the city · the city record....

THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. V O L II. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1874. NUMBER 2 TO. PROCLAMATION. MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) NEW YORK, Feb. 6, 1874. ) Whereas, Nicholas Ryan and his sister Mary Ryan were found dead at their resi- dence, No. 204 Broome street, on the 20th December last, and whereas the coroner's jury, from the facts elicited dur- ing the inquest, were unable to deter- mine the manner of their death ; and Whereas, from such an examination of the case as I have been enabled to make, I am of the opinion that the said Nicholas and Maiy Ryan were brutally murdered, at the time and place above stated, now, I, WILLIAM F. HAVEMEYER, Mayor of the City of New York, do here- by offer a reward of one thousand dol- lars for the discovery and conviction of the party or parties who may have com- mitted the deed, the said reward to be paid on the conviction of the said party or parties, and the certificate of the Dis- trict Attorney that such conviction was had upon the testimony of the person or persons claiming the reward. But all claims not presented to the Mayor within twenty days after such conviction shall be disregarded. W. F. HAVEMEYER, Mayor. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, J NEW YORK, Feb. 24, 1874. > No. 301 Mott street. ) The Board of Health met this day. Orders. 307 orders for the abatement of nuisances were made. Suits for Penalties. The attorney was directed to commence suits for non-compliance with the orders of the Board in 32 cases. Reports Received. From the Sanitary Superintendent: Weekly leport of the operations of the Sani- tary Buieau. Weekly report on contagious diseases. Weekly report on operations at offal dock and manure dumps. Weekly report on slaughter houses. On city horse railroads. On condition of streets in 1st, 3d and 5th wards. On dumping grounds, 2d avenue and East River, 96th to 98th streets. On dangerous condition of 91 Baxter street. On application for permits. On condition of sidewalk at junction cf Ell- wood street and Sherman avenue. On condition of premises No. 337 W. 28th street, and 435 W. 16th street. From the Register of Records: Weekly mortuary reports. Communications from City Departments. rrom the Police Department: Weekly report of the Sanitary Company of Police. From Department of Public Works : Transmitting maps of sewerage districts. Bills Audited. Francis Swift, removing night soil, for week ending Feb. 20, 1874 $634 62 Francis Swift, removing oflal, &c., for week ending Feb. 20, 1874 288 46 D. Appleton & Co 16 00 W. Zinnser & Co 85 35 H. Enderman 33 21 Thos. Mo ran 37 00 K. Hartmann. 1940 Pay rolls for February, 1874 11 ,788 57 j BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF MORTALITY. REPORTED MORTALITY (weekending Feb. 21, 1874,) AND THE ACTUAL MORTALITY (each day in the week, ending at noon, Feb. 14, 1874,) WITH AN ENUMERATION OF THE CHIEF CAUSES OF DEATH. E. HARRIS, M. D., Registrar. Annual Death-rate per 1,000 \ during week (Population) estimated at 1,040,000.)... ) O n < H 0 Actual number of Deaths each day. Annual Death-rate per 1,000 \ during week (Population) estimated at 1,040,000.)... ) 1 Iths in corresponding week 1 1873 J erage Deaths in corres- ponding week for the past | al actual Mortality during) the Week ending Feb. 14.J February 14 February 13. February 12 L February 11 February 10 1 February 9 February 8 i 26.85 538 305.8 537 77 77 82 83 74 74 70 7.30 134 124.0 140 24 26 23 26 17 13 17 6.10 118 118.0 122 15 21 12 18 15 23 18 10.95 225 213.2 219 31 24 36 31 36 33 28 1.80 44 35.2 30 5 2 8 6 4 4 7 .70 17 15.4 14 2 4 3 2 2 1 - - 8 .65 7 10.6 13 4 2 1 3 1 1 1 1.30 25 27.8 20 5 5 1 4 4 2 5 1.65 15 7.4 33 1 7 10 4 2 2 4 4 .90 24 11.8 18 1 3 3 5 2 3 1 .45 1 7.2 0 - 2 2 3 1 1 - .05 - 1.6 1 1 .25 4 7.2 5 - - 3 1 - - 1 .40 19 14.8 8 1 1 2 3 - 1 .30 15 11.8 0 - 1 1 3 - 1 - .35 4 4.0 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 2 .20 10 7.8 4 - - - - 2 1 1 4.10 71 79.2 82 11 13 7 10 11 ! 17 13 .50 17 11.4 10 3 2 1 2 - 1 1 .80 16 15.0 10 1 5 - 4 2 3 1 ,95 13 17.2 10 4 2 2 3 1 ' 4 3 .55 18 17.8 11 1 2 2 3 1 - 2 2.95 66 62.4 50 9 10 7 9 5 8 11 1.15 15 15.6 23 5 2 3 2 4 2 5 9.70 65 51.0 54 8 6 8 8 9 10 5 1.25 25 25.6 25 1 - 5 . 4 5 7 3 .35 20 15.8 1 1 - - 1 3 1 1 - 1 2.2 - - - - - - - - .05 - 0.6 1 1 .60 11 9.4 12 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 4.45 105 92.8 80 12 10 15 17 14 11 10 1.95 44 29.2 30 5 1 9 6 6 4 8 6.30 140 124.2 120 23 22 15 22 16 15 13 9.00 181 167.8 180 28 33 18 87 21 25 18 11.95 247 224.6 230 37 40 28 46 31 30 27 CAUSES OF DEATH. Total Deaths from all Causes. Total Zymotic Diseases. Total Constitutional Dis- eases. Total Local Diseases. Total Developmental Dis- eases. Deaths by Violence. Small Pox. Measles. Scarlatina. Diphtheria. Memb. Croup. Whooping Cough. Typhus Fever. Typhoid Fever. All ages. Under 5 years. Diarr- hoeal Disease.«. Alcoholism. Cancer. Phthisis Pulmonalis. Marasmus—Tabes Mes- enterica and Scrofula Hydrocephalus and Tu- bercular Meningitis. Convulsions. Encephalitis and Menin- gitis. AH Diseases of Nervoui System. Heart Diseases Pneumonia. Bronchitis. Bright's Disease and Ne' phritis. Deaths by Suicide. Deaths by Drowning Puerperal Diseases. 13 87 All Deaths of Persons 70 years old or more. Deaths in Institutions. Under 1 year. 90 .—— CK, Under 2 years. I a! _ is? Under 5 years, j ? g. / a o 4 n «2.3 S53 185 120 247 38 17 26 32 19 80 O 15 14 34 12 137 187 240 Permits Granted. To slaughter cattle, 547 10th ave. To dump manure, north side 98th St., near Boulevard. Permits Denied. To keep poultry, 213 E. 28th St. Reports Referred to other Departments for their necessary action. To the Department of Public Works : On condition of sidewalks on Broadway, op- posite Ellwood st. and Sherman ave. To the Department of Buildings: On premises No. 337 W. 20th St., and 435 W. 16th st. To the Board of Police : On condition of streets of 1st, 3d and 5th wards. On dumping on grounds, E. River, 92d and | 99th streets. Resolutions. That the Board of Police be informed that, notwithstanding the order of this Board, duly served upon the said Board of Pclice prohibiting ! the dumping of garbage, filth and street refuse, upon grounds adjacent to the East River, be- tween 92d and 99th street New York, such ma- terial is daily deposited upon such grounds in violations of said orders and the sanitary ordi- nances. That the Board of Police be requested to cause the immediate and effectual prevention of such dumping and to inform this Board of the action taken by said Board of Police, in reference to the discontinuance of the said nuisance. The Board of Health of the City of New York desirous to express its sincere regret in the death of their colleague Mr. Henry Smith, and their appreciation of his loss have una imously passed the following resolutions : Resolved, That during his connection with the present Board, both as a member cf the board, in his official capacity as President of the Board of Police, he has rendered signal and efficient service as a member of the Board, his constant interest in measures which tended to promo'e the public health,his practical suggestions,aided and encouraged the other members, while as Presi- dent of the Police, he assumed a hearty co-opera- tion in executing the orders of this Board. That we tender to his family in their affliction our earnest sympathies, and that the members attend his funeral. That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes, published in the CITY RECORD, and a cony sent to his family. That Joseph F. Swords be transferred from the Bureau of Vital Statistics to the office of the Secretary. That the pay rolls of this Department for the month of February 1874, when approved by the chairman of the Finance Committee, shall be duly certified by the President and Secretary, and forwarded to the Comptroller for payment. That the Secretary be directed to notifiy all parties engaged in the business of slaughtering that a meeting of the Board of Health to be held at this office on Tuesday March 3d, at 1 o'clock p. M., the following additional ordinance will be considered : Section—That from and after the 1st day of July, 1874, the slaughtering or dressing of cattle, sheep, hogs, and calves shall not be allowed or conducted at any place in the City of New York, South of 110 Street, except in a single abattoir, or building, of a plan apffroved by the Board of Health, and of capacity sufficient to accom- modate the entire busineas of slaughtering in said City, and to admit of the yarding, use, and dis- position of all the parts of the animals slaughter- ed or dressed, so as effectually to prevent all nuisance or offensive odors therefrom, and to secure the wholesomeness of the meat as human food. Whereas, The Sanitary Superintendent and City Sanitary Inspector, has certified to this Board, that the building situated upon the lot No. 91 Baxter street, w-York City, has be- come dangerous to lile by reason of want of re- pair. Ordered, That all persons in said building siuated upon lot No. 91 Baxter street New-York City, be required to vacate said building on or before March 10, 1874, 12 M., for the reason that said building is dangerous to life by reason of want of repair and further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of said build- ing, and be served as the law requires under the direction of the Sanitary Superintendent and City Sanitary Inspector, and further, that said building be not again used as human habitation without a written permit from this Board. That the services of Wm. H. Littlepage and Mlott Lodge, temporary clerks in the Sanitary Bureau, be continued for one month. SANITARY BUREAU. The lollowing is a record of the work per- formed in the Sanitary Bureau for the week ending Feb. 21, 1874: The total number of inspections made by the inspectors was 2,025, as follows, viz.: 6 public buildings, 859 tenement houses, 252 private dwellings, 129 other dwellings, 38 manufactories and workshops, 22 stores and warehouses, 103 stables, 1 uninhabitable dwelling, 53 slaughter houses, 2 breweries, 8 dumping grounds, 2 gut cleaning establishments, 3 manure dumps, 9 fat rendering establishments, 2 head picking es- tablishment, 1 public sewer, 5 piers and docks, 119 sunken and vacant lots, 52 yards, courts ana areas, 92 cellars and basements, 54 waste pipes and drains, 139 privies and water closets, 51 street gutters and sidewalks, 3 dangerous stairways, 4 cisterns and cesspoots, 11 other nuisances, together with 5 visits of the sanitary inspectors to cases of contagious disease. The number of reports thereon received by the inspectors was 441. During the past week 34 complaints have been received from citizens, and referred to the inspec- tors for investigation and report. The disinfecting corps have visited 77 premises where contagious diseases were found, and have disinfected and fumigated 77 houses, 77 privy sinks, together with clothing, bedding, &c. One case of small-pox were removed to the hospital by the ambulance corps. Permits have been granted to consignees of 47 vessels to discharge cargoes on vouchers from the health officer of the Port. 81 permits have been granted to scavengers to empty, clean and disinfect privy sinks. The following number of cases of con- tagious diseases were reported for the week ending February 21, 1874: cerebro spinal meningitis, 4 ; typhoid fever, 3 ; scarlet fever, 93; measles, 18; diphtheria, 44, and small-pox, 1. 282 loads of night soil were removed by the night scavengers from the privy vaults of the city. The amount of meat condemned by the officers as unrit for human food during the week ending Feb. 21, ib'74, was: cattle, 1 carcasses; sheep, 5 carcasses ; veal, 1 carcass ; veal (bob) 32 carcasses ; beef, 67 pounds ; poultry, 90 pounds, and fish, 2,500 pounds. RFPORT OF SANITARY COMMITTEE. NEW YORK, February 25, 1874. The Sanitary Committee respectfully call the attention of the Board to the form of an ordinance regulating the business of hog slaughtering, sub- mitted by the Committee on the 22d day of July, 1873, and which was laid on the table. The object of that ordinance was to relieve the city of 1 he nuisance growing out of this branch of slaughtering. During the past season the attention of the

