the da i eli · 2015. 9. 11. · the da ieli rosenbtjrg. whole'al.b\ni>betaii.dea ierin...

THE DA I Eli ROSENBTJRG. WHOLE'Al.B \NI> BETA II. DE A I ER IN " /.V/> ST.IHLE Dll I* iiOO DS Ti»«* iyWturr BSUSSB. M AMi i M*# * •*' iMttMtoff, m4 >a—elatsei r-.u* a/ wf r.i * *h '«T\ i* •* .*f the »uh»cribrr s.rv r . < t *ddr-— their u«rf» Aarik| th- months ..f r to P I Rk Ill \J X MIN ••todim _ I'saaH Stmt hrtit . fitfitary . Ira tie Liottcry, GRAXI > SCHKME! -TO II* draw* NOVEMBER*. . * ^ /«//.»• raize i*kjw.\ j Iu.cmm* Tl« ki lo kn| 1*1(17.1.0: From S. M. Pettengill <Sc Co advlk r i - i n . uitNTs. OF LOUISVILLE. arU f Tnt»t« < f (be IVsbytoH a* Female School f mile ske | leasur- in am un*ing that this la*titu- »e opened > i. M -nday. Il,« 11*1. ..f vpteuitor. llav u* '1 an i li»il Ir ill* fur thr 'rhoul in a central | art y (th* Mu. r r*’«iil<-no- \V-rden p.q*. |*q.) f |C t* liuu "I the E- ard to creel, next .unm.r*. HMroilisite but t r l i-irM-u'. the h- n the pr>*mi- h«r wi.h tic- •• 9-i..o-r :n* ..f the First and «'h- stunt r *bftorian Churches, oM,-iugly pto cd at their du- ll *»»»d O' r 'Uitii Ixti i.* The following p«rr- •v* u n<a.-cd a* Instructor* S. It. |;.uthn, A. V ; l. ,*»TA|. n> A. M Miss Haboah BuoWSl Tl*e * o treaty with a c-n?le c«n -f the Wi/heit iualifi<**- f -org* -\|« ri- no- a* a Teacher, wli-wc service* ther •x-c-.r* an i'r>aci| al during the appr rchin.- »c»*i *. mean tini<- Pr J J. liull -. k h*« o.u*«n'«d to a- 1 in icily, in which he will have tin; . » p«rrati->u off Ih. id,-, aud I»r. lUlw.) each aiding a.« far a* mav toff*! a til. .'..urs. t instruct:- n The Itourd deem them- rtuaate iu bavin..’ *• nr. .1 f-r th.- >ch - 1 so able a ustni t r». t*. ‘i hlch -ther Tea.-hers will he added as h-.f the Institution may require. Mr Barton, for- inocted with Jelf.-r-«n t'wllece. Penasy i vania. and n'ly with Danvillt- ullese, to favorably aud«*xtcr«- •w n aa a sound scholar and th r.u,h judicious Teach- taio *s is a .-raduate -f th University of Fans, and I *i> vf profound and varied attainments. wh-. has had ar»* experience asa Teacher ->f languor- i, Boston uni. Miss Br -wn wa* formerly a>s ciated with hiii- .n in a Female M-l > 1 at Frankfort. >q.i since j >*•»'• removal has «u murd t.. conduct the Sch- I ®e*»t mco •- Tbe (Card pled*-- 'hems. lvea t*< the }’ *hat exertions s>uill to -| sred that may he need- e the I’reO.vt. rian Ferns!. U *ol »>f Louisville on a s which will afford to its j upil* a thorough and com- llroilic'. < lo:iU« ami flaiitilla^. <ii:< ». BJK >1 >1 K., 51 Canal st. and 63 Lispenard st., N Y , I BIAiKTEI! UMTirTI'UI. ASD WHOl.K-Al.E AND k<-tsil l. »l-r :• I.ADI E- . l .lAkS MANTII.I. t every fabric and description s- lints the attention buvers t hinteii *e st.K-k f g .mIs suitable for the F.ll.l. SEASON. His »t vies lrsd the trade as c-ahrms ! zn by Han* n', bsdr; s. an tber 1. admg Fashion II ki. s! rulaud NO AFTLU Sept Slith, LSil, i.a^cugcr trains will run •dlews: f«r Indianapolis and Chicago at 6 .*»'• A. M., and 3 tel for Cincinnati at S 30 A. M.. and 3 o«» I*. M. tillT TRAINS each way duly (Sundays except, d . ;ments are ti.ade f..r fr< ights (• and fn«m the Cast. t wishing to avoid »hc delate ccanioae.1 hv f.ig and l--w nil find it to titeir advantage to ship kj this route, tak. n at the lowest raus, and no charge for draya^c amusions. and put thn-ugh with le-s handling and •meat than any other route. All shippers sending from tl Fa*- to J. fl. r-'iiville, l.onisville, and New via Jeffers. nviUe. have it marked I . A B. K. R.. via rcight to and f r«*m I ndianapoli> taken at tt.r stes.and will g-> thn-ugh same day. general ti.t rtnati- o and tickets, apply at the Jef- le Katir.-ad office. Mam street, b tween Second and No 450. corner of Preston and Green streets. Louisville. Ky. returned from the Eastern cities with a splendid a!«--.rtinent of d*. I i-s offer f r sale ^1 1 K - f all kinds, ran . ng fr m A»i cents t $ p- r yard; IR»N*'II MF.RINoFv. fr m 5i» cent* SI '«•' i r yard. ENGLISH MEKI NOES from .i,- „•* t $ r . I»1 LAIN E> f all kind*, plain And Ign.' 1 ii<*m IJ W cents : $1 t t r vard LI '*TERS *.f all «*• h-rt. flgu.ed and plain; EM MIC* >1 flRRIES. the fla-st l hat .an h. f. u.J in the city; Kl CLOVFS and llo>|FKV ..? . verv d,•». n t n.Ac 1,1 **>.*• tb* «ti*e»s * hat I am d- Wrmined to *ai|| s<* d.« heaper than the eUapcst ia the cit PIANOS and MELODEONS for CASH »jg« HORACE WATERS the rreat M i»ic and Plan -Forte dealer. 333 Uhoauvst. Ni;» V.-kk. preferring t.. share a lar.e i^r nt J J w J J VA it U hi* cu»t DiA-rs rather than lay it t : iiiatnaiof Wj v * him to stem the pr« son*, tight time*, -.ffer* hi* imm- n- assort- ment of elegant and warranted Piano* and Mcl»de- u- at a large diseouut from uutokv riirt* rou. xaii. Htaaaaort- meut compris -s I'ian >* fr-m three of the iiu.i»t a\n x.i>r . EuaxiTi:i> Uusiu.n nctokirs. als.-th..*e ..f several of the be a r X»w Iohk maker*, in ludiugthe beautiful and riiit:and tit KiiLAit ntoorsti i; DEPOT. WM McTARLAND & CO„ SlilKEUn \ t \> 1 MR! l)AMi jKwn.FR--. AND COI NTIN.-HOI >E>AFES I > r -»ery ,n« I ,r mIc, -uj ..h.mlii is .,«•* re*]-,.-.. I‘alrlrk Alrltr V\ illiaii. Urh, Xo. WO .Wain street, belts NANI EA. Tl ‘eMj 1* rates, aatl I tyijn r , j f»l R -i>* -r*n». nt is large And .* mpletc. am- u: which ran 1 nd Heating m-v s f-r both w .*1 and c..%l ail th la -v »nd New Vorr, April 5. INS4. <ut.sffp A f,. lt,iv.kine that your saf* mtertol my b..wk* and ’he i r* last nt/Lt. by whi. h everything ‘S c -nsumed and although it wasex- rv t-. iutense heat, its ..out uu remained with little repairing, t *1L 1 think, an- P tKBoRNE. .Superintendent Tin, amt Sheet iron II "are h- f uni all th.- la*, st and in st impr ved nnrtenis of * .*»kin Tl? ”‘W' Stolls Graf- * aam.l-d and pia a al els* a mv prr p.» d through.- uatiartned. Tl swer f.-raastb Kt-s|-e-*t fully juu* 13 dom* SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO . « HOLEtl l.r. I)KI UVISTS NEW YORK, Have removed to No. 170 William street, CORK F R OF DEER If AN. I M PORTING the loadmr 1»RT'«; >frv.m th* ir nriginsl market! 1 h.«th in Inrro and tV ra-tludi *. and al*- Fn-nch an- Ewgli*-h (*H F M ICA l>. PI RFI M t RV. TimiTII NAIL, an-, HAIR BKI 'HF.>. II AIK f.LOVFS aid STRAPS. Part* an ^ Tn s.e >|VlN(,ES. CtlKkv M1APS. ther offer t! dD «B a centlei several \ * and s «s id Mu*ical New Arrangements. r U^nei4ii. S,-|.,Blier I, 1. , TrsiD.l.a*. «r.pbd) », r,.u..». EXI-RF.-S TKAIN> NORTH. -II in. at So-,|„k A M i r. Cr,.,n ,*,1 ip t i r»«f..rd.Tilli at Si. |- N.. ai.d arm. -a l*ian islit tl Tin Writ. / 1 EORGF. IIOlM.ETTs WI1 m|.E5ALK TIN-PLATE Workto vT and Japauio-r in general. Importer aud Manufacturer f Copper, Zin--. and Iron tlwdi > U I LI. I % >1 *>T- NEW % OltK . I'rus and steak Dish*-*, Oval and obl<<ng Dash « >.vcr s. Octagon aud round T* a ai.d < offee Pole, Eg.- Ludlers, Nnrrc. y| s. Water* o.i, rs. T -llot >••:*. *c. fL II w a* ard. d the ar*t j r.-mmin a* the N. w 3*- rk Crys- tal I'aL-ti-c for Plauishcd Tin Ware and Water I '«ulrn :t-xin-t a strong c aun- tit i.-n wlmr* hv he Hatters him-. -If that in b. atl- ty of finish hi* Ware i* equal, if not suitriur, to any ..ther manufacture (F.ttTARMLMri'lMl.) jun* ?* dtim Oveas, Skillets and I ids. * hid I d- «-f -ur Id customers and the public moral. Thaakfulf- E. Pendleton Pope. For Rent. j. it. ii’ii. in: i: » hko.. W HOLESALE DEALERS AND INPORTERS OF [>ru$r*. ( lirniicaK Hvc-siiil'K Pain A AHN IS I II ,s.\\' 1 N I >< i\V-< ; I .Ass, < u , ASSAY 44 8 Main street, between Fifth and Sixth. Louisville \ T ’F. are daily rocsivinr and keep constantly oa hand a larr and c mr- *s s-rv v towlirb «» hsiyerv. a* wv sell al tbu lowest Ftoteru frees. All g Us \ h v «« l }? ^ .* *!*’ •• *WrUt N.B. Country Prvducog,morally will U recoivcl on eoui, wuent fr ur ctuuiaer. an i * Ho TERM Fafayetu- nt 7.3’' A. M. -n«l - l.’i P. If., arriving At Mi*-hi_ t It. at I'J 3*' r M. and C 43 I*. If., and . i.n. t with train* (h« M iran Central lit Ir .id run in dire -t connect i«n wi the train* «*f this ad for I hicago and the Writ and N ri N \ i L Duct n. A - EXPRFaX TR \1N< sol TH. I^avc ki.-Lutx i ity at 7 4- r * A M. Rafter the arrival of t train* uf the M. r. R K. from Detroit and Chicago' aa I a r»ve to Lafaictte at II to t M h ave L.tayette at In \ 1 Crawrford-ville b A A. if.. <.r««-uca.*lle at 7 -'*H A. M , ai arrive in New Albany at 4 l.'» P. M Af'HlMMOU ITION Tit \ I > w. Is- dealers Ic. P I arat-ry do do BOO ‘»«X do 15 tai •nch, Italian, and German i anguagu* j-cr s«**ion IU !u. Painting, art Draw log will be taught en th# u.«ual m* by eomnetent pr.fess*.rs. tnr.-* will U delivered axi-.nally. during th# winter. hecitY' by distinguished g--ntlemcn rr J t* " * w ill be opened temporarily in the sc*si«n-r- nai Vr.oi.s wi-hlng t . enter scholars will apply A. P. Stae- m. Tr s urer, or to tho President nr ?4 dtf - * - - ---- - W JACKSON & SON (Or TRK LATE MUM OP W ft N. JACKSON ft Sows), (RATE AVI) FEARER MAKERS, 246 Front street and 930 Broadway, NEW VORR. H AVE eouxtantly ox hand every variety Grates and Fend- ers. also circular and eqiiaro German Silver Grate*. Wh l.-sale dealer* supplied. juncl3dly Samuel L. Caverly, Wta Jraal, Daalrr ia H ROON'. PAINTED I’.AII - AM. TI B*. WOOD AND Hill.,* Wsrr. iU.Lr'a. Mata, f nt. .. Twill*, Ww-k.Bf, R>uh.i.l<..aMUn.D,i,bM«l. An Vnrk <^*\r ANI-EI . .*Flnr, t VITER STATES ARM l. kKt'RLITI N.i -tit. |< I For the Secoud Regiment U. S. Infantry. t i H ANTED, f r «- I NITI DMATk, ARNV.«bl, fi todied •*. n .*/ ^ I.N , bciw. cn the a<-» .-f I- and SS C; I; ntf*.i«t U-» than meiw-u hi.h. and of g-«d WE HAVE A 1.0 ;he least damaged t< Housekeeping Hardware And. Fancy Goods. J. A ( . BERRIAN. IMIHiRTFRx and Wh **U Ihal iuin HOl f <EKEF.PlNG I II NKDWARFsnd F\N« VGOOD>. 0*1 Hr udvray. V. V.- Cutlery. Silver and 1‘Uud W'arv, Japonnrrv. Gertunn >ilver and Britannia Warn: ( mp -iti n. En-*in. 1- «l. and lr n II 11 w War.- Ilr-nzcd. t'qqver. and Brat* G*KgU. Bathing Apparatiu. Tin. Wood, and Willow Ware; Hnwlies. Mali, Basket*, Refrig- «rat*»ra, ,**p rtiug Tackle. A Our*t< -*k ha* f ryvars past b*. u equal to and sow vurpasies in vanetvand * xteut any similar estaMish’ueat in the country, and will U told at price* d.-f> mg competition. The attention of Huuscke.- oursto«*k.>i ( rods and price* uaarld dly KIFFIN -M friends aod pair -n tlmt \.» may fwuud ,ffn. 474* Ms-.n street, ve them a* beret -fare. is. and reapuctfuliy n ff- r at the old stand wf UDvei where lie will bo as haj f 4 all aud tee me.geuth Leave* Lafi ^lauipede Miktarp .iTfT er 3nd Chagres Fever No. 445 Main sUeet, between Fifth and Sixth, •^.Merchsntsand Mxnnfac urera w-.nld And it b, ttotnater. *t to esai n •rdt-ra fr- m a d.s’.aace will be attended v> as !f mad* n pum a. my su e. make immediate >e hand* uf an st- Large Stock of ELEGANT AM) FASHION' ABLE FL’KMTLTff WHOLESALE VXD RETAIL J. M. STOKES & SON, \o. 4W Main Street, o|ip«>ite the Bank of Kentucky, $V Q r-m, l , I V,. rfim Dieh and llfvtjant rami fare , ^ !?a »i 10 u '“°“d r °*' ,h* »*«• ^ ROME WOOD, MA 11044 ill, WAI.M T, AAD ( KERRY IIHMTIRi; Also (hairs, dorks, S|nins: and Shuek Mattresses, l.ookinjf-hlasses. Ae Which, in pwint uf manufacture, design, and fins finish, will c tnparv with similar articles m q, /*. » forw nrdeJ t- N « -r ky Railr ad t,. M f cr>' . pti. n: thus n offered ia th< I liiUilMil ., 1*01.1. AK D, PRA 46t> Main st. -n and Merchants is invited to :f»r* buying. J. ft C. BERRIAN, 401 Itr tdwa, New V rk. sue us—r to Oliver ft Tiptnn, NO 47f MAIN >TREFT. LOCI' TII.I.E, kT. . / A 1 sin n«w rev iving sad ..pen.og a Very ch->ii*« and ' Al Ex't. cf the lat.-st -mportstions. eunsisting of f’l-Ahs, » mi bum. had Tostinrsof every c l r x.-.d variety, I 'lush—. ilk* and V«!»et». V»th fv»r tiistrun .nisi and *Vcr_» -day >uu- »> -f.L-to-mectniff p«rpus«s, t. at it w..uld do \ .<«r very heart -*d t - k at much h*. to wear; an.i as f-r t 1-thi— such i -tbs and * a -•meres' th -• w |r- « r-- tl* ieiu, styles during «c palmy day* of MH.rail. ft >mith will b- able to appreciate . rt w it-'.ou: intrnd i.g t disparage ..ny »»n« in my line of ii*mc»* 1 will say that I have ..a bard a* supi-ri-.r a’ »t>ck of - d* a* were s»*r offered for —le in the city «f L-uisville. I hate- s.-rured the *ert i«-.-s of < re I.. l,ouid. late of f'inciu- ati and Par a* m% coat and if*’ utt.-r and lake plea? re nf »nuing tlio -*ld ousbmier* f oliv.-r ft kiflin aud Oliver Ttpaou. a* well my friend* and patrm*. tlrnt he has no *u- »ri r* as a cutter m tl>u t r.ite-i states. W J Caskcll has arge of the i-antal -«-n* department, and in that capacity ii not > e ex nd. All, therefore. wh-» patrumxo my estali- \tn-r.t may rvly uf>un m>t only getting au|wh..r good*, but *v iig them cut and made in the bioat fashiwnablo an t elegant (BEAT BAKbAINS! LKL'AT BAKbAIVS! Hats and Caps 50 per cent, less than Cost! If H. .J, ...rvl , ,„ m», .. „, 4r •fey »* M.I 0 o r-«t' V . |,| :t, ur |d , »n,! “"'kj t-OLtAKD, PKATIIRR, k SNITH Jeffersonville Railroad. U ^F arc n w prepar d to *i«ip Freight through to Cincinnati by Railroad st the fcll -Wing rates: <*n 1st . la-* 3*1 ets. per 1*"* \ Fmm J*f,r+niritU tin Jd cIsm. Sai-t*. |R-rlUU) to i'i»einnati. Merchant* and thers will fiud this the m- -t r. liable rou*etu and frum * i n innati, avoiding any* l.-ng dclavs .^.asu-ned by f«gs and 1"W water. K r fu -th-r inf rmiti -n, apply at the Jeffers -nvills Rail- e- sd office. «>n n urth -ide Main street, hetvre n Sec-ad and Third. 1 - uiaville, or at tl>c iH-p.t at Jcffc^s-nville. aug IN dtf \ p. o<B» ir \ f. Sup’t. Id Lieut 24 l I nitrri Hotel. MEMPHIS TENS. PHE «ub*eril«-r. having purrha.*c l th< ab-ve pr- pertr and l furniihvd it with now and neat furniture. w«uld reS|iect- nlly inf rm his friend* that it is n- w- ».|k-h under hi* per*- al . are. Ev- ry attention will be given to render it a-.ed in e -mf- r: by any house in tbs city. A share f the public patronage m--*t re«pcetfull/ *o1icited. sept 7 dffm J. J. WORSHAM, Proprietor. il-ertne juit tved aud for sal* by I E KG l SON ft SON, Fifth and Market sts. THE GREAT Cl’ RE FOR Liver Complaint, liilious Disorder, Chills and lever, CoMiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia kud nil lll.,..n ,r Ik. LDfr-bd ... !•'-** 'e—DuU aud all Impurllir. ur (hr blood T 1'1 ? »rr .:J ,.f Dig. ....... ,ad a ,uWI- I“ r * '•«/ >a Ll».r l oandaiat. .ad |. r I'urjativ. I ills m t Ohtitruc**. D also cure* t hills and FeVtr e*i c cislly w hero guinim has been used and failed. It i' a *i nr Stimulant anl Twnie for torpid and debilitated ewnsti'u.i- n*. Though pleasant to ths taste, mild and harmless in mat- «*< . >t* power >s equal to the m »t potent dmr. For >-.*mfula and all Impurities of the Bl-od it ucrtainly has a«Ver had aa e.|ual. It i* n t a ao-itruiii. as ths reci|-s see. mpsnie* each bottle. that rhy*tcians f«« 1 free to prv»eril>« and patient* to use it, which they are dumg with unbound d »ucr**s. berth in Scrofu- a and D *r-e|»ia. only a*k a careful | rusal .f the pamphlet, win. h will b- sent free of po-.tag'’ tn any part .f tb« Douutrr. RAYMOND ft PATTEN. General Agea's. c- 74 Fourth st.. Louisville. ( apitoS Hotel ami Hetfuii rant N - a«r sf TMfdut Ortet stmfi ^IN» F. la-t >cuon, we L »vc erected a three-story building a j iug uur f-rw-r u«e. and »'• ar- n-w | reja-cd t furnish large Parties with Dinner or Support, *- rv- d up ia private re. m- -r Restaurant or sent t r g. ntlcm« n's hsuse* in any part of the city, with all equipages and accompanim-iit*. Our arran.emcnts are such with all parts of the I nited Mate* that by | arties ordering ia liras ws can serve them with all delica. - procurable in America. We art- now rscoiv ing from Xi w A -rk. i \ usfrsus dally (iwk SMI Oj sti and ri R< taurant shall a! way-, be found well stored with every descrip- tiin of Game in season. o3 SATTFRWIIITE ft BRIGGS. N. H. We are ala- well prepar d t.. ae^omm-dato transient A Country Residence to Rent ana Buggy Rocksway, and Horse lor Sale. MonarrM Fire I n-w rase r PllI> route is Uie chea|«*t, bc**t, and altogether Hie most 1 < onif.-riatl*- <*f any from the Ohio r*vt r and its c i u».-. ti-n* vcuth t- tbs Last, sad b' ( bi. ago, St. Lvuis, Alton. R««.k (aland, M Paul, (.alenv. Milwaukir.ftc I Pas-ell ;ers f^r N lagara Fall*. BnffaJ-. and the East will bud this the ra.<*t c tnf -rtable and i lessant route --f any . as by it they av id the fatigue aud danger? «»f night traveling by railroad, and fr«-m Detroit tan sl.-ep c-ml -rtahly on 1- ard one ••f tl ase n*'W and magnificent ff- ating palaces, the Plymouth R— k or AA »*.era AA'-rld. acknowledged 1-y all t- ex.*- < d any st-amers ever bef. re built m A merit a for strength, safety, aud c -mf n of arrangements. Pa-seuger? are t ck.-ted through t M « h gun C’itv. lb-troit. Niagara Falls. Buflal . Albany NwVrk.nndH? n. also to Chicago, LaSalle, bpriagfcU, 111., Galena. St. Paul, m. %. c. SVIIIEK, Attorney at Law and General Collectii Agent. C<>» FF.KV1I.I.E, YAL.HI -IIA .Ol'NTV, Nl-.<IvSI"l' INTtK DK.tWEK* AND SHIRTS— Shaker Flannel and Shnker knit Drai (’wshm- re. Merino, nud brown Gotten And >hirtaof every »ix« and shape a sad Shirts: net Draw* cthod Lt.AK 130 hhds fair to prime N O. Sjf ar: 3UU litre. « Kim Hall Rchued do, Mu II Matr. B. A. Mumftir J. Al.F HOSE— Mlk. ' hak*r. M rino. Lambs ATo.»l. Cashmere snd brown t ouen Half Ilo e six * to 12 inch feet; 13 doici. country knit Half U«»e; for sale at 5 MANSFIELD'S. Mrs. Oakes Smith’s Romance. iEKTHA AND LILY, or the Parsonage of |b-erh Romanes. I2»e I'ri effl. just received and f. iljftb >. RINGGOLD. 66 F- urth st., near lis and places W.-«t and Northwest this it the the Ohio river by which pSMtngcrs are ticketed iec» at Greenca«t1e with trains of the Terrell ante I I nUianai-ol i-. and with train* of ’he Lafayette and lndiauap--!is accs on that road. D. KNOWLTON. Sup’t. N. ME A'LNS. Ass t>np t. R. K. office. Sept. ff. I *34—dtf draft. $100 Reward. A A’ from the .uUnUr.r. sidin: «ce. »a the ltth of August, my FINE OLD BKAND1L3 IN AA i> gla^a i oustantly -u hand and forsali [titles to suit purchasers at the BU ‘Fourth struct, near Ms n. bv Harpers Magazine for November Ft Kl A ED and for sale by BROWN ft < III Ml*. **I hftf 84 Fourth it., near Market. Bonnet*. Kerb, rt A AA right. >11 dJtwrf IfUAVab-n Dissolution. Dickens's Household Words for Nov. I Y Kl LI A kD by she agents for Loai« tills. BROWN A CRUMP, 1 L*j 84 Fourth st near Maikvt. in traveling should al’ buttles sf the Blue !!<>« Lands in Missouri for Sale. I have f-*r sale 2.1UR acres of I snd. lying in R r v | fan ri**. whi. h I offer for sale < n fair *crms. In-juir cnber. at Hannibal. Mi*a»uri. dftw3m J A? 11 PAnnwiv Jons D. CkSu olersd Net Shawls; ibivld d do do; » I* * and below market in that distan. Knickerbocker for November BROW N i R| MP * 84 Fourth at., near Market. HIMTv v HIRTS! SH I KT' Just received a larce and su- |- ri-.rsb-ck f I .am and Mu*liu hbirU assorted paUsins I styles, embracing all the latest improvements— d len Linen shirts. tn« I ren h extra long; 23 do do do, broad plait do, do; local VI n«i« and Piaiio-l orlc L- bster*. Im. orted •having rise w A.WELToN >HEETING<- LSI bales on Imnd and •ule for ca-.|*f iu par funds nly, br JAMES LOW A < 0 . 418 Main * do, ao collars; I atterns; And Show-C ases F’*r sale low by mavff dftw neat sn*i superb fitting >rn.-r «f Mam and Thiru A Ii MANSI IRLD I >-sn «a/r i. n f and liberally Medical Card. BODE NH A HER. w |> its U 1 brands oi rlv of L«.o..ti!1.. rt. ill continue, as usual, t al sad Surgi. al treat -f Re tnm. A a-i* •f Brandenburg. Meade i* f- r f-*rt caal. and the ^ property M GALLAGHER. Todd s Warsbouac. .LI) WHISKY— 130 this copj-er Whisky, 1 t..3 year* Id fio bbls Bourb. n Whisky. Kiser brand. iumesnil Rob t a. Hell Wm Murdtck. H A DUME3NIL & CO., *I"N AND FORW AUDINg MEU( HANTS, Wall Loui-v ille. Ky. ; ular att«nti--n paid to filling .Southern plantation different Bert*. r**csived ai BA RAM, PITKIN ft CO. ’T ether side f Jordan." ‘J'-rdau is a bard road to trav 'Lonely Sally. '• *p»apy s Trip to New Turk. raent mff Ftowa nad Flew Cantingff, ftva f -r cast and «r ught shar* s. with w- •« We a!*- make t-> order all kinds f W the 8*>uihera cuntry. with ir n ail. » and n chills t . prevent wear. We make th# t.-n Wa^ous un the m >*t imt-r--*ed plan. Wheels. Carts, and Tw .-h.-rv Wac- n* f 'tan-1, n.mer »f Main and Hancock streets for the last twenty-one years. II a sept 2 dftwr.m Tbr Fire on thr 4th of July last, r H I* 'll roy-** --ur *to- k of ( 1 thin: l.a» net |n-»*ated ** {waring in the market al the ri^bt time with ill and e] nst »••«-*,. gi «.f READY-MADE CLOTHING. i Famaly, n.-ar TRO. j o i ft large 1X1 T. end nearly opp * ’* u-n for a >'ri ; K ANDIE.'30 packages pure Brandies, sf the f. 1- choic# 1-rands: F. A. B-u-vin Jas. Ilennessy; Pi- lerui-n Meledy. Otord Dupuv; E. low as can be bought in the Ea’-t. rn n6D A. ZANONE k*gs prime cenntry Lard for vale B7j RL'S**ELI. net, Gastlllon, ft r«.; Jaullia which 1 offer or Louisv ille mtrkets. AT. hodcnlu promptly gi lanufactured I r sale received thi INF. PI KE BRANDIES- 2 S pipes A'ieux ('..gnar; ao Leger Frerss l ! S dv Su Grape 1 N pips IS Hen nosy 1 S do Plana? 2 \ pipes Dumarwr 1 S do Pelevoisin t S (• Sclgnetts 10 M do Seignett# •tors sad fur *s!s Ly 27 Main si 67 Third New Church Books. *he Reading »f ths Bible, bv ths Nick Is. M . A., of Qurra'S College. < Mo *k of I roterbs Explain! d and 111 bits Benjamta Cambridge, au- Uust rated fiotu Pilate and Herod, a Tale illustrative of ths early History of ie Church of England in the Province of Maryland, by 'the rv. Harvey Stanley. Rector of the Holy TriuitV. M D. >. rn.< n* o the t l.ristiaa I.if-, bv the Right Rev. Guorgr urg I». D.. Bishop of the Pr t Epis. Coureh iu the Dio- -c f Maine. On the Inspiration of llolv Scripture, or the Canon ef 'he Id an I X ;w Testament, and on th-j Apocrypha—Twelve l.eo- irc- l-liv r 1 htf'.re the Cuiversity of Cambridge by Cbr i'ordsw rth.D D. >m .ny race of the New Testament, by Riehxrd Chenevix r»-ncb. B. 1). Life and Epistles of St. Paul, by the Rev. W. J. Coaybeate. . A., and J v II- w son. A l*r- ytcr-au Clergy man liking for tbs Chursh, by One I Three Hundred. A full assort rr.ei.tof Bibb s, Prayer B»ok*, CatoeUsma, Books r D. vot i..n,(puc-tion Books, Ac. In st .re and f r ssle by JAk S. RINt.fiGLD. 66 Fourth s».. near Ma u Come, oneCome all! U r E invite all who would hste lar taste e!evat-*d and Bii'-l. tl.cir mind* supplied with u«rful aliui. nr. a their spin is cheered by raev hum -r and *, arkllng vjea.-1'y call earl.r at A HAGAN ft CO.'S Uo-kic tw. No. street, where ttey may find 'be ra st grasral ass r:m;iit 'tandard and M »•* lut.ui Book*. Novels.*. a '*ation»ry of the Unset kind. o24 A. HAGAN a BRO.. 99 Third it FAMI ION ABLE Out lilting IMabli'lmicut. j# Gentlrmen in search f nest and tlrgaut CI.OTll - VJT IN.. and FCKMnHING g«miIis an Bud the foil w- ing a? my st-.r- 1*^ Dress and Frock ('oats, black and fancy, extra fine ML Pants, do de d->.' do; I [ if Drcs* Ve*t*. fancy Velvet. Silk and Cash*r, do, if Over-Cuats and Sacks, heavy and fine, satin and 41/ nlnaca lia**d; ll _ liui.u ssC..»ts, rants, and Tests, assorted colors. SHIRT." AND HOSIFRY. Linen and Muslin Shirts, hue and m-diuai; Under-shirt* and Driver . all kind.; Shaker, Merino Lambs' Wool, Cashmere, and brown Cotton [all Hose. aiwrUd sixes. ALSO: Crat ate. Scarfs, and Ti« *; 1 men id 1 "ilk Handkerchiefs hemmed for u*t; Y virtue of n de-rue uf eke Lewisville Ghnncwrr Court * 4snod In tk nkwt ennse. the nndermgncd. or «m *4 U un ksUifdsT Cke 734b day of Novemtov. 1*34 ub uf Iron Railing, Verandahs. Balconies. J 1 aim st rv«nytlong in the >iuithiutf I.n#, . an he .'»aia ' th- Ir a Railin' Manufact ry. o.uth .i.l- f J. if r**o. n- " c'-ru. r f rhir-1 aud thr P ,f- rfi-a. ; iri-rv fr m a distau it- O'j.d * - with pr m; tnr«* and 4: spat, u and on tie nst rv apt JUdAwly R. C. STEWART. r*cU JEACIf andchf.rky bran DY— L 2H L Lis «.Id Peach Brandy; Iff bhls Cherry de, for sale by aff D (UrOKMbi s one B1 GG V. set *<f A*- n lot of Ii ARNES' tw. A< , Nofftb Amerirna PANTHER B New Books! New Books! •RED ARDEN, or the Jesuit s Roveuge. Ry the author Minnie Grey.’ Gusllowaid," "Woman and Her ignette; c. Aine, A A E A NONE. •XlHlX PORTER 2’ eask* pints and quarts f..r sale by o27 < URN WALL A BRO Main street. *wd Widths; a fer svle lew b v Y\ HEAT. W YBLE. ft WHEAT. I»a nr I Hi autl (aii>tbesirs. * HAD. UK I.: AQI l l—Hlf.ll. ml to. The Jesuit’s Revenge. J..RED ARIU.N nr th. J- .im . Her. nr-, br j F. Smi- 1 Esq., author of Harry Ashton, Minnie Grav, ft Cr. 30 cents ADVENTURES OF A B VI. LET GIRL, bv Fal- ubr auth-*r «f tiie Life of Dsn MarM . Ac. Pri-'** 25 --cuts. 01.1 ND 4, or the M-ucau s Daughter, a i'ale «f tk. Mexi.- War Price 23 n's Received in.* moraine and for tale > y BROWN ft CRUMP, «2 84 Fourth st.. near Market. KiJ, 11.31 r. II :i, a.,th, r-«!.m,re,, Cl. iued and plain; Trunks, Umbrellas, Canes. Perfumery. Ac A. I>. MANSFIELD, o31 No. 525. southwest corner of Mam and Third si New Books. 4 LONE, by Man u HarUnd. auth.-r ->f Kate Harf-er. $1 23. \ II riait sDr m the Diary of a Pea- iler. JU. Another sui ply of the l^ampl ighter, Fanny Fern's boeke. ‘-ball the polite literature of the day. BROWN A CRUMP, •W ?Ab B k-ellerv and Statumer*. K4 Fuartb st. Byram's Improved Potato Harvester. 1^4 are mauafactanng th»se implemenu. and <sa supply v farmer* and dealers with any tuaWr By the use ef is | I .n m than half the labor of disglug pet'atve* in th« nary way is saved BV RA M PITKIN, ft « o >27 Tbird*t.. b-Hw Main. •s-rttneut. A DoWXk. supen 15 do Madeira Wine; 3 do SU*rry do. for sal* by ImteiMuity! thwestern Insurance Company or x ft tore. w like to SSu.lUg to. av «a« chart*r-d >a H32. aud has ' use-mun'lv Inwrku-s f «v«rR rears, aud beiug uudr? thu Jtviucui*hed tor -Kir pmdeuce aud the nwwt c r-a.u gnarautec-f mdemAitj >u >a*e 513 Main atreer J%ME8 E TTLFB. ftgml Kansas aud Nebraska. rv. Geographical aod Phrsical, t haracteristics. tual P siliou --f these Territories, au atreon? rant < on.pai.ies, and Directions to Etnuraata. >• Hula. VI ith a la:< map. ( spies can had at BROWN A CHUMP S 84 Fourth *t., near Market. HUUfl' 5 lx pijt* pure Louden D- rk G -laid Brandy f [nl] CORNWALL ft BRO. Paralysis, Contraction oi the Muscles, Pain in the Side, Back, and Breast. IN the*- case* tire benefit derived fnui th- use of Alice- * I ia-lia Rubber 1* r >ua ^tnugthoaiug l !a*ter is >c nd al! belief Phrsirians and *tber* eannut fail • v*o th ad«an -t- ' ra uhttu ;ualitie* of a solid or turnon plaster, by b^-iag perforated, it admits ef fra* disct- irgc f iu«ob*ible perspt xtion and eirmlu- Xioa of air to th* a-h c'*d [ art. In case* where 'he arm- Wrro wli^ilr f araiy led— w here the hands were en irely > •' * the i-l.ister temr applied uj n the arms, their use and the hands have been restwreu >n x few weeks. RAYMOND ft PATTEN. •19 Jib Agents f> r Kentucky . fupcrb.r for sale bt CORNWALL Putnam's and Graham's Magazines. i \; m . •SOIA b 84 Fourth st.. near Market. A< K L REL44 bbls N*. S •27 'H I 'KY—M bbls B -urtou Whisk v, 3 aud 4 sale by [al] CORN W A A< KFKEL— nO belt new No. 3 Ma-kcrvl. la- -V' Able new No. 3 do, me •t -rv and for sal* by NOTICE. :>OLLAKD. PRATIIEU. ft SMITH L oppoatte thftr old stand. W -uld riei J* and customers where they cat. nd « AP< at extremely lew price*. Joseph I* r i Hi f Ii IMPORTER MAnTFA Tl REU. AN I 1 AND RETAIL DEALER IN HKE \K ts TACKLE. Fifth street, near Ma n. L. isvtU* W. c. Hite Gao.M jjusui. Carpeting, Tloor Oil-Cloths, and Curtain Goods. f PHE UNDKRSK.NED, HAVIN'!. I t Hi HA>F.D THE IX- 1 trrr-1 f K her! Ernst tu the HIDE. TALLOW, and C.l N- DLF buemess. formerly «• n due t<-d by Maxc* ft and *e- urtd 'he *•. ices of Mr Wm Mixcy at th fart-.ry, also takr n the St* re No 2 on **e -ond street, cast side, formerly or- es* icd by C. C.Orr intbwrrar f the Galt H->use. where h* will keep Bt icd and Sal'rd HIDE'. MOLD CANDLES, and TALLOW, w uld r- s; -otfull v solicit a . >-nt inuan- e of the patronage of the old firm. al J ACOB KELLER. *lr>. (. feUigvr, Ka>iii*a*l>ir viiiiiurr. VJTToNkl bales new i ottna Books Everybody should Read. . s-.rth riLtfi.a, bj Xr.V.J** ; Memoirs of Rev J >»«pl. Buekminster, D. D., by Mrs. Lee. Our Village, by Miss Mitf«>rd. 2 v U. $25«. Memotr* of w'llhaui Wordsworth, Poet l.aun-ate, D. C. L. v 1*. AJ30. ^lixylvn and Niaeveh See nd Exjeilitloa by Laysrd. Pynnsburst; Ins Wanderings and Wan s f Thinking $1 23. Overlug, or the Heir of Wycherly. »*.v Eldred Gruy*ou, Esq. Notes fr u Life, by Henry Tavl r. 7.*i •»* Tha’atta. a Itouk f r th* bea.ide 73 ct* Village Life in Egypt, by It >t. Jvha. :’i ••'*. mi. A Journey t>. Ireland, by C. Fenimore Co^i «r. A n ur supply -f F.xshi n aud Famine. Aud many umr* te« numerous to mm- n. F r sale aft HK'iWN ft CRUMP'S, alftbftj to fftuttt V n Mr V i Graham’s Magazine for November 1 IV 1 and for sale by C. HAG A N ft CO 1,0“' i Lut' Files, uuoortoff ffiaoto 23u «• Pad-L. k*. dv 4*. 33m do Butcher Kniveu, E'iImx'i, Jdi do < uppers' Draw -Kaivee, l.'SJO kegv Nail* goad brands. Rs r ad Wii«e! barrows »ty. ( rtuia Bauds. Chisel*. Goaf**, Bolts Saws Planes -rn Bits. Axe*. Adtes. Man Caulking lr*ns and Mal- !'*••« Irwio. Bra-eeand bit*. Park ( leavers. ( t. pi er* M lass # Gat«e ft ... at Brans. FM'ent Anger Handi.e Button-bole ’-c;*«or* ». I'-- wdur Fla- Snivels. Hay and Manor* Forks, hto. -v*. Ma» •» Hammers. ( r -w Bar* l‘ *ks. Matftouko. . « Ma- :as*. Sugor Aa«*«a, an: Metallic Tap* Line- - ’V*- g o-is are ah of the latest pattorn* and boa: for -ale loW bv m AD ORMftBT ft OWEN. 334 Moiasft HITE & SMALL. 4ftft llsls *t- between Third and Fourth. I I A V F on band and for sale at ver^r low | rices a tuprrior xs- Ils rtnirat f arprting xu Furnishing Goods. eoBaixting of Superb Wilton nd Velvet Carpeting, Hi. h Kidd.-ioinst. r Taj-estry de; Rich 6-c rd lit us*els de. Velvet. Tapestry, and Brussels Stair Carput iug; Imperial 3-ply and super 2- ply d--. Taj- stry Ingrain, I n n fine, aed 2-ply do; Cotton chain. He mp, and Cotton d^; 6 8, 3-4. and 4-t Venetian do RUGS AND MATS. Of every description, quality, and kind. CURTAIN MATERIALS. LINENS, Ac. Satiu de I ‘nine: Worsted Damasks; Lace and Muslin Curtains: Table Linen Tow-ls. Napkins, and Doiliot; 6-4, 8-4. and 12-4 ltarnslev Sheeting; 6-4, 8-4, 11-4. and 12-4 Cotton do: SUain boat, superior Bod. and fine Crib Blanktee. Floor Oil -Cl it hs; IU 4 and ld-4 Floor Druggets; Shovels an i Tongs. The abov* f 0.1* have been purchased w ith eare at verv fow ri- ra. aud w ill be s -Id at a small advance Eastaru eost for ash er to punctual dealers. HITE ft »M ALL. •8 Mail t.. between Third and Fourth. Kid* R*rr*-! FKL.'H BALTIMORE OYSTERS We ar* kdaily receiving fresh Baltim- re Oysters, which w# will sell a*, market prices. GAETANO A URFO. 174 Main at between J^vtath and I.igkth. Putnam s Magazine for November K 1 V LD and for sal* by C. HAGAN ft to. 4 AOK SALK LOW, As 1 Wlufl TO CLOSE UP MY OLD busiuoss li-n sacks Rio C< fire: 20 sacks I Aguayra Coffee: lU sa-T. s ru»h>-d > 30 bi ts PlautatiuB Mwla**ea; 30 ^do do do; 2u hhds prime vugar: 100 bbls c.t per Whisky; lOLMsK.e do; DO loses 8-1*1 Gias». 1U0 boxes 10-12 do; 15 half chestsGuup -wder Tea; 2< bests Virginia Tobacco. ffl JACOB KELLER ii- invited t call and examine hsiag els*wh«-re. English ltoubl* and 8iu«le Gt toptJl dA. Billiard Table*. >Iox>. (b. 'lifhel de la Prrriere, uii-mriiwiw rues, h anoitm.iam - Novem ber. RAIIAM A MAOi/.INE KOB NOVEMBER. > l>-*' Aiful e i»cr,vin£ r. I r.».n; ill, tn. »; tur, »i M.i dre. •UTN %M‘f» M AGAZINE FOR NOVEMBER, fall of ahotec •rxtarc by rmix-nt American writers >ow is the tim.- for y a tn r-t-d. f me on with veer In ns tujney to A. 11 Ai. AN ft BHO.’S Btokstore. No*9 Third HI'S—If bales Eustern Hops received per steamboat Lady Pike aud for sale by JXO. F HOWARD ft CO.. Muin. between Tbird and Fourth si*. Established D. 1*4*!. A. I*. Xj«c1ow eb Oo., Type Foanilersand IH-aler»in Pa^er, 31 and .IT Loruol street. •»«. l.u*|*. l|*. Print Depot, Shark / ^aLL the atten'1 a *>f Printers and l*uMishers to their e* V.' tublisluncnt. where will be r and cverv variety .»# 1 Pitjer. Ink. Printing Presoos. Rule. Harder*. 1 T wars, and IHEESE—167 boxes Western R-s^rve •loomboat Lady Ptk* and for sale by *27 J NO. r #2H jftb For Rent. Carpets! Carpets! at unprecedented low prices at the Carpet Warehouse. K ENT. IiI-VAEL,* CO. have jut r.^iv.t i...r,l ««t« of K eh Fnglish Velvet Carpets; Rich 6-cord Bi ussUs do; Alsu; Lnglish estra 3 i ly do; American *•< do; And all r isdee of th* cheaper or-ier of Carpets, including l ist auJ Rag Carpets. Bugs. Matt, ftc to which th«* ask the at- tention of purchasers, a.sunng thsm that they will 1>« sold at uiipri-crJ iite-1 low j rices for rash or on time to prompt t at ing oust"U. ers Persona ia pursu.tof any description of t'arpets, fn in the m et coN-Jy t* e cheapest grade, will consult their -nterest by examining our stuck Jeciding to rurchas*- BENT. DUVALL, ft CO . oCCjftb Main at , o]-|m)sii« Iran k *f Kentucky. Dress aud Cloak Trimmings. kl Kk FE. HEATH, ft CO. nave ju*t ojened tbe m -st splvn 9 aid at— k *f I*res* and Cl ak Trimmings, consisting of *o- - * and Velvo I axa n fc - over of. r- a ay auy itab|i-t a*ut in the city Ludt-s who are desiiwxw of anting etuhelve* tne usual ana ranoe ef r- l*ct ng l runmii g* ran >: Ly V ait I.g ear store; tbay may and tbe fullest a**- r: inert #*ery styU thuft ouu be called for. and at grex ly r*du-«d a sssullj - ei M e have ai*o juat epen d anether lot ef Children’s t ashmere e of al! six* a on* quail ti** A‘.*o a *rpe l a* ef* and Guut’t Silk and Marine na's and Draw er* Also. 2 co*»-m re *f th <*e C \* ent Fr: nts. which everybody uvs by the piece as the cheap**? I'riote in th* tnarke' DUKKLE HEATH ft CO., 21 It" 1 urtbst be tweaa Market and Jeffersea. ft \1 AG MFD ENT DEER ji F Ke-tauraut -r told out or f be ho* tjuail*. Blu-'-wing Ducks. Snipe, qutrrels. and PI v«*r. together with l>o, cau new bo hud ut GILL, smith, ft CO.. 8- Wall at Plants*. WHEAT. WVBLE. A WHEAT. Wholesale Fancy and Vatiety Goods. «U MAIN >TKEET * 11 AVF. jest roceivsff unff •fUt tot tal>- WALKERS RF'TU'R \ NT. Third st.. bet w -en Wain and Market. ET GO? »U^— Bracelets. N esk l te«s. < r s..-*, at.d Bead- f sale by [n6] WHEAT. WYBl.E. A WHEAT. James Sugar- II. Molasses-, for sale bv I BC? HAN AN ft CO. OperasComplete American Edition. r a j A Ju’t i-ublisned th« f Bowing ttaudard Oi«ras •Nom.a "by Bellini. Price wflto *D-u Gu an., by Mot art. |’nc*$l. •l.ucr-ia K -rgia, l-onuf; Price $2. B'-uad ia hands raa sty e. with illumina’cd * ;tlo-pas«* A full supply a.w ays t* be found at t: V; .ud P. .i F rfte Ware-ivon*s ef LjW 1SS MULL We are this Jay in reiwipt f 12 < . Mulls of the' Mills peints, ramage, an-1 b-uquet » * se it j -• i at M Gall. Switxe'land. and pledge ourselvo* v> s ‘ealcrs a* cheap si t!*e earn- article aan be had fr. porting house ;n the cuuntrv. off JAMES LOW ft CO., 418 Mi 'KAN BERRIES6 bbls Cranberri* nniii and lot *ul* by AND'W BU WANC FACTE >n rru. iron- " pattern!. ufa< turers 11 them t many im- l T T L K AND I1LESE- 2’> half bblsobie Dairy Rutter; 74 boxes Western K.-serv* i h«e> civtd un cunsignment and for *a [ IMF I all kinds ®f Musical Sorcbuudisu. rt* Factory. Muio street, bwvua Thirtooutft -boulders I GAR— 10U L lids strictly j ' fur *al« by duten Linen. a*s>rud qualities, WHEAT, WYBl.E, ft WHEAT. Piaao IV are -100 pi.-.'cs of various shade* and rMinin*- French Mcrm-n ever dfered w»ch will be found an.-thcr lot of rhich are 3l» per cent, less than the* >u*c in the city. DURR EE, HEATH, ft CO., st.. betw.en Market and Jeifeoua. iperiur am Notice IHO'E G-eutiful ijeriueni ef W.g* that look She pr«miu at the far an be seen at mv G. NICHOLAS', Wig Manufactory and Fancy store, 28 Ne 83 Fourth st , betwe-a Main aad Market Notice. >UE undersigned f rm*d a c -partnership wa the I 6* r the stvleuf WATSON ft < LARK, naff ha iu t be .dd stand *f John Wat* a H*4 1 to 42u 1 xr duurto th* Southern Bank ti Kentucky, betw 4 Fifth street*. , JOHN WftTS laa. 12. 1»M. J(>3 \TH AM Watson 8t Clark. - -^. IMPORTERS AND WMid.lMLI DE \ a "ffftdtory. ilardwsre. Hi Hi M M-.uutiust. Tnmk Trauma xj an hand. r at n.xe eeats pei (his estu* li shin a u : New Books. •ftlllM MV B Ii. di-sc| frem »l.e HAGAN ft BRo S Ito k store. No. IT IS a rail. NuW I* the accepted tune to *n- V FRY day thstv e I publiahera, at A urd street. Give u ve v - ur libraries. .20 jftb New Brussels, 3-ply, and Ingrain Carpets Received this m- rum? at tbe * ar| et Warcbeusc *f BENT. Dl VALL. ft CO., Ao. 519 Ma in street, opposite Bank of Kentucky. \\* E received th * uornin? a large and superb a-s- rtnicnt f the abov* articles. *o ind:s|<-n*atlr fr tbe CwUifexts of home, our stork la new complete n th* following New Books! New Book*! at Ringgold’s- DI KT II A and l.ily, ur thu Parsons** f Beech Gl*u, ky Mrs LtiAK'1 We have j u»t received |t-l i«-e f 'he Rn st Uran'.iful Paris mad* tliftt have been imr.irted during th i- aks arriveJ by the InUrst steamer »••*: beautiful styles vet exhibitrd. Dt'KKEE HEATH ft Co. another mvo * 'loth Cl- aks son These « Dead Sea an-i Bible, by l and Dvau's A fraja, ur Life *> d l.**e ia Norway, Hi'torn al sk«t*-l**-s of statasmeu » f George 111. top- th*-r o .th K> tuar.i on. bv Henry L*rd Broughtm. I R a, by Randal W. 11 Gav «k A M The Better Land, er the Believer’s 1 YONs VELVET 4-4 black L 4 day at loSujftb] BE.' [>1G I RON —?U0 By the author of Wallace. I0BERT BKtl K. Ih. Ku.«, b. I ... uib.r - W. I :UH t.|ilv 'lul. -to .W ..ut. T«> th «e wkehiv-r-ad Wallace * it uaar.-eivary to r > nd (he pr ernl Volume; but to th.>»c wbo have n-<t we ty they have mis-.-d a r*re treat Tbr pre>rni volume is imlar character, aud is said to even 'Ur| i^s in interest iJ >rmer j^-j ular works of its author. Copies can be had at BROWN ft CRUMP'S, e£> jftb Bookitere. Fourth st. near Market. >11 EEs E—H'.t buses prime W e*toi per steamboat EcU|*»e and fur J No. >2 Main. totw. 4- 4 and 3-4 Brussels .-tair d*; 5- .*, 3-4. and 4-4 plain and twilled Venetian Cory*:*. A xmi aster. heu-Ue, and Tufted Ku. Adelaide Ma;-. fte tff“" * taviie the spm ial attention uf al! pur- hraers ef i ar petu.gand lfous* 1 urnuLiug *. ods to aa examina? i -a -f c! i tt ek aa it alorus us pleasure at all times to eur goods; *!**• * ed earlier in the se.vs u. weare |<rupar*d te offer great Lar- ga'us to all wLe will favwrus BENT. DUF ALL. ft CO., DOiftb 519 Main st. opposite Bank /Kentucky. Hack bilks just opened, which we will I> f«r yard, being JJ |^r cent. I s* that price* W# warrant our eust^mcre t ns in these Mlks ever hea*d of. DC UK EE. HEATH, ft C Peters, Webb, Sc Co.. Wholesale Dealer- in Piano-Fortes and > Muatc*l Merchantlise. - _ *!«>'« >a -:»«a « till «a„l..r p,t.ra. *>» •-« >r»U i—. fVmiM I'ao- 7 1 in.CitiSsss! "**“ ,w m“i* ,m If. and w . l^iol- K us. for tho preooot, v«r the storoof Fan! do. 'V*e. ft Merw.- Refcrva -s is mad* to tho Musical r feosi a goo*rally thr»*sch u- thi« aod tho actghk-ring ^tutoa. jyTjftk regular tuip trcl«s. by Gullet's 1 coils K* hum Vivimua Vivamus. Capital Hotel and It c-tau i ant. Northwest t-orn«r of Third aud Gre-n streets. U ^F ar. n w rcc- iv iug daily fr«.ah >Uell Oysters from New Y rk hv express, selected fr in th* iu--#t desirable t-ds, and arc a- fat and a* d--lt.-i.-u* US were ever brought t*»«hi- marke- >. a: Kt auraut t- mis' abuadantly supplied with e*er vthiiig id the way ..f Wild Game, inchu Mild Ducks f aim •*( every iescript ion, PI*, asan'.e, guails, Plover, W dc->ck, Mil]*, i.aine 1 i*h. Mu-'.ro iu* ftc •*3 SATTERW HITE ft RRIGG8. \*VM IA\|55C Medical Books. Fort Henry, at ii f Sale 1-0 l>y A. fe'Rift. fit< 1 S rc *v uck of fa|-er-HaB& ng» raouol quantity, variety, er price ? BEGAN. EMOTT, ft MOORR. 471 Main street. Second Importation of Fall Goods. lire** Gooff*. 4 loak*. Mantle* THnnilug*. t hrwlffrrteo. M ARK. DULANEY, ft IKJWN> respectful ly Bolt. teation ef e led ,-s v. s rn b and » *t icd arriv pmcf which, With daily arrive s. durin the pj m n?h«, ma'.e <>ur assortment of rich Foreign Dre**t Lmbr-.d.*ite* very complete, and as cm arranges! u". fectod for receiving g -d* fr /in the f.s*< as •-on a* uur friend* n.ay rely u|«-a find ng ia onr L-jo** all t ti» and wst style* irnmed atcly after their imp rti •to yValkerN Restaurant. | ~Li k| k K?*' K vhe!l Oyster*, salt ffavur and v. ry fine; ,.*i“ m f2 ">>' V rk Bay d-j, fresh aud aeliciuus; LtoO Shrewsbury d *. sm *41. » lamp, and rich; 4 Deer, fr-m 'h* wild, wild w-j..ds. 30 d' z*n guails, very fat and plump, xn Oysters f-r family us*. Blue-wing Ducks. Mallard Ducks. juirreN. Ma.hru- ms, squats. »oft shell Crab-*. Game Fish, •iing Chickens. Vegetables, fte.; can always had at ^ur ••tavirant, Third street. *>25 WALKER ft COMMERFORD. Proprietors. -A* t winter is fs«* appr-.acb- rt.cle wi | be ia demand, w* yers to « .* . she largest sited Bed Blanket*, cu'.ereff N gr® Blankets BENT, I»L FALL, ft CO. New Books! New Books! at S. Ringgold 'a. 66 FOURTH 'THEM SEAR MAIN K A N* AS soft Nebraska, ky lla e. foabel t'ikTT '!V n, >-y knell r Grier. Behind the >rco«s, by Lady Bulwer Memorable W «m> u. by Mi* ? r-vi 'B-1 Australian W a- d-rers, by Mr*. 1 *«. Carpetmg Floor Oil-Cloths Russ. Ac. rlTU/ltll *T- M.l, ,u~-t i.TktM •* F.«rtl 1 respooif oll« tovtoe the athtL-a of (ft* iaffito uuff th« I'he i arpei Harehou*e« Main street, opposite the Bunk of k.-utacky. men t. du fall, a or U r Ort9 rcvjeetfuDv call the atteatioo sf rraurers visit* tag 'he cny during the .Vgn cultuni fair to that r largo i-aguay ra: S,ap particularly designed l**r as iu qualities for rendering the •ur; j»v a by anv other * ap in use. i sh-s besides Wing an excell- nt il in bleaching muslins and fine BELL. KOBI N>oN. ft Co., e w ecu Third aud Fourth.*!*. Great Bargains in Silks Cloaks. Meri- noes. Embroideries, &c. II-I./IL » fl-rla, oar eotir,- •:•/!» u li.- t ,, w.ntienrd ?' s ut price* se suit the times. Uu e* wukiog a rich Mlk l»rx*9 for the J rise -f a comm u use. »..o*:d n t foil u- all and examine oar asourlmeut, a* w-v aede'ermiu-d t* etl i gt .ai m-iuc< u«-nt* in tin* -it-rart.uent ef our trade, al* Men- ii -r*. i foa**. Lmbrwidvntia. ft* at eorrespud g l*w i rices n6 jftb BENT. DUVALL, ft CO.* In start I.OTHA. CURTAIN MATERIALS, ft* •ha*-, d fr- a the unstaittruicd uauo/i th* U sited Htares. aad aae-ag which m tetly pnvat* aadeutiiwly oew. ER AND ROYAL VELVETS. and m «: desirable varteuo*. seioofoff e bv Par-tona. The Bo- k and it* ^tery. Literary Ke-'reatiuns. by W!ii Natuelle aud h. r Lovers, by I Persons an I Pictures ky ll.ih Sequel tn the Neighbor* l hi Walden, or Life in the Wood iudiana State Stork Money \( anted, IJLASTf R PARI: L brand, snd for a u3 bbls l laster fr**h heat v and for sole hr E J MARTIN ft CO BACCO—254'huxes 6 lump Tobureo ia MILLER & TABB, CORNER MARKET AND FOURTH STREETS. /ION TI Nl E to revive the money of the Indiana Stock Banks \ aad will cell the gr. at«*t bargains to be had u tl* sity. T *v have on hand a large and vari>-d stock of ri h FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, c.-uMsting of SILKS, MERINOKS. DE LAI NCR, EMBROIDERIES, LINENS. FLANNELS, PRINTS, ftc.; Tog'•thor with krown Jeans, plaid I.inscvs, Ticks, Check*, black an-i brown Sheetings and Shtrtiugs; and a large and be^utifnl stock of Cl -aks c-nd Talmas. MILLER A TABB. o25 jftk Comer F -wrth and Market sts. b Mantle aed ate the space iad ui'ot rle- I |l"l TIN.. INSTRUMENTS— M-dical \9 >f Du-ediag Instruments will find us e> best in.trum ou of ini* deserip'ion. n3 BELL ROB TAPE> TRY AND RRUN5RLR, wmbiaing ia vane*v -f ;•%- tern* aud enUre tu* moot disii^a v-r off -ed ia this mark- 1. THREE-PLY INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPET* •f e’- ery grade, vsrktj, and style. Tsp'-tiw with ao aan rated a*w rtru- a*. of OIL-4' LOTHS. oaauu/aetureff ia Eualood. Germaay. aud Amori«u, tuitub] Iu ail ciituaU* and adapt*.! :* every ••*. curtain materials. RichBrocvt. il- '»']» !• !.ni*. W mod Damo*ko. Lsr and Embmidewd Mu*!ia arts*a*. Tambour aad Flaw. Drupe .it* and all the' r appendage*. CORNICES AND CURTAIN BANDS, ft full aad e-mi »et< >*-*rtm*at ef varied patt*rus. New Medical Books. M EIGS ON « II ILDKFD F FVERSen the Namra. «*ign*. 1 reatn.- nt of hildl-ed Fevers ia a sen. * -.f Le t.-r* dre*«vd t the .Stad«nts ef hisela**. by I' .arle* 1> M gs. D. (if i-or *f Midwifery and the Di»ea»«* of Wemca < bildrea ;n Jrfl.-r.on Medical C ollege. Philadelphia *tc MEIGS ON THE CTERl «*; sTnst ^ on Acut* andChri Disease* of the Neck of the I terus illus'r&tt^l with aumvi plates, wl^red snd plain bv Churle- D Meg*. M |». PARKER ON SYPIIII.ITII DI-EA'*E> -The Mod Tr-atmen*. f syphilitic Di*- a-e«. botfi Primary and Se<-es ry. the »r-atm-nt ef *n*?itu' i end i ontiri >yphilie by a *>'e *ne *.i>- evsfu! m*th<-d with nutn«i ••a*ee. f rmulr, and clinical ebxcrvatiens bv Lxi.g. Parker, ^urgcoo b- the Qu -n s H Ilirmingliam. I •he third an l cntirclv rewritten London edit: n. OW EN ON THE SKELETON \ N I F FTH—The Prii pal Forms of t .e s ‘keD? m aad ef the Tort h hv Prof R n* IB" »e . author ef "Odontography,'' "Lecture* en t parattve Anatoin v. ft*. Received nnff for sale by n6 Jftb C. nAGAN ft CO.. 507 Main a New Books. r »HE Bird* -f th# Bible, bv K * II. Iforhaurh, lustr.ited w th cwlwred plate* and ill'iuimat Cummings's Min -r Work.*, seond *«r:e*. I vil Atrara, a N rw gion aud l ->j Un i Tal-. nr Life >--f way Translated fr. m the German f Thewd. cived and for sale by oL3 tftj C. HAGAN ft CO. .3REN4 II C HOCOLATE auoib* ID iug fiom steamer HigbCyer and fer o30 A. 1 r ( a very superior Dtvss ||a: arv av;- - * •*!! bhow them tbe prctu«*t and . POLLARD. rRATIlER. ft 3MITH, Third r Tnmmiog* ftc FLOOR oll/-4'LOTH* r«mA. now ityio* heat Engl mb and Ai ek AKDCmTTON G<M>D« TMIYT TOBAfXNb— |On Luxes Dudley r Excelsior, LMI do Z*. k Taylor; 1U0 ffo Rowera, for sole by iTTON-24 hales AUI % Cotton fur sale bv AND w lit « II A NAN ft CO New Styles of Jewelry. JAMES 1. ».F MoN, 333 Mam Bank f keutueky. *>gn of the I«i- mg just return<*J from h* Ea-t. is , * Pub. Vest, aud Guard Chains, C barer'. Dutch Bulbous Roots. , The subscribers have just rueeivrd. fr<-m the oelo- (-rated gsrd’-iis uf R. Van iK-r- b- -t ft > us. in Ilwl- HRinij. their an uni *up;-ly f Dutch Bulbs, embracing U** following aaru, vis Hyaciuti.s. d uU* and single » ••> ted Tulips, Crown Iui|>erial, LiLum*, Crocus, Poly un- IUS. Nat.u-us. Jonquils Iris. Gladioli*, ft. These Bulbs are id ba- ->rd- r. and will he Sold m packages to-rted at the lowest rust' mary p i- s. Priced eatalogus*. embrae-nc the different varieties of each >M V. ill be *-nt to t;.*-•• wh reque-t theta, a-v 3 w -ft d liVKAM PITKIN, ft CO. Mura aad f-r tal*. I>y GEO. KILL I* k. Godey for November. . BROWN ft CRUMP, 84 Fourth street, near Market. Large am! Llrgant Stock of Tali hood*. M ILLER ft Tab:, wrwr F urh aad Mxrk^ *cr*«t* aco .... pr ,»r.4 to •«*•>-• tVir Imil vp.rU M.,1 r-.h tol l»n<» UR. UOOIts, ... :»rr..> ~-l MPi W«»to.tor *l.< l»i>.i#fc. xnd which will to *44 a* tow, if au% iow«r. than any i~ to> tou*o Plaid, striped, and M«iro Aatiaao AUftm Plaid, vnped. and plain Do Lsuoc*. Preach Merino**, ail cmIdi* French tlaid Cwhaarreo; French Mvnao CPwlka): French strip* -i Caohawrv*. FMRROIDER1E- \N D LACR GOOD*. Imperial! ply English aud Amer English and Amencao 2-ply Ca Med io iu 2-i-ly Carpeting; CotAon chain Carpeting; 4-r 3-4, aod 4-4 Veaetias Velvet and Bra**. Is Sti > n Mavnal*. Liwens of every deacriptioa; C--tt-a Sheetings, Table and Puta* Covers; Marseilles Spread*; Cornice and Curtain R*nd«: Druggc'x aadCruuibt toths; Blankets; Floor 4lil-CIotlis; Table inl-4 lotha; Stair Rods. Perw.f >n »»Bt . I HuomUH or S'r.mbou Fori.ulim, ^...11*.* i‘-**»‘ri.o~.-«l | l i?B t gM ,* 4P9 Main #t., 8 doors west Bank l.ouisv ill*. IXITTOK YARNS. ft«.— lyavilla i ot ton | arn? from No. 40P to N< j-et < haia. appiag Twibe; •die-W ich. PS. GOBI F.T>. PITCHERS, fte -1 'astore. W alters. Salt '-tar.ds. Caps « v* a very pretty lot *#f Sllwr Buff Pli .1 R OFF1C8 to redly po*ite if* our friend*. « .23 bftj & Main *tr«et, di- . We shall U glad Instructive Books just Received. YES of tho Chief Ju.n « of the l o>wd 'Mateo. % 1-. J 4 aptaia 4 aa«.t -vTweuty \ear»efaa African Slav.r, by rant* Maytr. $1 i*. J urnev t-* Central Africa, hy Bayard Taylor, ftl .iff. The Master * llu.ise. bv L van $1 23 Daai-1 fe. •• aad th* II uatm *f kvatacky. %l The Youth f Jeffereoa 75 rt*. T e An ient Egvptiaa*. bv U ilkia* a. ?v*ls. $2. Wi dcrxft. *r llaok* about th* Dwve-4'- t«, a <t rv of tho utii at tto ehioe be Rev-.lutim, by W G Si turn* E*q Pr grc*«and PrejuJioe, by Mrs. i.or*. Cloift. 73ets.. ; apvr. x/m „f Mankind, by J. C. N- tt, M. D.. and 4!**>rgo R. 'i-ld-n. $' Air* Bradley # Book of Cookery and H usokeepers’ Talus I* Rev'ipe*. t'* which i> ad.tod question# for th* eurv uf all the r netpal c senses f *.L- human system, making a e»apicu , id ivfcieaeo for family a*e. -*5 cts All of the stove, together with all th# (at# books of th* day isv k-haffat BROWN ft CRUM P'8. .10 jftb 44 Fourth «trw*t. near Mark«t w-peting; ihsJ -uits R«ven;e. a Vqud to AA'ossai yj F 'inith, (») recei ved aa J for sal* A. HAt.AK ft BRO., W Third si amond-poin r 4.oL d pen ranted, at oil )%>•» ATI 1 NG—30 bale* extra family Batting fr sale low bv ORS W ALL ft BR'o DURMNG J EAA ELK Y—Gold, reived at oil jftb New Books. [T4»I.l ME ffib Bancroft's lltst< ry of ths United States. A H-i’liaa- d Lily, or the Para-nags sf Ucoth-GUa. By (rs. i lake* Mnith. Kansas and Nebraska The liisi ry, G-.grapbiral aad 'hysical haraiteristies. and Pelitical pooitioa of these Ter- Itorie* An a c unt of the Emigrant Aid* emtanie*. and Di- erti- at to Emigrant* By Edw. E. Hall. AA ith an original sap from the latest authorities. " well I if# at ^a. r Fun. Frigat## snd Yaehting; a colleo- ion ef Yarns fr ra the l.og-ltook Youugstor ft:.# Mess The Singer s « tupan n; < n'x.uirg a th ir# s* lc ti a of •opalar S nga. Du» tt*. Glre*. at* hr* A«., with music arranged or the Voire. Flute, Violin, and t’ianu. The lforo-kiag. or tbe Davsef Bruce. Fr -1 Arden, a sequel to tfi# Jesuit s Reveng*. Advcu'ueaof a Ballet 4 . rl Orlinda. »r tbe Mexican * Revenge. Ju*t rewivoff and for sale by 3. RINGGOLD. #24 jftb 66 Fourth street, near Main. tyer kxie.aa; wh < ilrus myroa Fig. «; inaa kaian Lem n* just received aad for GAETANO ft i UO, nfectiwai r-* aud Fruiterers, between Seventh and L:ghth. E MON S—Ju boxes fresh l sale by Theological Books at A. Davidson’s. ^KOAV N s Discourses on the Mayings of uur L- rd. 2 *. Life aad Epistloa of St. Paul. byConytoare and Itewu vi« ^%o. s>; McCoeh a the Di mbc Government. $2. Pears-a eu Infidelity bvo. 82. Banyan a Complete Work*. $1 3ft. Rclirlows Progress, by Rev. W R. AYillieas 85 •»« lectures oa the L -rd s Praver by do. j%3 «u West s Analysis of thr Bible $3. Fuller > Complete Works. 3 vols. Midnight Harmouius. The Psalmist, with •apr-Utaent. P -ol's Aaaotatioas. Henry i, 8cott*s4'omprcheasiv«. end 4*!ark's C-'twm-atan F- r sale at low prices by A. DAVll»4iN, Third *t .. nrar Markc ui,. juiiu j. i. -luntou Stor.1. 1„ ul. bj r.EO KII.LK'K. , U iJT rJcZTJ J2 rlaU iU* - 1 Vrtacl TL 1 , 2XI" 4 ** 80 “"•>»•« 21 '^’ MBtiAX. KSOOTT. * MOORE «7S M.U ... IOII Lt>>: IN Mir 1 UUR. by J.n.-Lmn ,|ick. K ( W..tb«r»*eld iVub., «ul. nuurr.ut i I and lor sal. by )*> c. n*<;*>- * iu, suriuiBr Tain foisi to. rlOUl AND TALMAS. A l*m >»J «.I.u4iA MbMI, aabrl :atr»dnced b, Br~At. oi Sow T-rb. Twc.lU.r »nh * i»r*« •<.< .1 rito>,.. Ultu. i toitol* SAawU. A*. .KIEli HtKRI.M—•» boi.t jo»' rwl"> »bd f r .bl. by A HURIE. .V) Third •!.. «<at«id« VlalaaUCHitrUwr. Fruitorrr. Aad Itomler in Toy.. Tire W'.rkl.O).tor*. r.rdlA.,. 1’ickle. Ac. IIILKRV BRANDV-SOhbl. < h.rrr Ilraady f,r ..I J MOMRS. SIS Mi MP Ml. AitoM*. Bwil-Nik, aa* WaIaMa; mai.aAaa* for .Ai, hy GAETANO A I RhU. *74 A i M.mi S...AIA At.d A«htk l*ian»-t'ortcs. A LARGE STOCC. WITH MURK ARRIVING WEEKLY. a » •'•i.j M Ib« ...rdinAry Ur,, nock »« “• hAAd. », hATA d.ter- 11 Hit “«4 to.*r th. nowi : u. ,.d... J J * J j --«»• *''• I »rchA,rr. ky rrduciA. th. priou. ih.ii rift.r p*,ka g, ia O'-b l.w.r r»i— ll.Anrr.rhri rc ,n,r.d IA thu DArket. W. h... a«w Tda* V.»i. i from i-‘ tl fc. *». , .Alnn.) r.ery ,trlr AA* III. fr-m »“• lAb-rAtolr ATT,d Ai.d mA»».dcr.' U'AI. XIV. fr-m Ih- wrll-kA.wA fm Airlr. of Naaa. Al Urk I'el.r,. I'r*|«. A tV.UiAtol linh-rt. A A J. kxth. A.d .«h- ers. fully warranted iu everr parti ular. Wc repeat, with great vmpbasi*. «i iBIDktbssi.ii* to »BLL AT tiki III T KBDCaBD rUK KS rOM h ASM or «*oo» tsos t xuTas. Call and s«e. BROWN ft CRUM P'3, , fftl'LDS, 5Tt»NB, ft MORSE. Fourth st., near Market. oltijftb 338 Main st. [ EVERYBODY WANTING HATS Pfoall ea POLLARD. PRATIIEU, ft « ... L OF M PLKIUR ,r (he Slock of void de well by calling aad J. P. THOMPSON. OUN DRIES— hi ISO to a s various brands T l-acec, 73. 'din lbs clear Sides, country cured; 1,34ft) sugar-« ured Ham*, Macklia'a aad stherf; 130 X- k- prime l eaf Lard; 230 bbls Kanawha Salt; luO boxes Mar Candles; kl hhds g- od fair N. O. Sugar; 30 sacks Ri* Coffee; lOo bbls Piaatation Molasses; 23 bbls Golden Sirup; 2 bbls 2-year-old Bourbon Whisky; Teas. Refined Sugars, Spices, and choice Groceries of all kinds, for sale bv [n4] Rl SsELL ft DUNCAN | nd iana '-tat* Stock M»aey rroelved. 41 M DROPS 3ff0 lbs R'-ce. Lemon, Strawberry, grange, T and VadllaCum Drops just received per steamer Uighfly- r aed fer sale low bv A BoRIE. 30 Third st , near Main. Wholesale Confectioner and Dealer in Foreign Fruitft, •SO Firv-Werks. Tcys. ft«. ,>ERFl MKRY- MT \| W E ARE DESIROUS OF REDUCING OUR ST4H k for# we rrniuv« is, and cau offer unprecedented tt dace- meats both at w hwlesxl* aad retail Pollard, pratiifr, * smith. b4 jftb 406 Main st . opi->sitf .,ur old stand. I NftRIC- \ TELVEr AN D GLilTH TALMAS -Ror.ivmi thu m by Adams's express, a few beautiful UcW*tyle4 Vel.rt TilmA. MILLS* iTA o1 2 jftb Corner Market and F**ur Household Words for October R eceived a.4 f.r »»i. >j brown a cm" .10 JAb RlMnlAwrl Laugh and grow fat. ANKER NOTIONS FOR NOVEMBER r.Mir.J aai! fi sal* by -d A. HAGAN ft BRO., Third s%. O 75 eases and bask#'- t.amf ague Wine*; SO ff- tea eld Port, Moffatra, and hherry Wines; I do Ciracia. 25 ba*fteU Ani««tte, 6 ffesen Atoyuthe. 6 ff« H- -cutter's Ritters. Peppermint, flpipsff B tiers >agar, Toherce, Cigars. Hock, Claret, and Catawba Wine* fte.; ia store and fer sal* tv J. P thompm-in, •26 Fourth street, near Mean. KY A constant cut ply < sanufac'urers' prices by H A. DUME.>SIL ft CO. WE ARE SELLING HATS AND CAPS NOT IN THE ’least damaged a’, mush less than it cost to make th u 1 *«on if yeu want bargain*. POLLARD. PRATHER, ft SMITH, (jftb 46*'. Main st. Chambers’s Journal. !V*ltocr<we; Bering Flowere; Al**> rrisaniVlqsie and Pt>m* AskSpc. with Eisay other art i «ff jftb MJ HI A U BLR- J August BU *23 bftj >'5 Journal fer October, ale a new sapply at irnber, received aad fer sale by the agents, BROWN ft CRUMP, 84 Foarth st., n«ar Main* ALERATUS—10U toxeipure fer sale by * Biff A few bbls shoioe extra just received and for sal* inJ jftb] H. FERGUSON ft SON. 4^LOU R- ? k 7 d* *ed Hewing ICHOOL BOOKS eheap at ) e7jftb

