the effects of the population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and Environment Biology 1b Evolution and Environment GCSE GCSE CORE CORE Key words: non-renewable, pollution, waste, indicators

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The effects of the population explosion. Key words: non-renewable, pollution, waste, indicators. Objective How does population increase affect the earth? Success Criteria By the end of the lesson I: know that there are increasing numbers of people on the planet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The effects of the  population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentBiology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentGCSGCSEE


Key words: non-renewable, pollution, waste, indicators

Page 2: The effects of the  population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentBiology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentGCSGCSEE



How does population increase affect the earth?How does population increase affect the earth?

Success CriteriaBy the end of the lesson I:

• know that there are increasing numbers of people on the planet• can explain that an increase of people on the world increases the depletion of natural resources and produces more waste and pollution

Page 3: The effects of the  population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentBiology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentGCSGCSEE


Human impact on the environmentHow does human activity affect the environment?

Reduce Reduce the land the land available available for plants for plants

and and animalsanimals

Raw Raw materials materials (inc. non-(inc. non-renewablrenewabl

e) e) resources resources are being are being used upused upMore waste is More waste is

produced produced which (if not which (if not

handled handled properly) may properly) may

pollute air, pollute air, water & landwater & land

Page 4: The effects of the  population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentBiology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentGCSGCSEE


There are about 6.6 billion people in the world and over 95 million babies are born per year – that is an average of three babies per second!

Population growth

Has the rate of population growth always been the same?

Page 5: The effects of the  population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentBiology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentGCSGCSEE


The human population is said to be growing exponentially. This means that the larger the population, the faster it grows.

Exponential growth

An increase in average life expectancy is largely responsible for the rapid increase in population. Why do people live longer than they did hundreds of years ago?

better healthcare (hospitals, medicines, vaccines) more and better food cleaner water better sanitation

The biggest increase in population is in developing nations, rather than developed nations. Why do you think is the case?

Page 6: The effects of the  population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentBiology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentGCSGCSEE


Computer models can be used to make predictions about population growth by using assumptions about birth rate.

Predicting future growth rate

Most analysts assume that birth rates will fall within the next 50 years. Why do you think this might happen?

How important do you think predictions about climate change and unsustainable development are in the analysts’ calculations?

decreased fertility lack of resources disease war

Page 7: The effects of the  population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentBiology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentGCSGCSEE


use moreraw materials

usemore energy

usemore land more people

buildings, farms, quarries and

dumps fossil fuels

Using resources and producing pollution

produce more waste

and pollutionsewage, fertilizer and toxic waste

CO2, SO2, CO and smoke

pesticides and herbicides


Humans use land forHumans use land for1.1. BuildingBuilding2.2. QuarryingQuarrying3.3. FarmingFarming4.4. DumpingDumping

We pollute theWe pollute the• WATER – with sewage, fertiliser, toxic chemicalsWATER – with sewage, fertiliser, toxic chemicals• AIR – with gas such as sulfur dioxide and smokeAIR – with gas such as sulfur dioxide and smoke• LAND – with pesticides and herbicides (these can LAND – with pesticides and herbicides (these can be washed into the water)be washed into the water)

Page 8: The effects of the  population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentBiology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentGCSGCSEE



Draw a graph from the provided information

Page 9: The effects of the  population explosion

Biology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentBiology 1b Evolution and EnvironmentGCSGCSEE



How does population increase effect the earth?How does population increase effect the earth?

Success CriteriaBy the end of the lesson I:

• know that there are increasing numbers of people on the planet• can explain that an increase of people on the world increasing the depletion of natural resources and produces more waste and pollution