the detroit tribune. (detroit, mich.) 1938-05-21 [p page five]1146 antoine street, center columbia...

1146 Antoine Street, Center Columbia Clifford 2924 THE DETROIT TRIBUNE SATURDAY. MAY 21, 1938 j GLIMPSES SET" SYLVIA PINS .Hodul were In order ovw the past week end, as three w ere In progress at Lucy Thurman Y. W. aA. at the same hour Sun- day afternoon. They were sponsored by the Parkside nurses, who had a musical tea; the Delta Sigma Theta Sororlty'ij tea and program in observance of their May ; and the Fostal Alliance also poured tea. The Parkslde nurses’ affair was in keeping with the observance of the twentieth birthday of Parkside Hospital. The tubles were charm- jugjy decorated with sweet peas, snap dragons, and roses, while an Italian lace cloth covered the table. Ernest K. Carney, superintendent of the hospital, presented the group with a lovely bouquet. Mrs. Sclpio Murphy and Mrs. Wellborn added grace to the affair and poured tea Guests were as follows. Mrs. G. L. DeLoney, Mrs. Odessa F. Trot- ter, Mlsb W. Lacey. Mrs. Charlotte CX Bastion. Mr and Mrs. John W. Perkijjs. Thomas F. Brisco, Miss Pearl L. Walker, Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. darney, Miss M. Hines Mrs. Irene Agee, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Summers, Mrs. Rhecha Ross. Miss Ruth Extor. Dr S H C. Owen. Dr. and Mrs. W. A, Thompson, Mr: and Mrs: Samuel H Russell. Mrs. Ella Merriweathers. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Blount. Miss Frances White. Mr. and Mrs Day, Mrs. Addle D. Robinson, Mrs. W: P: t arruthers, Miss Eleanor Vicar, Miss (Mara Young. Mr and Mrs. Al- bert Gayle, Misses Violet Andain, Vernel Powell, Joanbell Russell, Wyolean Strong, Glalre V. Stitt, Ethel and Marian St. Cye, Walter Wrieht. Mrs. B. Talbert, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller, Mrs. Louise Gro'n. Misses Elisabeth Jackson, Lillian Sylvers. E. Lotta and Miss MolJrier; also Dr. J. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wlatklns. Miss Magda- j eno white, Clarence Hightower, Thelma Simms, Mrs. Jacob Atkinson. \li*s Agnes R. Coe. Mr. and Mrs. Recow, Misses Edith M. Campbell, Fdtia Simmons, flora P. Trigg, Dr. and Mrs. Scipio G. Murphy. Misses \nnie Hutchinson and Bernice Stewart, Mrs. Carrie Montgomery, Misses Rubye Winston, Alvin Miller, Nadine White, Rernadlne Miller. F Rrown. H. White, and Dr. A. H. Johnson. H the India’s tea, which was a beautiful affair, the tabid decota- tirtns were exquisite. In addition to about fifty Deltas and newly-ini- tiated sorors present, guests included Mrs. Vera Swann, Mr. and Mrs. Alpltonso Smith and mother, Mrs. Robinson: Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr> Frank Burton. Mrs. Fears and daughter. Miss Bernice Taylor and mother; Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. Ethel Howard. Miss Davine Douglass Mr* Wade Boykin. Mrs. Lucille Lee, Mrs. Mabel Hunter. Mrs. Lett Smith Mrs. Irene Graves. Frank Ford. Mrs. R M. Ford. Mrs. J. H. Mos- j v Mrs. Leona O. Goggins. Miss Martiel Green, Mr. and Mrs. Walter W House Theodore Owens. Mrs. L. Hill. Miss Harriett F. Barrier. Mrs. Charlotte Sebastian Mrs. Claire Bailey. Robert W. Truman. Billy Hor- ton Dr and Mrs. Herbert Simms. Helen Howard. Herbert Simms. Jr.. Lucy Howard. Thomas O. Greenwood, and Edward Baker. The Delta Sorority also entertained last Friday evening at the Y. \V. C. A., in honor of Mrs. Hortense Young, of Louisville, Kentucky, regional director of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. It was a closed affair in the form of a card party, and the sorors present were: Mrs. Hel >n T Tynes, Mrs. Hortense Young. Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, Mrs. Margaret pjper,* Mrs. Mildred Fisher Mrs. Edith Watson, Mrs. Esther Price. Mrs. Jerolene Sneed, Misses Simms. Marion Carter. Loretta McKee, Doro- thy Miller Victoria McCall, Roberta McGuire. Allene Byrd, Helen Thomas. Helen Wright, Willamette Mosby. Ethel Childs, Mrs. Bonnie Smith* Mrs. Mamie Alexander, Mrs. Lucy Jones. Mrs. Elizabeth Cole Mrs Frances Langford, and Mrs. Mary Roberts. Little Miss (Jeraldlne Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geroid Green, 5074 Roosevelt street, was honored on her fourth birthday, May 17. by her godmother, Mrs. John Jackson, 2640 McDougall. with a pretty party. While the children were enjoying themselves, their parents participat- ed In a game of bridge. The young guests present were: Julie Berry, Helen Blasengale, Alvin Loving Jr., Shirley Hackett, Billy and 1 hillip Loving. Lawrence MUben. Majorle Berry, William Green. Be are glad to report that Mrs. Benjamin Henderson is much im- proved, afer her recent Illness. The Department of Recreation Invites you to attend a musical ela- boretta. Friday evening, May 27. In the auditorium of Detroit Institute of Arts. The program will begin at 8:16 o'clock. Admission will be free Invitations may be secured at the Lucy Thurman Y. W. C. A Mrs. Eleanor Rollins, a teacher at Idlewild, Michigan, recently visit- ed her hqme In In Detroit, and was house guest of Mrs. Peters. Mrs Rol- lins renewed many acquaintances and received many social courtesies while here. Mrs. KatJe Cheatham has returned to the Motor City, after a vaca- tion with friends In Muskogee, Oklahoma. While there, she was the guest of Dr. and Mrs Muckleroy. Mrs. (Iheatham also visited the State Institute in Taft, Oklahoma, where she was a former teacher. Mrs. Ida Larkins, 5.V43 Mt Antoine, recently gave a pretty surprise birthday party In honor of her mother, Mrs. M Scruggs. Games were phiyed and all present had an enjoyable evening. Those present In- cluded Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gary, Robert Washington. Sidney Briggs, Miss Kate Davis, Albert Dial. George Blakely. Mrs Jennie Larkins, Horace Scruggs, Jr., and David Scruggs. Miss A. Hughes and Miss Maude Berry entertained at a dinner par- ty, Sunday. May 18, at 4609 Bangor, honoring Hozard King .of Ypsilan- t'i: and Floyd Bur Well. of Detroit. After the dinner, bridge was played. Those present Included Miss Mabel Pullum, Mlbr Isabel eiry, i ss I.ols Simons. Wilton Berry. Henry Stuart, and Wilton Hughes With these Items, we bring oar chat to a close until next week, when we shall be back with another batch of Interesting this and that.” Continue to send In your Items and keep on boosting your home town pnper, the Detroit Tribune. Win sign off. with brightest and best wishes to our “mirror friends.” ' The Latent Smart Styles MODERN WAY BEAUTY SALON Individualistic Artists In Beauty Culture We Specialize In The (are »f the Hair and Scalp Special Reduced Rates, Mon. Tues. Wed. Margaret Hernandez 3WB Brash Street | Prop. CHERRY H368 l>ftr ?l^m, l .m , mnmii 1 PINE GROVE CAFE OUR WEST SIDE CAFE: Featuring Bill Kyles and his Swing Band. Every Nite Except Monday Cocktail Hour Every Sunday-5 to 8 P. M. Special Entertainment F.Tery Night THE. WED COLLEGIATE JAM SESSION THITt. FRL SOUVENIR BIG APPLE Wi. WARREN, AT BEEOIIWOOD - > ' '-n GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! A SHORT COURSE IN For Only Beauty Culture An Unusual Opportunity Learn a Profession Quickly M EASY TO LEARN EASY TO PAY M THE BEE-DEW WAY Ask for free illsstraled booklet ‘THE OPEN DOOR TO SUCCESS” THE BEE DEW BEAUTY COLLEGE 703-705 E. Forest Ave. Temple 1-3556 Century STUDENTS WIN PRIZES FOR ORATORY On Friday evening. Muy 13, North- western High School auditorium was the scene of an inter-high- school oratorical contest—the firth annual major project of the Cen- tury of Progress Club. Eight high schools sent contes- tents Into the field. The prizes, as awarded, were as follows: Ist prize, $15.00. ( has. Diggs. Jr., Mil- ler High; 2nd prize, SIO.OO, Juliet- te Brusher, Northern High; 3rd prize. $7.00, Myrtle Jackson, Com- merce High. The other speakers were given awards of $2.00 each. They were: Katherine Weiss. Northwestern; Lucille Gray, Chad- sey High; Clement Goins, Pershing High; Flournoy Hocker, Cass Tech.; and Ruth Jackson. North- eastern High. The judges were Mrs. Frances Welker, Mrs. Harold Bledsoe, Atty. J. K. Graham, and Mrs. M. D. Haynes. The prizes were awarded by AUy. J. P. Rodgers. The Century of Progress Club sponsors lych year u program which has a two-fold purpose: First to present a constructive en- tertainment featuring some phase : of Negro need, activity or achieve- jment; second, to raise funds for charity. The four previous progrums pre- sented by the club were; "The Free Press Cooking School on Wheels.” “An Inter-Church Ora- torical Contest,” “Unfolding the Pages of Negro History,” and “An Evening with Detroit’s Outstand- ! ing Talent In the Field of Drama- tics." —A COI/ORKi> JITIMiK Mr*. Irwin Honored At Birthday Party An elaborate surprise birthday imrty was Riven Tuesday night, May 10. at the home of Mrs. Wil- lie Mae Tyler, 17821 Gallagher street, in honor of Mrs. Ruth B. Irwin. The affair was given by her husband. George W. Irwin, and her neighbor and friend. Mrs. Tyler. The home was beautifully de- corated, the color scheme being white nnd green. White spring flowers formed the table center- piece and made a lovely picture. The huge birthday cake was adorn- ed by eighteen tiny white candles in green holders. When asked her age. the hono'ee told the guests to double the number of candles and add a million. Prior to the surprise, Mrs. Irwin was entertained at a theatre ipar- ty, with Mrs. Walter House, of Woodland avenue, as hostess. Af- ter leaving the show’ she was driven to the home of Mrs. Tyler to make a social call, and was there greeted by the surprise birth- day party. The menu was delicious and a number of Interesting games fur- nished entertainment. Mr. Irwin presided at the punch bowl. The honoree was the recipi- ent of many lovely gifts. Those present, in addition to the honor guest, included Mr. and Mrs. Walter House. H r and M's. Tho mas Littlejohn. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ram- sey, J. A. Tiller. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Byers, Mrs. Mary Raines, Mrs. Mary Hutchins. Mrs. Eula Dudley. Miss Helen Byers, and George Ir- win. Uroqulgnole Manicuring Facials Modernistic Poro Shop JULIA MOORE, Prop. 2702 lleaublen Detroit. Mich. Marcelling Shampooing Altes Lager IS BETTER BEER MADE FROM COSTLIER MATERIALS Program Presented By Altar Circle At 2nd Baptist The Altar Circle of the Second Baptist Church met April 25 with Mrs. Mary Tyree, 311 Lot street, Standwich, Ontario. Mrs. R, L. Bradby, president, presided. Mrs. Jesse Rogers, secretary was also al her post. After reports were submitted a spicy {frogram was rendered. “What ails our youth of today?" was the subject of discussion and was opened by Mrs. Carrie Riley and Mrs. Birdie Wilson followed by others. A beautiful solo was rendered by Miss Woodcock of Sandwich. Twenty-eight members were pre- sent. Guestg Included six from Sandwich and two, Rev. and Mrs. B. Walker, of Toronto, Canada. King’s Case - Now Open Ch-o-p Su-e--g High Class CHINESE - AMERICAN RESTAURANT 5008 Brush Street Cbnnr Brash k Wsrrea Ordsrs to Take Oat Opes All Night Business Woman JSSRf / x y ' MADAM VIVIAN XABII, pro- prietor of !Dew labora- tories, one of the progressive business women cn-pe rating with business men of Detroit, in promoting the eighth annuul exhibit of the Booker T. Wash- ington Trade Association. The exhibit will be held at Forest (Tub. from June 6 to 12, and Is expected to tie the most Impres- sive yet held. Local business women are engaged In a variety of bust- ness ventures, with beauti- cians leading In numbers. Madam Nash, president of the Bee Dew Product Company, will heud the large number of heuotlelans who will partlei- pate In the exhibit. Under the leadership of this suecessful business woman, whose cosiue- tie products are sold all over the United States, the Detroit beauticians will present, a uni- que exhibit, featuring the latest styles In hair dress. Their booths will be unusually attrac- tive and style shows will feu. ture a portion of each even- ing’s program. Mrs. Fannie'B. Peck Is pres), dent of the Detroit Housewives League, and the afternoon pro- grams will be under the direc- tion of this (organization. (IHARMOSETTE ( LI B The Charmosette Club met with Mrs. Willetta fOiott, Friday. May 6. at which time plans were made for sponsoring a party within the next two weeks. The hostess served a delicious dinner. The meeting next week will be at the home, of Miss Fannie Solo- mon. DAINTYE MATRONS (LI B The Daintye Matrons Club met May 12. at the residence of Mrs. Odessa Johson. 