the chronicles of sin: city of magic


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Part 1 of Trilogy. Mystery Thriller based on Romans 6-8.




    Part One Of the Trilogy that includes

    The Valley of Shadows

    The Last Battle

    Domenic Marbaniang

  • The Chronicles of Sin: The City of Magic

    Domenic Marbaniang, 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the author, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organizations. You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose the same condition on any acquirer. ISBN: 978-1-304-35711-3 (epub) ISBN: 978-1-304-36015-1 (pdf) Cover Page contains painting by Hieronymus Bosch called The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things (1485),

    Published through Lulu Publishing, Inc.

  • Contents

    A Mysterious Encounter 5

    The Bridge of Time 10

    The City of Magic 14

    A Cop and a Map 19

    The Red Book 24

    Delight Park 29

    Luxuria 36

    The Chase 43

    Piety and Faith 47

    The Guardian 53

    Clever and the Fair 59

    Chance, Fate, and Avaritia 66

    A Narrow Escape 73

    Sophia 78

    Stranger 87

    Sloth 94

    Superbia 99

    The Trial 105

  • A Mysterious Encounter The dim lights flickered on the street as I turned in the key and got inside my house. It was dark. So, I reached my hand to turn on the lights when I heard a strangely sweet but cynical voice, Would you really do that? For the moment you do that youll die! My heart stopped for a moment and chilly sweat drops broke onto my forehead. I felt numb and powerless. I shuddered, wanting to open the door and flee but was motionless. Then into the pale moonlight creeping through the window walked the tall silhouette of a woman dressed in a dark robe and a hood pulled over. By her waist hung the appearance of a sheathed sword. Sit down! she ordered. I slumped into the chair. Who are you? I mumbled to ask. She walked out of the silhouette and came closer to me. She had the venomous fragrance of a thousand roses from the vale of death. Would you really know me? Yet, I am not unknown to any

    human and my praise echoes in the corridors of the darkest regions. Light and wisdom are dalliances of leisure. I reign in the deepest realities of mortal hearts. And, deep beneath the outward mask of their talks of reason, boils the volcanic furnace of my invincible treason. I am the invincible one, the all sovereign, the orchestrator of all vice, the mother of Death!

  • By me are wars raged, cities ravaged, and histories erased. By me is order and confusion, darkness and light. For me are cities built, economies constructed, markets invented, and commodities made. My voice do all mortals obey; princes and paupers, sinners and saints, preachers and hearers, the wise and the fool: they make no difference to me all have bled under my blade. My kingdom is the largest and my servants as numerous as the stars of the sky. Would there be anyone who would heap up words and statements to despise my strength, I would meet him in a place that he considers safest and there watch him turn pale, numb, powerless, and fall before my face. I invalidate their reason and falsify their beliefs by turning their bestial passions over them. My name is dreaded in the monasteries and shunned in the universities. Yet, none can escape my power; my venomous arrows lay plunged like barbed hooks in their hearts. They know me by different names in different lands. Some call me good and some call me bad, some call me natural and others call me infernal [she laughed sinisterly here]; a few think I am a kind of disease that must be cured She touched the hilt of her blade, pulled it a little and pushed it back my heart thumped. I am Sin. She said. At this moment my mind felt like a black hole; it almost felt that it would explode from the pressure of confusion and tedious emptiness that increased with every word I heard. Sin? I muttered.

  • She unsheathed her sword and it dazzled in the moonlight. She raised it towards me, I cringed; she said: Shouldnt you see the world of the neither-not, Where ideas live and where battles are fought? To a world unseen; to the world of thought; To the world where now rests your lot To remain with me and be conveyed across These fringes of time to Deaths Dark House! And, she turned her sword and there seemed to be worms of light rushing over the blade in such velocity that within the twinkling of an eye there were sparks, a blaze, a crackling explosion and I found myself standing on an endless bridge over an endless ocean. There was no sun or moon or star above, but the sky was filled with a pale reddish light resembling a dusky evening all over. The only difference was that this evening seemed to be endless. There were people of all sorts walking over the broad bridge, and there were dim lamp posts, sign posts, every here and there. Many people were reading the posts as they walked; some looked confident, but most appeared confused. For a moment, I was caught away in watching the people and the things around, but then my eyes fell on two young men fighting with each other with switchblades in hand and I remembered the lady and the vision, but couldnt understand what was happening.

    I thought to myself, This must be a dream and so pinched

    myself to wake me up, but I was still there on that endless bridge, seemingly all lost. The two young men had now reached at a handbreadth of me as they yelled and struck at each other. One of them was about to tip over me, but I held out my hands to hold him and cried, Stop! Stop! Stop it! Why do you fight?

  • He pushed me away and I staggered to fall, but then I felt that some hands had come behind me and restored my balance. I turned around and saw a heavy-built man who appeared to be a police officer. He didnt look at me but rushed towards

    the young men, who on seeing him began to run away. He chased them for a few yards and then stopped and returned. I said, You should have caught them; for, theyll get away and

    find another place to fight and kill each other! If one of them really needed to be defended, he would have

    submitted to me, he replied. If both of them really want to

    kill each other, then let them kill each other and die; for, we cant keep them perpetually in jail anyway. But shouldnt you stop them from such evil, seeing that they

    are bent on killing themselves? What difference is it to you and me, if they are up for a duel

    and have agreed to kill each other? They are a law unto themselves, he replied. But, then if you allow this, then by the same token you ought

    also to allow it if everyone decided to kill each other; then, wouldnt that be the greatest self-destruction of people, society, and humanity? He stared at me with a vexed glance and then said, I think, stranger, that youre wasting both your time and mine. You

    seem to have come here to tour this country and so seem to be having plenty of time; but I have none. Sorry, I have to go.

    And so saying, he proceeded to go away in the direction from which he had come, opposite to that in which the two young men had gone; but then turning around while walking

  • backwards away, he quipped, If everyone in the world

    decided to kill each other, no law or law enforcement would be able to prevent them from doing so. So he said and then turned around and walked away into the twilight. I watched him disappear and was very much perplexed by what he had said. I didnt feel it right that the two young men

    were left to the fate that their passions had triggered in their souls. Yet, I also knew that every man couldnt have a

    policeman after him to stop him from an evil that he felt he had reasons to do, or at least, couldnt avoid doing. Dont

    such reasons solidify into rules and, when accepted on a

    major scale, become laws of society; so that what was once considered noble is today considered to be oppression? I

    began to walk in the direction in which the two boys had fled, not knowing where to go. There were a greater number of people walking in that direction and it seemed safer to me to be with the crowd. I walked for a little while in this manner, but the more I walked, the longer the bridge seemed to grow, and I began to feel anxious and tired. I thought to stop and rest for a moment, and so went to the rail of the bridge and leaned on it with my arms, looking out at the vast expanse of the ocean. Are you lost? a voice asked, and I turned around.

  • The Bridge of Time The man was old and had a stern, rigid face. His flowing gray hair and beard were neatly groomed, and his robe was plain and dazzling white. The furrows on his forehead were deeply cut, seemingly produced by intense and constant thinking, and in his right hand he held a stone tablet with something engraved in it. Sir, some strange events have happened to me today, I said, You seem to me to be a wise man and perhaps you can solve

    these riddles that Im entrapped in. I saw a lady dressed in

    black who called herself Sin [at this moment his eyes became tense, and my voice as well]; and all of a sudden I find myself in this bridge and cant tell if it is a dream or if it is real. I do

    not know where to go and what to do! Did you see the face of Sin? he asked. No! I answered, She stopped me from turning on the

    light. Thats right, for light quickens her fatal powers, and only Death can live in the presence of Sin. I was puzzled. He continued, Either Sin brings you to Death or Death takes you away from

    Sin; there is no other way around. I was perplexed. Am I dead, then? I asked. It seemed I had more reasons to think this so; though I was still wondering about the events that had only transpired a few moments ago.

  • You are on the Bridge that leads to Life or Death, he

    answered. Which is the direction to Life? I quickly asked. There are no directions here. It all depends on what you do. What I do? Yes, what you do. There are many lamps and sign posts here

    that people of all kinds, wise in their own eyes, have hung or nailed in behind. These do the simple and unwise keenly peruse, admire, and try to emulate. But, they only tend towards confusion. The wise read my instructions and walk into the domain of Life. So saying, he walked to an empty post on the railing and inserted the stone tablet that he held into a casing on it, and suddenly out of the tablet beamed light. A few passersby stopped to look at the light and as soon as they had seen it, I saw a dark cloud envelop them, and in a moment they were gone. My knees trembled in confusion and fright. The old man stared at me with cold indifference. You may have wondered what has happened to them, he said They

    have looked at my light and have been claimed by Sin and Death. Everyone who looks at me sees himself as he is; and he who has seen himself is done with the Bridge of Time. Who are you? I asked.