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Page 1: THE CITY · the city record. official journal. vol ii. new york saturday, februar, 28 1874y, . number 2 to. proclamation



P R O C L A M A T I O N .

M A Y O R ' S O F F I C E , )

N E W Y O R K , F e b . 6 , 1 8 7 4 . )

Whereas, Nicholas Ryan and his sister Mary Ryan were found dead at their resi-dence, No. 204 Broome street, on the 2 0 t h December last, and whereas the coroner's jury, from the facts elicited dur-ing the inquest, were unable to deter-mine the manner of their death ; and

Whereas, from such an examination of the case as I have been enabled to make, I am of the opinion that the said Nicholas and Maiy Ryan were brutally murdered, at the time and place above stated, now,

I , W I L L I A M F . H A V E M E Y E R , Mayor of the City of New York, do here-by offer a reward of one thousand dol-lars for the discovery and conviction of the party or parties who may have com-mitted the deed, the said reward to be paid on the conviction of the said party or parties, and the certificate of the Dis-trict Attorney that such conviction was had upon the testimony of the person or persons claiming the reward. But all claims not presented to the Mayor within twenty days after such conviction shall be disregarded.

W . F . H A V E M E Y E R ,


H E A L T H D E P A R T M E N T .

H E A L T H D E P A R T M E N T , J N E W Y O R K , F e b . 24, 1 8 7 4 . >

No. 301 Mott street. ) The Board of Health met this day.

Orders. 307 orders for the abatement of nuisances were

made. Suits for Penalties.

The attorney was directed to commence suits for non-compliance with the orders of the Board in 32 cases.

Reports Received. From the Sanitary Superintendent:

Weekly leport of the operations of the Sani-tary Buieau.

Weekly report on contagious diseases. Weekly report on operations at offal dock and

manure dumps. Weekly report on slaughter houses. On city horse railroads. On condition of streets in 1st, 3d and 5th

wards. On dumping grounds, 2d avenue and East

River, 96th to 98th streets. On dangerous condition of 91 Baxter street. On application for permits. On condition of sidewalk at junction cf Ell-

wood street and Sherman avenue. On condition of premises No. 337 W. 28th

street, and 435 W. 16th street. From the Register of Records:

Weekly mortuary reports. Communications from City Departments.

rrom the Police Department: Weekly report of the Sanitary Company of

Police. From Department of Public Works :

Transmitting maps of sewerage districts. Bills Audited.

Francis Swift, removing night soil, for week ending Feb. 20, 1874 $634 62

Francis Swift, removing oflal, &c., for week ending Feb. 20, 1874 288 46

D. Appleton & Co 16 00 W. Zinnser & Co 85 35 H. Enderman 33 21 Thos. Mo ran 37 00 K. Hartmann. 1940 Pay rolls for February, 1874 11,788 57 j


REPORTED MORTALITY (weekending Feb. 21, 1874,) AND THE ACTUAL MORTALITY (each day in the week, ending at noon, Feb. 14, 1874,) WITH AN ENUMERATION OF THE CHIEF CAUSES OF DEATH.

E. HARRIS, M. D., Registrar.

Annual Death-rate per 1,000 \

during week

(Population) estim

ated at 1,040,000.)... )

O n • < H 0 Actual number of Deaths each day.

Annual Death-rate per 1,000 \

during week

(Population) estim

ated at 1,040,000.)... ) 1 Iths in corresponding w

eek 1 1873


erage D

eaths in

corres-ponding w

eek for the past |

al actual Mortality during)

the Week ending Feb. 14.J

February 14

February 13.

February 12

L February 11

February 10

1 February 9

February 8 i

26.85 538 305.8 537 77 77 82 83 74 74 70

7.30 134 124.0 140 24 26 23 26 17 13 17

6.10 118 118.0 122 15 21 12 18 15 23 18

10.95 225 213.2 219 31 24 36 31 36 33 28

1.80 44 35.2 30 5 2 8 6 4 4 7

.70 17 15.4 14 2 4 3 2 2 1 -

- 8

.65 7 10.6 13 4 2 1 3 1 1 1

1.30 25 27.8 20 5 5 1 4 4 2 5

1.65 15 7.4 33 1 7 10 4 2 2 4 4

.90 24 11.8 18 1 3 3 5 2 3 1

.45 1 7.2 0 - 2 2 3 1 1 -

.05 - 1.6 1 1

.25 4 7.2 5 - - 3 1 - - 1

.40 19 14.8 8 1 1 2 3 - 1 —

.30 15 11.8 0 - 1 1 3 - 1 -

.35 4 4.0 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 2

.20 10 7.8 4 - - - - 2 1 1

4.10 71 79.2 82 11 13 7 10 11 ! 17 13

.50 17 11.4 10 3 2 1 2 - 1 1

.80 16 15.0 10 1 5 - 4 2 3 1

,95 13 17.2 10 4 2 2 3 1 ' 4 3

.55 18 17.8 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 - 2

2.95 66 62.4 50 9 10 7 9 5 8 11

1.15 15 15.6 23 5 2 3 2 4 2 5

9.70 65 51.0 54 8 6 8 8 9 10 5

1.25 25 25.6 25 1 - 5 . 4 5 7 3

.35 20 15.8 1 1 - - 1 3 1 1

- 1 2.2 - - - - - - - -

.05 - 0.6 1 1

.60 11 9.4 12 2 1 1 2 1 2 3

4.45 105 92.8 80 12 10 15 17 14 11 10

1.95 44 29.2 30 5 1 9 6 6 4 8

6.30 140 124.2 120 23 22 15 22 16 15 13

9.00 181 167.8 180 28 33 18 87 21 25 18

11.95 247 224.6 230 37 40 28 46 31 30 27

C A U S E S O F D E A T H .

Total Deaths from all Causes.

Total Zymotic Diseases.

Total Constitutional Dis-eases.

Total Local Diseases.

Total Developmental Dis-eases.

Deaths by Violence.

Small Pox.




Memb. Croup.

Whooping Cough.

Typhus Fever.

Typhoid Fever.

All ages.

Under 5 years.





Phthisis Pulmonalis.

Marasmus—Tabes Mes-enterica and Scrofula

Hydrocephalus and Tu-bercular Meningitis.


Encephalitis and Menin-gitis.

AH Diseases of Nervoui System.

Heart Diseases



Bright's Disease and Ne' phritis.

Deaths by Suicide.

Deaths by Drowning

Puerperal Diseases. 13


All Deaths of Persons 70 years old or more.

Deaths in Institutions.

Under 1 year. 90 .—— CK,

Under 2 years. I a! _ i s ? Under 5 years, j ? g. / a

o 4 n

8 »

1 Î «2.3



















Permits Granted. T o slaughter cattle, 547 10th ave. T o dump manure, north side 98th St., near

Boulevard. Permits Denied.

T o keep poultry, 213 E. 28th St.

Reports Referred to other Departments for their necessary action.

T o the Department of Public Works : On condition of sidewalks on Broadway, op-

posite Ellwood st. and Sherman ave. To the Department of Buildings:

On premises No. 337 W. 20th St., and 435 W. 16th st. T o the Board of Police :

On condition of streets of 1st, 3d and 5th wards.

On dumping on grounds, E. River, 92d and | 99th streets.

Resolutions. That the Board of Police be informed that,

notwithstanding the order of this Board, duly served upon the said Board of Pclice prohibiting !

the dumping of garbage, filth and street refuse, upon grounds adjacent to the East River, be-tween 92d and 99th street New York, such ma-terial is daily deposited upon such grounds in violations of said orders and the sanitary ordi-nances.

That the Board of Police be requested to cause the immediate and effectual prevention of such dumping and to inform this Board of the action taken by said Board of Police, in reference to the discontinuance of the said nuisance.

The Board of Health of the City of New York desirous to express its sincere regret in the death of their colleague Mr. Henry Smith, and their appreciation of his loss have una imously passed the following resolutions :

Resolved, That during his connection with the present Board, both as a member cf the board, in his official capacity as President of the Board of Police, he has rendered signal and efficient service as a member of the Board, his constant interest in measures which tended to promo'e the public health,his practical suggestions,aided and encouraged the other members, while as Presi-

dent of the Police, he assumed a hearty co-opera-tion in executing the orders of this Board.

That we tender to his family in their affliction our earnest sympathies, and that the members attend his funeral.

That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes, published in the CITY RECORD, and a cony sent to his family.

That Joseph F. Swords be transferred from the Bureau of Vital Statistics to the office of the Secretary.

That the pay rolls of this Department for the month of February 1874, when approved by the chairman of the Finance Committee, shall be duly certified by the President and Secretary, and forwarded to the Comptroller for payment.