631 Medbury. All members were present, except two. Following the business period, the hostess served a delectable menu. The next meeting will be Thurs- 1 day. May 26. with Mrs, Elizabeth Lewis, 14099 DeQuindre street. o SOJOURNER SOCIAL dill The Sojourner Social Club met recently at the home of the presi- dent. Mrs. C. B. Fleming. 455 Med- bury street. Mrs. Lottie Butler presided, as Mrs. Fleming is still confined to bed. due to injuries sustained in an accident. Her sis- 1 ter. Mrs. Lecie West, acted as hos- tees. | Keno prizes were won by Mrs. I Gibbs, first; and Mrs. Draft, sec- ond. Delicious refreshments were served. JOLLY STROLLERS (LIB The Jolly Strollers Club met at the Elks Rest, 2113 Chene, May 9, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rembert as hosts. The business session was spent in making plans for the auction party which is to be given May 21. Reports of all committees were made, after which a program was presented. I Following the program, the host- ess served a delicious luncheon, carrying out a color scheme of green and white. Mrs. F. Murphy presided at the tea table. Sunday evening, the ladies of the club entertained the men at a luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Murphy. 2151 Sherman street. WIIOOPEE TWELVE CLUB The Whoopee Twelve Social C lub held its regular meeting last Fri- day with Miss M. Watkins, 669 Hendrie street. Contract bridge was played. Mrs. L. Stephens, of Sherman street, was recently called to Chi- cago, due to Illness of a relative. The club will meet Friday with Mrs. M. Wright. 430 E. Palmer. 90TH CENTURY STUDY OLITI The club met at the home of the president. A. T. Mathis, 18422 Binder street. May 9. Business dis- posed of. the meeting was turned over to the chairman of the study period. Mrs. A. L. Bell. The sub- ject for the evening was "Eti- quette. ’’ The latest in modern man- ners were discussed by the follow- ing: Mrs. Bellamy, introductions; Mrs. Nance, teas and dances; Mrs. King, house guest; Mrs. Mathis, table manners; Mr. Bellamy, trav- eling; Mr. Mathis, theatre and public building. Delightful refreshments were enjoyed by all present. "Gardening" is the topic for dis- cussion at the club's next meeting. o GRAND TERRACE SOCIAL CLUB The Grand Terrace Social Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bimpson. 992 Superior street Friday evening. May IS with James Lawrence acting host. Mrs Cath- erine Simpson of Lawrence, 8. C. moth, r of the Mr. Simpson, was a | Plymouth League Sponsors Lectures On Marriage The Junior league of Plymouth Congregational church, one of *he I most liberal youth organizations in | the city, has started a series of | lectures and discussion periods on 1 the problems confronting young i people in preparation for anv problems arising after marriage, j The series was started last'Sun- j day evening by a lecture vde- j ilvered by Mrs. Beulah WhitW. supervisin' of the Detroit Dept, lot i Welfare and an officer of the ' Kappa Alpha Sorority. Mrs. Whitby outlined the/many problems that are to he crfpected by young couples contemplating marriage. She further brought out the importance thut one's economic sufficiency played in maintaining the harmony of married life. Rev. H. White outlined his theo- | ries as to what marriage ougtt to offer in the future. His persistent propounding of the theory that "a i woman's place was not in the home" was socially attacked by members of the audience. I Mrs. Harold Bledsoe, who is very prominent in the civ- J Ic life of the city and state, fol- lowed Rev. White and disagreed with his views on married life. ' She pointed out that the burden of child bearing and proper care of children and the home are decided- ly greater than pictured by Rev. White. The Miller High School Quar- tette reftdeted several musical numbers. The series will be con- tinued next Sunday evening with another speaker who will cover another phase of marriage. Every- one interested Is invited to attend. —a roronr.n .n rx.K— Mrs. M. A. Murphy To Speak At Bethel The "benevolent drive” at Beth- el A. M. E. Church will close Wed- nesday, May 25. at 8 p. m. with a fine program. The principal speak- er will be Mary Alger Mur- phy. one of Michigan's most promi- nent women. The aim of the campaign is to raise funds to relieve the sick and distressed, and is being conducted by two groups. Mesdameti Louise Terry and Marlon Burton are lead- ers of the "reds." while Mesdames Irene Bradley and Alphretta Wil- liams direct the “blues.” The public is Invited to attend. Dr. A. C. Toodle Is president of the campaign; Dr. W. H. Peck, pastor. —A COI/ORED JI IH.K— “Girl*’ Friendly” To Give Annual Spring Luncheon The Girls’ Friendly Society of St. Clement's and St. Augustine’s Missions will hold their annual bridge luncheon. May 21. at 1:30 p. ra. at St. Matthias Parish House corner West Grand Blvd. and Grand River. The branches are tin- der the supervision of Mrs. Mary F. Banks and Mrs. Ardenah Steph- ens. Diocean field workers. They will be assisted by the Atha Study (flub. The proceeds from this affair will be used as a Cranhrook Schol- arship fund. —A <OI,OHM* JVPGE— Mrs. T. L. Starnes Entertains Club Mrs. Thos. L. Starnes. 