the comarcal archive of cervera: a source for the …cervera is a town situatedon a main road that...


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Page 1: THE COMARCAL ARCHIVE OF CERVERA: A SOURCE FOR THE …Cervera is a town situatedon a main road that passes through Barcelona and Girona on the way from France to Aragon. Its location




Maria Jose SURRIBAS CAMPS, Barcelona

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The goal of this project is to learn about the life of the Jews of Cervera as seen through the Notary books housed in the Arxiu Comarcal de la Segarra (ACSG). This local archive does not house all the Notary books of Cervera, because many are kept in Barcelona in the Archivo Histórico de Protocolos Notariales (AHPB) and an unknown number of books have not survived. The study of a portion of the Notary books 1 and municipal documents in this archive demonstrates the historical and genealogical information that can be extracted by research in the smaller local archives and the methods used to do so. The Notary books also contain information about events prior to the dates they were written because of their frequent reference to older documents. They thus provide information about earlier periods for which there exist no notarial registers in the archive or about books that have not survived the passage of time. These references are also helpful in locating earlier documents that may contain more data or links among the families. Furthermore they not infrequently point to events such as marriages, deaths or residential moves that occurred in the intervening period between two available documents. For instance, in a document of January 28, 1354, Astruc Cophen and Samuel Cophen, brothers, sons and general legatees of the late Salamó Suylam Cophen, are making some concession of rights originating in several documents agreed to by the late Salamó on previous dates. The first reference goes back to January 1330. Others were agreed to on the 19th before the kalends of January 1332, the 8th before the kalends of February 1333, and other dates.2 This document indicates that Salamó Sullam Cofen was alive on those dates, and that his sons were probably still too young to participate in his father’s business. Documents II contain examples of other such documents. The documents have not been widely transcribed or translated. The information in them has not been fully analyzed. Their abstracts show the possibilities of further works, which can be widely enlarged looking in other documents not analyzed yet.

- Deeper research on special time periods: epidemics, riots, expulsions - Deeper research in family lineages: origins, settlements, family links, residence

moving, actual presence in Spain of their convert descents

1 About 130 notary books are the basis of this research, but the remaining books kept in the archive of Cervera, as well as the notary books of Cervera kept in Barcelona, and the notary books of other localities containing information about this Community, contain a lot of unknown information about the Jews of Cervera, and related Communities. 2 Described in Documents, and identified as ACS, FN I.1 Ramón Rama. Christianorum Liber 1353, Nov 19- 1355 Mar 2. fols. 62 r- 63 r.

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- Physicians, moneylenders and other occupations’ lineages - Medical treatments, products utilized by physicians - Reconstruction of the Jewish quarters, by locating the houses, Synagogues, its

boundaries - Reconstruction of medieval Jewish homes: rooms, clothes, assets - Jewish libraries - Dressing customs - Laws: local and Jewish laws and customs - Full collections of wills, inventories, marriage agreements - A most complete reconstruction of the Jewish families that lived in Cervera and

other towns with Jewish population that are mentioned in the documents - Situation of their real state properties. - Area where their cemetery should be located

Most of the people that appears in these documents are listed, but not all of them. There are printed some family trees, not because they are the larger that can be produced. They also do not correspond to main families. They are only some samples to show the possibilities of linking people and localities.

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The International Institute for Jewish Genealogy, Jerusalem During these eighteen months doing research on the Jewish community of Cervera, on the documents that were written concerning their lives and relationships - between themselves, with Jews of other communities; with Christians of their neighborhood, and with Christians of another localities - I’ve had the opportunity to delve extensively into their lives and learn a considerable amount about the Iberian Medieval society. I must thank the International Institute for Jewish Genealogy (IIJG) for sponoring this project and for giving me this chance to spend these last months in such a special times, in such a small, provincial town as Medieval Cervera, whose narrow old streets I’ve paced when being there doing research in the archive. Those old houses are probably not the same than the ones we read about in the documents, but the place is the same, the streets, the same. I am endebted to IIJG for making this experience possible and hope the the results of my research, as presented here, will contribute to its aim of advancing the status of Jewish genealogy as an academic subject. While abstracting documents, while reconstructing families, and family lineages, while trying to find links among different families, trying to find out why some families arrived to Cervera, why some families left, why some families disappeared in the Notary books pages, feeling the need to look for more in other archives or localities, I’ve come to the conclusion that more institutions like IIJG should be working in promoting Jewish Genealogy as a strong scientific tool to learn History, and also the best way to learn, from primary sources, how Medieval Jewish Life was. To conclude, I’d like to add the transcription of a paragraph that was written by Rabbi Abraham Neuman3, « … the king was a Spanish king, the courts were Spanish courts, the institutions, the government… The Jews could learn the language, but they could not adopt the country. They could assimilate the culture, but not the people. Consequently, they were strangers in the land. And though they might have traced their descent to ancestors who had lived in the Pyrennean peninsula centuries before the remotest ancestors of the royal house itself, yet they were, in a real sense, foreigners in their country, inasmuch as they never became an integral part of its political structure. » 3 NEUMAN, Abraham A., Rabbi, AM, DHL. Some Phases of the Condition of the Jews in Spain in the Thirteenth and Fourtheenth Centuries, American Jewish Historical Society, Publications, 22 (1914), p.68. Copyright © 2003 ProQuest Information and Learning Company Copyright © Johns Hopkins University Press

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INDEX I. The Jewish Community of Cervera 8

Some references to the 13th century Cervera Jews. Jewish Physicians and Rabbis. The Jewish quarters Synagogues The Jewish Cemetery Plagues Jewish assets Ketubot Converts

II. Jewish families and individuals 28 III. Family Trees 89 IV. Jewesses given names 96 V. Toponymical names 99 VI. Occupations List 101 VII. Localities with Jewish presence mentioned in the documents 102 VIII. Documents I 104 IX. Documents II 738 X. Documents Pictures 744

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LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ACA.- Arxiu de la Corona d’Aragó ACB.- Arxiu de la Catedral de Barcelona ACSG.- Arxiu Comarcal de la Segarra A.D.- Anno Domini AHPB.- Arxiu Històric de Protocols de Barcelona AMLl.- Arxiu Municipal de Lleida A.N.D.- Anno a Nativitate Domini DCVB.- Diccionari Català, Valencià, Balear FG.- Fons General FN.- Fons Notarial FM.- Fons Municipal

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Regni Hispanie

Catalonia area

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Located in the province of Lleida, close to the border of the province of Tarragona, Cervera is a town situated on a main road that passes through Barcelona and Girona on the way from France to Aragon. Its location on this important route is one of the reasons why an important Jewish community settled there. The earliest references to Jews living in Cervera are not to a Jewish community but to individuals. Their origins, names, and relationships with Cervera inhabitants and residents of surrounding localities provide an early look at what would develop to become an important medieval Jewish community in Catalonia. One of the earliest mentions of the Jewish aljama of Cervera is found in a document dated June 28, 1277 in which King Pere III orders the Jewish aljamas of Vilafranca, Tarragona, Montblanc and Cervera to pay their taxes to the Jewish aljama of Barcelona.4 By 1328 the Jewish population of Cervera had grown sufficiently in size to be assigned its own Quarter. Four years later, they received permission to reside in the “Carrer del Vent”.5

4 RÉGNE, Jean. History of the Jews in Aragon. Regesta and Documents 1213-1327. Hispania Judaica 1. Jerusalem 1978. doc nr. 683. ACA Reg. 39, fol. 214 v. 5 DURAN SANPERE, Agusti. SCHWAB, Moïse. Les Juifs a Cervera et dans d’autres villes catalanes. Sefarad XXXIV, page. 82

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Some references to the Jews who lived in Cervera in the 13th century In August 1281, Reina, wife of Samuel dez Forn, Jew of Cervera, claims to the King, because his husband wants to repudiate her.6 About one year later, in a document July 3, 1282, Samuel Enoch, Jew of Cervera, is mentioned concerning a pledge between him, on one side, and Issac Biona and Bonjuha de Xinta on the other side.7 Mossen Segura i Valls, in his Historia de la vila de Santa Coloma de Queralt (1879), page 58, mentions Abram Astruc, who in 1283 was a Jew of Cervera. Also in 1282, Régné mentions Vidal de Cervera, Jew of Cervera.8 Vidal de Cervera had been mentioned by Corbella as buying two houses, situated in the Jewish quarter of Barcelona. The owner of the houses was Aster, the wife of Astruc d’Espanya. In November 1282, Vidal Azday was imprisoned in Vilafranca, because of a robbery done in Cervera.9 Abram de Portella, Jew of Cervera, in 1286 was mentioned together with Bonjuha Salamó, Jew of Barcelona. 10 During the last decade of the 13th century Astrug Durand, guardian of his late brother’s children, Abram Saporta, Jucef Bonafeu and his wife Goig, are also mentioned as Jews of Cervera, as well as Vidal de Cervera and some others. There are no Notary books covering the first decades of the 14th century in the ACSG. Information of the Jews of Cervera concerning these periods is found in Municipal records of the same archive, and in books and documents kept in other archives. 6 RÉGNÉ, Jean. History of the Jews in Aragon. Regesta and Documents 1213-1327. Hispania Judaica 1. Jerusalem 1978. Nr. 875, ACA Reg 50, fol 168. “Pedro III a été supplié par Reina, femme de Samuel de Forn, juif de Cervera, de contraindre son mari, qui cherche à proposer contre elle un libelle de répudiation et qu’elle accuse de dissiper ses biens, à lui assurer la valeur de sa dote et de son douaire, pour laquelle elle assure d’ailleurs avoir pris hypothèque sur les biens de son mari; le roi mande au baile de Cervera de pousser le dit Samuel à restituer la dote et le douaire a la femme, et à pouvoir à son entretien, le tout conformément aux prescriptions du droit hébraïque.” 7 RÉGNÉ 930.- ACA Reg 59, fol. 23 “Don Alfonso, sur l’affirmation produite par Samuel Enoch, Juif de Cervera, suivant laquelle, par privilège du roi Pedro III, son père, les Juifs catalans sont justiciables d’un juge Juif pour tous les différends qui s’élèvent entre eux, mande au viguier de Tarragone ou à son lieutenant à Villafranca, de commettre un Juif compétent et versé dans le droit hébraïque qu jugement du procès pendant entre Samuel Enoch, d’une part, et Issach Biona et Bonjuha de Xinta d’autre part, au sujet d’un dépôt d’argent confié à ces derniers par Samuel et sa femme.” 8 RÉGNÉ 972 and 989. ACA Reg 59, fols. 108, 163. 9 RÉGNÉ 990, ACA reg. 95, fol. 169 10 RÉGNÉ, 1606. ACA Reg 67 fol. 228 v

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In a Carta Real issued in the Castle of Montfalcó in March 19, 1301, the following Jewish creditors of Cervera were mentioned: Cresques Enoch, Vidal de Cervera, Abram Astruc, Mair Sentou, Astruc Bonissac and Preciosa, widow of Jucef Maimó.11 Migrations of Jews from the Iberian Peninsula to France and vice-versa because of expulsions, plagues, business, family or other reasons were very common. Cervera was often not their first settlement locality, but when moving there their names and localities of origin permit the researcher to go back in time tracing their origins. This is for two main reasons: when persons first settled in a locality they are mentioned by their names followed by their locality of origin and frequently these localities of origin became their family surnames. Some family names found in Cervera are similar to family names found in France. In the work of Isaac Alteras “Jewish Physicians in Southern France during the 13th and 14th centuries” we find names such as Astruc Bonsenyor (Bonidomini), of Perpignan, who was inhabitant in Besièrs. (1379 about) Astruc Leo, son of Mestre Leo Jusse (1414) Bellshom Bonet (1389-1403), son of Mestre (Magister) Bonet Bellshom. Bonet Bellshom (1357-1407), magister and fisicus, father of the aforementioned Mestre Bellshom Bonet and of Mestre Mair Bonet Cresques Malet, a Jew originating from Perpignan who in 1400 moved to Manresa, in Catalonia. Juce Baro was magister in 1401 Mair Cresques, magister, dead by 1380 Massip de Lunell, magister and fisicus from 1355 to 1358 of Thuir, at the Southwest of Perpignan. Mosse Alphaquim, physician, 1336-1347 Samuel Alphaquim, Mestre and physician since 1400 Samuel Asday, since 1360 Samuel Cabrit, originating from Peralada, in Girona, was living in Perpignan. Issac Cabrit (1403-1420) converted into Christianity and adopted the name of Ludovicus de Rippisaltis. David de Besalú, physician in Perpignan in 1379-80, son of Astruc of Besalú. His family might have been originating or resident in Besalú, in the province of Girona. Abram de Lunel was in Marseille at the beginning of the 14th century. Abram Manuel practiced medicine in Avignon from 1376 to 1404. Bonet Astruc in Carpentras, in 1404, and Abram ben David Caslar was in Narbonne in 1305. In 1322 he had moved to Besalú, in the province of Girona, Catalonia. These names occur also in Cervera. Some Jews of Cervera were mentioned as originating from France. Other Jews, who arrived to Cervera from other localities they formerly had settled, were mentioned as originating from France in the documents of those localities. The Alfaquim family in Cervera was originating from Perpignan. The Lunel of Cervera belonged to a physician’s family originating from France. 11 YOM TOV ASSIS. The Jews in the Crown of Aragon. Regesta of the Cartas Reales in the ACA. Part I: 1066-1327. Hispania Judaica. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. p. 37

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All the other names in the list do correspond also to Jews of Cervera.

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JEWISH PHYSICIANS and RABBIS During the 13th century orders were issued making it necessary to pass an examination for practicing medicine or surgery. Despite several orders issued on this matter, some medical practitioners continued to work without passing any examination. The city of Lleida had an important Jewish Medical School. The Jewish physicians had to be examined by Christian physicians. About 1315, the Jew of Cervera David Abrahe was examined by Mestre Pere Gavet, a physician of Barcelona, and was qualified as ydoneum sufficientem (good enough).12 About twenty years later, in October 25, 1334, Vidal de Castellfollit, a medical practitioner in Cervera and its surroundings, was exempted from passing the examination: Nos infans Petrus … cum pro parte tui Vitales de Castrofollito, iudeus, phisici, fuerit nobis humiliter supplicatum ut cum te opporteat ad curandom intrare Vicariam Cervarie, prout a longo tempore citra facere consuevisti, dignaremur tibi concedere quod, no obstante ordinatione nostra facta super examinandis medicis in villa Cervarie et vicaria eiusdem, possis uti officio medicine. Idcirco … attento quod, prout fidedignorum testimonio colligimus, te in officio supradicto habuisti legaliter atque bene, cum presenti litera nostra tibi concedimos gratiose, quod … uti possis officio antedicto in villa et vicaria predictis … nec … tenearis examinationis et disputationis articulo subyaceré … In cuius rei testimonium … Datum Barchinone, VII Kalendas Novembris., anno Domini 1334.13 In Las Cortes celebrated in Monzón in 1363, a special law was issued concerning the examination of Jews and Saracens: “Los jueus, empero, e serrahins metges, hagen esser examinats per metges de llur ley o secta, si algu ni haura, empero un metge christia ajustat en lo examen d’aquells. E metges de aquella ley o secta no havents, hagen esser examinats per dos metges Christians, la qual examinacio feta, si sufficients seran trobats, hajen a jurar publicament, be e lealments, praticar, ans a la pratica sien admesos.”14 So, they had to be examined by physicians of their own religion, together with a Christian physician. In cases where there were no physicians of their religion, they would be examined by two Christian physicians.

12 LLADONOSA i PUJOL, Josep. Història de Lleida. Tárrega 1972. pag. 522 (From J.M.ROCA, “L’Estudi General” pag 75) 13 RIUS SERRA, J., Aportaciones sobre médicos judíos en Aragón en la primera mitad del siglo XIV”. Sefarad, 12.2 (1952) pag. 337. ACA Reg. 576, fol 81 14 “Constitucions i altre drets”, III, 37.

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In the documents, Rabbis were mentioned as “Mestre”, the same designation as for physicians. This makes it difficult to study the Rabbis of Cervera. One way to differentiate them is to analyze the “Mestres” and separate the ones where the documents make clear they were not physicians and assume they were Rabbis. Of course a Rabbi may also be a physician. Another way would be through references in responsa literature which is beyond the scope of this project.

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THE JEWISH QUARTERS In Catalonia, the Jewish quarters were designed with the name “Call”. As the Jewish population of Cervera increased, their Call became not large enough to house them and an extension became necessary. In 1328, Alfonso III allowed an extension of the Call of Cervera, suggesting that the most appropriate place to locate it should be the “carrer del Vent”, near the old Jewish quarter. …tenore presentis Carta nostre constituimus donamus et etiam assignamus pro judaria et habitatione dictorum jueorum videlicet locum seu partite dicte ville, in quo vel qua intus judei habitant et etiam vicum seu carraria dicte villae que nominatum Carraria del Vent. 15 Despite the existence of the Jewish quarters, assigned specifically for the Jews of Cervera to live in, the daily life and relations between Christians and Jews made it normal to move their homes outside the Call and this made their relationships much closer. Because this was considered to be the cause of scandals and dangers, an order was issued on June 11, 1369, to make the Jews to go back to the Jewish quarters. This order was specially addressed to some Jews in particular, providing us information about their names and about where they lived: Dolcich and Jucef Cabes Bonafilla Juceff Samarell Bonjuha Bonafos was ordered to move to his brother Salamó Adret’s home. Samuel Adret and his son in law Salamó Astruc Adret Leo Frances Abram Mosse Cellem was ordered to move to Enoch ça Porta’s or to Bonanasc Alfaquim’s home. Mosse Dangor was assigned to live at his brother Saul Dangor’s home. Jucef Marroquí Vidal Ysay Abram Perpunter The above mentioned Jews were allowed to exchange their assigned homes in the Jewish Calls. So, Bonanasc Alfaquim and Bondia Saporta were appointed to decide on these questions. Bonanasc Alfaquim was appointed to decide on questions concerning the Call Sobirà, and Bondia Saporta was appointed to decide on the Call Jussà’s.16

15 See Documents I. nr. 1. ACSG. Dalmases 3017. ACA Reg 475, fol. 116 16 BAER, Fritz. Die Juden im Christlichen Spanien. Urkunden und Regesten. I. Aragonien und Navarra. Akademie Verlag. Berlin 1929. pages 426-429. “…attenents que com molts e diverses scandels e perils sien e estien aparellats de venir e seguir, axi com ja de fet si son estats seguits, per rahon dalscuns casats de juheus qui estaven e lur domicili tenien entre los crestians e crestianes dela dita vila, fore los calls lurs, emper amor daço lo dit senyor infant… ordona que los juheus davall scrits, los quals estaven fore los dits calls e entre los dits crestians e crestianes,

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Because of conversions, Jews and Christians (converts) were again found residing alongside each other in the Jewish Call and the Municipal Council of Cervera moved to make them live separately.17 With the continuing increase of the Jewish population of Cervera, the Municipal Council decided in August 1447 to allow a new extension to the Jewish quarter.18 In 1458, the Jews listed below were living outside the Call: Benveníst Coffen Salamó Satorra Jucef Adret Jacobi Içach Adret Içach de Quercí, the old Jacob de Quercí Içach de Quercí, the young Bonjua Buldú Samuel Biona, brother of Baro [Biona] Baro [Biona], brother of Samuel Biona En Cavaller 19

daqui avant estien e abiten en les casas e alberchs davall scrits situats dins los calls dela vila sobredita…” ACA. Reg. 1709, f. 96 v- 97 v 17 LLOBET, Los conversos… pp. 338-339 18 DURAN i SANPERE, Agustí. Referencies documentals … 19 DURAN i SANPERE, Agusti. Referencies documentals …

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SYNAGOGUES In 1384, the Jews of Cervera did ask for the permit to build a new Synagogue in the Call Sobirà. In August 1385, the notary of Cervera Antoni Agramuntell was appointed to deal with the sale documents that were registered in a separated book. Sullam Deuslogar, physician of Cervera, and secretary of the Jewish aljama that year, was appointed to sell the synagogue seats. Durán i Sanpere, Historian of Cervera, published the list of the seat owners, as well as the situation of each one of the seats: ACSG. Col. Dalmases. Seats close to the walls:

1. Vidal Ferrer 2. Astruc Cellem 3. Mosse d’Angor 4. Vidal Saul, of Montblanc 5. Jacob de Quercí 6. Bonanasc Alfaquim, of Perpignan 7. Vidal Bonastruc 8. Abram Adret 9. Samuel Sullam 10. Içach Rossell 11. Abram Sullam 12. Juceff Mosse Geromatzano 13. Bonnin Salamó Adret 14. Bonjuha Baro, of Manresa 15. Salamó d’en Adret 16. Abram Içach Adret 17. Mestre Bellshom 18. Çadia Effraim 19. Salamó d’Angor 20. Cresques de Marmanda 21. Biona Sullam 22. Sentou Jafuda 23. Abramari Asday, of Tarroja 24. Açan Adret 25. Juceff Mosse Geromatzano 26. Içach d’Angor 27. Jacob de Quercí 28. Yadia Avent Namies, guixer 29. Bonjuha Jacobim 30. Salamó da Piera 31. Sentou d’Angor 32. Astruc Içach Adret 33. Astruc Mair

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34. Vides Abram 35. Vidal Abramari Asday, of Tarroja 36. Astruc Davi 37. Içach Adret, the old 38. Içach Samarell 39. Samuel Içach Rossell 40. Mestre Sullam Deuslogar 41. Astruc Içach Adret 42. Mosse Çellem

Seats situated in the middle of the Synagogue:

43. Astruc Içach Adret 44. Astruc Bonjuha 45. Içach de Quercí 46. Bonjuha Astruc 47. Içach Astruc Adret 48. Bonjuha Astruc 49. Mosse Leo 50. Abram Jacobi 51. Içach Adret 52. Jacob Namies

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THE JEWISH CEMETERY The Jewish cemetery of Cervera has not been located yet, no tombstones anywhere, no excavations, only references in the books. In the ACSG are kept the Llibres de Manifest, books that contain the list of real estate properties as self declared by the owners. The books were prepared periodically and brought up to date with notes until the new declarations were done and written in new books. The properties were identified by both their situation and their boundaries. To further identify them the names of their prior owners, as far as they were known, were also written. In the Llibre de Manifest written in 1340, the Jewish cemetery (Fossar dels Juheus) was mentioned as the cemetery itself “prop lo fosar dels Juheus”, ‘close to the Jewish cemetery’. The area where the cemetery was located is also mentioned, similarly named “fosar dels Juheus”. For example, Benet de Segalers, son of Benet, had a piece of stony ground in the Fosar dels Juheus, which had belonged to his father, Benet de Segalers.20 B. den Selva had a piece of stony ground, which had belonged to his father, situated close to the Jewish cemetery. 21

20 Documents I. nr. 2. ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral 21 Documents I. nr. 2. ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral

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PLAGUES In November 1347 the Black Death arrived to Marseille, probably originating from Genovese ships. From there it spread through other localities in France, Spain and other countries.22 In France, on March 1348, the Black Death reached Aix, Arles, Avignon, the Languedoc, the Roussillon (on April 12 it had already arrived in Perpignan). By the end of April it was already in Toulouse, Montauban, and Saint-Flour. On June it arrived to the Pirineos and Bordeaux. By the end of July it had invaded Rouen. The Jews were accused of poisoning the wells. On July-August 1348 there were massacres of Jews in Toulon and other localities in Provence, Narbonne, Carcassonne, etc. 23 these massacres as well as the plagues themselves caused migrations of Jews, many of them settling in Spain. But in Spain the situation was the same. Plagues, deaths and massacres caused them to continue to move seeking other safer localities. In Cervera 18 Jews were killed as a consequence of the Black Death. During the fifteenth century, famine, war and plague, considered at the time to be the most fearful of divine punishments were all present.24 In 1421 a locust plague devastated the area. This plague was also considered to be caused by the sinful life of the people. The famine caused by this plague in turn caused a new plague outbreak “Ja sabem com per nostres pecats e demerits, aquesta plaga de langostes multiplique” ACSG. Actes del Consell, reg 33, fol 12 v 25 Christians believed the plague was a divine punishment because of their faults. So they tried to avoid the plague using religious methods such as prayers or processions. One of these religious processions took place in Cervera on March 9, 1402 asking God to keep them safe from the deaths invading Catalonia (los guardas de les mortaldats son stades en molts lochs de Catalunya)26

In the town of Tàrrega, close to Cervera, knowledge of the existence of plague in Lleida, Monzón and other localities, caused its inhabitants to become worried about the possibility that Jews and Converts leaving those localities might settle in Tàrrega.27

22 DUPÂQUIER, Jacques, BIRABEN, Jean-Noël, ÉTIENNE, Robert, PIETRI, Charles et Luce, BAUTIER, Henri, DUBOIS, Henri, HIGOUNET-NADAL, Arlette, KLAPISCH-ZUBER, Christiane. Histoire de la Population Française. 1. Des origines à la Renaissance. Presses Universitaires de France. p. 314 23 DUPÂQUIER and others. Op. cit. pp. 315-322. 24 CAMPS i CLEMENTE, Manuel. CAMPS i SURROCA, Manuel. La pesta del segle XV a Catalunya. Edicions Universitat de Lleida, 1998. 25 CAMPS CLEMENTE, Manuel. CAMPS SURROCA, Manuel. La pesta… pag. 169. 26 CAMPS CLEMENTE, Manuel. CAMPS SURROCA, Manuel. La peste… pag. 65 27 “Item mes hi fonch proposat que per rahó de les mortalitats que huy son en la ciutat de Leyda, en la vila de Monsó i en altres lochs i viles, vehem a ull que alguns Juheus i Cristians novels i de natura son venguts en la present vila, fugint a les dites morts, i los sembla que sian cosa molt perillosa, per ço, com

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New processions were performed during this year praying to God to be saved from pestilence. In the acts of the Cervera Council of December 22 it was registered that Jucef Bonjua of Tàrrega asked for residence permit in Cervera and was given permission to do so.28 In 1452 it was forbidden to ring the bells to announce deaths in order to not frighten the population. This measure made the sacristan of Cervera claim about six months later that because he lost this source of income his salary and taxation (quistia) of the Jews was to be paid to him. “per rao de les mort li serie stat levat lo sonar e ell nos pot alegrar del salari i de la quistia dels Jueus fins a cap de sis o set mesos, per que sopplique lo present consell vulle tornar lo dit sonar”29 In 1475 the Municipal Council of Cervera decided not to allow the entrance in the town of people coming from areas infected with the plague, though they were allowed to ask for and get medicines (no entren e si y venran per medecines, que sie dat orden quen agen, empero que no puxen entrar dins la dita vila”)30

l’aument podien metre infecció en la vila, que los plàcia proveir i si aturaran los dits Juheus i Cristians nous i altre en la dita vila i si d’ací avant ni de daltres sils recoliran ho si los daran comiat” CAMPS CLEMENTE, Manuel. CAMPS SURROCA, Manuel. La pesta… ACT, Llibre del Consell, 1437-1442, f. 123 v- 124 28 CAMPS CLEMENTE, Manuel. CAMPS SURROCA, Manuel. La pesta… pag. 191 ACS, AM Actes del Consell 1442, fol 13-15. 29 CAMPS CLEMENTE, Manuel. CAMPS SURROCA, Manuel. La peste… pag. 78 ACS. Acords del Consell, 1452, fol. 29 30 CAMPS CLEMENTE, Manuel. CAMPS SURROCA, Manuel. La peste… pag. 60 ACS. Acords del Consell, reg. 95, fol 48

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Clothes were considered a method of transmission of the plague. So we see that on October 4, 1492, Pere Rossell, also called Mosse del Plat31, arriving to Cervera from Barcelona where he had bought clothes, was required to give them up to the authorities because he was coming from an infected area “Sobre certa roba o robes que lo dit mosser Conchabella, official predit, ha executada penyora e presa a ses mans del dit Pere Rossell, dit vulgarment Mosse del Plat. Per ço com preten e afferma lo dit official que dit Rossell es caygut en les penes imposades en les ordinations fetes per los Senyors de paers e promens de la dita vila, sobre los morts concorrents en lo present Principat de pestilencia, per tant, com dit Rossell serie entrat dins lo terme de la dita vila em les cases de la blanqueria de aquella, ab certes robes de vestir e altres, les quals dit Rossell há comprat poch há em la ciutat de Barchinona, hon se moren de pestilencia. De les quals coses dit Rossell aferma lo contrari, dihent y affermant que ell no há trencat ningunes ordinacions ni há portat robes de vestir dins la vila ni blanqueria de aquella, sino llibres, ço es, ores, tiretes, paternostres, pedres precioses e altres mercaderies de quinquilleria.” ACSG. FN. Pere Ponç. Manual 1490-1492.32

31 This Pere Rossell is not shown in the Documents, nor his former name Mosse del Plat. 32 CAMPS CLEMENTE, Manuel. CAMPS SURROCA, Manuel. La peste… pag. 72

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JEWISH ASSETS Cotlliure family On August 25, 1458, Cresques de Cotlliure died in Salamó Satorre’s home, where he had been living. Part of his personal properties were still located in Solsona, his locality of origin, others were in Cervera in Salamó Satorre’s home. A detailed inventory of his assets in Cervera was performed. There were still some clothes that had belonged to his late wife as well as home clothes, men and women’s clothes, and various other things33, including a ring described as “un anell dor ab emprenta de tres torres hi una garza” (golden ring on which were printed three towers and a magpie).34 When Cresques died, there were questions among his heirs. There is to mention that Astruc Benveníst de Cotlliure was asking Reginó to give him a megillaç35 that is mentioned as an old book that had belonged Reginó’s great-grandfather. Bella (Xetavi) The property inventories described all the person’s assets. Many were items commonly found in both Jewish and Christian homes (home, men and women’s clothes, kitchen pots and the like). But they also include items unique to Jewish homes, making it possible to reconstruct the medieval Jewish homes. In the inventory done of the properties of Bella Xetavi, the daughter of Issac Xetavi of Perpignan, at the time when she gave them to Mestre Cresques Adret of Cervera to keep for her36, there is the description of all the clothes she owned. Among the clothes there was “Item un mantell blau de Juya forat de terzanell vermell esquinçat” (A ragged blue Jewess mantle, with red silk lining) Item unes lumeneres de lauto ab quatre poms e vuyt brochs (An eight branched candelabrum made of brass) The description of the books she owned was carefully listed, with details about the books, such as title, if complete or missing some pages, if written on paper or on parchment: Item un libre scrit en pergami cubertes de pergami squinsat e apedaçat scrit en abraych… 33 Further information on this will and inventory is found in Documents I corresponding these dates. 34 I am translating “garza” as magpie, as this is the corresponding animal in Catalan, though in Castilian language a “garza” is an heron, which seems more likely the referred animal printed on the ring. 35 This is the way the Catalan scribe wrote megillah. 36 Documents. 1484, January 27

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Item la storia de Ster feta en Rolle com acostumen los Jueus. Item un libre de paper cubert de posts apellat Rabi Salamo, glosa sobre lo genesi e lexode. Item un libre en pergami scrit apellat Magda, de Moyses de Egipte, ab cubertes de posts velles. Item un libre de forma menor en pergami scrit apellat libre dels Levi en ebraich e en Caldeu Item un libre en pergami ab posts en lo qual es lo libre de Jesue e dels Jutges. Item un libre en pergami en que es lo libre de exode quen fall un poch del començ, e les epistoles de aquell libre apellat astaroz e la estoria de Ster. Item un libre de pergami petit en que es lo libre de … pero fallne del començ Item un libre petit apellat obres Item un libre apellat Ores en pergami scrits cubertes de posts e de vermelles Item un libre en que es lo libre de utero nominum [sic] no complet ans ne fayll al principi Item unes fulles de pergami de libres separades Reginó, the widow of Davi Bendit In the inventory that was done when Reginó, wife of the late Davi Bendit died,37 there is mention to an eight branched candelabrum kept in a big box together with the home clothes. (Item unes lumeneres larges de lauto ab vuyt brochs) In a small box was kept the deed of property of their seat in the Synagogue, the Tefillin, a Shofar (defined in the Catalan document as “a horn that in Hebrew is called Sofar”: Item un corn que se apelle en ebraich çoffar), pearls, coral, and a stone that might have special value as it was described as having some power or property (Item una pedra que diuen fa certa propietat)

37 Documents. 1487, January 25. Colección Dalmases nº 3049 bis

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KETUBOT In the Archive of Cervera there are three ketubot, the translations of which have previously been published by Jose Luis LACAVE.38 An abstract of Jose Luis Lacave’s work is to be added here,

1435, June 5 “Ketuba of the marriage of Moshe ben Shemuel ben Shemuel Meshullam [sic, without ben] de Saporta, with Dolça, daughter of Benvenist ben Zerahya ben Lavi de la Caballeria, signed in Bellpuig of Englola on Sunday, 8 of Sivan 5195 (5 June 1435). Donna Dorona was the widow of Benvenist ben Zerahya ben Lavi de la Caballeria. The Ketuba was signed by two witnesses, Yaakov ben Ezra ben Adret, and Yizhak Gracian ben Yosef Gracian … It was difficult to identify these Cavallería of Bellpuig, but what is very probably certain is that we have two women, Dolça and Dorona, of the ben Lavi de la Caballeria family, who abandoned the big city after the Disputation of Tortosa, to take refuge in a small town.” “ACSG. Documents Hebreus, nº 2” 1439, October 15 “A Ketubah of the marriage of Moshe ben Yehoshua ben Yedaya ha-Narboni, with Esther, daughter of Eliezer ben Yehudah Abenyacar of Bosaldon (Besalú), signed in the fortress of Cervera (migdol Cervera) on Thursday, 7 Marhesvan 5200 (15 October 1439) Yehuda ben Eliezer Abenyacar of Besalu appears as the groom’s brother in law. Besides the groom, the ketubah is signed by two witnesses, Meshulam ben Shemuel Galipapa, and Yehuda ben Yosef ha-Salmi, witnesses that also signed the receipt for the dowry as well as the ketubah conditions. Only the family name of one of the witnesses, Galipapa, is registered on a list of Jews of 1454, Juceff Galipapa. And in a list of 1417 is registered Astruch Galipapa. The families of the groom and the bride, originated from Narbonne and Besalu respectively. Perhaps their being “outsiders” was the reason that they do not appear on the Cervera Jews lists. One might also wonder whether the persons who appear on the ketubah of 1439 had not long resided in Cervera at that time, and no longer lived there in 1454.” “ACSG. Documents Hebreus, nº 1” 1442, July 29 38 LACAVE, José Luis. Medieval Ketubot from Sefarad. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Magnes Press. Jerusalem

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“A ketubah of the marriage of Meir ben Shelomo ben Shelomo [sic] ben Meir ben Moshe ben Ezra ben Eleazar ben Ezra ben Abulafatah ben Alazar, with Bonosa, the daughter of Yizhak ben Yosef Orabona, signed in the fortress of Cervera (migdol Cervera) on Sunday, 21 Av 5202 (29 July 1442). Besides the groom, the ketubah is signed by two witnesses: David ha-Cohen ben Ardit (or Ardut), and Yaakov ben Yizhak of Querci, who were also the witnesses who signed the receipt for the dowry, as well as the ketubah conditions. The three members of the beth din who authenticated the signatures of the witnesses were Adret ben Astrug ben Adret, Avraham ben Shemuel Saltiel, and Shemuel Cavaller. The groom’s name is given in extremely complete form, with the names of as many as nine of his ancestors included. This was because he belonged to the famous Alazar family of Saragossa, which had originated with a certain Alazar, repositarius of the kings of Aragon … The groom in our ketubah, who bears the name Meir in the endorsement that contains the ketubah conditions, was the son of the physician Don Shelomo ben Alazar. The bride was a widow or a divorcee (her mohar was 100 zuzim). Neither Meir, the groom, nor his father, Shelomo ben Alazar, nor anyone else who might have belonged to the family appears on the lists of Cervera Jews which we mentioned in connection with the previous ketubah. Perhaps the residence of these members of the Alazar family in Cervera was temporary and brief, and they went back as soon as they could to Saragossa, where they had their roots. One person who does appear on the list of 1454 is Bonadona, the wife of Içach Orabona (Duran i Sanpere, p.358), that is the mother of our bride Bonosa. By then probably her husband, Yizhak ben Yosef Orabona had already passed away. Also appearing on the 1454 roll was one of the witnesses, Yaakov of Querci, and also his son Içach de Querci, and his brother and nephew, both named Isaac appear there too. Further a man named Vidal Querci, probably a brother, shows up on the roll (Duran i Sanpere pp. 356-358). And they also show up among the physicians of Cervera. There had even been preserved an inventory of the books (XVth. Century) belonging to a Menahem of Querci. The other witness, David ha-Cohen ben Ardit or Ardut does not appear as such with that name on any of the lists mentioned. In respect of Adret ben Astrug ben Adret, he is most likely the same as Adret Astruch married to Astruga or Astrugona who shows up on the 1454 list (Duran i Sanpere p.358)… As to Shemuel Cavaller, he too appears in the 1454 roll, but he probably had already passed away, as appears Goig, wife of Samuel Cavaller. Finally, we can say nothing about Avraham ben Shemuel Saltiel, since we have not been able to identify him. He does not appear or any of the above mentioned lists. Also showing up on the rolls as a family name is a suspect Samarell, which might be Saltell.” “ACSG. Documents Hebreus nº 3”

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CONVERTS When Jews converted into Christianity, it was usual for the Municipal Council to give them some gift. In 1424, a new convert was given a cota (doublet) by the Paers of Cervera, as they used to do when conversions did happen, atenents que en semblants fets se acostume donar alcuna cosa per amor de Deu ACSG. FM, Consells, 1424, f. 63 39 Bertomeu de Cervera, was given a gramalla (long tunic), because of his conversion. ACSG. FM, Clavaría, 1338, f. 49 40 Most of the converts or neofitos mentioned in Documents I are listed below. Their former name, when known, is also given. The date corresponds to the first time they are mentioned in Documents I. Miró, Francesc (Bonjuha Astruc) 1392, March Sabater, Jaume (married with Antonia) 1395, April Antonia (the wife of Jaume Sabater) 1395, April Brecerola, Francesc de la (Salamó Davi de Piera) 1397, Jun Ferran, Andreu (of Tàrrega) 1399, Nov Palau, Joan (of Perpignan) 1404, Sep Camporrells, Gispert de (of Lleida) 1405, May Marçal, Jaume (of Montblanc) 1407, Mar Ribelles, Manuel de (Samuel Baruc) 1416, Feb Queralt, Joan de (he moved from Cervera to Barcelona) 1417, Dec Dala, Dalmau (of Girona) 1417, Dec Bonanat, Pere (of Perpignan) 1418, Feb Queralt, Francesc (of Agramunt, brother in law of Abram Baruc) 1418, Feb Girgós, Antoni (Issac Adret, of Castelló d’Empuries) 1418, Sep Vidal, Manuel 1418, Nov Tovía, Francesc de (Benet Salamies de Lunel, of Ponts) 1420, Mar Berenguer, Joan 1422, Jan Vallmoll, Lluis (Josua Xatavi, of Tarragona) 1424, Sep Gracià, Joan (the son of Issac Gracià, of Cervera) 1456, May Lambart, G. 1469, Jul Pau, Gabriel de 1493, Sep Cavaller, Rafael. The brother of Samuel Cavaller. Father of Joan Cavaller and Fernando Cavaller. He moved to Barcelona 1493 Cavaller, Joan. Medicine student. Son of Rafael Cavaller. 1493

(Cardona, Joan de. Also called Cavaller) 1495, Jul Pau, Franci de. Also called “de Quercí” 1495, Jun Pau, Joan de. The father of Jaume Antoni de Pau 1496, Mar Pau, Jaume Antoni de. Son of Joan de Pau 1496, Mar Quercí, Francesc de. Brother of Manuel de Pau also called Quercí. 1496, Jul Pau, Manuel de. Brother of Francesc de Quercí 1496, Jul 39 LLOBET, Los conversos… p. 336 40 LLOBET i PORTELLA, Josep Maria. Los conversos… p. 336

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Cavaller, Fernando. Son of Rafael Cavaller. 1496, Aug Quercí, Pau de. Medicine doctor. Son of Joan de Pau. 1497, May Their names continue to appear in the Notary documents, as well as the names of other converts. Later on, the mention to their Jewish ancestry in the registers disappears. In 1497 a list of all the heads of family of Catalonia was prepared. In this list are mentioned some of the aforementioned converts, as well as all the converts in Catalonia. The mention to their Jewish origin or their quality of converts does not appear in the list, as also disappeared from all documents.

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II. JEWISH FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS Abenaçaya 1. Bonafilla (Abenaçaya) Daughter of Davi Abenaçaya, of Cervera. She married with Mestre Salamó Cavaller, of Cervera, and moved there. (doc. 1492) 2. Davi Abenaçaya Magister in Medicina, inhabitant in Cervera (doc.1460-1492). Father of Jucef and Bonafilla. 3. Jucef Abenaçaya Physician of Tàrrega, son of Davi Abenaçaya (doc. 1492) Abenafia 4. Comprada (Abenafia) Sister of Mosse Abenafia. She married Boniac Abram. (doc. 1357) 5. Mosse Abenafia Brother of Comprada (doc. 1357) Abenamies 6. Çadia Abenamies Inhabitant in Cervera (doc 1357) Abnaxech (de Talavera) 7. Issac Abnaxech Also called Issac de Talavera. He was married with Astrugona (doc 1351) 8. Astrugona The wife of Issac Abnaxech, also called Issac de Talavera (doc 1351) Abram 9. Bonafos Abram, Mestre

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Jew of Cervera (doc 1420) 10. Bonjuha Abram Jew of Cervera (doc 1379) 11. David Abram Jew of Cervera who in 1315 was qualified as ydoneum sufficientem in medicine. He was married with Preciosa and both were the parents of Dolça, Tolrana and Mirona. Died before 1350. 12. Dolça (Abram) Daughter of David Abram and Preciosa. She was married with Sullam Biona (doc 1350-1352) 13. Issac Abram Jew of Girona (doc 1350) 14. Mair Abram Jew of Lleida, married with Reginó (doc 1402) 15. Mirona (Abram) Daughter of David Abram and Preciosa. In 1350 she married Perfet Biona. (doc 1350-1352) 16. Mosse Abram Jew of Cervera (doc 1363) 17. Salamó Abram Jew of Cervera (doc 1366) 18. Saul Abram Jew of Cervera (doc 1365) 19. Tolrana (Abram) Daughter of David Abram and Preciosa (doc 1350) 20. Vides Abram Jew of Cervera (doc 1379) Acaç 21. Fahim Acaç Jew of Lleida (doc 1460) Adido

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22. Samuel Adido Married with Cidella (Alfrangi) (Doc 1395) Adret 23. Abram Adret Jew of Cervera (doc 1351-1395) He was married with Dolça, and were the parents of Adret Abram, of Cervera, and most probably the parents of Bonjua Adret, of Castellfollit (doc 1407) 24. Abram Adret Jew of Cervera (doc 1392-1424) 25. Abram Astruc Adret Moneylender, of Cervera (doc 1366) 26. Abram Issac Adret Jew of Cervera (doc 1385) 27. Abram Perfet Adret Father of Tolrana (doc 1395-1407) In 1402 Abram was Secretary of the Jewish aljama of Cervera 28. Abram Salamó Adret Jew of Camarasa who for several times intervened as witness in notarial acts done in Cervera. (doc 1385) 29. Adret Abram Son of Abram Adret and Dolça. In 1395 he married Tolrana (Adret), daughter of Abram Perfet Adret. 30. Adret Astruc Jew of Castelló d’Empuries (doc 1406-1407) 31. Adret Astruc Jew of Ponts, son of Bonadona. She was the guardian of Astruc Adret’s children. (doc 1415-1416) 32. Adret Astruc Jew of Cervera, married with Astrugona. (doc 1451- 1473) He is one of the heads of family listed on 1452. His brother, Issac Adret, married with Reginó, is also in the list. 33. Adret Davi Jew of Cervera (doc 1350-1357). He was appointed as secretary of the Jewish aljama for several times (1350-51, 1356-57, 1364-65). In 1365-66 he was appointed clavari imposicionum judeorum Cervarie.

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In 1352 he was appointed as one of the executors of Belaire’s, widow of Vidal Aninay, last will Father of Vidal Adret and Salamó Adret. 34. Adret Issac He was one of the heads of family in the list done in 1452, unmarried at that time. (doc 1452-1456) Son of Issac Adret 35. Adret Salamó Adret Jew of Cervera documented from 1409 to 1438, date in which he had already died. 36. Adret Salamó ben Adret He had married Amoretes before 1395. They were the parents of Reginó, the wife of Issac Adret. (doc 1453) 37. Assan Adret Jew of Cervera, documented 1377-1385. 38. Astruc Adret He was a Jew of Guissona, locality near Cervera. In 1366, he and Bonjuha Astruc, also of Guissona, moved to Cervera, and rented a house in the Carrer del Vent. That house had belonged to Davi Abram and his wife Preciosa. In 1378, Astruc Adret was still residing in Cervera. 39. Astruc Adret He was originating from Ponts. In 1415 he was married with Bonadona. In 1416 he had died. 40. Astruc Adret Jew of the city of Lleida, who married Tolrana, daughter of Cresques de Cotlliure. (doc 1458) 41. Astruc Adret Jew of Cervera, who had a house in the Call. He was married with Dolça. (doc 1487-1491) 42. Astruc Issac Adret Jew of Cervera (doc 1377-1415). By 1391-1393 he moved to Falset, and converted to Christianism (in Cervera or in Falset) He took the name of Lluis Junyent. He was the father of Issac Astruc Adret, who when convert took the name of Mateu Bonjoch. 43. Bonet Adret Sometimes he is also mentioned as Benet Adret, but both names were given to the same person. He was the son of Bonnin Adret and Astrugona, both of Cervera. (doc 1338-1355) In 1353 he was the guardian of Samuel Sullam, young son of Perfet Sullam.

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44. Bonjua Adret Son and heir of Abram Adret, of Cervera. Brother of Adret Abram (doc 1361-1415). In the period 1377-1415 he lived in Castellfollit de Riubregós. 45. Bonjua Adret (doc 1446-1485) Son of Adret Astruc and Astrugona. He married Bonadona before 1452, as shown in the list of heads of family done that year. He was a member of the Council of the Jewish aljama in 1474, and in the period ending Jul 23, 1485. In July 25, 1485, he and his wife Bonadona bought a house in the Carrer Major of Cervera, where they settled in August 10. He was a giponer, and in 1490 he is mentioned as “maior dierum” 46. Bonjua Adret Tailor of Cervera. Son of Jucef Adret and Astruga. In 1490 he is mentioned as “minor dierum” 47. Bonjuha Bonafos Adret Jew of Falset who in 1362 resided in Cervera (doc 1354-1362) 48. Bonjua Jucef Adret Jew of Cervera (doc 1491) 49. Bonnin Adret Jew of Cervera, married with Astrugona. They were the parents of Bonet Adret. In 1347 he had died (doc 1347-1353) 50. Bonnin Salamó Adret Jew of Cervera (doc 1385) 51. Cresques Adret (doc 1444-1487) Jew of Cervera who was married with Bonafilla (Horabona) before 1452. In the lists of Jewish heads of family, done on 1454, his wife Bonafilla represented the family, as he was not in Cervera. He was in Naples together with his brother Issac Adret. Cresques was a Physician, who was called “Magister Cresques Adret”. He was a member of the Council of the Jewish aljama in the period ending Jul 23, 1485 52. David Adret Jew of Cervera, married with Astruga, and father of Saltell Adret. They spent some time living in Suria. (doc 1325-1341) 53. Astruga The wife of David Adret (doc 1325-1341) 54. Issac Adret Jew of Cervera, father of Ibrae Adret, of Castellfollit. (doc 1353-1379) 55. Issac Adret

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Married with Reginó. Brother of Mestre Cresques Adret, in 1454 he was in Naples together with his brother. In 1453 he made his will. (doc 1432-54) 56. Issac Adret Jew of Lleida. He was the older brother of Astruc Adret, of Solsona. 57. Issac Adret ben Adret Son of Issac Adret and Reginó. He was appointed general legatee by his father in his late will (1453) 58. Issac Astruc Adret Son of Astruc Issac Adret (when convert, Lluis Junyent). In 1393 Issac had converted into Christianity, and took the name of Mateu Bonjoch. (doc 1393) 59. Jucef Adret Jew of Cervera, married with Liamós before 1452. 60. Liamós Wife of Jucef Adret. (doc 1452) 61. Jucef Adret Jew of Cervera, married with Astruga. They were the parents of Samuel Adret, Jucef Adret, Bonjuha Adret and of Mestre Abram Adret. In 1490 he had died. 62. Astruga Wife of Jucef Adret (doc 1490) 63. Jucef Adret Son of Jucef Adret and Astruga (doc 1474-1492) 64. Liamós (Adret) Daughter of Issac Adret and Reginó. She got married with Astruc Almoli, Jew of Balaguer (doc 1453) 65. Mosse Adret Son of Issac Adret and Reginó. In 1453 he was a child. 66. Reginó (Adret) The only daughter of Adret Salamó Adret. She was married with Issac Adret (doc 1438-1453) 67. Salamó Adret Jew of Cervera, son of Adret Davi and brother of Vidal Adret. (doc 1350-1366) Secretary of the Jewish aljama in 1357. In 1365 he was clavari imposicionum judeorum Cervarie. 68. Salamó Adret Jew of Cervera. Son of Issac Adret and Reginó. In 1453 he was a child. 69. Salamó Adret

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Jew of Cervera. Father of Adret Salamó (doc 1391-1417) 70. Salamó Astruc Adret Married with Bellaire. Son in law of Samuel Adret. (doc 1362-1407) 71. Salamó Bonafos Adret Jew of Cervera. Father in law of Samuel Asday, of Santa Coloma de Queralt. (doc 1351-1372). In 1372 he was living in Barcelona. 72. Saltell Adret Jew of Cervera, married with Goig. In 1366 he had already died. 73. Samuel Adret Jew of Cervera, father of Bellaire, and father in law of Salamó Astruc Adret (doc 1363-1369) 74. Samuel Adret Son of Jucef Adret and Astruga (doc 1473-1492) 75. Tolrana (Adret) Jewess of Cervera, daughter of Abram Perfet Adret. She was married with Adret Abram (doc 1395) 76. Vidal Adret (doc 1361-1366) Jew of Cervera, son of Adret Davi and brother of Salamó Adret. In 1366 he married Astruga, daughter of Goig. 77. Astruga Daughter of Goig. She was married with Vidal Adret. (doc 1366) 78. Goig Mother of Astruga, mother in law of Vidal Adret (doc 1366) Afananell 79. Salamó Afananell He was one of the heads of family listed in 1452. He was married with Blanquina. (doc 1452-1458) 80. Blanquina In 1452 she was married with Salamó Afananell. Alazar 81. Issac Eleazar Jew of Strasbourg (Germany), father of Malca, wife of Jacob de Quercí. (doc 1390)

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82. Mair Alazar Physician of Cervera. Son of Salamó ben Alazar. He was married with Bonosa (Horabona). He moved to Santa Coloma de Queralt (doc 1453-1455), and in 1457 he was living in Balaguer. 83. Salamó ben Alazar Physician. Father of Mair Alazar. Albalá 84. Jafuda Albalá Jew of Solsona (doc 1460) Albo 85. Mosse Albo Jew of Guimerá (doc 1417) Alfaquim 86. Bonanasc Alfaquim Jew of Cervera (doc 1361-1369) 87. Cresques Alfaquim Jew originating from Barcelona, who moved to Cervera. He was married with Dolça. In 1362 he had already died (doc 1351-1366) 88. Dolça The wife of Cresques Alfaquim 89. Salamó Alfaquim Jew of Cervera, married with Goig (doc 1452-1454) 90. Goig The wife of Salamó Alfaquim (doc 1452-1454) 91. Samuel Alfaquim Jew of Cervera (doc 1437) Alfassa 92. Abram Alfasa Jew of Cervera, mentioned in a document of 1415.

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Alfavell 93. Salamó Dolç Alfavell Jew of Tortosa. He was a moneylender. (doc 1362, 1367) Alfrangi 94. Issac Alfrangi Jew of Cervera, married with Aster. He made his will in May 1395. He was the father of Jucef Alfrangi, Bonafilla (Alfrangi) and Cidella (Alfrangi) (doc 1395) 95. Jucef Afrangi Jew of Cervera, son of Issac Alfrangi and Aster (doc 1395) 96. Bonafilla (Alfrangi) Daughter of Issac Alfrangi and Aster (doc 1395) 97. Cidella (Alfrangi) Daughter of Issac Alfrangi and Aster. In 1395 she was married with Samuel Adido. (doc 1395) 98. Aster Wife of Issac Alfrangi. Mother of Jucef Alfrangi, Cidella and Bonafilla. (doc 1395) 99. Mosse Alfrangi Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt (doc 1415) 100. Mosse Cahim Alfrangi, the young Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt (doc 1417) Algo (may be same than Albo) 101. Mosse Algo Jew of Cervera, shoemaker. (doc 1413-1417) Almoli 102. Astruc Almoli Jew of Balaguer, married with Liamós (Adret), daughter of Issac Adret and Reginó. (doc 1453)

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103. Jucef Almoli He had a house in the Jewish Call of Barcelona (doc 1352) 104. Jucef Almoli Jew of Cervera (doc 1437) Almosnino 105. Abram Baruc Almosnino Jew of Tàrrega, mentioned in 1485 106. Issac Baruc Almosnino Jew of Tàrrega, mentioned in 1485 Ameçait 107. Astruc Ameçait Jew of Agramunt mentioned in 1417 Anamies 108. Jacob Anamies Jew of Cervera mentioned in 1385 Andali 109. Bendit Andali Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, mentioned in 1457 110. Bonanat (Bonanasch) Andali Jew of Cervera (doc 1491-1492) 111. Bondio Andali Jew of Cervera, son of Vidal Andali. (doc 1487-1492) 112. Isabel (Andali) Daughter of Mosse Andali and Aurica. (doc 1474) 113. Mosse Andali Married with Aurica, parents of Isabel. In 1474 he was already died (doc 1474)

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114. Aurica In 1474 she is mentioned as widow of Mosse Andali, and mother of Isabel. 115. Mosse Andali Jew of Cervera, married with Reginó, they owned a house in the Call. In 1490 he is mentioned as “calceter”, in 1491, he is mentioned as “giponer”. In 1491 he was a member of the Council of the Jewish aljama of Cervera. (doc 1487-1492) 116. Vidal Andali Jew of Cervera, father of Bondio Andali and Mosse Andali (doc 1481-1492) Aninay 117. Elies Aninay Jew of Agramunt, mentioned in Cervera in 1347. 118. Leo Aninay Jew of Girona, mentioned in 1487 119. Vidal Aninay Jew of Cervera. He was a moneylender, married with Belaire. In 1348 he had already died. (doc 1334-1353) 120. Belaire Married with Vidal Aninay, she died in 1348, between the months of May and July. (doc 1348-1353) Her general legatee, and executor of her last will was Perfet Ravalla. Arruti (Aroti, Aruti) 121. Issac Arruti He was a tailor of Cervera. In 1491 Issac is mentioned together with Mosse Faym, his son in law. (doc 1484-1492) 122. Jucef Arruti He is mentioned in 1469. 123. Salamó Arruti Jew of Cervera, shoemaker. Mentioned in 1491 Ascarell

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124. Astruc Ascarell Jew of Cervera, mentioned in December 1361. Asday (Azday, Atzay, Adday, Adzay) 125. Abbamari Asday Jew of Tarroja, mentioned in august 1385 126. Astruc Asday Jew of Cervera (doc 1351-1361) 127. Bonic Asday In 1352 he was a child, son of the late Bonjuha Asday and Aster. 128. Bonjuha Asday, Mestre (doc 1350-1352) He was married with Aster, and both were the parents of Bonic Asday. In 1350 he had already died. 129. Samuel Asday Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt (doc 1353-1366) In 1366 he is mentioned as the son in law of Salamó Bonafos Adret. Assan (Nassan, Nazan, Açan, Naçan) 130. Abram Nassan Jew of Agramunt, mentioned in 1491 131. Mosse Nazan Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1346-1356). Father of Vidal Mosse 132. Regina (Assan) Daughter an heir of Samuel Salamó, son of the late Salamó Açan. She had been married with the late Maimó Cerç (doc 1352) 133. Salamó Nazan Jew of Tàrrega, father of the late Samuel Salamó, grandfather of Regina. In 1355 he had already died (doc 1352-1356) 134. Samuel Salamó Son of Salamó Nazan, father of Reginó, who was married with Maimó Cerç. He was married with Bonadona (doc 1352-1366) 135. Bonadona Married with Samuel Salamó, of Tàrrega, mother of Regina (Assan)

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In 1366 she is mentioned as a Jewess of Santa Coloma, the widow of Samuel Salamó, and the mother and guardian to the children of the late Salamó Atzarell. (doc 1366, July 9) 136. Vidal Mosse Jew of Tàrrega, son of Mosse Nazan. (doc 1347-1356) Asser 137. Roven Asser Jew of Cervera. He was secretary of the Jewish aljama in the period 1350/51. (doc 1350-1366) Astruc 138. Abram Astruc Jew of Cervera (doc 1283-1301) 139. Abram Astruc, Mestre Physician of Cervera (doc 1363-1365) 140. Astruc Bonjuha Jew of Cervera, son of Bonjuha Astruc (doc 1385) 141. Bonjuha Astruc Jew of Cervera, the father of Astruc Bonjuha. He was secretary of the Jewish aljama in the period 1377/78. (doc 1376-1406) In 1392 he had already converted into Christianity, and took the name of Francesc Miró. 142. Bonjuha Astruc Jew who in 1473 is mentioned. 143. David Astruc Jew who is mentioned as a witness in 1351-1355. 144. Jacob Astruc Jew of Castellfollit de Riubregós, married with Regina (Ravalla). In 1405 he had already died. (doc 1395-1405) Regina (Ravalla) 145. Perfet Astruc Jew of Castellfollit de Riubregós (doc1405)

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Atronay (Natronay, Atronai) 146. Abram Atronai Jew of Cervera, married with Astruga before 1452 (doc 1452-1455) 147. Astruga Married with Abram Natronai before 1452. 148. Fahim Natronai Jew of Tortosa who in 1417 did ask for a residence permit in Cervera, together with his family. He got a 6 years residence permit. He is supposedly the late husband of Reginó, who in 1452 was a widow, and in the list done that year she was mentioned as head of family. 149. Reginó In 1452 she appears in the list of heads of family, as widow of Fahim Natronai. Atzarell 150. Salamó Atzarell Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt. In 1366 he had already died. Bonadona was the guardian of his children. In 1366 he is mentioned as deceased son of Bonadona, the widow of Samuel Salamó. 151. Salamó Samuel Atzarell Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, grandson and general legatee of Lloba. (doc 1352) Avenayo (Avenayut) 152. Jafuda Avenayut Jew of Estela, father of Sentou Avenayo (doc 1351) 153. Sentou Avenayo Jew of Estela, son of Jafuda Avenayut. His father made an agreement with a tailor of Cervera for teaching his son to become a tailor. (doc 1351) Avencorro 154. Jacob Avencorro Jew of Balaguer (doc 1352)

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Avifael 155. Salamó Avifael Jew of Cervera (doc 1454) Avimbili 156. Jucef Avimbili Jew of Cervera (doc 1392-1395) 157. Mosse Avimbili Jew who in 1395 is mentioned. Avismel (Avizmel, Avitzmel, Aviçmel) 158. Abram Avismel Jew inhabitant in Cervera, married with Astrugona. (doc 1347-1365) He was a moneylender, and in 1364 he lent money together with Goig, the widow of Astruc de Piera. 159. Astrugona Married with Abram Avismel. She was a midwife. (doc 1350-1362) 160. Astruc Avismel Jew of Bellpuig (doc 1359, 1365) 161. Benveníst Avismel Jew of Valls (doc 1353-55) Badoç (Badoz) 162. Rossel Badoç He is mentioned as Jew of Cervera in 1402 163. Bonjuha Badoç In 1416 he is mentioned as a Jew of Solsona Baro 164. Issac Baro Brother of Jucef Baro Crexent (doc 1489)

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165. Jucef Baro Jew of Cervera. Secretary of the Jewish aljama in 1479, 1480. 166. Salamó Baro In July 25, 1492, he was living in Cervera yet. 167. Issac Baro Crexent Jew of Cervera (doc 1458) 168. Jucef Baro Crexent Jew of Cervera. Brother of Issac Baro, and father of Salamó Baro Crexent. He was secretary of the Jewish aljama in the period 1473/74, 1479/80. In the period 1484/1485, he was a member of the Council of the Jewish aljama (doc 1453-1492) 169. Salamó Baro Crexent Son of Jucef Baro Crexent (doc 1492) 170. Samuel Baro Crexent Married with Goig. By September 1455, he had already died. 171. Goig In 1455 she is mentioned as widow of Samuel Baro Crexent Baruc (Baruch) 172. Abram Baruc Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, son of Marquesa. He was married with Gemila. In 1417 he had already converted into Christianity, and took the name of Lluis de Sentgil. In 1418 he had already died. (doc 1414-1422) 173. Gemila She was married with Abram Baruc (doc 1414-1422) 174. Marquesa Mother of Abram Baruc 175. Bonadona (Baruc) Daughter of Issac Baruc, and granddaughter of Reginó, Issac’s mother. (doc 1486) 176. Bonafilla (Baruc) Daughter of Issac Samuel Baruc (when convert took the name of Manuel de Ribelles) and Reginó (doc 1421) 177. Gento Baruc Jew of Cervera (doc 1416) 178. Issac Baruc Jew of Agramunt who got a residence permit in Cervera. (doc 1416)

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179. Issac Samuel Baruc (also called Samuel Baruc) In 1429 he was residing in Agramunt, already converted into Christianity with the name of Manuel de Ribelles (doc 1416-1429) 180. Jacob Baruc Doc. 1492 181. Jacob Issac Baruc Grandson of Reginó (doc 1486) 182. Sentou Baruc Jew of Cervera, son of Issac Baruc and Priço (Preciosa) (doc. 1490). In 1486 Sentou Issac Baruc is mentioned as grandson of Reginó. Belcaire 183. Salamó de Belcaire Married to Sara. In 1406 he had already died (doc 1405-1406) 184. Sara The wife of Salamó de Belcaire Belivenya 185. Abram Belivenya Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1347-1362) Bellshom 186. Bonet Bellshom Jew of Cervera, tailor. Secretary of the Jewish aljama in 1489, 1492. Member of the Council in 1474 and in period 1484/85. (doc 1474-1492) 187. Bonet Bellshom Narboni Jew of Cervera who in 1474 was secretary of the Jewish aljama. (doc 1474, 1480) 188. Cresques Bellshom Jew of Cervera who in a document of 1474 is mentioned. 189. Efraim Bellshom Jew of Cervera who in 1364 was married with Vidala.

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190. Vidala In 1364 Vidala was married with Efraim Bellshom 191. Mosse Bellshom Jew of Cervera, brother of Saltell Bellshom. (doc 1490-1492) 192. Saltell Bellshom Jew of Cervera, brother of Mosse Bellshom (doc 1490, 1492) 193. Vidal Bellshom Jew of Cervera who appears in the lists of heads of family of 1452 and 1454. He was unmarried or widow by then. 194. Vidal Bellshom, Mestre Jew of Cervera (doc 1350-1351) 195. Vidal Bonet Bellshom In 1490 Vidal was a student. Benbolat 196. Abram Benbolat Jew of Cervera (doc 1488) Bendit 197. Abram Bendit Jew of Cervera. Son of Mestre Bendit and Mira (doc 1347-1366) 198. Bendit, Mestre Jew of Cervera, married with Mira. In 1343 both of them had died. (doc 1343-1364) 199. Mira Wife of Mestre Bendit (doc 1342-1364) 200. Bondio Bendit Jew of Cervera (doc 1351-1352) 201. Cresques Bendit In 1351 he is mentioned as deceased. 202. Davi Bendit Jew of Cervera, married with Reginó. In 1486 he had died (doc 1452-1486) 203. Reginó Jewess of Cervera, married with Davi Bendit. In 1486 she did her last will, in 1487 she was already died (doc 1452-1487)

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204. Issac Bendit Jew of Cervera (doc 1352) 205. Issac Mosse Bendit Jew of Cervera (doc 1349-1362) 206. Mosse Bendit Jew of Cervera (doc 1350-1362) Benveníst 207. Bonafos Vidal Brother of Issac Vidal Benveníst (doc 1479) 208. Issac Benveníst (Zach Benveníst) Jew of Barcelona, married with Bonosa. He died before 1352. His widow moved to Cervera. (doc 1352-1363) 209. Bonosa Married with Issac Benveníst, both of Barcelona. When her husband died, she moved to Cervera. (doc 1352-1363) 210. Issac Vidal Benveníst Jew of Lleida, father of Mosse Benveníst (doc 1479) 211. Mosse Benveníst Jew of Lleida, son of Issac Vidal Benveníst. He married Alfaquima (Cofen) (doc 1479) 212. Samuel Benveníst Jew of Barcelona (doc 1362-1366) 213. Vidal Benveníst Jew of Agramunt (doc 1417) Besalú, de 214. Bonafos de Besalú Jew of Cervera (doc 1424) 215. Bonjuha de Besalú Jew of Balaguer who moved to Cervera. He was Magistrum Scolaris (doc 1492) Beses, de

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216. Bonjuha de Beses Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1457) 217. Goig (de Beses) Daughter of Salamó de Beses and Astruga. She married Salamó Vidal Zescaleta. (doc 1363) 218. Issac de Beses Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1458) 219. Jucef de Beses Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1485) 220. Jucef de Beses Son of Salamó de Beses and Astruga. In 1363 he was not still of age. 221. Mosse de Beses Jew of Cardona (doc 1408) 222. Mosse de Beses Jew of Bellpuig. In 1492 he resided in Monzón (doc 1492) 223. Nicim de Beses Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1485) 224. Salamó de Beses Married with Astruga, parents of Goig. In 1363 Salamó had already died. (doc 1363) 225. Jafuda de Beses Jew of Bellpuig (doc 1416) 226. Vidal de Beses Jew of Bellpuig (doc 1413) Billam (Villam) 227. Mosse Billam Jew of Cervera (doc 1469-1490) Biona 228. Astruc Biona Married with Astrugona. Father of Regina and Mosse Biona (doc 1346-1352). In 1352 he had already died.

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229. Astruc Vidal Biona Jew of Cervera (doc 1350-1351) 230. Baro Biona Jew of Cervera, brother of Samuel Biona. In 1458 he lived outside the Jewish Call. 231. Davi Biona Jew of Cardona, who in 1408 is mentioned. 232. Enoch Biona In 1354 he rented a solar in Cervera for one year period. In 1357 was a member of the Jewish aljama Council (doc 1354-1364) 233. Issac Biona Jew of Cervera who in 1364 is mentioned. 234. Mosse Biona Son of Astruc Biona, brother of Regina. In 1352 he had already died. 235. Perfet Biona Jew of Cervera, married with Mirona. (doc 1350-1352) 236. Regina (Biona) Daughter of Astruc Biona. She was married with Mosse Gracià, of Solsona. 237. Samuel Biona Jew of Cervera, brother of Baro Biona. They both resided outside the Call (doc 1458) 238. Sullam Biona Jew of Cervera who was married with Dolça (Abram) (doc 1350-1357) 239. Vidal Biona Jew of Cervera (doc 1325) Boldú 240. Astruc de Boldú Jew of Cervera. Mentioned in 1432 241. Bonjuha de Boldú (doc 1432-1469) Jew of Cervera, married with Gentil before 1452. In 1458 he was living outside the Jewish Call. In the Book of Manifesto of 1490, Bonjuha de Boldú is mentioned. 242. Gentil She was married with Bonjuha de Boldú before 1452.

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Bonastruc 243. Astruc Bonastruc Jew of Cervera, married with Dianona before 1452 (doc 1452-1458) 244. Dianona Wife of Astruc Bonastruc (doc 1452) 245. Issac Bonastruc (doc 1347-1352) 246. Jucef Bonastruc Jew of Cervera (doc 1338-1355) 247. Vidal Bonastruc Jew of Cervera (doc 1365-1366) Bonet 248. Abram Bonet Jew of Cervera (doc 1362-1367) 249. Samuel Bonet Jew of Cervera, married with Donabella. In 1353 he had already died. 250. Donabella Wife of the late Samuel Bonet (doc 1353) Bonfill 251. Maimó Bonfill Jew of Cervera (doc 1353) Boniac 252. Abram Astruc Son of Astruc Boniac and Dolça. In 1379 he was a child. 253. Abram Boniac, Mestre Jew of Cervera, father of Astruc Boniac (doc 1379) 254. Astruc Boniac Son of Mestre Abram Boniac, of Cervera. (doc 1379)

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255. Dolça Wife of Astruc Boniac, parents of Abram Astruc (doc 1379) 256. Druda (Boniac) Jewess of Cervera, sister of Mestre Abram Boniac (doc 1344) 257. Issac Boniac Son of Mestre Abram Boniac, of Cervera (doc 1342) 258. Salamó Boniac Abram Son of Mestre Abram Boniac, of Cervera. Also called Boniac Abram. Inhabitant in la Llacuna (doc 1380) 259. Samuel Abram Son of Mestre Abram Boniac, of Cervera (doc 1350) Bonissac 260. Astruc Bonissac Jew of Cervera (doc 1301) Bonjorn 261. Mosse Bonjorn Married with Blanca. In 1351 he had already died. Bonnin 262. Salamó Bonnin Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1485) Bonsenyor 263. Abram Bonsenyor Jew of Cervera (doc 1422-1423) 264. Astruc Bonsenyor Jew of Cervera (doc 1424)

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Bron, dez 265. Astruc dez Bron Jew of Solsona (doc 1457) 266. Astruc Jacob dez Bron Son of the late Jacob dez Bron, Jew of Castellfollit de Riubregós. He was married to Astrugona. (doc 1347-1351) 267. Astrugona The wife of Astruc Jacob dez Bron (doc 1351) 268. Jacob dez Bron Father of Jacob dez Bron and Vivant dez Bron (doc 1351-1352) 269. Vivant dez Bron Son of Jacob dez Bron (doc 1351) Brunell 270. Abram Brunell Jew of Barcelona who in 1347 was residing in Montblanc. He was the brother of Sullam Brunell, and the father of Belaire (Brunell). In 1366 he had already died (doc 1340-1366) 271. Asday Brunell Son of Sullam Brunell (doc 1366) 272. Belaire (Brunell) Daughter of Abram Brunell (doc 1366) 273. Biona Brunell Jew of Cervera (doc 1363) 274. Sullam Brunell Brother of Abram Brunell, and father of Vidal and Azday Brunell. In 1366 he was died. 275. Vidal Brunell Brother of Azday Brunell, sons and heirs of Sullam Brunell (doc 1366) Cabes 276. Jucef Cabes Jew of Cervera (doc 1369)

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Cabrit 277. Astruc Cabrit Jew of Cervera (doc 1365) 278. Astruc Cabrit Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt. He was the son of Mosse Cabrit (doc 1408) 279. Belaire (Cabrit) She was the daughter of Mestre Saltell Cabrit, of Santa Coloma, and had been married with Jacob de Quercí. (doc 1390) 280. Bonjuha Cabrit In 1351, he is mentioned as a witness in a notary act. 281. Mosse Cabrit Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt. He was married with Dolça, and both were the parents of Astruc Cabrit. In 1390 he had died (doc 1362-1390) 282. Dolça She was the wife of the late Mosse Cabrit, of Santa Coloma (doc 1424) 283. Saltell Cabrit Jew of Barcelona, cirurgicus, he was the father of Belaire (Cabrit), the wife of Jacob de Quercí. In 1390 he had already died (doc 1362-1390) Calot 284. Anna (Calot) Daughter of Issac Calot and Exervide. About 1357, she married Mosse Cellem (doc 1357) 285. Issac Calot Jew of Cervera, married with Exervide. They were the parents of Anna (Calot) and Jucef Calot. In 1357 he was a member of the Jewish aljama of Cervera. In 1359 he was residing in Tàrrega. (doc 1351-1362) 286. Exervide The wife of Issac Calot. In 1357 she is documented in Cervera. 287. Jucef Calot Jew of Cervera. Son of Issac Calot and Exervide (doc 1357-1362) Cambra

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288. Abram de la Cambra In 1346 he is mentioned. Camprodon, de 289. Salamó de Camprodon Married with Regina, in 1351 both had already died (doc 1347-1356) 290. Regina Wife of Salamó de Camprodon. In 1351 she and her husband were already died. Regina had survived her husband. They were the parents of the child Cresques Salamó (doc 1351-1356) 291. Cresques Salamó Son of the late Salamó de Camprodon and of Regina. (doc 1351-1356) Canes (Cannes, Abent Canes, Abencanas) 292. Abram Canes Jew of Cervera (doc 1432-1434) 293. Abram Fahim Avent Canes In 1431 he got a 20 years residence permit for him and his family in Cervera (doc 1431-1432) Cap 294. Aster (Cap) Jewess of Bellpuig who in 1362 married Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Bellpuig. (doc 1362) 295. Biona Cap Jew of Falset (doc 1362) 296. Issac Cap Jew of Cervera (doc 1432-1450) 297. Jucef Cap Jew of Bellpuig, father of Vidal Cap and Aster (doc 1362) 298. Vidal Cap Jew of Bellpuig, son of Jucef Cap (doc 1362)

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Caracosa 299. Benveníst Caracosa Jew of Perpignan (doc 1366) 300. Samuel Caracosa Jew of Perpignan (doc 1366) Caravida 301. Asday Caravida Jew of Tàrrega, married with Bonadona. They were the parents of Bonjuha Caravida, of Tàrrega. In 1347 he had already died. (doc 1347-1363) 302. Bonadona Jewess of Tàrrega, married with Asday Caravida. (doc 1347-1363) 303. Bonadona (Caravida) Granddaughter of Asday Caravida, daughter of Bonjuha Caravida. She married with Mestre Abram Astruc Satorra, and moved to Cervera (doc 1363) 304. Bonjuha Caravida Jew of Tàrrega, son of Asday Caravida and Bonadona. Father of Bonadona (Caravida). In 1363 he had already died. (doc 1346-1363) 305. Bonjuha Caravida Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt. He had been member of the Jewish aljama of Santa Coloma. (doc 1423-1457) Carrió 306. Jucef Carrió Jew of Cervera. In 1348 he made his last will. In 1353 he is mentioned as deceased. (doc 1348-1353) Castellfollit, de 307. Vidal de Castellfollit In 1334 he is mentioned as physician in Cervera and its surroundings. Cavaller

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308. Abram Cavaller Son of Samuel Astruc Cavaller (doc 1444) 309. Astruc Cavaller One of the heads of family listed in 1452 and in 1454. He was married with Puria 310. Puria The wife of Astruc Cavaller (doc 1452-1454) 311. Astruc Cavaller In 1491 he is mentioned together with his brother Jucef Cavaller 312. Astruc Samuel Cavaller Jew of Cervera, father of Samuel Astruc Cavaller and of Salamó Cavaller. In 1444 he had died. 313. Jucef Cavaller Physician. Son of Samuel Cavaller and brother of Mestre Samuel Cavaller. He was married with Sara (Quercí) (doc 1467-1492) 314. Jucef Cavaller, Mestre Physician. Son and heir of Samuel Astruc Cavaller 315. Salamó Cavaller Son of Astruc Samuel Cavaller. In 1444 had already died. 316. Salamó Cavaller, Mestre Physician. Married with Bonafilla (Abenaçaya), they were the parents of Goig. In July 1492 he had already died. 317. Goig (Cavaller) Child daughter of Mestre Salamó Cavaller and Bonafilla (Abenaçaya). In July 1492 her father had died, and her grandfather (Davi Abenaçaya) was her guardian. 318. Samuel Astruc Cavaller Son of Astruc Samuel Cavaller, and brother of Salamó Cavaller. 319. Samuel Cavaller Father of Jucef Cavaller and of Mestre Samuel Cavaller (doc 1432-1449) 320. Goig In 1452 she is mentioned as widow of Samuel Cavaller. 321. Samuel Cavaller, Mestre Physician, son and heir of Samuel Cavaller, and brother of Jucef Cavaller. He was married with Bonafilla (Satorra) (doc 1460-1492) Cavallería, de la

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322. Abram de la Cavallería Jew of Falset. In 1363 he is mentioned as a witness 323. Astruc de la Cavallería Moneylender of Cervera (doc 1362-1366) 324. Astruc Benveníst de la Cavallería In 1420 he is mentioned as a witness. 325. Benveníst de la Cavallería Jew of Solsona, who in 1408 is mentioned as a witness. 326. Sullam de la Cavallería Jew inhabitant in Cervera, married with Mira (Saporta) In 1362 he had already died. (doc 1361-1362) Caxo 327. Samuel Caxo Jew of Cervera married with Tolrana before 1452 (doc 1452, 1454) 328. Tolrana Before 1452 she was married with Samuel Caxo (doc 1452, 1454) Cellem 329. Enoch Cellem He was the father of Preciosa, wife of David Abram. In 1350 he had already died, and also David Abram. (doc 1350) 330. Mosse Cellem Jew of Cervera (doc 1359-1367) 331. Preciosa (Cellem) Daughter of Enoch Cellem. Married with Daviu Abram. They were the parents of Mirona, Tolrana and Dolça. (doc 1350) 332. Mosse Zellem Jew of Cervera. About 1357, he married Anna (Calot) Cerç 333. Maimó Cerç

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Tailor of Cervera. In 1352 he had already died. Cervera 334. Vidal de Cervera Jew of Cervera (doc 1282-1301) Cotlliure (Collioure, Cobliure) 335. Astruc Benveníst de Cotlliure Jew of Solsona, married with Amoretes. (doc 1460-1467) 336. Amoretes She was the wife of Astruc Benveníst de Cotlliure. In 1460 she had already died. 337. Astruc Davi de Cotlliure Jew originating from Solsona who was married with Condorina (Tondorina) In 1467 he had already died (doc 1458-1467) 338. Astrugueta (de Cotlliure) The daughter of Cresques de Cotlliure. She was married with Benveníst de Cotlliure, of Solsona. (doc 1458) 339. Benveníst Cresques de Cotlliure Child son of Cresques de Cotlliure and Bonafilla. (doc 1458) 340. Benveníst de Cotlliure Jew of Solsona who was married with Astrugueta (de Cotlliure). In 1458 he had already died. (doc 1458-1467) 341. Cresques de Cotlliure Jew of Solsona who died in Cervera, in Salamó Satorre’s home. He was the father of Tolrana, Reginó and Benveníst de Cotlliure (doc 1458-1467) 342. Davi de Cotlliure Jew of Cervera (doc 1432) 343. Reginó (de Cotlliure) The daughter of Cresques de Cotlliure. She was married with Bellshom Nicim, of Santa Coloma. (doc 1458-1467) 344. Tolrana (de Cotlliure) The daughter of Cresques de Cotlliure. She was married with Astruc Adret, of Lleida. (doc 1458-1460)

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Cofen (Cophen, Cohen) 345. Abram Cofen Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1378) 346. Alfaquima Cofen Of Lleida. Daughter of the late Salamó Cofen. In 1479 she was already married with Mosse Benveníst. 347. Astruc Cofen Son of Salamó Sullam Cofen, of Cervera, brother of Samuel Cofen. (doc 1350-1362) 348. Astruc Cofen Jew of Barcelona, son of the late Astruc Cresques. (doc 1356) 349. Astruc Cresques Jew of Barcelona, married with Altadona. Heir ab intestato to his son Astruc Cofen (doc 1356) 350. Astruc Salamó Cofen Jew of Cervera (doc 1352, 1353) 351. Astruc Sullam Cofen Jew of Barcelona. He made his last will in Cervera, in August 1346. He died before 1351. Astruc was the father of Astruc Cresques. (doc 1338-1356) 352. Baruc Coffen (doc 1487-1492) Brother of Samuel Cofen. 353. Benveníst Cofen Jew of Cervera (doc 1452-1490) He married with Liamós before 1452. 354. Liamós Married with Benveníst Cofen (doc 1452-1454) 355. Cresques Cofen Jew of Cervera, who in a document of 1469 is mentioned. 356. Davi Cofen Jew of Solsona (doc 1416-1417) 357. Elias Cofen Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1349, 1353) Father of Regina (Cofen) wife of Fabib Cofen, and formerly widow of Asser Rossell. 358. Fabib Cofen Jew of Manresa, residing in Tàrrega (doc 1349, 1353)

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359. Goiget (Cofen) Jewess of Lleida, daughter of the late Salamó Cofen (doc 1479) 360. Gracià (Cofen) Jewess of Lleida, daughter of the late Salamó Cofen (doc 1479) 361. Grandor (Cofen) Jewess of Lleida. Deceased daughter of the late Salamó Cofen (doc 1479) 362. Issac Cofen Jew of Ponts. In 1432 he asked for residence permit to settle in Cervera, the document last unfinished. (doc 1422-1445) 363. Issac Mosse Cofen Jew of Cervera (doc 1436-1438) 364. Issac Salamó Cofen Jew of Cervera (doc 1346-1352) Son of Salamó Sullam Cofen. Issac died within 1346-1349. His father survived him, and was his heir ab intestato. 365. Issac Salamó Cofen Moneylender, of Cervera. (doc 1444-1469). In 1444 he was lending money together with Goig, the wife of the late Samuel Samarell. 366. Mosse Cofen Jew of Calaf (doc 1413) 367. Perfet Cofen Jew of Cervera (doc 1420) Regina (Cofen) Jewess of Tàrrega, daughter of Elias Cofen. When she widowed of Asser Rossell, she married Fabib Cofen, about 1352. (doc 1349-1353) 368. Reginó (Cofen) Jewess of Lleida, daughter of the late Salamó Cofen. (doc 1479) 369. Salamó Cofen Married with Reginó, he died before 1444 (doc 1444). Father of the Salamó Cofen who moved to Lleida. 370. Salamó Cofen Son of Reginó and of the late Salamó Cofen, both of Cervera. Also he was son in law of Goig, Jewess of Cervera. About 1455 he moved his residence to Lleida. He was the father of five daughters, Reginó, Alfaquima, Grandor, Graciana and Goiget. When he died, about 1479, he was being mentioned in the books as “the old” (doc 1453-1479) 371. Salamó Cofen

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Jew of Cervera (doc 1487-1489) In 1489 he was a member of the Jewish aljama Council. 372. Salamó Sullam Cofen Moneylender, of Cervera (doc 1330-1362) Father of Astruc, Issac Salamó and Samuel. He died before 1350. 373. Samuel Cofen Son and heir of Salamó Sullam Cofen, both of Cervera. (doc 1347-1363) 374. Samuel Cofen Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt who in 1419 asked for a residence permit in Cervera, which he got. (doc 1417-1424) 375. Samuel Cofen Samuel is mentioned in 1491 as the brother of Baruc Cofen. 376. Samuel Cresques Cofen Jew of Ponts (doc 1416) 377. Sullam Cofen Jew of Cervera (doc 1346) Comparat 378. Issac Comparat Jew of Cervera, referred to as “lo sedacer” (doc 1491) 379. Maimó Comparat In a document of 1347, Maimó is mentioned. Cortal, dez (des Cortal) 380. Abram dez Cortal Physician of Cervera (doc 1405) 381. Bondavi dez Cortal Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1357) 382. Jafuda dez Cortal In a document 1366, Jafuda is mentioned. Cortoví

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383. Vives Cortoví In a document 1362, Vives is mentioned. Crexent 384. Baro Crexent Jew of Cervera. He had married Belaire before 1452. He is mentioned in 1489 and in the Book of Manifesto of the year 1490, by reason of a house he had owned. 385. Belaire Wife of Baro Crexent (doc 1452, 1454) 386. Jucef Crexent Married with Durona before 1452 (doc 1452, 1454) 387. Durona Married with Jucef Crexent before 1452 (doc 1452, 1454) 388. Leo Crexent Jew of Cervera, mentioned in 1414 Dangor (D’Angor) 389. Abram Dangor (doc 1351-1379) Jew of Cervera, moneylender, who was married with Sita. He died about 1377 390. Sita (doc 1377-1379) Since 1377 she was the widow of Abram Dangor. 391. Abram Saul Dangor Mentioned in 1377 392. Sentou (Genton) Dangor Jew of Cervera, mentioned in August 1385 393. Issac Dangor Jew of Cervera. He got a seat in the Synagogue in August 1385 394. Mosse Abram Dangor Jew of Cervera (doc 1362-1379) 395. Mosse Dangor Jew of Cervera, brother of Saul Dangor. (doc 1365-1385)

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396. Salamó Dangor Jew of Cervera, mentioned in 1377 397. Saul Dangor Jew of Cervera, brother of Mosse Dangor. (doc 1369, 1377) He lived in the Jewish Call, while his brother Mosse lived outside it. In 1369, Mosse was asked to go to live with his brother inside the Call. Davi 398. Vidal Davi He was married with Goig (Jafuda) (doc 1395-1417) 399. Adret Davi In 1452 he acted as secretary lieutenant. Deuslosal (Deus lo salv) 400. Jacob Deulosal Jew of Tàrrega (1485) 401. Salamó Deulosal Jew of Tàrrega (1485) Deuslocrega 402. Salamó Deus lo crega Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, married with Astruga (doc 1352) Deuslogar 403. Sullam Deuslogar, Mestre Physician, also called Mestre Sullam Bendit. (doc 1379-1385) Efraim (Effraim, Affraim, Effraym) 404. Astruc Efraim Jew of Cervera, married with Bonadona before 1364 (doc 1362-1365) 405. Bonadona

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Married with Astruc Efraim before 1364 406. Bellshom Efraim Jew of Cervera, mentioned in 1365-1366 407. Çadia Efraim Jew of Cervera, mentioned in 1384 408. Issac Efraim Jew of Cervera. (doc 1348-1363) Escaleta (Cescaleta, Zescaleta, Çescaleta) 409. Salamó Vidal Zescaleta In 1357-1362, a Salamó Vidal Zescaleta is mentioned as a Jew of Manresa. In 1362-1367, Salamó Vidal Zescaleta lived in Barcelona, and was married with Goig (de Beses), the daughter of Salamó de Beses and Astruga. (doc 1357-1367) 410. Salamó Zescaleta Jew of Barcelona who acted as a witness in Cervera (doc 1366) 411. Vidal Zescaleta Moneylender of Barcelona, married with Dolça. In 1363 he had already died (doc 1363) 412. Dolça Jewess of Barcelona, wife of Vidal Zescaleta, and mother of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta. In 1363 her husband had already died. 413. Vidal Zescaleta Jew of Bellpuig who was to get married with Aster, the sister of Vidal Cap (doc 1362) Escapat (Scapat) 414. Vidal Escapat Jew of Cervera (doc 1351) Espanya 415. Reina (Espanya) Daughter of Vidal de Espanya. She was married with Samuel de Forn (doc 1281) 416. Vidal de Espanya Father of Reina (doc 1281)

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Fahim 417. Mosse Fahim Mentioned in December 1491, together with his father in law, Issac Aruti. Falaguera 418. Astruga (Falaguera) The wife of Samuel Talavera, Jew originating from Tudela. 419. Jucef Falaguera He was the first husband of Regina, who, when widow, did marry Astruc Maimó. (doc 1351-1354) 420. Samuel Falaquera Jew of Tudela (doc 1353) Falcó 421. Jucef Falcó Jew of Cervera, mentioned in 1352 Fanjaus (Fanxaus) 422. Jacob de Fanjaus Jew of Cervera who is found acting as witness in notarial acts. (doc 1351-1355) 423. Jacob Issac de Fanjaus Jew of Cervera who is found acting as witness in notarial acts. (doc 1351-1355) There is the possibility of Jacob and Jacob Issac de Fonjaus were the same person. Ferrer 424. Vidal Ferrer Jew of Cervera (1350-1393)

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In 1352 he was appointed as guardian to the properties of Bonastruc Sabarra, grandson of the late Bonastruc Sabarra. In 1351 he had been appointed as procurator for Bonafilla, the mother of Bonastruc Sabarra. In 1354, Vidal Ferrer is mentioned as father in law of Bonastruc Sabarra. He was secretary of the Jewish aljama in 1353 (third secretary, case of disagreement between the two secretaries). He moved to Barcelona, where he lived in August 1357, then he went back to Cervera. In 1365 he was secretary of the Jewish aljama again. Forn, dez (dez Furn, de Furn) 425. Roven dez Forn In a document of 1351 he is mentioned. 426. Samuel de Forn Jew of Cervera who in 1281 was married with Reina (de Espanya) Forner 427. Mair Forner Jew of Barcelona who in January 1390 was in Cervera, acting as a witness in a notarial act. Forqualquier 428. Issac de Forcalquier Mentioned in a document of 1417 Frances (Ffranzes, Ffrançes, FFrances) 429. Issac Mosse Frances Jew of Cervera. (doc 1346-1354) In 1351, he was appointed guardian of the late Cresques Bendit’s properties. 430. Jacob Frances Mentioned in 1351 431. Jucef Frances Mentioned in 1365 432. Leo Frances

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Jew of Cervera. He was living outside the Jewish Call, among the Christians, and in 1369 he was ordered to move to the Jewish Call. Gallipapa (Galipapa) 433. Astruc Gallipapa Jew inhabitant in la Seu d’Urgell 434. Issac Jucef Gallipapa Jew of Tàrrega who in 1347 is mentioned. 435. Jucef Gallipapa Jew of Cervera who was a head of family in 1452. He was unmarried or widower, as in the lists of 1452 and 1454 no wife is mentioned. 436. Jucef Issac Gallipapa Jew of Tàrrega who in 1347 is mentioned in the documents of Cervera. 437. Meshulam ben Samuel Gallipapa Ketuba 1439 438. Samuel Gallipapa Jew of Cervera (doc 1444-1445) Ganges, de (de Gauges, de Grange) 439. Abram de Ganges Jew of Cervera, father of Durona. (doc 1352-1353) 440. Durona (Ganges) Daughter of Abram de Ganges and wife of Abram Sullam (doc 1353) Geromatzano 441. Jucef Mosse Geromatzano In 1385 he bought a seat in the new Synagogue 442. Mosse Geromatzano In 1385 he bought a seat in the new Synagogue Gibre

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443. Jacob Gibre Jew of Cervera who in 1454 was mentioned as a witness in a notarial act. Gracià 444. Bonjuha Gracià Jew of Cervera, originating from Falset. In 1366 he resided in Barcelona. Son in law of Bonjuha Bonafos Adret. (doc 1362-1366) 445. Bonsenyor Gracià Jew of Barcelona. He was married with Regina. In 1351 he had already died (doc 1351) 446. Regina The wife of Bonsenyor Gracià (doc 1351) 447. Cresques Gracià Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1356) 448. Druda (Gracià) Daughter of Vidal Gracià (doc 1325-1326) 449. Issac Gracià Jew of Barcelona, the father of Salamó Gracià (doc 1362) 450. Issac Gracià Jew of Cervera. In 1452 he was married with Reginó. They were the parents of the convert Joan Gracià. In 1464 he had already died. (doc 1437-1464) 451. Reginó She was the wife of Issac Gracià, and the mother of the convert Joan Gracià. (doc 1452-1454) 452. Issac Gracià He was the first husband of Druda (Boniac), and had children. In 1344 Issac had already died (doc 1344) 453. Issac Jacob Gracià Jew of Cervera (doc 1460) 454. Joan Gracià (Christian) He was the son of Issac Gracià and Reginó. In 1464 he had already converted into Christianity, and became a member of a Military Order. 455. Jucef Gracià Jew originating from la Seu d’Urgell. In 1416 he got a 20 years residence permit in Cervera 456. Jucef Gracià

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Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt (doc 1361) 457. Mosse Gracià Jew of Cervera (1419) 458. Salamó Gracià Jew of Barcelona, merchant, son of Issac Gracià (doc 1362) 459. Salamó Gracià Jew of Cervera (doc 1432) 460. Salamó Gracià Jew of Falset, married with Goig. (doc 1418) 461. Goig Jewess of Falset, the wife of Salamó Gracià. (doc 1418) 462. Saltell Gracià Jew of Barcelona. In 1340 he was already married with Belaire (Brunell) 463. Saltell Gracià Jew of Falset (doc 1416-1418) 464. Samuel Gracià He was married with Regina. In 1353 he is mentioned as already died. 465. Regina She was the wife of Samuel Gracià (doc 1353) 466. Vidal Gracià Jew of Cervera, father of Druda (doc 1325-1326) Horabona (Orabona) 467. Bonafilla (Horabona) Jewess of Cervera, the daughter of Issac Horabona and Bonadona. She was married with Cresques Adret (before 1452) (doc 1452-1464) 468. Bonosa (Horabona) Jewess of Cervera, daughter of Issac Horabona. She was the bride in the ketuba that was signed in Cervera on Sunday, 21 Av 5202 (1442, July 29), the groom was Meir ben Shelomo ben Shelomo ben Meir ben Moshe ben Ezra ben Eleazar ben Abulfatah ben Alazar (Mestre Mair Alazar) (doc 1442-1457) 469. Issac Horabona Son of Jucef Horabona. He was married with Bonadona, they were the parents of Bonafilla and Bonosa. (doc 1424-1464). In 1449 he had already died.

