the colfax chronicle. - chronicling...

THE COLFAX CHRONICLE. $ icmorratit gjurnal, bebattb to Total anb tentral ets, littrature, 3trtciet, $griculturt, #tc. VOL. XXIV. COLFAX, GRANT PARISH, tIA.. SATURDAY. JUNE 1, 1901. NO. 30 THE COLFAX CHRONICLE, Published Every Saturday at Colfax, Grant Parish. La., -at- -ST- H. G. Goodwyn, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: O,:e copy, one year.............$1..81 00 One copy, six months ............. 50 Six copies, one year............... 5 00 P,yable invariably in advance. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Firstr insertion charged double price. SPAC: It , mn I2m i 3m m l)r 1 inch. 50, 1 25 2 25 3 00 5 00 900 2 inch. 100 225 3 75 550 9 00'15 00 3 ich. 5 3001 5 25 7 5 5012 250 4 inch. 2 00 400 650 80015 0027 50 5 inchb.2 50 4 50 7 510 5018 003000 6 inch.3 5 00 8 5012 0021 50 Scol .4 507 5012 00118 0027 5042 00 l ot .. 18 012 50 20 00128 0042 00,75 00 Official advertisement. $1 per square for first insertion; each subsequent pub- lication 50 cents per square. S"Judicial advertisements must be paid for in advance, or they will e dis- continued after the first insertion. Brief communications upon subjects of public interest solicited, but no attention will be paid to anonymous writers. Addres: Canoxtrct Colfar, La. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. T. WALLACE, Attorney at Lair, Notary Public and U. S. Comniassioner, WINNFIELD, LA. Will practuce in all the courts of the Fourth Judicial District, and in the So- preme Court of the State. o2-97 G. H. McKnight & Co., REAL ESTATE AGENCY, COLFAX. LA. Pine and Herd Wood Lands bought and sold. Abstrautta furnished, Lires located and Estimates made. .2 C .C. ROBERTS, ttorney and Counselo- a. Law, Alexldrla, La. Odice, Oaborn Building, opposite court- house. Oflice also at Colfax, La.. Earl Roberts, ourrespondent and busiueae manager, in charge. Will practice in all the courts of the State and io the Federal court. Special attention given to collectio•s in Rapides and Grant parishes. a7 JoHN A. WILLIAMS, LAW 7Th3 E1, COLFAX ............... LOUISIANA. Will practice in all the Courts. W. B. Clarke, ATTOREiT AT LAW, COLFAX, LA. Office in New Masonic Building, front- ing Court House square. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. 1-3-0 G. H. McKNIGHT, Paritsh Surveyor. Will run lines on short notice, and is fully prepared to loacte Homesteads for Settlers. jy5 Canary Birds for Sale. I am in the Canary Bird business and have thirty birds I have raised, healthy and acclimated, and good singers. Price fir single bird, $2 50; price for a pair of birds, $4 00. Apply to Mas. A. C. DEAL, Boyce La. ACHILLE BAUER, - JOBBER OF - Provisions, BREADSTUFFS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, SUGARS, RIC'E, PRODUCE, ETC. Coffees, Candles. Crackers, ETc., Eva., nEve., ALEXANDRIA, - - L3UISIANA Sales Agent fv ARM' * v (-. )., South Omaha. N S .:. Illinois. 1s3r5. laiwr5r s rkmu eas, taseses.. raeC. A. O &SIo C& . PamTaUaYm L MA A WVS. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a triaL It will not cost you one cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. It I also cnres sprains and bruises in one-third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandnlar and other swelhngs are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 50 cents. J. H. McNeely, Colfax; Bush & Randolph, Fairmount. Br16K. Bi16K. Parties desiring to secure Bricks FOR BUILDING -or - PAVING PURPOSES Can have their orders filled promptly by The Gollax BrIGK Go0. Call on or address W. G. WILLIAMS, Manager, Golfax, La. Time Table No. 5. Shreveport and Red River Valieu Railwau Gompanu. Ttakeq effect Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1901. 421YAMS OF STATION.1z- I .0 iShreveporLt.................. I10:9Ul 2:50 1.2 1Bwsler Junction......... 9:52 2:58 4.7 Chalk Level.................. 9:41 309 9.3 'urtis ........................ 9:29 8:21 10.9 Harvey ...................... 9:25 3:25 14.2 Taylor Town............... 9-10e 3:34 15f: Ihunter ...................... 9:12' 3:3 18.2 Elm Grove............ 9.001 3:45 21.5 Alkin' ............... ....... 8:51) 3:55 23.6 Poole's ........... 8;43 4:02 27.5 Ninock ........................ 832 4:13 28.6 tDes Arc......................( 8'11 4:17 30.3 Loggy Bayou............. 8:22 4:23 53.1 East Point............. 8:13 4:31 1 84.31 Hope....... ..... .:09 4:8 36.2 Chrichton.................... 80 4. 42 37.3 Lock wood .................. 759 4:48 39.6 Carroll........................ 7:52 4a53 45.4 Coushatta ............ 7:36 5:1 49.5 Kennilworth ............... 7:24 5:22 156.1 Urappe's Bluff.............. 6:56 5:42 62.3 Camptl....................... 684 6:12 69.2 Clarence ..................... 6241 6:32 71.0 Irma ........................... 6:09 6•37 72.9 Luella ..................... 1 6:03 6:43 75.0 St. Maurice................. 5:57 6:49 7.2 (Crews ........................ 5:4 700 2.9 Machen ................. 50 7:16 Trains north and south arrive and leave each station a.m. and p.m. The above table Is for the govern- ment of employee only. The compa- ny reserves the right to vary from this schedule at pleasure. WM. Euo. nosu. President. P'ETER MCIIVRID. General Manager. C(A.Antuca Et.I.RBK, (len. Freight and Passenger Agt. S4I1PORTANT 8ATEWAYS4 2-Fast Trains-I2 DAILY for S,. Louis, 6lhcao0 and the EAST, SspeB ow PEllmea VesIIt~ud Buffet lseeaera. aeedme S New Cars. (seets Prme.) t n tmentmg Thoughm cah es ad ee s Mew Orkw. wiu•,,t c, ag ,m... DIrECT LINE TO Arizona, New Mexico - California. L. 