the complete cbd guide · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of cbd equals half of the...


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Page 1: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for


Page 2: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for


























Page 3: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for



CBD or Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid that comes from cannabis, most commonly derived from strains of the hemp plant. This chemical compound is one of over 113 identified cannabinoids. A cannabinoid is a compound whose anatomical effects are closely related to cannabidiol and other active elements found in cannabis.  There are two kinds of cannabinoids:  

● Endocannabinoids– produced naturally within the human body.  ● Phytocannabinoids– occur in nature and are consumed (cannabis). 


 The Endocannabinoid System is a network of receptors found throughout 

the entire human body; in connective tissues, the brain, organs, glands, and immune cells. With its complex actions within our immune system, nervous system, and virtually all of the body’s organs, cannabinoids interact inside this system and act as a bridge between the body and mind. The purpose of the regulatory system is to regulate homeostasis. In short, it keeps the body in a state of balance by effectively monitoring bodily processes such as appetite, mood, pain sensitivity, and sleep. Although both endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids bind to receptors within these systems, phytocannabinoids are the most effective because they have a much greater impact inside the body. In summary, phytocannabinoids “jump-start” the central regulatory system via the endocannabinoid system and deliver a plethora of powerful anatomical benefits. The best example and most prominent phytocannabinoid is CBD. 


Page 4: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for



CBD is found in a variety of species within the cannabis family. Specifically, C.U.R.E. CBD is CO2 extracted and separated from the Hemp Sativa plant. CBD can make up up to 40% of all the plant’s extracts making it one of the most abundant compounds contained in cannabis. Although CBD can be derived from psychoactive cannabis like marijuana, most lawful CBD products currently on the market are strictly hemp derived extracts. 

The Agricultural Act of 2014 allows law abiding participants to cultivate, process, market and sell hemp and hemp derived products including CBD oil, unlike products within the medical marijuana industries where the products must be attained by a medical card. This law was proposed by congress and signed by President Barack Obama.  

C.U.R.E. Full Spectrum CBD Oil Products are derived from Hemp that is grown in the beautiful terrains of Colorado. 







Page 5: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for



As mentioned earlier in What is CBD (Cannabidiol),there are two types of cannabinoids, phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids that naturally occur in nature like CBD) and endocannabinoids (cannabinoids that are naturally produced by the human body). 

 The body actually contains an entire network called the Endocannabinoid 

System which is composed of receptors in the brain and the body where cannabinoids bind to. One of the most important and underreported subjects in recent science is how the endocannabinoid system plays a critical role in the regulation of our physiology and our day to day experiences. Extensive clinical research, much of it government sponsored, suggests CBD has potent anti-tumoral, anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, anti-spasmodic, antioxidant, anti-convulsive, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective properties. This is possible by way of the endocannabinoid system as it helps strengthen and support the central regulatory system. The regulatory system acts as a control mechanism to keep our bodies in homeostasis, or the natural balance of the body that involves appetite, inflammation, immune system functionality, memory, mood, and pain sensation. When there is an unbalance in the body (chronic illness, inflammation, pain, etc.) the regulatory system sends signals to the brain reporting a threat. Essentially, cannabinoids are sent to bind to receptors in the endocannabinoid system to aid in putting the body back in balance (homeostasis). 

Phytocannabinoids have a much more significant impact in the body compared to the natural endocannabinoids. Of the multitudes of phytocannabinoids, CBD is the most potent and most renown. When CBD binds to receptors in the endocannabinoid system they help hold the body’s state of homeostasis at optimal capacity. 


Page 6: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for



CBD dosage is arguably one of the most talked about subjects within the industry. Considering the trending misinformation, under-dosed products, falsely marketed products, and even fake CBD products that exist in the market today, it can be very difficult for someone to find and trust a stable source to provide a reliable dosage. At C.U.R.E., you can trust the quality of our CO2 extracted full spectrum product which is backed by updated third party lab results on the product page. However, when it comes to finding an optimal dose it is important to understand that one person’s physiology is not the same as another’s and dosage varies from individual to individual. Diet changes, genetics, and tolerance from one person to another which all play a factor in the impact of cannabinoids, on top of the fact there are a plethora of reasons for someone to take CBD and each reason has a different correlated dosage. Nonetheless, that’s not to say a subject can’t find an optimal dose for his particular symptom in a timely fashion.  

You can follow these suggested dosage amounts to navigate your to your optimal dosage range. Use these metrics as a starting point and adjust your dose up or down after evaluating your first few applications. It is suggested to hold each dose under the tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. This allows for maximum bioavailability and absorption of the CBD into the body. The glass dropper tip contains 1 mL when filled to capacity. For best accuracy, it’s proper to speak of dosage in terms of milligrams (mg). Knowing that one full dropper equals 1 mL you can calculate how many mgs of oil your dose will be based on the following: 


SUPER STRENGTH 150 mg bottle contains 5 mg of CBD for every full 1 mL dropper of oil 

MAX STRENGTH 300mg bottle contains 10 mg of CBD for every full 1 mL dropper of oil 



Page 7: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for


Dosage example: Symptom requires 5 mg of CBD. Subject is using the Max Strength 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing.  