That the Secretary be directed to notifiy all parties engaged in the business of slaughtering that a meeting of the Board of Health to be held at this office on Tuesday March 3d, at 1 o'clock p. M., the following additional ordinance will be considered :

Section—That from and after the 1st day of July, 1874, the slaughtering or dressing of cattle, sheep, hogs, and calves shall not be allowed or conducted at any place in the City of New York, South of 110 Street, except in a single abattoir, or building, of a plan apffroved by the Board of Health, and of capacity sufficient to accom-modate the entire busineas of slaughtering in said City, and to admit of the yarding, use, and dis-position of all the parts of the animals slaughter-ed or dressed, so as effectually to prevent all nuisance or offensive odors therefrom, and to secure the wholesomeness of the meat as human food.

Whereas, The Sanitary Superintendent and City Sanitary Inspector, has certified to this Board, that the building situated upon the lot No. 91 Baxter street, N« w-York City, has be-come dangerous to lile by reason of want of re-pair.

Ordered, That all persons in said building siuated upon lot No. 91 Baxter street New-York City, be required to vacate said building on or before March 10, 1874, 12 M., for the reason that said building is dangerous to life by reason of want of repair and further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of said build-ing, and be served as the law requires under the direction of the Sanitary Superintendent and City Sanitary Inspector, and further, that said building be not again used as human habitation without a written permit from this Board.

That the services of Wm. H. Littlepage and Mlott Lodge, temporary clerks in the Sanitary Bureau, be continued for one month.


The lollowing is a record of the work per-formed in the Sanitary Bureau for the week ending Feb. 21, 1874:

The total number of inspections made by the inspectors was 2,025, as follows, viz.: 6 public buildings, 859 tenement houses, 252 private dwellings, 129 other dwellings, 38 manufactories and workshops, 22 stores and warehouses, 103 stables, 1 uninhabitable dwelling, 53 slaughter houses, 2 breweries, 8 dumping grounds, 2 gut cleaning establishments, 3 manure dumps, 9 fat rendering establishments, 2 head picking es-tablishment, 1 public sewer, 5 piers and docks, 119 sunken and vacant lots, 52 yards, courts ana areas, 92 cellars and basements, 54 waste pipes and drains, 139 privies and water closets, 51 street gutters and sidewalks, 3 dangerous stairways, 4 cisterns and cesspoots, 11 other nuisances, together with 5 visits of the sanitary inspectors to cases of contagious disease.

The number of reports thereon received by the inspectors was 441.

During the past week 34 complaints have been received from citizens, and referred to the inspec-tors for investigation and report.

The disinfecting corps have visited 77 premises where contagious diseases were found, and have disinfected and fumigated 77 houses, 77 privy sinks, together with clothing, bedding, &c.

One case of small-pox were removed to the hospital by the ambulance corps.

Permits have been granted to consignees of 47 vessels to discharge cargoes on vouchers from the health officer of the Port.

81 permits have been granted to scavengers to empty, clean and disinfect privy sinks.

The following number of cases of con-tagious diseases were reported for the week ending February 21, 1874: cerebro spinal meningitis, 4 ; typhoid fever, 3 ; scarlet fever, 93; measles, 18; diphtheria, 44, and small-pox, 1.

282 loads of night soil were removed by the night scavengers from the privy vaults of the city.

The amount of meat condemned by the officers as unrit for human food during the week ending Feb. 21, ib'74, was: cattle, 1 carcasses; sheep, 5 carcasses ; veal, 1 carcass ; veal (bob) 32 carcasses ; beef, 67 pounds ; poultry, 90 pounds, and fish, 2,500 pounds.


NEW YORK, February 25, 1874. The Sanitary Committee respectfully call the

attention of the Board to the form of an ordinance regulating the business of hog slaughtering, sub-mitted by the Committee on the 22d day of July, 1873, and which was laid on the table. The object of that ordinance was to relieve the city of 1 he nuisance growing out of this branch of slaughtering.

During the past season the attention of the

Page 2: THE CITY · the city record. official journal. vol ii. new york saturday, februar, 28 1874y, . number 2 to. proclamation

230. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D . FEBRUARY 28.

Committee has been frequently called not only to the nuisance created by hcg slaughtering, but to the growing evils of the business of slaughter-ing in general. Instead of concentrating in a small anil suitable area, and in large establish-ments, where the work can be done in a cleanly and economical manner, the constant tendency is to the multiplication of small and separate estab-lishments, and to their diffusion over larger and larger territory. There are now upwards of fifty of these separate buildings, and the Board is fre-quently receiving applications from other parties to occupy new premises. _

Slaughter houses are erected without the knowledge of the Board, and when a permit is asked the owner has already expended large sums of money, and under our present regula-tions, is entitled to a permit. II the present policy of the Board is continued, the business of slaughtering in up-town districts will very soon become one of the most serious evils with which the health administration of this city will have to contend. The interests of the public health, and of the public convenience demand the contrac-tion rather than the expansion of the territory devoted to this business, as well as the abate-ment of those nuisances growing out of it, such as cattle-driving, and the transportation of butchers' refuse in the streets. The experience of the last summer convinces the Committee that this Board should take early steps to bring this business under the most rigid sanitary control. Instead of an expansion ot territory and an in-crease of buildings, there should be the utmost concentration possible, or entire abandonment of the business on the island.

The Committee are of the opinion that the conclusion to which they were inevitably led in the examination of the subject of hog slaughter-ing apply with equal if*not greater force to the business of slaughtering cattle and small stock as at present conducted. We desire to call the at-tention of the Board to some of the main teatures of that report. _

««The Committee has maturely considered the following propositions:

" I . The entire suppression of the business within the city limits. # . .

"II . The regulation of the business in existing slaughter houses.

" i l l . The concentration of the business in an abbatoir

sions apply with equal force to the entire: busi-ness. The configuration of the island and the pressure of the population upol» «11 the available space for dwellings renders it imperative that an inoffensive trade like this shall either remove be-yond the city limits, or seek a location in the city where it can be carried on for all time without detriment to great public interests.

As the warm season is again approaching with its attendant dangers of a high sickness and death rate from those domestic pestilences which are so aggravated by sources of animal putrefaction, which this business creaies, the Committee are of the opinion that this Board should take such action as will remove this business entirely from the island, or concentrate it in a single property located, appointed and managed abbatoir. We recommend the adoption of the following ordi-nance; but we deem it advisable to give all par-ties interested an opportunity to be heard before it is finally adopted. We recommend, therefore, that the Board appoint 2 o'clock P. M., Tuesday next, March 3, at the rooms of the Health Ue partment, for a hearing on this subject, and that the secretary send a copy of the proposed ordi-nance, with a notice of the meeting, to all par-ties encaged in the business of slaughtering.

Section 183. That from and after the first day of July, 1874, the slaughtering or dressing of cattle, sheep, hogs and calves shall not be allow-ed or conducted at any place in the City of New York south of l ioth street, except in a single abbatoir or building of a plan approved by the Board of Health, and of capacity sufficient to accommodate the entire business ot slaughtering in said city, and to admit of the yarding, use and disposition of all the parts of the animals slaugh-tered or dressed, so as effectually to prevent all nuisance or offensive odors therefrom, and to secure the wholesomeness of the meat as human food. ,, „ _

S T E P H E N S M I T H , Chairman.

Bureau of Vital Statistics.

During the week ending February 21, 1874, there were issued from this Bureau 553 burial permits for city deaths, 11 for bodies in transitu, and 4? for the interment of still-born infants.

I There were recorded 553 deaths, 154 marriages, 481 births, 43 still-births, II applications for transit permits, and 47 returns from Coroners. r 1 M vorrictm-c rtf liirtns

Resolved, That John G. Wilson be and he1 is hereby re-appointed a Commissioner of Iieeds, in and for the City and County of New \ork.

Adopted by the Board of Alder-nen, lan. 99, 1874-Adopted bv the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Feb, t6.

Approved by the Mayor, Feb. 19, 1874.

Resolved, That Daniel S. Hart be, and lie is hereby re-appointed a Commissioner of Deeds is and for the City -nd County of New York.

Adopted by the Board of Alderman, Jan. a6.1874 . . • • • ' .1 «-» I r t i Murmpn Feb. Auwicu uy wv««« », ,

Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen

'^Approved by the Mayor, Feb. 19,1874. Resolved, That the Clerk of the Common

Council of the City of New York, be authorized and directed to execute a lease on behalf of the City of New York, for so much of the premises situated on the north side of One hundred and twenty-fifth street, between Third and Fourth avenues in the City of New York, belonging to Messrs. W T . and D. Blodgett, as may be neces-sary for the use of the Ninth District Civil Court, and the Fifth District Police Court, including prison accommodations, for a term of five years from the 1st day of January, 1874, at the annual rent of eight thousand dollars, payable quarterly, on the usual quarter days, with a condition in the lease that the said premises, are to be put in proper condition for occupancy for said courts, and are to be fitted up with the necessary cells and accommodations for prisoners at the expense of the owners, according to the plans to be sub-mitted subject to the approval of the said clerk and the Comptroller of the City of New York is hereby directed to pay said rent quarterly from the proper appropriation. The lease to contain a further condition, that immediate pos-session of the premises will be given to enable the courts to be held, but that no rent shall be charged for such occupancy, until the building shall have been put in thorough order and con-dition to hold court therein.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Dec. . 0, 1873. Adopted by the Board 01 Assistant Aldermen, Feb.

*' Approved by the Mayor, Feb. 19,1874. J. C. PlNCKNEY,

Clerk Common Council.

give it, eithîr by engineering illustrations or oral testimony, whenever required so to do.

(Signed) S . H.- W A L E S , H . G . S T E B B I N S , P H I L I P BISSINGER,, D . B . W I L L I A M S O N , . S A M U E L H A L L ,

Commissioners of the Department of Punlic Parks.

A deputation of property owners attended and presented a petition numerously signed, protest-ing against the action cf the Board in discontinu-ing proceedings to acquire title to the parade ground in the north end of the island.

Bills audited and transmitted to the Finance Department for payment : Maintenance Î4.094 »4 Construction 6-0,9 34 Construction Museum of Art. • • • »,17571 Construction Museum of Natural History 11,035 8r Maintenance of Bridge* i»3 66

Pay Rolls. Engineers, foremen and laborer», employed

during the month of January, in the main-tenance of the 23d and 24th wards. . . . . . . . . . $i,37° 81

Engineers, maintenance of Harlem River Bridges, month of January, 86 66

Gate-keepers, for the two weeks ending Feb-ruary 977 S®

Foremen and laborers for the two weeks end-ing February 14 36.55» 75

Money received and transmitted to the City Chamberlain *'»633 «

W M . I R W I N , Secretary D. P. P.

Fli^E D E P A R T M E N T .

the and

• I .

