the divine love course

The Divine Love Course with Darren Linton Session Three All rights reserved. Copyright © 2012 Darren Linton & Lifeworks.

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Page 1: The Divine Love Course

The Divine Love Course with

Darren Linton

Session Three

All rights reserved. Copyright © 2012 Darren Linton & Lifeworks.

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Ascending To Love ~ Copyright © 2013 Darren Linton

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Angels inspire us because they act as

channels for God's love to flow through.

Every angel assignment involves

delivering God's love to people in some

way. Angels are sent to bring messages

and love from God's heart.”

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Ascending To Love ~ Copyright © 2013 Darren Linton

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Welcome to this third session of the course, which is all about connecting with angel energies, to lift our consciousness and energies further towards divine love. . I hope you have been enjoying exploring the connection with your OverSoul, from session 2. During Session 3 we will be covering the following; CONTENTS

Review of Session Two

Overview of the course - the importance of your OverSoul in connecting

with all the other higher levels back to Source

Next step up the Stairway to Love -Linking with the angels and Angel Love

and Opening to Greater Divine Love for ourselves

You will begin to see how the course builds, and how you can keep adding higher energies and greater love.

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Session two was about recognizing that we are far more than mere humans - we are amazing spiritual beings and souls, connected to God. As we open up to this new perspective, we can start to tap into the higher love and wisdom of our soul. Tuning into our soul (or Oversoul) also reminds us to see life from a higher perspective - problems seem smaller, we see the bigger picture of what life is all about, and we can begin to be more loving to ourselves, and others. Recognizing that we are spiritual souls linked to God (as is everyone else on the planet) helps us see the potential to open to God's great love for us all. We have been thinking and playing small, refusing to accept His Love for us. We have been keeping ourselves separate (from God) and separate from his great love and gifts which can benefit us all. So part of the session was also about recognizing where and how we are blocking ourselves from receiving this great divine love for us, and working on removing the blocks to greater love. Also, beginning to treat ourselves in more loving ways, in readiness to receive greater love. Simple daily actions help the process too. Being grateful for all that we have already (gratitude log) and beginning to open up to greater love from Source, by imagining that God loves us, and saying affirmations each morning. Doing the Oversoul meditation regularly to cleanse and energize ourselves. All help. By clearing our blocks, and raising up our energy (through the Fear-Buster, Light of God, Oversoul Meditation, and other methods)we open the doors to higher levels of love, energies and guidance (the Stairway to Heaven) and ultimately to greater love from God. Now do you see the importance of these steps along the journey back to God / Source / One ? Let's review your progress from session two, to see what progress you have made. It is important to take time to reflect, see our progress, and learn. Once again, be loving to yourself. Notice where you have made progress, and notice where you could have made more progress, and resolve to do so.

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CONNECTION WITH YOUR OVERSOUL OverSoul Meditation. How did this help you? Did you feel lighter, better, more energized in some way when you did this?

How often did you do this meditation? If you did it often, can you notice a difference in your energies?

How did those shifts, and dialoging with your Oversoul help you? What were some of the benefits to you of tapping into the love and wisdom of your Oversoul?

What can you learn from this ?

OPENING TO GREATER LOVE What blocks did you manage to remove? Do you feel better now? In what ways do you feel better?

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What progress have you noticed? What signs of encouragement have you noticed?

Is there more work to do about removing blocks to divine love? If so, what do you need to do?

DAILY ACTIVITIES How has imagining God's love for you, and doing your affirmations, gratitude and self love logs helped you each day? What difference have you noticed when you do this?

Congratulate yourself for any and all progress you have made. You are heading in the right direction. It will take time for all these changes and shifts to sink in and become part of your life, but you are making progress. Be loving to yourself - commit to further action over the coming month (even just 15 minutes per day) to continue your growth in ascending to divine love.

