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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™



Confused about all the different type of cleanses out there? The concept of cleansing in general can be completely foreign to many people. Add on conflicting information on the Internet and so many options to choose from and it’s no surprise that there can be misunderstandings about cleansing, how cleansing works, or how to complete a successful cleanse. For health-informed consumers, Isagenix offers a different approach to nutritional cleansing that is supported by clinical studies. A key difference in cleansing with Isagenix is intermittent fasting. The scientifically supported system incorporates intermittent fasting on Cleanse Days and calorie restriction on Shake Days.

The combination of Cleanse and Shake Days is shown to be more effective than traditional dieting for initial weight loss and weight maintenance (1). When used as directed in our system guidelines, Isagenix products including Cleanse for Life® as part of Cleanse Days and IsaLean® Shake as part of Shake Days have demonstrated excellent results. Cleanse for Life® 101 Intermittent fasting is the term used for an eating pattern that involves the regular abstinence from normal foods and meals. Fasting normally is performed for a period of one or two days per week or month. While weight loss or weight maintenance

What is Cleansing? Is it Safe?

The Cleansing & Intermittent Fasting Guide™

Cleansing has been a part of many cultures for a long time



A Key Component of Superior

Health, More Energy, Weight loss

and a Healthy Lifestyle


What is Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting?

2 - 6

26 Reasons to Cleanse and Intermittently Fast

7 - 9

How Cleansing Supports Vital Organs


What does a Cleanse day look like? What can I expect?


9 Tips to Prepare for a Successful Cleanse Day



The Problem With juicing and juice fasts


Cleanse for Life® Ingredients

15 - 21

“The best of all medicine is rest

and fasting.”

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

is seen as a primary benefit from intermittent fasting, the practice has demonstrated efficacy for reducing abdominal fat (visceral fat) and, as a result, an improvement in insulin sensitivity and overall cardiovascular health (1-3). Additionally, research has found that fasting initiates the recycling of old and dysfunctional components of cells through enzymatic pathways termed “autophagy” (4). Autophagy is thought of as a cellular self-cleaning mechanism that is suggested to have benefits for overall health. Cleanse for Life® is the nutritional support that is considered a key distinction of intermittent fasting with Isagenix. Its inclusion is what defines Cleanse Days and separates them from normal fasting completed only with water. The inclusion of the drink as a Cleanse Day companion provides nutrient-packed benefits along with a greater chance for a successful cleanse. Cleanse for Life® contains a mixture of botanical extracts and nutrients to support detoxification (see page 15). This proprietary blend is especially designed for use in conjunction with intermittent fasting. With its addition of turmeric and ashwagandha, Cleanse for Life® is shown to be effective in studies for influencing antioxidant and detoxification pathways in cells (5). The support for the body’s own antioxidant and detoxification systems offers a complete cleanse experience and better overall health. How to Use Cleanse for Life® Cleanse for Life® is available in both a liquid concentrate and powder form. It’s consumed either as a concentrated shot or diluted with water. Additionally, it can be served chilled, poured over ice, or mixed with hot (but not boiling) water to be enjoyed as a hot tea. The product can be taken every day for daily antioxidant and detoxification support or on Cleanse Days.

Daily Cleansing – As a daily supplement, directions for taking Cleanse for Life are to consume one to two fluid ounces or one scoop up to twice daily. There’s no wrong time to take Cleanse for Life. However, while it’s not so important when the product is taken, some report better results when taking a daily dose before they go to bed. Deep Cleansing – Double the daily serving (four liquid ounces or two scoops) and take four times spread throughout the day. The four servings of Cleanse for Life on a Cleanse Day are designed to be accompanied by up to six Isagenix Snacks™ per day and plenty of water. Other optional Cleanse Day support products include taking one Natural Accelerator™ capsule twice daily, one to two IsaFlush® capsules, up to two IsaDelight® chocolates, up to two e+™ shots, Ionix® Supreme, t+ Chai, or up to four cups of black Isagenix Coffee. Cleanse Day routines can vary among different participants, depending on individual goals. Some cleansers may also need to modify dietary intake on a Cleanse Day so that it includes more than suggested guidelines call for to support blood sugar control depending on their situation. Those seeking weight loss can often find Cleanse Days intimidating or requiring quite a lot of effort. New cleansers are encouraged to take it easy—not immediately jumping into performing full Cleanse Days or two consecutive days of Deep Cleansing. Starting out with Shake Days allows for a more gradual reduction in calorie intake. Some may wish to attempt half a Cleanse Day before working up to a full Cleanse Day. No Juices, Laxatives, or Diuretics A common concern about cleansing is the involvement of either drastic starvation plans, use of sugary juices, or use of dangerous ingredients that act as laxatives and diuretics. There are no laxatives or diuretics in Cleanse for Life. Unlike other cleanses; the Isagenix System includes cleansing that is clinically shown to be effective and safe.