6110 Woodrow avenue, was genial hos- tess to members of the Five W. So- cial Club Monday evening. May 9 in their regular bi-monthly meet- ing. All members were present with the exception of Mesdames Hill and Morrison. There was the usual routine of business. Plans for an outing at the club’s suspension during the summer were discussed. During the social hour a delight- ful two-course luncheon was serv- ed by the hostess. The club will hold its next meeting Monday. May 23 with Miss Clara Smith, 5409 23rd street. Mrs. W. M. MoCarthur is presi- dent of the club. Mrs. Lula Harvin is secretary. —A f'Ot/OKED JtDGK— Club To Present Mrs. E. Johnson In Recital At ‘Y’ Mrs. Edith A. Johnson will be presented in her fourth annual piano recital, June 1. at Lucy Thurman Y. W. C. A., by the Paa- tor’s Aid Society of St. James C. M. E. Church. Mrs. Johnson will be assisted by her son. Clement Johnson. Jr., who will play the bass clarinet. o daughter-in-law. After a brief business discus- sion dainty refreshments were served. The club will meet with Miss Luclle Barker and Miss Rath Webb. 5210 Rivard street. Friday, May 20. Theodore Johnson and Miss Ruth Webb are president and see-1 rotary of the club respectively. visitor. 8h« Is visiting bsr son tnd Leaders in the Lucy Thurman Branch section of the Detroit v\, W. <1 A. membership campaign working under Mrs. Charles HI t'arter and Mrs. Charles B. Lind*! 'say include Mrs. Martha (Cameron. I Mrs.“ William Osby. Mrs. Elizabeth' Jackson. Mrs. W. A Thompson. 1 Mrs. S. Jackson, Mrs. K. Swan-; 'son. Mrs. Lavinla Yancy, Mrs. Hat-i tie Wheeler, Mrs. John H. Robin- son, Mrs. W. M. Banks, Mrs. Allie Blue, Mrs. Arbella Ishmen. Mrs. Mattie C. Williams. Miss Jessie Nichols, Mrs. Florine McKinney, Miss Hattie Winston. Mrs. Charles Diggs, Mrs. Ethel Carmichael. Mrs. i Ethel Andrews. Mrs. Annie Worth-1 am, Miss Winifred Fairfax. Miss I Alberta Marcus. Mrs. A J. Bryant. Mrs. Eugenia Wade and Mrs. Iris Butler Many others are working in sections headed by these women. Reports were made at the "throe- quarter” way luncheon at Central Branch Y. W. c. A. on Thursday. May ls», and tinal reports will be presented by Mrs. Mildred Cross, membership chairman, at a victory dinner at Central Branch Y. W\ C. A. on Thursday evening. May 26. Girls Reserves of Lucy Thurrua Branch Y. W. 0. A. will hold the preliminaries in their annual pos- ture contest at the Branch on Sat- urday morning, May 21. in charge of Miss Helen M. Wright. The three winners will compete with winners from all other Y. W. C. A. branches In the annual Junior Girl Reserve Play Day at Belle Isle on June 4. The first 75 girls and women to register for “Learn-to-Swlm" Week at Lucy Thurman Branch Y. W. C. A. will be given a special re- duction in the nonimal fee which covers the health examination and three swims (with free instruc- tion) as well as laundry on suits. “Learn-to-Swim” Week contin- ues from May 23 to 28 in all Y. W. C. A. branches. Lessons will be scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Appointments should be made this week both for lessons and health examination. The latter are required of all who swim in \\ W. O. A. pools as special protec- tive measure against too strenuous exercise and possible infection. The Junior Players of Lucy Thurman Branch Y. W. C. A. will present their spring performance at the Branch on Friday evening, May 27. The public is invited. Presents Pupils In Recital Mrs. Elizabeth Holden Woodley, prominent local music teacher, will present her junior pupils in a piano recital Tuesday evening, at Grinnell Rrothers Recital Hall. 1515 Woodward avenue, at 8 p. m. ALE Detroit Office Genesee Distributing Cos. 4M3 Pass Ave. Phone TF. 2.SH.K) Os Progress Club Sponsors Contest D.M.A. MUSICAL! AT SECOND BAFT. A FINE SUCCESS Despite the inclement weather, i the musical program given by the Detroit Musicians Association last ! Sunday afternoon at Second Bap- I tist Church, was fairly well at* 1 tended. | Soloists on program included 1 Mrs. Dorothy Sieger. Mrs. Beatrice I Allen, Mr. McKee, vocalists; Billy Hines, pianist; Preston Powell, violinist; the Ephrian i Sisters, vocal trio; Mrs. Louise Bryan, i reading, and a chorus by the De- troit Negro Opera Group, and an explanation of the opera. ‘'Aida:' I, by ' art Cox. business manager of the opera group The following ladies served as I hostesses: I Mesdanies Rentie, Gibson. King, <'heat ham. Jacksou. Williams, Grimes. Plant. Hairston .and Tay- lor Mrs. Yolande Maddox was mis- tress of ceremonies. - Read the Detroit Tribune each week and send your local new* latest news. Laugh At Old Sol High l n The Heavens By Drinking Cool REFRESHFUL LONDON Bobby Ale & Beer Always Ask For wt* * k TBSiTIT /' '** rt K > rt rJ7[ ,6HTER vn>2L SK|N! \ Nadinola Blenching Cream! W. ,\ ' Simply smooth thu fragrant cream &»Mk *>. 'on every night No rubbing. no mar sag mg While you sleep the positive J bleaching action of Nadinola softens and lightens your skin. Soon you’ll . see a marvelous improvement. Get ••yOU wouldn t believe it now. but Nmdino, o todjl X a few months ago my skin was so dark, coarse and oily I was ashamed. You Can’t Lose! My mother ....I i was fooii,h to .rep Money Back Guarantee trying remedies. But I refused to give m " . . up hope- I read an ’ad’ in the paper W about Nadinola Cream That night I if you re not fully satisfied, began using it. So quickly did my At *“ d ™« *««• S *~ tar« e "W skin get softer and lighter that I for- ■*»-, »•«■" *<>« got all about my past disappoint- Nadmol.- Don t trust your ments Nothing else make, a girl so to any unknown subat.tute. happy a. a gloriously beautiful dun P 1 dru “*« do n * *•** N *S nola. send us the money and see will Oo as Famous Beauties Do mall **°)W P°*F«fcl Add™> Nadi- Famous beauties preserve their love- no *• * 4r"' **n liness because they take (>!•■ M •W r I, I. r •"* nun Suspect An.l frequently isn’t a |l>l|| I 1I I I I.H hard to hung it out' It s the duty of H i ■I■I II k | every girl to try. for the sake of B Mil hr: own happiness . < r, t. vtm fvj|BaagX W .n.r,, I r. , IV vu want S PAGE FIVE

