the donaldsonville chief (donaldsonville, la.) 1905-01-14 [p ]€¦ · through to and fr im the...

The Oonaldsonville Chiel T+as & Paci'o Railway Time Taulb. PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST. No, 52 Cannon hall .... .... . 3:8 A. No. 54, New Orleans mail............. . N No. 56. Accommodation .............. 8:51 A. N PASSENGER TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 51, Texas fast mail...... . 9:17 P. N . 58, Texas express ............... 11:35 A. N No. 55, Accommodation..... .......... 6:14p. m LAFOURCHE BRANCH. No. 68, Leaves for Thibodaux...... .... 6:25 P. , No. 64. Arrives from Thibodaux.. ..... 8:40 A. M No. 65, Leaves for Thibodaux..... .. 11:35 A. IM No. 66, Arrives from Thibodaux. ...... 5:30 P. H NAPOLEONVILLE BRANCH. No. 94, Arrives from Napoleonville.... .:40 A. N No.95, Leaves for Napoleonville.1....11:40 A. N. No. 96, Arrives from Napoleonville.....2:45 P. , No. 93, Leaves for Napoleonville ....... 6:25 P. •. I,+cal freight trains each way daily, Sundal excepted. L. B. MATTINGLY, Local Agent. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ROUTE- Steamer Virgie J. G. DAVIDSON, Captain P. T. BABIN, Clerk This swift and elegant boat makes FO' UR' "•P•'S ' ,I S , between Donaldsonville and Burnside, con- necting with passenger trains, as follows: Passengers going north take boat'at 9:00 o'clock a. m. and 4:15 o'clock p. m. Passengers going south take boat at 6:15 o'clock a. inm. and 2:15 o'clock p. m. A horse-car at Burnside will convey passengers to and fr im the boat FREE OF CHARGE. Through tickets to all points sold on the boat. Trunks and Baggage Haridled. L. A. COLOMB J. N. COLOMB L. A. Colomb and Son _b Mississippi Street, near Nicholls Hotel and Western Union Telegraph Office Donaldsonville, Louisiana Fire, Life Tornado and Steam Boiler INSURANCE Only the Best Companies Represented Policies Written at Lowest Current Rates -:- III: I Iir "• 1'1I Out Goes the Clothing Stock Suits=Overcoats 1 i ' . . KIRSCHBAUM A C. ( Come in and pick out your suit or overcoat and you'll find the price won't stand in the way of you having what you want. You have no idea what your money will do here, until you see the values. J. A. Dalferes OONALDSONVILLE, LA., SATURDAY. JAN. 14. 1905 Alfred Ganel and Arthur Esneault spent Sunday in New Orleans as the guests of friends. C. Kline, the "Old Reliable" Cres- cent Place merchant, spent Wednes- Sday in New Orleans on business. Mrs. F. J. Eikel, accompanied by ''her two children, went to New Or- leans this week on a visit to relatives. Swell stationery at Comstock's store. Ro•bert Jones, a well-known young farmer of the New River section, was * business visitor to Donaldsonville Monday. Miss Heloise Sims, of Sans Souci, was the charming guest of Miss Alice Braud, at Burnside, from Monday to rThsday. Marvelli spaghetti at Maurin's Blue Store. Judge Paul Leche and District At- torney G. A. Gondran went to St. James during the week to hold a ses- - slon of di at court. The executive committee of the As- ; pston Club met Sunday forenoon and transacted business of considera- ble imaportance. Philip Zimmer, the capable chief ineer of the big Houmas Central facory -at Burnside, was in town soM ay on business and favored The ( .ewith an appreciated visit. -e family .medicine in thousands of - yesat -Ir. Tmaodr's river Capt. Frank K. Sims, the genial young cashier of the Peoples Bank, went to New Orleans on business Wednesday, returning Thursday even- ing. Prof. and Mrs. J. L. Rusca returned Sunday evening from Lafayette and Natchitoches, where they spent their honeymoon, and are domiciled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Maire, in Iberville street. L. E. Bentley came up from New Orleans Tuesday night to attend the installation of officers of Lee Lodge No. 6, A. O. U. W., and return to the city via the Valley road Wednesday afternoon. See Comstock's line of musical in- struments. Jas. Von Lotten, publisher of The Times, and Dr. S. V. Vega, one of our leading young dentists, went to New Orleans Monday afternoon to see "Mother Goose" and remained in the city until Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Rodriguez, Sr., left Monday afternoon for New Orleans, where Mrs. Rodriguez went to place herself under the treatment of an oculist. Her many friends cherish the hope that her eyesight will be materially benefitted as a result of the trip. 4_ _ _ Fatal kidney and bladder troubles can always be prevented by the use of Foley's Kidnoey Cure. -Sld by Richard a St. Martin. A regular monthly meeting of the police jury was scheduled for Wednes- day, but owing to the absence of a quorum the session went by default. President Reuss, L. W. Armitage and M. J. Sevario were the only members of the jury whC.put in an appearance at the courthouse. E. N. Pugh and Prof. D. B. Show- alter visited Hope Villa Monday to attend the dedication of the new Oak Grove school. While en route out and back Messrs. Pugh and Showalter called at several of the rural public schools, and assisted them in getting under way. The franchise of the Donaldsonville foot bridge was sold at the front door of the courthouse at noon last Satur- day to Prosper Rodriguez, Sr., the present lessee, whose bid was $2701. The lease of the Donaldsonville wharf was also offered for sale, but the only bid was $800 and was not accepted. Women find quick relief in Dr.Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup. Elsie Eikel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Eikel, celebrated the eighth anniversary of her birthday last Sun- day with a party at which a number of her young friends were present. The afternoon was spent in playing games of a various nature and dainty re- freshments were served at frequent intervals. Robert J. Murch, who filled the po- sition of sugar weigher at the Belle Alliance factory during the grinding season, passed through Donaldson- ville yesterday en route to his home in Vicksburg. Mr. Murch expects to return to Ascension in March to take employment with the Goyer-Alliance Glucose Co. Marvelli spaghetti, the very best T made, at Chas. Maurin's Blue Store. H The finance committee of the police C jury met at the courthouse Tuesday A and drafted its report for the month of B December, showing a balance on hand D Dec. 1, 1904, of $13,859.49, and collec- I tions during the month 'of $1178.06, making a total of $15,037.55. The dis- bursements in December were $1806.57, hi leaving a cash balance on Jan. 1, re 1905, of $13,230.98. tr Miss Rowena Gingry, for several c months past a member of. the staff of clerks in Bloch's store, has accepted a position with M. & J. Tobias and jt was assigned to the millinery depart- d ment. Miss Gingry is a charming and is pretty young lady, and will doubtless h give entire satisfaction to her new a employers. G Mr. Wim. S. Crane, of Caiifornia. Md., suf- f-red for