UiUUIl I K " " ' " ) Tl ~ . . c 1 • , , . . . T h e r e were 2 5 searches of the registers of births,

The most effectual method of relieving the | m a r r i a g e S j a n d deaths, and 5 transcripts - of city from the nuisance which hog slaughtering j record, 6 of marriage, and 21 of death were creates, is, of course, its entire suppression within |. , £ r Q m 'tj,js R u r e au. Four cases were referred . 1 _ I! !». A I U « A n tllP nflft of **

city from the nuisance which hog slaughtering creates, is, of course, its entire suppression within the city limits. And such action on the part of the Board as would suppress the business would, in our opinion, be justified, if it were not possible otherwise to remedy existing evils. The alleged inconveniences and difficulties attending conduct-ing the business outside the city—such as the perishable nature of the meats, difficulties of transportation, the deprivation of the poor who purchase of the packing houses, etc., etc., have no real existence. The hog slaughterers at Communipaw, who largely supply our markets, do not attach any importance to this objection. And we are convinced, after much inquiry, that if this business were concentrated at some acces-sible point on the river beyond the city limits, it could be carried on not only much more eco-nomically than at present; but the facilities for the distribution of the meats in the city, the dis-postion of refuse, etc., would be greatly facili-tated. The transportation of meats in properly prepared barges would greatly tend to their pre-* . • 1 .v t 1J .11 Wa u»!1t«A/i nv

to Coroners. By order of the B«ard.

E M M O N S C L A R K , Secretary.

D E P A R T M E N T OF P A R K S .


O R D I N A N C E S , RESOLUTIONS, A c . , & c . ,






prepared barges would greauy tenu iu « J W 1 Resolved, That Gersen Goldstein be and he servaticn, and the refuse could all be utilized by ; is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds, n

and for the city and countv of New York, in dace of Benjamin Moore, whose term of office

the Board of Aldermen Jan. 8,1874. the Board of Assistant Aldermen Feb.

as expired. Adopted by Adopted by

16, 1874. „ Approved by the Mayor Feb. 19.1874.

Resolved, That Barnard R. Guion be and he is hereby appointed City Surveyor for the City

I of New York. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. Jan. 8, 1874. Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Feb.

1 Approved by the Mayor, Feb. 19. 1874.

proper apparatus on the premises "II , The regulation of the business in existing |

slaughter houses, a measure strongly advocated j by the butchers, cannot, in the opinion of the ; Committee, be so ordered as to obviate some of the most objectionable features of the trade. The same territory now occupied would be required, the herding of hogs would be distributed over the j same area; the care of refuse would be very im-1 perfect, and that negligent and imperfect man-agement which always characterizes small deal-ers and tradesmen, would render the business, under the most rigid supervision, objectionable, especially during the summer months.

"III . The concentration of the business in a single building or abbatoir within the city limits is the last method considered by the Committee. This method contemplates the concentration of the entire business—yarding, slaughtering, ren-dering, etc., in a single building. Such a struc ture to meet sanitary requirements must be lo-cated on the river front; must be of such dimen-sions as to accommodate the entire business in all its details, and of such material and construction as to prevent all nuisances. That such construc- hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in tion in New York is practicable is evident from a n d JJJ Q t y a n ( j Countv of New York, in the success of the abbatoir system in other cities, , c e a n ( j s t e a < j Qf Andrew Kuhner, who has and from the testimony of those familiar with all J ^ j t Q q u a l i fy . the details of the business. . . I A d o p t e d by the Board of Aldermen. Feb 5, i»74.

" W e are, therefore, of the opinion that the Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, Feb. Board should adopt the first or third method. l6> ,g74. Ot these, the first named undoubtedly most Approved by the Mayor. Feb. 19. 1874-effectually remove for all time the offense which the business creates. Nor do the objections Resolved, That the Commissioners of the New which the butchers allege appear to have any y 0 r k Fire Department be and are hereby author-just weight. Ample facilities for the business , i z e ( j directed to loan an unused hand fire en-can be obtained near the city on the river front, • ^ f u u y equipped with suctions, hose, &c., and transportation of meats by water to various d ^ e o o < j o r ( j e r to the managers of the So-- - - — - •- 1. I . . b ., n . . • / r» D A M . n r«»Vi

Abstract of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, for the two weeks ending Saturday, the 21st Feb-ruary, 1874. . ,

A plan for the construction of Riverside Yark and Avenue, so that both could be combined in one esplanade, was adopted.

The following memorial was ordered to be presented to the Legislature, to the Chairmen of the Committees on Affairs of Cities in both the Senate and Assembly, and to be printed at length in the minutes: •j0 the Honorable the Legislature of the State of

New York. The memorial of the undersigned Commissioners

of the Department of Public Parks, respectfully represents:

That it is desirable that not only the plan of all surface improvements to be made on the streets and avenues bounding all public parks north ot Fifty-eight street, in the City, should be designed and prescribed by the Department of Public Parks, but that the construction and management and control and maintenance of all regulating, grading, paving, curbing and guttering, and other improvements on such streets and avenues should be ordered and done by the Department of Public Parks; and among the many reasons for such course, the following may be adduced :

First The grades of the streets and avenues

Resolved, That Frederick W . Watkins be and he is hereby appointed City Surveyor for the City of New York.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Jan. 8,1874. Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen. I eb. 16.

I 1874.

Approved by the Mayor. Feb. 19,1874.

Resolved, That Lorenz Oberle be, and he is

H E A D Q U A R T E R S F I R E D E P A R T M E N T , C I T Y OF N E W Y O R K ,

Wednesday, February 18, 1874. Board of Commissioners met this day. Present—President Joseph L . Perley, in

chair, Commissioners Roswell D. Hatch Cornelius Van Cdtt.

The minu'.es of the last meeting were read and approved.

Communicati ns were received and on motion, disposed of as follows :

From Chief of Department, transmitting twen-ty-four reports of company commandants relating to the storage of Rubber Cement. Referred to the Inspector of Combustibles with directions.

Inspector of Combustibles transmitting report of operations for week ending 14th inst. Filed.

Chief of Battalion in charge of repair shops, reporting suspension from pay and duty of Peter McDermott, machinist, for misconduct. Filed.

Supt. of Horses concerning disease among hor-I ses of department. Filed.

Foreman commanding ioth Battalion list of public property turned over to him by town au-thorities. Laid over.

The same, concerning lots which can be leased. Laid over.

Foreman Eng. Co. No. 13, reporting loss by fireman Andrew McDevitt of his patrol badge. Filed and fine of five dollars imposed.

Ass't Foreman H & L Co., No. 13, applying for transfer. Filed;

Fireman M. J. McNamara, H & L C o . , No. 10, applying for transfer. Laid over.

Secretary Board of Health, report of Sanitary. Inspector relative to building s. w. corner Cham-bers and Centre sts. Referred to Commissioner of Public Works.

Lloyd Aspinwall, Esq., attorney, objecting to occupation of premises No. 28 Beaver stre« t, as a soup house. Filed, and consent to use for that purpose withdrawn.

J. & L . F. Kuntr and others, recommending Patrick Sheehan as a practical horse-shoer. Filed. _ . „

L. H . Mace & Co., recommending Peter Mcuil l tor appointment. Filed.

L . G. Morris, Esq , recommending John P. Dodge, Esq., for appointment as Superintendent of Combustibles, and M. A. Weiner as fireman-Rled- . , .

N. Y . Gaslight Co., bill for coke supplied in 1872, with affidavit. Transmitted to the Comp-troller. . .

Charles Plagge, Esq., calling attention to his appliance for extinguishing fire with steam. Laid over, _

National Chemical Wood Treatment Co., re-questing an alarm box-key. Referred to foreman

ana inunjA» j — ana in gouu uiuu, vw » points, would be a great improvement upon the c i e t y j o r the Protection present carriage by trucks. Yet we do not be- o l i c Children, to be us lieve that any business should be driven from the ^ t- . 1 — -v-n city which can, by proper regulation, be rendered practically inoffensive. And we are of the opin-ion that this business can, by the adoption of the third plan, be rendered inoffensive. If the par-ties interested in this business would unite, and in good faith, provide a suitable building, with all the appliances and appointments of a modern abbatoir, this trade in all its details, now so offen-sive, could be rendered an ornr ment to the city.

An extended examination of existing slaugh-ter houses for cattle and sheep, and the increas-ing evils and nuisances attendant thereon, have convinced the Committee that the above conclu-

of Destitute Roman Cath win. ! used by said society until such time as they shall be prepared to purchase a new fire engine

bounding the public parks having been fixed and determined, all improvements in the several parks must be made with reference to such grades, so tar as ingress and egress to them i« concerned, and also as to the construction of retaining walls for fences for enclosure, and of embankment walls for adapting the surface of the parks to the grades most proper for them in planting and im-proving the porks. queuing an »uum » » • »

Second—That in the planting of trees in the | ,9 > w i th directions, parks and in the avenues and streets adjoining «r. — i ^ . » „ t T»L them, a system should be purs-led to produce regularity of growth, as well as tasteful and picturesque effect; and these remarks equally apply to the lighting and surface-draining of streets and avenues.

Third—That unless the work of regulating and otherwise improving the streets and avenues bounding parks progresses systematically with the improvements made in the parks, much delay and expenditure will probably occur, which should be avoided if both works were under one control, and it would be difficult to define on whom the responsibility for such delay and excess of cost should rest, if it were divided between two or more departments.

Fourth—That by a judicious system of im-provement and maintenance, almost or quite the whole width of all streets and avenues bounding public parks may be so arranged as to add to the

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Feb. 19.1874. Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen. Feb.

16,1874. Approved by the Mayor, Feb. 21,1874.

Resolved, That Henry G. McEvoy be and he is hereby re-appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York.

Adopted by the Board of Alderman F«-b. 5, 1874. Adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, reft.

16,1874. Approved by the Mayor Feb. 19, »874.

size and appearance of the parks, as effectively as if they were actually included in the parks, and it is feared such would not be the case were they under the care of separate departments.

Fifth—In the cases of the Riverside and the Morningside parks, which are each of great length and small width, it appears very desirable that any measures that can be adopted for in-creasing -heir apparent width, should prevail.

Should your honorable body, or any committee thereof, to whom this matter be referred, desire further information in relation to the foregoing

Bg. 19, Willi uusvuui»' . Superintendent of Telegraph, estimate for ma-

terials required. Referred to the Superintendent of Supplies, with directions to purchase.

Fine—was imposed as follows, on Fireman John Higgins, Engine 28, fifteen days pay.

Discharge—Peter McDermott, machinist to take effect on the 18th inst.

Transfers—to take effect on the 21st inst. : Fireman John Higgins, Engine 28 to Engine 7 ; Fireman Joseph Moss, Engine 7 to Engine 28.

Appointments—to take effect on the 1st proximo: John O'Donnell, as laborer, at $2 per day ; Thomas Duffy, as laborer, at $2 per day.