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  • 1146 Antoine Street, Center Columbia Clifford 2924 THE DETROIT TRIBUNE SATURDAY. MAY 21, 1938


    .Hodul were In order ovw the past week end, as threewere In progress at Lucy Thurman Y. W. aA. at the same hour Sun-day afternoon. They were sponsored by the Parkside nurses, who hada musical tea; the Delta Sigma Theta Sororlty'ij tea and program inobservance of their May ; and the Fostal Alliance also pouredtea. The Parkslde nurses’ affair was in keeping with the observance ofthe twentieth birthday of Parkside Hospital. The tubles were charm-jugjy decorated with sweet peas, snap dragons, and roses, while anItalian lace cloth covered the table. Ernest K. Carney, superintendentof the hospital, presented the group with a lovely bouquet. Mrs. SclpioMurphy and Mrs. Wellborn added grace to the affair and pouredtea Guests were as follows. Mrs. G. L. DeLoney, Mrs. Odessa F. Trot-ter, Mlsb W. Lacey. Mrs. Charlotte CX Bastion. Mr and Mrs. John W.Perkijjs. Thomas F. Brisco, Miss Pearl L. Walker, Dr. and Mrs. E. V.Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. darney, Miss M. Hines Mrs. Irene Agee,Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Summers, Mrs. Rhecha Ross. Miss Ruth Extor. DrS H C. Owen. Dr. and Mrs. W. A, Thompson, Mr: and Mrs: SamuelH Russell. Mrs. Ella Merriweathers. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Blount. MissFrances White. Mr. and Mrs Day, Mrs. Addle D. Robinson, Mrs. W: P:t arruthers, Miss Eleanor Vicar, Miss (Mara Young. Mr and Mrs. Al-bert Gayle, Misses Violet Andain, Vernel Powell, Joanbell Russell,Wyolean Strong, Glalre V. Stitt, Ethel and Marian St. Cye, WalterWrieht. Mrs. B. Talbert, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller, Mrs. LouiseGro'n. Misses Elisabeth Jackson, Lillian Sylvers. E. Lotta and MissMolJrier; also Dr. J. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wlatklns. Miss Magda-jeno white, Clarence Hightower, Thelma Simms, Mrs. Jacob Atkinson.\li*s Agnes R. Coe. Mr. and Mrs. Recow, Misses Edith M. Campbell,Fdtia Simmons, flora P. Trigg, Dr. and Mrs. Scipio G. Murphy. Misses\nnie Hutchinson and Bernice Stewart, Mrs. Carrie Montgomery,Misses Rubye Winston, Alvin Miller, Nadine White, Rernadlne Miller.F Rrown. H. White, and Dr. A. H. Johnson.

