the chemistry of life. the nature of matter atoms all things are made of matter all things are made...

The Chemistry of Life

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Page 1: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

The Chemistry of Life

Page 2: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

The Nature of MatterAtoms

All things are made of matter

Atom -basic unit of all matter Normally it is

electrically neutral (no charge)

Parts of the atomProtonsNeutronsElectrons

Page 6: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

The Nature of MatterElements

Element-pure substance that consists of just one type of atom

114 in the periodic table – Only about 2 dozen commonly found in living things

Atoms have a 1 or 2 letter symbol

C = carbon N = nitrogen H = hydrogen O = oxygen, etc.



Atomic Number= # of protons=#electrons

Atomic Mass= # of protons + # of neutrons

Page 7: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Where is Sodium?What is its atomic number?

Page 8: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Nonradioactive carbon-12 Nonradioactive carbon-13 Radioactive carbon-14

6 electrons6 protons6 neutrons

6 electrons6 protons8 neutrons

6 electrons6 protons7 neutrons

Isotopes of Carbon

• Isotopes--atoms of same element w/ a different # of


The Nature of MatterIsotopes

Page 9: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

The Nature of MatterRadioactive Isotopes

Isotope with unstable nucleus due to extra neutrons Break down at a constant

rate Give off dangerous

radiation Have uses too

C-14 dating- determines ages of rocks by analyzing isotopes found in them

Cancer treatment

Page 10: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

The Nature of MatterCompounds

In nature, most elements are found combined with other elements in nature.

A chemical compound is a substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportions.

The atoms in compounds are held together by chemical bonds.

Page 11: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

The Nature of MatterBonding

Bonding -for some atoms to be stable they must gain, lose, or share electrons with another atom.

2 types of bonds-Ionic-Covalent

Page 12: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

The Nature of MatterIonic Bonds

Ionic bonds - electrons transferred from one atom to another

Valence electrons- electrons in the last energy level of an atom

Formation of ions-negatively or positively charged atoms

The oppositely charged ions attract, forming the ionic bond

NaCl has ionic bonds

Page 13: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Sodium atom (Na) Chlorine atom (Cl) Sodium ion (Na+) Chloride ion (Cl-)

Transferof electron

Protons +11Electrons -11Charge 0

Protons +17Electrons -17Charge 0

Protons +11Electrons -10Charge +1

Protons +17Electrons -18Charge -1

Ionic Bonding

Page 14: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

The Nature of MatterCovalent Bonds

Covalent bonds --sharing electrons

Stronger than ionic Molecule--formed when

atoms are joined in a covalent bond

Page 15: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Properties of Water

Water covers ¾ of Earth’s surface

Most abundant molecule in living things

Universal solvent…dissolver of many substances found on Earth

Connects all parts of the world with others.

Page 16: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Properties of WaterPolar Molecule

Water has covalent bonds Water bonds are polar-

unequal sharing of electrons. Oxygen “pulls” harder on

negative electrons than H—gives O slight negative charge.

**Water has polar, covalent bonds

Page 17: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Properties of WaterHydrogen Bonds

Polarity causes water molecules to attract each other like magnets

H (+) attracts O (-) forming a hydrogen bond

Gives water special properties


Page 18: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Properties of WaterHydrogen Bonds

Hydrogen bonds are not as strong as covalent or ionic

Waters ability to form multiple hydrogen bonds is responsible for many of it’s special properties Cohesion – is an attraction between

molecules of the same substance Adhesion – is an attraction between

molecules of different substances

Page 19: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Properties of WaterSolutions

Solutions occur when one substance is dissolved in another.

Solute -gets dissolved Solvent -does the dissolving. Saltwater

Page 20: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

What is the pH scale? The pH

scale measures how acidic or

basic a solution is.

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The pH scale The pH scale is the

concentration of hydrogen ions in a given substance.

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Identifying Acids and BasesAcids have a ph from 0-6 Lower pH value indicates a

stronger acid.

Bases have a pH from 8-14 Higher pH value indicates a

stronger base.

Page 23: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Definitions of Acids and Bases An acid is a substance that

breaks into ions in an aqueous solution.

A Base (alkaline) is a substance that breaks into ions in an aqueous solution.