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Post on 28-Feb-2021




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Page 1: THE DA I Eli · 2015. 9. 11. · THE DA IEli ROSENBTJRG. WHOLE'Al.B\NI>BETAII.DEA IERIN /.V/>ST.IHLEDllI*iiOODS Ti»«*iyWturrBSUSSB. MAMi iM*# *•*' iMttMtoff,m4>a—elatsei r …




/.V/> ST.IHLE Dll I* iiOODSTi»«* iyWturr BSUSSB.

M AMi i M*# * •*' iMttMtoff, m4 >a—elatseir-.u* a/ wf r.i * *h '«T\ i* •* .*f the »uh»cribrr s.rv r

. < t *ddr-— their u«rf» Aarik| th- months ..f

r to P I Rk Ill \J X MIN••todim

_ I'saaH

Stmthrtit . fitfitary . Ira tieLiottcry,


*^ • /«//.»• raize i*kjw.\ jIu.cmm* Tl« ki lo kn| 1*1(17.1.0:

From S. M. Pettengill <Sc Coadvlk r i - i n •


uitNTs. OF LOUISVILLE.arU f Tnt»t« < f (be IVsbytoHa* Female School fmile ske

|leasur- in am un*ing that this la*titu-

»e opened > i. M -nday. Il,« 11*1. ..f vpteuitor. llavu* '1 an i li»il Ir ill* fur thr 'rhoul in a central | arty (th* Mu. r r*’«iil<-no- \V-rden p.q*. |*q.) f | C t*liuu "I the E- ard to creel, next .unm.r*. HMroilisite. but t r l • i-irM-u'. the h- n the pr>*mi-h«r wi.h tic- •• 9-i..o-r - :n* ..f the First and «'h- stuntr *bftorian Churches, oM,-iugly pto cd at their du-ll *»»»d O' r 'Uitii Ixti i.* The following p«rr-

•v* u n<a.-cd a* Instructor* S. It. |;.uthn, A. V ;l. ,*»TA|. n> . A. M ; Miss Haboah BuoWSl Tl*e• * o treaty with a c-n?le c«n -f the Wi/heit iualifi<**-

' f -org* -\|« ri- no- a* a Teacher, wli-wc service* ther•x-c-.r* an i'r>aci| al during the appr rchin.- »c»*i *.• mean tini<- Pr J J. liull -. k h*« o.u*«n'«d to a- 1 inicily, in which he will have tin; . • » p«rrati->u off,-, aud I»r. lUlw.) . each aiding a.« far a* mav toff*!a til. .'..urs. t instruct:- n The Itourd deem them-rtuaate iu bavin..’ *• nr. .1 f-r th.- >ch - 1 so able austni t r». t*. ‘i hlch -ther Tea.-hers will he added as '

h-.f the Institution may require. Mr Barton, for-inocted with Jelf.-r-«n t'wllece. Penasy i vania. andn'ly with Danvillt- • ullese, to favorably aud«*xtcr«-•w n aa a sound scholar and th r.u,h judicious Teach-taio *s is a .-raduate -f th - University of Fans, and I

*i> vf profound and varied attainments. wh-. has hadar»* experience as a Teacher ->f languor- , i, Bostonuni. Miss Br -wn wa* formerly a>s ciated with• hiii- .n in a Female M-l > 1 at Frankfort. >q.i since


>*•»'• removal has «u murd t.. conduct the Sch- I I

®e*»t mco •- Tbe (Card pled*-- 'hems. lvea t*< the I

}’ *hat exertions s>uill to -| sred that may he need-j

e the I’reO.vt. rian Ferns!. >« U *ol »>f Louisville on as which will afford to its

jupil* a thorough and com- i

llroilic'. < lo:iU« ami flaiitilla^.

<ii:< ». BJK >1 >1 K.,51 Canal st. and 63 Lispenard st., N Y ,


BIAiKTEI! UMTirTI'UI. ASD WHOl.K-Al.E ANDk<-tsil l. »l-r :• I.ADI E- . l .lAkS ' MANTII.I .


every fabric and description s- lints the attention buverst hinteii *e st.K-k f g .mIs suitable for the F.ll.l. SEASON.His »t vies lrsd the trade as c-ahrms ! zn by Han* n',bsdr; s. an '. tber 1. admg Fashion II ki. s!

rulaudNO AFTLU Sept Slith, LSil, i.a^cugcr trains will run•dlews:f«r Indianapolis and Chicago at 6 .*»'• A. M., and 3 tel

for Cincinnati at S 30 A. M.. and 3 o«» I*. M.tillT TRAINS each way duly (Sundays except, d .

;ments are ti.ade f..r fr< ights (• and fn«m the Cast.t wishing to avoid »hc delate ccanioae.1 hv f.ig and l--wnil find it to titeir advantage to ship kj this route,tak. n at the lowest raus, and no charge for draya^camusions. and put thn-ugh with le-s handling and•meat than any other route. All shippers sendingfrom tl • Fa*- to J. fl. r-'iiville, l.onisville, and Newvia Jeffers. nviUe. have it marked I . A B. K. R.. via

rcight to and f r«*m I ndianapoli> taken at tt.rstes.and will g-> thn-ugh same day.

• general ti.t rtnati- o and tickets, apply at the Jef-le Katir.-ad office. Mam street, b tween Second and

No 450. corner of Preston and Green streets. Louisville. Ky.returned from the Eastern cities with a splendid a!«--.rtinent of d*. I i-s offer f r sale <

^1 1 K - f all kinds, ran . ng fr m A»i cents t $ p- r yard;IR»N*'II MF.RINoFv. f r m 5i» cent* SI '«•' i r yard.ENGLISH MEKI NOES from .i,- „•* t $ ,

r .

I»1 LAIN E> f all kind*, plain And Ign.' 1 ii<*m IJ W cents : $1 t t r vardLI '*TERS *.f all «*• h-rt. flgu.ed and plain;E M MIC* >1 flRRIES. the fla-st l hat .an h. f. u.J in the city;Kl l» CLOVFS and llo>|FKV ..? . verv d,•». n t n.Ac

1,1 **>.*• tb* «ti*e»s * hat I am d- Wrmined to *ai|| s<* d.« heaper than the eUapcst ia the cit

PIANOS and MELODEONS for CASH»jg« HORACE WATERS the rreat M i»ic and

Plan -Forte dealer. 333 Uhoauvst. Ni;»V.-kk. preferring t.. share a lar.e i^r • nt

J J w J J VA it U hi* cu»t DiA-rs rather than lay it t :

iiiatnaiof Wj v --


him to stem the pr« son*, tight time*, -.ffer* hi* imm- n- assort-ment of elegant and warranted Piano* and Mcl»de- u- at a

large diseouut from uutokv riirt* rou. xaii. Htaaaaort-meut compris -s I'ian >* fr-m three of the iiu.i»t a\n x.i>r. EuaxiTi:i> Uusiu.n nctokirs. als.-th..*e ..f several ofthe be a r X»w Iohk maker*, in ludiugthe beautiful and

riiit:and tit KiiLAit ntoorsti i;


l)AMi jKwn.FR--. AND COI NTIN.-HOI >E>AFESI > r -»ery ,n« I , r mIc, -uj • ..h.mliiis .,«•* re*]-,.-..

I‘alrlrk AlrltrV\ illiaii. Urh,

Xo. WO .Wain street, beltsNANI EA. Tl

‘eMj 1* rates, aatl I tyijn r



f»l R -i>* -r*n». nt is large And .* mpletc. am- u: which ran 1nd Heating m-v s f-r both w .*1 and c..%l ail th la -v »nd

New Vorr, April 5. INS4.<ut.sffp A f,.

.— lt,iv.kinethat your saf* mtertol my b..wk* and’he i r* last nt/Lt. by whi. h everything> ‘S c -nsumed and although it wasex-rv t-. iutense heat, its ..out uu remainedwith little repairing, t *1L 1 think, an-

P tKBoRNE. .Superintendent

Tin, amt Sheet iron II "areh- f uni all th.- la*, st and in st impr ved nnrtenis of * .*»kin

Tl? ”‘W ' Stolls Graf- * . aam.l-d and pia a al

els* • a mv prri p.» d through.-uatiartned. Tlswer f.-raastb

Kt-s|-e-*t fullyjuu* 13 dom*



Have removed to No. 170 William street,CORK F R OF DEER If AN.

I M PORTING the loadmr 1»RT'«; >- frv.m th* ir nriginsl market!

1 h.«th in Inrro and tV ra-tludi *. and al*- Fn-nch an-Ewgli*-h (*H F M ICA l>. PI RFI M t RV. TimiTII NAIL, an-,

HAIR BKI 'HF.>. II AIK f.LOVFS aid STRAPS. Part* an ^

Tn s.e >|VlN(,ES. CtlKkv M1APS. A« .ther offer t! dD «B

a centleiseveral \

* and s «sid Mu*icalNew Arrangements.

r U^nei4ii. S,-|.,Blier I, 1. , TrsiD.l.a*.«r.pbd) », r,.u..».

EXI-RF.-S TKAIN> NORTH.-II in. at So-,|„k A M . i r. C r,.,n ,*,1 ip ti r»«f..rd.Tilli at Si. |- N.. ai.d arm. -a

l*ian islit tl Tin Writ./ 1 EORGF. IIOlM.ETTs WI1 m|.E5ALK TIN-PLATE WorktovT and Japauio-r in general. Importer aud Manufacturer f

Copper, Zin--. and Iron tlwdi•> U I LI. I % >1 *>T- NEW % OltK .

I'rus and steak Dish*-*,

Oval and obl<<ng Dash « >.vcr s.

Octagon aud round T* a ai.d < offee Pole,Eg.- Ludlers, Nnrrc. y| s.

Water* o.i, rs. T -llot >••:*. *c.fL II w a* a» ard. d the ar*t

jr.-mmin a* the N. w 3*- rk Crys-

tal I'aL-ti-c for Plauishcd Tin Ware and Water I '«ulrn :t-xin-t

a strong c aun- tit i.-n >. wlmr* hv he Hatters him-. -If that in b. atl-

ty of finish hi* Ware i* equal, if not suitriur, to any ..ther

manufacture (F.ttTARMLMri'lMl.) jun* ?* dtim

Oveas, Skillets and I ids. * hid I d-«-f -ur Id customers and the public moral. Thaakfulf- E. Pendleton Pope.

For Rent.

j. it. ii’ii. in: i: » hko..W HOLESALE DEALERS AND INPORTERS OF

[>ru$r*. ( lirniicaK Hvc-siiil'K PainA AHN IS I I I ,s.\\' 1 N I >< i\V-< ; I .Ass, < u ,ASSAY

448 Main street, between Fifth and Sixth. Louisville\T’F. are daily rocsivinr and keep constantly oa hand a larr and c mr- *s s-rv v towlirb «»hsiyerv. a* wv sell al tbu lowest Ftoteru frees. All g Us \ h v «« l }? ^

.* *!*’•• *WrUt

N.B. Country Prvducog,morally will U recoivcl on eoui, wuent fr . ur ctuuiaer. an i * Ho

TERMFafayetu- nt 7.3’' A. M. -n«l - l.’i P. If., arriving At Mi*-hi_

I t It. at I'J 3*' r M. and C 43 I*. If., and . i.n. t with train*i

(h« M i iran Central lit Ir .id run in dire -t connect i«n withe train* «*f this r» ad for I hicago and the Writ and N ri

N\ i L

. Duct n. A -

EXPRFaX TR \1N< sol TH.I^avc ki.-Lutx i ity at 7 4-

r* A M. Rafter the arrival of t

train* uf the M. r. R K. from Detroit and Chicago' aa I ar»ve to Lafaictte at II to t M : h ave L.tayette at In \ 1Crawrford-ville a» b A A. if.. <.r««-uca.*lle at 7 -'*H A. M

, aiarrive in New Albany at 4 l.'» P. M

Af'HlMMOU ITION Tit \ I > w.Is- •

dealers Ic. PI arat-ry do do BOO‘»«X do d« 15 tai•nch, Italian, and German i anguagu* j-cr s«**ion IU!u. Painting, art Draw log will be taught en th# u.«ualm* by eomnetent pr.fess*.rs.• tnr.-* will U delivered axi-.nally. during th# winter.

hecitY'by distinguished g--ntlemcn

rr J t*

" * w ill be opened temporarily in the sc*si«n-r- nai

Vr.oi.s wi-hlng t . enter scholars will apply t« A. P. Stae-m. Tr s urer, or to tho Presidentnr ?4 dtf - * - - ---- -


(RATE AVI) FEARER MAKERS,246 Front street and 930 Broadway,


H AVE eouxtantly ox hand every variety Grates and Fend-ers. also circular and eqiiaro German Silver Grate*.

Wh l.-sale dealer* supplied. juncl3dly

Samuel L. Caverly,Wta Jraal, Daalrr ia

H ROON'. PAINTED I’.AII - AM. TI B*. WOOD ANDHill.,* Wsrr. iU.Lr'a. Mata, f nt. .. Twill*, Ww-k.Bf,

R>uh.i.l<..aMUn.D,i,bM«l. An Vnrk <^*\rANI-EI . .*Flnr,

t VITER STATES ARM l.kKt'RLITI N.i -tit. |< I

For the Secoud Regiment U. S. Infantry.t i H ANTED, f r «- • I NITI DMATk, ARNV.«bl,fi todied •*. n .*/ ^ I.N , bciw. cn the a<-» .-f I- and SSC; I; ntf*.i«t U-» than meiw-u hi.h. and of g-«d

WE HAVE A 1.0;he least damaged t<

Housekeeping HardwareAnd. Fancy Goods.

J. A ( . BERRIAN.IMIHiRTFRx and Wh ! **U Ihal iuin HOlf<EKEF.PlNGI II NKDWARFsnd F\N« VGOOD>. 0*1 Hr udvray. V. V.-Cutlery. Silver and 1‘Uud W'arv, Japonnrrv. Gertunn >ilver andBritannia Warn: ( mp -iti n. En-*in. 1- «l. and lr n II 11 wWar.- Ilr-nzcd. t'qqver. and Brat* G*KgU. Bathing Apparatiu.Tin. Wood, and Willow Ware; Hnwlies. Mali, Basket*, Refrig-«rat*»ra, ,**p rtiug Tackle. A . Our*t< -*k ha* f ryvars past b*. uequal to and sow vurpasies in vanetvand * xteut any similarestaMish’ueat in the country, and will U told at price* d.-f> mgcompetition.The attention of Huuscke.-

oursto«*k.>i ( rods and price*

uaarld dly

KIFFIN-M friends aod pair -n

tlmt \.» may b« fwuud,ffn. 474* Ms-.n street,ve them a* beret -fare.

is. and reapuctfuliy n ff- r

at the old stand wf UDveiwhere lie will bo as haj f

4 all aud tee me.geuth

Leave* Lafi

^lauipede Miktarp.iTfT

er 3nd Chagres FeverNo. 445 Main sUeet, between Fifth and Sixth,

•^.Merchsntsand Mxnnfac urera w-.nld And it b, ttotnater. *t to esai n .

•rdt-ra fr- m a d.s’.aace will be attended v> as !f mad* n pum su e.

make immediate>e hand* uf an st-



J. M. STOKES & SON,\o. 4W Main Street, o|ip«>ite the Bank of Kentucky,

$V Q r-m, l ,



rfim Dieh and llfvtjant ramifare, ^!?a »i

10u '“°“d “ “r °*' ,h* »*«• ^ROMEWOOD, MA 11044 ill, WAI.M T, AAD ( KERRY IIHMTIRi;

Also (hairs, dorks, S|nins: and Shuek Mattresses, l.ookinjf-hlasses. AeWhich, in pwint uf manufacture, design, and fins finish, will c tnparv with similar articles m q, /*. »

forw nrdeJ t- N «

-r ky Railr ad t,. Mf cr>' .

pti. n: thus n

offered ia th< I liiUilMil .,

1*01.1. A K D, PRA46t> Main st.

-n and Merchants is invited to

:f»r* buying.J. ft C. BERRIAN,

401 Itr tdwa, New V rk.

sue us—r to Oliver ft Tiptnn,


. / A 1 sin n«w rev iving sad ..pen.og a Very ch->ii*« and'

Al Ex't. cf the lat.-st -mportstions. eunsisting of f’l-Ahs,‘ » mi bum. had Tostinrsof every c l r x.-.d variety,

I 'lush—.ilk* and V«!»et». V»th fv»r tiistrun .nisi and *Vcr_» -day >uu-»> -f.L-to-mectniff p«rpus«s, t. at it w..uld do \ .<«r very heart-*d t ! - k at much h*. to wear; an.i as f-r t 1-thi— suchi -tbs and * a -•meres' th -• w |r- « r-- tl* ieiu, styles during«c palmy day* of MH.rail. ft >mith will b- able to appreciate

. rt w it-'.ou: intrnd i.g t - disparage ..ny »»n« in my line ofii*mc»* 1 will say that I have ..a bard a* supi-ri-.r a’ »t>ck of- d* a* were s»*r offered for —le in the city «f L-uisville.I hate- s.-rured the *ert i«-.-s of < re I.. l,ouid. late of f'inciu-ati and Par • a* m% coat and if*’ - utt.-r and lake plea? renf »nuing tlio -*ld ousbmier* • f oliv.-r ft kiflin aud OliverTtpaou. a* well a« my friend* and patrm*. tlrnt he has no *u-»ri r* as a cutter m tl>u t r.ite-i states. W J Caskcll hasarge of the i-antal -«-n* department, and in that capacity

ii not > e ex nd. All, therefore. wh-» patrumxo my estali-• \tn-r.t may rvly uf>un m>t only getting au|wh..r good*, but*v iig them cut and made in the bioat fashiwnablo an t elegant

(BEAT BAKbAINS! LKL'AT BAKbAIVS!Hats and Caps 50 per cent, less than Cost!If H. .J, .« ...rvl , ,„m „ », .. „,4r „•fey »* M.I 0 o r-«t' V . |,| . :t, ur , |d , »n,!“"'kj t-OLtAKD, PKATIIRR, k SNITH

Jeffersonville Railroad.

U^F arc n w prepar d to *i«ip Freight through to Cincinnatiby Railroad st the fcll -Wing rates:

<*n 1st . la-* 3*1 ets. per 1*"*\Fmm J*f,r+niritU

tin Jd cIsm. Sai-t*. |R-rlUU) to i'i»einnati.

Merchant* and thers will fiud this the m- -t r. liable rou*etuand frum * i n innati, avoiding any* l.-ng dclavs .^.asu-ned byf«gs and 1"W water.

K r fu -th-r inf rmiti -n, apply at the Jeffers -nvills Rail-e- sd office. «>n n urth -ide Main street, hetvre n Sec-ad andThird. 1 - uiaville, or at tl>c iH-p.t at Jcffc^s-nville.aug IN dtf \ p. o<B» ir \ f. Sup’t.

Id Lieut 24 lI nitrri Hotel.

MEMPHIS TENS.PHE «ub*eril«-r. having purrha.*c l th< ab-ve pr- pertr andl furniihvd it with now and neat furniture. w«uld reS|iect-

nlly inf rm his friend* that it is n- w- ».|k-h under hi* per*- —al . are. Ev- ry attention will be given to render it in e -mf- r: by any house in tbs city.A share f the public patronage t» m--*t re«pcetfull/ *o1icited.sept 7 dffm J. J. WORSHAM, Proprietor.

il-ertne juit tved aud for sal* byI E KG l SON ft SON,Fifth and Market sts.

THE GREAT Cl’ RE FORLiver Complaint, liilious Disorder, Chills and

lever, CoMiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsiakud nil lll.,..n ,r Ik. LDfr-bd...

!•'-** 'e—DuU aud all Impurllir. ur (hr bloodT 1 ' 1?

»rr .:J ,.f Dig. ....... ,ad a ,uWI-• I“

r * '•«/ >a Ll».r l oandaiat. .ad |. r I'urjativ.I ills m t Ohtitruc**. D also cure* t hills and FeVtr e*i ccislly w hero guinim has been used and failed.

It i' a *i nr Stimulant anl Twnie for torpid and debilitatedewnsti'u.i- n*.Though pleasant to ths taste, mild and harmless in mat-

«*< . >t* power >s equal to the m »t potent dmr.For >-.*mfula and all Impurities of the Bl-od it ucrtainly

has a«Ver had aa e.|ual.It i* n t a ao-itruiii. as ths reci|-s see. mpsnie* each bottle. *»

that rhy*tcians f«« 1 free to prv»eril>« and patient* to use it,which they are dumg with unbound d »ucr**s. berth in Scrofu-a and D . *r-e|»ia. W« only a*k a careful

|• rusal .f the

pamphlet, win. h will b- sent free of po-.tag'’ tn any part .f tb«Douutrr. RAYMOND ft PATTEN. General Agea's.c- 74 Fourth st.. Louisville.

( apitoS Hotel ami Hetfuii rant

N - a«r sf TMfdut Ortet stmfi^IN» F. la-t >cuon, we L »vc erected a three-story building

a j iug uur f-rw-r • u«e. and »'• ar- n-w| reja-cd t

furnish large Parties with Dinner or Support, *- rv- d up iaprivate re. m- -r Restaurant or sent t r g. ntlcm« n's hsuse* inany part of the city, with all equipages and accompanim-iit*.Our arran.emcnts are such with all parts of the I nited Mate*that by

|arties ordering ia liras ws can serve them with all

delica. ' - procurable in America. We art- now rscoiv ing fromXi w A -rk. i \ usfrsus dally . (iwk SMI Oj sti •

, and ri R<taurant shall a! way-, be found well stored with every descrip-tiin of Game in season.o3 SATTFRWIIITE ft BRIGGS.N. H. We are ala- well prepar d t.. ae^omm-dato transient

A Country Residence to Rent ana BuggyRocksway, and Horse lor Sale. MonarrM Fire In-wrase

rPllI> route is Uie chea|«*t, bc**t, and altogether Hie most1 < onif.-riatl*- <*f any from the Ohio r*vt r and its c i u».-. ti-n*vcuth t- tbs Last, sad b' ( bi. ago, St. Lvuis, Alton. R««.k(aland, M Paul, (.alenv. Milwaukir.ftc• I Pas-ell ;ers f^r N lagara Fall*. BnffaJ-. and the East willbud this the ra.<*t c tnf -rtable and

ilessant route --f any .

as byit they av id the fatigue aud danger? «»f night traveling byrailroad, and fr«-m Detroit tan sl.-ep c-ml -rtahly on 1- ard one••f tl ase n*'W and magnificent ff- ating palaces, the PlymouthR— k or AA »*.era AA'-rld. acknowledged 1-y all t- ex.*- < d anyst-amers ever bef. re built m A merit a for strength, safety,aud c -mf >n of arrangements.Pa-seuger? are t ck.-ted through t . M - « h gun C’itv. lb-troit.

Niagara Falls. Buflal . Albany NwVrk.nndH? n. alsoto Chicago, LaSalle, bpriagfcU, 111., Galena. St. Paul, m.

%. c. SVIIIEK,Attorney at Law and General Collectii

Agent.C<>» FF.KV1I.I.E, YAL.HI -IIA .Ol'NTV, Nl-.<IvSI"l'

INTtK DK.tWEK* AND SHIRTS—Shaker Flannel and Shnker knit Drai(’wshm- re. Merino, nud brown GottenAnd >hirtaof every »ix« and shape a

sad Shirts:net Draw*

cthod Lt.AK—I 130 hhds fair to prime N O. Sjf ar:

3UU litre. « Kim Hall Rchued do, f« Mu II Matr.B. A. Mumftir J.

Al.F HOSE—Mlk. ' hak*r. M rino. Lambs AT o.»l. Cashmere snd brown

t ouen Half Ilo e six * to 12 inch feet;13 doici. country knit Half U«»e; for sale at


Mrs. Oakes Smith’s Romance.iEKTHA AND LILY, or the Parsonage of |b-erh• Romanes. I2»e I'ri effl. just received and f.

iljftb >. RINGGOLD. 66 F- urth st., near

lis and places W.-«t and Northwest this it thethe Ohio river by which pSMtngcrs are ticketed

iec» at Greenca«t1e with trains of the Terrell anteI I nUianai-ol i-. and

with train* of ’he Lafayette and lndiauap--!isaccs on that road.

D. KNOWLTON. Sup’t.N. ME A'LNS. Ass t>np t.

R. K. office. Sept. ff. I *34—dtf


$100 Reward.A A’ from the .uUnUr.r. sidin:«ce. »a the ltth of August, my


gla^a i oustantly -u hand and forsali[titles to suit purchasers at the BU‘Fourth struct, near Ms n. bv

Harpers Magazine for NovemberFt Kl A ED and for sale by BROWN ft < III Ml*.**I hftf 84 Fourth it., near Market.


Kerb, rt A AA right.>11 dJtwrf IfUAVab-n Dissolution.

Dickens's Household Words for Nov.I Y Kl LI A kD by she agents for Loai« tills.

BROWN A CRUMP,1 L*j 84 Fourth st near Maikvt.

i in traveling should al’

buttles sf the Blue !!<>« Lands in Missouri for Sale.I have f-*r sale 2.1UR acres of I snd. lying in R .


r v | fanri**. whi. h I offer for sale < n fair *crms. In-juir

cnber. at Hannibal. Mi*a»uri.dftw3m J A? 11 PAnnwiv

Jons D. CkSuolersd Net Shawls;ibivld d do do;» I* * and below market

in that d istan.

Knickerbocker for NovemberBROW N i • R| MP

* 84 Fourth at., near Market.

HIMTv v HIRTS! SH I KT' -—Just received a larce and su-|- ri-.rsb-ck • f I .am and Mu*liu hbirU assorted paUsins

I styles, embracing all the latest improvements—d len Linen shirts. tn« I ren h extra long;

23 do do do, broad plait do, do;

local VI n«i« and Piaiio-l orlc L- bster*. Im. orted

•having rise w h«

A.WELToN >HEETING<- LSI bales on Imnd and•ule for ca-.|*f iu par funds nly, br

i« JAMES LOW A < 0 . 418 Main *

do, ao collars;

I atterns; And Show-C asesF’*r sale low bymavff dftwneat sn*i superb fitting

>rn.-r «f Mam and ThiruA Ii MANSI IRLD

I >-sn «a/r i . nf and liberally

Medical Card.BODENH A HER. w |>its U - 1 brands oi rlv of L«.o..ti!1.. rt .

ill continue, as usual, tal sad Surgi. al treat

-f Re tnm. A a-i*

•f Brandenburg. Meadei* f- r f-*rt caal. and the

^ propertyM GALLAGHER.Todd s Warsbouac.

.LI) WHISKY—' 130 this copj-er Whisky, 1 t..3 year* • Id

fio bbls Bourb. n Whisky. Kiser brand.iumesnil Rob t a. Hell Wm Murdtck.

H A DUME3NIL & CO.,*I"N AND FORW AUDINg MEU( HANTS, WallLoui-v ille. Ky.; ular att«nti--n paid to filling .Southern plantation

different Bert*. r**csived ai

BA RAM, PITKIN ft CO. ’T ether side f Jordan."‘J'-rdau is a bard road to trav'Lonely Sally.


*p»apy s Trip to New Turk.

raent mff Ftowa nad Flew Cantingff, ftvaf -r cast and «r ught shar* s. with w- • • •«

We a!*- make t-> order all kinds . f W '

the 8*>uihera cuntry. with ir n ail. » andn chills t . prevent wear. We make th# ’

t.-n Wa^ous un the m >*t imt-r--*ed plan.Wheels. Carts, and Tw .-h.-rv Wac- n* • f

'tan-1, n.mer »f Main and Hancock streetsfor the last twenty-one years. II asept 2 dftwr.m

Tbr Fire on thr 4th of July last,r H I* 'll roy-** --ur *to- k of ( 1 thin: l.a» net |n-»*ated** n» {waring in the market al the ri^bt time with

ill and e] nst »••«-*,. gi «.f


i Famaly, n.-ar

TRO. jo i ft

large 1X1 T. endnearly opp * ’*

u-n for a >'ri;

K ANDIE.'—30 packages pure Brandies, sf the f. 1-

choic# 1-rands: F. A. B-u-vin Jas. Ilennessy; Pi-lerui-n Meledy. Otord Dupuv; E.low as can be bought in the Ea’-t. rnn6D A. ZANONE

k*gs prime cenntry Lard for valeB7j RL'S**ELI. i

net, Gastlllon, ft r«.;Jaullia which 1 offer

or Louisv ille mtrkets.AT. hodcnlupromptly gi

lanufactured I r sale

received thi• INF. PI KE BRANDIES-2 S pipes A'ieux ('..gnar;• ao Leger Frerss l

! S dv Su Grape1 N pips IS Hen nosy1 S do Plana?2 \ pipes Dumarwr1 S do Pelevoisint S (• Sclgnetts10 M do Seignett#•tors sad fur *s!s Ly27 Main si

67 Third

New Church Books.*he Reading »f ths Bible, bv ths I

I Nick Is. M . A., of Qurra'S College. <

Mo *k of I roterbs Explain! d and 111

bits BenjamtaCambridge, au-Uust rated fiotu

Pilate and Herod, a Tale illustrative of ths early History ofie Church of England in the Province of Maryland, by 'therv. Harvey Stanley. Rector of the Holy TriuitV. M D.>. rn.< n* < o the t l.ristiaa I.if-, bv the Right Rev. Guorgrurg I». D.. Bishop of the Pr t Epis. Coureh iu the Dio--c f Maine.On the Inspiration of llolv Scripture, or the Canon ef 'heId an I X ;w Testament, and on th-j Apocrypha—

^Twelve l.eo-

irc- l-liv r • 1 htf'.re the Cuiversity of Cambridge— by Cbri'ordsw rth.D D.>m .ny race of the New Testament, by Riehxrd Chenevixr»-ncb. B. 1).

Life and Epistles of St. Paul, by the Rev. W. J. Coaybeate.I . A., and J . v II- w son.A l*r- ytcr-au Clergy man liking for tbs Chursh, by One

I Three Hundred.A full assort rr.ei.tof Bibb s, Prayer B»ok*, CatoeUsma, Books

r D. vot i..n,(puc-tion Books, Ac.In st .re and f r ssle by

JAk S. RINt.fiGLD. 66 Fourth s».. near Ma u

Come, one—Come all!

Ur E invite all who would hste lar i taste e!evat-*d andBii'-l. tl.cir mind* supplied with u«rful aliui. nr. a

their spin is cheered by raev hum -r and *, arkllng vjea.-1'ycall earl.r at A HAGAN ft CO.'S Uo-kic tw. No.street, where ttey may find 'be ra st grasral ass r:m;iit'tandard and M »•* lut.ui Book*. Novels.*. a'*ation»ry of the Unset kind.o24 A. HAGAN a BRO.. 99 Third it

FAMI ION ABLEOut lilting IMabli'lmicut.j# Gentlrmen in search f nest and tlrgaut CI.OTll


VJT IN.. and FCKMnHING g«miIis . an Bud the foil w-ing a? my st-.r-

1*^ Dress and Frock ('oats, black and fancy, extra fineML Pants, do de d->.' do;I

[ if Drcs* Ve*t*. fancy Velvet. Silk and Cash *r, do,if Over-Cuats and Sacks, heavy and fine, satin and

41/ nlnaca lia**d;

ll _ liui.u ssC..»ts, rants, and Tests, assorted colors.SHIRT." AND HOSIFRY.

Linen and Muslin Shirts, hue and m-diuai;Under-shirt* and Driver . all kind.;Shaker, Merino Lambs' Wool, Cashmere, and brown Cotton[all Hose. aiwrUd sixes.

ALSO:Crat ate. Scarfs, and Ti« *;

1 men id 1 "ilk Handkerchiefs hemmed for u*t;

1 Y virtue of n de-rue uf eke Lewisville Ghnncwrr Court* 4snod In tk nkwt ennse. the nndermgncd. or «m *4U un ksUifdsT Cke 734b day of Novemtov. 1*34 ub uf

Iron Railing, Verandahs. Balconies.J1 aim st rv«nytlong in the >iuithiutf I.n#, . an he .'»aia' th- Ir a Railin' Manufact ry. o.uth .i.l- f J. if r**o. n-" c'-ru. r • f rhir-1 aud thr P ,f- rfi-a. ; iri-rv fr m a distauit- O'j.d * - with pr m; tnr«* and 4: spat, u and on tie nst rv

apt JUdAwly R. C. STEWART.

r*cU JEACIf andchf.rky bran DY—L 2H L Lis «.Id Peach Brandy;

Iff bhls Cherry de, for sale byaff D

(UrOKMbi s one B1 GG V. set *<f

A*- n lot of Ii ARNES' tw. • A<, Nofftb Amerirna PANTHER B New Books! New Books!

•RED ARDEN, or the Jesuit s Roveuge. Ry the authorMinnie Grey.’ Gusllowaid," "Woman and Her

ignette;c. Aine, A

A E A NONE.•XlHlX PORTER — 2’ eask* pints and quarts f..r sale byo27

< URN WALL A BROMain street. *wd Widths;a fer svle lew b


Y\ HEAT. W YBLE. ft WHEAT.I»a nr I Hi autl (aii>tbesirs.

* HAD. UK I.: AQI l l—Hlf.ll. ml to.

The Jesuit’s Revenge.J..RED ARIU.N nr th. J- .im . Her. nr-, br j F. Smi-1 Esq., author of Harry Ashton, Minnie Grav, ft . Cr.30 centsADVENTURES OF A B VI.LET GIRL, bv Fal- ubr ’ •

auth-*r «f tiie Life of Dsn MarM . Ac. Pri-'** 25 --cuts.

01.1 N D 4, or the M-ucau s Daughter, a i'ale «f tk. Mexi.-War Price 23 n'sReceived in.* moraine and for tale > y

BROWN ft CRUMP,«2 • 84 Fourth st.. near Market.

KiJ, 11.31 r. II :i, a.,th, r-«!.m,re,, Cl.iued and plain;Trunks, Umbrellas, Canes. Perfumery. Ac

A. I>. MANSFIELD,o31 No. 525. southwest corner of Mam and Third si

New Books.4 LONE, by Man u HarUnd. auth.-r ->f Kate Harf-er. $1 23.\ II riait sDr m the Diary of a Pea- iler. JU.Another sui ply of the l^ampl ighter, Fanny Fern's boeke.‘-ball the polite literature of the day.

BROWN A CRUMP,•W ?Ab B k-ellerv and Statumer*. K4 Fuartb st.

Byram's Improved Potato Harvester.1^4 are mauafactanng th»se implemenu. and <sa supplyv farmer* and dealers with any tuaWr By the use efis | I .n m r« than half the labor of disglug pet'atve* in th«i nary way is saved BV RA M PITKIN, ft « o .

>27 Tbird*t.. b-Hw Main.

•s-rttneut.A DoWXk.

supen15 do Madeira Wine;3 do SU*rry do. for sal* by ImteiMuity!

thwestern Insurance Companyor x ft tore. w

like to SSu.lUg to.

™av «a« chart*r-d >a H32. aud has ' use-mun'lvInwrku-s f «v«rR rears, aud beiug uudr? thu;» Jtviucui*hed tor -Kir pmdeuce aud

the nwwt c r-a.u gnarautec-f mdemAitj >u >a*e

513 Main atreer

J%ME8 E TTLFB. ftgml

Kansas aud Nebraska.rv. Geographical aod Phrsical, t haracteristics.tual P siliou --f these Territories, au atreon?rant < on.pai.ies, and Directions to Etnuraata.>• Hula. VI ith a la:< map. ( spies can U» had at

BROWN A CHUMP S84 Fourth *t., near Market.


5 lx pijt* pure Louden D- rk G -laid Brandy f

[nl] CORNWALL ft BRO. Paralysis, Contraction oi the Muscles,Pain in the Side, Back, and Breast.

IN the*- case* tire benefit derived fnui th- use of Alice- *

I ia-lia Rubber 1* r >ua ^tnugthoaiug l !a*ter is >c nd al!

belief Phrsirians and *tber* eannut fail • v*o th ad«an -t-

• ' • ra uhttu;ualitie* of a solid or - turnon plaster, by b^-iag perforated, it

admits ef fra* disct- irgc f iu«ob*ible perspt xtion and eirmlu-Xioa of air to th* a-h c'*d

[art. In case* where 'he arm- Wrro

wli^ilr f araiy led— w here the hands were en irely >•' *

the i-l.ister temr applied uj n the arms, their use and thehands have been restwreu >n x few weeks.

RAYMOND ft PATTEN.•19 Jib Agents f> r Kentucky


fupcrb.r for sale bt


Putnam's and Graham's Magazines.• i \; m .

•SOIA b 84 Fourth st.. near Market.

A< K L REL—44 bbls N*. S•27 'H I 'KY—M bbls B -urtou Whisk v, 3 aud 4

sale by [al] CORN W AA< KFKEL—nO belt new No. 3 Ma-kcrvl. la--V' Able new No. 3 do, me

•t -rv and for sal* by

NOTICE.:>OLLAKD. PRATIIEU. ft SMITHL oppoatte thftr old stand. W -uldriei J* and customers where they cat.nd « AP< at extremely lew price*.

Joseph I* r i Hi f IiIMPORTER MAnTFA Tl REU. AN I

1 AND RETAIL DEALER IN HKE \K tsTACKLE. Fifth street, near Ma n. L. isvtU*

W. c. Hite Gao.M jjusui.

Carpeting, Tloor Oil-Cloths, and CurtainGoods.

fPHE UNDKRSK.NED, HAVIN'!. I t Hi HA>F.D THE IX-1 trrr-1 f K her! Ernst tu the HIDE. TALLOW, and C.l N-DLF buemess. formerly «• n due t<-d by Maxc* ft and *e-urtd 'he *•. r» ices of Mr Wm Mixcy at th fart-.ry, also

takr n the St* re No 2 on **e -ond street, cast side, formerly or-es* icd by C. C.Orr intbwrrar f the Galt H->use. where h*will keep Bt icd and Sal'rd HIDE'. MOLD CANDLES, andTALLOW, w uld r- s; -otfull v solicit a . >-nt inuan- e of thepatronage of the old firm. al J ACOB KELLER.

*lr>. (. feUigvr, Ka>iii*a*l>ir viiiiiurr.VJTToN—kl bales new i ottna Books Everybody should Read.. s-.rth riLtfi.a, bj Xr.V.J** ;

Memoirs of Rev J >»«pl. Buekminster, D. D., by Mrs. Lee.

Our Village, by Miss Mitf«>rd. 2 v U. $25«.Memotr* of w'llhaui Wordsworth, Poet l.aun-ate, D. C. L.v 1*. AJ30.^lixylvn and Niaeveh — See nd Exjeilitloa — by Laysrd.

Pynnsburst; Ins Wanderings and Wan s f Thinking $1 23.Overlug, or the Heir of Wycherly. »*.v Eldred Gruy*ou, Esq.

Notes fr u Life, by Henry Tavl r. 7.*i . •»*

Tha’atta. a Itouk f r th* bea.ide 73 ct*Village Life in Egypt, by It >t. Jvha. :’i ••'*. $» mi.

A Journey t>. Ireland, by C. Fenimore Co^i «r.A n ur supply -f F.xshi n aud Famine.Aud many umr* te« numerous to mm- n.

F r sale aft HK'iWN ft CRUMP'S,alftbftj to fftuttt V n Mr V i

Graham’s Magazine for November1 IV 1 L» and for sale by C. HAGA N ft CO .

1,0“' i Lut' Files, uuoortoff ffiaoto23u «• Pad-L. k*. dv 4*.33m do Butcher Kniveu, E'iImx'i,Jdi do < uppers' Draw -Kaivee,

l.'SJO kegv Nail* goad brands.Rs r ad Wii«e! barrows

»ty. ( rtuia Bauds. Chisel*. Goaf**, Bolts Saws Planes-rn Bits. Axe*. Adtes. Man • Caulking lr*ns and Mal-!'*••« Irwio. Bra-eeand bit*. Park ( leavers. ( t. pi er*

M lass # Gat«e ft ... •

at Brans. FM'ent Anger Handi.e Button-bole ’-c;*«or*». I'-- wdur Fla- • Snivels. Hay and Manor* Forks, hto. •-v*. Ma» •» Hammers. ( r -w Bar* l‘ *ks. Matftouko.. « Ma- :as*. Sugor Aa«*«a, an: Metallic Tap* Line-- ' ’V*- g o-is are ah of the latest pattorn* and boa: aual.tjfor -ale loW bvm AD ORMftBT ft OWEN. 334 Moiasft

HITE & SMALL.4ftft llsls *t- between Third and Fourth.

I I A V F on band and for sale at ver^r low| rices a tuprrior xs-

Ils rtnirat f • arprting xu Furnishing Goods. eoBaixting ofSuperb Wilton nd Velvet Carpeting,Hi. h Kidd.-ioinst. r Taj-estry de;Rich 6-c rd lit us*els de.Velvet. Tapestry, and Brussels Stair Carput iug;Imperial 3-ply and super 2- ply d--.

Taj- stry Ingrain, I n n fine, aed 2-ply do;Cotton chain. He mp, and Cotton d^;6 8, 3-4. and 4-t Venetian do

RUGS AND MATS.Of every description, quality, and kind.

CURTAIN MATERIALS. LINENS, Ac.Satiu de I ‘nine: Worsted Damasks;Lace and Muslin Curtains:Table Linen Tow-ls. Napkins, and Doiliot;6-4, 8-4. and 12-4 ltarnslev Sheeting;6-4, 8-4, 11-4. and 12-4 Cotton do:SUain boat, superior Bod. and fine Crib Blanktee.Floor Oil -Cl it hs;

IU 4 and ld-4 Floor Druggets;Shovels an i Tongs.

The abov* f 0.1* have been purchased w ith eare at verv fow,

ri- ra. aud w ill be s -Id at a small advance Eastaru eost forash er to punctual dealers. HITE ft »M ALL.•8 Mail t.. between Third and Fourth.

Kid* R*rr*-!

FKL.'H BALTIMORE OYSTERS — We ar*kdaily receiving fresh Baltim- re Oysters, whichw# will sell a*, market prices.

GAETANO A URFO.174 Main at between J^vtath and I.igkth.

Putnam s Magazine for November> K 1 V LD and for sal* by C. HAGAN ft to.

4AOK SALK LOW, As 1 Wlufl TO CLOSE UP MY OLDbusiuoss—li-n sacks Rio C< fire:

20 sacks I Aguayra Coffee:lU sa-T. s • ru»h>-d > bi ts PlautatiuB Mwla**ea;30 ^do do do;2u hhds prime vugar:100 bbls c.t per Whisky;lOLMsK.e do;DO loses 8-1*1 Gias».1U0 boxes 10-12 do;15 half chestsGuup -wder Tea;2< bests Virginia Tobacco.


ii- invited t - call and examinehsiag els*wh«-re.English ltoubl* and 8iu«le Gt

toptJl dA.Billiard Table*. >Iox>. (b. 'lifhel de la Prrriere,

uii-mriiwiw rues, h anoitm.iam -

Novem ber.RAIIAM A MAOi/.INE KOB NOVEMBER. >l>-*' Aiful e i»cr,vin£ r.

I r.». n; ill, tn. . »; tur, »i M.idre.•UTN %M‘f» M AGAZINE FOR NOVEMBER, fall of ahotec•rxtarc by rmix-nt American writers>ow is the tim.- for y a tn r-t-d. f me on with veer Inns tujney to A. 11 Ai. AN ft BHO.’S Btokstore. No*9 ‘ Third

HI'S—If bales Eustern Hops received per steamboat LadyPike aud for sale by

JXO. F HOWARD ft CO..Muin. between Tbird and Fourth si*.

Established D. 1*4*!.

A. I*. Xj«c1ow eb Oo.,Type Foanilersand IH-aler»in Pa^er,

31 and .IT Loruol street. •»«. l.u*|*. l|*.

Print Depot, Shark/ ^aLL the atten'1 a *>f Printers and l*uMishers to their e*V.' tublisluncnt. where will be r and cverv variety .»# 1 •

Pitjer. Ink. Printing Presoos . Rule. Harder*. 1 T wars, and

IHEESE—167 boxes Western R-s^rve•loomboat Lady Ptk* and for sale by

*27 J NO. r

#2H jftb

For Rent.Carpets! Carpets! at unprecedented lowprices at the Carpet Warehouse.

KENT. IiI-VAEL,* CO. have jut r.^iv.t i...r,l ««t« ofK eh Fnglish Velvet Carpets;Rich 6-cord Bi ussUs do;

Alsu; Lnglish estra 3 i ly do;American *•< do;

And all r isdee of th* cheaper or-ier of Carpets, including l istauJ Rag Carpets. Bugs. Matt, ftc ; to which th«* ask the at-tention of purchasers, a.sunng thsm that they will 1>« sold atuiipri-crJ iite-1 low

jrices for rash or on time to prompt t at ing

oust"U. ers Persona ia pursu.tof any description of t'arpets,fn in the m et coN-Jy t* • e cheapest grade, will consult their-nterest by examining our stuck bef-. re Jeciding to rurchas*-


oCCjftb Main at , o]-|m)sii« Iran k *f Kentucky.

Dress aud Cloak Trimmings.kl Kk FE. HEATH, ft CO. nave ju*t ojened tbe m -st splvn9 aid at— k *f I*res* and Cl ak Trimmings, consisting of *o-

i - : * and Velvo I axa nfc

- over of. r- a ay auyitab|i-t a*ut in the city Ludt-s who are desiiwxw of antingetuhelve* tne usual ana ranoe ef r- l*ct ng l runmii g* ran >:

Ly V ait I.g ear store; tbay may and tbe fullest a**- r: inertf #*ery styU thuft ouu be called for. and at grex ly r*du-«d

a sssullj .- ei •

M e have ai*o juat epen d anether lot ef Children’s t ashmere! e of al! six* a on* quail ti**

A‘.*o a *rpe l a* ef* and Guut’t Si lk and Marinena's and Draw er*

Also. 2 co*»- • m re *f th <*e C \* ent Fr: nts. which everybodyuvs by the piece as the cheap**? I'riote in th* tnarke'

DUKKLE HEATH ft CO.,• 21 It" 1 urtbst be tweaa Market and Jeffersea.

ft \1 AG MFD ENT DEER ji

F Ke-tauraut -r told out or f be ho*tjuail*. Blu-'-wing Ducks. Snipe,qutrrels. and PI v«*r. together withl>o, cau new bo hud ut

GILL, smith, ft CO.. 8- Wall at


WHEAT. WVBLE. A WHEAT.Wholesale Fancy and Vatiety Goods.



1 1 AVF. jest roceivsff unff •fUt tot tal>-

WALKERS RF'TU'R \ NT.Third st.. bet w -en Wain and Market.ET GO? »U^— Bracelets. N esk l te«s. < r s..-*, at.d Bead- f

sale by [n6] WHEAT. WYBl.E. A WHEAT.James Sugar- II. Molasses-, for sale bvI BC? HAN AN ft CO.

Operas—Complete American Edition.r ajA Ju’t i-ublisned th« f Bowing ttaudard Oi«ras

•Nom.a "by Bellini. Pricewflto *D-u Gu • an., by Mot art. |’nc*$l.

•l.ucr-ia K -rgia, k» l-onuf; Price $2.

B'-uad ia hands raa sty e. with illumina’cd * ;tlo-pas«*A full supply a.w ays t* be found at t: • V; .ud P. .i

F rfte Ware-ivon*s ef

LjW 1SS MULL We are this Jay in reiwipt f 12 <

. Mulls of the' Mills peints, ramage, an-1 b-uquet» • • • * se it j -• i

at M Gall. Switxe'land. and pledge ourselvo* v> s‘ealcrs a* cheap si t!*e earn- article aan be had fr.

porting house ;n the JAMES LOW ft CO., 418 Mi

'KAN BERRIES—6 bbls Cranberri*nniii and lot *ul* by


WANCFACTE >n rru. iron-" pattern!.

ufa< turers11 them t

many im-l T T L K AND • I1LESE-2’> half bblsobie Dairy Rutter;74 boxes Western K.-serv* i h«e>civtd un cunsignment and for *a


I all kinds ®f Musical Sorcbuudisu.rt* Factory. Muio street, bwvua Thirtooutft

-bouldersI GAR— 10U L lids strictly

j' fur *al« by duten Linen. a*s>rud qualities,

WHEAT, WYBl.E, ft WHEAT.Piaao IV are

-100 pi.-.'cs of various shade* andrMinin*- French Mcrm-n ever dferedw»ch will be found an.-thcr lot ofrhich are 3l» per cent, less than the*>u*c in the city.

DURR EE, HEATH, ft CO.,st.. betw.en Market and Jeifeoua.

iperiur amNotice

IHO'E G-eutiful ijeriueni ef W.g* that look She pr«miuat the far - an be seen at mv

G. NICHOLAS',Wig Manufactory and Fancy store,

28 Ne 83 Fourth st, betwe-a Main aad Market

Notice.>UE undersigned f rm*d a c -partnership wa the I6* r the stvleuf WATSON ft < LARK, naff haiu t be .dd stand *f John Wat* a H*4 1 to 42u 1xr duurto th* Southern Bank ti Kentucky, betw4 Fifth street*. , JOHN WftTSlaa. 12. 1»M. J(>3 \THAM

Watson 8t Clark.- -^. IMPORTERS AND WMid.lMLI DE \

a "ffftdtory. ilardwsre. • HiHi M M-.uutiust. Tnmk Trauma xj

an hand.r at n.xe eeats pei

(his estu* li shin a u :

New Books.•ftlllM MV B Ii. di-sc| frem »l.e

HAGAN ft BRo S Ito k store. No. ITIS a rail. NuW I* the accepted tune to *n-

1 V FRY day thstv eI publiahera, at Aurd street. Give uve v - ur libraries..20 jftb

New Brussels, 3-ply, and Ingrain CarpetsReceived this m- rum? at tbe * ar| et Warcbeusc *f

BENT. Dl VALL. ft CO.,

Ao. 519 Ma in street, opposite Bank of Kentucky.\\* E received th * uornin? a large and superb a-s- rtnicnt f

the abov* articles. *o ind:s|<-n*atlr f r tbe CwUifexts ofhome, our stork la new complete n th* following

New Books! New Book*! at Ringgold’s-DI KT II A and l.ily, ur thu Parsons** f Beech Gl*u, ky Mrs

LtiAK'1 —We have j u»t received |t-l

i«-e f 'he Rn st Uran'.iful Paris mad*tliftt have been imr.irted during thi- aks arriveJ by the InUrst steamer»••*: beautiful styles vet exhibitrd.


another mvo* 'loth Cl- aksson These « Dead Sea an-i Bible, by l and Dvau's

• •

A fraja, ur Life *> d l.**e ia Norway,Hi'torn al sk«t*-l**-s of statasmeu »

f George 111. top- th*-r o .th K> tuar.i

on. bv Henry L*rd Broughtm. I R•

a, by Randal W. 11 Gav «k A MThe Better Land, er the Believer’s 1

YONs VELVET— 4-4 black L4 day at loSujftb] BE.'[>1G I RON —?U0

By the author of Wallace.I0BERT BKtl K. Ih. Ku.«, b. I ... uib.r - W.I :UH t.|ilv 'lul. -to .W ..ut.T«> th «e wkehiv-r-ad • Wallace * it i« uaar.-eivary to r> nd (he pr ernl Volume; but to th.>»c wbo have n-<t we e«

ty they have mis-.-d a r*re treat Tbr pre>rni volume is

imlar character, aud is said to even 'Ur| i^s in interest iJ

>rmer j^-j ular works of its author. Copies can be had at

BROWN ft CRUMP'S,e£> jftb Bookitere. Fourth st. near Market.

>11 EEsE—H'.t buses prime W e*toi1 per steamboat EcU|*»e and fur ^

J No.>2 Main. totw.


4 and 3-4 Brussels .-tair d*;


.*, 3-4. and 4-4 plain and twilled Venetian Cory*:*.A xmi aster. • heu-Ue, and Tufted Ku.Adelaide Ma;-. fte

tff“" * taviie the spm ial attention uf al! pur- hraers ef i arpetu.gand lfous* 1 urnuLiug *. ods to aa examina? i -a -f c! i

tt ek aa it alorus us pleasure at all times to eur goods;*!**• *

ed earlier in the se.vs u. weare |<rupar*d te offer great Lar-ga'us to all wLe will favwrus

BENT. DUF ALL. ft CO.,DOiftb 519 Main st. opposite Bank /Kentucky.

Hack bilks just opened, which we will

I> f«r yard, being JJ |^r cent. I s* thatprice* W# warrant our eust^mcre t

ns in these Mlks ever hea*d of.DCUK EE. HEATH, ft C

Peters, Webb, Sc Co..Wholesale Dealer- in Piano-Fortes and


Merchantlise.- _ *!«>'« >a -:»«a « till «a„l..r p,t.ra.

*>» •-« >r»U i—. fVmiM I'ao-

7 1 • in.CitiSsss!"**“ “ ,w m“i* ,m

• If. andw . l^iol- K us. for tho preooot, v«r the storoofFan! do. 'V*e. ft Merw.-

Refcrva -s is mad* to tho Musical r feosi a goo*rallythr»*sch u- thi« aod tho actghk-ring ^tutoa. jyTjftk

regular tuiptrcl«s. by


Gullet's 1coils K*

hum Vivimua Vivamus.Capital Hotel and It c-tau i ant.Northwest t-orn«r of Third aud Gre-n streets.

