the echo of things by christopher wright

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  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    The Echo of Thingsthe lives of photographs in the solomon islands

    Christopher Wright

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    Objects/HistOries critical PersPectives On art, Material

    culture, and rePresentatiOn A series edited by Nicholas Tomas

    Publised wit te ssistnce o te etty Foundtion.

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    Te Eco o TingstHe lives Of PHOtOgraPHs in tHe sOlOMOn islands

    Cristoper rigt

    Duke Uniersity Press Durham & London 0

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    0 Duke Uniersity Press

    All rigts resered

    Printed in te United ttes

    o Aeric on cid-ree pper

    Designed by Ay Rut ucnn

    ypeset in rond Preier Pro nd

    Met by seng nortion ystes, nc.

    Librry o Congress Ctloging-in-Publiction Dt

    rigt, Cristoper (Cristoper J.)

    Te eco o tings : te lies o potogrps in te

    oloon slnds /

    Cristoper rigt.p. c. (Objects/istories)

    ncludes bibliogrpicl reerences nd index.

    ISBN 978-0-8-96- (clot : lk. pper)

    ISBN 978-0-8-0-6 (pbk. : lk. pper)

    . Potogrpy in etnologyoloon slnds.

    . oloon slndsPictoril works. . oloon

    slndersPictoril works. . itle. . eries:

    Objects/istories.GN7.W7 0



  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    For Joanna, Beinn and Evan,

    and for my parents, with love.

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    List o Illustrations ix

    Acknowledgments xiii


    1 ie VakaTe Men o te ot 9

    2 A Deils Engine 9

    3 Potogrpic Resurrection

    4 Histories 6Epilogue 9

    Notes 9

    Reerences 0

    Index 7

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    Map p. Mp o te ew eorgi roup nd Roin. 8

    Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs were

    taken by the author fom 1998 to 2001.

    p. Fletu Lee olding potogrp o isel s youngn. xi

    p. wo young ew eorgin en. 6

    p. Roin Lgoon. 0p. eengers looking t potogrps, Von Von Lgoon. 7p. Older woen looking t potogrps, Von Von Lgoon. 7. kulls inside cnoe ouse (paele), us Roin. . nq. 7

    . Roin en nd boys. 7. Lrge cnoe (tomoko) wit nq t stern. 8. Roin n. 0. nq stnding ner te stern o te lrge cnoe (tomoko)

    (sown in gure .). . ew eorgin n nd Europen silor. 9.8 tercolor swtces o skin color. 0

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    x ii

    .. Pln or ntropoetric esureents. . Four en ro Mroo Lgoon. . wo Roin woen. . Ancestrl srine, Mund. 8

    . cred ige in bus, Mund. 8. Roin n nd won. 0. uis wie nd er cildren. 0. Roin n wit clock inserted in is erlobe. 0.8 Reerend Jon Frncis oldie nd Roin cies. . eorge Videre, oloon eke, ooty Ototo, ioty

    Loe, ki, nd ndi t Kokeqolo. . Mission-scool students on cricket pitc, Kokeqolo.

    . tie CurcMetodist curc on us Roinislnd.

    . Roin n. 6. oz isilo, Disy, nd Alpeus. 6. now in Cristcurc. 7. Clrinds poto lbu. 7. Pilip Loe. 7. Fred nd tinted potogrp o Kitcener etley. 79. Josepine etley nd Florence ose ino. 79. Voli sit. 82.7 T bck o t potogrp o Voli sit (gur 2.6). 81

    .8 lote, Florrie, nd Edin. 8. ck o te potogrp o lote, Florrie, nd Edin

    (gure .8). 8. tudio bckdrop in An uks store, Honir. 86. Fres nd poto lbus in An uks store, Honir. 86. Mttew Etu in An uks studio. 88

    . Voli sit wit Jne in An uks studio. 90. i Lee. 9

    . Oso, in te lobby o Mendn Hotel, poto by An uksstudio. 9

    . Entrnce to uper Cine, Honir. 96. Potogrps on disply, An uks store. 96.8 Front coer o one o Clrinds poto lbus. 97. Pges ro Donld Mepios poto lbu. 00. ck o te potogrp o Frid etley (gure .9). 00. Donld Mepios wedding lbu. 0. One o Volis poto lbus. 0. Obed isili. 0

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    ii x

    . Donld Mepio olding potogrp o is ter. 0. Clrind on bec in ew Zelnd. 07. Ronld lsss. 08. onge.

    . Victorin poto jewelry de wit brided un ir. 8. Did Rike nd eorge isu. 0. Roin cie (banara) wering sell luble (bakiha

    rapoto). . ooden cring (beku). . ooden cring (beku). . Ancestrl srine. 8.8 ooden cring (beku). 8

    . Cnoe nd igewooden cring nd odelcnoe. 0

    . ooden ge o on nd bywooden cringo won nd cild. 0

    3.11 A Rovin idol (still in xistnc, but or s curio). 140. Oerodeled un skull (kibo). . Ancestrl srine (oru). 6. Ancestrl srine (oru) on Kudu Hite slnd. 0. Ancestrl srine (oru) on Kudu Hite slnd. 0. Ancestrl srine (oru) on Kudu Hite slnd. 0. ges on te wll o Cris Mupios ouse, Mund.

