the daily bulletin · &epwatckos, clocks and jewelry."a impairing watches and clocks a...

WV M ' Wf: V" ! r . fur. I ffc' wMffy$gfmowi rryiffw mrr " T(J W' THE DAILY BULLETIN No. 2-1- HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1882. CO CENTS 8UDQORIPTION PER MONTH. The Daily Bulletin Is published cvory morning by tlio DAILY BUM.KTIN I'UDMBIIIKa Co., and circulated throughout the town, nml forwarded to tho other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, f!0 cts. per month. G. C.uisox Kkxton, - Editor. All business communications to be ml. dressed, Manager Dully Bulletin, Post Olllcu Box No. 14. Telephone 2o0. f.T. G. Ci.kviou, Manager. It is much to be regretted Hint the process for rendering the mntcriuls of Indies' dresses uninllninmablo is not more gcncrnlly understood nnd used by the public. Hither of tl"co substances phosphate of ninmoliin, tungstnlc of soda, nnd sulphate of amnionia can be mixed in tho star- ch, nnd nt the cost of oncpenny n dress, dcntlis from lire enn be ren- dered in point of fnct impossible. Articles of apparel subjected to those agents can, if they Ihtii at all, only smoulder, and m no case can they blaze up in the sudden and terrible niivnncr in which so many fatal acci- dents have occurred to tko.fair wear- ers of crinoline. A Boston burglar worked for six solid hours on a safe in a newspaper pfllec, and was rewarded by Undine;, not an j actual cash, but the note of hand of a prominent politician for $7, which ho owed for election tick- ets he had ordered printed. As the safe was ruined, the best way, or ra- ther tho safest way, would 'be to ci- ther leave the safe wide open, or else have a glass window in it, affording from the outsido a view of tho lack of contents. Something should be dono to protect the hard-worki- burglar from the imposition of journ- alists. Tex. Sift. A' new driver, fresh trom the country lyccum,'Was initiated into the horse-ca- r business on one of tho Norwich routes the other day. The pcculiarties of his style in collecting fares excited the mirth of his ilrst car of passengers. After he had finally collected all tho money that he rec- koned was duo him and escaped to the platform, a couple of girls tit- tered. He wheeled around solemnly nnd remarked in parliamentary lan- guage of " CWHmg's Manual :" " If any of you pe'opfc hain't paid their fares they will pleaso manifest it by rising." JVbw London Conn. Day The prominent physicians of the Bush Medical College who, after Tracy was hanged in Chicago UUJJt, 10, experimented willi electricity for the purpose of obsorvirig phenomena, succeeded in restoring the rhythmic motion of the heart, and express the belief that if the neck had not been broken they could ljavo restored life. It is asked, what would have been tho legal Btatus of Tracy, in the event ho had been roviucd-- a con- demned murderer of a frco man? Experiments have been made in Paris ns to tho effect of the electric light in conservatories. When tho naked rays were allowed to stream forth, the result upon the plants wa3 found to be positively injurious. When globes were put on the lamps, the injurious consequences of the light ceased, very little good could bo detected. Illumination by night did not seem to be fatal to vegetable life, but no proof was discovered that it wns beneficial. Tho art of shorthand is, It ap- pears, to bo superseded by 0110 of tho queerest inventions on record. The revolution is lo bo effected by means of a mnchino called a "glos-Bogra'pli- ,'' consisting of six levers forming a sort of cage, each com- municating with a tracing pencil. Thouso to be made of the "glos-Hograp- h" Is rather curions. "While the orator or lecturer is holding forth, ho reporter is to repeat the words of tho speaker with Ids tongue in the cage. Thus the quickest London journals tell us,, may be taken down with case Tho ludicrous aspect which this pew invention, nsdnmea may bo mx obstu-- f cioo us. auopuoH . t (t B.E.EHLERS&Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 71 Received DELIGHTFUL NEWS! TO THE LADIES OF HONOLULU AND THE VARIOUS ISLANDS. MRS. A.M. MELMS who Is admitted to be tho leading Millinery, and Dies-make- r, modestc In tho Kingdom, begs Imvo to say to her nmny numerous Lady friends that her new stock of Beautiful goods recently ordered are now beginning to arrive, which Include nil tho very latest French and American fashions, In Ladles' and Childien's hats and bonnets ami dress patterns of rich and raro designs. MHS.MELLI8 strictly superintends all work, being always so thoroughly competent mid particular with her patrons' orders, It Is not strange nil Ladles of fashion and taste aro her customers. t Ladies with their children arc Invited to call and sec samples of tho now Fall nndWinter styles in her Milliner' department, and nlo to sec the new and latest plumes, feathers, trimmings etc. Every pains taken to pleaso tho most faslcdlous nml all work guaranteed in every respect. HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, A. M. MEIiLIS, Proprietor, Bargains will be sold at the above Estab- lishment previous tho arrival of the Holiday Goods ! A. M. MELLIS, 101 H A. KRAFT, JEWELER, OPTICIAN, Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities. Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4 ing, opposite the Bank. Cims. D. Geiusch, Praotical " Watchmaker. 8 Hotel Street, opposite tho 12a 3m ' International Hotel, -- a D. W. CLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, 3MF3 ' vw& Always on hnnd a nice stock of &ePWatckos, Clocks and Jewelry."a Impairing Watches and Clocks a Spuel uuy, au. 0.) notei street. 33 Telephone, No. Notice. DURING my absenco from Mr. Thomas Tannatt will act for mo under a full Power of Attor- ney. D. W. CLARK. N.B. In order to mnko room for a larger stock of new styles of clocks, Mr. Tannatt will sell thu clocks, Jcc, &c, now on hand, at greatly reduced prices. 220 Artesian Ice Works DELIVERED to all parts of tho ICE and suburbs. )rders from tho other Islands prompt- ly attended to. Olllcu at W. E. Fostku's, Saddler, Fort, street. 150 - TelpphonnNo. 111. 2m ONOLULU ICE MANUFACTORY. Ieo delivered to all parts of tho City. Shipping supplied In quantities to suit. Telephone, No. 6H. Olllco at Wlhlev & Co.'s. 18 Irrigation i IRRIGATION, after this date, Is fati except between The llourH of (1 to H n. 111. mid 4 to O p. 111. CHAS. R. 'WILSON, Superintendent Water AVorks. Approved : Jko. E- - Resit, ' Minister of Interior.' Honolulu, Oct. 21, 1883. ISO by every ntoamor and that to 240. this Fost street, Honolulu. H. TKEOLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. Hobert Lcivors, C. X. Cooke. T EWERS & COOKE, (successors to Lowers & DlcksnnA Importers and Dealers in Lumber nnd all kinds of Building Materials, Fort street, HouoIuIh 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers in Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Rullding Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen st-- ., Honolulu. 1 & ROBINSON, Dealers In Lumber and all kinds of Rullding Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 & rillLLIPS, Practical PlumbeiB, GasFltters and Copper- smiths, No. 18 Nuuiinu st., Honolulu. House anil Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 b ,.01111. GEltTZ, No. 80 Fort st. Importer and dealer in Gout's. Ladles' nml Children's boots, shoes and slippers. (W BROWN & CO., Importers nnd In Ales, Wines and Spirits, .No. U Merchant ht., Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON Works Co. Steam engines, sugar mills, boilers, coolers, iron, brass nnd lead casting'; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blacksmlthing. Job work executed on short notice. 1 0 WEST, Carriage gggfe. Builder. Buggies, Carriages, Express 'Wagons and every kind of vehicles manufactured. Blacksmlthing, horse-shoein- g, and all kinds of repairing done. Wilson Brothers, GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Shoeing a specialty A first-clas- s man being specially engaged for that work. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on tho Esplanade, op, Hoppcr's-SO- l THE Hawaiian .Journal, " Ko Pat. Aina," owned nnd edited by Kawainui Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 0,200 copies, nud 1s thu bebt advertising medium. Of- fice, No. 0 Merchant ut. 1 FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. Geo. V. Mnofarhinc. II. 11. Maefarlnnc. 0. W. MAGFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- - CHANTS ano 8u(av Factors, FlrcProof Building, 52 Queen slieel, Honolulu. 11. 1. AOEKTS for . Tho Wnlknpu Sugar Plantation, Maul, The Silencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The llcein Sugar Plantation, Unliu. Huelo Sugar-Mill- , Maul, IT ti. 1..1I mr-- .. initio augur I ninuuioii, jinui) Ptiuloa Sheep llanch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, " ' Mlrrlccs Watson & Go's Sugar Machln cry, uiasgow, Glasgow ami Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 Claim Jirccl'l. Win. U. Irwin. WM. G. tilWIN & COMPANY, Factors nnd Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 ST HACKFELD & COMPANY, General Commission Agents. Queen street, Honolulu. 1 A K. CLEG HORN & Co., Importers Jtx. and Commission Merchants, Deal- ers In General Merchandise, Queen nud Kaahtiiuaun .its., Honolulu, It. A. 1. Cnrlor. t'. C. Jones, Jr. & ,0 O . , Shipping and Commission Merchants Queen street, Honolulu. 1 rpiIEO. H. DAVIES it CO., Import-J- L crs nnd Commission Merchants: ngents for Lloyd's .and tho Liverpool underwriters, urmsii nnu Foreign in. surnnco Company, nnd Northern Assur-une- c Company. 71 JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen it, Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer- chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 S. GKINBAUM & CO. , Commission Mcrchnuts, 124 California street, Sau Francisco, Cal. i L H NE II AN &GO .. -- - Importers and Commission Mer. chants, Nuuann st., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Cartlc. J, I). Atticrton. c ASThE & COOKE. ShlpiihiK and Commission Mer. chant. Importers nnd Dealers fa Gen-or- Merchandise, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. l WING "WO CHAN & Co., nnd General Dealers In English, American and Chlueso Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, all qualities ami prices. US?" No. 22 Nuuann Street, opposlto Mr. Afong's. 81 CIIAKLES HAMMER, Manufacturer ami denier in nil kinds of Saddlery and Harness. Orders from tho other Islands promptly attended to. 209 Corner Fort nnd King Ms. ly No Bash Whacking Here. LIVES SAVED by g your Tfrr Horso Equipments From W. FENNELL, jT - Practical Mechanic, 02 King street. C3TNo Peter Funk slock here. 201) A. S. CLEGHORN & Go. Have received a largo assortment of Colonial Saddles, to suit all clnsscs of purchasers, per S. S. 181 Australia. JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stovcg and Ranges of ull kinds. Plumbers1 stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lumps, &c. Just Received ex Kalakaua, Table nndPio Fruits, Nicu Breakfast Goods, such as Ctimllu Fish, Salmon and l'lir Pork In 51b. Tins, Suitable lor families, For salo by 00 A. 8. Cijuiuokk Co. G. II. ROBERTSON, kMKHL?Uds3)flUCi Dniyman beBt teams lu town. I'cWuhouo No. 05, " v "15 Professionals. Tir AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney ii ami isouusciior ai ldiw. Agent to tako acknowledgments of instruments. Kaahumnnu St., Honolulu 209 J. M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Real Estate in nny part of the Klngdo bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 37 Merchant si. (Gazelle Block), ' . 100 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands . SR. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pnb- - No. 15 Kaahumanu st. 11' JM. DAVIDSON.Attorncy ntLaw Merchant street. 1C I?11AKCIS M. HATCH, Attorney Law, IS Kaahumanu st. 23 JOHN HUSSKLL, Attorney at Law, corner of Fort and Merchant streets (np stairs) 1 15 Gin RICHARD F. BIOlvERTON, nnd Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free-hold- a. Ofllco. No. at Merchant st. 1 BROWN, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub- lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg- ment!! of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. ti Kaahumanu street, Hono- lulu. 1 TY7ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor- - V T ncy at Law, No. 30 Merchant street. 73 lm DR. G. THOU8SEAU begs to notify friends that he has resumed practice in Honolulu, ltcsldeneo and consulting rooms, No. 7a Punchbowl st,' opposite tho mnkal gate, of tho Queen's Hospital. Consulting hours from U n.m to 12. Telephone Mo. 1!). CI! lm -- pvR. EMKK.SON. lestileuco and 'con rooms at No. 2 Kukul St.. comer of F01 1. Telephone No. lit). 5D 2m A FULLER, Vcrltns. Surveyor for Bureau 1 O. Bbrqeh, KAAIIlniANU BTItlJKT, Gcticrnl Agent for The N. Y. Life Iniuriiuco Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(llmifd), Mncneulo & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Yaneo & Co. 2U3 J.- - WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, - . Honolulu, Portrait and Landscapo 3?liotog-rpliers- . , 180 ly . M" - - QHARLES T. GULICK,( NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Lifbor Contracts, AND GENEHAL BUSINESS AGENT. Oillce, In Makeo's Block, corner Queen and Kaahumanu streets, Honolulu. 21 ILLIAM AULD, Agent to tako Acknowledgments to Con- tracts for Libor lor the District of Kona Island of Oahu, at tho olllco of the Hono- lulu Water AVorks, foot of Nuuanu st. IBP tf JOHN A. HASSINGER,, Agent to tako Ackmmledgnients to Contracts for Labor. Interior '.Ifllcc, Honolulu. 7 W. C. AKANA, Chinese and Hnwailan Trans- - lator and Interjiretcr, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the above languages made with accurary and dls- - pu Icli, and on reasonable ierms, 20!i' JR. BRUNS, Cooper and Ganger, " Water Tanks of nny dimensions, Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street, Honolulu. Oil Casks, Shooks ami Hoop Iron con-22- 1 Manlly on hnnd mid for sale, ly A FRESH LOT OF WATERS' Colonial Candies Just received at A. S. Cloghorn & Go's, 181 per B.S. Amisalia. E3T Gent's Evening Dress Coats and Suits to bo had at the Honolulu Cloth. Ing Emporium of A. M., No. 101 Foit street. 02 2w riONEEU STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Tract'ical Confectioner, Pustry Cook mid Baker. No. 71 TIntol st. Tnlonhofift 7.1; .( i - M fo.- - m 1 ' ..." 'i... lite . Ivrti Lh w.. ' wt'lVl' mm;i j tfliVVpiVRVIFar V .fc" m i5i Vl ,. !.Tl ?.1 3 m ' V'ai - v- - lsf . .& .M 'rt -- J lW8 '& m ' r.w. ' ;s ;. f'J ,H A 31 1 . m .'fat '.r? . 3fll M m -- ?i .!& '41 . ' H -- m W Vy i ' . jc IS vS 'j!i i," "A jiJfflBfi , ,. cJi. rMinXsEaHU , ... m-mam- i .f'ta 'CffwWsWmBEMBMf a&jfiiHHKaSBlBiW