  • Youve chosen to know me; and when youve seen me as I

    am, then youll know yourself and pass over this Bridge

    without having to decide what to do and where to go. Who am I? my lips uttered, in doubtful hesitation. He laughed, and he laughed, and the laughter grew louder and wild till the whole bridge shook and I sat down to prevent losing balance. Then he looked at me with a piercing glance and said, You are nothing apart from what I declare of you. And, yet it is not I who make you. Every man is his own craftsman. For, like a potter who guides his hand over the clay to give it its shape, so does every man guide his actions to give his life its shape; and a mans actions declare his identity. Mortal men

    choose to hide from my light under lamps they burn instead of me. They call themselves by names and titles that have no significance for eternity. They heap praises and amass praises under a delusive identity. But, every mans action is brought

    to light; for no man can from my fiery eyes hide. I rule over brute nature, and the strongest and the fiercest in the distant galaxies submit to me. Yet, my scepter is stayed from the world of humans by their defection to my most hateful enemy, Hamartia, the dark robed lady who is also called Sin. With dark sorcery she blinds the eyes of these mortals so that they lose sight of me, and her dazzling sword spills the life from within their veins; and, yet do both her son and she know that her strength of destruction derives from me; for, it is not until she brings them under my bare light that she can carry them over this Bridge of Time to the Kingdom of Death. In fact, it is through me that even Sin has her identity. What is your name and where do you live? I asked.

  • My name is Law and I am the code of this universe. By me do the heavenly bodies know their respective paths and revolutions, by me does the sun shine and the stars know to twinkle. I live in the velocity of the winds, the charge of the lightning, the sound of the thunder, and the dance of the waves. By me do the fish learn to swim, the deer learn to leap, and the birds learn to fly. By me are the colors of the rainbow, of the lily, and of the butterfly. It is I who determine the age of the moth and the mammoth alike. I am the code of Reason and the code of Nature; I am the code of Justice, of Pain and of Pleasure. I am the blueprint of the universe. By me are the foundations of great civilizations laid; departing from me, they crumble and fall. He who is spotless in me will live forever; but he who falters by a jot is unshielded to Deaths

    darts. I am blessing to the obedient and curse to the rebels; delight to the angels and distress to the devils. He who has known me has the key to the riddle of the universe. He who has known me has known himself. As he spoke those words, his countenance began to grow bright and his garments radiated such light that my eyes had difficulty to behold. Suddenly, his light beamed into the like of a giant luminous mirror and I saw my reflections on it in every contorted semblance. The light of the images pierced my soul with such heavy shafts that I pulled my arm over my eyes and fell to the ground with a loud cry. Then, a dark cloud enveloped me and everything blacked out.

  • The City of Magic Welcome! said the voice. I lifted up my eyes; Sin sat before me on a dark maroon throne. I was surprised because I could see her face now, and it didnt look unfamiliar. She wore the airs of autonomy and

    the contours of carelessness; her eyes wore a rigid frown of despisal and distrust. She looked energetic, elegant, and elite. She wore a dark maroon royal robe and had a crown of sparkling diamonds on her head. The throne she sat on had engravings of different living creatures; the hood over the crest bore the semblance of a peacocks feathers widespread,

    the resting arms projected with the heads of two lions, the apron or waist of the throne was girded with the semblance of a viper, and on the two outer sides beneath the arms were engravings of goats and swine in various postures; the footstool was shaped like a toad, and six statues of lions guarded the steps to the throne, three on the right and three on the left. Over the canopy and on the walls around were oil lamps flickering with dim flames; the lamps had the appearance of tortoise shells. I saw that the walls were draped with hangings of intricate and exotic design and the floor was a glassy mosaic of yellow and brown resembling a chess board. The room was palatial and vast. You like this place, she observed. I noticed that I didnt

    have any fear. She didnt look unfamiliar. I dont know, I replied. She smirked. It doesnt matter, she said with a smug,

    youre already here.

  • What is this place? I asked. This is the City of Magic, she said, where dreams come

    true and thoughts ride on wings of fantasy; where objects appear at the wish of the heart and images walk out of paint into reality. Here Time is unknown and Boredom is a name despised. This is my City on the fringes of Time, the shelter of angels and the stronghold of man. Here children grow wise and the young acquire skill; they ride on fire and on the wings of the wind. Why am I here? I coldly asked. She smiled and said, Because you belong here! I felt

    confused. But she continued, Dont be afraid of anything. Feel at home and be at ease; for in a moment of this sequence youll see everything. I didnt like her smile because it looked like the smile of

    triumph over me, and yet somehow it also seemed that she had triumphed. I felt like I had lost my world to her. She smiled again as if she read my thoughts and said, You think

    too much, young man; it will hurt your brain. You need to forget the past and learn to live in the present. I must go back, I said. You ask for the dripping rain drops to return to their

    clouds. But, dont they someday?

  • If a bullet fired can return by itself to its barrel and an arrow

    shot can return to its bow, then may Time be reversed and you return to the place you wish to go. I despised the talk but felt helpless, yet also knew now that it was worthless talking to someone who I believed had caused this all. She, apparently, read my feelings and sneered. Then she smugly said, I can read hurt and hatred in your

    eyes; this is a good sign they are my marks of strength. I scowled. She smiled. Cant you see that youre entering my

    world, she said, Youll find this one much more

    meaningful. Then, placing her fingers on the heads of the

    lions on the arms of the throne, she began to softly brush their heads; and suddenly, it seemed that all the heads of the lions twisted and gave a growl. She smiled. Then, they began to roar and it seemed that fire came from their mouths, but in that very instant she and her throne with the lions and the entire chamber faded like the blending of images into the view of a heavily trafficked street with high buildings on both sides of the road, and I saw that I was standing in the pathway of the pedestrians leaning against a railing facing the road. There were big cars and motors of various kinds madly rampaging the streets; while men, women, and children were running as if they didnt have time. There were shops and

    offices of various kinds in the buildings by which I surmised that this may be a market place. It was also dark and there were heavy street lamps burning profusely and lighting up the street. No beggars are allowed here, I heard somebody shout. I

    turned right and saw a short, stout, man who by his uniform appeared to be a policeman. He was looking at me threateningly. I caught the direction of his eyes and looked at myself and was surprised that my clothes were torn and

  • murky and all rags. I felt deeply embarrassed. He looked rudely at me and I understood his gesture to move away from that place. The lights were beaming thick and hard; and, I had an urgent desire to hide from the world. I felt my hind pockets on the ragged trousers and was amazed that my wallet was there. I took it out thinking, I may not have removed it when

    these things happened. I examined the few notes in it and was surprised that they were different and had the image of Sin in it and the signature of a Governess named Avaritia. Things looked confused and it was hard to say if the world felt really unreal or unreally real. After a little while, I reached the end of the street and saw a garments store. It had a luminous name board over it with the words Liberal Garments. I entered in and saw that it was

    certainly a huge store with clothing departments of various kinds. But, since I was in great embarrassment because of my condition and didnt like the way I looked in the mirrors all

    over the store, I quickly turned to a place where there werent

    many people and began searching for a shirt. I picked up a shirt and trousers and went inside the trial room to try and change. In the trial room, I looked in the mirror and saw the rags. They looked horrible. So, I caught hold of them to remove them, but I couldnt. There was something that made it

    difficult for me to remove them. I began to sweat and shiver, and was doing all I could to remove the rags, but nothing helped. I tried in that manner for perhaps 30 minutes; then, suddenly I heard some voices outside. It seems somebodys inside! a voice said. Its been locked for over 15 minutes now, another replied.

  • Knock the door! A queue is building up, I heard someone

    say. There was a rap on the door. At that instant I looked in the mirror and a lions translucent face growled off my rags on

    the mirror. I shut my eyes. Then, immediately I put on the shirt and trousers just over the rags and came out of the room trying to act as normal as I could. I went to the counter, paid the price and walked out.

  • A Cop and a Map I felt thoroughly uncomfortable with the rags inside, but tried to appear as comfortable as possible on the outside. Someway, however, it seemed too difficult and I was afraid to be embarrassed. The chain of events was a tangle too hard for me to resolve and I wished to get out of this dream world. But, it didnt look as much as a dream anymore. I was afraid it was

    real. I was walking on the footpath thinking of all these things when I spotted a policeman. So, I walked up to him to make few queries. Hello, Sir! I greeted, Do you know where I can get a map or something thatll help me know a bit about this city. Also, I

    would like to find a place to stay for the night. What do you mean by night? he asked. I raised my brow in surprise. Why, night is the hour when

    the sun is not up and it is dark, I said. And, what is this sun? he returned. I was a little puzzled and it first seemed that this might be a joke; but, he looked stern and serious, so I wondered if the people here never saw the sun. Is it always dark here? I asked. He looked at me angrily and said, Go away to your home, young man! You seem to be overdrunk.