years from rheumatism and lumbago. E HP was finally advised to try IChamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did and it effected a com- Z plete cure. This liniment is for sale by X-Ray c drug store. At a meeting of the Ascension Par- ish Medical Society held in the rooms of the Ascension Club Wednesday forenoon, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Dr. W. M. McGalliard, president; Dr. T. H. Hanson, vice president; Dr. P. T. Thibodaux, secretary and treas- urer. Dr. W. B. Brown, a recent ar- a rival at New River, transferred his t membership from the medical society I of Iberville parish, his former home, i to the Ascension organization. Y Rabbi M. Klein returned Thursday from New Orleans, where he went last week to attend the Southern Rabbin- ical Conference and the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the estab- lishment of the Jewish Orphans' Home. Both events resulted in conspicuous successes and Rabbi Klein reports having enjoyed his trip to the utmost. During the absence of the rabbi in New Orleans, the regular services at the synagogue Friday night of last week were conducted by Michael To- bias. Dr. Sidney Vega entertained several friends at a spaghetti supper Satur- day night at his home in Lessard street, and when it is said that the viands were prepared by the doctor himself, assisted by his brother-in-law, Nick Wathen, the initiated will understand that the feast was fit for a king. Those present f were: Meyer Netter, C. e. Weber, Jas. 1 Von Lotten, B. J. Vega, Dr. T. H. Han- I son and Clarence Miller, of Lebanon, 3 Ky. Mrs. Vega is visiting her parents at Lebanon ahd the doctor is keeping batchelor's hall during her absence. Foley's Kidffey Cure dakes kidneys and blader rAlh LODGE LOCALS. Odd Fellows, Workmen, Woodmen and Pythians Iaetall Officers-Rousing Meetings and Enjoyable Banquets. Sidonius Lodge No. 72, I.O. O. F., met Monday night and installed the officers elected for the ensuing half- year. The meeting was followed by a banquet in the ante-room which was greatly enjoyed by the members present. The newly-elected officers of Lee Lodge No. 6, A. O. U. W., were in- stalled at an interesting and well-at- tended meeting held Tuesday night. The installation ceremonies were con- ducted by L. E. Bentley, officiating as grand master workman, F. J. Eikel, as past grand master workman, and Jas. Fortier, as grand guide. A sumptuous supper was served in the lodge room after the meeting. Walter Lemann, the newly-installed master workman, officiated as toastmaster in his usual felicitous style. The senti- ments proposed and those who re- sponded were as follows: Lee Lodge's Past-L. E. Bentley. Our t:,untry-Edmund Maurin. Our State-Dr. E. K. Sims. Our Parish-Henry L. Weil. The Press-A. G. Whidden. The aedies-Lron Levi. Health of the Lodge-Dr. P. T. Thibodaux, Ti, President-John F. Terrin. The Grand Lodge-Jas. Fortier. Our Departed Members-J. E. Blam. Wednesday night Olive Camp No. 18, W. O. W., held a rousing meeting in their forest and installed the officers chosen to direct the affails of the camp for the ensuing twelvemonth. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the Wood- choppers repaired to the Club Hotel and partook of a feast of good things, notthe least enjoyable of which were the post-prandial speeches. Soverign Ed- mund Maurin officiated as toastmaster and among those who were called upon to say something were Micheal Tobias, D. B. Showalter, Dr. E. K. Sims, P. P. Viosca, Walter Lemann; W. S. Cary and Jasmin Tobias. Kenneth Lodge No. 41, K. of P., in- stalled its officers Thursday night with interesting and impressive cere- monies. After the business on hand had been attended to the members ad- journed to the ante-room and engaged in the discussion of a delighful cold lunch. Bought Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and Sent it to Friends. Mr. F. W. J. Fletcher, a druggist in Victoria, Australia, says: "A customer of mine was so pleased with Chamberlain's cough Remedy, which she had used for hee children when suf- fering from colds and croup, that during a fortnight's time she obtained at my shop nine bottles, which she sent to her friends in dif- ferent parts of the state. telling them how much good it had done and advising them to give it a trial." For sale by X-Ray drug store. Miss Alice Branud entertained at an enjoyable buffet supper Wednesday f night in honor of her guest, Miss Maisie Marsden, of Shreveport. The Braud home at Burnside was beautifully dec- orated with greens and mosses, and in s the dining-room the illuminations were afforded by numerous Japanese lan- terns, which shed a soft and mellow radiance. The evening proved all too short, and it was with reluctance that good-nights were said and the delight- ful affair was brought to a close. I Those present were Misses AnnE and Heloise Sims, Mabel and Ethel Barton, Cora Boote, Maisie Marsden and Allie Wintz, Dr. J. A. Tucker, Dr. r Boote LeBlanc, E. J. McCall, A. J. Duffel, R. N. Slator, E. S. Wilson, J. M. Gillespie and Clay Braud. In Bed Four Weeks with La Grippe. We have received the following letter from Mr. Roy Kemp, of Angola," Ind.: "I was in bed four weeks with la grippe and I tried many remedies and spent considerable for treatment with physicians, but I received no relief until I tried Foley's Honey and Tar. Two small bottles ,f this medicine cured me and now I use it ex- elnsively in my family." Take no substitnes.-- Sold by Richard & St. Martin. G. B. Reuss, president of the police jury, has appointed the following delegates to represent Ascension par- ish at the big cotton convention to be I held in New Orleans on Jan. 24, 25 and 26: R. N. Sims, Dr. W. M. Mc- Galliard, Dr. J. S. Thibaut, Louis I Geismar, Gen. O. A. Bullion, Robert Broussard, G. E. Bonicard, A. Gon- zales, Leon Picard, L. W. Armitage, C. D. Gondran, B. J. Bingay, J. T. King, Ed. Smith, A. A. Kling, Fred. Taddiken, Sam. Barman, H. E. Spur- geon, Amedee Frederick, Trasimond Bertaut, Lee Hamilton, C. B. Mc- Manus, Fred. Gonzales, Wm. Acy, W. A. Sibley, Jno. F. Landry, and M. J. Sevario. The gasoline yacht Rosalie arrived at Donaldsonville Thursday after a trip down the Mississippi from St. Louis. The Rosalie is owned by the Banner Buggy Co., of St. Louis, and was sent out by that firm with a party of gentlemen aboard who are look- ing up the agents of the company at various places along the river and establishing agencies at points where the company is at present '.n- represented. The local agents of the Banner Buggy Co. are B. Lemann & Bro., and this point is the final desti- nation of the yacht. The Rosalie is 60 feet long by 9 feet wide, and weighs about 7 tons. E. N. Pugh, president of the parish school board, entertained that organ- ization and the police jury at dinner I at the St. Martin House Wednesday, and it goes without saying that the menu was an excellent one and the e service perfect in every detail. Mr. I Pugh's guests were C. D. Gondran, T. , W. Cook, Adolphe Netter, Leon Pi- e card and A. I. Picard, of the school board; President G. B. Reuss, L. W. .4 Armitage and M. J. Sevario, of the i police jury; Hon. Henry C. Brand, Dr. I. S. Picard, Prof. D. B. Showal- ter, H. G. Von Borries and S. H. St. g Iartin. The prevention of consumption is entirely a q'restion of commencing the-proper treatment in time. Nothing is so well adapted to ward off f ital lung troublses as Foley's Honey and Tar.