the dragonfly effect: unlocking social media for impact

The Dragonfly Effect: Unlocking Social Media for Impact Andy Smith @kabbenbock + Jennifer Aaker @aaker

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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An extract of material originally presented at Cisco to the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs and Executives on The Dragonfly Effect, an approach to creating impact with social media.


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The Dragonfly Effect: Unlocking Social Media for Impact

Andy Smith @kabbenbock + Jennifer Aaker

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• Our marriage of happiness + technology

• The story that changed everything: Robert Chatwani’s Using Social Media to Save Lives

• Introduction to the dragonfly model

• Harnessing the dragonfly to engineer virality

• Case studies: Coke, Nike and C&D’s Lemonade


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A Marriage of Happiness + Technology

Jennifer’s never seen a cause she couldn’t champion.

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A Marriage of Happiness + Technology

Andy’s never seen a problem for which they wasn’t a technology solution

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Two Mindsets©

Dragonfly Effect

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PC | APPLE Mindsets

Andy Jennifer


Digital PDP 8e / Apple Perfected penmanship

1980’s PC (built one) Hired a typist


Desktop PC Apple

2000 Laptop PC PC

2010 Apple Apple

Two Mindsets

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Using Social Media to Save Lives

Created by: Robert Chatwani

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• Sameer Bhatia, 32• Grew up in Seattle• Co-Founder, prior roommate, best friend• Married Reena in 2006• Stanford undergrad, serial entrepreneur• Diagnosed May 2007

• Vinay Chakravarthy, 28• Grew up in Fremont, CA• Married Rashmi in 2005• Berkeley undergrad, MD from Boston University• Diagnosed November 2006

Two friends, diagnosed with Leukemia

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Cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of blood cells to be produced and enter the bloodstream.


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New cases: 44,790Deaths: 21,870

US Estimates – 2009

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Range of treatments Oral drugs


Bone marrow transplant

Cord blood transplant

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Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

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Spongy tissue found inside of bones. Marrow produces the body’s white & red blood cells, and platelets.

What is bone marrow?

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For many leukemia patients, the only cure is a bone marrow transplant, with marrow that comes from a donor.

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Transplantation of donor blood stem cells derived from the bone marrow or bloodstream (most common approach).

What is a marrow transplant?

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Marrow infused into the patient requires a genetic match that is as perfect as possible (10/10 match parameters).

Highest probability exists within the same ethnic pool.

Finding a donor

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Non-profit that operates a bone marrow registry of 7.5 million individuals.

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For Caucasians, there is an 80% chance of finding a matched donor in the NMDP registry.

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Of the 7.5 million registrants,

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20% are minorities.

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But only 1% are South Asian.

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So if you are South Asian…

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your chances of finding a match

are slim.

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Very slim.

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1 in 20,000

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Sameer and Vinay did not find matches that they desperately needed in the registry.

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To make matters worse…

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…in India,

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a country with more than 1 billion


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There was no bone marrow registry.


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What to do?

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Friends got together.

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All of us were quite shocked about the news that two of our friends were struck with cancer.

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We all felt like we needed to do something. Anything.

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What were our options?

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Do nothing.

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Do something.Do nothing.

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Do something SEISMIC

Do somethingDo nothing

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Our simple answer…

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If the odds were 1 in 20,000…

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Then all we needed to do was…

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hold bone marrow drives…

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and register 20,000 South Asians.

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And then we’ll find a match.

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Just 1 problem.

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We had a matter of weeks to get this done.

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The Challenge

We needed to move


We needed scale

Failure was not an


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First, think small, stay focused.

One goal: 20,000 individuals

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GET: Some structure to the



attention EngageEngage Take actionTake


• Make message bold, crisp, & human

• Funnel traffic to a single destination

• Be personally meaningful

• Clear call to action in all communication (K.I.S.S.)

• Track metrics & collective impact

• Use MANY channels

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Harness Social Media & Web 2.0

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Formed teams

Team Vinay Team Sameerteam lead


drive operations


regional leads

team lead


drive operations


regional leads


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Built the brands

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Built the brands

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Executed, like CRAZY.

