the com.v daily com.v wealth vol. frankfort,...

THE DAILY COM.V WEALTH VOL. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. FEBRUARY 13. 156. NO. .116. TUB CO.iI.llllXlVEALTII iVTLL BE PUBLISHED EVERT MOSBAV, AND FBIDAT, By A. G. HODGES & CO., STATE PMSTKKS, At THREE POLLARS PEfl ANNUM, paya- ble in advance. The Weeklv Commowklth, a larRe mam- moth sheri h published ever? Tuesday morn- ing at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in ad- vance. Oar terms for .idverlisins, either in flip Weekly or Weekly Commonwealth, will be as liber.d'as in any 'of t!o published in the west. XT AH letters upon Iju lines- should be pot-pai- d to insure attention. REVISED STATUTES OF KENTUCKY, tf, C. A. IVicklllTe, is. Turner, A H. . Nicholas, commissioner appointed ev thf legislati'm:: proved ako adoptzd bv the Liza islatckk: Just published and mav be obtained at THIS OFFICE, or at "VVM. M. TODD'S BOOK STORE. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES () THK 0 0 NV EN T 1 0 N . t ALLEDTO MODIFY, AM KM) OF! the CONSTITUTION OF KENTUCKY, (OFFICIAL REPORT,) Mow publish d and for sale ai the Commonwealth Office, nt per copy. Tin work contain 1130 pages, aud is hound in the best Law Binding. KDRYV MONROE. R. A. I OO A N. MONROE & LOGAN, ATTORNEYS A. T I. A V , LOUISVILLE, KY. KFiCEonthe K;tst side of Sivth street, between Mar- ket 0 and Jetferson, near the Court flouso ynrn. April 11, 1K'.5 If. GEORGE STEALEY, CIVIL & MINING ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR. lupOlHo ut Smith, Bradley A Co., Land Agents, !V Kaudolph street, South side, b'Hween Chirk and Dear- born streets, Chicago, 111. Sept. 14, If- - t 9.T. WALL. JOIIX W.FENNKLL. WALL & F I N N ELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COVINGTON, KY. 'JKF(t:c. Third Street, Opposite South eni City Hail. W. oz P. practice in the Courts of Kenton, Campboll, irraut, Hoone, and Nicholas and the Court of Appeals, lit runkfort. May 5, 1K2 II. JOHN M. HARLAN. ATTOKNEV AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KY. iJdice ou Ht. CUir Street, with J. ii W. I,. Harlan. refer to Kou. J.J. Crittendex, (Jov. L. W. Powell, 5 Ky. Hon. Jambs Harlan. ) Taylor, Tlrker or Co., Banker, Lexington, K). O. H. MoksaRrat Si Co., Bunkers, I.oui,v!lle, hy. W. Tanner, loiii?ville. Ky. July 23, 1K by. SOLOMON L. SHARP- - E. RANDOLPH SMITH. SHARP, SMITH &C0., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE BllOKEtts, No. P9, Randolph htrent, Aug. 45, 154 tf- - CHICAGO, 11.1.. JOHN W. APPLEGATE, Attorney und Conncf llor at Law, OTAKY PC1U.IC, and Coininissioner to take Depo- sitions, the Acknowledgments of Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, oic, for Kentucky, Illinois, .Missou- ri, ludlana,and New York. OtBca, North-Bu- eornerof Fourth and Walnut Sts., ('lucluuati, Ohio. Jan. 11, IRAK. T. N. LINDSEY, ATTORNEY XT LAW, Frankfort, Ky. T ILL practice Law in all tho Courts held in Krankfort V and the adjoining counties. HU Office is at his near 1. Swigerfs, entrance on Wahington street. Frankfort, Feb. 26, 1849, Tjl-t- f. MORTON & GRISWOLD. Itookiielleru, htationer, liludcrs, and Book and Job frinters, Aiata street, Louisville, Ky., cousunlly on bund a complete an.ortmeut of HAVK Medical, Theological, Classical, School, and .Miscellaneous books, at low prices. Fuper of every description, quality, and price. )TJCol leges. Schools, and Private Libmries supplied at a small advance on cost. Wholesale or Jietaif. April 1, 115 Wl-b- y. GEORGE V. CttADDOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KY. removed to F.ast side of Si. Clair stroet, OFFICE Telegraph OlHcc. Will practice Law in all lbs Courts held in Frankfort, and adjoiningcounties. Dec. 7, lf'oO tf. JOHN RODMAN, ATTOlt N E V AT LA W , OUice on Pit. Clair btreet, next Door lo Miiwb'i telegraph UUiee, V ILL practice In all tue (ourls lield in Frankfort, and V lo Oldbam, Henry',1 riioble and Owen couutios. Oct-- 2rt, 1K3. " mokeiiIadTbiiou Partners in the PRACTICE OP LAW, I1L1. attoud to all business confided to lUam in the W Court of Appeals, Federal Court, and other Courts wblch hold their sessions at Frankfort, Ky. One or both may always be found at, to give counsel or transact b'thiness. Fr:mkfort, Jau. ti, 1K2 by. JO II N A. MONK 0 E, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KY. Law in the Courts held in Frankfort . and adjoining counties. He will, as Commissioner i of Deeds, take the acknowledgment of Deeds, and other writings lo be usd or recorded in other Status; and, as Commissioner under the act of Congress, .tttond i to the laktnsrof depositions, affidavits. Ate. Office, Federal Court Clerk"s Office, Old K.nik. Frankfort, June 6, by. JOHN C. HERNDON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frankfort, Ky. WILL practice in all the Courts held in Franktbrt Anderson. Owen, Woodford, and Shelby Cir- cuit Courts and will attend to the. collection f dents in any part of the State. OUice on SL Clair street, second door above the Court House. TPrHe will attend in the preparation und prosecu- tion of the claims of soldiers to bounty land, fur proper- ty lost, and for arrears of pay. April 1, lf49 f- C. PROAL. PREMIUM Saddle. Harness and Trunk Warehonse, Number KUtv-On- Third Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. C. G. GRAHAM, Aeut. Aprils Om-- at Frankfort. FALL AND WINTER 3 3a CD LP 12 3" FURNISHING GOODS. am now receivingmv stock of PALL AND WINTER I CLOTHING AND FLRXIsHING GOODS, consisliug in part of Overcoats, Business Pants, Oversacks, Business Vests, Dress Frocks, Shirts, Dress Pants, Under Shirts, Dress Vests, Drawers, Business Coats, Half Hose, Shirt Collars, &c., &c. My entire stock of Clothing was got up by the celebra- ted establishment of If'. T. Jennings 3( Co., JWtr Kerft, and ere WARRANTED to be made u the MOST STYI.K AND MANNER. Persons wishing to purchase, and all others, are to call and examine mv fcioclt. ' Sept. 26, ISM. JOHN AI. TOPD. YOUNG AMERICA CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Corner of Main and St. Clair Streets, FRAJfKFORT, Ki WEILER & GETZ, AVINfi taken the corner room Id the new build. ug of II Mr. Bacon, nave opened an entirely new stock ot Ready-mad- e Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Umbrellas, &c, which they will sell at prices lowr than ever before offer- ed in this market. They invito all to (rive them a call, as they are confident of being able to please both in the quality and price of their good'. September 15, 155. JO RN M. TODD. DEALER IN GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HILDBRV CLOTHING, &c.f Ac, HOCGES' SUTLDING, ST. CLAIR RT-- , Frankfort, Kentucky. THK proprietor huving purchased none but the best and such as he can warrant, hopes by strict attention to busings, and polite attention to his custom ers, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Toe need of such an establishment has been loog felt in this city. April 4. ia")5. r o a r n factory. - J - HEMING & aUIN, 1 ERP constiuitly on hand a flue of Cai IV riape any kind of Carriage made to order and of the be.-- mate rial. Vie have purchased Ue sole riciit of fHtent Coupling? lor Uio onnti& of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln and Garrard. N. B. Vo would call the attention of purchasers to our Spring Carriai;e yf All work rade by im warranWd for one veur. Aprils, 1855 tf. WILLIAM MORRIS. JOHM J. HAMPTON MORRIS & HAMPTON T1AVK opened, in the room formerly occupied bv II J. B. Lainpton, on St. Clair street, next door to Fier- - aoii's ( oniecLiouery. a large and well selected assort- ment of BOOTS, SHOi;s, HATS AND CAPS, just imported from the East, and equalling if not sur- passing lii variety, elegance of staple and nkwkks. any ever before ohVred in this market. These articles are all new, having been purchased only a few days since from the bust manufacturers of Philadelphia and New York, and are warranted of the best workmanship and a la mode in pattern. The attention of purchasers it. par- ticularly invited to their unrivaled assortment of famct shoes for both ladles1 and ecnileuu-u'- wear, selected for summer use, and to their superb stock of hats, of every shape and hue, from the recherche white silk ventilated head-piec- us lictii, urial and poetic as a fairy's dream. to the wooU-- skull-cap- , or a 'JO cent straw hat. Their VWCK ot HOOKS AND STATIONERY is large and well selected. The public are invited to call and examiuo this slock of poods, utid if they desire to purchase new and good articles, will no doubt find it their advantage. Frankfort, .March lHJ- -f. N 0T I C E ! FOR the information of my customers and the public subjoin my terms, in order that persons having ac- counts with me may bo prepsrod to settle Ihein upon presentation. TERMS: All running accounts, for which arrangements for credit have been made, are due and payable on the 1st of January, 1st of May, and 1st Septoinber in each year. All charges, where no credit has been agreed upon, will be considered cash transactions, due and payable upon presentation, interest charged on accounts not paid at maturity. TT'Flour and seeds strictly cajh. Jan 3. . L. SAMUEL. Frankfort Normal School for Boys, FRANKFORT, KY. fPHE next Ses.