With the right preparation and a little self-motivation, participants are often pleasantly surprised at how effortless Cleanse Days can be. After seeing and feeling the results in the form of consistent weight loss and

improved health, they may also find that Cleanse Days become the favorite part of their week. References 1. Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, Bhutani S, Trepanowski JF, Varady KA. Intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese women. Nutr J. 2012 Nov 21;11:98. 2. Harvie MN, Pegington M, Mattson MP et al. The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: a randomized trial in young overweight women. Int J Obes (Lond) 2011;35:714-27. 3. Heilbronn LK1, Smith SR, Martin CK, Anton SD, Ravussin E. Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr.2005 Jan;81(1):69-73. 4. Bergamini E, Cavallini G, Donati A, Gori Z. The role of autophagy in aging: its essential part in the anti-aging mechanism of caloric restriction. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2007 Oct;1114:69-78. 5. Gumpricht E, Kumar R, Hussain A, Sabarwal A, Ramteke A, Cho S, Deep G. A Natural Herbal Beverage Exhibits Significant Cytoprotection and Promotes Nrf-2 Activation in Cells April 2015FASEB J 2015;29 (Supplement) Abstract # 607.1.

~ Irish Proverb

A fast is better

than a bad meal.

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

When the body needs fuel, the brain sends a message to the thyroid gland instructing it to send signals to fat cells that it needs to burn it’s efficient fuel.


A Toxin Filled Body

A hormone, or key in the photo, is released to find a fat cell to unlock the fuel for the body’s needs.

The fat cell contains a stored toxin to protect the body from it’s harmful effects. The toxin inhibits the key (hormone) from entering the fat cell’s keyhole to unlock the cell’s stored energy. A message is then sent back to the brain indicating that there is no fat fuel to burn.

The brain directs you to eat a quick burning sugar/carbohydrate.





How toxic fat leads to weight gain and lack of energy.

Generally the body can’t burn toxic fat because the toxin inhibits the hormone from unlocking it’s energy to burn as fuel. Fat is the best fuel to use to gain health, lose weight and have more energy.

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

When the body needs fuel, the brain sends a message to the thyroid gland instructing it to send signals to fat cells that it needs to burn it’s efficient fuel.


A Cleansed Body

A hormone, or key in the photo, is released to find a fat cell to unlock the fuel for the body’s needs.

The clean and toxin free fat cell receives the hormone (key) instructing it to release its energy. A message is then sent back to the brain that the body’s fuel needs are satisfied.

The brain releases endorphins and you feel great, energetic and are not hungry.





Nutritionally cleansing your body, supporting the blood to release toxic material and to help the liver remove the toxins through your urine will substantially improve your health. It’s the key to long- term weight management. It is recommended to cleanse at least two days per month.

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

According to Intensive Dietary Management “Fasting is one of the most ancient healing traditions in human history. This solution has been practiced by virtually every culture and religion on earth. Whenever fasting is mentioned, there is always the same eye-rolling response. Starvation? That’s the answer? No. Fasting is completely different. Starvation is the involuntary absence of food. It is neither deliberate, nor controlled. Starving people have no idea when and where their next meal will come from. Fasting, on the other hand is the voluntary withholding of food for spiritual, health, or other reasons. It is the difference between suicide and dying of old age.” Physiology Again according to Intensive Dietary Management, Glucose and fat are the body’s main sources of energy. If glucose is not available, then the body will adjust by using fat, without any detrimental health effects. This is simply a natural part of life. Periods of low food availability have always been a part of human history. Mechanisms have evolved to adapt to this fact of

Paleolithic life. The transition from the fed state to the fasted state occurs in several stages.

1. Feeding – During meals, insulin levels are raised. This allows uptake of glucose into tissues such as the muscle or brain to be used directly for energy. Excess glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver.

2. The post-absorptive phase – 6-24 hours after beginning fasting. Insulin levels start to fall. Breakdown of glycogen releases glucose for energy. Glycogen stores last for roughly 24 hours.

