the columns -  · gifts workshop on saturday, and worship with you on...

Mission Statement We strive to be a welcoming, worshipping community of faith, helping people discover and deepen their relationship with God, growing as disciples of Christ, and reaching out in faith and loving service. The Columns LAKEWOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (UCC) AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CHURCH OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST SUNDAY, March 1 Look for the ResistorMahew 4: 1-11 Worship for All Ages Holy Communion, Birthday & Hunger Sunday

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  • Mission Statement

    We strive to be a welcoming, worshipping community of faith,

    helping people discover and deepen their relationship with God,

    growing as disciples of Christ, and reaching out in faith and loving service.



    SUNDAY, March 1

    “Look for the Resistor”

    Matthew 4: 1-11

    Worship for All Ages Holy Communion, Birthday & Hunger Sunday

  • The first week of March I will be in Memphis at the Annual Gathering for the Council for Health and Human Service Ministries (CHHSM) of the United Church of Christ (UCC). I am invited to facilitate a conversation on the topic of CHHSM and the local church alongside a dear friend and colleague, the Reverend Andrea Asselmeier. Best friends at Eden Seminary, Andrea and I found our connection to CHHSM in different ways. After serving a church for five years, Andrea moved into chaplaincy at Emmaus Homes in St.Charles, Missouri. Emmaus Homes is a CHHSM agency serving people with developmental disabilities. I connected through the Nollau Leadership Institute, in which I participated from 2015-2016, and the board of Wisconsin CHHSM, on which I served from 2013-2018. It was in Nollau that I learned about Servant Leadership, and developed the tools to lead my previous church through a capital campaign and sanctuary renovation. I am increasingly convinced the work of the church is in building bridges. In a time when the mainline church is in decline, we are stronger when we build relationships across society-- religious, secular, and everything in-between so the work of the church is enriched by our neighbors. I’m driven to lead this conversation because the future of our denomination requires this stronger bridge with our health and human service agencies. (Note: Most of our agencies were founded out of local churches. They began as church ministries to the underserved, and evolved into non-profit agencies, low-income housing networks, etc. with varying levels of connection to the faith community in which they were founded). Diana Butler Bass, in her book Grounded, discusses the shift from a vertical theology (God in isolation, above us while we remain on earth below) to a horizontal one (which she calls "divine nearness"), discovering the Kingdom of God is in the relationships we build in the world. These connections are not acts of Evangelism, for we can live our Gospel calling in tandem with other understandings of neighborly love. It is in these settings that we occupy the overlap between heaven and earth-- where we feed, clothe, visit, welcome, and heal-- within God’s world. What I know is this: the church may be in decline, but the need is not. There is no better time than now to organize our commitment to Discipleship and recognize the ways in which the Kingdom of God is in our midst. The conversation Andrea and I are facilitating will go on to ask questions about how those bridges are already built and how they can be strengthened, about claiming the roots of our churches and the roots of our agencies, and about learning and growing from one another. I am honored to be a part of this conversation, and know that the seeds planted this week will grow for years to come. I do plan to spend some time exploring Memphis, growing friendships, and reflecting on my Lenten journey. I am looking forward to returning to facilitate the Strengthsfinders and Spiritual Gifts workshop on Saturday, and worship with you on Sunday. If you are on a specific Lenten Journey, please let me know! I’d love to hear what is on your heart and mind. With the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ, Pastor Joanna

    The Columns March 2020 Page 2

    As I Was Saying…

  • This past month was a busy, fulfilling one for LCC's music programming. We had an excitingly royal talent show, a Music Sunday full of beautiful interpretations of the Psalms by our Chancel Choir and Handbells, and a rip-roaring Mardi Gras Sunday, featuring a Dixieland band. Thanks to everyone involved; the teamwork, commitment, and spirit I witnessed at each made my heart sing. March promises exceptional concert offerings from Les Délices on Saturday, March 7th and CityMusic Cleveland on Friday, March 13th, both at 7:30 pm. Meanwhile, we'll be going on a musical journey through Lent together, featuring choir, bell, instrumental, and vocal solo works all of which fit with the themes of this special season.

