the ecosystem 2.5 2.6 2.7

DP Environmental systems and societies Topic 2 The ecosystem

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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Page 1: The ecosystem 2.5 2.6 2.7

DP Environmental systems and societies

Topic 2

The ecosystem

Page 2: The ecosystem 2.5 2.6 2.7


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Ecosystem function

• Producers, consumers, and decomposers all have their part to play in cycling materials and energy in the ecosystem

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Energy cycles

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Material cycles

• Refer to Topic 1 ppt

Also• Photosynthesis• Photosynthesis and respiration• Carbon cycle

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Nitrogen inthe air

animal protein

dead plants & animalsurine & faeces




plant madeprotein

dead rabbit

decomposition by bacteria & fungi


(nitrifying bacteria)

nitrates absorbed

denitrifyingbacteriaroot nodules

(containing nitrogen fixing bacteria)

nitrogen fixing planteg pea, clover


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Primary productivity – the gain by producers (autotrophs) in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time

Secondary productivity – the biomass gained by heterotrophic organisms through feeding or absorption

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Gross productivity (GP) – the total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time

Gross primary productivity (GPP) - GP of primary producers

Gross secondary productivity (GSP) – GP absorbed in consumers

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Net productivity (NP) – the gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time after allowing for respiratory losses (R).

Net primary productivity (NPP) – NP for producers NPP = GPP – R.

Net secondary productivity (NSP) – NP for consumers NSP = GSP – R.

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• Would you consider open ocean or tropical rainforest to be the most productive? Why?

• (consider area)

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Is this primary or secondary productivity?

Gross or net productivity?

Biomass or energy?

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Limiting factors

• Temperature

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Limiting factors

• Food source

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Limiting factors

Density dependent(negative feedback)• Competition for

resources• Space• Disease• Parasitism• Predation• Population size

Density independent• Extremes of weather• Long-term climate

change• Volcanoes and


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S and J curves - animation

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r strategists

K strategists

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r strategists K strategists

Initial colonizers Dominant species

Large numbers of a few species

Diverse range of species

Highly adaptable Generalists

Rapid growth and development

Slow development

Early reproduction Delayed reproduction

Short life Longer living

Small size Larger size

Very productive Less productive

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2.6.5 Succession

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Succession 繼承法Predictable changes in a community

Knowing what animals and plants will dominate next

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Primary successionA series of changes that occurs where no organisms


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Pioneer speciesThe first species in primary succession

Pioneer species

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Secondary successionA series of changes that occurs when there are

organisms to begin with

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Secondary successionA series of changes that occurs when there are

organisms to begin with

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Figure 53.18 Patchiness and recovery following a large-scale disturbance

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Figure 53.18x1 Large-scale disturbance: Mount St. Helens

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Figure 53.18x2 Forest fire

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Figure 53.19 A glacial retreat in southeastern Alaska

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Table 53.2 The Pattern of Succession on Moraines in Glacier Bay

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Figure 53.20 Change in soil nitrogen concentration during succession after glacial retreat in Glacier Bay, Alaska

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Figure 53.20 Alders and cottonwoods covering the hillsides

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Figure 53.20 Spruce coming into the alder and cottonwood forest

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Figure 53.20 Spruce and hemlock forest

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Zonation – different to succession – difference due to environmental gradient (eg. altitude)

Succession occurs over several seral stages where each sere is a set of communities.

Plagiosere – humans prevent a climax community – growing crops

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Hydrosere (water)

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Lithosere (rock) – one type of xerosere (land)

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Psammosere (sand) – one type of xerosere (land)

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Climax community• Greater biomass• Higher levels of diversity• Better soil conditions• Better soil structure• Lower pH• Taller and longer living plants• More K less r strategists• More complexity and stability• More habitat diversity• Steady state equilibrium• Production:respiration ratio P/R reaches 1

(not ideal for agriculture)

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Evaluating transects • Same time of day (abiotic and

biotic variables)• Samples taken througout the year

(seasonal variations)• Repeat transects for reliable data

(minimum 3 times)• Random number generator for

where to take transects to eliminate bias

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Measuring changes – human activity

• Satellite images

eg. deforestation • Monitoring stations

eg. Taiwan EPA• Erosion rates

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Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)• To decide if the project will be too

damaging or not, and to mitigate any damage.

1. Baseline study

2. Monitoring during and after development

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Variables in EIA

• Habitat type and abundance• Species list and diversity including

endangered species• Land use – access and coverage• Water flow• Human population• Soil quality and fertility• Example EIA for a dam project