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By recognizing that we are mighty spiritual beings - an OverSoul, linked to God and the higher spiritual realms, with great knowledge, wisdom and gifts, we are shifting our perspective about ourselves. OLD PERSPECTIVE NEW PERSPECTIVE We are a mere small human being We are amazing spiritual beings Disconnected from the divine Connected to God / All / Universe Sinful - lower thoughts and emotions Golden, loving beings inside Waiting for salvation Reconnecting - Journey back to God God is separate / above us God is within us - we are connected Powerless We can tap into the love of the Angels / Spirit above us Universe and share this God, Angels, Spirit help us awaken and spread love to the world Heaven and earth are merging We are all One - humans, spirit, God Stop and reflect for a moment on what a huge shift that is. If we continue to focus on ourselves as being poor, helpless humans, calling to 'God above' for help, we are effectively 'unplugging ourselves' from the vast unending powerhouse of love and wisdom and miracles which is God and the Universe, to which we are innately connected - all One. Recognizing that we are divine spiritual beings, connected to the Universe, powered by the Love of God, able to tap into divine love, wisdom, miracles, transformation, and here to spread this to our fellow spiritual brothers and sisters on earth, to help create Heaven on Earth, changes everything. With this new perspective, we can further explore and develop our connections with Source. We can explore and develop our ability to access ever higher divine love, wisdom and miracles, and allow these to constantly enhance and transform our own lives. The higher we go, the more we can share with others and the world. Recognizing ourselves as mighty spiritual beings - a mighty OverSoul, linked to the divine - is the bridge to the higher levels.

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It is a critical step in our journey back to Source, our journey of Ascending to Love. Shifting your perspective over time It may take some time for these thoughts and shift in perspective to truly 'sink in' and become part of your daily awareness and life. It begins with the awareness, then it slowly deepens over time. A lifetime of old habits, and the world and daily life, may pull you back to thinking small, but you now know better, and can reassert your divine spiritual self. The more you focus on your spiritual self and your spiritual connections to the divine, the more your entire being will shift. Your view of the world and life around you will shift. Accessing your divinity and the love of the universe will enable you to transform your life, your world, and the lives of those around you. Remember to shift your perspective back to spiritual connectivity - plug yourself back into divinity daily!

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In the last session, we used the OverSoul meditation to cleanse and energize your entire being and OverSoul, using the circular beam of light meditation, from God, down through your OverSoul and you, through the earth, and back round and up to God. Using white light for this exercise is one of the highest and purest ways of performing this meditation. However, the universe would like to give you some other options for this exercise, which will enable you to;

'play' with this connection - have fun, learn more receive more specific energies to help you in certain situations, and further build your connection with your OverSoul and the divine

The universe would like to invite you to repeat the exercise, using different colours and energies, to provide you with what you need at the time. As spiritual beings, you are likely to have ideas already about how certain colours are associated with different attributes and energies. Below is a list of colours linked to different qualities, and with a certain archangel you can call on to assist you and these energies (even though we have not covered angels yet, I am sure many of you will be familiar with them already). You may use the list below, or use your own definitions of colours and qualities. Here are some examples: COLOUR QUALITY ARCHANGEL Blue Strength, Courage Michael Green Healing Raphael Pink Love Chamuel Yellow Peace, Wisdom Uriel Violet Transformation Zadkiel, St Germain Alternatively, you may think of yellow as being for fun, green as being linked to nature, or have other ideas from other sources you may have studied. Use the colour energy that you feel you need at the time. For example, if you are going into a difficult meeting, and feel you need courage and strength, then call upon a circular beam of blue light, to enhance your being. You can do this for

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ten seconds or a minute before your meeting, to help you. If you need healing, imagine a circular beam of green light. And so forth. (If you cannot remember the circular beam of light OverSoul Meditation, refer back to Session Two) The idea is to 'play' with different colours and energies, and see which ones work well for you. It also encourages you to use this meditation often, in different circumstances throughout the day. Doing so will help to remind you of your divinity, and your connection to the divine. POINTS TO PONDER Which colours (and qualities) will you try out?