Resolved, That the Chief of Department be and he is hereby directed to report the names of the two members of the Department who, in his opinion, are best entitled to receive the decora-tion known as the " Bennett medal," for meri-torious conduct during the year, 1873.

Bills Audited. Moses Swett, apparatus I11® 7$ Star Linseed Oil Co.. buildings.... «4 1 2

Composite Iron Works Co., buildings. 54 0 0 Composite Iron Works Lo., on m — — E. W. Arfken, contingencies. 28 0 0

The N. Y. Gaslight Co., coal and wood 35 0 0

R.J. Wright, horse feed and straw 843 9» Michael Gogerty, horse-shoeing 2 8 5° Walter Shay, harness shop »73»° George P. Overrin & Co., general supplies 13» «j William H. Lee. Hardy & Co., ~ " George Hovey & Son, machine shop John Merry & Co.. W. N. Seymour & Co., E. G. Hilton, ilinncr liiiuriuauuit ui IVI»«»" — o » r. u . n i u w ,

matter, the undersigned will be most happy to I Quackenbush, Townsend & Co

190 08 760 80

5 «» 35 3* S 45

40 70 »4i7

Page 3: THE CITY · the city record. official journal. vol ii. new york saturday, februar, 28 1874y, . number 2 to. proclamation

FEBRUARY 28. T H E C I T Y R E C O R D . 231,

L. G. Tillotson & Co., telegraph supplies 170 so Cornelius Winant, " 304 00 Pearce & Jones, " »93 5® J. Kimmerle & H. Barth, " 65 ao The N. Y. Gaslight Co., gas 236 19 The Metropolitan Gaslight Co., gas 9° 35 The Harlem Gaslight Co., gas ax6 60

Adjourned. W . B. WHITE, Secretary.


New York, February 24, 1874.

The following comprises the operations of the Department of Buildings for the week ending February 21, 1874.

W. W . A D A M S , Superintendent of Buildings.


B U I L D I N G S .

Plans, Specifications and Special Applications, filed, examined and passed upon.

N E W B U I L D I N G S .

No. ot Plan« and Specifications filed and examined... 16 No. of Buildings embraced in same


First class Dwellings » Second class Dwellings 3 French Flats 1

Tenements. IO

Thud class Stores ' Manufactories and Workshops 3 * Frame Dwellings J


•In Westchester districts.

Flans &c., approved, including those previously filed. 17 " amended and apprcved 6 " pending 3

Total 26

L E G I S L A T I V E D E P A R T M E N T ,

< > F F I C E C L E R K O F T H E C O M M O N C O U N C I L |

NEW YORK, February, 19, 1874. |

Appointment. James McDowell, messenger to fill the vacancy

caused by the death of James Gorrey. J O S E P H C . P I N C K N E Y ,

Clerk Common Council.


Aldermen Billings, Mwheimer, Reilly. FERRIES.

Aldermen Falconer, Cooper. Lysaght. MNANCE.

Aldermen Van Schaick, Gilon, Kehr, Morris, Otter* iorier.


Aldermen McCatTerty, Koch, Gilon. LAW DEPARTMENT.

Aldermen Cooper, Billings, Flanagan. MARKEFS.

Aldermen Morris, Kehr, Lysaght. PRINTING AND ADVERTISING.

Aldermen Kehr, Ottendorfer. Faloner PUBLIC WORKS.

Aldermen Koch, Morris, Gilon. RAILROADS.

Aldermen Billings, Van Schaick, Ottendorfei. REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES.

Aldermen Kehr, Cooper, Flanagan. ROADS.

Aldermen Cooper, Gilon, Reilly. SALARIES AND OFFICES.

Aldermen Ottendorfer, Koch, McCatTerty. STREETS.

Aldermen Monheimer, Billings, McCafferty STREET PAVEMENTS.

Aldermen Falconer, Monheimer, Van Schaick.



A L D E R M E N .

1.—Thomas Foley, place of business 24 Morris street; residence, 18 West street.

2.—Jeremiah Murphy, place of business 45 Cherry street; residence, 45 Cherry street.

3.—Charles M. Clancy, placc of business 191 Mott suctf residence 191 Mott street

4.—John C. Keating, place of business 333 Cherry street ; residence, 333 Cherry street.

—Henry Wisser, place of business 77 Greene street; residence, 155 Prince street.

6.—Michael Healy, place of business 19 R'dge street ; esidence, 19 Ridge street.

7.—Thos. L. Thornell, place of business 120 Broadway ; residence. 169 West 12th street.

8 —John Theiss, placc of business 223 Bowery ; residence, 223 Bowery.

9. George F. Codington, place of business 62 Perry street ; residence, 62 Perry street,

to.—Joseph P. Strack, place of business 85 Water street ; residence, 179 Third street.

11.—William S. Krepr., place of business 349 and 351 West 26th street ; residence, 35» West 27th street.

12.—Patrick Keenan, placc of bvsin:ss 217 Lewis street ; residence, 217 Lewis street.

13.—William Wade, place of business 8th avenue and 23d street ; residence, 144 West 71st street.

14.—John J. Kehoe, place of business 41 Chambers street residence, 138 First avenue.

I 15.—Edward Brucks, place of business 686 Eighth ave-nue ; residence, 422 W w 39th street.

16.—George Kelly, place of business 236 East 20th street ; residence, 318 East 20th street.

17.—Stephen N Simonson, place of business 304 West <2C street ; residence, 305 West 48th street.

18.—Philip Cumisky, place of business 552 First avenue ; • » I residence, 552 First avenue.

Report for the week ending February 21, 1874: I 19—Henry A. Linden, place of business Hunter's Point ; ' ** ~ I residence, 68th street, between 10th and nth ave*

Licenses granted and amounts received for 1 30.—Isaac Sommers, {.lace of business so Barclay st.cet ;

Bureau of Repairs and Supplies, No. 18. " " Lamps and Gas, No. 13. " " Incumbrances, No. 13. " " Street Improvements, No. it. " " Chief Engineer Croton Aqueduct, No. 11%. " " Water Register, No. 10. " " Water Purveyor, No. 4. " " Streets and Roads, No. 13.


Central Office, No. 66 Third avenue, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Out Door Poor Department, No. 66 Third avenue, al-

ways open ; entrance on nth street. Free Labor Bureau, 8 and 10 Clinton pi. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Reception Hospital, City Hall Park, N. E. corner, al-

ways open. Reception Hospital, 99th st. and 10th av , always open. Bellevue Hospital, foot of 26th street, E. R. " "

FIRE DEPARTMENT. NOS. 127 AND 129 MERCER ST, 9 A . M. t o 4 P. M.

Commissioners Office. Chief of Department. Inspectors of Combustibles. Fire Marshal.


Commissioner's Office, 9 a. m. to 4p. m. Sanitary Superintendent, always open. Register of Records, for granting burial permits, on all

days of the week except Sunday from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m., and on Sundays from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. Commissioners' Office, 36 Union Sq., 9a. m. to 5 p. m.

DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS. Commissioners' Office, 346 and 348 Broadway corner

Leonard street, g a. m. to 4 p. m. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS.

Commissioners' Office, Brown stone building, City Hall Park, 32 Chambers St., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. on Saturday 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.

Surveyor's Bureau, 19 Chatham St., 9 a. m to 4 p. m. Board of Assessors, " " "

DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. Superintendent's Office, 2 Fourth av., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

BOARD OF EXCISE. Commissioners' Office, 299 Mulberry st., 9 a. m , 4 p. m.


Office of the Board, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Superintendent of Schools, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

T H E C I T Y R E C O R D .


North-west corner (basement).

Copies for sale. Price five cents.

ABM. DISBECKER, Supervisor.

E X E C U T I V E D E P A R T M E N T .

COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Office, No. 32 Chambers street, abasement.)


Commissioners' Office, 9 a m. to 5 p. m. Superintendent's Office, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

THE CITY RECORD. Office No. 2, City Hall, N. W. corner basement, 8 a.


HOURS 9 A. M. TO 4 P. M. Coroner's Office, 40 E. Houston street. Sheriff's Office, first floor, N. E corner New Court

House. County Clerk's Office, first floor, S. W. corner New

Court House. Surrogate's Office, first floor, S. E. corner New Court

House. Register's Office, Hall of Records, City Hall Park. District Attorney's Office, second floor Old Court

House, 32 Chambers street, 9 a. m. to 5 p m. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS.

No. 5. For building sewer in Elm street between Grand and Broome streets.

No. 6. For building sewer in 5th avenue between 40th and 41st streets.

No. 7. For building sewer in 10th avenue between Law-rence and 130th street.

No. 8. For alteration of sewer in Thomas street be-tween Church street and West Broadway.

No. 9. For building sewer in 111 th and 112th streets be-tween 1st avenue and avenue A.

No. 10. For building sewer in Little West 12th street between 10th avenue and Hudson river.

The limits embraced by such Assessment, include all the several Houses and Lots of Ground, vacant Lots, pieces and parcels of Ijuid, situated on

No. 1. Both sides of 120th st, from 3d to 6th ave., to th« extent of half the block on the intersecting streets.

No. 2. The property bounded by 73d and 81st street» and 1st and 5th avenues.

No. 3. Both sides of 1st avenue betwet n 3d and 6J1 sts., and between 9th and 10th streets.

No. 4. North sideof nothsL,between 5th and 8thave-nues and west side of St. Nicholas ave., between ixoth and 11 ith streets.

No. 5. Both sides of Elm street between Grand and Broome streets.

No. 6. The property known as Ward Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. No. 7. West side of 10th avenue, between Lawrence

and 130th streets. No. 8. Both sides of Thomas street between Broadway

and West Broadway. No. 9. Both sides of mth and 112th streets between

1st avenue and avenue A to the extent of half the block on the intersecting streets.

No. xo. Both sides of Little West i2tn street between 10th and 13th avenues, east side ot 13th avenue between Gansevoort and Little West 12th street.

AH persons whose interests are affected by the above named Assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to present their objections in writing to Thomas B. Asten, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, at their office, No. 19 Chatham street, with* in thirty days from the date of this notice.


Board of Assessors. Office, Board of Assessors, New York, Feb. 25, 1874.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of

all houses and lots, improved or unimproved land» affected thereby, that the following assessment» have been completed, and are lodged in the office of the

I Board of Assessors for examination by all persons inter» ested, viz.:

1. For regulating, grading, curb, gutter and flagging 135th street, from 8th avenue to Harlem River.

The limits embraced by such assessment include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, piece» and parcel" of land, situated on

Both sides of 135th street from 8th avenue to Harlem River, to the extent of half the block at intersection of Madison and 4th avenue.