'IHOIRN, L tP. TURNER, BATM AR mas ~ The School Book Controversy. On the 27th of April we published in these columns a set of resolutions adopted by the Caddo school board, condemning the text books used in the public schools as altogether unde, sirable for further use. At that time" we expressed our approval of this sentiment, and called upon the Grant parish school board to loin in the dew mnand for at change. Since then we are glad to learn that Gov. Heard has given heed to the de- mand for a change of books, and ta- ken an active hand in forcing the book trust to loosen its clutches on the monopoly that is sapping the life blood and destroying the usefulness of our public school system. At a late meeting of the State board, the governor ast ced the board t g ive him ten days in which to exanine in- to this question and have experts pronounce nuon the utility and fltnee of the books in use. A majority of the board refused to grant thegover- nor the ten days asked for this purl pose. Whereupon Gov. Heard pro- ceeded to show the majority of the members of the State board that hq had a backbone to fully equal the gall and discourtesy they had showil in their seal and determination to support thebook trust atall hazards. So he calmly Informed the gentle- men that he did not think the public interest could be served by a boar d so divided in its views of what was right and proper, and he asked that they at once hand in their resigna4 tions, so he could appoint a boar4 more in harmony with his views of the situation! It was a stunner, not to be misunderstood, and they did so at once, in shame and confusion. The people of Louisiana heartily approve the governor's aCtion in this matter, and be has ravsed himself many degrees in their estimation byjr his show of courage and devotion to principle. ,Let us hope the new hoard will act #t once in giving us a set of text •onks more in keeping with the age In whlich we live, and that the old antiquated books and methods will be relegated to the limbo of ob- scurity. Dyspepti's cannot be long lived becaure to live requires nourishment. Food is not nourishing until it is digested. A disor- dered stomach cannot digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests all kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and re- gain its natural functions. Its elements are exactly the same as the natural di- gestive fluids and it simnply can't help but do you good. J.A. Hyde. Mr. Jno. G. Armstrong. of the Boyce Enterprise. has sold the Bunkle News to Mr. S. B. Williams, and here- after will devote his entire time and attention to his Boyce paper. Kedel Iyspeelma ow.e oumsts what we. et. fl Goo00d Tif1 dBODOl! Colfax Oil and Mineral Company, OF ALEXANDRIA, LA. Capital Stock, $500,000. 500,000 Shares, $1 par Value. Fully paid and non-assessable. Both Should be Defeated. Senators McLaurin and Tillman have resigned their seats in the U. S. Senatein order to take part ina vain- glorious personal contest. Now is the time for South Carolina to get rid of a pair of pestiferous demagog- ues. Tillhuan says McLaurin is nota Democrat, and McLaurin says Till- man is a Populist of the wild tand wooly type. We believeboth of them know what they are talking about, and the Democrats of the Palmetto State should shelve the pair of them. Our Island Possessions. The Supreme Court of the United States has declared Porto Rico to be a Territory, and under the control of Congress. This decision sinplifies matters in regard to that Island, and indicates that It will have to go through the regular formula pursued by the Territories in becomlng States of the Union. In the meanwhileC(on- gress will manage its affairs Just as the affairs of the District of Columbia and the Territories are managed. If this opinion is held In regard to Porto Rico, we suppose the court will hold to the same ruling whenever the case of the Philippine Islands comes before them. Our possessions on the Asiatic coast may therefore be regard- ed as simply Territorial acquisitions, to be admitted as States, whenever in the wisdom of Congress they are fitted and entitled to recognition as such. Kdeh Dyspepsia Ours DIgests what ygu Lt Seven Years in Bed. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven yearson account of ki-ney and liver trouble, nervous pros- tration and general debility; but, "three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk." she writes, "Bud in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffer- ing from headache, backache. 4ervous- ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, faintuing and dizzy spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaran- teed. Only 50c. L. B. Priet, Colfax; 4 a•dolph. Fairmount. The chief of the bureau of salaries and allowances for the Postoflice De- partment has announced the follow- ingincreases in the salaries of LQisi- ana postmasters. The increases are based upon the sales of stampsat the postoftices named during the pastfis- cal year, and is the eighteenth annual readjustment of postmasters' salaries that has been made by the depart- ment. The changes will be effective July 1. vis: Abbeville, from $1100 to $1400; Jennlngs, $1400 to $1500; Min- den, $1100 to $1300; Ruston. $1400 to $1700; Whitecastle. $1100 to $1200; Al- exandria. $2100 to $2200; Mansfield. $1200 to $1400; Plaquemine. $1700 to $1O00; St. Franclsville, $1000 to $1100. The plant of the Rowlcy Lumber Company, located at Selma, on the 1 Iron Mountain Railroad, in Grant parish, was sold at receiver's sale on last Saturday, and purchased by S. R. Lee, D. F. Clark, W. C. Beal, Geo. B. Stebbins and J. A. O'Shee, who have formed a stock campany, capi- talised at $5000. and will operate the mill