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN · &ePWatckos, Clocks and Jewelry."a Impairing Watches and Clocks a Spuel uuy, au. 0.) notei street. 33 Telephone, No. Notice. DURING my absenco from Mr. Thomas



' Wf:

V" !

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wMffy$gfmowi rryiffw mrr " T(J




The Daily BulletinIs published cvory morning by tlio

DAILY BUM.KTIN I'UDMBIIIKa Co.,and circulated throughout the town, nmlforwarded to tho other Islands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, f!0 cts. per month.G. C.uisox Kkxton, - Editor.All business communications to be ml.

dressed, Manager Dully Bulletin, PostOlllcu Box No. 14. Telephone 2o0.

f.T. G. Ci.kviou, Manager.

It is much to be regretted Hint theprocess for rendering the mntcriulsof Indies' dresses uninllninmablo isnot more gcncrnlly understood nndused by the public. Hither of tl"cosubstances phosphate of ninmoliin,tungstnlc of soda, nnd sulphate ofamnionia can be mixed in tho star-

ch, nnd nt the cost of oncpenny n

dress, dcntlis from lire enn be ren-

dered in point of fnct impossible.Articles of apparel subjected to thoseagents can, if they Ihtii at all, onlysmoulder, and m no case can theyblaze up in the sudden and terribleniivnncr in which so many fatal acci-dents have occurred to tko.fair wear-ers of crinoline.

A Boston burglar worked for sixsolid hours on a safe in a newspaperpfllec, and was rewarded by Undine;,

not anj actual cash, but the note of

hand of a prominent politician for$7, which ho owed for election tick-

ets he had ordered printed. As thesafe was ruined, the best way, or ra-

ther tho safest way, would 'be to ci-

ther leave the safe wide open, or elsehave a glass window in it, affordingfrom the outsido a view of tho lackof contents. Something should bedono to protect the hard-worki-

burglar from the imposition of journ-alists. Tex. Sift.

A' new driver, fresh trom thecountry lyccum,'Was initiated intothe horse-ca- r business on one of thoNorwich routes the other day. Thepcculiarties of his style in collectingfares excited the mirth of his ilrst carof passengers. After he had finallycollected all tho money that he rec-

koned was duo him and escaped tothe platform, a couple of girls tit-

tered. He wheeled around solemnlynnd remarked in parliamentary lan-

guage of " CWHmg's Manual :" " Ifany of you pe'opfc hain't paid theirfares they will pleaso manifest it byrising." JVbw London Conn. Day

The prominent physicians of theBush Medical College who, afterTracy was hanged in Chicago UUJJt,

10, experimented willi electricity forthe purpose of obsorvirig phenomena,succeeded in restoring the rhythmicmotion of the heart, and express thebelief that if the neck had not beenbroken they could ljavo restoredlife. It is asked, what would havebeen tho legal Btatus of Tracy, inthe event ho had been roviucd-- a con-

demned murderer of a frco man?

Experiments have been made in

Paris ns to tho effect of the electriclight in conservatories. When thonaked rays were allowed to streamforth, the result upon the plants wa3found to be positively injurious.When globes were put on the lamps,

the injurious consequences of thelight ceased, very little good couldbo detected. Illumination by nightdid not seem to be fatal to vegetablelife, but no proof was discoveredthat it wns beneficial.

Tho art of shorthand is, It ap-

pears, to bo superseded by 0110 of

tho queerest inventions on record.

The revolution is lo bo effected bymeans of a mnchino called a "glos-Bogra'pli- ,''

consisting of six levers

forming a sort of cage, each com-

municating with a tracing pencil.

