the division of research and economic development welcome new faculty! select this icon throughout...

The Division of Research and Economic Development Welcome New Faculty! Select this icon throughout the presentation to hear a few words from Dr. Harold Blackman, Associate Vice President for Strategic Research Initiatives.

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Post on 31-Mar-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 The Division of Research and Economic Development Welcome New Faculty! Select this icon throughout the presentation to hear a few words from Dr. Harold Blackman, Associate Vice President for Strategic Research Initiatives. Slide 3 The Division of Research and Economic Development As an emerging metropolitan research university, Boise State University is committed to fostering an environment where exceptional research and creative activity thrive. Slide 4 Office of Sponsored Programs Office of Research Compliance Office of University and Industry Ventures The Division of Research and Economic Development Under the direction of Dr. Mark Rudin, Vice President for Research, the Division provides services to the university community through its three primary offices which work collaboratively for the benefit of the University and its faculty and staff Slide 5 Office of Sponsored Programs The Office of Sponsored Programs oversees all aspects of sponsored project activities. Our staff is here to assist you from proposal submission through award management and closeout ensuring compliance with federal, state, sponsoring agency and University policies. Associate Director K. Page Contract Administrator L. Jordan Executive Director K. Henry Operations Manager J. Vance AWARD ADMINISTRATIONPROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT D. Feeney L. Georgiev L. Nelsen D. AlexanderA. BetzJ. GonzalesTBN(2) AWARD ACCEPTANCE RESEARCH ADMINISTRATORS SPONSORED PROJECT ADMINISTRATORS Abbreviated org chart Slide 6 Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal development and submission Sponsored project award negotiation and acceptance Post-award administration support Sponsored program account monitoring and financial reporting Invoicing Project closeout Effort reporting Budget revisions Problem resolution Slide 7 When to contact the Office of Sponsored Programs If you need assistance with finding funding for your research and scholarship. When you are planning to submit a proposal to an external funding agency. If you need help developing a proposal budget, completing an application, or obtaining institutional approvals. When you have received notification of an award. If you have questions about how to manage your award. Slide 8 College of Arts and Sciences Lisa Nelsen 426-1535 [email protected] College of Engineering Linda Georgiev 426-1427 [email protected] All other colleges Kimberly Page 426-1585 [email protected] Who to contact about proposal development and submission Slide 9 Lisa Jordan Contract Administrator 426-1425, [email protected] Who to contact about award negotiation and acceptance Refer to the OSP Quick Guide at Research/Office of Sponsored Programs Or contact: Jennifer Vance Operations Supervisor 426-5733, [email protected] Who to contact about post award administration Slide 10 Contact Kimberly Page ([email protected], 426-1585) for more information about:[email protected] Proposal Development Sessions (informal discussions on proposal development topics) Funding opportunity listservs (funding program notices, limited proposal submissions, federal agency strategic priorities) Assistance with funding strategies, networking and finding collaborators Who to contact about research development activities Slide 11 Office of Sponsored Programs Office of Research Compliance The Division of Research and Economic Development Office of University and Industry Ventures Slide 12 The Office of Research Compliance supports a culture of compliance awareness and accountability through education and communication. The ORC oversees compliance in the following areas and facilitates the associated review committees: human subjects (IRB); animal care and use (IACUC); biosafety (IBC); research misconduct; and responsible conduct of research. Office of Research Compliance Slide 13 When to contact the Office of Research Compliance If you anticipate conducting: Research involving human participants. Teaching or research involving animals. Teaching or research involving biohazardous materials. If you would like assistance with signing up to use the online CITI program. When you are submitting a protocol application to be reviewed by any of the ORC committees. Slide 14 Who to contact in the Office of Research Compliance From Left: Matt Lundgren (Assistant Director), Cal Gillis (Animal Research Compliance Officer), Amy Smith (Coordinator) and Judie Mayne (Director) provide administrative support between researchers and compliance committees. Main Office Phone: 426-5401 Human Subjects (IRB) [email protected] Animal Care & Use (IACUC) [email protected] Biosafety (IBC) [email protected] Program info., news, training Slide 15 Office of Sponsored Programs Office of Research Compliance The Division of Research and Economic Development Office of University and Industry Ventures Slide 16 The Office of University and Industry Ventures supports research activities and manages industry relations and intellectual property commercialization for the University. The Office is responsible for the assessment, protection, development and marketing of new inventions for commercial use and facilitates the internal and external relationships that contribute to the process. The Office also supports the advancement of innovation, entrepreneurship and economic development programs and initiatives on campus. Office of University and Industry Ventures Slide 17 When to contact the Office of University and Industry Ventures To disclose your new discovery or idea to Boise State University. To learn more about intellectual property. To secure Non-Disclosure Agreements. To find potential community or industry partners for collaboration opportunities. To negotiate License Agreements. To start a company to commercialize your intellectual property. To vet the commercial potential of your intellectual property. Slide 18 Who to contact in the Office of University and Industry Ventures Mary Givens Andrews Director [email protected] Phone: 426-5727 [email protected] Mary Givens Andrews implements strategies to develop private sector business opportunities based on faculty research. She is responsible for facilitating relationships with industry and other partners. Contact the Office of University and Industry Ventures: Lyn Moore Program/Operations Coordinator [email protected] Phone: 426-5727 Slide 19 Dr. Mark Rudin Vice President for Research [email protected] Dr. Harold Blackman Associate Vice President for Strategic Research Initiatives [email protected] Welcome to Boise State University! We look forward to working with you.