at the same place. The follow- ing are the officers of the new compa- ny: S. R. Lee, president; D. F. Clark, vice-president; J. A. O'Shee, secretary and treasurer. Attention! For the Confederate Veterans Reunion at Memphis, Tenn., May 26th to 30th in- clusive, th TPrxas & Pacific Railway com- pany will sell round trip tickets at very low rates. On sale at stations west ,':' Big Springs May 24th. 5t.h and 26th. ii-, oal limit to leave Memphis as late as Snoe 4th, 1901. Extension to June 19th, 1601, on payment of 5c0 and del,os;t of ticket on or before June 2d with Joint Agent at Memphis. For particulars re- gardina rates, sleeping cars, chiair cars, etc., see nearest ticket agent or r.rite Mr. H. P. Hughes, Ft. Worth, or Mr. E. P. Turner, G. P. & T. A., Dallas. Texas. Will be glad to hear from you. Mr. D. B. Boyett, well known to 1 the people of Grant parish during our l last political campaign as the Popu- list candidate for Representative, died at his home at Nugent on the 18th of May. He had a laudable am- bition to be a leader of the people, and showed many good trait. of character. A surgical operation is not necessary I to cnre piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits. J. A. Hyde. In the apportionment of the public school fund matde by the StateSuper- 1 intendent on May 20th, Grant parish is given $850 30, Rapides $2,030 16. Natchitoches $2,278 54. and Wlnn par- Ish $700 26. )( Jfand 2Painted .rooeA . 1 The Chronicle has made ar- rangements s whereby we can furnish sub- scribers with a beautiful hand painted brooch, mounted in a gold-platel frame, at small cost. The painting can be made of any person from any photo- graph or tin-type. Old subscribers cam obtain a brooch by paying thir- ty-flve cents, and all new subscribers a can obtain one for twenty cents in addition to paying in advance our subscription priceof $1. If you went this brooch write your name on the e back of photograph and bring or f send to us with the necessary amount and the brooch will be sent to you with the picture painted in it. Your photograph will be returned. Call at I this office and see samples. All or- t ders are strictly cash. We wish to say to our renders that the hand painted brooch advertised in another column, is the prettiest brooch we ever saw for the small sum of money it costs. If you want one of these brooches with a picture of your dear ones, bring or send the amount to this office together with a photogrijph. Remember the price 20 cents to new subscribers, strictly neash in advance with subscription- old subscribers who pay one year in ndvance can have the 210 rate. Saves Two From Deatll. 'Our little daughter had an almost fa- tal attack of whooping cangh and bron- chitia," writes Mrs. W. K. Ilaviland, of Armonuk, N. Y., "but, when all other rem - edries failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New i)iscovery. Our niece, who had consumption in an advanced stage. also used this wonderful medlicine and to-day she is perfectly well." DLeperat throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Ihsoovery as to no other med- icine on earth. Infallible for coughs and colds. f50 and $1 bottles guaranteed by L. B. Price, (.olfax; Bush & Randolpu, Fairmuount. Trial bottles free. - --.. .-----. The North American. of Philadel- phia, has been getting out a large special Southern edition,settingfort h the opportunities for Investment in this section, and also devoting much attention to the approaching South- ern Industrial Convention. The an- terprise of the North American 14 worthy of the heartiest support in the South. "t few months ago, food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. aswed one bot. tle of your Kodol Dyspepeia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and othera meals with a relish and my food is thor- oughlydigested.NothingequalsKodol Dys pepsia Cure for stomach ttoubles'H.S.Pitt Arlington,Tex. Kodol Dyspepiia Cure di. gests what you eat. J. A. Hyde. The police jury of Iapider parish have declared all negotiations for building their $75,000 court house "off," and the question is to be sub- mltted to a vote of the people. They feared the building could not be bullt without running the parish in debt or encroaching on the school fund. -- **r-- ---- His Life Saved. "1 am sure that Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at our, time saved my life." says A. E. Lafalette. of Gregory Landing, Clark Co., Mo. '"I was in such bad shape that the doctori said I could not live. When I was at the lowest ebb, one of my neighbors brought in a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol- era and Diarrhoea Remedy and I took it. and got instant relief, I soon got up and around. That was nine years ago and I am still in good health. Since then that medicine has always been in my house and always will be. It is the best on earth." i'or sale by J. H. McNeely, Cl- fax; Bush & Randolph, Fairmoont. During the past week a "Y" has been staked off just above the depot grounds, from which we infer that trains are to be "turned around" at Colfax before long. We call the at- tentJon of Bro. Mack, of Town Talk, to this item, and assure him that whenever the blamed thing turns around we will keep entirely out of harm's way. Didn't Marry for Money. The Boston man, who lately married at sictly rich young woman Is happy now. for he got Dr. King's New Life Pill:, which restored her to perfect health. Infallible for jaundice, biliousness, m:"- laria. fever and ague and all liver and stomach troubles. Gentle but effective. Only 25c at L. B. Price's, Colfax; Bush & Randoluh's. Fairmount. "Parson" W. B. Clarke moved inter the building on the Methodist parson- age lot last Monday, and on Tuesday went to Wlnnfield to fill aprofdeeion- al appointment. This may read a little like a joke. but nearly every word of it is solemn faet, and It ex- plains why the boys insist on calling our young attorney friend "parsou'." A s-vere sprain will usually disable tI.e injured person for three or four weeks. Many cases have eecurred, however, in which a cure has been effected in les than one week by applying Chambe . lain's Pain Balm. For sale by J. H. M - Neely, Colfax, and Bush & Randolp!, Fairmount. Manauren.