the cricket fit system exercise and stretch examples

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  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Swiss Ball Side Hold

    Cricket Specific Benefits

    This exercise conditions the bowler in the frontal plane and eccentrically. This plane is often the

    plane that the bowler will injure themselves in.


    Place the ball next to the wall and then lie sideways over the ball with the top leg straightand the bottom leg bent at the knee.

    From here lean over the ball placing both hand s above your head

    Hold this position

    Ensure that you only side bend and do not rotate with this movement.

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Supine Crawler

    Cricket Specific Benefits

    This exercise teaches the cricketer to use the deep stabilising muscles of the shoulder (external

    rotators) in an open chain movement and integrated with the core. This type of efficiency is

    required for stabilising the shoulder when throwing and catching and to develop power from the

    arms and wrist.


    In a face-up position with arms bent and elbows pointing to either side, place a Swiss

    Exercise Ball under each upper arm and elbow.

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Make sure the balls are the same size. Place feet on floor with knees over ankles, andhips, shoulders and knees aligned. Slowly extend right arm, allowing ball to roll slightly

    away from you. Release and repeat left side. This is an advanced exercise

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Tornado Ball Crunches

    Cricket Specific Benefits

    This exercise conditions the outer unit muscles of the anterior region of the body, namely the

    rectus abdominus. It teaches integration of arm power with coree power which is key for a

    bowler and also the eccentric part of the movement aids in eccentric control of the spine which is

    key in the wind up motion of the bowler before he releases the ball.


    From a seated position hold the tornado ball with both hands.

    Powerfully throw the ball over the headkeeping hold of the ropeand slam it into the

    floor behind you.

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    As soon as you have hit the floor, very powerfully and quickly use your abdominalmuscles to sit up as you powerfully throw the ball over your head and slam it down

    between the feet.

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Cricket Specific Benefits

    This exercise will maintain the power and straight-line stability and alignment that the bowler

    needs throughout the season. The exercise provides the bowler with an asymmetric, unilateral

    load that he must move powerfully while maintaining good posture.

    The one-arm dumbbell snatch has a longer pulling range of motion than comparable two-handed

    lifts and therefore the technical concern of "dropping underneath" isn't as great. This variation of

    the snatch essentially evolves into a "grip and rip" lift. It satisfies a wide spectrum of goals to

    suit almost anyone's needs. The one-arm barbell snatch places tremendous demands on the entire

    posterior chain, blowing up every muscle from the hips and spinal erectors to the anterior

    deltoids and general core.

    Because the lift is performed one-handed, incredible demands are also placed on balance,

    control, and stabilizing muscle groups. First time users will notice the impact on the central

    nervous system and the explosive nature of the lift will activate muscles normally resistant to


    It's not a terribly complicated lift technically, but will force you to put forth a nauseatingly hard

    effort. It can be performed from a "hang" position at knee level although with practice you cangradually work down to the floor position.


    Start in the dead lift position holding a dumbbell in one hand from the floor

    Take a deep diaphragmatic breath and pull the navel toward the spine

    Drop into a "neutral" position with the buttocks pushed back and the back tight at roughly

    a 30 to 45 degree angle. From this position the lift commences by driving the hipsthrough powerfully and hoisting the bar upward. As the hips come through, the weight

    continues upward and has a feeling of "unloading" with the momentum it generates.

    (I can't emphasize how important the "hip thrust" is in this movement. Most of the power

    and momentum and the actual hoisting of the bar overhead come from driving the hips


  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    As the hand begins to rise above the head, begin to dip under the bar slightly, "punch" thehand through to straighten out the arm, and finally stand up. Bar speed is a must when

    performing this lift and training loads when starting will be surprisingly lightso don't

    go overboard in the beginning! Start light!

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Walking Reverse Lunge with Twist

    Cricket Specific Benefits

    Many a time the keeper when collecting the ball has to reverse lunge and twist to receive the

    ball. This exercise conditions him or her for this movement and also conditions the hips and

    thighs for the demanding flexion and extension throughout a day in the field!


    Hold a 3kg ball with both hands over to the left side of the body.

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Draw the navel toward the spine and step backwards with the left leg while rotating theball over the head with straight arms to the hip on the right side of the body.

    When stable, step back with the right leg and rotate the ball over to the left hip.

    Repeat this five times on each side


    Walk forwards as well as backwards

    Has a partner feed a ball as you reverse lunge and you have to catch it and feed it back on

    each repetition.