Thouso to be made of the "glos-Hograp- h"

Is rather curions. "While

the orator or lecturer is holding

forth, ho reporter is to repeat thewords of tho speaker with Ids tongue

in the cage. Thus the quickestLondon journals tell

us,, may be taken down with caseTho ludicrous aspect which this pewinvention, nsdnmea may bo mx obstu-- f

cioo us. auopuoH .t (t


All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71




MRS. A.M. MELMS who Is admitted to be tho leading Millinery, and Dies-make- r,

modestc In tho Kingdom, begs Imvo to say to her nmny numerous Ladyfriends that her new stock of Beautiful goods recently ordered are now beginningto arrive, which Include nil tho very latest French and American fashions, InLadles' and Childien's hats and bonnets ami dress patterns of rich and rarodesigns.

MHS.MELLI8 strictly superintends all work, being always so thoroughlycompetent mid particular with her patrons' orders, It Is not strange nil Ladlesof fashion and taste aro her customers.


Ladies with their children arc Invited to call and sec samples of tho now FallnndWinter styles in her Milliner' department, and nlo to sec the new and latestplumes, feathers, trimmings etc. Every pains taken to pleaso tho most faslcdlousnml all work guaranteed in every respect.


Bargains will be sold at the above Estab-

lishment previous tho arrival ofthe Holiday Goods !

A. M. MELLIS, 101



Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

ing, opposite the Bank.

Cims. D. Geiusch,Praotical "

Watchmaker.8 Hotel Street, opposite tho

12a 3m ' International Hotel, -- a

D. W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

3MF3 ' vw&

Always on hnnd a nice stock of

&ePWatckos, Clocks and Jewelry."aImpairing Watches and Clocks a Spueluuy, au. 0.) notei street. 33

Telephone, No.

Notice.DURING my absenco from

Mr. Thomas Tannatt willact for mo under a full Power of Attor-ney. D. W. CLARK.

N.B. In order to mnko room for alarger stock of new styles of clocks, Mr.Tannatt will sell thu clocks, Jcc, &c,now on hand, at greatly reduced prices.


Artesian Ice Works

DELIVERED to all parts of thoICE and suburbs.

)rders from tho other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Olllcu at W. E. Fostku's, Saddler,Fort, street.150 - TelpphonnNo. 111. 2m

ONOLULU ICE MANUFACTORY.Ieo delivered to all parts of tho

City. Shipping supplied In quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 6H. Olllco atWlhlev & Co.'s. 18

Irrigation i

IRRIGATION, after this date, Is fati

except between

The llourH of (1 to H n. 111.

mid 4 to O p. 111.

CHAS. R. 'WILSON,Superintendent Water AVorks.

Approved : Jko. E- - Resit, '

Minister of Interior.'Honolulu, Oct. 21, 1883. ISO

by every ntoamor





Fost street, Honolulu.


204 FORT ST.

Hobert Lcivors, C. X. Cooke.

T EWERS & COOKE,(successors to Lowers & DlcksnnA

Importers and Dealers in Lumber nnd allkinds of Building Materials, Fort street,HouoIuIh 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers inPaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Rullding Materials of every kind,cor. Fort and Queen st--., Honolulu. 1

& ROBINSON, Dealers InLumber and all kinds of Rullding

Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71

& rillLLIPS, PracticalPlumbeiB, GasFltters and Copper-

smiths, No. 18 Nuuiinu st., Honolulu.House anil Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

b ,.01111. GEltTZ, No. 80 Fort st.Importer and dealer in Gout's.

Ladles' nml Children's boots, shoes andslippers. (W

BROWN & CO., Importers nndIn Ales, Wines and Spirits,

.No. U Merchant ht., Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRONWorks Co. Steam engines, sugarmills, boilers, coolers, iron, brass

nnd lead casting'; machinery of everydescription made to order. Particularattention paid to ship's blacksmlthing.Job work executed on short notice. 1

0 WEST,Carriage gggfe. Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express 'Wagons

and every kind of vehicles


Blacksmlthing, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of repairing done.

Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Shoeing a specialty

A first-clas- s man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esplanade, op, Hoppcr's-SO- l

THE Hawaiian .Journal, " KoPat. Aina," owned nnd

edited by Kawainui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 0,200 copies, nud1s thu bebt advertising medium. Of-

fice, No. 0 Merchant ut. 1

FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

Geo. V. Mnofarhinc. II. 11. Maefarlnnc.



CHANTS ano8u(av Factors,

FlrcProof Building, 52 Queen slieel,Honolulu. 11. 1.

AOEKTS for .

Tho Wnlknpu Sugar Plantation, Maul,The Silencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The llcein Sugar Plantation, Unliu.Huelo Sugar-Mill- , Maul,IT ti. 1..1I mr-- ..initio augur I ninuuioii, jinui)Ptiuloa Sheep llanch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds, " '

Mlrrlccs Watson & Go's Sugar Machlncry, uiasgow,

Glasgow ami Honolulu Line of Packets.185

Claim Jirccl'l. Win. U. Irwin.

WM. G. tilWIN & COMPANY,Factors nnd Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

ST HACKFELD & COMPANY,General Commission Agents.

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

A K. CLEG HORN & Co., ImportersJtx. and Commission Merchants, Deal-ers In General Merchandise, Queen nudKaahtiiuaun .its., Honolulu,

It. A. 1. Cnrlor. t'. C. Jones, Jr.& ,0 O . ,

Shipping and Commission MerchantsQueen street, Honolulu. 1

rpiIEO. H. DAVIES it CO., Import-J- L

crs nnd Commission Merchants:ngents for Lloyd's .and tho Liverpoolunderwriters, urmsii nnu Foreign in.surnnco Company, nnd Northern Assur-une- c

Company. 71

JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer In General

Merchandise, Queen it, Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer-

chandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

S. GKINBAUM & CO. ,Commission Mcrchnuts, 124

California street, Sau Francisco,Cal. i

L H N E II A N & G O ..-- - Importers and Commission Mer.chants, Nuuann st., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Cartlc. J, I). Atticrton.

c ASThE & COOKE.ShlpiihiK and Commission Mer.

chant. Importers nnd Dealers fa Gen-or-

Merchandise, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. l

WING "WO CHAN & Co.,nnd General Dealers

In English, American and Chlueso Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all qualities ami prices.

US?" No. 22 Nuuann Street, opposltoMr. Afong's. 81


Manufacturer ami denier in nil kinds ofSaddlery and Harness.

Orders from tho other Islands promptlyattended to.

209 Corner Fort nnd King Ms. lyNo Bash Whacking Here.


your TfrrHorso EquipmentsFrom W. FENNELL, jT -

Practical Mechanic, 02 King street.C3TNo Peter Funk slock here. 201)

A. S. CLEGHORN & Go.Have received a largo assortment of

Colonial Saddles,to suit all clnsscs of purchasers, per S. S.

181 Australia.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stovcg and Rangesof ull kinds.

Plumbers1 stock and metals,House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lumps, &c.

Just Receivedex Kalakaua,

Table nndPio Fruits,Nicu Breakfast Goods, such as

Ctimllu Fish, Salmon andl'lir Pork In 51b. Tins,

Suitable lor families, For salo by00 A. 8. Cijuiuokk Co.

G. II. ROBERTSON,kMKHL?Uds3)flUCi Dniyman beBt teamslu town. I'cWuhouo No. 05, " v



Tir AUSTIN WHITING, Attorneyii ami isouusciior ai ldiw.Agent to tako acknowledgments of

instruments.Kaahumnnu St., Honolulu 209



Real Estate in nny part of the Klngdobought, sold and leased, on


Loans negotiated,Legal Documents Drawn.

No. 37 Merchant si. (Gazelle Block), '.

100 Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

SR. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pnb--No. 15 Kaahumanu st. 11'

JM. DAVIDSON.Attorncy ntLawMerchant street. 1C

I?11AKCIS M. HATCH, AttorneyLaw, IS Kaahumanu st. 23

JOHN HUSSKLL, Attorney at Law,corner of Fort and Merchant

streets (np stairs) 1 15 Gin

RICHARD F. BIOlvERTON,nnd Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free-hold- a.

Ofllco. No. at Merchant st. 1

BROWN, ATTORNEYand Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub-

lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg-ment!! of Instruments for the Island ofOahu. No. ti Kaahumanu street, Hono-lulu. 1

TY7ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor--V T ncy at Law, No. 30 Merchant

street. 73 lm

DR. G. THOU8SEAU begs to notifyfriends that he has resumed

practice in Honolulu, ltcsldeneo andconsulting rooms, No. 7a Punchbowl st,'opposite tho mnkal gate, of tho Queen'sHospital. Consulting hours from U n.mto 12. Telephone Mo. 1!). CI! lm--

pvR. EMKK.SON. lestileuco and 'conrooms at No. 2 Kukul St..

comer of F01 1.Telephone No. lit). 5D 2m

A FULLER,Vcrltns.

Surveyor for Bureau

1 O. Bbrqeh,

KAAIIlniANU BTItlJKT,Gcticrnl Agent for

The N. Y. Life Iniuriiuco Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(llmifd),Mncneulo & Urban Safes,

Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Yaneo & Co.