All persons whose interests are affected by the above-named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to present their objec-tions in writing, to Thomas B. Asten, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, at their office, No. 19 Chatham street, within thirty days from the date of this notice.


Board of Assessors. OFFICE BOARD OF ASSESSORS, 1

N E W Y O R K , J a n . 3 1 , 1 8 7 4 . J


houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands, affected _ _ thereby, that the following assessment» have been com-

Commissioner's Office, basement brown stone building I P^ed and

licenses and fines by First Marshal :

Licenses granted 248 Amount received $377 75

Permits issued for street stands, signs, show I cases, deliveries, &c., and amount received for j same :

residence, 165 East 6ad street. 2i.—Benjamin Beyea, place of business 89 West street ;

residence, 23 East 133d street.

Permits issued Amount received

. 64 >461

W . F . H A V E M E Y E R ,






B O A R D O F A L D E R M E N .

1873-4. I. Samuuel B. H. Vance. President; place of business

corner 01 24th «treet and 10th avenue ; residence ao6 West »3d street.

3. Oliver P. C. Billings, place of business, 15 Nassau street ; residence, >43 East 34th street.

3. Jenkins Van àcnaick, place of business, 13 Broad street ; rend enee, x University place.

4. Stephen Y. R. Cooper, place of business, 177 Broad-way ; re ¡deuce. 21V West jxst street.

5. John Fall oner dace of business, 472 Broome street; residence, 308 East 15th street.

6. George Koch, placc of business, 23 Riving ton street; residence, £38 Lexington avenue.

j. Peter Kehr, place of business, 1x5 Norfolk street ; residence, sc. Seventh street.

g. Robert McCafferty, place of business, 654 5th avenue ; residence, 8j2 Lexington avenue.

9. Oswald Ottendorfer, place of business, 17 Chatham street ; residence, 7 East 17th street.

M.—Edward Gilon, place of business, 64 Clinton Market ; residence, 557 Hudson street.

II. Patrick Lysaght, -place of business, 514 Pearl street ; residence, 27 City Hall Place

in. Richard Flanagan, place of business, 312 West a»d street ; residence, 3x2 West 23d street.

13 John Reilly, place of business, 62 East 14th street residence, 314 East 14th street.

«4 John J. Morns, piace of business, 59 Univeisity Place ; residence. 1x7 West ttst street.

15. Joseph A. Monheimer, place of business, 233 Ea t 31st street rm.ience, >33 East 31st street.

SAMUEL B. H. VANCE. President. JOSEPH C. PINCKNEY, Clerk, a? Stuvvesant st.



all the Public Offices in the City are open for busi-ness, and at which each Court regularly opens and ad-journs, as well as of the places where such offices are kept

> and such Courts am hela. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT.

Mayor's Office, No. 6, City Hall, 10 A. M. to 3 p. M. Mayor's Marshal, No. 3, City Hall, 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Permit Bureau, No. 1, City Hall, 10 A. M. to 2 p. M. License Bureau, No. 1, City Hall, 10 A. M. to 3 P. M.

LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Clerk of the Common Council and of Board of Super-

visors, 7 and 8, City Hall, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Clerk of Board of Assistant Aldermen, 9JÍ City Hall, 9

a. m. to 4 p. m. FINANCE DEPARTMENT.


Comptroller's Office, West end. x. Bureau for the collection of the revenue accruing

from rents and interest oil bonds and mortgages, and re-venue arising from the use or sale of property belonging to or managed by the city ; Ground floor, west end.

2. Bureau for the Collection of Taxes ; Brown stone building. City Hall Park.

3. Bureau for the Collection of Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and Water Rents ; Ground floor, west end

4. Auditing Bureau; Main floor, west end. 5. Bureau of Licenses; Ground floor, west end. 6. Bureau of Markets ; Ground floor, west end. 7. Bureau tor the reception of all moneys paid into the

Treasury in the City, and for the payment of money on warrants drawn by the Comptrolfer and countersigned by the Mayor, at the Office of Chamberlain and County Treasurer; Main floor, west end.

8. Bureau for the Collection of Assessments ; Rotunda. LAW DEPARTMENT.

Counsel to the Corporation, 82 Nassau street, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

Public Administrator, 115 and 117 Nassau street, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Corporation Attorney, 115 and 117 Nassau street, 8J¿ a. m. to 4já p. m.

Attorney for the Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes, 337 Broadway, room 5, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Attorney to the Department of Buildings, 20 Nassau street, room 52, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.


Central Office. Commissioners' Office. Superintendent's Office.

I Inspectors' Office. Chief Clerk's Office, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Property Clerk, " " " Bureau of Street Cleaning, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Bureau of Elections, " " "


Commissioners' Office, No. 19. Chief Clerk's Office, No. 20. Contract Clerk's Office, No. at. Engineer in charge of Sewers, No. 21.

I " " Boulevards & Avenues, No. xSJf.

City Hall Park, 32 Chambers St., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m COURTS.


General Term, Special Term, Chambers, Circuit Part I, Circuit Part II, Second floor, New Court House, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.


Part I, Part II, Third floor, New Court House, xx a. m. Clerk's Office, Third floor, New Court House, 9 a. m.


Third floor. New Court House, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. GENERAL SESSIONS.

No. 32 Chambers street, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Clerk's Office, 33 Chambers st, room 14,10 a. m. 4 p. m.


General Term, Special Term, No. 32 Chambers street, room xx, 10 a. m.


General Term, room 17; Special Term, room 15; Cham-bers, room 18 ; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Clerk's Office, room 19, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. No. 32 Chamber street.


At Tombs, corner Franklin and Centre streets, Tues-days, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10 a. m.


First District—1st, 2d, 3d and 5th Wards, south-west corner of Centre and Chambers sts., 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Second District—4th, 6th and 14th Wards, No. 5x4 Pearl street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Third District—8th, 9th and 15th Wards, No. 13 Green-wich avenue, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Fourth District—10th and 17th Wards, No. 163 East Houston street, 9 a. m. to 4. m.

Fifth District—7th, nth and 13th Wards, No. 154Clin-ton street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Sixth District— Seventh District—19th and 22d Wards, Fifty-seventh

street, between 'Third and Lexington aves., 9 a. m. 4 p. m. Eighth District—16th and 20th Wards, south-west cor-

ner 22d street and 7th ave., oji a. m. to 4 p. m. Ninth District—13th Ward, No. 3374 Fourth avenue,

9 a. m. to 4 p. m. POLICE COURTS.

First District—14th, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th and portion of Sanitary Precinct, Tombs, corner Franklin and Centre streets, 7 a. m. to 3 p. m.

Second District—8th, oth, 15th,.16th, aoth, 25th, 33d, 38th and 29th Precincts, Greenwich ave., corner of 10th street, 9 a. m. to 6 p m.

Third District—7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 18th and portion of Sanitary Precinct, No. 69 Essex street, 8 a m. to 4 p. m.

Fourth District—19th, aist, 22d, 23d and 19th Sub-sta-tion, Fifty-seventh street, between Third and Lexington avenues, 8 a. m. 5 p. m.

Fifth District—xath Ward, No. 2374 Fourth avenue, (Harlem,) 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.

sessors for examination by all persons interested, \a.l No. 1. For flagging 51st street from 1st to 3d avenue. No. 2. For fleeing north side of Monroe street, from

No. 311 to Corlears street. No* 3. For flagging west side of Corlears street, from

No. x to Monroe st. No. 4. For flagging Front street, north side, from

Montgomery to Gouverneur street. No. 5. For flagging 57th street, from 9th to 10th

•venue. . . . . No. 6. For flagging 54th street, north side, between

2d avenue and about 125 feet east. No. 7. For flagging 52d street, north side, from 5th

avenue about 175 fe»t west. No. 8. For flagging 54th street, south side, between

6th and 7th avenues. No. 9. For flagging E. 14th street, north side, between

Nos. 331 and 347. No. 10. For flagging 57th street, north side, oetwee

9th avenue and about 250 feet east. No. 11. For setting curb and gutter and fl«nging 61st

street, between 9th and xoth avenues. No. 12. For building basui on northwest corner of 65th

street and Lexington avenue. No. 13. For building basin on southwest corner of

Tompkins and Rivington streets. No. 14. For building basin on southwest corner ot

Tompkins and Stanton streets. No. 15. For building basin on northeast corner of Peck

slip and Water street. No. 16. For building sewer in 51st street, between

6th and 7th avenue». . . . . „ . No. 17. For building underground drains between 6ora

and 67th streets, and between 5th ant? Madison avenues. The limits embraced by such assessment include all

the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, piece» and parcels of land situated on

No. x. Both sides of 51st street, from 1st to 3d.avenue», where flagging was not already done.

No. 2. 1 ne property known as ward numbers 1028 B, 1028 C, 1028 D, 1038 E, 1028 F.

No. 3. The property known as ward number 1038 F. No. 4. The north side of Front street, between Mont-

gomery and Gouverneur slip. No. 5. Both sides of 57th street, between 9th and xoth

avenues. No. 6. The property known as ward numbers 4J4, 5

and 6. No. 7. The property known as ward numbers 33 to 34

inclusive. No. 8. The property known as ward numbers 39, 40,

4». 42. 43. 47. 49. 50 and 61. No. 9. The property known as ward numbers 1929 to


PUBLIC NOTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all Hou-

ses »nil Lots, improved or unimproved Lands, affected thereby, that the following Assessments have been com-pleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of Asses-sors for examination by all persons inte rested, via :

No. I. For regulating, grading, setting curb and gut-ter, 120th street from 3d to 6th avenue.

No. 2. For building underground drains between 73d and 81st streets and between 1st and 5th avenues.

No. 3. For building sewer in xst avenue between 3d and 6th streets and between 9th and 10th streets.

No. 4. For building sewer in ixoth street between 5th and 8 th avenue».

inclusive No. xx.

1934 inclusive. No. 10. The property known as ward numbers 5 to 11

Both sides of 61st street, between 9th and 10th avenues.

No. 12. The vest side of Lexington avenue, between 65th and 66th streets.

No. 13. The property known as ward numbers 777 to 781, and 1565 to 1569 inclusive.

No. 14. The property known as ward numbers 388 S, and 2887 to 2894 inclusive.

No. 15. The north side of Water street, between Peck slip and Dover »treet.

No. 16. Both sides of 51st street, between 6th and 7th avenues. ,

No. 17. The block bounded by 66th and 67th streets and (th and Madison avenues.

All persons whose interests are affected by the above named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to present their objections in writing, to Thos. B. Asten, Chairman of the Board of Assessor», at their office. No. 19 Chatham street, within thirtv davs from the date of this notice.