3. Gluconeogenesis – 24 hours to 2 days – The liver manufactures new glucose from amino acids in a process called “gluconeogenesis”. Literally, this is translated as “making new glucose”. In non-diabetic persons, glucose levels fall but stay within the normal range.

4. Ketosis – 2-3 days after beginning fasting – The low levels of insulin reached during fasting stimulate lipolysis, the breakdown of fat for energy. The storage form of fat, known as triglycerides, is broken into the glycerol backbone and three fatty acid chains. Glycerol is used for gluconeogenesis. Fatty acids may be

used for directly for energy by many tissues in the body, but not the brain. Ketone bodies, capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, are produced from fatty acids for use by the brain. After four days of fasting, approximately 75% of the energy used by the brain is provided by ketones. The two major types of ketones produced are beta hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate, which can increase over 70 fold during fasting.

5. Protein conservation phase – >5 days – High levels of growth hormone maintain muscle mass and lean tissues. The energy for maintenance of basal metabolism is almost entirely met by the use of free fatty acids and ketones. Increased norepinephrine (adrenalin) levels prevent the decrease in metabolic rate.

The human body has well developed mechanisms for dealing with periods of low food availability. In essence, what we are describing here is the process of switching from burning glucose (short term) to burning fat (long term). Fat is simply the body’s stored food energy. In times of low food availability, stored food is naturally released to fill the void. So no, the body does not ‘burn muscle’ in an effort to feed itself until all the fat stores are used.

What is Intermittent Fasting? Is it Safe?

He who eats until he is sick must fast until

he is well. ~English Proverb

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

26 Reasons to Cleanse & Intermittently Fast


Strengthen The Immune System. Cleansing impurities and flooding the body with high-grade essential nutrients strengthen the immune system. Some studies indicate that a healthy dose of high grade, absorbable protein will strengthen your immune system by as much as 500%.

Love Your Liver. A clean, healthy liver supports metabolism and burns fat. A healthy liver promotes normal thyroid function and when the thyroid is healthy, your metabolism and energy levels escalate.

Support Healthy Brain Chemistry. When your body can effectively absorb and digest fats and protein, it coverts these nutrients into healthy brain chemicals. When your brain chemistry is aligned, you will make healthier food selections.

Restore Antioxidants. Toxic

compounds create “free radicals” that have the potential to damage cellular DNA-thus leading to cancer, weakened immune systems and accelerated aging. Antioxidants are substances that block free radical formation and destroy already formed free radicals.

Free Yourself From Stress. In herbal medicine, adaptogens are used to help the body “adapt” to imbalances that stress the body externally or internally. Replenishing the body’s needed adaptogens assists in the body’s own self-regulatory system, thus reducing stress.

Maximize Absorption Of Essential Nutrients. Maximizing absorption of nutrients helps to fuel the internal body


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to support all major organ systems including the circulatory, musculoskeletal and neurological systems.

Aid Digestion. Herbs such as suma root, peppermint, fennel seed and licorice have been used in many cultures to support and aid in digestion. Peppermint is a nontoxic digestive remedy that can provide relief from gas, bloating, nausea and gastric upset. Peppermint has a calming effect on the smooth muscle of the intestinal tract and is felt to promote the flow of bile from the gallbladder into the small bowel, thus aiding in the digestion of fats.

Rejuvenate Your Cells With Ionic Minerals. Minerals are the key to enzyme activation in our digestive track. When minerals are present, our intestines allow for ultimate absorption of vitamins and essential nutrients. Modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs. Ionic (charged) minerals are the most easily absorbed by our body.

Increase The Human Growth Hormone. This hormone increases the availability and utility of fats for fuel and help preserve muscle mass and bone density.

Support Your Vital Organs. If your body is overwhelmed with impurities, gentle cleansing herbs and essential nutrients will allow it to eliminate toxins through the liver (the major detoxifying organ of the body), colon, urinary tract, sweat glands, skin pores and the lymphatic system much more effectively.

Lose Weight and Feel Great. Studies have shown that fat cells provide the perfect environment for holding onto toxins. This is our

body’s natural mechanism for protecting itself from dangerous, often deadly toxins. Cleansing aids in the body’s ability to flush fat and increase metabolism.

Eliminate Unhealthy Cravings. The healthy body will crave healthy things. The unhealthy body will crave unhealthy things. Cleansing and replenishing allows the internal body to create an environment that craves good, nutritious food.