U^F ar. n w rc c- iv iug daily fr«.ah >Uell Oysters from NewY rk hv express, selected fr in th* iu--#t desirable t-ds,

and arc a- fat and a* d--lt.-i.-u* US were ever brought t*»«hi-marke- >. a: Kt • auraut t- mis' abuadantly supplied withe*er vthiiig id the way ..f Wild Game, inchu MildDucks . f aim •*( every iescript ion, PI*, asan'.e, guails, Plover,W • dc->ck, Mil]*, i.aine 1 i*h. Mu-'.ro iu* ftc


\*VM IA\|55C Medical Books.Fort Henry, at i i f Sale 1-0 l>y

A. fe'Rift. fit< 1 S rc *vuck of fa|-er-HaB& ng» raouolquantity, variety, er price ?


471 Main street.Second Importation of Fall Goods.

lire** Gooff*. 4 loak*. Mantle* THnnilug*. t


M ARK. DULANEY, ft IKJWN> respectful ly Bolt.

teation ef e led ,-s v. s rn b and » *t icd arrivpmcf which, With daily arrive s. durin the pj

m n?h«, ma'.e <>ur assortment of rich Foreign Dre**tLmbr-.d.*ite* very complete, and as cm arranges! u".

fectod for receiving g -d* fr /in the f.s*< as •-on a*uur friend* n.ay rely u|«-a find ng ia onr L-jo** all t

ti» and . • wst style* irnmed atcly after their imp rti


yValkerN Restaurant.| ~Li k| k K?*' K vhe!l Oyster*, salt ffavur and v. ry fine;,.*i“ m f 2 ">>' V rk Bay d -j, fresh aud aeliciuus;

LtoO Shrewsbury d *. sm *41. » lamp, and rich;4 Deer, fr-m 'h* wild, wild w-j..ds.

30 d' z*n guails, very fat and plump,xn Oysters f-r family us*. Blue-wing Ducks. Mallard Ducks.juirreN. Ma.hru- ms, squats. »oft shell Crab-*. Game Fish,•iing Chickens. Vegetables, fte.; can always b« had at ^ur••tavirant, Third street.

*>25 WALKER ft COMMERFORD. Proprietors.

-A* t • winter is fs«* appr-.acb-• rt.cle wi | be ia demand, w*yers to « .* . •

she largest sited Bed Blanket*,cu'.ereff N gr® Blankets


New Books! New Books! at S. Ringgold 'a.


K A N*AS soft Nebraska, ky lla e.

foabel t'ikTT '!V n, >-y knell r Grier.Behind the >rco«s, by Lady BulwerMemorable W «m> u. by Mi* ? r-vi 'B-1

Australian W a- d-rers, by Mr*. 1 *«.

Carpetmg Floor Oil-Cloths Russ. Ac.rlTU/ltll *T- M.l, ,u~-t i.TktM •* F.«rtl1 respooif oll« tovtoe the athtL-a of (ft* iaffito uuff th«

I'he i arpei Harehou*e«Main street, opposite the Bunk of k.-utacky.

men t. du fall, a orUrOrt9 rcvjeetfuDv call the atteatioo sf rraurers visit*

tag 'he cny during the .Vgn cultuni fair to that r largo

i-aguay ra:

S,ap i« particularly designed l**ras iu qualities for rendering the•ur; j»v a by anv other * ap in use.i sh-s besides Wing an excell- ntil in bleaching muslins and fineBELL. KOBI N>oN. ft Co.,

- .' e w ecu Third aud Fourth.*!*.

Great Bargains in Silks Cloaks. Meri-noes. Embroideries, &c.

II-I./IL » fl-rla, oar eotir,- •:•/!» u li.- t ,, w.ntienrd?' s ut price* se suit the times. Uu e* wukiog a richMlk l»rx*9 for the

Jrise -f a comm u use. »..o*:d n t foil u- all

and examine oar asourlmeut, a* w-v aede'ermiu-d t* etl i

gt .ai m-iuc< u«-nt* in tin* -it-rart.uent ef our trade, al* Men-ii

-r*. i foa**. Lmbrwidvntia. ft* at eorrespud g l*w i ricesn6 jftb BENT. DUVALL, ft CO.*

In start


•ha*-, d fr- a the unstaittruicd uauo/ii th* U sited Htares. aad aae-ag which mtetly pnvat* aadeutiiwly oew.

ER AND ROYAL VELVETS.and m «: desirable varteuo*. seioofoff e

bv Par-tona.The Bo- k and it* ^tery.Literary Ke-'reatiuns. by W!iiNatuelle aud h. r Lovers, by I

Persons an I Pictures ky ll.ih

Sequel tn the Neighbor* l hi 1«

Walden, or Life in the Wood

iudiana State Stork Money \( anted,IJLASTf R PARI:L brand, snd for a


bbls l lasterfr**h heat v and for sole hrE J MARTIN ft CO BACCO—254'huxes 6 lump Tobureo ia MILLER & TABB,

CORNER MARKET AND FOURTH STREETS./ION TI Nl E to revive the money of the Indiana Stock Banks\ aad will cell the gr. at«*t bargains to be had - u tl*sity. T *v have on hand a large and vari>-d stock of ri hFANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, c.-uMsting of




PRINTS, ftc.;

Tog'•thor with krown Jeans, plaid I.inscvs, Ticks, Check*,black an-i brown Sheetings and Shtrtiugs; and a large andbe^utifnl stock of Cl -aks c-nd Talmas.

MILLER A TABB.o25 jftk Comer F -wrth and Market sts.

b Mantle aedate the spaceiad ui'ot rle-

I |l"l • TIN.. INSTRUMENTS— M-dical\9 >f Du-ediag Instruments will find us e>

best in.trum ou of ini* deserip'ion.n3 BELL ROB

TAPE> TRY AND RRUN5RLR,wmbiaing ia vane*v -f ;•%- tern* aud enUre tu* moot disii^av-r off -ed ia this mark- 1.

THREE-PLY INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPET*•f e’- ery grade, vsrktj, and style. Tsp'-tiw with ao aanrated a*w rtru- a*. of

OIL-4'LOTHS.oaauu/aetureff ia Eualood. Germaay. aud Amori«u, tuitub]Iu ail ciituaU* and adapt*.! :* every ••*.

curtain materials.RichBrocvt. il- '»']» !• !.ni*. W mod Damo*ko. Lsr

and Embmidewd Mu*!ia • arts* a*. Tambour aad Flaw.* and all the' r appendage*.

CORNICES AND CURTAIN BANDS,ft full aad e-mi »et< >*-*rtm*at ef varied patt*rus.

New Medical Books.

MEIGS ON « II ILDKFD F FVERSen the Namra. «*ign *.

1 reatn.- nt of • hildl-ed Fevers ia a sen. * -.f Le t.-r*

dre*«vd t • the .Stad«nts ef hisela**. by I' .arle* 1> M gs.

D. (if i-or *f Midwifery and the Di»ea»«* of Wemca< bildrea ;n Jrfl.-r.on Medical C ollege. Philadelphia *tcMEIGS ON THE CTERl «*; sTnst ^ on Acut* andChri

Disease* of the Neck of the I terus illus'r&tt^l with aumviplates, • wl^red snd plain bv Churle- D Meg*. M |».

PARKER ON SYPIIII.ITII DI-EA'*E> -The ModTr-atmen*. f syphilitic Di*- a-e«. botfi Primary and Se<-esry. the »r-atm-nt ef • *n*?itu' i end i ontiri>yphilie by a *>'e *ne *.i>- evsfu! m*th<-d with nutn«i••a*ee. f rmulr, and clinical ebxcrvatiens bv Lxi.g.Parker, ^urgcoo b- the Qu -n s H Ilirmingliam. I•he third an l cntirclv rewritten London edit: n.

OW EN ON THE SKELETON \ N !» I F FTH—The Priipal Forms of t .e

s‘keD?m aad ef the Tort h hv Prof R n*IB" »e . author ef "Odontography,'' "Lecture* en t .

parattve Anatoin v. ft*.

Received nnff for sale byn6 Jftb C. nAGAN ft CO.. 507 Main a

New Books.

r»HE Bird* -f th# Bible, bv K * II. Iforhaurh,lustr.ited w th cwlwred plate* and ill'iuimat

Cummings's Min -r Work.*, seond *«r:e*. I vil

Atrara, a N rw gion aud l ->j Un i Tal-. nr Life>--f way . Translated fr. m the German f Thewd.K« cived and for sale byoL3 tftj C. HAGAN ft CO.


iug fiom steamer HigbCyer and fero30 A. 1

• r

( a very superior Dtvss ||a: arv av;- -

* •*!! bhow them tbe prctu«*t and .



r Tnmmiog* ftc

FLOOR oll/-4'LOTH*r«mA. now ityio* . heat Englmb and Ai



|On Luxes Dudley r Excelsior,LMI do Z*. k Taylor;1U0 ffo Rowera, for sole by iTTON-24 hales AUI % Cotton fur sale bv

AND w lit « II A NAN ft CO New Styles of Jewelry.JAMES 1. ».F MoN, 333 Mam

Bank f keutueky. *>gn of the • • I«i-

mg just return<*J from : h* Ea-t. is


• *

Pub. Vest, aud Guard Chains, C barer'.

Dutch Bulbous Roots., The subscribers have just rueeivrd. fr<-m the oelo-

(-rated gsrd’-iis uf R. Van iK-r- b- -t ft > us. in Ilwl-HRinij. their an uni *up;-ly f Dutch Bulbs, embracing

U** following aaru, vis Hyaciuti.s. d uU* and single

» ••>.ted Tulips, Crown Iui|>erial, LiLum*, Crocus, Poly un-

IUS. Nat.u-us. Jonquils Iris. Gladioli*, ft. .

These Bulbs are id ba- ->rd- r. and will he Sold m packagesto-rted at the lowest rust' mary p i- s.

Priced eatalogus*. embrae-nc the different varieties of each>M V. ill be *-nt to t ;.*-•• wh reque-t theta,

a-v 3 w -ft d liVKAM PITKIN, ft CO.

Mura aad f-r tal*. I>y


Godey for November..

BROWN ft CRUMP,84 Fourth street, near Market. Large am! Llrgant Stock of Tali hood*.

M ILLER ft Tab:, wrwr F urh aad Mxrk^ *cr*«t* aco.... pr ,»r.4 to •«*•>-• tVir Imil vp.rU M.,1 r-.h

tol l»n<» UR. UOOIts, • ...:»rr..> ~-l MPiW«»to.tor*l.< l»i>.i#fc.xnd which will to *44 a* tow, if au% iow«r. than any i~ to>tou*o —

Plaid, striped, and M«iro Aatiaao AUftmPlaid, vnped. and plain Do Lsuoc*.Preach Merino**, ail cmIdi*French tlaid Cwhaarreo;French Mvnao CPwlka):French strip* -i Caohawrv*.FMRROIDER1E- \N D LACR GOOD*.

Imperial! ply English aud AmerEnglish and Amencao 2-ply CaMed io iu 2-i-ly Carpeting;CotAon chain Carpeting;

4-r 3-4, aod 4-4 VeaetiasVelvet and Bra**. Is Sti

> n Mavnal*.Liwens of every deacriptioa;C--tt-a Sheetings,Table and Puta* Covers;

Marseilles Spread*;Cornice and Curtain R*nd«:Druggc'x aadCruuibt toths;

Blankets;Floor 4lil-CIotlis;

Table inl-4 lotha;

Stair Rods.

Perw.f >n »»Bt .


HuomUH or S'r.mbou Fori.ulim,

^...11*.* i‘-**»‘ri.o~.-«l|


i?B t gM,* 4P9 Main #t., 8 doors west Bank l.ouisv ill*.

IXITTOK YARNS. ft«.—lyavilla i ot ton | arn? from No. 40P to N<j-et < haia.appiag Twibe;•die-W ich.

PS. GOBI F.T>. PITCHERS, fte -1'astore. W alters. Salt '-tar.ds. Caps «

v* a very pretty lot *#f Sllwr Buff Pli

.1 R OFF1C8 to’ redly po*ite

if* our friend*. «

.23 bftj

& Main *tr«et, di-. We shall U glad

Instructive Books just Received.YES of tho Chief Ju.n « of the l o>wd 'Mateo. % 1-.

J 4 aptaia 4 aa«.t -vTweuty \ear»efaa African Slav.r, byrant* Maytr. $1 i*.J urnev t-* Central Africa, hy Bayard Taylor, ftl .iff.

The Master * llu.ise. bv L van $1 23Daai-1 fe. •• aad th* II uatm *f kvatacky. %l

The Youth f Jeffereoa 75 rt*.

T e An ient Egvptiaa*. bv U ilkia* a. ?v*ls. $2.

Wi • dcrxft. *r llaok* about th* Dwve-4'- t«, a <t rv of tho

utii at tto ehioe be Rev-.lutim, by W G Si turn* E*q

Pr grc*«and PrejuJioe, by Mrs. i.or*. Cloift. 73ets..;apvr.

x/m „f Mankind, by J. C. N- tt, M. D.. and 4!**>rgo R.

'i-ld-n. $'Air* Bradley # Book of Cookery and H usokeepers’ Talus

I* Rev'ipe*. t'* which i> ad.tod question# for th* eurv uf all the

r net pal c >senses f *.L- human system, making a e»apicu, id ivfcieaeo for family a*e. -*5 cts

All of the stove, together with all th# (at# books of th* dayisv k-haffat BROWN ft CRUM P'8..10 jftb 44 Fourth «trw*t. near Mark«t


ihsJ -uits R«ven;e. a Vqud to AA'ossai

yj F 'inith, (») recei ved aa J for sal*

A. HAt.AK ft BRO., W Third si

amond-poin r 4.oL d pen’ ranted, at oil )%>•»

ATI 1 NG—30 bale* extra family Batting f r sale low bv• ORS


ALL ft BR'o DURMNG J EAA ELK Y—Gold,reived at I oil jftb ;New Books.

[T4»I.l ME ffib Bancroft's lltst< ry of ths United States.A H-i’liaa- d Lily, or the Para-nags sf Ucoth-GUa. By(rs. i lake* Mnith.Kansas and Nebraska The liisi ry, G-.grapbiral aad

'hysical < haraiteristies. and Pelitical pooitioa of these Ter-Itorie* An a c unt of the Emigrant Aid* emtanie*. and Di-erti- at to Emigrant* By Edw. E. Hall. AA ith an originalsap from the latest authorities.

" well I if# at ^a. - r Fun. Frigat## snd Yaehting; a colleo-

ion ef Yarns fr ra the l.og-ltook Youugstor - ft:.# MessThe Singer s « tupan n; < n'x.uirg a th ir# s* lc ti a of

•opalar S nga. Du» tt*. Glre*. • at* hr* A«., with music arrangedor the Voire. Flute, Violin, and t’ianu.

The lforo-kiag. or tbe Davsef Bruce.Fr -1 Arden, a sequel to tfi# Jesuit s Reveng*.Advcu'ueaof a Ballet 4 . i rl


Orlinda. »r tbe Mexican * Revenge.Ju*t rewivoff and for sale by 3. RINGGOLD.#24 jftb 66 Fourth street, near Main.

tyer kxie.aa;wh < ilrusmyroa Fig.«; inaa kaian

• Lem n* just received aad forGAETANO ft i UO,

nfectiwai r-* aud Fruiterers,between Seventh and L:ghth.

EMON S—Ju boxes fresh

l sale by Theological Books at A. Davidson’s.^KOAV N s Discourses on the Mayings of uur L- rd. 2 *.

Life aad Epistloa of St. Paul. byConytoare and Itewuvi« ^%o. s>;

McCoeh a the Di mbc Government. $2.Pears-a eu Infidelity bvo. 82.Banyan a Complete Work*. $1 3ft.

Rclirlows Progress, by Rev. W R. AYillieas 85 •»«lectures oa the L -rd s Praver by do. j%3 «uWest s Analysis of thr Bible $3.Fuller> Complete Works. 3 vols.Midnight Harmouius.The Psalmist, with •apr-Utaent.P -ol's Aaaotatioas.Henry i, 8cott*s4'omprcheasiv«. end 4*!ark's C-'twm-atanF- r sale at low prices by A. DAVll»4iN, Third *t .. nrar Markc

ui,. juiiu j.• i. -luntou Stor.1. 1„ ul. bj


, U iJT rJcZTJ J2rlaU iU*


1— Vrtacl



** 80 “ “"•>»•« .« 21'^’MBtiAX. KSOOTT. * MOORE «7S M.U ...

IOII Lt>>: IN Mir 1 UUR. by J.n.-Lmn ,|ick. K. • ( W..tb«r»*eld iVub., «ul. nuurr.ut i


and lor sal. by• )*> c. n*<;*>- * iu, suriuiBr Tain foisi to.

rlOUl AND TALMAS.A l*m >»J «.I.u4iA MbMI, aabrl

:atr»dnced b, Br~At. oi Sow T-rb.

Twc.lU.r »nh * i»r*« •<.< .1 rito>,..

Ultu. i toitol* SAawU. A*.

.KIEli HtKRI.M—•» boi.t jo»' rwl"> »bd f r .bl. by

A HURIE. .V) Third •!.. «<at«id«

VlalaaUCHitrUwr. Fruitorrr. Aad Itomler in

3» Toy.. Tire W'.rkl.O). tor*. r.rdlA.,. 1’ickle. Ac.

IIILKRV BRANDV-SOhbl. < h.rrr Ilraady f,r ..I

.« J MOMRS. SIS MiMP Ml. AitoM*. Bwil-Nik, aa* WaIaMa;mai.aAaa* for .Ai, hy GAETANO A I RhU.

*74 A — i M.mi S...AIA At.d A«htk l*ian»-t'ortcs.A LARGE STOCC. WITH MURK ARRIVING WEEKLY.a » •'•i.j M Ib« ...rdinAry Ur,, nock »«

“• hAAd. », hATA d.ter-

11 Hit “«4 to.*r th. nowi : u. ,.d...J J * J j --«»• *'

'• I »rchA,rr. ky rrduciA. th. priou.ih.ii rift.r p*,ka g, ia O'-b l.w.r r»i—

ll.Anrr.rhri rc ,n,r.d IA thu DArket. W. h... a«w Tda*V.»i. i from i-‘ tl fc. *». , .Alnn.) r.ery ,trlr AA* III. fr-m

»“• lAb-rAtolr ATT,d Ai.d mA»».dcr.'U'AI. XIV. fr-m Ih- wrll-kA.wA fm Airlr. of Naaa. Al UrkI'el.r,. I'r*|«. A tV.UiAtol linh-rt. A A J. kxth. A.d .«h-ers. fully warranted iu everr parti ular.Wc repeat, with great vmpbasi*. «i iBIDktbssi.ii* to

»BLL AT tiki III T KBDCaBD rUK KS rOM h ASM or «*oo» tsos t

xuTas. Call and s«e.BROWN ft CRUM P'3,

,fftl'LDS, 5Tt»NB, ft MORSE.

Fourth st., near Market. ,oltijftb 338 Main st.




,r “ (he Slock ofvoid de well by calling aad


OUN DRIES—hi ISO to a s various brands T l-acec,

73. 'din lbs clear Sides, country cured;1,34ft) sugar-« ured Ham*, Macklia'a aad stherf;

130 X- k- prime l eaf Lard;230 bbls Kanawha Salt;luO boxes Mar Candles;kl hhds g- od fair N. O. Sugar;30 sacks Ri* Coffee;

lOo bbls Piaatation Molasses;

23 bbls Golden Sirup;2 ' bbls 2-year-old Bourbon Whisky;

Teas. Refined Sugars, Spices, and choice Groceries of all kinds,

for sale bv [n4] Rl SsELL ft DUNCAN| nd iana '-tat* Stock M»aey rroelved.

41 M DROPS 3ff0 lbs R'-ce. Lemon, Strawberry, grange,

T and VadllaCum Drops just received per steamer Uighfly-

r aed fer sale low bvA BoRIE. 30 Third st , near Main.

Wholesale Confectioner and Dealer in Foreign Fruitft,

•SO Firv-Werks. Tcys. ft«.


\| W E ARE DESIROUS OF REDUCING OUR ST4H kfor# we rrniuv« is, and cau offer unprecedented tt dace-

meats both at w hwlesxl* aad retail

Pollard, pratiifr, * smith.b4 jftb 406 Main st . opi->sitf .,ur old stand.


\TELVEr AN D GLilTH TALMAS -Ror.ivmi thu m

by Adams's express, a few beautiful UcW*tyle4 I

Vel.rt TilmA. MILLS* iTAo 1 2 jftb Corner Market and F**ur

Household Words for October

Received a.4 f.r »»i. >j brown a cm".10 JAb RlMnlAwrl

Laugh and grow fat.ANKER NOTIONS FOR NOVEMBER r.Mir.J aai! fi

sal* by-d A. HAGAN ft BRO., 9» Third s%.

O 75 eases and bask#'- t.amf ague Wine*;SO ff- tea eld Port, Moffatra, and hherry Wines;I do Ciracia.25 ba*fteU Ani««tte,6 ffesen Atoyuthe.6 ff« H- -cutter's Ritters.

Peppermint, flpipsff B tiers >agar, Toherce, Cigars. Hock,Claret, and Catawba Wine* fte.; ia store and fer sal* tv

J. P thompm-in,•26 Fourth street, near Mean.

KY — A constant cut ply <

sanufac'urers' prices byH A. DUME.>SIL ft CO.

WE ARE SELLING HATS AND CAPS NOT IN THE’least damaged a’, mush less than it cost to make th u1 *«on if yeu want bargain*.

POLLARD. PRATHER, ft SMITH,(jftb 46*'. Main st.

Chambers’s Journal. !V*ltocr<we;Bering Flowere;

Al**> rrisaniVlqsie and Pt>m*AskSpc. with Eisay other art i

«ff jftb MJ

HI A U BLR-J August BU

*23 bftj

>'5 Journal fer October, ale a new sapply atirnber, received aad fer sale by the agents,

BROWN ft CRUMP,84 Foarth st., n«ar Main*

ALERATUS—10U toxeipure fer sale by* Biff

— A few bbls shoioe extra just received and for sal*inJ jftb] H. FERGUSON ft SON.

4^LOU R-? k7

d* *ed Hewing ICHOOL BOOKS eheap at

) e7jftb

Page 2: THE DA I Eli · 2015. 9. 11. · THE DA IEli ROSENBTJRG. WHOLE'Al.B\NI>BETAII.DEA IERIN /.V/>ST.IHLEDllI*iiOODS Ti»«*iyWturrBSUSSB. MAMi iM*# *•*' iMttMtoff,m4>a—elatsei r …

I CV1 ITT Till’ PV now to toaritlMl by th* **Ut)«nt {^TThc tiiMiiWiag'uoinme of mitestUlte* I C^T!"- Washington Sui contrailtct. the re-|

' ILLK l u - -^ con.t>temi*c lure The ouren.lmcnl of th* >>us qualiti**. moral ami |.Ihmi»I, was sent to port that ajqtichvitsioiis f(K the safety of til'- T.

^ riMirtJtuuoti m tbe uixmiei propoae* will not be im by a corrupofedeut iu Virginia, who lays it S. doop-of-Witr Albany were felt at tin* N-nyPRENTICE Ie HENDERSON.

an alteration of any of its present provisions, was composed in the morning—we suppose he Department. She was ordered to cruise among

$ 11 t; Tri-Weekly $6; Weekly $3^gJ bli) . mp | v u.seriiiiga riause rendered neces-ary l»*d been engaged the previous evening in * rub- the West India Islands, and was not expected to I

(he TV.-Weekly Journal is published on b a ronJmon of things that supervened since ber of whist, at which he was successful. Hisj

ail for the United States much, if any, before” Vssdiy. Thursday, and Saturdav

. »the constitution was flamed. The usual objec- morals are passably good, his manners and tein- this time.^

I4f" ^he W’eekly Journal i» published on Tues-)|oM ^ constitutional ametidments does not per excellent, his stature faultless, and his in-


fur. Slave Trade—w#n Important Trial .

ffV’Tbe Country Daily Journal $•> a year. therefore apply to this one. The justice of the formation accurate (if he reads W hig papers) The following notice of the termination of thej

I . mu-; Bulletin (fity) 10 cents per proposed distribution is too palpable to be do- as to his poetry, it saya what it means as plain slave-trade case, which has excited so much at-

FUtsburg Coal, 3 000 Hop Wanted.1.1 «v-i amine i»r nu«e*inu,e. IL?W * US n ••iM.ui.rii Sill riuiiiu.iiv me ir* VUUUUIS uu.u


,. .

, |ii wr. l„ul,. in ur« •.ill .tMu.tltics. tw. *.««• sru ./"“Tjt. I »•“ prsstful is i-»j task for las® n-gi . < tbs

n.t i.h\ -ical. was si-lit to inirt that apprelicnsiolis tor tne safety ol Hie l . | , . 1 rm 1 . « - n 1 n I I..|>ure *t hu-.l - 1 mi ... ..1

• ., |.- a f). • .1 a Ui V uflii • *11 tile N 1,1 til -lit . f TlaiLvt »tlc**t. Illfre i!u"II If n t • lit.

B -. j Ml fell •> he Navy

. t .

momine—we suppose lie Department. Slie was ordered to cruise among .* l:l "ini rl,> »

yji, s .Via*

*" *”Ut

week—(country) $4 per annum, or $10 for 3 med. and the necessity for the adjustment is too as prose:

copies. urgent to be delayed.

eelcly Bulletin $1. Tlie people of the free States cannot with any

_ .. . j-, show of propriety re-ist this mode of adjustment.|

1 1 llat. because lliey complain that by the repeal of thej

61THURSDAY. NOV. S, 1854. M.ssouri Compromise act they have been deep-

. — - - ly injured and avow a determination to restore it.

$5 Rewabp—


ill be paid for the detection. If, then, it can be replaced ou the unalterable

to as to warrant conviction, of the thieves who basis of a constitutional guarantee, they will

are in the habit of takuig from our subscriber- immediately be relieved from the operation of|


the morning papers. w hat they are pleased to call the *• aggressive . *»« , *" u

PRENTICE t HENDERSON. sprit of slavery.” Vmcnm. !*»« IW*.

— ~ llie relative rights of cicti portion of tnr, of the First

Missouri Cossmowist—


ope ok Aatwtcotii:trr would thus be clearly defined and bar- 1

Ul.I!lvll LE._The la8t 1

Hrst -Thirty-four years ago the Congress otmonv wou |d prevail when the causes of collision

cont||iBf an ollituary nolthe United Stales passed an act which has ever

wr;e remi>Vcd. The South could cheerfully,h ,,ar sl)e was U|, Jaus

since been know n by the name of the “Missouri COMeDt u , this arrangement because it would not bor„ in Campbell countv

At n$rij 4$.v I «) my |<r»ym.

And ••fun t tv ui rourw;

I iirTt-r *tiflrr petty caw*To oYvT*i©od my Tiew;

And tlnu cvRtiRM. all tlw day,

Tbe m$ of nt w ay


I play at wbi*t, and if I l a.

It after make* mr fr«*t:

1 read the hum.- and furtiya new*.

And aetrr gu IM d kt.

My frame of mud. Ilauk G*-d, i- riflit,

And I ale it ala feel in height.

Mention in New \oik and el-ewhere, is copied m « , nuek 1-,_. ..... M.u'« fine Call

Itromtbi- rimes of that city: M.t> •<-*». kip.ud tl


In the U. S. circuit court sitting in this city. *i".f


one Ca pt. James Smith has been convicted of An>. i», cau, Knaeh Kii--kiI 1 :

*> . _ . 1 ... I... Bllbli.r

t lii"ti|i llools ami Niliorw.' m Tii • ri*'. r will aril hi? mt’r <ttoa-k i.f Ea«ter»



1 1 Thr follow iuf liat cotupriaca I pettoa ol tke lUcktiai..i

I adb't' Gaitrra, thick and thin a»le;

I adi**a‘ It . trra and Ituskin^.M Mrs and ( hilor. ii > Booirca and hh<*«$;

M.-n'a t'alf \Vat<-r i>r «f It ot»;

Men'll Grain d*. do;Mfu'i 1’alf vork-aele d.»:

Men thick fH-n d ;

Mvu'h fin*, t’alf do:M n ’a t'alf. Kip. and thick Href*#*:lt-.ya* llo -ti and |tr< «an$.



VROY to act in tha capacity of randv roller. Apply to

t.AF.TANO k tff SOui:. dS .171 Main at., between Srvmth and Eighth.

Iliii'liy'w ttai**u|>arill:iIS the great promoter <<f h.alth. It i$ curing thousand*

I.a» a which hire hid defiance to every remedy, and h. aused hoalt’i and happiuc>» in hundreds families. A*pr.w erf aland efficient it mjuir.a little comment: hutmay h neccasary to state, for the ankr of humanity, that,

of tin- blood, cutaneous discus* a. and thr* * ,-‘ L

A mei loanJETpr<-«v< ouipany,£


2» .

Prwprlctwrot,W EI.I.S, Bi'TTEKFlEU*. a. i O Sr_ v.„fc


L1VIS4.S10N 1 1... O.ACO


Through from iMuisrillr to Hulfalo. Chicago.A'iu- York, Boiton. awl all E,ultra Citin'

IN ADVANCE OF C. S. X VIL.rpHEpr-priet r f thief mpany. in . •.in.oti u with

1 ii.gitr.ii, Wrils, ACo. a Eanreaaea U» nil parte wf the W- rld.

and Well*. Far r'". and IV’# < al i f ram E.< | rcaa. are | repar- J». f rwar i Money, Packa-.o. Par tie. and tfrry mivtjufMcrchnndiav t •> and »!*» to collect an I pay N :* .*, hrafta. Ao-

I count*, and Bills of Exchange in any of the principal citioa

I of the United Mate*, t anuda, f aith rnia. anJ Eor< |*« at aa

I I * ratoaaud with aa great accuracy and ape«J a*»u/< th«r


*n di®cult of enr* . derangement of the l.iliarr aecr^fion. or an- *

larg. mnnt of th« lot ulei of the liver, it w ill he foonU unparnl- 1

%rg“ afaa*ecial mease

y «-f Taluahlo i vkaa.- «.

ma ted “By Amorienapeedy and aafe arrival.



^ A. I>. ManfilifM.

RANNEY * GORIN,so* *»» vim street, hetwi.ii ait tii am* sixth,


Tlw relative rights of even portion o. me Death of the First Woman Married inI Junes Wills as mate,

courtly woubl thus be clearly delmeil and har- Louisville.—T|,c last Ricbmoiul Messenger I ing on a (1ave-tradh

monv would prevail w hen the causes of collision;

,.oht al„s an obituary notice of Mrs. Lucy lira- • l ‘ HI $40 montli ou

we:e removed. Tlie South could cheerfully(),ear She was the daughter of Thos. Phslps. I


ballast for Newport, and on the 2d of Februarybrought her to this port. Here he engaged one Slaves Insured.James Wills as mate, telling him that lie was go-

v ,uJ . -i„. . -ming on a slave-trading voyage, agreeing to pay

1 Jp |.|.y..i ,<• i,u,i ,r riitr) ,n«ured miMiul re-

him $40 a month on the outward voyage, and w!,|

s.,ve*n<>x . a»«««.

from $ l ,200 to $2,<>u0 for the passage back. A i««N< i;. , U f. ,i.i, u m.

crew was shipped ot about fifteen persons, I .17jASSots bww Essns snd 1

' h• -• w

in Campbell county, Va., in July, 1762, mo*Uy , g men, and a large quantity ... . . I i .a..Uf"*"***1 <

1w .

• 5 IjIM'.HIIII fl*ll IMfby legislation what can ooly perms-

BtUlf but it would give bei m |8th, iv*l. She I board. Onthellthoi I InSUTAllCO.ii*. t. a .1 X. . . . . J • 1\ frnm fKl« nnrf bh.I mi »-:iv t it* (lock. I iil)t. „..r . ..amacr*

establish by legislation what con only perma-

nently and definitively be done by on amendmant

of the Constitution. *This miscalled compromise

was practically inoperative, because it was un-|

ion in that region of country where -lave laboi was the first woman married in Louisville, ands'm'Vli 'noiM.-'t' out 'to" the mate a Portuguese EVERY KIND AND TO AN\ AMOUNT.

constitutional. and it was unsatisfactory, becauseof Missouri comp

can aloue be profitably employed. was j,, the fort at Bool

The difficulty attendant on the establishment^

besiegcii by the Indians.

was me nrst w oman married in Louisville, ana Stnlth ,,011-

ltej ollt to the mate a Portuguesewas in the fort at Boonesborough when it was named Lemos as the leal owner of the vessel.

and told linn that the secretary of the Portuguese


il was unjust. It was uusoant Uutuiual because

the power to legislate in reference to slavery ar tv. v,i I,- ,

i A motion for a writ of quo warranto against ton and aided him in the purchase of the ves-feature in the NaUonal Co,.solution should not ^ MuiWsgjppi Wld Atlaut?c railroad ( Brough's) sel. The ship was cleared^ Capt. Smith, anddeter the frieii i’s ot tiie L moii ktui civil libertj yesterday evening argued before Jud^e Uu-


bad regular papers for tbe Cape of Good Hope.

oimul at this port bad accompanied turn to Bos- Ojfice at Merchant*' Exchange* Hjth street,6c-

on amt aided him in the purchase of tlie ves- tween Main and Market.

el. The shin A* as cl*aied by Cant. Smith, ami $ •• aur.%t for the. folloavims «\fk andM Alii x r roll Til F. FOLLOW IMne powrerw - dHer the friends of the Union and civil liberty


„„ yesterdi; evening argued before Judge Un-1

had regulai papers for the Cape of Good Hope.];» •*

J .. fiBS'SdS;®'S^SSTt^uZ(iiMit ifi the cw of iggiaw) is dpi ^ rtm •

* them evince a derwood at £dward-\ ille—Edwards, of Spring- I After she had been oat about forty daya, the I i$ th$wt- $>4 win •* w* *ity

nail IM I Vi. H8VUSCB COMFiMf,User .. such a power necessary to Uw of

jugt|r<. llisur, dl>mr,tic tranquillity, promote thegoe?u|!fon

a w other one given to Congress. Itwasuajasgeneral welfare, and secure the blessings of Supreme Court.

St. Louis hit ,

Iwu-suse while ,« «ae all ti- Urrito^ north ot||h(.rty to our^|ves and our posterity. This i- ^ a, lssur „ t|,e ab«,luUly free

.il tl.o,r mission, ml it should he performed in| of ^ .. of c , .

as to that south of Uus line, but left it to tlie winand i„depeudeut of results) 1

of the people who were its inhabitants. Thi- ^ , ffarlfj| of confluences. Graham was senten

and after a patient hearing the writ was dis-|deck or rtoor in tin* hold of tbe vessel, and all TORONTO. CANADA WEST.

3«i deg. 3o mui. absolutely free, it did not do so th^r ml>sio||- lt should be performed u

a. to that south of tliis line, but left it to the willj fait],fuilies, >lld truth, iudepeudeut of result

of the people who were lU inhabitants. The ^ , f(>arlrgc of consequences,

was the relative condition of the free and slaveJf U ejr tlfforts m crowned with success the,

interests wben the present Congress met. Wheiw||| b(, COvered w i'h dory; but if they ar

this Congress met. the Territories of Kansas>)|ugd to aisappointment and defeat, and th

pr. >mou- meU| ssed flu- case goes up, on ap|>eal, to the the other (.reparations necessary to receive a Capital Stock A'500.0iKI—$2.l)00.0i0

blessings of S .nreme Court.

St. Louis Intel. cargo of slaves were made. At the end of sixty I a. R CLAKK. J.j: uowi.s. v.o, i-twidcn

••• This is,

days they made land on the coast of Africa at a | _EDWARD g. obrien,jwwttrj.

’ ;li ' UtuUonality I _|ace called Cobra, where they were boarded COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMTAMT,place calle.l i oi.ra, w Here they were Doaraeu a

by a boat which brought uistructions, iu accor-

dance with which they cruised a sea for tenJ%VK ,

Dr. Graham was sentenced in tbe ^*ew days longer, and then put iu at a port further

OK i nl.l Mlll A. S. C.

Cash Capital $150,000. all paid In.

* I.VLES. I'rtulot. JOHN S< OTT. .s««Trl»r>.

Nebraska were to be organised. A bill was in-

troduced in which it was proposed that the peo-

ple of these Territories should determine wheth-

< r they would permit slaves to be held iu tin

Territory. As Kanzas and Nebraska are boll,

north of latitude thirty -six and a half degrees.

Ibis bill was a virtual abrogation of tbe Missou-

ri compromise. The bill could have been |>ass-

ed in that shape as well as in its present form.

It was thought best by some persons, that inas-

much as the Missouri compromise was unconsti-

tutional, and had been for a series of years dis

regarded, aud its provisions violated, il ought to

b. repealed, and relieve tbe statute book of a

law that had no binding force.

These counsels, unwise as we thought then,

and still think them, nevertheless prevailed. Th*

Misaour. compromise was repealed and its over-

throw has been seized on by the politicians of

tbe North to stimulate the passions and preju-

dices of people of that section to a mil great*-,

degree than they before were against the peo-

ple of tbe South and their institutions.

The power of the Abolitionists has thus beer,

increased, and fresh fuel added to the fire of

fanaticism. A political crusade against the

South has been proclaimed from the hustings,

and preached from the pulpit, and tlie recruits

to the standard of intolerance have registered

their adhesion at the polls. Tliey have elevated

to power new and untried men. imbued with pas-

sions and prejudice* hostile to the harmony ol

the various sections of our extended country


and feelings which, if manifested by correspond-

'I I 1


11 . I. II hi* t I* » vt r, i v, ii .ivi

in he covered riari i kut if tfmv we I Judge Mitchell, iu addi.-»sini; the piisoner. said: potfor the slava-trada. ornea, rstsirr scilpiss. lit snsaasraa...I t> rov< e*. v* -‘ory, nu n

Hr*-, in the cour-e of two or three hours. <>t>l Net Cash Fund 1st Feb’v. 1*54. $2,543,301 6>.*ined to disappointment ami defeat, and the Tin- punishment piovided by statute for th

negroes, including forty tromcn, were brought r. *. winston. i‘rmi*<.ai^’

i aiuiatt, s**n sry

.*,-,.. that ,bi- last fab:,. "f1 - 11 >;"• t ** :

,*,*a “7 l -v "“l;1 *'-on and stowed away as cirgo in thehSd chas. oill,a«^

I MMHit in the Slite prison Cm lot Inf nun four I .i

, «$* aIrtmI , ,, thnr iidM T i' •jp •• ,f :


of freedom on earth is to be **^r*^

b5 ** «r mote than seven year. As the crime sp- ^y>tn th^p uke^o”t,l,“Ji‘ly -

rSSm“* **»**»* *—'M f tllFV Will ' '’If I -A t



' <ii« I. . l! m.A i .... i. ..J . 1* % m k l ir I I |,|,N,.*. V., I .itn mitlilv f.rsil*

,KI in rr ii l ii'in iivTIMViU dit \«ii i\\ •* at«4 ih« sffeetu n r • f » dvrxtiou U*k tie soft, rrrtn

de* ’ll It Aid K l%i -l" td llMir.lillf t»h x h* ’tie. aihI if r* I,* f l* t, t *xj ri* need. I .av tak« •

einrht/'s Sarsaparilla.

of the m (>*t mxlicnxnt anil inveterate charae:er;

$tan*iinj for


year*. dcn|*it« ni. Ji -al $cien* e. j-Uce it nu|*eri**r to all otheritreraratian* lt» m**d* - f »m|>o»itioft and entire [>rviw*. •*>

elah -rately aud ecitatiti* all> o nihtn* d. H of public n tority.

i o l the faculty and j-ul.lic aenerally accord that patronage a

»up‘*n**r article merit* It in dev*>id of th*»e de$iructiV'

ar* nt* which t**>* inir>* al> furin an iui|***r:ant it. tn when le»$

!.i|ch«m uic-dl- i ti*i reuiAiii undetected, and mil l>e found a

.|*«iuianent aud radical care in

Dyspepsia orIndigestion. Scrof-

ula or King’s Ecil,.In-fectious of the Bones. Syph-

ilis. Debility, Habitual Costive-


ness. Erysipelas, Pulmonary Diseas-

es, Liver Complaint, Piles, pemule Irreg-

ularities, Fistula, Skin Diseases,

Diseased Kidneys, aud. as agreat and powerful Tunic,

purifying tbe Blood

awl invigorating

the entireSystem.

' It* extendive ate throughout the.- untry, and the certificate*

. which ar** every day rerent-d. $h**nld in*<re than tntiafy th*doubtful that it will t*«rf'*riii what i* stated, and may Ire im-

:plicitly relied *>n w it h j** rfect confidence, no matter h -w de*p>i. atod the uffi-cti. n r f • f*at duratiou 1 mk the nut!, r-rto

ft '!• f *. I .e pur- a -rIUI a r, . . Yc !. .| Wit . .*


pr*-v*d security, hearing inter •• fr m tire :.iv • aa e untiliie\k\ HENT.'a. l c. i'.

nil UEXKY WOI.KOHD, Injuty.

Maishals Bale.D. L Benedict, kc., k

v*. Via < hancery.Steam >*«at Ihavid White. A ' .)

1>\ Y.rtu* -*f nde.r* .ft • I -m.Y » oort. re*.-

I * <1- re*l III ’•• * V * am. *xe - r ne - f w '

• - - - -

public asetiwii, a»* n! the h nr of II * l*. k. A. M.. **n crwliu*.f 4 and n :u* d'Iis, t*.e u l,arf b*- - • attached In t - «au r. >al«-

• wharf a f

AA iii. II. liorwtniaiiii \ Moiiw,51 NORTH THIRD STREET,

KlIILlHKLPIIIA.Manufactory Fifth and Cherry streets.*pl, E St*. BO n I Wnoi.rsit * Dssksavis *• *U™.

Marshal s HaleGeorge WelLy \

M«ain«t Via Chancery.\A’. E. Ilutchinga, l-..


I • A virtu fad* r** f the I ui-rflle

|> der d in the :il* Ve . •*-. the m.d•ui -nlle t’haneer;he und.-r'igncd. 1

I \ V -

- Hill,at pul*li< auction,

:<>• r/rntwrXGX,i:l ».* V/> 'iS,

\ Bn\n ti. rMur.\GS,

’ Xcning and Sere Ing Alnrhl nrn.

hi. iui nit* Mdi c-ii <tue.g orri'*r, tkimit builpimc. III *n r»XDW*r. (part) '*ar$aparil!aioc.*aiionally ret cr*-ater eretlu than a are*

II re, in the course of two or three hours, thi I vet u, 1j„| j<t Fi-b’v, 1X54, $2,543,301 61. f “ n )' r**-t»r.4 ss.i smumt u- n, , *»«-rt «t< o.r.-

icgroes, including forty tromra. w ere brought 'r. >. l abiiatt. sasr. sr,.


u, board and slowed away as cargo in the hold 1 11 ' u, ,.i.. . r:uirv, c,u, c. mbn,,,]. »a 4 t. „ nmts -tr n,-r • t ti„ «u, ;t

saults of fanatic fury, they will be found bat-

tling in tbe citadel of liberty, and if there struck

nenrere Hun seyen years. As >P* lying I, tbe Up of anotber; were taken out^ ? ‘

preaches more darely to Uie next htriier or IRL^y to be fed and aired; and after a \ 1 a* KtitF.i. its m i. tsqe N^ I. «t». jwlit*. t« kf u.. ...

neattosrerd^ t guUI,so should the pumsh-


yovage days were laatM da the south ™ S* ~ nain* ut antiroach nearer to the longest or »noiT€sit I _* r /•* .»... Vi ... .... iihi.a'-K'-md p i< mK-n r uudity, iur*.'dci>ui.r»2t- L> a

The pur havr i** tiYc l**>nd, with apt rwWc*l Security, hetnn. I i

ntvrcst from tlw day of sale until paid.HENRY DENT. M L. t\ C.

| ,

r, | « 4IJ HENRY "I FORD. Deputy 1

Information Wanted.[P JAKES l ! I : r K,"V r rs rip I uliqiv, Se-ttsa*.

I nnj more recently •• f Canada, a -hip-i arjvnter kv trad*-,j

*illsc*id hii aulr* * t.. ho* ’3**i Indiana)* lis. Ind.. he may(

,uf -*f *- ntething t> hi* advantJ. c. ni.idl.

I I •uUvill Juurnal in$*rt 2 Week* and send LiU to Uu* of- I

Liver < «uii|*!aiii4,'AlNtU-F. HV-1-llHl, tllKi'Mi UK NERVOUS

litfU-'s Spool Silk,

SEWING AND SEWING MACHINESwall-know a S«*.k wa* intn^iucevl i*. t j i ,U»c *

\% \| II. MiiK THA.NN * .^i»J|d,

31 a -rth I >»fd I'hiUd* lk u

nORSTMAN.N, liKoTH KK>, k A I hi l>.

LEWIS S. M0KK1S vV CO.,Couiaii^iou ^ImhantA,

NEW YOBK.I »*$$ Ki nan* on (OSVh$*UTI 09

cater* Fpa4n»w *• enernllj

tleriil* n Mat-liim- 4 oiiip;m>



U AVK on hand, and m« ManaaUj Mkisi, LATHED.FLAN Klt>. * ad th*r M.\« Hl.NHTH* T’ *>!>. ,# *U| *-

nor tun ity as*d *•»•».; n’o- l UNiks Fa*, a- laser **4lioatle A • 1 1


< g F'*K* L Pt M I’D. of ah *taM. for kUH, Far.t riro. Rnsir^ad H »UrJill.**,*!*. < at. wttk full p*rtK*»-

Thomas Douglass,4 l-LATT STREET. N. V .

Importer and Dealer it every description ofFOREIGN AND DOMESTICHARDWARE.

Ili an Lugli>hbooiM>) thr parkagr.


MANUFACTUUKKo*voof Pn-mium Steel Squares, Premium ^nd(

**nnee Bits, Axes, Socket and Firmer Chisels,* Patent Holl >\v A’lfm. 4*c.

iBBxi Nt BvauwiM wmmm iiuifu I>a* if 4 lo., M*uafa.-«or*r*. Barlia*toa. Th

113 keg* har I.* ad;

Rev ivcd per stoauier Ella and f«*r laUby

« they will at least b.v. graced theii fall"ent «PPro*ch’M «o the longest or rttortest •

f c b we re sent on shore in \rV^t7^ lMS,",pwi“r

'^tixuS^rSTro’'" " I’™", impns.rn.n-i.! 1" tb ,is rt-, . pereon who said *L»

UAEDK*»*cod mzdc their rum glorious. quires some notice ot the evidence. But such « „„^ eoas and tUe Umertre* consul XZiO.immBut we have no misgiving, on thU nulter. 1, parts only will be preferred to os leave ,m rea-

at t|iat .(0rt- The furuitureof the ship w as then i. v4* •-.* i “vJ;ive been ,*as.-

th< . Nlilth ,,Iailt lheir feet on the compromise line. ) -uabb- doubt, and 1 do not think it necessary totake(,

*„ ihow> allj Ule ship herself burned. ^^‘^^“^m-VnANAN * copresent form. ^ ^ Urritoryon Ul. South is ours, that


*^Tkere were reineoTthe witnesses who thought(̂

' ll,-‘he lo *»»• city in the brig „,s Cw,.r .1 WwMawy s.

Ulii. Uikt l!i4a- a . . , ,. i iiii MtiTti'UllSj Vlhrn1

ll * * U«iiih lUi't C Upt. Slllitiu w UU , tori It ^«||*; • Kiv CjOrr tu arrive tu-r It«aui-r Fanny

iSKTiSir " :

- SK rdaaMMK iXiTS,-*:Me book

' be “eC**“r> 0! ,

f' tended to make tins „u|H..s,ble. an.i Um* jury by

JU„ result wo. the arrest, trial, ptu l.eos-zm. t.„ oll.Tww*. Flf lr«Kr»Ul.w.thuds of both houses of Cougress. and th- sane- their verdict have acquitted you of any such de-

#od conviction of CapU Slnlth .

l,on or three-quarters of all the States. These «P>- «»«* Circumstance,, which have been We beheve this is the first time in which athought then. ........ . . detail’ d, are such that, il there had been in our

t nf heinw entrnirm,! in i|1P xtrir^n *1. are formniahle obstacles to overcome, but «ure-

, t J•

• f m mala u^hter in the first I

conv,cuon or De,nB en^agea in lue African *9

Daguerreotype StockAT FF.TLK HJMITH'M.

No. 525 Main Stkkkt.Or*r A. />. Vif.yfe/./ • (»»».f»* yumi-hiutf .^furs.

Illrrrl Lrllrra I* llux 1.004. LuuU * III*-. K’.flDdo-dlv 1*. SMI I 11.

Cum of (lie Season.

MOSTETTEli> HITTERS - Thr»c pur excellent Bitt*r*aro

. n»w pretty well known and *pprncl4t«d by th« pul lie * f

\\h w BTl H A NAN 4 I 0.

0») handle* Wrappins Taper fui


are formiiioble obstacl-s to overcome, bu, ,ure- ^ .* ^..n tor' manslaugMc, in the

lv -wo-tinrds of tl e piesent Congrcs will degree. anpl.eM.le to cases ot ail : ays and that ^ a .Ussgr-ement between theto ’.lacetbis vastly important matter in a tram for the jury found you guilty of this Wgtier grade

captain aml hU mate about the payment of aj

COFFEE— 1UU bag* pr

its satisfacton*

recent electioru

ifitly important matter in a tram tor uie jur> lounu you bwij wk

hk ... i captain and his mate about the payment of a

and i mao^nt adjustment. TI»* olf**n?*o, tins couit uou i ave een o i * ot sum of money. Yet, as we have repeat-

. the cult, of which are sa.d to0 ' ,

'\U;n ' "*“• ’ "* **

'T Sated in the Times, scarcely a month ,/asses™ L> a*dbuw ,feat bis door. Von next metib whlcll lhere art> „ot OIie -„ r Bure v



Homo Asnin!\l’i' arc at h<-ui** *g tm kxm itrscti^wlwn k$r?iY i can b« had f**r cn*h.

HOLLAED. PRATHER. 4 SMITH.''an u»>; >*... ar,n*-*i.-,.d he

I cleared at thuport whicl, embark at once in the|

1W iHii wtumnii *u i a-mi.uIt,.- restoration of th*- Missouri compromise, armed; he remonstrated With you on your P":

slave trade, ani load their cargoes on the coastthe restoration of the Missouri comjiromise.

would seem to indicate that the proposed amend-

uieut would receive the sanctiou of those Slates.

.:*i at lea-t test '

wlu-ther tliev really are desirous of allaying ex-

Vious misconduct, perhaps as angrily as lie hadCuba ’T|.e facts given in evidence on this

before; you insulted him and hm wife^ trial .how how easily this is done, and withcalled him . bar; he returned the insult w ith a

, ( rf(fCt impuni(y> so , ollfr a9 a„ of lh(.

h.ow of lus naked hand, and you.the originalj ^ d u\ it gali .faotorily paid for

aggressor. Stepped baA.aiid. on him. l

k i( Heut. In order to a conviction, thedrew %our sword and kiU»*u him on the spot. It r

, . ... . 1

ci* meiit and restoiiiig harmony toour distracted



'tte ej^eme ^Tumsllmentpolitical relat on* applicable to the otfenr of winch you are col - £_>

, ( f brntetwd F ‘ !ll ‘cal appticanie to me one,,**- ot wnicn you are coo-or eUe ^ ;ccus^ mugt bimgelf be I

levategA u '“ 0,‘ of t,,,‘ votrt of d,“ff, cled vuru-d be inflicted and your sentence accord-

t clUwn The tirst provision is usually evadedS' aten witii the wbd«* of fh<* Southern Stetes and 1 - iS 1 IU ' u,i •* nupi ison* » m ie a-

[,y A thatn sale—the last by procuring a foreign-

California w ill be sufficient to cany tbe amend- '*

Ata man \v lio woulVnof^cease toer, usually a Portiigues*-. a* commander. I he

I t - * - Mi i* ii e -,*n» . ,mi..ii, .discharged. As a man, wno wouia not ceareur

| defeuge attempted in this case turned uponment and estnMish lue compromise line. feel, even for one convicted of the grosses*t)>u' poin *

: | t wu. e^aiiu. d that Smith wus anV..-cnine I may say you have my compassion, be

j Getman . aIld it was also asserted.The board of directors of tbe Central Ohio cause believe as your counsel suggested, that ^ proved.tlut tberiiip was paiJ for by 1

railway have unanimously resolved not to rnah- you Mt most bitter pangs, lather for Uie irrepar-[jie secretary of the Portuguese consul at this

another contract witii Adams 4. Co.'s Express I »•»!' injury which you have inflicted on the fam- J

_» ot 4 r. 4t.„ ; .lv M*.fir I^ri.sir fr.iin fhp dr**ad of anv *>OIU _

meiit aud et»tabli>h the compromise line.

and fee|in|Tfi which, ii BiQieaaa n> conwpona- ep^|#k board of director? of the Central Ohio uause I t>elieve

?as your counsel suj;R:e>ted, Uiat

iii^cdi. may result in a breach of all peaceful railway have unanimously resolved not t<» inak* vou felt most hitler panp?, rather for the irrepar-

relations. At no neriod since the organization another contract with Adams A Co.'s Express able injury w hich you have inflicted on the fam-


a. _ rwviit.-ai wta*m rt„ rCompany udIcm tl»ev will agree not to act as tbe I

‘ly ot Major Ixiring than from toe dread of an>of our Government ha* the political state of *u ^J brokers. in their drafts upon the hank- suffering which the law would inflict upon you.

atfairf been in a condition to elicit the fear?i, 4^ |eiT,tor\ traversed bv their road. The di-


For ail it would be well to remember that, if a

of. and counsel prudence to, those to whom are rector* will probably find, before ttieir expert- spirit of conciliation or of kindness could have

low committed the management of the intere? - meat has been tried very long, if the Expres- ruled oyer you but for a few miliUtes,you ami

# - Co. rfiould refute to make the arrangement, that Iyour friends would have been spaied tins di>-

of this great union of hvaten. .. iw»or,le on the line ot their road sirace. and Ma jor Loriii* mijrfit still have been


4* .ir.'YUi* tn call i. 1*01.1. A KD, TU A I II Eli 4 ? M IT If . nt

O.* ir*>M luartcr**. 455 M»in »*tr?-t. nl5J4k

Notice to Delinquents.rPllEUF. are n great man.-

|er*< n* in tl»c city who are atrar*

I that their accounts f* r ila»*. « »| <. Ac., are tun* aiuee due.We w-<ul«i ad v i«c thkin to tall and »* ttl*.

TOM. A R I*. TKATUER A SMITH.•15 jib 455 Main al.

School Books.rpilOMTSON’S S*a*.»na, with H* >d'» nute$.

I Vlilt*>n * Tara«li*v l.*»*t, with ll**>d*$ it te«.

GromK-af’* * ••mui**a Scl**ol Arithmetic.GrocnLaf** Tritnary Arithmetic.St-ience uf Thin** Familiar.Familiar *cienre.Cuter » FIrot ll***k t> Anat**tny. Thy$»elofy, and Hygiene,


fer Grammar >ek<M»la, A-'.

i We keep constantly on Laud a large a****rtm*'iit of lt**<»k* f«r

A* a medicine, Tloitettcr’* Bitter* ar*;. without anr kindof duuht, the b*$t ltUM>n TUBiriEK *M» Aj»TI-l*Tip*rtlCTom* % »:t hr**uifht > -for** the pnMi<* t *ne nine-. I.v- tui tak* u

h furt- meal* » ill h - a *ur.- . ur- f**r l»y*| • ;»ia will renu-ee all

tiatuli-ncy or hcaYin--«« from the h, keep y« u fr*-e fromcu*tivenr»*. a*«i«t *li.*.-*ti n and create a c*<- d appetiteand im-


part a h* alth> t**ne t*. the wh**le *y*tem aud a , ertam pr*-ven-


tive f K Ter an i Agu* It needs hut a few trial* to nmn e

you - f ilit-le fact* The ref* re it* p ner. A* an Axil-BlUOtf*affent. in ffivinff viif**r and t.*n« t > a <Ji ari unj*d *t--mach r dis-eased liver, it ha* no parallel.

' 110.YTETTEK'S BITTERS are **ld wholesale LyKoliEH I' LEAKY , Affent,

Bullitt itreet, near Main, under tin. .Southern Bank of Ey.


And by the foil* wing Druggists;U m Df.Hakt, c*>riier Jeflers**n and First street*.W. SUEKMII i . !Q8 Main strcit.


l»r$. K A. Kii«9V4 Thewitt, c**rn* r Market and Fifth *t*.

W. >rKING k.K 4 Hun.. Mark* t at . U tw. en Third and Fourth.I Tani<T L. Dis. c>*rn r Eighth and J.-fVr** n *tre--t*.

J. F. Y'oOg 4 ft*., c rner >ixth aud Market ttmt*.I J tnr.n UuKN*. 527 Main Street June e* Jly

I HAH •• •11 just rc-

U cei ved in store and for aal* LyFIELDER A JACK.


n!3 N*. 5.^ Main *t,betweeu Third and F*unh.

fAUNDl' T. DYM’ETMA, tllH‘'M« «'K NEKYOLS1#j i*f biutv. N Uic.4 < r nir. ait*>ty<.And alldi* i* * ar -ms fr m a Di** rd*r t Liver er <t. mach.

lUv a* < tn$tipaii'*n, lnw t -1 Piles, Fttllnes* r H3-*v«i lo I

She H-ud. Acidity “f t; • m.*ui:. h. N-iU. J. II- .rt-

bum.IMa. uit .f F- d, FuF.i *.• r VV i' t ia

thr st.-maeh, v ur Frueta’i* ns, ?ink-tng >»r Fluttering at tiie Tit of th*

— ot**inach, >wimwlng uf theHead. Hurried aud

Dill ult Br-athing, Flmt. ring at th Heart,

* Choking *.r>«l'-ratine mat*, n* wlna in a lying as«t«istDimness **f Viii-u. Dvt*orW«bo h«F-ro the Sight, Fev«rand

, dull Tain in the 11-ad, 1»* fieieury -*f i r-pir.vtion. Yell-wn**- .


I tr., -ud l- n Flu- * s H at, Turn * * in ti*e Fl *‘h. r**b»tantj

IIImagination ng Evil, and areat Depr- $*i**a ol sprit*, can he ,

n,effectually cur- d by


Trvparod by Dr. M. Jackson,


12»» Vr-di $tfe* t, t’hllaal.-lpii'a.

leirpnwer V, rth** ah *e dis- lie# »* n- t vc I!- d. if e-^nal- d.

virtmsin th- rerti fieatj*.n of disease* of the L

*1 the di'e«XtiV0 organ*. thv> are withal safe, cert*

11 W.Cuavi v. '!ill-r

ng sold yu»r Hitt-r* >*uj

n • very instance that Iu

Co. should refuse to make the amusement, that your friend* would have been spared this dis-Ip^trat d during the fall and winter. The arrest

the*y bare put ti»e people on (be line of their road pace, ami Major Lorin£ mi^ht fitill have been af James W. Fitzgerald (who is lying in jail Jn*t

pO*L I"*e keep constantly on hand a large i<**,t tm< nt of iL -ks f<,

the use «*f High School*. t« which *« invite the attention c

Startling Developmentr.—


he attempted t. a i e« aad ail in want of seh- -i i«o*ii

-.»b!u*rv ni tba Cowli IVaaavh *? ofttt lad' 1 ” N> a. hagan a beo., w Third *t.

Th irsday nteht mmbi to have baao bvt ana of a nniu fuhjrseries of robberies which were to have been per- 7

*' b».i* >t. Louis t ity Mills:

petrat d during tlie fall and w inter. The arrest JJ I’tu Mehatv**1 '


The permanent tranquillity of tlie country can ^ ^ great deal of inconvenience, without bene- tlie enjoyment of life in the ho?om of hi?

onU br restored and maintained by removing tiUng th**ir bank" in the least.

Cm. Gaz. family.

Uir aubjrct of African alarery from tha political We Jid not think there was a man, woman, orpri^'-nei s sentence will not be Carrie*!

arena. TW pfcilliptca of the pulpit will pare a? child, outride of on iwane botpital. that would. "*to for * few *!.-.>•'. ;•*-,.*:mg the appli-a-

barmlesa air whan tiHMe «vfao utt«r them are de- an«r the experience of the past six months. tlon for a °*w trlal '

pi iv ed ol the |>ower, practically, to enforce their ndopt such a resolution as this Central Ohio rail- \ Bacchanalian Jvav.—In the Pliiladcl-

»ienunciations. But it will be asked how is th* road company is said to have done. Do theyp ;da Criminal Court, David Paul Brown, coun-

riavery quesUon to be removed from the po- suppose that the laws of trade can he suspended S(d for jjr- Beaie, recently convicted of an out-

under $2,000 bond), and the revelations of

Samuel Bailey (who turned State’s evidence).

ie prisoner's sentence w ill not be carried have probably broken up the gang and preventedJ*'



V'.j f

11’ L“

effect for a few days, pending the<- crimes that vyould otherwise have been com- „u jab


J ‘ nutted. 1 he statements ot Bailey show a plan

Great Bargains in Carpeting.

n ITEt BM.VI.I.. Mun ,trwt. ...- (B.nli of laniieille,

.have received by lat* arrivals in additional suj -ply <*f


forca»h siuc- tire drelliic, direct fr- tn the irap- r'eri and min-Iufucturers, mud which they arc selling nt * small advance on


Kast«ru c at for eusU or to punctual Jvnlors. In tlwir stockcan be found—

SU|rer Wilt*n and Y’ulvet Carpeting;


rrc»*Uv's rich pattern* Tat-estry d**;

(hit lliddetnins'.er do do;Bs-st English ti-cord Rrussel* do;

I Rich \m« riran Ta;*-*try:


' With M- saic. Tufted, and t:

h* nille Ku-s at various prices.

4MERiclt Fn.’li*h and American T-ply in Ta;>eatry figures;

Fnglieh aud American 2- ply:


I Tapestry Ingrain; Mc-lu.m 2-ply.Union fine 2 ply; Cotton * hain Cotton: TL-mp:5 3-1. and 4-i plain and twill, d Venetian I arpnting:Cjrtaiu-v .

Curtain Mmtn tale. anJ Trimmings:l.inen Sheetiug*, TaM«* Linen* Napkn*-*. A?.:Steamboat. lk-d.andCrih Blanket*, various *|un!itiro;


lfruggrtn, Crum p-t Toths, and 1 1 -**r

Fl-rer Oil-Cloths, of best English and Am* ricaa manu-facture. in hauds**iue patterns:

With v-verv art i- '« pertaining to the outfi nf private dwell-I ing*. hotels, path* inttitutiaiis and stcamhunts

|We invite all wh*. art in want of Furnishing Good# to call

i at J.#!* Main ainet and secure bargain*.

'• fully maintained the exalt*-d r* pntatioii which as been -ivt-n

It. -u.d. having tested iu virtue*. »e unhesitatingly say it emilt

- a„'1y*l-.'»-r*ro« il." .... _ , , .....J T tJ.VV. II :kkt, l nun:•**. k r„ July JI. I „id.

•1 “VV. b»v, t..- ir<l ( M-uy ,ur*> |

ri n.i l by t!.. u- Hr.

, II •lirrmaa liivUn.boJb licv* II t- b« 1 volaab!, aKd-

Rare Chance for Investment.. IUMH KS *Ntt I.E.VE or A V vt.C.ABI.C,

ID* i EL KoK MLK.— The pr«* nt *erupnnt *>f tlw


Am ri-sn IJotol. at Vinc*-nnes. if r* for sal* thefurmtur- and I a-« f ttre an*-. 1 LU t>rc* n't anopi-itnnity *cld--m m* t a .th— the h<*u»e Lidi: oneof

v*r. fre«i l$r aani fsrt* m- m .address ! JOHN M. < LVSIK. Via ennes. Indi L'oiisviUe Journal ah - at we^k daily and send till to

Jowiali flacy'w Mon*.189 FRONT ST . N. T.


Sperm anti V. hair Oil and t andlcs,

H A V F constantly on lined ani • ffer sale—. Talent and St*, rm Can He* io Uie$ and eOit»on*:

llo4 («»r It. It. Halmt-rI F \S e-ta’» li-lred h msclt jw-rui .u» ntl r in I onuvill*I 1 practice i-f Mftiil-iii* so l -or ry..^... offlo- at h«ieuee. -n Walnut <tr-;et. Utwrtti Sov- nthand Eighth.

nil d»i*

Strayed,r\ From the stable f th L«.ui-vilh- and P- r»- tr

'likaui.a,:. Till! ft. IIIIESI--H* *1

^QLi.Jark heav. **t |t.a» 11

UK. T. FaTIo 4 Bu.v, k«<*t

••Your lltturs are now selling

ha* used it, so taro* we liave be


Dirasoff ACkeum. Aleaand

••We have taken paius t-* mtr •

w» find it to b- a vrry valuable

C. A .R.»iiis-aON, B.-IWout*.

, Ky., J*i'e 26. Ki2, *aid **We hav*#u<-i— y. ur IF Hand ilitur*; phy»«cians a .d

in ity* the half d -P it and d*-sen.*

,nt Raeavill . T >.•.*, April *. IASI, • »v


How selling Very t a»t. and everyj

* ram U*at

i we have been ibk to learn, ho* bx-n benc-


We Answer that it must l>e B\ the nod of these most itpj

»n for anew trial. of operatious of the most startling character. A New Book! New Book!. .. .