    .8 Potogrp o ion Mupio. . Drwing o ion Mupio. . Cris Mupio. 9. llegible potogrp. 60. Disppering potogrps in n lbu. 60. Fletus potocopy. 6

    . Ocers nd rines o hmSRoyaliston te sore tisit. 7

    . uildings burning on us Roin islnd. 7. Ocers nd rines o hmSRoyaliston te sore t

    isit. 8. rti in Mund. 8. rti in Mund. 8. rti in Mund. 8e. hmSRoyalisto te sore o us Zong islnd. 90e. Fletus pinting, Te Coming o Lotu. 90

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    owe get del to ny people in Rovin, Honi, nd else-

    whee in the oloon slnds, in pticul Fletu Leve. hope

    tis book will sere s onuent to is eory. Oter Roin

    popl includ Ronld lsss nd ily, Cris Mupio, Donld

    Mepio nd ily, e Ok, Josepine etley nd ily, Re-

    eend Robetson Bto, Annie Hoelo, Dvid Ke nd ily,

    ion se, Olive lsss, Lwence Fonot, the undes

    nd Pors ilies, ep, nd tnley (nd eeryone plyed oot-bll wit). Tnks to ll tose worked wit constructing te new

    school building in Dunde, the st nd students t the okogso

    Lening Cente, nd ll those Rovin people who shed thei

    knowledge nd potogrps wit e in suc generous wy.

    ery grteul to te elders o te Dunde Council or teir peris-

    sion to work tere. Tnk you nd leana hola.

    n Austrli nd ew Zelnd ery grteul to Peter ep-

    pd nd his ily, Chistine Dueu, kuy Ngok, Fidetley nd ily, nd Do nd Micelle.

    n the United Kingdo, owe get del to Chis Pinney,

    wo s been elpul in ore wys tn cn count nd s been


  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    xv cm

    constnt iend. Roslyn Poignnt lso povided huge ount

    o suppot nd poductive citicl input, s well s seving s the

    bst possibl sourc o inspirtion. I v lso bntd grtly ro

    discussions wit te ollowing people: Elizbet Edwrds, usnneKuechle, Deboh Wite, Phil Bunh, Nichols undes,

    Cristoper illey, Dniel Miller, Lucy orris, uck ceiellin,

    Hidy eisr, ree er, icols Tos, Edrd Hiding,

    nd Ji Kupiinen. Te wok o Edvd Hviding ws pticul

    sourc o inspirtion or y rsrc, spcilly or t wy in wic

    e lwys priileges te oices o oloon slnders. His eldwork

    lwys seved s n excellent odel. hve been lucky enough to

    e been inoled in te intellectul project on ntropology nd

    potogrpy initited by Roslyn Poignnt, Cristoper Pinney nd

    Elizbet Edwrds in te 980s, nd y own work owes n inesti-

    ble debt to teir exples. e lso lerned lot troug pre-

    senting soe o te ides in tis book in te or o ppers t old-

    sits, Uniersity College London, Uniersity o Mncester, nd

    te aaa nnul conerence.

    Te ebes o the New Geogi Acheologicl uvey, p-

    ticully Pete heppd, hnk Aswni, kuy Ngok, nd

    i Tos wly welcoed e in Rovin in 1998 nd hvecontinued to proide strong collegite support or wic ex-

    treely grteul.

    t t the ollowing institutions povided get del o sup-

    pot: Royl Anthopologicl nstitute, London (especilly h

    lpole); Royl eogrpicl ociety, London; Etnogrpy De-

    prtent nd Librry t te ritis Museu; Cbridge Museu

    o Acheology nd Anthopology; Pitt Rives Museu, Oxod;

    Mitcell Librry, ydney; Austrlin Museu, ydney; MelbourneMusu, Mlbourn; Powrous Musu, ydny; Mtodist Ar-

    cies, Aucklnd (prticulrly Jill eeks); tionl Museu, Ho-

    nir; Aucklnd Museu; Rutenstruc Joest Museu, Cologne;

    tionl Librry, Cnberr.

    owe uge debt to icols Tos or ll is insigtul nd

    elpul coentstis book owes uc to is intellectul inspi-

    rtion nd support. T st t Duk Univrsity Prss v providd

    uge ount o support in seeing tis book into production. nprticulr Ken issocker s been extreely ptient nd s lwys

    been thee with excellent dvice. Tnks e lso due to Elizbeth

    Ault nd Jessic Ryn or teir consistent elp, to Rebecc Fowler

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    cm xv

    or so xcptionlly good copy-diting, nd to y nonyous r-

    iewers o te originl nuscript.

    owe ost o ll to y wie, Jonn, nd to y sons, einn nd

    En. Tis book would not e been possible witout teir endur-ing support nd loe.

    . . .

    oe o te teril presented ere s ppered in n ltered or

    in te ollowing rticles nd cpters:

    Mteil nd Meoy: Photogphy in the Westen oloon

    Islnds,Journal of Material Culture 9, no. 1 (2004): 7385 (SaGe


    A Devils Engine: Photogphy nd piits in the Westen

    oloon slnds, in Hunting ges: Te Aectie Power o

    Potogrpy, edited by . it nd R. Vokes, specil edition

    oVisual Anthropology , no. (008): 680 (Routledge).

    Fletus Potocopy, or te Mutbility o Visul History in Ro-

    in, inPhotography, Anthropology and History: Expanding the

    Frame, edited by Chistophe Moton nd Elizbeth Edwds.

    Asgte, 009.

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    F a l e t au L e v e , f r O M R O v i a n a L a g O O n i n t H e S O l O

    on slnds in te out Pcic, described to e te potogrp

    o isel tt e ws olding (gure P.): You cn see te sd-

    ows o people in potogrps. oeting reinsit is te eco

    o things. You shdow is the photogph. Te soul is like g-

    netic thingthe photogph is the soul o peson. Tis photo-

    grp is y sdow.1 Te potogrp, eld in wooden re e

    de, is te only ige tt e s o isel s young n. Hewent on to tell e stoies tht e connected to the photogph,

    stoies tht bind hi nd this teil object togethe, s well s

    trcing lines o connection to oter istories nd plces. Te poto-

    grp ws tken in 97, wen e rst begn working or te ritis

    govenentwhich contolled the oloon slnds s colonil

    potectote o 1893 to 1978. Fletu woked o ny yes s

    cpente nd bot builde in Gizo, cente o Bitish dinis-

    trtion on n islnd o te se ne tt lies to te west o Ro-vin. A iend o his o Fiji, Mepz Gin ellow cpen-

    tertook te potogrp on Fletus own cer, wic e d

    just bought with his st wges. Fletu wnted the photogph

    FIgure p. (opposite)

    v h

    hh f hf

    y .