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Social Media

Traditional Media






Viral EmailPledge Lists



Donor OrgsLiterature

Web Links

How to Videos


Local Events

Clubs / LoungesUniversities


Corporate Drives


Public Relations


Magazine Telemarketing


Instant Brand

Mass-Micro Mobilization

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• 470 bone marrow


• 24,611 new people


• About 3,500


• 1m+ media


• 150,000+ site visitors

The Results – 12 weeks

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• Sameer = 10/10 match.

• Vinay = 8/10 match.

• Transplants done Fall


Goal achieved.

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Sameer shared his story from the hospital.

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Both Sameer and Vinay blogged prolifically.

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Sameer even posted a video of his transplant on YouTube.

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So, what lessons did

we learn?

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1. Develop a clear goal.

There is elegance in


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2. Act, then think. (Reverse the


Maintain a deep bias for action. Resist the temptation to have a master plan before taking the first step.

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3. Tell a good (truthful) story.

Tell stories to connect with human emotion. Develop the right voice, and strike a bond.

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4. Design an architecture for collaboration.

Enable others to contribute - allow the army to self-enroll, and let soldiers to choose their own weapons.

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5. Focus on empowerment marketing*

Empower people to market your organization and its cause.

* Sundeep Ahuja –

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• Our best friend, Sameer, relapsed within 3 months of his transplant

• He fought hard – but sadly, passed away in March 2008

Update on Sameer

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We celebrated his life by sharing his memorial service with the world.

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Live Global Webcast

200+ live global viewers

6,000+ views in first 7 weeks

6,000+ total views

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• Vinay had a successful transplant, but then relapsed

• Underwent alternative drug treatments

• Sadly, Vinay also passed away in June 2008


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Of the 24,000 new registered donors for Sameer & Vinay, 7,500+ were registered in the Bay Area.


From this 7,500+ the NMDP found ~ 80 new matches for other leukemia patients.

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Sameer & Vinay’s cause has potentially led to 250 lives saved in the past year alone.


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Final thoughts

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Most revolutions are sparked by the actions of a few ordinary people.

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Your biggest asset is a clear mind and a very large idea.

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Find the ignition point of a chain reaction, and go ignite it.

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I Wonder

What do I do now?

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I Wonder

What do I do now?Could I water this?

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I Wonder

What do I do now?Could I water this?

Would it grow?

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I Wonder

What do I do now?Could I water this?

Would it grow?How would that make

me feel?

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2008 2009 2010

Robert Chatwani’s Story


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2008 2009 2010

Robert Chatwani’s Story

Teach a class


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2008 2009 2010

Robert Chatwani’s Story

Teach a class

Write a book 


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2008 2009 2010

Robert Chatwani’s Story

Teach a class

1 million 

Write a book 


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The social web and it’s role in affecting change…

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TEAM SAMEER focused on a single goal: 20K South Asians registered

They did not try to sign up every single South Asian in the Bay Area.

They did focus on getting 20,000 Indians into the registry.

- Those who were well connected- Those who were parents- Those who could relate to Sameer and his story

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TEAM SAMEER grabbed attention, building an instant brand

Remove barriers to help (possibly more important than encouraging action)

Varied media and varied asks“Know a website that reaches South Asians? Ask them to post links to upcoming drives.”

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TEAM SAMEER engaged by speaking authenticity and telling a story, personally connecting with the listener

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TEAM SAMEER enabled action, giving their volunteers the tools to act.

Empowerment marketing: Are you ready to give up control?