- —r~~ number of buildings id the town and country were I

Heire*, ly Sr,. s<«tb«onii. I'n-Mi cmi,.

A Jaiiiana. •. k . ii u i - |o have been burtieii, and '.lie owners rolibeil rmtarem, •rUaJaatCsRcreaf*. !'»i er, Ao eta.

iia Criminal Court, Davnl Paul Brown, coun- .luring the excitement and alarm of the fire. L.JiJ'SJ “'J/AiiiJ “S"K|-»

f '

r jJiuMtlwr “f "w»u»«-

I for Dr. B*-aie, recently convicted of an out- Hie repentance of one of tin- ai-meiates, and the ii.rm.i-. ik|i, frum'th; itisr, ..f , ivnciii.r. ci»tb. $i.

Og, HrlW'iuU), A 1*. Jan..10, Hol.iaidt t-vontnolly Lav.- a lar,e sale; all th wk-<i it very much. Tl- |re-*ple hav* te..i

iv .i fliic fat-ut u etrums. and that *ffe

jua’-le Biturf.and will until it b-r- meskiTus- .C-. \la.. January 1, 1*51, said* T

ji K || F. 1*\ \ F . • M • ' I . Jon !•;-'«

4*Y’ ur hitt* r* have d*-n* wnnder* in thi* s«et»**n. A y*»uth

M. llubbert. Ei*|.. ol thi, t.uBtr. k*4 Vr-ii f .r «r,t «..Btln u»J«. -v* e»r. .f aur b a. pra- ';: n-r. aitb a,

lief tku'l the cvre rcp*-rtcd d- nUtfnl. and the y-nn / m*in,-

He f -und »• much relief fr-m t!ie fir*t h.*t:le that he e^atin

t«» take th« tn until a c ir.plete cure was effected. II •: i* aaw;

f*«tly wmll Mhd •U’Ut.”,, . .

These Hitter* or® e«f»re/*./ v.jafeiKU, th. roby a ssessing g

adva&ta. - over must of the p..

paran na rtc mmeaded fur i

ilar disease*.Fb»r sale by dealers :n medicine every where.

Wholesale AgcaU— .... . n„rura

.. Li b*a ben*- 1 Pension , IIouhI y rnmlviiuULeiie-i;a 1 Agency.

aan bitten, and T !| ® endersicned. ffirnn-r’j nttac ed Wv t! e army at n t Fm-L te.-r. and f*»r *ev-n **«r4 an evaT*imag -Irrk in the T-n-

’ '..!•) ' ‘ •

Wailume Julieit.AN l> TV A. !!EK Ok MNl.INOW pil et ibn great Irniian art iMe Aignev Ull* K« ...~

-m Tr- » »:« 1* »swn* -»r >n ela** by sp, 1 inji* KauMg*^Juiien. *' Mrs «r i. » rner f F'ftbanl fi»f-

r«$u, bniivdk.Ky. nl dlvi*

.J. U. 6.0041.1 1 1


IrnorL-'iig and n. \« iiek to d«\« inlandl>r p*>rt meat i# »h - Cunrt d l.«aJai 17 year*.... Tn-

PiU>i>nig anil taiiuei toal.

Aiiit-i'icaii Artid»' I uiuii.frilK \MKK14 \N ARTI-1 » M*»N w t. ia r*. wrtlnlly1 a$hu'.n«f to lire cit ir$< ef the I. kit* d - t«t«* . nd ; h- • n*. *

.to,, t-.ot for the ;>urp »f ct. Wstisi ib«<i tu. imiuith -iglv nl the c *nutry. and e'.th tbe view »f «tial*i;agtVaf/family t» beeoOM p--«*A**red »f agatleryuf «ti a . «ii&k»

UY 1 It K PIK'.T ART Ij*T> t -F TUE At.K.

{250.000 Giit3. of tlie actual cost *150.000

1 rilVE TNll.l.\R- $ ht;My finiebed Engraving W»at>-* 4

at; ur Five IKiuiha «->rth ol »t.rt-i.-l E.^r.v mg* can i*

Icted fr* m the « *tob e-«e.

A y » ttte • MoiefOn. t-g.-tlrer with n ueemten sueEngmv ti».. can I- -• -n »: tbe . So* ,t tm* mper.

r or each Duller wit an I njrav iag actually * rthid a Gift I eket will mroM--. tatriy be fwrwnrded.

AGENTS.Tire' *n»ia. t* ee belie V o*; that the iu •»*«•/ the CsitT Nasnl'sbtntJKiMVidt aut-r- iiij pr- ihUi be th* ••' ae-l e .r*rpn*e f .ntrl!i.- tandp r v*r a* VgenU. b*»«v *1 t» treat with sack un tbe mesa liberal t ini.

n\ B wi.kifa; hi (n. n*< an Ag nt. by sen-Lug (p«eS' 51. viu asa’Kivg *y :.kiuv •>» vml a tiselsi gr»» n4. t'1*ll I lit k FT . a I'rrep tu*. a' tbl . nr .

- udutlwr s -mur) mfurmai —n.n the iual c mpietiua ti e vale, tbe (• ifle w»ll W f laecd'h* -end* t a i hisitiu ol tire rr nt ;••>*«* tw b* mar. mi*, due r.'-' - to I* h W il b« given t-.r-ugl—ut U *tl* «i states and the * anaaia*.

LIST ur GIFTS.MarMa ha*t*-.f Y% v*hiag r u fn*

Hickson Jg Inilmore.IMPORTER' W HOI.



don* by enclosing it within th* itupregia- th^y not perceive that all such regulation* really Ujellf on a motion for a new trial, gave the foi-

ble walk of the Constitution. As the exist- ii-jure the iiutituUons instead of benefiting lowing description of the conduct of the jury byMice of clav-ery in tlie Statea i* now shielded them? let it he known that the hanks have w |10m his client was convicted:

rage on a young lady, in the course of an argu- consequent breaking up of all their plans, has ,,7^*^J

,alone preserved many of our citizens from being

ment on a motion for a new tnal, ga\e tlie lol- rohbed and tlieir property destroyed bv fire. "

Va* Nalowing description of the conduct of the jury by Among the number marked for robbery were

i >n«.a.


Fred Arden, or the J* '* Rev« nee. Taj er,5U ct*K-<!.«rt Ui nee. the llervi Kiny. ty the anther < f •’Wallace,

the Hero c f Jutland, tic. Taper lAI ct*.

llermU's Dell, from the Diary of a Ttnciller. $1.The t'aptsius vf the l. uiau Kepublie, Ly Henry William

llrrbcrt., $125Y’nuth uf n, or* Uhr*niclc uf Cullegi Scrajre*. CTotli.

E**y Nat, s Tale <»f l.if* iu New Y'urk and Ii st. n. by A.

72 da da 4'. L. Holland;2" do do Tucki.ra;IS do do Sett;

’ received and f.*r s*le low by3 NOCK. WICKS, 4 CO.

1 1 lent ion !


K. B. Stroitff, (County Treasurer), Henry Weir-

* Tale of LifeI h til. $1 25.d foe *alu by

from attack. »o must iu existence in that protection in this obnoxious manner, aiu; The jury left here about half past two, tookCl2?"

portion of Uie territory of tbe l uited Stat»? people will return tbeir circulation on tliem fo tlieir tlinner about three, mud then were the three Brown De llart BootVi 'uVo tli^rs


Inwhich of right belongs to the slave StaU-. redemption. even if they have to travel on horse- bottles of cl.ampagne .-*u|.|'lied _thein; this via- wera| instances, the night for’the robbery hadbe oecurrd to tbeir u*e anil benefit. \hc do not back *o do il. Tin* £«$me wa? tried in Indiana a

^.r c

f|U **


° r<


,CT been determined upon.

eeteem it nece«Ery to enter into an argument to Wid it doubties* assisted to hasten Uie closing |i^ |n

* three bottles of hrandv .T^ie **^ara< ‘ter conspiracy (in which

r.«a.Mia fc *. r: »a a. v»a.,



5^"ES2iHrt" entitled to a fair proportion of all ter.,to- Ohio. »^r - a,,d


th<‘ "f Fra,‘"> laid out, and our citizens may be thankful that

ry that has bee® or may hereafter be acquired byJ

and, faulty, e won go lonie 1 . orning.the schemes were thwarted in such a provideti-

ti,e United Slate,. 111.. r*U real, for ,U su,.- Among U,e list of ,asSengers. as publish-lhl'li«r^dfu.e iackass" I annetl

,ial ^^r.—Logansport {Ind.) Pharos.

A Work abounding in exciting Scenes andremarkable Incidents.

VfMHIAl’CO—I .*«• b#x< * J

i tlGARS-v; 60,0)0 Kio 11

35 .unu Swan



0 : . , ,i * i • , p , , IIIJA ue gaitiereu iroin me umouill or [)USIIie?S » “ **F»- tunaTtinum m uu» innomr 1*«

S;»aii^le.l Banner, and tbe Landlady or t ranee,| a ;j Allt

® J Las rk.^ie#..! % **ar» with rout nstnral kronaes* of irerroptiou audf*A (luaiiv **We won't iro home till Morning''

laid out, and w citizens may be thankful that*at»v.-n**.( h* Ua*i.t«rniiy nama*ked h\.mai i.f*.


^• .a t tbe schemes were Uiwarted in such a provide!!- :einkotfc wh*t Uansoud «w a# •«*. th* latter kaiug

Then w»* have the menagerie—the imitation? of , , _ r * / , j \ i1

*. .. . Tax i i ,

tial manner.

Loza n*port (lud.) Pharos.Uie lion, Uie tiger, and the jackass I appeal

- '

U and com. HEAVY RUNreal life, und > -ton THE HOC>E OF A HAGAN 4 BRO.. Wh - lroal* and:t*r l*eiug th»-

^ K-tail lh-ak$rller*. Na. 9D Third •tr«*vt.— Y'esttrday wa.*hern *,• l<#ug

* :ln exciting day «»u Third *tr-**t during th.* whoU day. A

Wm- did they sing those soogs, including -WV won't 2?


vpfiATfi irruc home till Morning,” unless it was to let this roive prompt attention.. tw* lltMs. who had been stricken down by trouble,

Tlie X. V. Times of Monday profe?-es to give know that he must agree with them. jan4dly4we*wly*t carrier JcK-non and Fwtti

tile deliberations of the recent cunvenUon of Tlie case that was tried before vour Honor ~r

-w-». - , | ,, -m . .jJciitRlj_iynjooi it.1

which i j adverse to * present attempt to gain in the open street it would have been a much C^“5gjrfj^jJniifg**1^

po -session of Cuba. better place than where they were. It would poxi-Rlsisc Artitiaial Te:th, .oi-r, r <:*>u Foil

Toe Jr, idea! on the Great Western Rails, ay.1‘ i

'Tf^ b"u*r for them lo ha''e gone homo

I*>rt Ol. th< uiiUiGtabi* pi itic Ipi»*> of r\> :


1 ^ • ‘'

' *?'. L-1


*-- •.-*

- isteoce or non-exiateoce of *lave- » ' '> ni^h iamnation ol each a course. Was thi- all. MHttOTlLL*

miP0111411 JJOlOot.lift,- Whet the Const -Ution was formed too, hearer of dispatches, of this city. Who i-

b*V* UP°*l**"

vpdlct ritkout **' H rew sr tb.*,. ..f Awsiiri McAm.-r. a * . t -..,h re

Miieii UK coiw *uuun "•’* 1 ,IMn • ’ 1 ’ J during otic of their number, ror what purposi* I »»rectfniiv call tire attention of D>-nti*r« t*. mv*t«xk •>! lostm-

risv*0' •*** * tom does. Wm.W did they sing thorn song*, including -We won't U.: 2?^rw'li1

reai« lb the fourth article third section, of the vrvii n-rus go home till Monnng.” unless it was to let this owe, pmwet m toe tourui aruci tniru sec • ~ N LW * IT LM*.

toe. who bad been stricken down by trouble. . “f. iT^TV'luConstitution, which treoU of the territory the.. ^ N y Tijn^ of Moftd ofesses to 1V„ klt0W tUat must agree with them. j„*' *i£2tS££E* tSfiin.

belonging to the United Sute. it provide* thatof Uj( . receut COWHte o(

The case that was tried before your Honor“nothing 11 thi? Con?tllUtlOL M.a b* ?

v , i

1' DcixtalJJlIipol allTUe

_ .^ ...**!. . _ — ... 1

which i> adverse to a present attempt to gait, m tbs css* street it u en a much ******/!/vrii*JtinMates or any particular StaU. Ti« care here ^ Cuba ! better placf* than where they were. It would I rfiOM TRI?*INC Artificial Tact h, iB^n r Gold Foil. Forcep*

take., to protect existing ngbtt and claims of tl* ^ ^ Guat Wft,rru ^ have been far better for them to have gone home


The N. Y. Times of Monday professes to givebelonging to the United States, it provides that ........ ,

. ... tlie deliberations of the recent convention ol“nothing in this Constitution shall be so con- . .

strued as to prejudice any claims of the United

Mates or any psrtireiar Stall.’’ Tlie care here I

taken to protect existing right* and claims of tl*.

States is incompatible with the pretension re-

possession of Cuba.

Toe Jreident on thr Great Western Railnay.

/ .i* istjntpn oi in* ii-gro in Africa, which na* ire**n #> »«*nc an exciting day -u Third *tr-**t durug th* whoU day. A I

wauted \4* think na h-k uf t Ire j r» sent day w uld here- 1

||a*an Jt Ura. * B kstnro wo* den* ly crowded with lad ia* andriiived vlt* so keen an interest. .Wnrrts a H tnu « //umf genii- urea. uuJ tins B*>»ks tli*t »er» purchased and •*! rted |

J »wav wa will not try ta enumerate. We are truly proud t*»

I «nrl kST, tKea k.-'t*r4»«« ;/ th* priattool| ,„r. rut *w fri.uj. ,.S|.,tn>s< that o« hav, » -».w m r. iafi

.t< t--r had c-mbined the *le*cri|*tiv« talent • f D-lue with Ik* ii,e *ame*urt," and will b* happy to >k them again to-day

MStuteac** of louche an«l the dexterity uf Gil Bias. —A. T. nlljfth***

"The author is a literary gentleman of Baltim' re, ao aboli- jrFYariNE OLI) BRANDIES- /t* ’ xTV

ti nist. and we believe the work tu he a truthful account ol DeJ-Ji] « ix cask* liuot 4 Co. pale Oynsc; Lm-.-i ’

tire life »f a man wh- a* mat h wore than fails U the lot <*f 3 ^ d j (Tard do do-tn t tueu."— C’oM#r«uri«ra>i/</i. *'

| da G dard d*« do;F»r sale by C, HAGAN 4 TO., 2 do J . Ilvntiessy dark de;»«Id )*»> 507 Main *t. 2 «g do Lager Frorea d<* d >;

_ . _ ___ _ „ M IIt* d • Barton 4 Guester pale Cognac.

JAlslajS I. LEMON, Tha atrtive Urau liea am of tha verv best (uality, nud can

535 Main street, opposite Bank of Kentucky. “ r* ! J ^,k -

",*• « r f.r! .ui-i-.*,* I r.»:«J


», the Ulu* ll,.o»». luurth «tr,ct, LyStye nt the G^ilen Hast. „U J. P. TtlOMfsON.

A? I will at all time* krop unhand n choice #t*»ck of.

— —YVAIVHE? and JEWELRY. I have i.u« , n hand YIADEIR4. TORT. AN1> SHERRY WINES—

3 A lar?r lot uf Gold and Silver Watche* f vari-u*,

.»! 2 pif e* uld ?outh Mde Madeira;styles and maker*.


2d* old East Indin d<*;

, ly s/ Ju t-ettif "I'li • merntny. Ir et- /

I HAD ANI- SHOT—1 j kec I'ateiit ' v


list 1


^* Lead; received p r Fairy Qnct

\ I F > LI N DE LA!NF-.»! | ease ?ctuper Mew. s- !ld • ••lar* (N -*..'-i

I d* do d>, do de vN*». l-j;

Received thi* day and f>*r s-le Lyn7 JAM F.S LOW 4 •*<>..


.'0 ' bis Tlantation Molisse*:25 11 1* Mifiar-lltaM Ja f*r ? Ie l w b-

•7 D. L. AfJ

/ v Ki »« LRI E?—I

VT 75 ht.rt* N. O. ^ngar;75 hag* Kts « offer;

They ha» * an hi

Ay* English GuairiH#

• ftdi<2ni4w«

n band .-ewe Sne W1 Gun*et all kinds,ing dene in the l*r»t

STORAGE—For tqu»! u> 3,— Mhefi r* rk hy• •ta-JsSiM* ris.nuivtt-.

nu v.iia >it«<.c.wuiiii,jM. ii i-,«• rt. i

tn.- .aSarha .1 S, , («k I ity. ands.adinr a wofniAeant v ow of ilud*.iRiTer and Lon* ls snd S*oad. at

Ti perpetual loans f cash, w th at m'*r«*t. t

wear ity. uf $2V «ae


7 * kc.'s »»-• rtrd Nai12 bugs Teftrer25 boxes M ddrandh25 tbl» White Su^ar

J 3 h*.> 4"U MaI


7 de otm

ir ; in store and fur sale LyD. L. ADAMS k 1*4).,

Third St., b tw. en Ma nsndWute


. m . #

r, , . » Two ittvcAticEting june« into Ud* causes of Uie

cenUv «t up by ttie free States to exclude tbe; . . .. „ ,

A : -a . .. Ixte melancholy caUstroidie on Uie Canada rail-*.- •*« WtwtM frArn nsrl irina’n.: it tlis* t^mTnr\- -slave Bute* from participation in the territory

that has been acquired since the formation of

l Jl« COBSJ .'.. | lU I, .

Assuming then the right of the slave States to

s just proportioB of all the territory belonging

to the Union as inherent and indefeasible, tbe

to their families.


A letter from Muscatine, Iowa,

where Arrion was arrested, to the Clevelandway have returned lerdict- of manslaughter w ti* r« Arrisou was arrested, to the Cleveland

against Twitcbell, the conductor of the gravel Herald, says:

train, who ha» fled. Also of manslaughter in Arrison had some few books, in which th.-

,, .v ... I. .. name of G. W. Willis is written, and uiion thetlie second degree agau.s' KittleweU. the engine , , .. ’

, , •,p ^ same leaf another name a;*pears lo have been

driver. The second jury also censured th*- erased, which, if carefully examined, is found

New Y'oek. August *). 1552.

e every en-. whether adult ur child, a he msy have

liev.- they arw troubled with wt-rm**. will take Da.

I’KUTTIUD fKKiirrtiK. 1 firmly believe it ia


• *• ••*!». Seal*, and Km *f everv de«*nj ti'»ti.

Jewelry of the latest and m »*t beautiful $t^ 1«* # consistingf Gold, fame*, Mu*a;., Jet, aud Hair Tin*, Exr-Uiug*.Braavlet*. 4c.Mlvrr Ware—Rpeen*, Cap*. Gublct* A*.Tl*t«d Ware—Tea Set*, Castors, Waiter*, Baskets, Spoons

Fork*. Cups, 4c.1 ant constantly receiving nt.w gewds, which k «e|*s my stock

always very complete.$^-?i!ver Ware made to ord- r.

&m~ H air Jt welry made te order.Tt-rsou* wiahiug anything in my line are invited to cell,i

’ JAMES I. I EMON 535 M* !D et.

2 d" haudcuian e T**rt;

2 do Loud- n Dock do;2 d*> Gord *n‘a Sherry, pale an i brown:

Just received and fer »*lcsale iu uuautitiee to »uit i archv*»r$ tyJ. T T HOM 1*S4>N


Fourth st., between Maiu aud Market.

Blancliard.’sLarge lioihing anti Furnishing Store. ••*

I KEsCECTt l l.l.T iafsrn lh< i.ll*!,-- I aw s..T wlln,. ^1 at i n r tmiitk cost, but aellmg as low a* tlioee who



are selling at cost. «*I am in receipt weekly of additi ns t** my st.rek Y’ u will

plea*c give uie a call and •ot»*fy y eurrelve* that »» word l-] cfj

At Cost.

,. ... . . Great Western Raiiwav Company for not hat-

ito read Allison.


» wtchum.. i. uJr employment .UUoned | .

»«e stated to Mr. Dougherty a few days sinceit ic attacked by tbe people of tbe free States

“ •a VttsAK—

at f tire grt-accet w.rm destroyer* of the agv— certainly the O 150 f Ld* N. O. prime Migar:

.st i xtraurdiaary 1 know of. .p btu Uru^h-d de. for i

. . . . at Use rrav el cidiiiff, iiisteaii of oue employed b\on tbe ero'iiid that all arraureientc have been ** ® 1 3

. . so . . , - •» # s tbe rravel contractor.disturbed and compromise* destroyed by U


presage of the K* hraska bill and Uie repeal ofThe Mountain Messenger, Cali-

tbe Missouri compromise and they (the peo-forni*’

,*t *1^"^ tree, some two fee:

pie of the free Mates), being thusstwolv.d,n diameter, was found in a mining claim nea.

from ril obligations imp*«d by previon.«bsonvUle. scree forty feet below the surface.

compromise-, have now determined to tale^ bark ' ot WOod ' a,*d k"oti ari '

to their own use and benefit all tbeclearly distinguishable in this log of stone.

, ,. . , , ', , . that he had bec-n attending medical lectures in I

atlhegraiel siding, instead of one employed byCincinnati, *nd had paid the fee, hy services in

the grave! contractor. gome hospital.

P> trifaction.—-llw Mountain Messenger, Cali- Hi? parents reside a few mile* from Keokuk.

formal says that a petrified tree, some two feelwhere a Wdich has betu kePt for him for

. , r i - .months.

in diameter, wa, found in a mining claim near

Gih«onville. some forty feet below the surface.[Sor tw i>.hutii.« Joata^l j

~ , ... - , - Noticing the controversy that has been goingThe hark, gram of the wood, and knot* ar,-relation t* article, manufactured in Cite

territory now owned or hereafter to be T!>r

.~ .r large that l*ouiss’Uie has manufactured and ra.

acquired by Os MM (Ma Th. , .racucrl TZX^e a week »-“f^ur, some things chea, both « LVfi -wi -l *. 'J

enforcement of th., proposition w .... -: i..-- on TWsdai in a verdict ol' ocinMti. Soma two years ago R was ' >»«« " • L

: . .

tual repeal o( the Constitution, and would lead ffu illjr by reason of iu?aiuty. Chie f Justice Waite det*-j mined by a company of gentlemen to built: Tn iei4 . u?r«ariaiRUaui*ti*«.wL..wa*f«ati..uaiiv*onipi*in. . .

. , . .. ... r,f ll.m Ci.vir^mssCskiirt nrm. i .. w II ua« a FoUUderV aud IQ4C lillie-aihop IU LouifiVlll** fui lugofauioevy 10 his tack, litah-. mud j-iul* His sjc* ka«!lo a fipeedy dissolution Of the liuon. We be- tlj 4P r# mr ***" p‘ l '"?* It »R> pro%e,l *

innnufarturi.i'v the rollinr kitouL^ •• nM n»aturj.nrok#woiUn.4hr.^ao?*. .uv

A «#.».• • * •>*I


p*—R*A people of tbe free feiate* a. j.rf .

•rtiimi But a new geowotioE Mt riwingfor- »e.-.. a: .. *%•T* I H^i T —A.- retft.Wi.tsm-1 thre I ( * VS- • •* »*..*r «*:

Wd^Ci. tiller. %i ith the fal*e ; i. . n *«< » ? * *, v tl»*

• ml* BBH HEBBHEMO tl.* ' »*H OTH,

«. o». v.* n isi.l ar^and the i *

;.'.* V. .

• w V ,s ....• L H.'U ih JeU'HaY ill** to p’lt Up a pan- Of Fur »ol* ky Sutcliffe 4 Hoghe*. Lo«i*vill«, and ky dealer* il

a liOOls. allere A.fO itlOIil «Ut retiais lit mint. ...t .*

.* , f.,r n,r Inronudim u-orLc .vricre <ai«i ire cVun W Irero ta-*V 1 l4bd4w lmi*

I I' A fluid of BUbc. about fat* 1 e*r« old. K* >- *L - ' w ....

that he had been attending medical lectures in . ,m. lboDt »„lbt . w. ,«u „« re.t..« t. »- \l ' "L*.s.-x^-M bbt.‘ c, ',,*aU’ a"d bad Pajd >'•" 1 "" by “rTie“ »• lire. .1 ..UI n mi smss t.r HOW. V.ns.fu*, ot

1 — T-. IN 1 '"v i

' "

-ome hospital.»i*i«h ». „« Sa. . ,ull tity . Th. cult. h«..,.r TE.u^ ,“^',C



*SiFrNr*if.v a ro

. -:,!* a Cm mOm tram Md, m tw shus mmt rew <i.r« b U ,ar»s -=-51!l l ' IN ' *

where a watch has been kept for him for many u H , VVT ffMiiiauco—2j01»**» Kentucky i*Miufactur*d for mu bv

months. Wl.ure.,turs Lt UlL. ± 'h THO. V. B«XNT.i..N.aC...

[Fur tW L*«uvii:« J..uru»l J

** * *U'« r.m.Jj, .l.v Dr. XcLre,'. «U-

Xoticing the controversy that lias been going ^ “ *“ Jr“‘ .«• R '

1" '"““fto. v. Bltas T . son. t ro•? » "*Mwn t» *» man..factu,e.i in Oil- u „ r.ful um§m Moksmn. “ H-f.rrel.reeimiatl and Louisville, we thought We wouhl tul />r L.tn9


t Vormi/uy. All oihxr*. in camporison, *rx 1 1 "14 mo Y IHlFNT. SON. 4 ro.liiiow in out "unt." to show th- .-..n.mi.nity a" .. rtt.Wa. ... U ssa.l iru vi.ia . w, .... b.

\f\ TUESF.NT ST4M k OF GLOTII ING AND FURNISH-.M I Ng GOODS will he ofi«rv«J at the above rate until F« hru-ary 2 ». Thi* >$ a rare ohance for all who may want t • lay inth -ir winter wear, an i that *>f the beat quality. Call *»c-u for

ch**.ce at 52». a*>uthwe*t corner Main and Third Itmta.

CLOTHING.Ov.--r-Coat*. Sack*, and Dre-$ and FrockCoats, bl*k aud fancy


itlark aud fancy Bnai&c*$Coat*;Black and fancy Taut*;1:1a k and fancy Velvet


Black aud fancy Silk do.

UNDERWEAR.Silk. Shaker, Menu--. Ca*timer<-, l.umb** Wu*I, t oll- u Net,


Cant n Fianncl . aud other sty U-», iuwrte<i side*.

HALF HOSE.Silk. Shakrr. Merino, I.awb** Wool, Cathtuer*, tad troan

C*ttou, *i*$$ 9 to 12 inch.FANCY' GOODS.

scarf*. Cravat*. Tie*. an*l silk and Line* Handkerchief*;Rid. B'-xv.-r, Buck and other *t> Us of Glevee.Sti$|>ender*: Umbrella* and Cane*;Trunks. Car; ct Bx**, Tcrfutucrv . Scmi-f. Oil*, ke.At 525. nil a. D. Mansfield.

JAMES LOW 4 CO.. 41* Main *t.

M N DRIES—J I . u.te -ewin? Silk:

5 ease* Ensh- • Trint* (f.

STEDMANSPrinting and Hook Paper.

I as J %MF> t ROM EF. Ar»ut. Wail *treet.

Rooert f. Mar land William HngA'ROBERT L MAITLAND A CO.,

(euerul I'onuuisftioD >lerchanfff«63 BEAVER bTUEET. N L W YORK.


Homo Again!U^E wuuid nism lurlntou.ia i . ut». -• !:,a: we hav-

retnrae* t*-or old|reu. res. NO. MAIN STREET

» * een i ifth and ?isth. w . -r*» e e ir- Siritih; ne f the Itr-ge»t and »re.t *?•• «s ef ae^.-abU DRY GOOD' ewolbr d tu

the W est. Frota the »upr. r a--c > asuedatwa* afforded fay ourte-v ?* r». we are enabled eo eakibit - ede m much greater Va-riety than keretefer*. rendering eur eMor-mea*. ev«iyt.*ing a


ug fui! v «e ermined te re 11 enly fer nt* er t# rnanrrI me. w* shall fix eur priee* a. cording! j and warrant them

l«.u aa *nv nsitl* house ia th* West.Mfl* 4I*M fiOVBy TKKV!A(I

The Married Woman'



ftoriMO* or Di*a*eK* or voti*.On* Hundredth Edition (5UU.UV0). l.-sno.. j p 250.

[Oe ring fbjw. Etrrit $1 •>.]

Every enniplaint tn which a w man i* subject, from ffirlkon I

te wemanhond. a* also a* wife onda* mother, are fully deecriK* I

! *d with the ea us.-e. the .ymp? ni*. aud also proper mode ef

* trtalmnnt in a y'ain. simple. but_ n the tn *t e’.ret* an^uage I

I ua*ily onderetood. And thn* every w *n»an ean discover,


•rnparmg her own symptom* with the** dcfonWd. the nature. I

character, and cauens ef her complaint; and W spared mnehretitiT redThe wife becemtng a mother ha* often need of testrnc-

tiou aad advicu ef th* almost iiaportenee te her future health. I

in respect t* which her seasitivcn ea t rbtds her rensultiar a I

m«.d* cal *»atl* maa. will find such in^truetioe* and advice. I

and also r «pla:a many syniptenia w hieiuetherw be would eeea- I

«» de do de de M 4e i.iWOrot do do de P it &•«**

da de do 4-> S de H*.*n»

Ref recce tn regard te th- Reel K»tM*. F. J. Titevist. Real Estate Ur-kirs. V» Y'erk. <»rder» patynit «.t|

it wry rectueed. *» he oddrereed. J. W »l« *1. BKi m • K E,See'y. >*3 Br ouwev. N f.

Mar?he Engravings in the caLakogue are new re>4« f« r IreIwry. sjp smote

Notice to Travelers and ShippersI\'T urn VIST.

5 f»<«» Encli- . Frmts (f-uc*c»).5 piece* 'Ik Test in;: liew msar arosufferinr fr m ebetruetiee* cr irrogtilaritre*

1 * re* all w ol printed De Inline,% u. tar t* the female *y»tcm.}.* health, the

f whi« ey are ignarent, and •1 cad* De Beg.*; . . .... ... — .

I Ule N grw Blanket*; *T ferbi i* reeking mcdieal advice* How many .offer rr ahri ifailieg ef the vomh), er frs« jlser *Bv«

*7 JAMES LOW 4 PS.. 41 S Main**. ^w«akn*-v, debility. 4* Hew many are ie constant ag* ay

niv state 1*0X0 shawls— l ui. tht. 4. • • treS* remremH »rej re*.

aud f r »aU by nthcult. if net tian.orous deliver •* and alew and un •. rt& a

n7 JAYIES LOW 4 CO.. 418 Main $1. raeoveries? Seme whose live* are haaarded dnr ing such t n.s

EtxAXKu»ur»uu>iE* CAZ] u I..N-r d n and New Y«.rk Fo>:.* n» f-*r N .Vvinbcr rer«:\ed and ‘‘e^. *nd re.**f.

for -ah* by Hew many bitter moment*, how mach wra th, might haveu7 j46 T H %G A N t < O. .

*»"7 Mainst. iieen spared te t!.e suTerer. to her be-' $nd, te her relatives, by

L^R INK l-r.-LI£ HA/tl 1 K *>1 It -l!t*.N r.o*iv.-t sui >"» •»*»**' °*k '* U7'^“ ^r * r sal* 6y IL.'oWN k • Kl MT. »d ef. — they are ef a nature strictly intended fer Uie mare-. 1

n7 Uj F< nrth *4re* t. n*ar Market. er 'been eentesnplntiag marriage.

New Brussels, 3-ply, and Ingrain Carpet

. t 11 ran,Us .1 lOUr|„ Uw ere. ot,| ih,.fre» (r,4* relre U Sa. Vert. rt.,:«l,Ubra.

I1F.NT. 1HULI.. *CM„redolh.r tltiri, red loU l y all lb, pr.natp*: W-k-reller, a

Xo. 5U* Main street, opposite Bank of i „-,.4 -uu. lt ant ,uUi»ud >a im;, ,um

U'l received :1ns morninr e large and superb assortment **f I time

|>AY STA n: !.«>>

I > aud f r sale by

Urm>KY—250 bbl* Bourbon Whisky fer sale bynit THO. V. BRENT. BON, 4 CO.

I’ htl.EKS-JU a sen in etorv aud f<-r sal* bv

IV nil ( A UI ER k JOUETT.

tusl repeal of Uw Coiistitutioi,. said would lead piilljr InrrUiM of lu^nuj, unu H>uJ n au>-


to • aper-dy dissolution of the Union. MV be- of tl"‘ Supreme Court presiding. It was proved a fo

i.resrre i re a. Uie prieoeer fr. quently admitted that sfi»-Irev* that the present people of the free Mates

ua<| cbok^ |b„ d^cea^d till siie died, for which |


are not yet disposed to press their measure to this she gave various i

NN •stcrii Uea«-rT« I kvMc rtctllv

J Ml. F. HOWARD 4 CO.,b«tw««n Third aud Fourth at*

ward, filled WitL tbe false philosophy of their

school?, where Abolitiouisui reigns in rampoi.t


?fi mind wa^ far from hemp regular, and in

fart that she was in?ane to *uch a decree as to


enginea for our locomotive works, and the price

agreed upon; and when the engine* for the Ohio

«dit nal notice a* abov* they bear tcoiiuiony to >u woedrrfu I J. 1 *

g..*.d cfl.ets and sav their only regret is shat all mfferit.g wit! I

' 1'•f

b-'H -*

disettoc* of the b ! *•/•! are not aware of tk*> Clietenro of suet, a Iluj

» . r. n 14

cate and notice ie iei'.l -r und tbe buttle. aTAlUL mm uI r rale by ?utclifl. 4 Hag Lee, Louieville, and by dealer* Ul \ u '4

/ i L \ >S—" T I5n b*.xi'* LM Glav*;

5U do lux 12 de; fur sal* by

nil JAMES LOW 4 CO.. 41S Main «t.

L'HENi H CASSIMEKES—IU p;r -c* 6-4 fancy Ca>*im*re1* very heavy aad guod, received thiaday and f*.r *al« i*v

ell ' J \Mi> LOW 4 I O.. 41* Mamet.

IJI.Usll Y’E.sTING—2U picie* Silk Flush Vreting r*c<.;vcd

L this day and fur sale hvnil JAMES LOW k CO.. 418 Main et.

^ ! I k V F ! . V 1 T K ! K !'.< • \ a : , N 12 r

thi* dav and lor aaU bynil JAMES LOW 4 CO., 418 Ma n at.

1141 STATI FL4NNKU I cant roeelved tM* day andI> fur sale by

17 U n a nd New York Fo*h. >u* f *#r N >v iuU-r received andfur saK* byn7j4b C HAGAN .t CO.. 5n7Main*t.

For November.I^RANK LE-LIE'S GA/.EI l K «>1 FASHIONS received andr f -r sale by BROWN 4 CKTMT,n7 hij Fonrth *irc-«t. n.*ar Market.

New Brussels. 3-ply. atui Ingrain CarnetsReceived tl. ie in ruing at theCarpet Wn*vl»ea*« ef


thr atuVf article*, »u indi*|x*n*a1

!. On.- *.»-k i* new complete intli

Axiuiuetfr Car* vt*;

ILtyul Wilr .n Velvet Ca-pct*. E'

I u r li-h aud Am* rican Brcvr* l* 4

Du ib* d*»

lb* d>> du 2 ply

Tnc yotjfh i*-jt r» frui:. Thfir ut'll.n •. w !,t hat


*• > *»

* h- ... ot Willf .

1 Mi?bi?>ippi foati w* u-: ... '

t *i -- « fer •

been taught by tbeir pastors to execrate and de-

nounce slavery and the people who encourage

it. Thus the church, the schools, and the pres-

et that country unite with irresistible force to, % .—

—ere *« *51?—.more uateoMiv hostile to all concession aud com-

arr ** the opinion that it |re»se,-. -( >hio and Indiana, saytng—*<*o you suppose we jresUre. sed «.li *«..

promise, and. if not arrested bv withdraw- mf*-- sufficient t-. warrant the inventor tuakinv Mould have anything on our road that was man- *rer« "iui*u tbs.

from the sphere Ol its antagonism thea

,t--: 'll. * .t hat rfif'nnT Tmitnr^

jects on which it can act, it, results inav be dis-•nv<‘

1 '-°n is, that it funuslivs a raft completelv j’1 "' li '' ' actuallj paid in Cincinnati r.rret, l*r tt>, priu,r ’ - ... ,

. ',


the sum of twenty -five hundred dollars more for• • ... a . .

. MmM serviceable their engines than was paid in Louisville; and J. S. CH:A foreign element, at the astashdiing rate of

ln a v,krl hme. It would h.- almost impos- tl,. » m, • gentlemen say that tile Louisville <*i,- EBITTIXG AND

ur hundred thomand paoate annually, i - alaa *,

worth from SaOO te $1^100 more than qxixorcnrereistei. . - . . . ....

' ......1 • . . . ..

ire incorporate*: ,n:..-.h. at.-^g. c .-I* n,-,.-- "

.. , ; w. \. would I

• ' '•

at now involve thi> d*licat« subject.• -— o'e.-t. were provided with cabin he case generally ,! people who are udges Cfitete!!itf. X^»

effbv itf fiktififfictorv* Btij uti'aiDPQt more difficultro°^ 1 ,!?> *°r ‘* lfl proportion t'»Uio?e* wo ild exanun.- th* mxirnfactureB of both cities, r

murder. A*. Haven Cour. IUie KnitD-ineii UUt liati contracted in JUmi&ville,

c - 4 .*.

, .. . . .. fiiidiii^ the price Bbked in Cincidiiati for a du-S,llC* U* loss of XUe Artic ; a young

jf)|lciite of ei,g,i^ was so much more tliRi.

geti* iemaB of PuilAdelphim, I)r. C. M. Cresscm, the Louisville price, suggested that the en-list* invented a de ign for a ?afety roof, which I 5*ne* for that road »hould also be made in Lou-

thegenUciaeii that had contracted in LouibVilte. B A l e.. Laving TB»|.l*yed an ageuiatthe fi»hgri*« Ueaperiu- “l*

thiug, aud l- r .a> v r> lew xtBLA N t HARD’S t LOTH ING DEPOT.

4*7 Maiu st

finding the price a>k*-d in Cincinnati for a du- «*»e u» »»n.fs,t«r. .1 thsir ou, tre r.sii. o,»t it i,

piicsteof ».iid engines wa- ,o much more than 1 r, 'i'* * i '*‘ tkm r'—’s* 1 “sr* *r,m s- 1** t-»< *re.k olhealthy liver*.

Ail Oil *^ld v ith their aignatur* w ill be feund te be ef uau-- ual fib* quality, aud e .a be rotaiaed iu tl.* »u*t delieaU-

It it axteofieelr empleyed U-th ia private aud heipital

practice, aad well deaervea the aMeatioa ef iaval d* a* a rem-edy mere valuable than aay yd dise..vcr*d f»r eeaaumptieu arpulmouiry offeetiea*. JoUN r. BAKER 4 go.,

N* lew North '«c -hi at., Philadelphia.I er tale ky the priocipal drug^itu ect 17 dJtafixa

fl ?T RE«'E1Y'ED— A larg • lut of tT>thiug euitabaf t-.rk-packer*. A whale *uit for three d Mar*» I


BLANt I II A H D, 4f<7 Mam

Boys Clothing! Boys’ Clothing!


AM iu receipt uf uu .th » large lutof Ihyt* < I thing. <

prising cv. ry etyle ai.d ,unlity ( mil soon V have a

GEO. lil.ANt HARD 4y7Maiu e t

/ 8UEESK—10U bos** prime We*t«ru R*avrvoGheuo« receivedIvV per steaiubwat Eclipse and f«*r >ale hr

j no. f. Howard a go.,aid Main, betwe< u Third and Fourth st*.

Louisville Family Flour Store.I\MK' JOIINSTOMK, Fwurth, l-ft»c*n Muom.J 1I.hl,:

• I -

n V DK M vs.. on hand aud fur sal* byulu JAMES JOHNSTONE.

four hundred thousand people annually, is altos lji ' 10 ' 11 Ul“,r!,s w lUl a,: r xlraordmary loa.!,

being incorporated into the antagonistic element-**“' wo ' iid "o! be likely to get on it. provid-

that now involve thi- delicate subject, renderingj

*"*•’ ocear‘ sleim. : - were provided with cabin

thereby its satisfactory adjustment more difficultro°^ ot BOrL’ *° !,e -JUie proportion lotlio-e

the longer it is delayed. Ii0* us*‘d 011 *^rln -

We think it will generally be conceded that Alexander Buchanan. su-pr-cted of s*Uing on

the line established by the Missouri coinpro- fife the Indiana Umver-ily building, ha- been ar-

mise as the divieiot. between free and slave ter- ,

r<?sl',d and taken to Bloomington,

ritory was a fair aud equitable adjustment of1 " f r, ‘ troUl the Bayou Sara Ledger of Oct.

the territorial claims of the respective people. • ^*at 1 fatal affray occurred at Barker’s


•0 more than rnnoi’cnmUre^m\trTT^wls a r.rk Lari

I I ,uJ V ,r,],.t twS 'iow 1 ( I • • Id,

I of view. And such would be «»1«I»-"*.- iu.lrad <-»»»l.*-r It, »*r.»sd ,... if ,

. :aid t- klliug oracr* ?jr Tr- due* aad lorwardm* Drr G'od*.

< w. 1,' iTi i.J

if people UliO ar»* judges Ciuateuati. M»j 3D—dialy J.S.C.CO.• the* manufactures of both cities. =—r ———

IA WON) lltl I' tii | t \w ,- call, but it will b,*ar no compari-ou in dura- ' *


bihty and worjrmsuriiip, and that i« Um reaare In v-T dit _ _they in many instances can undersell us. -I- ' Ii I* J l, A 1 1 t J \ ( ) ]

i nav4hii\iiij: ih:l\y

UI 1,1,J. -near;,riU bbl* Mn|a«»?*:2 » M l* White -u

k.-gs »»*• ri*ii >

.to bi>le* Tea*25 hags as* rfi d <

12 bag* Pepper;

»l N DRIES—s

2«’ co*ev >ardio< t. half b..veeti bale* *• ft shell Aimundt;2 l»al« * Velvet Gerks;75 ease* Glaret Buttle*;

M yu k* *- M- ha ( offre;• r sale, to cl * # i.bigun.eut. I t

1 >LANKL1 ! l!L.\ NKET.< !—A* t‘ winter m f**tappn ueb-

1) .n.*. wl.- u t Hire t. -ir- will b« in demand, w-« uld •. all the attenti u -f buyers t* onr lar^e, . .nipri-

*ir:x n'-l »iita fr tu ti e ( rib tu the ! trge«: »isrd Bed Blanket-.

x!-u a largo #t uk uf mbit* -ud colnrtd N* ?r<.« H'mU *

i,i, jAb BENT, DUVALL, 4 GO.Corn. ri|M* ’ uutT, uivall. a ro.ttrE will hav* S,SOOba*b«l» old f'oru iu thneor by the 15th, I —-—


V *"*< «ijl u irerai'in* aii..r i.u caanastiv «,ii Great Bargains in Silks Cloaks. Meri-tak? seme f tU ludiaua Bauks at par and ether* at 5 pet J

r«,ke*s;*ioe;« nvent di*e >u at .

uoes, Embroideries, dec.nlu RUSSELL k DTNCAN, 55t* Main »t. ITTEarouuw firring our entire *to**k i»4h* ah‘»ve-»n<f«iti.n*i !

Yt - . n*

Wigs, Braids, and Curls.I WnTT.D rc*; *- tfully luf-'riu me rust, met • and M»e • u’ ;. •

' ’ " ‘ " • a

1 • • 8 ;

i i : ?! **


FITE IICNDRED Tllul'sAND COPIEShave been • Id of which there were upward* uf

ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL,attest. u* G.e high e*UniaL-.u in wh;*h it t* held a* a reiiall

po| ular

B*M»K Ft>R EVERT FEMALE-the anther bav ng dev ted hi* eacluaive aifc nt a t.» th* treat

n . t ef «utn[i. aim* pecnl ;ir tu f, : a rsij-cct to w hich hi

i* vearly consult* d ky thwuaand*.

y. :M/ Cmmprn •>*<•'’ te aeut (ma:Ud freu) t*. any part tH<

I l :i ted 'ta'a* tlte on*4*S aud Br t shTr> vtn «*. All letter


tiiiut be jK-wt-paid. aud aJdreeaed t.» Dr. A. M. MaCRK EAI*


Ilex 1,234 New Y'erk G<ty. Tulltahiug Office, Sv. 129 Likertj

•treet. Now York.

Fur -ale by 4. ILpn 1 Rr*.. Lau *vl!!e: B!aokwell 4 Ce.

Fraukfert K. Cfi*e,C*vingb>i, Y» m Uoffmau. Mt. Marling.

Elliugweed 4 G«re •helhjville. U. 11. Gex. M-iu*field.

*2U -iidutwlni*

< ; l INTLEM BN’S<tuf fitting l)«(nblisliini'ii(,


8TUOI LE fit MWDniLLE.Ll W* are new rteewiviu* e*r fall and win*-r ewfpli t

VJE ef < LOrillNt; aud PI KN1>I1.N«. i.iMLt? Whu

vrrica «r inn niu.aio.'i ra*> • a>u I.vw*u aRaiuos*. Mauion, O., Jan. 1UU, L-54. /

M ERCHANTS huv;rt.' i- ffsea igul from New Y • rk ea*,Thilad'-lphia, can *Stp -ht-ai fr> n i Ueelaod ariroetitee

*• • the B* llefontaina aad ludiaaa rta:.r ad. aaebeirwaUd by theuibte river, t« J- ffer*-avil|e, at reaa-oable rate*.TA ^S- t. ER> iHoaJ e me thi* r ate to av*-id river *. vviga-

ti«a ia " t«r. beaidc* *av>ng time aad pr aiwtiag remfurt.J. NOTTINGHAM, *«e v

jaall difttf B*-U f*-ntaine *a*t Indiana Rat. road


Tilt Liurpoolaad L a a.i e


l ire and Ufc insnraace t oapa*;No. M Wall imif, Niv You.


£2.000 . 000—$10 .000 .000;

Paid up Capital aad ferplee. eeerfy iltMW imm.DEPOSITED AND <1* UKED IN NEW YORK, VoM*

A* a*; fund te pay ,**e*»

Ditirntj ne Nrw Tom:AJILA J*m • Bp

_52'. t& ireuw t»q.. 'CwS-mc. wn »U». Km|.. / • ,sr..iires. j,AWm. Hre.'Si.J*., U rum, r I ,*,B*re Ere,

tl » ',h ro.;. r. Im.

RreiJret -M-un-Alipl PSII, Etq.*#TV- Skreshukt^n is ttmore^re, %s ntpmei .it tot SC

it* «nM •- n«nt*.Imuran*--. xga>n*l 1 >*• a« damage by T.r* eu b«ildrax* aad

their oatent*.Lift Insurance - Beet.-d on meet fav-rnbl* V.-mu.Lome* adjusted aad promptly eettUd by

WM. ?1MTGM, Arou*.Ne. 480 Muu rrwt, Le*i*wtU«. X

Beat A-r •» sbe Vre.hara Baak.T>v. T B»m. Medical E» -.mia«.T- aur2B4tetf

l.ouiss ille lasuraace (oiupanjr.I OBeeoa the uerth *>de f Mara afreet, batvrroa Tbsid aud

r -nrth. over tlw *rore at D. S. Beacdiet.

pa d, d. W»l make i a«urareee" uo Hull* -»f 'leioi . ate, >a * at- ^^^re-*W V re-re Sr u restDPk--*Vsad bj the a.UAl m-d. * uf lalaad nwiua. and >*• «uBu idinre. 4c.. agaiaat lue* r daaa;- bv fir*.

Wa. Tuantfiu. See’y. D. S. BF.N EDICT. Pro* -.

MBKTeifiD. 9. Benedict, bu. J. AdauhThe. E. Wiloea, A. A. Gurieu.Wm. T. Bartley. y!7d*e

Negroes Wanted.fiw The OB' . n«-l. <lc.t,.-r a -lavra, ie * ilhug U> U9f p*v afaircaeh prire f«r - *>ud healthy Scxreae:T aad he al* ke p* *• a taaGy a -»ad N rrortf r^V

.. . A a V . -f .,1^ ..rm.oh-jBl

• m ar bi fialy M GARRISON.

Copartnership.B "tori. — D»*,l I . liuM.UuHlH,ly

STOt T L AD* W?,( omiui>sion and Forwarding Mfrcbaate,

• » Third Vlreef. L sm'avllle. M .


e marlAdlyia

DOVAI.D ( AVPBiiLLf Will eoateuue tbe

Commission, Rtfccivin^, and Forwarding• Mrs


\ess i:


n.Tcixxjn,Under the firm aud etyle ef

CAMPBELL, RUA5ELL, 4 CO..Aa h«rowro«w.

hi K 1.1 diet#

"T P»S-24 bale* Alabama


I fiav»* aiiotlier case in view that i« worth rela-ting. Last spriQK, two gentlemen cum,- upfrom the South to purchase au eugine.ijiicc** for a saw-mill, and were bound for

and this- line ought lo be promptly and uualtera- brtUtmetit; in that parish, re day or two ago, be- Cincinnati to procure them, but, being di--

bly established u the division between free m*) I

*meaa Mr. Wm. R .:liff and a Mr. WiUon, iu,*““‘d t°r a few hours in Louisville,

•lave territory i which the latter wa, killed.conceded they would look among the founderiesand inquire the price of tlie size of eiigmes they

But this cennot be done byanact of Congress, Theepentng *>f the Illinois Central railroad lo wanted, and one of them (an experienced engi-hecatjse Cougress has no power to legislate on Galena wa- celebrated on Wednesday last with “err) was offered Ins engine for $2,3U0. but be-

tbe subject. To establish this division on a tie. - a good deal of ceremony. Tlie mayor, council.II1 "' *tdd ^ ! ' friend that lie could get it cheap-the subject. To establish this division on a pet - a good deal of ceremony. The mayor, council. '

lri*- -

k 1


V'end that lie could get it clieap-

anent basis, and placealavery out of the rang, *‘-1 » large number of the citizens of Chicago I "J ^bUine^riom Inm ulat^of attack, the constitution must be so amended presenL Tlii- gigantic road, from Cairo

as to declare, that all territory now owned or 10 Chicago- will be completed as soon as the

hereafter acquired by tlie United States south of Mississippi river will allow of the transporta-

X deg. X min. shot! be slave territory, and alll*®11 °f iron.

territory north of that latitude shall be free.Gh" American gold seekers, who went out

This would practically restore the Missouri f roni Fara. Brazil, to seek for gold, have returii-

rompromise. placing it on a substantial hasi-eJ


sw * ariug vengeance against those y,ho de-

a proniise was first obtained from him that bewould give the preference to Louisville if he

IDA MAYToNovombcr 22.Tlii* D-tok *»» auu-u tired f. r publics lit*a <•• tbe I5*h met.;

t>ut owing to the ez'.ent of advance order* a |«*stp. ncui*-ut te

aU-luUly uecea*ari fur the |>re| tua’i .n uf a tuiud kmuokbefore t he at ual um* ..f t).e flret.

TL- public may depend up< u it* prompt t**uc ou the 4aj

t*liillips . Sampson. oS'i o.,i- n »«-du»i rrxitaiifnti

lloi'M aiMl Unit- hliucM,1 »P here as at Cincin- fr\

nati. and an agreement was entered into to that W J *“' 1, »,4« 1 - >«•-* s i««i> B„rei»./ «,.j

effect. The gentleman weut to Cincinnati and I

* *x.n.*WEi.i. iM .

spent two days in trying to get a bargain, and tlie

nt out ! lowest bid be bad was $2,hW, and lie actually

return- r"t,* r,1,‘d to Louisville and paid tlie $2,4iki for.


what was offered him at first for $2 ,30( 1 . The

Freight Votive.

comproeii!*. planne it on m ffubsttanUxi bftifie l * *Mr*»armg v -i^. ancf <ai;i»l Ihofi*? wlio de-

orf'Ted him at first for $2,3<K) The iyalti more and ouio use and andceived them into com- Therefirtit: _ other gentleman had his engine made in Cincin- *> Liu*, i*> Baitim-ro and oh. * iu>iro*d and Bait.-

and making it just tn its provisions. Hereto- ' “ ‘ eo,,, '»' * "• - Hctit.ous re,*orts.|„ati. But the best of the story b yet te he told. -«“f Crete, v,.« ... l

-kiUS«l,re.te. n., wk.iaft It 4hi uaijomtm either ef Umk RttrikHtes^ *^"^*y**^

' * i rk, bomu, Teb^cu. •

BS Wfi bfive already shown.stimulate immigration. Many Frenchmen, as a contractlBiBde to take Uftea both South on “4

^^cAiSEt 4 jolett «.i a

This amendment of the constitution should U wfl * ** Am,r 'ca,t8 ' wer ' '*n<*t>g the dupe- !

ti “‘I*

04 * a,ld f°r the same price. And '

i.»« /.fiic 'kV.

Sm-re of them liave fallenvlri... ,when the boat arrived at Louisville and wa- FoltSVT'IS * Baix Wh«li.,, Ctumi \(.iit>Wm.

aaue as toon as it can be effected, and there is°f

.“ „

f »“»•'«•«» to the fever.! .bout putting tb* Louisville engine on board. Lis'

* ' ,',“U*1‘’W» ‘'“ rr- 1 E“‘ *

peculiar fitness in the present Congress taking‘‘ *

_ .*, '.T'' ..

A Know-j

<>>e captain found it so much more heavy and! >, K r,rwre, ve. etvui r ei. i s .... Z

the initiatory steps necessary to consummate this 1.® said to be Sad Ron I," nTh *1




V'al1 lU P arts l,iat *«d if f>c bad ( I v'e's' «itu >s> m. tteS' r

. .7.. . .

' »ord»are aaul to lie Sad Mum. In Dutch, Mix ret made a bumin far thefrririu «# it Ire ia I run a wist, asesritea u tw rein-,-t.ou. o» .<u.w ..reimportant and highly dererahle adjustment of a fnsekt ta In ChoctoW, Chick

-aJena. l„ , b.


charge at least 20 cents per hundred pounds more!|^iL^uei mirareLuS tire

delicate and dangerous controversy. We are original Arabic. Phe-phi-pho-phnm. for it took so many more snen to handle it and *r «'-rert»>su J«re. 4 i-s . «- •«»!

aware of the extreme difficulty ot amendu^tbe Fire—Between 2 and 3 o'clock this morning|

,ut " 0,1 bo»rd - *'“! hi- detention was so muchj

".'ra to. JIL'

constitution Our sagacious forefatiier- eel, K ,fc* broke out *" ^ procery of Mr. J. F l0,‘Cer for that purrmse t|lan he expected. rei[*>«•<> reriiiwitesre; m«re. hr sit .rd.sre"

."** ‘°U ’’ “ *«b,b ' Baird, on'the’ corner of Bank and Spring streets, I


W- Messrs. Editors, these things are person- 'V‘Tii' “T.’ . . , , th, , ,, ...ited their foraright in fencing in the fabnc which was entirely consumed together with the (

k,*own to the writer, and if necessary be i-n« z ouu ni. .. ,*

which they had erected with so much care, and contents. Tbe frame t.uiiding adjoining, oncan

pv* names and dates for the above state-

, ‘ 1 " jtl' an miind k PATTEN. Voarthrt.

protecting <t from the assaults of enemies and Bank st-eet. was partially burnt, but tbe fund-ine, ‘ > - A FRIEND TO MECHANICS. riUtE gsiiKkc ti i. iuTioN r ai. ra.r. . f ti»

r • . J*A- Iia'FlJ _ - 1 e) tl lull luth-ll liU Uu CuUfil It 1 * CMUtl'UUha>-<l UI-'D tire

tbe mutilation of mistaken friends. *ure wa® “ved - k small frame building on To tlie Editors of the Louisville Journalretre««iis* pnaeq.ire. •.<! luu p«f«rm-a .itr^rdisarj

bprilif glrrot was elan n >*•pH Thp iiroDcrtV Ig~*

J mtnai. cut %-* fur viuleut ibttau.iuat »..u, fitfiaar* infinmataituu


But the subject matter of the proposed amend- belonged to Mr- Shelters »ho orruLeJ^the P«rmit me, through your value-r»u...«-f «i„ ..,ht th..rre. i»,t-

.^"luiij't-a to Art. orieil^rs, ruo OCCUplM me Lire f.*|\rer to call tbe att*r>L-. c.L j »«uua uu ary a*f|iaf. f»rc!*n •ui*»’aii.«# lutbecyo, etc

,it i* a

••nt ro* M exTOence wben the constUahuu;

house on B.ik -• lb i lo- is about $1 .<>; ,i,or o.e- to a nu.-anrJ ki^



th* ProP«r au- i- tp-dr «r. i-ro. 2 pri.-iu... ..<nr.ii-i— re re -rare, re. -j-—-. areidMk^ Sf7XL“ ^SL. ffiSggSB.i.ited Slates was obtained hy cession from heheved wdl roier his loss

; ^ streets. I refer, of cou uidition of New Books! New Books!

New Books by Express.'I'll F. Two Sister*. «r Friticij-U* aiul l*i actice.I .Ir-auic Morrison. <-r the Dinciuliuc of Lifo, bv tire aulli--

of th - Fatter'* Family.Mav Dtu.da*. < r l‘a<tage* in Y*anr Life.Mciu ir f the K* v. Jutiah 1‘iatt, B. D.. by hi* <om.The 1 Util of lei Ulu anJ the Vatican, «ir Thought* au

SktiV ^auriugfi. East, ru rilgnmaee tu Rome, by Newiuai

? Dot Lett, r- anJ Remain* of the late R c r. W H. llewit*»y RfV, J|... Hailiie. 2 vole I2ni' .

l-rarl and the Gentile*- Gentrlbntioit* to the IlisUrv of thJew* from the Farlleat tu 'lie I'rroent Day; by Dr. J D«G«,U

ord* tu Win SjuI* being 12 SertUun* by Emin, ut Divineaf tb. Gburcbuf Eucland.Tend, r Gra-* f -r Little Lambs, hy Rev G. W. ll. lteu,>iiuday Aft.moon* in the Nar-erv.!'• »r»oit uu I Ltidriity—rhe.ti- edition. lCluo. tkleent*.Family 1‘rayrr*. by R-v. Jno. > wet.-I atntly Fi|. ditton> uu St. John and St. Jude.J .i?t received and f*T sale by * DAYID80N,


$10,000 Indiana State Stock MoneyWanted,

I'll' IISTKAI. 11 A I It Kl -IliKATIVI il uuflit V. i

• luted te health and b«auiv. f er sa!- a h deeale and retailMRS. G. N 1GHOI.AS.

Wi' Manufadery aa l FanevSter*.nlO Ne. §5 F -urth *t . beteevn Mainano Market

tail by 1‘AKKEIt ON sYFHILHI TreAtnicn'. -f .sjj'liilitic Dina

•a*«.- f rmulj*, aad **l» observation*: hy Fan*Parker. v lrxcun t> the ••»’* Hropilal. Birmingham. I

the third and eotirelt rewrit t.,-o L -ndua e«Hti n.

OWEN ON THE SKELETON IND : l r l if - i P»|.ul F«r:na..f the Skeletm aud of th* Teeth, bv Pr f R.OF H "

, 4. e , auth-r of * *04 j urography," ‘Lecture* n«(•arative Anatemv,” Ac.Received and for sale by.6 jAb 0. tlACAX k CO.. V7 U.ln

* retd i ,rerUr

W At LACE roPG t CO.

'SSftfn P2- ^Tre bit »t, t. ..litre

. ,.


* I ***'|

I > A il 1 MORI AN l) Olllo I.INK AND ATLANTIG AND \ I ^E have un <.r«l.-r V> fill fur thi* auiounl and will huv ui-.-uoilier III had Ins engine made iu Cincin- O • *L|«. Fine, l Balnm-re and oh I Railroad hid Haiti- favorable t«nu*. RU>'kl,L 4 DFNGANMali. But the best of tie- story is yet lobe told. ^"kKt r““ ' Wtt *»!»»*•. s.» i-rk. sU Ms «... tr . t

liotii eiiginvs were finished about the same time,j



» -b Vnii-upm far l- rk. Ure.n, t>Wk, c«ti..n, I > t • l SEP m oak—

4 . aria no k I r.o,\t ’ IIHI.KSAI.I. UK VI.I.KS IS I Kl ITS. kl T-, I.IOfOKS.YY Winro. I*r«*4ireea, PieWl**,_ Suu..«*. ?ardii>e>, Oyslcre,Lohetera, luti->rtcd Cigar*, etc., No. S7 1 Maiu street, betwurnSeV- uth and Eighth.

V 1 Tva.\ 2»* l.t.l* Filbert*:

2-t bbl* Sicily Almond*;15 bl Is $..ft shell Alm*nd*;5o bbl. RuglDh Walnut*:20 bbl* Brasil- Nut*, in store aud f>r sale by

nln jAb RAYMOND 4 PATTEN. Fourths

nnHE t.KALr ENUERG EY E- LOTION — Fur dia- rder. of OreJL «> e* this luti.-u ha* uu c^ual. It i* compound' d U|^n tire

m«.*t acimtinc i-rinni-lr* and ho* performed extraordinarycure*. For violent int1au.mati..u, oidmary infiammalion


dimueas and failing of the sight, weaknea* uf the cyee. iuvol-

un ary wroi ing. foreign suha'ance* in the eye, etc., it it a

n lb j 4b F*«rth *4., gear Maiu.1

5o Fr. *h Fruilpa ron cover nis iosu.


streets | refer , of cour8^ to lh"^—

Sew Jlbany Ledger, Aor. 14., tlje ,ldrualk in front of the i

Books! Books! Books! yiu

T^A NGER iu the Dark


Our Village* Sketches »*f Rural GLaraeter and Scenery, by atM.t.all,

iMia* Mitfurd 2 vela . cloth. Price *2 >» -tcater. aa eh

A Fogg-t uf Freufih 'tick., ar Pan* iu LN51, by Sir Franci* » us

llrad. t l .th. Prioc Bl 25. 146

Gleaning* and (iroui ing* fr m a Fa*tor * Port- Folio. I.y, UT ,,

I I R1 DThe Live a f the Queen* Ul Zetland and EnglDh Priuecas- k (°r §a1# 1

e> trivnm.ted t»it|» the Regal Succession ,1 Great Britain.* vela., cloth. Price $1A Strn from the old YYerid te lire New and bask Again bv IJURE IM

Henry P. Tu|>nae 2 vei*.. eldh. *1 thievsry

Ths Personal Adventure* f “Ouroaa G-rreat- du«t ' in It-.tly, by M B llotinan. Girth Price $1. W.C.lllfB.^^peeeliee of Thomas B. Macaulay, iu 2 vole, eluth. pr ic .

t Carpetii:A Practice] Treatise en Ra.inta*. nr How to Get. Save


Fen “; <•**« l end, aud Bequeath M uev by Edwin T. Fr*.-d-‘

Uy. Price $1.Uoeieed and for aal* by BROWN 4 CRUMP, 1

iM i


nJ J * b Fourth »t, near Market.

^ ^IMuiio-Forles Again.

I rv ah and lar^e *rri\*l* r Piano-Forte-* U|


r ’

, within the paat few days enable u* to c a- !

K1 IV H f| f|

tmue to exhibit ths largest atov k of pi»nJ • l J»»ur stuck new includes every variety of style and size from


* n, l* r *

•» tu , tjc'av-a, fr-m } l*iu a ,tur« ti$- tu thama.' »ui.vrl>Ucarved, with

|earl keys, ef Lum AIV etyle. Ts adapt our-

aelvcs to tire time* entirely, we have le'crmiaed to again r6 .i i

duce our |>rb'< *. aad offer extraordinary indue- m»n's Xn tlm-c.