    Last month, as a tie-in with Music Sunday, I wrote about the history of the Psalms and how they were a rich corpus of texts which cried out to be sung by the congregations. I thought it might be similarly interesting to explore the New Testament for meaningful thoughts about the role of music in worship and prayer. Here are a couple of verses which can inform us:

    "What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also." - 1 Corinthians 14:15 (KJV)

    This verse gives us so much to work with. It emphasizes the duality of our transient thoughts as opposed to our ineffable spirit, which persists, perhaps for time immemorial. But it also suggests the unity we can find when we pray by singing: it is not only that we should sing only from our spirits, but with no thought about the meaning of the musical and verbal text, nor that we should sing from a place of intellect, but not letting it resonate with our deepest being. Instead, we are urged to do both, and in so doing, feel a close connection with God. Can we ask for anything more than that?

    "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." - Colossians 3:16 (KJV)

    Some authors and governing bodies in churches through the ages have used this to decry certain types of music in worship. Some have banned instrumental music in church, as it is considered not sanctioned through the New Testament. Others have advocated only for music which explicitly teaches us about the Bible, as a sort of music-as-catechism approach. "Admonishing" seems in some ways a harsh word to use; I know I don't really want to get up on a Sunday morning and be scolded by the opening hymn. Unless, of course, we are talking about the "good" kind of admonishing, that which challenges us to reconnect with our faith, challenge ourselves to act our creed, etc. When viewed through that lens, perhaps that is exactly what hymns can do for us sometimes.

    That said, just as Lakewood Congregational and the UCC denomination welcomes all people, I think we should welcome all music which does what the Colossians verse encourages us to do. We can be just as well instructed by a new hymn text, prayer response, even an instrumental solo, as by "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." We can be just as admonished to live a life seeking justice for all in God's name by a Beatles song as by "Christian, Rise and Act Thy Creed." In having a "big tent" approach to the kinds of music we use to worship, all the while keeping the focus on it being a means to an end and not letting the music draw focus, we can honor both the spirit and understanding of the New Testament about how music can be an integral part of our faith.

    Much more than I can cover on this page has been written on the topic of music's role in worship in Christianity. If you're interested, come see me or drop me a line; I'm glad to direct you to some interesting resources about it. Meanwhile, I look forward to continue to walk this Lenten road with you, heading toward Jerusalem, then Gethsemane, then the empty tomb.

    Thanks for reading, Ben

    The Columns March 2020 Page 3

    D Director of Music Ben Malkevitch

  • The Columns March 2020 Page 4

    Children and Family Ministries Rachel Burns

    Hello, LCC families & friends!

    On Ash Wednesday, one station in our Prayer Walk asked us this question “As you journey towards Easter, what do you think God may be wanting to shape you into?” Jeremiah 18:1-6 refers to God as a potter and us as the clay. God is working in our lives to guide us and shape us. I hope you will join us for our Lenten and Easter events, commit to family time with our 40 Day “Love Builds Up” Family Challenge (available on the CYF Bulletin Board and in the back of the Sanctuary), and remain open to God’s guiding hand every day, not just during Lent. :)

    Many blessings,

    Rachel Burns

    Stay Up To Date: Stay up to date with all of our happenings for children, youth, and families!

    To be added to our email list, be sure you have turned in your Faith Formation registration forms. The forms are available on the church website. Forms

    Get added to the email list by emailing your request to [email protected]—Families with children and youth who are active in our church are also welcome to join our Facebook group:

    Lakewood Congregational Church Children & Youth

    Seussical, the Musical

    Domenic is so grateful to be a part of the LCC youth musical! He's been in the audience for many a LCC show and couldn't be happier to be working on the production this year. Domenic teaches English and Theatre at Lakewood High School, where he also runs Barnstormers Drama Club. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Baldwin Wallace University and a Master of Education in Workforce Education and Development from Bowling Green State University. He's currently working towards a Master of Arts in Novel Writing at Middlesex University.