Note: aqueous solution is any solution where is the solvent.




OH 2

Page 24: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Did we Miss something??

What happens when the pH of a substance is 7?

Ans: A pH level of 7 indicates a Neutral Substance i.e: Water!

Page 25: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Test Your Knowledge

What is the range of an ACID on the pH scale?

Ans: 0-6

What is the range of a BASE and what is another name for a BASE?

Ans: 8-14, Alkaline

Page 26: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Characteristics Of Acids

Acids can be characterized by:

1. A sour taste.

2. It turns blue litmus paper red

3. It tastes sour. Try drinking lemon juice (citric acid)

Page 27: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Characteristics of Bases

A Base is characterized by:

1. A bitter taste. (Milk of Magnesia)

2. It feels slippery. (Soapy Water)

3. It turns Red Litmus Blue.

Page 28: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Why Learn about Acids & Bases?

What do you think is the pH level of miami dade county tap water?

The pH of a swimming pool must be checked periodically. Why?

Is it important for Lakes & Rivers to maintain a certain pH?

Page 29: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Today’s Experiment

Test the pH of Pepsi, tap water, and drain cleaner


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Page 31: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Properties of WaterBuffers

Human homeostasis-human blood must be b/t pH 6.7-7.5

Body uses buffers, which are weak acids or bases, to neutralize sharp changes in blood pH

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Page 33: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic


Organic Compounds

Compounds that contain CARBON are called organic.

Macromolecules are large organic molecules.

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Carbon (C) Carbon has 4 electrons in

outer shell.

Carbon can form covalent bonds with as many as 4 other atoms (elements).

Usually with C, H, O or N.

Example: CH4(methane)

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Large organic molecules. Also called POLYMERS. Made up of smaller “building

blocks” called MONOMERS. Examples:

1. Carbohydrates2. Lipids3. Proteins4. Nucleic acids (DNA and

RNA)copyright cmassengale

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Question:How Are

Macromolecules Formed?

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Answer: Dehydration Synthesis

Also called “condensation reaction”

Forms polymers by combining monomers by “removing water”.




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Question: How are

Macromolecules separated or


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Answer: Hydrolysis

Separates monomers by “adding water”




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Small sugar molecules to large sugar molecules.

Examples:A. monosaccharideB. disaccharideC. polysaccharide

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CarbohydratesMonosaccharide: one sugar


Examples: glucose (C6H12O6)



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CarbohydratesDisaccharide: two sugar


Sucrose (glucose+fructose)

Lactose (glucose+galactose)

Maltose (glucose+glucose)glucoseglucose

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CarbohydratesPolysaccharide: many sugar

unitsExamples: starch (bread,

potatoes)glycogen (beef


(lettuce, corn)






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Lipids General term for compounds

which are not soluble in water. Lipids are soluble in hydrophobic

solvents. Remember: “stores the most

energy” Examples: 1. Fats

2. Phospholipids3. Oils4. Waxes5. Steroid hormones6. Triglycerides

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LipidsSix functions of lipids:

1. Long term energy storage2. Protection against heat loss (insulation)3. Protection against physical shock4. Protection against water loss5. Chemical messengers (hormones)6. Major component of membranes (phospholipids)

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composed of 1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids.










fatty acids






2 -CH2 -CH

2 -CH3

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Fatty AcidsThere are two kinds of fatty acids you may

see these on food labels:

1. Saturated fatty acids: no double bonds (bad)

2. Unsaturated fatty acids: double bonds (good)







2-CH2 -CH

2 -CH3



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Proteins (Polypeptides)

Amino acids (20 different kinds of aa) bonded together by peptide bonds (polypeptides).

Six functions of proteins:1. Storage: albumin (egg white)2. Transport: hemoglobin3. Regulatory: hormones4. Movement: muscles5. Structural: membranes, hair, nails6. Enzymes: cellular reactions

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Proteins (Polypeptides)

Four levels of protein structure:A. Primary StructureB. Secondary Structure C. Tertiary Structure D. Quaternary Structure

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Primary StructureAmino acids bonded

together by peptide bonds (straight chains)

aa1 aa2 aa3 aa4 aa5 aa6

Peptide Bonds

Amino Acids (aa)

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Secondary Structure 3-dimensional folding

arrangement of a primary structure into coils and pleats held together by hydrogen bonds.