-At the resildence of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Woodworth, parents of the bride, at Linceeum, La., on Tuesday, May 20, 1901, Mr. Robt. Al- red Whitlock. of Tullas, IL., was united in wedlock with Miss Anna Woodworth. They will be at home sfted June 15th, at Tullos. &Chureb Appolintments. Mhodlst-Rev. J. P. Haney will preh In Colfax on the Second 8un- daylf each ponth. morningand even- ing. Also at Liberty Chapel on the 4th Sunday In the morning, and at Coltax that night. Baptist-Rev. Isaiah Watson will preach in Colfax at 11 a. m. on thelst sunday of each month. Stops the Congh and Works off tie Cold. Lazative Bromo-Quninine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No ure, no pay. Prie 'v uetit& DI RECTORS: PAUL LI8SO. J. W. BOLTON, President First National Bank. Cashier Rapides Bank. A. WETTERMARK, JR.. ED. RAND, Cashier First National Bank. President Rapides Lumber Company. J. W. ALEXANDER Vice-President Alexandria Com- J. C. RIVES, press and Warehouse Company. President Montrose Lumber Company. WM. HILL. P. W. HARRISON, Cotton Bnyer. Cotton Buyer. BERTRAND WEIL, R. S. CAMERON. Merchant and Vies-President Rapides Bank. Merchant. J. W. ALEXANDER, President. P. W. HARRISON, Vice-President. A. WETTERMARK, JR., Secretary and Treasurer. This ompany has been organised for the purpose of developing the mineral reasoures of Central Louisianad and with this object in view have secured 7.0) acres of land serrounding the now famous (olfaz well. This well was originally bored to obtain artesian water, but after iseaCing a depth of O1l feet the wantr was so salty that it had to be abandoued for the purpose it was intruded. At a depth of HM feet the flow of natural as was so strong that it materially inter- tared with the boring. The Colax Chronicle of Maay 2. 11t0. com- meats on it as follows: DOWN IN PLUTO'S DOMAIN-A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. "*While boring thb artesian well in Colfa on last Thareday. Mr. L, B. Hark. the otactor. discovered a free discharge of gas o•ming froa te pip whir h •.d been sunk to ad pth nf O feet. Upon ap iga matolto the gas it leaped up in a e ight or ten feet hi. and for an hear or more consternatia prevailed. All bands eat to work to put oat the ame. but it was only •tinguished after a con- pie o tees of we• earth had been piled over and around the pipe and It was smotbeted eat Eves after a great mass was p4l over the jet. the as eastinued to berst oat in blue flames on al ides, jolting and shaking the hegs pile of earth like it was a big jelly, and for a while This company will offer for sale 100,000 of their Treasury Stock for development purposes at 10e a share, par value $1 fall paid and and non- aamb'e. Subject to withda•wal or increase in price for unsold part without notice. No certificate will be issed for I s than blocks of 100 sbare. This is an exceptional chance to make a proftable investment for a small sum, for if oil is at- ick th. stock will increase 100 fold. The promoters of this company are among the most substantial eitiases of Alexandria, and their names are a suficient guarantee that it is a legitimate and fair investment. The public is assured that not one cent of the proceeds of this stock will go into the pockets of the promoters. Every cent of it will be used for prospecting purposes, and if the company does not actually sink one or more wells, the manage- meot pledges itself to return to each stookbolder the full amount of money paid in, the management bearing any expense that may have occured. Parties desiring to invest can apply to R. S. CAMERON, Colfax, La., or send Order for SRtb with reiDnttan to R. WfTTERMARK, JR., Garme Pirt Maional Bank, Alexandria, La. it looked like "Old Nick" was so angry at the inv"sion of his quarters that he was determined to buar up the town. However. it was fleill extingnished, and the timid ones gradually reeovered from tAir alarm. The pipe that invaded the gas rueervoir was only 15i inches in diameter. yet the bow of natural gas was amply sauffiomen to tarnish blast for a twenty.dorse power enaine. After boring to 1096 feet a flow of sait and natural gas was enconatered. and as it could not be need for drinking purposes the well was abandoned for artesian water. tlahbeqaently Prof. Mets. of New Orleans. 8tate Chemist and Professor of Chemistry at Tualne. analysed the water. showing it to contain petrolenm as well as other important minerals. "When Prof. Met's analysis was -ubmitted to Hon. H. C. Riser. acting Director of the U. . Geoloical survey he said the most later- eting feat are to him is the presence of P 4 hloride depoeit of rare commercial value. Tihe only deposits of otassium asie of commercial importance, known in the world, is monopolised in (er. many, and it has long been the wish of the depertment that a deposit of this rare and valuable sait could he found in this country. The we- ter carries the enormous total of nearly three ounces of solid matter to the gallon. As was shown by Prof. Mets's anartyis."