Improves Insulin Sensitivity. After release of weight this keeps the Body Set Weight lower and you keep the excess weight off.

Enhance Cellular Communication. Our cells want two things; good nutrients and a clean environment in which to communicate. Cleansing provides our cells with both.

Increased Adrenalin. Increased metabolic rate will improve energy levels.

Build Muscle. Cleansing and then replenishing with pharmaceutical grade organic whey protein provides the body with essential amino acids that are the building blocks for the development of lean, dense muscle.

Address Diabetes. Type II diabetes is a serious disease that is rampant because of our lifestyles. Effective weight loss and fueling of the body can aid in the body’s ability to restore normal sugar levels.

Beautify The Skin. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Cleansing and replenishing rejuvenates our skin, making us appear younger and suppler.

Decreases Insulin Levels. Blood glucose levels remain normal, as the body begins to switch over to burning fat for energy.

Create Abundant Energy. Better

sleep cycles, achieved through cleansing, provide the body with stamina, energy and mental clarity throughout the waking hours.

Balance Your Hormonal System. Cleansing and replenishing balances hormone levels, leading to a feeling of constant well-being, increased stamina and increase sexual desire.

Slow The Effects of Aging. Toxins and nutritional deficiency can lead to premature aging on an internal and external level. Cleansing and replenishing allows our cells the ability to attack the affects of aging head on. A younger appearance along with incredible energy is often the result!

Address Cancer. Researchers suggest that approximately 90,000 cancer deaths may be related to obesity and are therefore, preventable. For almost all cancers, the risk of death increased


Hippocrates prescribed fasting in 400 B.C.

To eat when you

are sick is to feed

your illness.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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coincident with body mass increases. Cleansing and replenishing often results in significant weight loss and, thus can reduce the risk of cancer.

Enhance Elimination. Refined, processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, lack of exercise, dehydration and an ever-increasing level of stress all contribute to an irritable bowel and to sluggish elimination from the intestinal tract. Cellular cleansing and replenishing with fiber rich nutrients allow for better colonic elimination of impurities and is essential in the prevention of intestinal disorders.

Improved Athletic Results. Increased levels of HGH will make workouts

easier and recovery faster. Muscle is preserved, excess weight is released and the athlete is leaner, faster and could have more power.

Never Diet Again! Cleansing and refueling the body is an “anti-diet” approach to optimal health and weight management. “Diets” are often imbalanced and neither strengthens the immune system nor rid the body of toxins. Imbalanced diets rob the body of essential nutrients and only offer temporary results. Why not embrace a program that gives your body the right nutrients, the right balance and the ability to once and for all chronically defend itself against the battle of the bulge?

Shane Freels

Cleansing Examples

Becky J.



48 pounds

52 inches

Jill B.



131 pounds

122 inches

Caylen W.

(16 weeks)

Shane Freels is an All-Natural Body Builder and regularly cleanses to help stabilize his body, recover from hard training sessions and to build muscle.

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

The human body has powerful cleansing tools in the intestine, liver, kidneys and skin. Gentle cleansing through the help of botanicals, trace minerals and other essential nutrients aids the body in eliminating impurities, strengthens while restoring a balance of wellness and vitality.

Cleansing Supports Vital Organs


Cleansing supports mental clarity, focus and acuity Utilizes nutrients to achieve optimum balance.


Key cleansing organ Positively influences all areas of health, including immunity, skin, assimilation of nutrients and fat metabolism Activity enhanced with support of essential nutrients and


Key player in cleansing Cleansing improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients leading to cleaner internal body and less exposure to


Certain antioxidant botanicals may support healthier cardiovascular system Supported by good nutrition and exercise


“Stubborn” fat used to “store” dangerous impurities and pollutants A combination of cleansing, exercise and reduced intake of calories helps release


Key purification organ Requires regular amounts of water to deal with “overload” of impurities Supports immune function

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

What Does a Cleanse Day Look Like?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 7 6

Food Days

Food Days

Cleanse Day

Cleanse Days










Drink at least one-half your body weight in pounds with ounces of purified water. If you weight 150 lbs drink 75 oz of water.

1) Consume one serving of our adaptogens based Ionic Supreme™ (if you use a multivitamin you’d consume it here as well)

2) 8 am (morning) Add two scoops of Cleanse for Life® (CFL) in 20 oz (1/4 of your water goal total) of purified water. Drink over a several hour period.

