the effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection...

DevelopmentalBrain Research, 42 (1988) 129-136 129 Elsevier BRD 50781 The effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection cells in the rat spinal cord Maria Fitzgerald and Peter Shortland Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, UniversityCollegeLondon, London (U.K.) (Accepted 15 March 1988) Key words: Spinal cord; Dorsal horn; Development; Trophic influence; Primary afferent; Peripheral nerve; Neuronal growth Sciatic nerve section and ligation on the day of birth results in marked growth retardation of the rat dorsal horn. This transneuronal effect was examined in spinal cord cells that project to the brain by retrograde labelling with HRP from contralateral dorso- and ven- trolateral tracts in the thoracic white matter. HRP-impregnated gel pellets were implanted in the tracts for 48-72 h to allow intense so- madendritic staining of the projection cells. The results show that cells in rats whose sciatic nerve has been sectioned at birth have a mean somal area that is 40% smaller than controls. Primary dendrites are reduced from a mean of 4.1 per cell to 3.1 per cell and sec- ondary branching is reduced by 75%. The results suggest that there was no actual cell death, only growth retardation. An intact pri- mary afferent input apparently has a strong transneuronal trophic influence on spinal cord sensory cells projecting to the brain. INTRODUCTION The role of an intact sensory afferent input in the normal development of central neurons is well estab- lished 29. In the visual, auditory and olfactory sys- tems, cells in the lateral geniculate 25, cochlear nu- cleus 37 and olfactory bulb 34 display a variety of mor- phological as well as physiological abnormalities if deprived of their primary sensory input early in de- velopment. In the present study we have investigated the ex- tent of this phenomenon in the somatosensory sys- tem. Neonatal sciatic nerve section is already known to have far-reaching effects on the developing ner- vous system. Nearby dorsal roots sprout into the de- afferented region of cord 13 secondary transneuronal degeneration of the corticospinal tract occurs 7 and areas in both spinal cord and cortex 8"37 representing the remaining innervated hindlimb are permanently altered. Such changes represent an extensive plastici- ty in neonates but also suggest a greater vulnerability to peripheral nerve injury than is present in adults. Another fundamental change in the spinal cord has been observed following neonatal sciatic nerve sec- tion and that is a substantial ipsilateral growth retar- dation of the lumbar dorsal horn such that in the adult the mediolateral dimensions of the grey matter are up to 40% smaller on the treated side 9'21. This could be due to reduced growth of dorsal horn cells and their processes or even to cell death of this popula- tion, as occurs in motoneurons 36. The aim of this study was to investigate the growth and survival of in- dividual dorsal horn cells following nerve section and to establish the extent to which these central neurons require an intact afferent input for their normal post- natal growth. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experiments were performed on adult Wistar rats of both sexes, weighing 250-350 g. Four experi- mental rats had undergone unilateral sciatic nerve Correspondence: M. Fitzgerald, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, U.K. 0165-3806/88/$03.50 © 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)

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Page 1: The effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection cells in the rat spinal cord

Developmental Brain Research, 42 (1988) 129-136 129 Elsevier

BRD 50781

The effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection cells in the

rat spinal cord

Maria Fitzgerald and Peter Shortland Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London, London (U. K.)

(Accepted 15 March 1988)

Key words: Spinal cord; Dorsal horn; Development; Trophic influence; Primary afferent; Peripheral nerve; Neuronal growth

Sciatic nerve section and ligation on the day of birth results in marked growth retardation of the rat dorsal horn. This transneuronal effect was examined in spinal cord cells that project to the brain by retrograde labelling with HRP from contralateral dorso- and ven- trolateral tracts in the thoracic white matter. HRP-impregnated gel pellets were implanted in the tracts for 48-72 h to allow intense so- madendritic staining of the projection cells. The results show that cells in rats whose sciatic nerve has been sectioned at birth have a mean somal area that is 40% smaller than controls. Primary dendrites are reduced from a mean of 4.1 per cell to 3.1 per cell and sec- ondary branching is reduced by 75%. The results suggest that there was no actual cell death, only growth retardation. An intact pri- mary afferent input apparently has a strong transneuronal trophic influence on spinal cord sensory cells projecting to the brain.