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470. Jucef Horabona Father of Issac Horabona (doc 1442) Issac 471. Astruc Issac Jew of Cervera (doc 1377) 472. Bonjuha Issac Jew of Cervera (doc 1353) 473. Dolç Issac Tailor of Cervera (doc 1351) 474. Jacob Issac Jew of Cervera (doc 1351-1363) 475. Mosse Issac Jew of Cervera (doc 1348-1353) Jacobi (Jacob) 476. Abram Jacob Jew of Cervera who in August 1385 bought a seat in the new Synagogue. 477. Assan Issac Jacob Jew of Agramunt who in August 1385 bought a seat in the new Synagogue. 478. Astruc Jacob Jew of Cervera who had been the procurator for Astruc Malet, of Cardona (1352) 479. Bonjuha Jacobi Jew of Cervera, married with Dolcina (1395-1402) 480. Sentou Jacobi Jew of Cervera (doc 1414-1424) Jafia (Jaffia) 481. Astruc Jafia Jew of Cervera (doc 1357)

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482. Sentou Jafia Jew of Cervera, married with Gracia (doc 1352-1353). He died before 1352 483. Gracia Jewess of Cervera, married with Sentou Jafia. (doc 1352-1353) Jafuda 484. Bonjuha Jafuda Child son of Sentou Jafuda and Astruga, of Cervera (doc 1395) 485. Goig (Jafuda) Daughter of Sentou Jafuda and Astruga. She was married with Vidal Davi (doc 1395-1416) 486. Grandor (Jafuda) Child daughter of Sentou Jafuda and Astruga, of Cervera (doc 1395) 487. Leo Jafuda Jew of Cervera (doc 1405-1420) 488. Sentou Jafuda Tailor of Cervera. Married with Astruga, father of Goig, Grandor and Bonjuha Jafuda. In 1416 he had already died (doc 1379-1417) 489. Astruga (Astrugona) She was the wife of Sentou Jafuda, and the mother of Goig, Grandor and Bonjuha Jafuda. 490. Sentou Jafuda Jew of Cervera, married with Gracia. In 1350 he had already died. 491. Gracia She was the wife of Sentou Jafuda. (doc 1350-1351) Jucef 492. Jucef Bonjuha He was the father of Vidal Jucef, of Tarragona (doc 1480) 493. Mosse Jucef Jew of Cervera, originating from Santa Coloma de Queralt. He was married with Belaire. (doc 1372-1384) 494. Samuel Jucef Jew of Cervera, married with Astrugona (doc 1350-1362)

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495. Vidal Jucef Son of Jucef Bonjuha, of Tarragona. He was married with Mira, the daughter of Astruc Cavaller. (doc 1480) Leo 496. Jafuda Leo Jew of Cervera, originating from Zaragoza. (doc 1365-1367) 497. Jusua Leo Jew of Cervera (doc 1377-1378) 498. Mosse Leo Jew originating from Perpignan who in 1354 is mentioned in the documents of Cervera. Lerat (Lezat) 499. Bonjuha Lerat Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, who in 1488 is mentioned in the notarial books of Cervera. 500. Issac Lerat Jew who in 1357 was acting as a witness, in Cervera, in a notarial act. 501. Mosse de Lerat Jew who in 1418 was acting as a witness, in Cervera, in a notarial act. Lettox 502. Bonjuha Lettox Jew who in 1357 is mentioned Levi 503. Astruc Jucef Levi Jew of Cervera (doc 1362-1367) 504. Issac Levi Jew of Cervera (doc 1399)

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505. Jafuda Levi Jew of Cervera (doc 1438) 506. Nicim Levi Jew of Cervera (doc 1474). In 1485, a Nicim Levi of Tàrrega is mentioned. Probably both were the same. 507. Salamó Llobell Levi Jew of Cervera (doc 1474) 508. Vidal Levi Jew of Cervera (doc 1436) Llobell 509. Salamó Llobell Alias Levita. He was the father of Samuel Llobell (doc 1473) 510. Samuel Llobell Son of Salamó Llobell (doc 1473) 511. Vidal aven Llobell Jew of Cervera (doc 1352-1354) Lunel (Lunell) 512. Bonet de Lunel Jew of Ponts who in 1416 is mentioned. 513. Bonet Salamies de Lunel Jew of Ponts (doc 1414-1420) He was married with Goig, and they had three children, Samuel, Salamies and Cresques. In 1417 he had already converted to Christian, and took the name of Francesc de Tovía. In 1420, he had already died. 514. Goig Jewess of Ponts, widow of Francesc de Tovía. In 1420 she got permit to reside in Cervera. (doc 1420, 1427) 515. Cresques de Lunel Jew of Ponts, son of Bonet Salamies de Lunel and Goig. In 1427, he had already died. 516. Salamies de Lunel Jew originating from Ponts. In 1416 he got a residence permit in Cervera, where he moved. He was a son of Bonet Salamies de Lunel and Goig.

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517. Samuel de Lunel Jew originating from Ponts, brother of Salamies de Lunel, who in 1416 got a residence permit in Cervera. In 1417 he was married with Comprada, and were the parents of Sobredona. Physician, he was also called Mestre Samuel de Lunel, or Mestre Lunel. (doc 1416-1475) 518. Comprada The wife of Mestre Samuel de Lunel, mother of Sobredona (doc 1417-1454) 519. Sobredona (Lunel) Jewess of Cervera, daughter of Samuel de Lunel and Comprada. In 1475 she was already married with Issac Jacob de Quercí. (doc 1460, 1475) Macsere 520. Dolç de Macsere In a document of 1402, Dolç is mentioned. Maimó (Maymó) 521. Astruc Maimó Jew of Cervera who married Regina, the widow of Jucef Falaguera (doc 1338-1353) 522. Fabib Maimó Jew of Barcelona. In 1351 he was a procurator for Cresques Salamó, of Cervera. 523. Issac Maimó Jew of Falset (doc 1352) 524. Jafuda Maimó Jew of Cervera (doc 1414-1416) 525. Jucef Maimó Jew of Cervera (doc 1391) Mair (Mayr) 526. Astruc Mair Jew of Cervera (doc 1351-1385) 527. Bonastruc Mair

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Jew of Bellpuig (doc 1422) 528. Jacob Mair Document 1351 529. Roven Mair Jew of Cervera, married with Bonadona. In 1351 he had already died (doc 1346-1351) 530. Bonadona She was married with Roven Mair (doc 1351) Malet 531. Astruc Malet Jew of Cardona, who in 1352 got a residence permit in Cervera (doc 1352-1362) 532. Astruc Malet Jew of Guissona, who moved to Cervera (doc 1417-1425) 533. Llobell Malet Married with Dolcich, they had a daughter. In 1363 Llobell had already died, and Mair Malet was appointed procurator for his daughter. Llobell Malet was secretary of the Jewish aljama in the periods 1352/53 and 1356/57 (doc 1350-1365) 534. Dolcich Married with Llobell Malet, they had a daughter (doc 1365) 535. Llobell Malet Jew of Cervera, married with Joya (doc 1401) 536. Joya Jewess of Cervera married with Llobell Malet (doc 1401) 537. Mair Malet Jew of Cervera. In 1363 he was appointed procurator for the daughter of the late Llobell Malet and Dolcich. (doc 1360-1365) 538. Saltell Malet Jew of Sant Martí de Maldá. In 1354 he was appointed procurator for the wife of Samuel Talavera. 539. Vidal Malet Jew of Castellfollit de Riubregos (doc 1355)

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Malguir 540. Jucef de Malguir Jew of Cervera (doc 1352-1361) Mandil 541. Jucef Mandil Jucef Mandil, the young, of Lleida, is mentioned in 1484 542. Jucef Mandil Jew of Cervera who in 1486 is mentioned. Manuel 543. Mano Manuel Jew of Cervera. He is mentioned as “albardaneiro”, so he should be originating from outside Catalonia. In the documents is acting as a moneylender (doc 1377-1379) Marroquí 544. Jucef Marroquí He was one of the Jews of Cervera who were living outside the Jewish Call. In 1369 he was ordered to go to reside to the Jewish quarter. (doc 1362-1378) Mercadal 545. Bonjuha Mercadal Jew originating from Santa Coloma de Queralt. In 1348 he was residing in Cervera (doc 1348-1355) 546. Issac Mercadal Jew of Cervera, son of Issac Mercadal and Bonafilla (Portell) (doc 1351-1353) 547. Issac Mercadal Jew of Cervera, married with Bonafilla (Portell). They were the parents of Issac Mercadal 548. Salamó Issac Mercadal His name is mentioned in 1350

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549. Salamó Mercadal Jew of Cervera, who is mentioned as witness in notary acts. (doc 1351-1353) 550. Vidal Mercadal Jew of Cervera, mentioned as witness in notary acts (doc 1350-1357) Miffael 551. Salamó Miffael Jew of Cervera (doc 1458) Mosse 552. Issac Mosse Jew originating from Castelló, married with Bonafilla. In 1354 he had already died (doc 1352-1354) 553. Jafuda Mosse Jew of Cervera (doc 1357) 554. Jucef Mosse Jew of Cervera (doc 1384-1391) Narbona, de (Narboni) 555. Issac de Narbona Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1422-1442) 556. Vidal Bonet Narboni In 1491 he acted as a witness. Navarro 557. Abram Navarro Jew of Cervera (doc 1406-1415) Nicim

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558. Bellshom Nicim Jew of Santa Coloma who was married with Reginó (de Cotlliure) (doc 1458-1467) 559. Bonafilla (Nicim) Daughter of Bellshom Nicim and Reginó. (doc 1458) Pardo 560. Abram Pardo Jew of Portugal who resided in Cervera. He was also called “Gallego” (doc 1492) Perpinya 561. Abram Perpinyá In 1363 he is mentioned as Jew of Cervera Perpunter 562. Abram Perpunter In 1369 he was living in Cervera, outside the Call, and was ordered to reside in the Jewish quarter. Piera, de (de Apiaria, dapiera) 563. Astengi Davi de Piera Father of Salamó Davi de Piera (doc1397-1430) 564. Bonadona (de Piera) Jewess of Agramunt, daughter of Saltell de Piera and Mira, also from Agramunt (doc 1485) 565. Davi de Piera Jew of Cervera, father of Jucef Davi de Piera (doc 1416-1418) 566. Davi Samuel de Piera Jew of Cervera, originating from Agramunt. He was married with Mireta (doc 1416-1418) 567. Jucef Davi de Piera Son of Davi de Piera who in 1416 had been emancipated. 568. Jucef de Piera

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Jew of Agramunt (doc 1399) 569. Salamó Davi de Piera Son of Astengi Davi de Piera. He converted into Christianity and took the name of Francesc de la Brecerola (doc 1397-1430) 570. Saltell de Piera Jew of Agramunt, married with Mira. In 1485 he had already died. 571. Samuel de Piera Jew of Cervera who converted into Christianity (doc 1414-1421) 572. Samuel de Piera Jew of Agramunt, tailor (doc 1489) Portell 573. Abram dez Portell Physician of Cervera (doc 1399-1403) 574. Belaire (Portell) Daughter of Jucef Portell (doc 1351) 575. Bonafilla (Portell) Daughter of Jucef Portell, she was married with Issac Mercadal. Both were the parents of Issac Mercadal (doc 1351) 576. David Portell Jew of Cervera (doc 1294) 577. Jucef Portell Father of Bonafilla and Bellaire. In 1351 he had died (doc 1347-1351) Quercí (Quercy, Carsi) 578. Issac de Quercí Jew of Cervera (doc 1385-1415) Son of Menahem de Quercí and Sara. He was the father of the also called Issac de Quercí. 579. Issac de Quercí Son of Issac de Quercí 580. Issac de Quercí

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During the period 1452-1455, he was mentioned as “Issac de Quercí, junior” Son of Jacob de Quercí. Before 1452 Issac was already married with Sobredona 581. Issac Jacob de Quercí Physician. Son of Jacob de Quercí and Bonfat. (doc 1458-1491) 582. Jacob de Quercí Son of Sara and Menahem de Quercí 583. Jacob de Quercí Married with Bonfat, before 1452. They were the parents of Issac Jacob de Quercí, Jafuda de Quercí and Sara (Quercí). In1491 he had died. (doc 1452-1491) 584. Bonfat The wife of Jacob de Quercí (doc 1452-1454) 585. Jacob Issac de Quercí Son of Mestre Issac Jacob de Quercí and Sobredona (Lunel) Physician. He was secretary of the Jewish aljama during the period 1488/89 586. Jafuda de Quercí Jew of Cervera, brother of Mestre Issac de Quercí He was secretary of the Jewish aljama for several times. After July 1492, he converted and took the name Francesc de Pau. Francesc de Pau made his last will in 1497. 587. Jafuda de Quercí Son of Jacob de Quercí and Bonfat 588. Menahem de Quercí Jew, silversmith, who in 1357 was living in Cervera. (doc 1357-1414) He was married with Sara. Both were the parents of Jacob de Quercí In 1384 he was already died. Since then he was mentioned as the late Menahem de Quercí. 589. Sara The wife of Menahem de Quercí. In 1390 he was living in Barcelona. 590. Mosse de Quercí Jew of Cervera (doc 1475-1491). Brother of Jafuda de Quercí. For several times he was secretary of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, and also member of the Council. 591. Samuel de Quercí Jew originating from Cervera, who moved to Santa Coloma de Queralt. After June 1492, he converted to Christian and took the name of Gabriel de Pau. 592. Sara (Quercí) Daughter of Jacob de Quercí, she married Jucef Cavaller. 593. Vidal Davi Quercí

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He was a Jew of Cervera in 1406 594. Vidal de Quercí Jew of Cervera. In 1452 he was already married with Bonjorn. (doc 1406-1460) 595. Bonjorn Jewess of Cervera, married with Vidal de Quercí (doc 1452-1460) Ravalla (Ravayla, Ravaya) 596. Astruc Jafia Ravalla Jew of Cervera who in 1353 is mentioned. 597. Astruc Perfet Ravalla Jew mentioned in Cervera in the period 1351/56 598. Astruc Ravalla Jew mentioned in the period 1351/78. He was the son of Jafia Ravalla. 599. Ferrer Ravalla Jew of Cardona, mentioned in 1407 600. Jafia Ravalla Jew of Cervera (doc 1346-1366). In 1346, he is mentioned as widower of Gemila. Both, Jafia and Gemila, were the parents of Bondia Ravalla. He was the father of Astruc Ravalla 601. Jafia Ravalla Referred to as “noviter” in 1352-1354 602. Perfet Ravalla Jew of Cervera (doc 1346-1356) Rimoc 603. Astruc Rimoc Jew who in 1406 is mentioned in Cervera. Ripoll, de 604. Issac de Ripoll Jew of Bellpuig, father of Mestre Vidal de Ripoll (doc 1438) 605. Vidal de Ripoll, Mestre

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Jew of Bellpuig, son of Issac de Ripoll. He was a Mestre en Medicina. In 1438 he had already died. (doc 1438) Roig 606. Jucef Roig Jew of Cervera (doc 1357) Rossell 607. Asser Rossell Jew of Cervera, married with Dolça. In 1350 he already died. In 1353 he is referred to as “the late first husband of Regina Cofen” (doc 1349-1353) 608. Astruc Rossell In 1366, he is mentioned as a Jew of Cervera. 609. Issac Rossel Jew of Cervera (doc 1350-1384) He was secretary of the Jewish aljama in 1362, 1365 and 1366 610. Issac Salamó Rossell Jew of Cervera who in 1353 and in 1357 is mentioned as secretary of the Jewish aljama 611. Samuel Abramari Rossell Jew of Cervera (doc 1377-1379) 612. Samuel Rossell Jew of Barcelona (doc 1361-1362) Since 1364 he is mentioned as Jew of Cervera (doc 1364-1378) In 1377 he was secretary of the Jewish aljama Roven 613. Sullam Roven Jew of Tàrrega, who is mentioned in 1485 Salom 614. Abram Salom, Mestre Physician of Tàrrega. He was the father of Mestre Issac Salom. (doc 1484-1485)

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615. Bonjuha Salom Jew of Cervera. In 1491 he was a member of the Jewish Aljama Council (doc 1485-1491) 616. Issac Salom, Mestre Physician of Tàrrega, son of Mestre Abram Salom (doc 1484) 617. Issac Salom He was a tailor of Tàrrega (doc 1490) Samarell 618. Abram Samarell Jew of Cervera. (doc 1399-1445) 619. David Samarell Jew of Cervera. Son of Jucef Samarrell. General legatee of his uncle Salamó Samarell. (doc 1432-1438) 620. Issac Samarell Jew of Cervera, married with Bonadona. In 1402 he was secretary of the Jewish aljama 621. Issac Samarell Jew of Fraga, moneylender. (doc 1379) 622. Jucef Samarell Jew of Cervera, married with Durona (doc 1343-1379) 623. Jucef Samarell Son of Issac Samarell and Bonadona. He was married with Goig, and were the parents of Davi Samarell (doc 1432-1437) 624. Llobell Samarell Married with Astrugona, they were the parents of Regina. In 1484 he had already died. (doc 1452-1484) 625. Nicim Samarell Doc. 1485 626. Regina (Samarell) Daughter of Llobell Samarell and Astrugona. She married Issac Mosse Sullam (doc 1484) 627. Salamó Samarell Jew of Cervera, son of Issac Samarell and Bonadona. He was married with Gemila. 628. Samuel Samarell Married with Goig (doc 1416-1445)

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Sanoga (Savoga) 629. Jucef Sanoga Married with Flor (doc 1352) 630. Flor The wife of Jucef Sanoga (doc 1352) Saporta 631. Abram Saporta Jew of Cervera (doc 1290) 632. Astruc Samuel Saporta Jew of Tàrrega (1346-1352) 633. Astruc Saporta Jew of Tàrrega, son of Samuel Saporta 634. Astruc Saporta Jew of Cervera. He was the son of Salamó Saporta and Belaire. (doc 1349-1352) 635. Bondio Saporta Jew of Cervera. He was the son of Salamó Saporta and Belaire (doc 1349-1355) 636. Bonjuha Saporta Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1351-1366) 637. Enoch Saporta Jew of Barcelona, inhabitant in Cervera (doc 1362-1369) 638. Mira (Saporta) The daughter of Enoch Saporta. She was married with Sullam de la Cavallería. 639. Issac Sullam de Saporta Jew of Cervera (doc 1488) 640. Mosse Saporta Jew of Cervera. Before 1452, he was married with Bonafilla. Samuel Saporta was his brother (doc 1452-1457) 641. Bonafilla Jewess of Cervera. Before 1452 she got married with Mosse Saporta (doc 1452-1454) 642. Mosse Sullam de Saporta

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Jew of Cervera. He was member of the Jewish aljama council in 1474 and in 1485 (doc 1474-1485) 643. Salamó Saporta Jew of Tàrrega. He was married with Belaire, and both were the parents of Bondio Saporta and Astruc Saporta. In 1352 he had already died (doc 1347-1352) 644. Bellaire Jewess of Tàrrega, married with Salamó Saporta 645. Samuel Saporta Jew of Tàrrega. He was the father of Astruc Saporta (doc 1347) 646. Samuel Saporta Jew of Cervera. He was married with Bonafilla, and was the brother of Mosse Saporta. In January 1492 he had already died. (doc 1452-1492) 647. Bonafilla She was the wife of Samuel Saporta (doc 1452-1492) 648. Samuel Sullam de Saporta Jew of Cervera. (doc 1491) Saprut (Çaprut) 649. Josua Saprut Jew of Tàrrega (doc 1379-1384) Sarfati 650. Issac Sarfatí Jew of Cervera. He was a cedacer. (doc 1489) Satorra 651. Abram Astruc Satorra Jew originating from Montblanc, who moved to Cervera. (doc 1352-1367) Mestre Abram Astruc Satorra, also called Mestre Abram Satorra. Physician. Married with Bonadona (Caravida), both were the parents of Mosse Abram Satorra. In 1365 he was lieutenant of Vidal Ferrer, as secretary of the Jewish aljama. 652. Bonafilla (Satorra) She was the daughter of Salamó Satorra and Astruga, and the wife of Samuel Cavaller (doc 1491)

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653. Jacob Satorra Tailor of Cervera (doc 1351) 654. Mosse Abram Satorra (also called Mosse Satorra) Jew of Cervera, son of Mestre Abram Astruc Satorra and Bonadona (doc 1363-1367) 655. Salamó Satorra Jew of Cervera who lived outside the Jewish Call. Since before 1452, he was married with Astruga, and they were the parents of Bonafilla, the wife of Mestre Samuel Cavaller. Cresques de Cotlliure died in 1458, when residing in Salamó’s home. Salamó was appointed guardian to Benveníst Cresques de Cotlliure. In 1455 he was secretary of the Jewish aljama. In 1491 he had died. (doc 1444-1491) 656. Astruga The wife of Salamó Satorra 657. Samuel Satorra Jew of Anglesola (doc 1352-1357) Saul 658. Vidal Saul Jew of Montblanc. In August 1385 he bought a seat in the Synagogue of Cervera. Sayol 659. Asdra Sayol Jew of Cervera, married with Astruga. Both were the parents of Salamó Sayol (doc 1436-1454) 660. Astruga Wife of Asdra Sayol, mother of Salamó Sayol (doc 1452-1454) 661. Salamó Sayol Jew of Cervera, son of Asdra Sayol and Astruga. He was one of the head of family listed in 1452. At that time he was unmarried or widower, as no wife is mentioned in the list. (doc 1452-1461) Scola, de 662. Vivant de Scola Jew of Agramunt, married with Benvinguda. In 1377 he had already died.

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663. Benvinguda Jewess of Agramunt, the widow of Vivant de Scola (doc 1377) Sensalom 664. Bonjuha Maimó Sensalom Jew of Barcelona, son of the late Maimó Vidal Sensalom and Bonadona (doc 1352) 665. Maimó Vidal Sensalom Jew of Barcelona, married with Bonadona. Both were the parents of Bonjuha Maimó Sensalom. In 1352 he had already died. 666. Bonadona Widow of Maimó Vidal Sensalom (doc 1352) Sullam 667. Abram Sullam Jew of Cervera, married with Durona. Father of Biona Sullam . In 1402 he had died already (doc 1352-1405) 668. Abram Sullam Jew of Cervera, tailor (doc 1491) 669. Aghien Sullam Jew who in 1436 is mentioned. 670. Astruc Sullam In 1353 he was mentioned as the child son of the late Perfet Sullam. Astruc Maimó was his guardian (doc 1352-1363) 671. Baro Sullam Son of Bellshom Sullam (doc 1452-1454) 672. Bellshom Sullam Jew of Cervera, married with Reginó (doc 1452-1454) 673. Bellshom Vidal Sullam Jew who in 1436 is mentioned in the notarial records of Cervera 674. Benveníst Sullam Jew of Cervera, tailor. Brother of Issac Mosse Sullam. For several times he was secretary of the Jewish aljama of Cervera (doc 1473-1492) 675. Biona Sullam Son of Abram Sullam (doc 1392-1424)

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676. Bonet Sullam Jew of Cervera (doc 1384) 677. Bonjua Sullam Jew of Cervera (doc 1490) 678. Issac Mosse Sullam Tailor of Cervera, married with Regina, the daughter of Llobell Samarell (doc 14801491) 679. Issac Sullam Jew of Cervera, married with Bonadona (doc 1431-1452) 680. Issac Sullam Jew of Cervera, married with Reginó (doc 1452-1484) Tarros 681. Asday Tarros Jew of Barcelona, who in 1357 is mentioned. 682. Astruc Tarros Jew of Cervera who was one of the heads of family listed in 1452. At that moment, he was not married. 683. Bernat dez Tarros Apothecarius who in 1416 is acting as a witness in a notary act. 684. Issac Tarros Father of Preciosa, the wife of Boniac Abram 685. Issac Tarros The brother of Astruc Tarros (doc 1483) 686. Preciosa (Tarros) Daughter of Issac Tarros. She was married with Boniac Abram (doc 1343) 687. Jucef Tarros He married Druda (Boniac) when she was widowed of her first husband. (doc 1344) 688. Sentou Tarros Jew of Cervera, married with Claro (doc 1452-1454) 689. Claror She was the wife of Sentou Tarros (doc 1452-1454) 690. Sullam Tarros

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Jew who in 1362 is mentioned. Xetavi 691. Issac Xetavi Jew of Tarragona, married with Justona. They were the parents of Josua Xatavi (doc 1424) 692. Justona Jewess of Tarragona, married with Issac Xetavi. She was the mother of Josua Xetavi (doc 1424) 693. Josua Xetavi Jew of Tarragona, son of Issac Xetavi and Justona. In 1424 he had already converted into Christianity, and took the name of Lluis Vallmoll. 694. Issac Xetavi Jew of Perpignan, father of Bella (doc 1484) 695. Bella (Xetavi) Jewess of Perpignan, daughter of Issac Xetavi (doc 1484)

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IV. JEWESSES GIVEN NAMES Jewesses were not given a family name, they were mentioned as “daughter of”, “wife of”, “widow of”. The meaning of their given names used to be concerning qualities, some were originating from their family name, or place names. Follows a list of most of the Jewess’ names found in Documents Alfaquima Altadona Amoretes Anna Aster (Ster) Astruga (Struga, Astrugona, Astrugueta) Belaire (Bellaire) Bella Blanca Blanquina Bonadona Bonafilla Bonfat Bonjorn Bonosa Cidella Cimpha (Cimha) Claro (Claror) Condorina (Tondorina) Dianona Dolça, Dolcich, Dolçona Donabella Dura, Durona Druda Comprada Exervide Gentil Gemila (Jamilla) Goig, Goiget Goja Gracia, Graciana Grandor

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Isabel Justona Liamós Lloba, Llobeta Lluna (Luna) Malça Marquesa Mira (Mairona, Mirona, Mireta) Petita Preciosa (Priço) Puria Regina Reginó Sara (Saricha) Sita Sobredona Tolosana Tolrana Vidala The names, Tolosana and Tolrana have the same meaning, “from Tolosa”. The name is not concerning Tolosa in Spain, but to Toulouse, in France. Also the family name “of Tolosa” means “originating from Toulouse”, as this is the way that locality was called in Catalonia in those times. About the meaning of quality names, Blanca, Blanquina: white Bonafilla: good daughter Bonadona: good woman Bella: beautiful Claror: brightness Donabella: beautiful woman Dolça, Dolçona, Dolcich: sweet Goig, Goyo: Joy Petita: small Preciosa. Priço, Priçosa: wonderful Regina, Reginó: queen Diminutive names: Goig: Goiget Mira: Mirona, Mireta

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Sara: Saricha (this is not a Catalan diminutive, probably it comes from Aragon: in Catalan the diminutive for Sara should be “Sareta”, instead of “Sarica”)

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V. TOPONIMIC NAMES Many of the Jewish family names indicate the place where they were originating: From France: Badoz Belcaire Beziers Bron Collioure Cortal, dez Escalette Forcalquier Fonjaus Grasse Grauge Quercí 41 Lerat Lettox Lunel Marceniach Macsere Malguir Narbona Perpignan Porta Portell Scola, Scal Tavechs Tolosa (Toulouse) From localities in Catalonia: Besalú Blanes Cardona Castellfollit Cervera Manresa Piera Ripoll And others like: Boldú Cortoví, from Cordoba 41 The name they took when converted into Christianity, “de Pau”, is most probably originating from the same place in France.

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Frances, French Marroquí, from Marruecos Navarro, from Navarra Talavera

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VI. OCCUPATIONS Broker.- Catalan, corredor. Latin: curritor Fuller.- Latin: parator. Mercer.- Catalan: mercer. Latin: mercerius Merchant.- Catalan: mercader. Latin: mercator Physician.- Catalan: fisic. Latin: fisicus Shoemaker.- Catalan: sabater. Latin: sutor. Silversmith.- Catalan: argenter. Latin: argenterius Skinner.- Catalan: pelleter. Latin: pelliparius Tailor.- Catalan: sastre Tanner.- Catalan: blanquer, assaonador. Latin: blanquerius Weaver.- Catalan: Teixidór. Latin: textor. Wood worker.- Catalan: fuster. Latin: fusterius Who makes or sell calces.- Catalan: calceter. Latin: calceterius Who makes or sells jerkins.- Catalan: giponer. Latin: giponerius Who prepares the wool to be weaved 42.- Catalan: paraire, perayre. Latin: parator.

42 DCVB. Diccionari Catala, Valencia, Balear. Alcover i Moll.

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Agramunt (Latin, Acrimontis) Anglesola (Latin, Angularia) Balaguer (Latin, Balagario) Barbastro Barcelona (Latin, Barchinona) Bellpuig (Latin, Pulcro Podio) Camarasa Calaf Calatayud Cardona Castelló d’Empuries Castellfollit de Riubregós (lat. Castro Follito) Falset Fraga Guimerà (lat. Guimerano) Girona Guissona Igualada (lat. Aqualata) Llacuna, la Lleida (lat. Ilerda) Manresa (lat. Minorissa) Montblanc Monzon (lat. Montissoni) Morvedre (today’s Sagunto) Perpinya (Perpignan. Lat, Perpinian, cast. Perpiñán) Piera (lat. Piaria, apiaria) Ponts Portugal, Reign of Santa Coloma de Queralt (lat. Sancte Columbe Queralto) Sant Martí de Maldá Seu d’Urgell (lat. Sedis Uregellensis. Cast. Seo de Urgel) Solsona (lat. Celsona) Tarragona (lat. Tarrachona) Tàrrega Tarroja

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Tortosa (lat. Dertusa) Traborch (Strasbourg, Germany) Tudela Zaragoza (lat. Cesaraugusta. Catalan, Saragossa)

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YEAR 1328

1. 1328, July … Nos Alfonsus.- Attendentes Serenissimum Dominum Jacobum clare memorie Regem Aragonum, patrem nostrum, in suas … literas baiulo Cervarie vel eius locumtenentium ut una cum juratis ipsius villa designarit locum separatum et conveniente prope Judaria judeorum eiusdem ville vel alibi ubi judei que in dicta judaria recepi non possint et ville convenientes … morare possunt, sic que non esent inter Christianos habitare auctoritate cuius mandati et … eciam mandari postmodum sic eo literatori per instrumento iamdicto baiulo et jurati procedentes ad permissa designarunt certa loca dictis judeis in quibus et non alibi in dicta villa debeant habitare certa … sic hoc appositari … ffacientibus exigenda. Et dissum cum dicti judei de predicta designatione non contentaverunt inmo ad nos ab ea sic aliquibus duxerunt appelandem fuerit nobis humiliter supplicatum ut in hiis designaremur preidem benigno. Ideo nos itta sic hoc delegari plena informatione intendentis iam dictis judeis quam utilitatem univressitati villa Cervaria utilitatem preidem considerantes quod dicti judeis in supscriptis locis seu partibus ville eiusdem poterunt decentis utilibus habitare. Idcirco, tenore presentis Carta nostre constituimus donamus et etiam assignamus pro judaria et habitatione dictorum jueorum videlicet locum seu partite dicte ville, in quo vel qua intus judei habitant et etiam vicum seu carraria dicte villae que nominatum Carraria del Vent. Itaque omnes et singuli judei et judea que nunc habitant et de cetero habitabunt in praedicta villa, morent et habient et morari et habitari possint in dictis duabus partitis seu locis videlicet in judaria que nunc ibi est, et in dicta carraria vocata del Vent, statuentes, ordinantes et etiam decernentes quod nullus judeorum at judea … vel presumant decetero habitare seu morari in dicta villa nisi tantumodo in dictis duobus locis vel altero eiusdem cessantibus et sublatis quibuslibet … ordinationibus seu dessignationibus per prefatis baiulo et jurati facitis dictis judeis et … Datis Ilerde, xi idibus julii anno domini 1328 ACSG. Dalmases 3017. ACA Reg 475, fol. 116

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YEAR 1340

2. 1340, Llibre de Manifest Benet de Segalers, fill den Benet, manifesta sos bens… unes cases… item una pedrera al fosar dels Juheus, que fo de son pare, en Benet de Segalers. ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral. F. 14 r Maymo duluya ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral. F. 25 v B. den Selva per sagrament dix que no havie cases mes que avie una pedrera prop lo fosar dels Juheus, que fo de son pare. ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral. F. 51 v G. Zasala dix que ha un alberch… altres alberchs ali matex, que loge als Juheus, ab un ort… ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral. F. 72 r Maymo Rippoll… ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral. F. 84 v P. Cardona ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral. F. 95 r B. Cardona (crossed out: some houses in the Jews’ street: unes cases al carrer dels Juheus) ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral. F. 103 v Romeu de Segalers ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral. F. 104 v Peracamps Cases al carrer del Vent, on estan los Juheus (there’s a note written on the margin that says “in front of Abraam”, “en davan Abraam”) ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1340. Capcorral. f. cxii

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YEAR 1345

3. 1345, November 1 Jaume de Vall, the old, acknowledges a debt to Perfeyt Sollam, Jew, agreed on Kalends November 134[5] The name of Astruch Maymó is written in the back of this document. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. Document written on a piece of parchment kept inside this book.

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YEAR 1346 4. 1346, October 5 Miquel Martell and his wife Arssendis, inhabitants in the town of Tàrrega, confess their debt to Bonastruch Zabarra, Jew of Cervera, and promise to pay him back within one year. On the back of the document are written the name of Astruch Zabarra, as well as three words in Hebrew characters. The 3rd before the Nones of October ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. Document written on a piece of parchment kept inside this book.

5. 1346, August 24 Roven Mayr, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been paid with part of the money that Solsona owed to Mosse Açan, Jew of Tàrrega. Jewish witness, Astruc Salamó Daviu. The 9th before the Kalends of September ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 25 v

6. 1346, October 19 Salamó Suylam Cophen, Jew of Cervera, makes a donation to Pere Guitart. Jewish witness, Deus lo Crega Jacob, of Cervera The 14th before the Kalends of November ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 31 r-v 7. 1346, October 22 Salamó Suylam Cophen, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has received an amount of money he was owed. Jewish witness, Suylam Cophen, Jew of Cervera. The 11th before the Kalends of November ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 31 v 8. 1346, October 25 Document mentioning Salamó Suylam Cophen, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Abraam de la Cambra

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The 8th before the Kalends of November ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 32 r 9. 1345, December 22 Pere Olzina, notary of Tàrrega, promises to pay a debt to Salamó S[oy]lam by the Nones of December. Friday, the 11th Kalends of January anno Domini 1346 ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 54 v- 55 r

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YEAR 1347

10. 1347, January 24 Document mentioning Içach Juceff Galipapa, Jew of Tàrrega, and his procurator Abrae Beliveya, Jew. The 9th before the Kalends of February ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 57 r 11. 1347, January 7 Pere Bonet and his wife Astruga, inhabitants in Cervera, confess their debt by reason of a mutuo (loan), to Luna, Jewess of Cervera. The 7th before the Ides of January, 1347. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 58 v- 59 r 12. 1347, February 5 Samuel Zaporta, Boniuha Caravida and Bona dona, the widow of Azday Caravida, Jew of the town of Tàrrega, empowers as their procurator to Juceff Içah Galipapa, Jew of Tàrrega. Jewish witness, Maymó Comparat. The Nones of February ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 61 r-v 13. 1347, February 7 Samuel Zaporta, Salamó Zaporta and Astruch Zaporta, sons of Samuel, Jews of the town of Tàrrega, empower as their procurator Pere Guitart, of Cervera. The Nones of February ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 61 v- 62 r 14. 1347, February 10 In this document, Elies Aninay, Jew of Agramunt, is the creditor. The 4th before the Ides of February. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 62 r

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15. 1347, March 15 Jaume Fuylosa and his wife Novela, inhabitants in the town of Cervera, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal Mosse, Jew, son of Mosse Açan, Jew of Tàrrega. The import of this loan was delivered to them by Içach Maçana, Jew of Cervera. The 17th before the Kalends of April ACS. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre 1345-1347. f. 68 v- 69 r

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YEAR 1350 16. 1350, February 27 This document and the next following ones are donations and agreements done among the wife, daughters and sons in law of the late David Abraam, Jew. Dolça, wife of Sullam Biona, Jews of Cervera, and her sister Tolrana, both daughters of the late David Abraam, Jew, and his wife Preçose, as well as her sister Mirona, are mentioned. Witnesses, Vidal Mercadal, Bondio za Porta, Astruch Vidal Biona, […] 6 kalendas marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 2v – 4r 17. 1350, February 27 Preçose, widow of David Abraam, makes donation of a house to her daughter Mirona. The house is described as situated in the Jewish quarter of Cervera, in the Carrer del Vent, cum vasis et bladaris que illi sunt. It is facing the street, and also bounding with the house of the widow of Mestre Bonjuha Adday. Et nominus ut predicta omnia et singula […] firmitate, de grat e de certa sciencia torne quinyan, ab […] en ma e en poder den Salamo Adret i Bondio Zaporta Witnesses, Vidal Mercadal, Bondio za Porta, Astruch Vidal Biona, […] 6 kalendas marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 4r – 6r 18. 1350, February 27 Tolrana, daughter of the late David Abraam and Preçose, and her sister Dolça, wife of Sullam Biona, approve and admit the donation made to Mirona, with Sullam Biona’s consent. Witnesses, Vidal Mercadal, Bondio za Porta, Astruch Vidal Biona, […] 6 kalendas marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 6r – v 19. 1350, February 27 Preçose, widow of David Abraam, as owner of all her husband’s properties, as heiress to her late father Enoch Çellem, as well as in her own name, by virtue of this document, transfers the dowry she promised her son in law Perfet Biona, husband of her daughter Mirona.

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Witnesses, Vidal Mercadal, Bondio za Porta, Astruch Vidal Biona, […] 6 kalendas marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 6v – 7v 20. 1350, February 27 Mirona, by reason of the dowry, gives her husband Perfet Biona the house she has been given, situated in the new Jewish quarter of Cervera, in the Carrer del Vent. Witnesses, Vidal Mercadal, Bondio za Porta, Astruch Vidal Biona, […] 6 kalendas marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 8v 21. 1350, February 27 Dolça, with the consent of her husband Sullam Biona, accepts the aforementioned donation. Witnesses, Vidal Mercadal, Bondio za Porta, Astruch Vidal Biona, […] 6 kalendas marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 8 v – 9r 22. 1350, February 27 Perfet Biona, Jew of Cervera, binds himself, before Preçose, widow of Daviu Abraam, not to sell or pledge the house given them as Mirona’s dowry. Witnesses, Vidal Mercadal, Bondio za Porta, Astruch Vidal Biona, […] 6 kalendas marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 9r – v 23. 1350, March 7 Bondio za Porta, Jew, binds him to pay a debt to Galceran d’Oluja Jewish witness, Vidal Ferrer Nonas marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 14r – v 24. 1350, March 7 Astruch Cophen, Jew, son of the late Salamó Suylam Cophen, transfers all of his rights against Arsende to Içach Abraam, Jew of Girona,. Witnesses, Içach Bonafeu and Samuel of Solsona, Jews, and Pere Pescater, of Cervera.

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Nonas marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 14v – 15v 25. 1350, March B. de Puig declares that Juçeff Bonastruch, Jew of Cervera, has paid him 38 sous by the rental of a house situated close to the Plaça del Om. Witnesses, Jaume Salvador and Pere Bonet, of Cervera. 6 idus marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 15v 26. 1350, March 10 […] Ravayla, Jew, executor of the late Belayre’s last will, declares he will pay a debt that was agreed by Belayre in 1348, the 4th before the Nones of April. Jewish witness, Suylam Biona. 6 idus marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 15v 27. 1350, March 10 The bailiff of les Oluges (Les Oluges Jussanes) declares that Astruch Vidal Biona, Jew of the said place, paid him his debt. Jewish witness, Juceff Bonastruch 6 idus marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 16v 28. 1350, March 10 Astruch Vidal Biona, Jew, declares that he has been paid a debt. Witnesses, Perfet Ravayla, Jew, and Jaume Salvador, of Cervera. 6 idus marcii a.d. 1350 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 19v 29. 1350, July 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mestre Vidal Belshom, Jew. Quinto kalendas augusti. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 1 r

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30. 1350, July 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Samarell, Jew IIII kalendas augusti ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 1 r 31. 1350, August 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal avent Lobell, Jew III nonas augusti ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 1 v 32. 1350, August 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Perfet Ravalla, Jew III nonas augusti ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 1 v- 2 r 33. 1350, August 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera. They signed apoca (receipt) III nonas augusti ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 2 r-v 34. 1350, August 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Gracia, the widow of Sentou Jafuda, Jews. III nonas augusti One of the witnesses was Nicolau Cardona, presbyter ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 6 v 35. 1350, August 6 Abram Bendit, Jew, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse. VIII idus augusti Witnesses, Berenguer Gilabert and Salamó Içach Mercadal.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 2 v 36. 1350, August 18 Cancellation of a debt that had been agreed the 8th before the Ides of August by Abram Bendit. XIV kalendas septembris Witnesses, Berenguer Gilabert, Mair Malet and Perfet Ravalla ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 2 v 37. 1350, August 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew II idus augusti Witnesses, Ramon de Rama, notary, and Pere Pescater, of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 2 v- 3 r 38. 1350, August 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Dolçona, widow of Asser Rossell, Jew. The amount of the loan was delivered by Vidal Mosse Sullam, on Dolçona’s behalf. XIII kalendas septembris The same day the apoca was signed. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 3 r 39. 1350, September 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Bonastruc, Jew III nonas septembris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 3 v 40. 1350, September 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal Ferrer, Jew, and Jucef Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera III nonas septembris. The same day was signed apoca ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 4 v

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41. 1350, September 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera VII idus septembris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 4 v 42. 1350, Astrugona, the wife of Samuel Jucef, appoints as his procurator his brother Vidal Mosse Sullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 5 r 43. 1350, It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Bonastruc and Vidal Ferrer, Jews ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 5 v 44. 1350, September 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew XVI kalendas octobris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 5 v 45. 1350, September 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Bonastruc XII kalendas octobris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 5 v- 6 r 46. 1350, October 13 Ramon Ferrer, inhabitant in Tàrrega, confesses he owes 40 sous to Astrugona, the wife of Abram Avizmel. The reason of the debt was Astrugona’s salary because of her medical care to Arsendi, Ramon’s wife.

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Ego Raimundus Ferrari, habitatoris ville Tarrege, confiteor me debere vobis Astrugone, uxoris Abram Avizmel, judei, 40 solidi Barchinone terni, racione salarii vobis in cura quam fecistis et facitis Asendi, uxoris mee … III idus octobris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 6 r 47. 1350, Confession done by a creditor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera, saying Vidal Ferrer had paid him back the money he owed him. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 6 r 48. 1350, September 21 … 12 Kalendas octobri anno domini 1350 (crossed out Juceffus Samarell, Adret Davi et Roven) totam aljamam judeorum ville Cervarie asignasset judeos subscriptos ad faciendum et ordinando capitula super maniffestantibus inter dictos judeos recipiendis scilicet Adret Davi, Juceff Samarell et Roven Asser, Salamo Adret, Jafia Ravailla, Lobell Malet, Perfeit Ravailla, Vidal Ferrer et Izach Mosse Bendit. Witnesses, … Izach Rossell and Jaume Cardona Et Juceffus Samarell dixit quod non constat quod plures possint elegere et diffinire dictam capitula. ACSGG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3025 49. 1350, October 25 Raimundus de Pedros, collector subsidii per dominum Regem postulati aljame judeorum ville Cervarie, de quo mandat illustrissimi domine Regine … confiteor et in veritate recognosco vobis, Adret Davi, Roven Asser et Juceffo Samarell, judeos secretariis aljame predicte, quod dedistis et solvistis ac etiam tradidistis michi nomine quo super, duos mille solidi monete barchinonese de terno, ex illis videlicet quatuor mille solidi dicte monete, quos solvere tenebamini et debebatis dicte illustrissime domine Regine in mensi septembri proxime pro subsidio anni prescritus … 7 Kalendas November. Adret Davi, Roven Asser and Jucef Samarell were the Secretaries of the Jewish aljama. ACSG. Colección Dalmases nº 3026 50. 1350, November 11

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Preciosa, the widow of Perfet Sullam, Jews. III idus novembris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 6 v 51. 1350, It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 6 v- 7 r 52. 1350, December 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal Ferrer, Jew VII idus decembris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 7 r 53. 1350, It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jafia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera Witnesses, Pere Carbonell and Jaume Salvador ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 7 r 54. 1350, December 9 Jaume Simon and his wife Geralda confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Calot, Jew of Cervera V idus decembris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 7 v 55. 1350, December 14 Pere Saporta, of Montcortés, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Lobell Malet, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Ferrer Colom and Andreu Folch XIX kalendas decembris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 7 v

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56. 1350, December 14 Pere Saporta, of Montcortés, acknowledges he has been paid the vintage he sold to Lobell Malet, Jew of Cervera. XIX kalendas decembris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 7 v 57. 1350, December 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jafia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Berenguer Gilabert and Pere Pescater XI kalendas januari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 8 r

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YEAR 1351

58. 1351, January 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera <noviter> Witnesses, Berenguer Gilabert and Pere Pescater nonas januari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 8 r 59. 1351, January 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jafia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. [VI] idus januari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 8 r-v 60. 1351, January 8 Balaguer Bonjoch, of Granyanella, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Berenguer Gilabert and Pere Pescater [VI] idus januari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 8 v 61. 1351, January 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Gracia, wife of Sentou Jafia, Jews of Cervera [VI] idus januari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 8 v 62. 1351, January 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Gracia, widow of Sentou Jafia, Jews of Cervera [VI] idus januari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 9 r

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63. 1351, January 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Gracia, widow of Sentou Jafia, Jews of Cervera [VI] idus januari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 9 r 64. 1351, January 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sullam Biona, Jew of Cervera [VI] idus januari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 9 r 65. 1351, February 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera II nonas februari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 9 v 66. 1351, February 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera II nonas februari. This document was canceled by the creditor’s will. Jewish witness, Abram Avetzmel ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 9 v 67. 1351, February 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera II nonas februari ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 9 v- 10 r 68. 1351, February 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Calot, Jew of Cervera XIV kalendas marci ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 10 r

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69. 1351, February 19 Içach <Abnaxech, qui alias vocatur Içach> de Talavera and his wife Astrugona, confess they made a deposito seu comanda to Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera, and that they received quinyan according to the Jewish ritual. Witnesses, Bonjuha Cabrit and B. de Fox ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 10 v 70. 1351, February 19 Guillem Salvador of Granyanella confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera XIV kalendas marci ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 10 v 71. 1351, February 19 Payment agreements between Galceran d’Oluja, debtor, and Bondio Saporta, Jew, creditor XIV kalendas marci ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 11 v 72. 1351, March 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mestre Vidal Belshom, Jew of Cervera One of the witnesses was Jaume Salvador, of Cervera Kalendas marci ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 11 r 73. 1351, March 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of [Astruc] Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera II idus marci ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 11 r 74. 1351, March 14

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Vidal Biona, Jew of Cervera II idus marci ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 11 v 75. 1351, March 15 Bondio Bendit, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, confesses his debt, ratione prestiti boni amore, to Mosse Içach <…> Jew of Cervera. Tradit Içach Rosell Witnesses Astruch Saladi and Berenguer Valencia, of Cervera Idus marci ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 12 r 76. 1351, March 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mosse Içach, Jew of Cervera XVI kalendas aprilis ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 12 r 77. 1351, March 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mosse Içach, Jew of Cervera XVI kalendas aprilis ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 12 r 78. 1351, March 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jafia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera XV kalendas aprilis ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 12 r 79. 1351, March 17 Cancellation of debt II idus marci, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Vidal Biona, Jew of Cervera Witnesses, Ramon de Rama, notary, and Bonjua Cabrit XV kalendas aprilis ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 11 v

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80. 1351, March 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera XIV kalendas marci ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 12 v 81. 1351, March 29 Document concerning Astruch Jacob and Vivant Jacob, sons and heirs in part to the late Jacob de Bron, Jew of Castellfollit. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 27v – 28r 82. 1351, March 29 Astruc Vidal Biona, Jew, transfers Jaume Berenguer, of Cervera, a credit he and the late Jacob Içach had. Jewish witness, Abram Bendit. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 35 r-v 83. 1351, March 31 Roven dez Forn declares that Deus losal Bonjuha and Bonjuha Astruch, Jews assisting to the act, and Abraam Adret, Jew absent at this moment, paid him the import of the balance to his favor of debts and credits among them, by giving him a blond haired mule. Jewish witness, Içach Mosse Bendit. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 39v – 40r 84. 1351, March 31 Içach Mercadal, Jew of Cervera, procurator for his mother Bona filla, widow of Içach Mercadal, and to her mother’s sister Belayre, daughters and heirs ab intestato to the late Juçeff Portell; pays a debt to Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera, by transferring him a credit that Dolça, of Concabella, confessed she owed to his late father by document signed before the notary of Concabella, Jaume Sapera, in 1347, November 5th idus. Jewish witness, Abram Bendit. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 41v – 42v 85. 1351, April 4

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Bonadona, widow of Roven Mair, guardian of their children, declares Bertomeu de Sant Martí has paid her a debt that had been legalized in 1345, the 3rd before the Nones of November, before Joan de Torre, notary of Cervera. Jewish witness, Astruch Mair. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 44v 86. 1351, April 5 Mair Za barra, Jew of Cardona, procurator for his wife Regina, declares Astruc Jacob, son of the late Jacob de Bron, Jew of Castellfollit, has paid him 30 sous that Jacob de Bron legated to her wife in his last will. Jewish witnesses, Abraam Aviçmel and Içach Sayol. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 45r 87. 1351, April 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjua Lettox, Jew of Cervera This debt was canceled on April 20 ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 13 r 88. 1351, April 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 13 v- 14 r 89. 1351, April 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jafia Ravalla Içach Calot, Jew of Cervera XIV kalendas marci ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 14 r-v 90. 1351, April 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jacob Içach de Fonjaus, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 14 v- 15 r

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91. 1351, April 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Efraim, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 15 r-v 92. 1351, April 24 [sic] (it should be 25) It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mestre Vidal Belshom, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 15 v- 16 r 93. 1351, April 23 [sic] (it should be 25) It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jacob Içach, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 16 r-v 94. 1351, April 24 Içach Mosse Françes, Jew of Cervera, is acting as curator (guardian) of the properties of the late Cresques Bendit. Jewish witness, Içach Mosse Bendit. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 60 r-v 95. 1351, April 24 Suylam Biona is stating the payment conditions for a credit. Jewish witness, Jacob de Fanxaus. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 61 v 96. 1351, April 25 Sentou Avenayo, son of Jafuda Avenayut, of the locality of Estela, in Navarra, declares he would like Dolç Içach, Jew, tailor of Cervera, ad adiscendum officium vestrum sartor (to learn the tailor’s profession) He agrees teaching him, under the conditions stated in this document. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 62 r-v

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97. 1351, April 27 Samuel Cophen and Astruch Cophen, brothers, sons of the late Salamó Suylam Cophen, Jews of Cervera, confess their debt by reason of a mutuo. Jewish witness, Içach Bonaffeu. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 63 r-v 98. 1351, April 27 Samuel Cophen and Astruch Cophen, brothers, sons of the late Salamó Suylam Cophen, Jews of Cervera, confess they have received the import of the mutuo agreed in the previous document. Jewish witness, Içach Bonaffeu. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 63v – 64 r 99. 1351, April 28 Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera, actor and procurator for Bonafilla, widow of Juceff Zabarra, Perfet Ravayla and Vidal Zabarra, Jews of Balaguer, guardians to Bonastruch Zabarra, the son of Bonafilla and Juçeff Sabarra, heir ab intestato to his late father as well as to his grandfather, the late Bonastruch Zabarra, una et in solidum ad infrascripta et ad plura alia legitime constitutus cum Juceff Bonastruch, Astruc Vidal Biona, Jews of Cervera, and Bondio Zaporta, Jew of Tàrrega; transfers to some of the debtors of the late Juceff Zabarra, a credit that was confessed in favor to the said Juceff Zabarra before Benet de Torremeya, notary of Cervera, on 1342, Idus October. Jewish witness, Astruch Ravayla. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 100. 1351, April 28 Perfeyt Ravayla, Jew executor of the last will of the late Belayre, widow of Vidal Aninay, Jew, makes a transfer of rights to pay a debt that Belayre did confess before the notary of Cervera Benet de Torremeya in 1346, April 17 Kalends. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 66 r-v 101. 1351, April 28 Perfeyt Ravayla, Jew, general legatee (heres universalis) to the late wife of the deceased Vidal Aninay, declares he has been paid a debt owed to the said Belayre. Jewish witness, Astruch Perfeyt Ravayla.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 67 r 102. 1351, May 2 Abraam Bendit confesses Pericó Martorell paid him a debt. Jewish witness, Sentou Avenaya. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 69 r 103. 1351, May 3 Sit omnibus notum quod ego Perfeyt Ravayla, judeus, procurator Regine uxor Bonsenyor Graciani, et Blanche, uxor Mosse Bonjorn, deffunctorum judeorum Barchinone, habentium locum et ius cessionem a Samuel Cophen et Astruch Cophen, filiis et heredibus universalibus pro indiviso Salamonis Suylam Cophen, judei quondam, que heres fuit ab intestato Içach Salamo Cophen cum publico instrumento 6 nonas julii anno domini 1350 per discretum Petrum Dan, Notarius Cervarie … agrees a transfer of rights in order to pay an Içach Salamó Cophen debt, that had been confessed before the late notary of Cervera Benet de Torremeya, in 1346, May 3 nonas. Jewish witness, Abraam Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 69 r-v 104. 1351, May 3 Benet Adret agrees a transfer of rights with Astruch Perfeyt Ravalla. Jewish witness, Jacob Zatorra. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 72 v – 73 r 105. 1351, May 4 Jacob Zatorra, tailor, of Cervera, buys a house. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 73 r- 74 r 106. 1351, May 9 Astruch Azday rents for one year period a solarium cum cuva situated in Platea ulmi, bounding with the house of Salamó Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 80 v – 81 r

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107. 1351, May 9 Perfet Ravalla and Salamó Bonafos Adret are acting as executors of Belayre’s will, as appointed before Pere de Canet, notary of Cervera, in 1348, July pridie idus. Jewish witnesses, Salamó Mercadal and Jaffia Ravayla. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 86 r- 87 r 108. 1351, May 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Perfet Ravalla, Adret Davi and Salamó Adret, Jews of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 17 r-v 109. 1351, May 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 17 v- 18 r 110. 1351, May 13 It is acknowledged having received the borrowed amount from Jucef Samarell. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 18 r-v 111. 1351, May 13 Payment date agreements concerning Jucef Samarell’s mutuo, done on the same date. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 18 v- 19 r 112. 1351, May 16 Lobell Malet, Jew of Cervera, makes a transfer of rights and properties to pay a debt. Jewish witness, Perfeyt Ravalla. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 85 v- 86 r. 113. 1351, May 18

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Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera, actor and procurator for Bonafilla, widow of Juceff Zabarra, Perfet Ravayla and Vidal Zabarra, Jews of Balaguer, guardians of Bonastruch Zabarra, the son of Bonafilla and Juçeff Zabarra, heir ab intestato to his late father as well as to his grandfather, the late Bonastruch Zabarra, una et in solidum ad infrascripta et ad plura alia legitime constitutus cum Juceff Bonastruch, Astruc Vidal Biona, Jews of Cervera; and the tutor of the young daughter of Bernat Tora, are canceling the existing debts between both parties. Jewish witness, Astruch Perfeyt Ravayla. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 94 r – 95 r 114. 1351, May 18 Adret David, Roven Asser, Jucef Samarel, secretaries, Lobell Malet, Izach Mose Bendit, Izach Rosel, Astruch Maymó, Vidal Ferrer, Abram Bendit, Jafia Ravayla, Benet Adret, Salamó Mercadal and Izach Bonaffeu, Jews of Cervera, in their own name, as well as representatives of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, confess their debt to Donna Margarita de Cardona. Jewish witness, Astruch Perfeyt Ravayla. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 97 r-v 115. 1351, May 18 Adret David, Roven Asser, Jucef Samarel, secretaries, Lobell Malet, Izach Mose Bendit, Izach Rossel, Astruch Maymó, Vidal Ferrer, Abram Bendit, Jafia Ravayla, Perfeyt Ravayla, Benet Adret, Salamó Mercadal and Izach Bonaffeu, Jews of Cervera, in their own name, as well as representatives of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, state agreements with Donna Margarita de Cardona. Jewish witness, Astruch Perfeyt Ravayla. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 98 r- 99 r 116. 1351, May 18 Arnau Cardona, of Tora, actor and procurator for Donna Margarita de Cardona, is stating agreements with Adret David, Roven Asser, Jucef Samarel, secretaries, and Lobell Malet, Izach Mose Bendit, Izach Rosel, Astruch Maymó, Vidal Ferrer, Abram Bendit, Jafia Ravayla, Benet Adret, Salamó Mercadal and Izach Bonaffeu, Jews of Cervera, that are acting in their own name, as well as representatives of the Jewish aljama of Cervera. Jewish witness, Astruch Perfeyt Ravayla. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 102 r- 103 r 117. 1351, May 20

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Berenguer Ninot confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Pere de Vall and Jaume Salvador, of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 19 r-v 118. 1351, May 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob dez Bron, Jew of Cervera. This mutuo was cancelled by Astruc Jacob dez Bron in his last will. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 19 v- 20 r 119. 1351, May 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 20 v 120. 1351, May 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Bonafeu, Jew of Cervera. This credit was transferred to Perfet Ravalla ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 21 r 121. 1351, May 25 Dolça, widow of Asser Rossel, agrees the payment conditions with Jaume Serra. Jewish witnesses, Dolç Içach and Rossel Asser. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 59 v 122. 1351, May 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Samarell. The amount was delivered by his wife Durona from his husband’s funds. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 21 v- 22 r 123. 1351, May 30

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Içach Mosse Françes, Jew, by virtue of this document is stating payment agreements with Benet Morera. Jewish witness, Abraam Dangor. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 108 v- 109 r 124. 1351, May 31 Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been paid a debt. Jewish witness, Içach Bonanasch. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 107 v 125. 1351, June 7 Perfet Ravalla’s declarations concerning debts. Jewish witness, Vidal Ferrer ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 126. 1351, June 7 Perfeyt Ravayla, executor of the last will of Belayre, widow of Vidal Aninay, deceased, is stating the payment conditions to a debt. Jewish witness, Juçeff Bonastruch. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 114v – 115 r 127. 1351, June 8 Içach Effraym, Jew of Cervera, confesses he owes the price of a vineyard. Jewish witness, Vidal Ferrer ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 115 r 128. 1351, June 8 Adret Daviu mentions Astruch Cophen and Samuel Cophen, sons and heirs to the late Salamó Suylam Cophen.. Jewish witness, Içach Bonafeu. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 131 r-v

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129. 1351, May 15 [sic] (should say June 15) It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 22 r-v 130. 1351, June 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Berenguer Gilabert and Jaume Domenech, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 22 v- 23 r 131. 1351, June 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Salamó Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 23 r-v 132. 1351, June 30 Lobell Malet confesses he has been paid a debt. Jewish witness, Jaffia Ravayla ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 129 r 133. 1351, July 1st Berenguer de Queralt and his wife Elicsendis, both inhabitants of Hostafranchs, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 23 v- 24 v 134. 1351, July 14 Transfer of rights done by the Jew Abraam Dangor. Jewish witness, Daviu Astruch ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 135. 1351, July 15

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Bonastruc and Vidal Ferrer, Jews of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 24 v- 25 v 136. 1351, July 15 Jaume Serra confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Lobell Malet, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 25 v- 26 v 137. 1351, July 15 Jaume Serra agrees to repay his loan to Lobell Malet on Saint Michael’s day (September) ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 26 v- 27 r 138. 1351, July 15 Jaume Serra agrees to repay his mutuo, to Jucef Bonastruc and Vidal Ferrer, on Saint Mary of August’s day. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 27 r-v 139. 1351, July 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Regina, wife of Astruc Maimó, Jews of Cervera, tutrici et curatrici (guardian) of the children of Jucef Falaguera, her first husband ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 27 v- 28 v 140. 1351, July 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Bonafeu, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 28 v- 29 r 141. 1351, July 17 Sit omnibus notum quod ego Perfeyt Ravayla, judeus tutor et curator, datus et assignatus per venerabile baiulum Cervarie, persone et bonis Bonastruch Zabarra, filii pupilli Juceff Zabarra, quondam, et heredes ab intestato tam dicti patris sui quam

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Bonastruch Zabarra, avu sui quondam, cum Bonafilia uxor Juçeff Zabarra predicti, et Vitalis Zabarra judei Balagarii, de qua tutoria etc constat per publicum instrumentum pridie idus octobris anno domini 1348, per discretum Jacobus Ferrarii, … Et ego Vitalis Ferrarii, actor et procurator a dictis tutoribus e curatoribus legitime constitutus, una et in solidum, cum Juceff Bonastruch, Astrugo Vitalis Biona et Bonjuha Zaporta, judei, prout … constat per publicum instrumentum idus octobris anno predicto, per notarium infrascriptum confectum … This is a cancellation of debts by transferring credits’ document. Also the Jew Rossel Asser is mentioned in this document. Jewish witnesses, Juceff Bonastruc and Adret David ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 134 r -135 v 142. 1351, July 19 Document signed by Içach Mosse Bendit, concerning the payment of some debts. Jewish witness, Jacob Mair ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 138 r-v 143. 1351, July 22 Bonjuha Mercadal declares he has been paid part of a debt. Jewish witness, Juceff Bonastruch ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 132 v 144. 1351, July [27] Juceff Bonastruch is acting in his own name and as havens locum et cessionem to the late Astruc Sullam Coffen, as legalized before the notary of Cervera Pere de Munt in 1338, the 6th before the Nones of March. Jewish witness, Lobell Malet. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 132 v- 133 v 145. 1351, July 27 Juceff Bonastruch confesses he has been paid a debt. Jewish witness, Lobell Malet ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 133 v- 134 r 146. 1351, August 3

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Document signed by Jacob Içach, Jew of Cervera, concerning Astruch Vidal Biona, Jew, and others. Jewish witness, Daviu Astruch. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 138 v- 139 r 147. 1351, August 10 Abraam Dangor is stating the payment conditions for a credit he has. Jewish witness, Astruch Jacob. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 148. 1351, August 10 Abraam Dangor declares he has been paid a debt. Jewish witness, Astruch Jacob. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 149. 1351, [August ?] Içach Mose Frances […] pays a debt which was legalized in 1346, December 8th kalendas, before the late notary of Cervera Benet Tort. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 150. 1351, August 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 29 v 151. 1351, August 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jafia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 30 r 152. 1351, August 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 30 v 153. 1351, August 29 Ramon Vidal, inhabitant in Tarroja, and Jaume Vidal, inhabitant in Hostafrancs, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 31 r 154. 1351, August 29 Ramon Vidal, inhabitant in Tarroja, and Jaume Vidal, inhabitant in Hostafrancs, recognize they have received the import of the mutuo Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera, agreed with them. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 31 v 155. 1351, August 29 Ramon Vidal, inhabitant in Tarroja, and Jaume Vidal, inhabitant in Hostafrancs, agree they will repay their debt to Salamó Bonafos Adret next May the 1st. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 31 v- 32 r 156. 1351, September 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach […] Bonanasch, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 32 r-v 157. 1351, October 27 Adret David, judeus procurator <subscriptum cum publico instrumento 26 die octobris anno subscripto, cum consenso Mosse Gracia, judeo marito et procuratore Regina, uxori sue> heredisque ab intestate Astruch Biona, judei <quondam patris sui. Et Astrugona uxoris dicti Astrugi Biona…> … confesses he has been paid a debt. Jewish witness, Salamó Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 34 r-v 158. 1351, November 8

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 32 v- 33 r 159. 1351, November 8 Perfeyt Biona acknowledges he has been paid a debt. Witnesses, Jaume Zafabrega and Sullam Biona, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre, 1351 Nov 8- 1352, Feb 16. f. 1 r 160. 1351, November 9 Juceff Samarell acknowledges he has been paid a debt that had been agreed before this same notary. Witnesses, Ramon de Rama, notary, and Adret Daviu, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre, 1351 Nov 8- 1352, Feb 16. f. 1 r-v 1351, November [9] Regina, daughter of Rossell Asser, acknowledges that Issac Mose Bendit, guardian of the children and heirs of Regina, the widow of Salamó de Camprodon, has paid her and her sister Astruga the legatees that the late Regina ordered in her last will. Witnesses, Ramon Rama, notary, and Içach Bonafos, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre, 1351 Nov 8- 1352, Feb 16. f. 1 v- 2 r 161. 1351, December 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega, absent, whose amount was delivered by Jucef Bonastruch on Bonjuha’s funds. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 33 r- 34 r 162. 1351, December 8 B. de Segalers and his wife Elicsendis confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal Avent Lobell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 34 r-v 163. 1351, December 8

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Berenguer de Queralt and his wife Elicsendis confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 34 v- 35 v 164. 1351, December 8 Sullam Biona, Jew of Cervera, with the agreement of Roven Asser, states the payment conditions. Witnesses, Jaume de Figuerola and Içach de Talavera, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre, 1351 Nov 8- 1352, Feb 16. f. 10 v 165. 1351, December 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mair Malet, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 35 v-36 r 166. 1351, December 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Jacob dez Bron, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Ramon de Rama, notary, and Guillem Salvador. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 36 r-v 167. 1351, December 13 It is acknowledged having received the import of the mutuo from Astruc Jacob dez Bron, Jew of Cervera, as is agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 36 v 168. 1351, December 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Ramon de Rama, notary, and Ramon Gilabert, son of Pere Gilabert, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 37 r-v 169. 1351, December 15

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Calot, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 37 v-38 r 170. 1351, December 18 Içach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera, guardian to Cresques Salamó, heir to Regina, widow of Salamó de Camprodon, makes cession to Pere Joan of the import of the debts that Jaume Ramon and Arnau den Domingo, of Belvei, confessed to owe them before the notary of Cervera Pere Ballester, on 5 Kalendas september a.d. 1347. Witnesses, Ramon Rama, notary, and Içach Affraim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre, 1351 Nov 8- 1352, Feb 16. f. 2 r-v 171. 1351, December 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vivant Jacob, a Jew son of the deceased Jacob dez Bron. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 38 r- 39 r 172. 1351, 6 kalendas September Apoca Nouerint universi quod ego Simon Ermengou, habitanti Barchinone, confiteor et in veritate recognosco vobis venerabile Raimundo de Pedros collectori subsidii, per dominum rege postulati, aljame judeorum ville Cervarie, quod dedistis et solvistis mei nomine … … per Jacobum de Sos, auctoritate Regia notarius publicum per totam terram et dominationem domini Regis, xiii kalendas septembri anno subscripto, … 13 kalendas septembri anno domini 1350 … collectores subsidii aljame judeorum ville Cervarie confitemur et recognoscemos vobis Jucefo Samarell, Adret Davi et Roven Asser, judeis secretariis aljame judeorum ville Cervarie, quod dedistis et solvistis michi et ego a vobis habui et recepi …illos quadraginta quatour solidos … quos dicta aljama solvere debebat. ACSG. Colección Dalmases nº 3024

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YEAR 1352

173. 1352, January 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 39 r-v 174. 1352, January 19 Document concerning the sale of a house, that Bernat de Vall owned in the Call Jussà. The house was bought by Sullam Biona, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre, 1351 Nov 8- 1352, Feb 16. f. 26 v 175. 1352, January 19 Bernat de Vall acknowledges Sullam Biona has paid him the price of the house that Bernat had sold him. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre, 1351 Nov 8- 1352, Feb 16. f. 26 v 176. 1352, January 19 Sullam Biona confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bernat de Vall. Jewish witness, Astruch Salamó Cofen. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Llibre, 1351 Nov 8- 1352, Feb 16. f. 27 r 177. 1352, January 23 Guillem Salvador, of Granyanella, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 39 v- 40 r

178. 1352, January 13 Ramon Castelló, of Granyanella, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 40 r-v

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1352, February 3 Pere de Falcons, lord of Falcons, and castlanus of Cervera, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Belinvenya, Jew of Tàrrega. The import of the mutuo was given to him by Jucef Samarell, from Abram’s funds. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 40 v- 41 r 179. 1352, January 13 Pere de Falcons acknowledges the receipt of the import of the mutuo agreed with Abram Belinvenya, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 41 r-v 180. 1352, February 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach and Bondio Bendit, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 41 v. 181. 1352, February 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 2 r. 182. 1352, February 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob dez Bron, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 2 v- 3 r. 183. 1352, February 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob dez Bron, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 7 r-v.

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184. 1352, March 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 8 v- 9r 185. 1352, March 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Lobell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 9 r-v. . 186. 1352, March 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Sullam Biona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 10 r. 187. 1352, March 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Perfet Ravalla, Adret Daviu, Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jews executors of the last will of Belayre, wife of the late Vidal Aninay ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 10 r- 11 r 188. 1352, March 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Bonastruch, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 11 r-v 189. 1352, March 20 A debtor of Juceff Bonastruch agrees he will pay his debt the day of Saint Michael, in September ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 12 r-v

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190. 1352, March 22 Berenguer Ermengou and others confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 12 v- 13 r 191. 1352, March 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 13 v 192. 1352, March 23 Azter, Jewess, widow of Bonjuha Adzay, and guardian of their son Bonich Adzay, heir of his father Bonjuha Adzay (document of 1348 A.D., October 3, Jaume Ferrer, notary of Cervera) pays her husband’s debts to Jacob Içach de Fonjaus. Witnesses, Ramon Rama, notary, and Sullam Biona, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 14 r-v 193. 1352, April 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abram Zullam, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 14 v- 15 r 194. 1352, April 10 Ferrer Vidal and his wife Geraldona, of la Cardosa, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Sullam Biona, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 15 r-v 195. 1352, May 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Lobell Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 16 r

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196. 1352, May 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 16 v 197. 1352, May 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abram Zullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 17 r 198. 1352, May 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 17 v 199. 1352, May 18 The debtors of Astruch Perfet Ravalla confess they have received from him the import that had borrowed, as agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 18 r 200. 1352, May 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob dez Bron, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 18 r-v 201. 1352, May 28 The debtors of Astruch Jacob dez Bron confess they have received from him the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 18 v 202. 1352, May 29

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Guillem Salvador and his wife Geralda, and Arnau Pellicer and his wife Dolça, inhabitants in la Granyanella, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Jaume Salvador and Francesc Sastre. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 18 v- 19 r 203. 1352, May 29 Guillem Salvador and his wife Geralda, and Arnau Pellicer and his wife Dolça, inhabitants in la Granyanella, confess they have received from Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera, the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 19 v 204. 1352, June 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 19 v- 20 r 205. 1352, June 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 20 r- 20 v 206. 1352, June 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 20 v- 21 r 207. 1352, June 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruc Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 21 v 208. 1352, June 15

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 22 r 209. 1352, June 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 22 v 210. 1352, June 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jacob de Fonjaus, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 23 r-v 211. 1352, June 30 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Regina, wife of Içach Bonanasc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 23 v- 24 r 212. 1352, June 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Rossell Asser, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 24 r-v 213. 1352, Jul 2 Jacob Calouri, Jew originating from Pamplona, and his wife Sol, confess they have a deposit or comanda from Jacob Avencorro, Jew of Balaguer. Witnesses, Francesc Sastre, Abram Zullam and Juceff de Malguir, Jews. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 24 v- 25 r 214. 1352, Jul 2

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Jacob Calouri, Jew originating from Pamplona, and his wife Sol, confess they have received the import of the deposit or comanda from Jacob Avencorro, a Jew of Balaguer. Witnesses, Francesc Sastre, Abram Zullam and Juceff de Malguir, Jews. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 25 r 215. 1352, Jul 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abram Zullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 25 r-v 216. 1352, Jul 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Aster, Jewess, widow of Mestre Bonjuha Adzay, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 26 r-v 217. 1352, Jul [3] Cum materia questionis orta esset inter Astruch Suylam, judeus Tarrege, et Reginam, uxor Maimoni Cerz, quondam, sutor, filie et heredis Samuelis Salamo, filii et heredis Salamo Azan, jew quondam Tarrege, ex una parte, et Sentou Turo, judeus Barchinone, ex altera, racione logeri cuiusdam hospici dicte heredis, siti in callo judaico maiore Barchinone, confrontati cum Jucef Almoli, judeo, et in tribus viis publicas … Document concerning a pledge by reason of a house located in the Jewish quarter of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 26 v 218. 1352, Jul 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Gracia, widow of Sentou Jafia, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 28 r 219. 1352, Jul 19

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jacob Içach de Fonjaus, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 28 v 220. 1352, Jul 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jacob Içach de Fonjaus, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 29 r 221. 1352, Jul 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Lobell Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 30 r 222. 1352, Jul 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Salamó Rosel, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Astruch Jacob. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 31 r 223. 1352, Jul 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 31 v 224. 1352, July 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffia Ravalla, Jew. Witnesses, Francesc Sastre and Ramon Gilabert, notary of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 66 r 225. 1352, July 22 It is acknowledged having received the import borrowed from Jaffia Ravalla.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 66 r 226. 1352, July 26 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Abram Bendit, Jew of Cervera, as heir ab inestato of his mother Mira, widow of Mestre Bendit. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 66 r-v 227. 1352, Aug 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Bonanasc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 32 v 228. 1352, Aug 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob dez Bron, Jew of Cervera. The import of the borrowing was delivered on his behalf by Abram Avizmel. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 33 r-v 229. 1352, Aug 14 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruga, Jewess, widow of Salamó Deus lo Crega, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, by reason of a mutuo done on her behalf by Içach Bonafeu, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 34 r-v 230. 1352, [Sep 18] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bondio Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 35 v 231. 1352, Sep 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 36 r 232. 1352, Sep 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 36 v 233. 1352, Sep [22] It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bondio Zaporta, Jew of Barcelona, by reason of a mutuo that Sullam Biona, Jew of Cervera, did on his behalf. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 37 r 234. 1352, Oct 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 37 v- 38 r 235. 1352, Oct 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 38 r 236. 1352, Nov 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Malet and Astruch Jacob, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 38 r-v 237. 1352, Nov 8 Abram Zullam, Jew of Cervera, transfers a credit to Astruch Malet, inhabitant in Cardona. Witnesses, Francesc Sastre and Astruch Jacob, Jew.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 38 v- 39 v 238. 1352, Nov 27 It is acknowledged a debt to Astruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cardona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 39 v- 40 r 239. 1352, Dec 4 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Adret Daviu, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 40 r-v 240. 1352, Dec 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Salamó Rossell. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 40 v- 41 r 241. 1352, Dec 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Perfet Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 41 r-v 242. 1352, Dec 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 41 v- 42 r 243. 1352, Dec 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Salamó Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 42 r- 43 r 244. 1352, February 22

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jacob Içach, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 2 r 245. 1352, February 22 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Jacob Içach, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 2 r-v 246. 1352, February 24 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega, by reason of a mutuo. The import of the loan was delivered by Juceff Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera, on Bonjua Saporta’s behalf ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 2 v- 3 r 247. 1352, February 24 The previous document’s borrower acknowledges that Jucef Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera, has given him the import borrowed from Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 3 r 248. 1352, February 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruc Jacob, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 3 r-v 249. 1352, February 27 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Astruc Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 3 v- 4 r 250. 1352, February 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Perfet Biona, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 4 r-v

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251. 1352, February 27 It is acknowledged having received the import borrowed from Perfet Biona, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 4 v 252. 1352, March 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abram Zullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 4 v- 5 r 253. 1352, March 2 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Abram Zullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 5 r 254. 1352, March 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruc Jacob, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 5 v- 6 r 255. 1352, March 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruc Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 6 r-v 256. 1352, March 8 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Astruc Jacob and delivered on his behalf by Abram Dangor, both Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 7 r 257. 1352, March 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew.