Where and when can you use them?

Where will you write down your experiences, to record what works and to encourage you?

Have fun experimenting, building your connection, and discovering which energies work well for you.

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As we continue our ascent up the Stairway to Love, the next step is connecting with angelic love and energies. We turn our attention from ourselves and our OverSoul, to linking with divine beyond ourselves, beginning to tap into higher levels of spiritual love and connectedness. They help us in forming a link to the higher divine realms. Angels are God's representatives on earth. They bring God's love and assistance to all who call upon them. They do so in a whole variety of different ways, which we shall see shortly. An important question is 'For what purpose are you calling on the angels?' Many call on the angels for help with their human earthly lives, and the angels are happy to assist with this. It helps divine trust and awakening. The angels are happy to help us with our lives. But what more could we ask for ? How would it be if we called upon the angels to assist us in re-connecting with our divine magnificence and with divine love, so that we might fulfill our highest life, and help spread divine love to the world too? This is what we will be focusing upon in this chapter. For those of you interested in developing your connection with your angels (and the archangels and masters) to assist you in all aspects of your daily life and work, then I recommend the Guided By Angels course, channeled from the angels via myself, to help everyone connect and work with the angels.It teaches you how to talk with the angels, and bring them in to enhance every area of your life. It is a wonderful course. You can find all the details at the website along with other angel products, books and courses. The focus of this session though, is calling on the angels to assist us in opening to our God connection and divine love, and receiving their loving support and angel energies to help us along the way. Angelic energy is generally very loving, pure, healing and uplifting - a joy to experience. It is a beautiful energy to work with.

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Students of this course may have widely differing experiences and levels of connections with the angels so far. For this reason, we will focus on a number of simple methods that you can use to call different angel energies into your life.

Remember, this is the next step up the Stairway to Heaven, so there is no need to learn EVERYTHING about angels (though by all means continue reading and exploring all about angels in other ways too). You just need enough to help lift you up to the next level of ascending to love.

Having taught all about angels, and helped people to connect with and channel angels for over 15 years, there is much I could say, ( and I have done so in my various angel courses, as mentioned) but I am focusing this chapter on the role of the angels in helping us ascend to love.

We will be exploring angel signs, guidance, messages and introducing you to an angel heart love meditation.

The angels respond to our prayers, so let us open this session with a prayer calling on them to help us.


Beloved Angels Hear my prayer. Help me to open to greater divine love, for my highest good, and for the highest good of others and the world. Please surround me with your love and show me the way forwards. Please heal me, fill me with your love. and send me appropriate guidance, help and blessings to help me develop greater divine love. Lead me forwards in a loving way and assist my growth, awakening and development. Help me also to recognize your angelic assistance, and appreciate all of your loving assistance in various ways. I thank you in advance for all your love and help. I am most grateful. Amen

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If you feel that you need help with other areas of your life at this time, then by all means add your own prayers to call on the angels for assistance in these areas too, and in assisting you to achieve your goals and dreams. Let us explore the different ways in which the angels can provide guidance, help and assistance.

A. ANGEL SIGNS Here is a message given to me by the angels about angel signs. "We angels will be happy to send you signs to guide you, encourage you and show you the way. Be open to receiving such signs, and watch for them daily. Open your being to receiving guidance and signs, and your openness and willingness will draw more of these to you. Then recognize them when they show up. And follow the guidance, especially when you know in your heart it feels right. By opening to signs, recognizing them, acting on them, and seeing the positive results, you are opening to greater love and assistance not only of us angels, but also from other higher beings, masters, and from God / Source too. Do not underestimate the value of noticing and acting upon loving guidance that appears to you through such divinely inspired signs." There are an almost unlimited number of ways in which the angels can send you signs. I am sure many of you will be familiar with the idea of finding white feathers (signs from the angels to show they are with you, or to confirm the thought that you are thinking at the time), and receiving signs in a multitude of other ways. These can include, but are not limited too:

o finding white feathers o an answer in a magazine you just 'happened' to read. o a message via a song on the radio o a book falling open at an appropriate page o a sign in a shop window, or on a poster, or on someone's T-shirt, or other

place, that gives you an answer o a message from a stranger o words of a friend of loved one, echoing a message you have received o something unexpected turning up in your mail o website unexpectedly appearing to you, which provides what you need o seeing a rainbow, at an appropriate and meaningful moment o seeing orbs of light in a photo o seeing recurring numbers or signs o behavior of a pet or animal or bird, that gives you a sign o unexpected or miraculous answer to a prayer.