    H the India’s tea, which was a beautiful affair, the tabid decota-tirtns were exquisite. In addition to about fifty Deltas and newly-ini-tiated sorors present, guests included Mrs. Vera Swann, Mr. and Mrs.Alpltonso Smith and mother, Mrs. Robinson: Mr. and Mrs. John Smith.Mr> Frank Burton. Mrs. Fears and daughter. Miss Bernice Taylor andmother; Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. Ethel Howard. Miss Davine DouglassMr* Wade Boykin. Mrs. Lucille Lee, Mrs. Mabel Hunter. Mrs. LettSmith Mrs. Irene Graves. Frank Ford. Mrs. R M. Ford. Mrs. J. H. Mos-j v Mrs. Leona O. Goggins. Miss Martiel Green, Mr. and Mrs. WalterW House Theodore Owens. Mrs. L. Hill. Miss Harriett F. Barrier. Mrs.Charlotte Sebastian Mrs. Claire Bailey. Robert W. Truman. Billy Hor-ton Dr and Mrs. Herbert Simms. Helen Howard. Herbert Simms. Jr..Lucy Howard. Thomas O. Greenwood, and Edward Baker.

    The Delta Sorority also entertained last Friday evening at the Y.\V. C. A., in honor of Mrs. Hortense Young, of Louisville, Kentucky,regional director of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. It was a closed affairin the form of a card party, and the sorors present were: Mrs. Hel >nT Tynes, Mrs. Hortense Young. Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, Mrs. Margaretpjper,* Mrs. Mildred Fisher Mrs. Edith Watson, Mrs. Esther Price. Mrs.Jerolene Sneed, Misses Simms. Marion Carter. Loretta McKee, Doro-thy Miller Victoria McCall, Roberta McGuire. Allene Byrd, HelenThomas. Helen Wright, Willamette Mosby. Ethel Childs, Mrs. BonnieSmith* Mrs. Mamie Alexander, Mrs. Lucy Jones. Mrs. Elizabeth ColeMrs Frances Langford, and Mrs. Mary Roberts.

    Little Miss (Jeraldlne Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geroid Green,5074 Roosevelt street, was honored on her fourth birthday, May 17. byher godmother, Mrs. John Jackson, 2640 McDougall. with a pretty party.While the children were enjoying themselves, their parents participat-ed In a game of bridge. The young guests present were: Julie Berry,Helen Blasengale, Alvin Loving Jr., Shirley Hackett, Billy and 1 hillipLoving. Lawrence MUben. Majorle Berry, William Green.

    Be are glad to report that Mrs. Benjamin Henderson is much im-proved, afer her recent Illness.

    The Department of Recreation Invites you to attend a musical ela-boretta. Friday evening, May 27. In the auditorium of Detroit Instituteof Arts. The program will begin at 8:16 o'clock. Admission will be freeInvitations may be secured at the Lucy Thurman Y. W. C. A

    Mrs. Eleanor Rollins, a teacher at Idlewild, Michigan, recently visit-ed her hqme In In Detroit, and was house guest of Mrs. Peters. Mrs Rol-lins renewed many acquaintances and received many social courtesieswhile here.

    Mrs. KatJe Cheatham has returned to the Motor City, after a vaca-tion with friends In Muskogee, Oklahoma. While there, she was theguest of Dr. and Mrs Muckleroy. Mrs. (Iheatham also visited the StateInstitute in Taft, Oklahoma, where she was a former teacher.

    Mrs. Ida Larkins, 5.V43 Mt Antoine, recently gave a pretty surprisebirthday party In honor of her mother, Mrs. M Scruggs. Games werephiyed and all present had an enjoyable evening. Those present In-cluded Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gary, Robert Washington. SidneyBriggs, Miss Kate Davis, Albert Dial. George Blakely. Mrs JennieLarkins, Horace Scruggs, Jr., and David Scruggs.

    Miss A. Hughes and Miss Maude Berry entertained at a dinner par-ty, Sunday. May 18, at 4609 Bangor, honoring Hozard King .of Ypsilan-t'i: and Floyd BurWell. of Detroit. After the dinner, bridge was played.Those present Included Miss Mabel Pullum, Mlbr Isabel eiry, i ssI.ols Simons. Wilton Berry. Henry Stuart, and Wilton Hughes

    With these Items, we bring oar chat to a close until next week,when we shall be back with another batch of Interesting this andthat.” Continue to send In your Items and keep on boosting your hometown pnper, the Detroit Tribune. Win sign off. with brightest and bestwishes to our “mirror friends.”

    ' The Latent Smart Styles

    MODERN WAY BEAUTY SALONIndividualistic Artists In Beauty CultureWe Specialize In The (are »f the Hair and Scalp

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    On Friday evening. Muy 13, North-western High School auditoriumwas the scene of an inter-high-school oratorical contest—the firthannual major project of the Cen-tury of Progress Club.