* «*o may wish t*|nrchaae tin* fall either f r ctah - r abort pa- *VfT

per. Uurit.n k t-inhra e* the iDrtrtUvbto ef u largv numb.-r ef 1 1

’ •• •»''»» e.lebrated and favorably known manufact ur. ra in Satin dtire Last, t..,’ Wther with tb.j** manufactured by Patera, t ragiz Late at* 1 "

• LeeiavilU. Those whs wish to el loia aanperlor ptsnu- Table I

f ort* at prie** never before knew* in thi* market. *j,d euiot 5-4, 4-4the privilege ..fseiuctiug from th* large#! .tw*k, or* roane. t- B-4.8-I,fully invited t« give u. an earl v call ^ Meauib

FALLDS. STONE. A MOR-*K, 5A9 Muiu *1 FtofiTOAt the old *tand of Peters. Webb iu

GLOTII GLDAXS AND TA I MASBlack Glut !i Gioaka and falmaa. latest »tv lea.

SHIRT'*.Linen a.«d !•«•« besom ' .. ta w ith and without celltr*.

UN DE K- 'H I RTS AND DRAWER.^.Silk ^hfrt* and Menn-.. • uhurr*. Shakir M anal. *h*I»r

Net, Getten Net, and Canton FUanel Un J-r-?4irt* and Drau-

GRAV YT- AND TlfS.Bla.-k and faacy Silk Cravat*. Ties, 'ear fa. aad Mock*,

latest stylus.

TARIETIE5.tad l.m'n Pweket Ilxndk

* S.l \TKY .reuatry Ham*, v.

\\ AD IK \ AND t H tMPAGNI v, . \ • ,

.Y* 3*» half an-1 jr -a»k» Radoira Wiu

- taxes Ron 1 'ug .r-,

do G«up w.ier row.TIIO. I B3KNT. SON. 4 t O.


JAMKA LOW 4 GO., 414 Y!a


4.n-at Itciluclioii in ( arpvts

n y , ur r« cs : arrival uf t irfv l v« or* i. w * nablcd to -ff> r

f# si - pit bit* t lie iar.-»t stoek aal a**-’ rofiiph tu *n t»na

** T HO Y BRENT. «OM. 4 GO.

/ '*1 A M|* \G.\| -25 break- ta boot brands in «’wre*nd tot ami^ ^ GAETANO 4 UKSO.* Main *i.. butroeeu Awv-uth aad tiqlitb.

•ave fu^isod a Ivt' I*: « »

a* reu { cl» and English A|-cut. less than -ur usual prte<

\t e e* mireily ia« k* a 1

b-rts-e* at the eheap-vif *: i of and••Gao. u wiu.

rre,e* p »«p le t* eall and * tani* ne ..r »:• k of Garpet. an

Carpeting, Floor Oil-Clotlis, aud Curtain -.

Goods. for . Mb. I'WKXEE. Ill ATM, 4 Gt*..1 -


New Books! New Books!tbe States to wbidi it bad formerly belonxred. u - r ,

r<r y ******, Aor. 14. tbe sidewalk in front of tlie Masonic buildin<r A T RINGgoLD S, ti6 Fturth *troet

*iid ir Uit died of crssion tha .ub^ct of .la- mEZafT?tJTl °r^«' Uie puddle which usually surround, the pum”! ± k

,,. , ..

reortOM. or a crop NuirUmo occasion, the aiid the neglect to piace >tcppmg-,tou^- or flai. TK. V«« lSSrei. or Pn.. i f l» aad Pnverv settled—i being all north of Sfideg most singular and anomalous commercial opera- across Fourth street on that side of Jefferson pJJT

N "rT” .‘r,™,*1 ’

cession ^b^Suant*t>' °t Bordeaux win. imjairtcd The ladies of that vicinity, and all who are com- uiR'

Stoim 1^*


* a,l,,ually l!> extremely large, pelled to pa.-.- till- “Slough of De-pond." h u w.w r :--iu. • -r.o" lun

' but WIIO Could li4Ve lm'kffiittMi that the . t t ,r

, .1 Tb* Inebrntcd Hot, or the Fir*t I rt

rurida I w scar Ite r I 7^T. ^1 u,e artlc,e Wh long xuDoyed by it, and think it time this by Mrs. ?. A. S..uthwJrk

eery teas settled—it being all north of 36 deg most singular and anomalous commercial opera-SO sain., and teas made by the terms of cession tions. The quantity of Bordeaux wine imported

free territory. 8ince then vast ration*'"h’ extremely Urge.

' , . , . . but who could have imagined that the articleof coontry . embracing Louisiana, Florida would ever be exported hack to France. SuchTexas, California, and New Mexico, have however is actually the case. Eight or ten days

been acquired either by purchase or con- JK°. slr c#»hs of excellent claret, purchased

- i. • »re- .l_a.Il...t.._ „» .re-from one of our best houses at the rale of $1<S1

4,ue«t. It U the equitable distribution of this carir.were shipped on board a H.vre packet,territory that has crested tbe present dhficulUe- aud consigned to Paris.— A’. O. Bee.

\ Webster bi* Masterpiece*, by the Rev. R F. Tefft, 471ith<.r*«>f Hungary aad Xoireuth. » v

| j

Th* Two Sister#, ur Principle aad Practise.'


Ida N rnih. or Trial* and tbeir Use*, by Mr*. Lincoln rioll ahiri^iiai ADO Aiionulous comincrcul opera- trross Fourth .«treet on that side of Jefferunn

N "r*“ tU



uant**y °t Bordeaux wine im|«,rted The ladies of that vicinity, and all who are com- >*'«* Nei'v.rk,

7n-?!f!y *3* Pel,ed .

t0 P«s tWs:

''Slough of Despond,-' have "fihSSfcSri Ho. re ta. rim

Uu' Lir« id New Y*rk, Ly J Msfcls. I aq .sf


etUr.bdd, «#nn.1 h* luefcn »ud Hat, or the First Fruit* *f tbs Maine Law,r Mrv ?. A . S«.uthw->rkRoll., ta Sw ltxerland, by Abb*tt.Kan -a* and Nebraska, Lv Hale.The Tenae*sttan Abroadlllustratiob* uf Geaiua, by Giles.

Bertha and Lily, ty Mrs. Oakes Smith.Literary Re.rextiou*. by Whittier.

471 Main street. 471

HM.LGANT EMBROIDERED and LAG E GOODS—We ar*I ID ire in ruing opening an elegant a-- -rtui' iit -.f Enibrold*-

rie* and Lace G.,*d*. w laii'h we are Selling at gf$*tlj ndlOedprices. The lad i«* are r**p« v tfully invited tu rail and exaiu-i ul them—

EDgant Uni tun Cullarotto*. Gullart, and S!*«v«*Euds;

ht|.OFR_40 bbl* *haic« t

•eived aud fur «al* bynt* J4b


[ U9 J4 b j

H. EKUgU'ON 4 SONCeruer fifth and Market *!*.



190 Ylailn -tre between I bird aad l'*«r(k.

n'AVE.-n linn d and fur *ale at verv I w ,nco a sup n r

».>rtu.vut e-f • ar] -ting >n^ Ffirni*hiugGuu«Ia, cwresMtin,

d>U| erb W i l lure a - d V*ltr» » Garp**ing;Hi. h Kiddt iuinfU r Tapestry d »;

Rich t>-c»rd Bru.-»«1*V «1 vet. 'I'a; eatry . auJ Brnosals Stair Corpfiti reg:

Imperial 5-ply aud aupwr 2 ply d-* :

T*. stry Ingrain, U» u rtt.*. and2-p'j do

i'uttou whum. U« nt|>, *»ud Guttwu **•!

4--*, 3-4, aud 4-4 Venetian «**»•



Sait re d* Lain*; W rented Damask*;Late und Muslin Gnrtoire*:

Table I m« n. Tow- Is. N jpkin*. and Duilro*;

6-4, <-« » id 12 4 Barnsley sheetin;;;

fi-4. 8-4, 1 1-4. and 12-4 Gotten du;

Stuaiai bust, superior B*d, and tiueCrih Blank*!*;

Eluur tnl-i loth*.

10 4 and 16 4 Fl<»r Drugget*;>ho vel* nod Tong*. .... . «

Th* above g-o.1* have been purchased with ear* at v*w 1


ash er tu punctual dealer*.

E.AD AND MIOT-j 32 kegs saw r . d .


I t) Jigs Lead: r*ct

•PICED «AI.Mo.\-J»

w BURKHARDT.ITE LEAD-'50 keg# 4»4». lUfi. 5o. and 251bi Pur* White L*ad-; •' kea# 1 2.". lb Nu 1 Whit* Lead;ed i«*r *t*anier Mansfield m i f r *ale by

AND W lilt'll AN AN 4 CO.,Guru** Wq*hiugt. re aad Secure 1 •*.

I^l RE-YI«»RX?— A large re»sm t in*ut ire ever* arofi for >ai< )>y1 bUitNo A I’l'W


E M«*N>- 1* U tee just romived read fi*»r «reie kj•* ** GAETANO 4 f ISO.

1 >D R LE*— 15 ereae« half ga.L u jar* P ckl-a tu*t received e*4X ft vie by [ u4 v. \ KT.i NO A IJmi

Wanted.• Ml ARE OF TUE t’API TAL AT04 K Or TOE BlNk—— f Xentae4y. •. AIL At. HER A m_

MroMaa Rew lured'* YbcI.G mV A 1 • 9 byrel A. M-AWNOM.

nfi Sreceroror t* Knwarere 4 Kurure.

I kl G IKiiN -|)vii»i fur arel* lew by1 D


4. R %WS«»N.

h RY Ulbk5-2.tro$n oslt«4 Ili4ss i* «ter« $a4 for **k kyJ At OU XI I LK*.

•A Suroud *4. . betweea 0<iu4’Mrn«r- UIDE.S v supply al way* uei hre^ aud f«r b«

lr$i j ag»*r k in.ii



snpply olwayeeu luaJ aad f< r $alu by

KEHN ED Mt.AR—450 bbl* Loaf, Puw dared, and trashed r |tAl-LOW t A.NDI.RH—A *WK»ly N ro. '• tg ar< -I 7 alwaru amSugar fur arel* low by | r.e# .| %m . for **>• be f re"


UN DRIES—lW • O 7 d sen cren* fru«h l.ubetero;

Leslie’s Gazette.

I>i \' ll AN It 1 ill RR1 BR ftN DI

1 2t' bbl. . Id Peach Brandy;19 bbl» Cherry du; fur *ale by

5 du do <• reeu Pena:20 du d.. Fresh P*ache*:20 du da Fr«*h Gave Oyater*:

Received per steamer Fort Henry snd far «ale bv

Fraa Erigatrs aad Tackling: a tullaa-

y-ltlAR AND MULA??EJS. 1 'si hhds Sugar:

1 '«0 bblo ll»lre»aas; for sal* byW A I.L.AGB POPE 4 TO.

A SUBSCRIBER.of Y aras fram th* Lug-Beet af a Y vuregstur uf the Mess. I cial alteutian uf ths !adi<

f the very latest style* WHEAT. AA Y 111.4. a WHEAT.

MARK, DULANEY, 4 DOWN*. WALKER 4 COMMERFOKD, ftoprifitorfi.| S'afi”

MALAUA *bl* fur sale by

l \ lilGO d aaruuus Coroccos ladigu fur ssl- by


/HtFFEK- . __l 1— !«• *»V«.

rs a. k.. *•*

W. Burkixardt,

U-H(*I.K>ALI AND ttXTAIL «.*.» KK AND DBALEXi> Aa. lirenW Vtrer. » rare Liqare..

t oredy. ltt»;--»rtod FrqlU. IVrerm. Pi.-klsa. ber» i «a*relly

srrelvd Potato red Pish. Twtoe. i irdora. W roar*YY ar#, Msts. LaakaU. Dried Erwito, 4#., Na. 417 Market al..

L«»rei# v i lie, Ky #4

VI At XER4L—A* I bbl* Ne. S large Mask- rot,

I!•* Sda No. 9 da do.30 kit* Na. 9 4* dm25 kits Ma. 9 aa do;5 arums . dteh

R eaiv ad p«r •toremar part Henry and fur sale byofi w bgrkhardt.

VV' Hlsxw. XtIf tO" l.K|s eld

Wallace pope 4 cu.

Page 3: THE DA I Eli · 2015. 9. 11. · THE DA IEli ROSENBTJRG. WHOLE'Al.B\NI>BETAII.DEA IERIN /.V/>ST.IHLEDllI*iiOODS Ti»«*iyWturrBSUSSB. MAMi iM*# *•*' iMttMtoff,m4>a—elatsei r …


AGENTS.Nwm. Kr.KicrTT, Die, tx Co., No.

BY TELEGRAPIT. ! .. «lv« the atLantics news\ m—-—----- London. Oct. 27. 1854. H.e mop .-?* of allura in th. Crime:. I* thu.j

a. v xmm.- v .a' u ««.. - , _ ... . summed up l*y tin* London litn«*§. I be latentN« ' 0“'


4 ’



TU<“ >-t«*am*r °f to-inorrow Will earry Hip start- telegraphic iiitelligence which hat bceu received I Tb-aar. ,»h..

Official return? from 23 countie? have been lu< inteRiewce that Hu Excellency fit MimitUr by tht. and KnglUli Kovernin-liit; is dated ! • r? .....

THR ATLANTIC'S NEW?"Hie prop..-, of affairs in the Crime.. Is tUit»


summed up |.y the Loudon Time?. '1’l.e latest :

telegraphic intelligence which has been received|


by the Frencli and Knitiish governments is dated 1


T. leuipitoulas. street, are our authorized agent? r(H.,.| V ed. and they leave Cart 1*M ahead, taking of the 1’r.iUd Stale, of Anuric* at the Court of I f , om the Crimea on the '2Uth of October. Atlb New Orleans. Those indebted to us In that the Times’* footing of this mornings* A basis. Madrid ha. been excelled Jrom France, through

, ,|lat ,lme the siege was going on favorably; the

know on Monday how many will be wanted.

The) will be put up in wrapper? for the conve-

nience of sending off to their correspondents.

CuwtKs Sale o» Hoofs, Station Ear. ant

Cincinnati. Nov. 15.City will ple,?e make pavment to them."

CtbC.NNATT. Nov. 15. return,^ u> his po-l. bolllb.trdme„t from the t, euche? of the besieging- „ , . . , TnHer.' hank of this citv It k .

,lirrll>'e °f such a. I event is, I think, aimu-s had been resumed on the IWtli with effect, Thymarha..

g#-Merchant? can be supplied with ou. .The Mechanic? and Tjader? thebe?t manner *f letting you know the extent hut the enemy is not reported to have sustained

w , . - ... . ,failed this morning. this is a branch ot Uie „f the indignation felt here bv rr.-cy American, Hie |o-s of aiiv essential Dart of the fortressTuesday’s i-ue, winch cbnUin? a review of our Ullk ,.f Ohio. without distincUon of party, ind to he fell, no Klo,n tbfmomert adds tlm Time? That it wa" *T1 ' " ‘ r-' "

itfket for the preceding week, by letungns Tt.e house «ff J. » ™ doubt, by all! the citizen? of our intentiemajly clearly ascertained that Sebalonol’colld not beT» ..

know on Monday how many w,II be wanted. &M^^^drr^ repubUc, w, I pv. you ‘he follow,.* de- reduced.even the south ?Je and by land.

Tliei will he put up in wrappers for the couve- F. 1# ..... „ „ ,

. . . , . , ,without the operations of a regular siege, there nio-eWk A. M

turner of ae, dine off to their corresi.ondenU} ‘ Mr Soule. having spent two days in London, ceased to be reason to he surprised at the length *» Bmv. .. <;n«mce of -Uthrir corespondents.

BcrrALO, Nov. 13."* out last T uesday for Madrid no trance On of „ie proc ,.ej lr ,„s

. [Thig {, ,eltlIlg tht. all*ed Th. n,„ .

Ouwim. Sm.c oi Hoofs. Stationerv, am The house of P. 8. Marsh, reported as sus- pTss'^rt?! ami. 'tovhSgdmie^ was requested to ^^sur/of'^bLt l Son, • . T»w


a iw!“Gold Pah —Mr. B. V. Pimtt will cooti: .-hi* p-i.ded. i? ?!i!l paying large amounts of accep- llmer r0om of the Bureau de Police u ^ Sebeut.“pof.- Some impression has ^unJini. Kon

. __ cs lanresot, I.rotu-rtv which has come forward ami ,,*"

. 1 , 1 ..“ A" r„ at length been made on the besieged fortre^

I’l 1 1u H( U*>


« r in tlx rtiiiibi I and riiiu*

i. Nor. !.». r.

utitr i# cl uil/ '

l.oi tpviLLk, Nut. I

ry »iua1I.

. r. in win Arm at $1 :o.

ai.ti lt»Sr forhuMR, all imTh* v

SPECIAL NOTICES.4^- rmc I'K.ifMK i.irr or .N»ft»>. '•

Tho wouiterfa' nm .irru l by |»U U.ittu ? |a»i<.

fcl.llIH AMiti HH'kl., altls tint, t^jijp. of mtVrillti U•at the L'uicn, *ecin inen UiMe t • - »uie nkcj.t . vl iuJ

AMUSEMENTS.LoniMiiie liipdlpr.

that an hrrb Liught f. iu the ilwtct *1

PiTi?rt nc. Not. 15. P. If. Nale# of•be* water in t lie « hanasel and u early at a *'anti.

J.', j;,

:it*adjr and faiii|>,j


bank of this city.

Fate at the auc; ion-rooms of Messrs. 8. ti. Hen »n projeny ua? come torwj, all creditors will be fullv naid

ry * Co. to-mghl (Thursday) and Friday and ^^ woftl| paper Was paid 0T1 piSaturday night*. Ac tins i« the last chance, ticn oi, Saturday, and $ 1 3,01 It I to-day.

buyer* would do well to attend. Hie assortment Nr.w Oki.i ans. NotH very large and complete. The vote yesterday resulted in 5.OHO majority~

. r ,,in fai or of license for the sale of honor.

t\’e are requested by M*-*si*. h. o. lien- t

ry t Co. to state that they sell thi* morning Washington. Nov

( Thursdav 1 at 10 o'clock, for cash, to pay T*"1 of the war of 1N12 held a' ^ 11-11 , l’ tug toilaV and responded to the call forcharge*, at their warehouse ot, w a.l street, by

Convi ntiou to be held here Janusordet of tlie administrator of Captain C. J. by appointing a committee of 32 to tu.

Russell, deceased, some 150 packages, boxes, raugeinents. The object of the conven

‘•There must he a mistake, sir,” said our Min-ister; “do you know w ho I am?"••There is not the slightest mistake, sir,” was

.u, nn, iioiii me soum slue aim oy lauu, aiIffif Uft Eui|.n Nor. io. >taithout the operation* of a regular siege, there nio'clwk A. M. Sl.i Nv.toa w*s*.«rr*toia oaward; Ea- f

:eased to be reason to be surprised at the length “»» Urowo »t mai.d ci,.in: n. n. itark-r at T--„n,-s.- i,u*J. Ti.

if the proceedings. [This is letting the allied Th.rirrrt.Ww, un r*4iic?i> ran," iitk, at s ..rk*k, a.

irmy down softly.l u -V- t?*t ia P?rt t ,r UaLrlll.. ».t D. A. Olr.i. al Cal- »2

tL Serge of Srhortorol Some impression hasvit length been made on the besieged fortn**8— .kT„. t . ,-lUt kn..wn. ivmi au,»ev

io\v much may be learned from the following *»«. ist!>. Mat Nettie Miller at hana of l»»am..nd i-i»n.:( *

lesnatches: J«am*rttr in Ueufmo* Ilend; Uaael at f«otof llei,d, r>u..'

Tile Paris Moniteur publishes— l*la»4; R. M. Patton aifTuaad on IlmiUniun liar: EvaasviU-

-A letter from Varna, dated Oct. ‘21st. which .it- I'tT.lioVLV •'

.ays that the fil e of the allied laud batteries was vulanu below Holt • liar; Ike aground « n II If* Ii»r. Met El”

ipeiied at half-past one o'clock on the ITth Ulunuiit and vi«*aa alov* mdi-; ChIIimuIhit*- Alton; Wi, *,u

l^aiust Sebastopol. At the same time, the al- name unknown, at Aoifft«rdain: bunt, name unknown, anr.iuitl “»led fleets attacked the forts at the entrance of *t llranden»«urp Bar; Muntirello above Ti’lkMeo land in 15th. er“

lie port— the English those at the left, and the,>ia*eii !immU*w ^ rv4*“d uU FwrtUl,a Uar KiM 1

Pr^iw'li tlinuii »n tl.aa wi .wl t n'i a? * . a ,IttCliC*.

a I I. ts f r lii; n.«nt OM in- ** |- rk. in lar/e lot*, i* uffendI

£11. rights* riul keg lard, fvr *hi|iiu«nt, atlo^c.‘ales of nw whisky at SVv.

file? of .J hhd • t .» *ce —I kl.d at $! 25. 7 at $1 75<g,£5. 7 atJHoi J.» mi, ti at Stif.x £*» 7*», and I at $755.‘li’IHariitdtd Mcmi’Ui* at ?|, and to Nc* OrUau? at $1 St.

tlNi INN ATI , Not. 15. M.^ or $: 7 Vrt $7 ;at. The market ii UBMttled. »).ere i« noth m doing iu h'»g* and

|r>vi*ivn.*. Th«re is much

rfU-tm nt in flttnneial aftiin, and tie- muT iuebU art- attorh-

A»ia. and subjected to etrUin Mri*«tkft« fren


cati u>. willhbavlatc!) contrd «tki) *|eeies

caae.eure ararr pluM« of Indigestion, restore

Hon of eTcry 'liniriarrd «••**•* ire, and i

»»e* at d ronki- h usft NciToqi Du*



the regular ac-

leutralixc by it* IT *l«

uiy*4 rirrla mJ Par-faetto.. ......

VaJMilj Cirrlo -ec.,»,d rier>t'hildnru under 12 years U Dre*« ud i’an|a»tt«..StifMU

against Sebastopol. At the same time, the al-|

New Viiik Monet Market. Not. 15. M.mama.*,

M.-ti.y i* mow string at. au.l atacka are dull. ErieJfN;w


'-Al •*« t **‘ l

IcTelnnJ and Tul«daA7\; Heading t»S; Tork Centraltr, «d th<* f 1

1*H. Ne* Jersey I2»; Michig«n • vn'ral lt<n; Clt.Teland. Co- c ®emr, and • iacmanti !‘5. eio*tering m

nti «|.tic iniluinre all ini}iuritna in the elem. n ary fluid*

f..m which the UwaI i* derived. I uwi5«* dwc>>tcr«! anrroond-A a* yon arc Ly » under*

. living in an age of scientiflo mira-,

le*. have yon n t I-.arned todi*tra*t y.*nrown ^TNjndice*. when1*1 “J ' d to the eTidenre «»f fa. t*—tw the ipontaneon* t«>HD«.i t

f clondi of witne**^'** Ask the once delicate and melancholynfe whi*. withont atrength u> carry out the first great |>mr)o*«

f nrrinae, lnnfnished and pined in *i«kne*e and *nft ring


T 1!!-.

Kr , ." ly (VkMM»j,. N »ral.r IS, will h« p.r-1 formal, f rl,«lr«l,., ,k. Bwll.l I'uS.miw I trun EUI NT. Mr A Sanaa ... v“ .

I.ahn i Ravci . .. During -he even. nr wi I Heciv u aKWEtTAIN *t\T \i Kali KM.) ofSTRhM.TII by the Manmetti tlrethrr. ..... | \ , *\IKNNK l.y I'antme Marti not ti . . . Firat time r*celebrated Inbl an hrmat of the ITALIAN B»U* \\|»i

wh.l.*. ,h,*k.„f the tliair. Bead her a«»w»r-il .he hu -Tk« p.hlle m wtMlfaUt i*,.U that ,,tried the gluri»n*—iu her healthful complexion,|

Rw*} »®d Tvenpo arc engage 1 f«<r enl».lv«bright etc* and ela*:

New York, V-t. 15, M.* ai 1

t«-r» i 'lull; *ale* of 500 hale*—Orlean* middling yt*.

In- advanced I2S«*: g«R'd Ohi" 'ti.’tgjii*: ^ uthern $8c ‘*c—

<!' 31 V, . Wlwat i« uu-cttle<i. (ieaeaec £2 2* (a $2 i'». Corn •*,,Q 0

riflo higher; 5H.UUU bushel* *”ld at r<^S'u$^Os, fur We*t- cure.

tering nt tie mndcr'i knee. \VUerev« r dchility and|by*-

incompeteacy cxi?t. they civate .freng'h and vitality,c i* n<> form of aervona dincase f..r whi h it i* nut a *pc-— no affeeth.n •.! the stomach—no irregularity or *«»!•? a-of th. secretions, which il J-vi nol reli-.r, a*U

Tunnel Meeting To-kicht—


ov. Wright.

Thei r Mill be a lunn*l meeting at the M- i chant-'

loa* rate?. th? Commissary.

n v ,> This happened at Calais. Something more( HAKLEsT ' . , o . . was said, hut of no public concern. Mr. Souie

Our Havana date? by the Gov. Dudley arc to left by the next steamer, and reached London

MW, deceased, some lao package?. uo\e*. • •r--.u-.o-. n.e on;eci or «ob » ............ ...... o.n-ht."<i a m » F-. j:— ... i i: o take measure? to procure an increa?e on pre- are toi me. and 1 am acting uj>on them,’ said p

tranks, and ca*k? of mercliaiulise and Injuoi*.vlo!u

1th •• Commissary. From \ lenna, 28th October—‘-Lord West-

v • iiT*1 ' 5 happened at Calais. Something more moreland received a despatch yesterday, accoid-

Tl nnel Meeting To-night—


ov. Wright. < haslmtok, RoV. It. was anid, hut of no public concern. Mr. Souie *hg to which the guns of the two forts at the

Tiirie Mil. bealunnel meetiiwatthe Merchant-'0jl Havana dates by the Gov. Dudley are to left by the next steamer, and reached London entrance to the liarhor of Sebastopol were dis-

_• . . '-iif lltii. A forn*spoii(lciil of fh»* l ouiipr styf

|A i(» jj, ewiiiu^ clay before yesterday. The mounted by the artillery of the allied fleeti. TheI,ko an£* t i. e\ < a o oc pr* -i- that two American schooners, with arms aioi news being made kuowu in Aui«M'ican circles. *lhes had about men wounded and ouc-thirddeut. with son.' of th- officer? and agen of tbi? am iniUon on board were sei /*-d at tiaracoa, and the greatest excitement prevailed, and, as may of that number killed.”

great enterprise, w ill be pre*vtit;and it may be the parties concerned iiaprisoned. h« imagined, measures of all sorts were suggest-


^ l ofn ^ lenna, Sunday, 29ih October—‘'The

#rrk..,^ M ..riwrnminr thranrl u. 1 L.*’ WMM ******* that 3<«* met. had been landed, ed amidst great indignation. Freinden Hiatt new spaper yesterday received^ ^ ‘ * '

* but the rumor needs mation. Gen. Muis- TW Legation partook, of course, of the gene- news of dat*» 19th from the Crimea. It was said* character fully explained. ano. neconii in command, left Havana on the Vlli ral excitement. I have not had the honor of that the ships discontinued the bombardment be-

Hts Kxcellency. Jos»*r»h A. Wright. Governor to investigate the affair. seeing Mr. Buchanan since his return, but from cause the battery and quarantine fort, at whichif# Tall k* ite tLm a.L. ^2


Apop ... . I'-.-N !' i ported at Puerto all 1 bear he maintained throughout this irritat- fired, were silenced. The loM on the part




•* n • * 1 •


* '** have leaked out. 8eve- I ing affair a dignified resolution to com ii in dlitt wis nearly W.w

f l ' ' ° r“l persons pardoned at IVznelu have been ar-|

every step to require due apologies for ail insult From the camp before Sebastopol. Oct. 19, it

fio* the pr* --mg noliciUUons of the friends of ra ,

tb«* improvement, ha* kindly concealed to ad- rested for t

drew the meeting. coa. The


Let the friet»d> of the city turn out.^

K-ing engaged in landing arms at Bara- agaiimt our nation^ •' ' ariived from Key West M the new** of the r.ilais outrage silenced the quarantine battery, and continue , . ... . , ,,,. . __ u ..

and New Or!. .IT. .« with dates of the 11th. The having reached him—went to ihe*Koreign Office their attacks against Fort Alexander and the 5ou!k? i^ari.^, j Whiw racr.'sn.tMv*! iirni.*f.!r<ir7iMexican dat ' are to the 4th. A l»attle was and wished to see M. Drouyn de 1‘Huys iwme- loop-hole 1 wall that defends Sebastopol on the * £? :i do


A JS*^'

r; 3* bbl/,


to .^*iT at C aaiiato. I)e Guerreri and the revolu- hotel*. H> uas left trailing two Jull hours. Ad- southwestern side. It was not without loss that *n're vSeKr.wdt>r; 2 'bbh. w (;av'!i jo juVhVr Ibo*.tic .st.* w eie routed with a loss of 200. mitted at last, he remarked, first of all, upon his the allied squadrons assisted in this combined and 1 Wu*w**: *


a®* m irt.u a m-mn-bi; furmtur.*. n Whit*- »

Santa An a*- health was restored. tardy reception. Some apologies were made, concentrated attack—they lost, altogether, 1U0 wvi I-


m rk^mS?Ti v-rSS«ih; Vhl.'MvUal^h »*bi.u(»e*.. Alinont w as going to \ lenna as Amhas- |»ut hi a tone and manner that convinced Mi. killed and 200 wounded, in three days. An aid- ^hiut i Uvih io bom. a ii niuiI« k in >


.. or. and Anangoin. now Consul at New Or- Ma*oa that he had been left waiting yurp-ely. de-camp of the French admiral was struck by a S \t r“ trWSik.0R*

ieai.s takes Ins place. He drop|>ed that matter, however, and passed to shell on the deck of the Viile tie Paris, the tla*^-(5,nrin * « t J* h n- >>wUn4 e Hugh**; :t >ix*. \v linrrin:

Mjtlif*. Imlfj'it Co., piivate hankers, *uf th? object of his oliicul call, ami asked the rru- ship. The Azainemtion. bearin'* the flan- of Sir !!. 'V irV'*CV• ' *.!""'• !.*"?’ A


national insult From the camp before Sebastopol, Oct. 19, it


Y> rktown. N«-.2, !*«•*, Cnn-tuuKiprvM. Sfudder, st. I.oul*.

Rut eu, IIuni|>hr»-T*. T«uu. H

Fairy t^uven. KenV -rktown, N«. 2.

Lx- liuii^t', \ atuo i

Atlaiita fr iu TrniicNMe*' rin-r 1 bale e'-ttnn, k* IU <1 Smith L > hu< well, .'42 hng* cuttwu v«m, (ixrdi-‘••; 1 kt-a ts lit t i u/ . \i*ek. Wtek*. I ('». 7 hhdff tobncoo,

is said—‘‘As accounts leave, the French have J^ tnraitur*' J * Suke#' 1 1 A4aa“ New oh.

»*r.uiul »* U trilbf higher, 5H.HUU bushel* *>ld xt *y S"‘ d'-*" *x fur Wrtl.Mh. vruunxid. Ft»rk m unchxnK«d, w ith t*ut a n<d«rat« dvniiuiil.

ImW—321 Beef is dull, lod ii Rttdua^rd. Ohi** whbky 42S.

New Orleans* Not. Ii.

Flour 1* firm at .1 1> 12. Mi-<* |M«rk l.n* advxno»d to $17.

Ha* on *i !«.. arc scare oud ndtanciug. llh| Urd lor. Whi*Ly'F. 15. 42. Mo)n«*e« 18. Fair *URRr 4*%. Cwrn 1*5. Out* 65.

Til** at »iii r b nrWi dt-|>n.**«d the market. Sale* to-day of

l.tiuo bale* rotton.

New York, I, P. M.Foitufi n nurhanKed, with hut a iintlernw- demand. Flour—

there is hut a m Urut* demand, with -ale* of H.OiNt bbU—go*>d

Ohio and Wc.Utru $s C2 Southern 1* be tter * ith tale* ofimkJ hbl* at 31. Wh at t* unsettled, r-ale* of .Vi.iRni

bun .el* of corn at ?JH, 'E'.WVo for Western mixed. Pork i*

firm—sale* «.f 10*) bbl*. Ileef is uni-halloed. I.ard i* firm,

Ih sal i of !hiu bbls. Ohio wliisky 42c, Ki" oilfrc ii i]Ui«t at

I'H'. .v urare are firm Mul.v,at-* is um-hanrud. I.iu?*«d oil u

dull at NOc, lard oil S7 S«V0c. Irou is firm at $i!<£$3d for.‘ cutrh

j ig. Kentucky tuboaco i* quiet at 79k*.

Cincinnati, Not. 15. p. M.Flour is in fair demand at 57 < &•< $7 Whisky ttfcMe.

• htiese !• c. NoUiing was done in b^i or |>rv» isions. 1‘atket s

> * aare cutting. 1 lovt-raeod $oi.o£7.

Irndy k •

tisrdi- New Orleans. Nov. 14, F. X.lobacoo. The cotton market is urn-hanged with sale* of 6,50Dtal a—

The Cordial is put up. hi r Uly concentrated, in pint bottle*l*riee three dollar* per bottle; two f.. r five dollar*: six fortwelve dollars. C. H. KINO, Proprietor.

192 UruniwaT. New York.Sold by draggist* thr m hout the Cnited v tnt. s, i anadx, and


the West Indie*. RAYMOND k PATTEN. Afent*.oct 24 e«Mll2 7* Fourth street, Louisville.

dw-l un Last and Ome a i asi Thu xn or < ien. i.-Je?•••ph Cristodorv's Exc« Isi r Liquid Hair Dye. for in»tontan«ou*l y and without the least inconvenience changing r d erligktor gray hair tato a p» rmaneut black or brown, with, ut ioyu-

nn* or staining the skin, and retaining all the original gl*.«»

and softness of the hair. Entered according to the act of C.-u-

#re»* in (he m- nth .*f Mareh. 1*53. Fur ml* wholeaale and re

tail at Mrs. G. Ntoknlas * Premium Wig Ma*iufa* tory, No.Fourth street, between Main and Market. ONUin

\l r(KM.E.N h(K)D> 1 ml - K .

11 lerincs, an > .'•hawl* a* 111 .Mam street.


nuh'a. and the ongagem.nt will p *itiT*ly ' clooe tu».

C* S>* >'• -a uf Tin- op n at 7ig o'clock, and t»rformanse to r mmence at n e’ch-ek.

fg-IVttit1i.ri.iTi, fr II. Ill A M 1.11 1 p M.andfromAt-P. M . wher** -eats may be se<-nred.

$4r-\<>ri. r —The will n *t be rc«p.n-iL> f. r

i . II. R( )SST0N *S

SoiiIIm‘ 1‘11 lli|i|M>r»rcaii.CORNER FIRST AND WALNUT.\N\oi \i EMKLVT E1TUMW1K


r >KT AND MADK1KA WINES5*i caska P r» Win -

fought at Comfo. I)«* Guerreri ami the revolu-Theatre.—0*ntg to th? iuilispo?itioc of a Meie routed with a loss of 200.

Per Fort H<-urv from Cincinnati 5 hhda salt. M Halbert;566 »k« |« aches, J While k Co; I case, Sn *dd\ A Bran sford; 12l'k'«. Miller. Wiagat**, k <V .3 do, A Jaeger; 2" hh|s HourI etcher 71 »-dl« felloe-, W 11 M.ikv*; .3 do. Hare 1*. ir» «•are. \ Schroedor; 2 bbls. W Cnv: .3 |*ic*. J t; Math.-r; I b*<x.

Dfmb*: of Ut* troupv there Mas a rhaiifre in the

p.Tformatices of last evening. The audience,

hoMevcr. lost little by the rhaiig.', for the pieces

were as beautiful a* the Bust fastidious lover of

pantomime could desire. .And they Mere hi "illy

I i-ii-hed by tbe tar)*'- audience M'bo M ere present.

Tne beautiful M'tle Franck executed a dance

in the bos! artistic and beu itching style.

'i'o-mght the performances are very aiLractiie.

Lost and Forno.—


he lady M'bo lost a

bracelet at the theatre on Tuesday sight cati get

il by calling at the box-ofiice this morning.

luoai $16 5* f>o£l7. Molasses lm. declined t» 16c.

New York Money Market. Not. 15, p. MMoney is unchanged. Stocks are dull and lower- Cumberland

• KCA M'v n-v» fnrk Caatnk 62, R idl«|ftx. >k ignuCentral 79, Erie S'*H.


SatiU a\ii ia*6 health w as r^^tored.

<»en. Aluiuii! wis going to ViemiA ae Amhas-t>r. and Anangoix, now Consul at New Or

leaits takes his place.

wbtoky, >t-hvxit k Lavs


t 10 boxes. A 11 >• uij lc A Kr njI lack le-; Jde*. Piatt A l*ueklin; Id pgs. Dowdy. T« try. k

Mathew. Fmley, A^ Co., private bankers, *of the obj»*ct of his oliicul call, aud asked the rea- ship. The Agamemnon, bearing the flag of Sir i£; ".aiitj’i Ur’^V ’“m^ SL^di^itark-N-w OrlfWifi. hav* fuspenied. eom why Mr . Soule had not been permitted to Fdmund Lyons, has suffered severely, and the hardt; .3 p**. suvin A catn; 3 bx*. Halier; 1.3 | «, Am F.ap c»;Til. Ameriran bark At aUnche, foundered 75 I pa*? throii^h France cm roMic to Snam. Retribution, Capt. Drummond, had a in st shot ilp.'."' a



hl ’.“-

mi ic? from \ era Cruz. ‘•Well,” said M. Drouyn de FHiiys, in a very away. Of the ca-ualties on land we have no u'f;s'limita; I un. Hit, asiual’n i F.i^lirawiiSi LkiJT JAll liand? M ere saved.

Nkm- York. Nov. 15. M.The Arabia sailed at noon, with 7 5 passenger?

and Sl^ffS.flOtl iii specie.

New Orleans. Nov. 13.

Death- from fever for the Meek 38.

The u rather is cold. There has been beavyfro.ts in the interior.

impertinent tone, ‘- there are reasons for that.”j

account. The Russians confess to 500 killed.Being pressed for those reaaoM*. Mr. Mason M'a* including Admiral Kornileff.” iu^g?iu,7i« aT',!*’ a’l'u

S| 1 s


told that there were fAree of them: j

It will be seen from the above that these sue- iv*^iro'.ViB|rum i^r?.»t i" vSrt rarvin i-a

Firti. The treatment of M. Dillon. French cessive reports all refer to the assault of which I" J H.?u a J u,“ ; ? ri* »*,, i wi«* t*lmk' H DConsul in California.

Secondly, Tile letter of Mr. Sanders to the from Eu*ope.we hud th • Russian statement per last steamer

ink* 1 N 1. Muni.. :i wbe«l., 1

French people. And,Thirdly. Cuba !

The French Foreign Secretary said that the

Summing up these dispatches, the LondonTine's say?, editorially:

We are still w ilhont the means of adding anyu. Son* —UV nibli?h m-rn.rur hr« Texas paper? -av that Walker Bid King's de- imperial government cannot be expected to treat fact of importance to the intelligence previous-

' Fpo-it cousiated of -tuck in tbe Sussex Iron Co.. *n **,e ,lsual friendly w ay the citizens of a Slate ly received from the seat of war. The dispatch

letter* from Ijoudon ami I aii«. Minch give a fullv, fiieh the S ate Treasurer had accepted, but tlie t ^lat *iis behaved in such a hostile manner to- forwarded by Lord Westmoreland on the 27th

•count of tlie difficulty b • » •*« Mr. ti. ai.d ll* Gnieioor had not vet consented to IL1 M ard it. had b«4n six days on the road from Varna to Vi-

French Gfl

$ futurs* oc

We defer cuiuoittiL for

P. r Rat-n frvm Teuaessae River 36 bale* e-tt m. C‘2 bag* cyarn, .3-t k. ra -s. t *n» ,,i = aaetal. Brad, k l%vD; 12 bales


cuttou. T II Hunt k * .3 d*» dw. J j- a?. Wilaun. SlxrbirdA Mutt h; 5 bales cut b>n ^uiith k 9h. tw. II; 45 bari ragd. 1Pn.mi. ; I |.g. Adam* k Co, I box. Haynes A Lone; 1 do. £ A >LieWrman; 3hbd» tobacco, Bridges; 1 box mix. 1 bag rags. E

RECEIPTS BY RAILROAD.• 14 — Per l.i'Ui-vilU and Frankfort Uailrux.1—6 e

ly*« IS. INN ATI Money Market. N»v.15, P. M.

+Thedosing of tint Mr. lianu-- aud Trader*' Hank bos euused

i „ an iarrikkd oxciu-ment. and fiuanc al matters arr now worseie<, than they hdf* Wen t*>»ufideii<*«; i* det-id* dlv weak, but there I

lu an- hu me r>'an tile failure*, t.uld n 6 k* cent preuiiurn. Ther* •

rk- ,#a ,art*e *«»’»«ut of money off*-riug outside, in Nmnll luts, by

l'o; |*rtiM who an* afraid to hold it, and morv relief is ax| sriem-rd1m: m thi* way than when funds w.r* in the hands of bankers.*'j

T*»« princiiml banking houoes Laving failed we arc n-w nearthe bottom. The tlireo heavy

|rtvate hankers that remain are

^ above su-p cion, and titese, with the Trust Cttmpmmy. are re-

ceiving nearly all the busiweua. Tin de|M*cita are heavy, and 1

I”,,*11 that is re<|ulred t* make m n« y i osier D ronbdence. In tlie

3 general market* then is very little doing. The notes ef the I

le*. Mechanic** and Trader*' Hank arc received on deposit, theoth- I

er branchexof the v t a te Bank K ing bound for their redernp; ion, V


1 EasU-ru exchange 1 w premium.

ntX HBON AND < UPPER Dl>TILLED W Ill.-K Y—l> lUU bbls flourbna Whukv. 2 to 4 )ears old.

I5u bbl* copper distilled Wlu-ky, 2 ytar* . hi f rsale by

t3l N K PI EX BE * NDII -

2 S pipe* Vieux t gu%cJ S do Laser Kreres


2 do > ix Grape1 v, pipe ol* Heuncssy1 S do Plan at

2 \ pipes Dumar-r2 S do Pelwoisia

10 do >ctgfictt«In store and for sale bv

PIKE KK A N Dl E>- ."••• pa« knf s* pure Brandies, ef the fol-ia >ng t-hoicc brands: F. A. Ibuh « iu; Jos. I» U !.*•-.J pi-

tiet, i astillon. k I •».; Il*rm?n Meledy; Otard: Dnpuv; E.Jaulltn which I offer as low as esu be bought is ti«-Ea«t. rasr Leuisrill markets. no D A. Z.\M»M

Nr.w Orlkanh Money Market, Not. 7.

m- nt-y marl ..-t t-day was quiet and without *nv ivnipf <- ha nffe. Hu-m s- is evidently ou the mcrea-c.'aud theare of tho large traasai tione in cotton for s>kc day* past

Immense Additional AttractionHITHOtT EXTKt <ll\U4.r.!THE '">» **•> HE.NR I ERAMliM „..| XK'l'I'EI aou*l« lul stud f performme llur-e*. al 1. II K

Great 'oath m Hit jo# rcan. in o-mbmatiou with the •• .d-lr- 9 variety of Fi)n> atrian and Athletic and -l.vaut mk rta ninent?, newly organ *#d and j ti-n an by Mr K uiuuexpressly for this lour Blrough tl.c cities of the West.



Mons. and Mad. FranconiR* « leave to j.r*—• i t theme. I t th. lodti . and « n lemen

f l.ouisetlie in tba v*ri«u» p* rf ruttno-i th^v mknd t.* * vcduring the ir slay iu ti e ciiv, in connect: n with Mr. F *1KO'STi’N «* great Troupe .,f Anwrxaa and Foreign \ru.i-.rheir immeuae sue. ••«« in this coun'rv. which was licnli d

V th* rmowi, wo IU all the! a|.ito!*of the Old World. itragn. M *n«. and Madam Frtnrom t.. b*-li. ». tint th* v m: .I L<-

l*heir Principal Performing Hor*e$,

lta\ui-«l. Joliii«tcii. ami tlira.

Mr. F1. DEI. Rosston,

«• ui.| r**a| tfully *\ui**l »o the ladies au*l gcntbmvn f it .

Westrra rittaw and low IM that be 1ms <oc-*ed.d in n.-ipur th.]

• hove gn-xt artia>es. at an expense hi (herto unkn*>wu « i«„ ,

; rufe sion in this country, f. r a 1 m.t -I period. pr«»iam»t*h. ir *•• ntemi-’a-fi return n> Pans in May. and ha* much i lea-sure at th. -in- t u*r in »nn >uuc;a.’ that his whole tr u;? a>n-e • ( an zed. is wmplpl* in *11 iu tcportmrnt» of e?, aud acrobatic display, and that his court of M mu* uprrsidtd over by that autocmt of fun.


By S G. Heiuy & Co.A ; signee'? Sate of Clothing. Dry Good?, and Caj »


TD-VORROW MORNING (Frida,,, at |a, M«k.<<*ti« r,ai,l, or«-r luitaai. >a it,

' >1 cal Dr? Ga d. »a.i Wia*r* la tk, ... wilt *•! (Mod MM, D, l.iaa. ' MlMf. Garter.. Oa.ato.

AIM. Whilaey aad I'dtrSaa Ov,r-' to.: klac Blaak,*‘ -at. t Miara >ad -mad run (Ilk. Iika a. aad*atiaVr«< Klaakoa, V,l.«: aad CMckEam.T.;.;.-. *. ti. benrv a ro..




'I*.1 act, o«*r.


$10,000 Worth of Frch and Desirable NewStyle Wt.tler Clothing, Otter, Silk Plush,

and Fine Cloth Cap?, and Knit Shirt?

ST AITTION.te' '<•“( Ik. Kratackr. ?laU Baak. .f Ia4taa ..

1 .1*1". aad Vtraiuta, aad 1 a. a. Haat.r. aa-t Baa. .?i -akeart ta meat.

ZkN 11 a DAY MORNING. No. 1« .clock ... ||* ’ '" li - »* - ra. r k arid aad Data tr—a la ,. aad >«rjr MinN. tacicacl (Mk Read -Mad. VI a^Ur l i>tkia« J.1.1 MCI. d <?.«,»: .... a«—

?J** “•* (aacj . luth tr ek C.«U.L l..a«lad t aa.iMar. aad -alkcat kaiua. . MU-

kroea aud Mark CIHklmH'MU;RWaV-t'Ji^l-r "** P*Ur

Eaa-r autB-rc tad Ira k c«awjDark laae* l a.,a.t, ra..tat ....?u|ar *la.-k aad • ? -*rW>,da.k«.pd.aad U» * wi raatakda.

lalach t'*oii*«re and -attuMich .-ilk sad « nt:. a Flu h 4


*V*tk a Yar>e«y f other gusmblu « I tMu<

mi*;;;""+• »-i«k.

w uU li a-.-« Kali M . I. • ladcr-Rkirta.m* n . am, . »»(.«« rati tw m--. . . ..... . . . . .

a.a.:.jr ka,.r. * tk.. lar*. aad *..Vra.l. „ .m ' r£ “4

aad t aj-r. a kirk a til k. a. raa, cdW ta. ..i, . . , .... a..ada, ^!*>* a. e. unit a ir

By T. Anderson & Co.Winter Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Caps, an.



THI KSD A V. *-t*k '*•* i»ri*m Ihi l k \ u1 ue will cash, il, S*uMMMu$- *

WINTER DRV?<earl. t au.l white Flannels; U ur?ue F annel. ~>|oreU *w.i

whPr Blankets heavy plaid I meeys; kewvy i Mi*JkmJ|.•>, uc, aud initcd sntlO«*s. i Kti.s; < *.«»iu.e • s, Tw*. Is- n

I u 'haw I-*: embroidered >haw!s: Jean* br> wn bleaeWA1 »h«.-t kgs Irish I. n* n* \oiiift; hlnrk and faurv \'w r ••

4*i a Serges; Muslin de Lain.* aud tashu iLi. Uusuerr*Woulua M ufller*. 0 d*. A*.

WkiT-A AND r.tKMlU 4 fin- Calf limb fine K >p H.* t«; \>uihs and Roes*W iiw* s hit ana i aif Loss b «va , g lf


Isis lirsio*. Lodtos and 1 bildrcu'e S*hues; Mvu'u

« IGARSKe: tliu ( irm i* Kxsa -r kiu m h.

». a*»*s*SM * esu- 1**- iMiMari3y C. C. Spencer.

Special aud Positive Sate of fair and blackLeather Trm.ks, Doctor?’ and Traveling

Sa.i>l'ebag?, and Furniture at Auction

w ul«l, al Auct..*u-r-*ma, N«. «u» 1 arch street, n* i.«y

mti ’1*7 r ‘r.T**.-2 5** .*‘ *" *»H r“ *1 '-‘ r


*“•* .rat. .a, Tn.l, H ..Mr, r» rku.aa.t .,1 aad Ra..-. la. or. aa-l Tea,,.:.a -Mid • at.

~a2,*T2:TJk, k“ rr*4 r— •*" "ISr- •*- *;

...h al C»,k, J r.7r„'l7 *.V2'*“*

•0-t • aid -.11 tka .pec ,.1 a- a f aad . ., tk,. >a*na«ld Traak. .at -allkka, r*., J. w,..

“"'“‘"-N •»< *>U *a.utsi, *.Without our resurvuu* • W OteTer. 9

I I am told that Mr. Mason replied in the wav enna, and it conveys a very incomplete notion of ,lu “ l,ant - a « • 3d. d ... j Thom; i dodo, w p inau. t CuiNew York. Nov. 15. that will have occurred to every one else on be-j

the operations which commenced on the 17th."

Til. Tunes of lilts mornr g. with the official mg to'.d those reasons. He said that the affair ofJ

Some -liip? of the Fr. i.rh and English squad- s«, i.\ i, -ut k*i it r.'n'-r i Wan < c«i„ i

infiuenre of th« lar** traits*, fciw.s in ndtu* for s.tuc days pasha* been f,*lt in thr \an<>«s rami firstin* -f trudtr.Notwithstandingthc r iunaratively huavy .»|r* f ,o(tn.«x

I- hang,' csittitiuc. Mint an ! |.r. ci .ii, rate, arc Well ...i-i- rt.-lIi. .larllur tw Iran-acttuu. t.. daj Were lituttcil. Saute ,

btlla Ware > -U at Illy "

A('K>— 3$0 pirru* block ^ilk • ja«J *ud for sals bya I JAMFS LOW A

attle Market. Nov. 15.

having b.TMM favombk

* day and for sola byJAMES Low k ro.. 416 Main at.

DAN. RICE.II tbe* bin lest manner, f .r this sns Tr* up. hi* wonderful pupi's


I. \ Fgl IhlhE DE I.J

Greenlee, of Ma«on county. V'a., discovered a

runaway negro in the Salines, and undertook to

rap i.-e h m. The darkey refuaed;


Uiei. attempted to tie a gun at him for the pur-

pose of frightening him—the gun missed fire


tlie negro then rushed on Greenlee, knocked him

down with a rlub. commenced choking him. and

got l*i> thumb in hi* mouth. Greenlee finding

himself about to be overpowered, succeeded in

getting out hi? knife, and killed the negro in-

stantly. The negro, in hi? death, still kept

Greenlee'.- thumb in hi? mouth, and hi? jaw- had

to be forced open to get it out.

Congres- by 800 majority. prtonal matter, which could, perhaps, have ex-|

arrival of our own correspondence and dis- m.i. lua u“ u,,“n “cj'mI^7. ^ 1 nu-7.J Ii*ARR1V

Glasgow Kv Nov 15 cu?«d a discourtesy toward the citizen Sander?, I patches. - *. avoMiada*. u.i, c.m|. ,a. i. tafAg. ia tkai d»cri|>ii*a «i Loflsvi

M _ ,i . ,


if be should have jires*nted himself on the fron-I Private information leads us to sunnose that ‘TuiTlV.Vh; i* Lr"



Mr. B .- ow is elected to ( .>ngiess in this dis- Ue„ of France, bit it certainly did not author-|

the ‘‘quarantine battery” reported to l ave been MS?.™ eii ' »; "l

nlllh.vac,Lcy C.ued by the dcU, of , «op like that against tbe (niled State. destrojed by the French ia? an earth-workMercUaw

. <t t k t*

' M . B. » majorilv IS ,,t er . As to Cuba. Mr. Mason absolutely de- which th- Russians threw up during the 10th, Ja«. C, Hum. Fac-xarc, 'r*^-, j",,,' m

aad K lam w.ll informed— ll,.- rigid ,d any llth. Rod 12th October, and Id MB which they « I w U at aa a •- g.New York. Nov. 13. power to meddle with difficulties that may have


threw shell* with annoying effect into tbe French **tub lik “i,

' * *" op*t-m,k''k>r

A terdict of guilt v was rendered to-dav. ^^ „ Spain and the Lmted States. He. trenches. Life lUhUmiife, Annuity, allii TrUbt t'0.“ V

.... -: n,a i- Peve'rl, f.. r attempting e howqueaUonsot for- A easa.October 25th, saying: “The ornujPMtniT. J s wi!

i -e, m Fi ".nt street Julv last. Hi*p°«cy can be treated by alfronU offered to bossbardsMBt of Sevastopol was continued up ctaMDin. HaaM.t.*, i.

,,'o *:• Tl,, IVverlt » a- nut on trial l.?.* friendly power. The two ministers parted to the 23,J. but nothing decisive had occurred.” ....

' e"* 1 •»«««<«>• an *.• ... l.uIiSi’.-J;":,


ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS.Lot 1SV II.LE HOTEL -Kkan k Arnold.*»p. I I'd J M M ullikcu. Ind

i|- • Ii.6 t»rs«ii9s>N id Front Atre^t. Julv la«*L Hi> ®r

1 3 *Zs .J

. t”

.TL ,,7 t . .

'.rother Tiioma? PeveHy, was put on trial to-a f,,end,f Pow '*r

;The two ministers parted to the 23d, but nothing

day for an accomplice in the same at I


e, y much excited, and Mr. Mason was fully|

n>e Russian oflicia

\empL prepared to ax»k for bid passports. He sent, bow- *‘8t. Petersburg, Octol

I. D llatio cl*, MenilC \dim* kvS Mo d» LustU Norton. N Vr l> K inner, N VR W Keunvdy, T< rr0 F Stermon, K i

W A II mcl.t «, ill

J i’ Martin, i Tovrr]J S \V ilk ms4*u, dwM llatuHIet -n, JuJ M Kigjf*. T. un

Jm<. B. Holme-, late for Alderman ^!r' ?Pefial

• xanuned to-day for the murder of policeman"e*ore deciding u

Geo. Arley, and committed to prison to await the La'.ctt Concern

Si i :


v boat Notice*.—


lie Lady is Ihe a'1*®11 of «*• Cr» :‘d J’11 }'-

Bailboat for Cincinnali this morning. Rome. NTlie Capt. Holcroft. leaves for New A break occurred thi? afternoon in

Orleans (hi* evening. Thi? is the RA first trip.' iua!

’two mi,M West of *•*'* P»*ce, w

— » , , , ... ... , , interrupt navigation two or three days.bhe ts a fine boat, eleganliy furrustied. and of1 3

vet v light-draught, and we commend her to pas- n ... .• „> Ol'TBAGEOlTS KIDNAPPING Case —

pciigera. Meeting.—


u Thursdav uidit last, set

etion of tne grand jutv. day, Ort. 31.—There is no further news from 1 he lire from the enemy’s ships has not been 1 —-

1,111 *tr"**

Mr. Mason, although it i? hourly expected; in received. A part ofour reserve has arrived, an<l The Firemen’s Insurance CompanyK- v.l. Nnv. U. |*cl tofts expected biaiself, but be mil hardly ihe remainder is expect*!.’”

. u. .

A break occurred thi« afternoon in tbe Eii* couie. F.iurtisli mediation is hard at work, amt ^ Breach Effected.—The Paris Moniteur of* r

DHiKcroa*.'* u * rm*

aiiul. two nnl*’!* w»*'t of tins placff, which will Mr. Uuchaiioii bad an interview with Jx>rd Cla* 30th *ays:jae^b^ Vi li^

.w.K»ifu* p

iiterrupt na\ nation two or three days. rendon, of the result of which notluu^ hat Irani- “A letter from Varna informs us that a French %. A.uwfiMr, a!o.'

pired. After all I hear there will be great ef- earner* which left the Crimea on the 21st, con- — J. Il* MaUhlyn, I W. ii. i>av|d*ou.

Oc tragi *irfi Kidnapping Ca^e — Public


l**ad bark the art air to the grounds ot fiim> th»* iiet&s of the destruction of the two out- riMus rompauv euutinu« i« tak* ri*k* «u HeiUiu^s, iUckc'uf

dii iiNi. f) Tliufssiiav iiH^ht lxwt spi-arai \ t»fr9ouality. Whether the British Cabinet will «r forU of Sevastopol. Moreover, the land bat- 1 M«rchu«i4**r, aad «Uur Ffw^rty £»»»•; ai**«x M«r

Miss < 'anu >n. ( j *

J I* IturK- *•. KrJ W Tiliuau k viiptJatuv* Mo

K D Hcixadi-r. ILwIiagCJ Ollw, Ku-hm- nJW < artsr. M<1J W r#Tef»un. OMJ 'tuuebi.tiD.i'ixJ I* Italic) . It GreenIl W Dean A f, .N VW> lla« , 111

J Hull, kvII K-llry, < lvY»ldJ U Unit*. nioi.niuiKtutiJ V\ ^uavn*- T nuT II Diauriddiu. • .NsmaA Willi*, .'t Louts

T Toinj'kins. Harrisuti coMis* HarLuur. k)W llurinxii. WiifthingtuaT Dw.iuKisutt. Kuahvlli Martin, TeaI* A Grahaiu, K» GremMi-* S Graham, doA I. WOud, doI. Si.riffK*. Mich

OWEN'S HOTEL—W. R.owrv.y/ Jef,non n*J Fourth strmii



n Thursday night last, several men i*ra»ualitp. Whether the British Cabinet wUI « forts of Sevastopol. Moreover,

Special Election ns the Third District.troiu Kenlucky. a.tled by a man living in Ohio. 5UCcecd 1,1 this

.- «s >ai Tet .

a u* at(‘‘ r of doubt,

kiduapped a young negro woman in the neigl,- Basis,, Oct. 30, 1854.


X. Mrrt-liaiit|i»g, xau vtuer pr**

er.*n‘di«c i’ontMM g«*uc rally t hr |w-riU of tlie iroi,

were only waiting for the opeuin^ of a second *Dd Vr

Th* election for member of Coafpcas te th* I boifcciod of Georgetow n. Ohio, and brought lu Th» Soule ailwir i? seriuu?. if not threatening.| Kurcrtsfeel <nri„ nf ik. d....... a--., i _ -—— — »•“*•**


.«nyn, .-

Third Congres?,ona. d -tne. of Uli- > ate. .o filld^ite'' ^ U% ?'“»,•Mr*.^ ^ Ml '

ing« offte^ld^^ib^

breach, in order to make the assault.” Falls City Insurance Company.

<* JoliiixoM. I t UuyalJ T WarsawJ Gulf. M •>

E Suth* rlan l, K.vF Adams i;rM,«,s<|• Fdia, UOt-dfd

y \ rur-ell. Ml V'vrnonJ A |i j,? i-|(at«», hard*

the vacancy occasioned by the death of H«u . *bere they concealed the negro g.rl durmgBresley Ewing, took place on Monday last. Tl,e day an, i Saturday. On Saturdav afternoon

made their e? ape to this city without detection. |>,att. Secretary of Lwhere they concealed the negro girl during Fli- Mr. Soule aud gather

bat. Sixth and S*v*ulii, Ih.uisviUp, K ?.

candi late? werr Mr. Bristow and Mi . Harhisoi.— n.....c her « - ape. and gave information which I Mason sent a letter to the Minister of Foreign o'irli fr.'.u, .'ir.'l , *M*'- ' "

, ; 2aSS2SS ^, u...

rv-;-.v.:.':r;'r —..Vr

A Californian who gave hi? name a« John they were released. and if B is not Mr m!uL will taW


Uui**Ui"’,W:fS!?ken P,is“‘e



. . .

James, wa? robbed by a woman at New York Two of the men. Allan and Lewi* Young. (K,rU and at once quit tlie country. This iUthe Vienna^con- liiuo t!^ press^fidence'thafa*Lit week of over *3.000. ^ «“«*«• <*'*>'* pUce-the first Resent state of thi case. Some Veek. ago the JSSrte irKwl l i hhnamed from the custody of the officer—carried Minister of Foreign Affair? intimated to Mr. £ nX”d « «u 1


.1.ewtToV. of^ , w »,/ wi.


Madame Davait*.—The announcement that*Vi^' l



Tnu‘ i rVk**i Trr1*^ *" 8^

* u*tod-v Maaon, informally that be should be gratified if blow s . that the Berlin New Prussian Gazette hai

tht. g,.t ca, w.,1 he here shortly, ha.- ^R^ks^^^^V0

M «“er*1 ^ >»"' »“* **0€T~> thi* morning when our paper: did not accede to the request Las. Thursday Rumor, are verv currclit in ytenn.' that

or elegant music in our city. U e hazard noth- went to prt-a*. being at the Ministry upon other business, and a Bavarian armv will occunv the A.usto-ItalianX psfiirtiiig that she will meet with a wan. te, ' w'h,taker'ti<Lv *rv^

< U‘'*

fljff1®', f 1, "


provinces, foi the psrpssta«( enabling Austria

reception.w hiuker> ,o*a‘> •


ave ** or ho*.

ev-’wew revird1'* l,C**W‘**r ^ IUW“ ,M,t

*'‘Pte,'d “*» t *h* 2P'y W *,

!l ,


c‘»ry;,liunkellin. was taken prisoner.

' »e e intusea. Jnj if it us not. M r. Mason will take his uas?-. nV ih. n.r _Two of the men, Allen and Lewis Y'oung. oorta and at once amt the country This is th-

-1rll0n of lhe Uermauu »u/rr.—Ailvtces from,.1 ... k.. ....1 7.— “e; I’f'Ls wiiu ai once quit uie country, tuis is me Vwnna continue to exnress coulidence tll&t thowe*e Ukentir citiienjof th . niace-tl.TrM


, , retq >* Vienna continue to express confidence that the* 1

.*rl / • .i? oi tins puce—me nr»t present state of the case, borne weeks ago the ...i,- s- .t,.? v, .11 t 11 .. a ,, i,

uamed from the custody of the officer—carried M. . ..... ^ ,2 \iGermanic Mates w ill take part with Austria, it

Jfilin A. i >uti lop,

Win. E. Sn«ddj,Jatl.e* llri.l^ef. H.

R b*rt Bexttj,H. A. Dutn<-tu1!,('ha«.i2. Aruittrunr.

a Bavarian army will occupy the Austo-llalian

Louisville Marine and Fire Insurance j i*. a*i«»

Company.OJict nrtr (A* stern •/ Wuimn «|- Clark, nrsi Jeer te th* Cm-l'u

^(wAerii Bmmtc, ZT'*>» «tBi.*M» c>itli»tt* • u taka ritkaaa P*r’ d 1,1 c

r dneMMeV. Hull* aud rxrpoe* >{ 8t«-aial»oat* and Ve*- fizlUviuiby **a, lake, and rivt-r* t« and front

. w Atlantic Aud fuft i.n port* and inland Lift nix*

W R 7 1*1 w-nitield

M i-8 l »ru*r. I «l uni>nr 11, Klital tlitw uD Duncan. dwA Magru I r. Kv

J S l.nncai>*«r. >ltd byJ D HMtinxaA Turner, do8 A lint, lift,

. doC. V Ilueknall. HenryH Mill-. FrankU V Tong. TroyF Gorin, Gin *u«r51 hr. wo. II. i w caV


l' Hi. Isardd doA A David. >t Fraact*vlMU* K June*. IndMim l> UrioLoe, doA J liriacov. doJ Wall, Cauoalltoa

J S Murphy. Lincoln toJ Kirkwood. IndW llowarth. N V3V 1* Sinclair & f. NvDon coDr Frnace, Jwiio*vlU F Run 11 A l< wlumbiu

M< Murry. daJ W Graham, KvM llall. KvM S W«bb, FranklinJ I* TIgg*. do

V/ *aio for coals, fund* nly. Lv

04 JAkfo U>W A CO.. 41M Maia *1.

1 1 AM U Al PLI MU M D1I 3u bbla l*ea. h U. andy; The \u

10 bbl* Apple de; for Mile by ip4 J MONKS. »\ Mam *t. ’4

/ kl.l> WHISK v— “? 1",'x F 1’4) bM* >*opi»r Whiaky, 1 1*. 1 year* • Id;


50 btl* iiourU>n Whisky, ki**r broad, for *ale hr -!,# *“ 4 J. MONKS, nft. Mam •«. MOKIM

""" — — • - —— Ad*P*( KIKliRV BR A NDY—20 bbl* * 'horn Br .ady f r «ale hyy * 4 j. MONKS, SS«M»,q .t . .

