the dcss 2012 first year guide


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The DCSS 2012 First Year Guide


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Table of Contents

DCSS Committee 2013 ............................................................................................................ 2

Presidents’ Welcome .............................................................................................................. 3

DCSS Functions ........................................................................................................................ 5

DCSS Careers ......................................................................................................................... 10

DCSS Community and Sport ................................................................................................ 11

How YOU Can be a Part!...................................................................................................... 12

First Year Experience THOMAS SZMIDEL .............................................................................. 13

First Year Experience RUSSELL OLIVER ................................................................................. 14

The DCSS Explains Your Transition to University .................................................................. 15

Your Course Bachelor of Commerce (M300) .................................................................... 16

Your Lecturers ......................................................................................................................... 18

A – Z Guide ............................................................................................................................. 20

Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................... 24

Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... 24

2013 Deakin University Academic Calendar ..................................................................... 25

By joining the DCSS in 2013 you will:

Be a part of the largest student society across both Waurn Ponds and

Waterfront Campuses;

Receive free entry/discounts to Geelong’s best nightclubs;

Receive discounted tickets to all DCSS events in 2013;

Stay informed about important career opportunities;

Have the opportunity to be involved in one of the DCSS Sports teams;

Be notified about up and coming volunteering opportunities; and

Receive a range of exclusive discounts to a number of businesses in the

Geelong region.

Membership is ONLY:

$10 $15

for DUSA Members for Non-DUSA Members

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DCSS Committee 2013

Executive Team

Evan McGinty President 0403 425 126

[email protected]

Hayden Schreurs Secretary 0425 671 616

[email protected]

Jason Stockdale Treasurer 0403 903 930

[email protected]

Careers Team

Josh Gilligan

Vice President [email protected]

Russell Oliver Director [email protected]

Community and Sport Team

Adrian Brennan

Vice President [email protected]

Rebekah Putyra

Director [email protected]

Functions Team

Madeleine Day

Vice President [email protected]

James Bisinella

Director [email protected]

Jessica Crowe

Director [email protected]

Marketing and Publications Team

Sarah Stapleton

Vice President [email protected]

Lauren Baruta

Director [email protected]

Stephen Hunt Director [email protected]

General Committee

Gemma Coles

James Banks

Thomas Szmidel

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Presidents’ Welcome


Dear Member,

On behalf of the Deakin Commerce Students’ Society

(DCSS), I would like to welcome you to Deakin University.

I would also like to welcome you to the DCSS and

congratulate you on becoming a member. We see

ourselves as the bridge between a degree, your

potential career and your social life here at Deakin.

You don’t have to be a student studying commerce to

be a member of the DCSS! The DCSS is not only for

students studying a commerce degree but caters to

those studying most degrees within the Business and Law

Faculty. The events we host are catered for all students

and as members we would like to see as many of you as

possible at all of them throughout 2013. Come along, it’s

never too early to begin thinking about the pathways

available beyond your degree!

This year marks an important year for not only the DCSS but for the Faculty of

Business and Law. This is the first year that we will be based at the Waterfront

Campus after 11 years at the Waurn Ponds campus. Waurn Ponds saw many

memories and important moments in DCSS history created and witnessed. We see

our move to the Waterfront campus as an exciting one as we are now located

within Geelong’s CBD; surrounded by many cafes, restaurants and other places to

explore. Being located in close vicinity to Geelong’s main railway station, we are

now more closely aligned to businesses in Melbourne. This makes it easier for

recruitment teams from companies in Melbourne to commute between Geelong

and Melbourne to visit us to talk about what career opportunities are available to


What the DCSS aims to do year after year is enrich students’ university experience.

We aim to host strong career events where our sponsors come along and talk about

career opportunities for students. We host memorable functions that create a real

buzz in the lead up to events around campus. Events such as Intro Night, Toga Party,

The Annual Commerce Ball, our fun-filled and famous Pub Crawls and our traditional

Trivia Night with the Deakin Law Students’ Society (DLSS) are all highly anticipated

and never disappoint! We also offer rewarding volunteering opportunities

throughout the year.