    Eight high schools sent contes-tents Into the field. The prizes, asawarded, were as follows: Istprize, $15.00. ( has. Diggs. Jr., Mil-ler High; 2nd prize, SIO.OO, Juliet-te Brusher, Northern High; 3rdprize. $7.00, Myrtle Jackson, Com-merce High. The other speakerswere given awards of $2.00 each.They were: Katherine Weiss.Northwestern; Lucille Gray, Chad-sey High; Clement Goins, PershingHigh; Flournoy Hocker, CassTech.; and Ruth Jackson. North-eastern High. The judges wereMrs. Frances Welker, Mrs. HaroldBledsoe, Atty. J. K. Graham, andMrs. M. D. Haynes. The prizes wereawarded by AUy. J. P. Rodgers.

    The Century of Progress Clubsponsors lych year u programwhich has a two-fold purpose:First to present a constructive en-tertainment featuring some phase

    : of Negro need, activity or achieve-jment; second, to raise funds forcharity.

    The four previous progrums pre-sented by the club were; "TheFree Press Cooking School onWheels.” “An Inter-Church Ora-torical Contest,” “Unfolding thePages of Negro History,” and “AnEvening with Detroit’s Outstand-

    ! ing Talent In the Field of Drama-tics."

    —A COI/ORKi> JITIMiKMr*. Irwin HonoredAt Birthday Party

    An elaborate surprise birthdayimrty was Riven Tuesday night,May 10. at the home of Mrs. Wil-lie Mae Tyler, 17821 Gallagherstreet, in honor of Mrs. Ruth B.Irwin. The affair was given by herhusband. George W. Irwin, and herneighbor and friend. Mrs. Tyler.

    The home was beautifully de-corated, the color scheme beingwhite nnd green. White springflowers formed the table center-piece and made a lovely picture.The huge birthday cake was adorn-ed by eighteen tiny white candlesin green holders. When asked herage. the hono'ee told the guests todouble the number of candles andadd a million.

    Prior to the surprise, Mrs. Irwinwas entertained at a theatre ipar-ty, with Mrs. Walter House, ofWoodland avenue, as hostess. Af-ter leaving the show’ she wasdriven to the home of Mrs. Tylerto make a social call, and wasthere greeted by the surprise birth-day party.

    The menu was delicious and anumber of Interesting games fur-nished entertainment.

    Mr. Irwin presided at the punchbowl. The honoree was the recipi-ent of many lovely gifts.

    Those present, in addition to thehonor guest, included Mr. and Mrs.Walter House. Hr and M's. Tho‘mas Littlejohn. Mr. and Mrs. L. E.Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ram-sey, J. A. Tiller. Dr. and Mrs. D.W. Byers, Mrs. Mary Raines, Mrs.Mary Hutchins. Mrs. Eula Dudley.Miss Helen Byers, and George Ir-win.

    Uroqulgnole • ManicuringFacials

    Modernistic PoroShop

    JULIA MOORE, Prop.2702 lleaublen Detroit. Mich.

    Marcelling Shampooing




    Program PresentedBy Altar CircleAt 2nd Baptist

    The Altar Circle of the SecondBaptist Church met April 25 withMrs. Mary Tyree, 311 Lot street,Standwich, Ontario. Mrs. R, L.Bradby, president, presided. Mrs.Jesse Rogers, secretary was alsoal her post.

    After reports were submitted aspicy {frogram was rendered.“What ails our youth of today?"was the subject of discussion andwas opened by Mrs. Carrie Rileyand Mrs. Birdie Wilson followedby others. A beautiful solo wasrendered by Miss Woodcock ofSandwich.

    Twenty-eight members were pre-sent. Guestg Included six fromSandwich and two, Rev. and Mrs.B. Walker, of Toronto, Canada.

    King’s Case - Now Open

    Ch-o-p Su-e--gHigh Class


    Cbnnr Brash k WsrreaOrdsrs to Take Oat Opes All Night

    Business Woman

    JSSRf / x y '

    MADAM VIVIAN XABII, pro-prietor of !Dew labora-tories, one of the progressivebusiness women cn-peratingwith business men of Detroit,in promoting the eighth annuulexhibit of the Booker T. Wash-ington Trade Association. Theexhibit will be held at Forest(Tub. from June 6 to 12, and Isexpected to tie the most Impres-sive yet held.

    Local business women areengaged In a variety of bust-ness ventures, with beauti-cians leading In numbers.

    Madam Nash, president of theBee Dew Product Company,

    will heud the large number ofheuotlelans who will partlei-pate In the exhibit. Under theleadership of this suecessfulbusiness woman, whose cosiue-tie products are sold all overthe United States, the Detroitbeauticians will present, a uni-que exhibit, featuring the lateststyles In hair dress. Theirbooths will be unusually attrac-tive and style shows will feu.ture a portion of each even-ing’s program.

    Mrs. Fannie'B. Peck Is pres),dent of the Detroit HousewivesLeague, and the afternoon pro-grams will be under the direc-tion of this (organization.

    (IHARMOSETTE ( LI BThe Charmosette Club met with

    Mrs. Willetta fOiott, Friday. May6. at which time plans were madefor sponsoring a party within thenext two weeks.

    The hostess served a deliciousdinner.

    The meeting next week will beat the home, of Miss Fannie Solo-mon.

    DAINTYE MATRONS (LI BThe Daintye Matrons Club met

    May 12. at the residence of Mrs.Odessa Johson. 631 Medbury. Allmembers were present, except two.