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If you have ever noticed any of the above (or other signs), or had a prayer answered, or thought "That's an amazing 'co-incidence' - that's incredible that that should happen now" then you will be familiar with receiving signs. They can show up at almost any time, in expected or unexpected ways. I find it heart-warming and uplifting whenever I receive such signs, knowing that the divine is listening and helping me. Signs not only help us to receive guidance, but help to build our faith and trust, and help us to feel loved. Reflections about signs I am sure you will have noticed some types of signs in the past. Take a few moments to ponder the two questions below. What type of signs have you received in the past (which of the above have you experienced? Tick the above list, or note a few examples below. (Gratitude for what you have experienced so far helps open you to receive even more)

Which ones from the above list have you NOT yet experienced? Keep an eye out for these in future. Being aware of the possibility, and watching for the signs, will help you to see them.

Ask for help with various aspects of your life, and watch for signs. You can note them in your daily gratitude log, or perhaps start a separate journal or list in which you record various signs. You can then look back and see your growing guidance over time, and have examples that you can share with others to inspire them too.

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How signs help us: Noticing signs from the angels and the universe helps us to make good decisions and follow the right path. It makes our lives smoother, easier, saves us time and trouble, and also makes life more magical. By seeing that we are guided by the divine, it builds our faith, helps us to know that we are loved and cherished by the divine, and helps us to open to greater divine love in other ways too. Noticing signs is a simple yet helpful and effective way of opening to greater love. If you wish to read more about signs, and read many examples, I have written a book called 'The Secret Language of Angels'. The book describes the 24 most common types of angel signs, and gives examples of each - over 100 true life examples from clients. See the website for further information. The more you watch for and notice signs, the more you start to see. Open your heart, open your mind and soul, be open to receiving more signs, and you will start to see them. Remember to say a silent thanks too. Trusting the signs you receive Usually the sign provides clear guidance, and will often reflect what you 'know' to be true deep down in your heart or soul. Normally it will 'feel right'. If you are unsure about a sign, you can ask for clarification or further signs to act as confirmation. Enjoy receiving the loving signs from the divine. Let's look at the next way that the angels can provide help and guidance.

B. ANGEL GUIDANCE There are many other ways in which the angels can provide guidance to us. Even for those who are not able to receive angel messages directly (see below) there are many other ways in which the angels can show their love for us, demonstrate that they are with us, and provide reassurance, comfort, hope, and guidance to us. The following highlights some of the other ways that the angels can provide us with guidance. As you read through this list, notice which ones you have experienced so far (and give thanks).

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Intuition & Feelings The angels will often use our intuition as a route by which to send us guidance. Intuition can come from our soul, sometimes from the angels (or divine). Often it may be a very strong intuition or feeling to do something that proves helpful for you (or NOT do something that would be wrong for you). You may have had times where the intuition or feeling (some might say 'gut instinct') was so strong that you could not ignore it. If you followed the guidance, you were probably very glad that you did (and if you ignored the guidance, you probably regretted it!). The angels and the divine are guiding us for our greatest good. How wonderful to know that we are loved and guided. Think of one or two examples from your own life where you followed (or ignored) your intuition, and your intuition was proved right:

1 2

Intuition can also come through in subtle ways. Normally it will have a peaceful feeling to it. It may be like a thought just below our normal busy mind chatter, that gently stays there, until we choose to listen to it and act upon it. Or if it is important, it may be persistent or LOUD, like an inner voice shouting at us. The more you follow and trust your intuition, the more guidance you will receive this way. Learn to build up your trust and faith in this form of divine guidance. I normally advise clients to practice with small decisions, like which way to drive to work, or which project to work on first during the day, to build up your faith in it. For important decisions, you might like to ask for confirmation using other methods too. Enjoy the magical guidance from the angels that can come via your intuition and feelings or gut instinct.