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Page 1: THE COLFAX CHRONICLE. - Chronicling · THE COLFAX CHRONICLE. $ icmorratit gjurnal, bebattb to Total anb

THE COLFAX CHRONICLE.$ icmorratit gjurnal, bebattb to Total anb tentral ets, littrature, 3trtciet, $griculturt, #tc.


THE COLFAX CHRONICLE,Published Every Saturday at

Colfax, Grant Parish. La.,-at--ST-

H. G. Goodwyn,Editor and Proprietor.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION:O,:e copy, one year.............$1..81 00One copy, six months ............. 50Six copies, one year............... 5 00

P,yable invariably in advance.

RATES OF ADVERTISING.Firstr insertion charged double price.

SPAC: It , mn I2m i 3m m l)r

1 inch. 50, 1 25 2 25 3 00 5 00 9002 inch. 100 225 3 75 550 9 00'15 003 ich. 5 3001 5 25 7 5 5012 2504 inch. 2 00 400 650 80015 0027 505 inchb.2 50 4 50 7 510 5018 0030006 inch.3 5 00 8 5012 0021 50Scol .4 507 5012 00118 0027 5042 00l ot .. 18 012 50 20 00128 0042 00,75 00

Official advertisement. $1 per squarefor first insertion; each subsequent pub-lication 50 cents per square.

S"Judicial advertisements must bepaid for in advance, or they will e dis-continued after the first insertion.

Brief communications upon subjects ofpublic interest solicited, but no attentionwill be paid to anonymous writers.

Addres: Canoxtrct Colfar, La.


J. T. WALLACE,Attorney at Lair, Notary Public

and U. S. Comniassioner,


Will practuce in all the courts of theFourth Judicial District, and in the So-preme Court of the State. o2-97



Pine and Herd Wood Lands boughtand sold. Abstrautta furnished, Lireslocated and Estimates made. .2

C .C. ROBERTS,ttorney and Counselo- a. Law,

Alexldrla, La.Odice, Oaborn Building, opposite court-

house. Oflice also at Colfax, La.. EarlRoberts, ourrespondent and busiueaemanager, in charge.

Will practice in all the courts of theState and io the Federal court.

Special attention given to collectio•s inRapides and Grant parishes. a7


COLFAX ............... LOUISIANA.Will practice in all the Courts.


COLFAX, LA.Office in New Masonic Building, front-

ing Court House square.Will practice in all the Courts of the

State. 1-3-0

G. H. McKNIGHT,Paritsh Surveyor.

Will run lines on short notice, and isfully prepared to loacte Homesteads forSettlers. jy5

Canary Birds for Sale.I am in the Canary Bird business and

have thirty birds I have raised, healthyand acclimated, and good singers.

Price fir single bird, $2 50; price fora pair of birds, $4 00.

Apply to Mas. A. C. DEAL,Boyce La.





Coffees, Candles. Crackers,ETc., Eva., nEve.,


ARM' * v (-. ).,South Omaha. N S .:. Illinois.

1s3r5. laiwr5r s rkmu eas, taseses..

raeC. A. O &SIo C& .PamTaUaYm L MA A WVS.

If troubled with rheumatism, giveChamberlain's Pain Balm a triaL It willnot cost you one cent if it does no good.One application will relieve the pain. It Ialso cnres sprains and bruises in one-thirdthe time required by any other treatment.Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains inthe side and chest, glandnlar and otherswelhngs are quickly cured by applyingit. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25and 50 cents. J. H. McNeely, Colfax;Bush & Randolph, Fairmount.

Br16K. Bi16K.Parties desiring to secure



Can have their orders filled promptly by

The Gollax BrIGK Go0.Call on or address

W. G. WILLIAMS, Manager,Golfax, La.

Time TableNo. 5.

Shreveport and Red River ValieuRailwau Gompanu.

Ttakeq effect Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1901.


I iShreveporLt.................. I10:9Ul 2:50

1.2 1Bwsler Junction......... 9:52 2:584.7 Chalk Level.................. 9:41 3099.3 'urtis ........................ 9:29 8:21

10.9 Harvey ...................... 9:25 3:2514.2 Taylor Town............... 9-10e 3:3415f: Ihunter ...................... 9:12' 3:318.2 Elm Grove............ 9.001 3:4521.5 Alkin' ............... ....... 8:51) 3:5523.6 Poole's ........... 8;43 4:0227.5 Ninock ........................ 832 4:1328.6 tDes Arc......................( 8'11 4:1730.3 Loggy Bayou............. 8:22 4:2353.1 East Point............. 8:13 4:31 184.31 Hope....... ..... .:09 4:836.2 Chrichton.................... 80 4. 4237.3 Lock wood .................. 759 4:4839.6 Carroll........................ 7:52 4a5345.4 Coushatta ............ 7:36 5:149.5 Kennilworth ............... 7:24 5:22156.1 Urappe's Bluff.............. 6:56 5:4262.3 Camptl....................... 684 6:1269.2 Clarence ..................... 6241 6:3271.0 Irma ........................... 6:09 6•3772.9 Luella ..................... 1 6:03 6:4375.0 St. Maurice................. 5:57 6:497.2 (Crews ........................ 5:4 7002.9 Machen ................. 50 7:16Trains north and south arrive and

leave each station a.m. and p.m.The above table Is for the govern-

ment of employee only. The compa-ny reserves the right to vary fromthis schedule at pleasure.

WM. Euo. nosu. President.P'ETER MCIIVRID.

General Manager.C(A.Antuca Et.I.RBK,

(len. Freight and Passenger Agt.


2-Fast Trains-I2DAILY

for S,. Louis, 6lhcao0and the EAST,

SspeB ow PEllmea VesIIt~udBuffet lseeaera. aeedme

S New Cars. (seets Prme.)

t n tmentmg Thoughmcah es ad ee s MewOrkw. wiu•,,t c, ag ,m...