- For galh by Richard & St. Martin. Notes from St. Joseph's Institute. The Christma lidays have gone, and the boys a~ at work again. The new year opened with an increase of sixteen students and others are ex- pected at the close of the week. The attendance now reaches the handsome number of 163, the highest in the his- tory of the school. The increased en- rollment made it necessary to secure another teacher, the faculty now con- sisting of six Brothers, who make teaching a profession rather than a trade. The preparatory class has been divided, giving the Institute six well- equipped class-rooms. At 11 o'clock tomorrow there will be a second meeting of the alumni society, at which officers and committees will be appointed. Every graduate of the school is expected to be present. The recent raffle netted $65, which will be used to purchase a surveyor's transit. The graduating class will soon take the field with chain, com- pass and he3dolite. During Christmas week the Brothers took three days' outing, visiting Baton Rouge as the guests of the faculty of St. Vincent's Academy. Last month the seniors were de- lighted with an artistic rendition of "Cataline's Defiance" by Lee Keating and Wilfred Landry. Jos. Boudreaux, of the class of 1906, recited Shylock's retort to Antonio, from the Merchant of Venice, while Fallon Terrio ren- dered very feelingly Longfellow's "Psalm of Life." Tuesday afternoon of this week Nick Comeaux, Harvey Truxillo and Dewey Rodeillat gave recitations. The students who received seventy per cent or more in the Christmas ex- aminations are entitled to have their names appear in the December roll of honor, which is as follows: Graduating Class-Geo. Pons, Louis Dehon, Geo. Fortier, Wm. Cox, Nick LeBlanc, Sam Rodriguez, Frank LeBlanc. Superior Class-Joseph Boudreaux, Geo. Gullatta, Carl Beatty, Robert Ambrose, Robert Higgason, Leon Fortier, Lee Babin, Louis LeBlanc, Norbert Triche, Leslie Israel, Edward Dupre, Wilfred Landry, Henry Mon- tecino, Lee Keating, Sam Lolan, Chas. Maurin, Albert Pons. Grammar Class-Joseph LeBlanc, Fallon Terrio, Veimar Gaudin, Louis Clifton, Karl Leche, Joseph Keating, Charles Crochet, Fulgence Crochet, Paul Landry, Leonce Trepagnier, Morton Henaerson, Leon LeBlanc, John Richard, Gilbert Cire, Ed. Lam- bert, Walter Beatty, Chas. Cox, Law- rence LeBlanc, Clarence Fernandez, William Blumenthal, Oscar Cire, An- drew Hymel, Chas. Melancon. Primary Class-Andrew Tearney, Jos. LeBlance, Felix Fortier, Nick Comeaux, Fernand Fernandez, Dud- ley Beatty, Willie Bradford, Alvin Higgason, Leonce Cire, Thos. Blouin, Rodolph Braud, Edgar Fortier, Adolph Alonzo, Geo. Rodriguez, Perry Morgan, Willie Falcon, D. C. Mattingly, Ivan Dehon, Robert Codi- fer, Morris Falcon, Ward Poche, Mike Wild, Octave Terrio. Preparatory Class-Alvin Landry, Geo. Rodriguez, Prosper Delatte, Carmel Graci, Wilmer Yentzen, Wil- son Monterio, Jorda Cire, Theophile Duhon, Ray Dehon; Leonard Gaudin, James Smith, Willie Smith, Numa Gaudin, Jerome Pons, Israel Mollere, Carroll Landry, Gordon Terrio, Amedee Ramirez, Damien Falcon, Jos. Richard, Sidney Acosta, Law- rence Brun, George Braud, Adam Le- Blance, Eddy Cox, Sidney Codifer, Lozin Porrier, Chas. Esneault, Horace Acosta, Morris Messina, Harvey Truxillo, Valery Sanchez. Premium List-Geo. Pons, Ed. Du- pre, John Richard, Ivan Dehon, Car- mel Graci, Amedee Ramirez. Ascension Academy's December Honor Roll. Eleventh Grade-Sadie Kern. Tenth Grade-Loretta Montecino, Maria Oubre, Gussie Heinz, Emily Rodriguez. Ninth Grade-Albert Taddiken, Stella Blount, Mary Morgan, Lynda Dossat. Eighth Grade-Rebecca Newman, Flossie Babin, Dora Dill, Theodore Michel. t Seventh Grade-Aurora Landry,t Cornelia Ayraud, Freda Singer, Emma Cook. Sixth Grade-Jaffray Vega, Corinne Oubre, Stella Brasset, Stella Poirrier, Lula Poirrier. Fifth Grade-Janie Gingry, Claire Werner, Alice Moore, Nita LeBlanc. i Fourth Grade-Flora Gomez, Nancy Proffit, Irene Richard, Grace Guillot, Claiborne LeRoy, Lawrence Babin, Walter Jugee. Third Grade-Azella Brasset, Stella Landry, Ulysses Rome, Ernestine Landry, Bernard Daigle, Mathilde Regira. Second Grade-Louis Alleman, Florence Dugas, Annie Fontana, Sidonie Gingry, Hilda Wutke, Duke Babin, Junior Gomez, Elie LeRoy, Upton Cook. First Grade-Elsie Eikel, Ethel Capbern, Eunice Harp, Joseph Ter- man, Charlie Savoja, Helen Davidson, Achille Loumiet, Leslie Werner, Nellie Forest. Primer Grade-Eddle Rodrigue, Philip Sacciaterro, Andrew Gingry, Carlton Guillot, Lucien Regira, Vincent Aiola, Jean Lauland, Joseph Gros, Edmond Esneault, Nelson Curtis, Lee Lear, Philip Trapanni, Hazel Bellocq, Florence Taddiken, Florence Brockhoeft, Camile Maca- lusso, Sarah Devingenzo, Stella Rivet, Odile Bouchour, Vivian McManus. J. L. RUSCA, Principal. Pumping Plant to be Tested Tomorrow. At the quarterly meeting of the La- fourche Basin Levee Board, held at the Gretna courthouse on Thursday, it was decided to test the Lafourche pumping station at Donaldsonville to- morrow , and the process willbe con- ducted under the direction of Prof. Gregory, of Tulane University. Ac- cording to the contract of the Atcha- falaya and Lafourche boards with J. H. Murphy, of New Orleans, builder of the station, the pumping capacity should reach 51,000,000 gallons of water in twenty-four hours; but as only four of the five syphons have worked well, there is room for doubt as to whether this condition has been fulfilled. The result of tom or row's test will therefore excite genera! interest, and the reputation of the contractor assures The Chief that any present deficiencies in the plant that may be developed will be promptly remedied. A Life at Stake. If you but knew the splendid merits of Folei 's Honey and Tar yon wo-ld never be without it. A dose or two will prevent an attack of pneumo- Snia or la grippe. It may save your life.