-io- u of this Institution will open on the X second Monday of September, in the room formerly occupied by Dr. Hensley asan office, on Ann street, Just south of Main, Tuition per session of ito weeks as here- tofore, in the primary , junior, and senior departments, :f 10, $15 and $., respeeOvclv. SIDNEY WILBUR. Sept. 1, 1H55 wfctw3m. e. it. twlor, jr. ISAAC SHELBY. WM. SHOCK TAYLOR, SHELBY & CO., BANKERS. YlrK have ibis day opened an OtHci in the city of Lex-- ll inglon, for the purpose of transacting A General Ranking, Exchange, und Col- lecting Business Wij are at all liints prepared to chock upon the prin-ip- cities of the United States, and to make collections njreon. We will allow interest on deposit, to be with jrawn at pleasure, aud transact whatever business is generally connected with private banking. Approved paper can be cashed at any time during office hours, from 9 A. M. to 4 F. M. lOcU 24, 1H55. DENTAL SURGERY BY E. G. HAMBLETON, M. D. HIS operations on the Teeth w iJlbe directed by & knowledge, both of Surgery and Medicine: this being the only safe guide to uniform success. From this he is enabled to operate with far less pain to the pa- tient, void of danger. All work warranted; the work- manship will show for itself. Calls will be thankfully received. TT7Oitlcrt. at his residence on Main street. Frankfort. May 27, 1W HA VE a splendid stock of the above goods for Ladies. I Gentlemen, Children, and Servants, which 1 will tell as low as anv house in Frankfort. Call and examine be- fore vou purchase at HUMPHKKY EVAN'S Nov. 21, 1365. Shoe and Book Store. Colognes, Perfumery, Toilet, Soap, &c. FINE assortment of Colognes, Perfumery, Toilet i Soap and Tovsof ' all varieties. December?. V. S. WEST & CO. OOL HATS A,D CAPS for Neroes.verr low at HUMPHREY EVAN'S. Nov. 91. She and Book Store. AMERICAN AX D ITI,U MARBLE WORKS, WILLIAM CRAIK, Opposite the Po.t-omc- e. St. Clair street, FRANKFORT. KY , " ' :),.. - HA VINO nnrrJiawd of KNIGHT & CLAKK i;,!fftf 'bih their entire stock of - ;:;ftt;gH Warble Monuments, i4vWwdjia, Tomb,,tie.,- will con-Vi- "' Xfttf 'VSe'',s,Jif!ifilla tillue lo finish to order wfflW5'!?! Monumeni,Tblet, .VIKmT jS KWl'l Tomb., Head Mane., rf il Hlf('emetervl'o.t.. T.- - ble 'lops. Counter id everMhlmr in the irble line, at short notice an in the very best Stvlft. I have secured the services of 1 I hrr Ml uj tone of the best of de- - '31 signer :ind in V m .J E 5.( Phihidelt'hia. and pledge invselfto get up better work than has ever been tinishod in .. Frank fort, and as sfeirood as can beflnish- - farijfegfeglSiS Calt and ft Iron Railing;, Verandahs, &c. 1 have a great variety of designs at the shop, and will furnish the work at manufacturers price WILLIAM CRAIK. Jau. 13, Yeoman copy. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, The office of this Company has been removed to Pinker ton's lni Store on Main Street, in Haima's New Building. FRANKFORT, KY. OCR Messenger and Express freight will leave for Louisville at 10 mtnues before H. A. .U.; and for Lexington will leavi, at5S o'clock P.M. Packages recoived here from Louisville at.1- o'clock. P. M.. and from Lexington and Ea of that point at7t. o'clock, A. N. ADAMS EXPRESS CO. O. W. OtVK.N, Agent, Dec d, lPJ by. at Frankfort. NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. LITHGOW &TIUTCIIESON. "VrE would res.prctfully inform the citizens of Frjnk-- fort and vicinitv, that we have opened a ;hOD two iuvrs ic win iuk uoutrn nriugr, anil uexiuoono d. txJ. Monroe's Law Office, where we are prepared to do all kindsif work intrusted to our care; ail we ask is a fair f ANCFACTUKKS Steam Kngines for firist. Saw. and ill not go awav disaptMinted. Sugar Mills, (iudeons. Cranks. Spur Wheels, HCTCMFoN. menu for Cotton Gin Wheels, Hou-hks- ' lieacticu n i;w turn bmiuw 011 w Dissolution. heretofore under the rtvle 1U1E firm of Todd d: Goodwin, in the Confectionery and Grocer" businens, was dissolved thisdny by mutual consent. All those indebted totho late Ann, are requested to come forward and make payment, and those having claims against the firm will please present them for set- tlement. H. L. Goodwin retires from the concern. Either one of the firm i" authorized to use the name of thetirm In settling account.. DABNKY TODD, Aug. 1, 'a, Aug. 15. HUGH L. GOODWIIS. DABNEY TODD. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CONFECTIONERIES 4 GROCERIES, ST. CLAIR ST., BETWEEN MAIN BROADWAY, (T. P. Pierson's Old Stand.) FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. KEEPS constantly on hand a full selection of Toys, Fancy Articles, and Groceries, where he wil be pleaded to see his old friends and custom- ers. Aug. j, HA5 tf. BOOK BINDING. A. C. Keruon informs nis friends and former customers, that having regained his health, he has purchased back from A. G. Hodges the Bindery sold to him in November last, "and will crive his whole attention 10 its management- - He respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended lo the establishment. TTP CLERKS wlli be furnished wilh RECOUP BOOKS ruled to any pattern, and of the very best ouuli ty of paper. TTf1 BLANK BOOKS of every description, manufac- tured at short notice, to order, on reasonable terms. TTf'flindpry a', the old stand, over Harlan's Law Office. Frankfort, July 31, CAPITAL HOTEL. JOHN T. ROBERTS, Proprietor, FRANKKORT, KY. Nov. 7, 18i5. fhanklFn nor si;, FRANKFORT KY. HAVING returned. to my former Tavern tnua, m end of the Bridge, 1 have nited it up and now have it In good order, to accommodate any who may favour me with a call. Travelers, transient victors, ana boarders may rely on all care being taken to ren- der them comfortable. A tew Members of the Legislature can find comforta- ble and quiet boarding during the coming session, and in all cases my bills will be moderate. have also attached a good stable and careful ostler. tl. T. COLEMAN. Nov. 9, 1R55 3m. (Yeoioun copy. MANSION HOUSE, Corner of .Main and St. lair Streets FRANKFORT, KY. THE undersigned would notify his friends and the generally, that he has "purchased the interest of J. T. Luckett in this old established aud well known Hotel, and will continue to entertain the public in manner that the markets, tkc, will allow. He has engaged the services of his Win. K. Taylor, who is well known to a large portion of the traveling community, as a man of business, and who w ill have charge of the office. He asks the patronage of the pub- ic and will endeavor to deserve il. iMay 23, 1H55. BEN. LUCKKTT. FRANKFORT HOTELT Corner of Broadway and Ann Streets. FRANKFdRT, KY. mHE undersigned having taken this well known house (lately occupied by jlr. i. .Meriwether respectfuily solicits a share of the public patronage, and bv close at tention to business, and keeping tmch a house as this heretofore has been, will endeavor to merit the confidence of the traveling communit) . June 18, 155 If- - J. B. WASSON. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. GAINES & PAGE. Tl A v Ejust received a large stock of Fall and Winter IX l.ooda, ot every description. Call and examine purchasing elsewhere, as small proifis aud quick sales is our motto. in addition to our lartre stock of goods we have on hand a large supply of Hats and Caps, which we will sell at reduced priM. September 10, lrt.V. STRANGE DEVELOPMENT. SCIENTIFIC Men are daily brmiriue to light ucw the march of progress is onwitrd: per- son. Bald, or becoming so, will be pleased to learn that Science and long research combined, have brought be- fore the public the greatest ivondir of the aob, in the article of EMERSON'S AMERICAN HA1K KKSTOJf a sure cure for Baldness, and to prevent Hnir from falling. See circulars, to be had of Agent. slt J- - M. MILLS, Agent. C. K. Fisher & Co.. Proprietors. No. 57, Superior si., Clevetaud, O. May 3, 1854 if. To Owners of Georgia Land. HAVING associated myself with W. C. Nesbit, of Ky., to sell Ceorgia lauds on commis- sion at private sale, we offer our services to owners of Mich lands, and to set as agents to protect the same from tax sales and fraudulenltitles. Owners living out of the Stute are continually losing their lands by tax sales or intruders under false titles, and it is the Interest of owners to have an agent in the State to protect their lands. J. C. EDWARDS, Macon, Georgia. W. C. NESBIT, Hawcsville, Kv. reference. Gov. fL V. JoHNaoH, MUlidgeviltc, Ga.; Col. Pulaski Holt, Macon. Ga.; Col. Y. T. Watkims, Macon, Ga. March 19, 155 ly. TODD'S BOOKSTORE, . I, Swierr Row, St. Clair Street, FRANKFORT, KY. i III A E had the above named neatU and havejusi mv KAI.L and VVlN'l KR supply of Books, Stationery, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c, &e., Vthicji peraon. wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine before buying elsewhere, as I am deter- mined to sell upon as favorable terms as any other hoil3 Oct. 24, 105. WM. M. TODD. U. R. .MILLER, U'Ol'LD respectfully inform the citiiens of Praukfort, public generally, that hehasiaken the Tin Shop formerly occupied bv hi, father, and intends earn-in- g oq the Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Manufacturing in all its various branches. He will also keep on hand the best HEATING AND COOKING STOVES in the Western country. All kinds of job work executed with neatness and dispatch, and in a durable manner, all work done by him warranted to give satisfaction or no pay required. He pledges himself to do w ork on as good terms as any house in the city, and hopes bv prompt attention to business lo receive a fair sha re of file public patronage. Mntalic Roofing, Guttering, Spoutini;. jkc. Done in the best and mosi workmanlike maimer and ou reasonable terms. Shop 011 Kroa.l way street. West side, opposite the Cap- ital Square. Dec. 21, 1?55 by. H. R. MILI EU. NEW JiOO)S! BAKER & RUNYAN, 8T. CLAIR STREET, TWO DOORS FROM VQ3T OFFICE, FKAKKFORT, KY., A K now receiving their usual large and splendid sup- - ply of Fancy and Staple, Fall and Winter Dry Goods, alno new styl ilk and Straw Uunnrtu, a large assortment of Hnts, Boots and tSboPs, and furnishing goods. Carpets, Oil Cloth, Aic, friars and Queens warn, all which the) will ell low for cash or lo prompt paying cutomnrs on the usual time. Th'-- inviir ail to cotne and examine their slock, certainly ihu mr. :,nral and complete that can be found in this eif. Sept. 14, 1M5 3m. W M 7 H. G RA I KGER, FHOExVIX F 0 i: JV D It V. TENTH ST. BETWKKN MAIN S1 THF. RIVER, Louisville, KeiitncU-t.- . Wa- ter Wheels; agenura! s4omjinl of wrought, and cat M;U Work, Ar., oic. TT pOnlers from a distuine wdJ receive pro in pi at- tention. Fell. 10. 10.1 tr'. xi-- ; w ur si ness. jmilfcl undersigned has taken the third room from the j 1 comer of Ann sire.