the commitment talk

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  • 8/9/2019 The Commitment Talk


    THE COMMITMENT TALKThe 1st talk of two talks leading to the elections

    I. The Vision

    YFC has a very ambitious goal. Together with the rest of the CFC Community, it plans to change the world! Imagine this no crime, nomore indifference! It will all be replaced by love. It will do this by introducing everybody to Jesus Christ. It plans to conquer the world.

    However, to conquer the world, it needs committed soldiers. What does commitment mean?

    II . Three stories to help explain commitment

    A. Involvement vs. Commitment The Continental Breakfast.

    A continental breakfast is made up of bacon and eggs. Two animals are needed to create it a chicken and a pig. A chicken is involved in makingthe continental breakfast. A pig is committed.

    Commitment is giving our whole lives, hearts and minds, to the mission.

    B. Perseverance Burn your boats.

    In 1519, the conquistador Hernando Cortes set sail for the Americas with 600 Spanish soldiers. He landed on the east coast of Mexico, the land othe Aztecs. His men heard stories of ferocious Indians and asked him to turn back. Instead, he ordered all their ships burned. Left with no meansto retreat, his men were forced to conquer, and conquer they did. Hernando Cortes came to be known in history as the greatest conquistador of theAmericas.

    When you commit, you dont play safe. You dont think, Ill only stay here while its comfortable, but Ill get out when its not. You jump in and fighfor the mission is achieved, whether its fun or not.

    C. Commitment encourages others to be committed The Civil War Story

    During the American Civil War, the Union army was pinned in a town by Confederate artillery positioned on an overlooking hill. The officers of thisUnion army decided to send a unit to make a diversionary charge up the hill while the rest of the army would escape. The unit was bound to becompletely destroyed it was a suicide mission. In the middle of the diversionary attack, one man in the unit decided, If Im going to die, I might aswell make this a real attack. He charged up the hill for real. The other men in his unit saw him and were encouraged by his act, so they chargedup the hill, too. The Confederate forces were weaker than they thought, and upon seeing the charge, thought it was a full-scale attack. TheConfederate forces retreated, and the diversionary unit took the hill .

    Your commitment will bring out the commitment of others.

    III. What do I have to do to be committed?

    A. Commitment means truly pursuing the mission and vision of YFC. Here are some examples of commitment:

    If you are officer of another org, does that mean you have to quit to be active in YFC? No, on the condition that you can justify that you

    are pursuing the mission and vision by being an officer in that org. Are you introducing Jesus to the people you come in contact with inyour org? Are you being a good example?

    Being committed is letting the officers of YFC know what kind of work you are good at or that you like to do, so they know where best toassign you.

    Being committed is to be able to do work assigned to you even if you dont like it.

    Being committed is working and fellowshipping with your brothers and sisters whether you like them or not.

    If you are a household leader, being committed means loving your members whether you like them or not, and being faithful to conductyour household meetings twice a month.

    Also, if you are a household leader, it means being willing to be a candidate for elected office if you have time.

    B. Attitudes of a committed person:

    1. I will not wait for things to happen. I will make things happen.

    2. I will not wait for the work to be exciting. I will make it exciting.

    3. I will not wait for somebody to tell me what to do but I will seek what I can do.

    4. I do not have to know everything to be effective. I can learn as I go along.

    5. I do not have to like the people I workwith but I can love them nevertheless.

    IV. Why are we talking about this?

    Today, we will choose the leaders of this army, this chapter. We believe that if you choose a set of leaders, you must be willing to bleedwith them. If you want the privilege of voting for next years EXECOM, you must promise to be willing to fight by their side.

    V. Sharing and Reflection

    After the talk, one or two pre-selected sharers may be asked to share how they experienced commitment. Afterwards, volunteers fromthe audience may also be allowed to share.

    After participants in the election will be given time to reflect on their commitment to the Lord and the Campus Chapter and if they areready and willing to be committed and support whomever the Lord chooses to lead the group, whether its the person they vote or not.

  • 8/9/2019 The Commitment Talk


    Songs may be sung during the reflection.