N E W Y O R K , J a n . 2 3 , 1 8 7 4 . J

Page 4: THE CITY · the city record. official journal. vol ii. new york saturday, februar, 28 1874y, . number 2 to. proclamation

2 3 2 , T H E C I T Y R E C O R D . FEBRUARY 28.


146 and 348 Broadway, N E W Y O R K . F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 1 8 7 4 .


SEALED PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING A STEAM tug will be received at the office of the Department

of Docks, until 11 o'clock A. M. of Monday, March 9, 1874, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after opening of the bids.

The time allowed for doing the work is ninety days f rom the date of signing the contract.

Any bidd -r for this contract must be known to be well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect. . ,

No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or free-holders of the City of New York, with their respective | places of business or residence, to the effect that if the j contract be awarded under that proposal, they will, on ixs being so awarded, become bound as sureties for its I faithful performance; which consent must be verified by she justification of each of the persons signing the same, for double the amount of security required.

The Department of Docks reserves the right to de-cline any and all proposals, if deemed to be for the pub-lic interest; and no proposal will be accepted from, or •contract awarded to any person who is in arrears to the Corporation, upon debt or contract, or wlio_ is a de-faulter, as »ecurity or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

Blank forms of proposals and further information can be obtained by application at the office of the Depart-ment.

Proposals must be endorsed as above, and addressed to " Commissioner Budd, Treasurer of Department of Docks."


Commissioners of the Department of Docks.

D E P A R T M E N T OP DOCKS, 1 346 and 348 Broadway, >

New V ork, February 17,1874,) T O C O N T R A C T O R S .



SEAXTB PROPOSALS FOR THIS WORK WILL be receivrti at the Office of the Department of Docks

until 11 o'elook, A. M.. of Wednesday. March 4th. 1874, at | which time the bids will be publicly opened and read.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as prac-ticable after opening of the bids.

The time allowed for the fulfilment of the contract is to the first day of September 1874.

Any bidder foi this contract must be known to be enga-ged in and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect.

No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders of the city of New Yotk, with their respective places of business or residence, to the effect that, if the contract be awarded under that proposal, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as sureties for it» faithful perfor-mance ; which consent must be verified by the justifica-tion of each of the persons signing the same for double the amount of security required.

Bidders will state the price in their proposals for each separate item of the work to be done, by which the bids willb: tested. . . . . ,

A sample of the stone must be submitted at the office of the Department forty-eight hours previous to the open-ing of the bids.

bids will be received except rom the owners or les-


ROTUNDA C O U R T HOUSE. N E W Y O R K , F e b r u a r y 1 6 t h , 1874.


fied that the following assessment lists were received this day in this Bureau for collection :

Confirmed Jan. 30, 1874-^Paving 24th St., bet. 10th and nth aves.

" •« Paving 31st st, bet. ad ave. and East River.

" — Paving 31st St., bet. 4th and jth aves.

" " Paving 32d St., bet. td ave and East River

" " Paving 47th St., bet. 3d and 4 t h aves.

" " Paving sad St., bet. ad ave. and East River.

•« •• Paving 40th st., bet. Madison and 3d aves.

» •< Paving 60th St., bet. 1st and 3d aves.

" •• Paving 70th st., bet. 4th and 5th aves.

" " Paving 83d st., bet. 3d and 5th aves.

•* •• Paving 87th st., bet. ad and 4th aves.

" " Underground drains bet. 56th and 57th sts., 4th and Lex-ington aves.

" " Underground drains bet 57th and 58th sts., 5th and Madi-son aves.

" " Sewer in Ave. A, bet. 50th and 61st sts., with branches in 59th st.

«• " Sewer in 104th st., bet. ad and 3d aves.

<< " Sewer in Greenwich st., bet. Leroy and Morton sts.

«« " Sewer in Dry Dock St., bet. 10th and 12th sts.

•« " Sewer in Horatio st., continu-ation thiough Greenwich ave., etc.

•• •• Sewer in Hudson St., E. S., bet. Vandam and Charlton sts .

<• " Sewer in Lexington ave., bet. 69th and 70th sts.

•• " Sewer in Broadway, bet. 27th and 28 th sts.

<< <• Basin N.E. cor. Pearl st. and Peck slip

« » Basin N.E. cor. 69th st. and Lexington ave.

«• •• Regulating and grading 117th St., from 7th to 8th aves.

14 « Regulating and grading 121st St., from 7 th to 8th aves.

•• Regulating and grading, curb and gutter in 40th st, from 1st to 2d aves.

« •• Curb, gutter and flagging Lexington ave., from 61st to 66tn sts.

« " Curb, gutter and flagging S E. cor. 7th ave. and West 12 th st.

« " Flagging N. S. 37th st., from 7th to 8th aves.

« •< Flagging N. S. 53d St., from jth to 6th aves,

«• " Regulating, grading, _ curb, gutter and flagging in 51st St., from 6th to 7th aves.

All payments made at this office within sixty days from this date, are by law exempted from the charge for


PROPERTY C L E K K ' S OFFICE. 300 MULBERRY STREET N E W Y O R K , F e b r u a r y 25, 1874.

OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY Clerk 300 Mulberry street. Room _30. for the follow-

ing property now in his custody without claimants: Several lots furniture, billiard table, lot cotton, trunks, harness, revolvers, tea, wine, boats, rubber, lead, oride jewelry, theatrical clothing, and several lots ot cash,

C.A.ST. JOHN, Property Clerk.


N E W Y O R K . F e b r u a r y 1 6 , 1 8 7 4 .


TH E F I F T E E N T H A U C T I O N S A L E O F U N -

claimed property will take place on Monday, March 2, 1874, at 10 o'clock A. M., at 300 Mulberry street, con-sisting of miscellaneous articles—Boat, rope, lead, wagons, wine, male and female clothing, boots, shoes, trunks, watches, " gold and silver" revolvers, pistols, &c„ &c.

C . A . S T . J O H N . Property Clerk.

D U1Q5 Will UC r c t c i v c u »WM. I . . . . . . # — . £ f _ , •f the quarries from which the stones aie proposed | interest at seven per cent, which runs trora the tiate 0»

to be furnished. The certificate of the Recorder or Judge of the county |

in which the quarry is situated, that the bidder is owner or lessee of the quarry, must accompany each bid.

The bidders will state how soon they can commence the delivery of the stone, and the amount per month they can <tel5v«r. . |

TKfc engineers' estimate of the matenal to be furnished ifcasYollows: . . I

"A" 250 pieces of Coping furnished in the rough each 95 cubic feet, 23.750 cubic feet. _ . I

•"£»' 1720 pieces of Header and Stretcher stones 860 of each irom 12 to 25 cubic feet. 31 .820 cubic feet.

The stones will be of sufficient sites to furnish the fol-lowing neat dimensions:

Coping 8'x4'x2',6" two faces cut. Stretchers 6'x»'xi\to" one face cut. H e a d e r s 2 , X 3 ' X I ' , I O " o n e f a c e c u t . For further particulars see Drawings in the office of the

Engineer-in-ChieC The Department of Docks reserves the right to decline

any and all proposals, if deemed to be for the public inter-est ; and no proposal will be accepted from, or contract .warded to any person who is in arrears to the Corpora-

tion, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as security or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpo-ration. , , , , .

Blank forms of proposals, and plans of the proposed works can be obtained by application at the office of the Depprtment.

Proposals must be endorsed as above, and addressed to "Commissioner Budd, Treasurer of Department of


Commissioners of the Department of Docks,

confirmation. The Collector's office is open daily from 9 A. m. to

p M ANDREW W. LEGGAT, Acting Collector.


C E N T R A L DEPARTMENT OF THE METROPOLITAN POLICE, ! 300 M r l b e r r y s t r e e t . N E W Y O R K , J a n . 26, 1874. )

W N E R S W A N T E D . B Y T H E P R O P E R T Y Clerk, 30j Mulberry street, room 39, for the fol-

lowing property now in his custody without claimants : One boat and lo pig iron, Irl -f leaf tobacco, lot of tea, revolvers, drum boots, clothing, and several small lots of monei . . .

C. A. ST. JOHN, Property Clerk.


N o . 32 CHAMBERS S T R P ' - I N E W YORK, J a n u a r y 5 , 1 & 7 4 . j


of Annual Record ot the assessments upon the Real and Personal Estate ot the Cit) *nd County of New York, for the year 1874, wi'.i be open for inspection and revision, on and after Monday, January 12th, 1874, and will remain open until the 30th day of April, 1874, inclu-sive, for the correction of errors and the equalisation ol the assessments of the aforesaid real and personal es-tate. .

All persons believing themselves aggneved must make application to the Commissioners during the period above mentioned, in order to obtain the relief provided by law

By order of the Hoard, A L B E R T S T O R E R .



N o . 8 C I T Y H A I L . f


Aldermen will be held on Thursday ot each week, at 314 o'clock, p. M., in th chamber of the Board, room No • City Hall.

J O S E P H C . P 1 N C K N F . Y , Clerk.


SUPREME COURT.—IN THE MATTER OF THE application of the Department ot Public Parks and

the Department of Public Works, for and in behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City ot New York, relative to acquiring title for the use of the public to all the lands required for the opening of Tenth avenue, from a point 10,353 feet 6 inches northerly, from the southerly side of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street in a nortn-westerly. wes erly and south-westerly direc-tion to the Eleventh avenue, as laid out by resolution ot the Commissioners ot the Central Park, in the City of New York.

We, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment ii the above-entitled matter, hereby give notice to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, ot all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may con-cern, to wit:

FIRST.—'lliat are have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in these pro-ceedings, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and who may be opposed to the same, do present their ob-jections in writing, duly verified, to John N. Lewis, Esq., our Chairman, at the Office of the Commissioners, No. 82 Nassau street (Room No. 24), in the said city, on or before the 26th day of February, 1874, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week-days next alter the said 26th day of Feb-ruary, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said ten days, at 12 o'clock M.

SECOND.—That the abstract of the said estimate and assessment, together with our maps, and also all the affi-davits, estimates and other documents which were used by us in making our report, have been deposited in the office of the Department of Public works in the city ofNew Yoric, there to remain until the 10th day of March, 1874.