Two examples:

Alpha Helix

Beta Pleated Sheet

Hydrogen Bonds

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Tertiary Structure Secondary structures bent and

folded into a more complex 3-D arrangement of linked polypeptides

Bonds: H-bonds, ionic, disulfide bridges (S-S)

Call a “subunit”.

Alpha Helix

Beta Pleated Sheet

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Quaternary Structure

Composed of 2 or more “subunits”

Globular in shape Form in Aqueous

environments Example: enzymes


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Nucleic Acids

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Nucleic acids Two types:

a. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA- double helix) b. Ribonucleic acid (RNA-single strand)

Nucleic acids are composed of long chains of nucleotides linked by dehydration synthesis.

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Nucleic acids Nucleotides include:

phosphate grouppentose sugar (5-carbon)nitrogenous bases:

adenine (A)thymine (T) DNA

onlyuracil (U) RNA onlycytosine (C)guanine (G)

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Phosphate Group

NNitrogenous base (A, G, C, or T)




C3 C2



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DNA - double helix





















2 3









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Organic MacromoleculesCarbohydrates

Structure: subunit = sugars Carbs are either

Sugars = monosaccharides sucrose, glucose, fructose short chains OR

Starches = polysaccharides sugars hooked together pasta, cellulose (plant cell walls) long chains


Page 63: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Organic MacromoleculesCarbohydrates

Function Main source of energy for living things Converted to ATP—gasoline for cells Monosaccharides = immediate E Polysaccharides = longer term E Plants store carbs as cellulose—gives

their cells strength

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Organic Macromolecules Lipids

Function Store energy for use later Why should I care? Hormones Cell membranes Waterproof covering (skin)

Page 66: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Organic MacromoleculesNucleic Acids

Structure: subunit = nucleotides Nucleotides:

5 C sugar Phosphate group Nitrogenous base



Page 67: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic

Organic MacromoleculesNucleic Acids

Function:Store and transmit hereditary (genetic) info

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Organic MacromoleculesProteins

Structure: subunit = amino acids C, N, O, and H 20 different amino acids

form 1000’s of different proteins


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Organic MacromoleculesProteins

Function Enzymes-proteins that control chemical

reactions Form bones and muscles Forms hair and nails (keratin) Part of cell membrane Steak, eggs, nuts, cheese PROTEINS ARE NOT SOURCES OF


Page 70: The Chemistry of Life. The Nature of Matter Atoms All things are made of matter All things are made of matter Atom -basic unit of all matter Atom -basic




Subunit:Glycerol and fatty acidsFats, oilsWaxesHydrophobic

Both for energyCellulose-cell Walls in plants

Subunit: Simple sugars(monosaccharides)Polysaccharides are starches likepasta and potatoes1C: 2H: 1O

Store and carrygeneticinformation

Subunit:NucleotidesDNA and RNA

Cell MembraneHormonesEnergy storage

Subunit:Amino acidsSteak, eggspeanuts

Help buildmuscle, hairand nailsAct as enzymesCell membrane

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Chemical Reactions and Enzymes

Chemical Reactions Everything occurring in an

organism based on chemical reactions- process that changes one set of chemicals into another set

Slow (rusting) or fast (burning)

Breaking and remaking of bonds


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Chemical Reactions and Enzymes

Chemical ReactionsReactant(s)

carbon + oxygen

C + O2CO2 + energy

carbon dioxide + energy

+ energy


black solid colorless gas colorless gas




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Chemical Reactions and Enzymes

Energy in Chemical Reactions Reactions involve changes in energy Some reactions release energy and

some have to absorb it ATP- form of energy absorbed or

released when bonds are made or broken

We get our ATP and organic macromolecules for body processes from food.

Plants get it through?

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Chemical Reactions and Enzymes

Some reactions are too slow or need lots of activation energy (ATP) to occur.

Enzymes are proteins that decrease the activation energy needed for these types of reactions to occur. They lower the energy “hill” making these

reactions easier and faster Digestion, nervous system signals, etc. all

require enzymes.Activation energy



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Chemical Reactions and EnzymesEnzymes Enzyme activity regulated by many

variables pH Temperature Enzyme concentration