J.-- WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, - . Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscapo

3?liotog-rpliers- .,

180 ly.M" - -


Agent to take Acknowledgments toLifbor Contracts,

AND GENEHAL BUSINESS AGENT.Oillce, In Makeo's Block, corner Queen

and Kaahumanu streets, Honolulu. 21

ILLIAM AULD, Agent totako Acknowledgments to Con-

tracts for Libor lor the District of KonaIsland of Oahu, at tho olllco of the Hono-lulu Water AVorks, foot of Nuuanu st.

IBP tf

JOHN A. HASSINGER,,Agent to tako Ackmmledgnients to

Contracts for Labor. Interior '.Ifllcc,Honolulu. 7

W. C. AKANA,Chinese and Hnwailan Trans- -

lator and Interjiretcr,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the abovelanguages made with accurary and dls- -

pu Icli, and on reasonable ierms, 20!i'

JR. BRUNS, Cooper and Ganger, "Water Tanks of nny dimensions,

Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street,Honolulu.

Oil Casks, Shooks ami Hoop Iron con-22- 1

Manlly on hnnd mid for sale, ly


Colonial CandiesJust received at

A. S. Cloghorn & Go's,181 per B.S. Amisalia.

E3T Gent's Evening Dress Coats andSuits to bo had at the Honolulu Cloth.Ing Emporium of A. M., No. 101Foit street. 02 2w



F. HORN, Tract'ical Confectioner,Pustry Cook mid Baker.

No. 71 TIntol st. Tnlonhofift 7.1; .(i

- M

fo.- - m1 ' ..."'i... lite . Ivrti Lh w.. ' wt'lVl'mm;i j tfliVVpiVRVIFar

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Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN · &ePWatckos, Clocks and Jewelry."a Impairing Watches and Clocks a Spuel uuy, au. 0.) notei street. 33 Telephone, No. Notice. DURING my absenco from Mr. Thomas


t b


(5- - Ev

4 (

rm -- ' TiFrTrmKsnrwmammr rwwn wr AWrrWnr4W''i)?'Wtl'wl'l';'r?' WIA fWWTWilfr'Jw : "W '" v ". v'4& ; '" ' "rip-1WH rffWTi




WEDNESDAY, KOV. 8, 1882.


Special meeting of Lodge Lc Pro-grc- a

dc l'Occnniii 121 A. F. & A.

JI., at 7:00 o'clock, in llic firstilegrcc.

Knights of Pythias, 7:30.Uulhel Prayer Meeting, 7:110.

. Port si. Question lectins, 7 :!10.

.St. Amhow's Cathedral, iibiial

services. :30.

JURIES.A great deal has been said about

Juries lately. Many people arcmoved to condemn the whole systembecause certain Juries lately did not,or could not, ngiec upon a verdict.It has been said to ns that one goodJudge well-verse- d in law is woithmore than a dozen Jurymen who,piobably, know nothing whatever oflaw. This is no doubt so for cer-

tain tilings but it is equally certaiiiiUnit the dozen Jurymen ate as valu-

able in their place.The Jury system can bo traced

far. back till its origin is lost in themist of ages. Far as the earlyhistory of the Anglo-Saxo- n race ex-

tends, so far do wo And traces Of

the system, and everywhere theAnglo-Saxo- n has set his foot thereho lias carried as the inalienable-bnlwai-

of his liberties the triedand trusted custom of trial by Jury.

And why then, is it that he placesso much reliance on a Jury? Be-

cause he is accustomed to interprethis laws so literally, lie is wellacquainted with the fact that theInw, rigidly interpreted and carriedout, as it would, and ought, to be bya Judge or skilful lawyer, oftenpresses hardly upon individual cases.Cases frequently come up whichwere not contemplated when the lawwas framed ; and, as the legislativeis wisely separated fiom the Judicialfunctions In all good codes, a Judgelias not the power, or, in 111:1113 casesthe inclination, to arrange foi' these-- ,

cases of hardship.For this purpose, then, the Jury

system forms an admirable safe-

guard.' The Jury arc not expectedto return a verdict according to thelaw for, then, there would be no usefor them. 'Die Judge, being belterbkilled in law, could do better with-

out them. They, being selectedfrom amongst the citizens, peers oftlo accused, arc to consider whetherin their view the evidence justifiesthe law being carried out as the pro-

secutor or plaintiff desires it shall bedone.

And, although, at times, Juriesmay be wrong in their decisions, yetas a general rule, their opinion, orwant of agreement, reflects popularjudgment. "Wc, therefore, arc ofopinion that with all its defects ourJury system is the only safeguardwc have against undue harshness inthe enforcement of law.

A FREAK OF NATURE."Wc were shown, in Mr. Lucas's

ollicc ycstcnbvy, a piece of rockweighing 011c pound, Avhicli had beentaken out of the heart of a kou logabout four mouths ago. It wasdiscovered by one of his sons whilesawing the log which was 20 inchesthick. No defect was observable in

the log externally, but round thestone the wood was rotten. Itwould form a" interesting exhibit in

our museum.

SHIPPING NOTES.The Norw cgian baiklmacos, Nil-se- n,

master, cleared for Valparai-

so, Chile, yesterday. She is ex-

pected to leave, or

Tin: Madras left yesterday limm-in- g.

Up to the hour of her depar-ting it was expected she would bo

libelled for the damaged slate inwhich pint of her cargo was landedhere.

.JTiik Niagara's masts have goneby the board, Very soon wo expectto hoar that the hull has broken up.AVo arc told Unit tiic wlieat,niay boseen lying so as to cover the rocksto sojiio .depth, ,ijifi. ''i ', .'

' locaITand geWeraC items.IIajw-ihtt- y : Our Hand boys sing-

ing a chorus, ,

Glorious weather atr Wnhnaimlo 1

-- It ruined over since 2 iirin. yesterday.

l'KAcr. has been made. TI10 Minis-

try will not disintegrate.

Osci: again wc smell thee, sweetAraby the blest. At least if wo

don't when wc pass along Drover'swharf wc can smell Unit bone-mea- l.

To-nigh- t, instead of the usualprayer meeting, at Port st. Church,questions witl be handed iu nud an-

swered by the Pastor..- -

Judge McCully, His Ex. 15. Pres-

ton and C. llrowu went up on theLikelikc yesterday to the WaiuieaCircuit Court.

"Why is His Majesty like a certaincharacter in one of Dickcu's Works?This conundrum is opcji to everyone, except the Ministry, who knowit already.

-- -Wi: hear Hint the owners of small

yachts are dissatisfied with the ar-

rangements made by tiic race Com-

mittee. They say the advantagesarc all on the side of the large boats.

''Ahout 121 of the Chinese pas-

sengers of the Madras stayed behindinstead of prosecuting their journeyto Victoria. The question is, didthey intend to do sa . when theythey started.

Yr.yrmuuY the usual bustlo on thewharf was diversified 1)' the appear-ance of a gang of 2!) prisoners, es-

corted b a double file pf policemen.There were 19 Norwegians return-ing to Fnpaikott, 1) prisoners for the"Wahnca Circuit, and one Chinamanfrom S L. Austin's plantation. Theywere placed in charge of OfiicerFchlbehr.

Oxi: of our gay youths has re

ceived by mail an anonymous pictureIt is labelled " Tiial by Jury," andlcprcsciils an owl, sitting on thebranch of u tree, with cats, donkeys',geese, ducks, &c, grouped under-

neath and rcpiescnling the piinci-pal- s

and cliorus. It is a humorousproduction.

. .Ot'U phenomenal liar , rushed in

yesterday and asked us to iiscit theinformation that a Chinese proa hadbeen seen off Kauai, with 187 deso-

late, but blood-thirst- y pirates onboard ready to establish a ChineseColony here. AVo promptly contradieted him, without letting him knowthe pro and con, lest he shouldterrify some weak-minde- d individu-

als by reciting hi3 tale.

"Wi: understand that on the 2nd ofDecember the first number of a newmonthly will appear. It is to hebtyleil the Aiiilicun Church Chro-

nicle, and is intended for tiic diffu-

sion of ecclc.-iastic-al and educational. intelligence. From our knowledgeof the promoters of the scheme wc

are led to anticipate a rich feast forreflection and action in every num-


Mkssiis. Uioglio & Spear are nowbusy showing their latest importa-

tions in watches, jewellery etc.,brought by Mr. Uroglie from Europeand the States. Amongst them wc

noticed some fine diamonds, set andunset, rubies, pearls and lockets inevery shape, that novelty coulddevise. Some Florentitio MosaicJewollcry especially attracted ourattention. Somo elastic snake pat-

tern bracelets in gold also showednovelty, A gold-heade- d walkingcane in the window will doubtlessfrom the object of a presentation.Silverwaro of every kind dazzles thebeholder and makes him wpndei; howmuch he can afford to buy.

.- .ASTEx Zealandia, Gents fine

Tweed Suits, atOlias. .T. FishcPs1.

05? Good unbleached cotton11 yards, for only $ 1.00, at Clias.J. Fisliol's I.ending Millinery IIouso.

162MOOO yaids of Quocheo nil woclilaiiuel, fiom 25cts. uni ait ,Chas. J.

I Fiahul'a Leading Milliiory iiou)," -

QSyWiiilo open front shirts, atCIuis. J. Fishcl's Leading MillineryHouse.