-Sold by Richard & St Martin. Annual Statement Bank of Donaldsonville Donaldsonville, La. At Close of Business December 1&, 1904 Loans. - -- $335,121 78 Capital - - ` 50,000 c:0 Real Estate, Furni- Sarplu. - - - 40,000 00 titre and Fixtures 9,413 31 Cash ansd Siusht Undivided Ppofits - 17,121 s1 CaEs Si-ht chcange - - 136,064 80 Cash Deposits - 78,477 98 Total, - $480,599 89 Total - - $480,599 89 W. M. M'GALLIARD, PRESIDENT CHAS. MAURIN, VICE PRESIDENT W. D. PARK, CASHIER L. J. BRUN, ASSIST.ANt CASHIER At the Play. Salisbury's Moving Pictures were the attraction at the Phoenix Sunday afternoon and night and pleased a fair-sized audience at each perform- ance. Views were shown of the Russia- Japan war, the world's fair, the life of an American fireman, a daylight bur- glary, the queen's musketeers, a train robbery, a balloon ascension, and a variety of other subjects. The en- tertainment is interesting and de- cidedly refreshing. Manager Keating arranged with Mr. Salisbury to play a return engagement Wednesday night, but owing to the inclemency of the weather the performance did not take place. "A Deserted Bride" held the boards Monday night and was greeted by a sparse audience. The company is mediocre and the play is atrocious. "A Chicago Tramp" is annhunced for tonight and tomorrow night "Other People's Money" will be the bill. It will be remembered that those who stayed away from "Weary Willie Walker" because they made the mis- take of judging the play by the name missed one of the best shows of the season, and anyone who passes up tonight's performance for the same reason is likely to regret having done so. "Other People's Money" has been seer here before and is known to be an exceptionally bright and clever comedy. Successful Hunters. A party composed of Ned Leche, George Mullet, Robert LeBlanc anud Charles Dugas left here Sunday eve- ning for Lettsworth, in Pointe Coupee parish, where they spent Monday and Tuesday hunting ducks and partridges, returning to Donaldsonville Wednes- day morning. The shootists bagged one hundred and eight partridges, two ducks, two doves and a rabbit, and state that the trip proved extremely pleasant and enjoyable. Sheriff's Sale. State of Louisiana-Twenty-seventh Judicial District Court-Parish of Ascension. H. & C,. Newman, Ltd.) versus )No. 1487. Joseph St. Amant. BY VIRTUE of and in obedience to an order of seizure and sale issued out of the above named court, and to me directed, in the above entitled and numbered suit, I have seized and will sell at public auction, according to law, to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the courthouse of the parish of Ascension, in the town of Donaldsonville. on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1905, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following described property to-wit: A certain tract of land situated in the parish of Ascension on the left bank of the Mississippi river and at a distance of several miles from said river, consisting of lots twelve(12),thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), of section thirty-one (31). in township nine. (9), south of range three (3) east in St.Helena meridian,southeastern district east of the Mississippi river, containing an area of one hundred and sixty-one (161) .95 acres to- gether with all the buildings and improvements thereon and thereunto belonging. From the property above described is excepted a certain portion of said tract of land sold by Eller,'orah Raphael to Philip Palmer on the eleventh day of April, 1896, and recorded tn Book of Conveyances No. 38, page 259, consist- ing of thirty-two acres, more or less, bounded on the north by Loomis Po'er, on the south by George Biggs, on th west by Louis Geismar. and measuring one-quarter of a mile on the township line, north and south. Teems and conditions-Cash in United States currency. S. H. ST. MARTIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Ascension parish, La., January 12, 1905. NOTICE. To Stockholders of the Bank of Donaldsonville. DoNALisosvILLE; LA., Jan. 14, 1905. NOTICE is hereby given to the stockholders . of the Bank of Donaldsonvillle that the annual election of the board of lirectors, com- posed of eleven members, to serve for the com- ing ear, will be h.ld at the bank on WEDNES- DAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1905. at 10 o'clock a. in., in accordance Article IV of :he charter. W. D. PARK, Cashier. For- Rent. STORE in Missi1tippi street, near Railroad avenue, formerly occupied by the late Joe. Maurin. Apply to t'HAS. MAURIN, Famous Blue Store, Donaldsonville. Homestead Notices. LAND ItFFICE. New Orleans, La., Jan. 5, 195 NOTlE i t hereby given that the fo.hloing- named settler has fiS-d notice of her inten- tion to make final i roof (sec 2301) rs in s prort o: i-er claim, an- that said proof will be made before Registe. and Receiverat United States Lan- Office, New Orleans, La., on Febr 'ary 14, 190•. viz:OLIVE PETITE, widow of I DWARD J. BouRGsoIs, of Gonz aes, La, homeste :d entry No. 21 816 -or the n / of aw , sec 19, tp 10, s r 3 e, s e d a of river. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry F. Bateman, C. N. Ganurean, Preston Ambeau, Aiille LeBlanc, all of Gonzales, La. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND OFFICE, New Orleans, La., Dec. 5, 1901. NJOTICE is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten- tion to makefinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register t and Receiver at New Orleans. La., on January 24, 1905, viz: CHARLES OSCAR FLEMING, of Gonzales, La., who made homestead entry No. 23,850 for then 'A ofs e 'A, sec33, tp 9,a r 3e, s e d e of river. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uprn and s cultivation of said land, viz: Ed. N. Floid, of L Burnside, La.; Numa S. Landry, of Gonzales, La.; S. J. Nickens. of Burnside, La.; M. A. I Argrove, of Gn-szeles, La. SWALTER L, COHEN, Register. Don't Knock Around from place to place looking for the new and correct things in Clothing... Shoes Men's Furnishings 1If you are wise, this store will be your first and last stopping place. We have the goods you'll •*•approve and that we can guarantee. B. Lemann & Bro. Don't Worry A visit at the FAMOUS BLUE STORE will save you a lot of trouble what to get for the holi- days. You will find there: Fine Candies and Fruit Cakes Wines, Cordials and Champagnes Swiss, Holland, Neufchatel, Limburg, Munster, Rocqufort and Cream Cheese Raisins, Almonds and Nuts Catsups, Chow-Chow, Pickles and Olives Jellies, Jams and Preserves TURKEYS-Dressed and Alive THE BEST CREAMERY BUTTER MADE -i i iJ Also furniture and house fur1ishing goods such as Bed Room Sets, Sideboards, Tables, Rattan Rockers, Book Cases, Chiffoniers, Cooking and Heating Stoves, Lamps, China Dinner Sets, Table Glassware and too many other things to enumerate A corps of polite and lively clerks ever ready to show you the goods. PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. PROMPT DELIVERIES Chas. Maurin nn nn nmn i n m m m n DOING BUSINESS... THE PEOP,.E'S LUMBER YARD A. B. SMITH. PROPRIETOR WITH A COMPLETE STOCK OF LOUISIANA RED CYPRESS LUMBER - RAILROAD AVENUE. ONE BLOCK . FROM PASSENGER DEPOT DONALDSONVILLE H. ABRAHAX N. LEMAo.i Commission Merchants... 06TTON-SUG.AR-RICE oLbezra1 Advanoos Made on Coagmen .ts 216 ad 218 Baroe Street, Now Orleans, Lonisiana I % .A *3 -'