  • I dont have any home here, I replied, arent there any

    hotels? Hotels? he retorted with a questioning look on his face,

    What gibberish are you talking? Get away from here, or youll be put to bond-work for losing your mind! he shouted. Okay, okay! I said, At least I can get a map! I said. He looked irritated. Keep your eyes on your head, young

    man! Theres a book store there, he pointed to a shop across the street. Thanks! I replied and left in the direction of the store. I

    found a little book there with the title City Guide. It had

    maps in it and what appeared to be rules of the city. I bought the book, and sitting down on a little bench on the sidewalk, opened it to peruse. The maps depicted the city as one which was very well-planned. The city appeared to be a regular hexagon with a diagonal measuring 60 miles. It was divided into 7 divisions with what seemed to be the Administrative Block called Superbia in the center. The Market area was a 3 miles thick area that ran around the periphery of the Superbia. From each side of the hexagonal center around the Market began each of the other 6 divisions of the city. Two main roads separated the Market from the divisions and the Administrative Block. Six other main roads branched off from the upper main road to separate each block from the other.

  • I tried to locate myself on the map and observed that I had walked up to here from somewhere on a street that branched off from the road that ran around Superbia. I was sitting on the street whose direction was straight towards Ira, and I was four streets away (around 5 miles) from the main road that ran through the Market between Ira and Luxuria. I calculated that I might be around 2.5 miles away from Ira and, so turning to the page of its map found that it was interplay of several buildings divided by little streets. There was a page that talked of the administrative structure of the city, and I noticed that each block was governed by an official by whose name that respective block was also called. There was also a square in each block, and a great amphitheater in Superbia. In Superbia, also, was the palace of the King Sarx and his wife,

  • the Queen Hamartia. When I read her name, a hateful feeling ran through my nerves and I shut the book down. I absent-mindedly gazed on to the street for some time; then, suddenly, my mind returned and I noticed that I was gazing at the policeman across the street. I opened the book again, this time to the page where the rules of the city were mentioned and began to read these lines: Rules for the Citizens of the City of Magic 1. Each block is governed by a governor who is appointed by Her Excellency, the Queen of Magic. Every citizen is expected to submit to the rule of the governors without any exception of any kind. 2. No citizen is to engage in any discussion or conversation that repudiates the reality of Kingdom of Magic and/or the authority of the Queen. Any citizen found involved in such treason shall be declared a traitor and his fate resolved in the Court of Ira. May the ire of infernal fires fall on and destroy such an inhuman being! He has confederated with our Archenemy, and may his end become a horripilating warning for others! 3. No citizen is permitted to be seen outside his home in rags. 4. All markets, businesses, jobs, and generation of income are under the purview of the King. No citizen will withhold any information regarding his income and possessions nor fail to pay the due taxes to the Kings treasury. 5. Littering is strictly prohibited. Citizens must cooperate with the government to keep the City clean. 6. Citizens are prohibited to climb over or attempt to peep over the walls surrounding the City. I stopped here. So, this city has walls, I thought. There must be a way out! The rags inside made me feel very

    uneasy and uncomfortable, and I squirmed. I must get rid of

  • these, first, I said to myself and looked here and there not

    knowing what I was looking for. I turned to the map of the City again and looked at the main road leading to the end and culminating near the wall. I placed my finger there and said to myself I must get there! I wondered if anybody else had

    ever tried an escape; and I also still wondered if it was worth attempting this in case this was just a dream. But, the last rule that I had read drove this curiosity deep. You think you have figured it out, dont you? I heard a

    voice ask. I turned aside and saw a man standing above and at my side with a hood pulled over his head almost covering his eyes. I studied his face for a few seconds and thought that I had seen him somewhere. Then, all of a sudden I remembered something and my face grew pale.

  • The Red Book Come with me! Law said and turned to walk. I followed his quick steps on the sidewalk. From the corner of my eye I could see people pulling out their umbrellas, and there were flashes of lightning and a deep thunder roll. The sky moaned, groaned, rumbled, and turned moist; then, thick drops of water started pattering on my head and hands and my back as I kept my eyes and pace fixed after Law. I didnt

    want to miss him. My mind thought, If he could only get me

    back to the Bridge; perhaps, there could be some reversal he

    certainly knows the way out; or else, how could he reach here He seemed to be running now, and I was amazed at

    his agility as he dodged pedestrians, vendors, benches, and stalls and trotted through complex streets and alleys. The raindrops had grown bigger, heavier, and faster, and people began to run helter and shelter, some going inside the shops for cover from the rain. We entered a dark alley, and I had the feeling that I was being followed, but didnt dare to look back

    since I didnt want to lose sight of the one before me. Suddenly, Law jumped into the right into a dark entrance, and I jumped after him. We heard voices outside. Where have they disappeared?

    someone cried. Why has the sky eaten them up? another rebuked. You

    shouldnt have lost sight of them! What were YOU doing? They went in here somewhere!

  • Can anyone run through a thick wall? I heard a stick tap on the entrance; it seemed like the sound of a tap on a stony wall. Somewhere here, I heard a voice say. Then there were the sounds of fading footsteps. There were cracklings and flashes of light. Who are they and why were they after us? I asked him. The Mystery of Lawlessness, he replied they are the agents

    of Sin, the men of iniquity. Why were they after us? To annihilate me. There was that same sternness and

    indifference in his eyes. But, that is impossible; for, I pervade

    the universe and to try to annihilate me is like trying to cut the branch one is sitting on. I was not running for myself, but for you. For me? I replied. I was drenched in the rain and now began

    to shiver as the rags inside began to chew on my flesh. I just wanted to remove and throw them all off. I looked at Law in the flashes of the lightning and was surprised that he was not wet at all. The rain didnt touch him. He was looking at me as if reading my thoughts. I must be

    quick here, he said. As for your curiosity about the walls;

    they are not the way out. Then, why does their rule book prohibit it?

  • Is it a rule book at all? The rules of this city are all farce; they are meant to only cover the treacherous nature of Sin and Flesh, whom they call here Sarx They prohibit it to keep the

    people in deception; there is nothing beyond the walls; its an

    absolute void out there. So what is the way out? I was grave and was shivering. He held out his right hand and placed it on my shoulder. Immediately, my clothes dried; but the rags tightened hard over my skin. I almost felt I would cry out in pain; but, I only grimaced and he sternly looked at the pain in my eyes. He removed his hand and began to say, I am the Law of sickness and the Law of healing, the Law of

    rifting and the Law of sealing. I am the Law of the crest and also the Law of the trough, the Law of the rain and the Law of the drought. Wiser and prudent are they who consult me for answers to their problems instead of resorting to the governors of this City; for he who has known Law has found the gemstone that unlocks the mysteries of the universe. He

    put his hands on both my arms and caught them in his palms. Look into my eyes, he said and you will find the answer. I looked and behold his eyes were windows looking into the black outer space with whirling galaxies. The whirling started slow, then intensified, ending up in a giant explosion, a boom and then there was silence and absolute nothingness. Then, I saw a flood of light that flooded the universe, and could see a boat sailing over the light. I looked closely and could see the face of the boatman. It was Law. He sailed and he sailed rowing with the oar once this way and then that way. The oar looked like a sword. Suddenly, I saw that his oar was ripped

  • away from his hands and flew and was caught by a giant shadow. The shadow grew large and I saw that it grew into a monster that began to swallow up the flood of light. There were shrieks of laughter and shrieks of war. I saw Law standing tall, straight, with outstretched arms while his boat kept drifting in the current of the flood into the mouth of the monster. Then, suddenly the sun appeared like a fiery ball and covered Law so that what appeared now looked like the figure of a man made of fire, and then I saw that they both drifted closer to the mouth of the monster. There were fiery flames darting off from the sun, and as they drew close to the mouth, I saw the figure of fire reach out his hand like a dart of flame and snatch away the sword from the shadowy monster, then plunge it back into the monsters head. There was a

    mighty quaking; then the whole flood of light along with the sun and Law gulped into the throat of the shadow, and there was darkness everywhere. Suddenly, there was an explosion of brilliant light and it seemed that the shadow of the monster, which now appeared only for a twinkling of the eye, was fully swallowed up by the exuberant brightness of the light; and, in an instant there was such strong radiance everywhere that I turned my face and closed my eyes with my hands over them. Then, there was absolute silence and I began to hear the pattering of the rain. Open your eyes, he said. I opened my eyes and saw him

    standing a little distance away. What was it all? I asked. The battle between good and evil, he answered. What was the flood of light, the monster, and all of those

    things that I saw?