What you will find through attending DCSS functions and career events is that it’s the

people who are involved in the DCSS and the people who attend the events who

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help create the strong, positive and special culture that the DCSS has. To students

that have been members in previous years, I thank you for helping create this

culture. For new members in 2013, join us in continuing to build and strengthen the

amazing culture we have and to pass it on for years to come.

Without the DCSS I wouldn’t have met the people and developed the friendships I

have at university. The DCSS truly acts as the bridge between a degree and the

social aspect of university life. I encourage all first year students to apply to be a First

Year Representative of the DCSS. Come along to every event of ours possible where

you too will create many memories that will last a lifetime and, as I am sure I will face

later on this year, be shared at your 21st birthday!

I hope that you are all able to make it to our first event of the year, Intro Night, on

the 14th of March. It’s a night aimed at first year students studying commerce that

can come along to meet people within their cohort and meet the DCSS committee.

All the best for the year ahead which I hope is an exceptional one filled with many

laughs, stories to share and of course, study to do well in your subjects! If there is

anything else you would like to know about the DCSS or to see what we’re going to

be doing throughout the year, add us as a friend on Facebook at and visit our website

Kind Regards,

Evan McGinty


Deakin Commerce Students’ Society

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DCSS Functions

First Year Intro Night

Thursday 14th March 2013 | Opium Bar Geelong

Every year, the DCSS holds an ‘Intro Night’

for all first years to welcome them to Uni!

It’s a very popular event, at a different

venue each year, and gives first year

students a chance to meet their peers,

meet the DCSS Committee and talk to

senior students about their degrees.

We will be putting on a great bar tab for

students and then provide a free after

party at one of Geelong’s many


The Intro Night is the one FREE social event

that the DCSS run every year and we

encourage everyone to attend. It’s a lot

of fun, especially for students who may

not be familiar with Geelong and have

moved here without knowing many


This is the perfect opportunity to get to

know those in your course and to make

friends easier by sharing a drink or two!

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Toga Party | “Welcome to Waterfront”

Thursday 28th March 2013 | Eureka Hotel Geelong

In 2012, the DCSS trialled hosting a couple

of MASSIVE parties – the Toga Party in

March and the End of Year Exams Party in


We are GLAD to say that they were a

HUGE success! The Toga Party was

headlined by BOMBS AWAY, the biggest

DJ act in Australia at the moment, and

nearly 700 tickets were sold for a sell-out

event. The DCSS members and other

students PACKED the Eureka Hotel for an

amazing night!

We are happy to say that the Toga Party –

themed as ‘Welcome to Waterfront’ after

the campus change - will be back for

2013. We can also reveal that “Bombs

Away” will also return for a huge Easter

Thursday at Eureka Hotel.

It’s fair to say that it is going to be a

MASSIVE first couple of months at the



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DCSS Annual Commerce Ball | “Monte Carlo”

Thursday 18th April 2013 | Buckley’s Geelong

The DCSS Annual Ball is the most

anticipated event on the calendar at

Deakin Geelong. The Ball is strictly suits for

the men and cocktail/formal for the girls.

There will be a two course meal with an

all-night bar tab are provided at the

greatest venues around Geelong.

The ball is our greatest and most

prestigious event – the night to see and

be seen. The room is decorated to a set

theme, and members and their partners

are treated to a fantastic evening of

amazing food, unlimited beer and wine,

great music with a massive dance floor,

and a night to remember.

Photographers are on hand to capture

the ladies in their incredible dresses and

the men in their smartest suits, and we

have no doubt that the 2013 Annual Ball

will live up to every expectation that our

members have.

In 2012, an exclusive group of 180 people

at The Pier on the Waterfront will never

forget the night of nights!

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DCSS Pub Crawl Trimester 1 | “Back to School”

Thursday 16th May 2013 | Geelong’s Best Pubs

Each year, the DCSS hold two pub crawls

– one in each trimester. Both are themed,

both are cheap and both are LOTS of fun.