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    to send to his giliend t the tie, Disy. Te ide o exchng-

    ing these kinds o love photos, s they e known loclly, ce

    ro Aericn soldiers sttioned in Mund wo Fletu d be-

    riended during orld r in te id-90s. His powerul senseo physicl ttchent to this photogphthis objectseeed

    ilir; e potogrps o y own ily nd o e tt exert

    siilr old. Te terinology tt e used to describe te poto-

    gphshdow, echo, soulsuggests his undestndings o pho-

    togphy s ediu. Tis book is concened with how Rovin

    people e been, nd re, entngled wit potogrpy in rious

    wys: troug being te subjects o colonil potogrpy, troug

    thei own uses nd expecttions o the ediu, nd though the

    ole it cn ply in thei ides o histoy. t is n guent o n

    etnogrpic pproc to our understnding o potogrpy, nd

    or ocus on te prticulr kinds o gic tt it works on us.

    Te contion o two sensesision nd soundtt occurred

    wen Fletu tlked o te eco o tings in reltion to is poto-

    gph is entiely ppopite to this poject. Te ide o diect

    physicl connection between the photogph nd the object

    Fletus notion o te ige s n eco, reerbertionis key

    coponent o potogrpic gic, nd o te wy in wic po-togphy is thought to wok in Rovin. t is these kinds o ides

    bout how photogph is elted to its subject tht con-

    cerned wit trcing in context were potogrpy is tecnology

    introduced ro elsewere. Potogrpy is not siply tecnicl

    pocess; photogphs e socil objects s uch s they e visul

    iges. Potogrpy produces interconnected networks o objects,

    enings, nd socil reltionsips, nd in teir socil lies, poto-

    gphs hve s uch to do with ol histoy, with the stoies thtcirculte round te, s tey e wit ny tecnologicl under-

    stnding or strictly isul ening (Edwrds 00). Tese kinds o

    storiesteseles te ecoes o potogrpic objectsre wt

    lso concerned wit ere: te wy tt suc stories cn reel

    not just pesonl biogphies nd eoies but lso wide issues

    bout wt potogrpy is nd wt it dos or Rovin popl. T

    notion o n eco contins te ide o cll nd response, n url

    rction, siilr to t visul on ssocitd wit potogrpy, butsiilr too to te process o entwining stories nd potogrps.

    Fletu bought his st ce Kodk Box Bowniein

    1957 o Chinese stoe in Gizo. Te ce cost hi $1.70 in

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    Austrlin dollrs nd roll o twele sots o l cost $.00, bot

    o wic represented considerble sus o oney t tt tie. Te

    price o te l included te cost o te store owner sending it to

    be deeloped nd printed in Austrli, nd te process took t lesttwo onts, nd soeties longer, beore series o contct prints

    were sent bck. Fletu neer receied negties. Te potogrp o

    Fltu is n nlrgnt d ro on o ts contct prints by

    rind wo workd in t potogrpic drkroo run by t Britis

    dinistrtion in izo. Tis ws sll rudientry drkroo set

    up in Gizo in the 1960s s pt o esech poject on coconuts,

    nd sevel Rovin people still possess photogphs de in this

    drkroo. Fletu told e tt te originl print did not ke i

    coe out good, so he pesuded Bitish iend to ke n en-

    lrgeent or i. He went on to explin tt t tt point Roin

    people did not know how to e o pose photogphs, so

    peoples ces ppered strnge; tey did not coe out good.2 Ro-

    in people d to lern wt, nd wen, to potogrp, s uc

    s tey d to lern ow to use te cer in ny tecnicl sense.

    iilrly, nw skills o ring subjcts d to b lrnd wn lrg

    nubers o people in Europe nd ort Aeric, wo d prei-

    ously rlid on potogrpic studios, bgn to tk tir own poto-grps t te end o te nineteent century (Hollnd 997, 8).

    Olde people who spoke to bout photogphs in Rovin

    ofen hd diculties ecognizing nything in photogphs othe

    tn wole bodies cing orwrd ginst plin or reltiely neu-

    tl bckgound. Photogphs tht showed close- ups o ces, o

    bodies in ction, were rd or tese people to ke out, nd tey

    coplined tht in these iges people did not coe out good.

    Altoug tey could recognize ces o indiiduls tey knew i drew ttention to tein seerl cses ing to coer up oter

    pts o the igethe olde people clely hd thei own set o

    expecttions o photogphs. As Anthony Foge notes egding

    te Abel o Ppu ew uine in te lte 960s: en sown

    potogrps o teseles in ction, or o ny pose oter tn ce

    or ull gure looking directly t te cer, tey cesed to be ble

    to see te potogrp t ll. . . . Een wen te gure dointes

    (to y eyes) te potogrp soeties d to drw tick lineround it beore it could be identied, nd in soe cses d te

    ipression tt tey willed teseles to see it rter tn ctully

    sw it in te wy we do (Forge 970, 87).