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Page 1: The Donaldsonville chief (Donaldsonville, La.) 1905-01-14 [p ]€¦ · Through to and fr im the boat FREE OF CHARGE. tickets to all points sold on the boat. Trunks and Baggage Haridled

The Oonaldsonville ChielT+as & Paci'o Railway

Time Taulb.

PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST.No, 52 Cannon hall .... .... .3:8 A.No. 54, New Orleans mail............. . NNo. 56. Accommodation .............. 8:51 A. N

PASSENGER TRAINS GOING WEST.No. 51, Texas fast mail...... . 9:17 P. N

. 58, Texas express ............... 11:35 A. NNo. 55, Accommodation..... .......... 6:14p. m

LAFOURCHE BRANCH.No. 68, Leaves for Thibodaux...... .... 6:25 P. ,No. 64. Arrives from Thibodaux.. ..... 8:40 A. MNo. 65, Leaves for Thibodaux..... .. 11:35 A. IMNo. 66, Arrives from Thibodaux. ...... 5:30 P. H

NAPOLEONVILLE BRANCH.No. 94, Arrives from Napoleonville.... .:40 A. NNo.95, Leaves for Napoleonville.1....11:40 A. N.No. 96, Arrives from Napoleonville.....2:45 P. ,No. 93, Leaves for Napoleonville ....... 6:25 P. •.

I,+cal freight trains each way daily, Sundalexcepted. L. B. MATTINGLY, Local Agent.


Steamer VirgieJ. G. DAVIDSON, Captain P. T. BABIN, Clerk

This swift and elegant boat makes

FO' UR' "•P•'S ' ,I S ,between Donaldsonville and Burnside, con-necting with passenger trains, as follows:

Passengers going north take boat'at 9:00 o'clocka. m. and 4:15 o'clock p. m.

Passengers going south take boat at 6:15 o'clocka. inm. and 2:15 o'clock p. m.

A horse-car at Burnside will convey passengersto and fr im the boat FREE OF CHARGE.

Through tickets to all points sold on the boat.

Trunks and Baggage Haridled.


L. A. Colomband Son _b

Mississippi Street, near Nicholls Hotel

and Western Union Telegraph Office

Donaldsonville, Louisiana

Fire, LifeTornado and

Steam Boiler

INSURANCEOnly the Best



Policies Written at LowestCurrent Rates -:-III: I Iir "• 1'1I

Out Goes theClothing Stock


1 i


Come in and pick out your suitor overcoat and you'll find theprice won't stand in the way ofyou having what you want.You have no idea what yourmoney will do here, until yousee the values.

J. A. Dalferes


SATURDAY. JAN. 14. 1905

Alfred Ganel and Arthur Esneault

spent Sunday in New Orleans as the

guests of friends.

C. Kline, the "Old Reliable" Cres-

cent Place merchant, spent Wednes-

Sday in New Orleans on business.

Mrs. F. J. Eikel, accompanied by

''her two children, went to New Or-

leans this week on a visit to relatives.

Swell stationery at Comstock's store.

Ro•bert Jones, a well-known young

farmer of the New River section, was

* business visitor to Donaldsonville


Miss Heloise Sims, of Sans Souci,

was the charming guest of Miss Alice

Braud, at Burnside, from Monday to


Marvelli spaghetti at Maurin's Blue

Store.Judge Paul Leche and District At-

torney G. A. Gondran went to St.

James during the week to hold a ses-

- slon of di at court.

The executive committee of the As-

; pston Club met Sunday forenoon

and transacted business of considera-ble imaportance.

Philip Zimmer, the capable chief

ineer of the big Houmas Central

facory -at Burnside, was in town

soM ay on business and favored The

( .ewith an appreciated visit.

-e family .medicine in thousands of-yesat -Ir. Tmaodr's river

Capt. Frank K. Sims, the genialyoung cashier of the Peoples Bank,went to New Orleans on businessWednesday, returning Thursday even-ing.

Prof. and Mrs. J. L. Rusca returnedSunday evening from Lafayette andNatchitoches, where they spent theirhoneymoon, and are domiciled at theresidence of Mr. and Mrs. EdmondMaire, in Iberville street.

L. E. Bentley came up from NewOrleans Tuesday night to attend theinstallation of officers of Lee LodgeNo. 6, A. O. U. W., and return to thecity via the Valley road Wednesdayafternoon.

See Comstock's line of musical in-struments.

Jas. Von Lotten, publisher of TheTimes, and Dr. S. V. Vega, one ofour leading young dentists, went toNew Orleans Monday afternoon tosee "Mother Goose" and remained inthe city until Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Rodriguez,Sr., left Monday afternoon for NewOrleans, where Mrs. Rodriguez wentto place herself under the treatment ofan oculist. Her many friends cherishthe hope that her eyesight will bematerially benefitted as a result of thetrip. 4_ _ _

Fatal kidney and bladder troubles can alwaysbe prevented by the use of Foley's Kidnoey Cure.-Sld by Richard a St. Martin.

A regular monthly meeting of thepolice jury was scheduled for Wednes-day, but owing to the absence of aquorum the session went by default.President Reuss, L. W. Armitage andM. J. Sevario were the only membersof the jury whC.put in an appearanceat the courthouse.

E. N. Pugh and Prof. D. B. Show-alter visited Hope Villa Monday toattend the dedication of the new OakGrove school. While en route outand back Messrs. Pugh and Showaltercalled at several of the rural publicschools, and assisted them in gettingunder way.

The franchise of the Donaldsonvillefoot bridge was sold at the front doorof the courthouse at noon last Satur-day to Prosper Rodriguez, Sr., thepresent lessee, whose bid was $2701.The lease of the Donaldsonville wharfwas also offered for sale, but the onlybid was $800 and was not accepted.

Women find quick relief in Dr.Thacher'sLiver and Blood Syrup.

Elsie Eikel, daughter of Mr. andMrs. F. J. Eikel, celebrated the eighthanniversary of her birthday last Sun-day with a party at which a number ofher young friends were present. The

afternoon was spent in playing gamesof a various nature and dainty re-freshments were served at frequentintervals.

Robert J. Murch, who filled the po-sition of sugar weigher at the BelleAlliance factory during the grindingseason, passed through Donaldson-ville yesterday en route to his homein Vicksburg. Mr. Murch expects toreturn to Ascension in March to takeemployment with the Goyer-AllianceGlucose Co.

Marvelli spaghetti, the very best Tmade, at Chas. Maurin's Blue Store. H

The finance committee of the police Cjury met at the courthouse Tuesday A

and drafted its report for the month of B

December, showing a balance on hand DDec. 1, 1904, of $13,859.49, and collec- Itions during the month 'of $1178.06,making a total of $15,037.55. The dis-

bursements in December were $1806.57, hileaving a cash balance on Jan. 1, re

1905, of $13,230.98. tr

Miss Rowena Gingry, for several c

months past a member of. the staff ofclerks in Bloch's store, has accepted

a position with M. & J. Tobias and jtwas assigned to the millinery depart- d

ment. Miss Gingry is a charming and is

pretty young lady, and will doubtless h

give entire satisfaction to her new a

employers. G

Mr. Wim. S. Crane, of Caiifornia. Md., suf-f-red for years from rheumatism and lumbago. EHP was finally advised to try IChamberlain'sPain Balm, which he did and it effected a com- Zplete cure. This liniment is for sale by X-Ray cdrug store.

At a meeting of the Ascension Par-ish Medical Society held in the roomsof the Ascension Club Wednesdayforenoon, the following officers were

elected to serve for the ensuing year:Dr. W. M. McGalliard, president;Dr. T. H. Hanson, vice president; Dr.