    Seussical was the first musical in which Domenic ever performed (back in high school in 2004), so this show holds a special place in his heart. Some of his other favorite past roles include Father in Children of Eden, Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, and Orin in Little Shop of Horrors. He'd like to thank everyone at LCC for making him feel welcome and to the kids for all of their hard work! This is going to be a really amazing show.

    Performances of Seussical, the Musical will be April 3 and 4 at 7pm and April 5 at 2pm. Tickets will be available later this month. A free will offering at the performance will be taken.

    Please contact Music Director, Noah Hamrick with any questions. [email protected]

    Youth Bowling Night!

    March 26, 7-9pm, Madison-Square Lanes

    All 6-12 graders are invited to join us for bowling! This event is during Lakewood’s spring break, but our youth from all schools are welcome to come. Bowling will be provided. Please bring money to rent shoes and if you would like to buy snacks.[email protected]:[email protected]

  • The Columns March 2020 Page 5

    Children, Youth, and Family Ministries

    Children’s Faith Formation Planning Team: Monday, March 2, 7-8pm

    All are welcome to help us plan for Spring Break Bowling and our April Lock-In.

    Youth Led Worship at Eliza Jennings—Sunday, March 8, 9:45am All 6-12 graders are encouraged to help lead worship at Eliza Jennings Assisted Living. Transportation is provided. This is a fun way to spend time with your friends while giving back to others.

    Parents, if you would like to help out by driving for this event, please contact Rachel. All youth not riding with their parent will need to turn in their Faith Formation Registration and Medical/Liability Release prior to the event (info about registration and release are found in this newsletter and at


    Please help us build the bridge-

    Our Build the Bridge fundraiser is a simple way to show your love and support for our youth summer mission trip. Inspired by the Veteran's Glass Skyway bridge in Toledo, Ohio, this fundraiser will help take our youth from Lakewood to Toledo for mission work and then to Purdue University for the UCC National Youth Event. You'll find our bridge in the West Clifton hallway.

    To help build our bridge, "cables" will be for sale through March 22 for $25 each. We will also be selling "birds" to fly around the bridge for $10 each. The cables and birds can be personalized with your name and/or a message of support to our youth. Please stop by the bridge before or after worship. Thank you!

    Coming Soon: Information and registration for our first middle school mission trip!

    Save the dates: August 2-4, 2020.

    CONFIRMATION EVENTS—March 13 & March 15

    In addition to worship (including Eliza Jennings), Faith Formation, and youth events, our Ketchup Confirmation students should plan to attend the following events:

    -Service and Discussion at Beth Israel Temple on 3/13. (More information will be emailed)

    -Confirmation class with Rev. Joanna on 3/15 at 11:15am in the Youth Room (feel free to grab snacks from coffee hour before you come to class)

  • The Columns March 2020 Page 6

    Children and Family Ministries/Ministry to Serve

    We sure have been moving along rather quickly this year.

    We celebrated our families at our annual fund raiser at Around the Corner this year with a huge turnout and a total success! Everyone had a great time and many new friendships were made!

    We will continue our celebration of families by inviting a special person to come for Popcorn Night. This is an annual, evening held function that brings more friends into our classrooms.

    April will be here before we know it as we continue to prepare our children for their next educational experience. We feel so blessed to have such involved and caring families here at Haynes. What a difference we are making in our community. I feel it every day!

    Alison Yonkers,

    Director, Haynes Nursery School

    Children’s and Youth Music

    Next Generation Band (grades 6-12) is taking a break from weekly rehearsals as our youth continue through the musical season.

    Our children are working on music in Faith Formation. Noah will be in touch with parents about the next date when they will be singing in church. For more information about children’s and youth music, please contact Noah Hamrick. [email protected]

    Hooray! Our Coloring Contest is back! All ages are welcome to color the covers of their bulletins on March 1 and turn them into Rachel! The bulletins will be displayed in the church throughout March. Four covers will be chosen to be on the cover of the bulletin in March. Congratulations to our February selections: Grant Richards, Ruby Fraunfelder, and Anna Daso were our February winners.