The role of an intact sensory afferent input in the

normal deve lopment of central neurons is well estab-

lished 29. In the visual, audi tory and olfactory sys-

tems, cells in the lateral geniculate 25, cochlear nu-

cleus 37 and olfactory bulb 34 display a variety of mor-

phological as well as physiological abnormal i t ies if

deprived of their pr imary sensory input ear ly in de-

velopment .

In the present s tudy we have invest igated the ex-

tent of this phenomenon in the somatosensory sys-

tem. Neonata l sciatic nerve section is a l ready known

to have far-reaching effects on the developing ner-

vous system. Nearby dorsal roots sprout into the de-

afferented region of cord 13 secondary t ransneuronal

degenerat ion of the cort icospinal tract occurs 7 and

areas in both spinal cord and cortex 8"37 represent ing

the remaining innervated hindl imb are pe rmanen t ly

al tered. Such changes represent an extensive plastici-

ty in neonates but also suggest a grea ter vulnerabi l i ty

to per iphera l nerve injury than is present in adults.

A no the r fundamenta l change in the spinal cord has

been observed following neonata l sciatic nerve sec-

tion and that is a substantial ipsi lateral growth retar-

dat ion of the lumbar dorsal horn such that in the adult

the mediola tera l dimensions of the grey mat te r are

up to 40% smaller on the t rea ted side 9'21. This could

be due to reduced growth of dorsal horn cells and

their processes or even to cell dea th of this popula-

tion, as occurs in motoneurons 36. The aim of this

study was to investigate the growth and survival of in-

dividual dorsal horn cells following nerve section and

to establish the extent to which these central neurons

require an intact afferent input for their normal post-

natal growth.


Exper iments were pe r fo rmed on adult Wis tar rats

of both sexes, weighing 250-350 g. Four experi-

mental rats had undergone uni la teral sciatic nerve

Correspondence: M. Fitzgerald, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, U.K.

0165-3806/88/$03.50 © 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)

Page 2: The effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection cells in the rat spinal cord


section at birth and 4 rats were used as controls.

Neonatal nerve section

Pups were removed from the litter on the day of birth or up to 24 h postnatally (P0-P1) and anaesthe- tised by cooling to 5 °C on ice. Under sterile condi-

tions, the sciatic nerve on one side was exposed and cut and ligated. The leg was then sutured and the

pups gently rewarmed to room temperature before

returning to their mothers. They recovered unevent- fully and were allowed to reach adulthood.

H R P pellets

The pellets were made using a modified method from Enevoldson et al. u. Agar powder was dissolved

in a few ml of distilled water to produce a 3% solution

and a small drop of this was placed on a microscope slide warmed to 40 °C adjacent to a small spatula-full

of Sigma Type VI HRP (5-10 mg). These were

mixed quickly and thoroughly with the aid of two needles, forming a sticky paste which was then sepa-

rated into small lumps of about 0.5-1 mm in diame-

ter. These were placed on a clean slide and placed in

a desiccator for a few hours by which time they had

become hard pellets. Such quantities yielded 30-40 pellets of varying size, the larger ones could be bro-

ken down to smaller ones. The pellets were stored

below 0 °C and under these conditions retained their enzymatic activity for at least 8 months. Before using

the pellets, they were allowed to reach room temper- ature in the container before opening, otherwise con-

densation in the container made the pellets sticky and


H R P pellet insertion

The animals were anaesthetized with sodium pen- tobarbital (60 mg/kg, i.p.), supplemented as was nec- essary. Under sterile conditions one or two vertebral segments were removed at mid-thoracic level to ex- pose the spinal cord. The dura was cut away and a le- sion made on the one side of the cord with a hypoder- mic needle. The position of the lesion varied in dorso-

ventral extent between animals but involved much of the lateral and ventrolateral white matter (see Table I). The pellet was inserted into the lesioned area and then dorsal columns 2-3 mm caudal to the implanta- tion site were crushed with fine-toothed forceps. This interrupted ascending primary afferent collaterals


The number of cells in L3, L4 and L5 stained with HRP is shown along with their mean somal area (± S.E.) and the exact position and size of the HRP pellet in the contralateral thoracic white mat- ter

No. of cells Average soma Pellet position stained size (/tin e) in cord

Control A 452 355 ± 10 k (~ /~ l i

B 410 397 ± 11 ~

C 132 361 ± 18 ( ~

D 431 356 ± 6 ( ~

Experi- ( ~ mental E 156 225 ± 8

F 529 171 ± 4

G 889 272 ± 5

H 440 213 ± 8

and reduced terminal labelling in the lumbar cord. Muscle and skin were then sewn up and the animals recovered uneventfully.