We take up to 120 students to some of the

greatest pubs and bars in Geelong. Pubs

are kept are secret until you arrive there;

you never know where you’ll end up!

With a traditional ending at Opium Bar on

James Street and then a short walk to the

nightclubs in the CBD, DCSS pub crawls

are a night to dress up with your mates,

take on our (responsible) drinking

challenges and celebrate what it means

to be a university student in Geelong!

DCSS Trivia Night | Theme: TBA

Date: TBA (Trimester 2) | Venue: TBA

Ask anyone who has been – the trivia

night is one of the best nights of the year!

Each year, the DCSS and the DLSS come

together to bring you Geelong’s biggest

and best trivia night for up to 100 people.

The Trivia Night is always a themed event.

In 2012, the theme was the OLYMPICS to

mark the 2012 Olympics in London which

started only a few days later. There were

many questions on the Olympics but, as

well as this, there were some AMAZING


There are awesome prizes up for grabs for

the winning teams, as well as for best

dressed! Hit the books, this is an event not

to be missed!

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DCSS Annual AGM Pub Crawl | Theme: TBA

Date: TBA (Late Trimester 2) | Geelong’s Best Pubs

The second of our Pub Crawls is always

held after our Annual General Meeting.

Those who attend the pub crawl are

encouraged to attend our meeting

beforehand, where we vote in the

committee for the following year!

DCSS End of Exams Party | Theme: TBA

Date: TBA (Late Trimester 2) | Venue: TBA

The ‘Farewell Waurn Ponds’ End of Year

Party was attended by over 1500

university students excited to be rid of

their exams for 2012 – this was a HUGE

event at Home House Nightclub on a

Friday night where everyone had a

fantastic night!

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DCSS Careers

Every year the DCSS holds events where students can network with potential future

employers. The Big 4 are generally huge supporters of our events and are common

attendees. We also get firms from around Geelong and many mid-tier firms from

Melbourne to come and talk to students about where their career could be going.

We recommend students from all year levels studying Commerce, Management or

Business Information Systems attend. This is particularly important for those with a

major in accounting.

In 2012, the TAC also attended for law students, and we wish to expand our

relationship with the TAC as well as get some new companies to attend. This can

only happen with support from students - the more students that attend the more

companies that will come to provide you with opportunities!

Graduate Employment Every year, the DCSS holds a graduate fair in March when all graduate applications

are opening and even beginning to close. Employers come down from Melbourne

to give presentations on their programs and then provide opportunity to speak to

you individually about your own prospective careers.

The DCSS works with Deakin Job Shop, the Faculty of Business and Law and the

Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia to provide the best free event we

possibly can. It is fully catered and we encourage students of ALL year levels to

attend because the information you will learn is absolutely invaluable!

The 2013 Graduate Fair will be on March the 13th. This career event could be

absolutely vital to your graduate job prospects for 2013 or in the future! It will also

involve a trip to Melbourne to the ICAA networking evening!

Vacation Employment Due to the small nature of the DCSS compared to other Melbourne societies, we

hold a Vacation Work Fair in July as well. This is very well attended by firms and

students alike and once again provides excellent information and opportunity to

speak one on one with employers. We encourage students of all year levels to


It is free to attend, fully catered and supported by Deakin Job Shop and the Faculty

of Business and Law.

The DCSS Vacation Work Fair will be held in July once again in 2013.

Corporate Cocktails The DCSS intend to hold a ‘Corporate Cocktails’ night in 2013 for the first time ever.

This will involve students attending a bar to meet up with potential employers for a

night of a few drinks and to chat informally about what a career in commerce

actually is and give students an idea of where they may want to work in the future.

This is a brand new event in 2013 and we are hoping that students and employers

will get behind our careers department to make this a huge success for students.