  • The flood of light is the City of Light, the boat is the Bridge of

    Time, the oar is the sword that decides the fate of Time, the monster is the insatiable City of Magic, and the sun is the One. This is the key to the mystery of the present that will unravel your future. Keep this vision in your mind, for when you get to the end of yourself, the One will cover you like a ball of fire and bring you victoriously up to the City of Light. Who is the One? The Archenemy of the City of Magic and my Master. I was silent, not knowing what to say; but, discerning a sort of hurry on his face, I asked What must I do, then? Give me the book in your hand! he said. I gave it to him. He

    flung it aside into the darkness and pulled out a red colored book from his side. Keep this, he said, and follow its

    instructions. He then raised his hand and moved it as if wiping a glass, and as he wiped he disappeared into the black darkness. Then, it seemed that the darkness began to move towards me, and I started moving backwards, and backwards, and backwards until I suddenly stumbled onto the sidewalk, and there before me was the thick wall of stones. I tucked the book under my shirt, crossed the street, and reached the other side. The sky had withdrawn his fury and the rains had stopped.

  • Delight Park There was a little park over here and I saw some men, aged around 32-45, sitting on benches and stones in the park and jocularly laughing. I saw a board on the entrance of the park with the words Welcome to Delight Park and below it At

    Luxuria, City of Magic. There were salons and saloons in the

    park. I entered in and sat on a bench a little distance from the men. A young man, very thin, and wearing a very loose shirt, was tramping around acting like an old aged man.The other men were watching and laughing loud. They looked like buffoons to me. I pulled out the book from under my shirt and read these words to myself: Seek Wisdom like one searches for hidden treasure; And till you find her, allow no game and no pleasure. Seek her in the squares; seek her in the thoroughfares, Seek her everywhere, but keep away from barren leisure. I stood up, tucked the book under my shirt and was about to walk away when I heard a voice, Wont you bequeath to us

    as well some of your learning, sir! I turned towards the men. They all were already laughing. I looked at them seriously and turned to move, when they got up, rushed towards me and surrounded me blocking my way. Were sorry if weve offended you, sir! one of them, a man with shorn hair, said. He had the face of a clown. They all laughed.

  • He doesnt look offended, Epicure, the skimpy man in

    saggy cloths acting earlier remarked. They all laughed again. Shall we sit here and discuss a few things, Epicure asked with a pretended look of intelligence on his face. We are all

    interested in listening to new things. Yes, yes! they all nodded and agreed. Im sorry, friends. I havent got anything new for you. I

    replied and turned to walk away, but Epicure said You sure have because we saw you reading a new book! I felt it was hopeless trying to circumvent and asked half-heartedly, What do you know about the Kingdom of Light? They all broke into hysterical laughter. One of the men, he was wearing a coat of many colors, signaled at them to shut up, and they stopped. He looked at me with a questioning frown and said, Theres no other

    world than this for sure; so, your ideal must be certainly new. An ideal dream worth the dallying, Epicure said with a clownish smile. An idle dream worth not the dying, another fellow laughed

    and said. They all laughed again. I must go away, I said, I have some important job to do.

    In my mind I thought that they would let me go because I certainly didnt appear to belong to their gang. But, little did I know that what I thought was what I thought, and what they had in mind was a total opposite of what I thought.

  • Presently, I noticed that the man with the multi-colored coat pulled out a wand, pointed at me, and jerked it upwards. In an instant my book was pulled out of my shirt and caught in his left hand. He then motioned at me and said, Now, you

    can go, sir! I moved towards him with the intention of snatching off the book but he raised his hand with the stick in his fist and signaled me to stop. I stopped. Turn him into a goat, Elymas! the skimpy man said. No, into a bull, a stout man meddled in. Elymas looked at

    him with piercing glances. Certainly not, the stout man

    grinned and said, he should be turned into an elephant[All

    eyes gaped at him]; oh no, into an ant! They all laughed. I jumped to snatch the book again, and Elymas moved his hand back. They all blocked my way. Suddenly, I saw a policeman arrive there shouting, What nuisance is going on here! He then looked at me and said, You seem to be new to

    this block. Show me your papers! What papers? I asked back. Come with me! he said locking my hand into a handcuff.

    They all sneered. I knowingly didnt look at the book in

    Elymas hand. The policeman led me out of the park, and I could see those men settle down around the magician, who now opened the book and began to read it amidst fits of laughter and scornful gestures by the others around. I felt lost inside and pulled away.

  • The policeman took me to a station nearby, submitted my wallet to custody, and took me to a cell. Well examine him at

    the next call of the Court of Luxuria, he said to a guard

    standing there. I too heard that some officers spotted two strangers here

    lately, the guard observed. Did you also find the other

    one? The policeman nodded a negative. But, the City

    administration has already been set on alarm, he said as he

    locked me into the cell and left. The cell was a small dimly lighted square room (around 10x10 sq.ft.) with nothing inside. The door was made of solid steel with a small mesh window at the top. It was painted deep red. The walls were made of large blocks of stones neatly cut, and on each of the two side walls opposite of each other was engraved the head of a goat.I sat down opposite to the door, and gazed at them for a while. I thought I admired the art at first; but, then suddenly the bestial design of the cell loomed onto my mind, and I had a strong feeling of revulsion. Then, as if in flashes of screenshots, I remembered Law, the vision, and the book, and what I read in it.Like one searches for

    hidden treasure, I remembered and looked up. The ceiling

    was an intimidating slab with the head of a nasty goat looking at me. I squirmed with an ugly feeling, rose up, and looked out of the mesh window. The guards were walking up and down. It was impossible to now get out. I went and sat down opposite to the door again with my knees pulled up against my chest, my hands around them, and my head sunk between the knees. There were feelings of humiliation, of being subdued in the moments of my elation. I was locked and wondered what this dark world would lead me to. I thought

  • for long, but remained locked; then, I fell tired of thinking and fell asleep. Presently, there were sounds of footsteps outside and I awoke. The door creaked open, and the policeman gestured me to come out. I remembered the earlier talks of trials and bonded-labor and had an agonizing feeling. He cuffed my hands behind and let me out of the station. I wondered that there werent any questionings here. He took me in the direction of

    a small van that was waiting for me, as I understood, bound to the Court. A little distance away from it, I suddenly jumped to my right and began to run. There were shouts and whistling, and two or three policemen were running after me. My hands were still cuffed and I was afraid that people might pounce on me to stop, so I jumped off the sidewalk on which I was and began running fast on the road. I cut through a few streets, yet being chased when I spotted the police van speeding towards me from the front. Behind me were the other policemen. I looked at my right and saw an old dilapidated house without doors, seemingly abandoned. I jumped off the road onto the sidewalk and then plunged into the house not knowing what to do. It was very dark inside; so I groped for the wall and found it; then, began to sidle along the wall with my palms feeling after it. There were cries outside. Hes gone inside that building! Quick, quick! I

    saw a searchlight beam inside and dropped to a squat. I heard footsteps inside and a faint light over my head. I was behind something and it seemed that there was some place inside. I crawled inwards. A few more footsteps entered in. I saw a searchlight beam right over the thing that I was under and a few footsteps advanced in my direction. I stopped my breath. The light waded here and there across the wall then stopped above me. I kept silent.

  • Theres something here! someone cried from a distance, and I heard the light turn and the footsteps quickly recede away. I breathed slowly trying to hear. Many other footsteps moved in that direction. Suddenly, I heard a shutter lift. That way,

    one voice said as they all got out and ran; then, there was silence. I stayed there for a couple of minutes and came out, still struggling with the shackles on. I sat down on the floor in the dark and coughed, being veryafraid to get out of the building because I knew the shackles would betray me. My mind was as blank as the nothingness before me, knowing nothing what to do, and my shirt was wet by the sweat. Suddenly, a thought flashed on my mind, Why do you fear in the land of the

    shadows? I got up straight pushing against the wall, and as I

    did that my hands hit a switch behind me. A faint lamp kindled on the wall above me and I saw that the room was a large one, but strewn with objects all around in a jungle of mess. There were cobwebs everywhere. The object before me, under which I had hid, was a desk. The desk had a drawer in it with a handle. I turned around and pulled it out and turned again to see what was in it. There was a sealed scroll there with a small brass object in the shape of a double-edged sword beside it. A scarlet thread ran through the needle of the brass objects hilt. I took it in my hands and fumbled to insert

    it into the lock of the cuffs on the left hand; I turned it, and in an instant the lock snapped and the cuff dangled from my wrist. I now turned towards the desk with my right wrist on it and easily unlocked the other cuff. I quickly tucked the scroll under my shirt, tied the brass pendant around my neck, pushed the shackles into the drawer and was about to turn off the lamp when I noticed that there was a wardrobe next to the desk. I went to it and, opening it, found that there was nothing in it except a hooded black coat hanging. I donned it

  • and pulled the hood over. Then, I turned off the lamp and hurried out of the room.