-- t on Vain Lret, in J. H. HAS- - AS Block of Buildings, for the purpose of transacting ft GKntvi. aictiov n :ommikio: IH S1NKSS. He will also connect with the said business au AGRICULTURAL DEPOT, where may be found all the latest improvements in Agricultural Implements, as well as all descriptions of neeus required oy farmers in tuis vicinity, ne bopes this enterprise will receive Uie eucourngemeut of the farming communit), upon whom he depends for the success of this branch of hrs business. Consignments of Merchandise at Auction or private sal are solicited. Jan. 19, 1865 U". SA.L C. SAYRES. NEW WOODS! NEW GOODS!! TATE & CHINN, U. VE opened in Hz ins tie w building on Main street, u splendid stock Fall and Winter Dry Goods ofmery description, which Uiey are determined to jell at prices which cannot fail to suit. Tneir Block is one of the tiuest ever brought to the city, and selected with spe- cial reference to the wants of this community. They in- vite all their friends and the public in general to irivp them a cell and examine UoMr stork. Sep 14, 1XV5 tl. it r n n 11 11 . 11 . IV L l'j i L , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, j CORNER ST. CI. AIR AN U WAPPING STREFTS, Frankfort, Kentiick. 1 now and cuoice assortiuenl "f (.ro- - j oeries, lues. Liquors, Ate, which lie will sell ait: very small profit g for cash, or to prompt customers ou usual term. His stock is perhaps the largest in the city, and every article of the bestqualii that can be purchas- ed Call, examine, und be convinced. Aug. lr.V. The Old Weiler House TO BE CLOSED OUT CHEAP!! mHK fcfTOCK OF rt,OTHIUatNo3Brovn build- - A ing, St. Clair street, will be sold at extremely low pri- ces, in order to close the concern. There is a line stock ot" rt'Jidv-ma'i- ,: ClotMng, Underwear, &c, wlilrh wtll be sold very low for CASH, ;n the busiues mint be cloi-d- . All proits indoblf-- w uit: tirm art rutjii-t- d to conn; forward within slny dayuii't ielile up, and those buvini; tUiim kiruiusl us will t,.ase present thtjrn irumwdiatMly. WKILKI!, Oct. 19, lciM. CHAS. B. GKTZ. FINE LIQUORS. HALF pipe superior rV.xtra) old Pale Otard Brandy; pp" superior old Pale Otard Brandy; A pipe fine Pale Brandy, F. Robins tV Co.; a pine nne rale Uraudy, (rirard; : pipe fine Loudon Dock Brandy; cask old Madeira Wine; y casks Howard, March (V Co., Madoira Wine: cask Howard, .March di Co., Madeira; Howard. March ox Co., Vadei rn; 3 casks Pale Sherry Wine; 4 cast old Scotch Whisky; 2 X casks old Port Wine; 3 cases, (Jti bottles) Still Catawba; 4 casus (4 bottles) Spurkling Catawba; 10 baskets (Heidaick) Champagne; 4 baskets (Great western) Champagne. 4 baskets (Ducal Grape) Champagne; 12 baskets (assorted brands) Champagne; 5 bbl. superior old Whisky; 30 bbls. superior 3 year old Whisky; 20 bbls. superior2yearold Whisky. On hand aod for sale bv the barrel, gallon orin glass, bv Nov. 12, 1S55. GRAY !t TODD. Proclamation by the Governor. 300 REWARD. In the nameartd by the authority the ComixonveaUh of Kentucky. ITTHERKAS, it has been made known to me. that Sami. V H. Dews, who wan confined in the county jail of Spencer county for the murder of Samuel Llnderman, did, on the 25th October, 1835, escape from the jail of said count), and is now going at large. Now, therefore, 1, Charlks S. Morkhsad, Governor of the Commonwealth aforesaid, do hereby offer a reward of Three Hundred Dollars forthe apprehension of the said Samuel H. Dews, und his delivery to the jailer of .Spencercounty, within one vear from this date. J.Y TESTIMONY H HEREOF I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of S L. S. the Commonwealth lo be uttWed, done at Frankfort, this 1st day of November, 1855. and in the ti4th year of the Commonwealth. Ry the Governor: C. S. MOREHKAD. Mason Brown, Secretary of State, DESCRIPTION. Said Dews is about Ave feet two inches high, heavy built, large hands and feel, coarse sandy hair and a Sad- dler by trade. STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE. CNDERSlGNEDintendingto leave the State THE at private saie their Steam Saw Mill, situa ed oue mile above Frankfort, with ten acres of ground at- tached. The Mill has one upright saw with lath saws attached, all of the latest improvements and iu good order. The Mill is well locifted with a good run of custom. The laths, for which there is a great demand, will nay a large portion of the running expenses. Those wishing lo in the busiuss would do well to call and examine for themselves. GILL fc WATSON. Frankfort, Sept. 12 tf. Yeoman copy tf. Fall Stvle of TTatfl. j Hayeg, Craig & CoTs and Oakford's, Premium1' Hatmanufacturedinthe TL S. Call and see them. Seot.lQ. H. EVANS. Nurserymen, Fruit Growers & Farmers. THE NEW YORK HORTICULTURAL REVIEW: A JOLKAAL OF 8CBCRBAX ART. Sl fKKBUY AND fROrtiELV ILLUSTRATED. Devoted to the Advancement of the Rural lui ettU fn America. FPH1S is one ofthe Urgestand most elaborate worts o; X the kind in the world. Rural Architecture fortnsone of the principal features. Each number contains from two to four engravings oi model cottages, from designs by eminent and skilful architects. Space is aleo aligned to the tasteful art o Landscape Gardening; engraved plans of gardens m every -- tyle, and adapted lo the peculiarities of differem orders of architecture, beautify the work. Engravings of new fruits, new flowers, new vegetable. Vc. art; illustrated aud described as soon as the-i- re spctive qualities can b determined, forming the mo:t complete and elegant IManual of Rural Husbandry ever attempted. Au experienced corps of practical writer, aevcu :r. n umber, are engaged to till its columns. It contains seventj large pages, aod is printed on the fluent pearl surfaced paper, manufactured express!. Tcrms: j perannum, payable invariably in advance Fifty cents commission on each subscriber allowed u those who act as agents, f l.fHHiwill be di?tribut;d at the end of the ear among those who send us the twenty largest lists of subscribers. These premium will be paid in cah. Tlte Urst premium will be $500. The following are selected from hundreds of similm notices, voluntarily contributed by c jiitetnporuiteou publications: The Hor.Tif i i tcrai. Ruviaw de'jnes the mostlibeitt. patronage. 11 is not only emiueutly practical, but i wrilten in a style that equalsthe best etlwrtsof the late A J. Downing. Knickerbocker. The elegant and useful book of the kind that come under ourobservation. Register. Mr. Reagles, the tditorofthe Horticultural Rkvikw. is a practical pomologisi, and one ofthetinet bchotar our country boasts of. He possesses the glowing descrip- tive powers of Dickens, the elegant gOfc.ip of Walpoh-- . combined with a thorough knowledge of rural art. Stale Police Tribune. Farmers, buy it for your sous buy k for your (laugh ters. It is a rich intellectual treat; a rare coiubiuutioi. of the beautiful and Uie useful. Argus JV. Y. We had thought ihatiu Downings's death, the eloquent advocate of rural adornment bad become only a cherish- ed remembrance; but in Mr. Reagles we discover ai. equally rich mine of mental weaiuu. that betokens tin influence of the spirit that is pout;. Montrose Tribune. Advertisers will find this an unsurpassed inadiuiu i l publicity, as the Horticultural Rjcvikw circulate ex- tensively in very State io the I'nion. Advcruemetiu int;rted at the rate of jjlO per page. WOOD ENGRAVING. Those requiring Wood Engraving, can have their orders executed in au unrivalled manner. Special alien Uon is given to views of ANIMALS; an experiences English Draughtsman isengaged for this express purpose. Fersous livinirai a distance can forward a Uaguurreotyje of the object (by mail they wish engraved, which will be a sufficient guide to obtain a perfect facsimile. Stock Breeders will be dealt with on very liberal terms. Our Exchange List is already vnry large. A furthei extension is not desired, unless publishers are willing to give the above advertisement several insertions in their respective papers. AoRict'LTURAL Books can be furnUhed on very use- ful subject, from both English and American publishers, by enclosing to our address the price of the book requir ed. Specimen copies will be forwarded on the receipt l&c'.s. iu postage sut nips. C. REAGLES, Publisher, New York. Dec 19, I H55 6 in. ATIIENMXJtt FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Ol' LONDON. Authorized Capital 10,000,000 RUFXRKKCK8 IH Fill LaDK LI HI A. Atwood ci. CO., JOUR FaRHUM, John Griqo, George A. Stuart, Mybrs, Clahhorn (V Co. Wm. M'Gse, or Co., Fowbrs & Wkiuutmaw, . White, STBeHKifrt cV Co. Agent for the United States FRE1ER1CK KATCHFOKJ) STARR. L'nited .States Branch Office, No. 80, Nou'h Fourth L. r'tiiladefphia. Agent for Co ington, Ky. F. S. Bl'SH, Coruerof Madison and Cooper strets. lnsu res throughout the S; ate. Will furnish b'ank ap plicationsunou request. Nov. nn. ti. HOME INSURANCE C03IP ANY NEW YORK, UKUCE S. 4, WALL STREET. CASH CAPITAL, 900,000 OU AM'T OK AKSIiTS June 30, '33, 747,9)2 44 OiOtM' OF LIABILIT1K8. 63,677 This Company continues to insure Buildings, Merchan dise. Ships iu Port aud their cargoes. Household Fur- niture and personal property generally, against Damage by Fire, on favorable terms. t,o i;qmtubl Adjusted and Promptly Paid. H. WING ATE, Agent, A UK. VS. 15v. FrtKikfvrt A'y- - lTfYnTu1Ta n c e . Ml TLAL BE.NKriT. Otalu Life lu.urau.e ompauv, of loclnuail, Oblo. CAPITAL STOCK, .... $10ii,0(iii AH, PAID l.Y AVi) SF.CDKVO. mHE undersiirued having been appoiuted Agyiitf'orlbe L above Company, is prepared lo receive propositions for Insurance at hii oiliee iu Uiis city. Pamphlets con- taining the rates of premium, and full information in re- lation to Life Insurance, are furni.shed free of charpe. J. C. HER.MWN. 1'rs. Snckd KooiiAS. Agent. .' al ENaminerx. Feb. Sfi, IMS tf. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Uudrton Klver luuuraucei Company, of lYaterford, New York. Capital $300,000 Cash Capital $200,000! rpHE undersigned having been appoiuted Agent to the X above Coinpan;,, is prepared to insure all property, such us is usually insured iu the city of Frankfort and vicinity, and upon shipments of Merchandise and Pro duce, upon as fair terms as any other responsible ottice. All losses liberally adjusted and prompilv paid. XipOtlico near the Court House. Satisfactory references will be given upon application, a to the solvency of this Com pan v. J. C HERNDON. Feb. 20, 185 tl. Agent. SAMUKL'S NEW ESTABLISHMENT. SAMUEL, Barbkr and Hair Dhcwkr, Is HENRY inform his friends and the public that he t again established in comfortable aud com inodioun rooms aud ready lo attend to all who may give him a call. Hi ncweslablish incut is in the build itur of Col. Hodges, on St. Clair street. He solicits public pairouage, and hopes that hie old friend? and customers especially, who palrou ized him before Uie lat tire, will now find ihsir wa) back to his shop. March 12, 1.5 by. "chTldren's CLOTHING. HAVE lust received a small lot of FALL AXD H'l.Y I TER CLOTHI.YG FOR CHILDREX. consisting ol COATS. PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, JACKETS. Sl'NPENDEl.'S, GLOVES, ore. Those who have childrei te clothe had belter .all early. Sept. M. lh.',i. JOHN M. TODU. Sundries. vrAlLS, Buckets, Baskets, Mackerel, Cigars, Tobacco. 1 Cans, Sardines. Powder, Lead. Shot, Pepper, Spice. Candles, Soap, Indigo, Table Salt. Crackers, Soda, Black ing, A;c, Ac. Aug. 33. IMS. W. H. KEENK. GAS FIXTURES. TrENNARD dc CO., Lexinbton, Ky., beg leave toin-i- form th. citizens of Frankfort that they have ou hand a large stock of GAS FIXTURES, including 6, 5, 4. and 3 light Chandeliers, 2 and 1 light pendents, 3 fold, 4 fold and single Bracks, Drop Lights, ic U manu- factured by Messrs. Cornelius, Baker Si Co., Philadel- phia, and wltl be sold as low as they can be had West of Philadelphia and put up. If desired, iu the best manner. We would also be ploased to RUN PIPE in stores, dwellings, or public houses, on the best possible terms, having superior workmen now engaged in the busiuess for us in Lexington. We ask a call. KENNARD cc CO. Always on hand, a large stock of CA RPfiTIN'G. CUR-'1- GOODS, PAPER HANGINGS, aod PIANO ORTE8 4br sale on reasonable term. K. or CO. Lexington, Jan. 4, 18i4 If. STILL UREATUK ATTRACTIONS! GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1856. Fifty-secon- d Volume: The Pioneer Hagatlnc! Especially devoted to the vants of the Ladies of JiwitrieA. II HEREthis Magazine is taken in a house, uo other i )V wanted, asit compromises all that could be obtain- ed by taking three other Magazines. New Features for 1856. A now and very interesting story will be commenced in January, by Marion Harland, author of "Alone," and "Hidden Path," two novels that have created an Immense sensation in the literary world. Also Miss Virginia F. Town send will commence In the Feb- ruary number a Nouvellette, which we know will strong- ly interest the readers of Uie "Book." .Stories by an English Authoress. How to make Wax Flowers and Fruits. With eo gravings. The Nurse and the Nursery. How to make a Bonnet. Troubles of an English itousekeeper. The Art of Sketching Flowers from Nature. With an gravings. To be copied by the learner on paper lo be colored. Maternal counsels to a Daughter. Desinged to aid her in the care of her health, the improvement of her mind, and the cultivation of her heart. Newstjle of Illuminating Windows and Lamp Shades, with engravings. Poetry and History of Finger Rings.iUu&lratod; Shells for the Ladies, and whe-r- theycoine from, with engrav-- i ni,-- Thisis onl) giving an idea of ourintentionsfor l56. Nhw designs of interest to Uie ladies are springing up every da; we shall avail ourselves of everything that can inierrt-ttheii!- . In fact, "Godey's Lady's Book,'' will possess th interest of any other three magazines. In addition lo the above w ill be continued in each No. Godey's splendid .Steel engravings. tine hundred pagesof reading. Godey's challenge Fashion Plates. In this as In overy other department, we defy rivalry or imitation Embroider, Any quantity of them aru given monthly. Model Collages. Dress making, with diagrams to cut by. Dress patterns Infauts and Chlldrons Dresses Ail kind of Crochet aud Netting Work Cloaks, Mantelets. Talmas. Collars, CbeiniseUs, Under Sleeves, Bonnets, Window Curtains, Broderie Auglalse Slippers. Caps, Cloaks, Evening Drosses, fancy Articles, Head Dresse, Hair Dressing, Robes for Night and Morning, Carriage Dres, Bridal Dresses, Wreaths, Mantilla, Walking Dresses, Riding Habits, Boy's Clothing, Capes and Cloak of Fur in season. Crochet and Netting Work, printed in colors. DRAWING LESSONS for Voulh. lOOOdesigns, Music $3 worth is given even year; the Nurse and the Nursery, with full instructions; Godey's iuvaluable Recipes upoti every subject. We w on Id advise all who intend to subscribe to send In their orders soon, for if we do not make duplicate ste- reotype plates. It will bf difficult to supply the demand. We expect our list for 1P56 will reach lw.bOu copies. The best plan of subscribing isto send your money direct to the publisher. Those who send large amounts had bet- ter send drafts, but notes will answer if drafts connot be procured. Letters had better be registered It only costs tlve cents extra, and their safe reception is insured. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE One cop) one year, $3-- Two copiosone year.SS. Thr copies one year, 96. Five copies on year, aud extra copy to tho person sendlngthe club, making nin copies $ 10. Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the per- son sending the club, making nine copies, $15. Rleveo copies one year, aud an extra copy to the person seodtug the club, inukingtwelve copies, K'iJThe above Terms csnnot be deviated from, do matter how many are ordered. Godey's Lad's Book and Harper's Magazine both one year for $4 50. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both one year for $3 50. The money must be ail sent at one lime for any of tho Clubs. Wj Additions of one or more to clubs are received at club prices. Tt"7A Specimen or Specimens will be sent direct to any Postmaster making the request. r7 We can always supply back numbers for the year, as the work in stereotvped. subscriber fa Ihe British Provinces, Who scjid for clubs, must remit 3(3 cents extra on evefy subscriber, to pay the American postage to the Lioee. Address L. A. GODEY. No. 1 13, Chestnut street, Philadaiphi. Nov. 7, 1855 w2am. t .JaYEK'ft v u io ft CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Care of lOfGHS, COLDS, HOARSEXESS, IJROM UITIS,WH00PIXG-C0G- B, fROCP, ASTHMA, AXD COXSUMPTION. Among the numerous discoveries Science has made in this generation to facilitate the business of life increase its enjoy mem, and even prolong the term of human none can be named of more real value lo waii-kin- than this contribution of Chemistry to the Healing Art. A vat trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicines yet k nowu, can so surely con rol aud cure the numerous varieties of ptilmouary diseaso which have hitherto swept from our midst tbouandsand thousands ever) year. Indeed, there is now abundant rtjitwn to believe a Remedy has at length been found w hich can be rviied on, to cure the most dangerous affec- tions of the lungs. Our space here will not permit u to publish any proiHrtion of Uie cures affected by Its use. but we would present Uie following: and rofer furtbor enquiry to my American Almanac, which the agents below named, will always be pleased to furnish free, wherein are full particular3, and indisputable proof of thee Office of Transportation, Laurens R. R. S. C, Aug. 4, le53. J. C. Avkk. Dear Mr, My little son, four years old has just recovered from a severe attack of malignant Scarlet Fever, his throat was rotten, and every person that visited him, pronounced him a dead child. Having used your Cherry Pectoral in California, iu ihe winter of 1H50, for a severe attack of Bronchitis, with entire suc- cess, 1 was induced to try It on my little boy. 1 gave him a every three hours, commencing in the morning, and by ten o'clock at night. I found a deci- ded chance lor the better, and aft; r three days use, be. was able to eat r drink without pain. Its use in the above named disease will save many a child from a premature grave, and relievo the anxiety of many a fond parent. For all affections of the Throat aad Lungs, I believe it the oest medicino extant. A feeling of the deepest gratitude, prompts me in addressing you these lines, but for your important discovery, my little boy would now have beeu in another world. I am vou rs, with great respect J. D. POWELL. Supt Trans., L. R. R. Kock Hill, (Summerset Co.,) N. J., July 21, Dk. .1. C. Aver, Since your medicine has beeu known here, it has a greater demand than any other cough remedy we have ever sold. It is spoken of in terms of unmeasured praise by those who bare used it, and I know of some cases where the best they can sav of it is not too much for the good it has done. I take pleasure in selling it, because I know that 1 am giving mv cus- tomers the worth of their money, and 1 feel gratified la seeing the benefit it confers. Please send me a further supplv, and believe me Yours, wiiJi respect, JOHN C. WHITLOCK. P. S. Almost any uumber of certificates can be sent you. If you wirh it. Winsor, C. W., June 26, 1854. J. C. Aykr. Sir: This may certify that I have used your Cherry Pectoral for upwards of one yeari and M is my sincere belief that I should have been In my grave ere this time if I had not. it has cured me of a danger- ous affection of the lungs, and I do not overstate my convictions when tell you it is a priceless remedy. Yours very resnectfullv, D. A. McCULLlN, Attorney at Law. Wilksbarre, Pa., September M, ISM. Dr. J. C. Ayre. My dear Kir, Your medicine is muon approved of by those who have used its composition is such as to insure and maintain its reputation. I invariably recommend it for pulmonary affections, as do many of our political physicians. I am vour friend. CHAS. isTREATKR, M. D. Prepared by J. C. AY KR, Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold bv J. M. Mills, Frankfort; Dr. B. Cloak, Ver Miller Wm. Wilson, Mortonsville; J. Dedman, J. L. Ellingwood,SbeibvvlUe, and by Age&ta In every town in Kentucky. Dec. 5, 1855 wtw3m.