Arizona,New Mexico

- California.


BATM AR mas ~

The School Book Controversy.On the 27th of April we published in

these columns a set of resolutionsadopted by the Caddo school board,condemning the text books used inthe public schools as altogether unde,sirable for further use. At that time"we expressed our approval of thissentiment, and called upon the Grantparish school board to loin in the dewmnand for at change.

Since then we are glad to learn thatGov. Heard has given heed to the de-mand for a change of books, and ta-ken an active hand in forcing the booktrust to loosen its clutches on themonopoly that is sapping the lifeblood and destroying the usefulnessof our public school system. At alate meeting of the State board, thegovernor ast ced the board t g ivehim ten days in which to exanine in-to this question and have expertspronounce nuon the utility and fltneeof the books in use. A majority ofthe board refused to grant thegover-nor the ten days asked for this purlpose. Whereupon Gov. Heard pro-ceeded to show the majority of themembers of the State board that hqhad a backbone to fully equal thegall and discourtesy they had showilin their seal and determination tosupport thebook trust atall hazards.So he calmly Informed the gentle-men that he did not think the publicinterest could be served by a boardso divided in its views of what wasright and proper, and he asked thatthey at once hand in their resigna4tions, so he could appoint a boar4more in harmony with his views ofthe situation! It was a stunner, notto be misunderstood, and they did soat once, in shame and confusion.

The people of Louisiana heartilyapprove the governor's aCtion in thismatter, and be has ravsed himselfmany degrees in their estimation byjrhis show of courage and devotion toprinciple. ,Let us hope the new hoardwill act #t once in giving us a set oftext •onks more in keeping with theage In whlich we live, and that theold antiquated books and methodswill be relegated to the limbo of ob-scurity.

Dyspepti's cannot be long lived becaureto live requires nourishment. Food is notnourishing until it is digested. A disor-dered stomach cannot digest food, it musthave assistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Curedigests all kinds of food without aid fromthe stomach, allowing it to rest and re-gain its natural functions. Its elementsare exactly the same as the natural di-gestive fluids and it simnply can't helpbut do you good. J.A. Hyde.

Mr. Jno. G. Armstrong. of theBoyce Enterprise. has sold the BunkleNews to Mr. S. B. Williams, and here-after will devote his entire time andattention to his Boyce paper.

Kedel Iyspeelma ow.eoumsts what we. et.

fl Goo00d Tif1 dBODOl!Colfax Oil and Mineral Company,


Capital Stock, $500,000.500,000 Shares, $1 par Value. Fully paid and non-assessable.

Both Should be Defeated.Senators McLaurin and Tillman

have resigned their seats in the U. S.Senatein order to take part in a vain-glorious personal contest. Now isthe time for South Carolina to getrid of a pair of pestiferous demagog-ues. Tillhuan says McLaurin is notaDemocrat, and McLaurin says Till-man is a Populist of the wild tandwooly type. We believeboth of themknow what they are talking about,and the Democrats of the PalmettoState should shelve the pair of them.

Our Island Possessions.The Supreme Court of the United

States has declared Porto Rico to bea Territory, and under the control ofCongress. This decision sinplifiesmatters in regard to that Island, andindicates that It will have to gothrough the regular formula pursuedby the Territories in becomlng Statesof the Union. In the meanwhileC(on-gress will manage its affairs Just asthe affairs of the District of Columbiaand the Territories are managed.

If this opinion is held In regard toPorto Rico, we suppose the court willhold to the same ruling whenever thecase of the Philippine Islands comesbefore them. Our possessions on theAsiatic coast may therefore be regard-ed as simply Territorial acquisitions,to be admitted as States, wheneverin the wisdom of Congress they arefitted and entitled to recognition assuch.

Kdeh Dyspepsia OursDIgests what ygu Lt

Seven Years in Bed."Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the

friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence,Kan. They knew she had been unableto leave her bed in seven yearson accountof ki-ney and liver trouble, nervous pros-tration and general debility; but, "threebottles of Electric Bitters enabled me towalk." she writes, "Bud in three monthsI felt like a new person." Women suffer-ing from headache, backache. 4ervous-ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, faintuingand dizzy spells will find it a pricelessblessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaran-teed. Only 50c. L. B. Priet, Colfax;

4 • a•dolph. Fairmount.

The chief of the bureau of salariesand allowances for the Postoflice De-partment has announced the follow-ingincreases in the salaries of LQisi-ana postmasters. The increases arebased upon the sales of stampsat thepostoftices named during the pastfis-cal year, and is the eighteenth annualreadjustment of postmasters' salariesthat has been made by the depart-ment. The changes will be effectiveJuly 1. vis: Abbeville, from $1100 to$1400; Jennlngs, $1400 to $1500; Min-den, $1100 to $1300; Ruston. $1400 to$1700; Whitecastle. $1100 to $1200; Al-exandria. $2100 to $2200; Mansfield.$1200 to $1400; Plaquemine. $1700 to$1O00; St. Franclsville, $1000 to $1100.

The plant of the Rowlcy LumberCompany, located at Selma, on the 1Iron Mountain Railroad, in Grantparish, was sold at receiver's sale onlast Saturday, and purchased by S.R. Lee, D. F. Clark, W. C. Beal, Geo.B. Stebbins and J. A. O'Shee, whohave formed a stock campany, capi-talised at $5000. and will operate themill at the same place. The follow-ing are the officers of the new compa-ny: S. R. Lee, president; D. F. Clark,vice-president; J. A. O'Shee, secretaryand treasurer.