    Book Display & Puzzle Exchange

    Be sure to check out our book display in the West Clifton hallway this month! March 20 is

    Very Hungry Caterpillar Day, so look for books by Eric Carle! All month long we will be

    observing Lent and preparing for Seussical, the Musical, so you’ll find books about Lent and

    you’ll continue to see lots of Dr. Seuss books.

    The Puzzle Exchange has been a great addition to our book display.

    Remember, when you complete a puzzle, sign your name and date it so

    others can see who has done puzzles before them. It’s a fun way for our

    church family to connect!

    This year’s Talent Show on February 8 was a fun evening of great food, terrific performances, exciting Silent Auction items, and warm fellowship. With over 135 attendees and the hard work of many volunteers, the event raised over $6,000 for the Festival Arts Series. The Music Committee

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    Children and Family Ministries

    Templed Hills Updates

    Summer Staff needed! Camp Nurse, Naturalist, Program Specialist, Lifeguards, Cook. If you know of anyone who might want to work at camp this summer, please pass this on to them and click here for more information: http:/ /

    New Adult Women's Retreat at Templed Hills this summer: Floating, Hiking, Crafting or Hanging with the Spirit - July 16-19. We will be coordinating the Floating portion with a canoe instructor and the rest is a mostly "choose your own adventure" or a "BYOC - Bring Your Own Craft (scrapbooking, stamping, quilting, needlework etc)" Weekend. Click here for more information: Invite your friends!

    Labor Day Family Weekend Update! New! In addition to the traditional Saturday to Monday family campout, we also have added two day only options. You can come for Saturday only or Sunday only. Click here for more info:

    New Community Flyer for summer camp! Not many kids or youth at your church but want to support Summer Camp and know the value of it for kids? Please consider printing this flyer and hanging it up in your local community. Consider places like Libraries, Pediatrician or family doctor's offices, stores or anywhere that has a bulletin board. Notice there is a spot on the flyer to which you can add your local church information if you'd like to assist families getting to camp. Camp can be a great way to introduce families to our church family. You may even get them to start coming to your church. Click here for the flyer.

    Contact Jill Frey, Executive Director of Outdoor Ministries for more information. [email protected] or Conference phone: 800-282-0740 or 614-885-0722 ext 103


    BELLVILLE, OH[email protected]

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    Ministry to Serve

    Outreach Update: Mozambique:

    Many thanks to Peter Schleckman for sharing his experiences in Mozambique. We have raised almost $6,000 from the congregation towards our goal. Thank you LCC!

    Our Prayer Shawl Ministry got off to a great start in January, and we will continue to meet the FIRST MONDAY of every month from October to May. We are making shawls for those experiencing loss, illness, stress or another life circumstance in which comfort is needed.

    Feel free to join us in the Church Parlor from 7:30pm to 9pm for fellowship, knitting and prayer.

    Questions? Debi Kasper, 440-554-8798 or Lori Waddell 216-571-4657.

    LCC PRAYER CHAIN Prayer Request Cards can be found on the table in the back of the Sanctuary or you can call the Church Office if you, or someone you love, is in need of prayer.

    If you would like to become a link on our LCC Prayer Chain along with Marinika Beaver, Muriel Campbell, Pastor Joanna D’Agostino, Patti Dobro, Alicia Fortenbaugh, Nancy Gibbs, Patti Komperda, Kathy MacDougall, Chiquita Matthews, Vicki Smigelski, Ellen Tudron, Julie Warren, and Robert Wenz, contact the Office and we will gladly add you to our email!

    The Building Committee is getting to work on planning short and long range needs of the

    Church. Building tours at the end of 2019 helped to identify projects around LCC to keep

    pace with the many uses of our church home. If you have an interest in serving the

    building in this capacity, we would love to have you join our team.