Social change in a box: grab-able templates and tools

Act first, then think: Abandon, move one, abandon, move on

Power of a good campaign = others do things you don’t expect

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•Tell a story


•Empathize, connect

•Match the media



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Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic; they are set up to understand stories

-Robert Schank, cognitive psychologist

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ENGAGETAKE ACTION©The Dragonfly Effect

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The Dragonfly Effect

FOCUS: HumanisticActionable Testable Clarity Happiness

 GRAB ATTENTION:Personal UnexpectedVisceral Visualize

ENGAGE:Tell a story Authenticity Empathize, connect Match the media

TAKE ACTION:Easy Fun Tailored Open

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Harnessing the

Dragonfly to Engineer


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• Think spread

• Each outbreak begins with 1 person

• Propagation is endogenous (self-sustaining)

• New infectious with each new generation

DEFINITION OF VIRALITYDefinition of Virality

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• Conventional marketing- Conversions = probability of conversion

x people exposed

• Viral marketing

- Reproduction rate = transmission rate x people told

- Must be > 1 for sustainability


Dragonfly Effect

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Viral leverage comes from increasing transmission rate

Transmission rate:

grab attention rate x engagement rate

x ease of taking action


Dragonfly Effect

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A viral hit onlineSome

background on


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102 ads coded for ‘virality”

(more than 5K views/week)

THE STUDYOne Recent Study©

Dragonfly Effect

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“There was no relation between

persuasion and viral potential.”

- Ann Green

Millward Brown 2010

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•Great creativity

•Wide dissemination

•Good search


•“Cross your fingers”


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…were the viral hits among the

102 ads


Millward Brown 2010

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CokeCase Study

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The Challenge

• Need a way to build deeper connection with consumers 

• Especially teens

• To its flagship

• Leverage digital media to connect globally

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The Solution

• Viral digital marketing campaign on happiness

• 7 prototypes; $50K each - Facebook apps- Wallpaper

• Winner: Coke Happiness Machine

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The Result


REACH: 2 million in 2 weeks

- Global: 50% of viewers outside US 70% blog posts non-English.

IMPACT: 95% positive.  

- ”I’m a Pepsi drinker, but I may make the switch.”

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NIKE WECase Study

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“We wanted to enable employees to give back easily, in their own way, then get out of their way.”

— Patrice Thramer, Global Director Employee Marketplace


How can an employer facilitate meaningfulness?

The Challenge©

Dragonfly Effect

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Goal: Offer the community “More than Money”

Solution (Nike WE)

• 4 different employee marketplaces with no corporate support

• Employee inspiration sessions via star athletes

• Coordinated efforts via a central employee portal (WE)

• Inspiration by giving talent, time, voice and money to community efforts

Prior approach

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The Solution

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Hands-on work with local communities and organizing response to global disaster relief

Talk about philanthropic efforts via blogs, twitter, etc. and comment on other people’s efforts

Make monetary donations for community efforts fully matched by company funds

Volunteer with specialized skills e.g., provide free architecture design consultancy for re-building Haiti

VISION: The WE intranet portalTHE SOLUTION: WE Portal

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Intangible Tangible

• Increased employee awareness and morale

• Increased passion for work and better work-life balance

• Better brand image via positive PR

• Over 600 volunteering opportunities posted on WE

• WE Giving has an additional 450 organizations

• 5,000 Nike employees volunteered in 7 months in 34 countries

The Result©

Dragonfly Effect

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Disaster Relief: Marysville Elementary School

Relief Effort• Broadcast for help on WE portal• 500 coats, backpacks filled with

supplies provided• Collaboration with local communities• Cash donations

Fire Disaster• Nov 2009: Marysville Elementary near

Nike’s Beaverton center burned down• No casualties but heavy material loss• NIKE’s School Innovation Fund (NSIF)

with $9M budget helps with relief efforts

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C&D’s LEMONADE Case Study

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• Getting our children to connect to meaning, responsibility - a simple cause.

• Giving them the belief that they can make a difference

• And foster creativity along the way

The Challenge©

Dragonfly Effect

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Mogilner and Aaker (2010)

The Solution

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Lemonade Stand Study

• Manipulation

• Dependent variables– % of passersby who purchased– Willingness to pay ($1-$3)– )

Time Money Control

Mogilner and Aaker (2010)

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Results: Who Buys?













e w






Time Control Money

Of the 391 passersby, 40 stopped to buy

Mogilner and Aaker (2010)

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Results: What Do They Donate?













to p


Time Control Money

And they paid nearly twice as much

Mogilner and Aaker (2010)

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Inspiration for The Dragonfly Effect