the dominant landforms of the arabian peninsula are hills and low tablelands. most of the arabian...

North Africa and Southwest Asia

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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Page 1: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

North Africa and Southwest Asia

Page 2: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands.

Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the west coast.

The Dead Sea lies 1.312 feet below sea level and is the lowest point on earth not covered by ocean waters. It is the saltiest body of water in the world. The Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea.

Physical Geography Facts

Page 3: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

Istanbul was the ancient city of Constantinople.Turkey sits in an area known as Asia Minor.The Euphrates River is 1.700 miles long and is the longest

river in Southwest Asia.The Tigris is 1,180 miles long. The river system rises out of

the mountains of eastern Turkey and flow southeast.The two rivers join together in southeastern Iraq before

emptying into the Persian Gulf. The region’s soil is very porous, water is quickly absorbed

(sandy).Southwest Asia contains about 60% of the world’s known

oil reserves.Rainfall averages 10 inches or less each year in most of the

area, so desert climate zones are the most common climate.The Empty Quarter, Rub al-Kahli, is an uninhabited desert

on the Arabian Peninsula. It has almost no vegetation.

Page 4: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

A Mediterranean climate is found along the coastal plains of the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas and in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley.

Coastal areas receive more rainfall.Civilizations began to grow in this region 6,000

years ago.The “land between two rivers” is the meaning of

the ancient name given to the area between the Tigris and Euphrates---Mesopotamia.

Page 5: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

The region has a population of Arabs and non-Arabs. About 58% of the population speak Arabic (280 million). The Arab origin started on the Arabian peninsula and spread during history all the way to Morocco and Spain.

The region is also the homeland of the Jews. Hebrew is spoken by the majority of the 5 million Jewish inhabitants of Israel.

Other languages include Turkish, Persian, and Kurdish.


Page 6: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the
Page 7: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

Islam is the Arabic word for “the act of submitting oneself to Allah, or God”

Muslims introduced the Arabic numerical system and made large contributions in natural sciences, medicine, and astronomy.

Muslims pray in mosques. Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, a Jew.The apostle Paul spread the news of Christianity outside of

Palestine after Christ’s execution. Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion. Judaism taught that Jews were the chosen people of God and

that they would be favored if they obeyed God’s laws.Religion is both a unifying factor and a dividing factor in this

area.Read religion section in textbook.“Inside Mecca” video


Page 8: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

Oil…OPEC PowerPointWaterRead section in book

Iraq…Geopolitical issues

Dubai…growth of area b/c of oil

Two Most Valuable Resources:

Page 9: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

What are differences and similarities between the Taliban and Al-Qaida?

Eastern Mediterranean Map:Place the terms below on the map provided to you.

Countries/Territories: Physical Features:- Israel (Color Yellow) -Dead Sea- Jordan - Jordan River- Lebanon -Sea of Galilee- West Bank (Color Blue) -Sinai Peninsula- Gaza Strip (Color Red) - Mount Hermon- Golan Heights (Color Purple) - Mediterranean Sea- City: Jerusalem

Taliban Video

Page 10: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

Read 9.1 in full until you reach the Jordan section. Define the terms below, provide detail so if you refer back you understand the

importance of the term to topic, and answer the questions during the reading. Terms:

two-state solution Right of return 1967 war (Six Day War) Camp David Accords

Questions: Explain why the United Nations thought Jerusalem should be an

international city when it created the country of Israel. Explain the claims of Palestinians and Israeli Jews to the lands of Israel

and the Occupied Territories. How might both groups be peacefully accommodated? What faults, if any, existed in the failed Camp David plan of 2000?

How has the United States been involved in the Arab-Israeli regional conflict?

Arab-Israeli conflict (9.1)

• Law of Return• Intifada• PLO• Oslo I Accord• Wye Agreement

Page 11: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

Read from textbook to have a better understanding of the topic.

Answer questions based on reading.Watch “Bridge over the Wadi”

Wadi: “A gully or streambed in northern Africa and southwest Asia that remains dry except during the rainy season.”

After the video write a one page reflection on the video.Do you feel the school is a good idea?Do you feel the school could help resolve the issues among

Israeli and Arabs (Palestinians) within this region? What else do you think could be done to help the next

generation? What did you learn and any other thoughts about the

documentary? Needs to be about a page in length. If typed double space.

Arab-Israeli Conflict

Page 12: The dominant landforms of the Arabian Peninsula are hills and low tablelands. Most of the Arabian Peninsula is a rocky plateau with mountains along the

Go over instructionsAlso mention in presentation…your solution.

How can this conflict be solved? (opinion)

“Arab Awakening” Project