Attention!For the Confederate Veterans Reunion

at Memphis, Tenn., May 26th to 30th in-clusive, th TPrxas & Pacific Railway com-pany will sell round trip tickets at verylow rates. On sale at stations west ,':'Big Springs May 24th. 5t.h and 26th. ii-,oal limit to leave Memphis as late asSnoe 4th, 1901. Extension to June 19th,1601, on payment of 5c0 and del,os;t ofticket on or before June 2d with JointAgent at Memphis. For particulars re-gardina rates, sleeping cars, chiair cars,etc., see nearest ticket agent or r.rite Mr.H. P. Hughes, Ft. Worth, or Mr. E. P.Turner, G. P. & T. A., Dallas. Texas.

Will be glad to hear from you.

Mr. D. B. Boyett, well known to 1the people of Grant parish during our llast political campaign as the Popu-list candidate for Representative,died at his home at Nugent on the18th of May. He had a laudable am-bition to be a leader of the people,and showed many good trait. ofcharacter.

A surgical operation is not necessary Ito cnre piles. DeWitt's Witch HazelSalve saves all that expense and neverfails. Beware of counterfeits. J. A. Hyde.

In the apportionment of the publicschool fund matde by the StateSuper- 1intendent on May 20th, Grant parishis given $850 30, Rapides $2,030 16.Natchitoches $2,278 54. and Wlnn par-Ish $700 26.

)( Jfand 2Painted .rooeA . 1

The Chroniclehas made ar-rangementss whereby wecan furnish sub-scribers with abeautiful hand

painted brooch,mounted in a gold-platel frame, atsmall cost. The painting can bemade of any person from any photo-graph or tin-type. Old subscriberscam obtain a brooch by paying thir-ty-flve cents, and all new subscribers acan obtain one for twenty cents inaddition to paying in advance oursubscription priceof $1. If you wentthis brooch write your name on the eback of photograph and bring or fsend to us with the necessary amountand the brooch will be sent to youwith the picture painted in it. Yourphotograph will be returned. Call at Ithis office and see samples. All or- tders are strictly cash.

We wish to say to our renders thatthe hand painted brooch advertisedin another column, is the prettiestbrooch we ever saw for the small sumof money it costs. If you want oneof these brooches with a picture ofyour dear ones, bring or send theamount to this office together witha photogrijph. Remember the price20 cents to new subscribers, strictly

neash in advance with subscription-old subscribers who pay one year inndvance can have the 210 rate.

Saves Two From Deatll.'Our little daughter had an almost fa-

tal attack of whooping cangh and bron-chitia," writes Mrs. W. K. Ilaviland, ofArmonuk, N. Y., "but, when all other rem -edries failed, we saved her life with Dr.King's New i)iscovery. Our niece, whohad consumption in an advanced stage.also used this wonderful medlicine andto-day she is perfectly well." DLeperatthroat and lung diseases yield to Dr.King's New Ihsoovery as to no other med-icine on earth. Infallible for coughs andcolds. f50 and $1 bottles guaranteed byL. B. Price, (.olfax; Bush & Randolpu,Fairmuount. Trial bottles free.

- --.. .-----.

The North American. of Philadel-phia, has been getting out a largespecial Southern edition,settingfort hthe opportunities for Investment inthis section, and also devoting muchattention to the approaching South-ern Industrial Convention. The an-terprise of the North American 14worthy of the heartiest support inthe South.

"t few months ago, food which I atefor breakfast would not remain on mystomach for half an hour. aswed one bot.tle of your Kodol Dyspepeia Cure andcan now eat my breakfast and otherameals with a relish and my food is thor-oughlydigested.NothingequalsKodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach ttoubles'H.S.PittArlington,Tex. Kodol Dyspepiia Cure di.gests what you eat. J. A. Hyde.

The police jury of Iapider parishhave declared all negotiations forbuilding their $75,000 court house"off," and the question is to be sub-mltted to a vote of the people. Theyfeared the building could not be bulltwithout running the parish in debtor encroaching on the school fund.

-- **r-- ----

His Life Saved."1 am sure that Chamberlain's Colic.

Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at our,time saved my life." says A. E. Lafalette.of Gregory Landing, Clark Co., Mo. '"Iwas in such bad shape that the doctorisaid I could not live. When I was at thelowest ebb, one of my neighbors broughtin a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol-era and Diarrhoea Remedy and I took it.and got instant relief, I soon got up andaround. That was nine years ago and Iam still in good health. Since then thatmedicine has always been in my houseand always will be. It is the best onearth." i'or sale by J. H. McNeely, Cl-fax; Bush & Randolph, Fairmoont.

During the past week a "Y" hasbeen staked off just above the depotgrounds, from which we infer thattrains are to be "turned around" atColfax before long. We call the at-tentJon of Bro. Mack, of Town Talk,to this item, and assure him thatwhenever the blamed thing turnsaround we will keep entirely out ofharm's way.

Didn't Marry for Money.The Boston man, who lately married at

sictly rich young woman Is happy now.for he got Dr. King's New Life Pill:,which restored her to perfect health.Infallible for jaundice, biliousness, m:"-laria. fever and ague and all liver andstomach troubles. Gentle but effective.Only 25c at L. B. Price's, Colfax; Bush &Randoluh's. Fairmount.

