the document object model dissected

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  • 8/3/2019 The Document Object Model Dissected


    The Document Object Model Dissected

    1. Introduction

    2. Gray's Anatomy\ Master of Your DOM

    3. Use the DOM, Luke

    4. Netscape: The DOM

    5. Microsoft: DOM, the Sequel

    6. DOM of the Future


    Developing successful web pages these days involves more than

    simply pumping out HTML tags. Ever-evolving towards a true

    development environment, complex web pages now grow out of a

    coalition of technologies, including Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript

    (both loosely referred to as "Dynamic HTML"), and possibly even XML.

    Consequently, web pages are complex organisms, far more advanced

    than their protozoan ancestors. Working with such an organism

    requires a thorough insight into its anatomy, and that is the basis and

    purpose for the Document Object Model. In this discussion we'll look

    closely at the "DOM," as it is known -- what it is, how you use it, and

    where it might be leading us. The DOM is a Web programmer's ally,

    but as such, we must assume some Web programming experience.

    This article is not a tutorial on JavaScript syntax or Dynamic HTML;

    however, if you have developed in either of the above to even a small

    extent, you will certainly be interested in understanding the DOM,

    even if you haven't heard of it until now.

  • 8/3/2019 The Document Object Model Dissected


    Gray's Anatomy

    The classic biology text, a cornerstone reference for students of the

    human composition, sets out to detail the components, which make up

    the human organism; form and function. This Cartesian approach

    assumes that if we understand the characteristic properties of each

    building block we can understand the whole. More specifically, if we

    know how to modify (fix, improve, etc.) the components, we can

    modify the whole in a targeted way.

    Quite similarly, the Document Object Model sets out to map the Web

    page for developers, as Gray's Anatomymaps the body for doctors.

    Broken down into its own components, the DOM details the

    characteristic properties of each element of a Web page, thereby

    detailing how we might manipulate these components and, in turn,

    manipulate the page. There is an important difference between the

    two references, however: while Gray's Anatomy is a descriptive

    source, subject to the design implemented by Nature, the Document

    Object Model is prescriptive, as it defines what components we may or

    may not modify, and how, as decided by a panel of developers.

    The crux of this difference is that, unlike the components of the human

    body, the inventory of components which make up a web page are

    rather arbitrarily defined. Simply put, one panel of developers may

    decide to break the Web page down into a certain Set X of components

    while another panel may prefer to reduce a page into Set Y of


    So, while Gray's Anatomy speaks usefully to all human bodies, a

    particular DOM speaks only for web pages within a supporting browser.

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    Microsoft's DOM, as implemented through their fifth generate browser

    (MSIE 5.x) is not fully compatible with Netscape's DOM, as

    implemented through their fourth generation browser

    (Navigator/Communitor 4.x). What's more, the World Wide Web

    Consortium (W3C) -- recognized standards body of the web -- has

    been brewing their own DOM, having released their "DOM Level 1" and

    on the verge of releasing their "DOM Level 2" specifications. The

    theory is that browser developers should support the W3C standard,

    eliminating incompatibility. Netscape's recent preview of their fifth

    generation browser (named version 6 for marketing reasons) features

    a DOM extremely compliant with W3C standards, but not necessarily

    compliant with Microsoft's DOM. This discord, an ongoing challenge to

    web developers, will likely persist.

    Master of your DOM

    The inconsistencies between browsers and their supported Document

    Object Models have been the cause of developers' cramps, night

    sweats, and eating disorders -- not to mention lost productivity time

    and increased costs for clients. But there is an up-side: needing to

    know two DOM's may inspire you to become a DOM master, learning

    the DOM's intimately. This is a Good Thing, because mastery of a DOM

    is the key to great Web page development, even if the two corporate

    giants reconcile their differences.

    Before we delve into either DOM in specific, let's consider the

    composition of the DOM itself -- in other words, the anatomy of an


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    Both Netscape and Microsoft Document Object Models break down

    Web pages into roughly four types of components, summarized in the

    table below.

    Component Makeup of the Document Object Model.

    Component Description


    Container which reflects a particular element of a page;

    objects "contain" the various characteristics which

    apply to that element (known as properties and

    methods); example: the submit object contains

    properties and methods relevant to the submit button

    in a form.


    Characteristics of an object; for example, the

    document object possesses a bgColor property which

    reflects the background color of the page. Using a

    programming language (e.g. JavaScript) you may, via

    this property, read or modify the color of the currentpage. Some objects contain very many properties,

    some contain very few. Some properties are read-only

    while others can be modified, possibly resulting in

    immediate on-screen results.

    Methods A method typically executes an action which somehow

    acts upon the the object by which it is owned.

    Sometimes the method also returns a result value.Methods are triggered by the programming language

    being used, such as JavaScript. For example, the

    window object possesses a method named alert().

    When supplied with string data, the alert() method

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    causes a window to pop up on the screen containing

    the data as its message; e.g. alert("Invalid entry!").


