the days of noah & lot: signs of the time

The Days of Noah & Lot s s s s

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Post on 11-Mar-2016




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Our time is like the time of Noah and the time of Lot. Violence and Sodomy have filled the land. This is not our opinion. We do not speak our opinion. We speak only those things that are clear and plainly written in the bible.


Page 1: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

The Days

of Noah &






Page 2: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time


“And as it was in the days of

Noe so shall it be also in the

days of the Son of

man….Likewise also as it was

in the days of Lot.”

Luke 17:26 &28

Page 3: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

Our time is like the time of

Noah and the time of Lot.

Violence and Sodomy have

filled the land.

This is not our opinion. We

do not speak our opinion

We speak only those things

that are clear and plainly

written in the bible.

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Page 4: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

Here we see clearly life or death, good or

evil. We exhort you to choose the good,

to choose life.

There is no hidden mystery here or obscure word of prophecy understood

only by a few.

It is not a matter of our

interpretation either.




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II Timothy 3:1-4, “This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection,

trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;”

We Live in Perilous Times s




Page 6: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

#2The world

appears to have

forgotten God.

Many say he

does not exist.

They have

forgotten the

power of God

even in the face

of the daily

evidence all

around us.

#1They make light of the things that he has told us.

the churches of the world they do not speak of his commandments.

They act like God is not a judge.

That he is impotent when it comes to his will.

That he will only do occasional acts of good but has no power to punish or destroy the wicked.



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They show irreverence and

contempt to the word of

God. Because of the

hypocrisy of the religious

leaders, the media makes

anyone who openly speaks

of the bible; especially

when it comes to any public

policy seem like a fool, a

crazy person, a bigot or a


Often times those who do publicly speak of the bible are actually fools, crazy, bigots or zealots. Because

of this many people change their opinions. Who wants to agree with a fool, or a

bigot? Let’s be open minded and accept the changes of

society, they feel.


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God does not change. Though wicked men throughout history have used the word of God as an excuse to do evil,

the word of God remains true. Let God be true and all men liars. God does not change. He said “For I am the Lord, I change not.”


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God is a righteous


He does not love

everybody and he will

not excuse the guilty.

When he comes again

he will come to judge

this world.



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“For the Lord hath a controversy with

the inhabitants of the land, because

there is no truth, nor mercy, nor

knowledge of God in the land. By

swearing and lying and killing, and

stealing, and committing adultery, they

break out and blood toucheth blood.

Therefore shall the land mourn….”

Hosea 4: 1-3

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God told us in the beginning, “Thou shalt not kill”. Christ told us that if we are angry with our brother without a cause we are a

murderer. He told us to love one another. When Christ came he healed the sick, he fed the hungry, he opened the eyes of the blind, and he

taught the gospel.

The Days of Noah s




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The leaders of the world take food from the mouths of the poor, and

the elderly. Health care is not available to all people. People die from a

lack of their basic necessities. The rich steal money from the people in hidden ways. They don’t even know what is happening to them. When

you take away a person’s living you are taking away his life.

The poor are forsaken





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Jobs are taken away so that the rich can

make more money. This country is steeped

with innocent blood. Remember the blood

of all of the slaves. Often times the guilty

go unpunished. The innocent blood cries

out to God just like the blood of Abel.

II Esdras 15:8, “behold the innocent and

righteous blood crieth unto me and the

souls of the just complain continually.”

Children kill parents, parents kill and

abuse children.

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Genocide is alive and well in this world, ethnic

cleansings continue. Guns are everywhere. Life has little

value. Money is god.

In other nations, the abuse of women is a sick custom. a tradition that they defend. They kill baby girls at birth

just because they are not boys.

People are not safe from their closest relatives. People

are killed in gang violence. Children are killed in school

by mad gunmen and cruel hazing.




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The scripture says that covetousness

is idolatry. The world is full of

idolatry. And everyone continues to

eat and drink and make merry just like

in the days of Noah before the flood.

“But evil men and seducers shall wax

worse and deceiving and being


II Timothy 3:13

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Wickedness has polluted the earth

and God will come in vengeance. “For

the indignation of the Lord is upon

all nations, and his fury upon all

their armies: he hath utterly

destroyed them, he hath delivered

them to the slaughter.”

Isaiah 34: 2

Page 18: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

#2In the

beginning God

created male

and female.

“So God created

man in his

image, in the

image of God

created he him;

male and female

created he


(Genesis 1:27)


He told them to be fruitful and multiply.