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DCSS Community and Sport

Community Community and Sport aims to encourage DCSS members to become more actively

involved in our broader community. It’s not just about volunteering; however

volunteering in the community can be very enjoyable and fulfilling.

Volunteering Volunteering creates great opportunity for students to add to their resume and

impress recruiters from companies, as well as being a hugely rewarding experience

for themselves and greatly beneficial to the local Geelong community!

Red Shield Appeal Community and Sport also give a helping hand with raising funds for the Red Shield

Appeal. This has been growing in stature every year since its inception and in 2013

we will be looking to raise more money than ever before by having more members

helping us out on the day!

Sport The DCSS Sporting Program is a recent addition to the benefits that are associated

with DCSS membership. Recent DCSS Sport Teams have had considerable success

with a number of Grand Final appearances. However it’s not just about the success;

participating in DCSS Sport is a great way to participate in a team environment,

maintain healthy and active lifestyle and meet new people.

Futsal (Indoor Soccer) Participation in Futsal commenced in 2011 and continued in 2012. Futsal takes place

at the Barwon Valley Activity Centre (BVAC) in Belmont on Wednesday evenings.

There are up to 8 players on a Men’s Futsal team

Netball The DCSS takes part in Mixed Netball on Sunday nights at the Life Be In It Centre in

South Geelong on Sunday evenings. The team has 4 boys and 4 or 5 girls.

We also have a Women’s Netball team at Life Be In It on Monday evenings. This

team has 7-9 girls on it.

New Sports In 2013, the Community and Sport portfolio are investigating the addition of

Basketball, Tennis and 9's AFL.

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We Want You

How YOU Can be a Part!

There are so many reasons to apply to volunteer on the committee! It's a LOT of fun,

you meet some AWESOME people, and instead of you hunting for employers,

employers will be hunting for you! The DCSS is like running a small business – it can be

really hard work but is rewarding at the end of it all.

Every year, the DCSS takes some first years on board to show them the ropes of how

the DCSS works. First years are the future of the DCSS; we need them for succession

planning! If you're motivated and wish to learn how we work as well as get some

AWESOME experience for your resume you can apply to be our first year

representative after Orientation Week, in March.

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First Year Experience


I really enjoyed first year at Deakin. It was

highly recommended to me by a friend

already at Uni to join a society for all the

perks. I have to say it was the best

advice, joining the DCSS was a brilliant

move as it gave me a great network of

people to ask questions, endless

parties to have a good time at and

many opportunities to connect with

the firms I wanted to work at as well.

First year for me consisted of figuring

out what I was actually doing at Uni,

how to use STAR and the usual procrastination

that comes with studying first year subjects. Personally I

found that I much preferred this thing they called “experiential learning”

which is basically an overworked way of saying learning on the job.

I found myself doing internships and programs with Deakin’s Events Management

service and fast-track programs with Deloitte. These programs are really great and

the Uni will even give you credit for them (pending an exhaustive list of tick boxes).

At the end of the year I was offered a 12 month paid Industry Based Learning

(experiential learning) job with IBM in Melbourne and that’s what I’m currently doing

whilst completing a bit of Uni at the same time.

I think whether you apply to the committee (and it’s the best move I’ve ever made)

or not I implore you to just get out there, come to all the networking event, parties

and careers days and make the most of your DCSS membership.

Although I work full time, I am still actively involved in the DCSS and if anyone out

there has any questions for me in any respect please do email!


Thomas Szmidel

E: [email protected]

Software Group Market Segment Analyst – IBM

2012 First Year Rep

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First Year Experience


Welcome to Deakin University and the


I hope this first year is as exciting,

challenging and rewarding as it was

for me. The DCSS was a big part of

making that happen for me and I’m sure

you won’t be disappointed in choosing to join.

University is your chance at not only completing a tertiary

degree but making some great friends and memories along the way.