    We are presently gathering historical data to put in context past repairs/modifications

    and how they might affect our upcoming repair/maintenance strategies.

    Contact Michael Fleenor or Karen Lee (in the Office) for more information.

    LCC and Greater Cleveland Congregations

    Over 1035 people attended this action on the creation of two Crisis Diversion Centers as places to help people with mental and behavioral health illnesses instead of putting them in prison.

    It was very inspiring seeing Donna Weinberger advocate and make change. All this was at the wonderful and open Olivet Institutional Baptist Church. So great to see these actions make change!

    More information about Greater Cleveland Congregations can be found here.

    Lakewood Congregational Church at Greater Cleveland Congregations

  • The Columns March 2020 Page 9

    A Ministry to Serve


    Join us March 5 for the LCC Community Meal!

    As always, we will start set-up and food preparation around 4:00pm. We'll then plate the food and be

    ready for service at 5:45pm. We will need people to help put up tables and chairs, set tables, make

    coffee, tea, lemonade and food. During dinner, we will need a few folks in the kitchen to assist with

    refilling dishes for second helpings, and afterwards, we will need assistance with clean-up of the social

    hall and kitchen.

    We generally finish up by 7:15pm or so. We welcome you for any amount of time you can join us!

    If you are unable to make our community dinner but are interested in serving, Trinity is in need of help

    for its community meals. Their February schedule is posted below.


    Monday, March 2, at 6:00pm

    Saturday, March 21, 12:00pm

    Volunteers are needed for two shifts for each meal.

    TRINITY PANTRY: Our pantry distribution is Saturday, March 28, 10:00am-12:00pm and volunteers are

    welcome between 9:00am-9:30am to help with the pre-bagging of goods.

    A Ministry to Serve

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Haynes donated 1 bag and LCC donated 10 bags of food in February

    to Lakewood Community Services Center!

    The first Sunday of the month is our food collection day.

    Items can be dropped off in the baskets lining the West Clifton Hallway


    Martha’s Table an “INreach” Team at LCC (Nurture and Growth) needs HELP* Many of you are familiar with Martha, the woman from the Bible who was all about serving Jesus and others great meals at her home! (Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-44, 12:2). Our own Martha’s Table began a few years ago and has served our LCC family members many meals to help nourish the body, the mind, and the soul when life has become difficult to manage. Jennifer Schwelik heads up the Team of chefs/bakers/deliverers.

    *If you are interested in being a part of this behind-the-scenes Team, email or call Jennifer (see Church Directory.)

    If you are in need of a meal due to an illness, death, new baby or some other reason that prevents you from cooking a dinner, call the Church Office (216-221-9555).

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    A Ministry to Serve The LCC Friends Circle is open to all women in the Church. Here are some activities we’ve planned for 2020:

    Saturday, May 2: “Hats Off to Mom” Tea. This special event is open to the public and features a performance by our own Julie Warren. Profits will go toward a scholarship program. Watch for more information.

    Thursday, June 4: We’ll volunteer as a group for the LCC Community Meal and would love help with set up, service and clean up.

    We have more events planned, with dates to be determined:

    Summer: Scrapbooking event at Eliza Jennings September: Picnic at Clifton Beach

    October: Jewelry making class with Jen Murray November: Movie Night at the Footes’

    December: Christmas Party

    Special thanks to Judy Foote, Paula Deal, Joanellen Hurley, Jan Young, Kay Galloway, and Patti Komperda for sharing a very special winter afternoon scrapbooking and hot coca/cookies afternoon with our friends at Eliza Jennings Nursing Care facility. Look for a summer date to finish our Seasons Book!

    LCC Diaconate Expanding its Role and Collaborating with Caring Ministries Members of Diaconate, along with other members of the Congregation, and Reverend Joanna, met to

    discuss how we can enhance the role of Diaconate in caring for members of our Congregation.