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Witnesses, Francesch Sastre and Ramon Gilabert. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 7 r-v 258. 1352, March 9 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Içach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 7 v 259. 1352, March 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjua Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega, absent, delivered on his behalf by Juceff Bonastruch, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 8 r-v 260. 1352, March 9 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega, delivered on his behalf by Juçeff Bonastruc. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 8 v 261. 1352, March 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 8 v- 9 r 262. 1352, March 9 Borrowing done by Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega, and Juçeff Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 9 r-v 263. 1352, March 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega, absent, delivered on his behalf by Juceff Bonastruc, Jew, present. Witnesses, Francesc Sastre and Ramon Gilabert.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 9 v-10 r 264. 1352, March 9 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega, absent, delivered on his behalf by Juceff Bonastruc, Jew, present. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 10 r 265. 1352, March 11 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 10 v- 11 r 266. 1352, March 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruc Jacob, Jew of Cervera, delivered on his behalf by Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 11 r-v 267. 1352, March 8 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Astruc Jacob. The import of the borrowing was delivered by Abram Dangor on Astruc Jacob’s behalf, both of them were Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 11 v 268. 1352, March 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Sullam Biona, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Jaume Salvador and Francesc Sastre, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 12 r 269. 1352, March 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 12 r-v 270. 1352, March 12 It is acknowledged having received the import of the borrowing from Juceff Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 12 v 271. 1352, March 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 13 r 272. 1352, March 12 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 13 v 273. 1352, March 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Francesc Sastre and Ramon Gilabert. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 13 v- 14 r 274. 1352, March 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruc Samuel Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 14 v 275. 1352, March 15 It is acknowledged having received from Astruc Samuel Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega, the amount borrowed from him. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 14 v

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276. 1352, March 15 Astruch Samuel Zaporta, Jew of Tàrrega, offers an arrangement way to his credit Pridie kalendas december anno domini 1346, per Guillemum Boneti, publicum notarii Tarrege. Witnesses, Francesc Sastre, Ramon Gilabert, and Perfeyt Ravalla, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 15 r 277. 1352, March 15 It is acknowledged a debt to Lobell Malet, Jew of Cervera, by reason of a mutuo. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 15 r-v 278. 1352, March 15 Içach Effraim, Jew of Cervera, in order to pay a debt to Juceff Vidal, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, transfers him his rights on a deposito seu comanda he had established with Bonjuha Mercadell, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, originating from Santa Coloma. Bonjuha Mercadell had confessed his debt on this deposit in a document A.D. 1348, September Kalendas 13, before this same notary. Signed by Içach Effraim. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 16 r 279. 1352, March 16 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera noviter, by reason of a mutuo. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.16 r-v 280. 1352, March 16 It is acknowledged having received the borrowed amount from Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.16 v 281. 1352, March 16

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Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera, offers his creditor a way to solve his debt Jewish witness, Juçeff Bonastruch This debt was cancelled on 1357, Mar 4 ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.16 v- 17 r 282. 1352, March 16 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Jacob Içach, Jew noviter, by reason of a mutuo. Witnesses, Francesc Sastre, of Cervera, and Guillem Salvador, of Granyanela. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.17 r 283. 1352, March 16 It is acknowledged that Jacob Izach, Jew, paid back the import of his borrowing. Same witnesses. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.17 v 284. 1352, March 19 Ramon Miquel, of the locality of Far, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.17 v 285. 1352, March 19 Ramon Miquel, of the locality of Far, acknowledges he has received the amount borrowed from Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.18 r 286. 1352, March 19 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera noviter, by reason of a mutuo. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.18 r 287. 1352, March 19

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It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.18 v 288. 1352, March 21 It is acknowledged a debt by reason of a mutuo in favor of Bonosa, inhabitant in Cervera, wife of the deceased Izach Benveníst, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.18 v- 19 r 289. 1352, March 21 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Bonosa, inhabitant in Cervera, wife of the deceased Izach Benveníst, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.19 r 290. 1352, March 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Avent Lobell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.19 r-v 291. 1352, March 28 Arnau Zavall, his wife, and Bernat Segalers, of Prenyanosa, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.19 v- 20 r 292. 1352, March 28 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Salamó Bonafos Adret. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.20 r 293. 1352, April 13 Sit omnibus notum quod ego B. Verdeguer, Cervarie, tutor et curator, datus et assignatus per venerabile baiuli Cervarie, persone et bonis Francisci Narbona, filii pupilli Petri de Narbona, quondam Cervarie, prout de ipsa tutela, constat per publicum

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instrumentum die lune intitulata 15 kalendas febroarii anno domini 1349, per discretum Petrum Magister de villa Cervarie … confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.21 r-v 294. 1352, April 13 Francesc Narbona, son of the deceased Pere de Narbona, acknowledges the borrowing done by Abraam Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.21 v-22 v 295. 1352, April 13 Sit omnibus notum quod ego Abraam Bendit, judeus Cervarie, filii et heres ab intestato Mire, uxor Magistri Bendit, judeum quondam iamdicte ville, ts. huius publici instrumenti promito et convenio bone fide vobis B. Verdaguer dicte ville, tutori et curatori Francisci Narbona … quod exolvistis michi …. 210 solidi Barchinone, quos dictus Petrus de Narbona, dicte matri mee fuit confessus debere cum publici 7 Kalendas aprilis anni domini 1347, per discretum Johanem de Turri notari Cervarie quondam confectum Jewish witness, Içach Bonastruch. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.22 v 296. 1352, April 13 This is another document concerning the agreements done in the previous one, and also refers to Abrae Bendit. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.23 r 297. 1352, April 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.20 r-v 298. 1352, April 15 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Izach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.20 v 299. 1352, April 16 Sit omnibus notum quod nos, Juçeff Sanoga et uxor eius Flor, judei, ts huius presenti instrumenti confitemur vobis Abrae Aviçmel, judeo, quod tradistis nobis in comanda et puro deposito vestro in presentia mei notarii subscripti et testes subscriptorum, res sequens: primo decem capçals bons , 1 siti, 1 banch, 1 cortina reyal destam, 2 travesers, 4 coxins de seda, 4 pareyls de lançols bons. 2 vanoes..., 18 tovaylons, 12 tovayles entres les quals na uns que valen 70 sous, item 1 caldera, 1 taça, 1 morter de coure, 1 paela, unes lumeneres ab 8 brochs, 2 matalassos, 1 cubertor, 2 plomaçes, 1 taça dargent pesant 1 march e mes e es smaltada ab seyal de castel e de ala. Et quia predictas res a vobis habuimus et recepimus ideo renuntiamus exceptioni rerum predictarum a vobis non habitarum et non receptarum in vero puro deposito et doli. Quasquidem res et bonas supradicta vobis dicto Abrae Aviçmel reddere et restituere promitimus tunc statim seu incontinenti eum a vobis aut vestris fuerimus requisiti, sine omni prolongamento et contradicto ... Witnesses, Pericó Baster, Bernat of Fuxo and Juceff of Melgraya, Jew ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 23 v- 24 r 300. 1352, April 16 Sit omnibus notum quod nos Juçeff Sanoga et uxor eius Flor, judei, confitemur nos habuisse et recepisse a vobis Abraam Aviçmel, res sequentis: Primo, decem capçals bons (crossed out says: e bels), 1 siti, 1 banch, 1 cortina reyal destam, 2 traversers, 4 coxins de seda, 4 pareyls de lançols bons e bells, 2 vanoves, 1 coteta bona e bela, 6 guengues, 18 tovaylons, 12 tovaylles, entre les quals na unes que valan 70 sous, uma caldera, uma taça, un morter de coure, una paela, unes lumeneres ab 8 brochs. Item dos matalassos, un cubertor, dos plomaces, uma taça dargent... quas res et bona die presenti nos deposuistis cum publico instrumento per notarium subscriptum confectum. Et quia de predictis rebus et bonis ad nostram voluntatem bene vestri paccati sumus et contenti, ideo renunciamus exceptioni dictorum rerum non habitarum et non recptarum, et doli. Quod est actum ut superius Testes ut superius. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 24 r 301. 1352, April 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bondio Zaporta, Jew of Tàrrega. The amount was delivered on his behalf by Juceff Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.24 r-v

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302. 1352, April 17 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Bondio Zaporta, absent, and delivered on his behalf by Juceff Bonastruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 24 v 303. 1352, April 17 Receipt document Apocha de recepto ... confiteor vobis Bondio Zaporta, filio et heredi Salamonis Zaporta, judeo quondam, quod exsolvistis mei, nomine quo supra, et ego a vobis habui et recepi totam illam pensionem sexsaginta solidorum Barchinone quos dictus Salamonus Zaporta et Belayre, eius uxor, parentis vestrum, cum quibusdam aliis faciebant dicto Guillemo Gilabert scilicet de festo omnium sanctorum proxime venienti... ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.24 v- 25 r 304. 1352, April 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Bonastruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 25 r-v 305. 1352, April 18 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Juceff Bonastruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 25 v 306. 1352, April 18 Bondio Zaporta, Jew, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Sullam Biona, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 25 v 307. 1352, April 18

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Bondio Zaporta, Jew, acknowledges he has received the amount borrowed from the Jew Sullam Biona. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 26 r 308. 1352, April 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Sullam Biona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 26 r 309. 1352, April 18 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Sullam Biona. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.26 r 310. 1352, April 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrahe Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 26 v 311. 1352, April 23 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Abrae Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 26 v 312. 1352, April 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.27 r 313. 1352, April 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 27 r-v 314. 1352, April 23 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 27 v 315. 1352, April 27 Sit omnibus notum quod ego, Bondio Zaporta, judeus Cervarie, vendo et ex causa vendicionis cedo vobis Izach Mose Bendit, judeus eiusdem ville, et vestris, omnia loca mea iura actiones … ex illis 1400 ss. Quos Mose Gracia, judeus Celsone, procurator ad hec et alia legitime constitutus, et Regina uxor sua, filia et herede universale successore Astrugi Biona, patris sui quondam, ac Mose Biona, fratris eiusdem Regine, quondam, filiique dicti Astrugi et Izach Salamo Rosell vendidit ex illis 3711 ss. Barchinone quos Laurentius divorra et Guillelmus Ros, habitatoris loci de Grenyena, sindici, actores et procuratores universitatis hominum dicti loci, ipsi Regina fuerunt confessi debere cum publico instrumento clauso per discretum Antonium Robione notarium Cervarie 30 die aprilis Anno a Nativitatis Domini 1351, ut per aliud publicum instrumentum 14 die septembre anno predicto, per dicto notario confecto. Sig+num Bondio Zaporta judei predicti que hec facio concedo et laudo. Testes huius rei sunt Vidal Avent Lopel, judeus, R. Gilabert notari … ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 27 v- 28 v 316. 1352, April 27 Izach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera, confess that Bondio Zaporta, Jew of the same place, paid him 750 sous Barchinone that he and her mother Belayra, wife of Salamó Zaporta, Jew quondam, and his brother Astruch Zaporta agreed to owe him on public document of 13 Kalendas November A.D. 1349, before Pere Dan, public notary of Cervera … Jewish witness, Vidal Avent Lobell. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 28 v- 29 r 317. 1352, April 27 Puro deposito et comanda agreement between Izach Salamó Rosell and Bondio Zaporta, Jews of Cervera, on one side, and Regina, the widow of Izach Perfet Bonafos, Jew of Barcelona, on the other side. The Jewish witness was Vidal Avent Lobell. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 29 r-v

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318. 1352, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of mutuo, in favor of Mair Malet, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 29 v- 30 r 319. 1352, May 1 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Mair Malet. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 30 r 320. 1352, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 30 r-v 321. 1352, May 1 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.30 v 322. 1352, May 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.30 v- 31 r 323. 1352, May 2 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 31 r 324. 1352, May 2

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Suylam Biona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 31 v 325. 1352, May 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 31 v- 32 r 326. 1352, May 2 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Jaffia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 32 r 327. 1352, May 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 32 r-v 328. 1352, May 15 Valentí Falchó and Berenguer Talavero, of Talavera, on behalf of the universitatis of Talavera, confess its debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera noviter. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 32 v- 33 r 329. 1352, May 15 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 33 v 330. 1352, May 15

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Valentí Falchó and Berenguer Talavero promises to pay the universitatis of Talavera’s debt in favor of Roven Asser on the next Saint Mary of August’s day. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 33 v- 34 v 331. 1352, May 15 Guillem Steve and his wife Paula confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 34 v- 35 r 332. 1352, May 15 Guillem Steve and his wife acknowledge they have received the amount borrowed from Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 35 r 333. 1352, May 15 Guillem Steve and others promise to pay their debt in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera, next ad proximum instans Festum Pasche Domini die adiate. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 35 r-v 334. 1352, May 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Perfeyt Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 36 r 335. 1352, May 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 36 v 336. 1352, May 22 Jaume de Moncortés acknowledges he has received from Astruch Jacob the money he borrowed him.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 36 v 337. 1352, May 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. They also signed a receipt (apocha). ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 37 r 338. 1352, May 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 37 v 339. 1352, May 22 Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera, makes a transfer of rights and actions to Astruch Malet, Jew of Cardona, as payment of a debt. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 40 r-v 340. 1352, May 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera Witnesses, Ramon Gilabert and Francesc Sastre, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 38 r 341. 1352, May 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 38 r-v 342. 1352, May 27 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Abrae Bendit, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 38 v 343. 1352, May 27 Sit omnibus notum quod ego Berengarius Rosell de Palagaylls confiteor me debere vobis Bonefilie, uxor Izach Mosse, judei, tutrici et curatrici pupillorum Juceffi Falaguera quondam noviter, viginti solidi Barchinone terni causa mutui quod mei fecistis … Testes huius rei sunt Petrus Cardona et Raimundus Gilabert, notari, Cervarie. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 38 v- 39 r 344. 1352, May 28 Sit omnibus notum quod ego, Benet Adret, judeus, filius et heres universalis Astrugone, uxoris Bonnin Adret, judei quondam Cervarie, parentes mei, testimonium huius publici instrumenti ex nomine quo supra … dono et cedo atque mando vobis, Astruch Jacob, judeo Cervarie et vestris omnia loca mea et iura … alias mei competentes et competere debentes in illis 35 solidi Barchinone terni quos Berengueronus Sartore et eius uxor Berenguerona, habitatores de Rivo ovinu, dicte Astrugone matri mee confesi fuerunt debere cum publico instrumento 15 Kalendas Januarii a.d. 1347, in quo Raimundus Gilabert, dicti loci de Rivo ovinu, nomine fideiussorio est obligatus. Et etiam dono et cedo vobis omnia iura mea ut supra in illis 42 solidi Barchinone quos disctus Berengeronus Sartore et eius uxor Berengerona fuerunt confesi debere dicte Astrugone matri mee cum publico instrumento pridie nonas febroarii a.d. 1347, per dictum notario confecto, in quo Jacobus Bafart, dicti loci de Rivo ovinu nomine fideiussorio est obligatus … Testes huius rei sunt Raimundus Gilabert notarii, et Abraam Avizmel, judeus. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 39 r-v 345. 1352, June 1 Berenguer Sastre, of Riudovelles, confesses a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jacob Içach, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.41 r-v 346. 1352, June 1 Arnau Secanell and his wife, of Castellnou, confess they owe certain amount of money by reason of a mutuo agreed with Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.41 v- 42 r

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347. 1352, June 1 Arnau Secanell and his wife acknowledge they have received the amount borrowed from Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera.. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 42 r 348. 1352, June 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. The debtor signed receipt for the borrowed amount. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 42 r-v 349. 1352, June 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.42 v 350. 1352, June 1 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Juceff Samarell. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 43 r 351. 1352, June 4 Pere de Palamós, Berenguer Oliba and Berenguer Cirera, of Palamós, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Bendit, Jew noviter, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 43 r 352. 1352, June 4 Pere de Palamós, Berenguer Oliba and Berenguer Cirera, of Palamós, acknowledge they have received the borrowed amount from Abrae Bendit, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 43 v 353. 1352, June 4

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Abrae Bendit, Jew of Cervera, agrees to pay back a loan that Pere de Palamós, Berenguer Oliba and Berenguer Cirera, of Palamós, made him on Pridie kalendas aprilis a.d. 1348 before the notary of Cervera Joan de Torre, if they pay back this mutuo next Saint Mary of August. Jewish witness, Mosse Içach. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 43 v 354. 1352, June 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 44 r 355. 1352, June 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 44 r-v 356. 1352, June 8 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed form Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 44 v 357. 1352, June 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach Bonafeu, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 44 v- 45 r 358. 1352, June 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 45 r-v 359. 1352, June 12

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It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 45 v 360. 1352, June 13 Berenguer Sastre and his wife, of Riudovelles, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 45 v- 46 r 361. 1352, June 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Suylam Biona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 46 r 362. 1352, June 16 Pere de Rama, carpenter, and his wife Saurina, of Cervera, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Falchó, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 46 v 363. 1352, June 16 Pere de Rama, carpenter, and his wife Saurina, of Cervera, acknowledge they have received the amount borrowed from Juceff Falchó, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 46 v 364. 1352, June 20 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew, absent, by reason of a borrowing that his wife Astrugona did on his behalf. The debtors agreed to pay back the loan in primo instanti festo Omnes Sanctorum adiate. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 47 r 365. 1352, June 20

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It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Astruch Jacob, absent in that moment in time. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 47 v 366. 1352, June 16 Sit omnibus notum quod ego, Perfeyt Biona, judeus ville Cervarie, attendens quod tempore nuptie vestri Mirone, filie Daviu Abraam, Jew quondam, vos dicta Mirona dedistis et constituistis michi in dotem quoddam hospitium situm in callo judaico scilicet in vico vocato del Vent, sicut affrontatur cum hospitio quod tenet uxor Magistri Bonjuha Azday, quondam, et cum hospitio heredum Bernardi de Vallo, et cum hospitio Jacobus Arnaldi, partem, et partem cum domibus furni et cum via publica <ut de hiis patet per publicum instrumentum 6 kalendas martii a.d. 1350, per notarium subscriptum confectum> Quidquidem hospitium vobis, dicte Mirone, dedatur et concesserat pro parte hereditate et legitima ac alio iure vobis pertenentibus in bonis paternis et maternis Priçosa, mater vestra, uxorique quondam patris vestri iamdicti cum alio publico instrumento die et anno predictis et per dictum notario confecto. Attendens eiam quod iamdicta Preçosa mater vestra pro solucione et satisfactione pro rata quantitatis illis dotis per ipsam Priçosam mei constitutam, que ascendetur <summa> 3000 solidorum monete Barchinone terni, cum alio publico instrumento die et anno predictos et per dictum notarium confecto, dedit michi donatione pura perfecta et irrrevocabili inter vivos omnia et singula bona sua mobilia aut se moventia, … deposita et alia quemcumque iura que ipsam haberet ubique … Attendens etiam quod instigante diabolo discordia fuit suscitata inter me et vos ita quod simul cohabitare nequimus propter matrimonium inter me et vos factum est divorciandum sic quod vobis iamdicte uxore mee de presenti intendo et propositum habeo libellum repudii dare secundum ritum iudeorum. … Absolvo et concedo et restituo vobis iamdictas Mirone et Preçose et vestris omnes actiones petitiones et demandas quam et quas facere seu movere possem contra vos et bona vestra iamdicta …. Testes huius rei sunt Içach Bonanasch, Vitalis Fferrarii, judei, Franciscus Sartoris, Raimundus Gilabert, notarius Cervarie. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 47 v- 49 r 367. 1352, June 20 Sit omnibus notum quod nos, Preçosa, uxor Daviu Abraam, judei quondam ville Cervarie, et Mirona, eorum filia, uxorique vestri Perfeyt Biona, , judei dicte ville <attendentes quod vos iamdictus Perfeyt Biona secundum ritus iudeorum intenditis et bultis dare mei dicte Mirone libellum repudii quod causa quie instigante diabolo ...

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inter me et vos discordia et odim fuit ... > testimonio huius publici instrumenti ubique valituro non vi non coacte non metu ... aut doli ... cum hoc presenti publico instrumento ... absolvimus diffinimus ... vobis dicto Perfeyt Biona et vestris omne ius et omnes acciones ... Confitentes vobis in veritate quod restituisis et tornasis nobis omnia et singula bona per nos vobis tradita ... Sig+num Preçose, uxor Daviu Abraam quondam. Sig+num Mirone eius filie predictarum ... Testes huius rei sunt ut superius. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 49 r-v 368. 1352, June 20 Sit omnibus notum quod ego Perfeyt Biona judeo Cervarie, attendentes quod tempore nuptiarum mei et vestri Durone filie Daviu Abraam phisici judei quondam predicte ville, vos dicta Durona inter alia dedistis et constituistis michi inter alia quoddam hospi Unfinished document, this is its full content. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 52 r 369. 1352, June 20 Sit omnibus notum quod nos Suylam Biona judeus et uxor eius Dulcia de Cervarie, testimonio huius publici instrumenti confitemur nos tenere in puro deposito et camanda a vobis Perfeyt Biona judeo, decem libras monete Barchinone de terno quas die presente nos deposuistis … Testes huius rei sunt Içach Bonanasch, Vitali Fferrarii, Astruch Azday, judei, et Ffranciscus Sartore Cervarie. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 52 r 370. 1352, June 20 Sit omnibus notum quod nos Suylam Biona judeus et uxor eius Dulcia de Cervaria, testimonio huius publici instrumenti confitemur nos habuisse et recepisse a vobis Perfeyt Biona judeo omnes illas decem libras monete Barchinone terni quas die presenti nos deposuistis cum publico instrumento per notario subscriptum confecto… Testes ut superius. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 52 r-v 371. 1352, June 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 52 v- 53 r 372. 1352, June 21 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Jaffia Ravalla, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 53 r 373. 1352, June 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, judeo noviter. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 53 r-v 374. 1352, June 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach Calot, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 53 v 375. 1352, June 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffia Ravalla, judeo noviter. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f.54 r 376. 1352, June 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach Bonanasch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 54 r-v 377. 1352, June 22 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Izach Bonanasch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 54 v

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378. 1352, June 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera. One of the witnesses, Jaume Cardona, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 55 r 379. 1352, June 26 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Izach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 55 r 380. 1352, June 26 Salamó Samuel Atzarell, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, general legatee to his grandmother Lloba, pays a debt she had confessed to Mair Malet. Jewish witness, Bonnin Adret. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 55 r-v 381. 1352, June 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 55 r-v 382. 1352, June 27 The debtor of Astruch Jacob confess he has received from him the import of the mutuo agreed between them. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 56 r 383. 1352, June 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Lobell Malet, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 56 r-v

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384. 1352, June 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Jacob Içach, Jew noviter ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 56 v 385. 1352, June 29 The debtors of Jacob Içach confess they have received from him the import of the mutuo. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 57 r 386. 1352, June 29 Jacob Içach is stating payment terms to the aforementioned loan. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 57 r 387. 1352, June 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 57 r-v 388. 1352, June 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Jaffia Ravayla, Jew noviter ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 57 v 389. 1352, June 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew.. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 58 r 390. 1352, June 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jacob Içach and Izach Calot, Jews.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 58 r-v 391. 1352, June 30 The debtors by reason of the mutuo agreed in the precedent document confess they have received its import from Jacob Içach and [Içach] Calot. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 58 v 392. 1352, July 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Izach Bonanasch, Jew of Cervera . ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 58 v- 59 r 393. 1352, July 2 The debtors of the mutuo just agreed confess they have received its import from Içach Bonanasch. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 59 r 394. 1352, July 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Abraam Belivenya, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 59 v 395. 1352, July 2 The debtors of the mutuo just agreed, acknowledge they have received its import from the Jew of Tàrrega Abraam Belivenya. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 60 r 396. 1352, July 3 Astruch Ravaylla, Jew of Cervera, is offering payment terms to Abraam Astruch Zatorra, Jew of Montblanc, Izach Maymó, Jew of Falset, and Samuel Zatorra, Jew of Anglesola, by reason of debts existing among them. Jewish witness, Jaffia Ravaylla, Jew, father of the aforesaid Astruch Ravaylla.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 60 r 397. 1352, July 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffia Ravaylla, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 60 r-v 398. 1352, July 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 60 v- 61 r. 399. 1352, July 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jacob Içach, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 61 r-v 400. 1352, July 10 Pere and Berenguer Avella confess they have received from Jacob Içach, Jew of Cervera, the amount agreed in the previous document. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 61 v 401. 1352, July 10 Sale in which Abraam Avizmel, Jew of Cervera, is the purchaser. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 61 v- 62 r 402. 1352, July 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 62 r 403. 1352, July 12

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Salamó Bonafos Adret’s debtors confess they have received from him the import of the borrowing. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 62 v 404. 1352, July 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonet Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 62 v 405. 1352, July 12 Bonet Adret’s debtors confess they have received from him the import of their borrowing. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 63 r 406. 1352, July 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 63 r 407. 1352, July 13 Juceff Samarell’s debtors confess they have received from him the import of the mutuo they agreed. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 63 v 408. 1352, July 20 Sit omnibus notum quod ego Vitalis Ferrarii, judeus Cervarie, curator datus et assignatus bonis Bonastrugi Zabarra, judei adulti <neptis et heredis ab intestato Bonastrugi Zabarra, judei avi sui quondam>, per venerabile baiuli Cervarie, cum publico instrumento confecto per discretum Raimundum Guasch … die jovis 26 die Junii, anno a nativitate domini 1352, nomine quo super in solutione et satisfactione quantitatis per me, nomine quo supra, vobis Bonedone, uxor Maimoni Vidal Sensalom, quondam licet absenti tamque presenti et notario subscripto … et Bonjuha Maymo Sensalom, filio vestro presenti, judeis Barchinone, debite ex causa predictam, dono cedo et mando vobis dictis Bonedone et Bonjuhe Maymono, filie et viro vestris, omnia loca, iura, …quos Arnaldus Lar, filius Raimundi Lar, quondam, de Verduno,

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Bonastruch Zabarra fuit cofessus debere cum publico instrumento 7 kalendas junii a.d. 1346, per Guillemi Bonet, notarium publicum Tarrege confectum … Ts. Huius rey sunt Franciscus Sartore, scriptor, Raimundus Gilabert, notarius et Juceff Samarell, judeus Cervarie. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 63 v- 64 r 409. 1352, July 6 Durona, general legatee to his late father Abraam de Grange, Jew of Cervera, and wife of Abrae Zullam, Jew of the same place; together with his husband Abrae Zullam, are paying a debt that was owed by his late father to Jacob Izach, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Astruch Jacob. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 64 r-v 410. 1352, July 23 Guillem Pellicer, of Clariana, confesses a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Juceff Bonastruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 65 r 411. 1352, July Guillem Torner acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 65 r 412. 1352, August 17 Astruc Malet, Jew of Cardona, gets a five years residence permit in the Jewish aljama of Cervera, this period starting on September 1. The agreement was done between Içach Rossell and Astruc Jacob, Jews of Cervera, procurators for Astruc Malet, on one side, and Vidal Ferrer, Adret Daviu and Llobell Malet, secretaries of the Jewish aljama, on the other side. Adret Daviu acted as lieutenant of the secretary Perfet Ravalla. Jewish witness to this act was Abram Avismel. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 69 v- 71 r 413. 1352, August 24 In this document, the following Jews intervene:

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Belaura, wife of Juceff Bonastruc, Jew of Cervera, brother of the late Vidal Bonastruc, of Castelló d’Empuries; the children sons of Vidal Bonastruc, Issac and Bonastruc, and their grandmother Preciosa. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 71 v – 72 r 414. 1352,a.d., December kalendas Jaume de Vall confesses debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Perfeyt Sollam, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. document written on a piece of parchment kept inside this book

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YEAR 1353

415. 1353, Jan 22 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Salamó Cophen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 44 r 416. 1353, Jan 12 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 44 v- 45 r 417. 1353, Jan 13 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Jafia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 46 v- 47 r 418. 1353, Jan 13 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Jafia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 47 r 419. 1353, Jan 22 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Gracia, widow of Sentou Jafia, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 45 r-v 420. 1353, Jan 25 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Jacob Izach and Izach Calot, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 44 r 421. 1353, February 7 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 1. Ramon Rama. Liber Iudeorum, 1350-1353. f. 46 r-v

422. 1353, April 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 3 r-v 423. 1353, April 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Abrae Aviçmel, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 3 v- 4 r 424. 1353, April 8 Document concerning Jaume Cardona and the secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, Lobell Malet and Perfeyt Ravaylla. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 4 r-v 425. 1353, April 8 Izach Mose Bendit is making a confession to Izach [C]alot and Jacob Izach, Jews of Cervera, concerning an arbitration done before Isacho Bonanasch and Astruch Azday. Witnesses, Jaffia Ravaylla and Bondio Zaporta, Jews. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 6 v- 7 r 426. 1353, April 12 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonafilla, widow of Isach Mose de Castelló, guardian of the children of Jucef Falaguera and hers. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 14 r-v 427. 1353, April 12 B. Peyró acknowledges he has been paid by Bonafilla, widow of Isach Mose de Castelló and guardian of the children of Juceff Falaguera.

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ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 14 v-15 r 428. 1353, April 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Lobell Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 15 v-16 r 429. 1353, April 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abram Zullam, Jew, noviter. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 17 v-18 r 430. 1353, April 23 Vidal Ferrer, Lobell Malet and Perfeyt Ravaylla, Jews secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, and Içach Calot, Jew of Cervera, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Berenguer d’Altarriba, son of the late Berenguer d’Altarriba, of Cardona. Jewish witness, Juceff Malguir. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 18 r-v 431. 1353, April 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mayr Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 18 v-19 r 432. 1353, May 8 Ramon de Rialp, of Riudovelles, acknowledges his debt in favor of Abrae Aviçmel, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 28 r-v 433. 1353, May 8

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Maimó Forner and Guillem de Capdevila, of Pujalt, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Malet, Jew of Cardona, absent. The import of the loan was delivered by Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera, on Astruch Malet’s behalf. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 28 v-29 r 434. 1353, May 16 Donabela, widow of Samuel Bonet, Jew of Cervera, considering the services she had received from her brother in law, Abram Zullam, gives him a house she owns in the “call den Sala”. The house is bounding with the house of Jaume Arnau, the house of the heirs of Astruch Zabarra, the house of Benet Adret, the house that belonged to the late Guillem de Figuerosa, and with the street. Also Durona, wife of Abram Zullam and daughter of Abrae de Ganges, intervenes in this donation act Witnesses, Abraam Dangor, Vidal Mosse, of Cervera, and Benveníst Aviçmel of Valls. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 32 v-34 r 435. 1353, May 17 Pere Castelar, of Riudovelles, acknowledges his debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Malet, Jew of Cardona, absent in that moment in time. The import of the loan was delivered on his behalf by Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 34 r-v 436. 1353, May 20 Document concerning Izach Salamó Rosell, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Izach Mose Bendit, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 34 v 437. 1353, May 29 Abram Bendit, Jew of Cervera, appoints Benet Valta and Jaume Salvador, of Cervera, as his procurators. Jewish witnesses, Astruch Jacob ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 37 v-38 r

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438. 1353, May 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolsona, wife of Asser Rosell, Jewess of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 38 v-39 r 439. 1353, June 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of mutuo, in favor of Izach Mosse Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 40 r 440. 1353, June 5 Document concerning Ibrae Adret, Jew inhabitant in Castellfollit, and his father, Izach Adret. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 40 v 441. 1353, June 6 The bailiff of Prexanosa sells a house situated in that locality to Idaro de Rius, merchant, and to Salamó Bonafos Adret and Isach Mosse Bendit, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 40 v-41 r 442. 1353, June 6 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Adret Davi, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 43 r 443. 1353, June 11 Document in which Astruch Maimó, Jew of Cervera, Bonet Adret, Jew, guardian of Samuel Sullam, son and heir of the late Perfet Sollam, and Astrugona, widow of Bonnin Adret, intervene. The document is concerning an agreement done in 1346, 8 Kalendas May, before the notary Pere Dan. Witnesses, Jaume Salvador and Perfeyt Ravaylla.

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ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 44 r 444. 1353, June 11 Ramon Çanou, castla of Tous, and Jaume Pujalt acknowledge their debt in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 44 v-45 r 445. 1353, June 11 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Salamó Mercadal, Jew of Cervera, as stated in a judgment by arbitration, in which the judges were Pere Ninot, Ramón dels Archs and Sullam Biona, Jew. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 45 r-v 446. 1353, June 11 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Isach Mercadal, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 46 r-v 447. 1353, June 12 Pere de Sant Martí, of Barcelona, procurator for venerabile Blas Fernando de Heredia, executor of the Queen of Aragon Eleanor’s last will, acknowledges that Perfeyt Ravaylla, Secretary of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, has paid their corresponding subsidi. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 46 v-47 r

448. 1353, June 20 Içach Calot, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid an amount that was owed to Jacob Izach and to himself. Jewish witness, Salamó Bonafos Adret. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 47 r-v 449. 1353, June 20

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It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Izach Calot, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 47 v-48 r 450. 1353, June 20 Izach Calot, Jew of Cervera, confesses his debt in favor of Guillem Miquel ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 48 r 451. 1353, June 20 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Perfeit Ravaylla. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 48 v-49 r 452. 1353, June 21 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Jaffia Ravaylla, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Pere Ninot and Maimó Bonfill, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 49 v 453. 1353, July 2 Document concerning Gracia, widow of Sentou Jaffia, Jews of Cervera. Jewish witnesses were Mair Malet and Izach Bonafeu, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 52 v-53 r 454. 1353, July 2 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Vidal Avent Lobell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 53 r-v 455. 1353, July 3 Ramón Çanou acknowledges his debt in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 53 v 456. 1353, July 3 Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera, makes appointment of procurators. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 53 v-54 r 457. 1353, Jul 18 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Deus lo sal Bonjuha, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 64 r 458. 1353, July 22 It is acknowledged a debt to Dolsona, wife of Asser Rosell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 65 v 459. 1353, August 24 It is acknowledged a debt to Vidal Ferrer, Jew. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 66 r-v 460. 1353, August 29 It is acknowledged having been paid a debt from the Jewish aljama of Cervera. The payment was done by Salamó Bonafos Adret, Juceff Samarell and Izach Salamó Rosell, Jews, as rectoribus and secretaries of this Jewish aljama. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 68 r 461. 1353, September 5 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Abrae Dangor, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 70 r-v 462. 1353, September 6

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It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 71 v-72 r 463. 1353, September 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 72 r-v 464. 1353, September 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abraam Belivenya, Jew of Tàrrega ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f.72 v-73 v 465. 1353, September 6 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Abraam Belivenya, Jew of Tàrrega ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 73 v 466. 1353, September 6 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Abrae Zullam, Jew of Cervera, noviter ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 73 v 467. 1353, September 10 This document is concerning a sale made by Adret David, Jew of Cervera Jewish witness, Abram Dangor. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 78 v-79 r 468. 1353, September 10 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Abrae Dangor, Jew of Cervera

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ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 79 r 469. 1353, September 10 Abraam Zullam, Jew, habens locum et cessionem ab the late Abrae Dangor, acknowledges he has a debt. One of the witnesses was Astruch Cofen, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 79 r 470. 1353, September 10 Jaffia Ravalla, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has a debt. Jewish witness, Vidal Avent Lobell, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 79 v-80r 471. 1353, September 10 Document concerning Regina, widow of Samuel Gracià, Jew. Jewish witnesses, Astruch Malet and Sollam Biona, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 80 v 472. 1353, September 11 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 81 r-v 473. 1353, September 12 It is acknowledged a debt done by Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera, habens locum et cessionem ab Abrae Boniach, Jew of Santa Coloma. Jewish witness, Izach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 82 v-83 r 474. 1353, September [12] It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Perfeyt Ravaylla, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 83 v-84 r 475. 1353, September 13 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Perfeyt Ravaylla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 68 v-69 r 476. 1353, September 26 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Juceff Bonastruch, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 84 r-v 477. 1353, October 3 Document concerning Juceff Samarell, Salamó Adret and Izach Rosell, Jews secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, and Vidal Ferrer and Perfeyt Ravalla, who had been secretaries of the said aljama. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 85 v-86 r 478. 1353, October [8] Document concerning Astruch Maimó, Jew of Cervera, as habens locum et ius cessionem ab Samuel Sollam, Jew, child, heir of the late Perfeyt Sollam. A cession document between Astruch and Bonjuha Izach, Jew, agreed in 1352, January 28, before the notary Guillem Borras, is also mentioned. And also a document concerning Bonjuha Izach, Jew, agreed in 1338, February 15 kalendas, before the notary Berenguer Tort is referred to. Jewish witness, Benet Adret, of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 86 r-87

r 479. 1353, October 8 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 87 r-v

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480. 1353, October It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 89 r 481. 1353, October It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 90 v 482. 1353, October It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Jacob Izach, Jew. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 91 v 483. 1353, November 7 Perfeyt Ravalla, Jew of Cervera, is Belayre’s last will executor (she had been the widow of Vidal Aninay, Jew). Jewish witness, Bondio Zaporta ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f. 92 r-v 484. 1353, November [7] Debt document concerning Jacob Izach, Jew noviter of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 100 r 485. 1353, November [7] Debt document concerning Izach Calot, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Abraam Bendit. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f.100v-

101v 486. 1353, November [7] Debt document concerning Jacob Izach, Jew

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ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber 1353-1354 f.101 v 487. 1353, November [7-29] Debt document concerning Izach Calot, Jew of Cervera Jewish witness, Jacob Izach ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 102 r 488. 1353, November [7-29] Debt document concerning Izach Calot, Jew of Cervera Jewish witness, Jacob Izach ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 102 r 489. 1353, November [7-29] Debt document concerning Izach Calot, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 102 r 490. 1353, November [7-29] Debt document concerning Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 102 v 491. 1353, November [7-29] Debt document concerning Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera Jewish witness, Jacob Izach ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 103 r 492. 1353, November [7-29] Debt document concerning Bonjua Zaporta, Jew of Tàrrega ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 103 r 493. 1353, November [7-29]

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Debt document concerning Astruch Perfeyt Ravaylla, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 103 r 494. 1353, November [7-29] Debt document concerning Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera Jewish witness, Jacob Izach ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 103 v 495. 1353, November 25 Içach Calot, Jew, was guardian to the children of the late Juceff de Carrió, Jew, as appointment done in Juceff Carrió’s last will (ut patet per eius testamentum de ebrayco in romana lingua… 6 nonas octobri anno domini 1348, et cum publicam forman redactum …per Jaume Ferrer, notarii Cervarie) This document is concerning a debt in favor of the said Içach Juceff de Carrió, which was agreed on 16 kalends February A.D. 1346, before the notary of Cervera Benet Tort. Witnesses, Ramon Gilabert, notary, Pere Pescater and Astruch Ravayla, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 7 r-v 496. 1353, November [25] Document concerning Dolça, widow of Asser Rossel, Jew, and Abraam Jacob, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 9 r 497. 1353, November [25] Dolça, widow of Asser Rossel, and his son Rossell Asser, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, executors of the properties of his late son Vidal Asser, acknowledge that Jaume Vidal, inhabitant in Hostafranchs, paid them “totam illam medietatem quam dictus Vidal Asser, quondam, habebat pro indiviso in illa sorte terre quam vos et ipse Vitalis Asser quondam habebatis et tenebatis in termino dicti loci de Ostafranchs…” ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 9 r 498. 1353, November 29 Debt document concerning Salamó Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 104 r

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499. 1353, November 29 Astruch Maimó, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid a debt that Pere Botet, of the locality of Santa Fe, confessed to owe Perfeyt Sollam, Jew, in 1347, July 17 kalends, before the public notary Berenguer de Figuerola, quod de presenti vobis trado et de quibus locum et ius cessum habenti a Benet Adret, judeo tutore e curatore Astruch Sollam, judei filii pupilli et heredis Perfeyt Sollam, judei quondam… Jewish witness, Salamó Adret. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 104 v 500. 1353, December 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Reginó, widow of Mestre Samuel, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 203 v 501. 1353, December 2 It is acknowledged having received from Reginó the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 203 v 502. 1353, December 5 Document concerning Llobell Malet, Jew of Cervera, in which Astruch Malet, Jew, is a witness ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f.104v-

105r 503. 1353, December 5 Document concerning Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 105 r-v 504. 1353, December 6 Document concerning Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 107 v 505. 1353, December 6 Perfeyt Ravaylla, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, executor of the last will of Belayre, widow of Vidal Aninay, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges the payment of a debt stated in 1334, February 4 idus, before Pere Noguera. Jewish witness, Juceff Bonastruch ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 110 v 506. 1353, December 6 Document concerning a debt originating in a public document agreed before the notary B. Tort in 1338, February 15 kalends. The document is given by Astruch Maimó, Jew of Cervera, habens locum et cessionem to Benet Adret, Jew, guardian of Samuel Sollam, Jew, young son and heir to the late Perfeyt Sollam; also are concerned the late Bonjuha Izach, Jew, and Bonjuha Izach, creditor. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 111 v 507. 1353, December 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Jacob and Astruch Malet, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 203 v- 204 r 508. 1353, December 9 It is acknowledged having received from Astruch Jacob and Astruch Malet the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 204 r 509. 1353, December 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Bonanasch, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Ramon Gilabert, notary, Benet Boix and other. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 204 r- 205 r 510. 1353, December 9

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Juceff Bonastruch states the payment conditions for the debt agreed in the two precedents documents. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 205 r-v 511. 1353, December 9 Juceff Samarell and his wife Durona, Jews of Cervera, confess they have been repaid a deposit o comanda that was done on 2 nonas February A.D. 1343, as well as other credits. Witnesses, Juceff Bonastruch, Jew, Ramon Gilabert, notary and Ramon de Sant Cristobal, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 11 r- 12

r 512. 1353, December 10 Debt document concerning Bonjua Mercadal, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 117 v 513. 1353, December 12 Arnau Pellicer and his wife Dolça, inhabitants in la Granyanella, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 205 v- 206 r 514. 1353, December 12 It is acknowledged a debt done by Samuel Falaquera, Jew of Tudela. Jewish witness, Mosse Içach ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 13 r 515. 1353, December 16 Debt document concerning Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 119 v 516. 1353, December 16

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Debt document concerning Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 120 r 517. 1353, December 16 Debt document concerning Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Salamó Bonafos Adret. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 120 v 518. 1353, December 16 Debt document concerning Astruch Jaffia Ravaylla, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 127 r 519. 1353, December 17 Abraam, Jew, heir ab intestato to Mira, widow of Mestre Bendit, of Cervera, makes cession of all of his rights and actions against Guillem Novel and his wife Esclaramunda, inhabitants in Cervera, by reason of debts they confessed in favor of his mother Mira on 12 kalendas December 1343, before the notary of Cervera Benet Tort, on 4 kalendas February 1346, and others. Witnesses, Ramon Gilabert, notary, Ramon de San Cristóbal, Christians, and Bonsenyor Abenaffia, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. 520. 1353, December 18 Debt document concerning Izach Calot, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber.1353-1354 f. 118 r 521. 1353, December [18] Fabib Cophen, Jew of the aljama of Manresa, now inhabitant in Tàrrega, as procurator for his wife Regina, daughter of the late Elias Cophen, Jew of Tàrrega, widow of Asser Rosell, Jew, son of Rosell Asser, of Cervera …procuratorio me idicti Fabib constat notario subscrito pro publicum instrumentum inde confectum 7 kalendas set a.d. 1349, per discretum Petrum de Gostens, not. Publicum … absolvo, diffinio, remito et concedo ex eam transactionis vobis Rosell Asser, judeo, patri et heredi iamdicti Asser Rosell et vestris et quibus vos volueritis, nunc et imperpetuum omnia iura, omnesque actiones

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questiones petitiones et demandas reales et personales, utiles et directas, nomine que … dicte uxore mee que et quas ego habeo et habere debeo et mei competerunt et competere possun sive deben in et super bonis dicti Asser Rosell, primi viri quondam dicte uxoris mee, tam ratione dotis sponsalitii et provissionis quas et quod dicta uxor mea habebant super bonis dicti Asser Rosell… ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre.Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354

f.129v130r 522. 1353, December 20 Jacob Içach, of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid a debt September 15, 1351, agreed before this same notary. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2.

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YEAR 1354

523. 1354, January 28 Astruch Cophen and Samuel Cophen, brothers, sons and general legatees of the late Salamó Suylam Cophen, Jew of Cervera, are making concession of some rights and actions that belonged to their father, and that had been agreed before public notary Pere Mont on January 1330, January 19 kalendas 1332, February 8 kalendas 1333, and others. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 62 r- 63 r

524. 1354, February 4 Document concerning Içach Mosse Frances. Jewish witness, Içach Bonafeu. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 61 r-v 525. 1354, February 4 Document concerning Roven Asser and a loan agreed on January 8, 1350, before the notary of Cervera Ramon Gilabert. Jewish witness, Abraam Boniach, Jew of Santa Coloma [de Queralt] ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 61 v- 62 r

526. 1354, March 5 Mosse Leo, Jew of Perpignan, acknowledges that Jacob Içach, Jew of Cervera, makes him a deposito sive comanda, that Mosse promises will repay him. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 235 r 527. 1354, March 5 Mosse Leo, Jew originating from Perpignan, acknowledges he has received the import of the deposit agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 235 v

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528. 1354, March 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Avent Lobell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 235 v- 236 r 529. 1354, March [14] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Dangor, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Ramon Gilabert, notary, and Benet Boix, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 236 v- 237 r 530. 1354, March 14 It is acknowledged having received from Abrae Dangor the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 237 r 531. 1354, March 14 Arnau Roig of Vilamajor acknowledges his debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Bonafos Adret, Jew of Falset. The import of the borrowing was delivered him by Salamó Bonafos Adret, on Bonjuha Bonafos Adret’ behalf. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 237 v 532. 1354, March 19 Document concerning Enoch Biona, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 238 r 533. 1354, March 19 Enoch Biona is acting as procurator for Bonastruch Zabarra, Jew of Cervera, and son of the late Juceff Zabarra, Jew, and heir ab intestato to his grandfather, the late Bonastruch Zabarra, Jew. His appointment as procurator was done before the notary Pere Dan on August 27, 1353. Attendens quo supra nomine quod prout per capibrevia dicti Bonastruch Zabarra, quondam, et per relacionem Vitalis Fferrari, soceri dicti Bonastruch Zabarra, nunc

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viventis, et aliorum Judeorum fidedignorum quoddam debitum 135 solidi Barchinone, per quos Michael Martell et eius uor Arssendis, habitatores Tarrege, dicto Bonastruch Zabarra, quondam, fuerunt confessi fuerunt debentur cum publico instrumento 3 nonas octobri anno domini 1346, per Petrum Za Rocha, notario publico Tarrege, confecto[…] Juceffi Bonjuha Cortovi, Judei Tarrege, eius heredis, et de sua propria peccunia… …nomine procuratorio dono, cedo et mando vobis Içach Effraim, Jew of Tarrege, tutori (this part of the line is blank) sibi heredis Juceff Cortovi, Judei dicte ville Tarrege quondam, et ipsi (blank space) heredi predicto, licet absenti, tanquam presenti, et notario subscripto… omnia loca, actionis etc. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 238 v- 239 r 534. 1354, March 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 239 r 535. 1354, March 19 It is acknowledged having received from Astruch Jacob the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 241 r 536. 1354, March 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Enoch Biona, Jew inhabitant in Montpalau ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 241 r-v 537. 1354, March 19 It is acknowledged having received the import of the precedent borrowing from Enoch Biona, Jew inhabitant in Bellpuig (nunc habitator de Pulcro Podio). ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 241 v 538. 1354, March 20 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, absent, by reason of a mutuo that his wife Durona, present at this act, made them on his behalf. Witnesses, Ramon Gilabert, notary, and Pere Pescater, of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 236 r-v 539. 1354, March 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 242 r 540. 1354, [March 20] This document, that was expected to be done, finally was not, there is only the blank space that was reserved for it, and the following heading: “Sit omnibus notum quod ego, Adret David, Judeus Cervarie” ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 242 r-v 541. 1354, April 6 Maimó Forner, his son Ramon Forner and Pere Cortades, of Pujalt, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Bonanasch, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 242 v 542. 1354, April 18 Bertomeu Ripoll and his wife Sibila confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal Avent Lobell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. – 543. 1354, April 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 243 r-v 544. 1354, April 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 243 v- 244 r 545. 1354, April 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Bonafeu, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 244 r-v 546. 1354, April 20 Document concerning the borrowing Içach Mose Bendit made this day. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 244 v 547. 1354, April [24] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 245 r 548. 1354, April 29 Berenguer Cardona, of Cervera, confesses that Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera, has paid him the import of the rent for the house he rented him. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 245 r 549. 1354, May 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Salamó Rossel, Jew, noviter. Witnesses, Ramon Gilabert, notary, and Jaume Fuyllosa, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 245 v 550. 1354, May 16 Jaume Giner, inhabitant in la Granyanella, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 246 r

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551. 1354, May 16 Jaume Giner confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 246 r-v 552. 1354, May 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 246 v- 247 r 553. 1354, May 16 Jaume Giner acknowledges he has received from Juceff Samarell the import of the borrowings agreed on this date. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 247 v 554. 1354, May 17 Guillem Fluvià, of Granyanella, confesses debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 247 v- 248 r 555. 1354, May 19 Pere Tovar and his wife Blanca, inhabitants in Cervera, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jaffia Ravayla, Jew, noviter. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 248 r-v 556. 1354, May 19 Saltell Malet, Jew of Sant Martí de Maldá, is acting as procurator for Astruga, wife of Samuel Talavera, Jew of Tudela, and daughter of Juceff Falaguera and his deceased wife Rosse. This document is concerning Bonafilla, widow of Içach Mosse, Jew, guardian to the late Juceff Falaguera’ children. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 248 v.

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YEAR 1355

557. 1355, February 2 Payment conditions stated by Abram Avizmel. Jewish witness, Daviu Astruch ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 558. 1355, February 6 Document concerning [Abram] Avizmel, Jew. Witnesses, Ramon de Rama, notary, and David Astruch, Jew ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. 559. 1355, February 24 Document concerning Enoch Biona, Jew Jewish witness, Sullam Biona ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. 560. 1355, February 24 Payment advantages provided by Enoch Biona to his debtor. Jewish witnesses, Vidal Ferrer and Sullam Biona. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 561. 1355, February 24 Document concerning Vidal Ferrer, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, and Bonastruch Zabarra and his son Juceff. Witnesses, Ramon Rama and Bonjuha Mercadal, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. 562. 1355, February 24 Vidal Ferrer, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, is giving to his debtor with some payment advantages Jewish witness, Bonjuha Mercadal, of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 563. 1355, February 24 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Içach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. 564. 1355, February 24 Payment advantages provided by Içach Mose Bendit, Jew of Cervera, to his debtor. Jewish witness, Juceff Bonastruch. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 565. 1355, April 10 Jacob Içach confess he has been paid back a debt and its interests. Jewish witness, Içach Calot. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 566. 1355, May 4 Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jucef Samarell, Adret Daviu, Içach Mose Bendit, Içach Salamó Rosel, Bondio Zaporta, Lobell Malet, Içach Calot, Jacob de Fonjaus, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, acknowledge they have a debt by reason of a mutuo. Jewish witnesses, Samuel Torner and Bonet Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 567. 1355, May 4 Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jucef Samarell, Adret Daviu, Içach Mose Bendit, Içach Salamó Rosel, Bondio Zaporta, Lobell Malet, Içach Calot, Jacob de Fonjaus, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, confess they have received the import of the mutuo agreed in the precedent document. Jewish witnesses, Samuel Torner and Bonet Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 568. 1355, May 8

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R. Simon, notary of Cervera, confesses that Içach Bonafeu, Jew of Cervera, has paid him his salaries and travel expenses up to that moment. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 569. 1355, August 11 Astruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, confesses he owes the import of a beige haired mule he bought and received. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 570. 1355, August 18 […] and Salamó Bonafos Adret are referred to in this document as Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 571. 1355, August 21 Içach Salamó Rosel, Jew of [Cervera], is stating the payment conditions to his debtor. A debt in favor of Astruch Biona, as agreed in May 10 kalendas, 1346, before Bertomeu de Montmajor, is mentioned. Jewish witness, Astruch Cophen, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 572. 1355, August […] Nouerint universi [quod e]go Içach Bonafeu [judeu]s Cervarie[procurator…] Samuelis Salamo, heredis Salamonis Nazan, [prou]t […] publicum instrumentum factum per Bonanatum Strader, Notarium […] 8 die marcii anno a nativitatis domini 1355… A document done before the notary of Tàrrega Pere Zolcina on April 15 kalendas, a.d. 1335, is also mentioned here. Jewish witness, Salamó Adret, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 573. 1355, September 13 In this document, Abram Bendit, Jew of Cervera, is mentioned. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355.

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574. 1355, October 28 Vidal avent Lobell, Jew of Cervera, is stating the payment conditions to his debtor. Jewish witness, Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 575. 1355, November 17 Vidal Malet, Jew of Castellfollit, is stating the payment conditions to his agreement with Berenguer Guerau. Jewish witness, Mayr Malet. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 576. 1355, November 20 Içach Calot and Jacob Içach de Fonjaus, Jews of Cervera, are stating the payment conditions for a debt in their favor. Signum Içach Calot, signum Jacob Içach, judeorum … Witnesses, Pere Tovar and Samuel Jucef, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355.

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YEAR 1356

577. 1356, [March] In this document, Regina, the wife of Salamó de Camprodon, is mentioned ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1356-1358. f. 12 r 578. 1356, March 15 Adret David, Jew of Cervera, is acting as a procurator for Altadona, the widow of Astruch Cresques, both Jews of Barcelona. Astruch Cresques, heir ab intestato to his son Astruch Cophen, was appointed general legatee to his grandfather Astruch Sullam Cophen, late Jews of Barcelona, as stated in Astruch Sullam Cophen’s will nonas Augusti anno domini 1346, before Pere Roqueta, public notary of Cervera. Jewish witness, Mair Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1356-1358. f. 31 r-v 579. 1356, May 26 Jaume Fuyllosa, inhabitant in Cervera, is acting as a procurator for Mosse Nazan, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1356-1358. f. 38 r- 39 v

580. 1356, Jul 29 Document concerning the credits of Ramon Salat and his wife Francesca, who had been inhabitants in Vilagrassa, in which Mosse Nazan, Jew of Tàrrega and his son Vidal Mosse; Perfeit Ravaylla, Jew originating and inhabitant in Cervera; Astruch Perfeit Ravaylla, Jew of Cervera; Cresques Gracià, Jew of Tàrrega, guardian of the assets and inherited properties of Samuel Salamó, son and heir to the late Salamó Nazan, Jew of Tàrrega, are mentioned. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1356-1358. f. 47 r- 48 v 581. 1356 September 29 Statements concerning credits, debts and payments, in which Ramon Aderet of Segura, son and heir to Maimó Aderet, of the same place, intervene. Also Samuel Coffen and Astruch Coffen, Jews, sons and heirs to the late Salamó Sullam Cophen, Jew, and Jaume Cardona, public curritor, are mentioned.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1356-1358. f. 56 r- 62 v

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YEAR 1357

582. 1357, March 2 Adret Daviu acknowledges a debt in favor of Içach Çalot, Jew. Jewish witness, Salamó Bonafos Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 2 r 583. 1357, March 2 Lobell Malet, Juceff Samarel and Içach Salamó Rosel, as Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, acknowledge that Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera, has made a payment on behalf of Astruch Jacob, Jew of Castellfollit. Jewish witness, Bonjuha Lettox ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 2 r 584. 1357, March 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of the Jew Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 2 v 585. 1357, March 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of the Jew Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 3 r 586. 1357, March 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of the Jew Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 3 r 587. 1357, March 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of the Jew Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 3 v

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588. 1357, March 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of the Jew Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 3 v- 4 r 589. 1357, March 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of the Jew Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 4 v 590. 1357, March 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of the Jew Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 5 r 591. 1357, March 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Nazan, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 5 r- 6 r 592. 1357, March 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 6 v 593. 1357, March 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Cervera [sic]. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 7 r-v 594. 1357, March 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Barcelona.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 7 v 595. 1357, March [15] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew originating from Cervera, actually inhabitant in Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 8 r 596. 1357, March [15] Document concerning the Jews of Cervera Juceff Samarel and Roven Asser. Jewish witness, Içach Mosse Bendit. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 8 v- 9 r 597. 1357, March [18] It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Juceff de Malguir, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 17 r-v 598. 1357, March 18 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Jaffia, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 18 r 599. 1357, March 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Bonafos Adret, Jew of Falset. Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera, delivered its import on Bonjuha’s behalf. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 18 v- 19 r 600. 1357, March 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Bonafos Adret, Jew of Falset. Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera, delivered its import on Bonjuha’s behalf. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 19 r

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601. 1357, March 12 Document concerning a sale made by Adret David, Salamó Adret and Enoch Biona, Jews of Cervera, secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, to Bonafilla, widow of Mestre Samuel, Jew. Jewish witness, Juceff Roig ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 20 v- 21 r 602. 1357, March 20 Document concerning Lobell Malet, Içach Rossel, secretaries, and Jafia Ravayla, Içach Çalot, Jacob Içach, Içach Bonafeu, Salamó Bonafos Adret, Enoch Biona and Adret […], consiliari of the Jewish aljama of Cervera. Jewish witness, Salamó Içach Mercadal, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 9 r 603. 1357, March 21 Mair Malet acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Lettox. Jewish witness, Lobell Bonanasch. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 9v 604. 1357, March 21 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonnin Adret, Jew of Cervera. The document is signed by Adret David. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 10 r-v 605. 1357, March 28 Juceff Samarell, Lobell Malet, Içach Salamó Rossel, Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, Salamó Adret, Astruch Perfeyt and Adret David, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Azday Terroç, Jew of Barcelona. The loan was done on his behalf by Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 10 v- 11 r 606. 1357, March 31

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Çatorre, Jew of Anglesola. The import of the mutuo was delivered on his behalf by Astruch Jaffia, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 19 v- 20 r 607. 1357, March 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Çatorre, Jew of Anglesola. The import of the borrowing was delivered on his behalf by Astruch Jaffia, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 20 r 608. 1357, April 2 Suyllam Biona, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges his debt in favor of Jacob Içach. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 14 r-v 609. 1357, April 3 Document concerning Jucef Çalot, son of Içach Çalot, and his wife Exervide, Jews inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 16 r 610. 1357, June 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 21 r- 22 r 611. 1357, June 9 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 22 r 612. 1357, June 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 22 r-v

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613. 1357, June 23 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Vidal Ferrer, by reason of a mutuo agreed with Vidal Gracià. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 22 v- 23 r 614. 1357, June 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Enoch Biona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 23 r-v 615. 1357, June 11 Cancellation of a debt in favor of Enoch Biona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 23 r 616. 1357, June 18 Document concerning Enoch Biona, Jew, now inhabitant in Cervera (Judeus nunc habitator Cervarie). Witness, Vidal Gracià, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 23 v- 24 r 617. 1357, June 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew of Cervera, and Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Manresa. The act was done in Alvespí. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 24 r- 25 r 618. 1357, June 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew of Cervera, and Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Manresa. The act was signed in Alvespí. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 25 v

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619. 1357, June 22 Promise done to Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, and Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Manresa. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 25 v- 26 v 620. 1357, June 9 Document concerning Na Petita, Jewess inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 26 v- 27 r 621. 1357, June 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Jaffia, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 27 r-v 622. 1357, August 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bondavi dez Cortal, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 27 v- 28 r 623. 1357, August 22 Içach Calot, Jew of Cervera, confesses he owes Mosse Zellem, Jew of the same place, the import of the dowry he promised to pay him by reason of his forthcoming marriage with Anna, Içach Calot’ daughter. He promises the payment will be done within the eight days after the wedding. Witness, Vidal Mercadal, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 29 r 624. 1357, August 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Bonafos Adret, Jew of Falset. The import of the borrowing was delivered, on his behalf, by Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 29 r- 30 r

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625. 1357, August 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Bonafos Adret, Jew of Falset, which import was delivered on his behalf by Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 30 r-v 626. 1357, August 25 Adret David, Salamó Adret and Enoch Biona, Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, acknowledge a debt in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew now inhabitant in Barcelona. Jewish witness, Abraam Dangor. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 31 r 627. 1357, August 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menafem de Quercí, Jew, silversmith, actually inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 31 v- 32 r 628. 1357, August 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 32 r-v 629. 1357, September 12 Ferrer Vidal confesses a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jacob Içach, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 33 r-v 630. 1357, September 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, concerning Abraam Avusmel, Jew noviter. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 33 v- 34 v

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631. 1357, September 28 Document concerning a sale in which Juceff Çalot, Jew, intervenes. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 35 r-v 632. 1357, November 11 Cancellation of a debt September 12 in favor of Jacob Içach. Witness, Jaffuda Mosse, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 33 v 633. 1357, November 14 Cancellation of a debt March 10 in favor of Salamó Nazan, Jew of Tàrrega. Jewish witnesses, Astruch Malet and Salamó Vidal. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 6 r 634. 1357, November 14 Cancellation of a debt confessed on August 7 to Bondavi dez Cortal, Jew of Tàrrega. Witnesses, Astruch Malet and Salamó Vidal Zescaleta. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 28 r 635. 1357, November 29 Cancellation of a debt in favor of Bonjuha Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega. The debt had been agreed on August 31 Witness, Bonjuha Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 32 v 636. 1357, December 20 Cancellation of a debt agreed on June 9 in favor of Vidal Gracià. Witness, Içach Lerat ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357, Mar 2- Oct 6 f. 22 r

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YEAR 1361 637. 1361, December 23 Bonanasch Alfaquim, Isach Salamó Rosell, Adret Davi, Vidal Adret, Dolcich, wife of Cresques Alfaquim, Astruch Azquarell, Menasem de Quercí, Salamó Adret, Boniua Adret, Bonnin Adret, Astruch Adzay, Astruch Terroç, Vidal Gracià, Jucef Samarell, Sutllam de la Cavallería, Abram Avizmel, Izach Bonafeu, Abram Dangor, Jucef de Malguir, Jews of Cervera; Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Vidal Ferrer, in his own name as well as procurators for the widow of Zach Benveníst, Samuel Rosell, Jews of Barcelona; concerning the appointment as procurators to Vidal Ferrer and Jaume Fuyllosa. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 103 r-v

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YEAR 1362

638. 1362, January 27 Francesc Cardona and Berenguer Salvador, of Cervera, are acting as witnesses in this act. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 128 r- 130 r 639. 1362, February 4 Reginó, widow of Astruch Coffen, who had been Jew of Cervera, appoints as her procurator Izach Salamó Rosell, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Samuel Coffen, Jew of Cervera, and Samuel Rosell, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 130v -131 r 640. 1362, February 7 Sutllam de la Cavallería and his wife Mira, daughter of Anoch Zaporta, of Barcelona, inhabitants in Cervera, appoint as their procurators to Salamó de la Cavallería, son of Abrae de la Cavallería, and Rabbi Jacob Fuxell, Jews of Zaragoza. Witnesses, Astruch Terroz, Sutllam Terroz and Vidal Cap, Jews. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 131 r- 132 r 641. 1362, February 7 Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, makes a transfer of rights. Jewish witness, Sutllam de la Cavallería ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 132 r 642. 1362, February 7 Adret Davi, Jew of Cervera, transfers to Biona Cap, Jew of Falset, all of his rights and actions originating in a debt that Elionor, vicecomitissa of Vilamur, acknowledged to owe him in public document agreed in 1361, August 13. Witnesses, Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Bellpuig, and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 132 v

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643. 1362, February 7 Vidal Gracià, Jew of Cervera, transfers to Biona Cap, Jew of Falset, all the rights and actions originating in a credit of his dated 1361, January 20. Witnesses, Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Bellpuig, and Bonanasch Alfaquim Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 133 r 644. 1362, February 7 Izach Bonafeu, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges his debt to Vidal Cap and Vives Cortoví, Jews of Bellpuig, by reason of two migeras frumenti he bought them. The document was signed by Izach Bonafeu, principal, and Vidal Gracià, as fideiussor. Witnesses, Izach Salamó Rosell and Adret Davi, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 134 r-v 645. 1362, February 7 Vidal Cap, Jew of Bellpuig, is making some statements, considering the marriage between Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of the same place, and his sister Azter, daughter of Juceff Cap, also of the same town. Witnesses, Izach Bonafeu and Magister de Grassa ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 134 v- 135 v 646. 1362, February 7 Locum et cessionem. Vidal Zescaleta and Juceff Cap, Jews of Bellpuig, Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, and Boniua Zaporta, Jew of Tàrrega, intervene in this act. Witnesses, Izach Bonafeu and M. Magistri de Grasa ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 135 v, 136 r 647. 1362, February 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Quercí, silversmith, and Samuel Juceff, Jews of Cervera. Witnesses, Jaume Fuyllosa and Jaume Sabater, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 135 r-v 648. 1362, February 9

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 136 v- 137 r 649. 1362, February 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Manresa. Bonanasch Alfaquim acted on his behalf ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 137 r-v 650. 1362, February 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Adret, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 140 r-v 651. 1362, February 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 140 v 652. 1362, January [February] 21 Salamó Gracià, son of Içach Gracià, both Jews of Barcelona, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Jaume Fuyllosa, Juceff de Malguir and Sutllam de la Cavallería, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 140 v-141 r 653. 1362, February 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolcich, wife of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 141 r-v 654. 1362, April 22

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Quercí, Jew silversmith of Cervera. Witnesses, Jaume Fuyllosa and Pere Albert, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 142 r-v 655. 1362, April 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Affraym, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 142 v- 143 r 656. 1362, April 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Quercí, Jew silversmith of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 143 r 657. 1362, April [2]9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolça, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jews of Cervera. The import of the loan was delivered, on her behalf, by Durona, the wife of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 143 v 658. 1362, May 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Adzarell, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt. The import of the borrowing was delivered on his behalf by his procurator, Abram Dangor, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 143 v- 144 r 659. 1362, June 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 144 r-v 660. 1362, June 23

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Affraim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 144 v- 145 r 661. 1362, June 25 Jaume Serra and Jaume Sentoli, inhabitants in Oluga Jussana, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Quercí, Jew silversmith of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 145 r 662. 1362, June 25 Menasem de Quercí, Jew silversmith of Cervera, is proposing the payment terms and conditions to the mutuo agreed in the previous document. Jewish witness, Izach Rosell, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 145 v 663. 1362, June 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Sutllam de la Cavallería, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 146 r-v 664. 1362, June 26 Document concerning Ponç Vivet, inhabitant in Cervera, habens locum et cessionem ab Adret Davi, Bonanasch Alfaquim and Izach Rosell, Jews secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, habentibus locum et cessionem ab Astruch Malet, in his own name as well as by being procurator for Astruch Jacob and Vivant Jacob, Jews of Castellfollit. The cession was agreed, on March 25, same year, before the notary Francesc Sastre, . ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 147 v- 148 r 665. 1362, June 26 Statements done by Sutllam de la Cavallería, Jew of Cervera, with reference to the borrowing agreed that same day. Witnesses, Içach Salamó Rosell, Jew, and Berenguer Carnicer, of Granyena. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 148 r

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666. 1362, July 17 Document in which Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, is acting as a procurator for Abram Belivenya, Jew of Tàrrega. Witnesses, Abram Avizmell and Izach Salamó Rosell, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 148 r-v 667. 1362, August 21 Miquel Figuera and his wife Guiamona, inhabitants in Cervera, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 148 v- 149 r 668. 1362, August 22 Berenguer de Torrens and his wife Guillemona, inhabitants in les Oluges (Oluja Superior), acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 149 r-v 669. 1362, August 22 Nouerint universi quod ego, Adret Davi, judeus secretarius alyamam judeorum ville Cervarie, habensque locum et cesionem nomine dictem alyamam, et Samuell Coffen, et Astruch Coffen, judeis heredibus Salamonis Sutllam Coffen, patris eorum, heredis ab intestato Izach Salamo Coffen, judei filii sui, in triginta novem solidi Barchinone quos Petrus Dalmau de Turi Dalmau termini de Podio Alto, principali, et Pontius Zaffranquesa, Petrus Fferrarii ... fideiusoris, confessi fuerunt debere dicto Izach Salamo Coffen, cum publico instrumento confecto ... Petrum Dan, not., 15 Kalendas madii a.d. 1347, prout de dictam cesionem plena fides facta extitit michi not. Inffrascripto per pub instrumentum confectum et clausum per Petrum Dan, not., 6 idus martii a.d. 1348. Cum hoc presenti instrumento, nomine et auctoritate dicte cesionis, dono, cedo et concedo vobis Petro Verdera … dictos 39 ss quos conffesi fuerint debere dicto Izach Salamo Coffen cum publico instrumento quod de presenti vobis trado … Signed by Adret Davi Witnesses, Juceff Samarell and Izach Salamó Rosell, Jews of Cervera (no Christian witnesses) ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 150 r-v

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670. 1362, August 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 150 v- 151 r 671. 1362, August 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 151 r-v 672. 1362, August 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. Quod nos ... confitemur nos debere vobis Bonanasch Alfaquim, judeo ville Cervarie ... ratione mutui ... ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 151 v- 152 r 673. 1362, September 1 Nouerint universi quod ego, Guillemus Johannis, habitator de Montmaneu, confiteor me debere vobis, Izach de Tolosa, judeo Acrimontis, licet absenti tamque presenti ... ratione mutui ... quod michi nomine vestro fecit Adret Davi, judeus Cervarie... Acknowledgement of a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach de Tolosa, Jew of Agramunt. The agreement was done by Adret Davi, Jew of Cervera, on Izach de Tolosa’s behalf. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 153 r 674. 1362, September 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Quersí, Jew silversmith of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff.153 v- 154 r 675. 1362, September 5

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It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch Mair, Jew of Cervera ... quod nos, Andreas Vitalis, Petrus Johannes ... habitatores de la Cardosa, actores et procuratores universitatis et singularium dicte loci ... confitemur nos debere vobis Astruch Mair, judeo Cervarie ... ratione mutui ... ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 154 r-v 676. 1362, September 5 … quod nos, Andreas Vitalis … recognoscemus vobis Astruch Mair, judeo ville Cervarie, quod dedistis et solvistis michi … ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 154 v- 155 r 677. 1362, September 5 … quod ego, Menasem de Querci, judeus argenterius ville Cervarie, … promito et convenio vobis … (Agreements on the payment). Witnesses ... Adret Davi, judeus Cervarie ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 155 r 678. 1362, September 5 Confession of debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ... quod ego ... confiteor me debere vobis Juceffo Samarell, judeo Cervarie ... ratione mutui ... quos vobis et vestris [solvere] promitto in primo venturo festo natalis Domini adiate ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 155 v 679. 1362, September 12 ... confiteor me debere vobis, Adret Davi, judeo habitatori ville Cervarie ... ratione mutui ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 155 v- 156 r 680. 1362, September 14 ... confitemur nos debere vobis Samuel Sutllam, judeo Cervarie, ... ratione mutui ... quos vobis et vestris solvere promitimus in primo venturo festo Omnes Sanctorum adiate

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ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 156 v- 157 r 681. 1362, September 19 … confitemur nos debere vobis Menasem de Querci, judeo argenterio ville Cervarie … ratione mutui ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 158 v- 159 r 682. 1362, September 19 ... confiteor me debere vobis Adret Davi, judeo Cervarie ... ratione mutui ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 159 r-v 683. 1362, September 19 ... confiteor me debere vobis S[am]uell, judeo Cervarie ... ratione mutui ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 159 v 684. 1362, September 25 … confiteor me debere vobis Vitali Gracia, judeo Cervarie … ratione mutui ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 160 v 685. 1362, September 20 Nouerint universi quod ego Fferdinandus Periz, habitator Santi Petri de Arquellis, confiteor me debere vobis Menahem de Querci, judeo argenterio ville Cervarie … ratione mutui … quos vobis et vestris solvere promito in primo venturo festo Epifanie Domini adiate Testes huius rei sunt … et Jacobus Zabater ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 160 v- 161 r 686. 1362, September 24 Menahem de Quercí offers advantages in the payment conditions to Fernando Perez Witnesses, Francesc de Foix, mercerius, and Jaume Sabater, of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 161 r-v

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687. 1362, September 24 The castlar of Sant Antolí confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Quercí, silversmith of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 161 v 688. 1362, September 19 Menasem de Quercí offers advantages to his debtor in case he pays in medio mensis octobri proximum As witnesses acted Izach Salamó Rosell, Jew of Cervera, and Ferdinand Periz of Sant Pere dels Arquells. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 162 r 689. 1362, September 24 Vidal Gracià, Jew of Cervera, transfers to Guillem Mazana, iurato of Gaver, all of his rights concerning a debt that was confessed in his favor last March 30, before the notary Francesc Sastre. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 162 v 690. 1362, September 29 Guillem Satorre, of Calonge, agrees to pay Astrugona, the wife of Abram Avizmell, by reason of her treatments to her wife Sibila, in order to get her pregnant. The payment should be done as soon as when Sibila got pregnant. … Guillelmus Zatorre, terminum de Calonge, cum hoc presenti instrumento confiteor et in veritate recognosco me debere vobis Astrugone, uxor Abram Avizmell, judei dicte ville, et vestris, sexaginta solidi Barchinone terni rationem salarii vestri […] nos promissis quod nos deo dante cum vestra medicina facientis quod Sibilia, uxor mea, inpregnabiter de filio uel de filia … quos vobis et vestris solvere promito in continenti cum dicta Sibilia, uxor mea, pregnantis fuerit et habuerit filium vel filiam, sin omne prolongamento … Testes huius rei sunt Miquell Cardona et G. Cavaleria, et Vidal Gracia, judeus Cervarie. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 163 r-v 691. 1362, October 6

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Arnau Asbert, inhabitant in the place of Paylarols, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Menasem de Quercí, Jew, silversmith, of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 163 v 692. 1362, October 6 ... quod ego, Menasem de Querci, judeus argenterius ville Cervarie, cum hoc presenti instrumento convenio et promito vobis, Arnaldus Asbert de Paylerols quod vobis exsolvere michi in primo venturo festo Omnes Sanctorum 55 solidi, restituam vobis quoddam instrumentum receptum per notarium subscriptum die et anno inffrascriptis, et etiam restituam vobis quoddam mulum auri ... Jewish witness, Izach Salamó Rosell ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 164 r 693. 1362, October 13 Bonjua Bonafos Adret, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, who previously had been inhabitant in Falset, transfers to Samuell Sutllam, Jew of Cervera, all of his rights on a credit in his favor that was agreed on October 19, 1360 before the notary Bernat de Puig. Witnesses, Adret Davi and Izach Salamó Rosell, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 164 r-v 694. 1362, October 13 Nouerint universi quod ego Guillelmus Taylada, ville Cervarie, collector questiorum et tabuorum alyamam ville Cervarie ... confiteor et in veritate recognosco vobis Boniua Bonafos Adret, judeo Cervarie, quod dedistis et solvistis michi, et ego a vobis habui et recepi 97 solidi et sex denarios Barchinone quos vos et Boniua Gratia, genero vester, tenebamini michi premiso nomine solvere ratione acatamenti per vobis dictum Boniua Gratia factum cum honorabili domino Berengario de Relat ... ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 164 v- 165 r 695. 1362, October 17 Juceff Calot, Jew, shows the document by which his father, Içach Calot, Jew of Cervera, now inhabitant in Tàrrega, on 1359, May 12, empowered him as his procurator (The empowering document is fully transcribed in this notary book) By reason of this document, Juceff Calot substituted as procurator to Mosse Cellem, Jew of Cervera Witnesses, Samuel Sutllam and Izach Salamó Rosell, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 165 r-v

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696. 1362, November 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera One of the witnesses was Miquel Cardona ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 166 r 697. 1362, November 3 Ferrer Vidal and his wife Geraldona confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Zutllam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 167 r 698. 1362, November 7 Izach Salamó Rosell, Jew, procurator of Izach Mosse Bendit, who had been inhabitants in Cervera, acknowledges that the Cervera vicar paid him a debt in favor of Izach Mosse Bendit. Witnesses, Miquel Cardona, of Cervera, and Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 168 v- 169 r 699. 1362, November 8 Pere Tora, his wife and his mother, confess to Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, that they owe her 54 sous by reason of a mutuo. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 169 v- 170 r 700. 1362, November 11 Pere Ferrer and his wife confess to Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, that they owe her 18 sous by reason of a mutuo. They promise they will pay this amount back the next festo Pentecostes. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 170 r-v 701. 1362, November 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 170 v- 171 r

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702. 1362, November 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach of Tolosa, Jew of Agramunt. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 171 r-v 703. 1362, November 15 Nouerint universi quod nos Samuell Sutllam et Mose Za torre, judei Cervarie, cum hoc presente instrumento, confitemur nos debere vobis Adret Davi et Izach Salamo [Cresques], judeis secretariis alyame judeorum dicte ville, nomine dicte alyame, 114 solidi Barchinone restantes vobis ad solvendum de precio impositionnis vini ... Testes huius rey sunt Samuell Rosell, judeus Barchinone, and Roven Asser, of Cervera. This debt was paid on 1363, February 7 ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 171 v- 172 r 704. 1362, November 14 Menasem de Cresí [sic] Jew of Cervera, silversmith, acknowledges he has been paid back a debt in his favor. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 172 r-v 705. 1362, November 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Cresí, Jew of Cervera, silversmith. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 172 v 706. 1362, November 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mireta, the widow of Sutllam de la Cavallería ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 173 r-v 707. 1362, November 15

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 173 v- 174 r 708. 1362, November 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Cresí, Jew of Cervera, silversmith. Witnesses, Miquel Cardona and Pere de Riu, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. f. 175 r 709. 1362, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 174 v-175 v 710. 1362, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 175 v-176 r

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YEAR 1363

711. 1363, January 19 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 5 v- 6 r

712. 1363, January It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 7 r 713. 1363, February 3 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bo[nanasc]h Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 13 r-v

714. 1363, February It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 14 r 715. 1363, February Samuel Coffen, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid a debt owed to him by the wife of Ramon de Montreal, as had been agreed, before the notary of Cervera Pere de Rocheta, on the Kalends of May, ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 7 r

716. 1363, February 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 70 v- 71 v 717. 1363, February 6

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 72 r 718. 1363, February 6 Biona Brunell and Mose Abram Dangor, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge their debt in favor of Samuel Sutllam, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Adret Davi and Mose Zatorre, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 72 v 719. 1363, February 7 Mateu Vidal acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 72 v- 73 r 720. 1363, February 9 Pere Vidal, of Rabinat, acknowledges his debt in favor of Mireta, the widow of Sutllam de la Cavallería. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 73 r-v 721. 1363, February 9 Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona, acknowledges he has been paid some debts existing in his favor. Witnesses, Juceff de Bases, Jew of Agramunt, and Izach Salamó Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 73 v- 74 r 722. 1363, February 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 74 r-v 723. 1363, February 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Quercí, Jew silversmith of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 74 v- 75 r 724. 1363, February 13 Astruga, widow of Salamó de Bases and his son Juceff de Bases, Jews inhabitants in Agramunt, and Goig, wife of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, daughter of the said Astruga, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolça, the wife of Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. Renunciamos exceptionis mutuo… et ego, Juceff, beneficio minoris aetatis. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 75 v- 77 r 725. 1363, February 13 Quod nos Astruga, Judea uxor quondam Salamoni de Bases, et Juceffus de Bases, eius filius, habitatores de Acrimonte, et Goix, uxorem Salamonis Vitalis Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona…Ego dicta Goix uxorem dicti Salamonis Vitalis Zescaleta, confitemus et in veritate recognoscemus vobis Dulcie, Judee uxor quondam Vitalis Zescaleta, dicte civitatis, matrique dicti Salamonis Vitalis Zescaleta, licet absenti, tamque presenti, quod Bonanasch Alfaquim Judeus ville Cervarie, dedit et solvit nobis, nomine vestro… One of the witnesses was Izach Salamó Rossell. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov 1363, Feb f. 77 r-v 726. 1363, February 13 Juceff de Bases, son of Salamó de Bases, Jews inhabitants in Agramunt, acknowledge their debt in favor of Druda, widow of Juceff de Martiach, Jew of Agramunt. The import was delivered to them by Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona, on Druda’s behalf. One of the witnesses was Izach Salamó Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 77 v- 78 r

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727. 1363, February 13 Juceff de Bases, son of Salamó de Bases, Jew of Agramunt, acknowledges that Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona, gave him the import agreed in the precedent document, on behalf of Druda, the widow of Juceff de Martiach Jew of Agramunt,. One of the witnesses was Izach Salamó Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 78 v 728. 1363, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mireta, the widow of Sutllam de la Cavallería, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 78 v- 79 r 729. 1363, February 13 * It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Menasem de Quercí, Jew silversmith of Cervera. One of the witnesses was Vidal Ferrer, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1357 Mar 2- 1357 Oct 6 f. 79 v 730. 1363, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonosa, the widow of Izach Benveníst, Jew of Barcelona. The import of the borrowing was delivered by her son Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 80 r- 81 r 731. 1363, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonosa, the widow of Izach Benveníst, Jew of Barcelona, which amount was delivered on her behalf by his son Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 81 r

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732. 1363, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 83 r-v 733. 1363, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 83 v 734. 1363, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 83 v- 84 r 735. 1363, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 85 r 736. 1363, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Dolcich, the wife of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 85 v 737. 1363, February 13 Promise done by Dolcich, widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, and Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 86 r-v

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738. 1363, February 13 Document in which Izach de Tolosa, Jew inhabitant in Falset, is acting as tutor i curador (guardian), appointed by the bailiff of Falset, for Izach Astruch, son of Astruch de Tolosa, the son of the late Izach de Tolosa. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 86 v- 88 r 739. 1363, February 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew inhabitant of Cervera, absent at that moment. The import of the loan was delivered by his wife Durona on his behalf. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 88 r-v 740. 1363, February 14 It is acknowledged receipt done by Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew inhabitant in Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 88 v 741. 1363, February 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Quercí, Jew silversmith inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 88 v- 89 r 742. 1363, February 14 On this date, the debt originated on 19 September 1362, in favor of Menasem de Quercí, was canceled. One of the witnesses was Izach Rosell, of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1358-1362. ff. 162 r 743. 1363, February 15

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It is acknowledged receipt signed by Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 89 r-v 744. 1363, February 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 89 v- 90 r 745. 1363, February 15 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Menasem de Quercí, Jew silversmith of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 90 r-v 746. 1363, March 10 Agreement between Salamó Sullam Cophen, Jew, and Elisenda. Jewish witness, Abram Perpinian, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 55 r-v 747. 1363, March 15 Ramon Roger, pelliparius, Pere de Sangenís and Felip Ferrer, inhabitants of Cervera, considering that Anglesa, Ramon’s daughter, is insensata et mentecapta (senseless and foolish), and that Mestre Abraam Astruch, Jew physician of Cervera, does not want to treat her without license, gets a license for him, and offers he will pay him 200 solidos Barchinone de terno. Witnesses, Jaume Ferrer, notary, Pere Abella, presbiter, and Vidal Gracià, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 56 v- 57 r 748. 1363, March 17 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astrugona, widow of Astruch Perfet. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 57 v- 58 r

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749. 1363, May 1 Roven Asser, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been repaid part of a debt agreed on 1362, December 30, before Joan d’Ardevol, notary of Cervera. Jewish witness, Vidal Gracià, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 85 r 750. 1363, May 10 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 85 v 751. 1363, May 14 Guillem Vidal and Mateu Vidal, of la Cardosa, confess their debt in favor of Mair Malet, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 89 r-v 752. 1363, May 15 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 86 v- 87 v 753. 1363, May 15 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 87 v- 88 r 754. 1363, May 17 Biona Brunell and Mose Abram Dangor, Jews of Cervera, cancel the debt they had agreed with Samuel Sutllam, Jew of Cervera, on February 6 that same year, Witnesses, Vidal Gracià and Izach Bonafé. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus i Cristians, 1362, Nov- 1363, Feb f. 72 v

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755. 1363, June 2 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Vidal Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 88 v 756. 1363, June 2 Bonjuha Gracià is transferring rights in favor of Moyse Abraam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 90 v 757. 1363, June 2 Guillem Tallada declares he has been paid by Izach Bonanasch, Jew, and Mireta, wife of Sullam de la Cavallería. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 94 r 758. 1363, Jul 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Moyse Abram Zatorra, Jew of Cervera. Mestre Abraam Astruch Zatorra was who agreed this cancellation of debt, on Moyse’s behalf. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 96 v 759. 1363, July 14 Mestre Abraam Astruch Zatorra, Jew of Cervera, guardian of his son Moyse Abram Zatorra, confesses he has been paid back a debt that had been agreed before the present notary. Jewish witness, Astruch Abram Zatorra ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 2 v 760. 1363, July 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Moyse Abram Zatorra, Jew of Cervera. Mestre Abrae Zatorra, guardian and procurator of the said Moyse Zatorra [sic], agreed the cancellation of this debt.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 96 r 761. 1363, July 20 … Bonadona, uxor Astruch Abram Zatorra, habitatore ville Cervarie, filia et heres Bonjuha Caravida, judeus Tarrege, neptam sive neta et heres Bonedone, uxor quondam Adzay Caravida, judei Tarrege, confiteor et in veritate recognosco vobis Jacobo … that she has been fully repaid by him. Witnesses, Jaume Ferrer, notary, and Samuel Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 3 v 762. 1363, July 24 Bonadona, the wife of Abram Astruch Zatorra [sic] Jew of Cervera, transfers Jaume Escuder and his wife all the rights Bonjuha Caravida had against Berenguer de Codonyet and his wife, by reason of debts confessed in his favor in three public documents: 1346, May 4 nonas, November 4 idus, and 1347, nonas November, before Guillem Bonet, notary of Tàrrega. Signed by Bonadona, and also by Abram Astruch Zatorra to consent this act. Witnesses, Jaume Ferrer, notary, and Samuel Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 4 r-v 763. 1363, July 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Moisie Abram Zatorra. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 2 v- 3 r 764. 1363, August 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mair Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 7 r- 8 r 765. 1363, August 14 Mair Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera was appointed, by the Curia of Cervera, guardian of the young daughter and heiress of the late Lobell Malet, Jew of Cervera. Mair confesses to Pere Selva and his wife Berenguera, of Cabestany, they have been paid a debt they owed to the late Lobell Malet, whom Salamó Atzarell was the procurator. Jewish witnesses, Vidal Gracià and Abraam Astruch Satorra.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 5 r- 6 r 766. 1363, September 5 Bonjuha Gracià, Jew of Cervera, transfers Bonnin Adret all of his rights against Ramon Falcó and Bernat Albareda One of the witnesses was Abraam Avizmel, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 14 v 767. 1363, September 5 Salamó Bonafos, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, as procurator for Samuel Adzay, Jew of the same place, appointed on 1353, June 12, before Arnau Miró, notary of Cervera, confesses he has been paid part of the debt that Juceff Gracià declared to owe his principal on 1361, January 25, before Francesc de Concabella, notary of Cervera. Witnesses, Bertomeu Gaver, Christian, and Mair Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 96 v- 97 r 768. 1363, September 22 Bonjuha Bonaffos and Vidal Adret, Jews of Cervera, declare they have been paid part of a debt agreed on May 1 before Francesc Sastre, notary of Cervera. Jewish witnesses, Izach Rossel and Mair Malet. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 15 v 769. 1363, September 30 Vidal Gracià, Jew of Cervera, declares he has been paid a debt back. Jewish witness, Mestre Abraam Astruch Zatorra. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f 15 v- 16 r 770. 1363, October 1 Cancellation of a debt agreed on August 14 in favor of Mair Malet, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Izach Effraim. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 8 r

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771. 1363, October 2 Cancellation of a debt that had been agreed on May 14, in favor of Mair Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 772. 1363, October 6 Cancellation of a debt that had been agreed in favor of Moyse Abram Zatorra, on July 24 ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 3 r 773. 1363, October 8 Mestre Abraam Astruch Zatorra, actually Jew of Cervera, guardian of his son Moise Abraam Zatorra (as per document of 1359, May 15, before Aparicio de Seles, notary for all the Catalonia reign), declares that Jaume Escuder has paid him his debt in favor of Moise Abraam Zatorra, originating in a document of 1363, July 24, before de undersigning notary. Jewish witness, Vidal Gracià. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 16 r 774. 1363, October 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Biona Brunel, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 17 r 775. 1363, October 17 Cancellation of a debt that had been agreed in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim on May 15. Jewish witnesses, Abraam de la Cavallería, Jew of Falset, and Vidal Salamó, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 87 v 776. 1363, October 30

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Transfer of rights, done by Jacob Izach, Jew of Cervera, in favor of Jaume Ferrer, notary, to pay him a debt agreed before Francesc Sastre, notary of Cervera, on 1355, December 24 Jewish witness, Vidal Gracià. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 20 r-v 777. 1363, November 6 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonjuha Bonafos, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 29 v-30 r 778. 1363, November 7 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonjuha Bonafos, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 29 v 779. 1363, November 9 Samuel Rossell, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been paid a debt, concerning a previous agreement done with Ramon dels Archs and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 28 r-29 v 780. 1363, November 10 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Enoch Zaporta, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 40 r 781. 1363, November 12 It is acknowledged a debt by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Mair, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 29 r-v 782. 1363, November 17

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It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Menaffem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 27 v-28 r 783. 1363, November 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menaffem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 28 r-v 784. 1363, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Menaffem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 27 v-28 r 785. 1363, November 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abraam Zullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 40 v 786. 1363, November 29 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 41 r 787. 1363, December 1 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 41 v 788. 1363, December 10 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Vidal Gracià, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 42 r-v

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YEAR 1364

789. 1364, January 8 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonjuha Bonafos, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 47 r-v

790. 1364, January 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolzich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 47 r 791. 1364, January 29 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew. The agreement had been done by Içach Biona, Jew of Cervera, on Salamó’s behalf. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 49v- 50 r 792. 1364, March 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menaffem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 70 v-71 r 793. 1364, March 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menaffem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 71 v 794. 1364, March 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 50 r-v 795. 1364, April [6] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menaffem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 69 r 796. 1364, April 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menaffem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 69 v 797. 1364, April 10 Astruch Effraim and his wife Bonadona, inhabitants in Cervera, by virtue of this document acknowledge their debt to Vidala, widow of Effraym Belshom. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 55 r-v 798. 1364, April 16 Cancellation of a debt of June 2, 1363, in favor of Vidal Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Llibre 1362, Des 29 – 1363, Set 5. f. 88 v

799. 1364, May 1 Dolçich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges she has been paid a debt agreed on January 13 Jewish witness, Samuel Rosel, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 92 v-93 r

800. 1364, May 4 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Dolzich, Jewess of Cervera. She was the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 58 v 801. 1364, May 10 Blanca, widow of Pere d’Odena, sells Menaffem de Quercí fifteen tonas (barrels) she had at home. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber no. 1363, Jul 10 –1364 Oct 6. f. 78 v-79 r 802. 1364, May 17 Blanca, widow of Pere d’Odena, declares she has been paid by Menaffem de Quercí the fifteen tonas (barrels) she sold him. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 79 r 803. 1364, June 17 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Mestre Abraam Astruch Zatorra, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 67 r 804. 1364, June 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menaffem de Quercí. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 90 v 805. 1364, June It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abraam d’Angor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 91 r 806. 1364, August 22 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6 f. 99 v-100r

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807. 1364, [August] Document concerning several debts in favor of Vidal Ferrer and Dolcich, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jews of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. 808. 1364, [August] Adret Daviu and Juceff Samarell, Jews of Cervera, Secretaries of its Jewish aljama, in their own name, as well as in name of the Jewish aljama, appointed as their procurator to Salamó Vidal. Witnesses, Jaume Ferrer, notary, and Bonanasch Alfaquim and Mair Malet, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. 809. 1364, September 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abraam Avizmel, Jew, and Goig, the widow of Astruch de Piera. Jewish witness, Benveníst Adret ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. 810. 1364, October 2 Astruc de Piera promises not to play during two years. Nouerint universi quod ego Astruch Apiera, judeus ville Cervarie, testimonio huius publici instrumenti promitto et convenio bona ffide quod a presenti die ad duos annos inde primos venturos et numerandos, non ludari ad aliud ludum taxillarum … One of the witnesses was Abram Zullam ACSG. FN. Cervera.10. Pere Montreal. L notularum 1364, sep 20–1365, nov 10 f. 2 r-v 811. 1364, October 5 Nouerint universi quod nos Andreas Vitalis, Ferraius Vitalis,…, testimonio huius publici instrumenti per nos et omnes nostros presentes pariterque futuros, confitemur et in veritate recognoscemus vobis Petro Johan dicte ville et vestris quod …tornastis et restituistis nobis <nomine nostro> et aliis personis tam Christianis quam Judeis, quibus nos et universitas loci de la Cardosa eramus <obligati> et erat obligatii ac plenarie satisffacistis super ómnibus illis 110 libris quas vos, dictis Petrus Johan, nec sindicus dicti loci … racione vendicionis illius …

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 –1365, nov 10 f. 3 v 812. 1364, This document did not arrive to be written, there were only written the two first lines, and it was to be a declaration done by Vidal Gracià, Jew Cervera. No date was written in it. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notul. 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 9 v 813. 1364, October 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. 814. 1364, November 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Moisse Abraam Astruch Zatorra. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 –1365, nov 10 f.13r 815. 1364, November 15 Document concerning the terms of payment of a debt, stated by Abram Bendit, Jew of Cervera, heir ab intestato to his mother Mire, wife of Mestre Bendit. It refers to a debt that had been agreed in a.d. 1343, Kalendas May, before Bernat de Figuerola, notary of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. Cervera.10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20–1365, nov 10 f 12r-v 816. 1364, [November] 21 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10. 817. 1364, December 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Rossel, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6.