Deakin University is a great place to do both. Going along to DCSS functions is a

great way to meet new people and I wouldn’t have made as many new friends if I


To make the most out of your time at university I encourage you to have a plan

beyond simply completing your degree. Your resume at the end of your course

should show that you can do more than sit in lectures and complete exams. Getting

involved and pushing yourself to do something new will make university a lot more

interesting. See yourself as a committee member or even the president? Become a

first year representative. Do you wish you could study in that far off country? Go

along to the exchange program briefing early. Want to land a job with that

company? Go along to the DCSS Graduate and Vacation job fairs. Don’t put off

spending a few hours early that might save you many in the long run.

One fantastic opportunity for the adventurous is a range of study tours and

exchange programs on offer at Deakin. Don’t think that as a first year student they

are beyond you. I went on the 2012 India study tour as a first year student and loved


Studying at university is both relaxing and stressful. No one will force you to go to

class or start that assignment early, but going to class will make the course work

easier and starting assignments early is better than pulling all-nighters.

I wish you all the best at Deakin University and hope to see you at our events

Russell Oliver

First Year Representative 2012

Director of Careers 2013

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The DCSS Explains Your Transition to University

The transition to a university lifestyle can be difficult and take a long time to adjust

to, especially if you have to move out of home! The DCSS is here to ease the pain by

helping you make new friends, providing careers information and offering study


The main difference you will notice at Deakin University is the style of learning. You're

not in a class room 8 hours a day, and you're not given nightly homework. You are

expected to do nearly all of your learning in your own time. Lectures + tutes +

assignments + your own learning should total 40 hours per week across four subjects.

This will increase dramatically for commerce students around exam time.

You will also suddenly have hundreds of different subjects to choose from, and for

your majors you will have structured (though still flexible) learning requirements.

The best advice we can offer is to not go it alone. Learning at university is a team

effort. You're not competing against your classmates like you are in VCE. Trade

notes, do tute questions together, and collate examination study materials.

University study is not as hard as it may first look. In your first year economics class,

you will learn in one subject in four or five weeks what you spent two years on in High

School. This is not something to be alarmed by – you will adjust to the new style of

learning the volume of information that you have to take in. The key is in your

preparedness to do the work, and your motivation to achieve the end goal of your


Some basic tips are: Don't leave things until the last minute;

Do get others to check your work;

Do attend all classes and ask as many questions as you can;

Do tute questions before you attend the tute;

Get to know your tutors – they are an invaluable asset;

Seek help from whoever you can if you need it; and

Talk to careers and course advisors about what career you may wish to

pursue so that you can pick the appropriate majors.

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Your Course

Bachelor of Commerce


Course overview

After a first year of study in key business

disciplines, you can choose from a wide

range of major sequences in areas such as

accounting, business information systems,

commercial law, economics, finance, human resource management, management

and marketing. You can also choose from specialised areas offered by other

faculties such as journalism, sociology, politics and policy studies, languages and

psychology (subject to satisfying entry requirements). You have the option of

undertaking a business internship program as part of this course, providing hands on

experience in your chosen major sequence.

Professional recognition

The Bachelor of Commerce can lead to accreditation with many professional

bodies, such as the Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) Program of CPA Australia,

entry into the CA program of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia


Course rules

The BCom is a course of study amounting to 24 credit points.

At least 16 of these credit points must be units offered by the Faculty of Business and

Law and must include the 10 core units.

At least one major sequence of 6 credit points must be included.

In your first year of a Bachelor of Commerce at Deakin University, you will complete 8

out of your 10 core units (provided you are a Full Time student completing four units

in both Trimester 1 and Trimester 2).

Core units covered in first year will give you great insight into what major(s) you may

wish to pursue and identify which areas of study you enjoy and don’t enjoy.