Inner knowing This works in a similar way to intuition. It refers to having the sense that you 'just know' the answer, deep down. Even if you do not know how, you just know. Again this knowing may come from your OverSoul, or sometimes from

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the angels and God, guiding you and leading you. This is in fact a fairly direct and powerful form of guidance.

Flow When we are 'meant' to be doing something (for example, guided by our intuition), and it is right for us, often we will find that things happen very easily - doors open, opportunities appear, things fall into place easily. This is being 'in the flow'. Things happen with ease, and little effort, often quite miraculously. The angels (and God) are smoothing the way for us. Sometimes the opposite can happen. If we are NOT meant to do something, (or it is the wrong time) we can find that every door is closed, things seem blocked, nothing happens, no matter how hard we push or try. This can feel frustrating. Actually, it is often a form of divine guidance - God and the angels telling us 'No' or 'Not yet'. Sometimes this may be a test, or there may be a block that we need to clear. If you notice this happening, you can ask for other signs and guidance about the situation, to help you. In either case, this is another example of loving guidance sent to help us.

Dreams Many of my clients report that they have had very vivid dreams, in which they received clear guidance. For example, one lady, who was ill, prayed for guidance. That night, she dreamed of being surrounded by crystals. She felt guided to see a crystal healer, 'found one' remarkably easily (i.e. she was guided) and was swiftly cured of her problem. When the dream is particularly vivid and clear (and usually very colourful and visual), and leaves you with a peaceful feeling, or knowing, afterwards, then that dream was probably sent by the angels to guide you. So this can be another way in which the angels can send you guidance. Not all dreams are angelically inspired. In fact, they seem to be quite rare events. Dreams are often your mind's way of processing the events from the day, or a way in which your unconscious mind can bring things to your attention. Dream interpretation is a separate subject. Watch out though for occasional vivid angel inspired dreams, that leave you with a good feeling, and provide guidance.

Angel hug or feeling an angel stroking our hair or cheek Over the years, about one third of my clients have reported having experienced these. They have felt like an angel is 'wrapping its wings around them' or giving

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them an energetic hug. This is very comforting and reassuring as you can imagine! It often happens when they are feeling down, and gives them a huge lift. Many others say that they have felt an angel gently stroking their cheek, or their hair. It is one way of the angels showing that they are with us, that we are loved, and of lifting our spirits. Through these gentle feelings, the angels confirm their love and support for us.

Sensing Angels with us Another common occurrence, especially when either giving healing to others, or receiving healing, is to sense the presence of angels with you. Some people say they feel a loving presence there in the room with them, assisting in transmitting healing energies. Some report seeing bright coloured lights appear in the room. Healers often report feeling guided, how best to help the client. The client may feel a very relaxed or loving energy with them or in the room. These subtle impressions demonstrate that the angels are there, assisting the healing process, and allowing themselves to be noticed, so we can be aware of their loving assistance. During these occasions, people normally say that the healing felt unusually powerfully, and that the experience was beautiful.

Seeing Angels An increasing number of people are reporting seeing angels, there in the room with them (or sometimes outdoors). The most common experience is awakening in the night to see an angel standing at the foot of the bed. Sometimes it speaks to them, often the angel does not say anything - its mere presence in the room is enough. Although this can be a little unsettling at first, people come to recognize that this is a very powerful indication that the angels are with them, and wish to help them

Orbs Angels are also increasingly appearing in people's photos. They may appear as brightly coloured balls of light (orbs). Sometimes these have faces or pictures in them if you enlarge them. Occasionally they appear as a feint or ghostly figure, usually in flowing robes and with wings. They particularly seem to appear at times of joyful gatherings (e.g. healing or celebration days with groups gathered) or important times, such as roadside accidents, or sad occasions. I have seen numerous remarkable pictures. These also greatly increase our faith that angels are with us and helping us all.