    An event is used to trap actions related to its owning

    object; typically, these actions are caused by the user.

    For example, when the user clicks on a submit button,

    this is a click event which occurs at the submit object.

    By virtue of submitting a form, a submit event is also

    generated, following the click event. Although these

    events occur transparently, you can choose to intercept

    them and trigger specified program code to execute.

    Since it seems that both DOM's outline the same types of page

    components, how do these two DOM's differ? By and large, the

    differences are in the details. One DOM may contain objects which the

    other does not; one DOM may support unique properties for an object

    which itself is common to both; one DOM may support events

    occurring at an object which are not supported in the other.

    In fact, at first glance both Microsoft and Netscape's DOM's appearsimilar -- and they are. Both, after all, are reaching towards a similar

    goal -- to reduce the anatomy of the page into manipulability parts.

    Use the DOM, Luke

    Client-side manipulation of a web page requires some additional

    programming, beyond HTML (which itself is not programming at all).

    The Document Object Model serves to "expose" the page to a

    programming language for the purposes of manipulation. Typically,

    JavaScript is the programming language of choice for most client-side

    manipulations, mainly because both major browsers support it. Using

    JavaScript to manipulate a page through the Document Object Model

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    is commonly called "DHTML" or "Dynamic HTML". It's important,

    though, to understand that the Document Object Model is nota "part"

    of JavaScript. The DOM stands alone, able to be interfaced with any

    programming language designed to do so -- JavaScript is simply the

    most popular, although VBScript can also manipulate a page via the

    DOM within Microsoft's browser.

    Mastery of the DOM does not equate to memorizing it. Rather, if

    you understand how the DOM is structured and how to

    understand its references you can easily turn to a suitable

    reference for details whenever the need arises. Still, a working

    knowledge of DOM details -- inevitable after working with it

    several times -- helps you efficiently sketch out program

    approaches to achieving a certain goal. Let's begin using the

    DOM with a close-up look at Netscape's Document Object Model.

    Netscape: The DOM

    Despite the recent preview release of Netscape 6, with itssupport for W3C DOM Level 1 and partial Level 2 standards, we

    here will focus on the Netscape DOM that has resided within their

    version 4 browsers for the past couple of years. It will be some

    time until Netscape 6 proliferates, and although its new DOM

    poses exciting possibilities, the installed base of Netscape 4.x

    warrants our attention.

    It is generally accurate to suggest that Netscape's Document

    Object Model "begins" at the window object; all other DOM

    objects being children of the window object. The notable

    exception to this is the navigator object, whose properties

    provide information about the browser version, and who is a peer

  • 8/3/2019 The Document Object Model Dissected


    object of window rather than a child. Netscape provides a

    reasonable graphical overview of their DOM found in the image

    below. This image links to the Netscape reference page from

    which it has been mirrored.

    An overview of the Netscape 4.x Document Object Model.

    Netscape does not publish a single DOM-specific reference

    document; rather, we must currently work with two documents

    to learn the Netscape DOM.

    Unfortunately, Netscape has chosen to dedicate an entirely

  • 8/3/2019 The Document Object Model Dissected


    separate document - "Dynamic HTML in Netscape

    Communicator" - to coverage of DOM objects which support

    layers and style sheets, which we should also consider part of

    the DOM reference Of course, if all this scattered documentation

    too fragmented to comprehend cohesively, a visit to your friendly

    book retailer should offer plenty of professionally-authored

    alternatives -- most such books will come under titles related to

    "Dyanmic HTML".

    Once you know where to look for DOM reference half the battle is

    won. Reading the DOM itself is not terribly difficult, assuming you

    already understand the meanings of objects, properties,

    methods, and events, and understand how to use them with a

    programming language such as JavaScript. Perhaps, for

    example, you remember that the Netscape DOM provides a text

    object, which reflects a single-line text input form field. However,

    you don't exactly know what properties or method this object

    supports. So, we open a browser to the aforementioned Form

    Object in Netscape's JavaScript Reference, which presents us

    with a table of supported form-related objects:

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    Near the bottom of this table you can (faintly) see the text

    object. Click that link and you'll be presented with (9 pages of )

    full-on anatomy of the text object, including illustrations and

    example code. Jackpot.

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  • 8/3/2019 The Document Object Model Dissected


    Microsoft: DOM, the Sequel

    Historically speaking, Netscape was the first out of the gate with their

    Document Object Model, originally implemented for developers in

    Navigator 2 and accompanying the birth of JavaScript 1.0. Microsoft

    essentially attempted to replicate Netscape's DOM for use in their

    Internet Explorer 3 browser. Because Netscape did not publish

    specifications for their early DOM or for JavaScript, and because

    Microsoft needed IE 3 to be compatible with Navigator (which was then

    the de facto standard), Microsoft was left to basically reverse engineer

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    the Netscape DOM and JavaScript language, somewhat like re-creating

    a building without the original blueprint in hand. The result,

    unfortunately, was less than stellar compatibility: Internet Explorer 3

    possessed many bugs and incomplete implementations of various DOM


    After receiving heated negative energy from developers, Microsoft dug

    in their heels in preparing Internet Explorer 4 and re-approached their

    DOM with a new outlook. Whereas Netscape was planning several

    modest and a couple of significant additions to their DOM for their

    fourth generation browser (most notably, style sheets and layers,

    which are arguably one in the same), Microsoft went on the offensive.