ESTPlnin Sateens all colors, atClias. J, Fishcl's Leading Millinery.House. 235



Hpcclal fur tho Daily IJnltctln.)

A rumour is ourront in Rome thatPrinco Hismarck intends to

Kingdom of Poland undor aPrinco of tho IIouso of Austria.This mows, truo or not, has produceda profound sensation at the Vatican.

Cctowayo hns already landed atCapo Town, where ho is to remainfor tho present pending the arrange-ments to bo nindo for his returnto Zululand. Tho natives ofNorthern Transvaal arc again givingtrouble. They decline to rcniuin

under tho Boers, and dcclaro thatthey will light rather than pay tho

taxes demanded by tho Dutchmen.In the Flowery Land tiioy per-

form vaccination, not on tho arm,nor on tho leg, but on the tip of thenose. Up to this tho ChincsoGoverment has offered a premium oflialf-ii-ta-el for each child vacciualod,but tho reward has not tempted thofamilies of tho rich, who prefer tohave tho olfactory organs of theiroffspring untampcred with. . An im-

perial decrco, issued by tho Brotherof tho Moon, has appeared, makingvaccination compulsory through thoCelestial Empire. ' 1 '

1 have just dropped upon anotherexcellent and characteristic joko ofthe Into Norman Macleod. As 0110

of Her Majesty's Chaplains, ho wasfrequently inundated with invitationsfrom tuft-huutoi- s. Ho was diningat the house of one of these per-

sons 11 lady one evening, and gota littlu bit exasperated at tho man-

ner which ho was treated. In addi-

tion to being pestered with ques-

tions, lie submitted for boinc time totho equally monstrous annoyance ofnot being asked to take any liquid,refreshment. ' And what wouldHer Majesty bo saying to you whendining witlr her at this stago of tho'dinner, Mr. Macleod ?" fussily askedhis hostess after the third 'course."Madame," said ho witli boinowarmth, "at this stago of the dinnerHer Majesty usually pushes thowhiskey decanter towards nic andsays, 'Tnk' a dram, Norman, myman ;' and (added Norman withsome sentcntiousncbs) '1 mostly en-

deavour to oblige Her Majesty."I hear that Sarah Bernhardt has

given up 800 a month, which wasto have been paid, with all expenses,by her impremirio for hor Americantour. It may be said she his capri-

cious, but she certainly is not avari-

cious. He. powers may have beenmore taxed than she would herselfadmit. I hear her bister, who is

only a great actress by courtesy,suddenly left the Bordeaux theatre,drove off to a lonely spot on theNoir, and was there found walkingup and down in a state of gieatexcitement. Audiences little under-

stand the tax on an actress's nerves.A good general does not forget to

provide for his retreat; a good house-

wife dose not forget the claims ofVimprccu; and some careful soulslire anxious that if the Queen ofEngland loses her throne and becomesn private person to whom the use oftitles is forbidden, she shall not beleft a nameless woman. Her hus-

band, the Prince Consort, ' had henot been 'a member pf a BoyalFamily, would havo been IlerrWettin. But the best authoritiesdeclare that the Queen is not' Mrs.Wettin. She is too great a person totako her husband's name. Like theBaroness Burdett Coutls, shebriiigs her husband, round to her ownpatronymic. JTer mime- "before he'r

marriage, if she had not- - been thePiineesH Victoria, would havo beenMiss Guelph or Guelf. But she istoo dignified a personage to weareven her own name. The spectatordeclines that the name of n Itoyalhouso never alters, and that thoQueen is really Mrs. Stuart.

not myself with great mat-

ters which are too higli for me. Butif (tho Queen to to go buck to the

,.tx nftnyg-jEqiTw w"TWfjr

V 5. ,W

Stuarts for rt surunmc? why' shouldshe not go back to the Plantagenets?Here comes another ditllculty. Forthere was a certain Henry 'Tudor,ulio undoubtedly gave Ids name to n

Royal line; and if ho did so, why(speaking with all reverence) mightnot tho Prince Consort? Speakingin ignorance, but still with n regardto precedents, I am much inclined to

put my faith in Mrs. "Wettin.

Of course, the British victory ontho banks of tho Nile made ourlively neighbours unspeakably en-

vious, but, as luck would havo, it,the suicide of Mdllc. Fcyghiuo oc-

curred just in the nick of time to"'distract?' them. As usual a greatdeal of twaddle has been said andwritten about tho fair youngliussinn but pcihaps the clericalUniKcrs showed the most souse bydisposing of tho event in four brieflines, llowovcr, it was a godsendto tho hungry Boulevard prints,which gave us columns about temporary iitocncc om

this Island, Mr. A. tJAirrr.xiii: ltdwill net for nic under full Power ofAttorney


A. 0. F. COURT LUNALILO,jVo. 0,000.

T1IK Ofllccrs and Members of IhoLodjrc nro hereby nodded to

attend Hie next itcgiihir Meeting, ,

On Tuosday, Novombor 14th, 1882,

' , ,t J'1 7'ao "b tIn the Knights oT Pythias Hall, as tlieioWill. bo biS.slnuKs ollgicat inipoiliiiice.

Visiting liruthrcn are cordially In.viled to attend, i (i' ' 'By order,

E- - A. HART,210 lw . Chief llnnccr.


3Pcr Stmr-s-Siieas,9- '




iit'CaveiiagliV Agency

1 Good Milch Cow, calf nt foot,1 California Cow, superior breed.1 Quiel S.uldle Horse trial given

will carry a lady., 2:!U

TT70UND, a double-en- d lAeichl BoatX 22 feet long. Tho owner can Iiovd'mu runiii ii) jiiuviii;; ruii-ii- iuui pay-ing expenses. Apply to the 1st Mate ofthe ship Hope. g:ii) ;jt

A1IU LODGE, No. 1, Knights ofPythias. Tho Mcmbeiu. pf the

above Lodge 111 c icqiuMcd to attend thuConvention THIS (Wednesday) EVEN-ING, as important business will comeup. i''u 1 atleiHinneu mineMed,

217 H. SMITH, H, K, & 8.

, A. GJ3?rU17M3 aiUWAJL,.


VETEWNAltY SUKGEON, rcsl.Medical Itoonis and

Stables, near tho corner of Yieloiiast.,on IScictania street.

Ciucw all kinds of Dumb Animals.All HomM mid Cattle peifeetly cured

or no compensation asked.My Diploma was granted by tho "Lcy-(len- 'r

University, at Holland.E57"Leiivu oiders at J. E. "Wiseman's

Olllce, Merchant street, or at my resi-dence. 2!!0 lm

TTANTED, Immediately, Nurse Girl,IT to tako caio of 2 children. Ap

ply at this olllce. Mi

Elegantly Furnished RoomsTO LET,


TLEMENwith all tho convenien-ces and comfoitb of a home, with

Use of Parlor.Rooms aro largo and well ventilated.

Terms, Strictly Moderate.MRS. SCHRADER,

Corner of Hotel and Alakca streets.173 Urn

Creme de la Creixie,rpiIE Ico Factories 1110 in full

and so mo t;HART'S

Elite Ice Oroam Parlors!They arc just freezing, which is

Wluit you ica)tt in this Weather,and don't you forget it I

Ico Cream can bo had fiom 11 a. 11 p. in. at

, . .HART JJROS.,Elite' Ico Cream 1'nrlors,

177 ' 80 Hotel btreet.

SALE, MULE 'CART. Apply to

W4 Ih Iliickfuia ii Co

1 e, t, .rIf you wont to 8cc tho


Largest Stock of Loafllcr, . In tho. Kingdom,

n (o ' liii'cn

you want to &eo

Tho Best Quality of LeathorIn the Kingdom,

(in to 4!4 lucvii (Street.

If you want to

Buy Loathor at tho LowostPrices In the Kingdom,

' ' l.'o'to lit ltirrn fltrcc t

If you wont to liny tho

Best Quality of Grocorios, , In the Klngdqm, , .

Uo to IS! O.UC011 Nltcct.

If you want

Rflqrc for your Moneythan you can buy in

tho Kingdom,

G--o to 42 Queen St.M. W. McCHKSNEY & SON.

2:j(i tf

oi3TTJlE-Tlo- - .



."IMillinery ' & Fimcy Articldb'' ' ' ''

Received by every slcamcn '


Old Established Millinery Establishment,'

181 103 Foil Direct. ly



CLINERS' tif Real 'Estate will lii&ajx'lliiilititolHcir advantage to pUoe

.their hou'es and lands in, my cure fur,'dinpoal,ns'I am the only acknowledgedReal Estate Broker on the Innnilt, ' '

Agents and Dantci, and alljother Mil.,jIoycr.s or mechanics and laborers ,wMIdo well 'to notify 1110 when' vacancies oc-

cur. i" '

Leases, deeds, bond, mortgages,! andnil other legal pnqeru drawn in properform.

Hills Collected, '

Books and nccouuts kept,Custom entries,

, Letters and Engrossing done,

and general businos ollicc work ofvery description attended to and always

on the most reasonable tcnus.

JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,Onicc 27 Merchant Sheet, Honolulu.