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    n tes o his own otivtion to tke photogphs, Fletu

    decled tht he wnted to keep evey soething, to intin

    pysicl closnss to popl nd vnts troug gtting old o tir

    iges. ut e pointed out tt e ended up giing lots o poto-grps wy to oter people, like is broter, oter ily ebers,

    or to nyone in is lrge extended ily group (butubutu). Fletu

    wnted to ke n lbu, but e ended up sring eery soe-

    thing. He would lso tke photogphs o othe people toot

    weddings nd ests, nd he ws known s matazona, Rovin

    ter tt reers to soeone endowed wit certin powers, includ-

    ing good sigt nd eory, but lso iplying generl sense o

    eccy, o being ble to ke tings coe out good. Historiclly,

    tzon were crers nd bot builderskey gures in construct-

    ing t lrg nd lbort trding nd dunting cnos clld to-

    moko. Tey were lso consute orl istorins. Te role is eredi-

    ty, nd contepoy tzon cn tce the genelogicl line

    troug wic tey cquired teir power troug our or e gen-

    ertions. For Fletu is bility s tzon is wt enbled i to

    ke potogrps coe out good. Fletu originlly lerned ow

    to use cer ro noter Roin n clled oloon Dkei,

    wo d been educted in Fiji, but Fletu sserts tt is bility toke people coe out good nd to re potogrp is direct

    result o is tzon power. He describes te potogrp o i-

    sel s young n s enbling te eory o tie, nd ltoug

    it is te only potogrp e s o isel prior to te erly 970s,

    he lents the ct tht the photogph does not show his whole

    body: Tis is specil poto. [ut] cnnot coe out good. ut

    will be reebered. You cn see tt rein [stp].3

    Fletu uses te Pijin wordstap in te sense o endure, but lsoin reerence to being in te potogrp. Altoug it is usully used

    in te ore undne sense o soeone stying indoorsei stp

    lo osFletu uses it ere to indicte soeting pysicl tt re-

    ins. piits e sid to stp in cetin plces nd etues o the

    Rovin lndscpe, nd this photogph contins soething o

    Fletu. t sees zing tht o soeone who owned ce

    nd ws kn nd ctiv potogrpr, Fltu sould v so littl

    in te wy o suriing potogrpic iges. Tis is prtly te resulto shing photogphs with othes, but lso evels the wy tht

    potogrps ofen do not surie long in te intense et nd u-

    idity o Rovin. Potogrpsspoilem (r spoild) vry quickly

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    ding to n bstrct pttern o colors, or succubing to ildew

    process tt ens tt tose tt do surie cquire n extr ur.

    Fletus ttcent to tis prticulr potogrp, wic sits on

    sel in is bedroo nd is one o nine potogrps in is posses-sion, reels te old tt potogrpy s oer Roin peopleit

    is iportnt to stp.

    ws in Rovin Lgoon on New Geogi, n islnd in the

    oloon slnds group, in te lte 990s to crry out soe reserc

    or n exibition project ws inoled in curting t te tionl

    Musu in Honir, t cpitl o t oloon Islnds. T xibi-

    tion ws celebrtion o te twentiet nniersry o independence

    o Bitish ule. spent ost o y tie in Rovin tlking to

    people nd sowing te sll collection o copy prints o nine-

    teent- nd erly twentiet-century potogrps o ew eorgi

    tht hd tken with e. My intentions wee to use the photo-

    grps s collbortie ens o gtering orl istories nd biog-

    rpis, nd so o ts ccounts would tn b usd to cption

    te potogrps or te exibition in Honir. ws lso interested

    in wht peoples expecttions o the photogphs wee in histoi-

    cl ters; wt did tey wnt ro te potogrps? exibited

    the photogphs in ny wys. Tis nged o hnging seieso photogphs by pegs o stings stetched between thtched

    uts in illge, or cross roo, to pinning potogrps nd c-

    copnying texts to wlls. Exibitions ofen took plce in peoples

    hoes the thn in ny public spce. Te pcticl pocesses in-

    oled wit orgnizing tese perornces were ofen reeling s

    people discussed wt potogrps sould be sown, nd ow tey

    sould be rrnged.4 As well s giing prints to specic indiiduls

    nd ilies, nd leing copies o ll o te wit locl kastom(custo) school poduced sevel sll booklets o locl dis-

    tibution with photocopies o photogphs nd texts in Rovin.

    Tese kind o siple objects ofen hve consideble ipct

    tey cn be gien out ree, weres books e to be purcsed.

    n one villge long the shoe o the lgoon, Bulelvt, lge

    cowd gtheed in the welcoe shde o lge counl cook-

    ing ut to look t te prints tt nded round. Old en tlked

    bout te ksto reeled in potogrp tken by ritis nllieutennt, Henry oerille, during ydrogrpic surey o Ro-

    in nd nerby Mroo Lgoon tt ws crried out in 899

    by the Royl Nvy (gue P.2). Te lge eings, shell vlubles,

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    lied ir, cloting, nd body decortions depicted in te ige ll

    identied it s potogrp ro beore. Altoug te pprent

    nwnss o t copy I d, in coprison to t vry worn condition

    o te ew potogrps tt ulelt people possessed, ws co-

    ented on, people considered it n object connected wit te pst.oe people suggested tt te potogrp igt e been tken

    t te tieRoyalist, reerence to istoriclly signicnt ttck

    de by te Royl y sip hmS Royaliston Roin illges in

    89, ew yers beore oerilles isit. Tis ws put orwrd s

    probble reson or te isible crck in te potogrp, wic ws

    tougt to be te result o te potogrp itsel ing been sot

    during te ttck by teRoyalist. People constntly turned te copy

    oer to see i te ole went rigt troug te print, nd y discus-sion o boken glss negtiveo y own undestnding o

    te process o king print ro negtie on rgile seet o

    glssws et wit indierence.

    FIgure p. y


    hh by Hy B.

    v, 8.

    cy f y

    hi, .