  • Luxuria My intention was to return to the park and get back the book from those men. So, I strode hastily through dim and brightly lighted streets until I reached the vicinity of the park. I stopped at the other end of the road and was perplexed to see that the men werent there anymore. My first thought was to enter in and search, but my feelings didnt allow. I decided to

    stand there and wait. Presently, I spotted Epicure walking towards me from a distance with a lady by his side and his arm on her shoulder. They both were jesting and laughing aloud and acted like amorous lovers. I turned towards a shop and pretended to look in as he passed by me. He didnt seem to see me because

    he passed by me without even raising a wink. I wondered if he saw anyone. I knew it was worthless trying to follow him. I looked at the park again and, now, saw something that I didnt notice earlier. There was a board hanging above the

    benches with a quote that read: He who has learnt the art of

    laughter has become free from the past and the hereafter.

    Above the quote were the words: The Critics Bench. I turned and looked at my right above the sidewalk and saw another board with the words: Walk with the crowd and you

    wont be lost. I read the name of the road: Freemens way.

    Now, without a map, without the book, and without a wallet I had no clue what to do and where to go. Ill look for

    Elymas, I resolved, because I knew that the book was the

    only link between this world and the one to which I belonged. The words that I had read earlier before losing the book rang in my ears: Seek Wisdom like one searches for hidden treasure;

  • And till you find her, allow no game and no pleasure. Seek her in the squares; seek her in the thoroughfares, Seek her everywhere, but keep away from barren leisure. Ill go to the main square, I thought, there would be some

    clue; also, most feet are bound to pass that way, and Elymas might pass through it as well. So, I began walking in the

    direction in which I first saw Epicure coming. Most of the people here looked happy and satisfied. Now and then I would observe one or two who looked sapless; but, such a person would soon be seen to stop by, pull out a small bottle of liquid, and sniff it hard. Then, immediately his or her face would beam and he or she would spring back into mad and wild laughter. I wondered what stuff that bottle contained. I saw one of such men suddenly turn towards me, point his finger at me, and laugh jeeringly so wild that his face became red, swollen, and tears fell from his eyes. He then settled down on a side bench and holding his stomach kept writhing in laughter. I quickly moved away from him. I, presently, reached a turn and entered another street and noticed the square lit by bright lights at the far end. There seemed to be some monument in the middle of the square. The walk here was larger and tents were spread outside houses and shops where men and women sat and played games of various kinds. The people here sometimes looked happy and sometimes very unhappy. I noticed that the winners of the games would jump up, stamp the ground, stand up high and blow a trumpet. Others, most probably those who lost some game, would be pulling out fists of rage and yelling curses. There was one thing that I noted about these streets; I noticed that each of the streets had a stench of a different kind, and the stench grew pungently irritating to the nose as I drew closer to the square.

  • I also noticed that things were getting strange in the city now, because by now a number of men dressed in black suits were beginning to be seen everywhere, walking with furtive glances at every man. Also, there were police cars and personnel stopping a number of men and checking their papers. But, they didnt seem to care about the men who were

    playing the games. Presently, I noticed that there were also notices pasted on some walls with the picture of someone and the headline Wanted! I looked closer and was suddenly in a

    dread because the image that I saw was a pencil sketch of my face. I slowed my pace and ambled through the walk to avoid suspicion. But, it seemed useless because a policeman stopped me and demanded, Your papers, sir! In an act of instinctive reflex, I pulled out the scroll tucked under my shirt and handed it over to him. My mind reeled with questions and my eyes looked quickly here and there trying to figure out which way to take in order to run. The policeman unpinned the seal and opened the scroll; glanced over it, then folded it back, and returned it to me again. At this moment, I noticed that the police badge bore the image of the head of a goat. He then walked way. I wondered what the scroll was all about. May be some citizenship papers, I

    thought. I unrolled it and saw that it was a plain; there was nothing in it. The hairs on my hand stood up. I rolled it back and tucked it under my shirt. I reached the square and stood at a corner. It was a busy place with people walking and strolling all around. In the middle of it was a great fountain lit with many colors in which stood a great stone statue of a lady sitting on a red horse, with a bow drawn in her hand and a quiver full of arrows on her back. There was the emblem of a goats head on the pedestal and

    under it the words:


    Also Called LUST Twice Victor over Truth and Time

    I wondered what those words meant. The colors had an unnatural blend that attracted the eyes but caused such strain that I had to look away from the image. I also noticed that four huge statues of goats stood at each corner of the square. Each goat was of a different color, and a different name visibly carved on their body. I noticed that each of the names was different. Also, a banner flew over them of the same color with four words written on each. The red goat bore the name Amour on its body and its banner carried the words Stolen

    Waters Are Sweet. The lavender goat bore the name Sodom and it banner carried the words All Pleasure is

    Natural. The bluish-green goat bore the name Sade and its banner carried the words Some Deserve Their Hurt. The

    black goat bore the name Zooerastia and its banner carried

    the words One With All Nature. I felt nauseated by what I

    saw and read. Yea, the Lady is cautious and so has ordered her troops to

    brush through every house, I overheard someone saying

    behind my back. I didnt turn around and pretended not to hear anything. Is it true that she has ordered three sweeps of search?

    another person asked. Yes, weve heard that. There have been reports that Law was

    sighted with a young man. The young man was caught later by one of the officer, but managed to escape. Luxuria was

  • furious on hearing this and has ordered the entire force to filter through the division. One little nuisance can spoil the texture of the entire region.

    He may have escaped to Ira or Acedia by now. Im sure that

    the Ladys fury will subside. I dont believe that; Luxuria is never calm until she has

    obtained what she wants. What about Elymas, the magician? I heard some rumors. My ears perked up. Oh yes, I forgot mentioning that. It is closely related to the case. Elymas was the one, it is said, who caught the young man and handed him over to the police. He had also taken away from him a certain book that he carried. It is said that Elymas, on hearing that the young man had connections with Law, immediately annunciated that he would demonstrate his greater powers of magic by burning the book in public. So, after he had gathered a number of people, he placed the book on a stone altar and cast fiery spells on it. But it seems he didnt pronounce a spell rightly, because all of a sudden fire came out of the book and burnt his eyes, and he became blind. He couldnt heal himself? No. He had cast the ultimate spell and it seems to have

    boomeranged on him. The Governess came to know this and confiscated the book. Let Law come and take it from me, she is said to have said. They laughed.

  • Where is Elymas now? Nobody knows. Oh let the officials do their job; there are more pleasant

    things for us to attend. They left. My mind was berserk with confusion knowing not what to do now. I knew that any attempt towards Luxuria in order to get the book was like putting the head in a guillotine. Elymas was not to be found here. What about Wisdom? Would she stand in the square of a world of shadows? I didnt think it possible. I doubted if I could ever find her; if there was any hope now, it relied on her finding me. But would she? I decided to return to the old dilapidated building. The

    police may come searching for me there, I thought. But, I

    argued, I must not get away too far from the possibility of securing the book. Not being able to decide or compose

    myself as to my next step ahead, I turned back. A bit of me didnt agree with my returning back. But, that bit was

    overpowered by my confusion I absolutely now had no idea where to go or what to do, and I abandoned the confusion and unknown to the familiar that I had already known. Before me was a vast emptiness bereft of all answers, behind me was the only solid thing I now could remove to. So, I returned, at each step strengthening my resolve with the hope that all we be fine in the end. I came close to the old building and saw that it stood there all the same forsaken and worn. I walked close to it, all the while pretending not to be in an alarm while also looking from the corner of the eye and casually making sure that I was not being watched. The street seemed to be darker and the lamps dimmer, or perhaps I felt so. As I drew closer, I felt that a shadow was following me from behind. I shirked it

  • off as a mere mental rearrangement of unknowingly picked sense-signals. As soon as I was close to the door, I ambled in, sidled back near the desk and sat down in the dark. Then, suddenly, the lamp above me lit and I jumped back.