LtlNDBIES—_ G •">:

• ’ IV, Ttnn.'l br.r.S, T-l...?..75.1SI, tb« -

1t.r Sides, rnui'r, e.r.-d:1 ii«par-. ured Ukekh. « „..i ethers:

150 h-K* prim* l^af Lard; % • ,i * ?

25*1 bbl* Kanawha Salt; >1 .,** 1lot baxe* MOT ' andle*.ho hhd* * »d fair N. O. Saur; i >, «

50 *ack* R:o • wtfae;

lbO Uhl* Fiaatatioo Muloasa*;25 bbl* Gwiden ’-irop; * IRANI2»i bbl* 2-yoar-tild IWurbou Whi*ky; vv m at

Too*. Hrnuad Sugar*. >pice*. and *1. *icc i .roocria* of all k ad*.fwr*ni* br [nAJ R| 6BFLL A Dl MEAN •»A#- Ind itt,* Mau Stuck M ney rrtcirrd. ~

O A LERATL $—100 b<>xo* par* f*r *al* by r nl

4 aaWSOH,

New Books.

• ’ and in the Btblr Laud* in Is5'xnd In51. inclndiu an ac-count uf the diaatovery of th* titan , f sa-m and Gamorrah, byV. Dc Saule v. mrtnbcV of ii>a f r.-n> h la-tiuire ediu-a L. t oimtEdward l»a W arr* a. Witbmai- 2*<i« i.mTHE KO^E OK THE PARSON *GE. *n Idyl uf .ur. wi,

time-. Tratulaicd from tl.« Geimaa f Robert Giaeke, aut!. rof th« r#ui*n< a • M -d. ua TiUncu." I v«.| UmTHE WESTERN HOME A N D OT 14 L R PoEMS. by Mr*. L.

Mu^art liali.

MAimit: ROSA 0L ARIES,•n bar foraw«ll t* a thr-tagh i be eunntrv. prior t» bar danarti.» Earoca. will fiv * GRANI* 1 *Kt WELL • £R I

e»ui»rill> • n ran ot N mu bar 23, I vV».-I.r a. II K- a** isled »y MARTIN LAZAKF. 5M.Nl

foil INI. and >D;NuR PA6AKE1.LI4**full i arti- uUr< in futarv a*lvrrt-*amenU. a 17. dt!

K30FFEE-J >"lo.«R*('ePoo:

2fiH bbl* pnm« 1 laatattua M as*.*,

Wdo do A* do;1 >' bbta M. Jamea $wgar-H‘>n«a Mula**a«: fur aaloby

AN1» W fill H W AN A <

'Ti.oairiia v.»*44 CttT*ixu>TYrt5) Waarc now pro-par.-d t.. till rdrr* in avary *tyl« *f IVrlulln at abool tha

fullawiiig rata*:

lOG.RKD PMOTOC RartlS.I.i fa *isa (Ru*t) frum $.'•<) to $l<a»

steamer Forester which

with ? ware,n ’ “ 1 n - Is sun *“

J'-*11 ln >ii* ‘ city

;lie yet ignorant of the stoppage of Mr. Soule, h.-

! f.. r .i... nurtiiM* of a ^tr»"»i '?"* liuiUlii**, M.rdutudlte.iud Furutture cbj,,,,!,,et with a marc Al ,, b. brought before Judge Whituker. to-tlat

. ask'd M Drouvi. Je I’Huv* whv he haU desireJ ,

PT f ’i

P" rP°se -*r ‘"ablmg Austria or d*>M* V, rtf.” * *

, J: f,'

I on a Writ €&hMhe*M cot—lm* ,

va d> ue uau uesireu to |,ave jjer whole force available io case of bos- _ _ _ !<$ *f,

J.11 1 l,Ju,,29 to,Pu *‘ tlikt Mr. S. lx* uJviseti to avoui France. Tlie nlities with Russia Thcwoi H. Hnat, a« r-rrm r.ray, Mmiatnra*u* frw®» $10 to $2*.

I m* matter give ri»* to very general and strong|

Minister replied that they had proof of his having I y n Ireland 1'In* hw *K*» t w ’"jSSt!0

* jV

U i



e,l ',cr8er' »

n.m* ruotoc Rat'll*

tkwm tirtrsy- • x timrit ia our city, wbiel fimm more iaten* eit| etsedb fitiltti > the pr«*eut Governmenlfire i^Molyneaux’s warehouse, Liverpool, is §ei

A * <\H.L*wis.* °«* oapy. $a; d«piieau«v $i m

Miniature mi* on* copy, $3. dupl

N. li. Any uf tha ahuv* Picture* can La uada aith.r f r m /HllNE.'E FIKECRai KLK>—,500 » x t in


Ufa, froia pamtisge. wr frvtu di^oirro'itf p«i and. a* incy or*.-' »ale b> 1*3] GAETANO

taki-n Ly a? • |M -f'lfu |)\

, D uU

U 1GH LIFE IN NEW VGRK. by J<>nathau ’•lick, Kfip,• •f \A «ather*brld. » onn., with nuiweroa* illmitratlua>.

Kacaivi-d and f -r sola by* 4 Jdb C. HAGAN A 4'0

. 507 Main *t

W KV MY BODY WANTING HATS A N D C A 1*> th-ulajM un 13 il.LA K D. FKATHKM. a Mini 4fifi M ..

I atraat . They ar** *«liinr - karrimi. n4 jAb i

Iff WE ARK DES1KOU5 OF RF.DI « ING OI K -To* hxwin«nt* both at wb*dc*al* and retail

1*01.1. AKD. 1'IIATIIK R, t SMITH.® 4 itk 4lif Main at., u^intite »wr uld *tand.

» WE AKESELLI.NG HATS AND I APS NOT IN mileast damaged at rauel, laaa than it cu*t U. makath. m

1 all i-iuB if }«o want bargain*.POLLARD, PRATHER, & SM ITH,

«JAk 46*; M ai mat.

Iff WE 11 WE A LOT OP FINE DRF.'S IIAT- Nuf INXT m least damaged ' jn»r ar* *• I' m* f r $ '. a*>i $t


DM Mam st.

NoLLa N l* gIN—


pipe v*r> nprWr f r «il« kvnl CORNWALL A BLO.


Ii ul•..KNW bl l h BBl

U f Hl'Kl•al* Vf nl: loKNW vl.l. a 1JK‘»

Mrs. Oakes Smith's Romance.|>F.nTllt \M» LILY, or tha Parawwa • f p, h (.laI> Kau.ano*. 12m« l*Ti $i

.ju.t raci v.«l xa.1 f .r .*: >

I jab S. RINGGOLD, wl-ar'un., nrar Bats.

Dickens’s Household Words for Nviv1 > f.« EIVED by ti.a a^utMur L at-villr.Ik BROWN * (akj H4 Fuurth »t.

. nrar Market

Knickerbocker for November1 > F.CEl V ED by th« *4 nt*. l:ROW.N X « KI MP.Ik nl bAj %h Vuurth »t., mar Market.



A H \i; IN t BRO . Third *t.

i » U I'lVs Bt II \KR> I. EH»pia* A# »hi> a- w and pur alar by liarv-hr. f<>r th* Pmu<> and tha G”itar, aad >


si\ ' > I -hr. f r tl.c P»an.« and tba G- H:

2W c-pi * ••Money ie a Lard t

trampled upon. KUFE—tune, llaef F K. l> U.le lUi„. > .ul«ri?r .rticle, *“b««k»wd »d,« ri|

in *t »r* an 1 for salt by * hair, Ac . al*v any re<|




*ale l»y

fruui a di-tnnca ali iuid »aud a ;lh the pirtara to La rapied4ub*«i 1 r* 1 ade* riptian of tha individual* aomplexiau, *»«hair, Ac . al*u any required alteration m the dr***.

WEDaTEK A DRO., Dagucrreot* pi*t*.

•3* 479 Main *t.


EMoNS—2u U»xr* fresh new Lem n* jo^t r.-otived tad f«

J tale by GAETA Vi A l KSO.Wliol>.*al« Confection r and Fru.f. r ,

n3 No. .374 Main *t., between >*vanlh and E ghtii.

*• T’other «id fjord***J>>rdan i« a hard road-I. vely -ally."

M ackerel$) bbl* No

S’euri'hip Line. Tin? i> one of the very quick-

est routes to the Atlsntir.

Tbe I'rbsas Insurance Compsny. of Ohio,

failed on Saturday last. Tlie amount of its de-

posit* are one hundred thousand dollars, and it?

a?sets nr- stated st two thousand dollars. It wa?

under the management of John H. James, whose

house was attached by a mob and the furniture


tar** river remain? unchanged. The rise

in the Kentucky does not amount to much. W


ham by boats from below that the river had

r.s-n 15 inches at Brandenburg. The news hy

telegraph from above is not favorable for a rise.

Dcnawasu: Electiok.—


t will be aeen from

the dr-patches that the Know-Nothings have

been triumphant in the State election in Dela-

Hoc«.—The market still continue? very quiet_

and even buyers differ very widely in their view?.

The only positive sal' we have head of was 1U*>

finme corn-fed at $4 50. four months. It is

propei to state?, however, that this price is far

above the view? of some purchaser, who are

It was the yellow fever m that citv. of which epidemic ders‘* le,t« r lo tl*e French people, and at a score to b„ recI u jtf.d by 4,000 men to till up the defi-. whose he shortly died. The following paragiapli.

| f other similar offenses; and it is not surpmmg cienctes caused in Ihe ranks. So it is, however.


imaturew hich we find in a tetter U> an exchange, aow>t- that such an enem) of anarchist? and dj-nia- The regiments latelv arrived from Canada, mus-

For New Orleans.'• The »u, it.uuirrl l UUEUI.ANI) VALLET.~tlj l euuili. tnifiter, will UaYtf *- abur« uu tlii*

. *y , lha'ibth in*t , at 12 . cluck, M.tltflit apply oa board <>r to

C. BASHAM, Wall *t.

-’I 2 ‘ bbl* N->. 3 large Mackerel;32 kit* No 1 do d ;

Just received in *tur« aad for tale byu3 GAETANO A URSO.

Capital Hotel ami Rcrtaanat,Northwest corner of Third and Green stractc.

UrF. *r- n a re»-. i\ in* daily freoh Shell Oy*!er* fr -m NewV>>rk bj taprtM. *elevt,-d front iIm uto*c d< »irabl- U>d«.

aud are n« fat and a* deli* uuj at were ever brunt : to'nmarket, nu U e*‘ aura ut ie mo* *. abundantly supplied »t:‘e* erv t hn>* in the way ..f Wild Gam**. »u>-hu Vein un. W: 1

Dock* of aim «*t av#ry J»»rn; lion. I*h* aa-int. Qa.nle. |*lwvrr.W dc -cV., Snipe, (.am* Fiak. Mu- r at* .tr

b3 > ATTEKW II l TE A BiiD'.G-

« tr ken "

xpr*-*^ aud f.r *alw bv

11 %. DCME5N1L A I'O., Wall 4

New Church Books.

N FI.P tn tbr Kvad at f the Btblr. by U*« late a-;,—K., M N b I- M. A -Ig

SViH— Eaplaiaed am lllw«ra..<i fMi

.nSSi4 a.TS.illmsHsO ll,n,h n .fiW

^e' f"iaVaaD- ^ 1

• »u tho laaptensi •« oi llulv «cnptar-. «r tba Caa-a r# -ln>.* *\4 ** '*-***•>*- l«tlT«lr«GdellYvfwd wlofu- tba l isiver-.'y «| I . n, > .Iv* - l. i-k.

MTardawortb. D. D>.J ^ tlr*

r;;--,,-,;** ““ *” T *“*-•*• i»>n*cwu

x"i* 5'f m' .'JIIPm"1' k,,k* *?' wr j. c.,,k,*.,.

t TV? «*n7a,^|t *** ****** ’v *• ' Ink. s. Oh

A l»ll k*.(l:iM.t<>l H. SS-*. Pnj,r l»li,l' >ki*MH. k.1,I I. , I: UlIn »• -re aad f n Ir

- KI Ngi.oI D. F urth •*„ nawr Wmk*.

New Books.I LONE, by Man a H ox la ad. anth r f Kn*« Har; «r $1 2V

- t H -m»f* l> 1. #.- TW th* Diary of a K*-o !er. bltn-.tbar mi ply •# tha Lampltahtar. Paauv Fees’* K-aka.

»»ib ail the puiita 1itemrare >t tba ia-„... tewi | flHf,•M )Ab BoekMllav* and Stnnoaar*. -4 Fanrrb at.

Putnam’s and Graham s Magazines.\'(»v EMBER a«uwb*r» rcc.ivod by the afe*:*,

BROW N A ( fil lip. .M F >wrth ut.. near Market.

Drpn and ( l»iik Trimmings.1 VI ItktL HEATH. A CO. %»• jw.1 • «at4 |b* ».iXT lui ala- k *f i'r *«»i4d akTMnai»0. MitutiMtf a*,•erk Dinah. Silk, and V«i*«i rnakm a • «v«r i* mmysutteblf ui-n* in tba v»«y. L*'»-a wba *r» •«#-.. rau. afThDim*ele«« tna w«an4 «aa»i ia*» af aal.< ong 4 nokminfa hsv by « *i. -i ear at* ra; 'b#j m- find >k* fullaat *••. aicai.# aeery ^yl. »bM en« h. ml tad f-r. aad at (ran ly rwdw. -aprirw* fr » (be* w»unity bar

by atbar a- -a***.Wa haaa ale** jna*«pen 4 anatber U«af ( bildran * • aahsara

dlM, 2 aave uswre af th ae <b ©am r-i ata. wh eh svwyWdf•y* by tba piea* aa tha ebeap>«t Print* n -,ty mnrher

D* Kb EF lIRtTR $ CO.•M IfT F nrtb «*. batwaan Marbat aad Jadwreas.

«• hbda Otriatly *r ea* N o. Anpar In Ifra j |-^farmlaby A. KINhi.V

Notice.pil«* E bmntlfnl *pe»i*wer»a af W.r* «bat bank tba pr«n>M1 i» f ,. r .h H *-• si my MlsU shai-si

G. Ml Hull*.Ur . t U ear lee’ ery » l Fu«. lur.

•X Ns. V. r ITUs . Star, «?.» mmJ Ms k«.


JIG IKON --Stan, l’l* 1 r.. far . .1, k_r

“** A. AWAOTS.

NOTICE.IJULI.AKD. I-RITIIEK. s -Uiril as V,» »»4»1N« »».I n,| « ul* b. p' ->. 4 e. «... ,?-. r.m.s«,m 4 s.vnm. sh.M <k4j task, *u|.|.l..4 wil? IHTS»s4 CAPS st ntrraMll Ss frt<s4. U;

Graham a Magazine for November1>E* El V ) u and t r Mb by t it ii, \ \ a ' u1$ *25 bAi 3P7 Ma<a *«.

Putnam's Magazine for November|

[XF.« F.IYEDand f-r <ol« by C. Uii.AN t Cfifi

t* »’*» aw aw. ski

November.jjmnGTt MAGAZINE FOB KOTKtBII. a4 * Witlfwl .id «»|n(tn| r |maanttn( tbr aplwraof Mxj.

t Y\S

* hy**™'



St rOB Sf%******' fMQofebnMn

Now •« tba um,- far y a t.> r-. f » an with vanr In-liana Money to A. H AGAN A Bio.'** Ho*k*tar*. Na. ffiTbird


f $1G I RON— AMI tnna nil T«aaaa*n« far «nla by1 "g « oBNW a LL k BMP

' I r « ABB. 50DA-a*> kata Nsventte f r m e UeCRRMWA l.t A BBO

« - $fi bin vnaniYOd |>vr tn* 1- b ak 4„rx rnleky {(07.' < ORN W \ LL A BBO.

\| a* KClBlr 4# tbi* N*. J i4M-fa. oat • af |>5i f r an la by__

CORNWALL A BB4K\|AtTKBRRL—>1 d* bkU nan Na. 3 Howkaral. lam#:

.’di Vi le naw Nn. 1 Ja mauiunfn «u.r* and far tala by A. RiW'OI,

'*••!•*<? tn Rnn*r.n A Hn-n

kid$ reference to Scovill. It was our for-j

&ould issue a ban against tbe arch an- Ur n0 more than 5UU to Guu men, and must be

•lothtlc for r-nj rise 11.


‘ liSSipori, AUSCumDia, ana Florence. .Liu smsoliisnl -oft sr- us*uri.os.,d l.y sa. .li.,rs..»

,ir u, Tti. nu. 1,. truft ,.s, . ii.-. r.t smrr ATLAJf. II rssss,«4 Sk4 b!rui’,fi.s., 1 , < Ilf


* ' Il Mlt ' . ttis-Isr will (cs*.- ». s' .... i.u I rl* 4sntf nc*. Ii t. sloo ussful a ?!• sr*. i r oilsy Uu I71li iu-1., si lOo'^ock. A. M. For sal, kr HEI.L. KOUl.N-oN s

I *.r Ii.i,kl .« I'M.-. , sp|.ljr on G.srd or to ?,u»h an, Msrkrt, brtwr.s Tliiro u.l FourI* C. BASHAM. .. . .

.tbdnrhon .—A colcrvd woman, named Mary

'iad received notice to keep silent, "5?“^ d'dtojoot parties to treat with, and, after r " megan. escott. a hoore. i;i MsisAmong the opinion* expressed by American- ?

rt",‘ and, consequently, there —_____inou this affair, is one to tlie effect that tlii? Gov- i

,a!* Vu" ?° T"’* 11 * rr*val* of le.i. Ihe river S l

7i .'u.udiukiurii.t.,,^.*;•;


ol < •uorfBijjsvilte,i

was. onBun- Lament might have soi^ht to taka (to lea*was full °f piiateu. auU u , the foil?

river ^ ^ ndrie»‘*-O 75 roaea t*nd bafikvt* i hamf acne Wine*;W cl? SU dwiiea old Port, Madairm, and hh«rry Win**:

im- 5 (.'nraooa,

25 blskrt* Auiaatl*;C aaxen Ab-yutha:

gust. * do 11 flatter * Bitter*:

wsim. I,

*PP4r*Oht, Spicad Bitter*, Su^ar, Tobaou*. i’iiar*. U«*ek,SSIOII a.rrt, soJl stswks Wlu«, a.; I. ,l..r, ,?J lu,

For Eastport, Tuscumbia, and Florence.fp ,

The iuq ttqquxr RAVEN, UcMWtBEY, ..otter*Itsr w ill loavv u» abu%«un .Saturday, th* 1-th *.*(., it^llg - U'u cKck, A. M.Fur freight or pottage apply un board or to

old C. BASHAM.


I trr a Th, Sue •tusuiur l;El.l.i: GOI.M.NG. T. H..

*'’-ito~s*aauil*el7.h lUfct . At iHo'eloek A M.4 or frvipii. n>4.c appl\ on U>ard or tu

( BfiliW, Wall it.

For Memphis and New Orleans.. ii' ' a Th# um paaaebgar »4eaa*ar KXPRE>S. JaxksW n.oatar, will loavr xa ab .v« on Friday

|fi r freight r pa to. c apply on board >r to

alti C. BASHAM.


•Y-*^-* Ti.»- n«-w and ipUndiJ p*


*t*grr»E-*mer RA1X-/ IM»W. \\ . K. IIi.lli n.*rr, mx Ur. will leavr xt» m '•» s igto *bu\a on Thursday, the loth ioik, nt 4 u'etock.


Saturday, thal-tb J.t at I 1TING INSTICC MKNT'

\J <»f Di*»«c*ing lu .iruineutv will 1

La*t i lustrum*- nta uf thi* du


Dutch Bulbous Roots.•JR The aubseri bars have ;ns. r*c- ivi-d. fr'-m tlie wl#-

brated garden* #f R. Van Ikrtb. « A '"U*. ia lloi-

d3K9B land, (heir annual «upi ly f Dnt«-b BolL*, aa»» rn- -:i. fc

th* f wl 1* a iug tar.a, vii Uynaiiitba, d- uMaa i *.u, e

aa«b<ted Tulip*. Grown Imparial. um*. Grvaus, l*wlyantba* Nart-i* as, J n^nils, IrD. Glnslioii*. Ac.

I !.e*»- Holb* ar* ia ua.* order, and will be Sold m packagera**nrtod at thr low c *t «o*t«>inary prit •.

M ACKEREL— lu this Na. 3 large in **•.>• aad fur «al* by0.31 GAETANO A U*n

A. 1 >.MANSFIELDMl .v-ll ll.NAIH l:

Out lilting IAl:i l>l i-it iik-ii I.

* Gentle i.u- n 1 unearth f near and elegant < LOTI!/JX ING and F l R.N I. H1NG GlHiDs lU Bnd tba fv.l. w-

in : a my »«• r-

1,]^ Dr > and fi rwek Gaata, black aud foney. antra flu.-

/.at I»r - I'antn.

If j I*reaa V -t-. faney Velvet. 5ilk and » a*h’r, >•*.

.1. Over-i’iMt* and r-»4.-k», kan aad Baa. oat. a aad^|i kl| .- a lin d.

_ ifiiMi n-.a* l Pan *. an-l T« *«, a*sorted cuh-r*.

>U1RTS AND IIO'ILR)l.ineo and Maelin >htrto. an-- and m a>a>u.Under-Shirt- and Drawer . all kinds;Shaker. Merino LamU' Wuul, Cx^hattre, and brown C tG-u

Trunk*. I'ubrcllut ('*iiet, Perfemcry. MrA. D. MANSFIELD.

o31 No. 525. a-uthweet en>ner f Mam and Third s:

[EA N \\l» N ET — A O/batant awt pi • . •

I brand* for *al« xt manufai'tn. .r» pr mU.4; HA. Dl UE.8NIL k GO.. Wall *

(r,TT°.N-a . bole* now t'ottua m etora aad fui

Aw - 4 l af d daily reee . v ax f rw»h Ba4tiu. re Oyntovv. wbrabSLjJ / »# will**11 a: market- r --^L/ (• A XTA NO A I'fi'O.Wnwi tet.a*h aad Ett k.k

B •


H i .*»• .

fur id* by

Jwa» If. I k

Gaetano Sl Xt rso,et. Wtwvvn Seventh and Eighth. L -ui*v

I I' GLAND.IN-Ipipe m stare f <r i*b by

1 b '>*» gobnwall a bbo.

n°*‘%— 1 J Lai## Ea*t*m Hap* rneaiv«d per*WV >t l.ady

. Pika aad fur tala by

l 3H K. R>R— la7 Westera R-a-rv* 4 ba»*e raamewd vsr\ > steamboat Lady Pika aad f- r aal* by-27 JNO r HOWARD k GO

t PfLI*— 5ti bbla Wmler. ai d lfvreat e.rtss. p-mv** ina


.\ furaalaby aiT)


J"l' 4 A.* II ~40*A»ka rautanl I m tad h r eol* byo **27 Cornwall a bbo.

\ f—Ad kwx«a N*. I aad Aid kaaea Ta. I- 1 *eap far «oie byo27 « UBNWALL A BR»».

* Ph A—25 boll the*to bOe Gnapwwdar far aela by




W’-HI-KY-W bbla Old Dm.bMi 4 vars ld far tala k«~

,«27 CORNWALL 4 *Rb.

'Poll \Gi\W5d k uh f ood Keatoeky llfifit.VtkrgI ralacaa fur to.* by

! *r BUSSELL fi BWWCAM.• west (ham l VLNlM M\NlfiA‘ TI RErO \ N D WHOf.F>ALE DS.%1. I T A MJt—2/ 8*1 * vn or awrad a *<ora aad f»-r «a4a byhv«ve PITKIN. I ro. it .r* 14 \a* I.,., :..r. »-. k„ - r, - 1. .1 , ... II .r KHIUtSTViC

wv can inform him who the buyer? are. Ham? the block ace offered at fi cents cash, and

si,oul.ter? at 3 cents.

Messrs. Owsley, iiiunaird. &. Co. had killed

o}, to last evening fi.VtU head.

Tmv. HzPf-ora.suan.—


his establishment open-

ed las* nigh* uader tattering auspices. TAeper-

fu, U4i.ce? were nnexceptionahte and gave great

satisfaction. Dan. as a matter of course, is the

e- litre of attraction, ai.d be kept the audience

ii. a eoirtiaued roar of laughter by his coraicali-

li. ? aud buuorous sayings. Don't fail to visit

t,ie Hippoferian. There will be a pA-f oi mauce af'-rmoon and alto to-night.

iff,mF We are indebted to tlie attentive offirers

eff Uie Atlanta for copies of the manifest and


We are indebted to the officer? of the Raven

fora ropy of the man il est.

i^aVKS from Tkkas.—The steamship Louisi-

ana. Capt. btbilh, arrived at New Orleans on

t-.e 7 ti. f on. Indianola and Galvestoii, bringing

Galveston papers to tlie 5th inst. The Galveston

£* - A plan "f her rabiu can bv da n a( the a.’r

D. «. MAIL OA! bl bl N r.


AM naw teHkug f» tii rt ... ai ruler - i ui> G*>u*i« at barprice* ron a » kw mr*‘archa«e-r« «f ffausid at my axle will eail xnd receiv* I

g— *d« or th**y will be *ul-i their a- cunnt.All |-er*v>nd m iehted to me will have to make imui c

I*. ASWEDONOTWDU TO Kfi:M IV E MOREOFol’RHat* and < ape tlum iblv mt. - ur uld ataud *

plcted. we will n**w offer greater luduecntcQU to Uicm than

A* ARON I — ii» b-v • M-tcar- ui ju-

^I.Mi»ND> AN D r IKE-4 UAt KEK5

>NDO.N i’OHTKX— 25 seeks pii

CITY COURT.W#:i»\F*naY, Nor. 15

liULnve*. Latl r«.-f uircd ia $4U" fur twa

MARRIEDDi.r-vh-tirf Ky .. ua U*a 3k*t 4K-i« -vr. !•* Ret. B. T. Tay-

la: Mr GK< * .»: I. U *«ki». uf 4 ••lumb a. ky.,t> Mi-* Mar.t dawgLtee uf J D Alien, oi tbe furtov-r place.i»n il*r ev.-isiug uf tb. 44th uist., by Rev L. 14 Dawtua. Mr

Ta -k


u> *»—o* -4 Ik.vltu. Ciwe-L Ky.. tu Min* Lt cindaN aa a a. <Ua. Alar *4 Mr S-olt Ncymia / lh*a tl»»


tously to insult us wa? the ruling motive of thej

>’ l»‘->s*s upon the Cz.r the acceptance of] I \'’ix iVa !ul«

Cabinetthe four points. Nothing further of the do<;u- ’ iii,“


.«4 rn^i, . ........... , . ment ha? transpired: but there are not wantini; iiwi.r. uzciieu;1 hav. never doubted the me).,.a ion of this

Ulose w Lo >ay '

tliat t

u .. note WM j lclat ,.j h thfH«Ww- *-40™,.,.:

I .“!


•' C*ar himselff to afford a pretext for the renewal %, , ........... , ... ment ha? transpired: but there are not wantini'1 hav. never doubted the inclination of this ttlosewho sav '

tliat’u .. note WM dlclat ,.j hLmperor to attack u. sm. e h.s alliance with Cw hllIUelt

,to afford a pretext for the renewal

I..gland. But I did not exp-ct any evidence,f „ , latlotlS-


of ,t tad filter the fall of te-bastopol. It may TL , n of a Jrf„t sustained b lhe Rus.turn out that tbu ’atbar premature maiufestaUon

sitns in J«ia Mlllor ,s cold,rmed .


will he an unlucky step lor Louis Napoleon. „ u bUtcd frolI| a ivatt, wurce_withou|He wants out) m.lf.ons of francs, and u only daU_lhat the author.U.*? at Sydney have seizedwaiting lor glorious t.dmgs to propose another

an Amerfcw , sl in ,he 1 ,

)ar |)ur

7lllerp . ()„!SWk^2?4K±5^ fera.

lr 1*r?irs-w!like the la?l, he may have difficulty in raising ~

the money, and especially if trouble witli Amer- . t. j. o,»7, r~

. ica he added to trouble with Russia. People 1 -Nfi r?

I would then Le very skittish in entrusting L|

A)" >ltl,w.ftV.. 'Tbaar^^j^

SOUTH ERN EK (low-preaa«ra) f Capi. 1. il. Jwua*.FASHION, Capt. Church.( KV TAL 1* \I.AC*E,i apt. W. J. Kuouts.LADY 1’IKE, Gapt. Sul. Gaticrlia.TEl.EGKAl’U Nu. 2, ( apt. Erwio.

For fr..ght or poana^c ap; i> on Lard - r to

wa* ever ••d'ared



th* United -tat* . , f .r cash, w Kdrtala •


3LOUR—A few bid* cltertCc «

^ e ar* d U> the officers of the Raveii -j Mr. Ja—§1 Kara. further supplies to tiju author of tlie aputhegm.

furs copy of the mamiesL ia», s.,t>«. u>. ism kmt st s nurut Uf n iv oci .< t. L- L'Emfnrt, e'est la To iz.”— kinun.urf.’-iit e jssa,. War witii France on Mr. Stjiile’s account

I.ATKB fbom Ti.xas.—


he steamship Louiai- OBITUARY. Would, doubtless be excessively grateful to the

aua. Cape hmith. arrivad at New Orleans on . ^’-TCTiStU himt

- emhitteredteeliugs of tbat genUeman, hut I do

, . .. . . _ , , ,-f U» »i4« luec-iMic f o.rciir iu » .. . s.r .1 not see that it would exactly suit any one else,t ir . th from Indianola and Galveston, bringing Bsiuw.r. wh.r., ... I-M. tomum


..m. a- us.. ?f i.rt,t u true that you hear the remark, from time to

Galveston papors lo Uie athinst. llie Galveston ms**, saniian wist k^tani'r time, ‘well, now, we must join Russia, and whip

r.u**. uf the 5th inat., funnshet the following '-* 1

ns* ullV'.i tl,c“ a11 to >” but **•*• Pf0ce '^ r»‘b«r GomA«*leli»Krucr; !a£»<Jc iiaiiri r ta nu-,wud h.a mil arj ««G*rs. Ttt. .. plucktbkii froui pbilosopliy. \ouui!l draw I

aftor yuf< oRcctod 1*j» a«r%uoa »y*uiu a* *• render *!?«(

t lie moral and apply it to the ca^** of our Gov- '

We Iearn from the AuaUn Times that an or- ^ 1 ?!!' , -nnuent al horn-, ‘it is General Pierce that is

Ae. ta? been received by Gen. South from lhe !!.,*?<?*.- I I.u. V« iw c»i if res.. murser. insulted rather than tlie * Okerican people. For

vher*. ID I k l4. t*e Oaozatoo .

apreoaly a* an auxiliary

bur gams. •» aOMkte Ue'asruas sF«tom osmkt in. i the moral aa I appiv it to the case of our Gov- *. j-. »"•’ M«i-

mrtruX \at W»,!: it ,? General Pierce that .? &^ - S u.


L i, tea amim laa insulted rather than the American people, lor I'susi latest *»««• H.«4Im s.i-



I-.-- .-ot been able. unde, the circum- V; :


V' “m. ' ..-. 'i ;JMT .-

.1 J... ; UK r. i ila-.-vi. with • !**»•. an trnito »*. th*, hUiiGUa. to get tip my timely irritation at tlie 111 - I

Mr 1 Mu li a. sugar An- r*, xaJ Meallio Tap. I mi..

Baal aaaik i . ka k«* rrawf.i wa»"“J"

•• VJ dignity put np.,i. my PresidenL He n insulted,J

uiVAtfi s7‘ “J 0

*»KM -UV A. <»\V fi. N s:j m b;|1

200 act ftn SUovt-1* auU T >Bg*;2‘*' gru«a Cutlery, line aud c mm a;5<i

' du«u l’-ecket i utl.-rv. all pru-**;

J Hiokc* a- t?. vl al***.2,-V'ii (miliimhlcti, policed

275 d / u Lock*, all price*.2»W du < urnr-Gaub*;

l.D»' d‘i llulobtl* fi ilfl, a**urtad*-iea-250 da GuJ-Ew k*, dw 4W



X5f U-* liu tabar Kuivet, kA'ilaua'a,HW do * cop.-r*’ Drxw-K un**;

1,0444 k«?^* Nail*, guud brand*;2UU Rfiilr.'^d W!i*i»lKriv'«i;

Ja- liracelet# at.d ( r<i*s«*;

N rkiaevaand Bead*;|——

Gilt and (.aid Jewelry;Muju-al ln»iruin*iit»;Spertacler a nd ( x.-*e*;

Brushes an >1 Garni-*; ^• Uca'a'a and Stuart * ThrcXvl. I IL«fVelvet Trittintiagfi;

bilk aad Gutu.a fi !••»§;

Sea i«g Silk aud Twbt;, J'.

IMayiag G«rd* 1 DwOiiDf*. .

ladueentot* *fm-d to pa f,2;i“

1$t7BIFY TBK $KIM * - ..-.1 part

ut ilia body, aw it i« ui.rt likely than any utb-r part to be-••utne dificosod. ur. if there i» a prrvli*p..*iti..u t. vutancuu* (T*2aflwdiwiy*. iLe fa. a or band - uautlly -uffer, they Kie ii i niUaftprised wf tbe piutecliwn uffr led wth -r part- wf lit# h.,1* |i, <fcazvAiall aucli ea««-s .-xt. r»al rautodic* u»a*t ba applied l^tallpcr- A KAMI•un* whu wiah to *a fraud from cutau«-u-i*aSietiuii*wbtaib ' U. S. Wnumadiakly a toattU.t I'o'iaer * \ rgeGtble < »ui«l lotion.


Thi* praparteitwa^'cana** the •urfac« l .j,, m» il.* p..r -* of the tu watttkia. and allow* s. owcr«*>wn* t> pa*» wfT that w vuid wthtrw i.. Uw of i

' c rcta : Uwd uearu. u.fwaeniid caiiaC tbw »lighl i u flam in fit uu, StefitaUGiat *uaoti»ut«* th.* 4»»oai^ For *a)« whwL - nle ur r#t ail ai poe-ugi

G Nil UOLAS’S wcll-knAA’ • Mana/aelory and fi'aurv store. o.-u.f -rt

«2B 15 fi'aurtb *tra*t. betw««n Mmi and Market. $$-1




irv^r.. ^ The hike new ligh -drnftiteamer* f•JCA/.F.L. M - M.l.ellxa muter;W

rl i i tern mmirni nd M \NSFIELD, W.ide, muu r:MB—i—Will lex\e punetmxlly at the on ud aft. r Mwuday, the

224 in*t . fri<iu the Mail Line Wharf nxt footuf Third ttreet.

fi* r fr ight or pxataxe apply ‘-n Kiard ur :o

uiayH4d:f F. CA KTEK.c.#r. Third and Water *t*.

U S Mail Morning Lineu FOR 4 IN4 1NNATI. .


.... GREAT B\K(.1I\S! liREAT BVKI, \I\S!,t. ?c. i Hats and Caps 50 per cent, less than Cost!Z tff Wc advise everybody t-» coma, a* we are nuw ready at

rp T WT I , iTibkj l*OLLARD, I'KATHEH. 1 SMITH.

r* fT^<- k IIALOl'R— low tbl* »ap4.rtiae juit received ami fur tale byL&rrrXi5 T H. FERGUSON I <-N

r ifiadcnaioL n( jAb Uorner Fifth aad Market *ta.

Henry A. Dutnetnil R*k t A. Ilrll Wu» Mu.O- aI.


t *4»M M1S> D»N ANUl'iKtt VRD1NG MERt HANTS. WallY. itr ei. | .»u. ville hyA^tNri nUriUfiti- n pu l o 5l!tag r--»aih*:n plaatati- a

I order- f r I rk. IUi( -ins. K«*f« A a *31

l DE5— K» ask* «l«ar -1 aa. well dt rd. ia «t.<ra and fur oai*

• by |-27| » ORNWALL a rbo.

Byram's Improved Potato Harvester.

UrK ore aiateui fi. lorinr tbwow tBpkk.cnu, and van •npylef eraser ? sad deal-, r* with nay Bunbr. Kr -h( M

•r?t i tk ory way •* oaved.Third •«.. b ** w Maia.

»D I*I.OW - —We awn farmer. b>*ia iink

|y;iaD hi.> HERRING- ^ *** j«*c r* reived audf ruzelV Burnt. Third *K. Weal* i.|«.

Whule^nlr G#nfe< tianrr. Tniitwrar. and lienier aTey*. fi e W r - ardtav, finable*, be.

Oy » 'OR I'UiW' —W ; enn fxmin t -va .r->n

wO. • a *. f-.r fill p * »?. »i t 1* l*»r?.' nr

-27 BV K \ M flTKlV H'o.

Lb# u*»i«.U*t DE in af tbe ranker*. We lean* fai- “


ther tbst Gen. Smith, on the «th ult., ma.U- a re- '-«•> '

qmuuoi Ok hirt. Peas* for six companies toserve for the term of three months, which has *r«.<

ndtssfirk* of Bie-nt both in hu native city and here.

bat caio.1* and aa • u*»..wi.*i/ to- iiept, aud ti*, ebouniis upon tbe people, whose ambassador

»* KM rn. I a.ilt'.nrr *l.m4•jot been couoterinxiidetl. Tb# Governor baa. •T


I Mr. Soule ce» ... ...

utto like sen ice of the State, at the expense of (usiu-m-i .«;'?) »< oiaasm. .


I deMrve<i it.

Uie United state* Government. .WMot far «l#kFoalXAGBER ft CO. tain I v prefer

The volunteers from all part* of the State are -——— —proli't by it* (

Mr. Soule certainly wa? not. I am willing that

the President hear the insult unavenged. HeJfcwGoods.1 W • uld C*1| tLa nltltitluU uf tut fricilda fib

assembling at Austin. They are represented to \ 1 *,m



Im men of the beat class of citizens. U *. < m,Theie is a rumor current iu Austin to the ef-

J P*' •»‘tu«*sl term:

feet that the Indians and dragoons had been en- *3 WteSmel, (safegaged is a fight recently, Dear a place called En-chanted Rock. The dragoons are reported lo

hare lost seven men and ail their horses.

The Galveston Journal learn? from a reliable

source that Gen. Houston is eiigaged in further-

.a IbAat tr.J far *• • low by”a. boki r.

WU »fia • I aa .'*#»#• ur a ua firudarar

Mt half 4*bl* Mai

M a<<aR»Ki —45haaaiiaip.rto4 U*rr%rym'* ‘tap rtod Baararwal.» 4* Aa* i-fio 4* ;damt raaaiv*4 par rn aemet For* Baary aad fur tale law by

** A BMRIK 5ti Third at.

*or tbw ornniuUofa mud md vocbIihm ti*e doctrioeb - —


M — — —Ju, n~.-NMi.Me » a.21» of T„„ ^ rm UMMU.

Mo'gaa. wi.<> shot Parsons, editor of the Ty- I S l”.,. 7. “‘.s.'t1*- ife'Afl.**



-(•"•um.-iihDRF G4M«t>>, ouospriaia* uac ofIrr Tei**g.Rpb, about cu^ileeii munth> a?o, wa.s atcrad i« tbiaoitv

tried at theUte term of The Case court, and fined E™ , .n. ss, .ui,

one cent. Cheap amusement. that. FUi4, *k»if*4, *«a Km,* *,««su^The intenuent? in Houston for the week end- I r™.i*'ni7s27 s£ eir-r.,


Frrarh plotd ( wka< ra*;

Frwach Mena* ^ Polka);mg tfie anil ult.. from yellow fever, were 11.Tin* shows an abatement ia the fever at thatplace.George Jones ha? been convicted, in Madison

county, for the murder of his father, and hissnotiiei ,

Nancy Jones, has been codr,cted as ac-zjeeaory before the fact. Mother and son haveKeen sentenced to be hung, bet en eppeal hasKeen token to tbe Supreme Court Both partee?

hector* their innocence. A daughter of themurdered mat. was also indicted assn accessory.

Aut was acquitted. preieruiai sucu tiling: never occur, musi

profit by its experience, and in future, use som*

fuilginent in the selection of a chief magistrate

g»UG AR—Mi 4»4*d**tr*cUj |/rtui# N. O. :ufnr f .r *ola by

F3RE*H r*r NE*- -Fivt; ca^e* firea. I. »*raa«4 ia a’la*. j-xr..

uov la&dildg IrQW mailb*«*t, and f-r sal* low by

^ * A BOR IE. 5u Third *1.

471 Main street. 471

HUftlERY AND CLoVE>-Juatrvc«i%td a large lot *f H«-

oii-ry Rod G1 »«*, eoamatinf if

Lad io* colored Mertaa H«m;Ladle* white 4* do;

Ladir* apu Silk tlack do-

Mi>*4> ‘ a-btuere tlaae. all aolor* aad aut*;

Geat • f*aey Marta* Half H*»».(.cat » whit# da do do;

Geut'g Buck-Skia Glavefl;

m <-,* ( a-hxucra (ilove*, a #oni| lete u*ortmt»L


kj\h l» ML 'Ll \>#f our o»a nap-rtatioa ju»t oj*eutd. la

^ beauty of kbuh si well a* price thev ar# warthy the

Luiliii ••i* Gt»Wb V. TERRY. A GO

brought to the ity of D.'.nvtll# which 1 w ill n»v« uiad* up t,.

order in a *tj 1* not tu be *«ir|ius?ad bar* • r *l*ewh. r«u2l Till*. M. OLIVER. «87 M*.a •».

n KMF 8A >H-4’OKD—5o toil* 12-lhrea.l ll7^^a*h t^rda very *u| ariut ortivla, iu tiora aad fur tale hy




a»E- AND >ikup-5t> < bM* Plaatatiou Mola* a*;

luu Kdo da d«;

lttu bhl«St Loui* Sv^ar-Ileusa M -li-Jei;

Kt Lbln lla-tle Ground >i« du;.'Aj l,b!* ^l. lWa-*rd da da;25 bbl* St. Loui* Goldua ^irap;2‘- iq do do da do;

54 Rdo da da dw;

In stare aud fartalaby >25 JI J. MARTI* fi #o

*i0 bwxe* Lay«*r Kaixins;

(25 quarter box#* d»;J ii - 1 rv t-ittJ *cr ntr-nuiar fi'ort He

Carpeting, Floor Oil-Cloths, Rugs, Sec.V ITEA 'M AU.7W.» Main street, between Third and Fourth.1 rr*p«etfnliy invite ti.« atU-ntioa st 'h. U.Jin8 and tinbile ktiiarglly t# (hair ehoivc at-'cli—

Rich Velvet * arp^lingRich T»tM('tr> Gar|*etia<;Rich Bru*velii »rpetiug;

1 aipci >ul •-i l * « arpeting;Tap<-*vry ingrain < urf etiag:

iiuptr and fine 2 ply « arpeiing;t aivu line 2-pl* Carpeting,

( at t«i> *ham 1 xrpetin*.( atton and II emp G ir|-*ting;

L a. 5*4, and 4-4 plain aad

liru**el* >tair Garpattag.CURTAINS, ns.

A Urge auJ well assorted •-.# h #f a hit* Curtaia*. BurtainMatonal*. Drapery Trimmn g». If


6. 12. Id and 24 feat, uew style*. b«*i Eaglish aad Atnavican*“"l*Cl"


Be«t brand* 6-4. 8-4. 1 1-4, and 12-4 I.i Den bhcetiua;Ileal brand* C 4. 5-4. 1 1 4. and 12 4 Cattwa dtTable l.ineu Tawel* Napkin*. !• .

Which w# art naw efl^nag at Very 1- w priett. I'arvoas ia

need *f fi uru»*Umg Guwd* will da well to tail earlv at 4*!* Mam•treat. •&* RITE A SMALL.

, S. MAIL II a/i.kt r, tuoMter.Theie are th- un *1, 1 vrgefft, aud swiftaat b- At* wu the Wc»t-n water* They are uruishod iu strict accordance with thew i f G -ugrc** and itl. the r.-^uir menu of the lb ard ofvxtnboat la.-pvct* ra w thavervthiag that injure the safety of

ell-knowa ui. n, and no ff»rt9 will be spared to render tho«cinfortable who may patronise them.$ 4G* Through ticket* t# gt.Louia by the Ex pn.-** Mail Lin*rsaL . n board.Rxf-GuLtu t'anaagc. Meal*, and Room* included.

n.3 jAb Uorner Fifth and Market its.


Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorder, Chill- anil

Fever, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia,Aud all hiariisi-a of thi- %luni*rli. Id«rr. a*4 llowele

alto hvrafala aud all I uapuriliew wl th«* lllwwd.r|t|| l> i- a : r .ud f Dig- iu-u and a |- ri

1 t ut o fur Mercury iu Livar Goiuplaint* and !>-r I’ur.ntiv

I-1 1 1 a in i o*ti veiie**. It also cun* t hill* and fi. Ter. e»p«

I'ixllv w here ijuimm ho* bft-u ttked abu f.. 1 lid.

1 1 "i* a iiu-* Miuiulaut and Tunic for torpid fib J dibilitgU.:

/HU DFOI*S SO) Lb* l(x*e. Lenina. * trnwbnrry. ( >r«a »

\T ant Vanilla • .uux Drupe, us*, rconred ;.#r *t earner Uirl.ily-

•r and far *ala law bva BORIS SB 1 rdR, nawr Mam

K'hol**nl* t aafcciiaa*. and D«al*r in F-.r-ign Fruit*.

*30 FirvWurkn. Taya. ia.

Carpeting aud Furnisteiug Goods.

1^1 XT r R DR AND alllRT^\ 8-akar fi'lannai and Si- A*r knit Drawara and -*h»rta;

Catbwrn. Mart»>. aad brawn fuUwi not Drawer*;Aa4 --birttaf tYwrv *10* and tfitapa. fit


Th .ugh pKaniat to the taste, mild and harulcs* tn 1 1*

i n, it* pow.-r i* ciuxl to the m-<»ti.tent dn.-.

fiur Serofuln and all Impuritu* <>f the bl od it ear to

.a* never had an e^ual.

It ia a>>t a nostrum, a* the recipe ocentopan ic* each bottl

hat i-hiaiciaiis f • • I fr*-e tu pMSCrih* and pltieatl !• u-

hicn they are doing with uubouud* d •ucce**, both in 8c


ul-in fi*na»ag«. Meal*, and R<*oins included. which tney are doing with uabnuud d •ucoen*. both iu - r.du

Uablu pOAfoge fr»m LouiiVilU to Wheeling $5 .»0 la aud Dvape»-'ta< w ® '*n,r ®9k » »-ar- ?ul iN-ru.n f it-


•• •• •• •' •• FitUburg 6 ho pamphlet, which will be sent fiee of rostir to any|art f tin

Dtck ** •• “ " VVI.ihIiuc 1 un aunfrv RAYMOND A fi'ATTfi N. Agrtits.•• " “ M *• l*itt»burg. M 2 to a 2 hi j 74 Ftmnh at.. Louisville.



ail Line \Vh.*rf b >a tat the fowl of Third *tr«et,where freight will be receive atallh ei*. L'UENGII MERINOE'— 100 piece* of Vari- u* shadM andnddtf F. CARTER, Agent. U owlnr* of ih* eh*ape*t Kcauine Fr#*«h Merino. * ever fl. rod

/ I.. 1. El >11 —b tlruu., ju-t r.cti..i »i,d f.,r ,al. b* 1 l M». kll» t So, , .afar «ur*d Uubi;V or, E. J MARTIN a co Orofon tem.lj H,uu;

In star* and for aala by | *14 ,

M A'^-tKtl.-UK’k.uM. Ur. iJ^ .-o ,.Ra f.r .01 . 0, o IM.KI EV -

I ^ h J. MARTIN A CO. go boKOi Pin#-A pi le Checm,

\ a - All "E-A l-s: K—<>u r .took rf IIRI-HIMUP «.MI U jJJ !w*VVi.r"«*i


>1 cs.-olloi I, yuutitr, utl.lj, or l-r.M X. 10 tu» fr..h l-rouo.


Dum Vivimus Vivamus.

safeiW alkei‘% KeNlaiiram.

• b * / W i RiM'K >hr-11 Oyster-*, *alt flavor aad very flue;

— .*|4 f 2.IW \ -rk Bay do, fre»h and dvlu iou*;1. 2iV Shrewsbury do. atnall, plump, and rich:

4 iKer, fre»h fr.m th* wild, wildw.-d*.20 il'.ien QuaiD, very fat auJplump;

Uan Oyatera for family u?< l(lu#-w iug Du. kv Mallard Durk*Ss|ttirrel*. Miiahn-.tnn, -

tuuLs. ». ft shell Grab?. Game Fish,

v ..»uir Ghi.-keo*. V. #o*aUc*. Ac.; ran alway * b« !.*d at ..ur

Indiana Slate Stork Money U anted.


/ lONTI M E tu reel v# tha to »n«y uf the Indiana >twck BankaV and will sell tha greatest bargain* to b* Lad in theMy They have on hand a large and varied »tu#k ot richfi’AXCk AND jTAI‘I.K GOODS, ciiiiiiibi of




1‘HINTS, Ao.



.3RENG 1 1 MERIN»»E>— 100 piece* of v*ri-

. dors rtf I be cheap. s.t g.-nuin*- French M*-na

to tbe public, im-rij which will be f undibo-e "’.cent, Merioue#, which are 50 Jv-r cent,

are said at by any othar ho a-- in th city

/ 1LOAKM CLOAKS CLOAK? ti **• J**» to • .*


I .^30

*4 ! lath Clonks that haf«r b«an imported during t — _prt.wat MVD The#* Ul-nka at .Ive-J - * the Ut. *• -tenn er. . >N ,

:„ d_.r. ((, gj ,?,>j


. <HEE>E-»h.M>r(M »«". K,•<:.• t k,... raninS I

G |*r U.S ter -O.(̂„VARD , ( 0 .


«v Main, between Thml and Fourth *U.

I > BUNCO 8UCAII » Gwder^d >uja

M, AND KOfi'E -

l.-ean Kagg. ns:

Ills Koiuj. f«r .nie

AND W Bl • il AN AN k

n Itox marked T (in diamondto frvto • ineinnOtl.ANDW Bl’GH ANA Jf A UO.

kj ii fis—aisiwM w»>k saauiMi .|~ord, vku. ».


.^ ot so cufi .uaai e.r*l. b. u, Jv p«: .uc I--.-

r, gul?r ni| ort.r. |T„- • »- •urruu. • ur turn *r.rrntrtl tu th^. >‘(I* * *r. lu u-Rul*

if' r. I K AND I iir.Ese—

IF 23 Uulf lllaOkl, l>»'rv llvU.r:

74 b„i., R.«r..> lt«r : .:

mill t N D I Et* IGN ED HAVING ft k< BA9KD FRE INI lere-t .f Rubart Ernat in the HIDE. TALLOW and G \ N-

D1 fi buameaa, foruierlv e -nductad by .Maxav .t ( «... *ud se-

cured the aervice* uf Mr. Wm Matey at th- far* r . a!*u

ink n th# Stor# N«» 2 »n Sa.-oud *tree»# vast aid.-, turn*, rly <

eu ted by U G.Orr iu th* mar • f the Galt II i«« wbare h#

will keep Dried and Suited HIDES. MOLD CANDLES, and

TA I LOW. wiauld respectfully solicit n • ntinuan--* of th#

tiitiaiiuc of the old nrm. nl JACOB KEl.l-EK

U»att# • ucm mouw and Mae**# in uu,Mnltrar and I’ -sit 4* 4« 4* a#.

French Wwrkej do da da da;

J *. **•( and >wi»* Bond*;(.impur* da;

Venice Point da.

cloak* and ialmas.A large and splendid n«*«rtm#at. *mbrn«in( tk* latoo style

tntr*du«u4 bv liradi* *f New York.Ttogether with u Inrf* stock of Flannel*. Bioakoto Gaofi-

1 »>• br.xe* Miosnuri manufactured, Snavtly brand;225 4* du da King do;

ltu do do do kviaoy dw;0a consignment and fwr tol* byo*4 FIELDER A JACK.

WORi; MOSKf H4\Ti:U!\FE ur* mil ia wn*tof INDIANA VTATE >TCH K MoNETYf at par laax. haage f*r Dry Go«ds. U make up tha sum of

$iiai.UUu advertiaod for.


023 uegan. escott, a MOORB7v7u

\j 5uu bo*:* prime Eastern Ria:

2<X) do Laguayra;luu oocketa old (.cvernmeut Java;50 Lose- ground Kio;

In store and for sale by E. J. MARTIN ECO,o25 Corner First and Main «u

lM(. \H—MWhhd* fair tw choice in star* and for aala bvO o25 E J. MARTIN A CO.

MILLER A TABB, i I/aNCY bILK>—A f rush supplr JUat received and sallinK at IJ ICE-25 tiercel froh beat in ator* and for aal* bymffiniaSFuarum. r»aci4uaFrie» .2* IWWL^Tmv. A oj K »» S. J. MARTIN a (

M da English Dairy da-

20u a* N# I Marring.

20 case* fr#*h I'runa*;

13 frail* freth Data*.

5u bate* Layer KaitinRLit) 4* fraah ( itr«n

20u drume Smyrna Fig*;

fiOO dw Sultana Ralston;

25 bo* c# Mncaraai.20 dw Vermicelli;

50 d* Brandy Peaches;go d* d« Gherrias;

70 do Xahiadaui Schnapps;ltu do Era ii eh Cordial*

400 da Chine** Fira-Crocktra;b% basket* Ghampagna;100 bbl* A lin an>l* lira* il-Nut*. Filbert*, aud Walnuts;

Just raaeivtd and for sale by GAETANO A URbO•il 174 Mmnat.. betwaan 3«v«atb and lightk.

i i» i i, A o ; ri! It)W w u 1 -1 re*r

Together with brown Jem*, plaid Linteis. Tick*, ( heck*, utrtaut'of the old nbla.-k and brown Sheeting* and shirtings, and a large and —beautiful stock af Cloak* and Talma*

. xviik *«aLE lOW i

471 Main street. 471Second I"Ipu i till it, n of full fsoodr.

Urn, kanb-t'IHk? Trl«.~laa>, ».*4 K«.brsMvrlc*.

M MK DCLANKT. X l«.« >> n-.p^lfullj •ul’fil t?. M--.«( n »l lb. I^im t.’ »n<-k .. ( >rn»»i 1 ...

...1, wki.h wtib <?!» arnexe. ivn it* F-« bit*i u r

h-» t*.»’ * ->nr o*#’r u»o*t •* rieh fi arwign Dv*o#(. 4* and

Faki.ij.114- errf “ ••• armwi rHf, *d ar r * vmc g od* fn m the East a* • aa a* mp i'.cvi,

* ' • »•

tit* aad i»g •' «tyl** immed at*ly altar their imp rtatiou.

i v, I u St I t»—25uK a#» 5 lump r*bnce« ms era aad far sal* byA. RAWSON.

duacan^ra to Raaa i t Kac- a

Godey for November./ AODEY'S Lady ’• lto*.k for NoVambrr re rived this tnorninxIT by BROWN A (RUMP,o25nAj il Fourth street, near Market.

j vl K <>l 'fi I* F- f

* f redly oppouitouur former hwu*«. w'ter* we ahall b« gl*dto *«C our frtand*. aspe.ially thnsa who awe u* monav•25 ba j POLLARD, PRATHER. A >MITH.

Laugh and grow fat.

Yr k S k F. K NOTIONS FOK KoVCMUKR r.wiT*l sail ter

•al* by•24 JAb A. HAGAN A DRO , 9* Third at.

i VtK SALE LOW. AS 1 WlSfl TO CLOSE UP MV OLDT bu*inc**-

li*w sacks KioGoffce20 tai k* I aguayrw Giiffe*;

10 aa< ks Crushed >u r *r;

50 bbla Plantation Mo!a*«as;

5$ Sdo du do;

24) hhda prim# Samar:low kbit copper Whisky;10 bbl* R * d«*.

!•« hose* A- Id Gin**;

*15 half* he*t*Gunp<»wd*r T*n,

r* y


«“«*•**"JrroB X FI LER

Harpers' Magazine for November

UECKirCD Mil furuia ly BROW N t i RI XP,bI tai W Futtrtk «. , u,w kukil.

A* r ut ut I'Jlt r>»e», mvttow by [•»!

IMiT 1'oN- 24 bole* Alak*ma

V 0.3* /

!•' -50 b*x«* neeyrx ad Anvar*.v.d |#r m-ul b- a* «ad far tale

b BORIS. Ml Third at

Kansas and Nebraska.

H alf bo>e—Silk, 'hwker. Menu#. I am be W«4, f nshmere. and brow#Cot?*# Half Uo a. ***•• to I] mob tnt;

... 15 G.«ene-.intrv knit Half ito. far •* to at

*>t M tM^Yl Il P'U.

, UN E OID BRANDIES IN W«n»D AND ftuK tonlly «a h*ud a*d f ruUia iuu-X

i- « mit purel.asrr* at th* Rlu* llaone.M'

‘ utth ltr«to t, near Mu-a. bv“2d J. p. THOMPSON/

. |k I'i«l> -rM»»» i» toastoatoMa Wimtok,\ w u# .r r '•* *f 'k* Kite* ILun. Hr and v M it

;ton »a<‘*ll-*t art-. I* iu .-•**«! «>. ku*o» - «#4 tu tact n wi.&to t. nak if you ara Well. J P. Tll'D -. N

I wi* Fuurali »;r**t ***g R*k».

JHin> -*H I R r '' ftlllRr* —Ju*t r.arivvo alant*^ ,^!.

«od *lylr*. auibrat lu^ all tk* Into** um\ r»v«n*a#aa—2.'* d-ieu Lmau "kirta. An* Freto-b h


w**. extra to##;25 do 4 • do. broad plait da. do;

br. 5a d* Mu*li# do. da to d*. do;tba; 50 du 4* du. do* 4* dn, do;

25 1° -40

.*“• ** *• toJInm;

15 d<* fancy I m-u 5hirtn. ooto-rtadjattorns.

Itl d* Ju Musim do. da to«• r4l, ... «4-l.»; , MM ,,a <n|>.rb Su,s<

k» ' f-'« Xy st .-23. ».»!?•«( c«i»,r.( M.,» Th.r (


«'« A D V4N?F[FI.D> Carpets' Carpets! at unprecedented low

prices at the Carpet Warehouse.“

' IJt'r IH'V.II.1,1 IU )m j,l MiM WuilM.11) i: .u Facii.i. te.iriM ’

. K'C*| SH>.rJ RruswUAlso: fi ughskh -atru 3 ply do;

America# do do;ImI »ll >n.lM .1 1 hr .-h.»:« .1 l iri,u. i ...

n. erne 6l,iw? >«. V.I-.S4 ; V. .k.Vh iCTtoZrjr-•Bin.a i.f parehnaora. n-«#ns| thorn that they will ba sold na

iod>. tapn-rd. atod tow ; rt-ao for e«*h *ra# tim* p#yi#c•ato—r*. »-#r* #a i# p irma.1 af a#v dmurtptto# X5J*\VO fnm ^ <>*• »‘L rmJX ;.•Wre.l »y »••>>'•( Mtoi b.t,„ w r.rchM..

*71 “Ig- _ ....I I** W», •»,. «[> hu X.M^otT

1“ New Books.... K V * • B- "• iitm-t Ira Um..»(- I, .?-r». »t A Ha.: AN « HR.. ? N. 41.... ..rk -Irak, On. s^» nIL N • i. th, ira,.^ UM •. .ra^ — »•>»»«krmriM. Bna, « , „ m

' *•* •» »» A. H AilAN A MKO . 9uTXir4M.r*r-. 'J. r TON? VELVET-—F-4 kluk L» «. V.:,-., rra iral Mm

1. i*J M [aKiSk] BINT. Dl'V ALL. A AO. "A.

By the author of Wallace.(• xy IFOBEKT Ukl i B. tk. H«r» tin. k» Ik, ,atk»r st "VU.

tk II r.. .1 *e <u. kl«.ta.

•-> T« thi .m «h.ka*«ivs4 ’.V,; ,»o. ’ ii ...M-rarr t* iv- raarki ..te pr-. ,( ..(•• Hi a iku. vk. k,.« •»(., ram lk«. h»v. .B.4»U »mWM THiraal mu. .. .(

.la.iFi^rKiir. uli*i*.j«.n«i»(uiu .iknMihIf rawr I I »I»r « lk»»liU utlwr. . ”» • c»» K. M

BROWN a ( RCHF-N.w. jAk iMkiKB. iMKhit HW ItekM.r HI. _ —

L’A.Nl V DRV GOODS—W, Ir, hw .Ona. |ru> >1M.f '» pwnkHer. M hu. Drj c—ra—M Alika. Eu-Aw.a.r.44. l-aca. lUoUkarrkMf,, Sc u w*U aa .a aaaatmw«

1 filB,.iie Dry (w-hI*. Bj laM ayy.fala. aay rartauiia. rr ? atplata >a »aa? sl tha kaat cr.d , -I tka aboy. «M<a»ra

*.. t rt«k aooSa, all a( wkitka, Sr il tk. *vra pr:M>N u UntarriNMlj.


1 and ro:iti<*al r sitioa ..f tkea. r-rr. t-rt-, aa wni«a. | 1 ..(Boyf aa..I Ik- Fmi.ya'.t I uauaiw. aa. Dtra-ti-aa ta HkUlula tka Blaa H -aaabj F-Jaaid E llalg. W ilk a laH

%Sifira*** »»kia, tkaua

H Faulk at . tai Matk-t.J. r. THOMPSON,

raankai., katvaaa Maaa raa Maakat.

Page 4: THE DA I Eli · 2015. 9. 11. · THE DA IEli ROSENBTJRG. WHOLE'Al.B\NI>BETAII.DEA IERIN /.V/>ST.IHLEDllI*iiOODS Ti»«*iyWturrBSUSSB. MAMi iM*# *•*' iMttMtoff,m4>a—elatsei r …

BUSINESS C \ KDS. NEW YORK.» I-A44' II. I., 4 <•>. t,rr.rv H( • -maMa.! « IF r. liaata. fruo. X. 4f. /-.»). .».« 4 r A -t<i II


-A. nanri. fty-terrac Vi'bm^ Wtt. r *'r-rt* Srn—, AW 1*# . . u» m«*>, h-

k N>*» i.n'N T.i *<>.. Aa«t. « bm t 4^TbLt aft f r •- ‘ nod « i<irl> rirctUuJ-* M r«- .#nt* •**»*) **»v«-<. j Mill m the *«*: •* end the

R '.V,' ,l.T"r* n t cjty business directory.

» •llitlMfcw.ur,., Fn,, .“ nawiM, tktWilul

J > 4. Third cr*v-4. war Vta * * u.^.’ rebate* in the eiry uf New * urk.

M INTFACTURES.Make Youiselves Sale Against Fire

AND SAVE I.NSi’RANCE.1 am f**’ 1 *

- 1-repnrcd u. mtk<. n short notice, Ir«-n

F ^ v ’

1»t> j« Hiid at | . i •»*« Ms l«>w a* nn v . ( all and imh-

jV “*-• Wf . m ikunr > or c-n'ract# at tU Iron Railing

H I NTA r|nkA\ tiNMt aou 1 .Wi.On-* etawt

Unx, toiiKWN, 4 ou.. WhuUmi


*’t <*. «w e- r.«rth

h AXE# > <Hewn —A»> -uanW.Ga!' H «. H|-irt


H * N1 >*( VAI4.. * ©fi„ Hihi u< arprto. ft^OT Mom•*»*-<. -fifi-e't. bMi <4 Kv. _____

H ' i irklS.I Itl.. |K«| n IB *»«• \»nc«itirw 1 b<-P* v BU. ftc .. Tt«ir* nt„ We. M a-* an* teatoc

OKEM.K JA>. HT.. Aan: f rflunH lih iwarno— . Annnt


” rtolad-lp -a. \ •. 9C |''fth *rr<«t.

|^* » >U I .. *'V41" . fhMrQMm

H t' RKllARDT *"nutmni*aad Retail tinnw. MarKotrt.H.foii 1 ar-i Fifth.