  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    eerl older en speculted bout ow it igt be possible to

    trce te liing ncestors o te youts in te potogrp by co-

    pring teir ces to conteporry people. Middle-ged en were

    ore concerned wit te potogrps bility to coent on tepesent nd nitedly tlked bout thei teenge sons, who hd

    nised scool nd now ung listlessly round te illge oiding

    te subsistence work o grdening nd sing. Tese teenge boys,

    whose sunglsses, knotted ed bndns ound thei heds, nd

    oersized bggy trousers sowed te inuence o regge nd rgg

    usicl subcultures, luged disissiely t te potogrp. Yet, in

    lte convestionsout o pentl sighttht included discus-

    sion o potogrps o teseles nd iges cut out ro Austr-

    lin usic gzines, they expessed oe cuiosity. Middle-ged

    woen, wo looked t te potogrp togeter in lrge rucous

    group, pointed out tt, like oerilles subjects, teengers tody

    d n obsession wit teir pysicl ppernces. Luging loudly,

    they tlked bout the u boys o the villge nd de seies o

    thinly disguised innuendos nd jokes bout teenges inteest in

    sex. As te potogrps were pssed ro nd to nd, tey be-

    ce te subject o ny dierent kinds o conerstions, reeling

    te ultiple res nd istories tt reole round ec poto-grpteir ecoes. t concerned wit in tis book is not

    just wt is depicted in te potogrp, wt it igt be tougt

    to contin in ny xd istoricl sns, but lso wt gos on round

    it, its lie. Te potogrp is trnsored troug processes o re-

    contextuliztion, chnging despite its ppent teil xity

    (Tos 1991). n oving beyond its oensic cpcity, these pe-

    ornces o te potogrp reel its bility to be bsorbed into

    oter istories nd trce wide rnge o connections between pstnd present (Edwrds 00).

    eogrpiclly, Roin consists o lrge lgoon nd string o

    brrier islnds tt runs or soe twenty iles long te soutern

    cost o the in islnd o New Geogi in the westen oloon

    Islnds (p P.1). On o t bst dscriptions o t nvironnt o

    te lgoon reins tt proided by oerille isel in 899:

    e now coe to [te ew eorgi groups] ost striking, nd

    probbly unique etureits brrier islnd nd lgoons. . . . Fol-lowing te soutern sore o Min slnd [ew eorgi] to te

    estwrd . . . tere is long cin o brrier ree nd islnds wic

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright


    Map p. m f h v.

    KokeqoloMando Lambete





    M U N D A

    N E W

    G E O R G I A







    LAG O

    O N




    ONA L

















    Lagoon MarovoLagoon

    0 km

    2 40 miles

    2 4

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    enclose te Rubin [Roin] lgoon. On its inner bec is built

    the lgest settleent in the goup, seies o villges holding

    probbly between 000 nd 000 inbitnts, te cie o wic

    gies its ne to te lgoon. . . . o look down upon te lgoonro te suit o ny o te ills o te lrge islnds is to e

    sped beoe one the stngest nd ost pictuesque scenes

    iginble. Te splendid luxuint bush close ound os

    oegound o the highest inteest, edged t the wteline by

    te wite snd, or drk green ngroes o te cost, wit per-

    ps brown ttced ntie illge stnding ong its coconut

    pls, nd cnoes plying bout beyond on te cl wter. Te

    iddle distnce is lled wit te lgoon itsel, drk blue in te

    deeps, ple blue in the shllows, light bown ove the lbyin-

    tine rees est o colour. (oerille 897, 960)

    Altoug tis excerpt suggests certin colonil desire or co-

    nding viw, it dos dscrib so o t nduring pysicl buty

    o te lgoon enironent (gure P.). Despite te discoery o

    t islnds in 1568 by t pnird Alvro d Mnd, wo sigtd

    two islnds o te ew eorgi group, it ws not until 787 tt

    Europn vssl c witin clos proxiity to t islnds (Jckson978, ). For Roin people tere ollowed istory o incresing

    contct wit Europens, wic led nlly to te declrtion o te

    oloon slnds s ritis protectorte in 89, ollowed by te

    rril o trders, nd ten, in 90, te Metodist ission. Histori-

    clly, te illges tt oerille encountered in 899 d been

    estblised in te lte sixteent or erly seenteent century wen

    peviously inlnd popultions oved to the cost (Aswni 2000).

    Lie in Roin s oerille ound it ws, nd to lrge extent still

    is, bsed round te subsistence ctiities o sing nd grdening.

    But, dspit t ndurnc o t pysicl lndscp nd crtin -

    tures o dily lie, Roin s undergone uge cnges bot beore

    nd fr colonilis. As Edvrd Hviding rgus, t culturs in Ro-

    vin did not consist o sttic society existing oe o less in

    tieless present beore te rril o Europens. ifing llinces,

    igrtions nd territoril displceent were coon etures . . .

    prior to Europen contct (Hiding 996, 0).

    T rly dcds o t twntit cntury sw lrg-scl cngin Rovin s esult o issiony wok nd econoic develop-

    ent, but in the lte 1950s locl bekwy oveent o the

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    Methodist Chuch ws oed, clled the Chistin FellowshipCurc. Tis ws igly syncretic oeent ounded by locl

    pophetils Etond the joity o Rovin people tody

    belong eiter to te Metodist Curc or te Cristin Fellowsip

    Chuch (Hwood 1971). ndependence o Bitish contol ws

    gnted to the oloon slnds in 1978, nd lthough thee wee

    subsequent oves to estblish n independent westen oloons

    stte (politicl ides tht wee once gin the topic o uch con-

    vestion duing y esech), Rovin cuently eins politi-clly prt o estern Proince nd te oloon slnds (Preds,

    teees, nd Lrour 98). During te tie o y reserc, ro

    998 to 00, te ongoing etnic tensions nd wt ws eectiely

    ilitry coup in Honir in June 000 were ing considerble

    ipct on te people o Roin. Te iolence nd upel, wic

    evolved ostly ound long-stnding ivlies between people

    ro te islnd o Mlit nd tose ro udlcnl, eentully

    resulted in te Austrlin goernent being instruentl in send-ing in pn-Pcic pece-keeping orce in te or o te Regionl

    Assistnce Mission to the oloon slnds (ramSI) in July 2003.