Telephone 172. I O. Box, Ulo

(Xotico."VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TO1 all pl'rs'0113 that at a meeting heldOct. 21t, 1882, of tmbtcrilicrs to thostock of the Onoinea Sugar Co., it.nnsvoted to accept a Charter of Incorpora.'lion granted to them and their associatesami Miecesfcons, under the corpointo mimoand style of tho Onoinea Sugar Co., 011tho 20lh tlay of October, 1882, and thatthu corporation, under said Charter,thereupon organized itself and electedtho following named ofllccrs of thoCompany: '

S L AUSTIN . . i . . . . PresidentT AUSTIN VlccPrcddciitP O JONES, .In SecretaryOil ROSS TreasurerJO CARTER Auditor

Notice is further given that pursuant tothe terms of said Charter, "No Stork,holder shall individually ho liahlo forthe debts of the corporation beyond theamount which shall ho due upon thoshare or shares held or owned by him.self. P. O. JONES, Jit., Sec'y.


that'iit a meeting heldQii tho 21st day Oct., 1883, of subscribersto die stock of the Paukim Sugar Co., ItwasToted to accept a Charter of lricorporation granted tolltem and their awi. '

cliitesand successors, under the corporatenaii'io and stylo of the Pdukna Sugar Co.,on tho 20th day 0 Oct., 1882, and thattho corporation, under said Charter,thercitpVin tfrgdiifrcri itself and electeddie following named. 'Offlcoi of tho "

Company!(' J, ALvriN ..President,

8. L. Attstin. . .1. .'. Vico',rciidellt,P. O. Joftip, fJii. ..Sec'y ii TrciiBurcr,J. O. Cautiui Auditor,

Notice is father given that pursuant''to the teims of ,said Chaiter, " No Stock,holder shall Indhidtiallv liclialilo forthodebUof tho coinonitlon beyond theamount which shall bo due upon thoshare or (dimes livid or owned byhimself.,2115 P. C Jones. .rit.Scc'v.

' 1 ' ,

PWO OKHbKS TO LET) i.n ll.'u sivr.X ond iloor"of lio bulldfuoec'uillc

oy u, w. iioucji'sou & yir : 1. 1 w

mlj?h:A,&MV '&..,ivmJLi: mi. . VC. 1



Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN · &ePWatckos, Clocks and Jewelry."a Impairing Watches and Clocks a Spuel uuy, au. 0.) notei street. 33 Telephone, No. Notice. DURING my absenco from Mr. Thomas




wrMigF "V trm tj emmf?.ifipM

TELEPHONIC.Winond Hciul, Nov. 8, 0i!)0 n.ln

Csitin in the eliniincl.Nothing in sight. ,



Slmr Madras for l'oitlandDark lolnnl for Manila ,

Stmr Llkelikq for Miidwnid polls ' '

Sclir "rnicliu for IlononiuSclir Ehukai for WninltmSclir Waioli for l'aatilwuSclir Wnilcle for MnlikoSclir Jennie for KoloaSclir Uihiniu for HntmlciSciir Piince for Ivcknha

'IU-- J

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAY.Hk Imacos for Vnlpniniso

PASSENGERS,lfor windwnid poits, per Likclikc,

Nov 7 Jiulgc McCully, His Ex Elheston, lion S G Wilder, W Wliit-tingto-n,

Mis T J King and chilil, WDDcnn, A 1) Holster, F II Red-war- d,

J "Wallace, S Hoth, W CAkanu, T AV Eveictt, A 1) Marshall,.1 W Foster, (J Hi own, Miss Dix,Ituv S 15 Bishop, Mis-- j C Fanning,Miss 'Unkind, M Noisier, Captlioylo,?.WS if Fehlcuchr, ? h

C L Ileal, Capt Iioss, HHind, C 15 Slackpolc, U M Ovcicnd,J A Magoon, S D Ihddnin, XAlong, Miss C Hitchcock. C L"While, "W II Rickaid, l)r' Endcrsniid oO deck.

f VESSEL8 IN .PORT.HUlno June A FnlkinbiiigAm m hr.Clatw Sprtekcls ,


Haw hflgtNIiiliOi Cameron s 5 rIlirklhmcosV v M 'MAm l).uk Hope, AspolttTern Itll SupHklno Kiln, Hi ownJlktno IhuekuIlk Hcero ..U.irk Knlnknun, Stillerll.irk llucnii Vislu

' VESSELS EXPECTED.ItU Xamo From DuoHU Ktntn.i, fjpm Paget Sound, Aug 18

llktnc Hnima Augusta, fin Ft Gamble forKnhuliti, Oot 7

111 It stm Site, Dorttl, fm S 1 Nov 17Stnu Ze.ilandla.fiomS.F, Nov L'l)

Sinn C'itvSif Hydnev, fm bvdtioy, No 2011 irk Llio Mnishal, fm 1't Gamblollr bk Ullnck fm Lkcipool, , Decilk Alter Am 111 fm Glasgow, Deoilktue Di-c- o ci v, fm S F., Nov 1 1

Am likt no Kllkitut,.' '? ,,."Bk North Stni, from MadaMled CU .

Ilrolilp Aml)is.nlur, fin New initiollnik Amy Tttrnci fiom HustonGei lik Jjf in intern fiom HongkongAm liktnu Ameliii from l'ort GambleSehr Ji)-jcp- li JIunj fjomllumholdl .due

Xotice.tliA temporal v absence pf

Mr. W.G. Irwin fiom thls'lClng.ilom, Mr. W,,M. GiKKAiti) an ill attend totho business of nui house.

220 2m WM. G. IUWIN & CO.

NOTICE All persons owing money,&.C., toller Highness Ruth

Keelikolnni arc hereby leqneted tomiiko tlioir payments to

211) lm II. A. WIDEMANN.

Having imiicUiiiciI fromNOTICE. W. UiisTi.all his right, titleami Interest In thpQioccry Business, onl'ort strciit, it is my intention to cam-o- n

tlio Hiime under the llim niuno of S.J. LEV,KY is Co., and I hope, by strictattention to bulkier, ami tuu wants ofmy customers f" merit a shaicnfthcliberal patronage bestowed upon myineili'i Mr. A. "W. Bush.

225 lm S. J. LEVEY.. . ,

I hcicby ghe notice thatNOTICE i disposed of ipy Gioeeiylliisincs"to Mr. S. J. Loci. All

duo-sai- business aio to be paidto him.

Thanking the public for the liberalpntioaiigu tbey have been phased to be.tow upon me, I would respectfully iick

for a contlnimiH.e of die Mime in myBiiecesw, A. AV. BUSH.

Cj$" Orders for the Union Feed Comp.any will be lcceiu-- as usual, andliiompt delivery guaiantecd. 220 lm

A SPLENDID Opportunity Isnow nllricd to tiny the Popu.lar LodL'lns 1Iouc rcccntlv

oieupled and c ondutttil by MVi. While,at 125 Foit slieet. Tlio premises contain1 More, 17 bedtoojns, kitchen, dining anilbath 100m. The rooms 1110 all nicelyfurnished and in pcifcct order. Forfuither particulars apply tp present

W. WALLACE, 12 J Fort St.,Honolulu. 215

Cs Medium Bread,ex CallMilcu, for sale ill

quantities to milt by


.rJust Received,Pei'ljktuulhirfka, a full Ijno'of

BYCICLE SHIFTSSilk, merino and cotton.

Pajama Suits, Etc.Ob A. W. illelmidson & co.

G. II. HOB1511TSON,D1111 man lieat leains

lu tovriir TulcpUouc Ne. 03. 10


SkSKMA01PIO MAIL Stcnm-m- if

,..'. ..StaeaeBS.' ''P uoiupany.FOR SAN FKANCJISOO,

The Splendl SteamshipCity of tydnoy,

Hem born - f.jf Commander,Will lcavo Honolulu for San Francisco

' on 01 about Nov. 20.

FOR SYDNEY vja, AUCKLAND,The Splendid Steamship

Zoalandia,Webber, . Commander,

On or about' Nov, 20,For freight or passage. apply to

II. JlAC)tT.!.u ifc Co., Agents.

Ocoanic Stoamship Oomp'y.THE'Al

is Iron Steamer Suez,U01l, - - COMMANUUI

Will lcao HonoluluFOR SAN FRANCISCO

No ember 22nd.For fi eight or passage, liming 'supciioraecomoilatlous, apply to124 Wm. G. Ijiwin vV, Co., Agents.


The clipper barkKalakaua,

Miller, .... master,Will htua quick dispatch for the abovepoit.- - For freight or passage apply to

1'. A. Sen vkiM it & Co., Vgcnt$.

Steamer Likeliko,King, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu ench Tuesday nt1 p.iu toiiclilug at Lalmiim, Mna-la- cf

Day, Mnl:cpa,;Miiliulihiin.Ladphhoehrto niitl'HIlo.