818. 1364, December 20 Juceff Samarell acknowledges he has been paid a debt, agreed in a document of December 20, 1354, before Francesc Sastre, notary of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 64 v

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YEAR 1365

819. 1365, February 26 Pere dez Pla, inhabitant in the locality of Tudela, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abraham Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notul. 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 21 r 820. 1365, February 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffuda Leo, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notul. 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 22 r 821. 1365, March 26 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. The document refers to Abram Astruch Zatorra and his wife. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 34 v- 35 r 822. 1365, April 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abraam Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notul. 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 36 r 823. 1365, April 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menaffem de Quersí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 36 v- 37 r 824. 1365, April 6

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Menaffem de Quersí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notul. 1364, sep 20 –1365, nov 10 f 37 r-v 825. 1365, April 15 Dolcich, the widow of Lobell Malet is stating the terms of payment for an existing credit in her favor. Witnesses, Guillem Cardona, Christian, and Bonnin Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 42 v- 43 r 826. 1365, April 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolzich, the widow of Lobell Malet. Witnesses, Guillem de Cardona and Pere Pescater, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notul. 1364, sep 20 –1365, nov 10 f 40 r-v 827. 1365, May 6 Pere Simon and his wife Maria, inhabitants in Cervera, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Saul Abram, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 40 v- 41 r 828. 1365, May 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mose Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. not. 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f.41 r-v 829. 1365, May 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mose Abraam Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 41 v- 42 r

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830. 1365, May 19 Berenguer Mir, of Brianço, had agreed a mutuo with Menaffem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Miquel Cardona and Ramon Palafolls, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notul. 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f. 47 r 831. 1365, It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menaffem de Quersí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f 832. 1365, June 27 Document in which Salamó Bonafos Adret and Içach Rossell, Jews, Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona, absent, intervene. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 1 r 833. 1365, June 27 Document in which Adret Davi, Bonanasch Alfaquim, Juceff Samarell, Roven Asser, Astruch Mayr, Izach Bonaffeu, Mayr Malet, Abram Abizmell, Samuel Adret, Abram Dangor, Belshom Affraim, Bonjua Bonafos, Abram Astruch and Bonnin Adret, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, and Salamó Bonafos Adret and Isach Rossel, Jews, Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, intervene. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 1 r-v 834. 1365, June 27 It is acknowledged a debt done by Bonanash Alfaquim. One of the witnesses, Izach Rossell, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 1 v- 2 r 835. 1365, June 27

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Salamó Bonafos Adret and Izach Rossell, Jews, Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, in their own name as well as in name of the Jewish aljama, acknowledge that Vidal Bonastruch, Jew, has paid them a debt. Witnesses, Andreu d’Ardevol, notary, and Bonnin Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 2 r 836. 1365, June 30 Document concerning a sale done by Salamó Bonafos Adret and Izach Rossell, Jews, Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, with the consent of the Jewish aljama Council, to Izach Bonafeu, Bonnin Adret and Vidal Adret, Jews of Cervera. The sale was approved by Abram Astruch Zatorre physician, lieutenant of Vidal Gracià, Secretary of the Jewish aljama. Witness, Vidal Bonastruch, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 2 v 837. 1365, June 30 Izach Bonafeu, Bonnin Adret and Vidal Adret, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge a debt to Adret Davi, Salamó Adret and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jews, clavaris imposicionum judeorum aljame ville predicte. One of the witnesses was Vidal Bonastruch, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 2 v–3 r 838. 1365, June 30 Salamó Bonafos Adret and Izach Rossell, Jews, Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, and with the consent of the Council, reunited in the Escola Judayca de Cervera, sell Bonnin Adret and Vidal Adret, Jews, imposicionem panis…etc. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 3 r-v 839. 1365, June 30 Bonnin Adret and Vidal Adret, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge their debt to Adret Davi, Salamó Adret and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jews, clavaris empositionem judeorum aljame Cervarie, racione emptionis per nos a Secretaris eiusdem aliame facta de empositionem paniis et bladi, socalarium per calzar de leyna et de carbo ad unum annum… One of the witnesses was Vidal Bonastruch, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 3 v- 4 r

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840. 1365, June 30 Document in which Salamó Adret and Izach Rossell, Jews, secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, and Astruch Affraim and Mosse Abram Dangor, intervene. It was authorized by Abram Astruch Zatorre, physician, locumtenens of Vidal Ferrer, Jew and Secretary of the Jewish Aljama of Cervera. One of the witnesses, Vidal Bonastruch, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 4 r-v 841. 1365, June 30 Astruch Affraim and Mosse Abram Dangor, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge their debt to Adret Davi, Salamó Adret and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jews, clavaris empositionem aljame… by reason of the purchase of one year empositione carnium et vobateriarum of the Jewish aljama. Witness, Vidal Bonanasch, Jew ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 4 v 842. 1365, June 30 Bonafos Adret and Izach Rossell, Secretaries of the Jewish Aljama of Cervera, with the consent of the Council, sell Astruch Cabrit the taxation on wine, excepting iure botarius… Witness, Vidal Bonanasch, Jew ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 5 r 843. 1365, June 30 Astruch Cabrit confesses his debt to Adret Davi, Salamó Adret and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jews, clavaris de l’imposicio de l’aljama … racione optionis per me a Secretariis ipsius aljame facti de empositionem vinii ad unum annum… Witness, Vidal Bonastruch ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 5 r-v 844. 1365, July 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch de la Cavallería, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 5 v- 6 r

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845. 1365, July 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Zullam, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 6 r-v 846. 1365, June 8 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed in the precedent document from Abrae Zutllam, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 6 v- 7 r 847. 1365, July 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach Rossell, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 7 r-v 848. 1365, July 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach Rossell, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 7 v 849. 1365, July 9 It is acknowledged having been paid the outstanding import of the price of the house, situated in the Carrer del Vent, which Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, had bought. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 7 v 850. 1365, July 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 8 r 851. 1365, July 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.8 r-v

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852. 1365, July 25 Document concerning the empositorium carnium Judeorum ville Cervarie, in which Astruch Affraim, Jew of Cervera, and Mosse Dangor, intervene. Witnesses, Jaume Salvador, and Bonnin Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. v- 9 r 853. 1365, July 28 Bonnin Adret sells Saul Abram one third of his part on the wheat and bread taxation. One of the witnesses, Abram Dangor, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 9 v 854. 1365, August 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 11 r-v 855. 1365, August 5 Cession of debt and rights done by Astruch Cabrit to Bonanasch Alfaquim Jewish witness, Bonnin Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 14 r-v 856. 1365, August 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25–1366, Nov 27 f. 14 v-15 r 857. 1365, August 8 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Abrae Abizmell, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 15 r-v 858. 1365, August 26

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Belshom Affraim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 21 v 859. 1365, August 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Belshom Affraim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.21v-22r 860. 1365, August 26 Salamó Vidal Zescaleta acknowledges he has been paid a loan he made on December 2, 1362, agreed before the notary Pere Gener, and another loan he did on November 25, 1358, before the notary B. de Malniu. Witness, Samuel Rossell, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 22v 861. 1365, August 26 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Dolça, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum L. 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 22 v- 23 r 862. 1365, August 27 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Astruch de la Cavallería, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 23 r 863. 1365, August 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum L. 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 23 v- 24 r 864. 1365, September 10 Ramira, daughter and heres universalis of the late Berenguer de Riquer, considering that his father gave Fanou Zorz, Jew of Cervera locum et cessionem on the outstanding amount due by the Jewish aljama of the Jews of Cervera originating in a document of

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1345, 16 Kalendas July, before Pere de Monte notary of Cervera … gives Bonadona, wife of Izach Bonafé, Jew of Cervera, … Tolrrana, daughter of the late Samuel Salamó, Jew of Tàrrega, and heiress to Maimó Cerci and his late wife Regina, Jews of Cervera, avuorum suorum et Fanou Zorz and Vidal Zorz, deceased, as being Regina … “uxorique Bonet Saltell, Bonet Saltell” wife of Bonet Saltell, son of Saltell Gracià, Jew of Girona … de quam donacionem constat per publicum instrumentum inde confectum per Guillemum Lobeti, notarium publicum subscriptum auctoritate Regia, et B. Tayllano, notario Gerunde vicesima tercia die agusti anno a nativitate domini 1358 … quod est actum loci destaras decimal die septembris anno a nativitate domini 1364. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. (Fragment de Llibre) 1365, Sep 3- 1366 Aug 4 f. 3 r-v 865. 1365, September 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Abizmell, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum L. 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 25 v- 26 r 866. 1365, September 16 Benveníst Abizmell, in his own name, and Abram Abizmell, in his own name and as procurator for Astruch Abizmell, Jew of Bellpuig d’Anglesola, confess they have been paid a debt, originating in a notarial deed of July 31, 1359, before this same notary. Witness, Bonjua Bonafos, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 26 r-v 867. 1365, September 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 26 v 868. 1365, September 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum L. 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 26 v- 27 r 869. 1365, September 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Rossell and Vidal Bonastruch, Jews.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 27 r 870. 1365, September 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Carci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum L. 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 27 v- 28 r 871. 1365, September 17 It is acknowledged having received the borrowed amount from Menahem Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 28 r 872. 1365, September 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 28 r-v 873. 1365, September 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum L., 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 28 v-29 r 874. 1365, October 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Aszay, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 29 r-v 875. 1365, October 27 Document concerning a payment Bonjua Bonafos made last month of May. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 30 r-v 876. 1365, October 28

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch de la Cavallería, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 29 v 877. 1365, October 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Izach Bonaffeu, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum L., 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 29 v-30 r 878. 1365, October 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 30 v 879. 1365, October 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Belshom Affraim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 31 r-v 880. 1365, November 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 32 v 881. 1365, November 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 33 r 882. 1365, November 10 Isaac Bonaffeu, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been paid a debt agreed before this same notary in May 8, 1365. Witnesses, Adret Daviu and Salamó Bonafós Adret, Jews. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notul. 1364, sep 20 – 1365, nov 10 f.46 v

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883. 1365, November 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 34 r 884. 1365, November 11 It is acknowledged having received from Bonanasch Alfaquim the borrowed amount. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 34 r 885. 1365, November 11 Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew, procurator for Samuel Adzay, as appointed on Jun 12, 1363, acknowledges he has been paid part of a debt agreed on April 28, 1362, before the notary of Santa Coloma de Queralt B. de Muntanyola. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 34 v 886. 1365, November 13 Vicens Ebrinus, inhabitant in Igualada, confesses he has been paid part of an existing debt in his favor, from Jaffuda Leo, Jew inhabitant of Cervera, originating from Zaragoza (Judeo oriundo Cesarauguste, nunc habitator Cervarie). ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum L. 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 34 v- 35 r 887. 1365, November 13 Document concerning Jaffuda Leo, Jew originating from Zaragoza, now inhabitant in Cervera, and Vicens Ebrinus, inhabitant of Igualada. Witness, Juceff Franzes, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 35 r-v 888. 1365, November 13 Document concerning Jaffuda Leo. Witness, Juceff Franzes, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 35 v- 36r

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889. 1365, November 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Rossell and Vidal Bonastruch, Jews. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 36 v 890. 1365, November 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Saul Abram, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 38 r-v 891. 1365, November 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abraam Dangor, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.38 v-39 r 892. 1365, November 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffuda Leo, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 40 r-v 893. 1365, December 5 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Abraam Dangor, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.42 v-43 r 894. 1365, December 8 Document concerning a mutuo in which Salamó Bonafos Adret intervene. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 43 r-v 895. 1365, December 8 Document concerning a mutuo in which Salamó Bonafos Adret intervene. Witness, Bonnin Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 43 v

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896. 1365, December , 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 44 r-v

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YEAR 1366

897. 1366, January 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffuda Leo, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 –1366, Nov 27 f. 46v-47v 898. 1366, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffuda Leo, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 48 r 899. 1366, March 2 Salamó Bonafos Adret, Izach Salamó Rossell, Adret Davi, Juceff Samarell, Abram Dangor, Astruch Mayr, Mosse Dangor, Bonnin Adret, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, in their own names and in name of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, confess a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Rossell, Jew. Witness, Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew, silversmith, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 48 r-v 900. 1366, March 3 Salamó Bonafos Adret, Izach Salamó Rossell, Adret Davi, Juceff Samarell, Abram Dangor, Astruch Mayr, Mosse Dangor, Bonnin Adret, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, in their own names and in name of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, confess a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Rossell, Jew. Witness, Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew, silversmith, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 48 v-49r 901. 1366, March 2 Document in which Salamó Bonaffos Adret, Jew, acting in his own name and in name of Salamó Adzarell, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, intervene. The document is concerning a debt agreed on July 22, 1353, before the Notary F. Borras. Witness, Menahem de Carci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 51 r-v

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902. 1366, March 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 51v-52r 903. 1366, March 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 52 r-v 904. 1366, March 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 52 v 905. 1366, March 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25–1366, Nov 27 f. 52 v- 53 r 906. 1366, March 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 53 r 907. 1366, March 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 54 r 908. 1366, March 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 54 r-v 909. 1366, March 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 54 v 910. 1366, March 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 54v-55r 911. 1366, March 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 55 r-v 912. 1366, March 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.55 v-56 r 913. 1366, March 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 56 r-v 914. 1366, March 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 56 v 915. 1366, March 23

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 56v-57r 916. 1366, March 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 57 r-v 917. 1366, March 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.57v-58 r 918. 1366, March 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 58 r 919. 1366, March 25 Salamó Abrae, Astruch Rossell, Juceff Samarell, Adret Davi, Abram Dangor, Astruch Mayr, [M]osse Dangor and Bonnin Adret, Jews, acknowledge a debt in favor of Salamó Adret, son of Adret Daviu, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Izach Bonafeu, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 58 r-v 920. 1366, March 26 Salamó Abrae, Astruch Rossell, Juceff Samarell, Adret Davi, Abram Dangor, Astruch Mayr, Mosse Dangor and Bonnin Adret, Jews, acknowledge a debt in favor of Salamó Adret, son of Adret Daviu, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Izach Bonafeu, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.58v-59v 921. 1366, April 1

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 60 v 922. 1366, April 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 61v-62r 923. 1366, April 9 Vidal Adret, Judeus of Cervera, attendens ex inter quadam capitula facta inter vos, Adret Davi, Judeum, patrem meum, ex una parte, et Samuelis Caracosa, Judeum Perpiniani, et Goig, uxor quondam Saltelli Adret, Judei, racione matrimonii contracti inter me et Astrugam, filiam dicte Goig, vos tenebamini me dare, ex una parte, in peccuniam numerata, quingentos solidos Barchinone … confessum fuiste deberi Benvenist Caracosa, Judeus Perpiniani… Vidal Adret confesses he has been paid by his father. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 62 r-v 924. 1366, April 9 Vidal Adret, Jew of Cervera, appoints Adret Davi, and his brother, Salamó Adret, Jews, as procurators. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 62v-63r 925. 1366, April 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolça, widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 64v-65r 926. 1366, April 14 Document of mutuo in which Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera, and Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona, intervene. Witness, Izach Bonaffeu, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 65 r

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927. 1366, April 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 66 v 928. 1366, April 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 66v-67r 929. 1366, April 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 67 r-v 930. 1366, April 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.67v-68 r 931. 1366, April 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 68 r 932. 1366, April 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 68 r-v 933. 1366, April 15

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 68v-69r 934. 1366, April 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 71 r-v 935. 1366, April 14 Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew, acknowledges he has received the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 71 v 936. 1366, April 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 72 r-v 937. 1366, April 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 72 v 938. 1366, April 28 Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges that Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona, has paid him part of a debt agreed before Pere Cortés, notary of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.72v-73 r 939. 1366, April 30 Pere Vidal and his wife Romia, inhabitants in Rabinat, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Adzay, Jew of Santa Coloma.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 73 r 940. 1366, April 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Adzay, Jew of Santa Coloma. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 73 r-v 941. 1366, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 73v-74r 942. 1366, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 74 r-v 943. 1366, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 74 v 944. 1366, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 75 r 945. 1366, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 75 r-v

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946. 1366, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 75 v 947. 1366, May 1 Document in which Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera, intervene. This document is concerning an agreement that was done in February 26, 1365, before the notary Pere Montreal. Witness, Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 76 r 948. 1366, May 2 Document concerning Arnau de Messina, inhabitant in Cervera, habens locum et cessionem super infrascriptis a Vidal and Adzay Brunell, sons and heirs of Sullam Brunell, and to dicti Vidal, habens locum et cessionem to the heirs of the late Abrae Brunell, Jew of Montblanc and to his daughter and heiress Belaire, as it is stated in public document pridie Kalendas octobris a.d. 1350, before Juan de Fontanet, notary of Montblanc. The late Sullam Brunell and Abrae Brunell were brothers. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. (Fragment de Llibre) 1365, Sep 3- 1366 Aug 4 f. 10 r-11 r 949. 1366, May 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 76v-77r 950. 1366, May 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 77 r-v 951. 1366, May 6

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Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, appoints as is procurator to Samuel Rossell, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Salamó Zescaleta [sic], Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 77v-78r 952. 1366, May 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bellshom Affraim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 78 r-v 953. 1366, May 7 Document concerning Jaffia Ravaylla, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 –1366, Nov 27 f. 78v-79v 954. 1366, May 7 Samuel Rossell, Jew of Cervera, is acting as procurator for Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 79 v 955. 1366, May 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 81v-82r 956. 1366, May 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 82 r-v 957. 1366, May 19 Pere Rossell acknowledges an existing debt in favor of Samuel Adzay, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 82 v

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958. 1366, May 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffuda Leo, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 83 r 959. 1366, May 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 83 r-v 960. 1366, May 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 83v-84r 961. 1366, June 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 86v-87r 962. 1366, June 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 87 r 963. 1366, June 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jaffuda dez Cortal, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 88 r 964. 1366, June 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Bonanasch, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 91 r-v

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965. 1366, June 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Bonanasch, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 91v-92r 966. 1366, July 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 92v-93r 967. 1366, July 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 93 r-v 968. 1366, July 1 It is acknowledged having received from Bonanach Alfaquim the amount agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 93v-94r 969. 1366, July 1 Juceff Samarell, Secretary of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, Adret Davi, Salamó Bonaffos Adret, Izach Rossell, Astruch Mayr, Abram Dangor, Vidal Bonastruch, Jews inhabitants of Cervera, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Juceff Levi, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 94v-95r 970. 1366, July 6 Juceff Samarell, Secretary of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, Adret Davi, Salamó Bonafos Adret, Izach Rossell, Astruch Mayr, Abram Dangor and Vidal Bonastruch, Jews inhabitants of Cervera, in their own name and in name of the Jewish aljama, acknowledge they have a debt in favor of Astruch Juceff Levi, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 95 r

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971. 1366, July 9 Bonanasch Alfaquim and Juceff Samarell, Jews Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera this current year, deffinimus, relaxamus… vobis, Bona Dona, uxor Samuel Salamo, Judeus quondam Sancte Columbe, … tutoria et curatoria filiorum Salamo Adzarello, Judeus, filii vestri, quondam… ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 96v-97v 972. 1366, July 9 Abram Bendit, Jew of Cervera, makes a confession to Bonanasch Alfaquim, Adret Davi and Salamó Adret, Jews clavariis empositionem aljame Judeorum Cervarie. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 97v-98r 973. 1366, July 9 Juceff Samarell and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jews Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, appoint as secretaries for this year to Samuel Sollam and Salamó Adret, son of Adret Davi. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 98 r-v 974. 1366, July 10 Pere Gilabert acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. Witness, Jaume Salvador, inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 101 v 975. 1366, July 1[3] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 102 r 976. 1366, July 28 Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera, is acting as procurator for Samuel Adzay, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 103 r-v

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977. 1366, July 28 Document in which Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera, Bonjua Astruch, and Astruch Adret, Jews of Guissona, intervene. The agreement concerns a house that Davi Abram and his wife Priçosa have in the Jewish quarter of Cervera, in the Carrer del Vent. Jewish witness, Astruch Mayir, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 103 v 978. 1366, August 3 Document concerning the house belonging to Davi Abram and his wife Priçosa, in which Samuel Adzay, Jew inhabitant in Santa Coloma, Bonjua Astruch and Astruch Adret, Jews of Guissona intervene. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 104 r 979. 1366, August 3 Samuel Adzay, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, acknowledges he has been paid the price of the aforesaid house by Bonjua Astruch and Astruch Adret, Jews of Guissona. Jewish witness, Salamó Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 104 r-v 980. 1366, August [15] Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera, declares he has been paid a debt which term of payment was Sancte Marie Augusti’ day (August 15) ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. (Fragment de Llibre) 1365, Sep 3- 1366 Aug 4. f. 19 r- 20 r 981. 1366, September 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.107 v-108 r 982. 1366, September 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 108r 983. 1366, September 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Dolça, the widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.110 v-111 r 984. 1366, September 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 112 r 985. 1366, October 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 114 r 986. 1366, October 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 114 r-v 987. 1366, October 2 Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew of Cervera, promises Pere Vidal, of Rabinat, he will pay him the debt agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 –1366, Nov 27 f.114 v- 115 r 988. 1366, October 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Rossell, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 115 r-v

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989. 1366, October 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Rossell, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.115v-116r 990. 1366, October 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 116 r 991. 1366, November 2 Menahem de Creci [sic], Jew, silversmith of Barcelona, acknowledges he has been paid a debt. Witnesses, Jaume Salvador, and Adret Davi, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 126 r 992. 1366, November 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f.126v-127r 993. 1366, November 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 127 r-v 994. 1366, November 4 Petrus Salat … absolvo… ac in perpetuum relaxo vobis Bonjue Gracia, Judeo commorandi nunc Barchinone et vestris, licet absentis … ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 127 v

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995. 1366, November 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 135 r 996. 1366, November 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Bonafos Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 136 r-v 997. 1366, November 13 Juceff Samarell and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jews Secretaries this current year of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, Adret Davi, Salamó Bonafos Adret, Izach Rossell, Abraam Dangor and Astruch Mayr, Jews of Cervera, in their own name and in name of the Jewish aljama, confess a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal Bonastruch and Salamó Adret, Jews of Cervera. Jewish witness, Salamó Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 138 r-v 998. 1366, November 13 Juceff Samarell, Adret Davi, Salamó Bonafos Adret, Izach Rossell, Abram Dangor and Astruch Mayr, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge their debt in favor of Vidal Bonastruch and Samuel Sollam, Jews. Jewish witness, Salamó Zescaleta, of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 –1366, Nov 27 f. 138 v-139 r 999. 1366, November 13 Juceff Samarell and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jews, Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, Adret Davi, Salamó Bonafos Adret, Izach Rossell, Abram Dangor and Astruch Mayr, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, acknowledge they have been paid back a loan. Jewish witness, Salamó Zescaleta, of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 139 v 1000. 1366, November 13

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Juceff Samarell and Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jews Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera this year, sell to Izach Rossell and Vidal Bonastruch emposicionis paniis et bladi… ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 139 v 1001. 1366, November 13 Document concerning the wheat and bread’s sale taxation, in which Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew Secretary of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, and Vidal Bonastruch and Izach Rosell, Jews, intervene. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 140 r 1002. 1366, November 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 140 v 1003. 1366, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 141 r 1004. 1366, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 141 v 1005. 1366, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 –1366, Nov 27 f. 141 v-142 r 1006. 1366, November 17

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 142 r-v 1007. 1366, November 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Adzay, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 143 r-v 1008. 1366, November 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Adzay, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25–1366, Nov 27 f. 143 v- 144 r 1009. 1366, November 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 144 r 1010. 1366, November 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 145 r-v 1011. 1366, November 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 146 v 1012. 1366, November 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 147 r

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1013. 1366, November 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 147 r 1014. 1366, November 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25 – 1366, Nov 27 f. 147 r 1015. 1366, November 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Iudeorum Liber, 1365, Jun 25–1366, Nov 27 f. 147 v- 148 r 1016. 1366, December 29 Jaume Gibert, inhabitant in la Manresana, acknowledges his debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch de la Cavallería, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367. f. 2 r 1017. 1366, December 29 Jaume Gilabert and others, inhabitants in Cervera, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor [Abram] Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367. f. 2 r-v 1018. 1366, December 30 Document in which Samuel Benveníst, Jew of Barcelona, has locum et cessionem a Bonjua Zaporta, Jew of Tàrrega., by virtue of a cession document signed before a notary public of Tàrrega on 1362, September 30 Samuel makes a transfer of rights and actions belonging to Bonjua Zaporta (as agreed in public document signed before the notary of Vilagrassa Pere de Piera, on 1361 August 4) to Dolcich, widow of Cresques Alfaquim, Jews of Cervera.

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One of the witnesses was Mosse Cetllem, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367. f. 2 v- 3 r 1019. 1366, December 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jafuda Leo, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367. f. 3 r-v 1020. 1366, December 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceffo Maroquí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367. f. 3 v- 4 r

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YEAR 1367

1021. 1367, January 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jafuda Leo, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367. f. 4 r 1022. 1367, January 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mosse Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 4 r-v 1023. 1367, January 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Durona, the wife of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 4 v- 5 r 1024. 1367, January 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jafuda Leo, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 5 r-v 1025. 1367, January 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mohisem Abram Zatorre, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 5 v- 6 r 1026. 1367, January 7 Abram Astruch Zatorre, fisicus, in his own name and as guardian of his son, Mosse Abram Zatorre, is offering some advantages in the payment conditions to their debtor. Witnesses, Samuell Rosell and Astruch Sutllam, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 6 r

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1027. 1367, January 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 6 r-v 1028. 1367, January 9 Reginó, the widow of Astruch Coffen, Jews, inhabitants in Cervera, empowers as her procurators to Izach Salamó Rosell and Samuell Rosell, Jews of Cervera Signum Regino uxoris Astruch Chofen, judee predicte, que hoc firmo et concedo. Testes huius rey sunt Vitalis Salamo and Mosse Cetlemm, judei Cervarie. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 6 v- 7 v 1029. 1367, January 13 Francisco de Cornellana acknowledges his debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of [Salamonis Vi]tali Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 8 v- 9 r 1030. 1367, January 13 It is acknowledged having received from Salamón Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona, the amount borrowed, as stated in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 9 r-v 1031. 1367, January 13 Francisco de Cornellana promises to Salamó Vidal Zescaleta, Jew of Barcelona, that he shall pay him back on next All Saints’ day ( festo Omnes Sanctorum) the amount that he is borrowing. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 9 v- 10 r 1032. 1367, January 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jafuda Leo, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 10 v

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1033. 1367, January 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Menasem de Quercí, Jew of Barcelona (crossed out : “of Cervera”) ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 11 r 1034. 1367, January 15 Confession of having received the amount borrowed to Menasem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 11 r 1035. 1367, January 15 Document related to the payment conditions of the mutuo agreed on the same date with Menasem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 11 v- 12 r 1036. 1367, January 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 12 r-v 1037. 1367, January 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Durona, the wife of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 12 v- 13 r 1038. 1367, January 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 17 r- 18 v

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1039. 1367, January 16 Confession of having received the money borrowed in the previous document to Bonanasch Alfaquim Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 19 r-v 1040. 1367, January 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonanasch Alfaquim, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 21 r- 24 v 1041. 1367, January 16 Payment conditions concerning the mutuo agreed in the previous two documents. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 26 r- 27 r 1042. 1367, January 17 Nouerint universi quod ego, Astruch Juceff Levi, judeus Barchinone, procurator ad inffrascripta et alia legitime constitutus a Magistro Saltell Cabrit, judeo<cirurgicuss> dicte civitate, prout de dictam procurationem constat per publicum instrumentum tenoris sequentis: “Nouerint universi quod ego, Magister Saltell Cabrit, cirurgicus, judeus Barchinone, ex certa scienta facio, constituo et ordino vos, Astrugum Juceffi Levi, judeum dicte civitatis, absente, procuratorem meum, certum et specialem ad petendum in judicio et extra, ac etiam recipiendum, recuperandum et habendum per me et meo nomine, a Ffrancisco Alanyam et eius filio Galvany Alanyam, loci de Montealbo, et a Galcerando de Fabrica, cive Barchinone, et ab Abraham Boneti, judeo ville Cervarie et quolibet ipsorum et bonis eorum … discretis Petrum de Monteregali, notari Cervera presentem…” ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 13 r- 14 r 1043. 1367, January 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Dolç Alfavell, Jew of the city of Tortosa. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 27 v- 32 v

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1044. 1367, January 30 Confession of having received the import agreed in the document previous to this one, from Salamó Dolç Alfavell, Jew of Tortosa,. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 32 v- 33 r 1045. 1367, February 1 Payment conditions for the mutuo agreed in the two previous documents. The moneylender was Salamó Dolç Alfavell, Jew of Tortosa. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 33 v- 34 r 1046. 1367, January 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Salamó Dolç Alfavell, Jew of Tortosa. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 34 r- 39 v 1047. 1367, January 30 It is acknowledged having received from Salamó Dolç Alfavell, Jew of Tortosa, the import agreed in the document previous to this one ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 39 v- 40 r 1048. 1367, February 2 In this document, Salamó Dolç Alfavell is mentioned. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f. 41 r-v 1049. 1367, February 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Jaume Fuylossa and other. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Liber not. 1366-1367 f.41 v- 42 r

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YEAR 1377

1050. 1377, February 2 Benvenguda, the widow of Vivant del Scola, Jew of Agramunt, appoints Pere de Rius, causidic of Cervera, as his procurator. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 53 r-v 1051. 1377, February 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 32 r-v 1052. 1377, March 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 30 v 1053. 1377, March 11 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonjuha Astruch and Mose Jucef, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 31r-32r 1054. 1377, March 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Çadia Abenamies, Jew guixerio of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 32 v 1055. 1377, March 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 33 r 1056. 1377, March 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 33 r-v 1057. 1377, April 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 33 v 1058. 1377, April 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Saul Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 33v-34r 1059. 1377, April 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 34 r-v 1060. 1377, April 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 34 v 1061. 1377, April 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Abramari Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 34v-35r

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1062. 1377, April 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 35 r 1063. 1377, April 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 35 v 1064. 1377, April 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f.35v-36 r 1065. 1377, April 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Çullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 36 r 1066. 1377, April 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 36 v 1067. 1377, April 13 Berenguer Torres, of Montmaneu, acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Sita, the widow of Abrae Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f.36v-37r 1068. 1377, April 12

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Pere Cavaler de Santa Fe. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 37 r 1069. 1377, April 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 37 v 1070. 1377, April 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 37v-38r 1071. 1377, April 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 38 r 1072. 1377, April 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Adret, Jew of Castellfollit. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 38 r-v 1073. 1377, April 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 38 v 1074. 1377, April 22

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 38v-39r 1075. 1377, April 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 39 r 1076. 1377, April 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 39 v 1077. 1377, April 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 39v-40r 1078. 1377, April 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 40 r-v 1079. 1377, April 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Çullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 40 v 1080. 1377, April 28 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Mayr Bonjuha, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 41 r 1081. 1377, April 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 41 r-v 1082. 1377, April 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 41 v 1083. 1377, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jusia Leo, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 41v-42r 1084. 1377, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Çullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 42 r 1085. 1377, May 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 42 r-v 1086. 1377, May 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 42 v

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1087. 1377, May 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f.42v-43r 1088. 1377, May 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 43 r 1089. 1377, May 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 43 r-v 1090. 1377, May 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 43 v 1091. 1377, May 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 44 r 1092. 1377, May 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Açan Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 44 v 1093. 1377, May 8

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 44 r-v 1094. 1377, May 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 45 r 1095. 1377, May 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 45 r-v 1096. 1377, May 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Salamó Rosell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 45 v 1097. 1377, May 13 Guillem Vidal and others acknowledge a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 46 r 1098. 1377, May 13 Guillem Vidal and others acknowledge they have received the import agreed in the precedent document from Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 46 r-v 1099. 1377, May 13 Guillem Vidal and others acknowledge a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f.46v-47v 1100. 1377, May 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 47 v 1101. 1377, May 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 47v-48r 1102. 1377, May 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 48 r 1103. 1377, May 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 48 r-v 1104. 1377, May 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 48 v 1105. 1377, June 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 50 r-v

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1106. 1377, June 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 50 v 1107. 1377, June 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 51 r 1108. 1377, June 23 Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera, makes a cession of rights to Samuel Abramari Rosell, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Abram Adret and Jucefo Marroquí ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 51 r-v 1109. 1377, June 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 51 v 1110. 1377, June 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 52 r 1111. 1377, July 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 52 r-v

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1112. 1377, July 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 52 v 1113. 1377, July 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mose Jucef, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 53 r 1114. 1377, July 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 53v-54r 1115. 1377, July 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mose Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 54 r-v 1116. 1377, August 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 54 v 1117. 1377, August 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 55 r 1118. 1377, August 13

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 55 v 1119. 1377, August 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 56 r 1120. 1377, August 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 56 r-v 1121. 1377, August 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f.56v-57r 1122. 1377, August 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 57 r-v 1123. 1377, August 21 It is acknowledged an existing debt in favor Açan Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 57 v 1124. 1377, August 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 1 r 1125. 1377, August 27 Arnau Malet, of the locality of Montoliu, acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 2 v- 3 r 1126. 1377, August 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 1 v 1127. 1377, August 28 Bernat Çaporta acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 2 r 1128. 1377, August 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 2 r-v 1129. 1377, September 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 3 r-v 1130. 1377, September 4 Pere Peiró, of the locality of Montmaneu, acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 3 v

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1131. 1377, September 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 3 v- 4 r 1132. 1377, September 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 4 r-v 1133. 1377, September 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 4 v 1134. 1377, September 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 4 v- 5 r 1135. 1377, September 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 5 r-v 1136. 1377, September 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 5 v- 6 r

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1137. 1377, September 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 6 v 1138. 1377, September 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 6 v 1139. 1377, October 1 Pere de Corts, notary of Cervera, acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 6 v 1140. 1377, October 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 7 r-v 1141. 1377, October 4 Mose Çellem, Jew of Cervera, makes a transfer of rights in order to pay a debt. Witnesses, Abram Adret and Içach Adret, Jews. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 8 r 1142. 1377, October 8 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Siti, widow of Abrae Dangor, Jewess of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 8 v 1143. 1377, October 24 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 17 r 1144. 1377, October 27 Astruch Içach Adret and Mano Manuel, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge a debt in favor of Bonjuha Astruch and Samuel Rossell, Jews, Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera. Witnesses, Adret Davi and Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 8 v- 9 r 1145. 1377, November 2 Samuel Abramari Rossell, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid a debt agreed on January 9 this year, before this same notary. Jewish witness, Mose Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 17 r 1146. 1377, November 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 8 v 1147. 1377, November 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mose Juceff, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 9 r 1148. 1377, November 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Açan Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 11 r 1149. 1377, November 13

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 10 v 1150. 1377, November 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 11 r 1151. 1377, November 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 11 v 1152. 1377, November 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 11v-12r 1153. 1377, November 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 12 r-v 1154. 1377, November 13 Unfinished document that starts by saying that Abram Adret promises to pay Guillem de Robió. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 12 v 1155. 1377, November 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 12v-13r 1156. 1377, November 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceffo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 13 r 1157. 1377, November 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 14 v 1158. 1377, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 13v-14r 1159. 1377, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceffo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 14 r 1160. 1377, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 14 v 1161. 1377, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 15 r

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1162. 1377, November 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Saul Dangor, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 15 r-v 1163. 1377, November 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 15 v 1164. 1377, November 24 Abraam Adret and Bonjuha Astruch, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge they have been paid back a debt that was agreed on January 28, 1376, before the notary Guillem Cuyás. Jewish witness, Içach Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 17 v 1165. 1377, November 27 Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera, transfers his rights on a debt agreed on June 13, 1376. Jewish witness, Içach Rossell. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 16 v 1166. 1377, November 27 Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera, transfers his rights on a debt agreed on June 13, 1376. Jewish witness, Içach Rossell. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 16 v 1167. 1377, November 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 18 r

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1168. 1377, November 27 Mosse Abram Dangor acknowledges he has been paid back part of a debt. Jewish witness, Salamó Dangor. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 18 v 1169. 1377, November 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 18v-19r 1170. 1377, December 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceffo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 19 r-v 1171. 1377, December 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 19 v 1172. 1377, December 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 20 r 1173. 1377, December 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Salamó Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 20 r-v 1174. 1377, December 12

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceffo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 20v-21r 1175. 1377, December 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Abramari Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 22v-23r 1176. 1377, December 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 23 r 1177. 1377, December 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 23 v 1178. 1377, December 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 23v-24r 1179. 1377, December 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 24 r 1180. 1377, December 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 24 r-v 1181. 1377, December 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 24v-25r 1182. 137[7], December 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 25 r 1183. 137[7], December 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 25 v 1184. 137[7], December 28 Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid a debt May 1, 1374, agreed before the notary Jaume Sabater. Jewish witnesses, Samuel Rosell and Mestre Sullam Deuslogar, Jews of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 25v-26r 1185. 137[7], December 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Abramari Rosell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 26 r-v 1186. 137[7], December 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mose Jucef, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 27 r

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1187. 137[7], December 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucef Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 27 r-v 1188. 137[7], December 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 27v-28r

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YEAR 1378

1189. 1378, January 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 28 r 1190. 1378, January 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 28 r-v 1191. 1378, January 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mose Jucef, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 28v-29r 1192. 1378, January 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Çullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 29 v 1193. 1378, January 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 58 r-v 1194. 1378, January 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 58 v

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1195. 1378, January 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 60 r 1196. 1378, January 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 59 r 1197. 1378, January 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 59 v 1198. 1378, January 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 59 r 1199. 1378, January 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Sita, the widow of Abrae Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 59v-60r 1200. 1378, January 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 60 v

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1201. 1378, January 29 Ramon Pellicer, of Montmaneu, acknowledges his debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucefo Marroquí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 60v-61r 1202. 1378, January 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 61 r 1203. 1378, January [29] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Çullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 61 r-v 1204. 1378, January [29] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 61 v 1205. 1378, February 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mestre Sullam Deulogar, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 62 r-v 1206. 1378, February 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 62v-63r 1207. 1378, February 3

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Jucefus Samarell, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid a debt agreed before this same notary on August 13, 1377. Witnesses, Samuel Rosel and Astruch Adret, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 62 r 1208. 1378, February 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 63 r 1209. 1378, February 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 63 r-v 1210. 1378, February 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 64 r 1211. 1378, February 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Vidal Ferrer, Jew of Barcelona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 64r-65r 1212. 1378, February 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 65 r-v 1213. 1378, February 9

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 65v-66r 1214. 1378, February 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Mose Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 66 r 1215. 1378, February 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 66 r-v 1216. 1378, February 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 67 r 1217. 1378, February 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 67v-68r 1218. 1378, February 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 67 r-v 1219. 1378, February 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sita, widow of Abrae Dangor, Jewess of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 68 r-v 1220. 1378, February 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 70 r-v 1221. 1378, February 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 68 v 1222. 1378, March 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 69 r 1223. 1378, March 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 69 r-v 1224. 1378, March 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 69 v 1225. 1378, March 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 70 r 1226. 1378, March 9

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 70 v 1227. 1378, March 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Abramari Rosell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 71v-72r 1228. 1378, March 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Abramari Rosell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 72 r-v 1229. 1378, March 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 70v-71r 1230. 1378, March 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 71 r-v 1231. 1378, March 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 73 r 1232. 1378, March 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 73 r-v 1233. 1378, March 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 73 v 1234. 1378, March 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 74 r 1235. 1378, April 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 74 v 1236. 1378, April 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 74 v 1237. 1378, April 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 75 r-v 1238. 1378, April 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 75 v 1239. 1378, April 7

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 76 r-v 1240. 1378, April 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 76 v 1241. 1378, April 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 77 r 1242. 1378, April 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 77 r-v. 1243. 1378, April 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 77 v 1244. 1378, September 10 Cancellation of a debt of April 23 this year, agreed before the present notary, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Jusia Leo ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 77 v 1245. 1378, October 20 Al honrat nArnau Zavayll, veguer de Cervera, per lo senyor duch del batlle de Castell Follit, per lo [no]ble senyor Comte de Cardona, salut e honor, fem vos saber senyor que avem rebuda vostra letra de […]continent … clamant den Astruch Ravaylla […] Jacob de Bron, juheus, dalcunes quantitas de diners que diu que li deuen per rao de robes […que…] compraren del seu obrador …

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Datus Castellfollit 20 die octobris anno a nativitatis domini 1378 ACSG. Colección Dalmases 1246. 1378, November 11 Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera, makes a cession of rights. Jewish witness, Astruc Içach Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 115 v 1247. 1378, November 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 114 v 1248. 1378, November 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27 –1379, Jun 24 f.114v-115r 1249. 1378, November 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Marroquí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 116 r-v 1250. 1378, November 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Marroquí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 116 r 1251. 1378, November 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 116 v

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1252. 1378, December [3] Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera, appoints as his procurator to Abram Coffen, Jew of Tàrrega. Witnesses, Astruc Içach Adret and Vidas Abram, Jews. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 117 r-v 1253. 1378, December 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 117 v-118r 1254. 1378, December 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jusua Leo, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 118 r-v 1255. 1378, December 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jusua Leo, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 118 v-119r 1256. 1378, December 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 120 r 1257. 1378, December 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 120 r-v 1258. 1378, December 13

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f.120 v- 121r 1259. 1378, December 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 121 r 1260. 137[8], December 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 123 r 1261. 1378, December 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. One of the witnesses, Guillem Cardona, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 122 r-v

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YEAR 1379

1262. 1379, January 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 123 v-124r 1263. 1379, January 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 124 r 1264. 1379, January 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 124 v 1265. 1379, January 17 Mosse Cellem and his wife Astrugona, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mosse Jucef, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Mose Dangor and Abram Adret, Jews. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 125 v-126r 1266. 1379, January 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 125 r-v 1267. 1379, January 19 Jaume Ferrer, of Hostafrancs, acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 124 v-125r

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1268. 1379, January 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 126 r-v 1269. 1379, January 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 126 v 1270. 1379, January 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 127 r 1271. 1379, January 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 127 v 1272. 1379, January 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27– 1379, Jun 24 f.134 v-135r 1273. 1379, January 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 127 v-128r 1274. 1379, January 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Sullam, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 128 r 1275. 1379, January 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 128 r-v 1276. 1379, January 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 128 v 1277. 1379, February 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 129 r 1278. 1379, February 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 129 r-v 1279. 1379, February 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 129 v 1280. 1379, February 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mose Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 130 r 1281. 1379, February 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 130 r 1282. 1379, February 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 132 r 1283. 1379, February 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 131 r 1284. 1379, February 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mose Abram Dangor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 131 r-v 1285. 1379, February 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mano Manuel, Jew albardanerio of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27- 1379, Jun 24 f.131 v-132r 1286. 1379, February 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 132 v 1287. 1379, February 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 132 v-133r

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1288. 1379, February 22 It is acknowledged a debt to Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera, by reason of a red haired mule that he sold. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 133 r 1289. 1379, February 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 133v 1290. 1379, February 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27- 1379, Jun 24 f. 133v-134r 1291. 1379, February 24 Pere Duran, of Granyena, acknowledges a debt to Sita, the widow of Abram Dangor. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 134 r 1292. 1379, February 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 134 r-v 1293. 1379, February 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 134v 1294. 1379, February 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 135 r-v

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1295. 1379, February 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 136 r 1296. 1379, February 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 136 r-v 1297. 1379, March 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 136 v 1298. 1379, March 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 137 r 1299. 1379, March 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 137 r-v 1300. 1379, March [4-18] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Abramari Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 137 v 1301. 1379, March 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 138 r

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1302. 1379, March 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 138 r 1303. 1379, March 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 139 v 1304. 1379, March 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 140 r 1305. 1379, March 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 138 v- 139 r 1306. 1379, March 31 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 139 r-v 1307. 1379, March 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 139 v 1308. 1379, March 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 140 r

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1309. 1379, April 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 138 v 1310. 1379, April 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 140 r-v 1311. 1379, April 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 140 v-141r 1312. 1379, April 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Abramari Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 141 v-142r 1313. 1379, April 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 142 r 1314. 1379, April 12 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 141 r 1315. 1379, April 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 141 v 1316. 1379, April 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret and Samuel Sullam, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27- 1379, Jun 24 f.142 v-143r 1317. 1379, April 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret and Samuel Sullam, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 143 r-v 1318. 1379, April 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 144 r 1319. 1379, April 20 Cancellation of debt February 24 in favor of Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Vides Abram ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 133v 1320. 1379, April 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 144 r-v 1321. 1379, April 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27- 1379, Jun 24 f.145 v-146r

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1322. 1379, April 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 144 v 1323. 1379, April 25 Document concerning Içach Samarel, Jew of Fraga. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377 Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 144 v-145r 1324. 1379, April 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 145 r-v 1325. 1379, April 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mosse Jucef, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 146 r-v 1326. 1379, April 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 146 v 1327. 1379, April 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Abram, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 146 v-147r 1328. 1379, April 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 147 r

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1329. 1379, May 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27 –1379, Jun 24 f.147 v-148r 1330. 1379, May 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 148 r-v 1331. 1379, May 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 149 r 1332. 1379, May 14 Miquel de Salvanera, notary of Cervera, acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 151 r 1333. 1379, May 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 151 r-v 1334. 1379, May 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus1377, Aug 27- 1379, Jun 24 f.151 v- 152r 1335. 1379, May 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Samarell, Jew of Fraga.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 152 r-v 1336. 1379, May 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 152 v 1337. 1379, May 27 Mestre Sullam Deuslogar, Jew, physician of Cervera, appoints Josua Saprut, Jew of Tàrrega, as his procurator. Witnesses, Abram Adret and Bonjuha Astruc. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 150 v-151r 1338. 1379, May 30 It is acknowledged a debt to Açan Adret, Jew of Cervera, by reason of the purchase of a black haired mare (egue de pelo nigro quam a vobis emi) ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 153 v 1339. 1379, May 31 Mestre Sullam Bendit, also called Deulogar [sic] Jew physician of Cervera, appoints Jasua Saprut, Jew of Tàrrega, as his procurator. Jewish witnesses, Bonjuha Taboch, of Tàrrega, and Abram Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 153 r 1340. 1379, May 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 153 r-v 1341. 1379, June 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 154 r

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1342. 1379, June 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jucefo Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 154 r 1343. 1379, June 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 154 v 1344. 1379, June 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 154 v-155r 1345. 1379, June 9 It is acknowledged a 96 sous debt to Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera, by reason of the purchase of a white haired donkey. (unius someri de pelo albo quam a vobis emi) ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 155 r 1346. 1379, June 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Abramari Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 155 v 1347. 1379, June 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Abramari Rossell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 157 r 1348. 1379, June 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 157 v 1349. 1379, June 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 157 v 1350. 1379, June 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 158 r 1351. 1379, June 13 Andreu d’Ardevol, notary of Cervera, and his wife, acknowledge a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mosse Cellem, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 158 v 1352. 1379, June 13 Andreu d’Ardevol, notary of Cervera, and his wife, agree the date of payment of their debt to Mosse, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 159 r 1353. 1379, June 14 Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera, signed receipt because of the payment of part of the price of the donkey he sold on last June 9. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 155 r 1354. 1379, June 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 159 v 1355. 1379, June 17

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It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. One of the witnesses is the notary of Cervera Antoni d’Agramuntell. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus 1377, Aug 27–1379, Jun 24 f. 159 v-160r 1356. 1379, June 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjuha Astruc, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 160 r 1357. 1379, June 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 160 r-v 1358. 1379, September 2 Cancellation of a debt agreed on May 30, by reason of the sale of a black haired mare done by Açan Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 153 v

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YEAR 1380

1359. 1380, November 3 Cancellation of a debt of November 19, 1377, in favor of Bonjuha Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre de Jueus, 1377, Aug 27 – 1379, Jun 24 f. 15 v

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YEAR 1384

1360. 1384, January 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonet Sutlam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 4 v 1361. 1384, January 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Belaire, the widow of Mosse Juceff, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 6 r-v 1362. 1384, […] prob. January It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Çutlam, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 9 v-10 r 1363. 1384, March 11 Abram Çutlam, Jew of Cervera, offers payment advantages to Arnau den Agramunt, of Sadahó, in case they pay before All Saints’ Day. This statement is concerning a debt agreed, before this same notary, Jaume Sabater, in January 25, 1373. And two debts agreed before the notary Ramon Rama in January 10, 1374 and May 1, 1375. Witnesses, Guillem Bertran, Nicolau d’Albet and Astruc Mair, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 10 r 1364. 1384, March 8 Bertomeu Gilabert and his wife acknowledge a debt to Bonet Çutlam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 10 v 1365. 1384, March 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Çutlam, Jew of Cervera

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 10v-11r 1366. 1384, March 4 B. de Segalers and others confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Çutlam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 11 r-v 1367. 1384, March 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Çutlam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 13 v 1368. 1384, March 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Belaire, the widow of Mosse Jucef, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 14 r-v 1369. 1384, March 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Belaire, the widow of Mosse Jucef, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 14 v 1370. 1384, April 5 Guillem Armengou and others confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Çadia Afahim, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, on the side of Guillem Armengou, Berenguer de Cardona and Ramon Vilar, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 18 r 1371. 1384, April 22 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Juceff Mosse, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 61 r

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1372. 1384, April 22 Juceff Mosse, Jew of Cervera, is offering payment advantages in case the debt agreed in the previous document was paid by All Saints day. Jucef Mosse should also give the debtor back a document agreed in November 21, 1373, before the notary Ramon Rama. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 61 v 1373. 1384, April 29 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonet Çullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 18 v 1374. 1384, April 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjua Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. 1375. 1384, May 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjua Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 22 r 1376. 1384, [May 3] Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera, transfers Bernadino Tolra all of his rights and actions against Tomas Mercader and others. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 22 r-v 1377. 1384, June 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch den Adret, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Ramon de Santclemente and Nicolau Cardona, presbiter. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 67 v 1378. 1384, June 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f.67v-68 r 1379. 1384, June 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Isach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 68 r 1380. 1384, August 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Guillem Bertran and Bertomeu Bonfill, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 29 r-v 1381. 1384, August 24 Guillem Gilabert, inhabitant in Sant Antoli, acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Ramon de Sant Climent and Guillem Bertran, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 76 r 1382. 1384, September 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Çara, widow of Menafem de Quercí, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 77 r-v 1383. 1384, September 1 It is acknowledged having received from Çara, widow of Menafem de Quercí, the import of the mutuo agreed in the precedent document. Witnesses, Jaume Forner and Guillem Bertran, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 77 v 1384. 1384, September 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Belaire, widow of Mosse Juceff, Jew of Cervera.

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Witnesses, Berenguer Çapera, of Bellver, and Berenguer Rossell, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 78 r 1385. 1384, September 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Boniua Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 78 r-v 1386. 1384, September 5 Francesc Cardona, inhabitant in Montcortés, confesses his debt to Belaire, widow of Mosse Juceff, Jew of Cervera, by reason of wheat he bought her (duas migeras de frumenti boni et pulcri) ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 78 v 1387. 1384, September [5] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 43 r-v 1388. 1384, September 9 Bonjua Astruch, Jew of Cervera, declares he has been paid a debt agreed on 1364, September 2, before the notary Ramon de Guardiola. Jewish witness, Içach Rosell, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 30 r 1389. 1384, September 23 Abrae Çutlam, Jew of Cervera, declares that has received the import of the mutuo he has agreed the same day. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 35 r 1390. 1384, September 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Juceff Mosse, Jew of Cervera. One of the witnesses, Ramon Sastre

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 125v-126r 1391. 1384, September 25 Document concerning the payment terms of the mutuo agreed with Juceff Mosse in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 126 r 1392. 1384, September 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 35 r 1393. 1384, September 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Belaire, widow of Mosse Juceff, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 39 r-v 1394. 1384, October 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonet Çutlam, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 40 r 1395. 1384, October 19 Bertomeu Gilabert of Riudovelles, acknowledges that Abram Çutlam did deliver him some wheat to be seed) set quarteres de froment, boni et pulcri ad rectam mensuram … pro seminando…) ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 40 r-v 1396. 1384, October 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Çara, widow of Menafem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. One of the witnesses was Jaume Mulet, of les Cases de Corbins.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 83 r-v 1397. 1384, October 24 Document concerning Çara, Jewess, widow of Menafem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20 f. 84 r-85 r 1398. 1384, October 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 85 r-v 1399. 1384, October 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. One of the witnesses was Jaume Mulet, of les Cases de Corbins. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20 f. 85v-86v 1400. 1384, October 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Bonjua Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 41 v 1401. 1384, November 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 88v-89r 1402. 1384, November 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 102 r-v 1403. 1384, November 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruc Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. Document given in the place of Meya.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Ll. 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f.102 v-103 r 1404. 1384, November 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 89 r-v 1405. 1384, [November 11] Romeu Rovira and his wife acknowledge they have received from Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera, (8 migeres frumenti boni et pulcri ad rectam mensuram mercati Cervarie …) wheat and other grains to be seed in his farm in Aranyo. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 92 r-v 1406. 1384, November 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 42 r-v 1407. 1384, November 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Belaire, the widow of Mosse Juceff. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 42 r 1408. 1384, December 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Belaire, the widow of Mosse Juceff, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 43 r-v 1409. 1384, December 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Belaire, the widow of Mose Juceff, Jewess of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20 f. 42v-43 r

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1410. 1384, December 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Boniua Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 48 v 1411. 1384, December 6 Mateu Vidal and his wife Romia acknowledge a debt in favor of Belaire, the widow of Mosse Juceff, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Ll. 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f.103 v-104 r 1412. 1384, December 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera. One of the witnesses, Ramon Bonanat. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 104 r 1413. 1384, December 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Ll. 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f.104 v-105 r 1414. 1384, December 6 It is acknowledged having received from Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera, the import of the mutuo agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 105 r 1415. 1384, December 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 113v-114r 1416. 1384, December 16 It is acknowledged a debt to Abrae Adret, Jew of Cervera, by reason of the price of a white haired ass (…mule de pelo albo…)

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 114 r-v 1417. 1384, December 20 Transfer of rights and actions document in which Vidal Ferrer, Jew, the late Jasua Çeprut, Jew of Tàrrega, and Mosse Çellem as witness, intervene. This transfer was done because of a debt that Jasua Çeprut had confessed in 1362, November 4, before M. Ballester, notary of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 12. Jaume Sabater. Llibre 1383, Dec 28 – 1384, Dec 20. f. 113 v

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YEAR 1385 1418. 1385, August 16 Pro Vitali Saul, judeo Montisalbi Den Aravaill Nouerint universi quod ego, Vitalis Ferrari, judeo Barchinone nunc comorans in villa Cervarie, comissariusque ad infrascripta per agenda legitime subdelegatus a magistro Sutlam Deus Logar, fisico dicte ville soloque secretario hoc anno aliame judeorum ville Cervarie cui hanc faciendi fuit data plenaria potestas per inclitum ac magnificum dominum Ducem cum littera patenti sigillo … eiusdem domini in dorso ut prima facie apparebat sigillata quod data fuit vici 8º die anno infra contento ut de eius serie et etiam de mea potestate et subdelegatione apparet per publicum instrumentum auctoritatem notari subscripti recepti 11 die dictorum mensis et anni, vendo, concedo et ex causam vendicioni corporaliter trado vobis Vitali Saul, judeo Montisalbi, quoddam sedile constructum in Scola Nova dicte ville Cervarie ex illis videlicet que sunt contigua parieti dicte Scole, versus oriente et ad partem dexteram intrando dictam Scolam, ad quam partem existit rotula dicte Scole, quidque sedile est ita positum quod illi qui in eo sedebit tenebit et tenere habebit eius spatulas versus oriente et partem sinistra versus meridiem, ad quam partem sinistram affrontat in mediate cum sedile quod ante vendidi Mosse Dangor, judeo Cervarie, de parte antem dextera cum sedili quod vendere intendo Jacob de Querci, judeo eiusdem ville, hanc antem vendicionem et ex eam venditionis tradicionem et concessionem facio Ego dictum venditor ut subdelegatus per dictum vobis dicte Vitali Saul, emptori predicti et vestris et quibus volueritis …. Quod est actum Cervarie 16 augusti 1385 Signum Vitalis Ferrarii Witnesses, Galceran de Montpaó, Ramon Martí, Christians inhabitants in Cervera, Abraham Salamó Adret, Jew of Camarasa et Açan Içach Jacobçi [sic], Jew of Agramunt. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 8 r- 9 r 1419. 1385, August 16 Pro Abrahe Adret Nouerint universi quod ego, Vitalis Ferrari, judeus Barchinone nunc comorans in villa Cervarie, comissariusque ad infrascripta per agenda legitime subdelegatus a Magistro Sutlam Deus Logar, fisico dicte ville soloque secretario hoc anno aliame judeorum ville Cervarie cui hanc faciendi fuit data plenaria potestas per inclitum ac magnificum

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dominum Ducem cum littera patenti sigillo … eiusdem in dorso ut prima facie apparebat sigillata quod data fuit vici 8º die augusti anno infra contento ut de eius … et etiam de mea potestate et subdelegatione apparet per publicum instrumentum auctoritatem notari subscripti receptum 11 die dictorum mensis et anni, vendo, concedo et ex eam vendicionis corporaliter trado seu quasi vobis Abrahe Adret, judeo ville Cervarie et vestris, quoddam sedile sive siti constructum in Scola Nova dicte ville ex illis videlicet que sunt contigua parieti dicte Scole, versus oriente et ad partem dexteram intrando dictam Scolam, ad quam partem existit rotula dicte Scole, scilicet in quadam modita domo Quodquidem sedile est ita constructum quod illi qui in eo sedebit tenebit et habebit tenere eius spatulas versus oriente et partem sinistra versus meridiem, ad quam partem sinistram affrontat dictum sedile cum portali dicte medice domus, et ad partem dexteram affrontat cum alio sedili assignato et inde per me vendito Samueli Sutlam judeo dicte ville, hanc auctoritatem vendicionem et ex causam venditionis tradicionem et concessionem facio ego dictum venditor ut subdelegatus predictum vobis Abrahe Adret, emptori predicto et vestris et quibus volueritis …. Quod est actum Cervarie 16 augusti 1385 Signum mei Vitalis Ferrarii Witnesses, Galceran de Montpaó, Ramon Martí, Christians inhabitants in Cervera, Abraham Salamó Adret, Jew of Camarasa, and Açan Içach Jacobçi, Jew of Agramunt. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 15 v- 16 v. 1420. 1385, August 16 Pro Bonnin Salamo Adret Nouerint universi quod ego, Vitalis Ferrari, judeo Barchinone nunc comorans in villa Cervarie, comissariusque ad infrascripta per agenda legitime subdelegatus a Magistro Sutlam Deus Logar, fisico dicte ville soloque secretario hoc anno aliame judeorum ville Cervarie cui hanc faciendi fuit data plenaria potestas per inclitum ac magnificum dominum Ducem cum littera patenti sigillo … eiusdem domini in dorso ut prima facie apparebat sigillata quod data fuit vici 8º die augusti anno infra contento ut de eius … et etiam de mea potestate et subdelegatione apparet per publicum instrumentum auctoritatem notari subscriptum recepti 11 die dictorum mensis et anni, vendo, concedo et ex causam vendicionis corporaliter trado seu quasi vobis Bonnin Salamo Adret, judeo Cervarie et vestris, quoddam sedile sive siti constructum in Scola Nova dicte ville ultimum videlicet ex illis que sunt contigua parieti dicte Scole, versus oriente, ad quam partem existint rotula eiusdem Scole, in quadam modica domo quodquique sedile est ita constructum quod ille qui in eo sedebit tenebit et habebit tenere eius spatulas versus orientem et partem sinistra versus meridiem, ad quam partem sinistram affrontat inmediate cum sedile die presenti per mei vendito Juceff Mosse Geromatzano, judeo dicte ville, de parte antem dextera affrontat cum cantono dicte Scole seu qui est versus tremuntanam et in eadem bancata non sunt plura sedilia … Signum Vitalis Ferrarii

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Same witnesses than in the other like documents. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 23 r-v 1421. 1385, August 16 Pro Salamone den Adret Ego Vitalis Ferrarii… corporaliter trado seu quasi vobis Salamoni den den [sic] Adret, judeo ville Cervarie … Affrontat dictum siti inmediate cum alio quod die presenti per me venditum extitit Bonjuhe, judeo Minorise …ad partem antem dexteram affrotat cum sedile Abrahe Içach Adret, judeo Cervarie, etc. Same witnesses than the other like documents This document was crossed out with vertical lines. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 25 v- 26 v 1422. 1385, August 16 Pro Abrahe Içach Adret Sale document of a seat in the Synagogue to Abrahe Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. The seat confronted with the one assigned to Mestre Bellshom, son of the late Mestre Bellshom, Jews of Cervera, etc. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 27 r 1423. 1385, August 16 Pro Açan Adret Sale document of a seat in the Synagogue to Açan Adret, Jew of Cervera. The seat is confronted with the one already sold to Abramari Atzay, Jew of Tarroja, and with the one assigned to Mosse Geromatzano, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9.

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1424. 1385, August 16 Pro Astruch Içach Adret (Post scripted under this line says: “pro Quercís Içach”) Document corresponding to the sale of a seat of the Synagogue to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. Affrontat ad partem sinistram cum alio quod Paulo ante vendidi Genton Dangor, judeo Cervarie, ad partem antem dexteram cum alio quod assignavi et de presenti vendere intendo me Astruch Mayr, judeo dicte ville …. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. 1425. 1385, August 16 Pro Içach Adret maiore dierum vacat Sale of a seat in the Synagogue to Içach Adret, the oldest, Jew of Cervera. This seat confronts on its left side with the seat of Astruch Adret, on another side with the one sold to Astruch Davi, Jew of the same place ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 51 r 1426. 1385, August 16 Pro Astruch Içach Adret (Içach de Querci is written by another hand under Astruch’s name) Sale of a seat in the Synagogue to Astruch Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. This seat confronts in his right side with the one assigned to Mosse Çetlem, Jew of the same place. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 57 r- 58 r 1427. 1385, August 16 Pro predicto Astruch Içach Adret Içach de Querci

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Sale to Astruch Içach Adret of the seat in the Synagogue called Thruna, in Hebrew Thena, confronting on its right side, facing west, with the seat assigned to Astruch Bonjuha, son of Bonjuha Astruch, Jews of the same place. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 59 r-v 1428. 1385, August 16 Pro Içach Astruch Adret Quercis Sale of a seat in the Synagogue to Içach Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, that confronts with the seat of Bonjuha Astruch and with the one assigned to Bonjuha Astruch, Jews of the same place. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 60 r 1429. 1385, August 16 Pro Içach Adret vacat Sale of a seat in the Synagogue to Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. This seat confronts in its right side with the seat of Abraham Jacobi, Jew of Cervera, and in its left side with the one assigned to Jacob Anamies, Jew of the same place. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9.

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YEAR 1390

1430. 1390, January 5 Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Barcelona, confesses his mother Sara, Jewess inhabitant in Barcelona, the widow of Menaffem de Quercí, had paid him a debt agreed at his marriage with the late Malça, his wife, daughter of Içach Eleazar, Jew of Traborch, in Germany. This payment was done at the time of his marriage with the late Bellayre, daughter of late Mestre Saltell Cabrit, cirurgicus and physician, Jew of Barcelona. Jewish witness, Mahir Forner, of Barcelona. Sit omnibus notum quod ego, Jacob de Carsi, Judeus Barchinone, confiteor et recognosco vobis domine Çare, matri mee, Judee habitatrix Barchinone, uxore Manaffem de Carsi, quondam, Judei ville Cervarie, quod tempore matrimonii facti et contracti inter me et dominam Malçam, quondam qui fuit uxor me, filiaque Issaqui Elietzer, Judei loci de Traborch, siti in Alemania, vos dicta domina Çara … feceritis michi quoddam instrumentum ebraycum debiti seu comanda… michi per vos solvendorum certo termino. Vos iuxta pactum inter me et vos inhitum in tractatu matrimonii inter me et domina Bellayram, olim uxorem meam, filiam magistri Saltell Cabrit, quondam cirurgici et fisici Judei Barchinone, solvistis michi bene et plenarie, ad meam voluntatem omnes dictos 1000 florenos auri de Arago… Actum est hoc Barchinone, 5ª die Januari anno a Nativitate Domini 1390. Jewish witness, Mahir Forner, of Barcelona. Actum Barchinone, Januari 5, 1390 ACB. Nicolau de Fabrega. Manual 1389-1390 f. 45 r

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YEAR 1391

1431. 1391, January 26 Izach Samarell and his wife Bonadona, Jews of Cervera, sell Berenguer Antigues some wheat. (tres migeras frumenti boni… ad rectam mensuram mercati Cervarie censuales et anuales). Jewish witnesses, Juceff Mosse, Mosse Cabrit and Salamó Adret. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Manual 1391, Sep 30- 1408, Jan 5. f. 7 v- 9 v 1432. 1391, January 26 Izach Samarell and his wife Bonadona confess they have been paid the price of the wheat (three migereas frumenti censuales et anuales), agreed in the previous document, by Berenguer Antigues. Jewish witnesses, Juceff Mosse, Mosse Cabrit and Salamó Adret ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Manual 1391, Sep 30- 1408, Jan 5. f. 9 v

1433. 1391, June 1st Pro aliama Judeorum Cervarie, super vino et vindemia. Hoc est translatum bene et fideliter sumptum prima die Junii anno a nativitatis Domini 1391 quadam papiri patente litera … orders concerning the vine and vintage. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 14. Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum 1385, August 11 – 1391, December 9. f. 71 r- 72 v

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YEAR 1392

1434. 1397, June [8] Nouerint universi quod nos, Franciscus de la Breçerola, conversus, olim judeus vocatus Salamonus Davi dapiera, filius et heres universalis Astrugi Davi dapiera quondam judei ville Cervarie, ut dicta hereditatis constat ex testamento eius dictus patris mei; et Sentou Jafuda, judeus ville iamdicte, cum hoc publico instrumento confitemur et in veritatis recognoscemus vobis Berthomeo Pont, Jacobo Ferrarii et Poncio Çabaterii, habitatoribus loci de la Guardia lada liçet absentibus quod tempore quo dictis Astrugus Davi dapiera, pater mei dicti Francisci, vivebat, solvistis et tradidistis eidem patri meo, et mei dicto Sentou Jafuda, plenarie…omnes illas 23 libris et 30 solidos …quos confessi fuistis debere ex causa mutui, et solvere promisistis certo termino cum publico debiti instrumento confecto et clauso per discretum Petrum Cortes quondam notarium publicum dicte ville Cervarie 25 die <mensis> Januarii anno a nativitatis Domini 1392 Witnesses, Jaume Font, Christian, and Abram Adret, Jew, of Cervera, on the side of Sentou Jafuda, and Francesc de Igualada and Berthomeu Ferran on the side of Francesc de la Breçerola.. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Liber notularum 1395, November- 1400, August f. 3 r

1435. 1392, March 28 Francesc Miró, convert of Cervera, who when was Jewish was called Bonjuha Astruch, sells Joan Montclar some wheat (15 quarteras frumenti censuales, ad mensuram mercati Cervarie). ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Manual 1391, Sep 30- 1408, Jan 5. f. 2 r- 23 r 1436. 1392, May 1 Samuel Sullam, Jew, his wife Astrugona, and their son Samuel Sullam, inhabitants in Cervera, are selling some wheat (3 migeras frumenti censuales). Witnesses, Abraam Zullam, Abraam Adret, Juceff Avimbili, Jews, and Francesc Fulla and Antonio Soler, Christians, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Manual 1391, Sep 30- 1408, Jan 5. f. 23v- 24 v 1437. 1392, May 1 Samuel Sullam, his wife Astrugona and their son Samuel Sullam, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, confess they have been paid the price agreed for the three migeras frumenti censuales they had sold.

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Jewish witnesses, Abraam Zullam, Abraam Adret and Juceff Avimbili, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Manual 1391, Sep 30- 1408, Jan 5. f. 24 v- 25 r

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YEAR 1393

1438. 1393, March 20 Vidal Ferrer, Jew originating of Barcelona, confesses that Thomas Rialp has paid him all his debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Manual 1391, Sep 30- 1408, Jan 5. f. 40 r.