    Te lst Ppu New Guinen ed contingent o this oce only

    FIgure p. v .

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    lef te oloons in April 0. n erly 000 ny reugees ro

    the violence in the cpitl hd oved bck, seipenently, to

    Roin nd tis d cused resurcing o ny persistent locl

    pobles ove lnd nd ccess to esouces. Tese pobles ndoters relted to utority nd lw nd order were ofen reerred to

    by Roin people in direct reltion to te upels tt resulted

    ro t ctions o t ocrs nd crw o t hmSRoyalistin 1891.

    Te wy in wic tis prticulr istoricl eent reeerged nd ws

    linked to current eents ws cilitted or prooked by discussions

    o potogrps like oerilles.

    Potogrps re reeling o wider culturl concerns, nd Pierre

    Boudieu hs gued tht the ost tivil photogph expesses,

    prt ro te explicit intentions o te potogrper, te syste

    o scees o perception, tougt nd pprecition coon to

    wole group (ourdieu 990, 6). ut potogrps lso reel rc-

    tures nd cnnot be tken s strigtorwrd reections o culture.

    Wht is equied is n intite undestnding o how they unc-

    tion s ediu in pctice pctice tht is both histoiclly

    nd culturlly situtd. Wt is ndd is n tnogrpy o t uss

    o potogrps. Tis book is study o te uses o potogrps in

    Roin Lgoon tt will look t bot conteporry potogrpicprctices nd consider peoples rections to istoricl potogrps

    o Rovin de in the lte nineteenth nd ely twentieth cen-

    turis. It is n tnogrpy o potogrpy tt rgus or nw nd

    uller ntropologicl enggeent wit potogrpies.

    nsoing photogphy into the plulphotogphies

    igligts te need or tis etnogrpic pproc to understnd-

    ing the ediu. Te get bulk o the pevious esech on the

    intesection o nthopology nd photogphy hs looked t thepotogrpic representtion o oter cultures produced by colonil

    regies (see Alloul 987; Edwrds 99; reen 98). Cristoper

    Pinney s rgued tt potogrpy nd ntropology sre pr-

    llel istory, nd, wile productiely probletizing te reltion-

    sip, e s sown ow te positiis scribed to potogrpy in

    the ne o scientic endevo ound etile gound in the ely

    positivis o t ntropologicl projct (Pinny 1992). T writing

    on colonil potogrpy s ofen treted it s n unoccluded ir-ror o colonil ttitud nd, in ocusing solly on orl critiqu o

    te iges, it s lrgely iled to inestigte te politicl coplexi-

    ties nd istoriclly situted prctices o production nd consup-

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    tion tht e involved in photogphys entngleent with othe

    cultues. But in ddition to undestnding the histoicl context

    o ntropologys inoleent wit potogrpy, questions bout

    contporry ntropologicl pprocs to t diu lso ndto be reconsidered.

    Anthopology cnnot tet photogphy s soe kind o neu-

    trl tecnology or tool, nd te discipline needs to coe to ters

    wit questions bout potogrpys identity s ediu i it is to

    engge wit it s n object o study nd s orce tt produces cer-

    tin kinds o seles nd socil ortions, s well s wole constel-

    ltions o iginries nd networks o ny kinds. Potogrpy is

    productie o tese ortions, not siply reection o preiously

    existing ttitudes. Tere needs to be ocus on oter potogrpic

    trditions in ddition to considering potogrpy s tool or rep-

    esenting nthopologicl knowledge. Mcus Bnks nd Howd

    Morpy e rgued tt conteporry isul ntropology cn be

    diided into two strnds. Te rst inoles te use o isul edi in

    te gtering nd presenttion o reserc, nd te oter te study

    o visul edi theselves s pt o visul systes (Bnks nd

    Morpy 997, ). Te ltter potentilly kes potogrpy n ob-

    ject o ntropologicl study in itsel. nks nd Morpy go on topopose tht the ocus o visul nthopology includes both the

    properties o te ntropologists own representtionl systes . . .

    nd the popeties o those visul systes studied by nthopolo-

    gists in the eld (21). Anthopologists cn potentilly contibute

    uc to te debtes bout edi suc s potogrpy, te identity

    o which, despite its 150 yes o histoy nd its globl ech nd

    ubiquitous presence in our lies, is still ery uc source o con-

    tention (tcen 997).Te photogphy citics John gg (1988) nd Victo Bugin

    (98) rgue tt tere is no suc ting s potogrpy in te sense

    o singul ediu with unied o univesl identity, only

    yid o discontinuous photogphies. ggs ous stteent

    tt potogrpy s suc s no idntity is oundd on t notion

    tt potogrpys sttus s tcnology is dpndnt on t powr

    eltions tht invest it. Photogphy hs no ening in itsel, no

    ntue, but is ickeing coss eld o institutionl spces inwic t nings o ny individul potogrp r dpndnt on

    te context o its use by stte institutions, suc s te police, nd te

    edicl proession (gg 988, 6). gg sees potogrpy s tec-

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    nology o survillnc. A siilr crcrl pproc s bn doptd