  • The Chase I knew you would come back here again. I looked and before me sat a lady dressed in red. I recognized her as Luxuria from the statue that I had seen in the square. And as soon as I saw her I closed my eyes; not because she looked frightful, but because her appearance was arrayed in such magical power that a glance at her got my senses confused and involuntarily drawn as a moth is drawn to the fire. I shuddered with weakness and fear. Do you intend to hide by closing your eyes or do you want

    to deny the reality that youve seen? she laughed. Dont you have the guts of a man? I opened my eyes and looked at her the second time, and in that very instant, I felt my strength drain away, my limbs became helpless. She moved closer to me and with each step that she took, I grew more powerless. I wanted to run, but there was too little strength left. I closed my eyes. Then, I felt a sharp metal touch the bare skin of my neck, and I collapsed into nothingness, amnesia, and a cesspool of pitch darkness. After that, I remembered nothing. When I awoke I saw that I was in the same cell that I had been locked in earlier; but, now thick and long chains bound me to hooks on the nose of the goats image on the wall. I shuddered

    and felt heavily guilty about all this. I shouldnt have turned back, I thought. But, where could I go; for no matter, how

    hard I would run, I could never have run away from this world of shadows

  • I looked at the picture of the goat, then at the solid iron door. Running away would be harder now, I thought, but, I

    should get out of here! Then, suddenly, fear and doubt

    gripped my soul. Ill be caught again anyway, for how far

    can I run? And then, the situation would be worse. Why not submit to this than trying to get out of where Im bound to

    return again and again! Suddenly a thought hit my mind. Why not fight and destroy

    the villains? But, then again I felt warned against fighting the

    crocodile in the river. Yet, it also seemed worth dying while fighting, than just pine away and die without even giving a try. As soon as I had thought these thoughts, I remembered the brass pendant and found it on my neck. I bent myself at the lock, inserted the pendant and, in an instant, the lock snapped open. Then, I tried it on my cuffs and they snapped off. I was now free; however, the steel door was impregnable. So, I arranged the chains and cuffs to look as they had been, while construing means to be free. I remembered the scroll and opened it. It looked blank; then, as I was about to roll it back, I saw that some letters began fade into it. I stretched it back and read:

    Vacuum, the barrenness of empty desire; Insatiable craving, abysmal mire;

    Deluded by Lust, the cunning liar; The end of all ends, brimstone and fire

    Leave the dark dungeon behind; Leap into the Light;

    Break through the hideous blind: Flee! Stand not to fight!

  • The text then faded out and the page was blank again. I wondered. I rolled the scroll back and tucked it in. A few minutes later, I heard steps drawing close to my cell. I repositioned myself. A key turned and the door opened. Two policemen entered in. One of them drew closer to me to unchain me; I seized the opportunity, wrapped myself like a lightning around him, cuffed his hands back, then placing the brass pendant in a piercing position against his neck, ordered the other officer to step back. I, then, using my captive as my shield began to walk away from the place, as the guards and officers stepped back to clear the way. I moved out of the station, then whirling the policeman away with a strong jerk, I ran and ran and ran. I ran through quick turns of streets, jumping across roads, crossing, skidding, dodging, ducking, while the sirens kept sounding and people kept shouting; I ran mad and wild, the pendant still clutched hard in my hand. My legs felt heavy, my chest throbbed with pain, my fingers felt numb, but I ran and ran until I reached an intersection of main roads cutting around and through the Market; then, I crossed the street into the Market place, barged into a big cloths store, ambling in at the very instant; then, rushing to where they sold coats, picked up a black hooded coat and went into the trial room. I panted for a while, almost feeling like throwing up; then, I opened my palm and the brass pendant looked as if it was bleeding. I strung it around my neck, and in that instant looked in the mirror and was shocked. My hair was shorn. I wore the coat, pulled the hood over and came out of the room. There were policemen everywhere. The exit door was blocked and guarded as the team of officers searched the store. I had turned my face away, fumbling at the garments, pretending to search for others. On an opposite glass, I saw two officers

  • walking towards me. When they reached at the distance of a handbreadth, I quickly turned aside and went to another part where there were many people and mixed up with them, pretending to be totally immersed in the search and fully unaware of their presence. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a buzz. Then, an officers voice said, We request all of you to kindly stand your ground as we make a search for an absconding criminal. There were whispers all around.

    Officers, then, flooded the store all around, many new joining them, and began a thorough search. They looked at each person closely, searched the trial rooms, and behind the dresses. Now, I saw five of them advancing towards me from the front. My heart beat faster and I knew of no hope. They examined two in front of me and then turned towards me, when I felt pull on my trousers. I turned around. There was a little girl of perhaps two, pulling at my trousers and smiling at me.

  • Piety and Faith I smiled back, picked her up in my arms, and hugged her. The officers came close to me, watched the child and me and went away to examine others. They might have mistaken me to be her father, I thought. Inno! I heard a hushed voice say. I turned around and saw a

    lady with a man beside her. I looked at them, and they looked at me, and they looked familiar. Then, I remembered them as among the ones who had disappeared on the Bridge of Time. They werent looking at my face, but at my neck where the

    scarlet thread that held the pendant beneath my shirt lay. Then they looked at me and gave a faint quarter smile and looked askance. Inno got down from my arms and ran to the lady, who I surmised to be her mother. My hands wanted to hide the thread under the shirt; but, I hesitated since any movement could grant occasion for suspicion. I smiled back and stood the ground. The search operation was over. The officers came together, spoke something to each other, and rushed out of the store dividing themselves severally into different directions. The lady and the man came to me. You should come with us! they said. I nodded skeptically

    and followed. They paid for my purchase and led me out; then, crossing across and striding through two streets, we reached a bus stop. There were policemen everywhere, here as well. I noticed that they had a different badge with the emblem not of a goat but of a lion. A bus arrived and they gestured me to move in with them. I followed. The bus drove through a number of streets that looked dim despite the many fiery lamps. The lamps were big and it seemed that fire was

  • blazing inside of the glass shields. They produced more heat than light, which accounted for the hot climate here. We, presently, reached an area which was filled with rows of houses. We got off and walked into a narrow lane, then turned on the second row, and stood before an old home in a row of houses. The man unlocked the house and we got in. The house was a small one and, by what I made out sitting in the outer room, it had only two rooms and a kitchen inside. The outer room where we sat didnt have any decorations of

    any kind but had only a few chairs and a small table. It also looked old and the light inside was rusty and dim. The lady went inside with the little child. The whole city is again on a hunt after you, the man began. Do you recognize me? I asked wondering if he had seen me

    on the Bridge. Yes, of course, your pictures are stuck everywhere. If we handed you over now, we would be rich. I squirmed. But, we would not. He looked at me with a sad face. Did

    you meet him? Whom? I asked. Religare, who is also known as Religion. He was one of us who disappeared from Time and have fallen here.

  • His wife came, in the meantime, with the daughter, and began setting some food on the table. Then, I realized that I had long forgotten hunger in my quest for freedom. She is Piety, my wife, and I am Faith. This is our daughter Innocence, whom we lovingly call Inno. Inno smiled. Please

    help yourself with the food! We began to eat. Religare was a Seer who could see deep into the vileness of

    this City. But, the inhabitants here seem to be deceived. In the beginning we found a dwelling place in an old dilapidated building in Luxuria. The building was abandoned by a family who had moved to Superbia. All the while we sought ways and means to get out of here. Religare would give us tasks to search out means by which we could not only help ourselves but also the inhabitants of this city, so that the snare-net of illusion that she has dropped over their minds would be broken and the Kingdom of Darkness shattered, and we once again see light. But, sooner we realized, that the people here hated all talks of true liberty. They enjoyed their lives here and rationalized it and rebelled against any talk of the True World, the City of Light. We began to become cautious, but it was too late. Once Religare showed us this scarlet thread that you are wearing now. It had a brass pendant. He said it was the Key of Truth that would open any lock of Sin. He then also showed us a scroll and said that it was the Scroll of Prudence that keeps one from evil. He then put these in the drawer of a table and closed it. Suddenly, we heard a loud shout and ten or twelve policemen accompanied by two men in black suits stormed in. They pointed at Religare and shouted, He is the

    one! as they surrounded him and laid their hands on him.

    We escaped through a back door, and after many hidings reached here. Since then, we havent heard from Religare,

    neither did we go to Luxuria because of fear. Without Religare

  • now we can neither strive for nor awaken others to look for freedom. We try to blend with this world, and it is terrible. They looked at their daughter sadly. She was busy eating, then looked at us and smiled, understanding nothing. Do you have your papers? Yes, we managed to obtain them for a price from an official

    at Avaritia. We told him that our papers were lost and that we had become homeless due to some financial losses. He made us duplicate papers and allotted us this house here in Ira for the poor. We had to pay him some money for overlooking our credentials. But, he also mentioned that sooner all the citizens would need to be sealed to prevent all forgery. He said that the seal would be planted on either ones arm or ones

    forehead. We had finished eating. I see. But, no I didnt see Religare. I found these objects in the drawer, I said as I took the scroll and the pendant out and

    showed them. They stared at them with wide eyes. Then, I told them how I reached here and what things I experienced in my quest for freedom. We have to get back that book, I

    said since Law gave it to me as the only guide for instructions here. How shall we do that? Piety asked. I took the scroll in my hand. We have no other option, I

    said. Then, I opened the scroll and we three looked into it; it was blank. Then, all of a sudden it turned black and a dim scene appeared; we saw an ancient wall. And as we looked, we saw that there was a big hole in the wall. Then, the scene drew in through the hole into a place that looked like a dungeon. It was dark there, but we could see wherever the

  • scene shifted the view. We saw that there were diagrams and engravings of various reptiles, ferocious beasts, and worms on the walls. There were also many paintings of semi-beast or semi-reptile humans with obscene features on the walls. They were innumerous and nauseatingly vile. The scene showed us graffiti on the wall that read Robbers, Pillagers,