    Following the business period,the hostess served a delectablemenu.

    The next meeting will be Thurs- 1day. May 26. with Mrs, ElizabethLewis, 14099 DeQuindre street.


    SOJOURNER SOCIAL dillThe Sojourner Social Club met

    recently at the home of the presi-dent. Mrs. C. B. Fleming. 455 Med-bury street. Mrs. Lottie Butler

    presided, as Mrs. Fleming is stillconfined to bed. due to injuriessustained in an accident. Her sis- 1ter. Mrs. Lecie West, acted as hos-tees. |

    Keno prizes were won by Mrs. IGibbs, first; and Mrs. Draft, sec-ond. Delicious refreshments wereserved.

    JOLLY STROLLERS (LIBThe Jolly Strollers Club met at

    the Elks Rest, 2113 Chene, May 9,with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rembertas hosts.

    The business session was spentin making plans for the auctionparty which is to be given May 21.Reports of all committees weremade, after which a program waspresented.

    I Following the program, the host-ess served a delicious luncheon,carrying out a color scheme ofgreen and white. Mrs. F. Murphypresided at the tea table.

    Sunday evening, the ladies ofthe club entertained the men at aluncheon at the home of Mr. andMrs. F. Murphy. 2151 Shermanstreet.

    WIIOOPEE TWELVE CLUBThe Whoopee Twelve Social C lub

    held its regular meeting last Fri-day with Miss M. Watkins, 669Hendrie street. Contract bridgewas played.

    Mrs. L. Stephens, of Shermanstreet, was recently called to Chi-cago, due to Illness of a relative.

    The club will meet Friday withMrs. M. Wright. 430 E. Palmer.90TH CENTURY STUDY OLITI

    The club met at the home of thepresident. A. T. Mathis, 18422Binder street. May 9. Business dis-posed of. the meeting was turnedover to the chairman of the studyperiod. Mrs. A. L. Bell. The sub-ject for the evening was "Eti-quette.’’ The latest in modern man-ners were discussed by the follow-ing: Mrs. Bellamy, introductions;Mrs. Nance, teas and dances; Mrs.King, house guest; Mrs. Mathis,table manners; Mr. Bellamy, trav-eling; Mr. Mathis, theatre andpublic building.

    Delightful refreshments wereenjoyed by all present.

    "Gardening" is the topic for dis-cussion at the club's next meeting.


    The Grand Terrace Social Clubmet at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Leroy Bimpson. 992 Superior streetFriday evening. May IS with JamesLawrence acting host. Mrs Cath-erine Simpson of Lawrence, 8. C.moth, r of the Mr. Simpson, was a

    | Plymouth LeagueSponsors Lectures

    On MarriageThe Junior league of Plymouth

    Congregational church, one of *heI most liberal youth organizations in

    | the city, has started a series of| lectures and discussion periods on

    1 the problems confronting youngi people in preparation for anvproblems arising after marriage,

    j The series was started last'Sun-j day evening by a lecture vde-j ilvered by Mrs. Beulah WhitW.supervisin' of the Detroit Dept, lot

    i Welfare and an officer of the' Kappa Alpha Sorority.

    Mrs. Whitby outlined the/manyproblems that are to he crfpectedby young couples contemplatingmarriage. She further brought outthe importance thut one's economicsufficiency played in maintainingthe harmony of married life.

    Rev. H. White outlined his theo-| ries as to what marriage ougtt tooffer in the future. His persistent

    ■ propounding of the theory that "ai woman's place was not in thehome" was socially attacked bymembers of the audience.

    I Mrs. Harold Bledsoe, whois very prominent in the civ-J Ic life of the city and state, fol-lowed Rev. White and disagreedwith his views on married life.

    ' She pointed out that the burden ofchild bearing and proper care ofchildren and the home are decided-ly greater than pictured by Rev.White.

    The Miller High School Quar-tette reftdeted several musicalnumbers. The series will be con-tinued next Sunday evening withanother speaker who will coveranother phase of marriage. Every-one interested Is invited to attend.

    —a roronr.n .n rx.K—Mrs. M. A. Murphy

    To Speak At BethelThe "benevolent drive” at Beth-

    el A. M. E. Church will close Wed-nesday, May 25. at 8 p. m. with afine program. The principal speak-er will be Mary Alger Mur-phy. one of Michigan's most promi-nent women.

    The aim of the campaign is toraise funds to relieve the sick anddistressed, and is being conductedby two groups. Mesdameti LouiseTerry and Marlon Burton are lead-ers of the "reds." while MesdamesIrene Bradley and Alphretta Wil-liams direct the “blues.”

    The public is Invited to attend.Dr. A. C. Toodle Is president of thecampaign; Dr. W. H. Peck, pastor.


    “Girl*’ Friendly”To Give Annual

    Spring LuncheonThe Girls’ Friendly Society of

    St. Clement's and St. Augustine’sMissions will hold their annualbridge luncheon. May 21. at 1:30p. ra. at St. Matthias Parish Housecorner West Grand Blvd. andGrand River. The branches are tin-der the supervision of Mrs. MaryF. Banks and Mrs. Ardenah Steph-ens. Diocean field workers. Theywill be assisted by the Atha Study(flub.

    The proceeds from this affairwill be used as a Cranhrook Schol-arship fund.

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    liness because they take(>!•■ M •W r I, I. r •"*nunSuspect An.l frequently isn’t a |l>l|| I 1I I I I.Hhard to hung it out' It s the duty of H i ■I■I II k | - ■every girl to try. for the sake of B Milhr: own happiness

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