Because of envy of the devil sin came into the world.

God told us “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

The sin of adultery was what the devil used to fight against the will of God.

The devil did not just invent one type of sin, he invented multiple ways to break each of the 10 commandments.




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The Days of lot s



sBe fruitful &



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Sodomy is a sin that opposes the 7th commandment.

Sodomy is any type of defiant behavior of an intimate nature. God told the children of Israel that these behaviors were abominations.


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Leviticus 18:22, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 20:13, “If a man also lies with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.”



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What is an abomination? It is something detestable or disgusting.

Sodomy is a very detestable sin. Sodomy is not a new thing. What is new is how it is accepted these days.



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#2We are being

force fed the

acceptance of

these behaviors

by the media

and now by the


If anyone speaks

publicly against

it they are

called bigots

or fools.

#1They may lose jobs, money, or endorsements.

Policy is changed whenever the dollar is called into question.

So who or what is the god of this country and this world?


The Days of lot s



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#2We have learned

to smile and keep

our opinions to


The young people

more and more

accept this


So many of the

people they

admire are

paraded in front

of them as being

of this


#1Its ok, it’s cool.

Many of them will try anything once to fit in.

Besides they teach acceptance in the schools.


The Days of lot s


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They compare it to the civil rights era. Many people cannot tell the difference between the color of someone’s skin and this behavior. God created people of different nations, with all different skin tones

and hair texture, but he did not create this. He did not create people who

desire to steal, or kill or to do any other type of sin.

The Days of Lots




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Page 26: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time


Society’s opinion has changed. At first

sodomy was against the law, then they said

those who practiced it had a mental

illness, next they said no, it’s not a

sickness, it’s a lifestyle. But now no,

because if it’s a lifestyle, a choice, you can

choose to behave differently, now they say

people are born that way. Society’s opinion

on sodomy has changed many times. The

laws of the land have changed legalizing

the abominable thing.

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The law of man or the changing mores of

society does not justify this in the eyes of

God because God does not change. How

did this come about and become so

entrenched? Let us see what Paul says in

Romans 1:22-32. It begins with the sin of

idolatry. It is from idolatry that all sins

emerge. When you worship idols you are

worshipping Satan. Those who worship

Satan obey Satan.

Page 28: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

In our day idolatry is hid under the cloak of covetousness. The politically correct word for covetousness is often called ambition or success.

People may proclaim to be Christian or may worship God with their mouths but as it is written, their hearts are far from him.




Page 29: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and serve the creature more than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”



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Let us pause here to reflect that the creature is anything that is made by God as well as any use that man has for it, like cars, houses, money or anything that they can

get with it. In other words this is also covetousness and the love of money. Let us continue to read.

The Days of Lots




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“For this cause God gave them up unto vile

(morally despicable or repugnant) affections: For

even their women did change the natural use into

that which is against nature: And likewise also the

men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned

in their lust one toward another; men with men

working that which is unseemly, and receiving in

themselves that recompence of their error which

was meet And even as they did not like to retain

God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a

reprobate (worthless, evil, condemned) mind, to

do those things which are not convenient.”

Page 32: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

In other words,

stopping here, God

allowed their

minds to be taken

control by this

spirit because they

continued to sin

and would not

repent. Let us


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Page 33: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

And here Apostle Paul concludes all who are

entrenched in sin.



“Being filled with all unrighteousness,

fornication, wickedness, covetousness,

maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit,

malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God,

despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil

things, disobedient to parents, Without

understanding, covenant breakers, without

natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who

knowing the judgment of God that they which

commit such things are worthy of death, not

only do the same, but have pleasure in them that

do them.”

Page 34: The Days of Noah & Lot: Signs of the Time

#2Therefore let us

not be deceived.

Christ said to do

unto others as we

would have them

do unto us,

to do good to the

good as well

coworkers or

loved ones.

And we must not

accept wicked

behavior even by

friends or family,

coworkers or

loved ones.

#1God did not tell us to treat them badly or to punish them.

We must walk as Christ walked.

We know that God is coming to judge this earth.

It says so over and over again in the bible.


The Days of lot s

Let us be warned.

Obey God and keep his commandments.

Do not be deceived because people are nice or appear good or kind.

We must be righteous.

We know the truth.


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The content of this

presentation was

developed by

Evelyn C. Pointer

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For questions regarding this

presentation please contact

us via email at

info@householdo! or

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