    Currently, Diaconate’s main role is to prepare an serve communion every month. However, as our

    congregation grows so do the needs for member care. This group is hoping to help Reverend Joanna

    as these needs grow—whether that’s a visit in a nursing home or hospital or having a shawl made by

    the Prayer Shawl Group or a meal delivered by Martha’s Table. We want to make sure all members

    are receiving the care they need. Our small group is till in the brainstorming phase and anyone else

    interested in helping can contact the Church Office.

    Volunteering with LakewoodAlive: Saturday, May 9, 9-11:30am

    LCC is sending a team of volunteers to assist with yard clean-up with LakewoodAlive. We are looking for up to 20 volunteers to participate. Volunteers may be adults or children, though those middle school aged or younger require a parent to attend with them.

    Volunteers are asked to bring their own gardening gloves, but all other supplies are provided by LakewoodAlive.

    If you are interested in signing up, please go to the sign-up sheet HERE (note-if you are signing up multiple people, please use a new volunteer slot for each individual). You may also contact Laura Hampton at [email protected] to sign up.[email protected]

  • The Columns March 2020 Page 11

    In and Around LCC

    LCC MEMBER NEWS: Condolences to the Sangree family on the passing of David’s mother.

    Congratulations to Gabby Toms on her selection to Lakewood High School’s National

    Honor Society.

    Congratulations to Thomas Tamilio for being selected to Lakewood High School’s Wind Ensemble.

    Condolences to the Wills/Ott family on the passing of Nicki’s grandmother.

    The Adams Family Musical will star our own Joe Daso, Thomas Tamilio, and Audrey Warren at

    Lakewood High School this March 19-21.

    Be sure to send your news to the office at [email protected] by the last Monday of the month. We love to celebrate and support our members.

    All men of the church are invited to LCC’s Men’s Group on Monday, April 6 at 7pm to watch the NCAA Championship Tournament Men’s Basketball Game on the movie room big screen TV, hosted by Richard Foote. The location is Brighton Chase, 19875 Center Ridge, Rocky River. Park anywhere around the building, or turn right to find the overflow lot in front of Storage Zone (ignore tow signs, which are for abandoned cars on-ly.) Bring your favorite beverage, and any other food you want, and we’ll order pizza.

    In the meantime, if anyone would like to host a meeting, please let Richard know.

    Hats Off to Moms!

    Reserve a spot on your calendar NOW for LCC’s first annual Mother’s Day Tea,

    Saturday, May 2, from 2:00-3:30pm in the LCC Social Hall.

    Our very own Julie Warren will present “Hats Off to Moms” followed by a dessert and tea/lemonade

    mid-afternoon snack, pictures, and more!

    The proceeds of the event will begin a LCC Scholarship Fund for Continuing Education for our high

    school graduates and others pursuing post-secondary courses, as we promote the concept of

    life-long learning within our Church Family.

    We encourage Moms, Grandmas, Sisters, Aunts, and Neighbors to attend along with daughters,

    sons, nieces, nephews, and friends. There will be something for ALL age groups, a perfect way to

    Celebrate the Special Women in Our Lives!

    Tickets will go on sale in the West Clifton hallway before/after church beginning April 5 and in

    the Church Office beginning April 6.

    The cost of the ticket will be $15 for adults, $10 for children. (Space will be limited, so get your

    ticket(s) sooner than later!)

    QUESTIONS-Patti Komperda at [email protected]

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    In and Around LCC

    Adventures in Reading

    CALLING ALL READERS! Come to Adventures in Reading

    (LCC book club) the 2nd Tuesday of each


    Tuesday, March 10

    12:30 p.m.

    Westlake Porter Library 27333 Center Ridge Rd.

    A Chance in

    the World

    Date: March 10

    Book: A Chance in the World (c) 2012 by Steve Pemberton

    Margaret Barr will lead the review and discussion of A Chance in the World (c) 2012 by Steve Pemberton/ “Home is the place where our life stories begin.”

    Taken from his mother at age three, Steve Klakowicz lives a terrifying existence. His cruel foster family subjected him to constant abuse. Steve finds his only refuge in a box of books given to him by a kind stranger. A fair-complexioned boy with blue eyes, a curly Afro, and a Polish last name, he is determined to unravel the mystery of his origins and find his birth family. A Chance in the World is the amazing true story of a boy destined to become a man of resilience, determination, and vision.