    Thieves, Murderers, and Looters. Then, we saw that

    there were men and women in the dungeon who were counting and dividing changes of gold and silver. Suddenly, the scene shifted to a dark place where there was a statue of a seven-headed monster. The middle head was of a peacock, and on its left were the heads of a goat, a lion, and a toad; on its right were the heads of a tortoise, a snake, and a swine. Its body was full of hairs resembling the hairs of a bear and it was seated on a dark red throne. On its chest were engraved the words Sarx. Then, the scene shifted below the image,

    down to the pedestal, and there we saw bound with heavy chains to the blocks, a man with long grey hairs, travailing in pain and agony. We saw that he was pale and famished. Religare! Faith and Piety cried and they began weeping. We saw that the chains had two big locks and each lock and its accompanying chain had the same name. The name of the first one was Magic and the name of the second was Fear. Then, the scene faded out into black and returned to a blank page and these words appeared:

    SUPERBIA Seat of Sarx and Sin

    Then, the words disappeared and the page went blank again. I rolled back the scroll and we looked at each other. Faith and Piety were still in tears. Inno began crying too, not

  • understanding why her parents were crying, but crying because they were crying. Piety took her and began to calm her up. I need to go there, I said. The area is the most heavily guarded one, said Faith. And,

    even when one gets there after having broken through the strongest hedges, its not easy to find the dungeon. Piety looked at him with sad and reddened eyes. Inno raised her hands and wiped her mothers tears; Piety looked at her

    and embraced her. Faiths eyes were filled with tears too. My

    heart moved within me and I rose up. I have the key to unchain him, I should not stay here, I said

    as I tied the pendant with its thread around my wrist and tucked the scroll under my shirt. We will come with you, said Piety. No! I objected. Suddenly, there was a loud rap on the door, and startled, we all looked at it.

  • The Guardian Open the door or well have to break in! a voice commanded. Faith went and opened it as Piety led me inside. We entered the kitchen and she pulled out a big slab of tile. We could hear Faith arguing with the officers while they questioned him. Your papers are forged, they said. Dont you understand that the man who sold you the papers at Avaritia is one of us? Arrest him and search the house! the chief officer cried. Piety

    quickly pulled me signaling me to get into the pit. I felt confused and hesitated. She placed Inno into my arms and said Remain here until all is fine! She then placed a purse in

    my hand and quickly closed the slab. Immediately, I heard the sounds of footsteps above. There was the sound of shackles and shackling. What wrong have we done? I heard Piety

    say. I sensed Inno about to cry and I closed her mouth. Tears dropped from my eyes. There has been a lot of trouble in the City and conspirators at

    bay; were arresting you under suspicion of being one of

    them. But, how can you say that? Your papers are forged and weve received information that you recently shifted to this house. But, no more questions, lady. Officers, take her! We heard the steps recede. I could feel the warm tears drop from Innos eyes onto my fingers. It felt as if an arrow had

  • struck my entrails. But, silence is often salvation. The doors closed and then we heard nothing anymore. I gently pushed against the tile and put Inno up on the floor; then, jumped up, took her in arms and rushed out. The street was crowded now with people and cars and vans, and I knew not which direction to go. Where is Mommy? Inno began to

    weep. Dont cry, my child, were going there, I said and

    began to walk in the dimly lit sideway. I saw a few people who were gazing at us cry out See, hes one of those enemies of freedom, catch him! They began running towards us. I

    began to run with Inno in my arms. She cried. Then, suddenly a car jumped in front of me from the road onto the sidewalk. The man inside was intending to block my path and slow me down. But, I pulled the door, jumped in, kicked him out, and pulled back the car out of the sideway, closing the door. Inno became silent as I quickly pulled the seatbelt around her. Then, I jumped to speed and accelerated like lightning. I drove through while were police sirens kept buzzing and intensifying everywhere. They followed me from the right and the left, joining the ranks of cars, as I evaded advancing vehicles and police cars, pushing velocity as I drove like mad. Suddenly, I began hearing the sounds of gunshots in the air. Suddenly two heavy trucks cut in from the right road ahead of me and stood parallel to each other blocking the way. I screeched to a halt close to the trucks and my car turned round and stopped. The police cars all came around me and surrounded me. Around a dozen officers got down and advanced towards me with their guns and batons. I kicked the accelerator, and my car roared and charged at the vehicles in front of me; there was a collision and a car blew around as I evaded another and invaded the gap. Now, there were shots being fired at my car as it galloped through the streets spitting heat and fire. There were police cars charging at me from the

  • front. But, I bolted through them before their bullets met the air. The signals all turned red and the sirens intensified. Then, I noticed that all the roads were blocked, and I reached a place where there was a large palatial building with the gates thrown open. I turned into it and brought the car to a screeching halt; then, jumped out of the car with Inno in my arms and ran into the building and was stopped by the guards. Keep your hands off them! I heard a voice say. In front of

    me, there stood a tall lady in a deep red gown with fiery red eyes and a raised brow. The police cars stopped outside and I heard steps behind me come and stop. She looked at us and then said, Follow me! Four officers

    came and stood beside us. I looked at Inno and saw fear in her eyes. I tried to smile pretending that it is all fine and part of some game. We followed her into a large hall where there was a throne on which she went and sat. You can go away! she said to the officers. They moved out. I saw that above her throne was the roaring face of a lion. Also, two lions stood on the two sides of the throne. Do you know where you are? she asked. It is the Court of Ira, I answered. Yes, it is; the place where traitors meet their fate. How

    interesting to see the rat escape into its own death cage! She

    remarked without any smile. Who is that girl?

  • I clutched Inno tightly as she turned away her face and wrapping her arms around me with her chin on my shoulder. I kept silent. Ira rose up from her throne, pulled out a sword, advanced at me and placed the tip of the blade close to the child. She is the daughter of Piety and Faith who were arrested a few moments ago, I said. Ira removed the blade. She was tall but of the same height with me. Hatred and despisal were written on her face. My mind knew that her quickness of temper made her the sole arbitrator over final matters and things were quickly decided and done here. Officers! she cried as two policemen rushed in, Take the

    girl away to Luxuria, where shell learn the arts to serve our

    Queen best. You cant do that! I cried. I can do everything, she affirmed as the policemen came

    and snatched Inno away from me. She struggled and cried. I felt powerless. Take him away as well and subject him to bonded labor till

    the Conspiracy is broken. Lets see if Law can come for their

    rescue, she sneered. They cuffed my hands behind and led me through one door, while they took Inno away through another as she struggled and cried. I saw no hope amidst the multitudes of guards, the mindless wrath of Ira, and damnation ahead. They took me to a police van, and an officer shouted, To Superbia into the

  • Camp! The van coughed and paced off as four cars followed

    us from behind. It sped through two turns and entered the main way dividing the Market and Ira. Then, it roared and devoured the road like a hurricane as people and cars whizzed past. I marveled at the pace here; but, they all looked tensed, desirous of doing things fast. People jumped off even on the sidewalks when they saw our van closing in. The loud sound of the siren and the roar of the engine cleared the way. I heard one officer smugly comment, No one stands when the

    emissaries of Ira take the road. Suddenly, the van horned

    loud and the breaks screeched as I slid forwards. I saw from the front glass that there were big cans ranked in the middle of the road blocking all traffic. The officers in the other cars got down to investigate. I slid the pendant around my wrist into the locks and unshackled myself; at that very instant, something banged against our van and it whirled around. Then, the door slid open and a hand pulled me out of the van and then inside a car; the next instant, the car sniffed smoke, bolted backwards, then bulleted through the crowd. I looked back and the police cars all confused looked like miniatures in the far distance. The car fired, shook, dodged, horned, and shot like flashes of lightning through the streets; then, I realized that I was afraid. In a flip of moment, we were parked before a huge monument. I looked at the man who drove, and he turned to me. Dont fear, he said. I was sent for your rescue. He wore a black suit over a white collar and his eyes blazed with pure crystal fire. Who are you? I asked. My name is Guardian.

  • I felt a hand on my shoulders and looked back. It was Inno, and she was smiling. My eyes were filled with tears.

  • Clever and the Fair I took her in my arms and embraced her. Who is

    Providence? I asked Guardian. He orchestrates everything that is good. Hell bring you to

    the One. Why dont you take us out of here? I know you can! No, I cant. I can only operate in the sphere that Im sent into

    and in the role and powers that Im sent with. Each world is a

    sphere, or a game, with the sets that define its meaning, and I can only operate in the capacity and to the extent that the game allows. But, this game is an endless sophistry. It is not; for the chains of Magic and Fear shall soon be

    broken. I want to go to my mommy! whimpered Innocence. We

    both looked at her. Go and find them; for this is your goal next, said Guardian. How shall I do that and where? I asked. Go and Providence will guide you, he replied. But, now, I

    must go. Wait, but what about Wisdom? Where shall I find her?