More information at

Stay up to date with the Deakin Faculty of Business and law at

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Major sequences

All students in the Bachelor of Commerce are required to complete at least one

major sequence chosen from the following:


Accounting Information Systems

Business Information Systems

Commercial Law




Financial Planning

Human Resource Management

Interactive Marketing

International Business

International Management

International Trade and Economic Policy



Quantitative Business Analysis

Supply Chain Management

Course structure

Core units for the Bachelor of Commerce

MAA103 Accounting for Decision Making

MAE101 Economic Principles

MAE102 The Global Economy

MAF101 Fundamentals of Finance

MCA010 Communications for Academic Studies

MIS101 Business Information Systems

MIS171 Business Analytics

MLC101 Business Law

MMM132 Management

MMH299 Business Communications

MMK277 Marketing Management

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Your Lecturers

Graeme Pye MIS 101


MIS101 | Business Information Systems


Geelong Waterfront Campus


[email protected]

Teaching Interests

Business Information Systems

Systems Analysis and Design

Information Security and Risk Management

What Subjects do you teach?

First Year Unit: "MIS101 - Business Information Systems" - Unit Chair and I will also be

conducting weekly lectures on the Waterfront Campus as well as taking a few tutorials in

Trimester One.

Second Year Unit: "MIS211 - IS Services, Infrastructure and the Cloud" - I will be conducting

weekly lectures on the Waterfront Campus as well as taking a few tutorials in Trimester Two.

What is your favourite footy/sports team, food, and pastime?

Footy: Collingwood FC;

Sports Team: New York Yankees baseball team Favourite

Food: Pizza, especially after a big day of snowboarding

Favourite Pastime: Snowboarding and back country Heli-Skiing

What are your interests outside of teaching?

Interests: Travel, Cooking, Reading, Watching sport, Enjoying the outdoors.

Your advice for First Year Students?

Nothing's for free - The harder you work, the better your results and the 'luckier' you

get later on.

Ask questions, meet as many people as you can and make as many friends as you


Enjoy and immerse yourself in the university experience, you wouldn't get another

opportunity like it.

Hao Jia MAE 101


MAE101 | Economic Principles


Geelong Waterfront Campus


[email protected]

Research Interests


Applied Microeconomics

Bayesian Econometrics

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David Arundell MAA103


MAA103 | Accounting for Decision Making


Geelong Waterfront Campus


[email protected]

Teaching Interests

Management Accounting

Financial Accounting

What Subjects do you teach?

MAA103 Accounting for Decision Making, MAA261 Financial Accounting,

MAA363 Corporate Accounting

What is your favourite footy/sports team, food?

Footy Team - St. Kilda

Food - Almost anything

What are your interests outside of teaching?

Golf, tennis, reading, movies

Your advice for First Year Students?

Study consistently through the trimester, attend tutorials and be inquiring, ask questions (there

are no silly questions), maintain balance in your lifestyle between study, work and fun!

Jamie Mustard Subject

MIS171 | Business Analytics


Geelong Waterfront Campus


[email protected]

Teaching Interests

Data Analysis

Web based technologies and software development

What subjects do you teach?

MIS171 Data Analytics

MSQ791 Data Analysis for Managers

What is your favourite footy/sports team?

Sadly I follow Richmond in the AFL. I'm just old enough to remember their last premiership, but

that was a long, long time ago. Any student in my class who brags that their team has

beaten Richmond will automatically fail MIS171!

What are your interests outside of teaching?

Surfing, Movies and Travel

Your advice for First Year Students?

Get involved early in the trimester right from week one. The trimesters go very quickly and it is

hard to catch up once you fall behind. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions. Good luck in

your studies and I'll see you in T2 when you study MIS171 Business Analytics.

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A – Z Guide

Academic & Administrative Services Division (AASD)

AASD assists in admission. Student ID cards, re/enrolment, variations, course fees and

payments, examinations, results, graduations, academic transcripts and enquires.