    Looking ahead to April: Our book discussion will be The Whole Town’s Talking © 2017 by Fannie Flagg

    Please sign up on the West Clifton bulletin board or call/email Kathy MacDougall.

    Save the Date

    Our annual Progressive Dinner is on the calendar for Saturday, April 25th. Details coming soon!

    Once again catered by Gatherings Kitchen, it’s a lovely evening of food and fellowship!


    Oops (third Saturday) March 21 Women in our church are invited to join as we gather on Saturday, March 21 (moved again due to the Spiritual Gifts workshop on March 14) at 9:00 am in the Parlor for an hour in conversation, reflection and prayer.

    This intergenerational group provides support and fellowship as we jour-ney through life’s mountain tops and valleys. We’d love to see you there.

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    In and Around LCC

    Saturday, March 7 & 14: Strengthsfinder and Spiritual Gifts Workshop 9am-12pm, Parlor

    (There’s still time to sign-up, childcare upon request)

    Wednesday, March 11: Taize/Labyrinth, 6:00pm-9:00pm, Social Hall

    Sunday, April 5: Palm Sunday service with Trinity Lutheran Church

    Thursday, April 9: Maundy Thursday service 7:00pm in Bowers Chapel

    Friday, April 10*: Good Friday, “Seven Last Words”* Service, 12:00-2:00pm

    at West Park UCC, 3909 Rocky River Drive, Cleveland

    Good Friday, Lakewood Ministerial Association Service, 7:00pm

    (host church TBD)

    Sunday, April 12: Easter Sunrise service at Lakewood Park

    (Multiple churches are participating at 6:30am)

    Sunday, April 12: Easter Sunday service at LCC, 10am

    (Easter Egg Hunt for Children to follow the service)

    Save the Date

    Trinity Lutheran Church’s 9th Annual All You Need is Love and Food Fundraiser is happening Saturday, April 18 at Vosh, 6:30-11pm.

    More details can be found at

    Talented musicians performing the music of The Beatles in support of hunger relief efforts in Lakewood, Ohio.

  • The Columns March 2020 Page 14

    Kelly Amen Cathy Spicer

    Dale Spooner

    Darren Toms

    David Kasper

    Dan Smigelski

    Cameron Wereb

    Robert Richardson

    Nora Katzenberger

    Jacqueline Reasor

    Scott Richardson

    Mike Banyasz

    Nathan Forte

    Lee Mechenbier

    Patrick Mechenbier

    Max Toms-Snodgrass

    Noah Hamrick

    Joe Schleckman

    David Ragone

    Joe Mechenbier

    Connor Pierce

    Karen Forte

    Matt Forte

    Mary Jane Cariens

    Michael Mizen

    Sandra Garcia

    Lauren Smigelski

    Eric Kwiatkowski

    Peter Schleckman

    Steve & Sally Hotchkiss

    Mike & Kay Galloway

  • 2020 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 Worship for All Ages

    Birthday/Hunger Communion Sunday

    10:00 am Worship — Sanctuary 10:15 am Faith Formation 11:00 am Fellowship

    Hour—Parlor 12:00 pm Youth Musical


    2 6 pm Community

    Meal—Trinity Social Hall

    7 pm Youth

    Planning Meeting—Library

    7:30 pm Prayer Shawl—Parlor

    3 7 pm Community of

    Hope—Library 7 pm LGBTQ

    Meeting—Youth Room

    7 pm Book Study-




    5:45 pm LCC Community Meal

    6:45 pm Handbells 7:30 pm: AA 8:00 pm: Choir

    6 9 pm AA—Social


    7 9:00 –12pm

    Strengthfinders Workshop

    10 am Set Day 12:30 –6:30pm:

    Executive Team Retreat

    1 pm Les Delices Rehearsal—Sanctuary

    8 10:00 am Worship for All

    Ages —Sanctuary 10:00 am Eliza Jennings 11:00 am Fellowship

    Hour—Parlor 12:00 pm Youth Musical

    Rehearsal—S. Hall


    10 12:30 pm Adventures in Reading—Westlake Porter Library

    11 6 pm Taize &

    Labyrinth—Social Hall

    12 6:45 pm Handbells 7:30 pm: AA 8:00 pm Choir

    13 7:30 pm CityMusic

    Concert– Sanctuary

    9 pm AA—Social


    14 9:00 –12pm

    Strengthfinders Workshop

    15 10:00 am Worship — Sanctuary 10:15 am Faith Formation 11:00 am Fellowship

    Hour—Parlor 12:00 pm Youth Musical


    16 7 pm Executive Team Meeting— Parlor

    17 7:00 pm Book


    18 7:00 pm: Trinity

    Council Meeting-Parlor


    6:45 pm Handbells 7:30 pm: AA 8:00 pm Choir

    20 9 pm AA—Social


    21 9:00 am Second

    Saturday– Parlor

    12 pm Trinity

    Community Meal—Social Hall

    22 10:00 am Worship –

    Sanctuary 10:15 am Faith Formation 11:00 am Fellowship

    Hour—Parlor 12:00 pm Youth Musical

    Rehearsal—Social Hall

    23 6:30-9:30pm Les Delices


    24 10:30-1pm & 2:30-5:30pm Les Delices Rehearsal—Sanctuary


    26 6:45 pm: Handbells 7:30 pm: AA 8:00 pm: Choir

    27 9 pm AA—Social

    28 10 am-12 pm

    Trinity Pantry—downstairs

    12:30pm-5:30pm: Baby Shower-Parlor


    10 am Worship – Sanctuary 10:15 am Faith Formation 11:00 am Fellowship

    Hour– Parlor 12:00 pm Youth Musical



    Tech Week for Youth Musical– Social Hall– Times TBA


    Tech Week for Youth Musical– Social Hall– Times TBA


    Tech Week for Youth Musical– Social Hall– Times TBA

    2 Tech Week for Youth Musical– Social

    Hall– Times TBA NO AA Meeting Tonight



  • Lakewood Congregational Church

    1375 West Clifton Boulevard

    Lakewood OH 44107 STAFF: Senior Minister

    Joanna D’Agostino

    [email protected]

    Director of Music

    Ben Malkevitch

    [email protected] Director of Children & Family Ministries

    Rachel Burns [email protected]

    Director of Children & Youth Music

    Noah Hamrick [email protected]

    Office Manager

    Karen Lee

    [email protected]

    Financial Manager

    Patti Dobro

    [email protected] Childcare

    Jacqueline Reasor

    HAYNES NURSERY SCHOOL Alison Yonkers, Director

    [email protected]


    Chair: Liz Spahr

    Vice-Chair: Bill Fraunfelder

    Moderator: Jan Young

    Treasurer: Steve Hotchkiss

    Nurture and Growth Ministries:

    Sue Tamilio

    Welcoming Ministries:

    Vicki Smigelski

    Outreach Ministries: Laura Blesse-Hampton Diaconate: Lauren Smigelski

    Building and Grounds

    Michael Fleenor


    NURSERY: Sunday, 9:50 am WORSHIP: Sunday, 10:00 am FAITH FORMATION: 10:15 am

    (Children start in worship and are excused to attend classes at

    Faith Formation time)

    PHONE: 216-221-9555

    FAX: 216-221-9088


    E-MAIL: [email protected]

    Strengthfinders Workshop: Saturdays, March 7 & 14

    Taize/Labyrinth: Wednesday, March 11

    Youth Musical: Seussical, Friday—Sunday, April 3-5

    Palm Sunday Service with Trinity: Sunday, April 5

    Maundy Thursday Service: Thursday, April 9

    Progressive Dinner: Saturday, April 25

    Mother’s Day Tea: Saturday, May 2