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ble in advance.

The Weeklv Commowklth, a larRe mam-

moth sheri h published ever? Tuesday morn-

ing at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in ad-

vance.Oar terms for .idverlisins, either in flip

Weekly or Weekly Commonwealth, will be asliber.d'as in any 'of t!o publishedin the west.

XT AH letters upon Iju lines- should be pot-pai- d

to insure attention.


tf, C. A. IVicklllTe, is. Turner, A H. . Nicholas,commissioner appointed ev thf legislati'm::

proved ako adoptzd bv the Liza islatckk:Just published and mav be obtained at





(OFFICIAL REPORT,)Mow publish d and for sale ai the Commonwealth

Office, nt per copy.Tin work contain 1130 pages, aud is hound in the best

Law Binding.




KFiCEonthe K;tst side of Sivth street, between Mar-

ket0 and Jetferson, near the Court flouso ynrn.April 11, 1K'.5 If.



lupOlHo ut Smith, Bradley A Co., Land Agents, !V

Kaudolph street, South side, b'Hween Chirk and Dear-

born streets, Chicago, 111.

Sept. 14, If- -




COVINGTON, KY.'JKF(t:c. Third Street, Opposite South eni City Hail.

W. oz P. practice in the Courts of Kenton, Campboll,irraut, Hoone, and Nicholas and the Court of Appeals,lit runkfort. May 5, 1K2 II.


FRANKFORT, KY.iJdice ou Ht. CUir Street, with J. ii W. I,. Harlan.

refer toKou. J.J. Crittendex,(Jov. L. W. Powell, 5 Ky.Hon. Jambs Harlan. )Taylor, Tlrker or Co., Banker, Lexington, K).O. H. MoksaRrat Si Co., Bunkers, I.oui,v!lle, hy.W. Tanner, loiii?ville. Ky.

July 23, 1K by.




REAL ESTATE BllOKEtts,No. P9, Randolph htrent,

Aug. 45, 154 tf- - CHICAGO, 11.1..

JOHN W. APPLEGATE,Attorney und Conncf llor at Law,

OTAKY PC1U.IC, and Coininissioner to take Depo-

sitions, the Acknowledgments of Deeds, Mortgages,Powers of Attorney, oic, for Kentucky, Illinois, .Missou-

ri, ludlana,and New York.OtBca, North-Bu- eornerof Fourth and Walnut Sts.,

('lucluuati, Ohio. Jan. 11, IRAK.


Frankfort, Ky.T ILL practice Law in all tho Courts held in Krankfort

V and the adjoining counties. HU Office is at hisnear 1. Swigerfs, entrance on Wahington street.

Frankfort, Feb. 26, 1849, Tjl-t- f.

MORTON & GRISWOLD.Itookiielleru, htationer, liludcrs, and Book and

Job frinters, Aiata street, Louisville, Ky.,cousunlly on bund a complete an.ortmeut of

HAVK Medical, Theological, Classical, School, and.Miscellaneous books, at low prices. Fuper of everydescription, quality, and price.

)TJCol leges. Schools, and Private Libmries suppliedat a small advance on cost. Wholesale or Jietaif.

April 1, 115 Wl-b- y.


FRANKFORT, KY.removed to F.ast side of Si. Clair stroet,

OFFICE Telegraph OlHcc. Will practice Law in alllbs Courts held in Frankfort, and adjoiningcounties.

Dec. 7, lf'oO tf.


OUice on Pit. Clair btreet, next Door lo Miiwb'itelegraph UUiee,

V ILL practice In all tue (ourls lield in Frankfort, andV lo Oldbam, Henry',1 riioble and Owen couutios.Oct-- 2rt, 1K3.

" mokeiiIadTbiiouPartners in the

PRACTICE OP LAW,I1L1. attoud to all business confided to lUam in the

W Court of Appeals, Federal Court, and other Courtswblch hold their sessions at Frankfort, Ky. One orboth may always be found at, to give counselor transact b'thiness. Fr:mkfort, Jau. ti, 1K2 by.


FRANKFORT, Law in the Courts held in Frankfort

. and adjoining counties. He will, as Commissioner i

of Deeds, take the acknowledgment of Deeds, andother writings lo be usd or recorded in other Status;and, as Commissioner under the act of Congress, .tttond i

to the laktnsrof depositions, affidavits. Ate.Office, Federal Court Clerk"s Office, Old K.nik.Frankfort, June 6, by.


Frankfort, Ky.WILL practice in all the Courts held in Franktbrt

Anderson. Owen, Woodford, and Shelby Cir-cuit Courts and will attend to the. collection f dents inany part of the State.

OUice on SL Clair street, second door above the CourtHouse.

TPrHe will attend in the preparation und prosecu-tion of the claims of soldiers to bounty land, fur proper-ty lost, and for arrears of pay.

April 1, lf49 f-


Saddle. Harness and Trunk Warehonse,Number KUtv-On- Third Street,


Aprils Om-- at Frankfort.



in part ofOvercoats, Business Pants,Oversacks, Business Vests,Dress Frocks, Shirts,Dress Pants, Under Shirts,Dress Vests, Drawers,Business Coats, Half Hose,

Shirt Collars, &c., &c.My entire stock of Clothing was got up by the celebra-

ted establishment of If'. T. Jennings 3( Co., JWtr Kerft,and ere WARRANTED to be made u the MOST

STYI.K AND MANNER.Persons wishing to purchase, and all others, are

to call and examine mv fcioclt.'Sept. 26, ISM. JOHN AI. TOPD.


CLOTHING EMPORIUM,Corner of Main and St. Clair Streets,


WEILER & GETZ,AVINfi taken the corner room Id the new build. ug ofII Mr. Bacon, nave opened an entirely new stock ot

Ready-mad- e Clothing, Furnishing Goods,Hats, Umbrellas, &c,

which they will sell at prices lowr than ever before offer-ed in this market. They invito all to (rive them a call, asthey are confident of being able to please both in thequality and price of their good'.

September 15, 155.




Frankfort, Kentucky.

THK proprietor huving purchased none but the bestand such as he can warrant, hopes by strict

attention to busings, and polite attention to his customers, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Toeneed of such an establishment has been loog felt in thiscity.

April 4. ia")5.

r o a r n factory.- J -

HEMING & aUIN,1 ERP constiuitly on hand a flue of CaiIV riape any kind of Carriage made to order and ofthe be.-- mate rial. Vie have purchased Ue sole riciit of

fHtent Coupling?lor Uio onnti& of Franklin, Anderson, Lincoln andGarrard.

N. B. Vo would call the attention of purchasers toour Spring Carriai;eyf All work rade by im warranWd for one veur.Aprils, 1855 tf.


MORRIS & HAMPTONT1AVK opened, in the room formerly occupied bvII J. B. Lainpton, on St. Clair street, next door to Fier- -

aoii's ( oniecLiouery. a large and well selected assort-ment of

BOOTS, SHOi;s, HATS AND CAPS,just imported from the East, and equalling if not sur-passing lii variety, elegance of staple and nkwkks. anyever before ohVred in this market. These articles areall new, having been purchased only a few days sincefrom the bust manufacturers of Philadelphia and NewYork, and are warranted of the best workmanship anda la mode in pattern. The attention of purchasers it. par-ticularly invited to their unrivaled assortment of famctshoes for both ladles1 and ecnileuu-u'- wear, selected forsummer use, and to their superb stock of hats, of everyshape and hue, from the recherche white silk ventilatedhead-piec- us lictii, urial and poetic as a fairy's the wooU-- skull-cap- , or a 'JO cent straw hat. TheirVWCK ot

HOOKS AND STATIONERYis large and well selected. The public are invited tocall and examiuo this slock of poods, utid if they desireto purchase new and good articles, will no doubt find ittheir advantage.

Frankfort, .March lHJ- -f.

N 0 T I C E !

FOR the information of my customers and the publicsubjoin my terms, in order that persons having ac-

counts with me may bo prepsrod to settle Ihein uponpresentation.

TERMS:All running accounts, for which arrangements for

credit have been made, are due and payable on the 1stof January, 1st of May, and 1st Septoinber in each year.

All charges, where no credit has been agreed upon,will be considered cash transactions, due and payableupon presentation, interest charged on accounts notpaid at maturity.

TT'Flour and seeds strictly cajh.Jan 3. . L. SAMUEL.

Frankfort Normal School for Boys,FRANKFORT, KY.

fPHE next Ses.-io- u of this Institution will open on theX second Monday of September, in the room formerlyoccupied by Dr. Hensley asan office, on Ann street, Justsouth of Main, Tuition per session of ito weeks as here-tofore, in the primary , junior, and senior departments,:f 10, $15 and $., respeeOvclv.

SIDNEY WILBUR.Sept. 1, 1H55 wfctw3m.

e. it. twlor, jr. ISAAC SHELBY. WM. SHOCK


BANKERS.YlrK have ibis day opened an OtHci in the city of Lex-- ll

inglon, for the purpose of transactingA General Ranking, Exchange, und Col-

lecting BusinessWij are at all liints prepared to chock upon the prin-ip-

cities of the United States, and to make collectionsnjreon. We will allow interest on deposit, to be withjrawn at pleasure, aud transact whatever business is

generally connected with private banking.Approved paper can be cashed at any time during

office hours, from 9 A. M. to 4 F. M. lOcU 24, 1H55.


