the chocolate voice magazine

chocolate voice April 2011 positive news that sweetens the soul Spring is Finally Here! the Good Eats for Easter Easter Recipes! Giving Back Fan of The Feather Hosts 1st Annual Golf Tournament &IRIÁXMRK ,SQIPIWW Veterans

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Informative, Insightful, Inspirational. Celebrating Voices that sweeten the soul!


Page 1: The Chocolate Voice Magazine

chocolate voiceApril 2011

positive news that sweetens the soul

Spring is Finally Here!


Good Eats for Easter

Easter Recipes!

Giving Back Fan of The

Feather Hosts 1st

Annual Golf Tournament


Page 2: The Chocolate Voice Magazine

Publisher Remarks When we first made the decision to publish The Chocolate Voice, we decided to develop a publication sharing positive stories that sweeten the soul. Stories like the ones you read each month from our fantastic team of contributing writers. It is our mission to focus on what we refer to as the three I’s: Informative, Insightful and Inspirational. Simply put, as challeng-ing as it may be, our goal is to make sure that TCV remains a positive presence in your lives. With that said, in the past three years, it has truly been an honor to have come across so many remarkable people. Among those include, guest contributing writer Dr. Lawrence Wood and his wife Vanessa. Allow me to share a few words on these wonderful caring people, starting with how we met. It was suggested by a relative that I talk with Vanessa about a book written by Dr. Wood, “Among Pigeons”, a story about a homeless man’s journey on the streets. Considering the compassionate subject matter, even before making the call I was convinced that the Wood’s have a high regard for humanity. I was greeted over the phone by a pleasant Vanessa who was upbeat, person-able and quite easy to have a conversation with. She and I talked and talked as though we had known each other for years, officially making us sister friends and ultimately facebook friends. We discussed many interesting topics, including the couples decision to start an organization called Fan of the Feather a non profit benefiting homeless Veter-ans. Incidentally, FOF is now officially in operation. Which is why it is with great pleasure that we’re excited to share with you in this months issue more of their exciting story and a wonderful upcoming event that you too can be apart of. (Read Q & A inside with Dr. Wood).

Also inside this issue, we’re featuring Robin Goings, the ex-wife of a relatively known come-dian who fights back by turning her life around after suffering a debilitating divorce. Robins tenacity is sure to reach out and touch someone who’s gone through some of the pain and suffering she’s had to endure. Okay, shifting gears, it’s Easter all ready! This year the Easter Bunny falls on April 24 later than it has in the past. By the way, if you haven’t planned your Easter dinner menu, check out the two recipes courtesy of Shandeka Tins-ley of A Slice of Heaven and Chef Mark Kuhn of Underground Culinary. Of course with Easter comes spring, and in California we’ve shift to daylight savings which means we spring forward. I don’t know about you but, I’m constantly playing catch up.

See you next month and, happy Easter.

Page 3: The Chocolate Voice Magazine




Floral Shorts

Floral Skirts

Floral Tops

Square Aviators


Page 4: The Chocolate Voice Magazine



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Page 5: The Chocolate Voice Magazine

Play Your Position

Dr. Amanda Goodson The first months of the year were some-what chaotic on a state, national and inter-national level. For some, the quiet spring season is a rest from the excitement of the fall. How wonderful that God has blessed us to enter into the spring season together and, keeping in alignment with his gift giving spirit, I to have a gift for you; a blessed word from my heart to yours that God will love, protect and prosper you in the coming seasons. As we push forward in the months ahead keep your focus on God. Remember him in the best and worst of times; let him be your comfort and your strength, for he said that he would be with us always. As I tell my church children,” keep your lives centered on God and pray, pray, pray, pray, pray! Lift up your voices to almighty God. Call upon the Lord our God and he will restore you daily”. Remember the effectual prayers of a righteous man avails much. One thing we know for sure is that God is still in charge. Now that my days are somewhat quieter, I have decided to take time to learn the sport of football. So if it is God’s will, I will enter the fall season with a different expec-tation for the sport. One thing I know thus far is that foot-ball is a very structured game often filled with very unpredictable moments; very much like our weather. Be patient with me, for I am a beginner at the sport but a long time, active, participant on God’s team. I have a propensity to look at life from a more Godly perspective. Think about this-what would God’s team look like and more importantly would you be on that team? I have watched a few football games with my husband and I’ve noticed a few things. One, the players do not haphazardly take positions on the field. Each one has a strategic position to play. There is an offensive and a defensive line and within these lines there are many different positions. The teams are made up of a quar-ter back, full back, halfback, running back, line back, tight ends, wide receiver and spe-cial teams, just to name a few. These are healthy, well equipped persons doing a job. This part is easy to understand because it does not differ much from our daily jobs.