    by ecent coenttos on nthopologicl uses o photogphy,

    nd tis iew s becoe te in tee in ny criticl studies o

    colonil potogrpy (Alloul 987; reen 98; Fris 99, 997).T probl wit tis kind o orl pproc is tt potogrpic

    iges re solely seen to reect, in n uncoplicted wy, te con-

    cerns nd politicl dispositions o tose wo de te iges, nd

    te coplexities o te ctul istoricl circultion nd consup-

    tion o te iges re soeties ignored.5 n surizing current

    dbts bout t idntity o potogrpy, ory Btcn (1997)

    contsts gg with olist poponents o the ediu such s

    Ptr lssi (1981), or wo potogrpy is t outco o long

    trdition in estern rt nd s specic nture o its own. How-

    eer, bot gg nd lssi understnd potogrpy in reltion to

    wide cultul sphees nd pctices, only dieing s to whethe

    tey re o socil istory or rt istory.

    In tking potogrpy s its objct, tis book considrs t intr-

    eltionship between indigenous nd Euo-Aeicn pctices

    witout collpsing one into te oter. Te book does so to directly

    question te nortie lue o Euro-Aericn odels o potog-

    rpy nd to proincilize tese troug n etnogrpy o Ro-vin photogphic pctices (Chkbty 1992). Consequently,

    te book will reel certin siilrities nd dierences in potogr-

    pies in bot geogrpicl loctions nd will tckle questions bout

    potogrpys identity tt re iportnt nd productie or ow

    ntropology pproces nd uses te ediu.

    Erly etnogrpic ccounts ro te western oloons, suc s

    Artur Hocrts eldwork in ibo nd Roin in 908, ke in-

    triguing pssing reerences to oter isul worlds, suggesting in oneinstnce tt ibo people tougt tt te soul could be cugt

    in cer (Hocrt 9, prt ). n ddition to resonting wit

    popul Victoin ides bout spiit photogphythe xing o

    pntss on potogrpic pltesHocrts exple rises ques-

    tions bout locl ides o potogrpys iesis nd its bility to

    cpture nd reel sel, nd tis study will sk wt potogrpy

    kes isible, nd wt it obscures, or Roin people.

    igrid Krcur s rgud tt odrn potogrpy s notonly considerbly enlrged our ision but, in doing so, djusted it to

    ns sitution in tcnologicl g (Krcur 1980, 251). It ss

    gnrlly ccptd tt potogrpy s prooundly ltrd our pr-

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    ception o, nd reltion to, te world. Krcuer goes on to suggest

    tt potogrpy s been responsible or te dissolution o trdi-

    tionl perspecties nd reolution in perception tt brings our

    vision, so to spek, up to dte (252). Michel ees hs tlked oow te cer s inuenced odes o perception, ors o cog-

    nition, nd systes o knowledge, in eect trnsoring te bsic

    ens troug wic we encounter te world. Potogrpy is re-

    quently seen s key eleent o odernity, nd tis s inuenced

    guents ound the eects o intoducing ce technologies

    into oter cultures (erres 98; see lso Fris 99, 99; insburg

    99; Micels 99, 99).

    n tes o the ipct o new visul edi on oloon

    slnders, eorey ite s studied te role o vhS tpes, noting

    tt interittent screenings o Hollywood nd Hong Kong ction

    ls e etue o lie on nt sbel slnd, pticully o

    teenges (White 1991b). Although he is discussing the sitution

    in 1988, White suggests tht n inteest in Westen iges hd

    ledy led to the developent o new os o oloon slnds

    dnce nd usic using Westen os. Jes Weines poleic

    on teleisulist ntropology rises iportnt issues or te situ-

    tion discussed by White, nd o ny considetion o venculpotogrpic prctices in Roin (einer 997). Aside ro te

    new igery inoled, do estern ors suc s ideo nd potog-

    phy bing with the thei own etphysic? lking in pticu-

    lr bout indigenous edi, einer proposes tt isul represen-

    ttion s to be considered in reltion to te prticulr etpysic

    tt is reposited in our ige-producing tecnologies, etpysic

    tht is just s uch pt o ou cultue nd the socil eltions

    though which we live it nd just s ccutely desciptive o it ste djukurb, or Lw or Dreing[,] is teory o lbiri cul-

    ture (einer 997, 98). ince it entils te doption o oreign

    etphysic, Weine sees the intoduction o visul edi such s

    ideo into oter culturl contexts s eecting te replceent o

    genuine istoricl, linguistic, socil, nd culturl dierence wit n

    erstz dierence ong electronic iges (einer 997, 08). For

    einer one negtie eect o te introduction nd doption o new

    edi is tnsotion o the sel. Within the visul econoyo Roin, potogrpy potentilly represents new opportunities

    nd experiences o sel-iging, s well s new wy o seeing te

    world. ut, ltoug potogrpy is n externlly introduced tec-

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    nology, te extent to wic it is new or represents reolution in

    vision nds to b donstrtd rtr tn ssud. As Pinny s

    sown, potogrpy is not nw in Indi: Prtly bcus o [] si-

    otic nd lexicl slippge, te poto is not clerly rked s od-ern becuse its unctions re duplicted by so ny oter ors o

    plpbly ncient representtion (Pinney 997, ).