HIS operations on the Teeth w iJlbe directed by &

knowledge, both of Surgery and Medicine:this being the only safe guide to uniform success. Fromthis he is enabled to operate with far less pain to the pa-tient, void of danger. All work warranted; the work-manship will show for itself. Calls will be thankfullyreceived.

TT7Oitlcrt. at his residence on Main street.Frankfort. May 27, 1W

HA VE a splendid stock of the above goods for Ladies.I Gentlemen, Children, and Servants, which 1 will tellas low as anv house in Frankfort. Call and examine be-

fore vou purchase at HUMPHKKY EVAN'SNov. 21, 1365. Shoe and Book Store.

Colognes, Perfumery, Toilet, Soap, &c.FINE assortment of Colognes, Perfumery, Toilet

i Soap and Tovsof' all varieties.December?. V. S. WEST & CO.

OOL HATS A,D CAPS for Neroes.verr low atHUMPHREY EVAN'S.

Nov. 91. She and Book Store.


WILLIAM CRAIK,Opposite the Po.t-omc- e. St. Clair street,

FRANKFORT. KY ,"' :),.. - HA VINO nnrrJiawd

of KNIGHT & CLAKKi;,!fftf 'bih their entire stock of

- ;:;ftt;gH Warble Monuments,i4vWwdjia, Tomb,,tie.,- will con-Vi- "'

Xfttf 'VSe'',s,Jif!ifilla tillue lo finish to orderwfflW5'!?! Monumeni,Tblet,

.VIKmT jS KWl'l Tomb., Head Mane.,rf il Hlf('emetervl'o.t.. T.- -

ble 'lops. Counterid everMhlmr in theirble line, at short

notice an in the verybest Stvlft. I havesecured the services of

1 I hrr Ml uj tone of the best of de- -'31 signer :ind inV m .J E 5.( Phihidelt'hia. and

pledge invselfto get upbetter work than hasever been tinishod in

.. Frank fort, and assfeirood as can beflnish- -

farijfegfeglSiS Calt and ft

Iron Railing;, Verandahs, &c.1 have a great variety of designs at the shop, and

will furnish the work at manufacturers priceWILLIAM CRAIK.

Jau. 13, Yeoman copy.

ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY,The office of this Company has been removed to Pinker

ton's lni Store on Main Street, in Haima's NewBuilding.

FRANKFORT, KY.OCR Messenger and Express freight will leave

for Louisville at 10 mtnues before H. A. .U.; andfor Lexington will leavi, at5S o'clock P.M.

Packages recoived here from Louisville at.1- o'clock.P. M.. and from Lexington and Ea of that point at7t.o'clock, A. N. ADAMS EXPRESS CO.

O. W. OtVK.N, Agent,Dec d, lPJ by. at Frankfort.



"VrE would res.prctfully inform the citizens of Frjnk--fort and vicinitv, that we have opened a ;hOD two

iuvrs ic win iuk uoutrn nriugr, anil uexiuoono d. txJ.Monroe's Law Office, where we are prepared to do allkindsif work intrusted to our care; ail we ask is a fair f ANCFACTUKKS Steam Kngines for firist. Saw. and

ill not go awav disaptMinted. Sugar Mills, (iudeons. Cranks. Spur Wheels,HCTCMFoN. menu for Cotton Gin Wheels, Hou-hks- ' lieacticu

n i;w turn bmiuw 011 w

Dissolution.heretofore under the rtvle1U1E firm of Todd d: Goodwin, in the Confectionery

and Grocer" businens, was dissolved thisdny by mutualconsent.

All those indebted totho late Ann, are requested tocome forward and make payment, and those havingclaims against the firm will please present them for set-tlement. H. L. Goodwin retires from the concern.Either one of the firm i" authorized to use the name ofthetirm In settling account..

DABNKY TODD,Aug. 1, 'a, Aug. 15. HUGH L. GOODWIIS.




(T. P. Pierson's Old Stand.)FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY.

KEEPS constantly on hand a full selection ofToys, Fancy Articles, and Groceries,

where he wil be pleaded to see his old friends and custom-ers. Aug. j, HA5 tf.

BOOK BINDING.A. C. Keruon informs nisfriends and former customers,that having regained his health,he has purchased back from A.G. Hodges the Bindery sold tohim in November last, "and willcrive his whole attention 10 its

management- - He respectfully solicit a continuance ofthe patronage heretofore extended lo the establishment.

TTP CLERKS wlli be furnished wilh RECOUPBOOKS ruled to any pattern, and of the very best ouulity of paper.

TTf1 BLANK BOOKS of every description, manufac-tured at short notice, to order, on reasonable terms.

TTf'flindpry a', the old stand, over Harlan's LawOffice. Frankfort, July 31,


FRANKKORT, KY.Nov. 7, 18i5.

fhanklFn nor si;,FRANKFORT KY.

HAVING returned. to my former Tavern tnua, mend of the Bridge, 1 have nited it up and

now have it In good order, to accommodate any whomay favour me with a call. Travelers, transient victors,ana boarders may rely on all care being taken to ren-der them comfortable.

A tew Members of the Legislature can find comforta-ble and quiet boarding during the coming session, andin all cases my bills will be moderate.

have also attached a good stable and careful T. COLEMAN.

Nov. 9, 1R55 3m. (Yeoioun copy.

MANSION HOUSE,Corner of .Main and St. lair Streets

FRANKFORT, KY.THE undersigned would notify his friends and the

generally, that he has "purchased the interestof J. T. Luckett in this old established aud well knownHotel, and will continue to entertain the public in

manner that the markets, tkc, will allow. He hasengaged the services of his Win. K. Taylor,who is well known to a large portion of the travelingcommunity, as a man of business, and who w ill havecharge of the office. He asks the patronage of the pub-ic and will endeavor to deserve il.

iMay 23, 1H55. BEN. LUCKKTT.

FRANKFORT HOTELTCorner of Broadway and Ann Streets.FRANKFdRT, KY.

mHE undersigned having taken this well known house(lately occupied by jlr. i. .Meriwether respectfuily

solicits a share of the public patronage, and bv close attention to business, and keeping tmch a house as thisheretofore has been, will endeavor to merit the confidenceof the traveling communit) .

June 18, 155 If- - J. B. WASSON.


Tl A v Ejust received a large stock of Fall and WinterIX l.ooda, ot every description. Call and examine

purchasing elsewhere, as small proifis aud quicksales is our motto.

in addition to our lartre stock of goods we have onhand a large supply of Hats and Caps, which we willsell at reduced priM.

September 10, lrt.V.

STRANGE DEVELOPMENT.SCIENTIFIC Men are daily brmiriue to light ucw

the march of progress is onwitrd: per-son. Bald, or becoming so, will be pleased to learn thatScience and long research combined, have brought be-fore the public the greatest ivondir of the aob, in thearticle of EMERSON'S AMERICAN HA1K KKSTOJf

a sure cure for Baldness, and to prevent Hnirfrom falling. See circulars, to be had of Agent.slt J- - M. MILLS, Agent.

C. K. Fisher & Co.. Proprietors.No. 57, Superior si., Clevetaud, O.

May 3, 1854 if.

To Owners of Georgia Land.HAVING associated myself with W. C. Nesbit, of

Ky., to sell Ceorgia lauds on commis-sion at private sale, we offer our services to owners ofMich lands, and to set as agents to protect the same fromtax sales and fraudulenltitles.

Owners living out of the Stute are continually losingtheir lands by tax sales or intruders under false titles,and it is the Interest of owners to have an agent in theState to protect their lands.

J. C. EDWARDS,Macon, Georgia.

W. C. NESBIT,Hawcsville, Kv.

reference.Gov. fL V. JoHNaoH, MUlidgeviltc, Ga.; Col. Pulaski

Holt, Macon. Ga.; Col. Y. T. Watkims, Macon, Ga.March 19, 155 ly.

TODD'S BOOKSTORE,. I, Swierr Row, St. Clair Street,


III A E had the above named neatUand havejusi mv KAI.L and VVlN'l KR

supply ofBooks, Stationery, Boots, Shoes, Hats,

Caps, &c, &e.,Vthicji peraon. wishing to purchase would do well tocall and examine before buying elsewhere, as I am deter-mined to sell upon as favorable terms as any other hoil3

Oct. 24, 105. WM. M. TODD.

U. R. .MILLER,U'Ol'LD respectfully inform the citiiens of Praukfort,

public generally, that hehasiaken the TinShop formerly occupied bv hi, father, and intends earn-in- g

oq the

Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Manufacturingin all its various branches. He will also keep on handthe best HEATING AND COOKING STOVES in theWestern country. All kinds of job work executed withneatness and dispatch, and in a durable manner, allwork done by him warranted to give satisfaction or nopay required. He pledges himself to do w ork on asgood terms as any house in the city, and hopes bv promptattention to business lo receive a fair sha re of file publicpatronage.Mntalic Roofing, Guttering, Spoutini;. jkc.Done in the best and mosi workmanlike maimer and oureasonable terms.

Shop 011 Kroa.l way street. West side, opposite the Cap-ital Square.

Dec. 21, 1?55 by. H. R. MILI EU.



A K now receiving their usual large and splendid sup- -

ply of Fancy and Staple, Fall and Winter DryGoods, alno new styl ilk and Straw Uunnrtu, a largeassortment of Hnts, Boots and tSboPs, and furnishinggoods. Carpets, Oil Cloth, Aic, friars and Queens warn,all which the) will ell low for cash or lo prompt payingcutomnrs on the usual time. Th'-- inviir ail to cotneand examine their slock, certainly ihu mr. :,nral andcomplete that can be found in this eif.

Sept. 14, 1M5 3m.

W M 7 H. G R A I KGER,FHOExVIX F 0 i: JV D It V.


Louisville, KeiitncU-t.- .

Wa-ter Wheels; agenura! s4omjinl of wrought, and catM;U Work, Ar., oic.

TT pOnlers from a distuine wdJ receive pro in pi at-

tention.Fell. 10. 10.1 tr'.

xi-- ; w ur si ness.jmilfcl undersigned has taken the third room from thej 1 comer of Ann sire.-- t on Vain Lret, in J. H. HAS- -

AS Block of Buildings, for the purpose of transacting ft

GKntvi. aictiov n :ommikio:IH S1NKSS.