Iteturning, will touch nt all thenlove ports, arilvlng nt IIouolulueach Sunday a.m. 1

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'h

Line cf Steamers

The Iwalani,Hati:s, ,- - ... - Comniniidcr

Ruin; regularly to'lvona undKau,as per 'following inio Tahlo:"1

LUAVJIh HohOI.UI.U AT 4 l'.JI. o.vThuisdny, Oct. 5 Monday, Nov. 27Monday, Oct. 1(1 Thursday, Dee. 7TiyiMlayA Oct. 20, (Monday, Dec. 18Mniiihiv, JNov.wC' Thursday, Die. 23Thui-dii- v, Nov. 10

Ai:i:uj:s at HonoluluFildav. 0(t. la Friday, Nov. 21Tue-dn- (jet. 21 Tiusilny, Dec 5Frhl.iy, ; Nov. ? , Friday, JkclitI''J Jtor. 1A Tuesday, rDce2()

The C. R. Bishop,Hoiry, .... - Coniinuiider

. Lijawj Honolulu Kvi:itrJiQiiday, at 5 v.m., for Nawiliwiii,lyoloa, Elcclc, and Vainlca, Kauai.

Ri'iunxijs-(- i i.i:ati:s."Vn.t.ilittfili mmi. T.wlfit. nKiiniHi. &Hl.lllllUl VV.t JL'A.V.IIT UH.1II1IUI


Sohooner Ehukaiwill run lcgularly

TO WAIALUA EVEIY MONDAY,Iteltuning on Thuifday, weather

pcimittlng.For ficight oi passage apply to tlio

Captain on board, or to181 A, F. Cooki-- , Agent.

Sohooner Emma,"Will leave Honolulu EVEUY TUES.


Returning Satuidays.For ficight or passngc, having superiorcabin accommodations, apply to theCaptain on bo.ud. 154


Olllce, cornci Nuuanuand Qucin streets,Honolulu, II. I.,

Agent for the following Packets:Walhle, . TJfe Wnioll.Wnlchu,t jt&$r? Walmahi.Malolo, voW Kaliina,Maua, 3S9Efc Julia,

lva Moi, and Ehukai.

Red Flag, with Whito Ball.i 181

A. G. ELLIS,STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell

Stock'. Bonds, andOther .Marketable. Securities,

Al thch mnrkel value for tush.215 Ofllte with E. P. Adams. Autt'r.



NO. U8Merchauifiticc(, Honolulu,(EstnbllllrM In 187H)

Sugar Plantation, Railroad,Telephone, and other Corporation Stock,

Bonds and Similar Seuuilties Jioughtand Bold on Commission,'

Money loaned on Stock Sctuiltlci.Honolulu, Oc. 1st, 1882. 2U

rpo LET ONE COTTAGE.',X containing 7 rooms, with stabling

and every convenience, slluatid on theI'hiiun, aboul 1 iilo from town. AVate,rlaid on. i For particulars apply to '

A. FERNANDEZ,l",'f lm At E. O, Hall & Sun's.


Franklin Stove Coal:!In any quantity,

AVholeHali or ICutuil,nv

230 Wilder & Co. im

Tho Hawaiian Cook Book,Published by the

IitulicH of Fort Street OInucIi,For Sale by

E. O. HALL & SON,237 2w and T. G. THRUM.


WALL PAPERS,Ceiling Decorations,



A splendid and varied assortment



Manila Cigars,E stmr "Madras,"

IVoav Xaiicliiig-- ,

Cases of thoc flue Manila Cigars, 2b0 inthe bo.

Something Superiorto what is usually hold In this market.Cases' of Manila Cigais, BOO in a box,

all of which we guarantee to bolio Genuine Manila 4(l made article.

For Sale by2J0 lm BOLLES & Co.

' ft i i i

' , ! . ii .i! ' ; ii i

' i if l j"!!Ji'1 ii i li ' u i'I ''i'i (nid. i.

f in- - '( m I I

i' .Ii ii

Californik' T i

I ' I II



VA'RE-HOOM- Nos. 30 and 58



FijENifUREi i :

In tho Kingdom,

which will be

Sold at the Lowest Rates.




Made to oulcr at short notice.

'.l J E. IV ADAMS,

, Agent.

w VAdi-:-, ..."

Telephone NtfTrai"" w207

n.K.'h s "" ' 'ii i

i . 'i i

Ex bark KalukuutiAnd bktue Ella,

Golden Gate Extra FamilyAM)

ELDORADO FLOUR.Ciihci Uracil, Cases ilacon,

Cai!ks "Whittakei's Star Hams,Hnle or Jlny, &v., Ac,

Just to hand, ami for halo by200 lm UOLLES & Co.

I.U- - 4 A it .

u . jaj in imiUMW mmm mimtfmv4m-nmw- f



t t, , iifi. r'"':' L,uV A

, Full particulars

atHH,')'0 !. UV -: 'ii i Yrt h()Kv ' - s- a.i



I Uso





aO bs;


i .

'Lnifiaiul Gent's QGold and Silvc'r Witches

0Actual volght.

otGoldiJust to hand.

Every "Wntcli warranted as GrossWgt.lcprcsculcd.

Fac-bimll- e ot SIvcr Cacs, (216)


Fine will

Stock Goodsper btcainor. This w

, nj- - , v, i .

Parlov."Wardrobes, sfa

.U, S.c, ''WK

All oi' which boCall and




llejptiiTuck Packing,

Cooleis, .


Packing, without IndiaRtibbei,

liubbitlMtt.ll, '

, liar bed Fencei Mining

t ' PioknxcS,Cane Knicn, with

t Hand and Smith Hammers,tBliuH'lvAxci, ' '

L JacksctuWH,Sleam.plpo Uiushcs,

Patent ,' Lubricating Oil,

.!' Steel ; I, i

Sijgarand CodTw (ne, ivC, iVc.

For sale

II. IIACKFKLD & Co.Oct. lUtlt

' i .

Xotiri'.W. IUCIl.yU)S,ON wl)l re--

sponsible iW any corttraclcdby my wfuimuriiftui this data.

Uduolulu, Nov Rjtf.'. J7

t' I l I

noxt WDk. fy

. . -- ,

,ibC-,- ;ji ,




J- - mMj m,m h. m yl





C3) g

:fli. Aiciiioriiy,

A i ant for this Jvinydoin.N. II. iinilst- -

as 1 have discovered'isilvcr watcltes hear-

ing tho nnino of " AValtha'mWatclics," arc of Swiss

P Mnuufiictuic, mid aro sold'osgeiiuiiie Valtlinm watches. '

Fnc-slmii- u oi uold Cases


' !

- stock !

A Large Stock of Fuinltiiro be out

to make room for our

Lai'go of lloliday to' arrivedell

and Bedroom Furniture, Lounges;' "i i i

Easy Chillis,



i Spring M'd'rcsbcs Ollku and Dining-roo- Chnhs,

will sold'



Hemp wHh or



Steels,' Hoes,

or hook,


Ccnieht Rails', 'iHagH,


,11)' i

T not l;edebts'

1, lw





llcwaic oflions,scveud


selected includes



TuikUh Cliairs,



lal ancioii prices, or loss.' yd. tfexamine at -

Velis' Music Store,101 and 107 Fort Street, Honolulu.


A Largo Assortmentor i in: ! l


I?ine Wall Papers,. ,;



Jiistheeclved, and for Halo by " , .

WILDER &C0. f 'l1), Call and examine. 147 i.t

Water Notice. . . h

Olllce Mup't Water Works,Honolulu, Jujy a, 1882.

ALL persons lia lug Water Privilegesnotllled Ihat their Water Rates

aie p..yabh) in advance,at the olllcu of tbe Bupcih)tundent ofWater Woiks, foot of Niiuanu street,upon the 1st day otJiiuuiirv nnd July ofeach year. CHAS. U. WILSON.

Bup't Waterworks.S. K. Kfi,u, Minister of Interior. 204

IfTNION Fl'.HD COMPANY, A. W.U Rush, Mauni'urL. Sto advcitlse.

J meat on othtr page. 23 '


n ft

.&$'V . i

f' V-- ",



ifJO '1

, fc'--tl

i i

Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN · &ePWatckos, Clocks and Jewelry."a Impairing Watches and Clocks a Spuel uuy, au. 0.) notei street. 33 Telephone, No. Notice. DURING my absenco from Mr. Thomas


r S





rt ya 'vyJayi yy ''" 'awpJP' JMfpiw'.'Tn''"'?: ''lmfp,f - jjW!P



Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.'.It W TTTTT TCtTTnTlt

Printers and Book-Binder- s,

Nos. 10 and 21 Merchant stroot,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestBtntloncry Establishment in the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofBlank Hooks, of nil descriptions;r Foolscap, Legal and 1(111 Cap,

Journal nnil Trial Buhinro Papers,Linen Paper nnil Envelopes, nil sizes ;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and conos.

Mucilage in all sbes'cspcolnlly adapted to this climate;JDinwhig 1'iiper and Pencils,

Tracing Paper and Cloth.Tinnslt Books, Field and Leel Books, adapted for tlic use

of SurvcyoisaiulLngiuccrs;Memorandum nnd Pass Books,

Silver and Perforated Card Board,Shipping Tags, Slilpplnir Ittcelpt Books nnd Pads,

Note, Draft, and Receipt Books,

And numerous other articles in our line to be found in a well kept stock

MUSIC! MUSIC!We have made such arrangements with our Music Agents, as will enable us

hereafter to keep on band n full assortment, and nlo to receive the latet pieces asthey ate published. Any special order will receive our best and prompt inten-

tion. . 183


Watchmaker' and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,Nos. 113 mid 115 FortStrcct, ; : Honolulu.

