the digital delusion online advertising planner worksheet template 2014 05

The Digital Delusion – Online Advertising Planner Worksheet Prepared by: Doyle Buehler Online Advertising Planner Worksheet The Online Empire Project Frame 7: Advertising & Analytics

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Learn some of the key steps to designing an effective online advertising campaign, through such platforms as Google Adwords, Facebook ads, Linkedin Ads. etc. This worksheet will walk you through all of the important elements to ensure that your ad campaigns have clear goals and objectives, and are able to connect properly with your audience, for higher conversions. This advertising worksheet is actually part of an overall digital strategy. Advertising is the final step in any digital ecosystem.


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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  

                                               Prepared  by:    

Doyle  Buehler  


 Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet    The  Online  Empire  Project    Frame  7:  Advertising  &  Analytics        

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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  

Building Online Influence For Business Growth Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet    The  Online  Empire  Project    Frame  7:  Advertising  &  Analytics   Prepared by: Doyle Buehler January 2014 1 300 681 911 [email protected]

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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  


Online Advertising Planner Worksheet  Online advertising is a critical component of a proper online platform for your business. A successful campaign requires a number of key understandings, in order to be able to work properly and in symmetry with your existing business. Advertisements can be extremely targeted, in order to capture specific people that are interested in what you have to offer. Here are some of the key components that need to be understood, prior to engaging in any online advertising campaigns.  

Day By Day - Building an Online Breakthrough For Your Business The Online Empire Project Methodology is a step-by step process that helps simplify some of the complexities of business online. It is not magic, just a process or framework that helps align and integrate all of the key elements of your online ecosystem. It requires a new look at how you accomplish things online, and how you integrate these activities into your current business. Our methodology is not about starting from scratch, but rather putting the pieces that you already have, into a manageable and executable program that works for your business. The answers and details come from how your current business operates and implements. We simply provide the structure and framework to make your business function online, better.

Frame Focal Point

Theme Core Criteria and General Activities To Complete

1 Discovery Online Empire Building “Disco” Discovery and

Strategic Alignment

• Audit and Understanding of Current Capabilities • Establishing a strategic architecture • Social media strategy review and questionnaire • Social Media workshop review • Customer identification and discovery

2 Content Strategy

Content Planning, Creation and

Development. Words still “Rock”

• Building Your Story online • Designing your content • Scheduling, Timing & Delivery • Concurrent Needs of SEO • Press Releases and Media development

3 Social & Social Networking and • Channel Prioritization and Selection

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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  

Sharing Sharing. There’s more than just ‘The’


• Channel set-up and establishing your foundation • Channel strategies to get maximum value for your business • Cross channel propagation • Coordinating and scheduling your content.

4 Video & Visual Content

Video & Visuals. Hollywood & the

Paparazzi goes online

• The importance and ease of video • How to create video content • Creation & Production • Key Performance factors • Webinars to successful businesses • Placement of video channels and cross promotion • Setting up your SEO Requirements • Usage and placement of images • Technical requirements of images • Importance of image types • Creation and sizes • Management of images and sharing

5 Website Alignment

Website Alignment & Congruency. Create and evolve your web


• Understand and implement website goals • Restructure site as needed for “gifts” and “product for

prospects” • Create congruency • Embodiment of proper sales funnel • Back-end SEO • Content Development

6 Online Lead & Traffic Strategies

Online Lead Strategies. How to

create the sales funnel that works.

• Lead Development – Ascending Transaction Model • Webinars as lead generators • Product development in the online environment • Social Networking advanced lead generating strategies • EDM activities and list building • Content distribution in your lead generation • Effective Online Sales funnels • Affiliate Marketing

7 Advanced Online Strategies

Advanced Online Empire business

building strategies and tactics. Advertising,

Analytics and Dashboards

• Online media buying and advertising on Google adwords, Linkedin & Facebook

• Content channels to expand your reach and your control • Online Response strategies • Analytics & Measurement • Measurement, Tools & Dashboards to use to control your

online influence and response

This underlying process allows businesses to leverage what they have online, while future-proofing their business, through a solid platform and framework. It allows businesses to focus on the important parts of online, and cut through the clutter and confusion of what you need to do, and when you need to do it.