    Rather than a tepid upgrade, the Internet Explorer 4 DOM was

    extremely ambitious, attempting to break down the anatomy of the

    page into many more, smaller, more manipulability components than

    the Netscape DOM attempted. Both companies touted their new DOM's

    as the bearers of "Dynamic HTML," but in reality Microsoft's

    implementation was far more "dynamic."

    Microsoft's IE 4 Document Object Model was a hit with many

    developers, who began to migrate towards MSIE as their web

    development environment of choice. Combined with the proliferation of

    the MSIE browsers among users (since it became part of the operating

    system, nudge nudge), Microsoft was in control of the browser market.

    With the release of IE 5, Microsoft built upon the DOM foundation laid

    in version 4, with a variety of refinements. Overall, however, the

    structure of Microsoft's DOM has remained intact between IE 4 and IE


    To further encourage developers, Microsoft has published its DOM

    documentation in a very accessible format on the Web. Microsoft's

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    MSDN Web Workshop contains a clean reference of Document Object

    Model components. Unlike Netscape, Microsoft has kept their DOM

    reference distinct from their JavaScript (a.k.a. "JScript") reference

    material, the latter that can be found at the Microsoft Scripting

    Technologies site. Unfortunately, Microsoft has a habit of shuffling

    their web pages frequently; so direct bookmarks to these sites may

    become extinct.

    Turning to Microsoft's DOM reference, you will find several

    subheadings beneath the "DHTML References" topic: objects,

    properties, methods, and events should all ring familiar by now.

    The convenient structure of Microsoft's documentation allows you to

    cross-reference information via each of these indices -- thus, if you

    want to look up a property whose name you recall but whose owning

    object you do not, use the properties index. Once you click on a

    chosen property, the information sheet will report the objects to which

    it can belong (under the subheading "Applies To").

    Microsoft also indexes an additional topic, which they call collections.

    A "collection," in Microsoft verbiage, is an array-based object. For

    example, the applet object contains properties and methods reflecting

    Java applets embedded into a page using the tag. However,

    the applet objects are contained within an array called applets[], and

    so you refer to a specific applet object via its index in this array; e.g.

    applets[2]. Thus, the entry for the applets array is listed in

    Microsoft's "collections" index, while the entry for the applet itself

    resides in the "objects" index.

    Surfing through the index of objects in Microsoft's DOM, you can

    quickly see that it supports many more than the Netscape DOM.

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    Cleverly and conveniently, Microsoft has published their DOM so that it

    is easiest to reference while using MSIE 4. For instance, we'll look up

    the table object (an example, by the way, of an object which is not

    supported in the Netscape DOM). The reference sheets, seen below,

    contain quite a bit of information -- using the drop down menu you can

    switch between views of supported properties, methods, and events.

    The documentation will also indicate whether the component is new to

    IE 5, as compared to IE 4, via a note "This feature requires Microsoft

    Internet Explorer 5 or later" on the reference page.

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  • 8/3/2019 The Document Object Model Dissected


    Armed with the above documentation, the DOM's are at your

    fingertips. Despite the fact that the entries may appear long and

    intimidating, most objects are constructed along the same patterns. In

    practice, reading the DOM reference typically boils down to verifying

    what properties and methods do or do not belong to a particular object

    and, in some cases, how exactly they behave.

    DOM of the Future

    "Where is this all leading us?" you might wonder with heady glee.

    Clearly, one of the major themes of this article has been that the two

    major Web development environments -- Netscape and Microsoft's

    browsers -- do not share compatible Document Object Models.

    Whether or not you believe that they should be compatible at this level

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    most likely depends on whether you are a developer, a user, or a


    The W3C's Document Object Model Level-1 and Level-2 specifications

    could go a long way to resolving incompatibilities between the

    browsers, but it is no golden cure. For one, W3C recommendations are

    only useful if a developer adopts them. There is no law forcing

    Microsoft or Netscape to implement the W3C DOM. In looking for an

    angle to catch up to Microsoft's market share, Netscape is touting

    Netscape 6's superior compliance with the W3C standards, based upon

    the open-source Mozilla project. Still, Microsoft may or may not play


    If you are sympathetic to the Web Standards Project ("WaSP"), an

    activist group of high-end Web developers who support convincing

    and/or shaming the Big Two into supporting common web standards,

    you can join the ranks of those holding out hope for a common

    Document Object Model. Can't we all just get along?