He will also connect with the said business au

AGRICULTURAL DEPOT,where may be found all the latest improvements inAgricultural Implements, as well as all descriptions ofneeus required oy farmers in tuis vicinity, ne bopesthis enterprise will receive Uie eucourngemeut of thefarming communit), upon whom he depends for thesuccess of this branch of hrs business.

Consignments of Merchandise at Auction or privatesal are solicited.

Jan. 19, 1865 U". SA.L C. SAYRES.


TATE & CHINN,U. VE opened in Hz ins tie w building on Main street,

u splendid stockFall and Winter Dry Goods

ofmery description, which Uiey are determined to jellat prices which cannot fail to suit. Tneir Block is one ofthe tiuest ever brought to the city, and selected with spe-cial reference to the wants of this community. They in-

vite all their friends and the public in general to irivpthem a cell and examine UoMr stork.

Sep 14, 1XV5 tl.

it r n n 11 11. 11 . IV L l'j i L ,



1now and cuoice assortiuenl "f (.ro- - j

oeries, lues. Liquors, Ate, which lie will sell ait:very small profit g for cash, or to prompt customers ouusual term. His stock is perhaps the largest in the city,and every article of the bestqualii that can be purchas-ed Call, examine, und be convinced.

Aug. lr.V.

The Old Weiler HouseTO BE CLOSED OUT CHEAP!!mHK fcfTOCK OF rt,OTHIUatNo3Brovn build- -

A ing, St. Clair street, will be sold at extremely low pri-ces, in order to close the concern. There is a line stockot" rt'Jidv-ma'i- ,:

ClotMng, Underwear, &c,wlilrh wtll be sold very low for CASH, ;n the busiuesmint be cloi-d- .

All proits indoblf-- w uit: tirm art rutjii-t- d to conn;forward within slny dayuii't ielile up, and those buvini;tUiim kiruiusl us will t,.ase present thtjrn irumwdiatMly.

WKILKI!,Oct. 19, lciM. CHAS. B. GKTZ.

FINE LIQUORS.HALF pipe superior rV.xtra) old Pale Otard Brandy;

pp" superior old Pale Otard Brandy;A pipe fine Pale Brandy, F. Robins tV Co.;a pine nne rale Uraudy, (rirard;: pipe fine Loudon Dock Brandy;

cask old Madeira Wine;y casks Howard, March (V Co., Madoira Wine:

cask Howard, .March di Co., Madeira; Howard. March ox Co., Vadei rn;

3 casks Pale Sherry Wine;4 cast old Scotch Whisky;

2 X casks old Port Wine;3 cases, (Jti bottles) Still Catawba;4 casus (4 bottles) Spurkling Catawba;

10 baskets (Heidaick) Champagne;4 baskets (Great western) Champagne.4 baskets (Ducal Grape) Champagne;

12 baskets (assorted brands) Champagne;5 bbl. superior old Whisky;

30 bbls. superior 3 year old Whisky;20 bbls. superior2yearold Whisky. On hand aod

for sale bv the barrel, gallon orin glass, bvNov. 12, 1S55. GRAY !t TODD.

Proclamation by the Governor.300 REWARD.

In the nameartd by the authority the ComixonveaUh ofKentucky.

ITTHERKAS, it has been made known to me. that Sami.V H. Dews, who wan confined in the county jail of

Spencer county for the murder of Samuel Llnderman,did, on the 25th October, 1835, escape from the jail of saidcount), and is now going at large.

Now, therefore, 1, Charlks S. Morkhsad, Governor ofthe Commonwealth aforesaid, do hereby offer a rewardof Three Hundred Dollars forthe apprehension of thesaid Samuel H. Dews, und his delivery to the jailer of.Spencercounty, within one vear from this date.

J.Y TESTIMONY H HEREOF I havehereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of

S L. S. the Commonwealth lo be uttWed, done atFrankfort, this 1st day of November, 1855. andin the ti4th year of the Commonwealth.

Ry the Governor: C. S. MOREHKAD.Mason Brown, Secretary of State,

DESCRIPTION.Said Dews is about Ave feet two inches high, heavy

built, large hands and feel, coarse sandy hair and a Sad-dler by trade.

STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE.CNDERSlGNEDintendingto leave the StateTHE at private saie their Steam Saw Mill, situa ed

oue mile above Frankfort, with ten acres of ground at-

tached.The Mill has one upright saw with lath saws attached,

all of the latest improvements and iu good order. TheMill is well locifted with a good run of custom. Thelaths, for which there is a great demand, will nay a largeportion of the running expenses. Those wishing lo

in the busiuss would do well to call and examinefor themselves.

GILL fc WATSON.Frankfort, Sept. 12 tf. Yeoman copy tf.

Fall Stvle of TTatfl.jHayeg, Craig & CoTs and Oakford's, Premium1'Hatmanufacturedinthe TL S. Call and see them.

Seot.lQ. H. EVANS.

Nurserymen, Fruit Growers & Farmers.THE NEW YORK


Sl fKKBUY AND fROrtiELV ILLUSTRATED.Devoted to the Advancement of the Rural lui

ettU fn America.FPH1S is one ofthe Urgestand most elaborate worts o;X the kind in the world.

Rural Architecture fortnsone of the principal features.Each number contains from two to four engravings oimodel cottages, from designs by eminent and skilfularchitects. Space is aleo aligned to the tasteful art oLandscape Gardening; engraved plans of gardens mevery -- tyle, and adapted lo the peculiarities of differemorders of architecture, beautify the work.

Engravings of new fruits, new flowers, new vegetable.Vc. art; illustrated aud described as soon as the-i- respctive qualities can b determined, forming the mo:tcomplete and elegant IManual of Rural Husbandry everattempted.

Au experienced corps of practical writer, aevcu :r.n umber, are engaged to till its columns.

It contains seventj large pages, aod is printed on thefluent pearl surfaced paper, manufactured express!.

Tcrms: j perannum, payable invariably in advanceFifty cents commission on each subscriber allowed uthose who act as agents, f l.fHHiwill be di?tribut;d at theend of the ear among those who send us the twentylargest lists of subscribers. These premium will bepaid in cah. Tlte Urst premium will be $500.

The following are selected from hundreds of similmnotices, voluntarily contributed by c jiitetnporuiteoupublications:

The Hor.Tif i i tcrai. Ruviaw de'jnes the mostlibeitt.patronage. 11 is not only emiueutly practical, but i

wrilten in a style that equalsthe best etlwrtsof the late A

J. Downing. Knickerbocker.The elegant and useful book of the kind that

come under ourobservation. Register.Mr. Reagles, the tditorofthe Horticultural Rkvikw.

is a practical pomologisi, and one ofthetinet bchotarour country boasts of. He possesses the glowing descrip-tive powers of Dickens, the elegant gOfc.ip of Walpoh-- .

combined with a thorough knowledge of rural art.Stale Police Tribune.

Farmers, buy it for your sous buy k for your (laughters. It is a rich intellectual treat; a rare coiubiuutioi.of the beautiful and Uie useful. Argus JV. Y.

We had thought ihatiu Downings's death, the eloquentadvocate of rural adornment bad become only a cherish-ed remembrance; but in Mr. Reagles we discover ai.equally rich mine of mental weaiuu. that betokens tininfluence of the spirit that is pout;. Montrose Tribune.

Advertisers will find this an unsurpassed inadiuiu i lpublicity, as the Horticultural Rjcvikw circulate ex-

tensively in very State io the I'nion. Advcruemetiuint;rted at the rate of jjlO per page.

WOOD ENGRAVING.Those requiring Wood Engraving, can have their

orders executed in au unrivalled manner. Special alienUon is given to views of ANIMALS; an experiencesEnglish Draughtsman isengaged for this express purpose.Fersous livinirai a distance can forward a Uaguurreotyjeof the object (by mail they wish engraved, which will bea sufficient guide to obtain a perfect facsimile. StockBreeders will be dealt with on very liberal terms.

Our Exchange List is already vnry large. A furtheiextension is not desired, unless publishers are willing togive the above advertisement several insertions in theirrespective papers.

AoRict'LTURAL Books can be furnUhed on very use-ful subject, from both English and American publishers,by enclosing to our address the price of the book required.

Specimen copies will be forwarded on the receiptl&c'.s. iu postage sut nips.

C. REAGLES, Publisher,New York.

Dec 19, I H55 6 in.


Ol' LONDON.Authorized Capital 10,000,000

RUFXRKKCK8 IH Fill LaDK LI HI A.Atwood ci. CO., JOUR FaRHUM,John Griqo, George A. Stuart,Mybrs, Clahhorn (V Co. Wm. M'Gse, or Co.,Fowbrs & Wkiuutmaw, . White, STBeHKifrt cV Co.

Agent for the United StatesFRE1ER1CK KATCHFOKJ) STARR.

L'nited .States Branch Office, No. 80, Nou'h Fourth L.r'tiiladefphia.

Agent for Co ington, Ky.F. S. Bl'SH,

Coruerof Madison and Cooper strets.lnsu res throughout the S; ate. Will furnish b'ank ap

plicationsunou request.Nov. nn. ti.



CASH CAPITAL, 900,000 OUAM'T OK AKSIiTS June 30, '33, 747,9)2 44OiOtM' OF LIABILIT1K8. 63,677

This Company continues to insure Buildings, Merchandise. Ships iu Port aud their cargoes. Household Fur-

niture and personal property generally, againstDamage by Fire, on favorable terms.

t,o i;qmtubl Adjusted and PromptlyPaid.

H. WING ATE, Agent,A UK. VS. 15v. FrtKikfvrt A'y- -

lTfYnTu1Ta n c e .

Ml TLAL BE.NKriT.Otalu Life lu.urau.e ompauv, of loclnuail,

Oblo.CAPITAL STOCK, .... $10ii,0(iii

AH, PAID l.Y AVi) SF.CDKVO.mHE undersiirued having been appoiuted Agyiitf'orlbeL above Company, is prepared lo receive propositions

for Insurance at hii oiliee iu Uiis city. Pamphlets con-taining the rates of premium, and full information in re-lation to Life Insurance, are furni.shed free of charpe.

J. C. HER.MWN.1'rs. Snckd KooiiAS. Agent.

.' al ENaminerx. Feb. Sfi, IMS tf.


Uudrton Klver luuuraucei Company, of lYaterford,New York.