P. T. Thibodaux, secretary and treas-

urer. Dr. W. B. Brown, a recent ar- a

rival at New River, transferred his t

membership from the medical society I

of Iberville parish, his former home, i

to the Ascension organization. YRabbi M. Klein returned Thursday

from New Orleans, where he went lastweek to attend the Southern Rabbin-ical Conference and the celebration of

the fiftieth anniversary of the estab-

lishment of the Jewish Orphans' Home.

Both events resulted in conspicuoussuccesses and Rabbi Klein reportshaving enjoyed his trip to the utmost.

During the absence of the rabbi in

New Orleans, the regular services atthe synagogue Friday night of last

week were conducted by Michael To-


Dr. Sidney Vega entertained several

friends at a spaghetti supper Satur-

day night at his home in Lessard street,and when it is said that the viands were

prepared by the doctor himself, assisted

by his brother-in-law, Nick Wathen,

the initiated will understand that the

feast was fit for a king. Those presentf were: Meyer Netter, C. e. Weber, Jas.

1 Von Lotten, B. J. Vega, Dr. T. H. Han-I son and Clarence Miller, of Lebanon,3 Ky. Mrs. Vega is visiting her parentsat Lebanon ahd the doctor is keepingbatchelor's hall during her absence.

Foley's Kidffey Curedakes kidneys and blader rAlh


Odd Fellows, Workmen, Woodmen and

Pythians Iaetall Officers-Rousing

Meetings and Enjoyable


Sidonius Lodge No. 72, I. O. O. F.,met Monday night and installed theofficers elected for the ensuing half-year. The meeting was followed by abanquet in the ante-room which wasgreatly enjoyed by the memberspresent.

The newly-elected officers of LeeLodge No. 6, A. O. U. W., were in-stalled at an interesting and well-at-tended meeting held Tuesday night.The installation ceremonies were con-ducted by L. E. Bentley, officiating asgrand master workman, F. J. Eikel,as past grand master workman, andJas. Fortier, as grand guide. Asumptuous supper was served in the

lodge room after the meeting. WalterLemann, the newly-installed masterworkman, officiated as toastmaster in

his usual felicitous style. The senti-ments proposed and those who re-sponded were as follows:

Lee Lodge's Past-L. E. Bentley.Our t:,untry-Edmund Maurin.Our State-Dr. E. K. Sims.Our Parish-Henry L. Weil.The Press-A. G. Whidden.The aedies-Lron Levi.Health of the Lodge-Dr. P. T. Thibodaux,Ti, President-John F. Terrin.The Grand Lodge-Jas. Fortier.Our Departed Members-J. E. Blam.

Wednesday night Olive Camp No.18, W. O. W., held a rousing meetingin their forest and installed the officerschosen to direct the affails of the camp

for the ensuing twelvemonth. At theconclusion of the ceremonies the Wood-

choppers repaired to the Club Hoteland partook of a feast of good things,notthe least enjoyable of which were thepost-prandial speeches. Soverign Ed-mund Maurin officiated as toastmasterand among those who were called upon

to say something were Micheal Tobias,D. B. Showalter, Dr. E. K. Sims, P.P. Viosca, Walter Lemann; W. S.Cary and Jasmin Tobias.

Kenneth Lodge No. 41, K. of P., in-stalled its officers Thursday nightwith interesting and impressive cere-monies. After the business on handhad been attended to the members ad-journed to the ante-room and engagedin the discussion of a delighful coldlunch.

Bought Chamberlain's Cough Remedyand Sent it to Friends.

Mr. F. W. J. Fletcher, a druggist in Victoria,Australia, says: "A customer of mine was sopleased with Chamberlain's cough Remedy,which she had used for hee children when suf-fering from colds and croup, that during afortnight's time she obtained at my shop ninebottles, which she sent to her friends in dif-ferent parts of the state. telling them howmuch good it had done and advising them togive it a trial." For sale by X-Ray drug store.

Miss Alice Branud entertained at anenjoyable buffet supper Wednesday fnight in honor of her guest, Miss MaisieMarsden, of Shreveport. The Braudhome at Burnside was beautifully dec-orated with greens and mosses, and in sthe dining-room the illuminations wereafforded by numerous Japanese lan-terns, which shed a soft and mellowradiance. The evening proved all tooshort, and it was with reluctance thatgood-nights were said and the delight-ful affair was brought to a close. IThose present were Misses AnnE andHeloise Sims, Mabel and Ethel Barton,Cora Boote, Maisie Marsden andAllie Wintz, Dr. J. A. Tucker, Dr. rBoote LeBlanc, E. J. McCall, A. J.Duffel, R. N. Slator, E. S. Wilson, J.M. Gillespie and Clay Braud.

In Bed Four Weeks with La Grippe.We have received the following letter from

Mr. Roy Kemp, of Angola," Ind.: "I was inbed four weeks with la grippe and I tried manyremedies and spent considerable for treatmentwith physicians, but I received no relief until Itried Foley's Honey and Tar. Two small bottles,f this medicine cured me and now I use it ex-elnsively in my family." Take no substitnes.--Sold by Richard & St. Martin.

G. B. Reuss, president of the policejury, has appointed the followingdelegates to represent Ascension par-ish at the big cotton convention to be Iheld in New Orleans on Jan. 24, 25and 26: R. N. Sims, Dr. W. M. Mc-Galliard, Dr. J. S. Thibaut, Louis IGeismar, Gen. O. A. Bullion, RobertBroussard, G. E. Bonicard, A. Gon-zales, Leon Picard, L. W. Armitage,C. D. Gondran, B. J. Bingay, J. T.King, Ed. Smith, A. A. Kling, Fred.Taddiken, Sam. Barman, H. E. Spur-geon, Amedee Frederick, TrasimondBertaut, Lee Hamilton, C. B. Mc-Manus, Fred. Gonzales, Wm. Acy,W. A. Sibley, Jno. F. Landry, andM. J. Sevario.

The gasoline yacht Rosalie arrivedat Donaldsonville Thursday after atrip down the Mississippi from St.Louis. The Rosalie is owned by theBanner Buggy Co., of St. Louis, andwas sent out by that firm with a partyof gentlemen aboard who are look-ing up the agents of the companyat various places along the riverand establishing agencies at pointswhere the company is at present '.n-represented. The local agents of theBanner Buggy Co. are B. Lemann &Bro., and this point is the final desti-nation of the yacht. The Rosalie is 60feet long by 9 feet wide, and weighsabout 7 tons.

E. N. Pugh, president of the parish

school board, entertained that organ-ization and the police jury at dinner

I at the St. Martin House Wednesday,and it goes without saying that themenu was an excellent one and the

e service perfect in every detail. Mr.

I Pugh's guests were C. D. Gondran, T., W. Cook, Adolphe Netter, Leon Pi-

e card and A. I. Picard, of the schoolboard; President G. B. Reuss, L. W.

.4 Armitage and M. J. Sevario, of thei police jury; Hon. Henry C. Brand,Dr. I. S. Picard, Prof. D. B. Showal-ter, H. G. Von Borries and S. H. St.g Iartin.

