property in Iraq, Syria & Lebanon needs to be returned

before any more of Israel is given away to her enemies.

*Timing—in a ‘Money Code’ Using the Hebrew calendar (360-days per year), Israel’s rebirth (AD 1948) happened exactly 2,520 years from the time that God’s handwriting appeared on the wall in Babylon in Daniel 5:25 (539 BC)—declaring

immediate judgment on Bablyon, but also giving this timetable: mene (mina)=1,000 gerahs, mene=1,000 gerahs, tekel (shekel)=20 gerahs,

peres means 1/2 (or 500 gerahs) (1,000+1,000+20+500=2,520) It also meant: ‘numbered, numbered, weighed, divided.’ (Daniel 5:26-28)

Israel’s Prime Ministers

*About 7 million people live in the land of Israel today. The land of Israel would fit inside Florida 7 times. They are surrounded by

22 Arab countries that are 640 times larger.

Jordan is like an ax. And, the ‘head of the ax’

(see 2 Kings 6:4-6) is the West Bank—which

includes Jerusalem.

Red Sea

Euphrates River

southern deserts

1. David Ben-Gurion (1948-54)

2. Moshe Sharett (1954-55)

3. David Ben-Gurion (1955-63)

4. Levi Eshkol (1963-69)

5. Golda Meir (1969-74)

6. Yitzhak Rabin (1974-77)

7. Menachem Begin (1977-83)

8. Yitzhak Shamir (1983-84)

9. Shimon Peres (1984-86)

10. Yitzhak Shamir (1986-92)

11. Yitzhak Rabin (1992-95)

12. Shimon Peres (1995-96)

13. Benjamin Netanyahu (1996-99)

14. Ehud Barak (1999-01)

15. Ariel Sharon (2001-06)

16. Ehud Olmert (2006- )

32 EYES: In Acts 13:9-11, an impetuous young Rabbi named Saul, on his first mission trip, cursed a magician with partial blindness. He never did it again—because judgment given is judgment received. Galatians 4:13-15. James 3:10