3) 11 am (late morning) Repeat step 2 4) During the day eat a prepared protein snack (included in support package). 5) 2 pm (early afternoon) Repeat step 2 6) Repeat step 4 7) 5pm (early evening) Repeat step 2. 8) Before bed repeat step 4

Repeat this for the second cleanse day. You’ll notice an increase in your frequency to urinate. This is normal and a sign cleansing is working. It is through the urination process that toxins are released from the body.

What to expect: It takes about 24 hours for the body to begin efficiently transitioning to burning fat. Avoid any calories other than what is provided. An increase in calories will quickly move the body from fat burning to sugar burning. This is why we recommend slowly consuming CFL over the 4 servings. Some people begin to have a mild headache toward the later part of day one. It usually ends during sleep and as you awake you’ll feel refreshed and energetic. It has been determined that your body will release about 20% of the stored toxins in your body on each cleanse day. Coffee drinkers with build up of caffeine are recommended to slowly move off it before their first cleanse day.

One Day per Week

Two Days per Week (Our Favorite 5:2 Plan)

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

9 Tips To Prepare For A Successful Cleanse Day

+ Whether you want to lose weight or just do something good for your body, you put a lot of dedication and effort into your Cleanse Days. We get that. It’s why we want you to be as prepared as possible so nothing can hold you back from achieving your goals.

To help you on your way, we’ve put together a checklist of things that can help make Cleanse Days easy for you.

1. Start with at least two Shake Days before doing any Cleanse Days.

Doing at least two Shake Days can help prepare your body for a Cleanse Day. For example, Shake Days can help ease your body into the Isagenix System better than regular nutrition can.

You should never ever go into a Cleanse Day if you’re feeling unwell, run-down, or having digestive problems like constipation. Be sure to start out with as many Shake Days as


you think appropriate before doing Cleanse Days. Shakes can assist with digestive regularity and supporting muscle growth and maintenance and are a great protein source before a Cleanse Day.

2. Designate your Cleanse Days in advance.

Planning ahead is key in successful Cleanse Days. Knowing in advance what days you’ll be cleansing can help you become mentally prepared for them. Be sure to jot them down on your calendar so you don’t accidentally schedule a lunch or dinner with friends on those days.

Before Cleanse Days, take the time to look over your Cleanse Day Schedule and customize it to fit your

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9. Engage in light exercise.

You don’t need to schedule any grueling workout. But engaging in any form of light exercise can be a healthy distraction during Cleanse Days. Additionally, the

physical activity can be useful for helping to maintain regular bowel habits, support metabolism, and may even help suppress appetite.

Don’t let anything hold you back! The last thing that you want on a Cleanse Day is to find yourself improperly prepared or overwhelmed. Planning ahead and leaning on the support of your team can make all of the difference and make every Cleanse Day a success.

let that happen to you! Clean out any junk food in advance.

6. Find ways to stay hydrated throughout Cleanse Days.

Staying properly hydrated is always a goal to aim for daily, but it’s particularly important during a Cleanse Day. Making sure that you are drinking enough fluids, which is about two liters for the average person, can prevent the onset of headaches and other troubles.

Your sources of hydration don’t need to be made up solely of plain water, but can also include diluted amounts of Ionix® Supreme or Replenish (during physical activity). During the colder months of the year, try drinking Isagenix Coffee or sipping herbal tea throughout the day. You can even try drinking Cleanse for Life warm, as an herbal tea, to stay a bit warmer.

7. Find ways to stay busy.

Don’t put yourself in the position where you might be tempted to quit your Cleanse Day. Keep yourself busy and the day will fly. That means getting your mind off of the fact that you’re abstaining from food and onto other things like your personal health and wellness goals.

8. Set reminders on your


As busy as you’ll be on Cleanse Days, it might be to easy to forget to take your next allotted Cleanse for Life serving, snack, or glass of water. By setting an alarm or reminder on your phone, you can help be sure to make the most of your Cleanse Day.

day; ensuring you will have access to all your cleansing tools throughout the day. Make sure that you are setting yourself up for success on your Cleanse Day. If you have plans for a family dinner at your favorite restaurant, or have a physically exhaustive workout planned, then a Shake Day might be more suitable.