Capital $300,000Cash Capital $200,000!

rpHE undersigned having been appoiuted Agent to theX above Coinpan;,, is prepared to insure all property,such us is usually insured iu the city of Frankfort andvicinity, and upon shipments of Merchandise and Produce, upon as fair terms as any other responsible ottice.All losses liberally adjusted and prompilv paid.

XipOtlico near the Court House.Satisfactory references will be given upon application,

a to the solvency of this Com pan v.J. C HERNDON.

Feb. 20, 185 tl. Agent.


SAMUEL, Barbkr and Hair Dhcwkr, IsHENRY inform his friends and the public that he tagain established in comfortable aud com inodioun roomsaud ready lo attend to all who may give him a call. Hincweslablish incut is in the build itur of Col. Hodges, onSt. Clair street. He solicits public pairouage, and hopesthat hie old friend? and customers especially, who palrouized him before Uie lat tire, will now find ihsir wa)back to his shop.

March 12, 1.5 by.

"chTldren's CLOTHING.HAVE lust received a small lot of FALL AXD H'l.YI TER CLOTHI.YG FOR CHILDREX. consisting ol

COATS. PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, JACKETS.Sl'NPENDEl.'S, GLOVES, ore. Those who have childreite clothe had belter .all early.

Sept. M. lh.',i. JOHN M. TODU.

Sundries.vrAlLS, Buckets, Baskets, Mackerel, Cigars, Tobacco.1 Cans, Sardines. Powder, Lead. Shot, Pepper, Spice.Candles, Soap, Indigo, Table Salt. Crackers, Soda, Blacking, A;c, Ac.

Aug. 33. IMS. W. H. KEENK.

GAS FIXTURES.TrENNARD dc CO., Lexinbton, Ky., beg leave toin-i-

form th. citizens of Frankfort that they have ouhand a large stock of GAS FIXTURES, including 6, 5,4. and 3 light Chandeliers, 2 and 1 light pendents, 3 fold,4 fold and single Bracks, Drop Lights, ic U manu-factured by Messrs. Cornelius, Baker Si Co., Philadel-phia, and wltl be sold as low as they can be had West ofPhiladelphia and put up. If desired, iu the best manner.

We would also be ploased to RUN PIPE in stores,dwellings, or public houses, on the best possible terms,having superior workmen now engaged in the busiuessfor us in Lexington. We ask a call.

KENNARD cc CO.Always on hand, a large stock of CA RPfiTIN'G. CUR-'1-

GOODS, PAPER HANGINGS, aod PIANOORTE8 4br sale on reasonable term. K. or CO.Lexington, Jan. 4, 18i4 If.



Fifty-secon- d Volume: The Pioneer Hagatlnc!Especially devoted to the vants of the Ladies of JiwitrieA.II HEREthis Magazine is taken in a house, uo other i)V wanted, asit compromises all that could be obtain-

ed by taking three other Magazines.

New Features for 1856.A now and very interesting story will be commenced

in January, by Marion Harland, author of "Alone," and"Hidden Path," two novels that have created an Immensesensation in the literary world. Also

Miss Virginia F. Town send will commence In the Feb-ruary number a Nouvellette, which we know will strong-ly interest the readers of Uie "Book."

.Stories by an English Authoress.How to make Wax Flowers and Fruits. With eo

gravings.The Nurse and the Nursery.How to make a Bonnet.Troubles of an English itousekeeper.The Art of Sketching Flowers from Nature. With an

gravings. To be copied by the learner on paper lo becolored.

Maternal counsels to a Daughter. Desinged to aid herin the care of her health, the improvement of her mind,and the cultivation of her heart.

Newstjle of Illuminating Windows and Lamp Shades,with engravings.

Poetry and History of Finger Rings.iUu&lratod; Shellsfor the Ladies, and whe-r- theycoine from, with engrav-- i


Thisis onl) giving an idea of ourintentionsfor l56.Nhw designs of interest to Uie ladies are springing upevery da; we shall avail ourselves of everything thatcan inierrt-ttheii!- . In fact, "Godey's Lady's Book,'' willpossess th interest of any other three magazines.

In addition lo the above w ill be continued in each No.Godey's splendid .Steel engravings.tine hundred pagesof reading.Godey's challenge Fashion Plates. In this as In overy

other department, we defy rivalry or imitationEmbroider, Any quantity of them aru given

monthly.Model Collages.Dress making, with diagrams to cut by.Dress patterns Infauts and Chlldrons Dresses Ail

kind of Crochet aud Netting Work Cloaks, Mantelets.Talmas. Collars, CbeiniseUs, Under Sleeves, Bonnets,Window Curtains, Broderie Auglalse Slippers. Caps,Cloaks, Evening Drosses, fancy Articles, Head Dresse,Hair Dressing, Robes for Night and Morning, CarriageDres, Bridal Dresses, Wreaths, Mantilla, WalkingDresses, Riding Habits, Boy's Clothing, Capes andCloak of Fur in season. Crochet and Netting Work,printed in colors.

DRAWING LESSONS for Voulh. lOOOdesigns, Music$3 worth is given even year; the Nurse and the Nursery,with full instructions; Godey's iuvaluable Recipes upotievery subject.

We w on Id advise all who intend to subscribe to send Intheir orders soon, for if we do not make duplicate ste-reotype plates. It will bf difficult to supply the demand.We expect our list for 1P56 will reach lw.bOu copies. Thebest plan of subscribing isto send your money direct tothe publisher. Those who send large amounts had bet-ter send drafts, but notes will answer if drafts connot beprocured. Letters had better be registered It only coststlve cents extra, and their safe reception is insured.

TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCEOne cop) one year, $3-- Two copiosone year.SS. Thr

copies one year, 96. Five copies on year, aud extracopy to tho person sendlngthe club, making nin copies$ 10. Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the per-son sending the club, making nine copies, $15. Rleveocopies one year, aud an extra copy to the person seodtugthe club, inukingtwelve copies,

K'iJThe above Terms csnnot be deviated from, domatter how many are ordered.

Godey's Lad's Book and Harper's Magazine both oneyear for $4 50.

Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazineboth one year for $3 50.

The money must be ail sent at one lime for any of thoClubs.

Wj Additions of one or more to clubs are received atclub prices.

Tt"7A Specimen or Specimens will be sent direct toany Postmaster making the request.

r7 We can always supply back numbers for the year,as the work in stereotvped.

subscriber fa Ihe British Provinces,Who scjid for clubs, must remit 3(3 cents extra on evefy

subscriber, to pay the American postage to the Lioee.Address L. A. GODEY.

No. 1 13, Chestnut street, Philadaiphi.Nov. 7, 1855 w2am. t

.JaYEK'ftv u io ft

CHERRY PECTORAL,For the rapid Care of





Among the numerous discoveries Science has made inthis generation to facilitate the business of life increaseits enjoy mem, and even prolong the term of human

none can be named of more real value lo waii-kin-

than this contribution of Chemistry to the HealingArt. A vat trial of its virtues throughout this broadcountry, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine orcombination of medicines yet k nowu, can so surely conrol aud cure the numerous varieties of ptilmouary diseasowhich have hitherto swept from our midst tbouandsandthousands ever) year. Indeed, there is now abundantrtjitwn to believe a Remedy has at length been foundw hich can be rviied on, to cure the most dangerous affec-

tions of the lungs. Our space here will not permit u topublish any proiHrtion of Uie cures affected by Its use.but we would present Uie following: and rofer furtborenquiry to my American Almanac, which the agents below

named, will always be pleased to furnish free, whereinare full particular3, and indisputable proof of thee

Office of Transportation,Laurens R. R. S. C, Aug. 4, le53.

J. C. Avkk. Dear Mr, My little son, four years oldhas just recovered from a severe attack of malignantScarlet Fever, his throat was rotten, and every personthat visited him, pronounced him a dead child. Havingused your Cherry Pectoral in California, iu ihe winterof 1H50, for a severe attack of Bronchitis, with entire suc-cess, 1 was induced to try It on my little boy. 1 gavehim a every three hours, commencing inthe morning, and by ten o'clock at night. I found a deci-ded chance lor the better, and aft; r three days use, be.was able to eat r drink without pain.

Its use in the above named disease will save many achild from a premature grave, and relievo the anxiety ofmany a fond parent. For all affections of the Throat aadLungs, I believe it the oest medicino extant. A feelingof the deepest gratitude, prompts me in addressing youthese lines, but for your important discovery, my littleboy would now have beeu in another world.

I am vou rs, with great respectJ. D. POWELL. Supt Trans., L. R. R.

Kock Hill, (Summerset Co.,) N. J., July 21,Dk. .1. C. Aver, Since your medicine has beeu known

here, it has a greater demand than any other coughremedy we have ever sold. It is spoken of in terms ofunmeasured praise by those who bare used it, and Iknow of some cases where the best they can sav of itis not too much for the good it has done. I take pleasurein selling it, because I know that 1 am giving mv cus-tomers the worth of their money, and 1 feel gratified laseeing the benefit it confers.

Please send me a further supplv, and believe meYours, wiiJi respect, JOHN C. WHITLOCK.

P. S. Almost any uumber of certificates can be sentyou. If you wirh it.

Winsor, C. W., June 26, 1854.J. C. Aykr. Sir: This may certify that I have used

your Cherry Pectoral for upwards of one yeari and Mis my sincere belief that I should have been In my graveere this time if I had not. it has cured me of a danger-ous affection of the lungs, and I do not overstate myconvictions when tell you it is a priceless remedy.

Yours very resnectfullv,D. A. McCULLlN, Attorney at Law.

Wilksbarre, Pa., September M, ISM.Dr. J. C. Ayre. My dear Kir, Your medicine is muon

approved of by those who have used its composition issuch as to insure and maintain its reputation. I invariablyrecommend it for pulmonary affections, as do many ofour political physicians. I am vour friend.

CHAS. isTREATKR, M. D.Prepared by J. C. AY KR, Chemist, Lowell, Mass.Sold bv J. M. Mills, Frankfort; Dr. B. Cloak, Ver

Miller Wm. Wilson, Mortonsville; J. Dedman,J. L. Ellingwood,SbeibvvlUe, and by Age&ta

In every town in Kentucky.Dec. 5, 1855 wtw3m.