  • Out of the mouth of the little and despised, you will learn the

    art of wondering and find light for your eyes; then shall you meet Wisdom. He looked at me and smiled; then, it appeared

    as if there was a warm fire that kindled in the pupil of his eyes. There was a little flash and Guardian disappeared. I looked at Inno. She had fallen asleep. I placed her softly in the seat and pulled the belt around her. Then, I turned on the headlights and looked ahead of me. Before me was a giant monument of a lady made up of gold. She was decked with costly stones and a crown of diamonds coruscated on her head. On the pedestal below the statue were engraved the words:

    AVARITIA The Root of This World

    Around her were six golden poles with lamps burning on their top. The lamp heads looked like the head of a toad. I looked around and saw that there were four other statues on the four corners of this square; for we were now in this square which, surprisingly, was lone. There was no one. I looked at the images on the four corners and wondered that they too had names engraved on them and banners flying above them like the ones in Luxuria. The images were made of silver and were of toads that stood like men. I saw that there was a sinisterly craving jolly in their eyes, while their belly looked so filled as if ready to burst. Each held an object in his hand. The first toad held a whip; the second, a sword; the third, a balance; and the fourth, a measuring rod. On each was engraved the words, respectively: Class, Conquest, Commerce, and Construction.

  • I took out the scroll and looked at it. A map zoomed in and I saw where we were. I still was wondering that the place was empty, when I heard the sound of footsteps towards us. I turned and saw a young man running towards us with a little case in his hands. Hello Sir! the man came to my window and greeted, Are

    you going to the Fair? I was so engaged in my work that I had lost track of the events, and when I had finished I realized that all had left, the last bus as well, to the Fair and I was left alone. Im so glad to find at least you here. Ill be grateful if you give a lift to the place! Well, first of all, I do not know you; and, secondly, I wasnt

    planning to go the Fair even. My name is Clever, Sir, and Im an optician by profession.

    Well, Im sorry to have troubled you. But, you dont seem to be from this province, do you? No, Sir! Been coming from Luxuria, I suppose. Yes, and how did you deduce that? Well, he spoke with an air of carelessness, I visited the

    garments store on Luxuria once and saw a number of such coats that you are wearing. They are certainly quite express made and, of course, quite noticeable as well. Oh, I see.

  • He raised his brow a little as if studying something, then said, I recently obtained a pair of marvelous glasses, you see, and I

    wonder if youd like to take a look at them Im surely not for purchasing anything, Sir! Im sure theyll fit too well on your face. I was planning to

    take them all to the Fair; but, since you dont seem to be

    coming and, Im possibly not able to make to there, I

    wonder if it wasnt for you that I am delayed [he winked] in order that you get the glasses. I laughed. I guarantee youd look quite different and almost all new,

    he added with an appealing smile. I smirked. He opened the case, and pulled a little box out of it and opened it, putting it in the reflection of light. The crystal clear glasses glimmered. How much are they for? I asked. Fifty eight, he replied. Theyre made by the best

    manufacturers in the City, the Glancers. My first thought was to take it, thinking it would certainly aid a disguise, but then I suddenly remembered that I was without a wallet. The purse that Piety gave me came in my mind, but I couldnt think of using it for such unthought

    purchases, of course. Clever seemed to be reading consternations on my face. I was thinking, that in case you were going on the direction

    to the Fair, you could drop me somewhere near it a normal

    taxi fare would amount to 49 bucks; but, Ill trade this,

    anyway, for the rest, of course will come to me by the profit I

  • could make if I reach there before the two last calls. What would you say? That way you not only get these and drop me there, but save your money as well, provided youre going

    that way. Which way is it? On the last turn towards Gula; the Fair is bound to profit greatly from our neighbors for sure. I wouldnt want to miss

    it. Okay, please get in. We glided through a few lone streets before catching the traffic on the main road. It seemed that the Fair was a significant one, for there were a number of citizens from Ira speeding towards it. I didnt seem to see any merchants or

    traders, and the shops were also closed. Evidently, as Clever had said, they had all already made their way to the Fair to set their stalls in line. We reached the last turn on the way of Gula and took it. A number of policemen were already arrayed in sets to guard the place. I saw that they wore the symbol of toad on their badges. Each also swung a little torch on his hip. There were lady police officers as well. Stop please! Clever said. Pull your hood well over your

    head and wear these! he said handing over the glasses to me.

    I looked surprised. He gestured and said, Quick! and

    pushed the hood half down my forehead. I donned the glasses, and was surprised to realize that the sight grew brighter on wearing them. At that moment, I saw a policeman walk up to us.

  • Has the Fair already begun, officer? Clever inquired. I

    hope we wont miss our stalls. Oh, its you the optician, the officer sighed, were really on

    the watch out the City is alerted about a certain man, a

    confederate of the Enemy, who is prowling around this City and must be brought to trial. He is said to have escaped with a little child. He looked to me and raised a questioning brow. Is it so? Clever remarked. I hope this situation doesnt

    spoil the mood of festivity here. We had only expected excitement, fun, and, of course, good sales on this occasion. Oh no, you dont need to worry about that. Only the police

    are alerted. The citizens know nothing of it. That looks better. If you excuse us, we need to get to our stall

    as sooner as possible. Go ahead Sir. The glasses that you gave to my wife have

    helped her see things better now. Okay, all the best for the sales! he bid us goodbye. Why did you ask me to pull the hood and wear the glasses?

    I asked Clever. Any idiot could tell from your shorn head that you had

    escaped prison at Luxuria. And, the fact that the hairs havent

    shot up prove that youve escaped being caught and imprisoned by Ira; which is quite an incredible thing to have happened. You can know one thing for sure, Ira wont sit calm

    until you are brought to her Court of Vengeance. I was struck.

  • Lets get in, he said. This will be the safest place for you, in the moment! I wondered if I could trust this stranger. But, there was no doubt that he had just saved me from a danger. He found a stall a little away from the entrance, and began arranging his stuff as passersby turned onlookers to what he was doing. Enjoy the Fair, young man, he said to me, Theres nothing

    like the Fair of Avaritia in the whole of Magic City. I smiled and we walked away.

  • Chance, Fate, and Avaritia I had taken Inno to a small food corner and bought for her a piece of sweet bread with the money that Piety had given me. We sat there she ate the bread holding it in her little fingers. There were a few stout men sitting on a table thrown a bit far from us. They were eating too much and seemed too disgustfully voracious. You guys from Gula make our stalls grow fatter! a waitress

    remarked as she dropped a tray of meat on their table. They didnt respond to her, but just jumped on the meat and began

    tearing chunks of bites off it. Why are they eating like that? Inno asked. They might be very hungry, I said. But, why do they eat like that even if theyre so hungry? Because their hunger is of a different kind. What kind? Like a pig. She laughed. I pondered at my own misery and wondered the meaning of it all. Or, was the desire for meaning itself a misery of delusion, I wondered. I felt lone, disillusioned, and pointless, except for the fact of Inno. Perhaps, if not for her, I would have lost purpose. Immediately, my mind began engaging in thoughts

  • of how to reach Piety and Faith, perhaps also deliver Religare, and then someway find a way out of this vortex of darkness. What should I do next? I wondered as everything ahead

    looked bleak and impossible. I thought about the map. If

    there is a where to go, there will be a road to it; it would only be meaningless to build a road in the darkness to just nowhere I know where I need to go now; I only need to

    discover the route. There will be many routes; many of

    which, of course, not even mentioned in the maps of this City, for these are not explicit. I must discover one of those It

    seemed to me to be a plausible idea. Once I get there, and the

    mission is done, then., then I wondered. I had reached to

    the end of myself and at a new cycle of frustration. You seem to be in grave consternation! I turned to my right a saw a lean middle-aged man sitting on a chair closeby, smiling at me. He wore a simple and neat white shirt tucked into his brown trousers and had a certain curly waves of hair on his head that evidently couldnt be groomed. His face looked casual and carefree. He wore a gold ring on his left finger, and a brown thread on his right. I saw you arrive with Clever. He has a particular dislike for me, you know Well, these businessmen, they look at me as some kind of an omen. But, I do surprise them with my unwits sometimes. Who are you, Sir? I asked. Shouldnt I have asked you the same? But, it doesnt matter

    what or who you are to me or to anyone, isnt it so? Of course

    or perhaps or may be not; whatever he drew his chair close to me and spoke in whispers with a crystal spark in his eyes,

  • The truth is that truth is a catchword; reality is a myth;

    existence is a game of accommodative meanings that we create in order to be who we are and find our own identity. Thats where frustration strikes hard. Instead, why dont just

    let go, then youll see magic in every shade of hue, in every

    breeze of the wind, in every blade of grass, and every twist of the atom. Let things be what they are and let things be known as they let themselves appear. Suffering results from overstraining of the brain to accommodate the world to an attribute that doesnt belong to it, namely meaning.... Isnt that

    strange? I