Daily Health & Wellness Maintenance: 2.5-5 mgs twice daily 

Sleep Aid: 5-10 mg 30 minutes before bedtime 

Inflammation: 5-20 mg 

Anxiety Relief: 5-20 mg  

Chronic Pain: 10-20 mg 

Glaucoma Relief: 20-40 mg 

Sleep Disorders: 20-160 mg 30-60 minutes before bedtime 

Epilepsy Relief: 150-300 mg  

Huntington’s Disease Relief: 10mg/1lb of body weight 

These numbers are not guaranteed doses. This is a guideline and starting point for a subject to adjust from to find their own optimal dosage. C.U.R.E. is not a medically licensed firm and holds zero claims for medical treatment or ailment cures.   *Statements and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products mentioned on this website are not intended to cure, diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease or illness.         


Page 8: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for



 Another common misunderstanding in the industry is a result of 

misinformation about hemp oil (hemp seed oil) and CBD oil. They are not at all the same. Understanding the difference between the two is crucial because their appearance, chemical make-up, and uses are drastically different. Hemp oil, also known as hemp seed oil, is extracted directly from hemp seeds. The hemp seed itself contains up to 50% of oil in weight which can be extracted easily. Hemp seeds contain a very small amount of CBD but are most commonly used for their nutritional value opposed to a medical use. Hemp seed oil, in contrast to CBD oil, is usually darker in appearance. One key fact to understand about the market is that many companies attempt to pass hemp seed oil off as a CBD product, although there are small traces of CBD in hemp seed oil, it simply does not do justice when compared to a genuine CBD product such as C.U.R.E. products. 

Although CBD oil and hemp seed oil both come from hemp, they are extracted from totally different parts of the plant. After industrial hemp is fermented, grown and harvested, CBD products are extracted from the flowers or buds of the plant. The oil from hemp seeds is extracted before the seed ever becomes a plant. This is one of the most differentiating factors as the oils’ chemical make-ups are completely different as their origins come from completely different parts of the plant. 


Page 9: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for



CBD often gets placed in the same category as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the most prominent psychoactive compound commonly associated with the marijuana plant. Although they often get confused with one another, they are fundamentally different in chemical makeup and health benefits.  

THC is hallucinogenic upon human consumption and is an illegal substance without proper licensing in participating states. It is the compound in marijuana responsible for causing users to become “stoned.” C.U.R.E. products avoid this scenario completely as our products contain 0% THC. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound and does not travel along the same neurological pathways as THC.  

CBD is most commonly extracted from the hemp species while THC is most commonly extracted from the marijuana species. C.U.R.E. products are derived solely from industrial hemp, never marijuana, and are absolutely free of THC which is backed by our third party lab tests which can be viewed on our products page. 



Page 10: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for



CBD has not been officially approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a medical treatment or cure for any disease or ailment. C.U.R.E. does not make or support any medical claims correlated to CBD. Nonetheless, a significant amount of scholarly and clinical studies have been published whose results strongly suggest CBD as a potential medicine and treatment for a wide bandwidth of health conditions. As C.U.R.E. cannot provide medical advice or support claims we will not list any potential health benefits of CBD here.  

What we will do is direct you to what the United States Department of Health and Human Services thinks of cannabinoids. In their patent (Patent # 6,630,507) called Cannabinoids as Antioxidant and Neuroprotectants the United States Department of Health and Human Services state the following:  

"Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia.  

Cannabidiol has been studied as an antiepileptic (Carlini et al., J. Clin. Pharmacol. 21:417S-427S, 1981; Karler et al., J. Clin. Pharmacol. 21:437S-448S, 1981, Consroe et al., J. Clin Pharmacol. 21:428S-436S, 1981). 

Non Psychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention." 



Page 11: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for



The biological effects and potential health benefits of CBD are not only unique to humans, but to all mammals. Veterinary clinics and pet owners around the world, within the last decade, have recently began using CBD for a broad spectrum of medical and behavioral issues; muscle spasms, cancer, pain, arthritis, seizures, anxiety, mood, memory, neurological, and digestive disorders.  

This is made possible by the Endocannabinoid System. Just like humans, all mammals have the endocannabinoid system in their biological make-up as well. Read more about the endocannabinoid system and how cannabinoids interact within the body on our How Does CBD Work In The Body page.  

CBD may help your pet's: 

• lack of appetite 

• separation anxiety 

• excessive barking or meowing 

• nausea 

• lack of vitality and energy 

• muscle spasms or seizures 

• pain from cancer or arthritis 

• recovery from surgery or illness 

• pacing or inability to settle 

• fear of loud noises 

•aggression toward other animals 

Typical starting dosage for pets start at 1-5mg per 10lbs of bodyweight. You can calculate suggested dosage on our How much CBD Do I Take page. 


Page 12: THE COMPLETE CBD GUIDE · 2019. 4. 25. · 300mg bottle (10mg/ml). 5 mg of CBD equals half of the full dropper so subject would hold half of a dropper of oil under the tongue for



Yes, C.U.R.E. products are legal by way of the Agricultural Act of 2014 signed into law by President Barack Obama. Federal law under this bill allows for the cultivation, processing, and marketing of industrial hemp and industrial hemp products. This includes CBD oil products that contain 0% THC.