Email: [email protected]

Student Information Centre

Tel 03 9244 6333 Melbourne

Tel 03 5227 2333 Geelong

Tel 03 5563 3333 Warrnambool


Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus

Building jb, level 2 – ANZ

Geelong Waterfront Campus

Building D, Level 2 – ANZ


The nearest branches to the Waterfront campus are:

ANZ – 83 Malop St, Geelong

Commonwealth Bank – 83 Moorabool Street, Geelong

NAB - 49 Malop Street, Geelong

Bendigo Bank – 62 Ryrie St, Geelong

Westpac / Bank Of Melbourne - 95-97 Moorabool St, Geelong


Booklists can be viewed online at Once

you have found your required textbooks, head over to the DUSA Bookshop or order



DUSA owns and operates the DUSA Bookshop, located on campus. You can re-sell

your textbooks once you are finished with them back to the DUSA Bookshop at a

percentage of the price you brought them for.

Cashier The cashier’s office offers a variety of services including accepting petty cash

payments, student loan distributions, parking permit replacements etc. The office is

located on level 2, Room 2.206 and is open from 9am – 11.30am.

Waterfront Tel: (03) 522 78102

Email: [email protected]

Waurn Ponds Tel: (03) 522 71145

Email: [email protected]


Centrelink is available at the Waurn Ponds campus, Wednesday 10am – 4pm.

Change contact days and avoid the queuing at a Centrelink Office. You can

contact Centrelink on 13 10 21 to make an appointment, or visit

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Childcare Centres at Deakin

The Deakin and Community Child Care Centre is located at the Waurn Ponds

Campus in Building fi. The Centre provides care from 8am – 6pm, Monday to Friday.

More information is available from:

Cloud Deakin

Here you will find all you need to know about your course material for your units such

as lecture slides, lecture podcasts and online tests to name a few.

Computer Laboratories You need to carry your Deakin Card (student ID card) with you, and have a valid

Deakin username and password to use the computers at Deakin. Some labs are

open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and both PC and Mac workstations are


Deakin Card

Your Student ID card, known as your Deakin card, identifies you as a member of the

Deakin community. Your card can reloaded with $ value and used for a variety of

services around campus including photocopying, printing, internet usage, vending

machines and retail outlets. Your Deakin Card also serves as your library borrowing

card and must be presented when borrowing resources from the Library.

Deakin Central Deakin Central can help you with most of your administration needs including

providing information about academic transcripts, examinations, courses, Deakin

Card, enrolment, graduation, IT services, lost property, overseas health cover,

parking permits and other general enquiries Deakin Central is located on Level 2 in

the John Hay Building at Waterfront.

DUSA- Deakin University Student Association Inc. DUSA is Deakin’s student association whose membership offers vast support and

opportunities to students, including; the DUSA Advocacy Team, Sporting teams,

Discounts on memberships and events run by DUSA and other societies and much

more. You can visit DUSA website to find out what other opportunities DUSA can

offer you.

DUSA website:


Students must check Student Connect for their personal examination timetable

which will be released six weeks prior to end of semester examinations. Examination

dates are also available at

Financial Assistance

If you are having any financial issues, Deakin has a number of services in place to

help you manage. More information can be found at

Gyms – The KD Stewart Centre

The KD Stewart Centre is an indoor sports and recreation facility. Housing multi-

purpose facilities including; group fitness rooms, personal exercise equipment, and

fully equipped weight and cardio rooms. Hours are 7:00am – 8:30pm , Mon-Thurs,

7:00am – 5:00pm Fri, 8:30am – 12:30pm Sat And 12:30pm – 4:30pm Sun.

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First Year Guide 2013 22

Housing – Off Campus Accommodation Deakin University operates a housing service, which operates year-round on the

Waurn Ponds campus. Housing officers can provide students with information on

finding accommodation and tenancy advice. Phone (03) 5227 2249 or visit


Intermission is the suspension of studies for a maximum period of 12 months. You must

seek approval from your enrolment officer.


Permanent Residency

International students who are interested in finding out more about how to apply for

Australian permanent residency can research the skilled migration office website at


The Deakin University library provides information, resources and services to support

your studies with over 1 million information resources in the collection from books and

journals to maps, videos and full-text online resources. The library website is the main

gateway to all library resources.


