the direct method or natural approach

The Direct Method or Natural Approach The Direct Method, also called the Natural Approach, developed towards the end of the 19 th century. It represents are critical reaction to the teaching methods of the ancient Grammar Translation Method which produced knowledge about language rather than knowledge of language. The general goal of the Direct Method is to provide learners with a practically useful knowledge of language. They should learn to speak and understand the target language in everyday situations. The historical background to the call for a new approach to the teaching of modern languages like French and English has both socio-economic and scientific aspects. On the social and economic level the industrialization of western European countries created a demand for a practically useful knowledge in subjects like mathematics, physics, and modern languages. In Germany this gave rise to a new type of school called Realschule. Unlike the traditional grammar schools the new type of school catered mainly for children from the rising middle-classes. On the scientific side the call for the teaching of living languages like French and English was accompanied by the development of new linguistic approaches to the study of language. One of the most prominent aspects of that development is the rise of phonetics and phonology as a new linguistic discipline with the creation of the international phonetic alphabet. At a time when teachers had no access to modern gadgets like tape recorders or videos this provided them with the first sound information on how to pronounce the target language words. The teaching methods recommended by the new reform movement followed logically from the emphasis on providing a useful knowledge of target knowledge, because that can only be developed by the direct use of the target language in class. Rather than forcing learners to accumulate abstract knowledge about rules of grammar, declensions and conjugations, with translations as a test of knowledge,

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Page 1: The Direct Method or Natural Approach

The Direct Method or Natural Approach

The Direct Method, also called the Natural Approach, developed towards the end of the 19th century. It represents are critical reaction to the teaching methods of the ancient Grammar Translation Method which produced knowledge about language rather than knowledge of language. The general goal of the Direct Method is to provide learners with a practically useful knowledge of language. They should learn to speak and understand the target language in everyday situations.

The historical background to the call for a new approach to the teaching of modern languages like French and English has both socio-economic and scientific aspects. On the social and economic level the industrialization of western European countries created a demand for a practically useful knowledge in subjects like mathematics, physics, and modern languages. In Germany this gave rise to a new type of school called Realschule. Unlike the traditional grammar schools the new type of school catered mainly for children from the rising middle-classes. On the scientific side the call for the teaching of living languages like French and English was accompanied by the development of new linguistic approaches to the study of language. One of the most prominent aspects of that development is the rise of phonetics and phonology as a new linguistic discipline with the creation of the international phonetic alphabet. At a time when teachers had no access to modern gadgets like tape recorders or videos this provided them with the first sound information on how to pronounce the target language words.

The teaching methods recommended by the new reform movement followed logically from the emphasis on providing a useful knowledge of target knowledge, because that can only be developed by the direct use of the target language in class. Rather than forcing learners to accumulate abstract knowledge about rules of grammar, declensions and conjugations, with translations as a test of knowledge, reformers proposed that the target language should be learnt like children learn their first language, that is by using it in class. This is why the new approach is known as the Natural Approach or the Direct Method. Typical of the new teaching methods is the use of chains of activities accompanied by verbal comments like: I go to the door. I open the door. I close the door. I return to my place. I sit down. They are also called Gouin Series after the French reformer Gouin. There can be no doubt, however, that given the general authoritarian attitude to education typical of the 19th century teachers remained very much in command and all teaching was very much teacher centred.

There was a marked change in teaching contents, however. The emphasis was now on knowledge of words and phrases useful for everyday life, and of factual knowledge about the target language country, its geography, major cities, industry, etc. In contrast to that the reading of great literary texts by the greatest authors, which is typical of the Grammar Translation Method, was given no

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priority. Note, however, that the still strong and influential faction of grammar school teachers considered this a debasing of the high principles of good education, and eventually many reformers were willing or forced to compromise when they fought for recognition of the new type of Oberrealschule as institutions entitled to issue school living certificates that granted access to university studies and were equal in status to grammar school diplomas. It is important to note this because for many years to come classroom reality was characterized by a mixture of methods and goals of teaching that had their origin no less in ancient grammar translation methods than in the reformist concepts of the Direct Method.

Direct artinya langsung. Direct method atau model langsung yaitu suatu cara mengajikan materi pelajaran bahasa asing di mana guru langsung menggunakan bahasa asing tersebut sebagai bahasa pengantar, dan tanpa menggunakan bahasa anak didik sedikit pun dalam mengajar. Jika ada suatu kata-kata yang sulit dimengerti oleh anak didik, maka guru dapat mengartikan dengan menggunakan alat peraga, mendemontstrasikan, menggambarkan dan lain-lain.