    n ddition to potentilly odernizing our ision, potogrpy

    s ltered our sense o te pst, nd in looking t potogrpy in

    Roin, will consider its entngleent wit perceptions o pst

    nd pesent. Fo Aln chtenbeg the utility o photogphs to

    histoy lies not just in wht they show but in how they constuct

    thei enings: Te histoicl vlue o photogphs includes de-

    piction but goes beyond it (rctenberg 989, xi). t is te wy

    tht photogphs llow dieent kinds o histoies to suce nd

    rticulte te reltionsip between pst nd present, eory nd

    istory tt kes te so useul, s te potogrp tt oer-

    ille took deonstrtes. As Edwrds suggests, te relis in wic

    our istoricl opes or potogrpy re inested is surpssed wen

    ty r bsorbd into ltrntiv istoris (Edwrds 2001). Andrw

    Ltts s discussed te wy in wic eory becoes proble-

    tized within the context nd feth o the colonil encounte;eory becoes subject to rious rewritings nd becoes n ob-

    jct o contntion (Ltts 1996, 262). H strsss t iportnc o

    neonic regieste wys in wic eory is orgnizedin

    te Pcic, nd e is concerned wit te tecniques, prctices nd

    contexts witin wic eory nd orgetting eerge s orces or

    editing nd constituting pesent existence (257). Tis ntho-

    pologicl pproc rgues tt in order or people to control ow

    ty dn tslvs in t prsnt, it is ncssry or t to con-trol ow tey dene teir pst. Meory is edited by te struc-

    tures troug wic counities ppreend nd render tie nd

    istory signicnt, nd in te Euro-Aericn experience, potog-

    phy is centl editing stuctue. Tis book will sk how the

    eltion between photogphy nd eoy is gued in Rovin

    nd will suggest wys tht it is connected to peexisting Rovin

    processes o eoriliztion.

    During te tie spent in Roin between 998 nd 00, terews incesing ephsis on the use o coputes; thee wee sev-

    erl people, ostly exptrites, wit nternet ccess, nd te ksto

    school with which woked hd one copute, lthough it only

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    unctioned inteittently nd hd no ntenet ccess. Tee wee

    soe strnge nolies tt ccopnied tis process o editi-

    ztionstories o scools proided wit single coputer troug

    oreign id, but wit no nternet ccess nd no books. ut te pro-liertion o digitl edi tt is suc powerul nd ll-consuing

    etue o contepoy Euo-Aeicn expeience ws, t tht

    point, hving eltively little ipct on Rovin people, nd ce-

    tinly vey little ipct outside the cpitl, Honi. No Rovin

    prson d digitl still cr nd no on d obil pon; on

    locl guestouse ctering inly to exptrites d coputer wit

    nternet ccess. On te occsions wen ls were plyed, tey were

    still in te or o vhS tpes nd sown on teleision sets powered

    by diesel genetos. Te eltively sll-scle ipct o digitl

    edi ws ptly due to the politicl nd public-ode pobles

    tt were eture o te oloon slnds t tt pointprobles

    tt led to srp decline in interest ro externl edi proiders

    suc s Austrlin nd outest Asin teleco congloertes. ut

    te liited ipct ws lso due to lck o inrstructure. Digitl

    iges wee lgely inccessible to locl people becuse o n b-

    sence o pysicl support or substrte or te igesno pones

    o coputes to view the on, nd no pintes to poduce hdcopies o photogphs. n contst, the copies o chivl photo-

    grps tt took to Roin wit e, long wit te ew poto-

    grps in peoples possession, d ressuring sense o pysiclity;

    tey could be pssed ro nd-to-nd nd eld loingly. Tis will

    no doubt cnge nd digitl edi will perps becoe ore wide-

    spred, process tt igligts te need or etnogrpic studies

    o editiztion in cross-culturl contexts.

    Duing y tie in Rovin, used the chivl copy pints opotogrps tt took wit e to tlk to people in wide riety o

    contexts, s indiiduls nd s groups o woen, en, nd teengers in

    bot orl nd inorl contexts. Ofen groups would or tt rep-

    licted wider socil structures; teenge boys would look t te poto-

    grps ong teseles (gure P.), or elderly woen would sit on

    ts in the shde (gue P.5). Te photogphs ciculted though

    wide rnge o dierent encounters, ro excited nd conusing groups

    to individul oents o quiet eection. My i in tking thesepotogrps to Roin ws not to ll in te istoricl blnks or un-

    covr t istory bind t potogrps to giv t or coplt

    cption. wnted to exploe thei opening up into whole nge o

  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    uses. Mny o tese potogrps were on te edge o liing eorynd, lthough the photogphs e undoubtedly egued nd eni-

    tedtey cquired lietroug te process o being returned,

    ty sotis lso rvld wt ws lost. Tis book xplors tis pro-

    cess o renition longside conteporry potogrpic prctices in

    Roin nd broder ides o wt potogrpy is or Roin people.

    Te book does so troug n etnogrpy o potogrpy in Roin

    tt pys close ttention to te words o locl people, nd tis book is

    relly series o extended conerstions bout potogrpy, nd boutprticulr potogrps, between ysel nd Roin people, longside

    nd entngled wit conerstions tey d ong teseles.

    FIgure p.


    h, V V


    FIgure p.

    hh, V

    V .

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  • 7/27/2019 The Echo of Things by Christopher Wright



    1. All interviews and conversations with Roviana people were translated

    in the feld with the individuals involved and, wherever necessary, I have

    retained words or phrases in either Roviana dialect or Solomons Pijin. No

    names have been changed.

    2. Interview with Faletau Leve, Dunde, April 3, 2001.

    3. Interview with Faletau Leve, Dunde, November 17, 2000.

    4. See Poignant 1992 or a brilliantly illuminating account o similar pro-

    cesses in an Australian Aboriginal community.

    5. Edwards 1995 and 2001 exempliy a more productive approach.

    Chapter 1.Tie VakaTe Men of the Boat

    1. Paele were also used as communal houses or men, and as places where

    male visitors would stay and where various kinds o ritual and economic

    transactions took place.

    2. UK Royal Navy Australian Station Correspondence, 18 Pacifc Islands,

    Confdential 379, 911. National Library o Australia mm G 17991843.