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Help from a Stranger Another common form of angelic help is assistance from a complete stranger who appears out of nowhere when needed, then disappears into thin air. This often involves stories of people whose car has broken down in the middle of nowhere. Another vehicle suddenly appears, a stranger helps them fix their car, when they turn round to thank the stranger, the stranger and the car have vanished from sight. Angels can take temporary human form when needed, to assist us. Such assistance lingers long in the memory, and shows God's love for us. Which of these have you experienced so far? Take heart from these. If you have not experienced many of these yourself yet, know that they are possible, and that your time may come. The angels will demonstrate their presence, and provide you with loving help and guidance, in whichever ways are best for you at present. So be grateful, however it comes, whether via signs, angel guidance, or via more direct angel messages (below). Let us look at the third category of angelic guidance.

C. ANGEL MESSAGES The angels can also communicate with us more directly. They can send us messages, thoughts and ideas. These can be invaluable for inspiring us, uplifting us, and showing us the way. Such direct guidance can often lead to a big step forwards on our journey. Furthermore, deepening our faith, and our angelic connection, raises our energy, and prepares the way for further divine connections en route to Divine Love. Here are some methods of direct guidance from the angels.

Ideas popping into our heads We will often receive new insights, ideas and inspiration from the angels when we are in a relaxed state. The new thought or idea just pops into our head, and we think "0h. What a wonderful idea!" it is an 'aha' moment. These are particularly common during the following;

o During or after meditating o After saying a prayer o While walking in nature

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o While having a bath o Sitting quietly and relaxing o While quietly relaxing or thinking about something mundane (e.g. while

driving, cleaning the house, gardening, walking to the local store,etc.) Guidance during these times is even more likely if we say prayers asking for help, and allow time, such as the above, for the answers to be received (and are open to guidance and trusting of the messages that come through). The process of receiving such messages will lift your energy, often for hours or days afterwards, if it is a really inspiring message.

Angel cards Angel cards can be a quick and easy way of receiving answers and guidance from the angels. They are usually uncannily accurate and helpful. There are many different angel card packs available these days (see Amazon or other stores). There are many ways of using them (they normally have instructions). You can pick one, two or three cards for a daily message, or to answer a specific question. Or you can do a full angel card spread, as directed in the pack, to gain answers. When you become familiar with doing these, you can use them to receive messages for yourself, or for others.

Angel Messages - Channeling the angels Increasing numbers of people are able to 'hear' words and messages occasionally in their heads. It is also possible to learn how to talk with the angels, so you can ask them questions, and receive immediate answers, like talking with a friend. I know, because I have taught thousands around the world to do so. (Again, see the website for courses and workshops if you would like to learn how to do this). You can learn how to receive immediate and direct answers to questions, and messages (for yourself, and for others). This is an advanced form of direct messages from the angels (and archangels, masters and other beings too). It will help you move forward rapidly with you’re your spiritual path and growth. For some people, it comes about gradually and naturally as they develop their path of reconnecting with the divine. Others choose to attend courses and classes to help them develop this avenue for receiving angelic and divine guidance.

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Many people have been for readings with psychics or mediums at some point - far better to be able to receive the guidance directly yourself, whenever you need it.

Be Open to Guidance Now that you know about all the many different methods of angelic guidance and help - angel signs, angel guidance, and angel messages - be open to receiving LOTS of angelic help and guidance.