After survival periods of 48-72 h the animals were re-anaesthetized and perfused intracardially with

normal physiological saline, followed by 2.5% glu- taraidehyde/l% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phos-

phate buffer and then 20% sucrose in phosphate buf- fer all at 4 °C.

The sciatic nerve was traced from the sciatic notch to its central termination in the cord and the L3, L4, L5 segment boundaries were identified and marked with pins. The pellet implant site was also identified. The two pieces of cord were removed and stored

Page 3: The effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection cells in the rat spinal cord

overnight at 4 °C in 0.1 M phosphate buffer and 20%


Sagittal sections were cut at 20/~m through the

lumbar cord and transverse 50/~m sections through the implant region in the thoracic cord. The H R P la-

bel was reacted using the TMB procedure. Cells in the lumbar cord retrogradely labelled from thoracic

white matter were clearly visible under low power.

Those lying within the L3 to L5 segments, identified

from the pin marks, which were darkly stained, had

well-labelled dendritic processes and with visible nu-

cleoli were drawn under high power (x25) with the

aid of a camera lucida. The area of the soma was

measured using a computerized drawing pad and the

number of primary processes per cell counted.


An H R P pellet in the thoracic lateral white matter

resulted in a considerable number of stained cells in

the L 3 - L 5 segments in both experimental and con- trol animals. The distribution of these retrogradely

labelled cells was the same in both groups and is illus- trated in transverse section Fig. 1. The large majority

were contralateral to the implantation concentrated

in lamine I, and I I I -V in the dorsal horn and in lami- nae VII-X in the ventral horn. A few ipsilateral cells

were also labelled but these were not analysed. As

Fig. 1. A diagram of a transverse section through the spinal cord at L4 in a rat whose left sciatic nerve was sectioned at birth. The shaded areas indicate the location of cells retro- gradely labelled with HRP placed in the thoracic white matter on the right side (contralateral to the nerve lesion). Scale bar = 200 ~m.


reported previously with this method, the staining

showed up all the primary processes of the cells as well as their soma (Fig. 2).

Cell soma areas

Well-stained cells in L3, L4 and L5, ipsilateral to the sciatic section and with a prominent nucleolus,

were drawn from sagittal sections and the cross-sec-

tional area of the soma measured. The mean somai

area for all stained cells measured in 4 control and 4 experimental animals is shown in Table I. The mean

values (+ S.E.) for the control rats are very consis- tent ranging from 355 + 10 to 397 + 11 ~m 2, whereas

those in experimental rats were more variable but considerably lower at 171 + 4 to 272 ___ 5/~m 2. This

represents a reduction in growth of about 40%.

To obtain a more detailed measure of the effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on different cell

populations, in two control and two experimental

rats measurements were restricted to the mid-L4 seg-

ment. The cells were divided into: (i) upper dorsal

horn neurons, U D H , (those lying in laminae I-IV); (ii) lower dorsal horn neurons, L D H , (lying in lamine

V-VI); and (iii) intermediate grey neurons, IGN, (ly-

ing in laminae VII and X). The mean somal areas (+

S.E.) of these 3 different groups of cells (where n is the number of cells measured in each individual ani-

mal) are shown in Table II. Direct comparisons can

be made between control animal B and experimental animal F and between control C and experimental E

since the pellet size and implantation site were com- parable within the pairs. Table II shows that the re-

duction of cell growth following neonatal nerve sec-

tion is the same in all 3 populations of sensory cells.


Table II also shows the numbers of primary pro-

cesses and their branches counted from sagittal sec- tions through projection cells in the mid-portion of

the L4 spinal cord.

In control animals the mean number (+ S.E.) of

primary processes was consistent at 3.6 + 0.4 to 4.5 + 0.2 per cell, whereas in experimental animals they were rather fewer at 2.6 _ 0.3 to 3.5 +__ 0.2. Even

more striking was the drop in branching from these primary processes which in control animals ranged from 1.4 ___ 0.2 to 2.6 + 0.3 per cell and in experi- mental animals was considerably smaller at 0.3 + 0.1

Page 4: The effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection cells in the rat spinal cord







i i i

• , | ~ /~ i ¸ i

Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of cells in L4 labelled with ttRP from contralateral thoracic white matter. A and B are longitudinal 20/~m sections through the L4 cord of control animals, and C and D are sections through L4 cord in rats where the sciatic nerve on that side was sectioned at birth. Dorsal = top: ventral ~ bottom Scale bar = 40.urn.

to 0.7 _+ 1. These numbers are, of course, limited by

the extent of the retrograde filling of the cells with

HRP but close examination of the material showed

that this was comparable between the two groups.