THIRD.- That the limits embraced by the assessment aforesaid, are as fellows, to wit: All those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the city of New York, and whice taken together are bounded and contained as foil ws, viz.:—Beginning at a point on the easterly line or side of Tenth avenue, distant nine thou-sand nine hundred and forty-five feet eleven inches, northerly from the southerly line or side of One Hun-dred ana Fifty-fifth street, as the same is laid out ; and running thence easterly at right angles with Tenth avenue one hundred and fifteen feet and six inches, to the centre line of the block between Tenth avenue and the Boulevard, as the same is laid out ; thence in a northerly direction along said centre line to a point two hundred and forty-four feet and two inches easterly from the easterly line of Tenth avenue as laid out, and to be opened and extended by this proceeding ; thence in a northerly direction to a point distant five huudred and fifty-two feet and eight inches, in a north-easterly direc-tion from the easterly line of said Tenth avenue; thence in a south-westerly direction to the easterly line of the Eleventh avenue, as laid outby the Commissioners of the Central Park ; thence southerly along the easterly line of the said Eleventh avenue to a point distant nine thousand six hundred and forty feet and one-half inch, northerly from the southerly line ot said One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street: thence easterly and parallel to said One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, three hundred and fifty-nine feet and nine inches: thence northerly three hundred and five feet ond eleven and one- half inches ; and thence easterly and parallel to said One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, five hundred and thirty feet to the point or place of beginning.

FOURTH.—That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a special term thereof, to be held in the New Court House at the City Hall, in the city of New York, on the 23d day of March, 1874, at the opening of the Conrt on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated New York, lanuary 21st, 1874. J O H N N . L E W I S . N E V 1 N W . B U T L E R , W I L L I A M 3 . M A R T I N ,




A LIMITED NUMBER OF COMPLETE SETS OF A the INDICES OF RECORDS are oflered for soie, full bound in sheep, as follows :

Grantors volumes. Grantees .24 Notices of Suits in Equity,. 8 " Insolvents, &c.,... 1 "

Total,..61 " 1100 00 Judgments " " So Sets unbound ...61 •* >3*5

Incomplete sets may be completed on application at

Communications in relation to the Records should be addressed "Superintendent of Records, Comptroller's ° ® c e " ANDREW H. GREEN





N E W Y O R K , J a n . 3, 1874. )

WHEREAS. THE TOWNS OF MORRISANIA West Farms and Kings Bridge, have been annexed,

and are now known as the 23d and 24th Wards of the City of New York, it becomes my duty, as Superintend-ent of Buildings, to extend the operation of the building laws over said territory, and to superintend the construc-tion alteration, repair and removal of buildings therein.

I therefore give notice to builders and property owners that plans and specifications tor aU new buildings, alter-ations repairs and removals must be presented to this Department for examination and approval, prior to the commencement of the projected work.

All necessary blank forms, and any desired information pertaining to the building laws, will be furnished on ap-plication at this office, or to either of the inspectors, at their temporary offiee. Police H«^»««».MS®

Superintendent of Building».

DEPARTMENT o r BUILDINGS, I. Office No. 2 Fourth av., opposite Sixth st ,

. RCH1TECTS, BUILDERS AND OTHERS. H AY--nz plans and spacifications Ur the erection, a.ttt

a£1on or repair of buildings to file with this Department, ir* hereby notified, that in all cases where iron gir^ew or lintels are provided to support brick walls, it W H O® n-cessary tor them to submit properly drawn and fig-ured elev-tions the walls to

Superinte: dei L


OFFICE OF THK C L E R K or A R R E A R S . Dec. 1,1873.

NO T I C E O F S A L E O F L A N D S A N D T E N E -

ments for unpaid taxes of 1869 and 1870, and Cro-ton water rents of 1868 and 1869, under the direction ot Andrew H. Green, Comptroller of the City of New York. The undersigned hereby gives public notice, pursuant to the provisions of the act entitled "An act for the collec-tion of taxes, assessments and Croton water rents in the City of New York, and to amend the several acts in re-lation thereto," passed April 8, 1871;

That the respective owners of all lands and tenements n the City of New York on which taxes have been laid

ani confirmed, situated in the Wards Nos. 1 to aa, mclu-*cr Jie years 1869 and 1870, and now remaining due

¿nd'ur.'-aid ; and also the respective owner« of all lands and tenements in the City of New York, situated in the wards aforesaid, on which the regular Croton water rents heve been laid for the years 1868 and 1869, and are now remaining due and unpaid, are required to pay the said taxes and Croton water rent so remaining due and un-paid to the Clerk of Arrears, at his office, in the Depart-ment of Finance, in the New Court House, with the in-terest thereon, at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum, to the time of payment with the charges of this notice ini advertisement, and if default shall be made in such .•ai oient such lands and tenements will be sold at public av lien st the New Court House, in the City Hall Park, . 1 the City of New York, on MONDAY, the 9th day of March, 1374, at 12 o.clock noon, for the lowest term of years at which any person shall offer to take the same in consideration of advancing the amount of tax or Croton water rent, as the case may be. so due andunpaid, and the interest thereon as aforesaid to the time ot sale, and together with the charges of this notice and advertise-ment and all other costs and charges accrued thereon, and. that such sale will be continued from time to time until all the lands and tenements here advertised for sale shall be sold.

And notice is hereby further given that a detailed statement of the taxes and the Croton water rents, the ownership of the property taxed, and on which Croton rents are unpaid, is published in a pamphlet, snd that copies of the pamphlet are deposited in the office of the Bureau ot the Clerk of Arrears, and will be delivered to <ay person applying for the same. ^ ADY

Clark of Arrears.

QUPRKME COURT.—IN THE MATTER OF THE O application of the Mayor, Aldermen ai.d Common-alty of the City of New V ork, relative to the opening of " Fort Washington Kidge Road," between the Boulevard on the west. Eleventh avenue and Kingsbridge road on the east, and running from Eleventh avenue at One hundred and fifty-ninth street, in a generally northerly direction, to a point on said Kingsbridge road near Inwood street, with a branch thereof running easterly to said Kingsbridge road, as laid out by the Department of Public Parks in the City of New York.

Pursuant to the statutes in such cases made and pro-vided, the Department of Public Works, for and in behalf ot the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, hereby give notice that the Counsel to the Corporation ot the City of New York, will apply on their behalf to the Supreme Court of the First Judi-cial District of the State of New Yoik, at a special term of said Court, to be held at the chambers thereof, in the Court House, in the City of New York, on Monday, the twenty-third day of March, 1874, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, tor the appointment of a Commis-sioner of Estimate and Assessment in the above entitled matter, in the place and stead of Henry H. Anderson, Esq., heretofore, on the 9th day of February instant, appointed by said Court a Commissioner of Estimate and Assessment in the above entitled matter, but who, •n being notified of his appointment as such Commis-sioner, declined to act in the matter. The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the open-ing of " Fort Washington Kidge Road," between the Boulevard on the west. Eleventh avenue and Kings

QUPRF.ME COURT.—IN THE MATTER OF THE O application of the Department of Public Parks and the Department of Public Works, for and in behilf of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title for the use of the public to all the lands required for laying out a new street running parallel to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, in an easterly direction from the Kingsbridge Road, across the Tenth avenue to the Boulevard, near the Harlem River, as laid out by' resolution of the Com-missioners of the Central Park, in the city of New York.

We, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled matter, hereby give notice to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, ol all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may con-cern, to wit:

FIRST.—That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in these pro-ceedings, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and who may be opposed to the same, do present their ob--ections in writing, duly verified, to Nevin W. Butler, Esq., our Chairman, at the Office of the Commuuioners, No. 82 Nassau street (Room No. 24), in the said city, on or before the 26th day of February, 1874, and that we the said Commissioners, will hear parties so object-ing within the ten week-days next after the said 26th day of February, and for that purpose will be in attend-ance at our said office on each ol said ten days, at t o'clock p. M.

SECOND.—That the abstract of thi said estimate and assessment, together with all maps, and also ail the

bridge road on the east, and running from Eleventh 1 affidavits, estimates and other documents which were avenue at One hundred and fifty-ninth street in a gener- used by us in making our report, have been deposited in ally northerly direction to a point on said Kingsbridge the Office of the Department of Public Works in the road near Inwood street, with a branch running easterly city of New York, there to remain until the 10th day of to said Kingsbridge road, in the City of New York, as March, 1874 the same is shown and delineated on a certain map made by William H. Grant, civil and topographical engineer, filed in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York, on the 7th day of April, 1873.

Dated New York, March 2, 1874

THIRD.—That the limits embraced by the assessment aforesaid, are as follows, that is to say : All those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the city of New York, and which taken together are bound-ed and contained as follows, to wit :—Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the easterly line or

SUPREME COURT.—IN "1 HE MATlER OF 1 HE s i d e o f t h e Kingsbridge Road with aline drawn parallel application of the Department of Public Parks for t o a n ( j distant seven thousand six hundred and eighty-

andin behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty five f e e t northerly, from the southerly line or side of of the city of New York, relative to the opening of Qn e Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, as the same is lajd Ninety-second ftreet, from Eighth avenue to the n«w out, and running thence easterly and parallel to said Road or Public Drive, and from Twelfth avenue to the Qne Hundred and Fifty-fifth street to the westerly line Hudson River, in the city of New York. o r s ; j e „f the Boulevard, near the Harlem River, as laid

Notice is hereby given that tte bill of costs, charges | QUt ^ ¿ommissioners of the Central Park ; thence and expenses incurred by reason of the proceedings in the northerly, along the westerly line or side of said Boule-above entitled matter, will be presented for taxation to' . < g J ' - '—| one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, at the Cham-bers thereof, in the New Court House at the City Hall, in the city of New York, on the fourth day of March 1874, at 10ii o'clock A. M.

Dated New York, February 19,1874. JOHN MULLALY. THOMAS S. BRENNAN, JOHN L. WHl'lTON,


SUPREME COURT.—IN THE MATTER OF THE application of the Department of Public Parks for

and in behalf of the Mayor. Aldermen and Commonalty of the city of New York, relative to the opening of Ninety-third street, from Eighth avenur to the new Road or Public Drive, and from Twelfth avenue to the Hudson River, in the city of New York.

Notice is hereby given that the bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason of the proceedings m the above entitled matter will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court at the Cham-bers thereof, in the New Court House at the City Hall, in the city of New York, on the fourth day of March 187», at 10W o'clock A. M.

Dated New York, February to. 1874. _ JAMES BAGLEY. JAMES MOORE. EDMOND CONNELLY,


vard to a point on a line drawn parallel to and distant eight thousand two hundred and twenty feet from the southerly line or side of said One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street : thence westerly and parallel with said One Hundred and Fifth-fifth street to the easterly line or side of the Kingsbridge Road, and thence southerly along the easterly line or side of the Kingsbridge Road to the point or place of beginning.

FOURTH.—That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a special term thereof, to be held in the New Court House at the City Hall, in the city of New York, on the 23d day of March, 1874, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Ds ted New York, January 21st, 1874. NEVIN W. BUTLER. WILLIAM BARNES. WILLIAM R. MARTIN.

Commissi ;>ners


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