Loan amounts up to $1000 may be arranged through student life, loans over $400

require a guarantor. For further information visit

Lost Property

For all lost property visit DUSA assist – if your property is not there you can register your

details and the staff will contact you if your item is found.

Medical Centre

The Deakin Medical Centre offers students services including; Vaccinations, Sexual

Health, Pregnancy tests, STI checks, Women’s health, Men’s health and Mental

health. For more information or to make an appointment contact Student Life.

Telephone: 5227 8400

Orientation Week (O’Week)

Designed to orient first year students by giving them a brief introduction to the social

aspects of university life. For more information visit


Vehicles parking at Deakin University between 8:30am – 4:30pm Mon-Fri, require a

valid parking permit. There are a limited number of time-limited parking spaces as

well as a number of free parking spaces. Daily parking permits are available from

ticket machines and yearly/trimester parking permits are available from Deakin


Passwords & Usernames

Having trouble accessing your password or username? Phone Deakin’s Information

Technology Services (ITS) on 1800 721 720 or visit

Re-Enrolment When planning your re-enrolment, refer to your Handbook, Student Connect, and

seek course advice from the faculty of Business and Law Enrolment Officer. For more

information visit

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Results Release

Access results on a staggered alphabetical basis: (from 6:30pm) by visiting or via SMS. Students must register to receive

this option.

Students will need their Student number and usual Deakin password to access results

on Student Connect.

Student Connect Student connect is the student administration portal where you can gain direct

access to you enrolment information as well as course, unit and address details, print

exam timetables, view exam results and re-enrol online. Visit


To access you personalized timetable for each semester visit Student Connect and

select ‘STAR’ on the left-hand side of the page. Visit


Academic Transcripts listing your results to date are available from Deakin Central at

a charge of $20 for one copy and $5 for each additional copy requested at the

same time. You will receive one free copy at the completion of your course.

Youth Allowance Youth Allowance is an income support payment for young Australians (generally for

those aged 16 – 20 years and students aged 21 – 24 years) that aims to ensure

adequate levels of income to eligible young people. For more information visit

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This publication is designed to assist students in learning more about compulsory and

elective units taught at the Geelong Campus of Deakin University. This publication is

provided free of charge and was collaborated by the Deakin Commerce Students’

Society (DCSS) using the resources of the 2013 Handbook and various other Deakin

publications and websites.

All contributors and any other persons relating to this publication are not responsible

for the actions of readers based on any information, error or omission in the

publication. The views given in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of

the editor, the DCSS or the Faculty of Business and Law. All readers should be aware

that the DCSS does not offer enrolment advice and readers should speak to the

appropriate enrolment officer should they have any further questions or require

further information


Hayden Schreurs

Sarah Stapleton

Evan McGinty

Jason Stockdale

Tom Szmidel

Russell Oliver

Faculty of Business and Law

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2013 Deakin University Academic Calendar

Trimester 1

Lectures Begin

Monday 11 March 2013

Easter vacation/intra trimester break Friday 29 March – Sunday 7 April 2013

Lectures End Friday 7 June 2013

Study period Monday 10 - Wednesday 12 June 2013

Exams Start Thursday 13 June 2013

Exams End Friday 21 June 2013

Inter trimester break Monday 24 June – Friday 12 July 2013

Trimester 2

Lectures Begin

Monday 15 July 2013

Intra trimester break Monday 12 – Sunday 18 August 2013

Lectures End Friday 11 October 2013

Study period Monday 14 – Wednesday 16 October


Exams Begin Thursday 17 October 2013

Exams End Friday 25 October 2013

Inter trimester break Monday 28 October – Friday 8

November 2013

Trimester 3

Lectures Begin

Monday 11 November 2013

Intra trimester break Tuesday 24 December 2013 - Thursday 2

January 2014

Lectures End Friday 7 February 2014

Study period Monday 10 – Wednesday 12 February


Exams Begin Thursday 13 February 2014

Exams End Friday 21 February 2014

Inter trimester break Monday 24 February – Friday 7 March