Cell numbers Table I shows the total number of cells labelled in

the L3, L4 and L5 segments of 4 control and 4 experi-

mental animals. Where pellet size and position are

comparable between control and experimental rats,

[e.g. between control animal A (n = 452) and experi-

mental animal F (n = 529), and between control ani-

mal C (n = 132) and experimental animal E (n =

156], the numbers are in fact slightly higher in the ex-

perimental animals. It seems reasonable to conclude

from this that little or no cell death has taken place as

a result of nerve section.


Neonatal sciatic nerve section results in substantial

death of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells. The over-

all percentage lost varies between reports but ap-

pears to be 50-60% ]'2'6"925"41. Those that remain are

abnormal with unusual structural features of somata

and processes TM. This early deafferentation has ob-

vious effects on the normal growth of the hindlimb.

The hindpaw is considerably smaller than the un-

affected side and there is ankylosis of the ankle

joint 39. Here we show that there is also clear growth

Page 5: The effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection cells in the rat spinal cord



The mean (+ S.E.) of (a) somal area of labelled cells, (b) number of primary dendritic processes per cell, and (c) number of secondary branches per cell in mid-L4 divided into 3 populations: upper dorsal horn (UDH), lower dorsal horn (LDH) and intermediate grey (IG) (see text for details)

n is the number of cells measured in each animal. The results have been divided for comparison between 2 matched pairs of control and experimental rats. The letters B, F, C and E refer to animals in Table I.

Control (B) Exptl. (F) Control (C) Exptl. (E)

(a) Somalarea (mean ± S.E.) UDH 504 ± 49 (n = 27) 224 ± 20 (n = 28) 469 ± 84 (n = 15) 286 ± 38 (n = 15) LDH 483±36(n=28) 230± 15 (n=29) 456±48 (n= 15) 238±25 (n = 16) IG 527 ± 37 (n = 34) 224 ± 14(n = 36) 621 ± 56(n = 16) 237 ± 26(n = 17)

(b) No.~prima~processesperceH UDH 3.8±0.2 3.5±0.2 3.6±0.4 2.6±0.2 LDH 4.5±0.1 3.3±0.1 3.9±0.3 2.6±0.3 IG 3.8±0.2 2.8±0.1 3.7±0.2 2.8±0.3

(c) No.~seconda~branchespercell UDH 1.7±0.3 0.6±0.1 2.7±0.6 0.5±0.2 LDH 2.4±0.4 0.7±0.1 1.6±0.3 0.5±0.3 IG 2.6±0.3 0.6±0.1 1.4±0.2 0.3±0.1

retardation in the central nervous system. Spinal cord cells in L3, L4 and L5 spinal cord that would

normally receive inputs from the sciatic nerve are

considerably smaller than in control animals. The mean soma size and number of primary dendrites of

dorsal horn neurons in normal rats agrees well with

previous reports 4° but those in experimental animals

show dramatically reduced growth in soma size and

dendritic branching. We did not observe any signifi- cant cell death in the dorsal horn but accurate counts were not attempted. Hamori et al. 25 have presented

evidence of a small cell loss in n. interpolaris follow- ing primary trigeminal deafferentation in the neo-

nate although the overall decrease in volume of this

nucleus was far greater. It is not clear how this profound inability to maintain

normal dorsal horn cell growth relates to other con-

sequences of neonatal sciatic nerve section in the spi-

nal cord. Saphenous nerve central terminals, for in-

stance, grow into the area normally exclusively occu- pied by sciatic nerve terminals in the cord 13. This sprouting occurs in C fibres in substantia gelatinosa 13 and single A fibre follicle afferents in deeper lami- nae 22. It appears that these aberrant dorsal root ter-

minals although functional (Fitzgerald, in prepara- tion) are not sufficient to maintain normal growth of

the cells in the region.