"Parson" W. B. Clarke moved interthe building on the Methodist parson-age lot last Monday, and on Tuesdaywent to Wlnnfield to fill aprofdeeion-al appointment. This may read alittle like a joke. but nearly everyword of it is solemn faet, and It ex-plains why the boys insist on callingour young attorney friend "parsou'."

A s-vere sprain will usually disable tI.einjured person for three or four weeks.Many cases have eecurred, however, inwhich a cure has been effected in lesthan one week by applying Chambe .lain's Pain Balm. For sale by J. H. M -Neely, Colfax, and Bush & Randolp!,Fairmount.

Manauren.-At the resildence of Mr.and Mrs. C. 8. Woodworth, parentsof the bride, at Linceeum, La., onTuesday, May 20, 1901, Mr. Robt. Al-red Whitlock. of Tullas, IL., wasunited in wedlock with Miss AnnaWoodworth. They will be at homesfted June 15th, at Tullos.

&Chureb Appolintments.Mhodlst-Rev. J. P. Haney will

preh In Colfax on the Second 8un-daylf each ponth. morningand even-ing. Also at Liberty Chapel on the4th Sunday In the morning, and atColtax that night.

Baptist-Rev. Isaiah Watson willpreach in Colfax at 11 a. m. on thelstsunday of each month.

Stops the Conghand Works off tie Cold.

Lazative Bromo-Quninine Tablets cure acold in one day. No ure, no pay. Prie'v uetit&


President First National Bank. Cashier Rapides Bank.A. WETTERMARK, JR.. ED. RAND,

Cashier First National Bank. President Rapides Lumber Company.J. W. ALEXANDER Vice-President Alexandria Com- J. C. RIVES,

press and Warehouse Company. President Montrose Lumber Company.WM. HILL. P. W. HARRISON,

Cotton Bnyer. Cotton Buyer.BERTRAND WEIL, R. S. CAMERON.

Merchant and Vies-President Rapides Bank. Merchant.

J. W. ALEXANDER, President. P. W. HARRISON, Vice-President.A. WETTERMARK, JR., Secretary and Treasurer.

This ompany has been organised for the purpose of developingthe mineral reasoures of Central Louisianad and with this object inview have secured 7.0) acres of land serrounding the now famous(olfaz well. This well was originally bored to obtain artesian water,but after iseaCing a depth of O1l feet the wantr was so salty that ithad to be abandoued for the purpose it was intruded. At a depth ofHM feet the flow of natural as was so strong that it materially inter-tared with the boring. The Colax Chronicle of Maay 2. 11t0. com-meats on it as follows:

DOWN IN PLUTO'S DOMAIN-A VALUABLE DISCOVERY."*While boring thb artesian well in Colfa on last Thareday. Mr.

L, B. Hark. the otactor. discovered a free discharge of gas o•mingfroa te pip whir h •.d been sunk to ad pth nf O feet. Upon ap

iga matolto the gas it leaped up in a e ight or ten feethi. and for an hear or more consternatia prevailed. All bands eatto work to put oat the ame. but it was only •tinguished after a con-pie o tees of we• earth had been piled over and around the pipe andIt was smotbeted eat Eves after a great mass was p4l over the jet.the as eastinued to berst oat in blue flames on al ides, jolting andshaking the hegs pile of earth like it was a big jelly, and for a while

This company will offer for sale 100,000 of their Treasury Stock for development purposes at 10e a share, par value $1fall paid and and non- aamb'e. Subject to withda•wal or increase in price for unsold part without notice. No certificatewill be issed for I s than blocks of 100 sbare. This is an exceptional chance to make a proftable investment for a smallsum, for if oil is at- ick th. stock will increase 100 fold. The promoters of this company are among the most substantialeitiases of Alexandria, and their names are a suficient guarantee that it is a legitimate and fair investment.

The public is assured that not one cent of the proceeds of this stock will go into the pockets of the promoters. Everycent of it will be used for prospecting purposes, and if the company does not actually sink one or more wells, the manage-meot pledges itself to return to each stookbolder the full amount of money paid in, the management bearing any expensethat may have occured. Parties desiring to invest can apply to R. S. CAMERON, Colfax, La., or send

Order for SRtb with reiDnttan to R. WfTTERMARK, JR., Garme Pirt Maional Bank, Alexandria, La.

it looked like "Old Nick" was so angry at the inv"sion of his quartersthat he was determined to buar up the town. However. it was fleillextingnished, and the timid ones gradually reeovered from tAiralarm. The pipe that invaded the gas rueervoir was only 15i inches indiameter. yet the bow of natural gas was amply sauffiomen to tarnishblast for a twenty.dorse power enaine.

After boring to 1096 feet a flow of sait and natural gas wasenconatered. and as it could not be need for drinking purposes thewell was abandoned for artesian water. tlahbeqaently Prof. Mets. ofNew Orleans. 8tate Chemist and Professor of Chemistry at Tualne.analysed the water. showing it to contain petrolenm as well as otherimportant minerals.

"When Prof. Met's analysis was -ubmitted to Hon. H. C. Riser.acting Director of the U. . Geoloical survey he said the most later-eting feat are to him is the presence of P 4 hloride depoeitof rare commercial value. Tihe only deposits of otassium asie ofcommercial importance, known in the world, is monopolised in (er.many, and it has long been the wish of the depertment that a depositof this rare and valuable sait could he found in this country. The we-ter carries the enormous total of nearly three ounces of solid matterto the gallon. As was shown by Prof. Mets's anartyis."