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Supine lateral ball roll

    Cricket Specific Benefits

    The supine lateral ball roll plays a part in conditioning all the outer unit slings discussed in

    chapter two. Basically, it improves many things in your body at one time! Paul Chek calls it a

    big bang exercise for this reason. It will significantly improve cricket performance by

    conditioning the posture, balance and core strength of the player. It will also increase shoulder

    girdle strength, neck stability and muscular reflexes, which serve to stabilise the player when off

    balance. I.e. when playing a drive on one leg.


    Place the middle of your back on top of the ball, and relax the head on the ball

    Elevate the hips until the torso is flat and the knees are directly over the ankles.

    Make sure the tongue is placed in the roof of the mouth behind the front teeth to create a

    muscular sling, which activates the deep stabilisers of the neck.

    With the arms held straight out from the shoulders and the palms facing up, slowly roll

    laterally; allowing your feet to move with the body as you roll, yet always keeping the

    hips in line with the knees and shoulder.

    The dowel rod across your chest will indicate to you if you are managing to hold your

    arms and hips parallel to the floor. Be careful also not to flex your neck.

    Only go to the point that you can hold the alignment for 2 seconds.


    Just make the exercise more challenging by simply going further out off the ball or holding the

    need position for longer

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Middle Hamstring Stretch

    Put your right heel on a support and then pull your right foot back toward you.

    Then tilt your foot so that the inner edge comes uptoward your groin.

    Press your palms onto your thigh, flatten your back, pull your shoulder blades back and lift your

    chest abd chin tuck your head.

    Keeping this position begin to lean forward until you feel a stretch behind your calf, knee and


    Now tnese the msucles at the top of your thigh and push down though it.

    This stretch is likel to feel uncomforatble!

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Outer Hasmtring Stretch

    Put your right heel on a support and then pull your right foot back toward you.

    Then tilt your foot so that the inner edge comes uptoward your groin.

    Press your palms onto your thigh, flatten your back, pull your shoulder blades back and lift your

    chest abd chin tuck your head.

    Keeping this positionmove your hands half an inch toward the outside of your thigh and rotate

    your torso about 30 degrees toward that side.

    Then rotate your leg to the inside

    Keeping this position begin to lean forward until you feel a stretch behind your calf, knee and


    Now tnese the msucles at the top of your thigh and push down though it.

    This stretch is likel to feel uncomforatble!

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Inner Hamstring Stretch

    Put your right heel on a support and then pull your right foot back toward you.

    Then tilt your foot so that the inner edge comes uptoward your groin.

    Press your palms onto your thigh, flatten your back, pull your shoulder blades back and lift your

    chest abd chin tuck your head.

    Keeping this positionmove your hands half an inch toward the inside of your thigh and rotateyour torso about 30 degrees inwards.

    Then rotate your thigh slightly outward

    Keeping this position begin to lean forward until you feel a stretch behind your calf, knee and


    Now tnese the msucles at the top of your thigh and push down though it.

    This stretch is likel to feel uncomforatble!

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Fascial Groin Stretch

    Kneel on the floor and walk your knees out to the sides almost as far aprt as you can get them.

    The knees should be bent a 90 degree angles. Chin tuck your head

    Point your toes out to the sides and pull the feet up strongly toward the sins.

    Press the insides of your heels into the floor and feel your hips sink downwards.

    Keep you back straight and chin tucks and slowly walk your knees out a little bit more until

    youre close to maximum stretch.

    Now press your hips toward the floor by tightening your buttocks.

    Be cerful nto to arch your back or relax your foot position.

    To come out of the stretch walk the knees back toward each other carefully

  • 7/29/2019 The Cricket Fit System Exercise and Stretch Examples


    Warrior Stretch

    Step or lightly jump your feet 3 1/2 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and

    reach them actively out to the sides, shoulder blades wide, palms down.

    Turn your right foot in slightly to the right and your left foot out to the left 90 degrees. Align the

    left heel with the right heel. Firm your thighs and turn your left thigh outward so that the center

    of the left knee cap is in line with the center of the left ankle.

    Exhale and bend your left knee over the left ankle, so that the shin is perpendicular to the floor.

    If possible, bring the left thigh parallel to the floor.

    Anchor this movement of the left knee by strengthening the right leg and pressing the outer right

    heel firmly to the floor. Stretch the arms away from the space between the shoulder blades,

    parallel to the floor. Don't lean the torso over the left thigh: Keep the sides of the torso equally

    long and the shoulders directly over the pelvis. Press the tailbone slightly toward the pubis. Turn

    the head to the left and look out over the fingers.

    Stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Inhale to come up. Reverse the feet and repeat for the same

    length of time to the left.