The prevention of consumption is entirely aq'restion of commencing the-proper treatmentin time. Nothing is so well adapted to ward offf ital lung troublses as Foley's Honey and Tar.-For galh by Richard & St. Martin.

Notes from St. Joseph's Institute.The Christma lidays have gone,

and the boys a~ at work again.The new year opened with an increaseof sixteen students and others are ex-pected at the close of the week. Theattendance now reaches the handsomenumber of 163, the highest in the his-tory of the school. The increased en-rollment made it necessary to secureanother teacher, the faculty now con-sisting of six Brothers, who maketeaching a profession rather than atrade. The preparatory class has beendivided, giving the Institute six well-equipped class-rooms.

At 11 o'clock tomorrow there will bea second meeting of the alumni society,at which officers and committees willbe appointed. Every graduate of theschool is expected to be present.

The recent raffle netted $65, whichwill be used to purchase a surveyor'stransit. The graduating class willsoon take the field with chain, com-pass and he3dolite.

During Christmas week the Brotherstook three days' outing, visiting BatonRouge as the guests of the faculty ofSt. Vincent's Academy.

Last month the seniors were de-lighted with an artistic rendition of"Cataline's Defiance" by Lee Keatingand Wilfred Landry. Jos. Boudreaux,of the class of 1906, recited Shylock'sretort to Antonio, from the Merchantof Venice, while Fallon Terrio ren-dered very feelingly Longfellow's"Psalm of Life." Tuesday afternoonof this week Nick Comeaux, HarveyTruxillo and Dewey Rodeillat gaverecitations.

The students who received seventyper cent or more in the Christmas ex-aminations are entitled to have theirnames appear in the December rollof honor, which is as follows:

Graduating Class-Geo. Pons,Louis Dehon, Geo. Fortier, Wm. Cox,Nick LeBlanc, Sam Rodriguez, FrankLeBlanc.

Superior Class-Joseph Boudreaux,Geo. Gullatta, Carl Beatty, RobertAmbrose, Robert Higgason, LeonFortier, Lee Babin, Louis LeBlanc,Norbert Triche, Leslie Israel, EdwardDupre, Wilfred Landry, Henry Mon-tecino, Lee Keating, Sam Lolan, Chas.Maurin, Albert Pons.

Grammar Class-Joseph LeBlanc,Fallon Terrio, Veimar Gaudin, LouisClifton, Karl Leche, Joseph Keating,Charles Crochet, Fulgence Crochet,Paul Landry, Leonce Trepagnier,Morton Henaerson, Leon LeBlanc,John Richard, Gilbert Cire, Ed. Lam-bert, Walter Beatty, Chas. Cox, Law-rence LeBlanc, Clarence Fernandez,William Blumenthal, Oscar Cire, An-drew Hymel, Chas. Melancon.

Primary Class-Andrew Tearney,Jos. LeBlance, Felix Fortier, NickComeaux, Fernand Fernandez, Dud-ley Beatty, Willie Bradford, AlvinHiggason, Leonce Cire, Thos. Blouin,Rodolph Braud, Edgar Fortier,Adolph Alonzo, Geo. Rodriguez,Perry Morgan, Willie Falcon, D. C.Mattingly, Ivan Dehon, Robert Codi-fer, Morris Falcon, Ward Poche,Mike Wild, Octave Terrio.

Preparatory Class-Alvin Landry,Geo. Rodriguez, Prosper Delatte,Carmel Graci, Wilmer Yentzen, Wil-son Monterio, Jorda Cire, TheophileDuhon, Ray Dehon; Leonard Gaudin,James Smith, Willie Smith, NumaGaudin, Jerome Pons, Israel Mollere,Carroll Landry, Gordon Terrio,Amedee Ramirez, Damien Falcon,Jos. Richard, Sidney Acosta, Law-rence Brun, George Braud, Adam Le-Blance, Eddy Cox, Sidney Codifer,Lozin Porrier, Chas. Esneault, HoraceAcosta, Morris Messina, HarveyTruxillo, Valery Sanchez.

Premium List-Geo. Pons, Ed. Du-pre, John Richard, Ivan Dehon, Car-mel Graci, Amedee Ramirez.

Ascension Academy's December Honor Roll.Eleventh Grade-Sadie Kern.Tenth Grade-Loretta Montecino,

Maria Oubre, Gussie Heinz, EmilyRodriguez.

Ninth Grade-Albert Taddiken,Stella Blount, Mary Morgan, LyndaDossat.

Eighth Grade-Rebecca Newman,Flossie Babin, Dora Dill, TheodoreMichel. t

Seventh Grade-Aurora Landry,tCornelia Ayraud, Freda Singer,Emma Cook.

Sixth Grade-Jaffray Vega, CorinneOubre, Stella Brasset, Stella Poirrier,Lula Poirrier.

Fifth Grade-Janie Gingry, ClaireWerner, Alice Moore, Nita LeBlanc. i

Fourth Grade-Flora Gomez, NancyProffit, Irene Richard, Grace Guillot,Claiborne LeRoy, Lawrence Babin,Walter Jugee.

Third Grade-Azella Brasset, StellaLandry, Ulysses Rome, ErnestineLandry, Bernard Daigle, MathildeRegira.

Second Grade-Louis Alleman,Florence Dugas, Annie Fontana,Sidonie Gingry, Hilda Wutke, DukeBabin, Junior Gomez, Elie LeRoy,Upton Cook.

First Grade-Elsie Eikel, EthelCapbern, Eunice Harp, Joseph Ter-man, Charlie Savoja, Helen Davidson,Achille Loumiet, Leslie Werner,Nellie Forest.

Primer Grade-Eddle Rodrigue,Philip Sacciaterro, Andrew Gingry,Carlton Guillot, Lucien Regira,Vincent Aiola, Jean Lauland, JosephGros, Edmond Esneault, NelsonCurtis, Lee Lear, Philip Trapanni,Hazel Bellocq, Florence Taddiken,Florence Brockhoeft, Camile Maca-lusso, Sarah Devingenzo, Stella Rivet,Odile Bouchour, Vivian McManus.

J. L. RUSCA,Principal.

Pumping Plant to be Tested Tomorrow.At the quarterly meeting of the La-

fourche Basin Levee Board, held at

the Gretna courthouse on Thursday,it was decided to test the Lafourche

pumping station at Donaldsonville to-

morrow, and the process willbe con-

ducted under the direction of Prof.Gregory, of Tulane University. Ac-cording to the contract of the Atcha-falaya and Lafourche boards with J.H. Murphy, of New Orleans, builder ofthe station, the pumping capacityshould reach 51,000,000 gallons ofwater in twenty-four hours; but asonly four of the five syphons haveworked well, there is room fordoubt as to whether this condition hasbeen fulfilled. The result of tom orrow's test will therefore excite genera!interest, and the reputation of thecontractor assures The Chief that anypresent deficiencies in the plant thatmay be developed will be promptlyremedied.

A Life at Stake.

If you but knew the splendid merits of Folei 'sHoney and Tar yon wo-ld never be without it. Adose or two will prevent an attack of pneumo-Snia or la grippe. It may save your life.-Soldby Richard & St Martin.

Annual Statement

Bank of DonaldsonvilleDonaldsonville, La.