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YEAR 1395

1439. 1395, April 18 Jaume Sabater, convert, and his wife Antònia, both of Cervera, received certain amount of money from Ramon Joan, of Cervera. ACSG. FN Cervera, 18. Pere de Salvanera, Llibre 1397-1400, f. 99 1440. 1395, May 9 Last will of Sentou Jafuda, Jew sartor of Cervera. He appoints as executor his wife Astruga, whom also appoints as guardian for their children Grandor and Bonjuha. He also makes It is acknowledged all his wife’s dowry, the way it was established in the document called, in Hebrew, “cazubba”. Also gives his wife all the usufruct their goods could give, unless it was contrary to Civil Law, Roman Canonic Law or Hebrew Law and Catalan Constitutions. He also provides his daughter, wife of Vidal Davi, with an increase on the amounts he gave her as dowry, etc. Witnesses, Abram Zutllam, […] Jews of Cervera, Astruch Bonafeu, Bonjua Cresques, Jews of Santa Coloma, Astruch Davi, Jew of Balaguer, Samuel Sutllam and Izach Samarell, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Escriptures varies 1380-1395. f. 33 r- 34 r 1441. 1395, May 17 Last will of Izach Alfrangi, Jew of Cervera. He gives his house, situated in the Jewish quarter, in the Carrer del Vent, to his wife Azter. Other of his heirs were Cidela, the wife of the Jew Samuel Adido, as well as his son Juceff Alfrangi and his daughter Bonafilla. In case their sons decided to sell the house, they would need the agreement and consent of Izach de Quercí and Abrae Zutllam. Witnesses, Izach de Quercí, Abram Zutllam, Bonjua Jacobi, Biona Zutllam, Adret Abram, Abram Moro, Mosse Avinbili. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Escriptures varies 1380-1395. f. 35 r 1442. 1395, June 23

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Nouerint universi quod ego Dolcich uxor quondam Abram Adret, judei ville Cervarie, attendentes me tenere omnia bona que quondam fuerunt dicti Abram viri mei, obligata […] dotis et sponsalicii mei et aliorum iurium michi pertinentium in eisdem et quod tu Adret Abram, filius meus et dictum quondam, viri mei, consensu et voluntate contrahere debes matrimonium per verba de futuris cum Tolrrana, filia Abrahe Perfeit Adret, judei dicte ville … Also Jacob Astruch, Jew of Castellfollit, and Samuel Sutllam and Izach de Quercí, Jews of Cervera, intervene in this act. Witnesses, Biona Zutllam and Juceff Avimbili, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Escriptures varies 1380-1395. f. 31 r-v 1443. 1394 [1395], June 23 En nom de Deu sie amen, matrimony es stat [tractat] e convengut entre Adret Abram, fyll den Abram Adret, juheu de Cervera, de voluntat de la dona Na Dolcich mare sua, de una parte Abram Perfeit Adret per nom de Tolrana, fylla sua, dela altra sots els capitols de jus scrits contenguda: Primerament quel dit Abram Perfeit Adret done al dit Adret la dita Tolrana fylla sua en muyller e ara en temps de nubcies lurs promet dar ala dita fylla sua en exovar…robes … que en Jacob Astruch, Samuell Sutllam e Isaac de Querci diran e arbitraran … E lo dit Adret Abram, de voluntat e consentiment de na Dolcich, muller den Abram Adret, pare e mare seus, pren la dita Tolrana en muller e si matex a ell done en leall marit e are en temps de nubcies lurs fa ala dita Tolrana crex o spoli o donacio pro nubcies … Item prometen les dites parts e cascuna daquelles que compliran lo dit matrimoni e aquell temps que los dits prohomens diran… E daltra part la dita Dolcich e lo dit Adret confesen tenir en comanda den Samuell Sutllam 50 lliures, les quals li prometen de tornar… E lo dit Abram Perfeit Adret confese tenir en comanda den <Samuel Sutllam> 50 lliures, les quals promet de pagar … Witnesses, Biona Sutllam and Juceff Avenbili, Jews of Cervera. Other witnesses in a following agreement among the parts were Abram Perfet Adret, of Cervera, and Vidal Ferrer, of Perpignan. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Escriptures varies 1380-1395. Without numeration 1444. 1395, September 3 Nouerint universi quod ego Adret Abram, filius Abrahe Adret, judei Cervarie quondam, attendentis tempore tractari matrimonii inter me ex parte una, et Tolranam, filiam

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Abrahe Perfeit [Adret] Judei Cervarie, vos Dolcich, uxor quondam Abrahe Adret predicti, matrique mei dicti Adret […] et specialiter pro sustentacionem vestre … dono et cedo vobis … Testes huius rei sunt Abram Perfeit Adret, judeus Cervarie, et Vitalis Ferrari, judeus Perpiniani. Dolcich accepted the aforesaid donation. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Escriptures varies 1380-1395. f. 31 bis r- 32 r 1445. 1395, September 3 On this date, Adret Abram, atendentes quod tempore quod ego contraxi matrimonium de verba de futuro cum Tolrana, filie Abrae Adret, vos Dolcich mater meam ad hoc … feciste michi donacionem de iure vobis pertinente in bonis Abram Adret viri vestri, patris mei, racionem dotis et sponsalicii… Test. Abram Adret and [Vitalis F]errer ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Escriptures varies 1380-1395. f. without number

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YEAR 1397

1446. 1397, June [8] Nouerint universi quod nos, Franciscus de la Breçerola, conversus, olim judeus vocatus Salamonus Davi dapiera, filius et heres universalis Astrugi Davi dapiera quondam judei ville Cervarie, ut dicta hereditatis constat ex testamento eius dictus patris mei; et Sentou Jafuda, judeus ville iamdicte, cum hoc publico instrumento confitemur et in veritatis recognoscemus vobis Berthomeo Pont, Jacobo Ferrarii et Poncio Çabaterii, habitatoribus loci dela Guardia lada liçet absentibus quod tempore quo dictis Astrugus Davi dapiera, pater mei dicti Francisci, vivebat, solvistis et tradidistis eidem patri meo, et mei dicto Sentou Jafuda, plenarie…omnes illas 23 libris et 30 solidos …quos confessi fuistis debere ex causa mutui, et solvere promisistis certo termino cum publico debiti instrumento confecto et clauso per discretum Petrum Cortes quondam notarium publicum dicte ville Cervarie 25 die <mensis> Januarii anno a nativitatis Domini 1392… Witnesses, Jaume Font, Christian, and Abram Adret, Jew, of Cervera, on the side of Sentou Jafuda, and Francesc de Igualada and Berthomeu Ferran on the side of Francesc de la Breçerola.. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Liber notularum 1395, November- 1400, August f. 3 r

1447. 1397, October 18 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Izach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Liber notularum 1395, November- 1400, August f. 6 r

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YEAR 1399

1448. 1399, Jan 21 It is acknowledged a debt to Mestre Abram dez Portell, Jew physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 1449. 1399, Jan 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Samarell, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 f. 18 v 1450. 1399, Feb 3 Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been repaid part of the debt Pere de Balsareny had confessed to owe him in 1386, November 30, before the notary of Cervera Duran de Puig. Jewish witness, Abram Samarell, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 1451. 1399, Feb 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abraam Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 1452. 1399, Mar 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 f. 46 v 1453. 1399, Mar 23 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 f. 47 r

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1454. 1399, Apr 28 Jaume de Ribelles, inhabitant in Vilanova de Meià, confesses his debt to Bernat Soler, merchant of the locality of Castellfollit. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 1455. 1399, May 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Sutllam, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 f. 90 v 1456. 1399, May 16 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401. 90 v 1457. 1399, Jun 6 Joan de Queralt, convert of Cervera, and other , confess a debt by reason of a mutuo to Pere de Matabous, a merchant. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 f. 100 r-v 1458. 1399, Jun 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abram Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 f. 104 r-v 1459. 1399, Jun 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Juceff daPiera, of the locality of Agramunt. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 f. 109 v 1460. 1399, Jun 27 Joan de Queralt, convert inhabitant of Cervera, empowers a procurator for collecting an amount that Içach Lavi, Jew of the same place, owed him.

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ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401. f. 110 v 1461. 1399, Jul 16 Nouerint universi quod ego Magíster Abram dez Portell, judeus fisicus et cirurgicus ville Cervarie, cum presenti instrumento confiteor et recognosco vobis Jacobo Fusterii ville predicte, olim actori et procuratori Galcerandi Porta, tutoris et curatoris Caterine et Beatriz, filiarum et heredem Guillelmi Porta, quondam hostalerii dicte ville, quod dedistis et solvistis michi ad nostra voluntate, <et ego a vobis habui et recepi>, viginti duos solidi Barchinonensi terni, racione curatorum per me factarum in anno a nativitatis domini 1345 in persona dicte Beatriz, que dicto anno morbo ffebris et glandule detinebatur… Jewish witness, Samuel Sutlam, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401 f. 114 v 1462. 1399, Nov 20 Guillem de Pau, parator, of Cervera, acknowledges that Bernat Soler has paid him part of a debt, as agreed. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401. f. 130 v- 131 r 1463. 1399, Nov 23 Andreu Ferran, convert of Tàrrega, and others, confess a debt to venerabile domina Constancia, widow of Arnau Serradell, of Casserras, by reason of quinque pannorum lane diversorum colorem, quos a vobis habuimus et recepimus … ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401. f. 135 r-v 1464. 1399, Nov 28 Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been repaid part of a credit by Pere dez Feu, of the locality of Montoliu. Jewish witness, Samuel Benveníst, of Zaragoza ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401. f. 142 r 1465. 1399, Dec 1 Mosse Cabrit, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, confesses his debt by reason of precio pannorum lane diversorum colorem that he had bought. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1399-1401. f. 147 v

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YEAR 1401

1466. 1401, April 20 Document concerning Miquel de Vilallonga and a house of his that was situated in the Callo Judaico del Portal Miga. The house was bounding with the houses of Joya, Jewess, and Lobell Malet, Jew. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Manual 1402

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YEAR 1402

1467. 1402, January 15 Reginó, widow of Mair Abram, Jews of Lleida, now living in Cervera, spontanea voluntatis, … per quistias et alias tallias per me debitas aljame judeorum dicte ville, e per multis aliis serviciis quod in infirmitatis meam mi fecistis et facere non cessatis… dono et donacionem facio et concedo vobis dicte aljame et secretariis eiusdem, nomine ipsius aljame et quibus volueritis, titulo donacionis et donacione pur perfecta simplici et irrevocabili inter vivos, de omnibus et singulis bonis meis, mobilibus et immobilibus quod nunc habeo et quod mei pertineant uel spectant, quovis inmo titulo sive modo in dicta villa Cervarie vel alibi in hunc modum quod de dictis bonis meis dono et dari volo et mando per dictos secretarios: Uxori Samuelis Sutlam, judei, tanque benemerita, quinque florines ad opus lampadum sive lanties in Scolis judeorum <per oleo quod ipsis lampadibus dari volo> alios quinque florines post mortem meam. Item duos florenos ad illam vel illis qui me sepelliarit… De aliis omnibus bonis meis volo et mando dare per dictos secretarios a Na Dolcina, uxor Bonjuha Jacobi, judee dicte ville, pro serviciis que mei fecit in dictam inffirmitatis meam… Jewish witnesses, Sentou Jafuda and Abram Zutllam, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Manual 1402. f. 12 v- 14 v 1468. 1402, February 1st. Pere Reverter, of Rabinat, and Pere Queralt, of Montargull, acknowledge their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Manual 1402 1469. 1402, April 5 Izach Samarell and Abram Perfeyt Adret, Jews of Cervera and secretaries of its Jewish aljama, in our name and in name of the aljama, and also Sentou Jafuda, Samuel Sutllam, the old, and his son Samuel Sutllam, the young, Abram Zutllam, his son Biona Zutllam, Izach de Quercí, Salamó Adret, Vidal Davi and Abram Samarell, Jews of Cervera, acknowledge their debt to Antonio Sastre, son of the late notary Francesc Sastre. Witnesses, Pere de Cardona and Pere Serra, Christians, and Rosell Badoz and Dolç dez Macsere , Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Manual 1402 f. 16 r-v

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1470. 1402, June 22 In Cervera, in the square called “de l’Om”, Guillem Solsona said, with similar words, what follows: Nabram Zutllam, jous çit a veure segar e batre lo blat queus es estat assignat axi per mi com per fermanzes o en altra manera qual se voll. E lo dit Abram Zullam respos e dix: Jo ho confiu ala fe del batlle. Witnesses, Pere de Cardona and Pere Serra, inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Manual 1402 1471. 1402, August 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Manual 1402 1472. 1402, September 21 Berenguer Felip, of la Panadella, acknowledges his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Izach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. He promises to repay the debt by All Saints’ Day. And Izach de Quercí promises that if Berenguer Felip pays him in the aforesaid date, he will return him una cota vermeylla de dona ab fres que te sua, e que li fara e fermara apocha e absolta final bastant. ACSG. FN I. 21 Jaume Forner. Manual 1402

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YEAR 1404

1473. 1404, September Document concerning Joan Palau, convert of Perpignan. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 18, Pere de Salvanera, Manual 1403-1404, f. 226

1474. 1404, October 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Abrae Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 7 v 1475. 1404, November 24 It is acknowledged having received from Abrae Samarell the import of the mutuo agreed in document October 14 before the present notary ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 7 v- 8 r

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YEAR 1405

1476. 1405, January 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 2 r 1477. 1405, March 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Biona Çullam and Mosse Çullam, brothers, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 6 r 1478. 1405, April 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 2 v 1479. 1405, April 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 3 r-v 1480. 1405, April 21 It is acknowledged having received from Sentou Jaffuda the import of the mutuo agreed the same date, before the same notary. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 3 v 1481. 1405, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 4 r 1482. 1405, May 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 4 v

1483. 1405, May 26 In La Panadella Içach de Quercí claims for an amount of money that is due to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f.1 r 1484. 1405, May 26 In Cabanabona Içach de Quercí claims for an amount of money that is due to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 1 r 1485. 1405, May 26 In Sant Antolí Içach de Quercí, acting as procurator for Gispert de Camporrells, convert, of Lleida , claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 1 v 1486. 1405, June 4 In Florejacs Biona Çullam, as heir to Abram Çullam, of Cervera claims for money that was owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 1 v 1487. 1405, June 9 In Malgrat

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Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 1 v 1488. 1405, June 10 In Riudovelles Biona Sotllam, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed to him by reason of an existing debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 2 r 1489. 1405, June 12 In Sisteró Içach de Quercí, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, as procurator for Perfet Astruch, and heir to Jacob Astruc, Jew of Castellfollit, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 2 r 1490. 1405, June 15 In Sanahuja Na Çara, the widow of Vivant, also called Cercí, Jew of Guissona, is claiming for some money that is owed her by reason of an existing debt in favor of her deceased husband. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 2 r 1491. 1405, June 15 In el Canòs Içach de Quercí, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, procurator for Perfet Astruch, Jew of Castellfollit, and heir to Astruch Jacob, Jew of Castellfollit, claims for some money due to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 2 v 1492. 1405, June 15 In Rabinat Samuel Çullam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims in the Mas of Bondia by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 2 v 1493. 1405, June 15 In Altarriba Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 3 r 1494. 1405, June 16 In les Oluges Çara, wife of Salamó de Belcayre, Jew, and Leo Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claim for money owed to them because they sold some wheat. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 2 r 1495. 1405, July 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 5 r 1496. 1405, July 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Sullam, maiori dierum, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 5 v 1497. 1405, August 19 In Riudovelles Biona Çullam, Jew, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 2 r 1498. 1405, August 22 In Altarriba

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Mestre Abram dez Cortal, physician (fisic) Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed to him due to some unpaid salaries. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 3 v 1499. 1405, August 31 In Tarroja Sentou Jafuda, Jew of in Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 3 v 1500. 1405, August 31 In Tarroja Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 3 v 1501. 1405, August 31 In Concabella Abram Adret, Jew of in Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 4 r 1502. 1405, September 2 In Riudovelles Santou Jafuda claims for money that is owed to Benet Vidal, the heir to Bertomeu Vidal and Pere Vidal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 4 r 1503. 1405, September 4 In la Guardiolada Samuel Çullam, the young, claims for an amount of money owed him by Bertomeu Salamó and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 4 r

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1504. 1405, September 7 In Granyena En Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by Joan Duran. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 4 v 1505. 1405, September 7 In Rabinat En Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 4 v 1506. 1405, September 7 In Guardiolada En Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 4 v 1507. 1405, September 7 In Sisteró En Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 5 r 1508. 1405, September 10 In Concabella En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 5 r 1509. 1405, September 10 In Altarriba

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Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 5 r 1510. 1405, September 10 In Ferran Çara, the wife of Salamó de Belcayre, Jewess of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 5 v 1511. 1405, September 10 In Florejacs Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 5 v 1512. 1405, September 10 In Viver Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 5 v 1513. 1405, September 30 In Belvei En Biona Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 6 r 1514. 1405, October 1 In Frexanet Abram Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 6 r

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1515. 1405, October 6 In Altarriba En Mosse Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 6 r 1516. 1405, October 6 In Alvespi Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 6 v 1517. 1405, October 10 In Montpaó Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 6 v 1518. 1405, October 18 In Altarriba En Mosse Çellem, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 7 r 1519. 1405, October [18] In La Guardiolada En Mosse Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 7 r 1520. 1405, November 16 In Concabella

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Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 7 r 1521. 1405, November [16] In El Mas de Bondia Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 7 v 1522. 1405, November 17 In Granyena En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 7 v 1523. 1405, November 17 In Vilagrassa Abram Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 7 v 1524. 1405, November 17 In the Mas de Bondia Abram Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Pere Vidal owes him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 8 r 1525. 1405, November 18 In Riudovelles Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Bertomeu Vidal owes him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 8 r

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1526. 1405, November 18 In el Canòs Bellayre, Jewess of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 8 r 1527. 1405, December 4 In Agramunt Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 8 v 1528. 1405, December 4 In La Guardialada Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 8 v 1529. 1405, December 4 In Montoliu Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 8 v 1530. 1405, December 4 In Santa Fe En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 9 r 1531. 1405, December 11 In the Mas de Bondia

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Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 9 r 1532. 1405, December 14 In Vilagrasseta Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 9 r 1533. 1405, December 13 In Montornès Belayre, Jewess of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 9 v 1534. 1405, December [14] In Vilagrasseta Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 9 v

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YEAR 1406

1535. 1406, January 15 In la Cardosa Bellayre, the wife of Salamó Struch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Berenguer Vidal owed her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 9 v 1536. 1406, January 11 In Montoliu Mosse Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f.10 v 1537. 1406, January 11 In Montoliu Biona Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 10 v 1538. 1406, January 15 In La Guardiolada Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Bertomeu Salamó owes him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 10 v 1539. 1406, January 15 In la Cardosa Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Berenguer Vidal and his wife owe him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 11 r

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1540. 1406, January 12 In Concabella Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 11 r 1541. 1406, January 12 In Bellver Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 11 r 1542. 1406, January 26 In Montoliu Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 11 v 1543. 1406, January 29 In Anglesola Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 12 r 1544. 1406, February 8 In Alvespi Biona Çullam and Sentou Jaffuda, Jews of Cervera, claim for money that is owed to them by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 11 v 1545. 1406, February 8 In la Cardosa Biona Çullam and Sentou Jaffuda, Jews of Cervera, claim for an amount of money that Berenguer Vidal owes them by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 11 v 1546. 1406, February 10 In Vicfred Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera, claim for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 12 r 1547. 1406, February 18 In Castell de Santa Maria Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera, claim for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 12 r 1548. 1406, March 6 In La Guardiolada Biona Sullam and Mosse Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to them by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 12 v 1549. 1406, March 11 In Granyena Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 12 v 1550. 1406, March 15 In Bellver Senthou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 12 v 1551. 1406, March 17

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It is acknowledged a debt to Abrae dez Portell, Jew physician of Cervera, by reason of the price of some wheat (unam migeram frumenti) he bought him. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 5 v 1552. 1406, March 18 In El Mas de Bondia Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claim for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 13 r 1553. 1406, March 18 In Concabella Astruch Rimoch, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 13 r 1554. 1406, April 22 In Castellnou Abram Navaro, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 13 r 1555. 1406, April 22 In Ferran Samuel Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 14 v 1556. 1406, April 22 In Glorieta Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 14 v

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1557. 1406, April 22 In La Guardiolada Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 14 v 1558. 1406, April 23 In the Mas de Bondia En Samuel Çullam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 15 r 1559. 1406, April 23 In Pavía En Samuel Çullam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 15 r 1560. 1406, April 26 In Fluvià Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 15 r 1561. 1406, April 26 In Altarriba Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 15 v 1562. 1406, April 26 In Granyena

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Belayre, wife of Salamó Astruch Adret, Jew, deceased, claims for money that is owed to her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 15 v 1563. 1406, April 27 In Montpalau Çara, wife of the deceased Salamó de Belcayre, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 15 v 1564. 1406, April 28 In Altarriba En Samuel Sullam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 16 r 1565. 1406, May 5 In Santa Fe Biona Çullam and Mosse Çullam, Jews of Cervera “se clamen den Berenguer ça Sala, en altra manera apellat Bonanat”, for the amount of money owed to them by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 16 r 1566. 1406, May 6 In Bellver Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Luis Junyent, who when Jew was called Astruch Isach Adret, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 16 r 1567. 1406, May 13 In Fluvià Abram Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 16 v

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1568. 1406, May 19 In Altarriba Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, in his own name and as procurator for Salamó Adret, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 16 v 1569. 1406, June 8 In Montornès En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 16 v 1570. 1406, [May 13] In Concabella Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Berenguer Queralt and others owe him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 17 r 1571. 1406, [May 13] In Altarriba Samuell Sullam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 17 r 1572. 1406, [May 13] In les Oluges Samuell Sullam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 17 r 1573. 1406, June 15 In Sant Guim de la Rabaça

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Astruch Boniac, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 17 v 1574. 1406, June 25 In Malgrat En Biona Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 17 v 1575. 1406, July 7 In la Cardosa En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Antonio Tovar owes him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 17 v 1576. 1406, August 13 In la Mora En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 18 r 1577. 1406, August 16 In la Guardiolada En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 18 r 1578. 1406, August 16 In la Guardiolada Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 18 r

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1579. 1406, August 16 In Mas de Bondia Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 18 v 1580. 1406, August 18 In the Mas de Bondia Abram Adret, Jew, and also as procurator for Abram Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Pere Vidal owes him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 18 v 1581. 1406, August 23 In les Oluges (Oluja Jussana) Sentou Jaffuda, acting as procurator for Jaume de Montornès, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 19 r 1582. 1406, August 23 In Sant Guim de la Rabaça Sentou Jaffuda, acting as procurator for Jaume de Montornès, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 19 r 1583. 1406, August 23 In Altarriba En Samuel Çullam, the old, Jew of Cervera, axi com havent loch e cessio den Biona Çullam, Jew, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 19 r 1584. 1406, August 25 In Montoliu

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En Mosse Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 19 v 1585. 1406, August 25 In Montoliu En Biona Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 19 v 1586. 1406, August 25 In Concabella Çara, wife of Salamó de Belcayre, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 19 v 1587. 1406, August 30 In Granyena Içach de Quercí, Jew, son and heir to Menafem de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 20 r 1588. 1406, August 30 In la Mora Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera, as well as procurator for Abram Samarell, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 20 r 1589. 1406, August 25 In Tarroja [Isach] de Quercí, Jew, son and heir to Menahem de Quercí, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 20 r

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1590. 1406, August 26 In Sadaó [Isach] de Quercí, Jew, son and heir to Menahem de Quercí, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 20 v 1591. 1406, September 3 In Vilamajor En Vidal Davi Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 20 v 1592. 1406, September 11 In Castellnou d’Oluja Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 20 v 1593. 1406, September 17 In l’Ametlla Çara, widow of Salamó de Belcayre, claims for money that is owed to her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 21 r 1594. 1406, September 17 In Vallfogona Çara, widow of Salamó de Belcayre, claims for money that is owed to her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 21 r 1595. 1406, September 17 In Tarroja Samuel Çulam, the young, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 21 r 1596. 1406, September [17] In Alvespi Samuel Çulam, the young, claims for an amount of money that Ramon Domingo owes him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 21 v 1597. 1406, October 13 In Çavit de Bordell En Biona Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 21 v 1598. 1406, October 13 In Malgrat En Samuel Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 21 v 1599. 1406, November 2 In Castellnou d’Oluges Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 22 r 1600. 1406, November [2] In Malgrat Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 22 r 1601. 1406, November [2]

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Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by several reasons. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 22 r 1602. 1406, November [2] In Bordell Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 22 v 1603. 1406, November [2] In la Panadella Dolça, wife of Jacob de Quercí <Içach de Quercí>, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to her by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 22 v 1604. 1406, November 6 In Concabella Isach de Quercí and Çara, the widow of Salamó de Belcayre, claim for an amounts of money that Berenguer Queralt and other owe them by reason of several debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 22 v 1605. 1406, November 15 Astruch Adret, Jew of Castelló d’Empuries, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 23 r 1606. 1406, November 15 In la Mora En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 23 r

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1607. 1406, November 16 In Malgrat Mosse Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 23 r 1608. 1406, November 18 In Granyena Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 23 v 1609. 1406, December 1 In la Cardosa Mosse Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Berenguer Vidal and others owe him by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 23 v 1610. 1406, December 6 In the Mas de Bondia En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 23 v

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YEAR 1407

1611. 1407, January 10 In Florejacs Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 24 r 1612. 1407, January 10 In Concabella Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, axi com havent loch e cessio et procurador of Luis Junyent, who when Jew was called Astruch Içach Adret, axi com havent loch e cessio to Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 24 r 1613. 1407, January 10 In Concabella Içach de Quercí and Çara, Jews of Cervera, claim for an amount of money that Berenguer de Queralt and others owe them by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 24 v 1614. 1407, January 23 In Granyena Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 24 r 1615. 1407, January 23 In Granyena Belayre, the widow of Salamó Astruch Adret, Jew, claims for money that is owed to her. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 24 v

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1616. 1407, February 1 In Montornès En Senthou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 25 r 1617. 1407, March 3 In Granyena En Senthou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 25 r 1618. 1407, March 11 Document concerning some wheat (4 migeras frumenti) sold to Jaume Marçal, a convert of Montblanc. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 19 v 1619. 1407, April 7 In Sant Domí En Senthou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that G. Sala owes him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 25 r 1620. 1407, April 7 In la Tallada En Senthou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 25 v 1621. 1407, April 8 In La Tallada En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 25 v

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1622. 1407, April 8 In Tàrrega Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 25 v 1623. 1407, April 11 In Verdú Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, acting as procurator for Joan Carrió, of Castellfollit, claims for an amounts of money owed to him by reason of several debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 26 r 1624. 1407, April 14 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a loan (mutuo), to Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 7 r 1625. 1407, April 21 In Lindars En Samuel Çullam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 26 r 1626. 1407, April 21 In Granyena En Samuel Çullam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 26 r 1627. 1407, May 6 In Altarriba Mosse Sullam, Jew of Cervera, in his own name as well as havent loch et cessio of the Jew Biona Sullam, is claiming for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 26 v

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1628. 1407, May 23 In les Oluges Abram Perfet Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonjua Adret, Jew of Castellfollit, son and heir of Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 26 v 1629. 1407, May 23 In les Oluges (Oluja Jussana) Abram Perfet Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonjua Adret, Jew of Castellfollit, son and heir to Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 26 v 1630. 1407, May 23 In La Manresana Abram Perfet Adret, Jew of Cervera, as for Bonjua Adret, Jew of Castellfollit, son and heir to Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 27 r 1631. 1407, May 23 In Sadaó Abram Perfet Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonjua Adret, Jew of Castellfollit, son and heir of Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera, is claiming for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 27 r 1632. 1407, May 23 In Tarroja Abram Perfet Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonjua Adret, Jew of Castellfollit, son and heir of Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 27 r

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1633. 1407, May 24 In les Oluges (Oluja Sobirana) Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 27 v 1634. 1407, June 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Castelló d’Empuries, now inhabitant of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 19 r-v 1635. 1407, June 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Sullam, the young (minori dierum), Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 6 r-v 1636. 1407, June 20 In Montornès En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 27 v 1637. 1407, June 22 In la Guardiolada Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 27 v 1638. 1407, July 2 In Riudovelles Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, in his own name and as procurator for his father Salamó Adret, claims for an amount of money that Bertomeu Vidal owes them. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 28 r

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1639. 1407, July 13 In Mas de Bondia Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 28 r 1640. 1407, July 13 In Guimerà Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 28 r 1641. 1407, July 14 In Malgrat Mosse Çullam, as havent loch e cessio den Biona Çullam, claims for money that is owed to them. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 28 v 1642. 1407, July 27 En Bonsenyor Mosse claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 28 v 1643. 1407, July 27 In la Glorieta En Bonsenyor Mosse claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 28 v 1644. 1407, August 17 In el Far Içach de Quercí claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 29 r

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1645. 1407, August 19 In Agramunt Samuel Çullam, the old, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 29 r 1646. 1407, August 30 In el Mas de Bondia Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 29 r 1647. 1407, August [30] In Gramuntell Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 29 v 1648. 1407, September 13 In la Fuliola Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 29 v 1649. 1407, September 15 In Granyena En Senthou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 29 v 1650. 1407, September 16 In Granyena En Samuel Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 30 r 1651. 1407, September 27

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In Lindars Astruch Adret, Jew of Castelló d’Empuries, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 30 r 1652. 1407, September 28 In Vilamajor En Samuel Çullam, the young, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Farrer Ravalla, Jew of Cardona, as well as havent loch e cessio den P. Cordelles, del lloc de Aberdill claims for money that is owed to them. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 30 r 1653. 1407, September 30 In Granyena Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 30 v 1654. 1407, September 30 In the Tallada Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 30 v 1655. 1407, September 30 In Coscó En Samuel Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 30 v 1656. 1407, September 30 In Conesa En Samuel Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 31 r 1657. 1407, September 30

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In la Guardiolada En Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 31 r 1658. 1407, October 3 In el Mas de Roqueta Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, as well as procurator for Salamó Adret, claims for money that is owed to them. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 31 r 1659. 1407, October 3 In Roqueta Samuel de Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 31 v 1660. 1407, October 7 In Agramunt Samuel de Çullam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 31 v

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YEAR 1408

1661. 1408, May 30 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 87 r-v 1662. 1408, January 20 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 41 r 1663. 1408, June 8 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 54 r 1664. 1408, August 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 86 r 1665. 1408, November 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 8 r-v 1666. 1408, November 27 It is acknowledged having received the amount borrowed from Astruch Adret in November 21, before this same notary.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 8 v 1667. 1408, November 27 Mosse Cabrit and his son Astruc Cabrit, Jews of Santa Coloma de Queralt, acknowledge their debt to Davi Biona, Jew of Cardona, by reason of some woolen cloths (paños de llana de diversos colors) they bought him. In this document, Mosse de Besses, Jew of Cardona, is mentioned. Witnesses, Bonastruch den Mestre and Benveníst de la Cavallería, Jews of Solsona. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 52 r- 53 r

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YEAR 1409

1668. 1409, Jan 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 26 r 1669. 1409, Feb 4 Bernat Rossell and Pere Malet, of Montoliu, and Joan Bonet of the locality of Capstany, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec) f. 34 v 1670. 1409, Feb 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec) f. 34 v 1671. 1409, Jan 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 26 r 1672. 1409, Feb 4 Bernat Rossell and Pere Malet, of the locality of Montoliu, and Joan Bonet of the locality of Capstany, confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec) f. 34 v 1673. 1409, Feb 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec) f. 34 v

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1674. 1409, Feb 16 Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been repaid by reason of a mutuo ha had done to Joan Sunyer. Jewish witness, Salamó Adret, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 49 v- 50 r 1675. 1409, Feb 25 Cancellation of a debt, agreed on January 25, in favor of Adret Salamó Adret. Jewish witness, Salamó Adret ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 26 r 1676. 1409, March 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Sullam, the young, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 62 v 1677. 1409, March 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 95 r 1678. 1409, Mar 28 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 78 v 1679. 1409, May 13 It is acknowledged a debt to Samuel Sutlam, senior, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 116 r 1680. 1409, Jun 1 Document concerning Galceran ça Torra, convert, tailor of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 127 r 1681. 1409, Jun 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). F. 127 v 1682. 1409, Jun 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Berenguer Ça Torra and Galceran Ça Torra converts of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 129 r 1683. 1409, Jun 11 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 127 r 1684. 1409, Jun [11] It is acknowledged a debt to Samuel Sutlam junior, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 132 r 1685. 1409, Jun [11] It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 133 r 1686. 1409, Jul 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec).

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1687. 1409, August 6 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 89 r 1688. 1409, Aug 9 Samuel Sutlam senior, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been repaid a debt agreed in September 4, 1405. Jewish witness, Astruch Adret, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 122 r 1689. 1409, Aug 13 Document concerning Berenguer Gilabert, convert, inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 152 v 1690. 1409, Aug 13 Document concerning Galceran ça Cirera, convert, tailor of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 152 v 1691. 1409, Aug 27 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Guillem Mestre and Guillem de Pau, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 157 v 1692. 1409, Sep 6 Cancellation of debt in favor of Astruch Adret, and agreed on June 6 Jewish witness, Samuel Sutlam, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 127 r 1693. 1409, Sep 7

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Biona Sutlam is acting as a witness in a debt cancellation document. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 128 r 1694. 1409, Sep 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Jaume Gilabert, scribe of Cervera and Antonio Salas, of Lleida. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 152 v 1695. 1409, Nov 22 Cancellation of a debt, agreed on June 11, in favor of Samuel Sutlam junior, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Pere Domingo, scriptor of Cervera, and Abram Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 132 r 1696. 1409, Nov 30 Cancellation of debt, agreed on 1409, May 13, in favor of Samuel Sutlam, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Adret Salamó. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1409 (Jan-Dec). f. 116 r 1697. 1409, December 2 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 62 v

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EAR 1410

1698. 1410, January 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Sullam, the young, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 58 r 1699. 1410, January 10 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Sullam, the young, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 59 r-v 1700. 1410, February 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Sullam, the young, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 59 v- 60 r 1701. 1410, February 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 63 r 1702. 1410, April 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 61 v 1703. 1410, April 13 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 61 v- 62 r 1704. 1410, June 14 It is acknowledged a debt to Sentou Jaffuda, Jew of Cervera, by reason of some wheat (tres migeras frumenti) he bought him. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 62 r

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YEAR 1411

1705. 1411, January 13 It is acknowledged a debt to Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1411 (Jan-Dec). f. 14 r 1706. 1411, March 9 Cancellation of a debt, agreed on January 13, in favor of Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1411 (Jan-Dec). f. 14 r

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YEAR 1413

1707. 1413, May 23 In la Mora Mosse Çutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 32 r 1708. 1413, May 28 In Montoliu Mosse Çutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money owed him ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 32 r 1709. 1413, May 26 In Bellver En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 32 r 1710. 1413, May 29 In Malgrat Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 32 r 1711. 1413, May 30 Mosse Çutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 32 v 1712. 1413, June 3 In Agramunt Samuel Sutlam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 32 v

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1713. 1413, June 20 In Bellveí Mosse Sutlam Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him, by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 33 r 1714. 1413, June 26 In Timor En Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 33 r 1715. 1413, August 11 In Timor Abram Navarro, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 33 r 1716. 1413, August 22 In Montlleó Leo Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt by reason of a manto that he sold there. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 33 v 1717. 1413, August 25 In Malgrat Mosse Çutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 33 v 1718. 1413, August 31 In Timor En Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 33 v

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1719. 1413, September 19 In Granyena The procurator of Vidal de Beses, of the locality of Bellpuig, claims for an amount of money that Berenguer Salamies, Manuel de Barbastro and Joan Carnicer owe him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 33 v 1720. 1413, September 19 In Granyena The procurator of Vidal de Beses, of the locality of Bellpuig, claims for an amount of money that Berenguer Salamies, Manuel de Barbastro and Joan Carnicer owe him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 34 r 1721. 1413, September 22 In Montoliu Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 34 r 1722. 1413, September 22 In Tarroja Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for an amount of money that Ramon Cardona owes him by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 34 r 1723. 1413, September 26 In Verdú Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for money that is owed to him ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 34 r 1724. 1413, September 22 In the Portell

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Mosse Çutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 34 v 1725. 1413, September 25 In Castellnou de Seana Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 34 v 1726. 1413, September 25 In Ossó Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 34 v 1727. 1413, September 25 In Puigvert Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for some money that P. Salvador, B. Capdevila, and R. Santmartí, owe him by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 34 v 1728. 1413, September 25 In Claresvalls Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 34 v 1729. 1413, September 29 In Calaf Samuel Sutlam , Jew of Cervera, claims to Mosse Cofen, Jew of Calaf, for a debt by reason of draps. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. [35 r] 1730. 1413, September 29 In Granyena

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Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. [35 r] 1731. 1413, October 2 In la Mora Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 35 r 1732. 1413, October 11 In el Canòs Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 35 v 1733. 1413, October 11 In Montlleó Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 35 v 1734. 1413, October 13 In Sant Guim de la Plana Astruc Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims for a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 35 v 1735. 1413, October 13 In Guardiolada Mosse Çutllam, Jew of Cervera, claims for a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 35 v 1736. 1413, October 13 In Tarroja Mosse Çutllam, Jew of Cervera, claims for a loan.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 36 r 1737. 1413, October 16 In Fluvià Biona Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims for a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 36 r 1738. 1413, November 13 In Sant Domí Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 36 v 1739. 1413, November 15 In Montoliu Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 36 v 1740. 1413, November 16 In Granyena Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 36 v 1741. 1413, November 16 In Granyena En Samuel Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 36 v 1742. 1413, November 21 In Tàrrega Mosse Sutlam and Biona Sutlam, Jews of Cervera, claim for a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 37 r

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1743. 1413, November 29 In la Cardosa Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims for a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 37 r 1744. 1413, November 29 In Fonolleres Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a faset burell. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 37 r 1745. 1413, November 29 In Florejacs Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 37 r 1746. 1413, November 29 In Santa Fe Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 37 v 1747. 1413, November 29 In Montornès Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 37 v 1748. 1413, December 4 In la Guardiolada Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 37 v

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1749. 1413, December 11 In Bellvis Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Samuel Sutlam, claims by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 38 r 1750. 1413, December 17 In Tàrrega Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 38 r

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YEAR 1414

1751. 1414, January 8 In Claresvalls Samuel Sutlam, the young, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 38 v 1752. 1414, January 24 In la Guardiolada Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 38 v 1753. 1414, January 24 In la Ametlla Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 38 v 1754. 1414, January 24 In Montoliu Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, acting as procurator for his father, Adret Salamó, to Arnau Rossell and to Berenguer Ferrer, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 38 v 1755. 1414, January 30 In Tordera Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt due to shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 39 r 1756. 1414, January 31 In Talavera Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 39 r 1757. 1414, January 31 In Puigvert Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 39 r 1758. 1414, February 14 In la Cardosa Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 39 v 1759. 1414, February 23 In Granyena Samuel de Piera, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of clothes he has sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 39 v 1760. 1414, March 7 In Guardiolada Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 39 v 1761. 1414, May 9 In Tarroja Isach Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of wheat and money owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 40 r 1762. 1414, May 14 In Fluvià Adret SalamóAdret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 40 r

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1763. 1414, May 14 In Bellveí Adret SalamóAdret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 40 r 1764. 1414, May 14 In Malgrat Adret SalamóAdret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 40 r 1765. 1414, May 21 In Montroig Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 40 v 1766. 1414, May 21 In Bellver Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 40 v 1767. 1414, May 21 In Montroig En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 40 v 1768. 1414, May 2 In la Guardiolada Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of wheat owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 41 r

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1769. 1414, May 23 In la Manresana Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, as heir to his father, claims by reason of wheat owed to him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 41 r 1770. 1414, May 30 In Sisteró Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 41 r 1771. 1414, May 30 In Montfalcó Abram Navarro, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 41 v 1772. 1414, May 30 In Pallarols Abram Navarro, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 41 v 1773. 1414, June 1 In Claresvalls Mosse Sutlam , Jew of Cervera, claims a debt to Perich Miró. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 41 v 1774. 1414, June 1 In la Figuerosa Mosse Sutlam ensemps ab en Biona Sutlam, com a hereus de lur pare. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 42 r 1775. 1414, June 1

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In Llorac Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt by reason of a cota he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 42 r 1776. 1414, June 12 In Malgrat Biona Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 42 r 1777. 1414, June 14 In Granyena En Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 42 v 1778. 1414, June 14 In Montfalcó En Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 42 v 1779. 1414, June 19 In Montlleó En Pere Pinyol, of Santa Coloma de Queralt, procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of the same town, is claiming for an existing debt in Abram’s favor. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 42 v 1780. 1414, July 9 In Ponts Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt to the havents loch e cessio den Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 43 r 1781. 1414, July 9

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In Ponts Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt to the havents loch e cessio den Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 43 r 1782. 1414, July 27 In Alvespi Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt by reason of shoes he sold there. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 43 r 1783. 1414, August 9 In Montmaneu Samuel Sutlam, the old, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 43 v 1784. 1414, August 9 In Montfalcó Abram Navarro, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 43 v 1785. 1414, August 16 In Agramunt Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 43 v 1786. 1414, August 17 In Bellveí Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt by reason of shoes he sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 44 r 1787. 1414, August 17

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In el Canòs Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt by reason of shoes he sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 44 r 1788. 1414, August 17 In Hostafranchs Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt by reason of shoes he sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 44 r 1789. 1414, August 28 In Hostafranchs Biona Sutllam, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt per rao de drap de lana que li ha venut. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 44 r 1790. 1414, August 28 In Castellnou Mosse Sutllam, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt by reason of a faset he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 44 v 1791. 1414, August 28 In Granyena En Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 44 v 1792. 1414, August [28] In Malgrat Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 44 v 1793. 1414, August 31 In Tàrrega Samuel Sutlam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 45 r 1794. 1414, September 4 In Granyena Sentou Jacobi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 45 r 1795. 1414, September 5 In Granyena Sentou Jacobi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 45 r 1796. 1414, September 7 In Timor Jafuda Maymó, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a jupo. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 45 v 1797. 1414, September 13 In Viver Biona Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 45 v 1798. 1414, September 13 In la Cardosa Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 45 v 1799. 1414, September [13] In Gramuntell Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 45 v

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1800. 1414, September 25 In Rabinat Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 46 r 1801. 1414, September 29 In Timor Leo Crexent, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 46 r 1802. 1414, October 9 In la Cardosa Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 46 r 1803. 1414, October 26 In Montornès Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 46 v 1804. 1414, October 30 In Granyena Samuel Sutlam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 46 v 1805. 1414, November 8 Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, son and heir to the deceased Manafem de Quercí claims, by reason of a debt, to the honrat P. Ramon de Montfalcó. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 46 v

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1806. 1414, November 29 In Granyena Içach Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 47 r 1807. 1414, December 3 In Bellver Samuel Sutlam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 47 r 1808. 1414, December 3 In Montornès Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 47 r 1809. 1414, December 3 In Agramunt Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 47 v 1810. 1414, December 4 In Agramunt Samuel Sutlam, the old, Jew of Cervera, com havent cessio den Mosse Algo, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 47 v 1811. 1414, December 4 In Agramunt Samuel Sutlam, the old, Jew of Cervera, com havent cessio den Mosse Algo, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 47 v

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1812. 1414, December 4 In Montgai Mosse Algo and Samuel Sutlam, Jews of Cervera, claim by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 47 v 1813. 1414, December 4 In Agramunt Samuel Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, com havent cessio den Mosse Algo, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 47 v 1814. 1414, December 4 In Agramunt Samuel Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, com havent cessio den Mosse Algo, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 48 r 1815. 1414, December [4] In Malgrat Samuel Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, com havent cessio den Mosse Algo, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 48 r 1816. 1414, December [4] In Agramunt Samuel Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, com havent cessio den Mosse Algo, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 48 r 1817. 1414, December [4] In Agramunt Samuel Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, com havent cessio den Mosse Algo, claims by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 48 r 1818. 1414, December 10 In Puigvert Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 48 v 1819. 1414, December 10 In Queràs Samuel Sutlam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims some amount of money that P. Domingo, who previously had been living in Algospí, owed him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 48 v 1820. 1414, December 11 In la Guardiolada Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 48 v 1821. 1414, December 11 In Llorac Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 49 r 1822. 1414, December 11 In Tarroja Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 49 r 1823. 1414, December 14 In Montoliu Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 49 r

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YEAR 1415

1824. 1415, January 7 In Lluça Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he has sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 49 r 1825. 1415, January 7 In Lluça Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he has sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 49 v 1826. 1415, January 11 In La Tallada En Jaume de Capdevila, as procurator for Bonjua Adret, Jew of Castellfollit, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 49 v 1827. 1415, January 15 In Agramunt Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he has sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 49 v 1828. 1415, January 18 In Vilagrasseta Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 50 r 1829. 1415, February 19 In Llor Samuel de Piera, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a cota he sold.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 50 r 1830. 1415, February 28 In Talavera Salamó Samarell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Mosse Alfrangi, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 50 r 1831. 1415, March 20 In Timor Samuel de Piera, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a cota he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 50 v 1832. 1415, March 22 In Montroig Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 50 v 1833. 1415, March 22 In Florejacs Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 50 v 1834. 1415, April 11 In Ponts Salamó Samarell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Samarell, claims by reason of a debt to Sbert Boix. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 51 r 1835. 1415, April 11 In Castellnou d’Oluges (Oluja) Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 51 r 1836. 1415, April 22 In Lleida Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for to Abram Samarell, claims per rao de safra. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 51 r 1837. 1415, April 24 In el Canós Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 51 v 1838. 1415, April 24 In Rabinat Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 51 v 1839. 1415, May 17 In Granyena Sentou Jacobi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 51 v 1840. 1415, May 22 In Sadaó Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 52 r 1841. 1415, May 22 In Castellnou Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 52 r 1842. 1415, May 22 In la Cardosa Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold to Berenguer Vidal and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 52 r 1843. 1415, May 22 In el Canòs Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 52 r 1844. 1415, May 22 In Santa Fe Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 52 v 1845. 1415, May 23 In Altarriba Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 52 v 1846. 1415, May 23 In Gàver Biona Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 52 v 1847. 1415, May 23 In Malgrat Abram Navarro, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of costures. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 52 v

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1848. 1415, May 28 In Bellveí Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 53 r 1849. 1415, June 25 In Castellnou de Puigvert Samuel de Piera, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of un gipo. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 53 r 1850. 1415, July 10 In Balaguer En Samuel Sutlam pus veyll, den Berenguer Ferrer, alias Salamo, olim habitador de la Rapita, per deutes com havent loch e cessio de Mosse Algo, jueu de Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 53 r 1851. 1415, July 10 In la Rápita En Samuel Sutlam pus veyll, del dit Berenguer Ferrer, e dels hereus de detentors daquells per la mateixa rao. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 53 v 1852. 1415, July 10 In Oliola En Samuel Sutlam pus veyll, per deutes com havent loch e cessio de Mosse Algo, jueu de Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 53 v 1853. 1415, July 10 In Oliola Mosse Algo, jueu de Cervera, per rao de drap.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 53 v 1854. 1415, July 11 In Montfalcó de Puigvert Mosse Algo, jueu de Cervera, per rao de çabates. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 53 v 1855. 1415, July [10] In Puigvert Mosse Algo, jueu de Cervera, per rao de çabates. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 54 r 1856. 1415, July 17 In Concabella Samuel Sutlam, pus veyll, per deutes, com havent loch e cessio de Mosse Algo, jueu de Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 54 r 1857. 1415, August 2 In Concabella Icaç [sic] de Quercí, com havent loch e cessio e procurador de Luis Junent coves, que stant juheu havie nom Astruc Içac Adret, per rao de sensal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 54 r 1858. 1415, August 6 In Puivert Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 54 v 1859. 1415, August [6] In Tarroja Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 54 v 1860. 1415, August [6] In Ferran Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 54 v 1861. 1415, August [6] In Viver Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 54 v 1862. 1415, August [6] In Alvespi Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 55 r 1863. 1415, August [6] In Sadaó Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 55 r 1864. 1415, August [6] In el Canòs Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 55 r 1865. 1415, August [6] In la Cardosa Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 55 r

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1866. 1415, August [6] In Castellnou d’Oluges Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 55 v 1867. 1415, August [6] In Rabinat Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 55 v 1868. 1415, August [6] In Bellveí Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 55 v 1869. 1415, August [6] In Viver Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 55 v 1870. 1415, August [6] In Malgrat Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 56 r 1871. 1415, August [6] In Hostafrancs Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 56 r 1872. 1415, August [6]

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In Santa Fe Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 56 r 1873. 1415, August [6] In Lluça Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 56 r 1874. 1415, August 7 In Granyena Samuel de Piera, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of robes que han comprades. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 56 v 1875. 1415, August 7 In Malgrat Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 56 v 1876. 1415, August 7 In Sisteró Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 56 v 1877. 1415, August 21 In Bellveí Samuel de Piera, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of clothes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 57 r 1878. 1415, August 23 In Granyena

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Içac de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 57 r 1879. 1415, August 23 In el Canòs Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of stovalles. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 57 r 1880. 1415, August 23 In Granyena Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera, claims a debt by reason of un sach de drap de burell. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 57 v 1881. 1415, August 28 In Florejacs Mosse Sutlam and Biona Sutlam, Jews of Cervera, claim by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 57 v 1882. 1415, September 9 In Rabinat Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 57 v 1883. 1415, September 23 In Granyanella Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 58 r 1884. 1415, October 7 In Santa Fe Abram Alfaça, Jew of Cervera, claims of Guim Domingo, by reason of costures de averhies.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 58 r 1885. 1415, October 2 In Rabinat Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 58 r 1886. 1415, October 8 In el Canòs Sentou Jacobi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of drap que li ha venut. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 58 r 1887. 1415, October 10 In Montfalcó Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 58 v 1888. 1415, November 4 In Vallfogona Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 58 v 1889. 1415, November 13 In Vilagrasseta Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 58 v 1890. 1415, November 13 In Guardia Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 58 v

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1891. 1415, November 19 In Sepulcre Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims to Ramon de Sant Sepulcre by reason of shoes he sold him. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 r 1892. 1415, November 21 In Tarroja Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 r 1893. 1415, November [21] In Sadaó Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 r 1894. 1415, November [21] In el Canòs Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 r 1895. 1415, November [21] In Castellnou Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 v 1896. 1415, November [21] In la Cardosa Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 v

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1897. 1415, November [21] In Vergós Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 v 1898. 1415, November [21] In Granyena Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 v 1899. 1415, November [21] In Sant Pere dels Arquells Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 v 1900. 1415, November [21] In Santa Fe Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 59 v 1901. 1415, November 24 In Ponts Adret Salamo Adret, juheu de Cervera, com havent loch cessio den Adret Astruch, jueu de Ponts, per deutes. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 60 r 1902. 1415, November [24] In Avià Adret Salamo Adret, juheu de Cervera, com havent loch cessio den Adret Astruch, jueu de Ponts, per deutes. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 60 r

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1903. 1415, November [24] Document in which Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, and Bonadona, wife of the late Astruc Adret, Jew of Cervera, are mentioned. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 60 r 1904. 1415, December 2 A Granyena Salamo Samarell, juheu de Cervera, en nom seu propi e com a procurador den Icaç Samarell, juheu de Cervera, den Guiamonet de Santa Maria, per resta de una somera e per una gramaylla, e den Ramon ... de forment. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 60 v 1905. 1415, December 5 In Agramunt Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 60 v 1906. 1415, December 9 In Guardia Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 60 v 1907. 1415, December 9 In Montoliu Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts to Berenguer Ferrer and other. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 60 v 1908. 1415, December 9 In Rabinat Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 61 r

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1909. 1415, December [9] In Ratera Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 61 r 1910. 1415, December 16 In Montfalcó Leo Jafuda, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 61 r

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YEAR 1416

1911. 1416, January 24 In Claresvalls Sentou Jacobi, den Pere Miro per robes que li ha venudes. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 61 v 1912. 1416, January 24 In Claresvalls Lo discret Bn. Gacet, escrivent de la vila de Tàrrega, procurador den Abram çacavaleria, per deute. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 61 v 1913. 1416, January 24 In Castellserà Lo discret Bn. Gacet, escrivent de la vila de Tàrrega, procurador den Abram çacavaleria, per deute. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 61 v 1914. 1416, January 24 In Guissona Lo discret Bn. Gacet, escrivent de la vila de Tàrrega, procurador den Abram çacavaleria, per deute. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 62 r 1915. 1416, January 24 In Torrefeta Lo discret Bn. Gacet, escrivent de la vila de Tàrrega, procurador den Abram çacavaleria, per deute. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 62 r 1916. 1416, January 24

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In Bellver Lo discret Bn. Gacet, escrivent de la vila de Tàrrega, procurador den Abram çacavaleria, per deute. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 62 r 1917. 1416, January 24 In Boldú Lo discret Bn. Gacet, escrivent de la vila de Tàrrega, procurador den Abram çacavaleria, per deute. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 62 v 1918. 1416, January 24 In Bellcaire Lo discret Bn. Gacet, escrivent de la vila de Tàrrega, procurador den Abram çacavaleria, per deute. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 62 v 1919. 1416, January 24 In Filella Lo discret Bn. Gacet, escrivent de la vila de Tàrrega, procurador den Abram çacavaleria, per deute. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 62 v 1920. 1416, January 24 In les Pallargues Lo discret Bn. Gacet, escrivent de la vila de Tàrrega, procurador den Abram çacavaleria, per deute. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 63 r 1921. 1416, January 29 In Algospí Mosse Algo claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 63 r

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1922. 1416, January 30 In Tarroja Mosse Sutlam and Biona Sutlam, Jews of Cervera, claim for reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 63 r 1923. 1416, February 7 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Juceff Davi dapiera, emancipated son of Davini Dapiera, inhabitant of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 85 r-v 1924. 1416, February 10 In Castellnou Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 63 v 1925. 1416, February 10 In Sanahuja Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 63 v 1926. 1416, February 11 In La Guardia Samuel Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt because of some amount of wheat. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 63 v 1927. 1416, February 27 In Vilanova de Meià Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims for some amount of money to Antonio and Miquel Baro, ab protestatio de son salari cotidia.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 64 r 1928. 1416, February [27] In Baldomá Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims for an amount of money to Antonio and Miquel Baro, ab protestatio de son salari cotidia que diu que es de 5 sous. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 64 r 1929. 1416, February [27] In Montmagastre Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims for an amount of money to Antonio and Miquel Baro, ab protestatio de son salari cotidia que diu que es de 5 sous. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 64 v 1930. 1416, February 27 Davi Samuel de Piera and Içach Baruch, Jews that had been inhabitants in Agramunt, and Astruch Galipapa, Jew who had been inhabitant in la Seu d’Urgell, asked for permission to live in Cervera, together with their families. Samuel de Piera and Içach Baruch were conceded their residence for a 7 years period In 1416 was signed a residence agreement with Samuel Baruch (the convert Manuel de Ribelles, olim Samuel Baruch) ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 18 r 1931. 1416, March In Rialp Jussà En Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of an existing debt in Bonet Salamies’ favor. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 64 v 1932. 1416, March 12 In Pallarols

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En Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 64 v 1933. 1416, March 12 In Vilves En Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 65 r 1934. 1416, March 12 In Siurana En Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 65 r 1935. 1416, March 14 In Rialb (Rialp Sobirà) En Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 65 r 1936. 1416, March 14 In Vilves En Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of a debt to P. Falguera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 65 v 1937. 1416, March 12 In Torreblanca En Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 65 v

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1938. 1416, March 16 In Agramunt Samuel Sollam, the young, as procurator for Adret Salamó Adret, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 65 v 1939. 1416, March 21 In Vilagrasa The procurator of Samuel Çaporta, Jew of Tàrrega, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 66 r 1940. 1416, March 21 In La Manresana En Marc Vilar, as procurator for Içach Samuel Baruch, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 66 r 1941. 1416, March [21] In Puigvert En Marc Vilar, as procurator for Abram Baruch, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of a debt, amb protestatio de salari. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 66 r 1942. 1416, March 31 In Granyena Gento Baruch, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt because of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 66 v 1943. 1416, [March 31] In Granyena Gento Baruch, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt because of shoes he sold to Guiamonet de Santa Maria and others.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 66 v 1944. 1416, April 1 In Tarroja Jafuda Maymó, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of costures. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 66 v 1945. 1416, April 16 Jusseff Gracià, Jew of la Seu d’Urgell, gets the right to live in Cervera during the next 20 years, and he bounds himself not to leave the town before the expiration of this period. ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 17 v 1946. 1416, April 29 In Ponts Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonadona, widow of Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, tutora i curadora to their children, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 67 r 1947. 1416, April 29 In Concabella Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonadona, widow of Astruch Adret, Jew of Cervera, tutora i curadora to their children, claims by reason of a debt to Berenguer of Queralt and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 67 r 1948. 1416, April 29 In Tiurana Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 67 r 1949. 1416, April [29] In Torreblanca

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Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 67 v 1950. 1416, April 30 In Bellver En Marc dez Vilar, as procurator for Içach Samuel Baruch, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 67 v 1951. 1416, April 30 In Sanahuja Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, as procurator for Bonet de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 67 v 1952. 1416, April 30 In Sanahuja Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of a debt to Francesc Rossell. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 67 v 1953. 1416, April 30 In Seró Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, as well as avent loch e cessio den Vidal de Tolosa, Jew of Agramunt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 67 v 1954. 1416, April 30 In Guissona Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, as well as avent loch e cessio den Vidal de Tolosa, Jew of Agramunt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 67 v 1955. 1416, [April 30]

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In Fluvià Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, as well as avent loch e cessio den Vidal de Tolosa, Jew of Agramunt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 68 v. 1956. 1416, [April 30] In Cornudella Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, as well as avent loch e cessio den Vidal de Tolosa, Jew of Agramunt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 68 v 1957. 1416, May 5 In Castellnou Mosse Sotlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 68 v 1958. 1416, May 5 In el Canòs Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt because of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 69 r 1959. 1416, May 5 In Castellnou Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt because of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 69 r 1960. 1416, May 5 In Puigvert Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt because of shoes he had sold to Guim Esteve. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 69 r

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1961. 1416, May 5 In Viver Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt for shoes he had sold to Pericó Sala and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 69 r 1962. 1416, May 5 In Tàrrega Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt for shoes he had sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 69 v 1963. 1416, May 5 In Granyena Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt because of shoes he had sold to Arnau Carnicer and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 69 v 1964. 1416, May 5 In Malgrat Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt because of shoes he had sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 69 v 1965. 1416, May 5 In la Cardosa Samuel de Piera, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt to Berenguer Vidal and Francesc Tarragona . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 70 r 1966. 1416, May 5 In el Canòs Samuel de Piera, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt because of clothes . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 70 r

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1967. 1416, May 11 Samuel de Lunell and his brother Salamies de Lunell, sons of Bonet Salamies de Lunell, asked for residence permit in Cervera, and were given seven years to live there together with their wives and families. They came to Cervera from Ponts. As Jewish witness acted Salamó Adret. ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 20 r 1968. 1416, May 12 In la Glorieta Samuel Sotlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 70 r 1969. 1416, May 13 In Guissona En Marc Vidal, of Cervera, procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of a debt . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 70 v 1970. 1416, May 14 In Avià Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Adret Estruch, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 70 v 1971. 1416, May 22 In Avià Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of a debt . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 70 v 1972. 1416, May 14 In Ponts Icaç Baruch, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 71 r 1973. 1416, May 15 In Filella En Marc Vidal, of Cervera, procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of a debt . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 71 r 1974. 1416, May 19 In Baldomà Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 71 v 1975. 1416, May 19 In Vallebrera Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of a debt . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 71 v 1976. 1416, May 19 In Torà Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt to P. den Bru, olim de Soler, inhabitant at the moment in Torà. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 71 v 1977. 1416, May 19 In Monsonís Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for his father, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 71 v 1978. 1416, May 19

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In Biosca Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for his father, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 72 r 1979. 1416, May 20 In Montoliu Mosse Sotlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt to Jaume Bages and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 71 r 1980. 1416, May 25 In Tàrrega Çara, juhiya de Cervera, de diners, axi com havent loch e cessio den P. Çalom de Tàrrega. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 72 r 1981. 1416, May 26 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Juceff Davi dapiera, emancipated son of Davini Dapiera, inhabitant of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 84 r-v 1982. 1416, May 27 In Ponts En Nicholau de Plandegrau, de Bellpuig, com procurador den Jafuda de Besses, jueu de Bellpuig, de certa quantitat de diners que li deu, axi com havent loch e cessio den Içach Baruch, jueu de Cervera. Cum protestatione salari. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 72 r 1983. 1416, May 29 In Baldomà En Marc dez Vilar, procurator for Bonjuha Vidal, Jew of Calatayud, claims by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 72 v 1984. 1416, May 29 In the Penelles del Hospital En Marc dez Vilar, procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 72 v 1985. 1416, May 29 In Bellmunt En Marc dez Vilar, procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 72 v 1986. 1416, May 29 In Linyola En Marc dez Vilar, procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 72 v 1987. 1416, [May 29] In Filella En Marc dez Vilar, procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 73 r 1988. 1416, [May 29] In Granyena Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims to Guim Miró by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 73 r 1989. 1416, [May 29]

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In la Cardosa Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 73 r 1990. 1416, [May 29] In el Canòs Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 73 v 1991. 1416, June 3 In Montoliu Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 73 v 1992. 1416, June 4 In Ponts Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 73 v 1993. 1416, June 4 In Ponts Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 73 v 1994. 1416, June 4 In Ponts Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 74 r 1995. 1416, June 4 In Ponts Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 74 r 1996. 1416, June 4 In Solsona Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 74 r 1997. 1416, June 4 In Solsona Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 74 r 1998. 1416, June 4 In Seró Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 74 v 1999. 1416, June 4 In Oliola Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 74 v 2000. 1416, June [4] In Oliola Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims den Huguet d’Oliolla, castla del lloc, by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 74 v 2001. 1416, June [4] In Sanahuja Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 75 r 2002. 1416, June [4] In Avià Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for David Cofen, Jew of Solsona, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 75 r 2003. 1416, June 4 In Cubells Adret Astruch, Jew of Ponts, as procurator for Bonadona, mare sua, tudora dels fills den Astruch Adret, quondam, jueu de Cervera, claims in Cubells ... cum protestatione salari quod est 3 solidi jaccensi. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 75 r 2004. 1416, June 4 In Sanahuja Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 75 v 2005. 1416, June 4 In Solsona Içach Bona Fos, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 75 v 2006. 1416, June 4 In Biosca Içach Bona Fos, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 75 v 2007. 1416, June 4

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In Ribelles Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 76 r 2008. 1416, June 4 In Granyena Mosse Abençanas, shoemaker, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold to Jaume and Joan Carnicer, Benet de Santa Maria, Antonio Farrer, Pericó Clergues, Manuel de Barbastro and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 76 r 2009. 1416, June 9 In Biosca Bonjua Badoç, Jew of Solsona, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 76 r 2010. 1416, June 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Juceff Davi dapiera, emancipated son of Davini Dapiera, inhabitant of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 83 v- 84 r 2011. 1416, June 10 In Corçà Adret Salamó Adret, as havent loch e cessio e procurador den Adret Astruch, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 76 v 2012. 1416, June 10 In Seró Adret Salamó Adret, as havent loch e cessio e procurador den Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 76 v

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2013. 1416, June 10 In Claresvalls Sentou Jacobi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 76 v 2014. 1416, June 12 In Montfalcó Samuel Sutlam, the young, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 77 r 2015. 1416, June 17 In Montclar En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Bonjuha Vidal, Jew of la Llacuna claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 77 r 2016. 1416, June 17 In Timor Salamó Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 77 r 2017. 1416, June 22 In Biosca Bonafos Cresques, Jew of Cervera, heir to Cresques Samuel, Jew of Agramunt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 77 v 2018. 1416, June 26 In Agramunt Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 77 v

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2019. 1416, June 26 In Linyola Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 77 v 2020. 1416, June 26 In Balaguer Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 78 r 2021. 1416, June 26 In Puigvert Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 78 r 2022. 1416, June 26 In Anglesola Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 78 r 2023. 1416, June 26 In Bellcaire Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 78 r 2024. 1416, June 26 In Baldomá

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Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 78 v 2025. 1416, June 26 In Cubells Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 78 v 2026. 1416, June 26 In Montsonís Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 78 v 2027. 1416, June 26 In Ponts Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts to P. Bosch, mercader de besties. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 78 v 2028. 1416, June 26 In Tudela Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 79 r 2029. 1416, June 26 In Torrefeta Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 79 r

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2030. 1416, June 26 In Biosca Mireta, Jewess, wife of Davi Samuel de Piera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 79 r 2031. 1416, June 26 In Filella Mireta, Jewess, wife of Davi Samuel de Piera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 79 r 2032. 1416, June [26] In Artesa Mireta, Jewess, wife of Davi Samuel de Piera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 79 v 2033. 1416, June [26] In Linyola Mireta, Jewess, wife of Davi Samuel de Piera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram çacavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 79 v 2034. 1416, July 2 In Alòs Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 79 v 2035. 1416, July 2 In Cubells Mestre Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 80 r 2036. 1416, July 2 In Puigvert Bonafos Cresques, Jew of Cervera, heir to Cresques Samuel, Jew of Agramunt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 80 r 2037. 1416, July [2] In Filella Bonafos Cresques, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 80 r 2038. 1416, July 6 In Oliana Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts to Ramon Baro, Salvador Vidal, Jaume Vidal and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 80 v 2039. 1416, July 6 In Pobla Nova Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 80 v 2040. 1416, July 6 In Castellnou de Segur Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 80 v 2041. 1416, July 6

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In Ciurana Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 80 v 2042. 1416, July 6 In Miralpeix Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 81 r 2043. 1416, July 6 In Nargó Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 81 r 2044. 1416, July 6 In Balaguer En Marc deç Vilar, as procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 81 r 2045. 1416, July 6 In Balaguer En Marc deç Vilar, as procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 81 v 2046. 1416, July 6 In Balaguer En Marc deç Vilar, as procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 81 v 2047. 1416, July 6 In Florejacs En Marc deç Vilar, as a procurator for Abram Baruc, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts to Bonjuha Vidal Jew of La Llacuna. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 81 v 2048. 1416, July 5 In Montgai Jucef Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram ça Cavallería and of his procurator, claims by reason of debts to Bertomeu Rossell and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 82 r 2049. 1416, July [5] In Montgai Jucef Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram ça Cavallería, Jew of Falset, and of his procurator, claims by reason of debts . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 82 r 2050. 1416, July [5] In Agramunt Jucef Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram ça Cavallería, Jew of Falset, and of his procurator, claims by reason of debts . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 82 r 2051. 1416, July [5] In Agramunt Jucef Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Abram ça Cavallería, Jew of Falset, and of his procurator, claims by reason of debts . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 82 r 2052. 1416, July 7

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In Agramunt Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, clame per diners que deuen a son principal com havent cessio de Davi de Piera, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 82 v 2053. 1416, July 7 In Agramunt Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, clame per diners que deuen a son principal com havent cessio de Davi de Piera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 82 v 2054. 1416, July 7 In Seró Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, clame per diners que deuen a son principal com havent cessio de Davi de Piera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 82 v 2055. 1416, July 7 In Montgai Mestre Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, com havent loch e cessio de Davi Samuel de Piera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 82 v 2056. 1416, July 7 In Montgai Mestre Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, com havent loch e cessio de Davi Samuel de Piera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 83 r 2057. 1416, July 7 In Riudovelles En Marc deç Vidal, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruch, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 83 r

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2058. 1416, July 7 In Vallfamosa En Marc deç Vidal, of Cervera, as procurator for Bonjuha Vidal, Jew of la Llacuna, claims by reason of a debt in favor of Bonjuha Vidal as havent loch e cessio to Içach Baruch, Jew. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 83 r 2059. 1416, July [7] In Oliola En Marc deç Vidal, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruch, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, as havent loch de cessio den Içach Baruch, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 83 v 2060. 1416, July [7] In Oliola En Marc deç Vidal, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruch, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, as havent loch e cessio den Içach Baruch, claims by reason of a debt, ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 83 v 2061. 1416, July 15 In Tudela Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio to Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 83 v 2062. 1416, July [15] In Tudela Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio to Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 83 v 2063. 1416, July [15]

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In Montclar Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio to Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims of Francesc Ferrer by reason of censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 84 r 2064. 1416, July [15] In Ponts Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio to Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 84 r 2065. 1416, July 16 In Bellver Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt, as well as havent loch e cessio to the deceased Abram Cavalería, Jew of Falset. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 84 r 2066. 1416, July 16 In Mafet Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of a debt, as well as havent loch e cessio to Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 84 v 2067. 1416, July [16] In Preixens Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of a debt, as well as havent loch e cessio to Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 84 v 2068. 1416, July 17 In Guissona Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio to Abram ça Cavallería, Jew of Falset as well as to his procurator, claims by reason of a debt.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 84 v 2069. 1416, July 17 In Guissona Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Solsona, claims by reason of a debt , as havent loch e cessio den Abram ça Cavallería, Jew of Falset. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 85 r 2070. 1416, July [17] In Guissona Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of a debt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 85 r 2071. 1416, July 20 In Artesa Mestre Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of censal, as havent loch e cessio de Davi Samuel de Piera, Jew of the same place. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 85 r 2072. 1416, July [20] In Montornès Mestre Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of censal, as havent loch e cessio de Davi Samuel de Piera, Jew of the same place. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 85 v 2073. 1416, July [20] In Ribelles Mestre Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of censal, as havent loch e cessio de Davi Samuel de Piera, Jew of the same place. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 85 v 2074. 1416, July 20

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In Guardia d’Urgell Saltell Içach Bonafos, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of a debt, as havent loch e cessio of Davi Samuel de Piera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 85 v 2075. 1416, July [20] In Pelagalls Saltell Içach Bonafos, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of a debt, as havent loch e cessio of Davi Samuel de Piera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 86 r 2076. 1416, July [20] In Pradell Saltell Içach Bonafos, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of a debt, as havent loch e cessio of Davi Samuel de Piera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 86 r 2077. 1416, July [20] In Artesa Saltell Içach Bonafos, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of a debt, as havent loch e cessio of Davi Samuel de Piera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 86 r 2078. 1416, July 20 In Montsonís Jucef Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch cessio e donacio of Davi Samuel de Piera, claims of P. Rossell and Berenguer Sastre by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 86 v 2079. 1416, July 20 In Oliola Jucef Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio of Abram ça Cavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 86 v 2080. 1416, July 21 In Ponts Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, as well as havent loch e cessio den Adret Struch, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 86 v 2081. 1416, July 21 In Ponts Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 87 r 2082. 1416, July 23 In Castellnou Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 87 r 2083. 1416, July [23] In Talavera Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 87 r 2084. 1416, July [23] In Rubio de Sant Antoni Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 87 v 2085. 1416, July 29 In Solsona Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 87 v 2086. 1416, July 31 In Ossó En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruç, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 87 v 2087. 1416, July [31] In Montgai En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruç, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 88 r 2088. 1416, July [31] In Artesa En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruç, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 88 r 2089. 1416, July [31] En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruç, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims of Mossen Ponç de Ribelles by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 88 r 2090. 1416, July [31] In Grasa En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruç, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 88 r 2091. 1416, July [31] In Bellver

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En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Bonjuha Vidal, Jew of La Llacuna, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 88 v 2092. 1416, August 4 In Florejacs Jucef Davi de Piera claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 88 v 2093. 1416, August 4 In Les Penelles del Hospital Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent cessio den Abram ça Cavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 88 v 2094. 1416, August 4 In Castellnou de Seana Jucef Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, as havent cessio den Abram ça Cavallería, Jew of Falset, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 89 r 2095. 1416, August 4 In Ponts En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruç, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 89 r 2096. 1416, August 6 In les Penelles del Hospital En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruç, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 89 r

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2097. 1416, August [6] In Bellmunt En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruç, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 89 v 2098. 1416, August 24 In Granyena Mosse Abençamas, shoemaker of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 89 v 2099. 1416, August 25 In Ponts Davi Cofen, Jew of Solsona, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 89 v 2100. 1416, August [25] In Ponts Davi Cofen, Jew of Solsona, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 90 r 2101. 1416, August 26 In Ciurana Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 90 r 2102. 1416, August 27 In Santa Fe Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 90 r 2103. 1416, August 27

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In Santa Fe Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 90 r 2104. 1416, August 31 In Ossó Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 90 v 2105. 1416, August [31] In Puigvert Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 90 v 2106. 1416, August [31] In Santa Fe Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold to Guiamó Domingo. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 90 v 2107. 1416, August [31] In les Oluges (Olujes Sobiranes) Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he had sold ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 91 r 2108. 1416, September 1 In Montfalcó Samuel Sotllam, Jew of Cervera, claims of Joan Millas by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 91 r 2109. 1416, September 7

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In Sant Guim de la Rabaça Gogo, Jewess, wife of Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, heiress to her father, Sentou Jafuda, claims by reason of debts ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 91 r 2110. 1416, September 9 In Ponts Davi Cofen, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Samuel Cresques Cofen, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts by reason of wheat sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 91 v 2111. 1416, September 7 In Agramunt Gogo, Jewess, wife of Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 91 v 2112. 1416, September 9 In Tarroja Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 92 r 2113. 1416, September [9] In Castellnou Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 92 r 2114. 1416, September [9] In Viver Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 92 r 2115. 1416, September [9]

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In el Canòs Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 92 v 2116. 1416, September [9] In Montoliu Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 92 v 2117. 1416, September 15 In el Canòs Mosse Abensamaç, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 91 v 2118. 1416, October 2 In Ponts Davi Cofen, Jew of Solsona, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 92 v 2119. 1416, October 5 In Olsina Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 93 v 2120. 1416, October [5] In Cabanabona Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 93 v 2121. 1416, October [5] In Vilanova de Meià

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Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio de Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 93 v 2122. 1416, October [5] Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 94 r 2123. 1416, October 5 In Vilanova de Meià Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 94 r 2124. 1416, October [5] Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent cessio to his father, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 94 r 2125. 1416, October [5] In Sanahuja Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent cessio to his father, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 94 r 2126. 1416, October [5] In Vilanova de Meià Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Bonet Salamies, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 94 v 2127. 1416, October [5]

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In Sanahuja Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio to his father, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 94 v 2128. 1416, October [5] In Pallarols Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 94 v 2129. 1416, October [5] In Vilves Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio to Bonet Salamies, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 95 r 2130. 1416, October [5] In Rialb (Rialp Sobirà) Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 95 r 2131. 1416, October 9 Astruc Terroç, Jew of Ponts, did ask for residence permit in Cervera, and was given seven years free of taxation for him and his family. Witnesses … Bernat dez Tarroç, Jew apothecarius ACSG. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 23 v 2132. 1416, October 15 In Concabella Icaç Barruç, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 95 r 2133. 1416, October 15

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In Concabella Icaç Barruç, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 95 v 2134. 1416, October 16 In Seró Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of certa quantitat de forment e de avena que li deuen. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 95 v 2135. 1416, October 16 In Vilves Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 95 v 2136. 1416, October [16] In Torreblanca Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 96 r 2137. 1416, October [16] In Oliola Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 96 r 2138. 1416, October [16] In Vilalta Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 96 r 2139. 1416, October 17

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In Solsona En Joan Spaser, of Cervera, as procurator for Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 96 v 2140. 1416, October 19 In Perarroya (Perarueya) En Joan Spaser, of Cervera, as procurator for Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 96 v 2141. 1416, October 19 In Lloberola En Joan Spaser, of Cervera, as procurator for Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 96 v 2142. 1416, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mireta, Jewess, wife of Davi Simuel dapiera, Jew inhabitant of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 86 r-v 2143. 1416, November 17 It is acknowledged having received the import of the loan agreed with Mireta, Jewess, wife of Davi Simuel dapiera, Jew, inhabitants of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 84 v 2144. 1416, October 23 In Pavía Mestre Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 97 r

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2145. 1416, October 26 In Agramunt Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 97 r 2146. 1416, October 29 In Ponts Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 97 v 2147. 1416, October [29] In Ponts Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 97 v 2148. 1416, October [29] In Vilanova de Baldomà <de la Aguda> Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 97 v 2149. 1416, October [29] In Vilanova Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of forment. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 98 r 2150. 1416, November 4 In Puigvert En Marc deç Vilar, of Cervera, procurator for Bonjuha Vidal, Jew of La Llacuna, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 98 r

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2151. 1416, November 17 In Guardiolada En Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 98 r 2152. 1416, November 23 In Bellveí Mosse Sollam and Biona Sollam, Jews of Cervera, claim by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 98 v 2153. 1416, November 23 In Bellveí Mosse Sollam and Biona Sollam, Jews of Cervera, claim by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 98 v 2154. 1416, November 26 In l’Aguda Baró Crexent, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of draps e de costures. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 98 v 2155. 1416, November [26] In Balaguer Adret Astruch, juheu de Ponts, actor i procurador de Bonadona, muller de Astruch Adret, juheu de Cervera quondam, tudora dels fills del dit Astruch, per censal, amb protestacio de salari. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 98 v 2156. 1416, December 1 In Monraba Adret Astruch, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 99 r

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2157. 1416, December 1 In Avià Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Adret Astruch, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 99 r 2158. 1416, December 1 In Ponts Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Adret Astruch, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 99 r 2159. 1416, December 4 In Sadaó Biona Sotlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 99 v 2160. 1416, December 4 In Bellveí Biona Sotlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 99 v 2161. 1416, December 10 In Fluvià Bonadona, muller de Astruch, jueu quondam de la dita vila, tudora e curadora del fill pubill dela e del dit marit seu claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 100 v 2162. 1416, December 10 In la Mora Bonadona, muller de Astruch, jueu quondam de la dita vila, tudora e curadora del fill pubill dela e del dit marit seu claims by reason of debts.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 100 v 2163. 1416, December 10 In Ponts Adret Astruch, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Bonet Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 100 v 2164. 1416, December 17 In Ponts En March dez Vilar, as procurator for Davi Coffen, Jew of Solsona, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 101 r

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YEAR 1417 2165. 1417, January 8 In la Guardiolada Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 101 v 2166. 1417, January 11 In Santa Coloma Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims of Samuel Cofen, Jew of Santa Coloma, by reason of a loan. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 101 v 2167. 1417, January [11] In Ponts Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 102 r 2168. 1417, January [11] In Ponts Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio de son pare, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 102 r 2169. 1417, January 18 In Montfalcó Samuel de Piera claims by reason of clothes he sold. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 102 r 2170. 1417, January 20 In Sanahuja

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Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, com havent loch e cessio den Francesch de Tovia, quondam, abans havent nom Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 102 v 2171. 1417, January 20 In Florejacs The procurator for Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 102 v 2172. 1417, January [20] In Biosca The procurator for Salamies de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 102 v 2173. 1417, January 25 In Bellveí Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold to Antonio Romeu and his wife. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 103 r

2174. 1417, January [25] In Santa Fe Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 103 r

2175. 1417, January [25] In Puigvert Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 103 r 2176. 1417, January [25] In Gramuntell

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Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 103 r

2177. 1417, January [25] In Tarroja Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 103 v

2178. 1417, January [25] In Rabinat Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 103 v

2179. 1417, January [25] In Concabella Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 103 v

2180. 1417, January 28 In Concabella En Samuel Sutlam, the old, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 103 v

2181. 1417, January 29 In Sant Sepulcre Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of shoes he sold to Ramon de Sant Sepulcre. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 104 r 2182. 1417, January 29 In Castellnou d’Oluja

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Mosse Algo, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 104 r

2183. 1417, February 19 In Agramunt Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 104 r 2184. 1417, March 10 Fhahim Natronay, Jew originating from the city of Tortosa, got from the Cervera authorities a residence permit for him and his family for a six years period free of taxation, after which years he should start paying taxes. Witnesses, Arnau Joan Gilabert, Christian, and Samuel de Piera. ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 26 r 2185. 1417, March 10 In Rialp Jussà En Salamies de Lunell, jueu de Cervera, com havent loch e cessio de Francesch de Tovia, pare seu, qui ladonchs havie nom Bonet Salamies de Lunell, de Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 105 v

2186. 1417, March 10 In Baldomá En Salamies de Lunell, jueu de Cervera, com havent loch e cessio de Francesch de Tovia, pare seu, qui ladonchs havie nom Bonet Salamies de Lunell, de Ponts, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 105 v

2187. 1417, March 10 In Torres En Salamies de Lunell, jueu de Cervera, com havent loch e cessio de Francesch de Tovia, pare seu, qui ladonchs havie nom Bonet Salamies de Lunell, de Ponts, claims by reason of debts.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 105 v

2188. 1417, March 30 In Ponts en Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 104 v

2189. 1417, March [30] In Ponts en Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 104 v

2190. 1417, March [30] In Torreblanca en Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 104 v 2191. 1417, March [30] In Ribelles en Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 104 v 2192. 1417, April 27 In Tarroja Salamó Samarell, Jew of Cervera, heir to Isach Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 105 r 2193. 1417, April 27 In Tarroja Salamó Samarell, Jew of Cervera, heir to Isach Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 105 r

2194. 1417, May 7 In Artesa Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio den Vidal de Tolosa, Jew of Agramunt, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 105 r 2195. 1417, May 7 In Oliola Adret Astruch, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 105 r

2196. 1417, May 7 In Biosca Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 106 r

2197. 1417, May [7] In Alòs Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 106 r

2198. 1417, May [7] In Bordell Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts to Benet Cap, of the Mas de Santesmasses. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 106 r 2199. 1417, May [7] In Montclar Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of forment i civada que li deuen.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 106 r 2200. 1417, May [7] In Sanahuja Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Gogo muller den Francesch de Tovia, qui abans stat juheu, havent nom Bonet Salamies de Lunell, axi com havent cessio del dit marit seu, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 106 v 2201. 1417, May [7] In Lusas Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Gogo muller den Francesch de Tovia, qui abans stat juheu, havent nom Bonet Salamies de Lunell, axi com havent cessio del dit marit seu, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 106 v

2202. 1417, May [7] In Lusas Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Gogo muller den Francesch de Tovia, qui abans stat juheu, havent nom Bonet Salamies de Lunell, axi com havent cessio del dit marit seu, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 106 v

2203. 1417, May [7] In Alentorn Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Na Gogo muller den Francesch de Tovia, qui abans stat juheu, havent nom Bonet Salamies de Lunell, axi com havent cessio del dit marit seu, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 106 v 2204. 1417, May [7] In Taravan Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Na Gogo muller den Francesch de Tovia, qui abans stat juheu, havent nom Bonet Salamies de Lunell, axi com havent cessio del dit marit seu, claims by reason of debts.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 106 v 2205. 1417, May [7] In Rialp Jussà Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Na Gogo muller den Francesch de Tovia, qui abans stat juheu, havent nom Bonet Salamies de Lunell, axi com havent cessio del dit marit seu, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 r 2206. 1417, May [7] In Guissona Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Cresques de Lunell, jueu de Ponts, frare seu, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 r

2207. 1417, May [7] In Madrona Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for [Cresques de Lunell, jueu de Ponts, frare seu], claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 r 2208. 1417, May [7] In Sanahuja Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 r

2209. 1417, May [7] In Luças Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 r

2210. 1417, May [7]

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In Luças Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 r

2211. 1417, May [7] In Alentorn Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 v

2212. 1417, May [7] In Alentorn Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 v

2213. 1417, May [7] Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 v 2214. 1417, May [7] In Bellfort Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 v 2215. 1417, May [7] In Pallerols Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 v 2216. 1417, May [7] In Rialp Sobirà Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 107 v 2217. 1417, May [7] In Rialp Jussà Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 108 r 2218. 1417, May [7] In Benavent Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 108 r

2219. 1417, May [7] In Vilanova de Meià Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 108 r

2220. 1417, May [7] In Montoliu Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 108 r

2221. 1417, May [7] In Baldomà Samuel de Lunell, Jew of Cervera, in his own name, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 108 r

2222. 1417, May [7] In Oliola Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio de Gogo, wife of Francesc Tovia, who when was Jew was called Bonet Salamies de Lunell, claims by reason of debts.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 108 v

2223. 1417, May 26 In Gàver Biona Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, claims by reason of debts. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 108 v

2224. 1417, June 7 In les Ventoses claims Mireta, muller de Davi Samuel de Piera, Jueu de Cervera, havent loch e cessio de Abram çacavalleria, jueu de Falset, o de son procurador. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 108 v 2225. 1417, June 8 In Rabinat claims Lo discret en Joan Borrell, notari de Cervera, procurador de Astrugona, muller de Sentou. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 109 r 2226. 1417, June [8] In la Guardiolada claims [Lo discret en Joan Borrell, notari de Cervera, procurador de Astrugona, muller de Sentou Jafuda], den Ramon Ferrer i den Ramon Saig i de P. Fuyllosa . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 109 r

2227. 1417, June [8] In Argensola claims [Lo discret en Joan Borrell, notari de Cervera, procurador de Astrugona, muller de Sentou Jafuda] den Berenguer Fuster . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 109 r 2228. 1417, June [8] In Sisteró claims

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[Lo discret en Joan Borrell, notari de Cervera, procurador de Astrugona, muller de Sentou Jafuda], den Berenguer Gilabert, Antonio de Miralles i Berenguer Ripoll . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 109 r 2229. 1417, June [8] In Rabinat claims [Lo discret en Joan Borrell, notari de Cervera, procurador de Astrugona, muller de Sentou Jafuda] . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 109 v 2230. 1417, June [8] In Montfalcó claims [Lo discret en Joan Borrell, notari de Cervera, procurador de Astrugona, muller de Sentou Jafuda] . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 109 v

2231. 1417, June 15 In Peramola claims Samuel de Lunell. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 110 r

2232. 1417, June 18 In Sisteró claims [Lo discret en Joan Borrell, notari de Cervera, procurador de Astrugona, muller de Sentou Jafuda] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 109 v

2233. 1417, June 19 In Pelagalls claims [Lo discret en Joan Borrell, notari de Cervera, procurador de Astrugona, muller de Sentou Jafuda] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 109 v

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2234. 1417, June 21 In Fonolleres claims Astrugona, Jewess, widow of Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 110 r 2235. 1417, June [21] In Montmaneu claims Astrugona, Jewess, widow of Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 110 r

2236. 1417, June [21] In Lor claims Astrugona, Jewess, widow of Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 110 r

2237. 1417, June [21] In la Cardosa claims Astrugona, Jewess, widow of Sentou Jafuda, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 110 v 2238. 1417, June 30 In Agramunt claims En March deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, by reason of censal. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 110 v 2239. 1417, June 30 In Florejacs claims En Luis de Sent Gil, as procurator for Abram Baruch, Jew of Santa Coloma, by reason of some amount of money owed by Dolça ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 110 v

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2240. 1417, July 3 In Pradell claims En March deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, and to Bonjuha Vidal, Jew of La Llacuna, by reason of a censal . ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 111 r 2241. 1417, July [3] In Cubells claims En March deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruch, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, amb protestacio de salari. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 111 r 2242. 1417, July [3] In Agramunt claims En March deç Vilar, of Cervera, as procurator for Abram Baruch, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 111 r

2243. 1417, July 26 In Granyena claims Mosse Sotlam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 111 r 2244. 1417, August 16 In Linyola claims Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio of Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, and Abram Çacavallería, Jew of Falset. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 111 v 2245. 1417, August [16] In Linyola claims

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Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio of Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, and Abram Çacavallería, Jew of Falset. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 111 v

2246. 1417, August [16] In Linyola claims Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio of Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, and Abram Çacavallería, Jew of Falset. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 111 v

2247. 1417, August [16] In Linyola claims Saltell Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio of Davi de Piera, Jew of Cervera, and Abram Çacavallería, Jew of Falset. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 111 v 2248. 1417, August 16 In Linyola claims Mestre Içach Bonafos, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 112 r 2249. 1417, August 16 In Seró claims Adret Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 112 r 2250. 1417, August 16 In Ponts claims En Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Adret Salamó Adret, as havent loch e cessio den Adret Astruch, Jew of the said place. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 112 r 2251. 1417, August [16]

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In Ponts claims En Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Adret Salamó Adret, as havent loch e cessio den Adret Astruch, Jew of the said place. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 112 r 2252. 1417, August 16 In Ponts claims En Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera, as havent loch e cessio de Goga, Jewess of Ponts, wife of Francesc de Tovía. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 112 v 2253. 1417, August 18 In Ponts claims Samuel de Lunell, Jew, as procurator for Cresques de Lunel, Jew of Ponts, as havent donacio den Francesch de Thovia, frare seu. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 112 v 2254. 1417, September 3 In Ponts claims Salamies de Lunell, Jew vehi de Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 112 v 2255. 1417, September 3 In Sanahuja claims Salamies de Lunell, as havent loch e donacio den Ffrancesch de Tovia, de la dita vila. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 113 r 2256. 1417, September 3 In Sanahuja claims Salamies de Lunell, [as havent loch e donacio den Ffrancesch de Tovia, de la dita vila] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 113 r

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2257. 1417, September 3 In Olsina claims Salamies de Lunell, [as havent loch e donacio den Ffrancesch de Tovia, de la dita vila] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 113 r 2258. 1417, September 3 In Vilalta claims Salamies de Lunell, [as havent loch e donacio den Ffrancesch de Tovia, de la dita vila] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 113 v 2259. 1417, September 7 In Biosca claims En P. Vilar, of Guissona, procurator for Estruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, by reason of drap, amb protestatio de salari. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 113 v 2260. 1417, September[7] In Fluvià claims En P. Vilar, of Guissona, procurator for Estruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, [by reason of drap, amb protestatio de salari] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 113 v 2261. 1417, September[7] En P. Vilar, of Guissona, procurator for Estruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, claims [by reason of drap, amb protestatio de salari] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 113 v 2262. 1417, September[7] In Ponts claims En P. Vilar, of Guissona, procurator for Estruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, [by reason of drap, amb protestatio de salari] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 114 r

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2263. 1417, September[7] In Bellvehi claims En P. Vilar, of Guissona, procurator for Estruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, [by reason of drap, amb protestatio de salari] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 114 r 2264. 1417, September[7] In les Pallargues claims En P. Vilar, of Guissona, procurator for Estruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, [by reason of drap, amb protestatio de salari] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 114 r 2265. 1417, September[7] In Guissona claims Abram Samarell, procurator for Astruc Malet [by reason of drap, amb protestatio de salari] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 114 r 2266. 1417, September[7] In Sisteró claims En P. Vilar, of Guissona, procurator for Estruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, [by reason of drap, amb protestatio de salari] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 114 v 2267. 1417, September[7] In Sanahuja claims En P. Vilar, of Guissona, procurator for Estruch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, [by reason of drap, amb protestatio de salari] that sold to Andreu Çatorra and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 114 v 2268. 1417, September 19 In Sanoga claims

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Samuel de Lunell, procurator for Gogo, wife of Francesc de Tovía, of Ponts, as havent cessio e donacio del dit Ffrancesch, marit seu. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 114 v 2269. 1417, September 15 In Ivorra claims En Mateu Cornellana, notary of Cervera, as procurator for Struch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, by reason of drap. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 115 r 2270. 1417, September [15] In Ponts claims [En Mateu Cornellana, notary of Cervera, as procurator for Struch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, by reason of drap] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 115 r 2271. 1417, September [15] In Agramunt claims [En Mateu Cornellana, notary of Cervera, as procurator for Struch Malet, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, by reason of drap] sold to Joan Oliver, Vidal Benveníst, Struch Amveçahit and Argentera, of the said place. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 115 r 2272. 1417, September 30 In Tarroja claims Samuel de Piera, Jew of Cervera, by reason of clothes he sold there. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 115 r 2273. 1417, September 28 In Viver claims En Benet Pellicer, mercader of Cervera, procurator for Mosse Albo, Jew of Guimerà, by reason of shoes. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 115 v

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2274. 1417, September [28] In Sadaó claims En Benet Pellicer, mercader of Cervera, procurator for Mosse Albo, Jew of Guimerà, by reason of shoes. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 115 v 2275. 1417, September [28] In Malgrat claims En Benet Pellicer, mercader of Cervera, procurator for Mosse Albo, Jew of Guimerà, by reason of shoes. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 115 v 2276. 1417, September 30 In Tarroja claims Samuel de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, by reason of clothes. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 116 r 2277. 1417, October 13 In Tàrrega claims Samuel de Lunell, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, axi com havent ne donacio de son pare. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 116 r 2278. 1417, October 15 In Santa Coloma de Queralt claims En Guillem Puyalguer, of Sant Pere dels Arquells, by reason of wheat that sold to Mose Cahim Frangi, the young. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 116 r 2279. 1417, October 19 In Agramunt claims En March dez Vilar, procurator for Abram Baruç, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 116 v

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2280. 1417, October 21 Document concerning Astruch Malet, Jew who had been inhabitant in Guissona, actually living in Cervera. Jewish witnesses, Benveníst de la Cavallería and Abraam Adret, inhabitants In Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 20, Pau Teixidó, Liber debitorum tam cristianorum quam judeorum, 1405, January 13- 1411, December 24. f. 42 r- 43 r 2281. 1417, October 25 In Castellnou d’Oluja claims Adret Salamó Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 116 v 2282. 1417, October 27 In [Castellnou d’Oluja] claims Samuel Sutlam, the old, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 116 v 2283. 1417, November 8 In Santa Fe claims Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 117 r 2284. 1417, November 8 In les Pallargues claims En Marc dez Vilar , of Cervera, as procurator for Bonjuha Vidal, of la Llacuna, heir to Vidal Bonjuha, of the said place. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 117 r

2285. 1417, November 8 In Tarroja claims En Benet Pellicer, merchant of Cervera, as procurator for Mosse Albo, Jew of Cervera, by reason of shoes that sold to Miquel Balaguer.