What factor or factors are missing that result in this

central neuronal growth retardation? Clearly main- tained separation from the periphery is important,

not simply partial deafferentation. Neonatal sciatic

nerve crush also results in considerable dorsal root ganglion cell death 6"41 but the regeneration and re-

connection with the periphery in the following 7 -10 days results in considerably less growth retardation

of the dorsal grey matter ~. The nerve section must

take place within the first 10 postnatal days. After this time dorsal horn growth is not affected 21. This

timing is presumably related to developmental events within the spinal cord. Dorsal roots begin to

grow into the lumbar cord at E l7 , beginning with lar- ger A fibres terminating deep in the dorsal horn 35.

Small C fibres begin to grow into substantia gelatino- sa on E19.5 ~5, but both types of fibres undergo con-

siderable terminal growth and arborization over the postnatal period z°'35. In parallel to this, spinal cord

cells are also maturing. By birth, all cells have mi-

grated to their correct positions but considerable dendritic development and synapse formation occurs postnatally 3"33. This is in a ventrodorsal timetable

and ceils in substantia gelatinosa are the last to ma- ture 5. The temporal relationships between spinal cord cell dendritic growth and afferent primary growth is obviously a critical factor in the cells' nor-

Page 6: The effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection cells in the rat spinal cord


mal development. Interestingly, Jackson and Frank :s

have recently shown that motoneuron dendrites



/ / ' ~ C0,r'ROL\. ' SECT~

Fig. 3. Camera lucida drawings of cells in L3, L4 and L5 labelled with HRP from contralateral thoracic white matter. In each case cells from control animals are on the left of the dotted line and the equivalent cells in matched experimental animals are on the right. A: upper dorsal horn cells. B: lower dorsal horn cells. C: intermediate grey cells (see text for details). Scale: 20~um.

grow i,nto an already preformed sensory neuropil of

muscle afferents and certainly by the time the elab-

oration of dendrites of substantia gelatinosa cells be-

gins, sensory C fibre afferents have already grown into position s15.

The trophic signals from afferent inputs to growing spinal cord cells could be electrical, chemical or both.

Dorsal root ganglion cells show spontaneous activity

in the prenatal period but this has died down by birth 16. Primary afferents in the newborn, however,

have clear receptive fields and despite low rates of

firing and a high incidence of habituation on repeated

stimulation, would normally provide a substantial in-

put to the neonatal dorsal horn ~4. Furthermore, it is

well described that cutaneous inputs produce dispro-

portionate amounts of excitation in the spinal cord in neonates, far more so than in the adult l°'~TH~). Aug-

mented and easily sensitized cutaneous reflexes have been described in many species and seem to be re-

lated to the long afterdischarges and large receptive

fields of neonatal dorsal horn cells and the lack of in-

hibition descending from the brain at this time j2~s.

The importance of electrical activity in primary affe-

rent- target interactions during development is con-

troversial. It is not apparently important for directing

growth of primary afferents to their right targets in the spinal cord 23, but once they have arrived it might

determine the targets' subsequent growth. Chemical factors are also likely to be important 4'3L. The cell

death in D R G following neonatal nerve section can

be mimicked to some extent by anti-nerve growth factor 41 but it is not known whether spinal cord cells

are affected under these conditions. It is possible that nerve growth factors transported from the periphery

also provide a trophic stimulus for spinal cord cells. Growth-promoting factors from muscle have been

isolated that enhance motoneuron survival in cul- ture 27 but it is not known whether factors in dorsal

root ganglion cells are capable of promoting survival of dorsal horn sensory cells transsynaptically.

The results show the importance of intact primary afferent input during the postnatal period. The pro- found growth retardation of second order cells that

follows sciatic nerve section in the neonate is analo- gous to the effects of deafferentation in other parts of the somatosensory system 25'3°'32 as well as other sen- sory pathways 2<3<37. It illustrates the vulnerability of

the developing CNS to peripheral damage.

Page 7: The effect of neonatal peripheral nerve section on the somadendritic growth of sensory projection cells in the rat spinal cord



W e t h a n k M a r y G a r d n e r , P e n n e y A i n s w o r t h a n d

J a c q u e t a M i d d l e t o n fo r t e c h n i c a l a ss i s t ance . T h e

w o r k was s u p p o r t e d by t he M R C a n d t he Nuf f i e ld

F o u n d a t i o n .


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