the different camera shots

180 Degree rule The 180 Degree rule shown(left)means that the camera cannot cross this line as then the people will be on the left and right but if you cross this line then that will show the opposite person on the other persons side.

Upload: dechayes12

Post on 03-Aug-2015




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180 Degree ruleThe 180 Degree rule shown(left)means that the camera cannot cross this line as then the people will be on the left and right but if you cross this line then that will show the opposite person on the other persons side.

Shot Reverse ShotThis is were two cameras are playing at the same time and both over the shoulder of different people to show there p.o.v to the opposite person.

Match on Action

Match on action is where the cameras are filming but also somewhere else to show the continuity for example walking through a door one camera outside showing someone walking in while camera inside continues the scene inside which presents it as continuous..

Cut AwayA cut away is the interruption of a continuity shot by inserting a view of something else- This is normally used to extend a scene but also to tell the audience something for example the ringing of a clock might portray someone is late.