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ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 117 v 2286. 1417, November 24 In la Cardosa claims Vidal Davi, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 117 v 2287. 1417, December 1 In Ponts claims Samuel de Lunel, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 117 v 2288. 1417, December [1] In Ponts claims Samuel de Lunel, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 117 v 2289. 1417, December [1] In Sanahuja claims Samuel de Lunel, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 117 v 2290. 1417, December [1] In Oliola claims Samuel de Lunel, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 118 r 2291. 1417, December [1] In Rialp Sobirà claims Samuel de Lunel, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 118 r

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2292. 1417, December [1] In Vilanova de l’Aguda claims Samuel de Lunel, Jew of Cervera, by reason of forment that had sold to Jaume Costa and others. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 118 r 2293. 1417, December 3 In Calaf claims Lo discret Mateu de Cornellana, of Cervera, procurator for Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera, by reason of drap que li ha comprat del seu obrador, cum protestacione salari. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 118 v 2294. 1417, December 3 Document concerning the sale of a house, in which Samuel de Lunel, his wife Comprada and Adret Struch, intervene Witnesses, Bernat Cabirol, presbiter, Joan Gilabert, merchant, and Juceff Gracià, Jew inhabitant in Cervera; and also Davi Cofen, Jew of Solsona. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 65 v- 67 v 2295. 1417, December 3 Samuel de Lunel and his wife Comprada, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, confess they have been paid by Ramon Gilabert, son of the late Ramon Gilabert, the outstanding import of a debt. Jewish witnesses were, on the side of Samuel de Lunel, Adret Struch, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, and on the side of Comprada, Juceff Gracià, Jew inhabitant in the same place. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 67 v 2296. 1417, December 3 Ramon Gilabert, son and general legatee to the late Ramon Gilabert, of Cervera, as stated in his father’s last will, July 28, 1402, before the public notary Joan Gener, sells to Samuel de Lunell, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, the house he owns in Cervera, in the Call Sobirà, in the Plaça del’Om.

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The house’s boundaries were the street of the Call; the house of Joan de Queralt, convert of Barcelona, who had been inhabitant in Cervera; the house of Dalmau Dala, convert of Girona, and a piece of land situated at the back side of the house, belonging to Tomasa, the daughter and general legatee of Pere de Montreal, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 68 r-69 v 2297. 1417, December 3 Ramon Gilabert acknowledges Samuel de Lunel has paid him the import of the house he has bought him, situated in the Jewish quarter of Cervera, in the Call Sobirà. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 69 v- 70 r 2298. 1417, December [3] In Agramunt claims [Lo discret Mateu de Cornellana, of Cervera, procurator for Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera, by reason of drap que li ha comprat del seu obrador, cum protestacione salari] ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 118 v 2299. 1417, December 10 In Castellblanc claims Astruch Malet, by reason of drap. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 118 v 2300. 1417, December [10] In Tarroja claims Astruch Malet, by reason of drap. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 118 v 2301. 1417, December 10 In Bellvehi claims Sentou Jacobi, by reason of robes que han comprades del seu obrador. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 119 r

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YEAR 1418

2302. 1418, Apr 26 […]nos nAnthoni Exalada donzell, veguer de Cervera, per lo molt alt senyor Rey als amats los batlle e prohomens de Castellnou saluts e amor, fen vos saber que havem vist clamant Samuell de Piera, juheu de Cervera den P Pedro e den Anthoni Giner de certa quantitat de diners que li deuen per raho de roba que compra del seu hobrador, segons afferme per que de part del dit senyor Rey vos dehim e manam e de la nostra us amonestam que dins spay de deu dies apres recepcio de les presents, ayats fet pagar al dit clamant lo dit deute o mostrar devant nos que pagat sie… Datus Cervarie 26 die aprilis anno a nativitatis domini 1418 ACSGG. Colecció Dalmases.

2303. 1418, September 21 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Saltell Gracià, Jew of Falset, which amount was delivered on his behalf by Davi Simuel Dapiera, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 78 r-v

2304. 1418, October 12 The vicar of Cervera … a instancia de Saltell Içach Bonafos, jueu habitant a Cervera, in locum et cessionem a Davi de Piera, nomine propio et ut procurationem den Abram ça Cavalleria, jueu quondam de Ffalzet. ACSG. Col.lecció Manuscrits. Llibre f. 111 v

2305. 1418, November 18 Manuel Vidal, convert, merchant of Barcelona, appoints Lluis Noguers, peyllerium, of Lleida, as his procurator. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 74 r- 75 r 2306. 1418, November 18

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Mestre Içach Bonafos, physician Jew of Cervera, and Goyo, widow of Salamó Gracià, Jew of Falset, appoint as their procurator for Manuel Vidal, convert of Barcelona, especially to sell the house they own situated In Solsona. Jewish witness, Mosse Gracià, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 75 v- 76 v 2307. 1418, November 18 Manuel de Ribelles, convert inhabitant of Cervera, and Abraham Baruch, Jew draperius of Santa Coloma de Queralt, acknowledge their debt by reason of clothes they bought. Jewish witness, Mosse de Lerat. ACSG. FN. I. 24 Pere Noguers. Secundum manuale nubcialium instrumentorum etc. 1427-1428 f. 77 r- 78 r

2308. 1418, February 28 Pere Bonanat, convert of Perpignan, is mentioned in this documents. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 24, Pere Nogues. Manual 1417-1419, f. 43 2309. 1418, February 28 In this document, Francesc Queralt, convert of Agramunt, and his late sister Gemila, Jewess, married with the late Abram Baruc, are mentioned. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 24, Pere Nogues. Manual 1417-1419, f. 36 2310. 1418, April 26 […]nos nAnthoni E..lada donzell, veguer de Cervera, per lo molt alt senyor Rey als amats los batlle e prohomens de Castellnou saluts e amor, fen vos saber que havem vist clamant Samuel de Piera, juheu de Cervera den P Pedro e den Anthoni Giner e certa quantitat de diners que li deuen per raho de roba que compra del seu obrador, segons afferme … que de part del dit senyor Rey vos …, e manam e de la nostra que amonestam que dins spay de deu ores apres recepcio de les presents, ayats fet pagan al dit clamant lo dit deute o mostris devant nos que pagat sie. En altra manera farem …, altres letres que no us en fariem Datum Cervarie xxvi die aprilis anno a nativitatis domini MCCCCXVIII ACSG. Col.lecció Dalmases

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2311. 1418, September 12 Document concerning Antoni Girgós, convert inhabitant in Castelló d’Empuries. His name, when he was a Jew, was Içach Adret. He was the son in law of Ali Salamó, Jew of Girona who moved to Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 24, Pere Nogues. Manual 1417-1419, f. 108 v

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YEAR 1419

2312. 1419, February 13 Samuel Coffen, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, though living in Cervera, got an eight years residence permit free of taxation. Witnesses, Arnau Agulló and Samuel Cardona, of Cervera. ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 30 v

2313. 1419, September 20 Jucef Sutlam, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, originating from the Seu d’Urgell, got a residence permit for him and his family in Cervera, 20 years taxation free. Witnesses, Simon Morell, Mosse Sutlam and Mosse Gracià, inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 35 v

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YEAR 1420

2314. 1420, March 19 Samuel de Lunell, as procurator for his mother, Gogo, Jewess originating from Ponts, who had been the wife of the convert Francesc Tovía (who when Jew was called Benet Salamies de Lunell), asked and got for her a residence permit in Cervera. One of the witnesses was Perfect Cofen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 44 v

2315. 1420, March 19 Goig, Jewess of Ponts, did ask for a residence permit in Cervera, which she got. ACSG. FM. Llibre de Veïnatge, 1415-1425, f. 44 v 2316. 1420, April 11 Son concorts Mestre Bonafos e en Leo de partir en dos parts lalberch, per la forma seguent Primerament pren lo dit en Leo a sa part la sala e les tres cambres que son una sobre altra, e totes les graus que son del repla que es davant lo portal dela cuyna … item les dos parts del çeler que es daval les cases den Maçia Steve E Mestre Bonafos pren a sa part la cuyna e lo perxe e la cambra que es com hom entre en la intrada ama squerra e lo çeller que es daval la dita cambra, lo terç del altre çeller que es daval la casa den Steve, lo qual terç sie partit per aquesta forma, ço es a saber … Item die 11 aprilis anno a nativitatis domini 1420, dicti Magistri Bonafos Abram, fisicus, et Leo Jafuda, Judei, firmarunt predictam partitionem prout superis … Jewish witnesses, Içach Bonafos et Astruch Benveníst dela Cavallería. ACSG. Manuscrits Jueus 2.21 (AM – 2)

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YEAR 1421

2317. 1421, November 8 The paers of Cervera signed a residence agreement with the venerable Manuel de Ribelles, who when was a Jew was called Samuel Baruch.

ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 18 r

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YEAR 1422

2318. 1422, January 2 Joan Berenguer, sartor, convert inhabitant in Cervera, got a 10 year residence permit taxation free. Witness, Matias de Santa Maria, merchant of Cervera. ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1415-1425, f. 65 v- 66 r

2319. 1422, November 16 Abraam Bonsenyor, Jew of Cervera, confesses a debt to Pere Esteve, merchant of the same place. Witnesses, Antonio Vidal, baker, and Astruch Malet, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 31 Llorens Perull. Manual 1422, Nov – 1423, Jul.

2320. 1422, December 3 Pere Rossell transfers a debit to Bonastruch Mahir, of the locality of Bellpuig. ACSG. FN I.31 Llorens Perull. Manual 1422, Nov – 1423, Jul.

2321. 1422, December 3 Bonastruch Mahir empowers Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera, as his procurator. Witnesses, Joan Robio, Christian, and Içach de Ripoll, Jew of Bellpuig. ACSG. FN I. 31 Llorens Perull. Manual 1422, Nov – 1423, Jul.

2322. 1422, December 3 Içach de Narbona, Jew of Tàrrega, confesses he has been paid a debt. Witnesses, Joan Mir and Içach Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 31 Llorens Perull. Manual 1422, Nov – 1423, Jul.

2323. 1422, December 28 It is acknowledged a debt to Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN I. 31 Llorens Perull. Manual 1422, Nov – 1423, Jul. f. 20 r

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YEAR 1423

2324. 1423, January 15 Abraam Bonsenyor, Jew of Cervera, confesses his debt to Pere Esteve, merchant of Cervera, by reason of saffron he bought him. Jewish witness, Astruch Malet, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 31 Llorens Perull. Manual 1422, Nov – 1423, Jul. f. 37 r 2325. 1423, February 4 Gabriel d’Oluja transfers a credit to Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 31 Llorens Perull. Manual 1422, Nov – 1423, Jul. f. 32 r

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YEAR 1424

2326. 1424, May 1 It is acknowledged a debt to Samuel Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, junior. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 51 r-v 2327. 1424, May 22 Jucef Gracià, Jew, principal, and Samuel Sutlam, Jew, junior, inhabitants in Cervera, confess their debt to Jaume Nadal, merchant of Cervera, by reason of wheat they bought him. Jewish witness, Astruch Malet, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 62 r 2328. 1424, May 28 Citation document to Biona Sutlam Jewish witness, Mosse Çutlam. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 66 v- 67 r 2329. 1424, Jun 9 Guillem Adrover, of la Mora, confesses his debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Pere Gallego and Jaume Nadal, merchant of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 82 v 2330. 1424, Jun 5 Samuel Sutlam, Jew of Cervera, junior, signed receipt to his debtor concerning a document agreed on May 1 Jewish witness, Mosse Çutlam, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 51 v 2331. 1424, Jul 7

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Bonafos de Besalú, Jew peyllerius inhabitant in Cervera, confesses his debt to Jaume Nadal, merchant of Cervera, by reason of pannum de lana blanch darago he bought him Jewish witness, Abram Adret. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) 2332. 1424, July 6 Sentou Jacobi, Jew, peyllerius, inhabitant In Tàrrega, confesses his debt to Jaume Nadal, merchant of Cervera, by reason of duorum pannorum alborum de lana darago he bought him. Witnesses, Pere Gallego, tailor of Cervera, Christian, and Samuel Cofen, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) 2333. 1424, July 28 Samuel Sutlam and Juceff Gracià, Jews of Cervera, confess their debt to Jaume Nadal, by reason of panni lane blanch they bought him. Jewish witness, Abram Samarell. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 108 r 2334. 1424, August 18 Astruch Bonsenyor, Jew of Cervera, was asked to pay a debt. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 128 r 2335. 1424, September 6 Nouerint universi quod nos Justona, Judea uxor Içach Xatavi, Judei civitatis Terrachone, et Ludovicus Valmol, neofitus sive conversus qui dum legi judaice presideban vocabat Jusua Xatavi, filius dictorum coniugum, eiusdem civitatis Terrachone. Gratis et ex certa sciencia confitemur et recognoscemus vobis Dulcie, judee uxori Mosse Cabrit, judei quondam ville Sancte Columbe de Queralto, et Mahir Samuel, judei olim Sedis Urgellensis, nunc vero habitatori ville Acrimontis, licet absentibus, et vestris … Agreements concerning obligations by reason of a mutuo, deposit or comanda. Document signed by Justona and Lluis Vallmoll Francesc de la Brecerola, merchant, Içach Orabona and Abram Samarell, Jews of Cervera, signed as witnesses ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 145 v- 146 v

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2336. 1424, September 27 Francesc Falcó is acting as procurator for Adret Salamó, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 166 r 2337. 1424, October 13 Jucef Gracià, principal, and Astruch Malet, Jews of Cervera, confess their debt to Jaume Nadal, merchant of Cervera, by reason of panni lane blanch de Arago they had bought him. Jewish witness, Samuel de Lunell, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 171 v-172 r 2338. 1424, November 23 Jaume Nadal was paid Bonafos de Besalú July’s debt , for which payment he signed a receipt. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) 2339. 1424, December 22 Jaume Nadal was paid Sentou Jacobi July’s debt. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec)

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YEAR 1425

2340. 1425, November 28 Jaume Nadal, merchant of Cervera, was paid Samuel Sutlam and Juceff Gracià’s July 1424 debt. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 108 r

2341. 1425, November 28 Jaume Nadal, merchant of Cervera, was paid Juceff Gracià and Astruch Malet’s 1424, October 13 debt, and signed a receipt to Juceff Gracià. ACSG. FN I. 22 Pere de Solanelles. Manual 1424 (Feb-Dec) f. 172 r

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YEAR 1431

2342. 1431, February 21 The Jew Abram Fahim Avent Canes did ask for residence permit in Cervera. He was given 20 years of residence in Cervera taxation free, for him, his wife and family. Jewish witness, Issach Sutlam, of Cervera. ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1426-1441, f. 34 v

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YEAR 1432

2343. 1432, January 7 Guillelmus Tort, textor ville Cervarie, procurator ut dixit Mosse Zutllam, judeus ville Cervarie predicte, constitutus personaliter in loco de Terroya, citavit Raimundum Loberola, dicti loci … ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1432-1437. f. 2 r 2344. 1432, January 31 Petrus …sutor ville Cervarie, procurator Jacob de Querci, judei dicte ville, constitutus personaliter in loco de Castellnou … ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1432-1437. f. 2 r-v 2345. 1432, February 27 Salamó Samarell’s last will. In Dei omnipotentis nomine, ego, Salamo Samarell, judeus ville Cervarie … Eligo manumissorum meum et huius mei testamenti, quod est ultima voluntas mee, exequtorem Juceff Samarell, judeum dicte ville Cervarie, fratrem meum, plenam dono et confero potestatem accipiendi, vendendi, dividendi et distribuendi de bonis meis pro anima mea, ut in hoc meo presenti testamento … Item volo et mando quod omnia debita mea et iniuria mea … Eligo namque sepulturam corpori mee in sementerio judeorum dicte ville Cervarie. Deinde accipio de bonis meis pro anima mea ac salute et remedio eiusdem undecim libre monete barchinonense de terno, quas volo et mando quod distribuant pro anima mea in piis causis ad cognicionem dictis manumissoris mei. Item dimitto Jamilla, uxori meam omnes suas vestes et liguadures illas que possunt servire dictam Jamilla et etiam volo et mando quod si dicta Jamilla voluerit manere in dictam domo mea, quod ipsam possit stare in dicta domo mea duobus vel trebus annis et non plus, et quod alimentetur vel provideat <de bonis meis> in comedendo vel et bibendo. Et nichilominus dimitto dicte uxori mee totam suam dotem prout in instrumentis nuptialibus lacius continetur.

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In omnibus autem bonis meis mobilibus et imobilibus, iuribus et pertinenciis meis ubique sint, dimitto Davi Samarell, judeo filioque Juceff Samarell, nepotum meo, sive nebot, et ipsum Davi Samarell, nepotem meum sive nebot, heredem <meum> michi universalem instituo. Et si dictum Davi, nepos meus, sive nebot, heres non exit, vel exit et decessit quandocumque sine filliis legittimus et de legittimo matrimonio procreatis, illo casu sibi substituo postumum sive pregnatum quod domina Gox uxor dicti Juceff Samarell, frater meus, in suo utero exit si masculus fuerit, et ad lucem pervenerit illum michi <heredes> instituo <et dicto heredi substituo>. Et si dictus postumus masculis non fuerit illo tunch sibi substituo dictus Juceff Samarell, fratrem meum, michi heredem instituo volens tamen et declarans quod dictus Juceff Samarell, in casu quod dicta hereditas sibi perveniat quod … non possit bona mea vendere nec transpostare donech dicta Gox fuerit in casu quod non possit habere filios. Hoc est enim ultima voluntas mea et ultimum testamentum meum quam et quod valere volo iure testamentum et si non valet ve valebit iure testamenti … volo … valere iure codicillorum vel … alteris cuius libet ultime voluntate seu disposicionis aut alter eis melioribus modo et forma quibus de iure melius valere et tenere poterit aut debebit. Quod est actum Cervarie die 27 mensis febroari anno a nativitais domini mille quadringentesimo tricesimo secundo Signum: Salamoni Samarell, qui hoc meum ultimum testamentum quod est ultima voluntas meam laudo, concedo et firmo Testes huius testamenti vocati et per dictum testatorem … rogati sunt Abram Canes, Içach Cap, Saltell Bona Fos, Bonjuha de Buldu, Astruch de Buldu, Salamo Gracia et Davi de Copliure, judei ville Cervarie habitatoris. ACSG. Colección Dalmases nº 3038 2346. 1432, July 11 This is an unfinished document that starts declaring that Içach Coffen, Jew of Ponts, did ask for residence permit in Cervera. Jewish witness, Abraham Fahim Avent Canes, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FM. Llibre de veïnatge 1426-1441, f. 46 r 2347. 1432, September 1 Petrus Venrell, minor dierum, causidicus ville Cervarie, procurator Samuelis Cavaller, judeus dicte ville Cervarie … personaliter in loco de les Uluges Jusanes …

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1432-1437. f. 31 r-v 2348. 1432, September 17 The procurator for Yçach Adret, Jew of Cervera, claims in la Mora by reason of some amount of money that is owed to his principal. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1432-1437. f. 33 r-v 2349. 1432, October 23 The procurator for Yçach Adret and his wife, Jews of Cervera, claims in La Mora by reason that la verema es stada cullida sens que mos principals ne jo no som stats citats… ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1432-1437. f. 35 r-v

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YEAR 1434

2350. 1434, June 11 Die 11 Junii anno a nativitatis domini 1434 Nouerint universi quod ego Abram Canyes, Judeus ville Cervarie, gratis confiteor et in veritate recognosco me debere vobis venerabile Johanni B[…] mercatori ville de Organya, licet absenti tanque presenti et vestris, quindecim florenos auri Aragonie rectique pensi restantes per me vobis ad solvendum ex illis viginti tribus florenos pro quibus a vobis emi un drab blau, etc. Abram Canyes, Jew of Cervera, confesses a debt to a merchant of Organyà, by reason of clothes he bought him. ACSG. Col.lecció Dalmases nº 3039

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YEAR 1437

2351. 1437, July 6 The batlle of Montoliu claims in Cervera to the procurator for Yçach Adret and his wife Reginó, concerning the wheat recollection. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1432-1437. f. 57 r 2352. 1437, September 30 Die lune … Juceff Samarell, judeus ville Cervarie, nomine proprio et ut tutor et curator prout asservit Davidis Samarell, filii sui, … ad petendum exhigendum et sibi dari omnes et singulas quantitates sibi et dicto filio suo debitas … Testes … et Samuel Sutllam, judeus Cervarie ACSG. FN. Cervera 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f.4 v 2353. 1437, October 2 Die mercurii … Anthonius Boffill, textor ville Cervarie, procurator Juceff Samarell et actor et procurator Davidis Samarell, eius filii, judeorum dicte ville, existens personaliter in loco de Malgrat, coram venerabile Arnaldo Comalada, baiulo dicti loci, dixit eidem venerabile baiulo … foren assignats certs bens den Pere Mulner daquest loch … requir vos me ferats assignatio dels bens del dit Pere Mulner … Et dictus venerabile baiulus assignavit de bonis dicti Petri Mulner : Primo una taula, item un banch de ffust, item una tona de ffust buyda, item un troç de terra apellat “domenge del senyor” ab lespelt dela benema … ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 5 r-v 2354. 1437, October 2 The same day, in the same locality of Malgrat, Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Jucef Samarell, and actor and procurator for his son David, put another request to the batlle. ACSG. FN. Cervera 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f. 6 r

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2355. 1437, October 2 The same day, in the locality of Prenyanosa, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, put a requirement to the batlle, to assign properties of Juceff Samarell’ debtor, in order to satisfy unpaid debts. The batlle made an assignment of the following properties to Juceff Samarell: Primo um taula, item um banch de ffust, item um cub de fust de tinença de 50 somades, item um tona de fust buyda, item tot aquell saffra, flor e cabeça, ... item um paller de palla sencer de fforment ... ACSG. FN. Cervera 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protes. 1437-1438. f. 6 v- 7 r 2356. 1437. October 2 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement to the batlle of Castell nou. ACSG. FN. Cervera 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f. 8 v 2357. 1437. October 3 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement to the batlle of Anglesola. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 9 r-v 2358. 1437. October 2 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement to the batlle of Vilagrassa d’Urgell. ACSG. FN. Cervera 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protest. 1437-1438. f. 10 r 2359. 1437. October 2 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement to the batlle of Castellnou. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f. 8 v 2360. 1437. October 9

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Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement to the batlle of Sisteró. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 11 v- 12 r 2361. 1437. October 9 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell and his son David Samarell, Jews of Cervera, puts a requirement to the batlle of Tarroja. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protest. 1437-1438. f 12 v 2362. 1437. October 10 In Cervera, Asdra Sayol, Jew of the same place, empowers Antonio Boffill as his procurator. Jewish witness, Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protest. 1437-1438. f 13 r 2363. 1437. October 10 In Cervera, Içach Horabona, Jew of the same place, empowers Antonio Boffill as his procurator. Jewish witness, Bonjuha de Buldú.. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f 13 r 2364. 1437. October 10 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, and actor and procurator for his son David, puts a requirement to the batlle of Castellnou. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 13 v- 14 r 2365. 1437. October 10 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Asdra Sayol, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in la Manresana d’Urgell.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 14 v- 15 r 2366. 1437. October 10 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Pujalt. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f.15v 2367. 1437. October 10 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Pujalt. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f. 16r 2368. 1437. October 10 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Vilamajor. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f.17r 2369. 1437. October 10 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Asdra Sayol, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in the locality of Freixenet. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f.17v 2370. 1437. October 16 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, and actor and procurator for his son David Samarell, Jews of Cervera, puts a requirement in the locality of Montpalau. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 18 v- 19 r 2371. 1437. October 16

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Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement to Jaume Coll, alias Juli, batlle of the locality of Vergós Garrejat. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 19 v- 20 r 2372. 1437. October 20 Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera, empowers Antonio Boffill as his procurator as petendum exhigendum, habendum et recipiendum omnes et singulas quantitates … Witnesses … Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f.20 v 2373. 1437. October 20 Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera, empowers Antonio Boffill as his procurator ad petendum exhigendum, habendum et recipiendum omnes et singulas quantitates … Witnesses … Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437438 f.20v 2374. 1437. October 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement to the batlle of the locality of La Mora. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-8. f. 21 r-v 2375. 1437. October 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement to the castlar i curia of the locality of la Mora Witnesses, Bertomeu Bassa and Francesc Miró, of the locality of Sarral. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f.22 r 2376. 1437. October 21

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Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement to the batlle of La Guardiolada, to get assignment of properties of Ramon Vidal and Bernat Giner, to pay their debts to Içach Horabona. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f 22v 2377. 1437. October 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement to the batlle of la Guardiolada, to get assignment of properties in payment of amounts owed to Içach Horabona Witnesses, Jaume Çaguardia and Joan Segarra, of La Guardiolada. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f.23 r 2378. 1437. October 24 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell and his son David Samarell, Jews of Cervera, put a requirement to Mathias Vidal, batlle of Tarroja, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. Witnesses, Guillem Torrents, Benet Bell and Ramon Cardona, of that locality. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 24 2379. 1437. October 24 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell and actor and procurator for his son David Samarell, Jews of Cervera, put a requirement to Mathias Vidal, batlle of Tarroja, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 24 v- 25 r 2380. 1437. October 24 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement to Arnau Comalada, batlle of Malgrat, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 25 v- 26 r 2381. 1437. October 25

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Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, empowers Matheu Benrell, sutorem, and Antonio Boffill, textorem, of Cervera as his procurators. Witnesses … Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f.26v 2382. 1437. October 27 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, claims for a payment in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f.26v 2383. 1437. October 30 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in el Canòs to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 27 2384. 1437, October 24 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claims for a payment in Montfalcó. ACSG. FN. Cervera 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f.28r. 2385. 1437, November 4 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Hostafranchs to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 28 2386. 1437, November 4 Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera, empowers Antonio Boffill, textorem of Cervera, as his procurator. Witnesses, Galceran Rialp, carnifex, and Juceff Almoli, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f. 29r 2387. 1437, November 12 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Gracià, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Uluges Sobiranes to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f. 31 2388. 1437, November 15 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in La Mora to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 32 2389. 1437, November 15 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Montlleó to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 33 2390. 1437, November 15 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Montlleó to get assignment of properties of Simon Vidal, of this locality, in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38 f.34r 2391. 1437, November 25 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona and for Samuel Alffaqui, Jews of Cervera, puts a requirement in Muntleo to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. Witnesses, Pere Bonjoch, of Montlleó, and Antonio Fuster, of Montmaneu.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 35 v- 36 r 2392. 1437, November 25 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Montlleó to get assignment of properties in payment of a debt. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f.36v 2393. 1437, December 3 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Muntleo to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 37 v- 39 r 2394. 1437, December 6 The batlle of Pujalt required Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, to go to Pujalt on next Tuesday, December 10, to look at the wine. Witnesses, Berenguer Queralt, of Pallerols, and Ramon de Sant Sepulcre, of Sant Sepulcre. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. L. requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f. 40 v 2395. 1437, december 20 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in les Oluges (Uluges Sobiranes). ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 42 v- 43 r

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YEAR 1438

2396. 1438, January 14 Arnau Amat of the locality of Ossó acknowledges a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Astruc Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Ramon Sala, of Ossó, and Guillem de Sant Marc, of Riudovelles. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre 1448, Nov 29- 1449, Dec 20 (there are documents this year 1438, and year 1445, written by the same hand, in this book, though it is named 1448-49) 2397. 1438, January 14 Arnau Amat, of the locality of Ossó, acknowledges Samuel Astruch Cavaller has given him the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. Same witnesses. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre 1448, Nov 29- 1449, Dec 20 (there are documents this year 1438, and year 1445, written by the same hand, in this book, though it is named 1448-49) 2398. 1438, February 10 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Hostafranchs, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 60 r-v 2399. 1438, February 10 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Malgrat, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 61 r-v 2400. 1438, February 10 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement to Arnau Comalada, batlle of Malgrat, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 26 r 2401. 1438, February 12 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Prenyanosa, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 70 v- 71 r 2402. 1438, March 13 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in el Canòs, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 73 v- 74 v 2403. 1438, March 13 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Puigvert, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 76 r-v 2404. 1438, March 26 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in La Mora, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 77 v- 78 v 2405. 1438, March 13 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Granyena, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. L. requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f. 79 r 2406. 1438, March 13

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Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Granyena, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 79 v- 80 r 2407. 1438, March 13 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Puigvert, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 80 v- 81 r 2408. 1438, March 31 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Sant Pere dels Arquells, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 88 v- 89 r 2409. 1438, March 31 Preffatus Gregorio Martenyachs, scriptor, as procurator for Içach de Ripoll, Jew of Bellpuig, heredis universalis Magistri Vidal de Ripoll, his deceased son, puts a requirement in Anglesola, to get assignment of properties of Abraam Bonsenyor and his wife Bonadona, Jews, and others, in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 84 v- 86 r 2410. 1438, April 20 Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, empowers Antonio Bofill as his procurator. Witnesses … and Asdra Sayol, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f. 87 v 2411. 1438, April 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Asdra Sayol, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Freixenet, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 87 v- 88 r 2412. 1438, April 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Freixenet, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 88 v- 89 r 2413. 1438, April 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Montfalcó, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 91 v- 92 r 2414. 1438, April 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Montfalcó, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. L. requisitionis et protestationis 1437-38. f. 92 v 2415. 1438, April 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Malgrat, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 93 r-v 2416. 1438, May 10 Gregorio Martenyachs, scriptor of Cervera, procurator for Içach de Ripoll, Jew of Bellpuig, heredis universalis of Mestre Vidal de Ripoll, magistri in medecina dictum loci, put a requirement in Anglesola, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts concerning to Abraam Bonsenyor and others. (In the same document, Içach de Ripoll is referred to as Içach Vidal de Ripoll) ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 96 v- 97 r

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2417. 1438, May 20 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Altarriba, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 97 v- 98 r 2418. 1438, May 20 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Torrefeta, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 98 v 2419. 1438, May 20 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Sisteró, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 99 v- 100 r 2420. 1438, May 20 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in les Pallargues, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 100 v- 101 r 2421. 1438, May 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in el Canòs, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 102 r-v 2422. 1438, May 21

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Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera, is summoned to go to Granyena next Monday. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 102 v 2423. 1438, May 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Granyena, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 103 r-v 2424. 1438, May 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Mosse Coffen, Jew of Cervera, put a requirement in Cabestany, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts of Pere Salamó. He was assigned primo una taula, item un banch, item un barril buyt, item un arquibanch de pi, item un porch de nodrir, item un troç de terra sembrat de forment ab espelt, affrontat ab lo cami qui va ala Amella e ab lo troç de terra den Benet Pastor, item una mula de pel de rata. This assignment was canceled on June 6. Witnesses, Jaume de Gilabert and Francesc Cardoner, Christians, and Jaffuda Levi, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 104 r-v 2425. 1438, May 21 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera, puts a requirement in Guardiolada, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 103 r-v 2426. 1438, June 6 Antonio Boffill, as procurator for Juceff Samarell, and actor and procurator for David Samarell, Jews of Cervera, puts a requirement in Malgrat, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 112 r-v

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2427. 1438, July 17 Gregorio Martenyachs, as procurator for Içach de Ripoll, Jew of Bellpuig, puts a requirement in Altarriba, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 122 v- 123 v 2428. 1438, October 23 Pere Benrell, as procurator for Içach Adret et Reginó, eius uxor, filie unice ac heredis Adret Salamó Adret, quondam, Jews of Cervera, puts a requirement in Montornès, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 134 r- 135 v 2429. 1438, October 23 Pere Benrell, as procurator for Içach Adret et Reginó, eius uxor, filie unice ac heredis Adret Salamó Adret, quondam, Jews of Cervera, puts a requirement in Granyena, to get assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 136 r-v 2430. 1438, November 7 Pere Pont batlle of Montoliu, summoned Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera, ad videndum distributionem partium bonorum et terrarum in Montoliu. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionis et protestationis 1437-1438. f. 138 r

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YEAR 1439

1439, October 22 Per part del procurador assert den Samuel Struch Cavaller, juheu dela villa de Cervera, son stades feytes certes requestes an Johan Lado, batlle i castla de la Guardialada The procurator of Samuel Astruc Cavaller is asking for assignment of properties as payment of a debt ACSG. Manuscrits 2.9

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YEAR 1442

2431. 1442, May 22 (Debitorio) Nouerint universi quod nos, Johannes Gilabert, loci Sancti Anthonii oriundus, habitator loci de Muntleo, Guillelmus de Bergada, loci de Pomar, Anthonius Gilabert, dictum loci Sancti Anthonii, etc. Gratis et ex certa scientia quilicet scilicet nostrum et pro toto confitemur et in veritate recognoscimus debere vobis Regino, uxori Salamonis Cofen, quondam Judei ville Cervarie habitatorius, presenti et vestris, tridecim florenos auri de Aragonia, boni et fini, rectique pensi, ratione mutui graciosso per vos nobis factum … It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo graciosso, to Reginó, widow of Salamó Cofen, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. Colección Dalmases nº 3040

2432. 1442, July 20 Protestation document, in the locality of Bellvehi, concerning Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1442, Jan 12 -1444, Jan 29. f. 15 v

2433. 1442, August 14 Protestation act, at the petition of Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera, in the locality of Pomar. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1442, Jan 12 -1444, Jan 29. f. 16 r-v 2434. 1442, August 16 Içach Coffen, Jew of Cervera, is required to go to Frexanet to be present at the wheat harvesting. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1442, Jan 12 -1444, Jan 29. f. 16 v- 17 r 2435. 1442, August 31

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Question concerning the wheat harvest, intervening Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1442, Jan 12 -1444, Jan 29. f. 17 r-v 2436. 1442, October 12 Question concerning the vintage in Frexanet, where Içach Cofen, Jew of Cervera, intervenes. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1442, Jan 12 -1444, Jan 29. f. 18 v- 19 r

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YEAR 1443

2437. 1443, April 8 In the locality of Monmaneu, the procurator of Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, is claiming for a debt payment to his principal, by assigning him assets of his debtor ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1442, Jan 12 -1444, Jan 29. f. 22 r 2438. 1443, December 31 It is acknowledged a debt to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 7 v

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YEAR 1444 2439. 1444, January 6 Payment of a debt to Jucef Samarell. The debt had been agreed before the notary Serra in March 6, 1439. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 15 v 2440. 1444, January 8 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 10 r-14 r 2441. 1444, January 7 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 17 r 2442. 1444, January 7 Debt acknowledgement to Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 17 v 2443. 1444, January 10 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Horabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 18 r 2444. 1444, January 10 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera Witness, Samuel Gallipapa. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 18 v 2445. 1444, January 10

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Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 19 r-v 2446. 1444, January 14 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 19 v- 20 r 2447. 1444, January 14 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 20 r- 21 r 2448. 1444, January 15 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 21 r-v 2449. 1444, January 15 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 22 r 2450. 1444, January 15 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 22 v 2451. 1444, January 17 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 23 v 2452. 1444, January 17 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 24 r 2453. 1444, January 17 Debt acknowledgement to Mahir Alazar, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 24 v 2454. 1444, January 17 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 25 r 2455. 1444, January 17 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 25 r 2456. 1444, January 17 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 25 v- 26 v 2457. 1444, January 17 Debt acknowledgement to Goig (in the document, Gox), widow of Samuel Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 26 v 2458. 1444, January 20 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 28 r-v 2459. 1444, January 21 Debt acknowledgement to Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 30 r 2460. 1444, January 21 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Gracià, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 31 v 2461. 1444, January 26 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 33 r 2462. 1444, January 30 It is acknowledged a debt by reason of comanda to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Azdra Sayol, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 34 r 2463. 1444, January 31 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 34 v 2464. 1444, January 31 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 35 v 2465. 1444, February 5 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 36 v 2466. [1444, February 5] Cancellation of a debt, agreed this date, by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. Cancellation date does not appear in the document

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Witness, Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 36 v 2467. 1444, February 7 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 38 r 2468. 1444, February 7 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 38 v 2469. 1444, February 7 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 40 r 2470. 1444, February 11 Debt acknowledgement to Goig, widow of Samuel Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 41 r 2471. 1444, February 11 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 41 v 2472. [1444, February 11] Cancellation of debt this date, agreed by Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Içach Gracià, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 42 r 2473. 1444, February 11

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Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 42 r 2474. 1444, February 11 Transfer of rights to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, as payment of a debt. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 42 v 2475. 1444, February 11 Debt acknowledgement to Abrahe Cavaller, son of Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 43 r 2476. 1444, February 11 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 43 v 2477. 1444, February 17 Debt acknowledgement to Goig, widow of Samuel Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 44 r 2478. 1444, February 17 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 44 v 2479. 1444, February 17 Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera, confesses to have been repaid of a debt. Witness, Saltell de Piera, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 45 r 2480. 1444, February 24

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Ego Samuel Astruch Cavaller, judeus ville Cervarie, nomine meo propio et ut heres Astruch Samuel Cavaller, patris mei et Salamonis Cavaller, fratris mei, deffunctorum, constituo procuratorem meum vos Abraam Cavaller, judeum carissimum filium meum, licet absentem ut presentem ad vendendo meo nomine et per me quoddam hospitium meum quod habeo et possideo in villa Ffalceti, in platea vocata La Quartera. Affrontatus cum La Quartera, de alia cum hospicio quod fuit domine Isabelis que fuit uxorem Johannis Cerda, et de alia cum hospitio Guillelmi de Tàrrega, et de alia cum vico vocato lo Carrer del Vall ... Witnesses, Ffranciscus Sala et Guillelmus Vila, et Saltell den Piera, judeus Cervarie. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 48 r-v 2481. 1444, February 24 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 49 v 2482. 1444, February 24 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 50 r 2483. 1444, February 28 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 52 r 2484. 1444, February 28 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 51 v 2485. [1444, February 28] Cancellation of debt this date, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Baro Crexent, Jew . ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 52 r

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2486. 1444, February 28 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 54 r 2487. 1444, February 28 Debt acknowledgement to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 55 r-v 2488. 1444, March 3 Debt acknowledgement to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 57 r-v 2489. 1444, March 3 Debt acknowledgement to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 58 r 2490. 1444, March 3 Debt acknowledgement to Goig, widow of Samuel Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 58 v 2491. 1444, March 6 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 59 r-v 2492. 1444, March 6 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 60 r 2493. 1444, March 10

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Debt acknowledgement to Goig, widow of Samuel Samarell, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 61 r 2494. 1444, March 11 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 62 r 2495. [1444, March 11] Cancellation of debt this date agreed by Içach Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera Witness, Içach de Quercí. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 62 v 2496. 1444, March 13 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 62 v 2497. 1444, March 13 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 63 r 2498. 1444, March 13 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 65 v 2499. 1444, March 24 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 68 r 2500. 1444, March 24

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Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 68 v 2501. 1444, March 26 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 74 v- 75 r 2502. 1444, March 26 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 71 r 2503. 1444, March 26 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 72 v 2504. 1444, March 26 Debt acknowledgement to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 75 v 2505. 1444, March 29 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 78 r- 79 v 2506. 1444, April 3 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 79 v- 80 r 2507. 1444, April 3

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Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 80 v 2508. 1444, April 3 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 81 r 2509. 1444, April 7 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 81 v 2510. 1444, April 7 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 82 r 2511. 1444, April 17 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 83 v 2512. 1444, April 17 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 84 r 2513. 1444, April 17 Mosse Çarruch, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, transfers part of his properties to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera, in order to pay his debt in Samuel’s favor. Jewish witness, Salamó Çatorra, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 84 v 2514. 1444, April 23

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Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 85 r 2515. 1444, April 23 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 85 v 2516. 1444, April 24 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 86 r-v 2517. 1444, April 24 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 86 v- 87 r 2518. 1444, April 24 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 87 r 2519. 1444, May 1 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 87 v- 88 r 2520. 1444, May 2 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 89 r 2521. 1444, [May 2]

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Cancellation of debt 1444, May 2, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 89 r. 2522. 1444, May 9, Saturday Antonio Boffill assists as procurator for Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 91 v 2523. 1444, May 15 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 94 v 2524. 1444, May 15 Agreement between Mosse Çarruch and Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 94 v- 95 r 2525. 1444, May 15 It is acknowledged a debt to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 95 r-v 2526. 1444, May 19 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 96 r-v 2527. 1444, May 21 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 96 v- 97 r 2528. 1444, May 21 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Salamó Coffen and Goig, wife of Samuel Samarell, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 97 v 2529. 1444, May 21 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 98 r 2530. 1444, May 22 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 100 r 2531. 1444, May 22 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 100 v 2532. 1444, May 22 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 101 v 2533. 1444, May 29 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 102 r 2534. 1444, May 30 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 104 r 2535. 1444, May 30 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 105 r-v 2536. 1444, May 30 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 105 v- 106 r 2537. 1444, May 30 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 106 r 2538. 1444, June 11 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 107 r 2539. 1444, June 11 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 107 v- 108 r 2540. 1444, June 11 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 108 r 2541. 1444, June 11 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, wife of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 108 v 2542. 1444, June 11 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 108 v- 109 r

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2543. 1444, June 11 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 109 r 2544. 1444, June 12 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 109 v 2545. 1444, June 14 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 110 r-v 2546. 1444, June 14 Debt acknowledgement to Goig, wife of Samuel Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 111 r 2547. 1444, June 18 Debt acknowledgement to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 113 r-v 2548. 1444, July 10 Debt acknowledgement to Juceff Baro, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 115 v 2549. 1444, July 10 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 116 r

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2550. 1444, July 27 Debt acknowledgement to Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 122 r 2551. 1444, July 27 Debt acknowledgement to Juceff Baro, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 122 v 2552. 1444, July 27 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 122 v- 123 r 2553. 1444, August 13 Cancellation of debt 1443, December 31, agreed by Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Cresques Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 18 r 2554. 1444, August 18 Cancellation of debt 1444, April 17, agreed by Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera Witness, Azdra Sayol, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 84 v 2555. 1444, August 18 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 124 r-v 2556. 1444, August 19 Debt acknowledgement to Goig, widow of Samuel Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 125 v

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2557. 1444, August 20 Cancellation of debt February 28 this year, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Içach Gracià, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 52 r 2558. 1444, August 20 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 126 v 2559. 1444, August 21 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 128 r 2560. 1444, August 21 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 128 r 2561. 1444, August 21 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 128 v- 129 r 2562. 1444, August 24 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 130 r 2563. 1444, August 24 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 132 r-v 2564. 1444, August 24 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 133 r 2565. 1444, August 25 Cancellation of debt 1444, March 13, agreed by Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera Witness, Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 66 v 2566. 1444, August 28 Cancellation of debt 1444, March 13, agreed by Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera Witness, Içach Sutllam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 63 v 2567. 1444, August 28 Cancellation of debt 1444, March 24, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera Witness, Mosse Sutlam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 86 v 2568. 1444, August 28 Cancellation of debt 1444, March 13, agreed by Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 63 v 2569. 1444, August 29 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 136 v- 137 r 2570. 1444, August 29

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Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 137 v 2571. 1444, August 29 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 138 r 2572. 1444, September 4 Debt acknowledgement to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 140 v 2573. 1444, September 4 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 141 v 2574. 1444, September 4 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 142 r-v 2575. 1444, September 9 Debt acknowledgement to Mahir Alazar, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 144 r-v 2576. 1444, September 11 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 145 r-v 2577. 1444, October 3

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Cancellation of debt 1444, April 3, agreed by Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera Witness, Mair Alazar, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 80 r 2578. 1444, October 18 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 149 r 2579. 1444, October 18 Debt acknowledgement to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 149 v- 150 r 2580. 1444, October 18 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 150 v- 151 r 2581. 1444, October 27 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 151 v 2582. 1444, October 31 Citation to the procurator of Içach Horabona and to the procurator of Samuel Cavaller. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1442, Jan 12 -1444, Jan 29. f. 32 r 2583. 1444, November 5 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 153 r 2584. 1444, November 5

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Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 154 r 2585. 1444, November 5 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 154 v 2586. 1444, November 5 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 155 r 2587. 1444, November 13 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 156 r 2588. 1444, November 13 Debt acknowledgement to Reginó, widow of Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 156 v 2589. 1444, November 13 Debt acknowledgement to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 157 v 2590. 1444, November 13 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruc Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 158 r 2591. 1444, November 13

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Cancellation of debt 1444, April 3, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 81 v 2592. 1444, November 16 Debt acknowledgement to Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 158 v- 159 r 2593. 1444, November 16 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 159 v 2594. 1444, November 17 Cancellation of debt 1444, February 11, agreed by Samuel Astruch, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 41 r 2595. 1444, November 20 The procurator of Cresques Adret, Jew of Cervera, is required to be present at the vintage. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 36. Joan Martell. Liber requisitionem et protestationem … 1442, Jan 12 -1444, Jan 29. f. 32 r-v 2596. 1444, November 23 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 162 v 2597. 1444, November 23 Debt acknowledgement to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 163 r 2598. 1444, November 23

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Cancellation of debt 1444, May 15, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera Jewish witness, Mosse Sutlam, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 94 v 2599. 1444, November 24 Cancellation of debt 1444, February [7], agreed by Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Baro Crexent, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 40 r 2600. 1444, November 30 Debt acknowledgement to Cresques Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 166 r 2601. 1444, November 30 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 166 v 2602. 1444, November 30 Debt acknowledgement to Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 167 r 2603. 1444, December 1 Debt acknowledgement to Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 168 v 2604. 1444, December 1 Debt acknowledgement to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 169 v

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2605. 1444, December 1 Debt acknowledgement to Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 170 r 2606. 1444, December 15 Juceff Samarell, son and heir of Izach Samarell and his wife Bonadona, canceled the contract that was agreed between his parents and Berenguer Antigues on 1391, January 26, before Pere de Montreal. In this act, the notary of Cervera Gabriel Martorell intervenes. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Manual 1391, Sep 30- 1408, Jan 5. f. 9 v

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YEAR 1445

2607. 1445, March 5 Cancellation of a debt of 1444, January 10, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Samuel Gallipapa, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 19 r

2608. 1445, April 17 Cancellation of a debt of 1444, January 7, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 7 v 2609. 1445, September 10 Nouerint universi quod ego, Johannes Rossell, loci de Osso, gratis et ex certa mea scincia confiteor et in veritate recognoscho <me debere> vobis Samueli Struch Cavaler, judeo Cervarie, et vestris sex florenos auri fini Aragonie quos michi gratis mutuastis… ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre 1448, Nov 29- 1449, Dec 20 (there are documents this year 1445, and year 1438, written by the same hand, in this book, though it is named 1448-49) 2610. 1445, September 10 Joan Rossell, of the locality of Ossó, acknowledges Samuel Astruc Cavaller has delivered him the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre 1448, Nov 29- 1449, Dec 20 (there are documents this year 1445, and year 1438, written by the same hand, in this book, though it is named 1448-49) 2611. 1445, November 12 Nouerint universi quod ego, Jacobus Rossell, loci de Osso, gratis et ex certa mea sciencia confiteor et in veritate recognoscho me debere vobis Samueli Struch Cavaller, Judeo ville Cervarie, hiis presentis et vestris, quinquaginta florenos auri fini Aragonie pensique recti, quos michi gratis mutuastis… Witnesses, Simon Franch, textor, and Joan Solsona.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre 1448, Nov 29- 1449, Dec 20 (there are documents this year 1445, and year 1438, written by the same hand, in this book, though it is named 1448-49) 2612. 1445, November 12 Jaume Rossell, of the locality of Ossó, acknowledges Samuel Astruch Cavaller has given him the import of the borrowing agreed in the precedent document. Same witnesses. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre 1448, Nov 29- 1449, Dec 20 (there are documents this year 1445, and year 1438, written by the same hand, in this book, though it is named 1448-49) 2613. 1445, November 13 Cancellation of debt 1444, January [20], agreed by Salamó Çatorra, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Içach Coffen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 30 r 2614. 1445, December 14 Cancellation of debt 1444, February 11, agreed by Goig, widow of Samuel Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 7 v 2615. 1445, December 29 Cancellation of debt 1444, March 27, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera Witness, Abraam Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 73 r

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YEAR 1446

2616. 1446, January 7 Cancellation of a debt of 1444, March 24, agreed by Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera Witness, Samuel Astruch Cavaller. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 68 v 2617. 1446, December 16 Cancellation of a debt of 1444, May 1, agreed by Samuel Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera Jewish witness, Bonjua Adret, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 88 r

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YEAR 1448

2618. 1448, March 11 Cancellation of debt of 1443, December 31, agreed by Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Bonjua de Boldú, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 7 v 2619. 1448, September 11 Cancellation of debt of 1444, January 31, agreed by Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Bonjua Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 35 r 2620. 1448, November 29 In Dei nomine, nouerint universi quod nos Manuel Vitalis, mercatoris, et Violant, eius uxoris, ville Cervarie, attendentes me, dictam Violantem, habeo et possideo justo titulo quoddam hospitium in vico Sancti Johannis, … Document concerning a house of Violant, the wife of Manuel Vidal, merchant of Cervera who was a convert, though in the document it is not mentioned. ACSG. FN. Cervera. Anònims. Llibre 1448, Nov 29- 1449, Dec 20 (there are documents years 1445 and 1438, written by the same hand, in this book, though it is named 1448-49)

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YEAR 1449 2621. 1449, November 21 Judgment by arbitration. Joan Tolsa, juriste, judge of the County of Cardona, and Cresques Adret, Jew of Cervera, are the arbitrators in a judgment between Mahir Alazar, Jew of Cervera, and the university of the locality of la Aguda, situated in the said County of Cardona. Lo nom de Deu humilment invocat Nosaltres, Johan Tolsa, juriste jutge ordinari del Comdat de Cardona e Cresques Adret, juheu de la vila de Cervera, arbitres arbitradors loadors e amigables composadors per les parts desus scrites elets … vista la potestat a nosaltres atribuida e donada per en Bernat de Farrers del loch delAguda del dit Comdat de Cardona, sindic actor e procurador dela universitat e singulars del dit loch delAguda duna part, e en Mahir Alatzar, juheu dela dita vila, en nom seu propri e com a procurador deles hereves den Içach Horabona, juheu quondam dela mateixa vila de la part altra Vist mes avant la … questio econtroversia qui ere entre les dites parts en los dits noms, per la qual raho a instancia del dit Mahir, per lo honorable veguer de Cervera ere stada declarada … contra lo batlle del dit loch delAguda e sos sotmesos e fets altres … Vist encara tot so e quant les dites parts han volgut dir e mostrar en los dits affers e aquelles ap les hoydes una veguada e moltes en tot ço e quant davant nosaltres han volgut dir proposar e alleguar ensemps e departidament Vist formalment tot ço e quant en aço ere vehedor e ates lo atenedor, havent deusdavant los ulls deles nostres … per … grans messions edespeses qui eren preparades a les dites parts metre en repos dehun sentenciam pronunciam et declaramn entre les dites parts en e per la forma seguent … ACSG. Manuscrits Jueus 2.1 2622. 1449, November 25 Cancellation of debt of 1444, April 17, done by Mair Alazar as agreed with Içach Orabona Witness, Juceff Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 84 r

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YEAR 1450

2623. 1450, March 26 Cancellation of a debt of 1444, January 14, agreed by Içach Orabona, Jew of Cervera. Witness, Içach Cap, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 31. Llorens Perull. Manual 1443-1444, f. 21 r

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YEAR 1451

2624. 1451, September 26 Document stated by Astruch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera Jewish witnesses, Adret Struch and Bonjua Adret, of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manuale 1451, Sep 1- 1453, Dec 13. f. 10 r

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YEAR 1452

Heads of family that in 1452 resided in the Call of Cervera The name of the wife follows the name of her husband. Içach de Quercí, major, married with Liamós Davi Bendit, Reginó Jacob de Quercí, Bonfat Juceff Samarell, Goig Azdia Sayol, Struga Bonjua de Buldu, Gentil Jucef Sutlam, Struga Samuel Sutllam, Reginó Salamó Alfaquim, Goig Lobell Samarell, Strugona Salamó Samarell Içach Sutllam, Bonadona Samuel Caxo, Tolrana Sentou Tarroç, Claro Struc Bonastruc, Dianona Samuel Saporta, Bonafilla Adret Astruc, Astrugona Samuel Sutlam, Goyo Mosse Çaporta, Bonafilla Juceff Crexent, Durana Benveníst Coffen, Liamós Salamó Satorre, Astrugona Içach Gracià, Reginó Samuel de Lunell, Comprada Içach de Quercí, menor, son of Issac; Reginó Içach de Quercí, junior, son off Jacob; Sobredona Juceff Cavaller Juceff Adret, Liamós Bellshoms Sullam, Reginó Vidal de Quercí, Bonjorn Bonjua Adret, Bonadona Adret Içach, fill de Içach Adret Içach Sullam, Reginó Vidal Bellshoms Baro Crexent, Bellaire Abram Natronai, Astruga Salamó Afananell, Blanquina Mosse Sullam, Dulcia Astruc Cavaller, Puria Cresques Adret, Bonafilla Içach Adret, Reginó Vidal Sullam, fill de Bellshoms

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Baro Sullam, son of Bellshoms Astruc Tarroç Salamó Sayol, son of Azdra Juceff Gallipapa Bonadona, the wife of Içach Horabona Reginó, widow of Fahim Natronai Goig, the wife of Samuel Cavaller Preciosa, the wife of Jacob Sentou 2625. 1452, August 22 Nouerint universi quod nos, Samuel de Lunell, fisicus, et Samuel Çaporta, Judei ville Cervarie habitatores, gratis et ex certis nostris scientis ac delliberate laudantes, aprobantes, ratificantes et confirmantes [pri… et ante omnia] … constituimus et ordinamus procuratorem nostrum … vos dominum Petrum Costa, etc. Testes huius rei sunt Romeus Stephani et Içach de Querci, Judeus junior, ville Cervarie habitatores. Samuel de Lunell, physician, and Samuel Çaporta, Jews of Cervera, empower Pere Costa as their procurator. Jewish witness, Içach de Quercí, junior, Jew. ACSG. Col.lecció Dalmases nº 3041

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YEAR 1453

2626. 1453, April 26 Pere Beçols, agricola, and his wife Francesca, of Cervera, sell to Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of the same place, a piece of land in termino dicte ville, in partita apellata Matacruera ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manuale 1451, Sep 1- 1453, Dec 13. f. 30 v- 31 r 2627. 1453, May 1 In Dei nomine, nouerint universi quod ego Içach Adret, Judeus ville Cervarie habitator, attendentes quod nil est morte certius nilque incertius hora mortis. Quod presentis vite conditio statum habet in stabilem et que visibilem … meum facium ultimum testamentum …in primis accipio pro anima mea quinque florenos auri aragonum distribuendos et convertendos in quadam corona que fit et fabricatin rotulo alhame dicte ville Cervarie in scola Calli inferioris dicte ville. Item lego Astruch Adret, filio meo legitimo et naturali , et Regino uxor mee pro omni parti hereditatis legitima porcionis et supplemento eiusdem… Item lego Salamo Adret filio meo legitimo et naturali e dicte uxor mee pro omni partes hereditatis legitima… Item lego Mosse Adret, filio meo legitimo et naturali … Item lego Liamos, filie mee legitime et naturali et dicta uxor mee, uxor Astruch Almoli, Judei civitatis Balagarii… Item recognosco dicte Regino, uxori mee filieque dicti Adret Salamo ben Adret, et Amoretes eius uxor, quod ipsam attulit michi in dotem tempore nuptiarum prout in instrumento nuptialibus sive Cazuba inter me et ipsam … Item etiam recognosco eidem uxori mee quod ultra dictam suam dotem … …hospicia contigua situata in Callo Inferiori Judeorum dicte ville, que affrontat ex una parte cum hospicio Salamonis Coffen, ex alia cum hospicio Içach Çutlam, ex alia cum vico dicti Calli Item unum ortum super quem e in quo ego edifficavi quoddam hospicium confrontatus ex una parte cum … ex alia cum hospicio quod ego et ipsam uxor nostra vendimus an Samueli Astruch Cavaller, quondam judei dicte ville…

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Omnia alia bona mea mobilia et inmobilia iura et acciones meas ubique michi pertinentis … dimitto an Içach Adret ben Adret, filio meo legitimo et naturale … et ipsum michi heherdem instituo… Item assigno in tutoris dictis Astruch Adret, Salamo Adret et Mosse Adret, filiis meis pupillis, dictam Regino et Adret Astruch, fratrem meum, et Astruch Almoli, generum meum civitatis Balagari… …quod est actum Cervarie die prima mensis Madi a.n.d. 1453. Testes vocati … ven. Et discretus Anthonius M. presbiter, Andreas de Graells, mercator, … Christiani, Vidal de Querçi, Içach Cutlam, Juceff Samarell, Judei Cervarie. ACSG. Manuscrits 2.26 (AM 27) 2628. 1453, June 21 Bernat Reverter acknowledges a debt in favor of Içach de Quercí, the old, Jew of Cervera, price of a vanova he bought him. Witnesses, Arnau Mulet and Andreu Ripoll, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manuale 1451, Sep 1- 1453, Dec 13. f. 34 r 2629. 1453, June 30 Joan Vall is acting as procurator for Pere Domenech, junior, alias Maymó, and others. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manuale 1451, Sep 1- 1453, Dec 13. f. 34 v. 2630. 1453, September 24 In Cervera, Jaume Çafabrega, batlle of Bellver, asked Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera, to be present at the vintage. Jewish witness, Içach de Quercí, the young, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manuale 1451, Sep 1- 1453, Dec 13. f. 40 r 2631. 1453, November 19 Guillem Tomas, of Ferran, Bernat Tomas, of Ivorra and Ramon Tomas, of Prenyanosa, confess their debt to Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera, price of a cota de dona de mescla folrada de tela, cum manicis folrats de velut negre they bought him. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manuale 1451, Sep 1- 1453, Dec 13. f. 51 r

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YEAR 1454

1454, February 16 Die sabbati 16 mensis ffebruari anno a nativitate domini 1454 Yçach de Querci, maior dierum Davi Bendit Jacob de Querci Juceff Samarell Azdra Sayoll Bonjuha de Buldu Juceff Zutllam Samuel Çutllam Salamonus Alaquim [sic] Lobell Samarell Salamonus Samarell Içach Sutllam Samuel Caxo Sentonus Tarroç Astruch Bonastruch Samuel Çaporta Adret Struch Samuel Sutllam Mosse Çaporta Juceff Crexent Benvenist Coffen Salamonus Çatorra Içachus Gracia Magister Samuel de Lunell Içachus Querci junior, filius Içach Içach Querci junior, filius Jacob Juceffus Cavaller Juceffus Adret Bellshoms Sutllam Vidal de Querci Bonjuha Adret Adret Içach, filius Içach Adret Içachus Çutllam Vidal Bellshom Baronus Crexent Abram Atronay Salamonus Avifaell Jaffudanus Çutllam Mosse Sullam Struch Cavaller Cresques Adret (non sunt) era a Napols amb son germà Issac Içach Adret (non sunt) era a Napols amb son germa Cresques

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Vidal Sutllam, filius Bellshom Baronus Sutllam, filius Bellsoms Abram Atronay Struch Tarroç Salamonus Sayoll, filius Atzara Juceff Gualipapa Die Lune 18 Ffebruari anno a nativitatis domini 1454 Claro, uxor Sentou Tarroç Bonadona, uxor Içach Horabona, quondam Bonafilla, uxor Cresques Adret Bonjorn, uxor Vitalis de Querci Dulcia, uxor Mosse Sutllam Regino, uxor Samuelis Sutllam Bonadona, uxor Içac Sutllam Bonfat, uxor Jacob de Querci Liamos, uxor Içach de Querci, maior Strugua, uxor Juceff Sutllam Lluna, uxor Jaffuda Sutllam (non est vir) Blanquina, uxor Salamonis Avifaell Regina, uxor Içach Gracia Strugua, uxor Abram Atronay Comprada, uxor magister Lunell Sobredona, uxor Içach de Querci, filius den Jacob Regino, uxor Phahim Atronay, quondam Mayrona, uxor Struch bon Struch Lliamos, uxor Benvenist Coffen Strugona, uxor Lobell Samarell Strugua, uxor Salamoni Çatorra Na Guoig, uxor Juceff Samarell quondam, in callo inferiori Regino, uxor Bellshom Sutllam Tolrrana, uxor Samuelis Caxo Strugua, uxor Azdra Sayoll Liamos, uxor Juceff Adret Durona, uxor Juceff Crexent Guoig, uxor Samuelis Cavaller Bonafilla, uxor Samuelis Çaporta Bonafilla, uxor Mosse Çaporta Regino, uxor Içach de Querci junior Regino, uxor Struch Adret, absens Regino, uxor Içach Zutllam Guoyo, uxor Samuelis Sutllam Guog, uxor den Salamo Alaquim Strugua, uxor Adret Struch Bonadona, uxor Boniuha Gentil, uxor Boniuha de Buldu Puria, uxor Struch Cavaller Regino, uxor Davi Bendit

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Nos omnes predicti, nomine nostro et nomine dicte aljame … Compromis respecte a un censal Içach de Querci, maior Davi Bendit Jacob de Querci Juceff Samarell Azdra Sayol Bonjuha de Buldu Juceff Sutllam Samuel Çutllam Salamo Alaquim Lobell Samarell Salamo Samarell Içach Sutllam Samuel Caxo Senton Tarroç Struch Bonastruch Samuel Çaporta Adret Astruch Samuel Sutllam Mosse Çaporta (crossed out) Juceff Crexent Benvenist Coffen Salamo Çatorre Içach Gracia Magister Samuel de Lunell (crossed out and substituted by Samuel de Lunel) Içach de Querci menor, fill de Içach Içach Querci junior, filius Jacob Juceff Cavaller Juceff Adret Bellshoms Sutllam Vidal de Querci Bonjuha Adret Adret Içach, filius Içach Adret Içach Zutllam …? Vidal Bellshom Baro Crexent Abram Atronay Salamo (Avifaell is crossed out) Affananell Jaffuda Zutllam Mosse Sutllam Struch Cavaller Cresques Adret Içach Adret Vidal Sutllam, filius Bellshom Baro Sutllam, filius Bellshom Abram Atronay Struch Tarroç

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Salamonus Sayoll, filius Atzara (ja no es a la llista) Juceff Gualipapa (ja no es a la llista) Testes Francesc Gombau, panniparator et Johannis Romei, et Juceff Azforn Claro, uxor Sentou Tarroç Bonadona, uxor Içach Orabona Bonafilla, uxor Cresques Adret Bonjorn, uxor Vitalis de Querci Dulcia, uxor Mosse Sutllam Regino, uxor Samuel Sutllam Bonadona, uxor Içach Sutllam Bonfat, uxor Jacob de Querci Liamos, uxor Içach de Querci, maior Strugua, uxor Juceff Sutllam Lluna, uxor Jaffuda Sutllam Blanquina, uxor Salamonis Afananell Regina, uxor Içach Gracia Strugua, uxor Abram Atronay Comprada, uxor magister Lunell Sobredona, uxor Içach de Querci, filii Jacob Regino, uxor Phaim Atronay, quondam Mayrona, uxor Struch Bonastruch Lliamos, uxor Benvenist Coffen Strugona, uxor Lobell Samarell Strugua, uxor Salamoni Çatorra Na Goig, uxor Juceff Samarell quondam Regino, uxor Bellshoms Sutllam Tolrrana, uxor Samuelis Caxo Strugua, uxor Azdra Sayol Liamos, uxor Juceff Adret Durona, uxor Juceff Crexent Guoig, uxor Samuelis Cavaller Bonafilla, uxor Samuelis Çaporta Bonafilla, uxor Mosse Çaporta Regino, uxor Içach de Querci junior Regino, uxor Içach Adret Regino, uxor Içach Zutllam Guoyo, uxor Samuel Sutllam Guog, uxor den Salamo Alaquim Strugua, uxor Adret Struch Bonadona, uxor Boniuha Adret Gentil, uxor Bonjuha de Buldu Puria, uxor Struch Cavaller Regino, uxor Davi Bendit Ademes: Bellayre, uxor Baro Crexent Priçosa, uxor Jacobi Senton

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Die predicta 20 mensis marci anno a nativitate domini 1454 Universitas predicta … Item fuit procuratorem seu sindicatum Içach Gracia Testes predictum Die veneris 12 aprilis anno 54 fuit audita sentencia condempnacioni Testes firme juramenti et homagii, Azdre Sayol, Samuelis Caxo, Juceff Adret, Baro Crexent, qui firmavit et juravit 24 mensis marci anno a nativitatis domini 1454 sunt discretus Johannes dAlbalat, notarius, et Jacob Gibre, judeus Cervarie. Testes Blanquine, uxor Salamonis Affananvel, <Regino, uxor Bellsoms Sutllam>, Strugue, uxor Azdra Sayol, Lliamos uxor Juceff Adret, quam firmavit et juravit prima aprilis sunt Johannis Alomar, çabaterius, et Jacob Gibre, Judeus. Testes Struch Bonstruch Adret, Yçach Salamonis Affananell, Jaffuda Zutllam, ac prestacioni et homagii Boniuha de Buldu, qui firmavit et juravit 12 aprilis, et prestaverunt homagium in posse venerabile Petri Vall, locumtenentis honorabile Petri Campus, … Andreas Cellerer, notarius, et Jacob Gibre, Judeus. Içach Gracia, procuratorem sive sindicis Içach de Querci, maior Davi Bendit Jacob de Querci Mestre Samuel Lunell Juceff Samarell Azdra Sayol Bonjuha de Buldu Juceff Zutllam Samuel Zutllam Salamo Alaquim Lobell Samarell Salamo Samarell Içach Sutllam Samuel Caxo Senton Tarroç Astruch Bonastruch Samuel Çaporta Adret Struch Samuel Sutllam Mosse Çaporta Juceff Crexent Benvenist Coffen Salamonus Çatorre

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Içach Gracia Içach de Querci, fill de Içach Içach Querci, filius Jacob Juceff Cavaller Juceff Adret Bellshoms Sutllam Vidal de Querci Bonjuha Adret Adret Içach, fill den Içach Adret Içach Zutllam Vidal Bellshom Baro Crexent Abram Atronay Salamo Aviffaell Jaffuda Zutllam Mosse Sutllam Struch Cavaller Cresques Adret Içach Adret Vidal Sutllam, filius Bellshoms Baro Sutllam, filius Bellshoms Abram Atronay (no es en aquesta llista) Struch Tarroç…? Salamonus Sayoll, filius Atzara (no era a la 2ª llista, si a la 1ª I 3ª) Juceff Gualipapa (no era a la 2ª, si a la 1ª i 3ª) Claro, uxor Sentou Tarroç Bonadona, uxor Içach Horabona, quondam Bonafilla, uxor Cresques Adret Boniorn, uxor Vitalis de Querci Dulcia, uxor Mosse Sutllam Regino, uxor Samuel Sutllam Bonadona, uxor Içach Sutllam Bonfat, uxor Jacob de Querci Bonafilla, uxor Cresques Adret Lliamos, uxor Içach de Querci Lluna, uxor Jaffuda Zutllam Blanquina, uxor Salamonis Anffaell Regina, uxor Içach Gracia Regino, uxor Fahim Atronay, quondam Strugua, uxor Abram Atronay Mayrona, uxor Struch Bonastruch Strugona, uxor Lobell Samarell Strugua, uxor Salamoni Çatorre Lliamos, uxor Benvenist Coffen Tolrrana, uxor Samuel Caxo Sobredona, uxor Içach de Querci, filii Jacobi Comprada, uxor magister Samuelis de Lunell Regino, uxor Bellshoms Sutllam Durona, uxor Juceff Crexent

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Guoig, uxor Samuelis Cavaller Regino, uxor Içach de Querci, senior nova Gentil, uxor Bonjuha de Buldu Bonadona, uxor Boniuha Adret Strugua, uxor Adret Struch Regino, uxor Içach Adret Bonafilla, uxor Samuel Çaporta Regino, uxor Içach Zutllam Goyo, uxor Samuel Zutllam Goig, uxor den Salamo Ahaquim Puria, uxor Struch Cavaller Goig, uxor Juceff Samarell quondam Reginó, uxor Içach de Quercí, senior is new in this list, but Reginó, uxor Içach de Quercí, junior, is missing now. Seem to be the same persons. Also in this third list we miss: Strugua, uxor Juceff Sutllam Strugua, uxor Azdra Sayol Liamós, uxor Juceff Adret Reginó, uxor Davi Bendit And also the ones that appeared in the second list Bellayre, uxor Baro Crexent Priçosa, uxor Jacobi Senton Testes sunt Bartholomeus Foix, apothecarius, et Jacob Gibra, Judeus ville Cervarie. Actum Cervarie die lune 18 ffebruari anno a nativitatis domini 1454. Die 18 mensis ffebruari anno a nativitatis domini 1454 Magister Samuel Lunel, licenciatus in medecina et Adret Struch, judei ville Cervarie, per firmam et validam stipulationem et sub pena mille florenos auri aragonum, convenerunt et promisserunt, in posse mei, notario, quod post quindecim dies post quam Cresques Adret et Içach Adret venerunt et intratus fuerunt intus villam Cervarie, facta eis requisicionem verbo vel scriptis firmavunt in censual iamdicto sine aliquam dilacione ac voluerunt incurrere in dictam penam … Testes, venerabile Ffranciscus de Sanahuya, apotecharius, et Jacob Gibra, Judeus, Cervarie. Die prima aprilis Similis obligatio sive securitas fuit facta per predictos. Testes sunt Johannis Alomar et Jacob Gibre. In the last page there is a full list of the persons in the agreement, written by another hand Içach de Querci, senior

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Davi Bendit Jacob de Querci Juceff Samarell Juceff Sutllam Samuel Zutllam Salamo Alaquin Lobell Samarell Içach Sutllam Sentou Tarroç Samuel Çaporta Adret Struch Samuel Sutllam Juceff Crexent Benvenist Coffen Salamo Çatorra Içach Gracia Içach de Querci, filius Içach Içach Querci, filius Jacob Juceff Cavaller Bellshoms Sutllam Vidal de Querci Bonjuha Adret Abram Atronay Mosse Sutllam Struch Cavaller Bonjuha de Buldu Içach Zutllam Samuel de Lunell Adra Sayol Samuel Caxo Juceff Adret Baro Crexent Struch Bonstruch Adret Içach Salamo Affananell Jaffuda Zutllam Cresques Adret Içach Adret The following Jews were in the other lists, but no here: Salamo Samarell Mosse Çaporta Vidal Bellshom Vidal Sutllam, filius Bellshoms Baro Sutllam, filius Bellshoms Abram Atronay (no es en aquesta llista) Struch Tarroç…? Salamonus Sayoll, filius Atzara

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Juceff Gualipapa Claro, uxor Sentou Tarroç Bonadona, uxor Içach Horabona Bonafilla, uxor Cresques Adret Bonjorn, uxor Vitalis de Querci Dulcia, uxor Mosse Sutllam Regino, uxor preffati Samuelis Sutllam Bonadona, uxor Içach Sutllam Bonfat, uxor Jacob de Querci Lliamos, uxor Içach de Querci Struga, uxor Juceff Sutllam Lluna, uxor Jaffuda Zutllam Blanquina, uxor Salamo Affananell Regina, uxor Içach Gracia Strugua, uxor Abram Atronay Comprada, uxor magister Samuelis de Lunell Sobredona, uxor Içach de Querci, filii Jacob Regino, uxor Fahim Atronay, quondam Mayrona, uxor Struch Bonastruch Lliamos, uxor Benvenist Coffen Strugona, uxor Lobell Samarell Goig, uxor Juceff Samarell quondam Strugua, uxor Salamoni Çatorre Tolrrana, uxor Samuel Caxo Struga, uxor Azdra Sayol Liamos, uxor Juceff Adret Durona, uxor Juceff Baro Crexent Guoig, uxor Samuelis Cavaller Bonafilla, uxor Samuel Çaporta Regino, uxor Içach de Querci, fili Içach Regino, uxor Içach Adret Regino, uxor Içach Zutllam Goyo, uxor Samuel Zutllam Goig, uxor den Salamo Ahaquim Strugua, uxor Adret Struch Bonadona, uxor Boniuha Adret Gentil, uxor Bonjuha de Buldu Puria, uxor Struch Cavaller Bellayre, uxor Baro Crexent Priçosa, uxor Jacobi Sentou Regino, uxor Bellshoms Sutllam no hi es ACSG, Col. Dalmases, nº 3.009

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YEAR 1455

2632. 1455, January Salamó Coffen, Jew inhabitant in the city of Lleida, empowers Içach de Quercí, junior, of Cervera, as his procurator. Jewish witness, Samuel Çaporta, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December 2633. 1455, March Some pages were kept to write an agreement between Salamó Cofen and Lobell Samarell, but the parts did not assist, and the pages remained in blank ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December 2634. 1455, March 19 Ego Salamo Chofen, Judeus ville Cervarie, nunch comorans in civitate Illerde, attendentes Samuelem Çaporta, Salamonem Çatorra et Yçach Gracia, Judeos ville Cervarie, ad tatxandum expensas et missiones factas tam constestu legationis per dictam alyamam et alias alyamas principatus Cathalonie facte domino Regi apud regnum neapulis causa habendarum provisionum et privilegiorum quibus revocari posset … etc Samuel Çaporta, Salamó Çatorra and Içach Gracià were appointed taxators Jewish witnesses, Adret Struch and Içach de Quercí, junior, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December f. 38 v- 40 r 2635. 1455, March 19 Samuel Çaporta, Salamó Çatorra and Içach Gracià, by reason of their position, tatxarunt dictum Salamo Cofen et eius bona ad quantitatem subscriptam in modum sequentens Nosaltres … vista la potestad per les dites parts a nosaltres donada e atribuida, volents sobre aço foragitar tots debats, plets, etc… thatxam lo dit Salamo Coffen per los bens que ell possehex aci en Cervera per raho de aquells setze milia sous de moneda fort que la dita alyama dels Jueus de la dita villa de Cervera e los singulars de aquella han manllevat … ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December f. 40 r – 41 v

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2636. 1455, March 18 Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera, now inhabitant in Lleida, empowers Joan Gibert and Antonio Boffill to act in Cervera as his procurators. Jewish witness, Jucef Aleva, inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December f. 41 r 2637. 1455, March 18 Salamó Coffen, Jew of Cervera inhabitant in Lleida, as procurator for his mother, Reginó, widow of his late father Salamó Cofen, empowers as procurators to Joan Gibert and Antonio Boffill. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December f. 41 v 2638. 1455, July 29 Manuel Vidal, merchant of Cervera, now inhabitant in Barcelona is acting in his own name as well as in name of his wife Agneta. Also their son Rafael is mentioned in this document. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December f. 60 r- 62 r 2639. 1455, August 14 Manuel Vidal, merchant of Barcelona, who had been inhabitant in Cervera, is acting in his own name and as procurator for Blanquina, wife of Jacob Çaporta, merchant, now inhabitants in Barcelona, guardian (tutricis) for Joan Çaporta, their son. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December f. 70 v- 71 r 2640. 1455, August 21 Mair Alazar, Jew physician of Cervera, inhabitant in Santa Coloma de Queralt, is acting as procurator for his wife Bonosa. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December f. 73 r-v 2641. 1455, August 28 Pere Solsona and his son Joan confess their debt to Mestre Mair Alatzar, physician, Jew, actually living in Santa Coloma de Queralt.