3. Cleanse with a friend or as a team.

Having a cleansing buddy or buddies can help keep you accountable when temptation strikes. You might choose to cleanse with a colleague from work, a family member, or a friend you talk to on social media who lives across the globe. No matter who it is, having someone to turn to for encouragement when cravings hit will build morale and keep you motivated.

4. Plan your Cleanse Day snacks.

You have a variety of snack options available during Cleanse Days.

To maximize the benefits of a Cleanse Day, you want to be wary of adding in too many extra calories. Always listen to your body, however; if you are feeling like a headache is coming on or your blood sugar is low, have an extra snack like an apple slice to help level you out.

5. Clean out the pantry and fridge of “junk food” before Cleanse Days.

One of the worst things that can happen to anyone on Cleanse Days is finding yourself opening the fridge only to spot that leftover chocolate cake sitting next to your bottle of Cleanse for Life®. Don’t

Adrenalin levels increase during a fast

Adrenalin levels are increased so

that you have plenty of energy to go get more food. For example, 48 hours of fasting

produces a 3.6% increase in

metabolic rate, not the dreaded

metabolic ‘shut-down’

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

The Problem With Juicing and Juice Fasts


There’s no shortage of diet fads out there for losing weight quickly. Juicing and juice fasting is one that has been round for a while—its premise being to consume fresh-squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables daily or exclusively for a day or up to 10 days or more.

However, a recent study in the British Medical Journal found that people who consumed fruit in the form of juices (more than three glasses of fruit juice a week) actually increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 8 percent, while those who consumed their fruit whole lowered their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 2 percent (1).

The problem is that the process of juicing extracts the nutrients and water from a vegetable or fruit and leaves behind the fibrous pulp. While the act of squeezing out some of the good stuff

in fruits and vegetables—antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc.—screams healthy elixir, this processing also removes the nutrient-rich skin along with healthy fiber and a substantial amount of vitamins and minerals. There is also one other major caveat; sugar is squeezed out, too.

Depending on what fruits and vegetables are chosen to juice, the sugar content can climb pretty high. Without the fiber to slow down absorption, drinking the juice can send blood sugar levels spiking and creasing, leading to feeling of extreme hunger, irritability, and fatigue. For example, a juice containing three beets, to carrots, two stalks of celery, one cucumber, and one small apple is about 40


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grams of sugar—compare that to the 39 grams of sugar in a 12 oz. coke (2:3). These high sugar amounts result in poor blood sugar control and increased risk of chronic disease over time.

What’s not in a juice during a juice fast is another matter. If calories during a juice fast remain low, you’re sure to stimulate fat metabolism. But with that breakdown of fat, there will be release of toxins and your body will need certain nutrients to help properly detoxify. For example, B vitamins and amino acids act as important co-factors for the detoxification process (4;5). Any juice fast lasting more than two days is also sure to lead to muscle breakdown because of lack of protein. Protein is vital for maintaining muscle while calories are being reduced, because any reduced-calorie diet, including juice fasts, can result in weight loss, but without proper protein, muscle will be lost as well (6-9). In addition, getting adequate fiber – both soluble and insoluble fiber – is needed to help promote regularity, which is vital to overall detoxification goals. Juice fasts lasting a week or longer may actually hinder the elimination of toxins from your body because of lack of fiber. Looking to obtain the benefits of cleaning up your diet, getting more fruit nutrients, and detoxification without the blood sugar spikes and under-nutrition? Look to Isagenix:

* IsaFruits and Greens, for example, provide a hefty variety of antioxidants from whole fruits and green plant concentrates without the high amounts of sugar.

* Cleanse for Life is especially designed to nourish your body (while not spiking your blood sugar), helping you safely lose weight and detoxify when used as part of Cleanse Days on a Cleansing and Fat Burning System.