At Close of Business December 1&, 1904

Loans. - - - $335,121 78 Capital - - ` 50,000 c:0Real Estate, Furni- Sarplu. - - - 40,000 00

titre and Fixtures 9,413 31Cash ansd Siusht Undivided Ppofits - 17,121 s1CaEs Si-ht

chcange - - 136,064 80 Cash Deposits - 78,477 98

Total, - $480,599 89 Total - - $480,599 89




At the Play.Salisbury's Moving Pictures were

the attraction at the Phoenix Sundayafternoon and night and pleased a

fair-sized audience at each perform-

ance. Views were shown of the Russia-

Japan war, the world's fair, the life of

an American fireman, a daylight bur-

glary, the queen's musketeers, a train

robbery, a balloon ascension, and a

variety of other subjects. The en-

tertainment is interesting and de-

cidedly refreshing. Manager Keating

arranged with Mr. Salisbury to play

a return engagement Wednesday night,but owing to the inclemency of the

weather the performance did not take

place."A Deserted Bride" held the boards

Monday night and was greeted by a

sparse audience. The company is

mediocre and the play is atrocious."A Chicago Tramp" is annhunced

for tonight and tomorrow night

"Other People's Money" will be the

bill. It will be remembered that those

who stayed away from "Weary Willie

Walker" because they made the mis-

take of judging the play by the name

missed one of the best shows of the

season, and anyone who passes up

tonight's performance for the same

reason is likely to regret having done

so. "Other People's Money" has

been seer here before and is known to

be an exceptionally bright and clever

comedy.Successful Hunters.

A party composed of Ned Leche,

George Mullet, Robert LeBlanc anud

Charles Dugas left here Sunday eve-

ning for Lettsworth, in Pointe Coupee

parish, where they spent Monday and

Tuesday hunting ducks and partridges,returning to Donaldsonville Wednes-day morning. The shootists baggedone hundred and eight partridges, twoducks, two doves and a rabbit, andstate that the trip proved extremelypleasant and enjoyable.

Sheriff's Sale.

State of Louisiana-Twenty-seventh Judicial

District Court-Parish of Ascension.

H. & C,. Newman, Ltd.)versus )No. 1487.

Joseph St. Amant.

BY VIRTUE of and in obedience to an orderof seizure and sale issued out of the above

named court, and to me directed, in the aboveentitled and numbered suit, I have seized andwill sell at public auction, according to law, tothe last and highest bidder, at the front door ofthe courthouse of the parish of Ascension, inthe town of Donaldsonville. on

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1905,at 11 o'clock a. m., the following describedproperty to-wit:

A certain tract of land situated in the parish ofAscension on the left bank of the Mississippiriver and at a distance of several miles fromsaid river, consisting of lots twelve(12),thirteen(13) and fourteen (14), of section thirty-one (31).in township nine. (9), south of range three (3)east in St.Helena meridian,southeastern districteast of the Mississippi river, containing an areaof one hundred and sixty-one (161) .95 acres to-gether with all the buildings and improvementsthereon and thereunto belonging.

From the property above described is excepteda certain portion of said tract of land sold byEller,'orah Raphael to Philip Palmer on theeleventh day of April, 1896, and recorded tnBook of Conveyances No. 38, page 259, consist-ing of thirty-two acres, more or less, boundedon the north by Loomis Po'er, on the south byGeorge Biggs, on th west by Louis Geismar.and measuring one-quarter of a mile on thetownship line, north and south.

Teems and conditions-Cash in United Statescurrency. S. H. ST. MARTIN, Sheriff.

Sheriff's office, Ascension parish, La., January12, 1905.


To Stockholders of the Bank ofDonaldsonville.

DoNALisosvILLE; LA., Jan. 14, 1905.NOTICE is hereby given to the stockholders

. of the Bank of Donaldsonvillle that theannual election of the board of lirectors, com-posed of eleven members, to serve for the com-ing ear, will be h.ld at the bank on WEDNES-DAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1905. at 10 o'clock a. in., inaccordance Article IV of :he charter.

W. D. PARK, Cashier.

For- Rent.STORE in Missi1tippi street, near Railroad

avenue, formerly occupied by the late Joe.Maurin. Apply to t'HAS. MAURIN,

Famous Blue Store, Donaldsonville.

Homestead Notices.LAND ItFFICE.

New Orleans, La., Jan. 5, 195NOTlE i t hereby given that the fo.hloing-named settler has fiS-d notice of her inten-

tion to make final i roof (sec 2301) rs in s prorto: i-er claim, an- that said proof will be madebefore Registe. and Receiverat United StatesLan- Office, New Orleans, La., on Febr 'ary 14,190•. viz:OLIVE PETITE, widow of I DWARD J.BouRGsoIs, of Gonz aes, La, homeste :d entryNo. 21 816 -or the n / of aw , sec 19, tp 10, s r3 e, s e d a of river. She names the followingwitnesses to prove her continuous residenceupon and cultivation of said land, viz: HenryF. Bateman, C. N. Ganurean, Preston Ambeau,Aiille LeBlanc, all of Gonzales, La.


New Orleans, La., Dec. 5, 1901.NJOTICE is hereby given that the following

named settler has filed notice of his inten-tion to makefinal proof in support of his claim,and that said proof will be made before Registert and Receiver at New Orleans. La., on January24, 1905, viz: CHARLES OSCAR FLEMING, ofGonzales, La., who made homestead entry No.23,850 for then 'A ofs e 'A, sec33, tp 9,a r 3e, s ed e of river. He names the following witnessesto prove his continuous residence uprn ands cultivation of said land, viz: Ed. N. Floid, ofL Burnside, La.; Numa S. Landry, of Gonzales,

La.; S. J. Nickens. of Burnside, La.; M. A.I Argrove, of Gn-szeles, La.



Around from placeto place lookingfor the new andcorrect things in

Clothing... ShoesMen's Furnishings

1If you are wise,this store will beyour first and laststopping place.We have thegoods you'll

•*•approve and thatwe can guarantee.

B. Lemann & Bro.

Don't WorryA visit at the FAMOUS BLUE STORE will save you

a lot of trouble what to get for the holi-days. You will find there:

Fine Candies and Fruit CakesWines, Cordials and ChampagnesSwiss, Holland, Neufchatel, Limburg, Munster,Rocqufort and Cream CheeseRaisins, Almonds and NutsCatsups, Chow-Chow, Pickles and OlivesJellies, Jams and PreservesTURKEYS-Dressed and AliveTHE BEST CREAMERY BUTTER MADE

-i i iJ

Also furniture and house fur1ishing goods such asBed Room Sets, Sideboards, Tables, RattanRockers, Book Cases, Chiffoniers, Cooking andHeating Stoves, Lamps, China Dinner Sets, TableGlassware and too many other things to enumerateA corps of polite and lively clerks ever ready toshow you the goods. PRICES WITHIN THEREACH OF ALL. PROMPT DELIVERIES

Chas. Maurinnn nn nmn i n m m m n








Commission Merchants...

06TTON-SUG.AR-RICEoLbezra1 Advanoos Made on Coagmen .ts

216 ad 218 Baroe Street, Now Orleans, LonisianaI % .A*3 -'