God has already defined his team. Ephesians 4:11-12 KJV says “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophet, some evangelist and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for edifying of the body of Christ”. Your position may be to minister to your friends and neighbors or to feed the hungry or visit the sick and shut in. This brings to mind a friend who was called to the ministry but was afraid of her calling because she did not think she was ready. Well, God had already called her to the ministry years earlier but her excuse was she was not ready and she was a work in progress. She did not realize that the “progress” she spoke of was preparing her to be a part of God’s team. So, what would God’s team look like? Let’s review our lineup. We would clearly be able to identify the team owner. God is still God, un-changing and always in charge. Our quarter back, Jesus, is still playing strong, sitting at the right hand of the owner, in constant communi-cation with the coach. Consistently monitor-ing the play by play action is the Holy Spirit (our coach) continuously interceding for the defen-sive and offensive lines, the prayer lines, all believers (also known as the body of Christ-the church) diligently handing the prayers off to Jesus. The team owner has a plan. He has even given us the play book with line by line instruc-tions to use as the foundation of our daily game. All three are available to help you with your position, trials and tribulations 24 hours a day/7 days a week! I like this game plan-it is most definitely a win, win situation for all involved for we know all things work together for those who are called according to God’s pur-pose. I will keep you posted on my progress in understanding the rules of game of football. I invite you on any given Sunday to become a member of God’s team, remember our season is twelve months long, and the blessings never end. Prayer: Father God may the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your site as we serve you in this season.

Dr. Amanda Goodson currently resides in Tucson, Arizona where she is the Pastor of Trin-ity Temple, C.M.E. Located at 1025 E 30th St and the President of Never The Same Ministries.

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Page 6: The Chocolate Voice Magazine

Out and About Upcoming EventsApril 30, 2011

2011 UA Black Alumni Phenomenal Women DinnerUniversity of Arizona Student Union Memorial Center Grand

BallroomFor more information, please call Keyshia Conner, 520-626.9455, or

Tanisha Price-Johnson 520-626.8626

May 7th, 2011Mindi Abair and Bobby Caldwell

Thornton Winery in Temecula, CA

May 10th Lauren HillHumphreys By the Bay

San Diego, CA

May 13, 2011Fan of the Feather 100 Golfers on the Green

For more information visit golfersContact: Vanessa Wood at (760) 271-2450

May 20th, 2011Whispers and Howard Hewett

4th & BSan Diego, CA

May 21, 2011Smooth FM 98.1 Gaslamp Festival

Featuring: Norman Brown, Eric Darius and

San Diego, CA

April 8, 2011San Diego Association of Black Journalist9th annual Scholarship Reception 6-8PMNational University’s Spectrum Academic Center9388 Lightwave Avenue

April 15, 2011Never The Same Ministries Women’s RetreatSheraton Hotel5151 E. Grant RoadTucson, AZ (520)742-5400 or (602) 431-0510

April 27 to May 15, 2011San Diego Repertory Theatre PresentsLet Me Down EasyAt the Lyceum Horton PlazaWritten and Performed by Anna Deavere Smith

April 29,2011Maceo Parker Belly-Up Tavernwww.bellyup.comSolana Beach, CA