* Plus, IsaLean Shakes supply the necessary quality protein needed for helping you hold onto hard-earned muscle as you lose weight and maintain healthy blood sugar control, while also supplying you with needed nutrients and fiber. The Isagenix system is also backed by clinical research—more healthy weight loss, more healthy fat loss, and twice as much visceral fat loss, while improving cardiovascular health markers in ways better than the leading “heart healthy” diet (see results here) (10). Suffice it to say, that’s an outcome far superior in comparison to what researchers reported for drinking juice in the British Medical Journal. What to take away? Eating enough whole fruits and vegetables continues to be key, but try to skip the juice and avoid juice fasting. When it comes to choosing a reliable, safe, and convenient way to lose weight and cleanse safely, leave it to Isagenix. References 1. Muraki I, Imamura F, Manson JE et al. Fruit consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from three prospective longitudinal cohort studies. BMJ 2013;347:f5001. 2. Nutrition Data. 3. Coca-Cola Nutrition Information: 4. Liska DJ. The detoxification enzyme systems. Altern Med Rev 1998;3:187-98. 5. Yang YM, Noh K, Han CY, Kim SG. Transactivation of genes encoding for phase II enzymes and phase III transporters by phytochemical antioxidants. Molecules 2010;15:6332-48. 6. Paddon-Jones D, Westman E, Mattes RD, Wolfe RR, Astrup A, Westerterp-Plantenga M. Protein, weight management, and satiety. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87:1558S-61S. 7. Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Lemmens SG, Westerterp KR.

Dietary protein – its role in satiety, energetics, weight loss and health. Br J Nutr 2012;108 Suppl 2:S105-S112. 8. Coker RH, Miller S, Schutzler S, Deutz N, Wolfe RR. Whey protein and essential amino acids promote the reduction of adipose tissue and increased muscle protein synthesis during caloric restriction-induced weight loss in elderly, obese individuals. Nutr J 2012;11:105.

9. Pasiakos SM, Cao JJ, Margolis LM et al. Effects of high-protein diets on fat-free mass and muscle protein synthesis following weight loss: a randomized controlled trial. FASEB J 2013;27:3837-47. 10. Klempel MC, Kroeger CM, Bhutani S, Trepanowski JF, Varady KA. Intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese women. Nutr J 2012;11:98.

Juicing can increase

the risk of developing type 2

diabetes by 8%

“Let food be thy medicine and

medicine be thy food.”


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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

The Ingredients in Cleanse for


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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

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February 2016 The Cleansing and Intermittent Fasting Guide™

Cleanse System Pricing Because a Cleanse system is created for each individual person’s needs the price will vary. By completing a brief consultation with one of our knowledgeable consultants your system would then match your needs and the final price would be determined.

The price can vary from as little as $79 (if you live in the US) ($39 annual membership fee + One two-day container of Cleanse For Life® $32 plus shipping and tax). This replaces 6 meals.

More extensive packages run from about $200 (replaces 26 meals) to about $320 (replaces 68 meals).

We provide FREE telephone or internet support.

Isagenix offers compensation for sharing their system with others and this can offset a part, all or even more to create extra cash into your budget.

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The Cleanse and Intermittent Fasting Guide™ February 2016

Michael Lantz Mentor & Home Business Entrepreneur

15-Time Finisher of the Ironman Triathlon including the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii.

Why I Cleanse When I first heard the word “cleanse” I thought it was one of those “poopy” cleanses. I asked if it was a coffee enema. To my joy it wasn’t any of those. At first I didn’t understand the word “fast” like I do now. In the beginning I had the misconception that I would be “starving” and to my pleasant surprise it wasn’t that hard and after I had did it a few times and my body began to be healthier it was a breeze.

Cleansing combined with fasting, as illustrated in the booklet, is easy. I consume four servings of a super juice throughout the day, drink plenty of water and I release harmful toxins through the urination process. My body gets in major fat burning mode where my metabolism revs up!

In 2006 I followed intermittently cleansing 1 day per week for two months during my first cleanse and fast. I consumed other support nutrients too and released 50 lbs.

Today I maintain better health than I created in 2006. I cleanse 2 days a month, about every other week. I’ve also done many weekly 5:2 intermittent days (5 food days followed by 2 cleanse days) and sometimes I’ll repeat that for several months. I’ve not gained any weight back I lost in 2006 and I’ve actually gained about 10 pounds of lean muscle.

I feel clean, clear and light when I cleanse. My energy is always improved because, as illustrated in the booklet, I’m burning fat!!!

I hope this guide gives you a starting place to pursue a cleansing lifestyle!

[For More Information] Click to learn more:

Live Free & Dream Big

[How to Get Started]

The best way for you to get started is first have a brief consultation with us. Cleansing is unique and we are sure you’ll have many questions. We are knowledgeable and have cleansed ourselves many times.

Please call, text or email me to set up a convenient time for us to talk. It usually takes about 15 minutes.

Michael Lantz

Cell/text: 702-497-9649 Email: [email protected]


I did a full cleanse day 9 days before I raced

and finished the Ironman World

Championship in Kona Hawaii!

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