K Wrt .* ?4 UU*B. Mtattr . «». i— Omtksmu

«—«*—» >«TrW. .

l>kAIN«KI>c W • “H11.* <X>, I* Httucaa.llaJ 9 mmI luitrva nU. r urr r n.

**>•* i«ui>. Dry Goods

l»ru.,t»t». Mark i I) I m i ) *• '. ,i|k .j»., "a 11 1 hi

I-• * M.r I . ri- .i. .. V

. 4- l.t


— -t IkWMrtVU^ ««*«. Imj-r'e-r .fD,* KARSTS,i •mim.« «»»- *1 utnc*. Cun|w and Fnago. Mik « rarau, Lao* Nut*, and***** '

'uk t»~4* generally *j

«-w. A...S5: Main II EN NEQ1 1N 4 to.. I:i.| • -rtefe *tf French Q**di, JfcrMtem.#II. i.r • h. 'ha« 1>. Vu^iii, «1< l^rtu-. *„ »k. i> I


Verandahs.I tiAte Ju-‘ * t*eo u, meral new i>atter« for Veran-

n/^Ld ih*and lU!u-ira.i. «. t.. whirh I * old rvtMctfullythe attonti n f th w h- are w an Vaf t lue Wauti-

\r '

Wind » Ciuardi which ms had at the Iron Ka ling W rk«.

liHw4 ,

C4V l«*F'*ttn O* French Om4lIB. ItrwtM rtnk, Mi»lia i, Ua.-v.*, 4-.»• I* adJU U

M *liiHIK»4>N 4 i «*.. N In bnatn,, ln.r rlrr. .nd.. J«n, iMcrU.a., Kll.k o«. v.ik, Ku,h«..idor>r.. II

‘T’****—****»». k—a ill lyImporters ot Ladies Dress TummmgsK <iIII->AA 1 BUO' , 4> J Im »tr~-i — llrrlio W -I. I I «»

\***' FJaetir Hraid*. t; -!d and Miter Iruuw, (iI«im. '

TmwIi, httt>«*. ^uri, lacca.ii'.

VI 11 kr,i * » A I I'll 1I I

. H, uf . u - f 1 .. n • '.

*' I »»d 1 l ak Ttmumlara. I tiiw, i,ini<, 1 ...« l., ||nt-ar.A r

. N -4 I .'rv Jan +4 | r

IJ' IIN. S4 in IKCtK A H AAKHAl '. lm r.H*r« nf GtT-* ">;.44 aad 14*1, lau brad I i.>tW, >414*. UwrnM. 4* ., No. .**

Hydraulic Foundery,S, t i..rnrr of Wtultingt.,„ „aj >7„yJ .trrrf, .


T HF. nndor«i»iic4i ar. n » rnakirir Ham Fi.4ttn.> mod MillMackiaor> frni i.r» |aiwn.t f..t a,. th. 441.04 m dorn aad

aiw.rrd atria; aU... tokaeoo. lard, tiaikrr. and mill Scrrrra I

Ir 1. Kailiac. I TCI nr arid liftinr fami» ..f ran a» «iia« anilkioda < art 10-41 -trta l'l|»* frm a, toSinckaadirmat^-, Suckct 1

*“» '*“£p-JT ,r “ - Ik >»• lira in dtamator, Rail-mad 1 arB koala and Asia, mad other Railroad <aatin*». TI..-V

„ ’‘p "•,p tnanufaatarar. of R„y, ,„d Franck a pataattu* Markina f -r nar -n ond . amir, maker.' are.

al... l. lima keai, pr- i. an.ed kr a «i[^teat jadna to ke ..ue,.ftke1fraate.1 lak r-avinr m irkinaa at . r iareal.d llrd ,r» a

diatanee * rk -ati.fact ryrefarencea or ca.h rrmiltaneca, will,

rva* it e prompt aitontj.-a


TErl« k BARBABOra.]

Tobacco Screws, &c.

TR \NSP0RTATI0N.< iii>Ti:n \ « o..

Forwarding and Shipping Merchants,s.i R'tST ST.. t'OUNtR OF t'EUAR ST., N. V.

i. Li jjna Ooodr . . n iaaod ;o aa f .r n.kipisaot will U"i tf isrW rrn T ; 1 a arded a dir. -tad


4..kta of Ik NEW YORK. BALTIMORE, A WHEEI.IM.W e are pr< pared to «ire thr a h receipt! for all descria-

I ti,.n» „f fraipkt via llaltini. ro and likio Knlr ad t.. lointaoi.|MU 1 ,B l '*f vicinity of the Ohio aud Mi.*sia»i|ipi nvrn

a . . . . lt t . u CHESTER A. CO.A«> ntm I.onigvillt—l.s. Mooriik


n.A»»nU *n Cincinnnti—


api a Mi hnnk. f>l"dly

Fust Freight FineCINCINNATI. t’Ol.l M It I **. WlM I.H EI.AM) AM)

YORK AND ERIE RAILROADS.liAA vJ9 iyf SU fji Freight receipted thr u.-h to IU«-OT'iTVir##tm. *New \ rk. l*hilnd.-l|.l,in. an.lBaltimore, at 1 w riu-i, by E N. I I LEER A • n



To Buhaio, Niagara Falls, Boston, andNew York.


1a 1 »>. MTSCETdLANTBOTTS.Falls, Boston, and New PreMideut’M Excluwce.ork CAIRO, ILL.


hN'"v/:.. V u«w H«w. r«u

., ittF »\tri k 11 FNH v ?


h.e cmb4n of th“ Wharf-W.


C^PAJRTN^RSHffS.Dissolution o/ Copartnership

'Pit Eton .If II \ WS41N A IH i IN ... d... It , u 1

I Bit. kythad atkof Jokn Ilae ..

t also prepared to receipt (J«od« through by Ca- IutdayA.

Pennsylvania Railroad.

6i& .saiC»~MWw ."a

ONLY STEAMBOAT LINEFROM ll.BVrl.AND TO 111 I KAMI. *’•"< “ ontin..n<. af tkeir likeral latranaae and!u.

!ti\ly Miles l.ess l.ukr Travel rapnia". a »fm ...t »omi,, “Him it bv the Old Nnlidu«lt» Houle ry~4 m m m

.lud no detention on Sand Dart, -FHECeitain Connection at Buffalo i^ l It 1a | I I 1 \

l.ITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD. FOR SALE AT,1. r... </.../ I fle/.tfo St-tmhtM flam. %*'-...# »_. 117 \\<si Biomlui

VT 7 -fi* a. m. XK\V VO 1^ KrSJTE.WIER CRESCENT « ITY. NV. T l’ca>c Commander, oHdlj j V/IU\.i^ IrsiM Clvvtlani M ndav> Wedn-'Miay*. :»ud \ ridavv. I —STEAMER gl EF.N OF TIIE WESr. H D Mcllnde. I IMplii'c RaliiniAea IWatm ik.

* "nuitulc r. leave, l Iceland Tut^duv. Ti.urJiw, niCit- .1. MIIU > ISdlllMOrf tlJSlfT |M k I»Ot.I / \

1 ml 4 and uun- ^< Tin gh fr m (*I-Teland t Bulfal in ten h ur* with-ut JU^ I f Jnld Ajrthnir- rmitnl


/ J \k\l *Niagara Fa >the Eastern citiea. *ea<!'*u.

The Mamin f this line dcserre more ti.un a ra4-*ing n- The superior repuatu n obtained by this brand of

“ini i *?mV.M i“i?Vibl r.I*n7»^.‘?- *• 1d*- Ft°a!I*i h*'I’*'

K "Bd •rriilna partner af tlm Arm ,f la.wa

n-rt'a. w"

-t.X I*j

S l R £ rHlNG TtA II. Hcrin \ (:iin_ (9v<m«ois to T. 1


. Suns ).

17 \\ I k w| ltl*dk«l4l«m .a.F *ra«.-*L-li„ ral WIIUU ALE DR 1 i.<ni|»» • wW R INK Odllfl \\ || 1 ness tost* ...|

• ..and . npy t i,


xr, xt., * * 'I Vl " '

--- Ja: id I. w • . Id Sta. 1 . a »-w


llt'n-‘•o-mtinunnee ..f the patnknaee esUnded to theUte firm as well as a share ».f the general trade

All fettlcuieuT* with tne Ute hriu will he attended to.


(Sunrie«*r of T % F. sletHa>.RICHARD D .wLEVIN.

(lateStmTim *#' « o .THOMAS P CAIN,

of J. k j v T "j'.f1 * ou’*. and for many years of theh-'tise



M \KE cash advances -a eaasifnateats of Bacon. Lard, ,

Flour. Whisky. C»tt»a. *«d T ihacco.


r* Wm. Jarsre A Co. and Fwith k SkstveU. I



Louisville and Frankicrt Railroad.

aSLILIKt. IDViSliWAU-It. H.d he S, O Uu0..k'l 'TBit

LEES & WALLER. ' r V-,,, r ,, ,


.,COMMISSION* MERCHANTS, h»e a Fran- / rt at SUV 1

5IBVI lOKH Return ms. bs-' Franks

V »VAN. ES mad. Prod... f..r .ki, man: m N. - \ nrk .r *,'•

-V f .r anln k.r. ky 11'W.IID WALLER JyjggJB *:

... f>»a«l« Smith" ' J,f —«»e

p i l n^Ti

... .

GI171N^ * GORDON.f^^VT

i roil uce < oiu iniNNiun SertiiauO. fiwter than Louisville tin#


V| \KI

- £|*h • •

>—a*i 4 ai-. Uts f Hmss, IaH. Bur- rr"


O N and after Monday, fiershvr 3d l<^4 Traia* w. • Wstsl.outsvi lie ind I'rankfst dally , e veepted . ss*il-eav# LonisriUe at » A M.. S-NiM U the P-iat. Dorsey a,

Hobhe s, O Uannoa's Month's, Batrd a Ck-rx- a Rwekn-r •, Ln*grange. Jericho, '•n.uhflr 14. Emineoce. tt-lleiew. Fleasuie-ville. 4'repper’sj'hristiansbnrv. Bagdad, and Milam a. ai d ar-rive a' Fran./ rt xt 9 A MReturning, leave Frankfort et 4P. M.. 9* pfing at awnepmats

and arrive at l^-nisville at 7 h* K. M.DsfeDaistilk IM P. M.. st tpinr M the akvt aamrd

points, and arrive at Fraakf-.rt at 3 AI P. M.Ketamiag. leave frank f.-rt at 7JS A. M.. steppiag at sums

poiar*. arrive a? I. oisv ille at 11 &» a. M.The Trains rue in euaaertiou with I^aiagtwn and Frank-

f -rt Railr ad. and hr Frankfurt time, which is 1 mnuui

JAM EH F C. \MKI E. <eperinfwndent.


'‘ at* I Ka. u, Ijird. But- fT* — Ljis..l»

Ltd4iC .

I*-'. Marti, ... Wkaahnj. Va . will ala.E**T n ’ •%*“'«*

i iSl* s tk'.Vm" .From Gmcumati

I*, ad hill -»lW,w., ’ rUM** this.Bcs.I TaVf,w York in —- —

Bc Kv"*^ c Ur*,'T,‘ i»,.!n. tr ~ri» p'-.v W5is ?^rirL:7M\.rer.v;irv.ri,

r,r.,*lr:II, 1 . n

~47f I

*«*-»—-—•n——1 • ' N 1 >l«ly Fktadtufwtwiakntafcmrtmitiwaakd .-n r.-.*wnakl. r. rma i|n,Hkitw±j1 * r

‘ ( l-o—rftu.. —*!TEVlVTsASB AR .ir B, „

. 1 1 wankiaiE h kdi. ssd Bannf«ctnnu« uf >hirts paR» rrrtn n - 1 - c»at«u •

UiTI RIJiR’ITT. rrvHiIvwlnsn. t3t Third s*r»—


'A' 'EDA Y A |i»rklh>, WkdAc., Ham st., bd« TiiH

Wh..ieeni Deal.rta la <fi iMti

•I lnr“..ln„; and, Manuf.. «r*„ -w.k». MttrU,

llr[l ,

Cast Iron Railing.1^2-“',‘^i,. »f i..n. ... iw «II r. teMTr t larir- ass rtm.nt f very hsnds-me Railing pat- freights Westward can h. f i warded from 1'itUhurg to

V *

rut f r >*rd*. c.m. teries. aud halconios. to nut., or towns in tlie interior, by railr* nd .

ITies, A«- . 22 Warr* n str»et

< S. r-U"

' - - T.».i Nflk7 k ir.L'?rrLL"C'

T'"’ * rr- n h - '•'« •*<

(w‘ m̂mU»—


v ^\r';ru ' — • *»-



iWM—*•— —d . «4um.a M.r- K vrmdty 11mm. llj^. r. “."I La" E». 'em MRi" I DER li^t

I1 -

I Clothiers.


w-dn. w»«i •. A '


“STfciSrtl 1r.L'°L,


I I^Bl*5' ‘ -«,r J.I.. aae

~" Daguerreotypes.


v: J^.SS2Lr,". ,r

Impertors of laee.

wh.i-h w call tie- atUmti -n <4 those in want of Railing f .r any I

f th.- ah- 1. r. atm d purposes We are prepared t- put it up at*h r» it i.r. and ..n the n <d r>-as nahlr terms <ird* rs fr m adis'aace, with sat isfad*ta>rv r* f.-ren<*ns, w ill rereive pr -rapt at-


Udti .n TEVIS A BARBARol X. Hvdraulir E undery.«u2l wild t urner M asliington and IT-vd "eU. I

l< \Ti:* Ol' ritEMillT Mcalsand siate-r- ms i

BetKrrn Pittsburg ami Pfu'/tnirtjihia or Baltimore. *teainers of tins route.riR»T CLASS.

Wint-r I Summi t yr, im t incinnati to Buffalo

ngers by ttim line are not subnet to dot* n:ious u sandbars this countryi «t Sandunky. * ** 4

Meain and siAte-r- ms are included in tickets by Lake

aame cat,But ke aicellad la any eatabii.l

K'-' I*.

M"V‘- N l '"" r,r •>r-t.a.,d e,.-„.r f

Sll.k- ffc

1' ‘“I"**"” “» I.A4 E>. EM BKtil ItFN I E>,

Clothiers.t I FRED Mt'VKftr 4 i 1

1 ,

-a 1 hueat, 441 tir adway N-. dm

T Daguerreotypes

Iron Pumps.\1- F maaofaerare and kaee alwa.ia -a kaad In.n F.,r,w and IV. k. and Stall’ ’ 1



/t I'utui** -f the m*.»t appr ved kinds, h-th f r nsterns Drur*. hliww i

and w. I Is .f any d< prh Me warrant ..ur rumps t«> »*-rf. nn Hardware. Uwdl.ard w ill refund the money if thev fail togive Mtisfaction. Cloth. Weal, A<

tuil w3Ad TEVIS k BlKHAKorX.

I I)tt IV-il* Shoes. Hiti. imd< arietin;.) per list lbFurs and Peltries. FcAtlu r*. saddlery, Ac. jau cts.

J7j c

steamers of this route.

_ TARE.Fr m < inrinnsti to Bulfslo 00Er ri Cincinnati to New \

’• rk. railr- «d fn>m Buffalo 11 50Fr»m Cincinnati to New York, via Hud- -n nv«r steamers. 10 30


ClC* c.iuipany’s docks, at railroad, free1 1— s‘76 dhm

Af4wi! Oydcrt! Oytlerv!FRESH OYSTERS.

\V,. aim . & Lad! ,


' : N 1 . a,*, “f n . ,Main and the r v-r. Vi » vL^ '

Un»,UW..M t. W.'K.k,.





|K '

ManufJiur.” ...||


it", d.'*

' ot< ar'“- »»d l itutarg!

kciiiictt. Di\. A ( o„(

I..N 4II.KI Hants. N«. ;v rch.,u,»«t.v>‘ New <»iti.«*«.! *. *21 dly


NEW A R R A N G E M E N T.t Fr *.:.*— Railr ».i I i htn • g Faprw«*as < » el*«ek. A. M ,

* retail d -thing eetah- I \fr ,ui market! ]g ca%kf

L*' ’'A^Tk. «AVF«»|;|.. \ , ,, , 1<re^, ytrw# v, v *•«» quantities to suit purchasers by

_ • 1«4,“ds and i

,j kuami from all I - — — - ^

my^wua-s.a^5a J.gBgLrF'l 1 "

' —!! BagehaauVui-1 , ,

Engravers.I % v ‘*r t-i I W °RR. TVstrner at-j F.cgravcr. N-. 75 aad 77 Nasesn

*. 'J.

N - "* rv-miumk^.tw. m U. Ur., a m.d W -vakl^hm^, ta .U f.,.

L'l-f ‘ *4 IV4 NUTT, ik-ai.r. mTr^STiid a,.,. ExpressesI . - 44. M. a.- pt’TIATSDs. «AVF.||.|.. a fu

. r-eein r.[«m. Ka ,N

a -am.vaa... —f-" tm ii.rr~~ .__ L . ,Vrt. fSSTi-u a^

JTnrd-d •- «.d fr^m al

If 4drn»«a «!>.,» M.r -am -f tkr ».»id. Af»l. la L-«u4il|,-A4am. 4 la.

.• " \ am,. -. =1 r % ' • * ’ a k w land • Bi -ck. lian. »r A Ceitaui Remedy.

N t . I. » . .. I. . r. a ... a.,.. |:'-«ma.,.m Bra-

IT f rnit*.A- 40 Ms n#«. V_ . *T.** • frs u». i u,. | ii^. and n-t-s an rffectua

M - - f*-r all esteri.a: comt-iaiats «»f m. a oranimalv i. WI

ry and t wmtstaa M itlkaU . «itli»m l ft-,1**. an*aa'w mad |u..yn.t ... St»4 Mrut-I. . \ ,Are—, M......—Im. V-TV •^€ -,


“4 ronrnmu.. V I Accoidions. Struies. &c• ^=-- - RBrxo. wns4.FNB.4RN i.-.TT, i«,a -Rat A. 4 4 41 n h laaal. tira*-n and « ammimiua Mar-

’* *“?-**f**

1 Maai.a! lu.irtiITj • - - ad . M.rk. and Ma amaat. N J Ma d-n Lav jaaflly

,•.< ... Furs. Hats Ac.

It V. I.... .. Fifth ami Mats. I USHOMPSOX t ROEsIFR. X : i « .dm Immmtaa

M KKHLBT 4 Sk li .lri lk-al. raiaa>lvumClatks. Praa. L -UV”!“ "

u,M"uvr- Far. and Wktdoaala Dualira .a Hal,D*ri. » Mills, im Mill ar»alaasaaaa«lly. IM Mata I


- n |H • a«ks fresh tiren -hle Walnuts;55 this fresh i rritn N uls;3-'. bids fresh Fil>-«rf»:25 bhl* fresh Almonds.S" hoses shelh-d do;

am- lb» Bitter d»;1" sa -ks IVannt*.

Just received pet tnail-D at and for ssle low beCABTA'XO A I'RMI.

L'lM tn-H BRANDIRH. la .-J .,r daaa ran al.aL!I ,..tain.-d at tk> Blur H'.nar. n„ |.>artk atrv.l a..r Mat

Drugs, 01ssowsrv. Oroc- ne* »**soept C».ff,*e. ..

Hardware. U»llow-ware. Machuierv, Oil- 1



ct*- I

Cloth. Wind. Ac.J

TFIRD CLASS.Bagruuc. lUr«n And !*<-rk in hnlk. ButUr

)aa ; ..d, i in i.,4- ,4. Flaaarrd, 11 IftV eta.|50 cm.

Hair. flat, lacaihd-r ea»:«%r<i, Ziuc. j

ik. Nrw Yurt, ria Hni.n rit.r auamera.IO 50 CHESAPEAKE. 1-11.111 nil .v„ J'*«" BU lll»TU» “ *‘,H *"" h T'lFi if WHEEL


it. Xiacara Falla and kark $3 <*•DI r"' ,,U'SS J.IM'.S ONLY! l.-ai-».llr, >*!•». 27. 1>3I1 Cincinnati t - \ iacara 1 alls and l ark

*' to Riiflalo snd ha'k


Notice.LhK M ,\ ItTJX ia nr firm reared on


Ward if NasD,vLaieof |.\ aehbwrr. V * .

* “ Pbllal*l t hia *S4 h>,;.n ra; I left tsi DwakarkroiltMO .WANl FAC TI RKRS, -L’d.'''

*" li“** “ “f. ' • v ,k sol

« ,a n V" , , , _ I , tOrZ'.’tim.Tlf *.** *7*^**V V»Ma» atTM oefaet. A. M..


.hfenh for the Pnrrhiue of Leaf Tobacco,Fee..nd atraet, ketwtea Mata aa.l Wafer.

LOUISVILLE r, .« For Throagh Tleketaand all iaf->rmati..a tdeaae an|>ly at the ^UT r^WtTTJS^aR^L 'IM. F n-i. r- I - .T v.i.T.TXd a ,..Puumlm h »U^3 LOUISVIL"

•'.«rl*V4- U "*"'

IIStett. .try baildiar • u !.ea.t , raer.f Ur-dwar aad Frul .u - -rd. r. y ..m|.r > fill, i > ^.h t .4, i-„ki!'li !

T ‘‘ j'* 11 ‘ ^ ,r* ,J ’ o ' r - f|;rii 1

***Val llt-stel'll 1*111110«-a».*ard. /me. ) dirertly -,|.«it, tba Spene-r II oa». Kail, ll.t I and i.r., I ! kk ! ea i atekuye. le

‘ “t


H \.N A X. 4 ML on IA I-, dr., -r t


• wiU • lake travel thaw by uv viitur rwwtwi,' «*»h the aH» Law Prvv. re *tmSM EKN OF TH E W E<T Curt M

» A 'h * ' Gram and (


xk 4 Rowland • Bl -ck. Man. »t

LKxi. Wh>4«wal« la-ai- n in (safe

A Ceitain K< :ncr.


I T<t the M-sicnr. Mu*tat Liniment tu K*1 *-s R«ra» M-nik., I- K

^Ut. I.inimeai in Kh- om*fi-.n Bruv». « ••**. Piles, and V.W an rffe^tna!••n.i state **f m. B oranlmai,. It . wand pr-.p let -r, »•« Br-adway, N »

NDRIES—O 5*i ca»es ,

i* hoses 1 Sardine*;5 do ^S'b.-ar* Prur-s;I" hales soft shell Almonds;2 do English Walnuts,3 do Velvet Corks;

2*» cases Claret B ttles:

25 hiiri II s vans Sugars;r..r *al« ^ il-'se c.-n ^uuient, L

ia 1 m .r. u t m 1 Accordions. Strings. Ac. —RR

iL2lI:*FI >SFNBi_IRV t mi ln,| r-T and Wk l«al L'M'ITS—

mdf '«mmiaai«n Mur- V, i7u!i<

*'V“-.FJV ", “* lUllan Inna! luatn- I j.' • drumi freek Smrraa F -g*:

-' Nanj

».*n U4.'lnin. N- . Ma.dnn Lake. jaa 24 ly 15 fralle d-> d'. IlaTi-.

A.-k. Tnkare.. in leaf ea-i rard. Tar Roein., . . .Wh .k4 . f. n in aammeri.

1 Lard l«0*ta.a*.d thr ugh -. i*».rk. fresh, in foil I

c»r 1 ad> at owner's rub.CF.O. C. FRA NCISCfS.

Fr.-ight \gmt. Pittsburg.E J hNEYDER.

Fieiglit Agent Philadelphia.MACKAW A BOONS.

Fr- ight Agenta. Baltimore.JOS I ELLIOTT.

Freight Agent. N 7 West st.. N. Y-1PKICM AN A BROWN,

Fteight \4ent, Cincinnati.I S MOOR I! L \D.

Freight Agent. N 22 Walt at.. Louisville.H H HOUSTON.

_jnur9dlr Con -ral Fr ight Agent. Philadelphia.

The Adam- Express Co.


Mail-Ibmt leandiu’ r-rat the Eastern 1 Little Miami) Kailr-adD«|K>t, Fast Fn-iit street.

WM H. CLF..MENTS. Superintendent.1’. W. STRADER. Tick t and General Agent.

The Omnibus Line w ill call f -r 1 ass. ngers in any part ofthe city, by leaving direr ti< nt at the ab-v* uttee. southeastcr-ruer of Broadway and Front streets, directly on the riverhank. June iu dtf J. 11. HOWELL. Conductor.

M^S.xl n at vs

» Chi’^mTfnw.1* '”r,, ,t,le “ d -• F44.I atrant rla. v .


rom sen k^t 7N-- -

SilverChange. iite. th«nn.i.4 DAM- EXI’RE.ns 1 i> will -ran.p, rt fr. m thr

'* un h r o- .\ llll.J,l,l,a wk. a funu.hrd «, ill An, ,„.n • . I

kr k n Philadelphia. Jilt r ( oin »f .n 72 *“!*.

<'W * l.EKY m.

u» and a wnata.i a« pr |T warrant, d furJ. Tfllil). s <|u krrnt

. Mlo-.r, wr.t.f W,l„„4, n .rt h r,d'r.• thr i nilcd Matrr ll„t«i, Ctnnnn.ti

BANKING-HOUSES.Banking-Houses of J. T. Hogg,

NEW 5 (IKK;nil LA Dll. I HI.A. 1


I I.' I

? l"*t*U,**f paseeegv*I The r a«ls of this r,ut. are :he se

m |Clw^laad. Ihiakirk ami Butts! . j

.sums of u-it leva than $10u e$100$200

Fancy Goods

1UU bus- e fresh Laver Rsi>l&«;25 cases fresh prunes ia class;

1 5M drums fresh Sultana Raisins;14$ h ui t i'r -n:

st received and for sale low byGAFT A N't) A UR<0.

1I-NTI fc.4 4 4k. A«.«^. ^-M.» aad /'« 'RIF- 7.IXN » . .. |,... Tar ak mid Crrma, !

l 4 ..... .tr-t. i-... ... f.„hth11


.rt. -'.J"mTir*T

V''‘ «>"»'*' f-.M n. !

*» -r A'K HI ItY Ltl-V IN I - I 1 . V 1


! F Willi

H"» M I J II N » a - 4-..4jr-rP. U4 UMUM M.r - .

“ ' L ’ '

• " -k-S4««,. « » *; ti„ rkrM .«

t4M«<a.M.i.m . kn TkiN and F -rfl " _ •afi|P*»'« »- f— 1 r»id-iwd 4 I'l-mha. to nit until w* racai

.IlTDA.N. t*VTT, « MihiRF. Iseaierv ia I’atnU, Pider->. I

gl IVtse Fn.rn.-T Ar..47N Mamet.

H agaN< A* o . b»kKikn aits >tat«us>ce%, -W7 Mll »tr«vt,1

. Mel. Tbiwd emd Fwtii

I l-|« k^ofc«» . Whidmal t Grew and lunnimve M> r-j

K LU FK Jil Ub. hMcari and OmniMi-n Merc .ant 51.'.1

Mam 1.

||1 F 1 A y kAl.L. in M urb i >»4d t h»d» 4e<

n .t -- »*er the pwt-4ie .

I •HNMmNF Ja>. th 1 1 eel and *«<sui fT-»er D«*lfr. 7.

Fancy Goods aud Hosiery.i -ur neat lot that ie-taily eifa-ctrd

** dtrkee. heath. A i'O

’ Orates and Fenderswad iummiMi'wi Marti—at. AO 11 JAflCNf-N f nr erlr W a N . Jacka. n A Sane .** Grate ai d Fef d- r Mak r. rj*l br<ddviv, usr luor ab*-ve

|**HNMoNt Ja>. M Lddimal.rmfbst.

J^olk jAHIb A WltaUw

IFMmx JAv I.. Dcnler m W>

A et.. above Third

Hot Air Furnaces, ike.

hAVID CULVER m.d eaLnwi. mietre-t.vtanafa ter r and d^al- 1 . wrh 1-sal and nUil, ia I nrnaces.

WnoDwale Dr.i G---4# Dealcre, 41

India Rubber GoodsUn, 41


I^NTON INDIA RUBBER < <».. 4! J«hn str-vd, meke allI y ^

l ltd* «f Rsbbrr iTitlii, Druggist* article*, Ar. Coate fromMS Ma i.


** M V' »•. 11 ly'THF NEWARK INDI A Rl KBER CO^*n Maiden Imnc, N.* V- »A»'«f» tnMe aad wrh deeale d^aj. rv m G- > -drears Pa


j jMF.V DATES!—§ frails just received and f. r sale low b>

Wholesale Confectioner and Dealer ia Fwicigt: F rails'•* Firw-Works. Tore, Ac., fit) Third st.


UT 75 hhds M.O. Sugar;75 bllgS Riot ..ffr-4-

25 Lag» Lagtiayra Coffue;lrt> k-gs as»-<rt«d Nails:10 chests Gunpowder Teas;12 bags Pepper:2o tags as* rtrd fotton Varus;t*) hales Battings2* d<> Candle-Wick;20 do Twine:

Ml' St. Iaiui- Sugar*,lo hbls No. 1 Vinegar.

Through by Railroadfrom LouUville toXeu'York,

Philadelphia. Baltimore, Boston, and the East.-I’llF. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY nnliaa. Ia run thrirI Exprea. i.. an-i from I.-Bi.riUr and all Ea»t.-rn citlea for

tha aafo, apaody, and nk. ap raareyauna of Mnrchandi>r. Mo-Bl7- l*acka^e«. and Parcel* of all kind*,


f a b Express ia in charge of .j-Of ial me*»en»crs with safe*for k-< unty ..f valuables.

«» I? Running our La| re»s thr-u^h to all the Eastern cities byaf>est Railr -ad, Paasenfer trains « an tran port Packages in lens timeicoive l “2Ln fcn

.v dn. rline, I . 5. mail not i-acepu-d.

Eii r-ss f..r E:i«t leavi-s at 7 A . V.I'O. 1R> Madison. Indianapolis, and Terrell aute at7 A M.

* IR* Frankfurt at 2 P. M. aad 6 A. M.>w by Do Islington at 6 A M




Deposits received. Discounts made; Drafts bought. solJ. and,

collected liauk Notes »nd S»i*ecie bought and sold; Mo. ks.N'.L-v. and other Securities b- ught an i sold on c- mini*.*, nCorrctpondcate aud ( ollerti -nss heiteo. f2udly

NTH i:.The Banking-Houses of

Ul’TCHIXGM 4 Hi,A . If. H 1 X T A l o„J. P. Cl'RTIS A Mi..

Fr ii th is d ate will be opened at Su el a A. M. and at 4o'clock P. M. mar 12 dtf

NOTICE.Exchange and Banking House,

HI TCHING* A COhOrric* Hulk* rsow s^n ariKK Nutembku 1.

* A. M. TO 4 P. %l. n3

New All any and New Albany and Sal-m R K !* C* -M»RIES—A-M. O 50 hhds prim* K. O. Sugar;St. L'»uis at 7 A. M. fiO hags du Rio Coffee;F.iansvilD and Vmcennc- at 10 A. M

4sr->i bt Drafts payable at any Bank in Fuglaiid, Ireland, "V lbs ribbed Sides..r^.iland. J.isiO sugar-cured Ham*;R^'Packa^cs forwarded to Europe, Calif -ruin, and A us- ^ pa. k ages Belcher's asserte-l Sugurs;

tralia. AiNi bbl* Kanawha Salt;M^*>ilrer f’hange will be brought from the Mint in PhilA- & »x>*e* Miunett A Ut asier's superior Tuhmcco, FF And 5

delphta un eachange f*r Geld at low rat< s. lump;

. .. ADAMS EXPRESS CO. 25 hales No. I Cntt u Batting;S A JON'F.^. Agent, 556 Main street. aim 1*1 dtf luu buses Star Caudles;

- - - — - -.-j *• mni-,n s.-aj ;

June HMtff Atkiseouatiu;-ropms,fi6g Main st .LonisTilie.1


VVm. J . KLorr’s,105 Third street, next door to Post-office iky i li. i:. hi.AwrM'Vindf of Lnlru.iini doa. in ih« knit mxn#nr xncun rt-asouable terms.




|)V mutual>- r-en*. th-jarfn.r>hipheret.f .ree»is»ingbv-I J tw. n oLl\ 1 K ft TIItoN .n the M-rcJ.ant Tail r.n.u-in-s - in th.- 4 ity .,f Loni«ville. ka. t^rtuinafed. The busi-

ng** will hen-aft r tn* i nducted by T1D»>. M. OLIVER. «b.<



1 , '* 1 * 1“ •Wcr locuUn t and pay debt* d ie t.»and fr ,m the late finu. T!lO<. M OLIVERI J* T. E. TIPTON.

} 4kwp. will aif-t Wih prompt attent'F.a. Will call f -r T*a*wng. r* ia any part .fib- eitv <lJ^'El'II I-OTiEK .r. * > u at th a>-.»- •« » curLv JI dirvctly oti rt.ti bmk. *r -4wmy mwi

• will hereaft -r ber -ndi)• Id Vt*te.l with f ill p,

HV MI TTAL CONSENT OCR PARTNERSHIP in thw „Mailing; Mill and Lumber Busin. *s is tu n-! v .l,««- |v.d I (

1 ^ furnish Fl—nagS. i . RLV, I

' atttl W eathvr-Bsaidi

wtuKrtE -mnev! I,limber ! Door-.; *a.l, :j -i

\: ;

New Arrangement.

J. N. BREEDEN & CO., Grankint • .Vl.'I—(L .'hi III f — A'j ri-’J M.r. ,4 «:

Fw. IL.,1. Ir.ln. -«.h,.. s I

Louisville, March 24. 1«54.

a \N furnish El -.nng Shelving. Architraves. Wash-RoarJ*and M cat far- B«ardmg, dr -«-l ,,r indMMft, Packing

*'* for t*di. *.4tp, starch, candles, candies ftc

\I - manuf.- tar. I»-r.. - h V.n.t .ii Klinj,, m.uUm


M- Mings, an ) Y ratn-s f rlkmnaad Wind-Il tve -n hand the largest assortment at P






fWt‘ ap u w mat!- d to fur- Ih»K


V E\ \ D.FIC Hoi /. f s * i.'www'ill j'r

Pl^c. S.l*s!2hlr'“ rt u-.tica. twiu-M in tk« J. N. Lit LI litNl'n

M .YVINc; A-'ill I.YTKIl WITH IS IN THE M'MI’, '..,.1 Manutmturin;' f l.u:i,l. r, Mr. I'. TU F- -- " ' frinl. 1 an l

| nUi.h -l kilD nf tkut , ,11 k.DORE VENNIf.F.ltHol.Z, of Nsich *. we w ill „ cot-: the f ’rm u ‘ ull w hu so request.

hH)KED.N AND DoME'TU LIQUORS—5u packages pure Brandies, consisting uf

kegs assorted Naih

!d bbl* Molasees;In st. re and for Male low by D. L. ADAMS ft CO..

teat India Rubber Shoes, lulls. Whipe. Cluth

Third st .between Ma

M ' iiltl r,«,L7.‘2 '4222 IirvRV datexi-omt VIO. et-t. IU.ur.e-4^ r ..-4

* ’

->1 X.. W4. Ti n- Ml P urtL


\p«.I-N ML.NKY C.. Dm2.

rrr-=x India Rubber.U"**“*i' *• *•*» L',J

: I. l-»rtl I fr. „« Mkklw .!«> . fmt

I not, of India Rnktm Doll I! .-ad. and To... all ..f .rkirb- Da*., Ston i«),4r.,4:2


<r» for more hr.ulifiil tl .. tkwrf ,dhar nalariali. and •kk-.4r.4tiM m^.4.n< l F. r a,l« k. -k. fur. 4.,lrra

M. aa-a t.ronr'jotth. -o.nlrv M,4. oulr by th. K.« T.»l Rnl-Wr. - * <•-. Maiden Lane. N 1 . or e*am. aur 2V dAm

lar^V^TF.ncyWW Machinery and Machine Toole.OCMKM’K - *» kiiarry C2i .wtl.nd Mm't. Hail m.

{Yl F.NEDOlT .IN 1ATIKI.AY LAST A LINE OP IV-4f 15 dly A F 11-4, 12-4 »d 15-4 Ixacailn and VnrMill.. guilt. Aim’

-ur r and •**. JI-4- »"-l 12-4 kkmuhrd uud uuUrkclwd Mie.44uyi, ti.d.tlnr,t Kn- 1. r

* '

' ?' !*' L'— a*. I'lh I.imi.4 L'n* n >ht.tiu(». lii.Ror.• It; ly L . la NhAim, l.ln.n lx- ni. (’aiubnct, nnd . 4-n«r.l aa

Musical InstrumentsMuaa utiurt, i EWIHXIXTl 2-K.IiAl V 4 I'O.. X , V I nna. Im-

• pee-ri -f Violins, Guitars, Ac© -rdiuns , Strinza , Kras# In

Paint and Color Manufacturers

«y awd Vaneti 4Uuds,

Wig awe Variety m-tv. F-.

M ark Dt 1 ANti ,A o-WN> i**Ua» snFnney a»d Ma- Machinery and Macl- • r. Bt. 4^CHEN4’K > M -

9mUt L,wr.. Sc, 410 Mum O rr—« VwMwrT T~«..^ Musical Instrurr\IAK1I.N l.l>» U. 4 4.44, Wh.4—1, tar«-ra, M.,n ilnr., yFETUXANU Z-K.BAI M A I'O.. N- 1 r l- rvra f Yi Jiu,. oui'.ra. Acs rdl

tl H4-ES 4 I AKB l> .i r. m Fane, aal Urr 4,-d,''ruiu.nta. Sr

- 1 >» HI-1 umd *wtl K /'ARGIL! 4 01.4? Yl.'d-n I un., (

u- u n-| T 4f l-~.—


—. V dintia. Bn» ln«rutn-nt« and 'trio


1 "* ” ^.l 11***** Paint and Colo; Mu,Til l KI. i 4 TklUG. W kkaai. gin. ra and immmu I > A I N Rl .W mil IR R'-.KKS- F. Im Suaaa. Muxa » 1 II m,.«ph,!, y. I'nria u.4 < kr

\l IJLJ k 4 G aA IOJ. l»i..lar» faarj aal Y ank, lk.4».' * '* ***

Paper Waiehom Y ura^y Rm, VUuetl.. b. /'VRt'SW ri El fi 4 4 - . 1 1 I 1 if»-« u»4 M ar*-- ... I U'i, l*-ul ra in Atnrricun. Fr.fWKtUUi ia a nnn^

j*4 f'nprtu. m.4 evrrj 4«m|Hi« 4 |-»

N-.n^ _ "

.~——- Ikl'M AX LEV 1- 4 IMKTiiM. N

IT l ll . /.lnauwl. Friak*. S-4k.n4.r-., M»„uf., ra,

111'.*”* FX. WGlM»4a arj.»rr 1^1. ra. 554 M al n

fc- .n.. , . —_ Defiance Salamander Safi Defiance Locks and C

pt rtK- WEBh t M. .t-u444.iH4.W4 RJ-tlTlW. f?°“K|T

" FATRI. K. M.n.f.,,u

W fcd44lM>w»u.4a. Va4uw.|


pu'iu n il 7 urTin R.4«xnr ur i-M4. r«G- Toys and FancyI 4t.. a.iU..> k'.naTi.ir4a«4la«rtt.

, T »HI SO«Y 4 ' (L, Kalil>AY4 -OX * 14KS|, Gr .«r ui . -utuni n M.r-

tm*ar*n* T”Fa k «bon- >14 Isle ntevet I

”.. .... ti i—i. 1 1 nn m.ii Tiles for Floors and Cl

at \III.LER, ./.ATE- 4 Vot’I.E Xu.. ^.u .,77 ‘ ~


’* mnstie T.l-v, Garnkirk I'kiunev^ h i unaie Cn»o.ft nnu ‘ snnnnj

-ennle. Ileenls. ft/-.

2. .** *- * *

tn‘- I* eh l inens I n* n 'hwl ngt, Diapers I

J ’T** Linen I av^


ns. Cambrics, ui.d a general a.s«>rtiueiit uf H. ujk aud M. tnboat t uroi*hinr Goods


New York Store.EOI RTH STREET. 10J

I l -T rrorirtd ularyt l.n. of I-lxin aud Jaonrta .tub•P and r- l nrd M-i.lina wbiG and col- red Fr.nrk Tarl , „Ia/ls, Ur alid suitable fur evening partv dr«t-» *•

,durkLe HEATH, ft CO.

Dissolution of Partnership. JT'*r OOFARTNER'III!' h.rf I,.. ri...,d...rk.t.-n tU1 un'lfrvigot-d. ut.iivr the style of Uustun Miltui., A. Cu. u r.r'

t' is day Uiseulved ty mutual cvuseiit.*' r



otard. Dupny, ft Ce.du;E Jaullm do;Pi net, Caetillun. ft Cw.CogiHerman dMelody dF A. Bulletin d

20 raske Madeira Wine;5 do do de, very a

20 d.» Port do;15 do t lsret do i li.-rd

10 d. White d<*;

5«» rases Claret do;N* hbls l> niestie Braudy;2d bbls do Gin;20 bbls New F.uglaaa Rum:5 pip** purv llollan J Gin;

0W» H and M buses ."ardiLcs;

•d Nail.; fk*r sale brRUSSELL ft DUNCAN.

55*» Main st., hetwem Seound and Tliird.

,llyTF'“- FOIirRX.EDMEsTOX.4B.ARR,bole Manufacturers and Wh -I. sale Dvalen in

baddlcrv Hardware and Cunch TrimmingsNo. 2 Church Building, Walnut tre^t,

, a full in. . i - •Cincinnati, Ohio.

Dissolution.|>V mutual re,m nt the linn f *>TR« iTlf ER A KFNNEDV ii

9li 55^ Main at., between 5«ound and Third. We kava alvo • f ull vnrrlvvistnasu, vnio. >/ t!"* J

»' li Ivnl. Jam. s K«w.. dy is auti r i-l t - ttl» I

-- ww a 'TvB . all t:.,- afimr* f ti.c lal- hrui. i i «.rii:.

Ur HlTE BF.ANb—.v bbls just reenvt-d and f. r sale hr fkf©Ilt II HI I* I'icliC I'S, F b. 15, l-7»4. J As! RF.N N l DY’

»U2 JOHN li. Me I LV Al N ft SON. June 17 dtf

New and Interesting. Enameled Cottage Furniture ^ r,i *,1P liq* ( *u > u.-m -un!- -1


. *.1 f ^r -h ra\[ EMOIRS UF 1 F. I . E liRATED <|| ARACTERS, by Al- l^HK subsenb- r w..u ld respectfullr iu»i; e the atrntl. n of

and Bullitt strata, A few d>- rs h l yv Msiu.

H.l-lM.C'ilumkuu, U.-n-.H 4. l-ali.x. R.-utum, I'l-r-, s Thu wnrk i. u«4 n,|y Uu.lif.1 hut x.r, .ub.7.“,.l .

—J*-;,l“»r 4. J-uu of Art. from 44 .11, Humor. Guloml.rj, tuM--. Ruluh.4 in u ir.»t ' xn.t. -f ,l,»,l,, »„j „ | r, |,i.hlv .

Notice.»n<!Il-n.l.n ornunwutod with y 14 uu<l rich 4>lirutu Onla and oiuouttoi in u T® 1 *r» «f O. M.R T.4. V Yll. «a diM-lr.d ».» mutualAYXONY ME< OF Til E XEWTENTAMEXT. k«in» tk»»uk- * ljl1 “"“nor .upm. r m untthin, f ih. k,nd lli.t .n b.

* r -i -t tl. .. 1,1 lull. Fith-r purtr i. autk ru.d k u.•tnuc. ufu.uuru.of l,nlur-i xd lr.».;d lo thr Tkoolo,ieul Ntu- ubtuiurd ut nny otbrr c.tukli.hincnt in lli« rn citiru.


'ic hriu m .1 .inj Ik. lu,.n. .„.

New and Interesting.YJtYUllR- OF l E1.EBK4TED IIARA-TKRS, l.y Al-


-I’HF..‘I phonsc De Lauiartmc. c ntaiuing Memoirs of N*lsen. I

I•lumbus. Bornard de Pali>y, K

Enameled Cottage Furniture.ul^rriU r u.mld rrupurtfully the attuatloa ofr who in

i furnlakliiir. to tknr nrw »„d hruntiful .tylra.rk I* not only kranllful but ierv uukafantiul »t,d‘ dn-

*«»*•-•£*»«• 1 -‘'ll-De. l<--ndon. by R.f. Frrnrk. Is D. Tho». who ur. about furuiahiny rilhrr utr«mb.«ta nubllrA rE.N En>LE AN A BROAD, r Lrtlrr. fr .tu Lur.>|«, Afn- '* wl11 I"-1 >t »n .kjocl to rail au-1 txakiiu. Icall aud riam.u. Ik.- '

S,w Alb“t. Tob. .1. 1*54.

Dentistry.„* °*,F ‘ ,

T“ * D • !«•->» V.r*all,-.,n.l

-»-j1t - D'u.fll.. ha, 1 . , d -1 f in ! 41 . • ,QTTPwBl 1 '-' I **---'« II. '.ru.1

., that an» » vapvrivfiev .f ucarlv tw-nty v«ora will be a

auffl '•» u* guaranty -•# skill in his pr >feasi> aKesidecce ami office suuthsidv J Walnut atrewt. 3*v-r* tb-v*


- d22dly


Tk. tua.n.M h«r« will k. ooudurr d br th- f.-ma o nJ AMR- FORD. Jr..W U FORD.u f r FORD

Waters, Camden. & Co.,


'•o.tian Blind*. MautlM ... *“HK.W i n*h>w,.


Y4 ai* s4 1 . k A. M. aad •*. .5 - a‘cla.4 F M • audut of i’lu. Lumivr in this Thru. Dally Truau. |U nii.lar,


-ID of pnun that will W * and A». (5, • el . k r' n' ,.Y|i rlo«R A.

l x. breedex i ro „ .F.JRE REDUCED.—— V ihciuuuli turtu mKiykia.

ry. - RxiT.uo.rT. Z!T.~ •**

I D . lat- of Yenailloaud, ..

'R »ia Pkiladuiyl.i» 14

} X. BREEDEX 4 fO.

” Xo F-u.koru fro.1 «au, '

Time tin raaoti u- l*-*: ri.arf * ii

m ZU ‘ *

liTTSwr... .1 F.tux.r, .1 * O'.twk, Y M Tld «lk. .72;


*7!7'' W* ; * *•• TN"»4*lnu.. ..4 lut:,.

r-ud Y,u \ ,Vk•“!* Tra.. X.. J.r-, R»U-


raper Warenouses. Met /'’VRrs W FIELD ft CO., II i l.ff . r t. Imrw^rs nnd

J.M h- h-snl- I)-nl r> in ftwieriensi. French. Grrmnu. nt.$

j^u 1 si.4 evrty 4<s«n|it| l« «f l*np r Manufactor r» inn-|

Ikt NCAX I.EW IS ft BARTOW. N*. |«| William stiwt. Asniui.- I r rr-at ranetv uf Par* n fa- B-- k« I Dr*, ^utionm ;


PrinUtw, Boukhtbftcr*. Manufartor -rv, and Trad *m. n g. nrr-Mnin ’.r


Defiance Salamander Safes and Goffin’sDefiance Docks and Cross-Bars.

!*)« l^'w^Vl*' **A^R,rK * HokMfn-'tur.-r, l$2 Pearl stivwt.

Si' Toys and Fancy Goods.u F k co., Nue. 54 Ma*d*-n Loni- (up etairs) nndf . 29 Liberty itr- t, im|-.rt«r* >4 T vs nnd Fan. y I -4,.rr' 24 ly

t!>isday Uiaeul


byI by mutual consent.WM. B HI STON.NEWTON F MILTON.W M. E. MI LTON.


^ MILTON k co. will continue the General Pom-niMi -nand l urwsrdmc bu.u.e'# in nil it* branches, in

the huu-e lnu-1% «. -uj ivd by HuatcB. Milton, ft Ce., Ma n streethi-t Wf*-n First and Nvoad" • fleasur* in recommend mg the n< w f.rm te the

fn-nd* an<l i-us' -ru- r* of tlie Id h-.u-e and bver>eak f.-r them slii-vral share of tl.a iusiness •*.! liberally ei tended tu us


60 baskets Amsi tt**;

I" rose* ( berry Joice, vert fne:bbls copper distilled WLiskv. 1 to 2 years old;

60 bhl* li urbun owunty do,* 2u5tearsuld;F«r sale by A. 7. ANON E,

°-4 Fifth, Iwtween Main and Water sta.


lo doieu Fresh Stran berries;5 do du Whortleberries;

25 d«» Black BlarkberrifS;All nf which

1 I warrant to be of superior quality; just receiveddireet fr m Baltimore and for sale l«» bv

, ,A BOR Ik. fiu Third at.,

Uvle»ale Cuuferti mraud Dealer in Foreign fruit*,I V • * r - \\ r k | -i,; r:-d I ^srs. ft.-

New Books.

/ 1ANDLES-I \J 50 buxea Star Candles;

50 dw Tallow do:


Y/ 2 casks South >ide Madeira;2 do East India do;5 du >nndcman's Port.2 do Duff Cordon rale Shi-rry;1 esse d» do brown do;

F..r salt at the Blue House. *12 D J. P. THOMPSON.

New Books.

\FRAG A, a Norwegian and Lapland Tale, ur Life and l.oT<in Norway. Translated fruui the German of Thvod/r*

... . . t BURLEV ft I.YFORD.« 4/.” >l

* ,0,,th ti4e' btt - Sycamore and Itn.adwav,

JyMIdtf Cineiqnnti. Ohio,

James Fullerton,t 5H IP-CARPP.NTER, formerly f ti-4 rich. Canada, will

u v hear of » m- thing gn atlr to hi, *.di »i.U,* by writing tthe «uh«rnhrraand stating where he is. Atiri.«-r* ,n wl. -ki.- w*

* u[

l<;rt*',» "ill «^;*ard-d by writing lo the *u».#eri» -r*

Ui'A J *1Mr '"" r b

-T f urni*hiuK »nv inf. rmatiuaUlkt will l-kd tn X tTwmmunluttti-.n witli him.

. .. „ fOMSTOfK 4 BROTHER,... fto.i st j>et.rx Fl.ce ire»r of A.tee llnu-el.

ncW<) \.-w Turk fity.|

Special Notice.


UTE hare tki* day :i.- ,-mt .1 with u* inhuiuea. O.M. VAILT'-- krm will k. c-.utinu.-d Ui.d4-r the vame name and *T\1.

uah.tutoff.r-.' E.J MARTIN Al l).I.<>uisvil|f, F I*. 1. ISM—n »•

,ar- r hen t.-f r- -xisttnr h-

I » tween Mela rm -t ai.d I.r • r a d Th- m M Grain .

thi* day d. Tii m.e YlcGrain retirin, fr -m the ouuuen,.Yelkmott, 4 'lilt rd, A 4 . ar auth-rixed t. e--H. et ail ae.--. unGdue the c-nc rn and |>uy all d- 1.4* due I.r the *.in»*.


I rar** 1,ERl M ‘NT< - ““ '-Jdra. «~l. X*. Or- k/ 5 ..Ink titU,..... Railroad, makv dirwt raauecc.aa ar ntuKur< with Pm


< mh Ad< na es made *d consignm-nt* tu. the aWvo h- **c by ** **•* •raa^tiagi 1 T. Y B KKNT. >Q.\. ft t <7 J^h.ladvipkia with Tram N.w J«r>*y Kailr od u» N«w

Commission Flour Warehouse Liui* Miami n the tamara ibp>t at ctariaasd- •* rt**HA.b.t~*€n VmimmmiJBarkrtts. ’ fWI TWMMbM TN RBnI

" F,

lS** ra latoly ueeu. ed by G- r.*v tsrkvy ^**1^ J1

' »> l ‘J *ha u|al vara . *h^4

\ Vi* “J**?'** •» •«»»* •• t ' 4i« r«*ht brand- I

R# ^ °'S " th»v^*t.-rv y^H*.w builgi ag

•»f II ur f r family u*«. Krn me ! aceap^nvarr a* d- ar 4a-® r»vr«*l iir «dwa> aad br< at. dirvetl* -mmmiu ;h*'> *•


£ \n th‘* V


1 * «*• rowdvr satiafa. ti a u* ;* *.

** *4 H ’ ’*• »»•* Mail B a: l.awdiug, r at th#


f -‘“Hv* and uthrrs wishing a tU|«n <r artirlo. Ew»t* r# .Litt.e Miami Ud (, East Fn-' • itn«t• licit- u « ... _

" f'LKMENTS. 'o[<r.»t»4,*i.•NE. I - * >TR*D»a. Tukotoadtuvavrol \^wt.



Asjr!**-r« rs havin - a c unts against th# firm f \t m B CB AKSPEARE’S Sc!.- lar; being Hist/rical and CriticalH *t..i, ft Milt-n will loava thvta at tha uMoeof Mm. E. Milton

‘ ' tudl ' 1 f Teat. (l.ara«tei s. and « -mnimtsturs. Wlllian • uiuiui! on of M r. UoUiei s full,* uf 1632. by Richard l.rni tWhite. A.M.

Yl-I 1144 EOPEXKD THIS MORNING A LARGE LINE it' *V*u !“**' r ****1 Yein nf tn African M.rer. by

« - u“Vl7l^ilC7^^*'.L7‘3ti:'rS.7»4 i«7h7‘;7tw‘

, *d** .?“{ Yh'.ma* J-Eem.. Ale.'r II.»-'2 DI RKEE HEATH. A CO. yVj^G'fiildwin'

H '“ rF ' Uj’' Rand..|| h nf R.,.n-

\TA "* 1 1 ' F-IO k caak* Meii, Madeira Y» .ke Ju.. D^mu““^ W“*“' tU *>*'*nxk

-U «e.,»ml..dfnr.»l.b/ N.^U .^i,.” i;^„t, bjumm M.«. llopln.

•\- .V, just co«ipl«t#d a fulln\fTtjmnwnf >r|)...l., Uyt.e... F.Msiing.jr

1 -f Air-tight • - -king m *ve patterns bearing the above . '\# J !lfliulr-f ( ''®mun Life, by J.l. H. Johns >u, M.

nr,,“'- twosiar*. ready for sale The* are o*st and beautifulX J *

' .J' V . ,

li. dr*..n. euibi a> i ii/ all tl.# latest impn-' merits and i ru- ,


0 ' r* f ^ »poL-ou, his ( out t and I atnily, by ths Dushessii'-unevd by th #• (Ming them superior in ev. ryrvfpeet to aar

*>«A. I4rantes

h- retof r* used l-y thi ui . Call an-i *• v them af** Ths Virginia 1 aru-jian, nr Old Days in the Old Dominion,


}>?4/r*® *br?ls8 - /

F-ffMighatu. Esq.N r

-V. n -rwest corner Va n snd Third sts< l.e-tnut \\ -i. & Tale, by Li is Lindt-n


~ ~ — y .. . •„ Eap^••JALIoKq 1.1 N —Again we have the pleasure of in- fieoee - f Life Margarette Pereival. the Karl s Daughter. Ac.

I tr e- '-ng a beautiful >t#ve. dcRisnt d for t ,r , r« K«ll> Keceivad and for sale )>v II C Unkinv

Wii-deoole Drugs... • ftc r 5i)4 Main

Al-LV ft IH lM.tV, Gruaerv aad («naiM-« Merci.aau56- Ma a ee.

'IN T. ft F. ,1 4*sa|f Dry Gnis Dwhn, Ma n »tr*r'<Hf#ll» L- aiev it). |i4d.

v «ff CMifa, ft^ lain m«(, I

* c*' “ *”YI-KlGHTt BKIDGEFURI). MautortufunuAd Duuleuu ii

_—*(**». Tinware, fte , Mata m.

\|rAlXA< L, l.f I Hle'W , ft Co., Mas,aiaetar*r» aad lh>lsrTl iq tse,.v^. #4- . ^.g T ,.ir4H r AI*I.Ai'I finl 4«(L brw/ri aae • «a.Ni-<a M r-

ettaats. Wasd oc.. bet Main aad Maek/4M,^

- >^AkbIRD.ft ^MnH. MrtA.d.aai- Dru^giau.ft*.,

*• * M'O'dtawU ia.,;. r Uqis-ta, « igarv, At . » »fu.x . b/swoeq Ma n aad M n«r

/' -a - ~ l.ll.rili

/a •*.near Mark- »

JUST Kt« TIVED-Hoavy Boavvr (gear-Ssack* ata* aAmviELSn.


ll'-T U-«ll'lli-lm;r hMewJMki ui’• ma v-riri n *

I r«T BECEI FED—Rick fane; Y.lrel Vmts. at


|)trTINC-4«ilakiRa4fTilk|iaiiia,ia*n«u< fwul.IJA ly .» oeil KIUJI*.

^TA4 < AM)I£)—too Uaw hmu* *uw ik iIwi u4 fur I

I'aairkr [OS] GBO KILLII'K.

Tiles for Floors and Chimney TopsWILI ER. ./)»«- 4Y.ICLE N».« IVxH .Un' Fn-

JkoTr^iiuu'.tot"t T*F* awn* «>

Window -Glass. Paints. &c.F *7

OP?,Si. i CfO S. "f French Window-

|1. • GUo. N".6i Rarelav etis-.-t, N. V. ay

T ®- P^JI-L(*N ft CO., ImpeVnsf Freneh Wmd /w and•I u Uuoeh Gloss No. $4 Barclay strwrt. „u

T i a to

Ij lOff pig* Lead« Vet# a-* rted Shot

Reevir.ft i-er stsaacr M at- cello and f *r sale by” B BUSTARD.

pW R— 21ft t-bls aug-ertine Fl^or for sale by1 •** AN*rm BUCHANAN ft CO.

1 $> half chests fin* Cut* <*wisr Tea-» k i,i do do do: for sale bvAKD'W Bl < H A KAN ft CXI.

Still they come!BOVS- AND YOUTHS' < UJTHIKG-Absaatifo! n-ort-meat the newest styles jast received and f.*r oale at

fi BLANCHARD'S.Min f the Osldes Hand. 449 Main et

U^HITF LEAD—3u' No. | Whits I^ad reoeivcd per M -n» .©ell..;

I*.I"* k*»VPttP' ko d- du per Endeavor:

I or sal* by s», AND’W BUCHANAN ft CO.

Mrullev Itauriuan.=rljT- 1 * *>RTERS AND DEALERS IN


w ith queiti-fSi f r tli« use nfNs 4 Chemistrv of Cummin

A F. K. S . F.G. S.

Memoirs • f Napoleon, his C'De A . Itrante*.

Tbs Virginia Comedian, oredited from tin- M>S. of C. F.f

Chestaut Wood, a Tale, by I

K att.arn.e Ashton, bv ths* ai

ident. by James Mason Hu- iu.lture a llo.k f -r Vvnug Farmers,f Seb*, Uy (-h., I . W >i mg. jron Life, by J.F. W. Johns n, M.

. . wi-w.uwm, ui#* vuitand Family, Lv ths Dushess i

— * — -—* -/ . ,«*«.

•ntes. JAMES JOHNSTONE. 72 Fourth st.Hl^h aud low asek. sh rt aud long slesves; for sale c» cap at

01d Do“w“’ i , , .!,—

il-rkcvt. theExM- I ,!M


"iAMES JOHNSTONE. 72 Fnur.h.t.U ‘

Milage by Edward J y Mwrris.The Audtralinn Wand -rari, or the Adventures uf Captain

>peuc*r, hr Mrs R. I s-.

The African Crus cs, or the Ad' • nture# of Carlos and An-t uiu, l.y Mr*, l.s*-.

< ummiugs's Minor Works. 2d series— A Msstogs from God.The Grrat >»criLce; Christ Ucceivin^ Planers—by John Cum-

!The Birds of the Tlible, by the Rev. H . Harbaugh.The N**w Kentucky Cod# of Practice.RereiTsd aud for sale by HENRY MORTON.

MI Main st.. botw#nq Third aad F- urth.

Louisville Family Flour Warehouse.I A M E> JOHNSTONE, FGUrth, between Main and Market

•J street*. oU

F*TR \FA1I I l.y FLj»l'R— 100 bbl* vsry superior eatra

lrd lamily I lour fur aaU bynU JAMES JOIINSTON F.. 72 Fourth st

5? WM K F \ I *U 1 1 k ' > \vn 1


y \ . P ... I'

|k l .1 „ . , ,



H ,' NI> JEWELRY I It- ! Trill - MID Mull IFF-IUl.lA

’jLU* * 'f^M-n.*.. uill I- r.- . It tl

{Rowland, I * Y. O. Smith. 1

ler. -hank*./( G- J. K -« laa-l I

W'B call fey HH,Rowland & Co., Iim-,..iih.d

|/'-)MMI«SI°N MEIi. HY\r< JYNO DE.YLERu IN IDE* .If*'Y I allow Lari. Gnu.. 4 .... ..J. y,.«4 .Ireet, Iwlw^n

W II call f.T ya-.ei *-r* in any pa-’t' f th. «ty hk»-.|4lr< .. ak-.T. - utkemt eoruar .f Be an...and Frnut. 4i. -dly oa ri.ur kaak. 1

I Ijaee .f,...I .ill be r-n I .k.ut tl. I.i .f

B Mar to the cost side uf Third strt-,-t, hrtwt n M ;

it.W h--us.* from Market street, wh-re he will he glad t

»--Id frirnda-and customers, and as many others as may

$100,000INRUN* STATE STOCK MONEY wante4. an J t. 11 ke re-1 c.iy.fl at tar f-r G--. la at

| ri. -a a* Iowa, they .anb-hajm ik. market. Our stuck o lark, and - mpl.l.. and Imter,

will find it tu their ad. ai.ta to lire u. a call and exaiimeour *t.-k Wf. r.

|ur. ha-ln,

OOYY'DY. TERRY. 4 ft). !

' ->n-r. Tin. and sheet !r n Ware, at the - I I Hand f MeDerin It. Mellmln. 4 l'n., No.Mu Main alre. t, between Third an,F-urtk, LuUiavtUa, ky.

M, DFBMOTT 4 BROTHER,. J. CLIFFORD.Jan . 87, IM4, Jan ,1 dtf

Dissolution of Copartnership.

Richard Atkinson.Purk-Paeker and t .mint.. Ion Ylcrckaut.

/' Y - IJ .liu.r-i t.. G. mad.- -I, j.r.a> rtv n. b. b.M in tn .inar-


V’b .kinped Hewitt. N rtua. 4 1.. N.w Orl-.UJ.

r He. in 4 I'u.. XewJT. rk ,jg

li. I'. N tttr_ 1 . g. Di ulutScalley & Dudley,

For Washington City, Baltimore. Phila-delphia, New York. etc.

Mott Direct Through Line for the East!

Baltimore and OhioT V HAIT.ROAD, • iu*. r.r. Mr. J -hu> u is auth-.r-j -l t*. s*trl- all th« ^o> r(li side, 2 d>- r* fr*-m -ecud I uid'iilr Kr

^ THh<r*»« v rk of internal -mproevuscat J-a mi leo f- mi^’yiiKoX&W aVt-.'r


M , _ _ — — —— I* * 4 pas* a er im#. It rwaa “kriaak

I kredweiug a beautiful Steve, dotgmd for pvrlurs, halls,and efft.' %


with the above name in design entirely original,•uustru :ed in such a mann* r as to consume but little fuel yetinveuut much heat, aad can be un-d an ui>enorclusc at

a-ure W r have a mtd tu make this 8u-vs |wrfict in iu» ar tan n to the paq-^ f r whi. h it m designed, and inv.t.•a and all tu call aud sxami n» it at•3 WALLACE. LITHGOW. ft C'O. S.

Keccivvii and for sale by H C. MORTON.’0Jf M2 Main at., between Third and Fourth.