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Imagine what it would be like if we could talk with the angels daily - if we could tell them our problems, and receive immediate answers and loving guidance. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Imagine how it might shift your life, if your thoughts and actions were guided by angels, rather than by your human / ego mind. Can you sense the shift in your being, your energies, your behavior, and your life, that this would bring about? Imagine what it would be like for a moment …. (go ahead and do this now for a few moments) … .. Wouldn't we feel more peaceful, relaxed, contented with life, less worried, feeling loved and guided, if we knew the angels were always on hand to guide and help us? Creating such a shift would be profoundly beneficial, don't you agree? And it would move you closer to being connected to divine love, and spreading loving thoughts and help to the world. Well there is a way that you can begin to this now, starting TODAY.


Imagination is a powerful tool. In the last session, we asked you to shift your perspective to that of your OverSoul, to give you new insights about any situation. The angels invite you to ask yourself and imagine

'What would the angels say or do in this situation?' Asking yourself this question will usually shift you to a more loving place.

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Whether it be concerning yourself (the angels do not want you beating yourself up or feeling down - they want you to be uplifted and fulfill your highest potential), or concerning others (treating your fellow spiritual brothers and sisters in wise and loving ways), asking the question will usually give you new insights and shift your energies to a better place. You will think in more loving and wise ways, and your life will be enhanced. Bear in mind also:

1. the more you do this, the more you will think in loving and wise ways 2. the more angelic help and guidance you receive (as discussed earlier in

this lesson) the more you will understand the ways the angels think, and will be able to think more like them yourself

3. when asking the question - 'What would the angels say or do in this situation?' - you may sometimes receive an instant answer or sign to help you

4. you may also develop a closer connection with the angels, by asking this question often - you might sense them around you, feel their presence, and be able to access their wisdom and loving guidance

What do you think the angels would say about asking this question often? On the journey of ascending to love, becoming even more loving and wise spiritual beings, this is a valuable step. It moves us further from thinking like mere (small) separate human beings, to thinking and behaving more and more like a wise, loving spiritual being, connected to the divine, here to grow and help others and the planet.

Shift your perspective, and learn to think and act like an angel! Ask yourself the questions 'What would the angels say or do in this situation?' often. Ask the question often, and you will start thinking and acting like an angel!

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Ask the question at least once every day for 21 days, and notice the positive changes in your thoughts and behaviours. Keep a log of how this helps you. The results may surprise you. Here are a few thoughts to get you started….what would the angels think about … Your general attitudes and thoughts about yourself?

Your image of yourself

The way you approach each day / your life in general?

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Your general actions and behavior towards others?

Your actions and behavior towards your family?

The way you usually handle difficult situations with others?

Well done for imagining what the angels would say about these matters. Why not ask them for guidance and help too, and see what signs, guidance and answers you receive? Consider what they might say about other areas of your life too!

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'What would the angels say or do in this situation?'

Ask yourself the question 'What would the angels say or do in this situation?' at least once a day for 21 days. Note the situation, the ideas that you received, and the results. You might also ask for signs and confirmation! Note your results below, or in a log or journal. DATE SITUATION GUIDANCE RESULT

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I am including two meditations this month to help you build your angelic energies each day. Doing the meditations will raise your energy, and being surrounded by angelic energy will generally enhance your life. It will also help to draw to you further angelic signs, guidance and answers, and help you to attune to what the angels might think about situations.


The first meditation is the one which appears on the website for the course. It involves surrounding and filling yourself with pink angel energy. This would be a good meditation to do each morning, and need only take 3-5 minutes, to start your day surrounded by positive angel energy. Once you have learned this simple meditation, you can repeat it without needing to play the guided meditation each time. The guided meditation invites you to send the pink angel love and energy out around the world, but you need not do this every day (unless you wish to). You may stop once you have filled yourself with pink angel light and love. This meditation is supplied with this lesson.


1. Imagine a ball of pink angelic light and love surrounding you, your body and your aura. Allow it to fill your being with divine love and light

2. Imagine a cocoon of pink divine light and angelic energy surrounding your being, from the bottom of your feet, up to the top of your head. Enjoy this cocoon of angelic light and love all around you.