Splendid New Stook of Solid

Elegant Gold and

Slvcr.Plntcd "Ware, &c., &c.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1882.


An obscure, religious paper of Eng-

land, called the Protestant Stand'ard, takes a view of the recent Egyp-

tian war that ia at least novel andbtattllng. It is, In brief , that Eng-

land, in carrying on the war, wasUnconsciously fulfilling a prophecy

of tile New Tastainont, and that itIs the pi elude to the "end of this

dispensation, and the beginning of

that which followcth." The year1882 is therefore to be the "pyrami-

dal year of prophecy." The Englishpeople are the ten lost tribes or. is-la-

and as such, arc to bo the agent' in accomplishing the prophecies in

the Book of the Revelation. Turkeyis Edom, and is about to perish

by "the drying up of its own Euph-

rates." Egypt is Esau, and is aboutto fall into the hnnds of "British

after which the Jews arc to go

back to Palestine. 'Phis the program-me up to date. It is defective, how-

ever, in not explaining, iiist, how

the British Philistine is to be per-

suaded that lie is not a Philistine,butn Jew ; and second, how he shall

be beguiled to leave his sca-g- ct t isle

and emigrate to the bore Syrian hills

of the Jordan land..

"Well, my little girl," said a New

Haven gentleman to n friend, "pre-ciotisncs- s,

aren't you going to sing

forme?" "No. sir. I'm not a sing-

er." "Now, I thought you wits a

little singer." "Oh, no ; I on'y sing

a little (to .my dolly." "But I'll bo

your dolly." "You'io too big. Iguess sister Jennie wouldn't mind ifyou was hers.' Shu said 7011 was justsplendid." .Sudden rattling of thedishes in the back room, where Jen-

nie was busy.

A. B. Martin, of Mt. Carmcl,Pn.,has. a plant which he calls a coal lily.

It is now in full bloom, bearingabout twenty flowers of a very largo

el.c. The plant possesses many pe-

culiarities ; among thein might be

mentioned its ever blooming quali-

ties, nnd nlso that no leaves' adorn

it. The flowers are entirely odoilcss. and black as tho coal from which the

plant Ucilvcs ila uauic,


Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silver Watches.


DIAS & GONSALESNo. G7 Hotel Street.

INLAID WOEKFrom Madeira:

"Work Boxes nnd Tables,Parlor Tables, Writing Desks-Pap-


Knives, Hulers,Glove, Handkerchief, & Jewelry Boxes,

Hair Chains, Necklaces,Bracelets, Ear-ring-

Brooclics-- , &c, &c.

Wicker Baskets and Mats,Willow Chairs,

Embroidery and Crochet Work,

All the above will be found In greatvariety, and excellent quality,

together vtlth nil thuusual stock of a

Dry Goods Establishment.A call will y you handsomely for

the trouble. !31U ly



begs to notify to the public of Honolulu and travellers to and from

all foreign potts that

Ho has Purchasedthe Business nnd Stock in trudc of the

Honolulu & San Francisco Express &

Transfer Company,

And that he ptoposes to carry on thebusiness in good style; in fact

everything w ill be done

"Up to the Handlei"

All poisons requlilng furniture, bag.gage or goods of any descilption shift-

ed, tiansfcrrcd or shipped will find It totheir advantage to apply to him nt hisoffice, King street,

Telephone No. 130,as low rates as possible. 187

FOB SALB, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGilnds from 0 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In goodolder; can be urn by steam or horsepower, just thu aitielo for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bum, Bailey, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Peed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

00 LAINli Co., 81 Port 8t,

DILLING-HA- &Importers nnd Dealers in

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,House Furnishing Goods, Pnints, Oils, Vnrnishcs, &c. ,

Have made large additions to their stock of goodsTo which they invite the attention of hujers.

Weston's Difl'erential Xnlley Blocks.GWlm. ' 1 j ITT." '

rOITlTMMMnTMgT-TTiiIi- r Tff' ! TTlflli

nimmmxuumMBmmommnmMtegmMBM I ai "II illll'll I BIM m 1 M. . mfTixmMmmmjrmsm


l I II ill 1 Ml


For family ue, the highest test oil In the


A full lino, of Tinware, nnd

Call and examine our stock.

ADDITIONS to our formerGHEAT ex Suez, Kalaknua, and Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlory & Ship Stores:Cordage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Flax ranvns, llax sail twine, beeswax,Blocks, ours 8 to 24 ft; shackles,Bales of oakum, hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, snatch blocks, rowlocks,Iron stiap blocks, mast beads, shieves,JUcMiinc una patent misinng,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,

iBriglit nnd black vnrnMics, wire riggingAlanine, seizing uousenne, ratlin,Spunyarn, caulking Irons, copper tacks,Iron tacks, connectlnc links.Mnrlin spikes, cnulklnc mallets.Mast hoops, hand spikes, pitch mops,Tar brushes, &c.Paints and Paint Oil, a full assortment

of all kinds and cplors;Pacillc llubbck Paint, a new lot, Includ-al- l

the various colors;Brushes Paint, nnilsli, pencil, white-insh- ,

paste, artist, shoe, si rub, andsash n good nssoitmcnl of each ;

Axes and hatchets, wood and shingling;Ship lanterns and side-light- s tho Regu-

lation article.

Gvoccrles and Provisions.A full assortment of fine groceries,

some choice varieties ofcanned goods:

Table pie fruits, jams nnd jellies, n newarticle, nut up by n new nmi, nntlwo can highly recommend them asbeing something really nice;

A now lot of Tca, including bomc supe-rior Japan varieties;

Sugar llctlncu nnd raw;llnms, bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins,

now article;Curried foul, curried oysters,1)ttfn iiwli1tt1tr trllu Lntnmn Itntltfta

Kits mackerel, kits tongues and sounds,Codfish, cheese, Oxford sntisngw, in tins;llnlslus, in K. H n"d M boxes;llaislns, In tins; currants in 4 & 71b tinsPickles, in 1 gal., yt gal., qW, & 0 gal kgsCorn starch, tapioca, vermicelli,Macaroni, diled apples, prunes, plums,

peaches and pcan.FLOUll AND BREAD.

Golden Gate ctia family, Eldorado,Golden City, Giuliani, oat nnd corn mealMedium bread, noited crnckcis,Ginger snaps, tally, saloon pilot braid,Soda biscuit, rice and collee,"Whale and sperm oil.Sperm candles, 4s and Gs.

All of the above cill be sold at'theHest Market Mates,

Buyers nrc most respect fully invited tocall and examine our stock.

ids BOLLES & CO.

THE OLD CORNEIlEstablished, 1856.

Haut Bnos., : : Propriclois.

MEALSScrml up in lhst-elns- s style at all hours

. Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p, m.

Always on baud

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&e., &c. Also,

Iced. lOrinlfs!IF YOU AVANT



Beaver Refreshment Room,Finest Binnds of Tobacco,

Cigars, Cigarettes, etc,

Always in stock-Ic- e

cold Sodnwotcr and Ginger Ale.

II. J. NOLTE,200 tf Proprietor.

' Prink Fisher's -

CHAMPAGJIE CIDER!So favorably known tluoughout the

Hawaiian Islands. Soli by all ,

respectable dealers.tfc) , 10 IiUihu st, , Houolulu 71



many Novelties, new to this market, too numerous to mention.(177) DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street.





CHAS. J.STORE.12-- 1

Bruce Cnitw right. W. S.

Union Feed-- CARRIES

Largest and



Of All description, and guarantees to keep a full supplyconstantly on hand.

B57"Scnd orders to A. "W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.

ora bio






nro to for any ored in tho Eastern States, and

At the wo by cry oer one and fiftydifferent and in the nnd

As our list is wo arc enabled furnish tho andat low rate of 182


Honolulu Steam Mills,

all kinds ofWindow

Sashes. and all kinds oflluUh. Scroll mid Baud

Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Moitlclngaud

Ouleihpionipllv attended to and VioikOideis fioni tho other Is-

lands solicited 21



At &13 per Coul.

Apply to

A. F.315 3m Foot of Nuuituu street.


10 a

S. M. CAjER,1U7 r. M. S. 8. Wharf.

Received,l'cr bktiio full

Silk, and cotton.. '

Pajama .Etc.--

01 A. ,Yfyluhardson & Co.







Largu invoices for sale- .upon fin terms.

New styles of Plows,Hut rims, Cultivator's,

&c., i.u.

Luce. A. Bush.


Best Stock





Pendants,' amiStand Lamps,

A and varied assortmentJust Opened I

SAMUEL NOTT,C3T Street. --&l




For sale imrnkki25 W,' lUCHAKDSON'sJ

J. W. BOBERTSONSubscription DepartmentWE prepared recelvo further orders Paper publish

California, Canada, Europe.present time receive u mail hundred

Papers Magazines, English, French, German,Scandinavian Languages,

subscription large, to PapersMagazines a Subscription.



Honolulu.Mnuufacttiics MouKllngfc,

Brackets, Frames, Bllnil4,jDoois, Wood-woi- k







JustEuieKn, n llno'of














J1 I

, . 1 . . . .

'Jh..jti& fcjfoiiiriM SfciiiliWl)