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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  

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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  





Campaign  Name/Identifier    


Expected  Campaign  Run  Dates    



1. Advertising  Network  Requested  

 ___  Google  Adwords  ___  Bing  ___  Yahoo  ___  Facebook    ___  Linkedin  ___  Youtube  ___  Other  _____________  


2. Approx.  Budget  Spend  

 $/Day  ______    $/Week  ______    $/Month  _______  

 3. Type  of  Advertising  Spend  

___  ROI  (CPC)  ___  Branding  (CPM)  ___  Retargeting    

4. Approximate  Campaign  Timeline  

 Start  Date   End  Date  

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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  




5. Landing  Page  Details  (as  required).  For  example,  will  you  be  using  a  new  landing  page,  or  making  changes  to  an  existing  landing  page.  What  kind  of  structure  would  it  need  to  have?  Is  it  a  product  page  or  a  general  information  page?  It  is  imperative  to  have  a  landing  page  that  is  consistent  and  congruent  with  the  actual  advertisement  as  well.  It  also  should  have  the  same  look  and  feel  of  your  brand  experience,  whether  that  is  in  the  words  you  use,  or  the  images  that  you  have  for  both  visual  ads,  as  well  as  for  the  landing  page.  

 Please  describe  your  landing  page:              

         Landing  Page  Links  (what  page  or  pages  will  traffic  be  directed  to):              


6. Main  Campaign  Marketing  Message    



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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  


7. Associated/Related  Keywords  (top  of  mind)    



8. Ad  copy  and/or  Banner  Image  Concepts  (detail)  



9. Target  Customer  

 Customer  Profile/Persona   Customer  Behaviours            



10. Selected  Banner  Images  (sizes)  

___  Vertical  rectangle:  240  x  400  

___  Mobile  leaderboard:  320  x  50  

___  Banner:  468  x  60  

___  Leaderboard:  728  x  90  

___  Square:  250  x  250  

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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  

___  Small  square:  200  x  200  

___  Large  rectangle:  336  x  280  

___  Inline  rectangle:  300  x  250  

___  Skyscraper:  120  x  600  

___  Wide  skyscraper:  160  x  600  

___  Half-­‐page:  300  x  600  

___  Large  Leaderboard  (970x90)    

11. Banners  To  Be  Supplied  

___  By  Client  ___  In-­‐House  ___  3rd  Party  _________________  


12. Advertising  &  Campaign  Goals  &  Outcomes/Objectives  



13. Expected  (Draft)  Marketing  Copy  



14. Specific  Products/services  that  you  want  to  advertise  


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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  

 15. Other  Campaign  Support  Questions  

 Are  there  any  seasonal  variations  in  your  business?  If  so,  when,  and  why?    



Do  you  offering  or  discount/promotion  on  your  product?  



Do  you  have  competitors  in  the  market  for  advertising  of  your  products/services?  If  so,  please  specify.  



What  is  your  overall  competitive  advantage?  Why  do/should  people  buy  from  you,  as  opposed  to  your  competitors?    


 Do  you  have  any  slogans  or  sayings  that  you  use  on  your  site  or  in  existing  marketing  materials?    



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16. Other  Campaign  Notes  


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The  Digital  Delusion  –  Online  Advertising  Planner  Worksheet  


Maximise Online – Next Steps ACTION Plan  It is here that you will be able to better leverage your full business capabilities online.

1. Build and create a digital online strategy and ensure that it “fits” 2. Conduct the content development workshop 3. Develop and implement the various social channels 4. Develop additional content through videos and visuals 5. Align the website with any incremental changes for sales funnel 6. Enhance your sales funnel activities 7. Complement your full digital platform with selective advertising, a sound

analytics, and a proper dashboard to monitor and manage all of your online activities

There has never been a better time to build and grow your business online. Now is the time to put a full plan and infrastructure in place to better be able to manage the online process, to allow you to manage your time, money and resources more effectively.  Prepared by: Doyle Buehler January 2014 1 300 681 911 +61 (0) 413 106 880 [email protected]