Kew Vork More.»7 FOURTH STREET. flo

\\’ INTER G1XIY Eft—\e Bo. k-"lia GlovesBui k-SL in Gloves, liaavv and medium , eatra fine;

Do Ga-.ntlets. cLam lslm<*d. ds;Beaver (;ioves. eery fine, ass -rted sires;D's-Skis Gh vt-s. tine dreesed, for driving;Mil (iluvrt, fltwry lined, fine dr* *s. for winter;

Wrs--lt. it* call from every lady in this . ouiinuaity whu is de-sircus f>i •- urn.g the iu«>t beautiful Silk to he worn and at

Rich Velvet Tapestry and Brussels Car-peting.

HITE & SMALLII.YVEnn hand xml ir. tlally reeculnj >h. laTeit and mn*t1 4 >1-1 Tuie4 Mile, wl lap rteil and Am.iiean 1 a.p«tu-iu

R*'> *1 Vf dtun an.l Velvet;(> shy's haadaucie*t

| atterns Tapestry;

‘eboilvd Plantation M lasses;Ilm Hall Sugar-llAuse do;

d« Gu lden >irup;J 1* 6 f> du; for salt by



K AVIVCj-archnjed the ,ntir- iuGiuat nf Mr. F Frank irth KFNTFI KY BK.Yya AND IRON FOINIIEKY. I

will pay ail claim* ayainat the and will entiutt. tk.I'U*'-,-'* in all it. yari'-u-r l.ranch. •. I x,licit the wh-. may need au % thiug in my line.o21 dtf JOHN LAWSOX.

J. J. Hirschbuhl.ut.pp.urd u. a*- w illicit and m at i

with iu - In L-t.*

• iscioauf thr AlUwhasiiaa. whirl

* t -k“'-I 1DTOI* HARD-a^ r’

J3jrv^2 WARf « rriiRv, andaA If .^r FANCY unDDS, r*p-.t- ‘/J I’ b 1 tu.1* u form c-- mtry mer-\Lj-— eLsM.u andd.ale -


•3M T i R. M*FVIN ft CAIN dr Mam ot

1 E*CT RL* El veil—Latra Al* black Dns* Paau at,y *> M ANMTEUP *

1 i >T BE« LIVLfts-Latra fna< y Paau at,y ^ Mansfield -*

KXATHI.Kk -l.#A print last- re aad for Mie bv


^i HELM — A lot uf that saporw hwias Che—e.

^ ’ D h. ADAMS ft OO.

leuciite- *7. 4k ‘ 1-' yi^.t^hoir splendid »» *rtme«.t *.f Guns uf Du-

M . ..I

i*h.“4 O.—uO i tuw. R,4W . R...4.WU, and”** *• '** 4#m|<iua#. al* a fail ops rm« nt .*f all uth— mt articUs ui tl,* Goa line

1 FI D'a kAU?' * f

S***4 r*4 >bek of English. German andIEI.£* Am-n.-an llardwa^ aad . utlery aad iTg.^h.

German I *n< y Ge-di.

IEI.R-U *r- re-reetfully Incited tnenamiat oor stuck and price, Wf r» purchapiag el*ewb> reSTRULLER ft BaUBMaN.*


363 Ma.n street, corner of >svoatb.

CW*- \|


>^U'YMIXG-It .veTu*. r.i e..rt D.. ma.-nd'n^X.

. a r»x _r "* * !***"**. -«f' |)“r e'.ry *tyV aud uunlitr f. ,*bCIQ «ule rety l-u O C. BLaVCHARD I

HUT. I'VA 4Y.FIEE—IA0i» krt.a».wrj4»4 Cu(m r.c.ed

•* J.kC Railroad and for sale ly ^|

I>' -c-Skin Gh-vt-s. fine dressed, for driving;silk «. love#, fleecy lined, fine dress, for winter;Berlin do. do and e:>amois lined do;A a-Lmt-re*. silk, w»/ol, and cliamu * lined;Fur. Bcav r. Otter, and Seal lamb-skin do;Heavy Pennsylvania Buck Gloves for teamsters:

T -pet her » ith a general assortment uf Dress and Winter<;1otm f,T»ie at (oft


Mansfields.A 1 1>—


,4‘)0 kegs, assorted frsm 3d to 6d. for sale by<$ GARDNER ft CO.

rp»r.Ac<x)—1 fiH hosra superi -r Virginia:

150 du Mis* >uri • pounds i;

50 do do (small plugs); f.< r sale bvGA RDNER ft CO.

H OLLANDGIN-1 pip H -llsad Gin, Key brand:2 N pipes do do. I'mc-Ai pie brand;

Just received aad for sni« byJ MONKS. $K Mala st

i -ugs for sole byV .5? GARDNER ft CO.

K ID gLO\ ES—Just received a large invoice of sui>criorTre nch Kid Glovt-s, made tr ard*-r

5o a i as bite kids very elastic and fine;fo do dark a*»--rtcd Kids, very oUstu sad fine;25 do black kids do. do d- do ds

^.seajM to 12. GenGrmtti in onnt of .up«-rh Kid GluVOS Willfind them at south corner uf Main and Third stm t*. 525.^ A. D. MANSFIELD.

unusually tow priesWe al* - r etired sum* very beautiful black (’raps Collan

and >lee\ CS, in sets.

Aho s Urge liut < f Cuurvoi er s celebrated make of Indio*hlof-k, white, and colored Kid Glove*, superior to any stWi

nd American Bruts Itl<» du 3-i ly sad 2-f-ly:

beautiful black ('rap# Collar* And all i f the li-wsr grades of t.-tton whaiji Cutb>n andHemp ( arjeting. .’ *

r s celebrated make of Indies’ CURTAIN GOODS.Glove*, superior to any stWr IDcb Satin de- !*aiuv aud \\ or*tcd Unmask in rreat variety:

ding Velvet and A loth,|lain and cmbruidi-rvd Extensive and »r!ln>i


Alsu a largr *«,.irtmi-Lt uf Silk and < 'astmiere llo»irrv and HouieUuld and Steamboat rur;-u*«. • f a: I sir. sand qualitio*, suitable fur ladies, gentle- FLOOR OlL-TLi

/ lOLLA li— »Hid -im iust received per eat ress\J > f raiglit fronts, corded, new sty 1«:

Puinted d». do, do.Straight do, string. do-Bynn Collar*. c-ri*d and plain;

For saI« by the dusen or singloColUr; atM AN 'FIELD 1

>\8®J*S-»hak - . . .

• .• yv . 1. Yirloo Mlk, and ).r.« u t uttuu Half II aiata fr m -i

tTi»raul««t [u|»| M 4MU ;f 1 D -

W’lMIU L'N UER-.-4H 1 RTS 4FO DKAWEES— Skatl * n"*!' K ««. ••»»»•'

- axkmtrr.. M.rin... In,.- -tt -n and t anion rlann. I hirt. and Dr.».r, ,.f .,rr » ai

nun, tut sacs and buy*.A 1.4. J «a*»* montuf thus. C K cant Print* thnt citrybudi

knows arvUi* cheapest < f aur i * the city.Al,o 2 ca*es of wonuiiu Fit ucli Ginghams, full vard wiJc.

fast culora. and rfiual in quality and atvle to an v Ginghamthat ran be bougnt fur 25c- nts. which ue will s^-U fur 12k


nts }-er y ard uS Dt RKUF. H EATH, ft CO,

NDRIES—O Vi boxes Macaroni:

25 do Vermicelli;COO lb* Tapioca (for sour or puddings'll300 lbs Farina do3it0 lb* Sago; 25 cn«et Sardines:50 gross play mg i ard*. vsriuui qualities;15m b >xes I cpfwr "auc. 5 - boae* Olivo Oil:20 > bin aud 20 half this Nu. 3 Mackerel;

l,5no lbs French ('b i-i>latc;

luU d-irs CoVo and Imp'd Spiced Oysters;75 boxes Ti-mat** Catchup;100 dosen L -nd' U PickUs. just received and fur sale by

°> C AETANO ft URSO,OUGAR—500 hhds fair to strictly stoic* f<*r solo hr° E. BUSTARD.

i im0“ urta.n musiil*. m * lannei. knit. Lambs' W.h.I ( ashmera Merin brow

• tt-.n, aad < antou Flann.-I y hints and Dr*», r* f.v. rvsned stuck of ovsry description fur and quality, fur salt cheap at 525 Main street, at

lC?LOT«S ——— MANSFIELD'S.Our stick of English and American Oil-Clnths it very large

consisting ..f toms 10 ur 12 different1xttera*. wltu-h in


.,t,#B,,B*tW ,Urp:i“t^ by nuy goods either

We invite the special attention nf ladies and all who are in» ant • f g«od and cheap H->u,cfurniihiags to an aaammatiun ut°UI Stock. HITE ft SMALL,

4!»9 M am a t,. 3 doors west Bank •

IMPORTED « IGAR$L JkhOUM La K •*.* Kcgaliat;

4<MMJ Jusefina do;Jl.-Mi 1 * /urela do;

In slurs and f- r sale low by

%«.». . . .. .A - $0 Third at., west side.

, .

*w*l«**ls (-unfesti uor and Dealer tn Foreign Fruits,01 f>

( uar*. Toy*. Fire-W orks.

ALMONDS— 1* hags just received aud fur saleO by 1°1$1* BOKIE. 5« Third at.


*MLK ANDI INFN 1IANDKER( I1IEFS. hemmed fur0 3\ ut* and fancy Linen, hemstitched and plain;- do

.d® SHk, osturtod patterns;

- MansfieldI CO AND CIGftrh—1 3mm i xet Missouri Kentucky and Tcnn^ee brand*

40 do Holland a Empress Virginia Tubac u;*u d® d-» Star d.. do40 do do Her# do do-30 hutu do Union do do*2*» boxes do Garner do d«»-

J! f ,d * C.J H /Hand do do!

20 do June's R«.se-bu l do d*.13 do do Gold l*enf d« aJ,

400.000 Swan Regalia Cigars;%

$00.»»UO Mayflower du do;

"VVywhox. i

HITEiSMALL^~ 499 Main street, between Third a>-d Fourth.

NewCarpeting and Household and Steam-


boat Furnishing Goods.11” F. respectfully invite the att-nti-n of »ur friends and cua-»» turner* in the cuy, and p* r- :i« from a duuace vi*itiag

-lurcitt to’in exanunati o of our exknsiv- and Wvll-oelected. I

which is •uji.-ri r t-> anv 10 »ar utv; and. a- r- *r«l.I.ainbs' \\ -1. Me- pric> a, we will eell our .( - Is at 1 vraaauvh u*e n t u v mm^vkidci !? '

t'' th# Western but in th« Eastern cities.' G'wr stock coasts:


M AN > 1 1 £ L D >.

partly in

Vwn>6 STT Royal Wilton and Velvet Carpets;AWE RS —Shaker Ricki leys Tapestry d.Merino, bruwu Rich Kidiicminsu-rd-i d-»;

Ut-ra. uf every sue Rich si x-c- rd w. re- twist d - *i -.

uyvcnri n o f

ch T;‘', -^nd Velvet Stair C a* pets;m, Imfwnal 3-ply super m.d hue 2-j»Iy;

henitneri fv


il’ T *U

4 ,l

Vi?eh“‘"' ' ot,

r.n , *nJ Hliuj. 1 urpefs:

Together with a lnrg- stuck of Rugs of every description a*]

Blank Book Manufactory.HULL. BR'iTUERs, ft CARLL.

JU.J-../35 Fourth o*r.~>.

fAV E h*vo a.M.*ci-»t*d with us ia th.

I I 7fT :£ * *? '* * • H K • M i II riCKKT-v Bs TWEEN LOf-

Ja u'i?%^U THK ^ATDsN.II. MKTRoFiil.l^asewdd by


Hit K*>a>l. * b*« h r a* uisvct W Waskia:Um « tb> wc tk* |*iayf |-a**iag tur i.h lUlt n* re. It u «|s» tV - alr Dm* kT wbicb

. boigage .-a I# «k -ked i-W**hia_t-a from tb* West. At B*i-

I i-i*


'i* i.

r • direct -»uu#eti. a with th> Katlraad t#


Rich Satin «l# l.aiaes. Worsted Duma k. I nIhr iiivr* 4 LaccCurtaiOo, tn'm 1:

ral ajGA.rtm.nt • f Bra,* Bands.

aa k. I'u ton d<\ whIteeTnt do. with a grii*

uip do. Curd and T

Linen and C-.'t..n Shce»in.’ f everv deaeriptian.Napkitu, Towel*. Doili**, Ac.

FLOOR Ot l.-CLOTII^.S,T- ral new |.a:t ru , . H-. 0 x~ d Kl. r r>il-l l.thi i» t-eati-

liul '...-'Irv*. w l,icli 4* til b. rut 1* attic | archa**r.

... .HITE* SRAM..

•21 4!)9 Mala *t.. Thir.1 aad F- urlh.

John B. Whitman,HEAT* ESTATE A(TEXT,OFFICE ft ;<» Al \ IN kTRKET

1 up stairsl,Ovkb Ouvkr ft Tipton's. Lorisritxa. Kt.

B^-^-lling, buying, and renting promptly attended ao.ta ar 23 dtf

A. A. Arcwiaoa Waaaica LvAtchison & Lynn,

aaM a tha ticket b,r.* f.*r lea*slur of -r'•a.r 1-s. W hi to11* at cad«*i «• by tbrawah -aygags anl in. la-1

" * Li VoiusiiD, A. cat. l>ut*ville

By*h#M \ IL RoCTE take tba Mailr^D?^^Hr‘ t»ameeu either at 11 A. M -r 3 p \|


-Jaily ftelia laaati. where *hev arrive so ta :*» r witlithe car* -*f Ltttie Miami Raiirumd at 6 .# 7 t0 % M «r5p ufce Colambim. mm—etiag tbere wfttft Central m£» Railroadlhr*agh Newark aal /aaesville t* < am n-iae Fr m thispl-tce tha on) erh M'uoehea of tba Okie State ‘ w ut o sr,** »Ver Natl n»l R -ad • .> • with the 1 •»..*«*j*d Uhi Kailrai until that eatral R. #4 >e c*m, Uteu u. form


d and fur sale ftrt.onn Havana Six-d Third at. luti.ntN) f. a v* do

5M.nnu Half Span lah


JJATTlNG-^u hales jtiHr

, k to 12 Gcbt^men in want ef *U|-vrL Kid Gl .voa will -find them at suuth corner uf Main and Third atm u. r V> ORA N DY FRUITS—

A. I» MANSFIELD. I> 75 hoses Brandy CherHca;75 do Brandy Peach**.

Y'EW ENGLAND BUM—3 hhds New England Rum, $0 per >3 do Brandy Apricot*;*' cent, above proof, just received and f r sale by Just received aud f rtale by GAETANO ft URSO.

J. MONKb, 3P6 Main at. Wholesale Confect iuners and Fruiterer

\i i . .... aa1\\v?m Stock Money. tN

yy coustatingef rich FRENCH EMBROIDERIES. DRE.vs I I H H I 'L11* 1* ukttt kt par for Cr ceric* by ' •<>'» tleby«;«HID>. Ac., to which we invite the particular attention of

" W o3t) E. J. MARTIN ft CO. /lOTTON Y (R\s a

— W. H Stssoiroar.J. W. Hurt & Co..

\TWIMft MANUFACTURED ToBa< • (>-»* f,** eh ,«*’ hrasiai- fursaftr at grant rwdaeu.*. ua m*n«fa*r ui>r> r-r*-H t

«r E. j. martin ft 06.1

m Vasts, at % FT_TKIMMING> ia arwatvlvs and at tlu- l -w»»t pnc*»MANSFIELD ** l** OOWPV TTRRY. ft CO. I


FwwciMitrt B ~““ L u"“''rtU"I m

cast4x0 « rmso — uownr. tcmht 4 0-- |RI VU LINENb— ft frean aap|dy ju*t r>'c«> vt d bvVO-ft$f bas Obuim 1 QOWDV. TEKRT ft rn. I * *

/AIM GOODS—Ju»t rcerived-\JT )MYi-r-v ac’-», with sleeve^.f rstage-dri Vara;

Ovcr-4 <uita and Legem*, uew patterns(ium (.love*, flannel lined, do;1 *1“ »ni Southwest rs. with capes, fr rainy weather.

For rale at 526, w.u*hw cat e-raer uf Mam aud Third *tru«ta.<*3 ft. D. MANSFIELD.

nROOMS—BiO d sen vanuua qaalitiee f.»r sale by» ( . A K I » N IK B 00

O Sou boxes Rosin Soap;6m d<* Palm d<*.

3m du German >-.sp;fiu du Fancy dw. for saU by

ii lesale l onfertiuncrs and Fruiterers.374 Maiust.. between Seventh and Eighth.

JAVA CXJFFEE—1UU pueketa prim* i

and for sale by |uf)

U ters now landing from steamer F-.rt Ilcurv and f .r salelu,rly „ . .

A. U-HIIK. Na. 5U Third *t„off Wh leials « onfwc-t i-nrr an 1 Dealer in Foreign KruiU

L'RESH PEACHES— 56m cans fresh Baltimore Peaches, putI op to their "wnli-jur. ju»t received per steamer Choi

- lemrc and fur sale by th* ur single ran byo9 A. BoR IE. £0 Third st.


th* ladles. A drum rw ,.f h*auttful g uds will find ia --ur huu*en n » ituient which csur.ot fail to enlist their nttenti n

' *11 and sx&mm* tl # fallowing, u| M-n«d this dar:Rich Point do Veniae Cullars;Rich French embr->idor*d ( ai.i brie Collars'Maltese and hwiss do;Ladies French embroidered Handkerchief*.Misses' do do do

DRESS GOODS.Plaid French Mcrinoe*;Muslin de Begs R. bes;Satin d* Chines;French Chintie*. Franeh Prints;<1 th, Velvet, and Moire Antique ( luaka.

Also: Dama*k Dollie*:

French Crib BlauketsMis»is* < 'ashmera and M«rin - Shaw 1st

MARK, DULANEY, ft DOWNS,EAD-7,4** lh# Lar Lead fur sale by JAUt ES. ( ATCHUPS, Ae.—


M ackerel—4" tb’.* largt N -. I M acker

H 1 bl* d« No. 1 do;$M ^ bbls do No. I do;25 hbls do No. 3 dw,

LH'RMS II 1NG GOODS— Linen and Mu*lin Shirts; Silk,I Merin ., Lambs Wool, and ShaST Flannel Under-Shirt*and Drawers Silk , Wool, Mvrino, and br wnCott. n Half Hose;'•love*, "ii'penders. Cravats, stock*. Ties, ftr. : f r sal* cheat


ARD. kj 50 dot Wurcestershire, 35 dotJohn Bull's. 25dei Karvov's25 do# Reading 2U d .t Pauli, and 150 d*s Popper haice!

; Silk, I30 d- s I nderw *ud t Relish;

^ *

16 d*>s IndiaSuy;75 dot Tomato. 30d s Walnut, and 25 do: Mushroom Catcb-

sp (imported »;

lfl d -z E«*onco Anchovies:Lately received and fur sale by-16 C.YKTAXO 4 I RSO.


JA I F SPANISH I |(.AKS-90,U0U Half -|* bi,I, i i,ar. iit

*?d br *• bomb; fo i-,»rt •«..fl-. « bolMAbl afe*tir,n .r and li.aler in Farxt.D Frvita.

( I1 PBBAKOr H »ittaaiartmnl la* aala 4y

' 7 A. BOR1E. 54) Third at. LI.—25 fcfcl* lar;. N.

ini street. 47Xiiv«d 1 «no- Alien N new otylo Ur ut..**-• antor- Fiar.iiolw F<waale 1- w bvMARK DI LAM X ft BOWMB.

^AftftDiNKb OkbTERs.fte —

(Mlb*aaeb «pi*nI and for aale by


/’I* DR(»Pb—Jsot reoeivcd a supply #f b«a Drvps of a*" T oormd Invars nnd for solo bv



»»tj *«p#nor nrtiol* of LonduL1 ovofib PORTER— A vnj •«Mj hr--* a Most ia ouav* and for »*«T BF.L

y I R(» I N I A MANUF A< 11 RID T«iHA« Co—3m> bas ch**ic»V ‘Frauds for ral* al a grrat r*du '.u« maowfa'-turer*


I |\* ^‘‘K—Ju*t oprned m ram «»-4 Damask, in high oulors,

I / f-jr rartasns, at half tLe east **f :®; -rtatiun99 <»4»WTfV. TERRY, ft CO.

/Nirric^ “l^* 1 • Oat» itiujA F.avtera Rio.-5m dt^ Prime lj^.u*\ra;

I L ANS, LlNsEY. SOf kSftt -•I 2.«adi vanis whit* r sa. i iinsey;

fiftn lbs C'untrv ThreadOn e**nsigam«at non for sale by*** JAME <i ( ROMEV. Wallet.

ipimiii'.fle sir I W* A BROOM v—25*)dui»u m Starr snd fur sale hvdk non . ft co


* r j Martin a co.

|>l.\«R AND FAN' Y SILK • KAV \T>—Aehuieo lut justt*',m 4met»ot. ai unoMialiv law rates bv


/matton Yarns. Ar —l,Wi bogs H*p (’*Ttu* Yarns;

New Books.I I.LC5T1RATlONS uf Crains m • me uf its Kslatt -ns tot'nl1 tnr* and Suri-ty. bv Ilrary Gile*.P " tn*. i

y The, a* Williams Par»uns.Literary Recreations aad Miscellanies, by Juba G. Whit-

Men Wahl* W* m^u, the Story f their Tribes, by Mrs. New-ton ( r-sland.Reoeivcd and far sale by HENRY C MORTON.

$32 Main


. . between Third and Fourth.


.AKF. I I MI ia bbls and half bbls, fur sale bvJ 04 GARDNER ft CO.

Readable Books just Received.|)OEMS. 1-v Thos William Parsons.I M n rablcM t-.en stnrv ft eir Lives; by Mn.Crnn-land, author of Lvdia, ftc.—illustrated.H-r ry (.iJe*. I llastratiras of Gcniu* in t rue sf its r*la-uuns t.. ( ult«r« aad Society , bv Henrv Giles.

1 * r - Literary Revelations and Mi *ellanios. by J.C.* hittier. #

Ha.tWtt* V.»n fr..«aan01d Mas*, fcir XaMwaMHAtt-tt-ra.. Net* editi-ti, ret i,xd.


Grand Exhibition of Rich Velvet, Tapes-try, and Brussels Carpeting


i vention • f :.api-t-d bstore and f rsals by


100 bbls Plat te: ion M lasses;75 paokag*# Refined .

v ug» s;

•V' 4 Guupo* der Tea;250 boxes Manufactured T"baceo;150 bbls B ui bun WLisk v . in store and far sale bv

Till). Y URINT. SOX . 4 CO.

turnery, tn store and fur sale Lv10 BELL. ROBINSON, ft CO.

25*i b xe# Ne. 1 Herring;10 bbls Nu. 3 large Mackerel:10 A% H*> No. 3 de d..;

it received aud for sale by GAETANO ft URSO.371 Main at., between ^evt•nthand Eighth.

175 hhds fair to prime N. O. SugarftOn tierces F.lui Hall Refined do;



l oai'*

Ivwaf ’


n,»heJ . *fid Powdered Sugar;!u store aud fur sale by A. R \W<ON\_! auannsatr to Kawcou .A lia««o.

I ILOnMs—fiun dusen received per mail-boat and f r »ale bvU ft|M CARTER ft JOUETT.s’O 12 bbls 7$ per cent. Alcohol;

300 bosii* H"-ia Soap;ff<> do Palm du;30 du Oleine dw;60 do Fancy Bar;40 du Shaving Suaps;3m bbls Crushed Sugar;25 bhl# I'owdci - J do;50 bbls Cider Vinegar;H bbls pure Saleratus;

2*n.* casks Soda;40U kegs Shoenberg-rs* Nails:4" buses Chocolate:

30 ' reams Wrapping Paper:$0 b--xca Window- Gins-* ,

40 dos n Half Bush. I Measures*20 do bras* b<-unil Huckvts;20 do Sieves. Nos. 14 and 1C;40 soils Hemp Curda»t-30 du Cotton du7luu pukan«*T<ai, t*. v.aoJ 14

>ow ia store aad fur sale by

oW «n Main at..W«. mVid «*r«rth.

/lOTT()N-l',b.l..AU»«maaa4 T.anaaa-. - *u,. aa haod1 \l YXrT4rTF**a» AND YVlIni.F--

Y ' att'l f-.-r -ala fcjr aSI NOt k. Wic ks 4 t t>.11 Im. j .-im. 4nu s-lp. I’utetr.

/AOTTON YAX.N5, 4a- ~ KiSgtl*? *"» *\j MO ha^s Cotton Yarn*, assorted numbers (Tennessee); RICHARD D. CON Du

SOVTI.ftsr'-krraauemcB** ore being mode by

be ticketed 0* all the Eastern tries.

AI.I DE W.KR' IN V‘|a by the new Railr ad

a Jeffers* aville aad obi*, ao i M )MU#t>

hieb doomaa ere wiUir rbe Maiutw- -re aadto « lacvnaati from

50 balee Candlc-Wikk;9U do Colt a Twine; tu store and for sale by

', - 1 MOCK. WICKS, ft ro.

K ' 1 1 ' ' 1 and J Haiti a, »„w .-a hud aadI'll *1 1 At Ni.c k. VII KS. 4 i o.

TSA-1 * 1 ' ,:'.*** On**. w«l, and Uoni 44d,r T*a:

<’» 1 2ib bone* Imperial;20 61b du Young Hvson;

Now ta store aud for sal* by

J*1 XlWK. YTII'KA, 4 CO.

l*«l vm, wicks . 4 i «.

V’-IIlJ'— l.w.ukajaaaaortadaix** ia ataaa aad for*ala fcr^ , - 1 I1HADY 4 D.YVItX

T*“!7aar^ “d KtBUikj T*b**~ ••i

j:2!XfWK, WICKS, 4 co,

(, l.i-T|ls CYs-|i|EKES. t.VKKI TiATIXfis Y B-TIXG1.G AM* rmUMIXti.-—4fiU*- I and .tl-. turui*"f-t 22 d4« lillWDY. TEHK T. 4 CO.

KV"''' ' ' "• - - « :.i

< fine ( ur *w lmanufactuiv. and warranted w rllm dr.•opt 22 4ft


• GOWDV. TERRY, ft f’O.

Geatleaea s and Childrea’tCLOTHING.

at w holeiali


tk* **$• Jvfferw>n* iB* Ka. ir »J. •trees.

ft Vw?i?ffiSStk#


TT: ,he be

p w4

# i \*d ' w

ii‘b lvA^o t»»c« daily, a 9 ft. k rad «P M . f .r Ba.ttm.-re. Wmhia«t..a •» I htladel; him. by -1..*#

cun arc it* . a, arriving there in 17 -r IP h. are. imludiac *s..w-oauo*. F-'f safety, st eed, rasulanry. beamy ,t tba «*>«nary.and general eemfurt this r- ad te ro a-t to J oe ia the l a> ar* r further particmlara. travelers are referred tw E « |»_

Market and F -urth etreetnLouisville, Ky.

N. B.Gentlemen s *r»i Children's

CLOTHINGmad- te order.

Call and examine f r y *urs«lved.f" dtf

A Zimmerman.BOOT AND >HOEMaKER. No. 113 * urth strae*.

betw-*Y.n Market and Jrffrr'c-u, IS n- w pr-p \r*-d tn rl-ecu:* Wwrk ia the b«vt manner aad wa the tn *t r-a^ i.-

eable term* at th* ih -rhit n tie*. de u dtf

I any wr tint - la** line. The r^ad make* immediate c> nnea-ti-a *: ik* wharv** aad ia the *’reeia »f Balum-re with -he


N*w V»rk steam* re -f Fri<e- sand Parker beia line*, by • anal end 'e» t*. New Y,.rk snd" ** • Us N rf .Ik. i fesrlwus »avwnnaft. ete. Fur|

articular*, m frev«ht tnnff. eeptoe -%f which may b# had uff


-ray f the F rwnrding Hunsee in the Wet.

jaaa li Jljr law ot Tr.*.,'™' ."run .^ra.

Pennsylvania Railroad.

Wig Manufactory,

*._ Mai, Ltvak Tfcjnl 'aV^TTidTw'.uTfcT


I^AX.-V f A>Sl II ERE.H—2 oaav. |ow wxd Iutal,t,l.'c-; "7 JAIIBt 1 “W * •>

N -Irs-^svgas •• B^aL7r,“?.T

/fc'7r^*; N ‘ — * £* •


a^* T. S a BUV1II * CAJH J

\* 1 " ILE l-HINTX-l

mitt — iJ -Jitd). 4.4.WI.Y. TtKRr. 4 IX,

st). ».•, rol'RTH STREET. BET. JIYIX Y X D M.YKkETT. * f • lest -’at let , * /.a,!, -ii,’/#,

»l snd -they* t- h«r aewlv -invented V EN TILATING DI \MON D WIG' warranted u t t.j shrink, beside* th«v are -


Three Daily Lintsfrom Pittsbeerj to Philadelphia.Xr-V.'X 111 XXIXli thr c«i, by *sna( Kail Trwa. bmiaa*-

C\\ \ : ^57..“«75s “J “n"“« -

it- JKiL*r.«i^^-YtV‘ ir » “*

V* b'f T |‘r"«- I> E«j.n4,a Traxa lewian Fin*fcm xay ,fp LrT

t* - Y V. ».. 1 arr a, :a )' .ilxjpl, 1.4,4], ,


WC£^* Cxrrwa raaa Jatlj . ti. ,14-,

, with th. train* tr-m S«. Loan. V . tlu,a. n.i—


< ' X D H.YBUT. laaarfci*^. III,...,, rtmkl-te. UwTm.>< t*. Keatn« kv T*rre Urat*. Modi*>n. Lafayette. —-1 In-'-imer-a f b**r <?«*•• m»r- ' Its. Indiana. ' inciaaatt Davta.u ^prin.-fleld. Belief- sen a*NTILATING 1»I\- "andnsky. Toled-. Cleveland, j ,nak< ftanesnll* | t4 , i,^T*branive they are »• and W. -water, (die. *

ecttua. A larrr a- - Alsu, eunaectiur af Pittsburg with the it«ia - v __

Work-, and for sale lew bv T°k®'' * 2 iks» buxe* and butts Virginia and Missouri Tw-A. UOR I E. 50 Third st.

* '• a’ure aud f-. r sale lew by‘

Bagging—fino p»,< elow by l*'101

a“> rted brands in store and for *alo 107Tllo. T BRENT. SON. ft 00. 11AL

Fourth street.

H ITK SM A LL S. • • • • 499 Main street.\r t; have n • i n exhi> . ion st our < urpet War- ruoms s’’ '-».» --*»! * ' *t k ef K-val Wilt** and Velvet < arpet

hich are entirely new iu design and uoe-iualcd in rich-f c-‘Ior» Al- *vVersl r w aud l-eautiful act* uf

R*eh K iddcmin*G-r Tap>-*try;M bbU Ne. 3 larre, 1*54 mapectien:M bids Ne. t medium IBM d<> foreale bvr E J MARTIN ft CD.

ILI IN.,TON MUSTARD—A eupr-U in store and for sale b



flif tr Veem ieeli l ; ymt revived aad fer sale bvGAETANO ft UBEO.

K«a TEhN IdUMik--—ftto dusei* f r ea.« by3*27 E J MARTIN ft OO.


in* bewe Layer RtuiseV a-«w Prune* :i* glass15 frsiU DateslO bane* se* r-d P** Fruit.6 eases fre*h« iiroa.

lb 4 «ea Fr«eh Ccaohee in mm25 Let * shelled Almwods;ISO du Brandi Peu rheu,

71 d - Brandy Chrmeu,fttu sunt* f ioaomua Bark.

Bow MUtvisf per mna bunt and for eaW eheap byGAETANO k URBO.

•T IT4 Main atswet. brtwaea Neveath and Eighth.

a |LD B' HI SK V—SflCi bbls eopf-or still aad Bonri.-o countjU M'biekv in store aad fer sals by

Sff J MON KS. Sto* Ma>a et

fid Wage* ground . in stern and fer sale bv«27 E. J. MAllTIN ft CO.

OTTON VABMK BATTING. nrilfE. AND CANDLEfrirfc-IW bugs H-*fw Cedtea Taros;

V- ba*e Twinefte 4- Condie-M i#k ia store and for sale by

*27 E J. MARTIN ft CD.

»|< F. -fit ea.k.fresL went jest rami v. c eud fur as c bv

IxmiBvilie Family Flour WarehouseJ A Ml> JOH N -TON l; 72 Fourth >*

I * 4* | BBi * eery Mpenor raatilt Fltia.,nM«.f.

1 <IU faaxiit «. tuit-»4 fr» .IW•B JAMlS jORK>roN|

r nod for sale by/NO r. Doward A OO

Mato between Third aad Foasiheta

c»t Kru*»*-1*;D A rn-: wan 1 ai-csiry and Bru-sel* Carpets;

' •

*trF W( * *•*. *»“* * * plain and iwUlvd( eijetian.t uit* n aad M I. « --tt a 4*nd Hemp' nrpet*

M oussch-aiii•ole bv fe$K

t J V ftBTIN ft CDP^oontiuii MuIomcs in *ta»rc and f


assortment ef Rui* tu suit the vari. uv qualities «HITE A SMALL.

*** Main *t . between Third aa<1 lurth

*»' gR*. «atT7?U oi‘p < “ 1 '1

O AK I M— ltil hxkt jb*l t'Ctinl at,tl for ax), by•*’ tiAKDNFB 4 4-0.

H I Y< k AND • I4I..4KF14 -tiTT.-N VEI.YETS. alaia a..dt-gored. is very fin* quail tie*


M ANILA koPt-7Iwl*juH rerwlVcd and Jr *ai- by•3" GARDNER ft CO.

O Peasb and Apple Brandy;Old Jamai'-aKumOld BwurUa WbukihlJ Helluud Gin:

.Aaiestte. C aracua, and Hoetetter'* Bittrt;

l* fcy J P TMoMPNiM,Fourth et.. near Main

^ILK* AND SATINS— A large lot ef elegant plaid andwhite Kr -cad* Silks and Satins, for party drvsoes, received

•r ia rn ru ng and for rale LyI»i BEEl BE M II. ft • 0

/ ’ -1 H»Ns- '

. in t.i r* f them \ I ached « ufttons f r faun"

[ y “*'• uiaanfactured * k|remlv fer uuraelve*. i n half

;• re». aud will tosoldf^r 12 cent* » v the vard or rieo*

dlkkee. HEATH, ft CD.

Bargains! Bargains!raSES!!?. '** •em,rhu|

a•’'••'fitting RF ADY-M ADR

\ J l 1.01 H I N(. er* resjH. t fully luviud to call endexamtu*my *t.Mk previous t, purrnssiag clsvwh re I w ill insure themfull valu f r their tnuaey in *iia|>« - f a neat eutfit, te wit

Over-4 oat* and Sacks, velvet trimmedDe do de. Veryhi-aw;

Black and fancy Dress and Fruck Costs-Do do u* do Uants:

Black, blue, brawn, nnd olive Basiue** Coats-Fancy ar.d black Velvet Ymts, fine.Du de de Silk ami Satin du;D« do do t luth, |-Ui n and velvet faced

T-getbor wuh * great var.ety of styles n -t named: all sf whichl will tr.l at a very email jruflt. < «11 *ov n if \ou waut bar-

i gams iu tiie way of bn* Clutbing.J » HAXSriEUJ,

»>• 525. rorneref Main anti Third*irt—ta.

M..SM MUI - J«,l rt ,u,J x .»W I, .1 III, ru|. : . r1 . ilat Suaji, al.a Lo» x Hr « « YY’ia.laur «-ap. aad far*al«


fcJ «•*] BELL. ROUINSOX, 4 ft).

N EUI'-H- Wa |rrl» ia auti. aad for aala lair, ta cloaaC4,n»ignmebt, by

•>® THO. T. BRENT. SON, ft CO.

1 adapted f4«r cwld Weather, fur >nl* LvBELL. ROBINSON, ft CO.

T. SON. ft « O.j

'PALMA*—Received by e*j rrs*. on Saturday niu1 other lot ufth s« beautiful Cloth Talmas.



I VLBaRGEs. ftc.—— *-/ pieces e» lured

1 bacon in sturo and for sals low by—03i A. EAWSON.

7 /lOTToVftc-i- hale# Teuu«*«ee sad Aiabama Cotton

4<» de Ceiton TwineSo do do OaudJe-Wiek;4«» do du Batting.

r 120 har s Cotton Yarns, assorted aunC *r.In store aud for sole by


I /HINTS—2 case* mure of these ehcap ui# cut Prints ef sut-#-I nor stylos aud eulors tu aav hef« r»- - tft-nd*17 * Dl'RKKE. HEATH, ft CO.

_"a> T. ft R, &LEVIN ft CAIN. I ft

|x J»lGO—$ e«r -cos Spanish float ludigo for sal* b^

~ A,*•** AND’W BUCHANAN ft COliter lot sf IftNWW IVCBANAff ft CO JAMJ

* • •' s Lames, and I iv.,, , .— — —

a great variety f all ela**e« u# g,*Y»d« for u»r fall (rod* that I !•*,

1 B(»V—170 tens « edar ereek soft Pi* Iron f * kr ("

, .

' I* Cl T t 11 (IN - . ju*r ree.-l v#d *: d f«

renders «ur stuck vastly sapariurtiJ nay other that ran be es- I A K'D H* BC' H AN A N ft COV s 'Uw l*--l (GARDNER ft ( O.

' 1

“'jftg’iSir J co.. Maia'


CASSEDAY & HOPKINS,— Importer# and Iwalrr* ta

|K 1 > II LINEN*—2u case* various uia u^s r«v ved thi* da

dlKKASR % It I. % w w. < II I X %. PhlTKI) UAH?I and for sale by •


AM* TABLE Cl r l,*.*2jAb JAMES LOW ft CO^ Hit Main st. .VHsais it , lu .win*

*I ^ ^ bav# just received ar Ur,- st k ofG \

\ t JkA received this day and f- r isle by HV liu.', sou^it vhieksn- £*7•22 JAMES U*W ft CO.. 41$ Ma n s*.


9t h*^ ru4 Mue^uswatv; ^

CASSEDAY & HOPKINS,lnit»»r’.cr* and In-oier* ia

Ul KCAbtl kill.. «.l. (vv, < III \ %. |* I. \ r»:i» bl AH*A\l» r ABLE ft | *,

*•34 Wain it , Lo ivvili * .WE have juit rcee.v.d -ar Ur *t.-k f.

/ 3 | N G H A M >—2 eases" F bams at 12 (g cents

*l*uf Carpets, th* eheanevt in market.DC RK EE HEATH, ft CO.

i mure ef those yard wide Freu h Ging-

KKE HEA1 n * CQ.

shaker he-vvy H see, for servants' wear,


SV;AK -V:' V f-rlme 8*444 ta ,t.,r. aad f„r aala—— 10,1

i VM. C.YV.

.1 V.A n, ' rEy ‘f? I o«J4!)a anpar old Java i.,n c „ t.e,it,d/ direct from New kurkand for sale bv I

m r*AND’W MUCH AHAN ft CO..°*1 Or^oery Depot, eormer of Sseoaft and Wuvhimitou *t* I

nd fur sale II I 0>l —


cm d-


M GAY 1 b dbj received by•'ILR1 —jet d mu su, or English wh.teday recei ved by


LK TILVK1 I. 1-4 SUM Velvet reel

I* presu aad for sale by- JAMES LOW ft CO

40 casks do English China;b x-s du Glassware;

12 tasks tfe Fr-o. h» brany* graee do Table CwOsfr;A large a * riucnt «ff Flaced>'ck is all . f th* newest and m st desirable pa’-


. we w uld oak the at:


t. there vi sit iug «,ur market. If theg d>Stork brf Tee pu r-- .'.asm we f#ri assuredbl* at<-«k will induce them to buy.

f they d> call and ex•ur prices aad desiro- vtylss of


’o*ee ager* fr m 'to Wees will find this the th.-rt«aft on#tn-*texp«-ditixu* route to Philadelphia. lU.t.iu. re \.« y raur Boeluo. TttM'. t'«»Kk. Ag*aft.

Posevnser Linee. rhGnddpktft.. ^ *• MIL-vKIMEM. Agent,

mxr^ dir rw*»n,rr L ime, intmbwrg.

Vcyy Kail < arpcllag.Household and Steamboat Fumiahinir

WlllllOftl. ~I IITFft >*M ALL. rr* Main street, W:v«sv Third ami fwnrtlt.I I fiave ms pea

**f.a.pect. .a th* largest and chD.ersft vs#ck

"V w ?HWri Tl“,r7.

* h,efc having been our-chaevd f.-r rash aal since the de* lia# i# ( ary*>*. «nnt :«*ttom to -Ir crest todneemew'e to their cn*« m*r*a(-d «

Th^ir *toek eansfU portly in th# inwi and mrai itICAPSBDftT ft HOPKINS

INDIA CHOI. AGO(;l E-Th#t»bly reliable of tl,* many tpc-l cific* advertised fur the cure of FcVcr aud Ague fur sale bvul$ BELL. BOBINPON. ft CO.

1)1 A>TER PA RIS—Su bbls Plaster Pans. Newark broad.1 i a store and fur sale by

IN 1 ‘ ‘ • K s

' l i u best terms — —X.J bf |ol7 ] • li MdbaAKKAT ft LO fPHos. J. HOLLAND

^ AS'lJ -

• i‘UOT 32 kegs a-urted Skol received this dsv ner 75 butts No 1;O Fairy vfucen aud f*r sale by 1

50 butts J. W. 5tnlADAMS ft CO.,

-•a Mam aud river.

1.1M bars Rio C t. fir*;

25*i du l.aguay ra Coffee; for sale bvJ A ND W Bl’CHANAN ft CO .

los. J. HOLLAND'S TOBACCO-1"0 butts Extra.75 butts No 1;50 butts J. W Smith;


50 butts S. II - It;

I n store aud fur sale by

/ AORSKT.-—We have just opened 5 dwtra LodiciV./ sets that ladies will very much adtmr- ui-on e

£X |JI\ r s TZ s . , R.,*a - 1 , ;DLl E BLANkEl -3bnlts blue Blankets, sui rriurquslity


- <1 BajOfcis best quality of white rad Just received and fur sal. - hap byf-i-ndk G1 ves r raivcd this m-rnng. tugither with a T ft k si FYIN ft cat v- . . oil MaiustbStwra. F.ft indl*Ja net embroidered •*» irta, wh to and C"! <red Elannelt. w tl. *


ea .» a« • n Ladies' Patent Cor-


Main streetV ‘JJIJJl 04 FAIAOOOIXSttEffSEF **" “4 11

BU*k Or-- 1,,. b W.aad Plains**•* '*« nd. ('a«bm*res

HiV-a Yi*N<rrruing Prints;

I^l KNI'IIINg dmIi*|

tes India Mn«hn, Nams- okI Musl:a>, Victoria Lawns, Linen Damask Napkins, Table

• hs. and •*fh* r II ' »*: Furnishing Go-d* received tt..* n. -rn-mg ii,d off* r d very cheap by05 DCRKFE. HF.ATH, ft ID.

^CGAR— 125 hhds atrictiy prime N . o Sugar f r sale by

l-l—jia liaeging;t brands Kuj»e

e. in store and for sale bv

(VA" l MI.KEs— A large variety of plain aud /am v ( ossi-/' nicrcejust re eived anl f -r sale cheap by

T. A K. SLEVI N ft CAIN. 414 Main

Just Received. F** I"*-V-IK3TBS 4HBHOMAX.K. by th. Utt, J..h.YV,l«*.n4WiI-


Itara Ma*iD. J.C I -khart. Jam-. II a.-. 4c . with a, I'ATEIi Fl'lm a. sui tto;.. by R I) i |,

'' V‘'‘

' 1

41^ •' "•* K ‘ d"* •* '

»-r W. Gilmora ".‘nttFirmilian. a *'Spasm F dic'' Tragedy, bv P Percv Joi.ra

?v. “SS( hriatoi her North .the late Pr*f Wilma). MilV

*• * hit at many vuln^rahlr authors wf the day.•• • r >"


( * ,Ifi |lan, Tenny.i.n, and particularly Alexander „*»iuntl

,w no.. 'Llf* I rag-d v pr bably suggested the w..rk -


^ II AW 1. - -A large variety ef 1 ng xud square Shawls just. r ,

. i rTr i.1 O received a .-i f *r sale cheap bi r •* *‘*‘®*li

•11 T. A K. SLEVI N ft CAIN. 411 Mam st.

vag-vuces of these auth<


^VATI N ET>— Black, blue, and mixed Satinets just received4^ and fur sole cheap bvoil T. ft R. SI EVIN' ft CUN. 4l4 Ma

Ilia V q>— w ••• r- . * .. f , _ f r sale bv . , , . v , ,

.. . « >• .air. • * aii a * ii | u r,.; ^ATI N ET>— Block, blue, and mixed SatikcU just receivedGAI.I.AGHfR ft ( ... > andfuraalochmipbyiwwa Thibet j-; 4. ni| oelTt4 oil i ftR BLBTIHBCA1M lUfunsf.

B. O I loaaeD'***** Uu»« do; jAr .team I rat Fort Henry and far sale by

Allot dale and brown 5Wt tr 4** mm M.i. t


rfAa ?

k <?-* Main street. 471•2 MALk I.i i.anrt a Bam " h9tmtmmThir99^4 ft urthqte. ^ % , Tt Tltll . ag Lo#ji#m# during Ums 4..TX r I x n tt 1 • I TI Wtt » / •ODl • >| Plfti'TI' C I N CIVIL ft \D < RIM1N Al ' Asf a ’ « *»*> ng w -*h are ret|^ fully invited to call and examine

U L.5 uf fJr Stobyinstant anMd, always on V/^fortbe state of Kentucky. lYcE^VVkHoII^TS!



7u/so.t •* MORTON ft GRISW OLD. LACEif, F.M BROIDERIES, ke. W • have on hand a superb

Cl 'NDRIES-.O 2»> boxes fresh Citron;

Main street. 471

BORIE. 5u Third

IM bids Filbert*I Now landing fruai s'camer Pan hen. a and fur sale 1.,# bv

A BORIE. 5M Third west s.g,•2 Whwl«saIe('oafectiwn*r aad Daoier ia Foreign Fruit*.


EaD and shot—J 2.IWM lb* bar Ijead;

24 kegs hW; per stramer Endeavor aad for sale bv•2 D. L. ADAMS ft CO.

J**bL^ Plaatatioa M*.lasses;m Hd . go du;

I ra.4kb

*f a**mr


H ',04e Ot. Jams# Molasses1 • st.,re and fi»r onto by f e*7 j A. GRAY A CO.

riuieat i f Dress Guods, c nsistlng f >ilks of ere-rsf. 1* ,

and quality. Cashmeres. Merinuos Poplius ft< also a com- •‘••f* Orvi> s ( .jrn Starcb;pl« :# assurtineat of Embroideries, Lace Go ds. ke all of this 5


fill's lap rtfi d And, os our purchaser Is nuw East, w« in *° * T<-mato, and other fiaacoSt

shall b- cons oaUy nmit:b| odditims. i J®” or- estershir# >auce,

A« we deal upon the o> a- ruicx system, s'ranrtrs may roly .lo

..English Pieklos, ass«rted

. J v si ** ur residents of I .tw ox# t irt-f raekor*. with a full a*4ortmtBt uf b*ir- Works;

this city . oil MAKE DI LANS V . ft DOW NS. per late arrivals and fwr sal* bv

l.*.D w h.-le. half, and quarter boxes Rsisiuh6 . a-ks /note Currants.3d bbl. soft -Ull Almonds;10 boiF-s Prunrt;10 Mies Sardines, whulo, half, and quarter b<.xea-,V) b- ir. Macaruui;Im do Venuscelli;

1 case Pearl Sag*;


ranted f-are. for sale byA BmRIE, 50 Third st.

Pippin APPLF>-$0bU» tar Pippin AMla aaaaaallsutarGeto for ao#Kxag parpens* . fast rraeived aad f-iraaJ* by


(NANABF KKLD—40 bbis brat qnoli’y Canary Soed justre-, *aiv*d aad far aai* byOr BVRAM PITKIN, ft OO.

* New HookII^AI TE1L »r Ure I»- THt VOOM. fc, r,.— u TV,-W BF.XRV C. MORTOK

(JiCAKs: CICAR- _\J lei.tvo K^al,a,.u„.

i ‘.T*R.l<

*?. * H * R !AOX E WINES—m *i i— x.t> ft.L.T*"


m B 4a Jm4>, t'l.kJuat nxttiTttAMMl ttt. ou It: «**U B -. Hwaxa. aa Foartk

/UxtflJ <

i. •*


TOK CEE.—l# bbis vsry i m stow one f*r sol* bvJacob kellkr

• aciow B-ms for sate byW AMB*W kl’l Hi

UTINES' WINKS'—4V baakete oaper <'hnmpofrns

ft k soaks Madeira Win*,ft Is d* Sherry «#;

For solo, to aloas ooasigamrat by

4 r TUOMFaox

S 'K-fcO i.fcd* f,rtia« ta .x.r. and f-r lv— — - A. t.RAV 4 ro.U'H •SJI-” "" ‘•M*w«1«rd

;Jl fcfcl, old r,,|.,.r d'<:

A. t.RAV 4rwlFU-nokiiajttMlttMiTad aadfaraalr b,

A. GRAY ft CO.

M A<7KEKtL- 2uw r*e*ivsd~ard^ lTiaU~W

1_I_ A- CRAY ft GO.

H EMP-41 Ul«# No. I Hemp, raeotvdi~

town, in ware>houae and f-r %aie bv,l*Amer ' •rk*


r 75 boxM Layer Kuteins;NK) drums Sultana du;

Suu do Smyrna Figs;1 ,iM*m IbsfrssL 1 Itr-n.

In cases fresh Prunes;lft frails do Dates;N) bbls Filberts. 2U bbls Brasil- Nuts;Su bbls Sicily Almonds,


,, '‘' *" /amhiM’ tui

‘ * l 0*44' dH. $> rad,; r.m xn !ai.aca ataa, tlaacli. tiFU III.


Nt ii’aku.„»!

So,e Agent for the State uf Kemuckv.At his Clothing Depot 457 Main st.


:‘iPl8-4“ bbu Loaf. Craahad‘ ana I - » dared Sugars for sale I w bvANDW Buchanan ft co

B°JSx£^N. "'"'V • ;" 1 M ar . w 1

- M * v - A. K_AW’soN. ill Man st

CJ5!WftTU 4.”' w“l 7ua« r.

till.!.. SMITH. 4 CO- t-t W all at.

\\-*M i- - - I Mi 1 - ... I M SOAP- 4. .

the .Jih fy*'Ur,ll,'‘ *"J* ' 'horn uth. wlticfc cau*r

'T. l", l-tt-.ti thr arcuntulxtt a of Uttar at,J 11

lu * f-r r.»h., uicuud m.uth. i**** “f L»;l I Bin ROBm.-WIM t-n\|nl A •

*” 50 bbls Plaatatioa Molasses;j"*> Hdu do do;10U bbl# Sugar- II ••use do;

*oW» to eloss consignments, bv

250 bblt L*.iaf aud Crushed: f- r sale >-y jaCYRIIXER J^1>_ Jw# ^

"* li" 1’ l* *ur Ur“ W I I^SS

J( A \J "n IV.:».. 1

r yn. \ tvII X* A*6* \


0 0-tt||

, JS' • ' / 1 /

|)1.D Bl. (NKKT*-- j caaes Whituer Blaaket* just upeued I

'T* *'***nownr TSRRT 4 co No 90 Fourth Street.E — — UT ’ -*V * <n WEVT SIDE. BETWEEN MAIN AND MARKET.

'Poll. El AND I M PERI \l S(l ILTS— 1»» cases solured and IN*VENTi»R *f th* DIAMOND WIG. and an humbue. mft white English ljuili* direct I \ im; -rted by

Ia pro. ti •* d in thi* cite.

•» JAMES LOW ft OO., 411 Main st. ff^-l odira Wi**. Half TTirs. Braid*. Curt*, te.. ma-U

Vl Bracelet *. Hr- A-ii DO dosen Buckets; « .j— u— .* j .... . .w 4

Ruv al Wilton and Velv*t « *rp*ti ng1 Casley Topostrv d*»;

Rich K-ddt minster dn j,,;Rich Kwgli*;i *-ourd Kruswl* d»|Rich Amortcua Tap*«trr Jr,

ALSO:“"^[“erial J-pljCarj-,.. ,a TM-.trj ,»j

J-plv, Txf*» TJ lamia, auduai aU wa.1 2-a|,:h*ia. and Cotton < ort-rt*.



JZZSZZ. l’- a •‘U,.h,.A„-.,

^a*Y4'. ta.ita th. rafclic aad all ah. u waat af rluaa

to an exam: not u*a -.f u«r »b^k. ^... ^ .

*IT« 4 SHALL,r *»» -4.i. « ht.». Third ms r Wk.

H*A.\l>T-3 half pif—a lhaapa«M Waadr ia ttraadI J far Ml. b> UlUClItl 1 i d

Trotting Buggies.

JTST rrf**i ved tw* very superior and light N*w York Truteting Buggi -%, and fur sale low bv

oct 11 dftw |. F STONE. Gu9 Mam st.

^OUA-A>H —3M *n«ks prime article m st re and for sal* bykJ GALLAGHER ft CO..


oil Smith ft Row land • block. 1

W Burkhardt,

AWP-Yl- niTH AXA X 4 FO. [- JSirup Sarsaparilla U. S. D.

»» d- un Half Bnvhel Mea-ares50 do W a»h- Ihtarda;10 d -

* Cedar Chorus; for tale by

'IHJU \< I'd. Minett A Brnaisr’a Eu^l* factory lubaa * l r I

I xud 5 Ittuip. (,.r ul. h/ 7 ssmaota. I.

WawtLL A IMM tvm DEX-io.t.iu lh. « aatl rihlu-d mum amain .» k.j I

i * »C!*S1 II 1 1,1 V tv,|

K' : x;.


V: .


' v ’ **»»i

.... _ . MRS. G. XIl'nOl.AA'S._ _ _ « r*«rthit.. It,,,,, n.i, I

Notice.|TAnXi; ohanr*.! the trm. and it hein* i4t..,*,r. that al!

I 7, l.n -1)01.14 be .,ttl,d li,.. all p ra.a* ladafctad

u u'; f•»'-all at N„ ; . Man, ,r r . rt, aad *.*« ui 4 -


u i-j ui Ux tierw i** collecting uiy accuunts*•


JOHN F- BUSSKLL,L1 !,!. X- II I’EKFl M KK V of tl., r ... .jnalitj ran elwar a fc. I

1 U U>. t. MI HOl.AS'li. I

No.*:• Faurth st., I*«t wee n Mam and Market.

1 **-Ladira Wigs, Half Win. Braid*. Curls, te.. ma-U to I

“Her. *ls<- Ha: r flrai-ii nr -f *v**ry d*** riptioa, such a* Earrings. !

BroeeDt*. Breast pin.*, I •bCh#in*,UuaM< Han,*, V --eklaces, ft

Ladies Hair Drvesmgd ne cither at th*irr--siden. ** -rxtth# store of [may!9] M. ZIMMER.

PROVI^IO.NA-I 4 eaekv prime ribbed Side*;

1 cs«k d-> dear do;

7 bbls M*ms I’srk'

ft bt>ls Rump do. ia stor* and for «al* bv bvTH»» T BRENT. SON, ft CO.

- 3*'e- hh is prime ehaje* \ O •wgsr.I'Al fcb:# l*laatati-a M- l*.****.

50 packages t.uaj Te*:

w he have used them to b* th* best farm Mill d-vibum. Thesubacriijers hate been appointed by the Patentee and manufac-turer* the «-*^ agent* for Louisville. Pen -as ordering Millsof us will be supplied at the uauufaA turers price. Mills ofall ths various sixes oa ha d. Cireulars, givings full descrip-tion uf these and several uther mills, will he sent to per*- aswh*urd*r then.. UYKAM. PITKIN ft CO.,

Southern ftoed and Agricultural W arehouss,oetll w2ftd Third st.. L*uisvill*. Ky.

COAP (NOT HI MBLGy—O luu buses K sm Buap-6U do FIum* do;$U dw Palm do;2U dw German Soap;Su do Olein* do:

is admitted by the hundreds A A further supply just received *t ti-eWare rooms. Nit farm MiUn<>wmuse. The I Wall atraet. our factory e >ntinu*s t* turn uut« haiby the Patentee and manufac- )W r every variety, whish we ufl*r tu the trade wholesale i

ille. Pers ns ordering Mills • 1 lprlco* which w ill bu found satisfactory, forrash or «

971 Market, between Third and Fourth st*.


INK - -4., ...

, J ,1“ »“d )up-n<-r lo it f>,r rr-pann, uMajtllrfor aala hr (oil) BBl.L. ROBIN >i‘n 4M.


\l r BITB LBAD 4ND LIT* USX.'I eno kr*. Faro YY'hit, I. txd

V>D keK a N*. I do do;^2.uuu lbs Litharge; fur aal* by


*[ une'ual cast u*-- • I a fflaishrd werk . * 111

a far tho largest ever off r*d in this market, being a*urly \\ l.EAD AND LITHARGE—1.000 UOZKY OF ALI. HINDU. ' no ka*a Ka'l**!

1’‘do’’*^Ortl.ra by stall jiromptl/ eareuted. Addr«» J.oui) lu’l.ithar*.; ’fof^W

ol» No. H YY altai., U.iaTtllo, iiy.-* AW °'W WHAKAM A TO.

N B. Indiana mottrr l*J*n a' p»r NJl I. 4 R-5u hhda prim. Sugar f..r aal. 1 ,w ..

_ —— —— 0 ““t- ‘f I***] AND'W BICBANAX 7ViT

471 Main street. 471I YUJMII-J — Mirk Pfl.ANF.V. * DOWNS soald r»-I r spei-tfully call the xttenti- n of former*, planter*, end allmtere*t ii i . thoir lir^e stock ef Itemestiev pareha»ed direct

! rfr- m firs: hands Owing to ;)-• rec-nt de- lme 1 n price* anda ileterinmnti^u to « >H R * l»* m the Inwost. wo fed sativflr-d*? v9m Kl}l* •fi1 ** faction t-- al! w!i# may favor us with a eallW • hav • on i.and a large stuck o f

Brown and blenched Cottons;Hruwn 'lenxburg*.Brawn Drillings;Plain and whit* Lint.-ys;k -ntu ky J*aiid N e*ro Blanket#;

aod a-tt) f rtr*Th«..'7!l


|1d. ' ' -I*' uo-|«al«4 for Jarahilltj


State Stock Banks of Indiana.

BCCHa.VaX 4 co.

of J Lilunxm 15 caaka Eaglixk Walanta: jttat racrlrad aad for aala br Put up exprcailj for rataiiiaa; for aala fc.— ' * UACTAXfl 4 L'RMI. al* JOHNS MMI.V Al X 4 AON

IBUSIKOX m A. BuKIB, MTAirdoO. oil

J H A it . ..r*. .took of hat- Ulfl'OKS - f all kioji which l PE|!.f

8fl< S~1 will sell low and toko Indiana state Muck Rank money m M a


payment atpar J. MONKS. 0211 ‘“•fi‘«; for •«

Fancy and Variety Goods. » *^llTn * fIUST arrived a largo invoie* *f— \I Aft HflUI COTTON YARNS—Juft k

•i Ladies I'tfhmirf, Mpeen. aad Wo#| Hone »a store and fwr soi* bvDo d*. D-e*kin.oad KidGlov*#; •-*

Childr#a's plaid, *tri|<d, and spot Wu-| Hu##;l»* ( uhaxr* GluVe# and W *«1 Mittens; \V'A^H-BUARDB-1«M> too.a m itoraaa*• • Buek sad It rlia Glove** »f GDo W’rn.l. B- rha. lined aad Kid go; *24 Agent fort

Ladies tnii, i,t* Riding Glove#; ^Millinery and Trimming Gud-ds;

* • '

Silk Linen, xn i Cotton Kl -s an.l Braid*-s2* W**« aide Second, between Mai

(ient* *»ilk and Satin Stocks aad Cravat*'— —

Silk Handkerchiefs, e -mplet* a^rtmtot: T*C*.t u nnd Turk** red io. do ft ** h-us bras caarcral brandsW hal*b >*• H ok* and Eve* Needle*- 40 kL d# do du;

n^',‘sr 1*' *h,u »*i »'I<ra; *?*- -

V...I,».Ca“^.ttp^Vr,,«.A.Far tala .1411 Bat, aanat. **'4 WBHI. »ri!L£, 4 WBJAT. I FMl CANDLCA— ml. ay

at* ii- u* raw#. ran Am i,\ j *.

ttm'an'a Bjaar YY aria— Tha F .4*4 af G. J. 4'hriat Oar lutt 4o uwritf Ian tia.f. S

“*• - oatfertar. by tko K«v. Joha Cnmmtnt. **

Seqorl ia tha Xai(hhon' Chll<lraa, from tha G*rmoa, by IRHTBON WBhftY—

ft 150 half cheste Guap >wd«r Toaa*lj-«A) boxe. U» sralc ta nuMtata Taaa for <al. Vr,a i co.

\Y",' L-f-n,. UoaAa. Naarfa, BlylaWia.! » ( -at., shawl.. I aJ.r-'fcirt., aatl Dra-er. t r a! 411

44aa .latax 05 WH4AT, WVBI.4. 4 WHEATNotice.

-pur .ahaarihan far- V. 4.. Aolafc a . Booh ,f Qn.Jrap.Ja

1^)11 pUaaa call aa H. A . BorY-a * aaJ g.a tbatr aaaihara.

/ -H AMI \ . \ F. YYI N fc . . ... . ,r. . ti v


F lrli fifid pint*, xt N.O. impwrter'* pne* by™ GAI I tGHIR ft r».

1 1>E>— lu co>ks country >ido*. w*il dried fur aoJ# byCOWNW M l ft BBo.

I ’ M HKKLLA'i—.Ng>o*#orted inoc received xad fur ral* b w bvl T ft R ^LIVIN' > CAI N 417 Main •%.

\| AY 'VILLI COTTON Y t RN3 — bag* fm 3U w# m*1 I .'WO. ta stur* aad fwr *ai« bvt2d CIO. KLLUCK.

\I' A>H lh» ARIfff— lt*‘ dusca a storaxad f-r rate byVl

Arent forth* Manx fm turwr.

Cl CAft WO hhds fair to rtrietlv ebutco f• r sal# bvK. BL ^ rA RD.

•2$ W**t vide Second, between Main aad Mark*! Ma.

nplN-FLATi-ft U> box## R- 'dng. b*M aarc -ai brando;

3yG Main st., between Sixth and Seventh sts.

JOHN B. MvlLVAl ft fuN, Its Mala at.

gm — — ^ 1 ^OAP AND STARCH—Main street. 471 ^ 3"u *»«*«• R *»o s-.*u ;

M°*-RN1NG CLOAKS — Ju*t received an aasurtment of i, .f1

! .i’ xJu1


' Wu°d ’

1 l’Hrl ^fi^' 1 '


Moorfi*"gH<>«hi, ale^an th«r let of Talmra „g th* l.f-..19 • t,‘f fi«d foreale by (»! ,, t

aty tea, aU of wkiok wo ora selling nansaally low. 4JOD\ A«H — hi -r ~~T

. ..>e<ro Blaake'e Mr- -arxh Mvere

aacattUaJ fw J.rafc.iltp Th. Fxrxb:» .flVM.r. Yd.lph.. Kr».a,.W fr„ tW«—»Xl--4- Ha. *a»cath t-rtta. aAMhatt, ai.L* ,llu«r.,.„,a.i crence te all other*. *ii


btruggles fair Lift, an Aut -bi- sraphy. A c*a;al health*buok tuat < an net b# read without both pl.oj-ar* and prvflt.Sueund edit i >n.


Received aad for cole by HENRY" C. MORTON*26 532 Main at., betwaea Third and Fwnitb.

bse ucT;;Yr,*4 downs, j s°.uA5H— imo

~jT’£cttzzrzsr ># and M i••van.Tobacco fer

•. *7BEADY ft DAYIK*;

QOCRBON WBhftV-I> 25 bbl* super Milter a bi

4 H> FfE K, ftc-V 1V» i-age prime Hi.,;

25 de T eguaY rai 'ofw.40 hhda prim* Minor.25 ft. r rushed75 bbls Plaataiiua Muleem* ^

» MdoSump; taswiofifia fog ante bv99 Mm