Metode ini berpijak dari pemahaman bahwa pengajaran bahasa asing tidak sama halnya dengan mengajar ilmu pasti alam. Jika mengajar ilmu pasti, siswa dituntut agar dapat menghafal rumus-rumus tertentu, berpikir, dan mengingat, maka dalam pengajaran bahasa, siswa/anak didik dilatih praktek langsunng mengucapkan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat tertentu. Sekalipun kata-kata atau kalimat tersebut mula-mula masih asing dan tidak dipahami anak didik, namun sedikit demi sedikit kata-kata dan kalimat itu akan dapat diucapkan dan dapat pula mengartikannya.

Demikian halnya kalau kita perhatikan seorang ibu mengajarkan basah kepada anak-anaknya langsung dengan mengajarinya, menuntunnya mengucapkan kata per kata, kalimat per kalimat dan anaknya menurutinya meskipun masih terihat lucu. Misalnya ibunya mengajar “Ayah” maka anak tersebut menyebut “Aah” dan seterusnya. Namun lama kelamaan si anak mengenali kata-kata itu dan akhirnya ia mengerti pula maksudnya

Pada prinsipnya metode langsung (direct method) ini sangat utama dalam mengajar bahasa asing, karena melalui metode ini siswa dapat langsung melatih kemahiran lidah tanpa menggunakan bahasa ibu (bahasa lingkungannya). Meskipun pada mulanya terlihat sulit anak didik untuk menuirukannya, tapi adalah menarik bagi anak didik.

Ciri-ciri metode ini adalah :

1. Materi pelajaran pertama-tama diberikan kata demi kata, kemudian struktur kalimat

2. Gramatika diajarkan hanya bersifat sambil lalu, dan siswa tidak dituntut menghafal rumus-rumus gramatika, tapi yang utam adalah siswa mampu mengucapkan bahasa secara baik

3. Dalam proses pengajaran senantiasa menggunakan alat bantu (alat peraga) baik berupa alat peraga langsung, tidak langsung (bnda tiruan) maupun peragaan melalui simbol-simbol atau gerakan-gerakan tertentu

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4. Setelah masuk kelas, siswa atau anak didik benar-benar dikondisikan untuk menerima dan bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa asing, dan dilarang menggunakan bahasa lain.

Kebaikan metode langsung (Direct)

Metode langsung (direct) dilihat dari segi efektivitasnya memiliki keunggulan antara lain :

1. Siswa termotivasi untuk dapat menyebutkan dan mengerti kata-kata kalimat dalam bahasa asing yang diajarkan oleh gurunya, apalagi guru menggunakan alat peraga dan macam-macam media yang menyenangkan

2. Karena metode ini biasanya guru mula-mula mengajarkan kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat sederhana yang dapat dimengerti dan diketahui oleh siswa dalam bahasa sehari-hari misalnya (pena, pensil, bangku, meja, dan lain-lain), maka siswa dapat dengan mudah menangkap simbol-simbol bahasa asing yang diajarkan oleh gurunya.

3. Metode ini relatif banyak menggunakan berbagai macam alat peraga : apakah video, film, radio kaset, tape recorder, dan berbagaimedia/alat peraga yang dibuat sendiri, maka metode ini menarik minat siswa, karena sudah merasa senang/tertarik, maka pelajaran terasa tidak sulit

4. Siswa memperoleh pengalaman langsung danpraktis, sekalipun mula-mula kalimat yang diucapkan itu belum dimengerti dan dipahami sepenuhnya

5. Alat ucap / lidah siswa/anak didik menjadi terlatih dan jika menerima ucapan-ucapan yang semula sering terdengar dan terucapkan

Kekurangan-kekurangan metode langsung (Direct)

1. Pengajaran dapat menjadi pasif, jika guru tidakdapat memotivasi siswa, bahkan mungkin sekali siswa merasa jenuh dan merasa dfongkol karena kata-kata dan kalimat yang dituturkan gurunya itu tidak pernah dapat dimengerti, karena memang guru hanya menggunakan bahasa asing tanpa diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa anak.

2. Pada tingkat-tingkat permulaan kelihatannya metode ini terasa sulit diterapkan, karena siswa belum memiliki bahan (perbendaharaan kata) yang sudah dimengerti

3. Meskipun pada dasarnya metode ini guru tidak boleh menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari dalam menyampaikan bahan pelajaran bahasa asing tapi pada kenyataannya tidak selalu konsisten demikian, guru terpaksa misalnya menterjemahkan kata-kata sulit bahasa asing itu ke dalam bahasa anak didik.

Metode ini sebenarnya tepat sekali digunakan pada tingkat permulaan maupun atas karena si siswa merasa telah memiliki bahan untuk bercakap/cercicara dan tentu saja agar siswa betul-betul merasa tertantang untuk bercakap/berkomunikasi; maka sanksi-sanksi dapat ditetapkan bagi mereka yang menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari.

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