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ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December f. 73 v- 74 v 2642. 1455, September 5 Jaume Mulner, on one side, and Nicolau Gibert on the other side, appoint an arbitrator to judge their positions ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December 2643. 1455, September 15 Salamó Çatorra and Içach de Quercí were the secretaries this year of the Jewish aljama of Cervera. This is a document concerning Içach Adret, Samuel Çaporta and Abram Atronay, Jews of Cervera. Jewish witness, Cresques Adret, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December 2644. 1455, September 15 Document concerning same secretaries, and Goig, widow of Samuel Baro Crexent. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December 2645. 1455, September 18 Mahir Alazar, Jew physician inhabitant in Santa Coloma de Queralt, empowers Mestre Cresques Adret, Jew of Cervera, as his procurator. Jewish witness, Juceff Cavaller, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December 2646. 1455, September 24 Transfer of credits to pay a debt to Struch Cavaller, son of the late Samuel Cavaller, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December 2647. 1455, September 24 Antonio Sorribes appoints as his procurator to Samuel Çaporta, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December

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2648. 1455, September 24 It is acknowledged a debt to Juceff Cavaller, Jew of Cervera, son of the late Samuel Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. Samuel Çaporta is mentioned in this document ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December 2649. 1455, September 30 Içach de Quercí, the old, Jew of Cervera, is the creditor in this document. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December 2650. 1455, December The bailiff of Cervera acknowledges he has been paid by the Jew of Tàrrega Içach Jacob the import of the house he bought him in Tàrrega ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1455, January – 1457, December

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YEAR 1456

2651. 1456, May 13 Joan Gracià, convert originating from Cervera, and member of a Military Order, confesses his father, Issac Gracià, Jew of Cervera, has given him 200 florins. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 35, Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1456, ff. 81r – 82r 2652. 1456, December 17 Fahim Atronay, Jew of Cervera, is asked to assist to solve a question concerning a censal. Jewish witness, Adret Ysach, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1455, December 1– 1456, December 24 f. 45 v- 46 r

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YEAR 1457

2653. 1457, March 18 This document appears crossed out, as the parts did not assist to sign it. It says: Ego Vidal de Querci, Judeus Cervarie, in solutum et satisfactionem… quantitatis quam debeo vobis Içach de Querci, fillio [sic] Içach de Querci, Judeo dicte ville, gratis dono vobis omnes actions in illis quindecem solidis quos michi debet Bendit Andali, Judeus Sancte Columbe de Queralto, dando vobis omnes actiones etc. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 9r 2654. 1457, March 30 Jhesus Christus Nouerint universi quod ego, Cresques Adret, phisicus ville Cervarie, nomine meo propio et procurator Bonafilla, uxor mea et Bonosa, uxor magistri Mair Alezar, phisici judei habitatoris civitatis Balaguerii, filieque et heres universalis equitis partibus Içach Orabona, quondam judei ville Cervarie, prout de dicta procuratione constat instrumento publico in posse discreti Johanis Solsona, ville Cervarie regia auctoritate notarius publici per totam Cathalonie principatus, recepta in dicta villa die duodecima mensis madii anno a nativitatis domini 1447… constituo et substituo et ordino procuratores meos certos et speciales vos discretum Anthonium Busquets, notarium, Petrum Costa et Bernardum Colomer, ville Cervarie, et discretos Gregorium Merceynachs et Johannem Merceynachs, notarios, et Bonjua de Beses, judeum ville Tarrege, Bonjua Caravida, judeum ville Sancte Columbe de Queralto, etc. Licet absentis tanquam presentes et utriunque vestrum, etc. Testes huius rei sunt Anthonius Bofill, causidicus, Petrus Quer, pelliparius, et Içach Sutlam, Judeus, ville Cervarie habitatoris. ACSG. Col.lecció Dalmases nº 3043 2655. 1457, April 19 Mosse Çaporta, Jew of Cervera, is acting as procurator for his brother Samuel Çaporta, also of Cervera Jewish witness, Içach de Quercí, junior, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1456, January 3 – 1458, January 31 2656. 1457, April 19

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Mosse Çaporta, Jew of Cervera, is acting as procurator for his brother Samuel Çaporta. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1456, January 3 – 1458, January 31 2657. 1457, April 22 Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera, is acting as procurator substitutus of Mosse Çaporta, who also was a Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1456, January 3 – 1458, January 31 f. 2658. 1457, July 12 Antoni Portella, of Sisteró, acknowledges his debt to Juceff Adret, Jew of Cervera, by reason of the wool he bought him. The son and heir of Antonio Portella paid this debt 26 years later. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 25 r 2659. 1457, August 22 This is a document concerning Astruc Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 26 r

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YEAR 1458

2660. 1458, January 13 Guillem Armengou, of the locality of Palou, lieutenant of the bailiff of Castell de Taltavull, intervenes in a question concerning Juceff Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Içach de Beses, Jew of Tàrrega ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 –1459, December 21 f. 38 r-v 2661. 1458, March 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 50 r 2662. 1458, May 2 It is acknowledged a debt to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 64 r 2663. 1458, May 2 Statement done by Jacob de Quercí, the old, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Juceff Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 64 v 2664. 1458, June 13 Guillem Romei, merchant of Baga, appoints Davi Bendit, Jew of Cervera, as his procurator. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 67 v 2665. 1458, June 25

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It is acknowledged a debt to Vidal de Quercí, by reason of the price of a tunice de dona de trap. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 68 v 2666. 1458, July 21 Cresques de Cotlliure, Jew of Solsona, feeling well in mind, but ill, and fearing to die because of his illness, does his last will. His heirs are: Reginó, his daughter, wife of Belsom Niçim, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt. Bonafilla, his grand-daughter, daughter of Reginó and Belsom Niçim, and also any other child they could have. Tolrana, his daughter, wife of Astruch Adret, Jew of Lleida. Astrugueta, his daughter, wife of Benveníst de Cobliure, Jew of Solsona. His wife, Bonafilla. And as his general legatee, his son Benveníst Cresques de Cobliure. As his son was not still of age, he appointed as his guardians Salamó Çatorre, Jew of Cervera, Astruch Benveníst de Cobliure and Astruch Davi de Cobliure, Jews of Solsona. He added some clauses in case he should agree with Salamó Çatorre the marriage between his son and Bonafilla, daughter of Salamó Çatorre. Jewish witnesses, Samuel de Lunell, physician, Jacob de Quercí, Astruch Bonastruch and Salamó Missael, all of them inhabitants of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Bossa testaments 2667. 1458, August 25 Inventory of the assets located in the house of Salamó ça Torre. Inventarium factum per Salamo ça Torre, judeum ville Cervarie tutorem testamentarium Benvenist Cresques de Cobliure, <pupilli>, filii Cresques de Cobliure, quondam judeus ville Solsone unacum, Astruch Benvenist de Cobliure et Astruch Davi de Cobliure, judeis Cervarie, aliquorum bonorum repertorum in domo domini Salamonis ça Torre, in qua domo suos clausit dies extremos iamdictus Cresques Die xxv Augusti anno a nativitatis domini 1458 Nouerint universi quod … Ego Salamo ça Torre, judeus ville Cervarie, tutor datus et assignatus per Cresques de Cobliure, judeum quondam ville Solsone, <Benvenist> Cresques (crossed out “Benveníst”) de Cobliure eius filio pupillo una cum Astruch Benvenist de Cobliure et Astruch Davi de Cobliure judeis eiusdem ville Solsone, in testamento ipsius Cresques de Cobliure in posse Johannis de Albalat, notarius publicus subscripti die 21 mensis juli anno subscripto, etc. Among the assets found in the house of Salamó ça Torre, there were

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Primo un mantell blau dela muler del dit deffunct Item unes faldetes blaves de dona de poch valor Item una cota de hom de drap Item una gramalla negra hi un capero negre Item un jupo blau Item una vanova prima tota blancha Item una flaçada blancha ab listes blaves de burell Item uns ganivets guornits de argent Item una verga de argent daurat Item una correya streta de dona de cuyr negre Item una correya de cuyro … Item un anell dor ab enprenta de tres torres hi una garza Item una verga de argent daurat … The witnesses who were presents to this act were discreto Joan Clergues, presbitero, Pere de Puig Christians, and Mestre Samuel de Lunell, Jew, physician, inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. Col.lecció Dalmases 3044 2668. 1458, September 26 Cancellation of a debt in favor of Isach Adret, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Salamó Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 77 r 2669. 1458, October 2 Isach Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera, is asked by the bailiff lieutenant of Montoliu to go there to be present at the saffron harvest. Witnesses, Jaume Boix, merchant, … Christian, and Juceff Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 77 v 2670. 1458, October 25 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Isach Jacob de Quercí and Juceff Cavaller, Jews of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 82 v

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2671. 1458, November 21 Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been paid a debt May 2nd. Jewish witness, Lobell Samarell, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 64 r

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YEAR 1459

2672. 1459, January 9 Document concerning Gabriel de Ribelles and Joan Çavit, of Santa Coloma de Queralt. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 95 r

2673. 1459, April 24 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Vidal de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 108 v- 109 r 2674. 1459, April 27 Vicens Queralt and Pere Queralt, of Çavit de Bordell, confess their debt to Vidal de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, by reason of a tunice de panno nigro de home quam a vobis emimus. Witnesses, Andreu Roig, merchant, and Pere Mulet, textor. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 109 v- 110 r 2675. 1459, April 27 Guillem Colom, presbiter in the Church of el Canòs, acknowledges his debt to Juceff Cavaller, Jew of Cervera, by reason of the price of 11 alvats de bruneta et 6 alvas de burell e miga cana de tela … ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 110 v 2676. 1459, May 1 Andreu Font confesses his debt to Vidal de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, by reason of a tunice de home de drap de burell he bought him. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 111 v

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2677. 1459, June 19 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 2678. 1459, June 19 Bertomeu Ferrer, procurator for Samuel Çaporta, Jew of Cervera, is asked to assist the harvest. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 104 v 2679. 1459, June 26 Isach Adret, Jew, procurator for Samuel Çaporta, is asked to go to Limdas to assist the wheat harvest. Witnesses, Bertomeu de Fois and Pere Vall, Christians, and Isach Sutlam and Cresques Adret Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 105 r 2680. 1459, November 15 Vidal de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid his credit April 27 from Vicens and Pere Queralt. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 110 r 2681. 1459, December 11 It is acknowledged a debt to Isach Adret, Jew of Cervera, by reason of the price of a mule de pilo de stornell he had sold. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 139 r

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YEAR 1460

2682. 1460, January 27 Juceff Samarell, Jew of Santa Coloma de Queralt, is paid a debt by being transferred a credit. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 – 1460, December. f. 9 r-v 2683. 1460, April 8 Içach Adret, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for Joan Gener of Calatayud, transfers a credit to Jucef Cavaller, Jew of Cervera, in order to pay him a debt. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 – 1460, December. 2684. 1460, April 22 Juceff Adret, Jew of Cervera, procurator for Altadona, Jewess, the widow of Vidal de Tholosa, Jew of Agramunt, confesses Astruch Benveníst de Cobliure, Jew of Solsona, husband of the late Amoretes, that he had paid him a debt Jewish witness, Içach Adret, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11– December, f. 42 v- 43 r

2685. 1460, April 22 Vidal de Quercí and his wife Bonjorn, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, acknowledge their debt to Isabel, wife of hon. Jaume Palau, of Cervera. Jewish witness, Astruch Taros, of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 11 r 2686. 1460, May 16 Bertomeu Riera confesses his debt to Isach Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 18 r 2687. 1460, May 21 It is acknowledged a debt to Cresques Adret, Jew, physician of Cervera. Witnesses, Manuel Boix, jurisperitus of Cervera, and others of Quarbesi

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ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 18 v 2688. 1460, May 21 Document concerning the debt, acknowledged in the previous document, to Cresques Adret. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 19 r 2689. 1460, June 3 Içach Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, son of Jacob de Quercí, confesses his father: Quod dedistis et solvistis michi mee voluntati quingentos florenos auri de omnia alia quod michi promitistis dare tempore nuptiarum factarum inter me, ex una parte, et Sobredona, Judeam filiam Magistri Samuel de Lunel, et contemplacionis ipsis matrimonii, prout … in capitulis matrimonialibus … super ipso matrimonio actis 25 die mensis nuncupati niçan, ab anno creationis mundi 5212. Item confiteor vobis Magistro de Lunell, patri meo presenti, quod dedistis et solvistis illos ducentos quinquagint florenos et omnes […] que contemplatione dicti matrimonio michi cum dictam Sobredora michi solvere promisistis … ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 – 1460, December. F. 68 r-v 2690. 1460, June 3 … Samuel de Lunell, judeus ville Cervarie, medicus … attendentes me tempore matrimonii … inter vos Içach Jacob de Querci, Judeum dicte ville, filium Jacob de Querci et Sobredona, filiam meam, de consensu et voluntatis mee … ipsius matrimonii … facere donacionem … omnium bonorum meorum post mortem nostram et non ante prout in ipsis Capitulis matrimonialis … die 25 mensis … Niçan creationis mundi 5212 latius continetur … gratis etc … donacionem pura perfecta et irrevocabili inter vivos, dono vobis Sobredora, filie mee, … ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 – 1460, December. F. 69 r-v 2691. 1460, June 3 Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, considering it is marriage time for his son, Içach de Quercí, and Sobredona, Jewess, daughter of Samuel de Lunell, Jew, of the same place, notwithstanding the 500 fl. Donation he had done, he declares that after his death his assets will be distributed according the Hebrew Law (“Iure Ebraycho”)

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ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 – 1460, December. F. 70 r-v 2692. 1460, June 3 Juceff Cavaler, Jew of Cervera, confesses that Jacob de Quercí, Jew of the same place, … gave him all those 6500 Barcelona sous that, when he married Jacob’s daughter Çara, he had promised to give him as dowry, according to the marriage contract called cazuba, in which Mahir Alazar and Mestre Davi signed as witnesses … ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 –1460, December. F. 70 v- 71 v 2693. 1460, June 3 Çara, the daughter of Jacob de Quercí, with her husband Juceff Cavaller’s consent, declares her father has accomplished, to date, all of his obligations with her. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 – 1460, December f. 71 v- 72 r 2694. 1460, June 3 Samuel de Lunell, physician, Jew of Cervera, Sobredona’s father, in order to pay and satisfy his son in law, transfers him rights against his debtors. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 – 1460, December. F. 72 r-v 2695. 1460, June 3 Samuel de Lunel appoints Içach Jacob Gr[acia] and Juceff Cavaler, Jews of Cervera, as his procurators. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11– December. f. 72 v-73 r 2696. 1460, June 3 In Dei nomine amen. Nouerint universi quod ego, Samueli de Lunell, judeus (crossed out, ville Cervarie) medicus ville Cervarie, sciens et attendens me tempore matrimonii … inter Yçach Jacob de Querci, judeum dicte ville filium Jacob de Querci et Sobradona, filiam meam, de consensu et voluntate mea contractu, contemplatione ipsius matrimonii haberem facere donacionem … omnium bonorum meorum post mortem meam, et non antea, prout in ipsis capitulis matrimonialibus die 25 mensis vocati Nisan a crehatione mundi …

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Ideo volens dictum pactum operis per effectum adimplere , gratis et ex certa scientia et spontanea voluntate no vi dolo nech metu inductu seu modo aliquo … seu errore lapsu per me et meos dono et concedo ex mera videlicet liberalitate et animo donandi … facte post obitum vero meum et non ante, vobis Sobredona, filie mee presente et vestris mediatatem omnium bonorum meorum habitorum et habendorum et que tempore mortis mee habebo, hanc autem donationem medietatus dictorum bonorum meorum, facio vobis dicte Sobradona, filie mee forma melius dici et intelligi potest ad …. Intellectum sub pacto et conditione quod vos dictus Yçach Jacob de Querci … fuerit dicte donationi habeans illa bona que dicta Sobradona, filia mea, de medietatus dictorum bonorum meorum assecurare super bonis vestris… Witnesses, … et Salamo Ceri et Struch Chinilli, sutores ville Cervarie habitatores ACSG. Col.lecció Dalmases nº 3045 2697. 1460, June 9 The universality of Guimerà confesses its debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Davi Benaçaya, Jew physician of Tàrrega. The list of inhabitants in Guimerà includes Joan Salamó and his wife Tecla, Bertomeu Domenech and his wife Antònia, and others. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 –1460, December 23 f. 23 v- 25 v 2698. 1460, June 9 The universality of Guimerà confesses its debt to Davi Benaçaya, Jew physician of Tàrrega ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 –1460, December 23 f. 25 v- 31 v 2699. 1460, June 9 The universality of Guimerà agrees to pay Davi Benaçaya, Jew physician. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – December 23 f. 31 v- 33 v 2700. 1460, June 11 It is acknowledged a debt to Isach Adret, Jew of Cervera. One of the witnesses was Bernabeu Quintana, married with Violant.

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ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 34 r- 36 r 2701. 1460, June 17 Eulalia confesses that Içach Çutlam and Samuel Çutlam, Jews of Cervera, heirs and owners of the properties of the late Biona Çutlam, their great-uncle, have paid and satisfied her by reason of illas tres quarteras frumenti censuales quas dictus Biona Çutlam and Bonadona, eius uxor, principalis, and Samuel Sutlam and Içach Samarell, judei dicte ville, ut fideiussores … solvere tenebebant. Also she confesses she was paid 18 ll. Pensions, 9 from Içach Sutlam, Jew son of the said Samuel, and 9 from the aforesaid Içach Çutlam and Samuel Çutlam. A Mosse Sutlam was the son of the said Samuel. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11– December. f. 75 r-76 v 2702. 1460, July 22 It is acknowledged a debt to Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew. One of the witnesses was Pere Domenech, alias Maymó, of Sant Pere dels Arquells. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – December 23 f. 36 v- 38 v 2703. 1460, July 25 Bartholomeus Fferrari, causidicus ville Cervarie, locumtenentis ut dixit et asservit Jacobi de Sancta Maria, baiuli, presbiteri castlano dicti loci de Granyena, existens personaliter constitutus in villa Cervarie, coram Isach de Querci, minor dierum dicte ville, asserto procuratorem Salamo Coffen, Judei civitatis Illerde, dixit eisdem Isach … asked him to assist the harvest in Granyena… Witnesses, Joan Cornellana, merchant, Antonio Boffill, textor, Christianum, and Salamies Çullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 45 r

2704. 1460, July 30 … ego Michael de Pallers, blanquerius ville Cervarie, … obligatus fore vobis Salamo Coffen, judeo habitatoris civitatis Ilerde, in 16 fl. Et medio auri, ut haventis locum et cessionem a Goig, Judea dicte ville, socra vestra, ex illis 34 fl. Auri quos debebatis dicte Goig medio publico instrumento … ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 –1460, December .f. 85 -86 r

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2705. 1460, August 5 Juceff Adret, Jew of Cervera, pays a debt to Isach Adret, Jew of Cervera, by transferring him his rights against Bertomeu Llobet. Jewish witness, Salamó Cavaller, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 50 r 2706. 1460, August 5 Document concerning the debt that in the previous document is referred to. Jewish witness, Vidal de Quercí, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 50 v 2707. 1460, August 12 Trelat dela sentencia donada per lo honorable en Guerau de Altarriba, donzell entre les parts desus scrites En nom de Deu sia amen, … nos en Guerau dAltarriba, donzell procurador general del comdat de Cardona per lo molt egregi senyor Compte de Cardona arbitre arbitrador e amigable composador elet comunament e concordat per maestre Jaffuda Albala, juheu dela vila de Celsona, en nom e persona de Yçach Adret, jueu dela ciutat de Leyda, germa de Astruch Adret, quondam jueu de la dita vila de Celsona, e marit qui fonch dela dona na Tolrana filla den Cresques de Copliure, quondam dela dita vila, dela una part, e la dita dona na Tolrana de la part altra, sobre la causa debat e questio qui es entre lo dit Içach Adret, germa del dit quondam Astruch dela una part, e la dita na Tolrana dela part altra, la qual lo dit Içach Adret, germa del dit Astruch, demane e requer deure e esser copulada aell matrimonialment, juxta ordinacio e disposicio dela ley Judahica, als que demane e requer aquella esser condepnada com a rebelle a perdre la dot e spoli que ha ells pertanyen en e sobre los bens del dit quondam Astruch Adret, segons que aquestes coses e altres son stades de paraula davant lo senyor Comte de Prades, e nos com a procurador del dit senyor Comte de Cardona, e com arbitre arbitrador, axi per part del dit Içac Adret, com altres deduhides, lo qual dit matrimoni la dita na Tolrana denegue voler fer ni consentir, allegant ses causes e rahons, deles quals som aple informat, vist primerament lo poder per la dita na Tolrana per sa part, e lo dit mestre Jaffuda Albala per la part del dit Içach Adret anos donat, vista per semblant la caucio e seguretat per lo dit mestre Jaffuda anos prestada de fer fermar les coses per ell fermades al dit Içach Adret, vista per semblant la dita questio e debat que per causa del dit matrimoni es entre los desus dits, vistes per semblant les rahons que cascuna de les dites parts poden sobres la dita questio fer ni allegar, vist finalment tot ço e quat fahia e era necessari aveuse per relevament dela dita questio e debat enperamor de aço volents seguir sobre les dites coses mes via de amigable composicio que de dret ni de justicia en sentenciar, arbitrar e declarar sobre la dita causa debat he questio, procehim en la forma e manera seguents:

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Com a nos conste o aparegue claramet esser stat ordinat e manat de utero novum a XXV capitols e aço segons disposicio dela ley Vella la qual los quals son tenguts servar, que mort lo marit sens infants, la muller de aquell que sobreviu al dit marit per suscitar la sement del marit mort a aesser matrimonialment copulada, donada e ajustada al germa del dit son marit mort, e per conseguent segons ordinacio dela dita Ley, la dita Tolrana ha deu pendre per marit lo dit Yçach Adret, qui es germa maior del dit quondam Astruch. Enperamor […] volents seguir sobre lo desus dit mes via de amigable composicio que de dret ab nostra present sentencia arbitrans, pronunciam sentenciam e declaram que la dita Na Tolrana, dins spay de sis mesos prop venidors age liberat e eleccio de pendre per marit e ajustarse matrimonialment e segons ordinacio dela Ley Judaica al dit Içach Adret, si aquel pendre per marit volra. E per semblant de no pendrel per marit si nol volra. E si la dita na Tolrana dins spay dels dits sis mesos deliberara ho volra haver per marit lo dit Içach Adret, en aquel cas pronunciam he declaram lo matrimoni confirmat sie entre ells abdosos segons disposicio e ordinacio dela dita Ley Judaica. E que enaquell cas lo dit Içac Adret age e sie tengut sots incoriment de les penes en lo compromis contengudes consumar lo dit matrimoni e asegurar ala dita na Tolrana sa dot e spoli e totes altres coses que per ordinacio dela dita Ley Judaica es ordonat e dispost. E si per avenensa dins lo spay dels dits sis mesos prop venidors la dita na Tolrana no haura desliberat fer o complir lo dit matrimoni ab lo dit Içach Adret, en aytal cas arbitrans pronunciam sentenciam e declaram que la dita na Tolrana perde e hage per perduda la dot e spoli que ha o lis pertanye en e sobre los bens del dit quondam son marit, la qual dot ensemps ab lo dit spoli ab nostra present sentencia en lo dit cas adjudicam al dit Içach Adret, germa del dit quondam Astruch Adret. E en perdre en lo dit cas e no en altra manera la dita dona la dita sua dot e spoli aquela condepnam e al dit Içach adjudicam. E com durant lo temps dels dits sis mesos los bens heretat e drets que foren del dit quondam Astruch coreguen molts perills etc… Die 12 augusti anno 60 Hon Geraldus de Altarriba, domicellus, arbitor, reinterpretavit suo propio motu, addendo primo capitulo contento en sentencia quea pro necessitate del acte inminent peregue e complie lo temps de sis mesos atorgats a la dita na Tolrana a consumar o contravenir lo dit matrimoni als tres mesos mes avant dels sis, en forma que sien 9 de noembre, manant esser fet hacte publich. Testes Raymundus Ponç, agricola loci de lAranyo, et Andreas Quer, scutifer dicti hon. Geraldi dAltarriba. Actum in loco del Aranyo. ACSG. Manuscrits Jueus 2.19 (AM – 4) 2708. 1460, August 19 Pere Farrer of Granyanella and Jaume Farrer of Cervera confess their debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Isach Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera

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ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 51 r-v 2709. 1460, September 9 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Jacob de Quercí, the old ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 65 r 2710. 1460, September 10 Payment of a debt to Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera, by transferring him the debtor’s rights against Berenguer Rossell ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 66 v 2711. 1460, September 20 […] Baruch, Jew of Cervera, appoints Mosse Sutlam, of Cervera, as his procurator. Jewish witness, Içach [Quercí] ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11 – 1460, December. F. 93 v 2712. 1460, September 26 Içach de Quercí, senior, Jew of Cervera, is acting as procurator for Simon Balaguer, of the city of Lleida. Jewish witness, Ju[…] Bonafos ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11–December. F. 94 v-95 r 2713. 1460, October 20 Bertomeu de Santa Maria, lieutenant of Jaume de Santa Maria, bailiff of Granyena, asked to Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, to assist to the vintage in Granyena. Jewish witness, Davi Bendit ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 69 v 2714. 1460, October 20 Simili modo citavit Isach de Querci judeum Cervarie minorem dierum ut procurationem Salamonis Coffen Judei civitatis Illerdem in eius domo domini Isach … Isach absente et dominam Goig uxorem Samuelis Samarell quondam judei dicte ville, presente … Jewish witness, Mestre Cresques Adret, medicus Judeus Cervarie.

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ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 69 r 2715. 1460, November 14 Bernat Carrera pays a debt to Mestre Cresques Adret, Jew physician of Cervera, by transfering him a credit. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 74 r-v 2716. 1460, December 5 Document concerning Fahim Ataz, Jew of Lleida Jewish witness, Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1460, January 11– December f 128v-129 r 2717. 1460, December 5 Appointment done to Samuel de Lunell, physician, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Salamó Çatorra, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 84 r 2718. 1460, December 5 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Isach Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 84 v 2719. 1460, December 5 Juceff Cavaller and Samuel Cavaller, Jews of Cervera, sons and heirs to the late Samuel Cavaller, confess they have been paid some amounts due to their father. One of the credits was by reason of a mutuo agreed before the notary Llorens Perull on 1442, October 16, another credit had been agreed before the notary Dalmau Cellers on 1449, May 9. Jewish witness, Cresques Adret, Jew, magister in medicina, of Cervera ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 89 v- 90 r

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YEAR 1461

2720. 1461, December 18 Isach Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid a debt stated in a document of 1460, December 5, before the present notary. Witnesses, Antonio Queralt, merchant, and Pere Salvador, of Granyanella, Christians, and Salamó Sayol, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1460, April 1 – 1460, December 23 f. 84 v

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YEAR 1464

2721. 1464, March 9 Bonadona, the widow of Içach Orabona, Jew, and their daughter Bonafilla, the wife of Cresques Adret, Jew physician, give Içach Adret a house of their own, located in the Call Sobirà of Cervera, in the Street called del Vent, bounding on one of its sides with the towns’s wall (Barbacana muri dicte ville). ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1464, January 3 – 1464, November. F. 13 r 2722. 1464, May 1 The widow of Içach Gracià, Jew of Cervera (her name is not written in the documents), by virtue of this act makes a donation post mortem of all of her properties to her son Joan Gracià, Christian. And after her son’s death, she wants their properties should be given to Reginó, her niece (her sister’s), wife of Davi Bendit, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Gabriel Gotsens, pelliparius, and Samuel Çutlam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1464, January 3 – 1464, November. 2723. 1464, October 4 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Samuel Cavaler, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1464, January 3 – 1464, November. F. 43 v

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YEAR 1466

2724. 1466, May 20 In this document, a house located in the Capcorral Quarter of Cervera, as bounding with the house of Lobell Samarell, , is mentioned. ACSG. FN I. 35. Joan d’Albalat. Manual 1463, Dec 29 – 1466, Nov. f. 24 r-25 r

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YEAR 1467

2725. 1467, January 14 Die mercuri 21 Januari anno 1467, hora vespre, fuit , fuit presentatus per Salamo Cofen, Judeum … Die 19 febreri hora vesperorum anno 1467, Salamo Cofen … Joannes Dei gratia Rex Aragonum etc… Dilecto nostro Baiulo locali civitatis nostre Ilerde, salutem et dilectionem, … suplicatus excellencie nostre pro parte Salamonis Cofen, Judei eiusmodi civitatis comprehendimus quod inter ipsum, ex una, et aliamam Judeorum ville Cervarie parte ex altera, ducte fuerunt et seu ducuntur alique cause et lites, tam super contribucione collectarum aliame predicte Cervarie quam alteris, in et super quibus dictus Salamon Cofen in pluribus fuit vexatus et maletractatus per dictam aliamam et illius secretarios ac adelantatos ac alios officiales eiusdem, cuius rei gracia pre maxime quia dictus Cofen erat habitator Civitatis Ilerde et de illius aliama, ad eius supplicacionem vobis cum consilio dilecti consiliari nostri Anthoni Riquer, legum doctoris eiusmodi civitatis Ilerde, causas huiusmodi comisimus decidendas… …dictis Salamon est habitator dicte civitatis Ilerde et illius aliame… Mandantes vogis quod vocatas et auditas partibus iam dictas… Datus in villa Villefranche Penitensis die 14 januari anno a nativitatis domini 1467. Document concerning the lawsuit between Salamó Cofen, Jew inhabitant in Lleida, and the Jewish aljama of Cervera. Vilafranca del Penedes, 1467, Januari 14 ACSG. Manuscrits 2.3

2726. 1467, March 31 En nom de nostre Senyor Deu sia, amen Com …e debats entre na Regino, muller de Belsom Niçim, de Santa Coloma, com a ereua en la meitat dels bens e drets de son pare en Crescas de Cotliure e de son girma Benvenist, de una part, e entre nAstruch Benvenist de Cotliure e na Condorina, muller de nAstruch Davi de Cotliure, axi com a poseydora dels bens del dit son marit de part altra, de les quals diferencies e … an fermat compromis, en poder del discret en Caldoni Pelos, notari de Solsona, a 20 de novembre 1466 a tot ço per mi Juçef Cavaller sera prenunciat, declarat e judicat, per via de justicia ho de amigabla composacio, ho en la manera que per mi dit Juçef sera prenunciat E per ço que millor puxa sentençiar, arbitrar e declarar, e volgut saber previament totes lurs … e son les preçedens

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Primo la dita na Regino, <ereva> socçehent en la mitat dels bens de son pare … fa demanda als dits n Astruch Benvenist de Cotlliure, <axi com a tudor> e a Na Condorina, axi com a socçehent los bens de son marit, los demane li donen conte de tot aquell envantari que fonch pres dels bens del dit son pare, lo coal ynventari se mostra en poder del discret en Merçer notari de Solsona, lo quoal fonch començat ha 4 dagost 1458. E foun continuat fins a 22 de setembre Item demana la dita na Regino li sien dats los llibres en que son escrits los deutes que son deguts a son pare. Item demana a nAstruch Benvenist de Cotliure li don 14 florins pertanyents a sa part de aquells 30 florins que lo dit nAstruch deu al dit son pare, segons lo dit son pare ha escrit en son llibre. Item demana al dit Nastruch que li done la carta dela donaçio que lo dit Nastruch feu de son alberch ha an Benvenist de Cotlliure, germa de la dita Reyino. “item mes demana lo dit nAstruch Benvenist a la dita Regino com a çocseen en los bens de son pare per coant lo dit pare de na Regino poseyia los bens del besavi del dit Astruch, e per ço li demane una vinya e una tina e un vexell e un amas ab ses abraroz e ames megillaç, lo quoal llibre es molt bell, (tatxat: a mes demana un llibre apellat hobres) a mes demana que la dita Regino mostre ab quin titol poseyia son pare los bens del avi del dit Astruch, lo quoal dit avi era pare del pare de na Regino” Sentencia que dona Juçef Cavaller … el 31 de Març 1467 Witnesses Joan Nadal, fuster, i Bonjua Adret, Jueu, de Cervera. ACSG. Manuscrits Jueus 2.2 (AM – 45)

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YEAR 1469

2727. 1469, July 10 Manifest 1469. Quarter de Capcorral. Juheus Juceff Gracia fonch atrobat en lo manifest antich que ha la meytat de hun alberch, que fou del pubill den Berenguer Bertran… Içach Jacob de Querci dix per sagrament a 10 de Juliol any 1469 que ha un obrador als speciers, lo qual fou den Pere Gilabert, e ans den Pere de Vergos … Item dix lo dit Içach Jacob de Querci a 22 de desembre 1473 que ha un alberch al carrer del Spital, que fonch den Francesch Mulner, e ans den G. Lambart, convers. Biona Sutlam foch atrobat en lo manifest antich que ha una vinya al terme de Sadeho, que fou den Benet de Piera… Baro Crexent fonch atrobat en lo manifest antich que ha un ort desus lo Call Jusa… Item una casa e ort en la costa den Feliu, … quen porte en Samuell Cavaller per una partida quen te. Bonjua de Buldu… Içach Adret… Juceff Samarell fonch atrobat en lo manifest antich que ha un troç al Ameller Amargos, lo qual fou den Salamo Samarell… Içach Salamo Cohen… Juceff Çutlam fonch atrobat en lo manifest antich que ha una vinya a Matacaruera, que fou den Pedro Galego… Içach Çutlam… Samuell Çutlam… Mosse Villam fonch atrobat en lo manifest antich que ha un alberch davant lo forn nou, que fou den Salvador Porta, e ans den Jacme Salat… Bellsom Vidal… Davi Bendit fonch atrobat en lo manifest antich que ha la meytat dun troç de mayllol a Matacaruera, lo qual fou den Vicent Beçols, prestat aquesta meytat, car laltra porte en Baro Crexent. P.D. afit an Benvenist Cofen

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Salamo Çatorra fonch atrobat en lo manifest antich que ha un alberch ala plaça del Olm, que fou den Pere Costa, en ans den Thomas Quintana… Benvenist Cofen dix per sagrament a 11 de Juliol any 1469 que ha un alberch a la Plaça del Olm, que foun den Macia Steve… Item dix que ha la meytat de un troç a Matacaruera, que fou den Davi Bendit, Juheu… Samuell Struch Cavaller, Juceff Cavaller son fill, dien per jurament a 18 de Juliol any 1469, que ha un alberch al carrer maior, que fonch de son pare, e ans den Jacme Tallada… Item un aljup o partida de una fexa de un ort que foun den Moss. Johan Cornt par laltra partida porte en Baro Crexent… Içach de Querci fou atrobat a 10 de Juliol any 1469 que ha un alberch en lo carrer del Spital… Item un troç a capell, que fou den Pere dez Pla… Cresques Cofen fonch atrobat que ha en lo manifest antich que ha unes cases al carrer den Lobet, que foren den Ramon Johan, menor de dies, e ans den Valbona… Juceff Baro Crexen.. Jafuda de Querci dix a 8 fabrer any 1473 que ha un alberch al carrer maior, que fonch den Içach de Querci, e ans den Pere Avero… Içach Aroti, Juheu, dix a 17 de fabrer any 1475 que ha una vinya… ACSG. FM. Llibres de Manifest

2728. 1469, October 29 The information on the tax collection given in this document is dated between July 19 and October 29 Quistia 1469 (Recaptació) Llibre de la collecta dela talla de la vila de Cervera del any 1469 Capcorral Jucef Gracia Jacob de Querci Biona Sullam Baro Crexent Bonjua de Buldu Içach Adret Yçach Salamo Jucef Samarel Jucef Çullam

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Yçach Çullam Samuel Çullam Mose Bilam Belshom Vidal Davi Bendit Salamo Çatorra Benvenist Cofen Samuel Cavaler Yçach de Querci Cresques Cofen Jucef Baro This list of contributors provides also information on the imports of the taxation. ACSG. FM. Questia. Llibre de la col.lecta 1469. Capcorral, Plaça. 2.4.1 nº 1923

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YEAR 1470

2729. 1470, July 27 + Jesus Christus + Cum Magister Davi Abenaçaya, judeus et medicus ville Tarrege, detineat usurpatum et occupatum quoddam terre trocium et tirarum situm in termino dicte ville Tarrege, in partita vocata lo Prat, confrontatam de una parte in tenedone heredum den Baget et ex alia parte in tenedone den Canut et cum aliis affrontationibus quod quidem terre trocium et tirarum fuit pertinet et expectat et est Petri de Robio, parator pannorum ville Tarrege et suorum predecessorum, et sich fuit per eosdem paciffice et quiete possessionem per tanta tempora quod non est memoria homines . Et dictus Magister Davi Abenaçaya tota justa causa cessante et quam omnimodam … He was condemned to pay Robio ACSG. Col.lecció Dalmases nº 3054

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YEAR 1473

2730. 1473 and on Dalmases 3005 Debita comunia Aci seran continuats los deutes de les scriptures que jo, Anthoni Bonet, notari, fare de ara avant e alguns quin deuen. Primo deu lo discret en Simeon Porta, notari, per un debitori fet per en mir e altres de Brianço de denou lliures e sous, lo qual li he liurat en forma, e ha promes pagar dels primers diners es lo salari vint sous pos li en compte. Es li degut Deu la Aljama dels Jueus de la vila de Cervera, per una cancellacio de censal de preu de CC lliures. Item la eleccio que feren e mutacio del clavari lo consell lany present , LXXIII Item per la elecctio que feren de clavaris e mutacio del consell lany, LXXIIII Deu la dona na Johana, muller de Macart de Monmaneu, per una procura… Aliama dels jueus de Cervera apres que agui comptat ab ells fins a 18 d’agost de 79 Primo deu la dita aliama per un protest donat per mestre Cresques Adret, ffisich, a mestre Samuel Cavaller et a Juceff Baro Crexent, secretaris, a 13 de març de 80 per la copia resposta e translat de replica per tot … Item per una requesta feta a dits secretaris per mestre Salamo Cavaller quis mudave a Agramunt sobre los talls e per la resposta dit dia… Item per una presentacio de cedula presentada per lo dit mestre Cresques Adret an Juceff Baro Crexent, secretari, demanan treslat per testificar e copia a 26 de abril dit any… Item per una sentencia donada entre la aliama duna part e en Jacob de Querci, habitant de Anglesola, per mestre Cresques de Jafuda de Querci a 19 de mag de dit any, e per lo compromis e assignacions, per tot … Item per una presentacio de cedula feta per mestre Juceff Cavaller, secretari, a micer P. Boquet, a 4 de octubre de 80, e per la resposta… Item per la eleccio e creacio feta per la aliama de secretaris lany 1481, Juceff Adret e mestre Içach de Querci… Item per la eleccio e creacio de secretaris feta per la aliama any 82, mestre Juceff Cavaller e Mosse de Querci…

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Item per la eleccio e creacio de secretaris feta per la aliama lany 1483, Mestre Cresques e Jafuda de Querci… Item per una renunciacio feta per mestre Cresques Adret e Jafuda de Querci, secretaris, a 18 de dehembre de 83, de certa presentacio que ere stada feta al dit micer P. Boquet dela desus dita provisio real sobre la questia, ab certes salvetats e protestacions… Item per una presentacio de cedula feta per Salamo Cofen contra la aliama e al consell fonch hi respost a 26 de Jener de 84… Item per testificar una apoca feta per <en Bonjua Adret als> Secretaris e conselles dela aljama de dita vila per la casa del dit Cofen… Item per un acte fet a la casa de mestre Juceff Cavaller, que no podien tenir consell, per mestre Içach de Querci Item lo translat donat a mestre Içach de Querci dela continuacio de la eleccio de secretaris … Item per una licentia donada per lo balle a mestre Içach Jacob de Querci, de poder fer aplegar lo consell a 30 de agost de 85… Paga lo dit mestre Içach de Querci an Jener per lo traslat fet del proces que dona Mosse de Querci a 18 de setembre dit any 85… Etc… De tot aquest compte jo Anthoni Bonet notari ab lo senyor en Jaffuda de Querci e ab en Simuel Adret, Jueus secretaris a 21 de abril any 1488… 2731. 1473, January Dalmases 3004 Compte de la aliama dels Jueus de Cervera Primo deu dita aliama, per un loguer feren an Struch e Bonjua Adret de un alberch den Salamo Coffen, a 5 anys, a 18 de Gener de 73 Item per una promesa feta per mestre Juceff Cavaller, en nom de la dita aliama, an Salamo Coffen …a 25 de gener… Item dit dia lo dit Salamo Cofen feu una carta de promesa a dita aliama de quitar dit alberch. Item per una protestacio que feu mestre Cavaller de una letra real a micer P. Boquet sobre lo tayllar dela quistia fen lin translat an respostes a 27 de gener.

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Item per un debitori que dita aliama feu an Bonjua Adret de 60 lliures lo primer dia e febrer. Item a 8 de abril dit any fonch fermat compromis entre la aliama e en Querci de Anglesola, e a 15 de maig fonch sentenciat… Item a 15 de juny dit any fonc feta diffinicio entre la aliama e mestre Juceff Cavaller… Item a 18 de febrer de 79, en Juceff Baro, secretari, presenta una cedula an Ramon Steve per la imposicio del vi fen ne translats per tot. Item a 16 de janer dit any 75, la aliama feu sindicat e procura an Girgos e an Casafranca de Barchinona per demanar renunciacio en les corts del robo del call. Item a 22 de abril dit any, un compromis entre la aliama e en Iacob de Querci de Anglesola ab prorrogacio. Item a 30 de juny moss. lo batle asocia mestre Cavaller en clavari an Baro per mort de Benvenist Cofen a llur peticio. Item a 25 de agost de 75 la aliama feu procures es sindichs an Içach Iacob de Querci, Juceff Adret e Jucef Cavaller, per pactar i concordar per lo censal de micer Maior. Item a 28 de maig de 76, en Benet Maior com a procura de son fill, feu una apoca ala aliama o secretaris per la pensio de març dit any. Item a 7 de joliol dit any foren fermats dos compromissos entre laliama e en Benvenist lahu i laltre ab en Mosse Içach Sutlam. … Item lo sindicat que laliama feu a mestre Juceff e an Jafuda de Querci… Etc…

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YEAR 1474

2732. 1474, June 15 Nouerint universi quod nos, Bonet Bellsom <Narboni>, Judeus ville Cervarie, secretarius anno presente <et subscripto> aliame Judeorum ville predicte, una vobiscum Juceff Adret, Judeo dicte ville subscripto, Juceff Cavaller, Isach Jacob de Querci, Jaffudanus de Querci, Juceff Baro, Bonjua Adret, Mosse Sutlam de Çaporta et Mosse Sutlam, Judei dicte ville Cervarie consiliarii anno presenti aliame predicte unacum Benvenist Sutlam, judeo ab hoc actu et etiam a presenti villa <Cervarie> absente aljamam et universitatem ac consilium eiusdem aliame et universitatis Judeorum dicte ville facientes er prepresentantes ac celebrantes, convocati et congregati ex ordinacione et mandato mei dicti Bonet Bellsom Narboni, secretarii more solito intus tamen domum vestram dictorum Isach Jacob de Querci et Jafudani de Querci, sitam intus dictam villam Cervarie, in vico vocato dels Speciers pro huiusmodi et aliis negociis et actibus utilitatem et comodum dicte aliame et eius singularum concernentibus… Confitemur et recognoscemus vobis Juceff Adret, Judeo dicte ville, que fuistis et etiam estis clavarius dicte aliame universitatis et consilii, creatus electus et nominatus per consilium dicte aliame et universitatis 13 die mensis Januarii anno a nativitatis domini 1471; quod venistis nobiscum dicto nomine ad bonum verum justum et finale compotum et racionem super omnibus et singulis peccunie quantitatibus bonis et rebus per vos ut clavarium predictum, tam Jaffudano de Querci … Signa Bonet Bellsom Narboni, secretarius, Juceff Cavaller, Isach Jacob de Querci, Jaffudani de Querci, Juceff Baro, Bonjua Adret, Mosse Sutlam de Çaporta, et Mosse Sutlam, predictorum, qui hec dictus nomine laudamus et firmamus. Testes huius rei sunt Salamo Lobell Levi et Cresques Bellsom, Nicim Levi, Judei ville Cervarie habitatores. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases Nº 3010 2733. 1474, July 31 Jaffuda de Querci e Juceff Baro Crexent, Secretaris lany passat Consellers Juceff Adret, Içach Jacob de Querci, Mestre Juceff Cavaller, Bonet Bellsom, Bonjua Adret, Mosse Sutlam, Mosse Sutlam de Çaporta, presents, Benvenist Sutlam, absent, tres fora del consell, Mestre Cresques, Benvenist Coffen e Vidal Sutlam. Congregats e ajustats en la Scola e Sinagoga del Call Superior dela vila de Cervera, aon per semblants e altres actes se acostume de congregar e ajustar iuxta la facultat a ells atorgada de ainstar e fer tals e semblants actes per vigor de lurs concessions, costums e pratique e consuetut antiguades. ACSG. Manuscrits 2.35 (AM – 43)

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YEAR 1475

2734. 1475 Memorial fet per mi, Anthoni Bonet, notari dels contractes en poder meu rebuts e testificats del primer any que fui creat notari real, fins a la spulsio dels Jueus Lany 71 Primo a 11 de dehembre any setanta ehu, en Johan Lorens e Thomas Oriola, de Concabella, feren debitori an Juceff Baro, jueu de Cervera, de sexanta sous per prestech Lany 73 Item a 18 de Gener de 73, la aliama de Cervera logua an Adret Struch e Bonjua Adret unes cases al call Jusa, que foren de Salamo Cofen, ab certs pactes e condicions Item a 25 de Janer de dit any en Salamo Cofen, jueu, vene an Samuel Adret e Vidal Sullam, jueus de Cervera, unes cases qui son al cayll Jusa per preu de sexanta lliures ab apoca Dit dia en Samuel Adret e Vidal Sullam, jueus de Cervera, feren regonexeça e debitori an Salamo Cofen, jueu, de 30 lliures. Dit dia lo dit Salamo Cofen feu procura a Mestre Juceff Cavaller. Lo dia mateix en Salamo Cofen feu apoca an Vidal Sullam de tot ço que li devie per raho de loguer de les cases del call Jusa. Item lo dit dia mestre Juceff Cavaller, en nom e havent poder dela aliama, feu carta de promesa an Salamo Cofen de restituirli les cases passats cinch anys, e pagant certa quantitat, e ferli diffinicio. E lo mateix dia lo dit Salamo Cofen promes pagar al dit Juceff Cavaller en nom dela aliama les dites 50 lliures ab cert forma en dita carta contenguda. Item lo primer de ffebrer de 73 la aliama confessa deure a Bonjua Adret, jueu de Cervera, 60 lliures per prestech, pagadores dins cinch anys… Item a 28 de abril de dit any, un compromis entre la aliama de una part e en Jacob de Querci, jueu de Cervera, dela altre. Item a 29 de abril en Salamo Cofen confessa haver rebut de Samuel Adret e Vidal Sutlam trenta lliures queli devien ab carta desus contenguda. Item a 5 de maig, en Jaffuda de Querci e Regino, muller suafermaren apoca an Içach Jacob de Querci de cent fflorins dor.

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Item a 14 de maig una sentencia donada entre laliama dels Jueus de Cervera, de una part, e en Jacob de Querci de la part altre. Item a 15 de juny laliama feu diffinicio an Jacob de Querci e an Jaffuda de Querci de tot lo que havien rebut per laliama. Item lo dia mateix dita aliama o consell feren diffinicio an Juceff Adret, clavari. Item lo dia mateix altre diffinicio fermada entre laliama o consell de una part e en Juceff Cavaller dela part altre. Item a 14 de noembre, en Salamo Lobell, alias Levita, Jueu de Monço habitant en Cervera, feu donacio an Samuel Lobell, fill seu, de unes cases e de certs troços ab certs pactes e condicions. Lany 1474 Primo a 17 de dehembre una diffinicio feta per e entre en Samuel Lobell de una part, e Benvenist Sutlam, Jueu, dela part altre. Item lo primer de març dit any la aliama e consell de aquella feren apoca de 30 lliures e 10 sous e de altres quantitats an Jacob de Querci, ab loch e cessio. Item lo dit dia en Gaspar Lenyader feu debitori an Bonet Bellsom de 80 sous per rao de forment. Item a 11 de març en Gabriel Fferrer del loch dela Guardia, e P. Moni, laurador de Cervera, feren debitori an Juceff Baro Crexent, jueu de Cervera … pel preu de una gonella. Item a 14 de agost una sentencia donada entre madona Isabel Jutglara de una part e en Benvenist Sullam, Jueu, de laltra. Item a 16 de agost en P. Bonet dela Amella, fill den Pere quondam, feu debitori an Içach Jacob de Querci de cinch lliures per prestech. Item a 2 doctubre, una sentencia donada per e entre lo procurador den Ramon Baro, de una part, e Bonet Bellsom, jueu, dela part altre, en virtut de un compromis fermat a 30 (written 31) de setembre per dites parts. Item a 17 de octubre na Auricha muller de Mosse Andali quondam Jueu, per remuneracio feu donacio a na Isabel, filla sua, de tots drets e accions pertanyents contra la heretat e bens de dit son marit. Item a 6 de octubre na Goig, muller den Struch Cavaller, feu donacio an Salamo Cavaller de la meytat dela casa que fou de Mestre Lunell, situada al Call Sobira. Item en Barthomeu Serro feu debitori an Jaffuda de Querci, Jueu de Cervera, de quaranta sous per forment, fo a 5 de novembre de dit any 74.

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Lany 75 Primo una venda feta an Jafuda de Querci, de la botiga den Altallo per obrar los archs per preu de 13 sous ab apoca e carta de gracia, es lo primer de janer de dit any. Item a 11 de gener laliama de Cervera feren procuracio e sindicat per a demanar los danys donats e per altres coses. Item a 3 de febrer, en Johan Marti e Johan Brufau, de Cervera, feren debitori an Içach Jacob de Querci … per drap. Item lo primer de març en Johan Fexes e sa mare, de Terroga, feren debitori an Jaffuda de Querci e a Mosse de Querci … per blat. Item a 17 de març en Johan Coma, de Tordera, P. Coma, Miquel Panos, Blanqua sa muller, e Johana, muller den P. Gordiola, an Jacob de Querci, de vint sous per un parell de calses Item a 30 de juyn mestre Samuel Cavaller e Salamo Cavaller, en certs noms, feren apoca a Bonet Bellsom, Jueu, ab cessio de drets e obligacio de bens. Item a 9 de agost moss. Johan Pere e sa muller veneren a mestre Samuel Cavaller unes cases al cap del Call Sobira de Cervera per preu de buyt lliures. Item a 9 de octubre, na Sobredona, muller den Içach Jacob de Querci, feu donacio a Jacob Içach de Querci, fill seu, de tots los drets que age en los bens de mestre Lunell, quondam, pare seu. Item a 16 de octubre ella e son fill feren una procura a fermar cert compromis que han signats an Içach Jacob de Querci. Item lo dit procurdor, en dit nom, loa e aprova lo dit compromis… ACSG. Colección Dalmases 3011

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YEAR 1479

2735. 1490, February 8 Censal Içach de Quercí and Juceff Cavaller, physicians, and Jaffuda de Quercí, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, are acting as habentes cessionem et insolutum dacionem of a censal, that was agreed on 1479, June 11, before the notary Antoni Bonet Witnesses, venerabile Jaume Ripoll, presbiter, Christian, and Içach Samuel Sutlam, Jew, inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases 3051 2736. 1479, September 7 … in presentia mei, Anthoni Bonet, ville Cervarie auctoritatem regia notari publici infrascripti, et in presencia etiame Juceff Baro Crexent et Rabi Alatzar, Judeorum vill Cervarie habitatorium, testium ad ista vocatorum specialiter et assumptorum Juçeff Cavaller, ffisicus et Juceff Adret, Judei ville Cervarie habitatores, arbitri et arbitratores, laudatores et amicabiles compositores per et inter Isach Vidal Benvenist, Judeum civitatis Illerde, procuratorem assertum Mosse Benvenist, filium sui, et Alfaquimam illius uxorem, fileque Salamonis Coffen, Judeum dicte civitatis, tutorem et suo casu curatorem testamentarium Regino, Alfaquime et Grandor, Graciane et Gogete, filiabus Salamonis Cofen, maioris dierum quondam Judei dicte civitatis, parte altera, constituti personaliter incapite Bladi Platee dicte ville Cervarie, et ante scribaniam mei dicti notari verbo vigore cuiusdam capituli in sentencia per ipsos inter dictas partes lata <in villa Cervarie> in posse notari infrascripti, quod est tenoris sequentis: Primerament no obstant que de Jueu a Jueu interesss e usura nos puixe nes dege penre comptar ne donar, considerat que la dita Alffaquima, axi per los dits testament com sentencia havie esser alimentada dels bens dela dita heretat, considerada la forma e tenor de dita sentencia per los dits sguarts e altres nostres coratges, justament movents, pronunciam, sentenciam, arbitram e declaram e a les dites Graciana e Gotg, hereves desus dites, condempnam en donar e pagar a la dita Alfaquima, nora del dita Içach Vidal, per la porcio e part a ella pertanyent e pertoquant de e per lo dit interes demanat, axi per si propria com per la succesio de la dita Grandor quondam, 70 ll. Barchinoneses en aquesta manera, ço es 40 ll. en deutes de aquells qui vuy son deguts a la dita heretat, e 30 ll. en bens mobles o values de aquella, los quals deutes e bens mobles o values agen esser tesats, valuats, estimats e donats e liurats ala dia Alfaquima de aci per tot lo mes de Joliol primer vinent, a coneguda del honorable en Ramon Baro, mercader ciuteda de Leyda, e de Bonafos Vidal, germa del dit Içach Vidal, a liquidacio eleccio e determenacio deles quals les dites parts agen e sien tengudes star, sots les penes e jurament del dit compromis… eligerunt et nominarun in tercium Iom Tov de

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Barbastre, habitatorem dicte civitatis Illerde, qui cum dictis Raymundo Baro et Bonafos Vidal, vel cum alteris eorum, possit debitum et bonum dare compiementum… ACSG. Manuscrits 2.14

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YEAR 1480

2737. 1480 – 1488 Debita comunia Aci seran continuats los deutes de les scriptures que jo, Anthoni Bonet, notari, fare de ara avant e alguns qui deuen. Primo deu lo discret en Simeon Porta, notari, per un debitori fet per en mir e altres de … de nou lliures e sous, lo qual li he liurat en forma, e ha promes pagar dits primers diners es lo salari vint sous pos li en compte. Es li degut Deu la Aljama dels Jueus de la vila de Cervera, per una cancellacio del censal de micer .. de preu de CC lliures. Item la eleccio que feren o mutacio del clavari lo consell lany present , LXXIII Item per la elecctio que feren de clavaris e mutacio del consell lany, LXXIIII Deu la dona na Johana, muller de Macart de Monmaneu, per una procura… 1480-88 (post dated) es finat e comptat Aliama dels jueus de Cervera apres que hagi comptat ab ells fins …, d’agost de setanta nou Primo deu la dita aliama per un protest donat per mestre Cresques Adret, fisich, a mestre Samuel Cavaller et a Juceff Baro Crexent, secretaris, a 13 de març de LXXX per la copia resposta …. Item per una requesta feta a dits secretaris per mestre Salamo Cavaller quis mudave a Agramunt sobre los talls ¿? E per la resposta dit dia. Item per una presentacio de cedula ¿? Presentada per lo dit mestre Cresques Adret an Juceff Baro …, secretari demanan … Item per una …, donada …, la aliama duna part e en Jacob …, habitant de Anglesola, per mestre Cresques e Jafuda de …, a 19 de mag de dit any, e per lo compromis e assignacio … Item per una diffinicio feta per lo discret en Benet ¿ menor com a promes de ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3005

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2738. 1480, March 14 pro Cavaller Nouerint universi quod ego, Vitalis Juceff, judeus civitatis Terrachone, filius Juceff Bonjua, judei [sic] eiusdem civitatis, gratis et ex certa scientia confiteor er in veritate recognosco vobis Mire, uxorii mee, quod verba de presente filieque Struch Cavaller, judei ville Cervarie, quod tempore meorum et vestrorum nuptiarum atulistis et constituistis michi in dotem <vestram> et pro dote ac nomine dotis vestre, centum duas lliuras et decem solidos barchinonensis, quas a dicto Struch Cavaller, patre vestri dicte Mire, soceroque meo, habui et recepi… de quibusquidem 102 ll. Et 10 solidis ego, dictus Vitalis Juceff, vobis dicte Mire feci firmari et tradidi cartam ebraycam ebrayce vocatam Caçubba, prout in eadem est videre que facta fuit sub kalendario quarte die mensis ebrayci vocati de Niçan, anni 5240 a creationi mundi, secundum ritum judeorum, in quaquidem carta ebrayca sunt 23 linee complete et una non complete de litera ebrayca grossa vocata quadrada scripte, quarum prima incipit Bar revehi bassatbat et finit …subscriptaque manu mei dicti Vidal suntque script et nominat testes duo, Jaffuda de Querci et Içach Mosse Sutlam. Etc. Witnesses, Andreu Huix, carnifex Christian, Isach Mosse Sutlam and Bonet Belsom Narboni, Jews inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases 3046 2739. 1480, May 5 Benefits on taxation. Del archivo de San Agustín (the document is a copy) No ignorats ne ignorar podets vos magnifichs mossen veguer e balle de la vila de Cervera, com per part de la aliama dels juheus de la dita vila e per llurs secretaris, hats instat e request que com lo consell de dita aliama hage ordenat certes talles peytes o carrechs en e sobre los singulars de dita aliama, `per pagar lurs carrechs e deutes de dita lur aliama esignantment per paguar lo dret de la coronacio de nostre senyor lo senyor Rey .. la qual cosa los es legada e promesa fer e ordonar per privilegis e gracies a ells atorgades e donades per los serenissims senyors Reys de memoria inmortal, e axi ho hagueu practiquat per tots temps ed tant de temps ença que no es memoria de homens en contrari, e de vos dit magnifich mossen lo batlle de la dita vila, siah tengut e obligat …. Die v madii anno 1480 huyus scritus presentate per magistrum Samuelem Cavaller et Juceff Baro, secretarios aliame judeorum Cervarie. ACSG. Colección Dalmases nº 3012

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YEAR 1481

2740. 1481, January 4 Demanda de Querci, Juheu de Anglesola A la intima per part de vosaltres honorables mossenyors de arbitres arbitradors e amigables composadors entre Mestre Davi e sa filla Blanquina, de una part, e en Jacob de Querci, marit dela dita Blanquina e genre del dit mestre Davi, de la part altra, dient e intimant al dit Jacob que dins spay de 15 jorns digue e allegue e deman ço que dir, demanar e allegar volra contra los dits mestre Davi e Blanquina, diu lo dit Jacob que primerament demane erequer al dit mestre Davi que torn restituesque ladita sa muller axi com aquell que layha presa, tolta e detenguda pus de 12 anys, e aquella encara vuy en dia dete. E per semblant ala dita muller sua que torn a sa obediencia, axi com bona muller deu fer, e aço es lo que demane al present e principalment lo dit Jacob. E requir e suplique a vosaltres dits honorables arbitres que ab vostra sentencia arbitral e ab totes aquelles forces que puxats façats restituir al dit mestre Davi, e a la dita Blanquina tornar al dit Jacob marit seu, com axi sie cosa justa e rahonable e plasent a nostre senyor Deu e a totes les leys. Fa altres demandes de diners dot etc. ACSG. Manuscrits 2.18 (AM – 1)

2741. 1481, December 7 In this document, the late Reginó, who when converted into Christianity took the name of Yolanda, is mentioned. She had been married with Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, and inhabitant in Anglesola or Tàrrega at that time. Her second husband was Bernardí Despla, who resided in Barcelona. She was the daughter of the deceased Salamó de Tolosa, Jew of Girona. ACSG. Manuscrits Jueus

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YEAR 1483

2742. 1483, August 26 Joan Portella, son and heir to Antoni Portella, pays his father’s debt of 1457, July 12 to Juceff Adret, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Vidal Simeon, of Santa Coloma de Queralt ACSG. FN I. 45. Agustí Martell. Manual 1457, January 14 – 1459, December 21 f. 25 r 1483, December 4 Sentencia arbitral entre los Tarroços e Juceff Adret, Juheus de Cervera. Nosaltres Manuel Boix, Juceff Cavaller, fisic e Jaffuda de Querci, de la villa de Cervera, arbitres, arbitradors e amigables composadors, en Juceff Adret major de dies, de huna part, e en Içach Tarroç, en nom seu e com avent poder de son frare apellat Astruch, juheus de la part altra, sobre una cassa ho alberch situada en lo call apellat lo carrer dazVent, la qual casa es stada posoyda per lo pare dels dits Toroços, la qual ere venguda en gran royna, e per los capitans e atministradors de San Francesch de del Spital den Castell tort es stada venuda al dit Adret, per rao de cert sensal que lo dit Spital prenie e pren sobre dita casa, segons mes llargament en la cort del honorable batlle de Cervera es contengut… …lo salari per prestar sentencia arbitral e per la ordinaçio de aquella, e per treballs, a micer Manuel Boix, loch avent de asesor e hun dels arbitradors, hun flori dor, e a nosaltres dits Juçef e Jafuda, sengles parells de pardius… ACSG. Manuscrits 2.29

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YEAR 1484

2743. 1484, January 27 Inventari fet dels bens dela dona Na Bella, juya filla den Içach Xetavi, Jueu dela vila de Perpenya, lexats e comanats a mestre Cresques Adret, Jueu de la vila de Cervera a 27 de Jener de 1484 Primo una bacina plana de lauto rodona Item altre bacina de lauto migencera foradada … Item un manto … Item un mantell blau de Juya forat de terzanell vermell esquinçat Item una gonella de pallmella <ab> foradura groga entorn peus sens manegues … Item unes lumeneres de lauto ab quatre poms e vuyt brochs … Item un libre scrit en pergami cubertes de pergami squinsat e apedaçat scrit en abraych… Item la storia de Ster feta en Rolle com acostumen los Jueus Item un libre de paper cubert de posts apellat Sabi Salamo, glosa sobre lo genesi e lexode. Item un libre en pergami scrit apellat Magda, de Moyses de Egipte, ab cubertes de posts velles. Item un libre de forma menor en pergami scrit apellat libres dels Levi[…] en ebraich o en Caldeu. Item un libre en pergami ab posts en lo qual es lo libre de Jesue e dels Jutges. Item un libre en pargami en que es lo libre de exode… Etc… Los quals bens desus contenguts e inventariats foren comanats a mestre Cresques Adret, Jueu de Cervera, e aquells ell pres en comanda sots tal condicio que no sie tengut dar les ni restituir en tot ho en part sens volentat dela dita dona Bella e den P. Johan de Vallmoll, ciuteda de Barchinona, oncle seu, per letra vertadera del dit P. Johan, de voluntat de dita na Bella, e ab dita condicio… Testes hon. Ludovicus de Malda, Christianus, Vidalis Simeon, Sancte Columbe, et Mosse de Querci, Judeus Cervarie. ACSG. Manuscrits 2.4 (AM – 17) 2744. 1484, June 14 Joan Borrell acknowledges he has been paid by Içach Jacob de Quercí, physician of Cervera, by reason of a house close to the Plaça del Blat, in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 2v

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2745. 1484, August 3 Document concerning Samuel Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 15 r 2746. 1484, August 6 Per lo senyor nAntoni Bonet nes stada liurada una cedula ho gran scrit de part vostra, moss., la qual vos es stada donada per Mestre Samuel Cavaller, … Document concerning the taxation imports. Die veneris 6 augusti 1484 per magister Cresques Adret, Judeum, nomine propio et ut Secretarium aliame Judeorum Cervarie fuit presentata magnifico Petro Boque, decretorum doctori, in domo sua … ACSG. Manuscrits 2.32 (AM – 35) 2747. 1484, August 17 Bonet Bellshom, Jew of Cervera, sells a censal to Bernat Boix, merchant of Cervera. Jewish witness, Samuel Adret, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 15 v- 16 r 2748. 1484, August 23 It is acknowledged a debt to Içach Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 17 v 2749. 1491, January 7 * Apoca Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges Bernat Pont has paid him the outstanding amount of a debt, which was agreed before Antoni Bonet, notary of Cervera, on 1484, September 7. Jewish witness, Struch Adret, inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3052

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2750. 1484, November 8 Document concerning a pledge between Regina, wife of Içach Mosse Sullam, Jew of Cervera, daughter of the late Lobell Samarell, Jew of the same place, together with his husband, on one side, and Samuel Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera on the other side, by reason of a house situated in the Call Sobirà, next to the house of the late Salamó Satorra, Jew of the same town. They agreed to bind themselves to the decision of the arbitrators Mestre Abram Salom and his son Mestre Içach Salom, Jews physicians of Tàrrega. The witnesses were Bernat Boix, merchant, Christian, and Salamó Coffen, Jew of the said place. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 34 r-v 2751. 1484, December 10 AM -34- Memorial dels testimonis que Yçach Sullam, en dit nom (nomes es una fulla, no hi ha res abans) dona davant la presencia de vosaltres senyors de jutges abdosos, ho la un dels dos prenran de posesio dells per fer testimoni de veritat en les cosses qui seran interoguats seguons los arbitres seguentment seran continuats. Dona per testimonis al senyor en Salamo Coffen, dela ciutat de Leyda, e an Samuel Adret e an Yçach Samuel Sullam e an Juceff Mandil, menor de dies, dela ciutat de Leyda, e an Yçach Aruti e an Bonjua Adret e an Bonet Bellsom. Seran interoguats seguons els presents articles si saben ni an oyt dir Na Regina, filla den Lobell Samarell, muller den Yçach Sullam, poch mes o menys quans anys a Item sien interoguats la dita Regina si per nengun temps es ni es stada abil ni sabuda en comprar y vendre casses ni mercaderies nengunes. Item sien interoguats les casses que foren den Lobell Samarell quondam, pare dela dita Regina, ara e anys que valien ni podien valer poch mes o menys del eser que lavos ere car i azsesiu que algunes cubertes eren derocades pus les voltes axi dela entrada com del celler e studi ere y es tot caurer e lenfront de davant lo call era y es caurer ab les portes que antigament y eren y son, e lo çafaretg bo e tinent e les dites casses son franques e quities, que no fan sino 10 o 12 diners de interesos. Oblata die 10 decembri 84 per Içach Sutlam, coram magistro Içac Salom…

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YEAR 1485

2752. 1485, April 17 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 57 r 2753. 1485, June 21 Bonadona, uxor Juceff Cavaller, ffisici Judei ville Cervarie, filiaque Saltell de Piera <quondam> et Mire, eius uxor, ville Acrimontis, habens donacionem de omnibus bonis dicte Mire, eius matris, tenentes et possidentes hereditatem et omniam bona dicti quondam viri sui, pro dote, sponsalicio ac aliis iuribus suis sibi pertinentibus iuxtam Constitutionem Cathalonie generalem Perpiniani editam, prout constat de dicta donacione instrumento et capitulis matrimonialibus per et inter me et vos factis et firmatus, in posse discreti Gasparis Camps, auctoritate apostolica et regia notario publico scripto. Ex certa sciencia constituo et ordino vos Juceff Cavaller, virum meu, presentem, procuratorem meum… Testes Juceff Baro Crexent et Bonet Bellsom, Judei ville Cervarie habitatoris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 68 v 2754. 1485, June 21 This document mentions the wedding contract that Bonadona and Jucef Cavaller signed before the notary of Agramunt Gaspar Camps in January 25 this year. They also signed ketuba (cazubba ebrayce) Witnesses, Jucef Baro Crexent and Bonet Bellshom, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 68 v 2755. 1485, July 5 Pere Puigredon and his wife sell Bonjua Adret, Jew of Cervera, a house situated in the Carrer Major of Cervera, which boundaries are the said Carrer Major, the house of Gabriel Gotsens, the Call Jussà, and the house of Jucef Baro Crexent, Jew of the same town. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 69 v- 70 r 2756. 1485, July 5 Document concerning the house bought by Bonjua Adret and his wife Bonadona.

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Jewish witness, Jucef Adret, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 70 r-v 2757. 1485, July 23 In the Escola of the Call Sobirà of Cervera, was hold a meeting by the government members of the Jewish aljama, in order to appoint new government members for the new year period starting on next day July 24. The Secretaries were Mosse de Quercí and Benveníst Sullam, the Council members were Mestre Cresques Adret, physician, Mestre Içach de Quercí, physician, Mestre Juceff Cavaller, physician, Jucef Baro Crexent, Bonjua Adret, Bonet Bellsom and Içach Samuel Sutlam, as well as the late Juceff Adret. Mestre Samuel Cavaller, physician, Jaffuda de Quercí and Mestre Jacob de Quercí, physician, were asked to assist at the meeting, as being the Jews with more faculties, more properties, and major contributors to the aljama taxation As Secretaries for the new year period were chosen Mestre Juceff Cavaller and Mestre Içach de Quercí. As members of the Council were chosen the honrats en Jaffuda de Quercí, Mestre Samuel Cavaller, Mestre Jacob de Quercí, Mosse de Quercí and Mosse Sutllam de Çaporta. The member of the new Council that was chosen as third, in case of disagreement between the Secretaries, was the honrat Jaffuda de Quercí. Dissapte a 23 del mes de Joliol del any dela Nativitat de nostre Senyor den 1485 Los honrats Mosse de Querci e Benvenist Sullam, secretaris lany propassat qui fineix lo dia present dela aliama dels Jueus dela vila de Cervera, Mestre Cresques Adret, ffisich, Mestre Içach de Querci, ffisich, Mestre Juceff Cavaller, ffisich, Jucef Baro Crexent, Bonjua Adret, <Bonet Bellsom> Içach Samuel Sutlam, Consellers lo mateix any de dita aliama, ensemps ab en Juceff Adret, quondam, la aliama universitat e Consell de aquella fahents e representants. E Mestre Samuel Cavaller, ffisich, Jaffuda de Querci e Mestre Jacob de Querci, ffisich, tres fora del dit Consell maiors en facultats e bens e de maior contribucio en les talles dela dita aliama. Convocats e ajustats en la scola del Call Sobira dela dita vila de Cervera en la forma acostumada aon per semblants actes e encara altres dela dita aliama se acostumen de congregar e ajustar e aquells tractar cloure fer e expedir en virtut de privilegi e privilegis gracies provisions e concessoins ala dita aliama dels Jueus dela vila de Cervera, atorgats per los Reys de inmortal memoria. Confirmacions e corroboracions a aquells e de aquells fets e fetes sots diversos kalendaris per la potestat a ells representants la dita aliama e a la dita aliama donada e atribuida, seguint e servant lo tenor dels dits privilegis e la consuetut, bons usos e pratiques de aquells fins aci observades, prestat primerament solempne jurament a nostre Senyor Deu e als deu manaments dela Ley, los quals nostre Senyor Deu dona a Moyses en lo Mont de Sinahi, segons es acostumat per tots, ço es hu apres altre per lurs mans toquats corporalment, de elegir be e degudament tot oyranchor, favor, amor, passio e mala voluntat apart posats segons deu e lurs bones consciencies dos dels Jueus dela dita aliama, los pus abils e soficiens segons los paria per Secretaris de aquella lany venidor e de vuy avant comptador. Votant quiscu de ells apart sens saber ho lo hu

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del altres en los dits dos Secretaris ffonch elet ales mes veus, e elegiren en Secretari dela dita aliama per lo dit any en la forma acostumada lo honrat Mestre Juceff Cavaller, e foren en paritat de veus per laltre secretari Mestre Içach de Querci e en Bonjua Adret, e vist los dits Secretaris consellers e fora Consell esser elet lo hu dels dits Secretaris ales mes veus, e concorrer paritat de veus en laltre. Certifficats dela dita paritat de veus, feta alguna diceptacio entre ells vist que en dies passats se havie seguit semblant cars, e com ne havien praticat, acordaren torassen votar sobre los dos qui eren trobats en paritat, e de ffet votaren en la forma acostumada, e elegiren e fonch elet a les mes veus en Secretari dela dita aliama lo honrat Mestre Içach de Querci, e axi foren aguts per Secretaris de dita aliama los dits Mestre Juceff Cavaller e Mestre Içach de Querci, per regir e governar la dita aliama e los singulars Jueus de aquella deffendre e mantenir per tot lur poder los privilegis de aquella e fer totes e sengles coses que fer sien tenguts e a ells permesses fer, segons es acostumat fer per lurs predecessors. Los quals Mestre Juceff Cavaller e Mestre Içach de Querci, Secretaris novament elets segon desus es dit, prestaren abdosos jurament solempne a nostre Senyor Deu, toquant ab lurs propries mans e abraçant lo Rotle de regir e governar be e lealment en la forma deguda, la dita alima procurar lo util e benavenir de aquella, e de deffendre a mantenir per lur poder los privilegis e libertats dela dita aliama e a la dita aliama atorgats, de ffer totes e sengles coses que per llurs predecessors Secretaris son stades jurades e han acostumat e son tenguts e obligats fer iuxta la forma praticada e observada. E feta la dita eleccio dels dits <dos> Secretaris, segons dit es per los dits Mosse de Querci e Benvenist Sutllam, Secretaris vells, foren nomenats cinch dels Jueus dela dita aliama qui son dels magos en facultats e bens e de maior contribucio en les talles de dita aliama, ço es los honrats en Jaffuda de Querci, Mestre Samuel Cavaller, Mestre Jacob de Querci, Mosse de Querci e Mosse Sutllam de Çaporta, dels quals ne ha esser elet hu per tercer, lo qual ab los dits Secretaris novament elets o ab altre de ells en cars de discordia puixe elegir iuxta forma de dits privilegis, gracies e concessions, us e praticha de aquells, e ser consellers en lo Consell de dita aliama de dit any, e de fer prestar jurament per los dits Secretaris Consellers, e fora de Consell, a nostre Senyor Deu e als deu Manaments de la Ley, en la forma acostumada, servant lorde del votar, elegiren e ales mes veus fonch elet en tercer per fer e elegir lo dit Consell e Consellers ab dits Secretaris, o ab laltre de ells en cars de discordia iuxta la consuetud e praticha antiquada, lo honrat en Jaffuda de Querci, hu del nombre dels cinch predits qui son maiors en facultats e en haver de bens dela dita aliama e singulars de aquella. Lo qual Jaffuda de Querci, elet en tercer de continent, presta jurament solempne a nostre Senyor Deu, toquant e abraçant lo rotlle que demanat e apellat per los dits Secretaris novament elets o per laltre de ells ensemps ab ells o ab laltre de ells, elegira en la forma acostumada, seguint la forma dels dits privilegis, us e praticha de aquells los Consellers ho Consell de dita aliama acostumat elegir per consellar la dita aliama e fer e expedir los fets de aquella, e totes e sengles altres coses a ells utils e necessaries e acostumades fer per lurs predecessors, axi en virtut de dits privilegis, us e praticha de aquells com altres, etc. ACSG. Manuscrits 2.5 (AM – 3)

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2758. 1485, August 10 Bonjua Adret and his wife Bonadona take possession of the house they had bought in the Carrer Major of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 72 v 2759. 1485, August 30 Içach Jacob de Quercí, physician, Jew of Cervera, went to the house of Jucef Cavaller, situated in the Carrer Major of Cervera, and asked for him to Bonadona, Jucef’s wife. She said him Jucef Cavaller was not in town. Içach Jacob de Quercí said the woman, with this or very similar words (as they were written at that moment): Senyors, feume testimoni com yo, de peraula, vuy aga dit e request a mestre Juceff Cavaller que ell, com a Secretari que es,vingues a celebrar consell e tenir consell per feynes dela aliama, specialment per untima [sic] que es stada feta en vertut de una provisio per ell novament obtenguda del Illmo. Sr Infant, e no sie volgut venir, que ara requir aci ala sua habitacio, com la cuyta sie gran, que ell vingue per tenir e celebrar consell, e vos, en notari, feu men carta et statim Bonadona, uxor dictum Juceff Cavaller dixit quod dictus eius vir non erat in villa, e com sera vengut ella loy dira. Assisted to this act the notary Antoni Bonet, Gabriel Urgell, tailor, Jucef Baro Crexent and Bonjua Salom, Jews of Cervera, witnesses. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 77 r 2760. 1485, September 14 Document in which Davi Abenaçaya, magistro in medecina, Abram Salom, Jucef de Beses, Içach Bellsom, Sullam Cresques, Sullam Roven, Necim Levi, Içach Baruc Almosnino, Salamó Bonnin, Abram Baruch Almosnino, Nicim Samarell, Jacob Deulosal and Salamó Deulosal, Jews of Tàrrega, intervene. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 78 r 2761. 1485, November 9 Document concerning a sale in which Mosse Bellsom Sutlam, Vidal Andali and Bonjua Salom, Jews of Cervera intervene ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 86 v- 87 r 2762. 1485, December 16

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Içach de Quercí was paid a debt agreed by document April 17 this year. Jewish witness, Nicim de Beses, Jew of Tàrrega. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 57 r

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YEAR 1486

2763. 1486, January 3 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Mestre Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum…” f. 97 v

2764. 1486, April 12 Last will of Reginó, the widow of Davi Bendit Die 12 aprilis anno a nativitatis domini 1486 In Dei nomine… Ego Regino, judea que uxor fui Davi Bendit, quondam judei ville Cervarie, aliqua infirmitatis detenta de que mori temeo … per Dei gratia in meo plenum sensu memoria et integra loquela… meum facio testamentum in quo dimitto Scole dicte ville id quod heredes meos inffra scriptos dare voluerint. Item lego sive dimitto Priçose, nore mee meum mantellum sive mantell. Item lego sive dimitto Bonadone, nempte mee, sive neta, filie Içach Baruc, filii mei, pro omni parte legitima … etc. In omnibus autem aliis bonis meis, mobilibus et immobilibus, et universis iuribus meis, michi pertinentibus heredes michi, facio et instituo universales videlicet Senton Içach Baruc et Jacov Içach Baruch, neptos meos, sive nets, et ipsos heredes michi facio universales equibus partibus inter ipsos, excepto quod dictus Sentou habeat ex dictam mea herencia …etc. Et volo quod post obitum meum dicta bona dividantur inter ipsos ad noticiam Bonet Belsom et Samuel Adret, judeorum eiusdem ville, etc. Hoc est enim ultimum testamentum etc. Actum Cervarie die 12 aprilis anno a nativitatis domini 1486 Testes huius testamenti vocati et … propio dicti testatoris roati sunt, honorabile Bortholomeus de Foix apothecarius, Petri Cervero agricola, of Cervera, Anthonius Soler, ville Solsona. Bonet Belsom, Simuel Adret, Juceff Adret et Struch Bonnin, judei Cervarie. ACSG. Colección Dalmases 3049

2765. 1486, December 12

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Jacob de Quercí declares he has been paid a debt agreed before the present notary in January 6 this year. Jewish witness, Juceff Mandil, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum…” f. 97 v

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YEAR 1487

2766. 1487, January 25 Die 25 mensis January anno a nativitatis domini 1487, deffuncte predictam Regino testatrix octo dies sunt post confectionem inventarii bonorum dicte Regino, in posse mei notarius. Lo dit Senton, fill de la dita Priçosa e net dela dita Regino e hereu universal en part de sos bens per aquella amor que aporte a la dita sa mare, atenent la viduitat de son pare, promet e jure a nostre Senyor Deu e als deu manaments de la ley que nostre senyor deu dona a Moyses en lo mont de Sinay, que ell dara stada en la casa per sa part dela dita Regino e aquella si mantindra tot lo temps de la sua vida en la dita stada tant quant mantendra la dita viduitat e aquella non cara per nenguna forma via ni manera, e perque menor de 25 anys, maior empero de 15 anys, renuncie a benefet de menor edat altre dret etc., obligant tots sos bens, etc. Witnesses, Simuel Adret and Bonet Belsom, Jews of Cervera, and Bonjuha Saladi, of Santa Coloma de Queralt. 2767. 1487, January 25

Die 25 mensis Januarii, anno a nativitatis domini 1487 Inventarium factum de bonis de na Regino, quondam, judea que uxor fuit Davi Bendit, quondam, judei ville Cervarie, per Sentou Baruch, judeum, heredem universalem in predicte bonorum dicte Regino, quondam, intercessu Bonet Bellsohm et Simuel Adret, judeis eiusdem ville, non ut tutores aut curatores, sed bono amore, … et Bonjuha Saladi ville Sancte Columbe, a hec vocatorum in forma sequentis Primo una casa situada en lo call sobira, affronte ab la casa den Mosse de Querci, que solie ser den Içach de Querci, de la altra part ab la casa den Baruch Coffen, a part de dalt ab una casa den Jacob de Querci, de davant ab lo carrer publich del call, e a part detrás ab lo forn de la plaça de Sant Miquel This inventory describes, fully detailed, everything found in the house, going from one room to another room. In the bedroom, describes the bed, clothes, etc., including: Item una caxa larga en que ha les coses segens Primo una vanova grosa, la una part de cotonina e laltra de drab de li Item dos lançols de tres teles Item una coxinera obrada ab flochs vermels Item dues tovalles ab listes blaves stretes Item unes tovalles grans noves ab listes blaves amples Item unes altres tovalles semblants listades Item unes altres tovalles totes blanques Item unes altres tovalles amples ab los caps listats de blau

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Item dues tovalles blanques noves en un plech Item tres tovalles petites Item un plech de tovalloles Item una peça de tovalloles primes, en que ha sis alves … Item sis peces de tovallons nous en que na setze tovallons Item una peça de tovallons ab listes blaves Item nou tovallons blanchs e listats Item unes lumeneres larges de lauto ab vuyt brochs Item una caxeta petita en que ha les coses segens

Primo un libre de deutes Item un corn que se apelle en ebraich çoffar Item un libret de compres ab son stog Item un stog en que ha dintre tefillyn … Item una carta del loch de la scola

Item un saquet ab una branqua de corall e un troç de crestall Item una perla grosa ab una pedra fina maragde e perles menudes e trocets de argent Item una branqua de coral gornida de argent e una maneta Item unes dens de dalfi gornides de argent Item una pedra que diuen fa certa propietat Item altres menuderies dins la dita quaxeta.

ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases 3049 bis

2768. 1487, May 9 Document in which Mosse Andali, Jew of Cervera, and a notarial document signed before Llorens Serra, notary of Cervera, in 1481, April 4, are mentioned. The Jewish witness is Bondia Andali. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13. Document kept inside de cover of the book. 2769. 1487, May 9 Mosse Andali, Jew of Cervera, owns a house in the Jewish quarter called den Agramuntell, adjacent to the houses of Struch Adret and of Yçach Sutlam, also Jews of Cervera. Leo Aninay, Jew of the city of Girona, as being procurator for Struch Adret and his wife Dolça, is mentioned. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13. Document kept inside de cover of the book. 2770. 1487, July 5

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Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, empowers Pere Major, Joan Lenyader and Salamó Cofen, Jew, as his procurators. Jewish witness, Isach Çutllam, of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2771. 1487, July 5 Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera, empowers Pere Major, Joan Lenyader and Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, as his procurators. Jewish witness, Isach Çutllam, of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2772. 1487, July 5 Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, empowers Pere Major as his procurator. One of the witnesses was Isach Çutllam, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2773. 1487, July 5 In the place of Montoliu, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Salamó Cofen, Jew One of the witnesses was Isach Çutllam, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2774. 1487, July 5 In the place of Montoliu, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera One of the witnesses was Isach Çutllam, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2775. 1487, July 5 In the locality of Vallfogona, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Salamó Cofen, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13

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2776. 1487, July 5 In the locality of Vallfogona, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2777. 1487, July 5 In the place of la Ametlla, Montoliu, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2778. 1487, July 6 In the place of la Guardiolada, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2779. 1487, July 6 In the place of Vilagrasseta, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2780. 1487, July 6 In the place of Vilagrasseta, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for the aforementioned Juceff Cavaller. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2781. 1487, July 6 In Granyena, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for the Mestre Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, son and heir to the late Samuel Struch Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2782. 1487, July 6

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In Granyena, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Salamó Cofen. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2783. 1487, July 6 In the place of Granyanella, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for the aforementioned Salamó Cofen. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2784. 1487, July 6 In the place of Granyanella, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for the aforementioned Salamó Cofen. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2785. 1487, July 6 Idem in the same place and name. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2786. 1487, July 6 In the place of Granyanella, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2787. 1487, July 6 In Gramuntell, Joan Lenyader is acting as procurator for Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2788. 1487, July 10 In Gramuntell, Bernat Colomer is acting as procurator for Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13

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2789. 1487, July 10 In Gramuntell, Bernat Colomer is acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2790. 1487, July 11 The bailiff of Gramuntell decides on a claim done by Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2791. 1487, August 21 Arbitration sentence given before Llorens Serra, public notary of Cervera. One of the parts was Cresques Adret, physician, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witnesses in the several acts were Benveníst Sutlam and Bondio Andali, Jews of Cervera.

ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3050

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YEAR 1488 2792. 1488, April 29 Francesc Monseny, in order to pay a debt to Isach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, transfers him certain rights and actions he had. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2793. 1488, April 29 Juceff Cavaller, physician, Jew of Cervera, in his own name and in the name of his brother Samuel Cavaller, also physician Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has received the money Joan Sola owed them. One of the witnesses was Jacov [sic] de Quercí, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2794. 1488, May 17 Clement de Vergos sells to Joceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, centum et triginta capita de bestiar, hoc est octavaginta inter cabres et cabrits, et quinquaginta inter ovelles et anyells. Item vendo … a die presenti ad unum annum primo venturo, los erbatges, sive ius pacendi, termini dicti castri de Meya. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2795. 1488, May 17 Clement de Vergos signs a receipt to Juceff Cavaller. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2796. 1488, June 27 Bernat Sant angel calls the procurator for Salamó Cofen to assist the wheat harvesting. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2797. 1488, June 30

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Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, and Bonafilla, the wife of Samuel Cavaller, are acting as procurators for their brother and husband before Mosse, son of Mosse Sutllam. Both were empowered by Samuel Cavaller on 1487, February 4, before the late notary of Cervera Simeon Porta. Witnesses, Salvador Mulnell, Christian of Cervera, and Bonjua de Lerat, Jew of Santa Coloma. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2798. 1488, August 5 Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera, empowers Joan Folquet as his procurator. Jewish witness, Juceff Baro, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2799. 1488, August 5 In the municipal district of la Guardiolada, Joan Folquet is acting as procurator for Salamó Cofen, being present the notary Antoni Romeu ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2800. 1488, August 8 Isach Jacob de Quercí, physician Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been repaid a debt. Jewish witness, Abram Benbolat, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2801. 1488, August 8 Transfer of rights and actions to Isach Jacob de Quercí, as repayment of a debt. Jewish witness, Abram Benbolat, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2802. 1488, August 11 Joan Folquet is acting as procurator for Salamó Cofen in a wheat harvesting matter. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13

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2803. 1488, August 11 Joan Folquet, as procurator for Salamó Cofen, is asking for assignment of properties to be repaid of a debt ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2804. 1488, August 13 Document concerning Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera. Jewish witness, Vidal Andali, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2805. 1488, August 26 Jucef Cavaller, as procurator for Mestre Samuel Cavaller, Jew heir to the late Salamó Çatorra, of Cervera, is mentioned. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13. Document kept inside de cover of the book. 2806. 1488, October Responent los secretariis dela aliama dels juheus dela present vila de Cervera a una cedula protest requesta e estimacio de injuria continent en nom e per part den Baruch Cofen, segons se diu a ells presentada, comensant “no ignoran vosaltres, etc” diu que axi com anprestat en lo introit de lur offici lo jurament solepne de defendre privilegiis, inmunitats e libertats de la aliama, e a la dita aliama e singulars de aquella axi fins aci lo han provat, serven e tenen deliberat de servar e per amor de aço per los desordes que en Baruch Coffen contra la dita aliama e singulars de aquella sits e fets havie, servant lo dit jurament e privilegiis per que detalls desordes fos castigat , e altres de fer altre mal seguardassen … la dita aliama de tots danys e perills per malesses falsament opposades fos guardador al batlle de la mateixa vila en quas loch persones e temps permes feren la denunciacio contra lo dit Baruch si feta la han, e pero la estimacio de iniuria, no ha loch, car no ab animo de injuriar al dit Baruch mas de servar lo jurament ya dit e privilegis e libertats e guardar com dit es la alyama e singular de mal tal denuncia com an feta e per ço no consent en la estimacio de injuria ans … Document concerning Baruch Cofen and the Jewish aljama of Cervera. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3013 2807. 1488, December 9

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Joan Perelló acknowledges to Samuel Cavaller that Jucef Cavaller has repaid him his debt as procurator for his brother. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2808. 1488, December 12 Salamó Cofen empowers Joan Soler, of Montmaneu, as his procurator. Jewish witness, Salamó Cavaller. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2809. 1488, December 16 Salamó Cofen revokes the powers he gave to Joan Soler on December 12. Jewish witness, Jacov de Quercí. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2810. 1488, December 19 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Samuel de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, now living in Santa Coloma de Queralt. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13

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YEAR 1489

2811. 1489, May 4

[…] ss. Simeon Porta La aliama dels Juheus de Cervera a la cassa den Baro, de la Scola Nosaltres, Pere Pau Saliteda, prever, Jacob Içach de Querci, fisic dela present vila de Cervera, arbitres, arbitradors e amigables componedors comunament e concorda elets per les parts dejus escrits, vist primerament lo compromis e potestat en aquell a nosaltres atribuida, … … cuidador de una cassa que fonch den Baro Crexent situada en lo Call davall, la qual afronte ab la Scola de dita call e ab la barbacana e ab lo farraginal de Johan […] Before the notary Joan Pons was given the sentence of a judgement by arbitration concerning a house that had belonged Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Nicolau Guiu, botigerio, and Mosse Içach Sullam de Çaporta. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3014 2812. 1489, January 12 Judgment by arbitration in which one of the parts is represented by Antoni Pere Cervero, as procurator assigned by Priço, Jewess of Cervera, and Sentou, Jew of Cervera. The judges were Joan d’Altarriba and Jafuda de Quercí, Jew merchant of Cervera. Witnesses: Salvador Vila, faber, Christian, and Bondio Andali, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2813. 1489, January 22 The judges on the aforesaid arbitration pronounced their sentence, in which one of the parties was Priço, Jewess, and his son Senton. Jewish witness, Isach Mosse Sutlam ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2814. 1489, January 27 Judgment by arbitration inters Pere Solsona and Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera. Judges, Pere Boix, decretorum doctore, and Lluis de Maldá, the old, of Cervera. Jewish witness, Bondio Andali.

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ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13 2815. 1489, Bondio Andeli, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges a debt to Narciso Ortigues, merchant of the same place, by reason of the price of a black and white haired ass, and with one eye. Witnesses, Llorens Serra, notary, and Baruch Coffen, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1487-1488 f. 47 r 2816. 1489, April 20 Cancellation of a debt of 1489 in favor of Bondio Andeli. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1493-1494 f. 47 r 2817. 1489, February 21 In Montmaneu, Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, claimed the payment of a debt to Guillem Soler, agricola of that place. Same day, in the same place, Jaffuda de Quercí went to the house of Joan Maçart to claim for the payment of another debt. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1493-1494 f. 49 v 2818. 1489, March 9 It is acknowledged a debt in favor to Benveníst Sutllam, alias Mosse, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…primum manuale…” 1486, Jan 6 – 1489, Mar 13

2819. 1489, March 24 La sentencia donada entre la honrada aliama dels Juheus de Cervera e Monsenyor Simeon Porta, benefficiat de Senta Margarida, instituida per en P. Dezvall en la Sglesia maior Lata et promulgata fuit dicta et huiusmodi arbitralis sentencia per dictos honorabiles arbitros, lectaque et publicata de verbum ad verbum per me Johannem Pons, notarii et actus huiusmodi scribam Die martis intitulatis vicessima quarta Marci anno 1489, stantis in platea dicta vulgo de les Bisties, detrás lo call sobirá de dita vila, davant la cassa de dit mestre Jacob Içach de Querci, arbitre, presentibus hiis pro testibus honoribilis Galcerando Salver, phisico,

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et Johanne Muntaner, parator, christianis, et Mosse de Querci, Bonjuha Adret et Mosse Sullam, judei quea lecta et publicata inmediate eam laudarunt et emologarunt dictus magister Jacob Içach de Querci, phisicus, et Bonet Bellsom, secretarii, nechnon et Juceff Cavaller, phisicus, Salamo Coffen, Benvenist Sullam, Içach Sullam et Samuel Adret, ut consiliarii dicte aljame… etiam laudavit et approbavit eandem sentenciam Juceff Baro Crexent, nomine suo et ut legittimus procurator Içach Baro, fratris sui, ut constat, et in compromisso mostratur, fecit dictam laudationem et emologationem presentibus testibus antedictis. ACSG. Colección Dalmases

2820. 1489, April 10 Galceran de Vilallonga on one side, and Baruch Coffen, Jew, calceterius, on the other side, submitted themselves to a judgment by arbitration before Francesc Salvador, jurisperit, of Cervera. Jewish witness, Juceff Cavaller, physician of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 10 r 2821. 1489, April 15 It is acknowledged a debt, by reason of a mutuo, to Içach Jacob de Quercí, Jew, and physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 11 r 2822. 1489, May 5 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Benveníst Sutllam, tailor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 13 r 2823. 1489, July 2 Statement done by Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 24 v. 2824. 1489, July 9

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Joan Folquet is in Granyena, acting as procurator for Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 26 v 2825. 1489, July 9 Joan Folquet is in the Ametlla, acting as procurator for Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 26 v 2826. 1489, July 9 Joan Folquet is in Vallfogona, acting as procurator for Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 27 r 2827. 1489, July 9 Joan Folquet is in the place of La Guardia, acting as procurator for Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 27 r 2828. 1489, July 9 Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera, in order to ask for assignment of goods in payment of credits, empowers Antoni Pere de Cervero as his procurator. Witnesses … Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 27 v 2829. 1489, July 10 Juceff Crexent Baro [sic] Jew of Cervera, to ask for assignment of goods in payment of credits, empowers Joan Folquet as his procurator. One of the witnesses was Juceff Cavaller, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 27 v 2830. 1489, July 14 Joan Folquet is acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 28 r-v 2831. 1489, July 14 Joan Folquet is in the Curullada acting as procurator for Samuel Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 28 v 2832. 1489, July 14 Joan Folquet is in Anglesola acting as procurator for Mestre Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 29 v 2833. 1489, July 14 Joan Folquet is acting as procurator for Samuel Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 29 v 2834. 1489, July 14 Joan Folquet is acting as procurator for the aforesaid Juceff Cavaller, requiring assignment of goods from Joan Perles, Bertomeu Perles and others. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 30 r 2835. 1489, July 14 Joan Folquet is in Vilanova de Bellpuig, acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller.

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ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 30 r-v 2836. 1489, July 15 Joan Folquet is in Maldá, acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. Witnesses, Antoni Ferrer, the father, and el discret Joan Ferrer, his son, presbiter ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 30 v 2837. 1489, July 15 Joan Folquet is in Preixana acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 30 v- 31 r 2838. 1489, July 15 Joan Folquet is in Bellpuig acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 31 r 2839. 1489, July 15 Joan Folquet is in Verdú acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 31 v 2840. 1489, July 15 Joan Folquet is in Granyanella acting as procurator for Juceff Cavaller, Antoni Orovig, the bailiff of Granyanella, asks for assignment of goods against Bertomeu Orovig, Joan Pont, Andreu Pont, Bernat Salvador, Joan Bonjoch, Joan Orovig, Pere Ferrer and Pere Salvador. Witnesses, Jaume Ferrer and Joan Orovig, of Granyanella. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 31 v- 32 r

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2841. 1489, July 26 Sale of a piece of land to Mosse Andali, Jew, calcetero of Cervera, at a price of 22 lliures. Witnesses, Pere Sabater, merchant, Christian, and Samuel de Piera, Jew, tailor of Agramunt. They signed a receipt (apoca) ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 34 r-v 2842. 1489, July 26 The aforesaid Mosse Andali states that he will pay 10 lliures by Christmas, and 12 lliures on next February, last day. Witnesses, Pere Sabater and Samuel de Piera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 34 v- 35 r 2843. 1489, August 7 Tomas Miró, batlle of the Curullada, asks Jucef Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, his procurator Samuel Cavaller, and his wife Bonafilla, to assist an assignment of goods in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 36 r 2844. 1489, August 12 Antonio Garriga on one side, and Jucef Baro Crexent, tailor, Jew of Cervera, bound themselves to the judgment by arbitration of Joan Folquet, textor lini, Christian, and Jafuda de Quercí, Jew, of Cervera. Jewish witness, Bonjuha Çalom. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 38 v 2845. 1489, August 13 Joan Folquet is acting as procurator for Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 39 r-v

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2846. 1489, August 24 In a judgment by arbitration, one of the parts is Salamó Cofen, Jew of Cervera, and one of the judges is Jucef Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 41 r 2847. 1489, August 30 Antonio Garriga and Jucef Baro Crexent, tailor, Jew of Cervera, extend the agreement they had on August 12. One of the witnesses was Gaspar Ferrer, faber ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 38 v 2848. 1489, September 1 It is acknowledged a debt to Jucef Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, done in the place of la Panadella, parish of Montmaneu. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 43 r 2849. 1489, September 7 Isach Jacob de Quercí declares he has received certain amount of money, ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 43 v 2850. 1489, September 7 It is acknowledged a debt to Isach Jacob de Quercí. One of the witnesses, Mosse Sutllam. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 43 v- 44 r 2851. 1489, September 13

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It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Mestre Isach Jacob de Quercí, physician Jew of Cervera, by reason of the price of un asa pel de rata four years old. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 43 v 2852. 1489, September 15 It is acknowledged receipt from Bonafilla, wife of Samuel Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 45 r 2853. 1489, September 15 Judgment by arbitration in which the judges were Joan Folquet and Jafuda de Quercí, Jew merchant of Cervera. It was referred to a question between Antonio Garriga and Jucef Baro Crexent. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 45 v 2854. 1489, November 4 Cancellation of the debt confessed on May 5, agreed by Benveníst Sutllam. Witness, Mosse Sutllam ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 13 r 2855. 1489, November 9 It is acknowledged a debt to Mestre Içach Jacob de Quercí, Jew physician of Cervera, by reason of the purchase of un ase de pel gris ten years old. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 51 r 2856. 1489, November 13 It is acknowledged receipt from Içach Jacob de Quercí, Jew physician of Cervera. Witnesses, Pere Vidal, Christian, farmer, and Içach Aroti, Jewish, tailor, of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 51 v 2857. 1489, November 13 It is acknowledged a debt to Içach Jacob de Quercí. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 51 v- 52 r 2858. 1489, November 17 It is acknowledged a debt to Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, son of the late Samuel Astruch Cavaller. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 52 v 2859. 1489, December 3 It is acknowledged receipt stated by Içach Jacob de Quercí. Witnesses, Pere Miquel, Christian, and Jucef Cavaller, Jew. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 55 r 2860. 1489, December 17 Cancellation of the debt in favor of Mestre Isach Jacob de Quercí, by reason of the price of un asa pel de rata four years old as declared on September 13. One of the witnesses, Içach Çarfati, cedacer Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 45 r

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YEAR 1490

2861. 1490, January 29 Claim done by Içach Jacob de Quercí, Jew physician of Cervera. One of the witnesses, Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 67 r 2862. 1490, February 4 It is acknowledged having been paid by Mosse Andali, calceter, Jew of Cervera One of the witnesses, Juceff Baro Crexent ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 68 r 2863. 1490, February 8 Censal Içach de Quercí and Juceff Cavaller, physicians, and Jaffuda de Quercí, Jews inhabitants in Cervera, are acting as habentes cessionem et insolutum dacionem of a censal, which was agreed on 1479, June 11, before the notary Antoni Bonet. Witnesses, venerabile Jaume Ripoll, presbiter, Christian, and Içach Samuel Sutlam, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3051.

2864. 1490, March 4 Mestre Jucef Cavaller, Jew of Cervera, empowers his son Samuel Cavaller as his procurator. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. foli solt 2865. 1490, March 19 Içach Jacob de Quercí states he has been paid a debt. One of the witnesses, Bondio Andali, Jew of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 72 v 2866. 1490, March 23 It is acknowledged receipt from Bonafilla, Jewess, widow of Samuel Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 73 r

2867. 1490, May 21 Samuel Cavaller, son and procurator for Jucef Cavaller, agrees the cancellation of the debt confessed to his father on 1489, September 1. Jewish witness, Vidal Andali, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 43 r 2868. 1490, June 30 Document concerning a new construction request, to be done in the Jewish quarter of Cervera, in Cayllo inferiori. Bonjua Adret, the old, Jew of Cervera, and Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera, are mentioned in this document. Jewish witness, Bonjua Adret, the young, tailor of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 87 r 2869. 1490, June 30 Document concerning a new construction request, to be done in the Jewish quarter of Cervera. Jucef Baro Crexent, tailor, Jew of Cervera, and Bonjua Adret, senior, are mentioned in this document. The farmer Antoni Pere Cervero acted as procurator for Juceff Baro Crexent, Salamó Cofen and Mosse Mosse [sic] Sutllam. Witness: Bonjua Adret, the young, Jew tailor of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 87 r-v

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2870. 1490, June 30 Document concerning a new construction request in the Jewish quarter of Cervera. Bonjua Adret and Mosse Andali are mentioned in this document. Witness, Bonjua Adret, the young, Jew tailor of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 87 v 2871. 1490, June 30 Document concerning a new construction request. Samuel Cavaller, Jew, physician of Cervera, and Juceff Cavaller, physician, as procurator for his father Samuel Cavaller, are mentioned in this document. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 87 v 2872. 1490, June 30 Document concerning a new construction claim, acting Nicolau Prats as procurator for Bonjua Adret. As Jewish witness acted Bonjua Adret, the young, Jew tailor of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 87 v 2873. 1490, June 30 Bonjua Adret confirms his procurator statement, and empowers him for further claims. Bonjua Adret, the young, acted as Jewish witness. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 87 v 2874. 1490, June 30 Document concerning a claim by reason of a new construction, mentioning the Jews Juceff Baro Crexent, Bonjua Adret, Salamó Cofen and Mosse Mosse Sutllam. Bonjua Adret, the young, acted as Jewish witness. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 87 v 2875. 1490, June 30

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Document concerning a claim by reason of a new construction, mentioning the Jews Bonjua Adret and Bonet Bellsom, of Cervera. Bonjua Adret, the young, acted as Jewish witness. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 88 r 2876. 1490, August 3 Içach Jacob de Quercí, physician, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been repaid a debt. Jewish witness, Bondio Andali, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 91 r 2877. 1490, August 18 Unfinished document, concerning Mosse Mosse Sutllam, Jew, tailor, Juceff Cavaller, Jew, physician, Bonafilla, Jewess, wife of Samuel Cavaller, of Cervera, before the Aljama Secretaries, who that year were Mosse de Quercí and Benveníst Sutllam. Witnesses, Simeo Pons, tailor, Christian, and Bonet Bellsom, tailor, Jew. And Jucef Çarruch, corredor, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 91 v 2878. 1490, August 18 Die mercurii 18 augusti anno a nativitatis Domini 1490, constitutus personaliter Mosse Mosse Sutlam, sartor, procurator Samuelis Cavaller, fisici Judei dicte ville, coram Mosse de Querci et Benvenist Sutllam, Judeis secretaris anno currenti dicte ville, personaliter in Callo Inferiori dicte ville… presentavit retroscriptam papiri cedulari… Witnesses, Simeon Ponç, sartor, Christianus et Bonet Bellsom Judeus sartor. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. Loose sheet inside the book. 2879. 1490, August 18 Notification from Mestre Samuel Cavaller, physician of Cervera, now inhabitant in Morvedre, to the Secretaries of the Jewish aljama of Cervera, saying he is going to leave his house in Cervera during a three years period. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. Loose sheet inside the book.

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2880. 1490, August 20 Document concerning a new construction, mentioning Bonet Bellsom, tailor, Jew of Cervera, Juceff Baro Crexent, tailor, Jew of Cervera, and Bonjua Adret. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 92 r 2881. 1490, August 30 The contents of this book are the individual declarations of the house owners or land owners, about their properties. Cervera was divided into four Quarters, at this time we are to analyze de properties of people living in the Quarter of Capcorral: …item li faen Baruch Coffen, juheu, e ans los hi feye en Maria Steve, mercader, 20 sous censals, los quals li vene en Fullosa per vint lliures. Galceran Olmeres fonch atrobat en lo manifest antich a 30 agost 1490 que ha un troç a Matacaruera, que fonch den Içach Arruti, juheu… Pere Sala… un troç de terra que ha comprat den Manuel Vidal… Item dix lo dit Johan Bellasal a 3 de Janer any1494 que com ha hereu del dit moss. Pere Bellasal quondam germa seu, ha un troç a la Creu den Olzina, que fou den B. Vall, e abans de Guillem Solzina e apres den Struc Adret, fa cinch sous a la confraria de Sant Johan… Item un canto de vinya a la pedrera den Salamo Samarell, juheu, lo qual fou den Pere Dezpla… Item un troç lo qual fou den Içach de Querci, juheu, fou den Pere Dezpla… Item li fa Mosse Sutlam vint e cinch sous censals son 25 ll. Item una lexa que fon den Benet Balta al Fosar dels Juheus, fa cinch sous de cens… Item un troç en la sensada den Querci, lo qual fou de son pare, e ans den Antoni de Mixera… Item un ferreginal prop lo fossar dels Juheus, que fou del dit Sala Page 93 this book starts the list of properties of the Jews as at 31 August, 1490, it is entitled “Juheus”, and describes each and all of the properties of the following people:

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Issac Jacob de Quercí and Jafuda de Quercí. There is a note, written in July 24, 1497: dix Mestre Johan de Pau, alias de Querci… Boniua Sutlam Baro Crexent Juceff Almoli, un obrador del alberch que fou den Jacob de Querci. There is a note written in March 17, 1500: Affit an Franci Queralt de Anglesola. Bonjuha de Buldú Içach Adret Jucef Samarell. A piece of land that had belonged to Samarell Salamó. Item la aljama dels Juheus ha un ferreginal… Jucef Çullam Samuel Sullam Mosse Billam. Un alberch davant lo forn… Bellsom Vidal Salamó Çatorra. In a note written in 1497 says that at that moment in time the house belonged to Mestre Johan Cardona, alias Cavaller. Benveníst Cofen…item la meytat de un troç a Matacruera que fou den Davi Bendit, Juheu… Samuel Struch Cavaller. Un alberch al carrer Maior damunt lo portal Miga, fou de son pare e ans den Jaume Tayllada. Affit a micer Pere Boix a 21 abril 1494… Item una partida de una fexa de un ort que fou de Mossen Cortit, car laltra partida porte en Baro Crexent… Mestre Salamó Cavaller Içach de Quercí… Tot aquest manifest es passat per paes e procures an Ffranci Queralt, a 18 de març de 1500 Juceff Baro Crexent Benveníst Sutlam… Affit per paes e procures a 18 de març de 1500 a Mestre Luys Çaporta Içac Tarroç Vidal Andali. Un alberch o cases al carrer den Lobet lo qual ha comprat den Johan Valbona, que ans fou den Ramon Johan menor, e ans den Cresques Coffen, Juheu.

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Affit an Jacme Valbona a 25 febrer 1497 Mosse Andali, juheu, dix a 27 de febrer de 1492 que ha un troç al mas den Altello.. Affit per paes e procures als hereus den Johan Bru a 17 de Març de 1500 Jacob Içach, fill de Mestre Isach Jacob de Quercí… Affit a Mestre Jacme de Pau a 18 de març de 1500 Boniua Adret, maior, giponer, juheu… ACSG. FM. Llibre de Manifest 1490. Capcorral. 2882. 1490, September 1 In Tàrrega, Joan Folquet, procurator for Juceff Cavaller, is asking for assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 93 r 2883. 1490, September 1 In the locality of Sadaó, Joan Folquet, procurator for Juceff Cavaller, is asking for assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 93 v 2884. 1490, October 6 Bertomeu Foix, druggist, sells a piece of land to Mosse Bellsom and Saltell Bellsom, Jews, botigeriis of Cervera. One of the witnesses is Vidal Bonet Bellsom, student, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 97 v 2885. 1490, October 6 Agreement between Mosse and Saltell Bellshom, concerning a piece of land they bought. One of the witnesses is Vidal Bonet Bellsom, student, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 97 v

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2886. 1490, October 6 The notary Llorens Serra acquires from Bertomeu Foix his credit before Mosse and Saltell Bellsom, and the Bellsom agreed by saying “som contents responre al dit Serra”. One of the witnesses is Vidal Bonet Bellsom, student, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 98 r 2887. 1490, October 20 Juceff Baro Crexent acknowledges he has been paid a debt. One of the witnesses is Samuel Cavaller, student, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “…secundum manuale…” 1489, March 13 – 1490, October 20. f. 99 r 2888. 149[1], June 17 Petrus Ffabregua, baiulus loci de Montroig, vicarie Tarrege, existens personaliter constitutus in villa Cervarie, coram Johanne Folquet, textore, procuratore honorabile Jacobi Boix, mercatoris, et magistri Juceff Cavaller, Judei phisici ville Cervarie habitatoris, by reason of the harvest. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1490-1492 f. 69 v- 70 r 2889. 149[1], June 24 Johannes Farell, baiulus loci de Palagalls, existens personaliter constitutus in villa Cervarie coram magistro Juceff Cavaller, phisico, et Johanne Ffolquet, textore dicte ville, eius procuratore Document concerning the wheat harvest. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1490-1492 f. 70 r 2890. 1490, November 12 Document concerning the one agreed on October 6 by Mosse Bellzom and Saltell Bellzom, brothers, Jews, botigeriis of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1

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2891. 1490, November 17 Içach Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges he has been paid a debt. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3048 2892. 1490, November 17 Içach Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, signed a receipt to Pere Ferrer, concerning a debt agreed on 1488, March 15, before the present notary public. Witnesses: Hon. Francesc Comalada, merchant, and discretus Antonio Ferrer, notary public, inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet “quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 6r 2893. 1490, November [17] It is acknowledged a debt to Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, by reason of a mutuo. Concerning document: 1483, Dec 12, same notary ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 7r 2894. 1490, November 19 In this document, Priço, Jewess, widow of Içach Baruch, Jew, and Senton, their son, Jew of Cervera, heirs to Içach Gracià, Jew of Cervera; and to Jafuda de Quercí, Jew. Jewish witness, Jafuda de Quercí, Jew, are mentioned. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2895. 1490, December 9 Antoni Bonet, notary, and others, by reason of a renting, were constitutus personaliter in Callo Superiori et in domo Magistrum Samuelis Cavaller, verbo presente domna Bonafilla, uxor Magistri Samuelis Cavaller … Bonafilla, verbo respondendo dixit quod “si Mosse Perello te poder de fer ho e ho ha pogut fer tant se amara responre responre [sic] al hun com al altre, si no te poder no” ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 9 v 2896. 1490, December 17

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It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Samuel de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, now inhabitant in Santa Coloma, due to the purchase of an ass peli blanquinos. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2897. 1490, December 21 In a judgment by arbitration, one of the parties was Juceff Cavaller, Jew of Cervera; one of the judges, Içach Mosse Sutllam, Jew of Cervera; and one of the witnesses Içach Salom, tailor Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1

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YEAR 1491

2898. 1491 La soplicacio dada per en Garcia, tamborine e Jucef Çarruch, Juheu, al Consell. +Jhesus+ A les magnificencies de vosaltres, Senyors de paers e insigne consell <de la vila de Cervera> recorren mestre Garcia Ferrer e Jucef Çaruch, Juheu e corredors jurats de la vila de Cervera, dient i exposant que com Bondio Andali, juheu e fill den Vidal Andali, Juheu sia ese … corredor aquell per molts sguarts en lo fin de corredoria no deu esser admes primerament car a ell com a corredor axi publicament es prohibit vendre e comprar haveries ho mercaderies ques puxen vendre a altres mes que en los contractes licitament ne ab degut compliment nos regex nes governe ne lur edat ne discussio nol acompanye per poder tenir ne regir tal ofici, mes que en acte de corredoria es prohibit pare e fill portar un mateix offici e mostras ell no devie, ne tenir ne menys regir tal ofici, car si … e per aquestes rahons e altres …, dit Bondio no deu regir dit offici e per ço … ACSG. Manuscrits Jueus. Nº 22. (AM-8) (1491, Llibre de Consells, f. 29) 2899. 1491, January 7 Apoca Sit omnibus notum quod ego Jaffudanus de Querci, judeus ville Cervarie, confiteor et in veritate recognosco vobis Bernardo Pont, iurato et bosserio (¿) anno proxime elapso ville Pulcri Podii Angularie presenti, quod dedistis et solvistis michi realem numerando omnes illas decem libras barchinonensis que … restaban ad solvendum ex et de illis vigintiquinque libris dictem ACSG. Colección Dalmases nº 3052 2900. 1491, January 7 Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, declares that Bernat Pont has paid him the outstanding amount of a debt legalized between them on 1484, September 7, before the present public notary. Witnesses, Hon. Francesc Comalada, merchant, and Discretus Antonio Ferrer, public notary, inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 12 r

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2901. 1491, January 11 Document concerning an arbitration. One of the parts was Salamó Coffen, Jew of Agramunt. Witnesses, Andreu Mir, carnifex, and Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. 2902. 1491, January 20 Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, is empowered as procurator. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 13 v- 14 r 2903. 1491, February 11 Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, concerning a censal agreed on 1483, December 18. Witnesses, Pere Vidal, Christian, and Mosse Vidal, Jew, inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 17 v- 18 r 2904. 1491, February 11 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera. Jewish witness, Içach Çalom, tailor of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2905. 1491, February 28 Sentence by arbitration. One of the judges was Içach Mosse Sutllam, Jew tailor of Cervera; one of the parties was Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2906. 1491, March 1 Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera acknowledges that Antonio Puig d’Hostafranchs has paid him a debt, agreed in public document of 1483, February 18, before the present notary Antoni de Saliteda. Jewish witness, Bondio Andali, of Cervera.

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ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. f. 11 v 2907. 1491, March 4 Samuel Sutlam de Çaporta, Jew of Cervera, confesses a debt. One of the witnesses was Bonjua Salom, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 20 r 2908. 1491, March [15] Andreu Mir, textor of the locality of Guimerà, acknowledges he owes Mosse de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, the outstanding amount of the price of the panni he bought him. ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. 2909. 1491, [April] It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Mosse Sutllam, Jew botigerio of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 1491, Apr 29 (Debitori) In Dei nomine, nouerint universi quod nos Mosse Andali, giponerius, et Regino, eius uxor, judei ville Cervarie, gratis et ex certa scientia, pro nostris succurrendis necessitatibus, nostrisque utilis gerendis negociis, per nos et omnes heredes et successores nostros, quoscumque super omnibus bonis nostris et alterius nostrum vendimus concedimus et assignamus, et vendendo corporaliter seu quasi tradimus vobis venerabile et discreto Johanni Roig, presbitero dicte ville Cervarie, presenti, non ut prebitero sed tanquam laice et private persone, et de preciis vestre bone industrie adquisitis, hoc ementi et vestris et cui sive quibus volueritis instrumento iamdicto, gratis perpetuo luendi quitandi seu redimendi… Sale done by Mosse Andali, giponer, and his wife Reginó, Jews of Cervera. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3047 2910. 1491, May 2

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Litis questio seu controversia .. per et inter Magistrum Juceff Cavaller, ffisicum, Judeus ville Cervarie, ex una, et Aliamam Judeorum ville Cervarie ex alia … Mosse de Querci, Secretarius Içach Sutlam locumtenentis of Benvenist Sutlam, Secretari absentis, Magistrum Içach de Querci, Bonjua Salom, Juceff Zarruch, Samuel Adret, Mosse Andali et Mosse Bellsom, Consiliarii hec anno Aliame Judeorum dicte ville. Arbitres, per Juceff Cavaller, Francesc Salvador, Iuris peritus, per l’Aljama, Pere Boix, Iure Doctorem Jewish witness, Bonjua Adret, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 29 r-v 2911. 1491, May 28 Struga, Jewess widow of Salamó Çatorra, merchant, Jews of Cervera, makes a donation inter vivos to her daughter Bona filla, Jewess married to Samuel Cavaller. She gives her daughter all of her properties, but keeping them under her power until her death. Item volo quod pro mei anima detis dareque teneamini octo aureos argenti marcatque volo aplicentur illi corone argenti quam dictus quondam maritus meus legavit in suo ultimo testamento ad servicium Scole del Capcorral Judea … … 8 oz appellats en abraych Tapuiz. Jewish witness, Bonjua Salom, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2912. 1491, January 7 Apoca Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, acknowledges Bernat Pont has paid him the outstanding amount of a debt that was agreed before Antoni Bonet, notary of Cervera, on 1484, September 7. Jewish witness, Struch Adret, inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3052 2913. 1491, June 15 Hon. Joan Moixó, of Cervera, procurator for Mestre Juceff Cavaller, physician of Cervera ... constitutus personaliter intus locum de Acrimuntello ... dixit et exposuit coram honorabile Gabriele Joan ... “Mosser batle, una letra de fadigues es stada tramesa dela Cort de Mosser lo Veguer a instancia de Mestre Juceff Cavaller, principalment clamantse den Johan Farrer <e dels hereus den Johan Domingo, quondam> de aquest loch habitans, de certa quantitat de

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diners a ell deguda, a la qual per vos justament es stat respost per que Mosser en lo dit nom vos requer me assigneu, en virtut de dites fadigues e reposta, bens axi mobles com sients, besties e bestiar, gros e menut, fins a compliment de paga fahedora al meu principal …” ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 40 r 2914. 1491, June 15 In Vilagrasseta, Joan Moixo, procurator for Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, asks for assignment of properties in payment of debts ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 40 r-v 2915. 1491, June 15 Joan Moixo, procurator for Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, asks for assignment of properties in payment of debts ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 40 v 2916. 1491, June 15 Joan Moixó, procurator for hon. Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, in la Guardiolada, asks for assignment of properties in payment of debts ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 41 r 2917. 1491, June 15 Joan Moixó, procurator for hon. Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, in Montoliu, before Jaume Queralt, lloctinent de batle, asks for assignment of properties in payment of debts ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 41 r 2918. 1491, June 15

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Joan Moixó, procurator for Mestre Isach de Quercí and Jaffuda de Quercí, Jews of Cervera, heirs to their father, asks to see the properties that were assigned on 1489, March 10, in order to sell them and pay the Quercís ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 41 v 2919. 1491, June 15 Joan Moixó, procurator for hon. Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, in La Ametlla, asks for assignment of properties in payment of debts. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 41 v- 42 r 2920. 1491, June 15 Joan Moixó, procurator for Jaffuda de Quercí and Içach de Quercí, heirs to their father, asks for assignment of properties in payment of debts ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 42 r 2921. 1491, June 15 In the locality of Montornès, Joan Moixó, procurator for Jaffuda de Quercí and Içach de Quercí, heirs to their father, asks for assignment of properties in payment of debts ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 42 r 2922. 1491, June 15 Joan Moixó, procurator for Jaffuda de Quercí and Içach de Quercí, physician, Jews of Cervera and heirs to their father, asks for assignment of properties of Antonio Queralt in payment of his debts ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 42 r-v 2923. 1491, June 22 Francesc Sbert, of Montmaneu, confesses his debt and his family’s to Samuel Cavaller and his wife Goig, deceased, Jews of Cervera, and agrees he owes it to Juceff Cavaller, Jew of Cervera.

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Witnesses: Francesc Tàrrega, silversmith, and Manuel Cardona, Christians, and Saltell Belsom, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. f. 32 r- 33 r 2924. 1491, June 23 Judgment by arbitration between Mosse de Quercí and Benveníst Sutllam, Secretaries, Içach de Quercí, physician, Bonjua Çalom, Içach Mosse Sutllam, Juceff Çarruch, Samuel Adret, Mosse Andali, consiliarii of the Jewish aljama of Cervera during this year, Mosse Bellsom Sullam, absent, represented by Juceff Cavaller, on one side, and Juceff Cavaller, physician Jew of Cervera, on the other side. Judge on the side of the secretaries and consiliarii of the Jewish community, Benveníst Sutllam, and on the side of Juceff Cavaller, Içach Mosse Sutllam, Benveníst’s brother. Jacob de Quercí, physician, was appointed in case of disagreement. Jewish witness, Vidal Bonet Narboni. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2925. 1491, June 24 (Amigable componenda) Judgment by arbitration between Juceff Adret, Jew of Cervera, and Vicens Serra, parator lane of Cervera, by reason of a mule peli niger. The arbitrators were hon. Llorens Serra, notary, Samuel Adret, Jew, and Nicolau Prats, manya, of Cervera. Jewish witness, Samuel Coffen, inhabitant of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 42 v 2926. 1491, July 20 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Mosse de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, by reason of the outstanding amount of the price of the panni ha had bought him. ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. f. 35 r 2927. 1491, July 21 A vosaltes honorables senyors de Regidos e Secretaris qui representau lalgama dels Jueus dela vila de Cervera, notefique Jafuda de Querçi dela dita vila com a deslliberat mudar e transferir sabitaçio e domicili de aquesta vila a altra, per tant vos o notefique e requir li tragau e mostreu sos comte <e> que de res vos es tengut vos fara raho. E per semblant vos demane lo pageu e satisfaçau del que li deveu e tenguts li sou. E del dia

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present en avant nol ajau en res per abitant de aquesta algama, nil metau en contrebuyçio vostra. E per que sie memoria en esdevenidor, requir a vos en discret notari ne façau carta publica, etc. Die 21 July 91, per Jafudanum de Querci fuit presentata Mosse de Querci et Benvenist Sullam, Judeis Secretaris dicte aliame, in domo sive botigua domus Jacobus Michaelis quondam, et lecta per me notari fuit petita copia que fuit concessa et tradita qui responsum dixerunt que ells ho proposaran e hauran Consell, e faran lo que son tenguts fer procuran que no sie closa la carta sens la resposta de quibus instrumentus et instrumenta. Testes honor. Johanne Moxo et Juceff Carrench, Judeo Cervarie habitatoris. Jaffuda de Quercí writes a letter to the secretaries of the Jewish aljama to inform that since today he is moving from his actual home. ACSG. Manuscrits 2.15 (AM – 5) 2928. 1491, July 22 Samuel Jucef Cavaller, son of Mestre Jucef Cavaller, physician, is acting in his own name as well as in name of his father. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “... quartum decimun manuale...” 1492-1493 2929. 1491, July 29 Pere Martí, of Montornès, confesses his debt to Içach Jacob de Quercí and Jaffuda de Quercí, Jews of Cervera, by reason of a debt that he, as principal, and Antoni de Queralt, of the Mas de Bondia, had confessed to his father, the late Jacob de Quercí in a notarial deed of 1459, June 8, agreed before Francesc de Saliteda, Jew of Cervera. Witnesses, Francesc Alenya and Bernat Boix, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. f. 36 v- 37 r 2930. 1491, July 29 Agreement done between Pere Martí, of Montornès, and Içach Jacob de Quercí and Jaffuda de Quercí, Jews of Cervera. Witnesses, Francesc Alenya and Bernat Boix, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. f. 37 v 2931. 1491, August 30 Document stated by Jaffuda de Quercí, concerning a previous document of 1488, April.

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Jewish witness, Salamó Coffen. ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. f. 40 r 2932. 1491, [August] Juceff Cavaller, physician, is acting in his own name as well as procurator for his brother Samuel Cavaller, Jew physician. Jewish witness, Içach Tarros. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2933. 1491, September 9 “Copia del original, suprimiendo solo las abreviaturas. Se guarda en el Archivo de San Agustin de Cervera, dentro un manual del notario Juan Bonet (año1493)” (Datat a llapis post. 19 Dic 1491) Tatxa feta per my Dyego de Avellaneda tatxador posat per lo senyor Rey dela questya del aljama e syngulars jueus dela vila de Cervera, juxta la nomyna per los secretaris de dita aljama a my donada per lo trieni dels anys 1491, 92, 93 Primo Juceff Adret, deu sous e mig Item mestre Isach de Querci, quinse sous Item en Jafuda de Querci e son frare Mose, vint e dos sous Item na Priçosa, muller den Itach Baruch, quondam, tres sous Item Baruch Cofen e son frare Samuel, dotze sous Item mestre Jacob de Querci, dotse sous Item Samuel Sullam, sich sous Item Mose Sullam e son nebot Icach, quinse sous Item Benvenist Sullam, onse sous Item Bonafilla, vidua, muller de mestre Crescas, quondam, quatre sous Item Vidal Andali e Bondio son fill, set sous Item Bonanat Andali dos sous e mig Item Itach Comprat, lo sedacer, dos sous e mig Item Itach Aruty e son genre Mose Faym quatre sous e mig Item Jucef Carruch, quatre sous Item Itach Taroch, tres sous Item Salamo Aruty, çabater, tres sous Item mestre Jucef Cavaller e son frare Estruch, tretse sous e mig Item Bonjua Salom, tres sous e mig Item Jucef Baro, sis sous Item Bonjua Jucef Adret, sinch sous Item Bonet Bellsom, sis sous e mig Item Samuel Adret, catorze sous Item Mose Bellsom e son genre Saltell, quinse sous

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Item Mose, fill de Mose Sullam, tres sous e mig Item Abram Sullam, dos sous e mig Item Mose Andaly, sis sous Item Estruch Adret, cinch sous e mig Item Itach Mose Sullam, lo padre, set sous e mig Item Bonjua Adret, maior, nou sous Item Mester Samuel Cavaller, dotse sous. Suma la tatxa dela present quistia tatxada per my dit Diego de Avellaneda, taxador per lo serenisym Rey nostre senyor, segons apar desus en tres sumas de pagina, dotse lliures cinch sous e mig. … La nomina dels singulars Jueus dela Aljama de Cervera, feta per los secretaris, e dada al magnifich mosser Diego de Avellaneda, tatxador per la voluntat del senyor Rey, e feta a 9 de setembre any 1491: Juceff Adret, Mestre Isach de Querçi, Jafuda de Querci e son frare Mose, Na Preciosa, viuda, muller del Isach Baruch quondam, Baruch Coffen e son frare Samuel Mestre Jacob de Querci, Samuel Sutllam Mosse Sutllam e son nebot Jacob, Benvenist Sutllam, Na Bonafilla, vidua muller de Mestre Cresques quondam Vidal Andali, corredor, e son fill Bonjua Bonanat Andali Içach Compart Içach Aruti e son frare Mose Faym Juçef Çarruch Yçach Torroç Salomo Aruti, çabater Mestre Jucef Cavaller e son frare Estruch Bonjua Salom, Jucef Baro Bonjua Jucef Adret Bonet Bellsom Samuel Adret Mose Bellsom e son frare Saltell Mose, fill de Mose Sullam Abram Sullam Mose Andali Estruch Adret Içach Mose Sullam Bonjua Adret, major de dies. ACSG. Coleccion Dalmases nº 3015

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2934. 1491, September 9 La nomina dels singolars Jueus dela algama de Cervera, feta per los Secretaris e dada al magnifich moss. Diego davellaneda, tatxador per las M. del Sr. Rey, feta a 9 de Setembre any 1491 Juçeff Adret Mestre Içach de Querci Jafuda de Querci e son frare Mose Na Priçosa, vidua, muller de Içach Baruch, quondam Baruch Coffen e son frare Samuel Mestre Jacob de Querçi Samuel Sutllam Mose Sutllam e son nebot Içach Benvenist Sutllam Na Bonafilla, vidua, muller de Mestre Crescas, quondam Vidal Andali, corredor, e son fill Bondio Bonanasch Andali Içach Comprat, lo sedacer Içach Aruti e son genre Mose Faym Juçef Çaruch Içach Torroç (Taroch) Salamo Aruti, çabater Mestre Jucef Cavaler e son frare Estruch Bonjua Salom Juçef Baro Bonjua Juçef Adret Bonet Bellsom Samuel Adret Mose Bellsom e son jenre Saltell Mose, fill de Mose Sullam Abram Çullam Mose Andali Estruch Adret Içach Mose Sutllam lo padre Bonjua Adret major de dies Mestre Samuel Cavaller (es a la llista de la tatxa, pero no a la nomina) Fuit tradita copia paciaris Cervarie vigore mandati mei facti a 10 doctubre 1494, in papiri tabellionata. Tatxa questie Judeorum Cervarie annorum 91, 92, 93 Fuit tradita copia ut …per me Anthonium Bonet, notari auctoritate regia, die 12 octobris 1493 Johanni de Cardona, vigore mandati mei facti per honorabilem baiulum dicte ville dictis die et anno. Die intitulata 19 mensis decembris a.n.d. 1491, magnificus dictus Didachus de Avellaneda…

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ACSG. Manuscrits 2.27 and 2.28 (AM – 31) 2935. 1491, September 23 It is acknowledged a debt in favor of Mosse de Quercí, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2936. 1491, October [28] It is acknowledged a debt to Samuel de Quercí, of Santa Coloma de Queralt, by reason of an ass he sold (eiusdam mule pili destornell quem a vobis emi) ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. f. 49 r-v 2937. 1491, November 9 Abraham Naçan, Jew of Agramunt, appoints procurator. Jewish witness, Bonet Belsom, of Cervera. ACSG. FN I. 51. Antoni de Saliteda. Manuale 1490, Dec 28- 1491, Dec 12. 2938. 1491, November 18 Cancellation of debt 1491, February 11, agreed by Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, being present Salamó Cavaller, Jew of Morvedre. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2939. 1491, December 10 Antoni Pere Cervero is acting as procurator for Bonafilla, Jewess wife of Samuel Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, before the present notary Antoni Romeu ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1

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YEAR 1492

2940. 1492, [January] Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, and Bonafilla, the wife of Samuel Cavaller, are the procurators for Samuel Cavaller, Jew physician. Juceff Cavaller is also procurator for Bonafilla, the widow of Samuel Çaporta. Jewish witness to this act was Baruch Cofen, Jew of Cervera ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2941. 1492, March 5 Mosse de Beses, Jew originating from Bellpuig, inhabitant in Monzón, empowers Benveníst Coffen, Jew of Tortosa, as his procurator. Witnesses: Joan Montaner, parator lane, and Samuel Adret, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “... quintum decimum manuale...” 1492-1493 2942. 1492, March 7 Jaume Vallbona confesses he has received from Bonanasch Andali, Jew of Cervera, the amount he owed him by reason of debit 1492, February 17, same notary. Witnesses, Miquel Bonjoch, inhabitant in Cervera, and other. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “... quintum decimum manuale...” 1492-1493

2943. 1492, March 22 Honorabile domina Ffrancina, uxor que fuit honorabile Jacobi Michaelis, quondam, mercatoris ville Cervarie, hagens heredes nomine suo proprio ac etiam ut tutrix et curatrix ffilliarum pupillarum dicti Jacobi et dice Ffrancine, ac eciam ut tenens et possidens omnia iura et bona que fuerunt dicti quondam firi mei. Atendens etc vendo vobis Jaffuda de Querci, Judeo Cervarie, presenti, et vestris etc, illud censuale. Signum testes honorabilem Anthonius Buguar, botigerius, et Raymundus del Llach, cerdo Cervarie habitatores. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1490-1497 2944. 149[2], March 22

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Item firmarunt apocham dicta honorabile Ffrancina Miquela dicto honorabile Jaffuda de Querci, Judeo Cervarie presenti, de 12 libris 10 solidis pro precio dicte vendicionis… Ts predicti ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1490-1492

2945. 1492, May 15 In this document, a piece of land located in Tàrrega, belonging to Mestre Davi, Jew, is mentioned. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2946. 1492 El Rey Comissarios vimos vostra carta de vinte de mayo e hoymos ell que ell levador desta nos dixo de vostra parte e respondendo aello les cosas que queremos no den logar que saquen los judios dexe principado, son oro, plata, moneda amonedada e por monedar e todas les otras cosas que por las leyes e constituciones dexe dixo principado son prohibidos de saquar Aquellos que deyentro los quinze dies no hauran mostrado sus dretxos que pretendian tener sobre los beyenes de los judios, si despuyes les mostraran queremos sian hoydos e que se les faga complimento de justicia no enbargante. Lo que per la primera comission provehimos e lo missmo facer de les penyoras A lo que … Dada en Guadalupe a 11 de juynio de 1492 ACSG. Manuscrits Jueus (AM-6) 2947. 1492, June 6 Juceff Çarrenc and his wife Goig, Jews of Cervera, sell the house they own in Cervera, situated in Street den Llobet, in the Quarter of Capcorral. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet “ quintum decimum manuale...” 1492-1493 f. 20 r 2948. 1492, July 1

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Vitalis Andali, judeus curritor ville Cervarie, et Bondio Andali eius filius. Attendentes cum instrumento receptor in posse discreti Berengarii Gaço … 29 septembris anno 1486, emisse a vobis Johanne Vallbona, hostalerio, et Jacobo Vallbona, paratore, filio vestro, eiusdem ville, quoddam hospitium, situm in capite corrali, in vio vocato de na Mel o den Lobet, cum introihitibus exitibus eius, confrontatum de una parte cum dicto vico, de duabus partibus vobiscum, precio 35 lliures cum 6 diners cesnsu iure domino et fadicha, et pro quibus 35 lliures factum fuit incarritamentu de 25 solidis censualibus in pensione et 25 lliures in proprietate, in quo dictum hospitium est obligatum beneficio instituto in Ecclesia Maiori dicte ville, sub invocationem … Et que nos et alii Judei, vigore edicti pro regiam magestatem generaliter facti, recessiter fuimus a toto principatu Cathalonie terris et regnis dominationis per totum currentem mensem Julii, et dictum hospitium venere, comode seu alienare non possimus, presenti fuit actum et conventum per et inter no et vos quatenus reddeemus et restituamus vobis dictum hospitium, cum omnibus suis iuribus et pertinentiis licet in eadem fecimus aliqua opera et melioramenta. Id circo, gratis et per nos et meos, reddimus et tornamus vobis dictis Jacobo Vallbona … dictum hospitium … Testes … et Içach Arruti, Judeus Cervarie habitatoris ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 26 r 2949. 1492, July 1 Juceff Zarrench, curritor auris, Jew of Cervera, by reason of the Expulsion Edict, sells his house in Cervera, in the Quarter of Cap Corral, in the street of Na Mel or den Llobet, being one of its boundaries the house of Içach Tarros, Jew of the same place. Witnesses, Joan Montaner, parator, Guillem Porta, traginerius, Christians, and Vidal Andali, Jew, inhabitants in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 26r

2950. 1492, July 1 Cancellation of debt 1491, April, in favor of Mosse Sutllam, Jew botigerio of Cervera. Jewish witness, Mosse Andali, of Cervera. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2951. 1492, July 3 Juceff Cavaller, Jew physician of Cervera, is acting in his own name as well as procurator for his brother Samuel Cavaller. Jewish witness, Abram Pardo, alias Gallego, Jew of the Reign of Portugal.

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ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2952. 1492, July 10 Juceff Cavaller, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for his brother Mestre Samuel Cavaller, Jew, physician, married to Bonafilla, and by reason of the Expulsion Edict, sells to Hon. Gabriel Gotsens, merchant of Cervera, the house that had belonged to Lobell Samarell, as per promise and prepayment made before the public notary Antonio Bonet on November 21, 1491. Witnesses, Joan Montaner, parator, Christian, and Vidal Andali, Jew, inhabitants in Cervera. Juceff Cavaller signed a receipt. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 26 v- 27 r 2953. 1492, July 10 Içach Samuel Sullam, Jew of Cervera, appoints Joan Cornellana, of Pelagalls, as his procurator. Witnesses, Joan Montaner, parator lane, Christian, and Jaco.. Baruch, Jew, inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 27 r 2954. 1492, July 11 Bonet Bellsom, Jew of Cervera, is selling and giving to Bertomeu Coll all of his rights on a piece of land situated in the terminus of la Curullada. Witnesses, Pons Quintana and Joan Fuster, Christian, and Jafuda de Quercí, the young, Jew of Cervera. Bonet Bellsom signed a receipt. ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2955. 1492, July 12 Bonjua Adret, calçaterius sive giponerius, of Cervera, and his wife Bonadona, sell their house, situated besides the lower Jewish quarter, and besides the house of Salamó Coffen, to Francesc Palleres, textor lini of the same place. One of the witnesses was Mosse Bellsom, Jew inhabitant in Cervera.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 27 v- 28 r 2956. 1492, July 12 Juceff Zarruch, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, sells his courtyard, situated in the street called den Llobet or de Na Mel, to Pere Saurina. One of the witnesses was Içach Tarros, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 28 r-v 2957. 1492, July 12 Details on the previous courtyard sale agreement ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 28 v 2958. 1492, July 13 Bonet Bellsom, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has received from Jaume Monpaó, of la Curullada, the outstanding amount of a piece of land he had sold him on 1476, December 13, legalized before the present public notary. Witnesses, Joan Soler, of la Curullada, and Bondio Andali, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 29 r 2959. 1492, July 16 Bernat Boix, merchant of Cervera, confesses he has received the outstanding amounts due to him by Bonet Bellsom, Jew inhabitant in Cervera, as concerning a document of 1484, August 18, signed before this same notary. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 29 v 2960. 1492, July 16 Juceff Baro Crexent, Jew of Cervera, empowers Jafuda de Quercí and Salamó Baro Crexent, his son, as his procurators. Jewish witness, Bonet Bellsom.

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ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1 2961. 1492, July 17 Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, concerning a censal agreed on 1483, December 18, before the present notary, Antonio Bonet, signs apoca de soluto. Other documents concerning the same contract: 1484, April 13; 1491, March 26; 1492, March 26; before the present notary One of the witnesses was Salamó Baro, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 29 v- 30 r 2962. 1492, July 19 Mosse Sutllam, Judeus ville Cervarie minor diebus, gratis etc, in solutum censualis quantitatis debite per se Petro Mir, agricole Cervarie, ffecit llocum et cessionem eidem Mir presenti etc de aquells 8 sous que deu al dit Mosse Sutllam, poch mes o menys… per raho de una coteta burella que ha comprada de ell lo dit Botet,… e per resta de un sayo que havie comprat dit Botet per si. E aximateix de aquells 5 sous que li deu en Jaume Alcover de Granyena, genre de na Berenguera Miquela de Cervera, per raho de costures, ço es de un sayo per aell, e dos sayos per a son fill… Ts. Honorabilem Anthonius Comalada, maior diebus, mercator, et Juceff Sarruch, Judeus, Cervarie habitatores. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1490-1492

2963. 1492, July 19 Bonjua de Basalú, Jew that had been inhabitant in the city of Balaguer, transfers all of his rights against Barnabas Clua to Joan de Gravalosa, inhabitant in the city of Balaguer. This document refers to another one legalized in Balaguer on 1481, April 1, before the notary Ramon Lebo. One of the witnesses was Bonet Bellsom, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 30 r-v 2964. 1492, July 20 Bonjua Adret, Jew of Cervera, and Bernat Boix, procurator for her wife Bonadona, confess they have received the total amount of the house they sold to Francesc Palleres on July 12, before the present notary.

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ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 30 v 2965. 1492, July 20 Joan Roig acknowledges that Bonjua Adret, his wife Bonadona, absent, and her procurator, Bernat Boix, have paid him the total amount of his credit concerning the house they has sold. Document concerning: 1489, March 26, notary Llorens Serra. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 37 r

2966. 1492, July 20 Antoni Bremon pays his son in law a debt by transferring him all of his rights against Mosse Benveníst Sutllam ACSG. FN. I. 55 Antoni Romeu. “tertium manuale” 1490, October 23–1493, February 1

2967. 1492, July 25 Davi Abenaçaya, Jew, physician, inhabitant In Tàrrega, transfers his censal mort annuity to the magnificum dominum Diego de Avellaneda, domicellum inhabitant in Cervera. Concerning document: 1450, February 24, Francesc Palau, public notary of Tàrrega. Witnesses, two Christians and Baruch Cofen, Jew inhabitant in Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 38 v 2968. 1492, July 25 Davi Abenaçaya, Jew, physician, inhabitant in Tàrrega, empowers Joan and Llorens de Altarriba, inhabitants in Cervera, as his procurators. Witnesses, two Christians and Baruch Cofen, Jew inhabitant in Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 38 v- 39 r 2969. 1492, July 25 Bonafilla, Judea que uxor fui Magistri Salamonis Cavaller, ffisici quondam Judei ville Cervarie, tenens et possidens hereditatem et bona omnia dictum quondam viri mei pro

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dote et sponsalitio, atque aliis iuribus nostris … nomineque proprio, et ego Davi Abenaçaya, Judeus ffisicus ville Tarrege, tutor et pro tempore curator de na Goig, nepte meam, filieque dictum Magistri Salamonis Cavaller, et Bonaffille, filie mee, agens hec de et cum auctoritate et decreto hon. Baiuli, constituimus et ordinamus vos, Petrum Vidal, agricultorem Cervarie, actorem nostrum et dicte pupille, certum et specialem videlicet ad vendendum aut aliter alienandum tam in encanto publico quam sine, et illis persone vel personis, et pro illis precio seu preciis peccunie quantitate seu quantitatibus quibus concordare potetis totam illam faticam ... quos nos et vel dicta pupilla habemus et habet et competit ... super quibusdam domibus Salamonis Coffen sitis in Callo Inferiori ville Cervarie, confrontatis cum vico calli et cum domibus Bonjue Adret, Judei, que fuerint Jacobi Font, quondam, et cum aliis afrontationibus, iuribus et pertinenciis suis... Testes, honorabile Raimundus Granell, dominus loci dela Corbella, Christianis, et Samuel Adret, Judeus ville Cervarie. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 39 r-v 2970. 1492, July 25 Juceff Abenaçaya, Judeus ffisicus ville Tarrege, pro renuntiationem laboris diversoris sustentoris missionum et expensis per vos magnificum dominum Didacum de Avellaneda factarum inet pro captione persone Davi Abenaçaya, patris mei ... do, cedo et mando vobis ... omniam iura et actiones etc adversus et contra ... Witnesses, Ramon Granell, Christian, and Samuel Adret, Jew. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 39 v 2971. 1492, July 25 Baruch Coffen, Jew of Cervera, in payment of a debt to Joan Montaner, transfers him a credit he had in his favor.. Witnesses, two Christians and Içach de Quercí, Jew inhabitant in Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 39 v- 40 r 2972. 1492, July 25 Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, as procurator for his father, Mestre Içach de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been repaid of a debt. Witnesses, two Christians and Salamó Baro, Jew inhabitant in Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 40 r-v

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2973. 1492, July 26 Jaffuda de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, confesses he has been repaid of some debts. Concerning documents: 1483, December 22 and 1490, November 23, public notary, Antoni Bonet. Witnesses, two Christians and Bonjua Adret, Jew inhabitant in Cervera ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 41 r-v 2974. 1492, July 27 Samuel Adret, Judeus ville Cervarie habitatoris, ex certa scientia constituo et ordino procuratoris meum, certum et specialem, vos, hon. Bernardum Boix, mercatorem dicte ville, licet absentem tanquem presentem videlicet ad vendendum aut aliter alienandum procure et nomine meo … totas illas domos, cum introitibus exitibus, quas ego habeo et possideo in Callo Inferiori dicte ville, ad latus domorum Bonet Bellsom, confrontatis cum Callo per aliis suis afrontationibus … Witnesses, Joan Montaner, Andreu Bonjoch, inhabitants in the place of Granyanella, Christians, and Salamó Baro, Jew of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “…quartum decimum manuale…” 1490-1492. f. 42 r 2975. 1492, July 27 In Dei nomine, noverint universi quod ego Jaffudanus de Querci, judeus ville Cervarie, nomine meo proprio et ut <sindicus> et procuratore legitime constitutus et ordinatus <a judeis> aljama judeorum dicte ville <Cervarie> videlicet a Jacob de Querci, secretario, Juceff Cavaller, locumtenentis, Bonet Belsom, secretari, Bonjua Adret, Benvenist Sullam (crossed out: filio Mosse Sullam judei), Samuel Adret, Mosse Sullam, filio Mosse Sullam maioris dies, Baruch Coffen, Juceff Adret, Saltell Belsom et Salamo Baro, judeis dicte ville Cervarie, habentis plenum posse ad hec et alia per agenda anni infrascripto, die 26 mensis julii anno presente et subscripto et per publico Notario infrascriptum, recepto et testificato. Attendens vos magnificum Ffranciscum Alenya, domicellum vicarium et baiulum dicte ville Cervarie, ut comissarium serenissimi et portentissimi domini Aragonum Regis in expulsione dictorum Judeorum ville <predicte> Cervarie … Gratis et ex certa sciencia iamdictis nominibus, per me et omnes principales meos, et omnes heredes et succesores meos et suos quoscumque, convenio er bona fide promitto vobis dictis magnificis Ffrancisco Alenya … quod si illas peccuniem quantitates in quibus dicta aljama et Judei fuerunt condempnati <sive taxati>, vos seu alter vestrum quibusvis racionibus solventis seu solvere teneremini ville predicte Cervarie <seu aliis quibusvis personis>, dabo et solvam ac aportabo ac mei principales … vobis et vestris de bonis et peccuniis tam meis quam dictorum principalum meorum… Actum est hoc Cervarie die 27 mensis Julii anno a nativitatis Domini 1492. Signum Jaffudani de Querci predicti …

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Testes huius rei sunt Bernadinus Quer, sartor ville Cervarie, et Anthonius Orovix, loci de Granyenella.

ACSG. Colección Dalmases nº 3001 2976. 1492, April 9 In Dei nomine, ego ... pro solvendo et satisffacendo vobis Magistro Içach de Querci, Judeo Cervarie, presenti, in illis octo ll. Quod vobis restant ad solvendum ex illis ... vobis debiti cum instrumento in posse notari infrascripti, 13 octobris anno 1483, et pro missionibus et expensis factis, vendo vobis eidem Içach de Querci, presenti, et vestris, totum illud censuale mortuum ... Jaffudano de Querci, Judeo ville Cervarie, germano vestro, licet absenti ... Testes ... ac Bonjua de Busoldon, Magistrum Scolaris, Judeus Cervarie habitatoris. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “... quintum decimum manuale...” 1492-1493

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YEAR 1493

2977. 1493, July 12 Cum lis est inter honorabile Johannem Cavaller, studentem in medecina, ut filiu et procuratorem assertum nostrum, Raphaelis Cavaller, phisici vile Cervarie, ex una parte, et Petrum Llobera, Jacobum Boraç, Jacobum Ysern et Gabrielem Portella, agricolas loci de Spallargues, ex altera parte : Ex eo et pro eo quidictus magistri Raphael Cavaller fecit fieri quandam Regiam emparam in non nullis bonis predictorum… Judgement by arbitration. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1493-1494 f. 6 r 2978. 1493, July 22 Cum lis questio est inter honorabilem Raphaelem Cavaller, phisicum ville Cervarie, ut heredem assertum den Samuel Struc Cavaller, quondam, eius patre et pro nunch inter honorabilem Johanem Cardona, alias Cavaller, fillium dicti Raphaelis ac procurationem cum plenissima potestate, ex una parte, et Johannem Sala, minorem dierum, loci de Osso, nomine propio, et ut procuratorem Alodii Llobera, filly Petri Llobera, et neptis sive net den Arnau Llobera, Johannis Sala del Portal, fillii den Ffrancisco Sala, Ffrancisci Rossell, filii Jacobi Rossel, Johannis Thous, ut heredis et detentoris bonorum Arnaldi Claramunt, Johannis Cera, fillii Thome Cera, Berengarii Govalor, ut detentoris bonorum den Rossello, Raymundi Llobera, ut heredis et fillii den Perico Llobera, et Jacobi Rossell, fillii Anthoni Rosell, habitatorum dicti lloci de Osso, ex altera partibus. Ex eo qui dictus Cavaller, previo nomine pretendit et affirmat predictos adversarius previis nominibus ffore et esse dicto eius principali dicto nomine obligatos in tribus centis florentinis auri super quibus e perlugendis fuere facte diverse… Dicti ver adversantes prestandunt et affirmant in aliquo eidem Samueli Struch et suis non teneri… penyores convalents al dit deute e encara que la mes part del deute, si algun deute hi ha, seria per raho de interessos… Compromiserunt de dicta litte questione est videlicet per dicti Cavaller, alias Cardona, previo nomine, in magnifficum dominium Petrum Boix, utriusque iuris doctorem, et Petrum Castellar, presbiterum, et pars adversam feu dictus Johannis Sala, eorum procurator, in honorabiles viros dictum Ffranciscum Salvador, iurisperitum, et Salvatorem Gotsens, presbiterum ville Cervarie… Judgement by arbitration. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1493-1494 f. 8 r 2979. 1493, August 20

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Judgement by arbitration between Joan Cavaller, studentem in medicina, fillium et procuratorem honorabilis Raphaelis Cavaller, on one side, and Antoni Miralles, bailiff of Sisteró, and others, on the other side. Witnesses, honorabile Francesc Salvador, iurisperitus, and Berenguer Gaço, notary of Cervera. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1493-1494 f. 9 v 2980. 1493, September Between the pages of this book is kept a piece of paper, without date, only with a list with the four Quarters of Cervera, which contains registers the people transcribed below. In a similar document dated February 2, 1494, this list may be identified as the list of the Cervera major landowners Capcorral: Mossen Johan de Altarriba Mossen Anthoni Johan de Vilaplana Mossen Llorens de Altarriba Ffrancesch Ortigues Ffrancesch Malgosa Berenguer Graells Plaça: Micer Pere Boix Mosser Pere Boix Mosser Dalmau Çariera Luys de Malda Anthoni Saliteda Jacme Tallada Montsere: Barthomeu Figuera Anthoni Çabater Gabriel de Pau Pere Gilibert Johan Marti Thomas Ferrer Fframenors: Gili Verdera Ffrancesch Bugar Micer Pere Meya Micer Ffranci Salvador Jaume Ferrer

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Berenguer Bassa ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1493-1494 . Sheet of paper kept inside the book. 2981. 1493, September 27 Bartholomeus Rull, agricola loci de Bellver, principalis, et Johannem Robiol, agricola loci de Muntroig, … Gratis etc, una et in solidum, confessi ffuerunt debere honorabilem Ffrancisco de Querci, mercatori Cervarie, presenti, etc. Sextem llibras barchinonesas en moneda de bon or … ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1493-1494 f. 14 v 2982. 1493, October 1 Ffuit iterum firmatum et iuratum compromissum inter Johannem Cavaller, in medecina studentem, filium et procuratorem honorabilem Raphaelis Cavaller, phisici, ex una, et Anthonium Mirales, baiulum, and other of Sisteró, concerning a judgment by arbitration between both parties, done on last August 20, before the present notary. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale 1493-1494 f. 15 v

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YEAR 1494

2983. 1494, November 2 Satisfent micer Pere Karles de Albalat a una requesta a ell presentada per part del Sindych de Cervera la qual començe “En lo trienni prop passat per lacte dela expulsio etc.” Diu e respon: que ell ignore la asserta sentencia real ques diu esser donada en la Ciutat de Tarragona, e que tota hora que dit sindych auctenticament li fara ostensio de aquella, dit miçer Albalat fara tot lo que per justicia sie tengut e obligat. E per quant dies ha dure la peste a Cervera, e lo predit miçer Albalat es fora dela predita vila de Cervera per occasio de dita peste, e <la dita vila> no li es loch abte… ACSG. Colección Dalmases nº 3019

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YEAR 1495

2984. 1495, June 27 Document concerning a sentence by arbitration given by Joan Ramon Folch, count of Cardona and viscount of Vilamur, in a judgment by arbitration between the late Jacob de Quercí, Jew of Cervera, as actor, on one side, an the late bailiff and other people of Pujalt. By virtue of this sentence, the people of Pujalt was condemned to pay Jacob de Quercí, the amount they had not paid him yet, notwithstanding the further requirements done by the said Jacob de Quercí and by Franci de Pau, also called de Quercí. This date, June 27, Joan Rovira, tailor of Cervera, as procurator for Franci de Pau, also called de Quercí, asked the bailiff of Pujalt to pay the aforesaid debt. ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Sextum manuale… 1497, June 30 – 1499, October 12. Document kept inside this book

2985. 1495, Jul 7 Joan de Cardona, also called Cavaller, medicine doctor, is acting as procurator for Mestre Samuel Cavaller, Jew, in a matter concerning the house of Mestre Samuel Cavaller that was going to be sold in encant. ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Quintum manuale… 1495, Jul 4 – 1497, June 30. Document kept inside the covers of this book

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YEAR 1496

2986. 1496, March 7 Nos Johannes de Pau et Jacobus Anthonii, eius filius, et Franciscus de Pau, mercator, omnes ville Cervarie, constituimus procuratores nostros et utriusque nostrum certos vos honolabilum Rogerium de Luria, domicellum… et Andream Mager, causidicum… ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Quintum manuale… 1495, Jul 4 – 1497, June 30 2987. 1496, March 7 Ego Anthonius Bonet, notario ville Cervarie, habens plenum posse, ut asserto, a magnifico Jacobo de Casafrancha, regente in principatu Cathalonie pro serenisimo et potentissimo domino nostro Rege, ac receptore bonorum Judearum expulsorum a dicto principatu … fuerunt assignate dicto monasterio totos illos domos quos Saltell Adret, Judeum, habebat et possidebat in Callo Inferiori Cervarie… ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Quintum manuale… 1495, Jul 4 – 1497, June 30 2988. 1496, Jul 2 In this document Francesc de Quercí, as owner of a shop that belonged to the late Jaume Miquel, is mentioned ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Quintum manuale… 1495, Jul 4 – 1497, June 30 2989. 1496, Jul 2 In the locality of Sant Pere dels Arquells, Francesc de Quercí, merchant of Cervera, procurator for his brother Manuel de Pau, also called de Quercí, is acting on his behalf. ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Quintum manuale… 1495, Jul 4 – 1497, June 30 2990. 1496, Aug 7 Mestre Rafael Cavaller and Joan de Cardona, also called Cavaller, physicians Christians are the legal successors to Mestre Samuel Cavaller, Jew, specially concerning his house. ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Quintum manuale… 1495, Jul 4 – 1497, June 30. Document kept inside the covers of this book

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2991. 1496, Sep 13 Document concerning an agreement in which Joan de Cardona, also called Cavaller, physician, son and procurator for Mestre Rafael Cavaller, did intervene. ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Quintum manuale… 1495, Jul 4 – 1497, June 30. Document kept inside the covers of this book.

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YEAR 1497

2992. 1497, May 26 Ego Paulus de Querci, licenciatus in medecina ville Cervarie, gratis etc confiteor et recognosco vobis honorabile Johanni de Pau, alias de Querci, fisico dicte ville Cervarie, presentis, patri meo, quod dedistis et solvistis michi realem et de facto, in bona peccunia numerata, omnes illas 150 ll. Barchinone quas dare et solvere michi promissistes in capitulis matrimonialibus factis et firmatis in posse discreti Anthoni Bonet, notari eiusdem ville, die et anno in eiusdem contentas. Et ideo renunciando exceptione peccunie non numerate et non recepte, facio vobis apocha de recepto Actum Cervarie Testes, magnifficus Laurencius de Altarriba, domicellus, et Bernardus Costa, barbitonsor, Cervarie habitatoris. Item dictus honorabile Johannes de Pau, alias de Querci, revocavit … ¿? Facti dictum Paulo de Querci, ibidem presenti. Actum ut supra Die 6 mensis predicti Junii Johannes Leo, calceterius ville Tarrege, gratis etc confiteor me debere vobis magniffico Petro Bone, quinque ll. 15 s. Barchinone racione et pro precio seu resta pani a vestra botiga empti habui et recepi per manus Matheus de la Mora, regenti dictam botiga, quos vobis solverte promito ad festum Sanctus Bartolomeus proxime veniens… Tests Johannes Verdeny ville Tarrege et Spertus Cercors ¿ domus del Palau… *** ACSG. Manuscrits

2993. 1497, August 24 Egidio Verdera, merchant of Cervera, sells a piece of land to Llorens Mulner, agricultor of the same place. Et terminatur ab una parte cum terre trocio Johannis Miret, paratoirs pannorum lane, quod prius fuit den Baruguet, Juheu, ab alia cum terre trocio … ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Sextum manuale… 1497, June 30 – 1499, October 12 2994. 1497, September 25 Among the witnesses in this document are Antoni Torner, Joan de Cardona, alias Cavaller, physician of Cervera, and Pau Vilaplana, agricultor of Timor. ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Sextum manuale… 1497, June 30 – 1499, October 12

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2995. 1497, December 19 Document concerning Gabriel de Pau and Jaume Nadal. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale parvum 1497-1499. f.

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YEAR 1498

2996. 1498, January 29 Egidi Verdera, merchant of Cervera, sells a piece of land to Llorens Mulner, agricultor of Cervera. One of its boundaries was a piece o land that had belonged to Baruguet, Jew. ACSG. FN I. 55 Antoni Romeu. Sextum manuale… 1497, June 30 – 1499, October 12 2997. 1498, May 28 Sobre la differencia, plet o questio ets es entre mestre Raphael Cavaller, phisich, en son nom propi, e com a procurador de mestre Samuel Cavaller, germa seu, de una part, i uns habitants de les Espallargues, per un altra, per raho de aquell 27 florinss d’or y mig que son la meytat de aquells 55 florins dor conffessats deure an Samuel Astruch Cavaller, e an Içach Narbona, ab carta rebuda per a Lorenç Perull, notari de Cervera, lo primer de juyn layn 1442, per tant, en Fernando Cavaller, fill e procurador del dit mestre Raphel, de una part, e los davant nomenats comprometen de la dita questio e plet, messions e despeses, en los honorables micer Ffranci Salvador e nAnthoni Bonet, notari, comunment elets, als quals donen potestat… E lo dit Fernando promet que lo dit seu pare ffermara en lo compromis e sentencia dins hun mes, e per so complir dona per fermança al senyor en Ffrancesc de Pau, alias Querci, lo qual en axo se obligue. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale parvum 1497-1499. f. 11 r- 12 r 2998. 1498, July 13 Fuit cancellatum sequens instrumentum de voluntate Jacobi de Pau, heredis dictum Jaffudani de Querci, ultimo vocatum Ffrancisci de Pau, ut constat per eius ultimum testamentum quod fecit in posse discreti Laurenci Serra, notaris regia et apostolicam auctoritatibus 25 die febroari 1497clausum per ipsum. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet “ quintum decimum manuale...” 1492-93 f. 24 v 2999. 1498, July 20 Cum lis questio es inter Fferdinandum Cavaller, filium et procuratorem honorabile Raphaelis Cavaller, phisici oriundi Cervarie, nunch vero civis Barchinone, nomine propio ac eciam ut procuratoris nostrum, Samuelis Cavaller, phisici, eius fratris, prout de procuracione constat. Et Johannem Barbera, agricolam loci de la Guardiolada… ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale parvum 1497-1499. f. 14 r- 15 r

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3000. 1498, August 28 Document concerning a lawsuit between Cavaller and Barberá. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale parvum 1497-1499. f. 18 r 3001. 1498, August 29 Document in which one of the witnesses is Gabriel de Pau. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale parvum 1497-1499. f. 18 r-v

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YEAR 1499

3002. 1499, May 18 Lo senyor en Francesch de Querci, draper, en nom propi e com a procurador (espai en blanc) Ha venut an Pere Montornes axi la propietat com les pensions degudes (espai en blanc) Precium est septem librarum Barchinone. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale parvum 1497-1499. f. 51 v 3003. 1499, May 18 Firmarunt apocham dictus Querci dicto Montornes de dictis septem llibris Barchinonensis quas habuisse confessus fuit numerando. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale parvum 1497-1499. f. 52 r 3004. 1499, August 4 En Pere Montornes, fuster de Cervera, ha venut an Johan Vallbona, peraire dela vila de Cervera, present, aquell censal que le ha comprat den Querci, per preu de set lliures, e ara lo ven al dit en Vallbona per preu de huit lliures… ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale parvum 1497-1499. f. 54 r-v 3005. 1499, June 7 En Damia Nuix, carnicer dela vila de Cervera, de bon grat etc ha venut al honorable en Johan Riusech, assaonador dela vila de Cervera, present, e als seus, e aquí ell volra, aquell ort clos ab ses parets e caseta que lo dit Nuix te e posseheix dins les muralles de la dita vila, al cap del carrer nou, pertayn se al dit Nuix per titol de compra ne ha feta den Yssach, Juheu dit vulgarment lo Padre Peret, ab carta rebuda… ACSG. FN. Cervera. 57. Pere Ponç. Manuale parvum 1497-1499. f. 55 r- 56 r 3006. 1499, December 10 Mestre Joan de Pau, also called de Quercí, Christian, who when was a Jew was called Içach Jacob de Quercí, acknowledged he had been repaid the amount owed him by reason of a mutuo agreed, before this same notary, in August 23, 1484. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 53. Antoni Bonet. “Manuale decimum...” f. 17 v

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IX. DOCUMENTS II Some documents that are mentioned in Documents I, and that provide information on earlier Cervera notarial deeds. 1330, January Salamó Sullam Cofen, Jew of Cervera, was acknowledged as creditor before the notary of Cervera Pere Munt. In January 28, 1354, Astruc Cofen and Samuel Cofen, sons and general legatees of the late Salamó Sullam Cofen, are making cession of some of his father’s rights. Source: Doc 1354, January 28. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 62 r- 63 r 1331, December 14 Salamó Sullam Cofen, Jew of Cervera, was acknowledged as creditor before the notary of Cervera Pere Munt. In January 28, 1354, Astruc Cofen and Samuel Cofen, sons and general legatees of the late Salamó Sullam Cofen, are making cession of some of his father’s rights. 1332, 19 kalends January. Source: Doc 1354, January 28. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 62 r- 63 r 1333, January 22 Salamó Sullam Cofen, Jew of Cervera, was acknowledged as creditor before Pere Munt, notary of Cervera. In January 28, 1354, Astruc Cofen and Samuel Cofen, sons and general legatees of the late Salamó Sullam Cofen, are making cession of some of his father’s rights. 1333, 8 kalends February Source: Doc 1354, January 28. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 62 r- 63 r 1334, February 10 Vidal Aninay, or his wives Belaire, were acknowledged as creditors before the notary Pere Noguera. In December 6, 1353, Perfet Ravalla, as executor of the last will of Belaire, widow of Vidal Aninay, was paid back this debt.

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1334, 4 Idus February Source: Doc 1353, December 6. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 110 v 1338, January 15 A document of 1353, December 6, refers to this debt document, agreed in 1338 before the notary B. Tort, in which intervened Perfet Sullam. In 1353 Astruc Maimó was acting as the guardian of Samuel Sullam, son and heir of the late Perfet Sullam. 1338, 15 kalends February Source: Document 1353, December 6. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 111 v 1338, March 2 This document was done by Astruc Sullam Coffen, before the notary of Cervera Pere de Munt. In July 1351, Juceff Bonastruc is acting in his own name and as havens locum et cessionem to the late Astruc Sullam Coffen. 1338, 6 nonas March Source: Doc 1351, July. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 132 v- 133 v

1342, October 15 Jucef Zabarra was acknowledged as creditor before the notary of Cervera Benet de Torremeya. In April 28, 1351, the document refers to Jucef Zabarra as deceased. 1342, idus October

1343, February 4 In this date, Jucef Samarell and his wife Durona made a deposit. In 1353, December 9, both confess that have been repaid this debt. 1343, 2 nonas February Source: Doc 1353, December 9. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 11 r- 12 r 1343, May the 1st.

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This document is concerning a debt that was agreed this date before the notary of Tàrrega Bernat de Figuerola. A document 1364, November 15, was signed by Abram Bendit, Jew of Cervera, heir ab intestato to his mother Mire, stating the payment conditions of the mentioned debt. 1343, kalends May Source: Doc 1364, November 15. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. L. notularum 1364, sep 20 –1365, nov 10 f 12 r-v 1343, November 21 Mestre Bendit was acknowledged as creditor before the notary of Cervera Benet Tort. In 1353, December 17, Abram Bendit, heir ab intestato to Mira, widow of Mestre Bendit, makes cession of the rights that had belonged to his father. 1343, 12 kalends December Source: Doc 1353, December 17. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. 1345, November 3 In this date, Roven Mair was acknowledged as creditor, before the notary of Cervera Joan de Torre. In 1351, April 4, Bonadona, widow of Roven Mair, and guardian to their children, declares she has been paid that debt. 1345, 3 nonas November Source: Doc 1351, April 4, ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 44v 1346, January 14 In this date, Issac Juceff de Carrió was acknowledged as creditor, before the notary of Cervera Benet Tort. In 1353, November 25, Issac Calot was the guardian of the children of the late Issac Jucef de Carrió, as appointed by the deceased in his last will. 16 kalends February Source: Doc 1353, November 25. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 7 r-v 1346, January 26 Mestre Bendit was acknowledged as creditor before the notary of Cervera Benet Tort. In 1353, December 17, Abram Bendit, heir ab intestato to Mira, widow of Mestre Bendit, makes cession of the rights that had belonged to his father.

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4 kalends February Source: Doc 1353, December 17. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. 1346, March 15 This date, Belaire widow of Vidal Aninay, confessed a debt before the notary of Cervera Bonet de Torremeya. In 1351, April 28, this document is mentioned as Perfet Ravalla, executor of Belaire’s last will, paid the debt. 17 kalends April Source: Doc 1351, April 28. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. f. 66 r-v 1346, April 23 Before the notary Bertomeu de Montmajor, Astruc Biona was acknowledged as a creditor. 10 kalends May Source: Doc 1355, August 21. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Christianorum liber 1325-1355. 1346, April 25 Agreement done by Perfet Sullam, before the notary of Cervera Pere Dan. 8 kalends May Source: Doc 1353, June 11. ACSG. FN I. 8. Francesc Sastre. Christianorum et Judeorum liber. 1353-1354 f. 44 r 1346, May 4 Abram Astruc Satorra was confessed a debt in his favor before Guillem Bonet, notary of Tàrrega. In 1363, July 24, Bonadona makes a transfer of the rights originating from this document in order to pay a debt. She signed with his husband Abram Astruc Satorra’s consent. 4 nonas May Source: Doc 1363, July 24. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 4 r-v

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1346, April 5 Issac Salamó Cofen, in a document agreed before the notary of Cervera Benet de Torremeya, is mentioned. 3 nonas May Source: Doc 1351, May 3, ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5. 69 r-v 1346, May 25 Before the notary of Tàrrega Guillem Bonet, Bonastruc Zabarra was acknowledged as a creditor. 7 kalends June Source: Doc 1352, July 20. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 63 v- 64 r 1346, August 5 Astruc Sullam Cofen did his last will before the notary of Cervera Pere Roqueta. Nonas August Source: Doc 1356, March 15. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 7, Pere Cortés, Manual 1356-1358. f. 31 r-v 1346, November 10 Abram Astruc Satorra was confessed a debt in his favor before Guillem Bonet, notary of Tàrrega. In 1363, July 24, Bonadona makes a transfer of the rights originating from this document in order to pay a debt. She signed with his husband Abram Astruc Satorra’s consent. 4 idus November Source: Doc 1363, July 24. ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 4 r-v 1346, November 24 Debt agreed by Issac Mose Frances, before the notary of Cervera Benet Tort. 1346, 8 kalends December Source: Doc 1351, [August ?]. ACSG. FN. Cervera, 1, Ramon Rama. Llibre 1350, Mar 4 – 1351 Aug 5.

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1346, December the 1st Astruc Samuel Saporta, Jew of Tàrrega, was acknowledged as creditor before the notary of Tàrrega Guillem Bonet. In 1352, March 15, Astruc offers the debtor some payment options. Pridie kalends December Source: Doc 1352, March 15, ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 15 r 1347, November 5 Abram Astruc Satorra was confessed a debt in his favor before Guillem Bonet, notary of Tàrrega. In 1363, July 24, Bonadona makes a transfer of the rights originating from this document in order to pay a debt. She signed with his husband Abram Astruc Satorra’s consent. 1347, nonas November Source: Doc 1363, July 24, ACSG. FN. Cervera. 10. Pere Montreal. Liber not. 1363, Jul 10 –1364, Oct 6. f. 4 r-v

1348, October 2 Juceff Carrió made his late will “de ebrayco in romana lingua” before the notary of Cervera Jaume Ferrer. Mentioned in a document 1353, November 25, before the notary of Cervera Ramon Rama. 1348, 6 nonas October Source: Doc 1353, November 25. ACSG. FN. I. Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber, 1353 Nov 19-1355 Mar 2. f. 7 r-v 1351, April 30 Regina, daughter of Mosse Biona, wife of Mosse Gracià, Jew of Cervera, in a document 1351, April 30, agreed before the notary of Cervera Antoni Rubio, was acknowledged as a creditor. Source: Doc 1352, April 27. ACSG. FN. I. Cervera. Ramon Rama. Llibre de Jueus 1352-1354. f. 27 v- 28 v

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FN I.1.1 Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber. 1325, January 1-1355, November 25. Cover.

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FN I.1.1 Ramon Rama. Christianorum Liber. 1325, January 1-1355, November 25.

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FN I.10.1 Pere de Montreal. Llibre 1362, December 19- 1363, September 5

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FN I.10.2 Pere de Montreal. Liber notularum. 1363, July 10- 1364, October 6

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FN I.10.2 Pere de Montreal. Liber notularum. 1363, July 10- 1364, October 6

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FN I.10.3 Pere de Montreal. Liber Notularum, 1364, September 20- 1365, November 10

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FN I.45.1. Agusti Martell. Manuale 1451, September 1- 1453, December 13 Cover.

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FN I.14.4 Antoni Agramuntell. Protocollum, 1385, August 11- 1391, December 9 Sale of a Sinagogue seat to Vidal Saul, Jew of Montblanc:

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