3. Allow a beam of pink angel light and love to pour down from Heaven and fill you and your aura with divine love and light.

4. (Optional). Imagine this beam of light expanding to fill your home, your town, your country, and then the whole world, filling everyone and everything with divine love and divine energy

5. Return the bubble of energy back to an appropriate size for you for today.

Use this angel light meditation daily, to lift your energies each day.

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We are also including an angel heart meditation. This meditation is designed to cleanse your heart and fill your heart and being with angelic love and light. This would be used more occasionally, when you feel you need it. This meditation is also supplied with this lesson.


1. Imagine yourself surrounded by a ball of divine white light and energy - allow it to cleanse, heal and energize you.

2. Imagine a cocoon of divine white light and energy all around you, to raise your energy, protect you, and help you connect easily during this meditation.

3. Imagine yourself on a sunny day standing at the bottom of a hill, with a sacred temple on top.

4. Walk up the hill to the temple. As you draw close, you can sense the positive angel energies radiating from this temple.

5. Entre inside the sacred temple. At the centre, is a sacred space, with a large angelic being standing there. This being has been waiting for you. Stand in front of the angel and feel its love for you, and its positive energies. Allow this being to welcome you.

6. You may have build up layers of upset and layers of protection over the years, which may have become like a hard outer shell. As you stand before the angel, allow this shell to crack and fall away. Feel the shell falling away from the right of you, then falling away from the left of you, then falling away from in front of you, and falling away behind you. Imagine this shell dissolving beneath you, and from above you.

7. You now stand there completely free, and as your true radiant spiritual self.

8. The angel in front of you now sends you a beam of light and energy, directly into your heart. Feel your heart being cleansed of all hurts, pain, upsets, negativity, and lower energies.

9. As this light continues to pour into your heart, feel your heart, being cleansed, being filled with positive, radiant angelic energy instead.

10. Feel your heart becoming filled with pure love. 11. As the light from the angel continues to pour into you, feel your heart

overflowing with love and positive energy. Allow this love and energy to flow out all around you your body. Allow your body to be filled with this angelic love and energy.

12. The angel places protection around you, and sprinkles you with angelic magic energies.

13. The angel may wish to communicate some feelings or words to you - let yourself receive these now.

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14. Thank the angel. Exit from the temple. Notice how much better and lighter you feel.

15. You may restore your protective shell anytime you wish, with just a thought.

16. Walk back down the hill, feeling good. 17. When you reach the bottom, allow yourself to return to the room and

normal awareness again. Notice how you feel. You may use this meditation as often as you wish. I hope you enjoy them both, and use them regularly to help raise your energies to angelic levels.

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What did the temple on the hill look like? What did the angel inside look like? Welcome from the angel - what did you sense? How did you feel after you removed your outer shell? Describe the energies from the angel into your heart to cleanse it - how did it feel? What happened? Describe being filled with angel love and energy, in your heart, and in your whole body. What happened. How did feel? What energies or messages did the angel send you? What further energies or messages did the angel send you? How did you feel at the end?

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So to summarize, this month we are inviting you to:

1. Try the different coloured OverSoul Meditation (circular beam of light down through your OverSoul, you, the earth, and back up to Heaven) to build your energy in various situations throughout the day, with the energies you need.

2. Call on the angels to assist your development. Watch for the many

different forms of angel signs, angel guidance and angel answers. As you notice the love and help of the angels, feel grateful and loved.

3. Ask the question "What the angels would say or do?" in various

situations - shift your perspective. Learn to think and act like an angel! Allow the angel signs and guidance to assist you, in learning to think like an angel.

4. Use the angel meditations to raise your energies daily, to help you keep

more in tune with angelic inspiration and an angelic approach to life

5. Keep a journal. Notice the positive effects this has on the way you feel and the results that all this produces in your life. Be encouraged by the miracles and positive shifts.

6. Continue with your gratitude log, and any other practices you have found helpful so far.

Have a magical angelically guided month.